Family Dynamics - Part VI
Tuesday, March 7, 2006

River and Simon are not out of the woods yet. Mal continues to be foolish and Inara decides to be brave. Angst abounds - action makes an appearance.


The journey to the mansion’s bottom floor was uneventful, but instead of allaying Simon’s fears, this only increased them. They had started stealthily from River’s room, working at a measured pace with Simon leading the way. But somewhere in the past few minutes that had changed and Simon found himself following his sister instead. Hurrying to stay only an arm’s length away from her, he almost ran into her back as she stopped abruptly at a corner, frozen.

Wondering what was up, Simon waited for River to turn and the look in her eyes said everything – whoever it was, they did not want the best for the siblings. Wishing against anything he had a weapon, Simon waited for River to make a move. While she was still shaking slightly with fear, her footsteps had become more assured as they had made their way toward freedom. Simon was pleased to see her recovering so quickly; it meant she really was getting better.

Turning again to face him, River leaned her head towards Simon’s and he met her halfway. “On the count of three,” was all she whispered.

Simon nodded once and watched as River held up a hand and extended her pointer finger than her middle and finally her ring finger and grabbing his arm at the wrist, pulled him around the corner they’d been using for cover.

Across the hall, Simon saw a pool of yellow light disappear as whoever it had been closed the door to the study. Breathing a small sigh of relief, the siblings were almost to the grand foyer when River again tensed. Hugging the wall, she pulled Simon down to the floor so they were crouching in a shadow, barely out of reach of the moonlight that spilled through the windows above the double doorway. Simon’s heart raced as he realized that if someone entered the room, they had no where better to hide.

River glanced to him again and the desperation he saw in her face broke his heart. She was afraid, more than afraid – terrified – and Simon cursed silently that he’d let anyone, especially their father, get so close. This was Simon’s fault, not his dad’s. Simon knew he should have protected her more.

River placed her hand over his and squeezed it gently. Whispering to him again, she said, “They want me. Daddy wants to own me. No matter what happens, you have to keep going.” She was crying again, silent tears that ran in rivers down her cheeks.

Knowing this wasn’t the time, but unable to let the statement go, Simon shifted to face her and wiped her tears away. “No mei mei, we’re leaving here together. I’m not going to let them take you.”

River cocked her head to one side and fixed him with the barest of smiles. “Too late.”

Before Simon could even consider her words, he heard the doors to the outside swing open and saw the taskforce of ten men enter the room, the red laser sights on their guns darting around like angry gnats. Fear gripped Simon’s heart and he thought he might wretch. Swallowing the bile down, he rose and foolishly launched himself against the nearest soldier. He was fairly certain he’d at least landed one decent punch before his world again went black. He was also fairly certain that before his eyes closed, he saw his father standing behind the Alliance’s men, his arms crossed smugly over his chest.



The sound of Wash’s tinny voice through the comm roused Mal from his fitful sleep. Rubbing his face quickly to get the blood flowing, Mal reached up a hand and flipped on his receiver. “Yeah, Wash?”

“We’ll be hitting atmo in five. I figured you’d want to be up here for that.”

Grunting his thanks, Mal swung his legs over the edge of his bed and gingerly stood. Gritting his teeth against the pain in his right leg, Mal took a few halting steps forward, testing it out. It hurt something fierce, but Mal knew he’d survive. He’d made it through worse.

Of course navigating the ladder out of his bunk was a different matter entirely. By the time he made it to the bridge they were flying over buildings, the sky blue around them, barely a cloud to be seen.

Sitting in the empty co-pilot’s seat, he took a quick glance at the readings and then turned to the other man. “So, lovely weather we’re havin’?”

“It is at that, sir,” Wash said absently, keeping his attention focused forward. “Any idea where we’re heading?”

“Well, that was for your wife to figure out.” Mal reached out to the stations’ comm and turned it on. “Zoe, report to the bridge.”

“Already here, sir,” his first mate answered as she ascended the stairs from the lounge area in the bow of the ship. “Just finishin’ up my research.”

“And,” Mal asked, impatient to the point of annoyed.

“And, it appears the doc is pretty well off. His family’s home is located near Capitol City in the Magnolia neighborhood.” Zoe glanced up at the captain and saw his eyes widen just slightly. She’d known he’d remember that name.

