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This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa. Mal and Simon have been married for five years. Are they enough for each other, or do they want more? Mal asks Simon a question.
DISCLAIMER: Don't own it, never did, just having fun playing.
A/N: A huge thanks to kispexi2 for betaing this, my first multi-chapter effort! Wouldn't want to do it without you!
This is the last chapter of Part 1. Another companion story will follow, then on to Part 2!
Translations are in mouseover.
Feedback would be shiny!
Chapter 1 Adult Only!, Chapter 2 PG13, Chapter 3 PG13, Chapter 4 Adult Only!, Chapter 4A PG13, Chapter 5 PG13, Chapter 6 PG13, Chapter 7 PG13, Chapter 8 PG13, Chapter 9 PG13, Chapter 10 PG13, Chapter 11 PG13
Chapter 12 Mal asks Simon a question.
Mal and Simon stayed in their bunk the rest of the morning. Simon continued to hold Becca, while they discussed his insecurities. They'd had similar discussions throughout the years, and Mal wondered if Simon would ever realize that he had absolutely no reason to feel insecure. Ah, well, old habits are always the hardest to break, and Simon had a habit of thinking himself weak in one way or another. He, personally, had never thought so. Well, maybe the first time they laid eyes on each other, but not since shortly after that. Maybe someday he'd convince Simon.
When Becca began to stir, Simon decided it was time to take her back to Zoë, while Mal stayed in the bunk to work on his much neglected paperwork. After a brief conversation with Zoë, Simon stopped in the kitchen to get some lunch for himself and Mal. He was headed back to the bunk when River suddenly appeared next to him. He jumped slightly, but didn't spill anything. "I wish you wouldn't do that, mèi mèi. Can't you occasionally wear shoes or something so I can hear you coming?" he said with a smile.
River just giggled, and then stood on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. "You like babies," she said.
"Well, yes, I guess I do. Funny, I didn't think I did, but then I remembered when you were born and how much I loved you, and then it all came back to me."
"You have a great capacity to love, gē ge, just need to let it out," she said as she laid her hand over his heart.
"I wish I was as confident about that as you are."
"I know," and with another peck on the cheek, she twirled away and ran down towards the engine room and Kaylee. Simon watched her go with a bemused expression, then shook his head and continued on to the bunk.
When he climbed down the ladder, Mal was just finishing up with his paperwork. "That didn't take long." Simon sounded surprised.
"No, I was almost done the other night, but something distracted me," Mal winked at him. "Just hadn't had the chance to get back to it. Glad it's done 'til next time, though. What's for lunch?"
Simon set the tray down on top of the now empty desk, and started lifting the covers off the dishes. "Let's see, there's something that looks like stew, some sweet bread, some fresh tomatoes Book brought back from the Abbey, and for dessert--apple slices. I thought about snitching some of Kaylee's strawberries, but decided I'd better not risk it," he laughed. "Probably just as well, too, since I ran into River on the way here. If I'd had any, she probably would have snatched them back!"
"Reckon you're right about that," Mal laughed along with him. "This looks like a veritable feast, and not a protein bar in sight."
"Praise whatever powers that be!"
They ate in silence for a while, and then Mal said, "So, you were thinking either River or Kaylee might be willing to have a child for us, huh?"
Simon choked on the sip of tea he'd just taken. "You did that on purpose!" he sputtered.
"Might have," Mal grinned, "but it’s a legitimate question. So…"
"So, yes, I was."
"Hmm… Any preference as to which?"
"Actually, yes. River."
"Any particular reason?"
"Well, since she's my sister, if we use her ovaries, it would be the closest thing to having a child that's both yours and mine."
"Figured it was somethin' like that. Makes sense, too. She know what we're thinkin' about doin'?"
"If you mean have I talked to her about this, no. But then, she is a reader, so she probably knows. How do you feel about her being the one to carry a child?"
"Long as she's physically and mentally able, I got no problem with it. But you know this whole idea is just so much speculation 'til we talk to them, don't you? No point going over it, just the two of us, is there?"
"No, I suppose you're right. When do you want to talk to them? And where?"
"Sooner the better, and wherever we can have some privacy. Don't need everybody on this boat knowin' our private business sooner than necessary. Bad enough Zoë and Wash already know."
"Guess we'd better clear up these dishes, then."
"Yup. You know I'm dreadin' this conversation, right?"
"I know. Me, too." They gave each other a brief hug, before climbing out of their bunk to face their future, together.
Broken Promises, A companion piece that tells what happened when Zoë was pregnant the first time.
Monday, March 27, 2006 1:15 PM
Monday, March 27, 2006 1:30 PM
Monday, March 27, 2006 7:43 PM
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