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This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa. Mal and Simon have been married for five years. Are they enough for each other, or do they want more? Simon and Mal discuss their options.
DISCLAIMER: Don't own it, never did, just having fun playing.
A/N: A huge thanks to kispexi2 for betaing this, my first multi-chapter effort! Wouldn't want to do it without you!
Translations are in mouseover.
Feedback would be shiny!
Chapter 1 Adult Only!, Chapter 2 PG13, Chapter 3 PG13, Chapter 4 Adult Only!, Chapter 4A PG13, Chapter 5 PG13, Chapter 6 PG13, Chapter 7 PG13
Chapter 8 Simon and Mal discuss their options.
Once the emotional turmoil, severe or otherwise, had settled, Mal and Simon slowly undressed each other before climbing under the covers. Neither was interested in having sex, but a good kiss and cuddle was sometimes just as nice. Mal started to reach up to turn out the lights, but Simon put out a hand to stop him.
"You know, Mal, we do have options."
"Yes, I know, but are you sure you want to talk about this now?"
"When better?"
"Suppose you're right," sighed Mal as he started to sit up, but Simon stopped him again.
"Where are you going? Wouldn't you be more comfortable lying here?"
"Well, sure, but…"
"Lie still. Tell me about the options you've thought about."
"Well, there's always adoption."
"Right. Like any adoption agency is going to look twice at us. No stable home environment, never planetside more than 24 hours at a stretch, no references, my past, and oh, let's not forget the 'jobs' we do. Nope, that's out."
"Hey! Serenity's stable!"
"Of course she is. But no government official is going to think so. Next option."
"Well, hate to say it, but… black market."
"Absolutely not! Neither of us agrees with the buying and selling of people!"
"I know, ài chēng, but it was the only other option I could think of."
"Really? That's all you could think of? Adoption and black market?"
"Yes! Now you know why I always put it to the back of my mind!" Mal struggled to get out of the bed and away from Simon. He hated lying still when he was this upset. He wanted to be up and about, throwing things if possible.
"Hey, hey, easy, love," Simon kept Mal in the bed by the simple expedient of rolling on top of him and sprinkling him with kisses. "I'm sorry… Did you…think I was…ridiculing you?... I wasn't… I promise… I just…wanted…to be clear…about…what options…you had…thought about."
Mal never could resist Simon's kisses. He stopped struggling, and pulled Simon up for one last, deep kiss. "Sorry. Didn't mean to fly off the handle like that. Guess I'm still a little emotional," Mal's lips quirked up in a silly grin.
"That's all right, you're not the only one," Simon smiled in return. "Now, would you like to hear about the other option I've thought about?"
"Is it just as impossible as the other ones?"
"I wouldn't have brought the subject up if I thought so."
"Okay, what is it?"
"A surrogate is a woman willing to bear a child for us, and then give it up to us for raising."
"Don't know about you, Simon, but I don't know any women like that. Do you?"
"Well, yes, as a matter of fact, I do know a couple of young women who might be willing to give birth to a child who would be raised by us."
"No! Absolutely not!" Mal gave Simon a mighty heave, and practically leapt out of the bed. He began pacing the room like a caged leopard.
Simon thought he looked magnificent. Making love again was looking better all the time. First things first, though. "Why not?"
"Why not! Why not, he asks! Because I will not risk our relationship, our marriage!, for a 'bit of trim' as Jayne calls it, just so we might, might!, end up with a child!"
"Mal, nĭ shì bái chī! I really do love you, but you really are an idiot! You grew up on a ranch! Surely you've heard of artificial insemination?"
"What? Tiān a! Of course! Oh, God, I am such an idiot!" Mal sank onto the bed next to Simon, who had started laughing, and didn't look to be stopping any time soon.
"Oh, your face… I wish…you could…see…your face!" And Simon was off again. Soon Mal was laughing right along with him. Once they could catch their breath, Simon looked up at Mal and said, "I thought you said men only cried when weakened by blood loss or during severe emotional turmoil?"
"What, laughin' hysterically isn't severe enough for you?" Which, of course, set them both off again.
Chapter 9
Monday, March 6, 2006 3:12 PM
Monday, March 6, 2006 3:31 PM
Wednesday, March 8, 2006 1:49 PM
Friday, March 10, 2006 12:42 PM
Friday, March 10, 2006 5:40 PM
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