“Magnolia,” Mal repeated, whistling softly. “Well, ain’t that something. Too bad the Alliance crashed all of Simon’s accounts a year ago. We could have been living off him for a good while now.”

“Be that as it may, sir,” Zoe continued ignoring his snide remark. “Getting into that neighborhood is akin to breaking into an Alliance facility. Not recommended and near impossible.”

“Ah, Zoe,” Mal told her, reaching up to take the map she offered, “You just said my two favorite words.”



The companion emerged from the shuttle’s cockpit to find Mal standing there. Well, maybe leaning was a more accurate description; he was definitely favoring that right leg.

“You’ll just never learn, will you,” she asked him rhetorically, crossing to stand in front of him. “Before you enter someone’s home, you ask. Ask first, then enter.” She knew they really didn’t have time for playful banter, but it was the only thing that distracted her enough to keep her from bursting into tears.

“Yeah, well, I seem to remember a line about an old dog and new tricks,” Mal muttered, limping over to her sofa and sitting down heavily. After he’d waited out a particularly bad shot of pain, he looked to her again, real fear in his eyes. “We’re getting ready to go after the doc. I need you to take Kaylee and get out of here, like we talked about.”

Inara studied him for a moment, trying to swallow her annoyance. He couldn’t honestly think she was going to fly off and leave him to get injured further … or worse. “Mal, I’m not –“ She stuttered unsure of what to say. Finally, she crossed her arms over her chest defiantly, looked him square in the eye and said, “No.”

His shocked expression at her refusal brought her a little bit of mirth, but she quickly swallowed it and held his gaze. Looking around the room as though someone might be playing a trick on him, Mal turned back to look at her and wagged a finger at her. “No,” he asked incredulously. “It’s not a request. I’m ordering you to take Kaylee and get the hell outta here.”

His voice had risen in volume and grown more forceful, but Inara wasn’t intimidated. In her line of work she had faced down far more menacing men than Mal. “Mal, we can help you; Kaylee and I both.” She approached him slowly and took a seat next to him, being sure to keep a respectable distance between them. “You’re going to need as many people watching your back as possible.”

Mal sighed heavily and rubbed his hands across his face trying to make sense of this situation as it was quickly spiraling out of his control. “I got Zoe and Jayne and Wash all watching my back,” he told her shortly. “I don’t need you and Kaylee here watchin’ it too.”

Inara knew that wasn’t true, but she bit back the snappy retort forming on her lips. Thinking quickly, she asked, “At least tell me the plan.”

Mal turned to look at her in awe and the gaze she fixed him with silenced any malice he’d been thinking. Gorramit, if she didn’t just bat those dark brown eyes and make him spill his guts …. “Fine,” he sighed, sitting back on the sofa so he could prop his injured leg up on the table. “Zoe’s been able to get a bead on where Simon and River’s house is. We’re figuring that’s where their dad has ‘em, especially considering that he doesn’t think anyone’s after them. He’s not sneaky enough to have them hidden.”

Inara nodded, trying to find the step in the plan where she could become invaluable. Needing more information, she pressed, “Where is their house?”

Mal looked as though he wouldn’t tell, but then relented. “In Capitol City, the Magnolia neighborhood.”

Bingo. “Mal, you can’t get into that area of Capitol City, trust me,” she told him quietly, inching towards him. When she was close enough she placed her hand over his, forcing him to look at her. “You need me.”

Mal’s eyes locked on her face, rolling that last statement through his brain. He did need her, but not for this. “No, ‘Nara, I don’t, we don’t. I just need you to take Kaylee away from here and keep her safe.” He rose with difficulty and paced away from her, trying to regain his perspective.

“How are you going to get them,” Inara asked quietly, waiting for the asinine plan they had been forming to come from his lips.

“Walk,” Mal said half-heartedly, not meeting her gaze.

“Mal, a companion can walk into that area of the city, no questions asked. I can at least get some details for you. The layout of the house, where they are, if they’re injured.” She had risen and was no standing in front of him. The look on his face was hard and stubborn; it was a look she was accustomed to. Wanting so desperately to keep him safe was a feeling she was not. “Let me help,” she told him, trying to keep the plea from her voice.

Mal brought his eyes up to meet her and took the hand she had rested against his cheek. He held the gaze for a few moments and then gently, lowered her hand back to her side. “No,” he told her firmly, but quietly. “I expect you and Kaylee to be gone within the hour. I’ve already had Wash send you the rendezvous coordinates.”

And with that Mal hobbled out of the shuttle fighting the urge to go back to the woman and tell her everything and fighting the even bigger urge to accept her help.


His headache was worse. It hardly seemed possible, but it was true. Simon awoke slowly, wishing the pounding in his head would go away. But it was no use. All the wishing in the ‘verse couldn’t change the fact that he’d been given a concussion twice in four days. Many people had insisted for most of his life he was thick-headed, but he’d never really wanted to test the theory.

Attempting to roll on his side and block out the sun that assaulted his sensitive eyes, he realized he couldn’t move. Blinking slowly, he looked down to his sides and saw that his hands were tied to the edges of the bed with makeshift rope made of bed clothes. Raising his head ever so slightly, he saw that his feet were also held immobile in the same manner. Flopping back onto the pillow, he squeezed his eyes shut and let lose a string of violent Chinese.

“Language, son.”

The voice brought him back to the present and brought the image of his sister, being taking away in hand cuffs, held roughly by five very large men, rushing to the surface. Turning towards the sound, he saw his father, standing with arms crossed over his chest. His face was drowned out by the sunshine that streamed into the room from the window behind him. Simon was still at the house. He was back in his room.

“Where’s River,” he managed to croak out, his throat painfully dry.

“Safe,” his father reported, no emotion evident in his tone. He came closer to Simon’s side and sat on the edge of his bed. “Away from you.”

Simon snorted derisively and wondered if his father had even thought about the implications behind such a statement. Glancing to his hands, Simon asked, “Is this really necessary?”

“Apparently, it is,” Gabriel told him. “You were the one who tried to kidnap your sister. We couldn’t run the risk of that happening again.”

“Kidnap,” Simon shouted, not caring about the increased head pounding the sound elicited. “I was trying to keep her safe. To get her back to Serenity so we can get away from the Alliance. And away from you.” Simon panted from the ferocity of his words and willed the tears of frustration and anger welling in him to not come to the surface. A few of them leaked out from the corners of his eyes; he ignored them.

“Away from us,” Gabriel asked incredulous, again rising and pacing a controlled path at the foot of Simon’s bed. “This is the only place where River belongs. She deserves the chance to be a child and finish her schooling. She deserves the chance –“

“What did you say?” Simon’s low voice interrupted his father’s poetic waxing. Gabriel looked to his son and saw a dark fire smoldering in his eyes that made him pause.

“Well, of course, she’s going to finish school,” Gabriel explained. “She’s so talented and so smart. You went on to become a doctor, who’s to say that River won’t as well?”

“You let her go back there.” Simon’s tone remained the same, low and measured as if he were holding back a caged beast.

“Yes, Simon. As soon as we had River safe and sound I contacted the headmaster at the Academy. He was quite pleased to here that River would be returning. Who do you think came and got her last night?” Gabriel watched for his son’s reaction. Simon’s face remained a still mask. But that fire in his eyes now burned with an intensity that made Gabriel hesitant.

“Get out.”

Gabriel hadn’t expected that. He’d assumed Simon would start yelling, ranting and raving and ordering his parents to do this, that or the other. But instead he just made one request.

“I’ll be back to check on you later, son,” Gabriel told him, heading across the room and opening the door. “And we’ve asked Doctor Winters to come back. Your mother and I think you should talk to some one about these paranoid delusions of yours.”

With that the older man exited the room, locking the door securely behind him.

It was a full minute before Simon realized he wasn’t breathing. As soon as his father had admitted what he’d done, everything had stopped. Simon was pretty sure his heart had even forgotten how to beat. Slowly, as he again breathed in and out, he uncoiled his muscles. They had grown taunt with fear and anger and he had to consciously force himself to relax. He needed to think clearly, and when consumed by rage that was nearly impossible.

River … She had known last night that they both wouldn’t make it. That’s why she had told him to keep going. She wanted to spare him the pain of being hurt again. But she – pain wasn’t even the word for what she would be going through. Pain, agony, anguish, fear; those were much better descriptors for his sister’s plight, but even they paled in comparison to what she was living through at the hands of those maniacal and sadistic men.

Stop it, he ordered himself, forcibly refocusing his thoughts back to the here and now. The only thing to do for River now was to get her out of there. He’d done it before and he could do it again. Of course, before he’d had access to his family’s money, underground contacts and free use of all his limbs. But Simon refused to give up. He could not and would not give up on his sister. She was the only thing he had in this world that mattered and he would gladly die to get her back again.

Simon wondered if his father had even the faintest inkling of what he’d done. Realizing that line of thought would only bring further anger, Simon again breathed deep and tried to work a plan.


Inara deftly glided her shuttle up and away from Serenity, leaving the gleaming ship behind at its landing port in Capitol City. Kaylee sat next to her, the young mechanic thoroughly dejected and mute since she’d joined her. Inara’s heart went out to her, but she knew that if Kaylee didn’t snap out of it soon, there’d be no way for the two of them to execute Inara’s plan.

Setting the ship on an auto-pilot sequence that would fly them out of Serenity’s sensor range – she just knew Mal was watching – Inara rose and reached out a hand to Kaylee. Looking to her confused, Inara said, “Come on, mei mei. We can’t expect Simon to rescue himself.”

A spark caught in her friend’s eyes and the hint of a smile turned up the corners of her mouth and just those small indicators let Inara know that Kaylee wasn’t out of this yet. Neither of them were.


“They’re away,” Wash reported grimly, confirming Inara’s shuttle was safely en route to the rendezvous coordinates. Swiveling to face the captain and his wife, the pilot asked, “So now what?”

Mal and Zoe exchanged a look. It was a familiar look for the two of them, one they had shared before every major battle during and after the war. It was the look that confirmed to them both they were ready – for whatever would come.

“Now, we go get our crew.” Nodding once in Zoe’s direction, Mal headed off the bridge. Zoe leaned down to kiss her husband quickly goodbye and then followed the captain. She didn’t have much faith in his plan, but that didn’t make this particular mission different from many others. Regardless, they always seemed to come through somehow.

Jayne was already waiting in the cargo hold, only his usual sidearm visible and strapped to his hip. Raising a questioning eyebrow, the mercenary answered, “Don’tcha worry, Mal. I got all my favorite ladies right where I need ‘em.”

Grimacing at the thought of naming pistols, Mal nodded affirmation and then pounded the ship’s ramp release. “All righty then, let’s go save the day.”

Ready to step into the approaching night time of Capitol City, Mal halted mid-step. Standing at the end of his now open ramp were four very large men, each holding a gun trained on Mal and his crew.

“Hello, Captain,” the one in the middle intoned, stepping forward to fall into the light. Mal cursed under his breath and made some fairly demeaning remarks regarding the man’s lineage.

Mal nodded once in his direction as he raised his arms in surrender. “Sterns.”


“Inara, does the captain know you’re doing this?”

The companion looked over her shoulder at her young and somewhat scared friend. Although Kaylee had agreed they shouldn’t just sit idly by and do nothing while Mal attempted to mount his feeble rescue attempt, the closer they actually got to executing the plan, the more nervous the mechanic had become.

Turning away from her mirror and facing Kaylee, she said quietly, “Kaylee, I didn’t tell Mal anything. He made it perfectly clear that we were supposed to run away like rabbits until he calls for us again.” Resuming her primping, making sure everything was just right, Inara tried to shake off her annoyance with the man. Why did he always have that effect on her? “And why should we? Neither of us is a shrinking violet and Mal knows it. He’s just not acting very rationally right now.”

Kaylee looked at Inara’s dress she was still clutching tightly in her hands. She still found it hard to believe that in order for this plan to succeed she’d have to wear something so pretty. Surely it would be a dead giveaway to everyone to see someone like her trying to pass off a beautiful dress like this. “He just doesn’t want you to get hurt is all, ‘Nara. You know that.”

“And what about what I want? Does that matter?” Inara phrased the question rather harshly and she was immediately ashamed of her tone. She had just managed to calm Kaylee down, it would do no good to have the girl’s tears start up again.

Rising, she went to sit next Kaylee and gently covered her hand with hers. “I’m sorry, mei mei,” she said. “That wasn’t fair of me. I’m angry with Mal, not you.” When the other girl didn’t answer, Inara continued. “Look, if I didn’t think this could work, I wouldn’t attempt it. But Mal needs our help and I think he’s just being too pig-headed to see it.”

Kaylee looked up to her friend, fresh tears threatening to fall and she swallowed hard. “Do you really think we can get him back?”

Inara brushed a stray piece of hair behind Kaylee’s ear and said, “I know we can. But first you’ve got to get cleaned up and get that dress on.” Rising she extended her hand and pulled Kaylee off the bed. “Come on, let’s get you prettied up.”


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 5:50 PM


Ohh, Simon angst. I love it! His getaway attempt was well done and River asking him to go on was heartwrenching!

I'm all in favor of hurting Simon...just...hurt, no death...

Am eagerly awaiting the execution of Inara's plan!

Good stuff, thanks for sharing it with us!

Tuesday, March 7, 2006 5:53 PM


Excellent as always!

I hope to God they get River back from the academy soon, before they make her any worse and reverse the progress Simon has made in her recovery! Please let Simon be okay, too, a concussion can't be good!

Keep writing, this is amazing!

Tuesday, March 7, 2006 8:34 PM


oh im addicted to this story can't wait for more... kaylee is gonna look so pretty... poor simon, he will get her out though... i hope,

Tuesday, March 7, 2006 10:43 PM


I don't know what's gonna happen, but I know it'll be good

Wednesday, March 8, 2006 2:56 AM


Good stuff. I knew Inara wouldn't just go off and hide with Kaylee. It's just not in her nature.

Am looking forward to some thrilling heroics from all our Big Damn Heroes!

Wednesday, March 8, 2006 8:55 AM


Can't wait to see who's plan works out- I'm betting on Inara's! And poor River!! Can't wait for your next post!

Wednesday, June 7, 2006 8:18 AM


*“Ah, Zoe,” Mal told her, reaching up to take the map she offered, “You just said my two favorite words.”*

Yay for Mal being reckless and daring.

I prescribe slow, painful torture for Gabriel Tam, followed by raping, eating of flesh, and sewing of skin into clothing by reavers.

Freakin Sterns, but yay for Kaylee and Inara getting all dressed up to save the Tams.

Thursday, November 23, 2006 5:22 PM


Gabriel Tam is so delusional. Hope someone succeeds in rescuing Simon. I vote for Inara and Kaylee, they seem to have a plan, can't wait to see what it is.


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Make a Wish (5/5)
Kaylee and Simon decide to keep the pregnancy a secret from the rest of the crew. An unexpected turn of events leaves them lost. Simon/Kaylee, River, Mal, Inara. PG-13

Make a Wish (4/5)
River keeps playing tricks on Jayne, while Kaylee finds out a secret that she has to share with Simon. PG-13. Simon/Kaylee

Make a Wish (3/5)
River goes to Inara for help, while Kaylee finally gets Simon to open up. NC-17 for some lovin'. Simon/Kaylee with appearances by River and Inara.

Make a Wish (2/5)
River's wish causes repercussions throughout the crew. Kaylee wants more details about Simon's first time, while Mal has a friendly tip for Jayne. R for suggestive language. Simon/Kaylee and crew.

Make a Wish - Chapter 1
Post-Miranda. River is turning 18 and she makes a wish that unsettles her brother. Simon/Kaylee, with the rest of the crew. PG-13 to R for suggestive language.

Homesick: Epilogue
Simon and his parents reach an understanding while Mal and Inara find themselves on the same page ... finally. Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 10
Mal's a bit surprised by the welcome her receives. Gabriel and Regan see the light, but Chen is anxious to keep them all in the dark. Simon/Kaylee, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 9
River decides to tell her parents the truth - all of it - and they're not happy. Kaylee is still reeling from her visit with Simon. And another Big Damn Hero joins the mix. Kaylee/Simon, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 8
River goes for help and finds Kaylee. Chen grows worried that the Tams will not press charges against their son and takes matters into his own hands. Kaylee manages to see Simon and it doesn't go so well. Kaylee/Simon, hints of Mal/Inara.

Homesick: Chapter 7
Kaylee and Inara get closer to Simon and River, while River makes a call to Mal. Simon despairs in prison and Kaylee pines after him. Simon/Kaylee, hints of Mal/Inara.