Afterlife : Parts IX & X
Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Conclusion to the series. Mal deicides what the crew must do, but how far will he carry his blame for the ones they lost?


Title : Afterlife Parts IX & X (Conclusion)

Not Mine : All the characters and little plot references belong to Joss & Co...

Setting : Takes place after the movie. (Some spoilers). Everyone tries to move on. This part picks up where part VIII left off....


Hours later Mal woke and shrugged away the fog of sleep as he watched Inara breathe, still fast asleep at his side. Her hair had fallen across her cheek, and her perfect lips slightly parted were a powerful inviting sight. He needed to think, and he found that increasingly difficult with the beautiful Companion warm and naked beside him. He carefully slipped out of his bunk without waking her and retreated to the thought provoking sanctuary of a hot shower. He turned his back to the cascade of warm water as he pondered the state of their situation. True enough, he was grateful to the vicious Operative for two reasons. He’d repaired their ship to the fullest extent, and he’d possibly bought them a reprieve from the Alliance seeking the Tams. He was not optimistic that arrangement would be anything but temporary. He thought it best to disappear back into civilization for a while, and put some distance between where they’d been and where they were headed. The massaging heat of the water washed over him from his scarred cheek and bruised shoulders to the small black tattoo at his hip. He stood still in the steamy waterfall for uncounted minutes before he bent over to turn the water off as he found his resolve. They needed to move on, he thought, as he ran a towel roughly over his face and his hair. Each in their own way, but also as one. And they needed to hear him say it. When he descended back down into his bunk he found Inara waiting for him, standing in the center of the room, breathtaking, wearing only the sheet from his bed. Her ebony hair lay draped over her bare shoulders and her porcelain skin possessed an undeniable glow. Her lips curved into a seductive smile, “ I was tempted to come and find you,” she told him as she held the sheet to her chest. He stood before her clutching his shirt, and wearing only his pants, and realized he was tempted to do quite a few things, each one involving her, an somethin’ he was sure Book would’ve referred to as sinnin’. “I, uh, went for a shower,” he told her as he ran a hand through his still damp hair. She tilted her gaze at him and put forward her lower lip in a seductive pout, “Without me? I’m hurt, Mal...” He crossed the room to her and wrapped her in his arms, “I needed a fair time to think, darlin’, an’ no offense, but you’re all kinds a distractin’.” To prove his point she released her grip on his sheet and it poured to the floor at her feet. She wrapped both arms around his neck as she pressed her bare body to his. He wrapped his arms around the silky skin of her waist as their mouths came together in hungry kiss. She parted his lips with her tongue, finding her way inside to taste him. He lowered one hand between their hips and undid his pants as he stumbled with her back towards his bunk. They made love to each other again with the same insatiable desire as last night. He muffled her cries with hot kisses, and he held her as she shuddered in his arms. After a long silence she leaned up in his arms and kissed his cheek. “What is it, Mal?” she asked him softly. He kissed her forehead and stroked a finger down her cheek, “I got somethin’ to say to everyone.”



Serenity’s remaining crew gathered around the glow of the dining room table, with two noticeable empty chairs. Mal glanced at the faces before him. Inara smiled warmly, in the seat nearest him, and he winked at her. Kaylee and Simon were holding hands on the table top next to River, who was rolling a marble back and forth between her small hands. Jayne and Zoe were side by side, a sight which he hadn’t expected to see ‘fore the worlds started turnin’ backwards. It was a sign that their respect for each other outweighed their will to fight, and for that he was grateful. He stood at the head of the table and held his belt with both hands, “Alright,” he said to the group, “Here’s what is. We’re broken, and we’re limpin’,” he glanced at Zoe, “But I been rightfully reminded that we ain’t dead. We still got a ship, and she’s whole again, an’ that’s somethin’. It ain’t quite enough. We gotta keep her flyin’, and keep survivin’ and to do that we need work.” Jayne nodded and Zoe gave him a reassuring glance and he went on, “So, this is us. We’re fewer and we’re different, but we’re out here together ‘cuz nowhere else’ll have us. So, we agreed?” Everyone nodded and Kaylee spoke up, “Where do we go, Cap’n?” River stilled her marble, “We can reach Beaumonde in approximately seventy three hours, fifty two minutes and thirty seven seconds. Give or take.” Mal grinned at that, “Alright, little albatross. We got us a course.” River got to her feet, “Don’t worry none, I’ll get us there,” she said. She passed Mal and stopped to smile at him, “Sir.” Mal placed a hand on her shoulder, “Alright, little one, she’s all yours.” He turned to Kaylee and Simon, “Make a list of what we need for the infirmary and the engine room. It’s a wish list, mind you, but we’ll try.” Zoe stood up, “I’ll get on the Cortex and see what’s available far as jobs.” Mal nodded at her as she left the room, her head held high. Jayne pushed his chair back and stood, “I’ll take stock a what’s left down in the bay storage.” Mal watched the mercenary go and Inara stood up and moved around beside him. “Jayne, helpin’? Without a fuss?” he said as he shook his head, “I’m seein’ things.” She wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed his cheek, “It’s you,” she told him, “They want to follow you, Mal. They trust you.” “What about you?” he asked as he brushed her hair back beside her cheek. “I love you,” she confessed with a smile, “And I would follow you anywhere.” She leaned up to kiss him and he placed a fingertip on her lips, haulting her, “My turn. I love you, Inara,” he told her softly as he lowered his hand and kissed her warmly on the lips. He held her as they parted and kissed her hair, “Do you suppose we’re all ready to move on like this?” “Mal, it’s going to take time for Zoe and the others to heal, but it’s the best thing for all of us,” she told him as she lifted her gaze to his, “Even you...” she added softly. He studied her pretty face, “How do you mean?” he asked her. “I think you want to blame yourself for Wash and Book, Mal,” she said, almost as if she feared his response. He backed away from her and folded his arms defensively, “Well, I should,” he confessed, “My decisions cost them their lives.” Inara shook her head, “That wasn’t the way of things. Book died defending his people, and Wash died saving our lives. You can’t let their sacrifices be in vain. You can’t lose yourself on Haven or in that hanger.” “What makes you say that?” he asked her, his voice growing ghostly soft. “Because I know you’ve done it before,” she said as she moved closer to him, refusing to allow him to hide, “You lost yourself in Serenity Valley...” she said as she touched his cheek, “But you were able to move on, and you found yourself again.” “I died in that Valley,” he told her solemnly. She wrapped her arms around him, “But you found an afterlife. You made it back from the dead, Mal. You just have to find a second a afterlife now.” He took her in his arms and she kissed him deeply, “Find it with me, Mal,” she whispered with her lips against his, “I love you, and I won’t let you go back there, and I don’t want to go forward without you.” She pulled back, resting her hands on his chest. Once again he appeared miles away from her, and he lowered his hands to his sides. Inara bit her trembling lip and lifted her chin, “But, it’s not enough that I love you,” she managed sadly, “I’m not enough, I guess that’s your answer then...”She turned away from him as tears threatened to spill down her flushed cheeks. She made it two steps before he reached for her. In one motion he looped one arm around her waist and turned her back to him, pulling her body into his. He lifted his hand to her cheek, tilting her face to his, “Look at me, darlin’” he pleaded. She slowly opened her dark eyes and met his gaze, “You’re everything and all to me...” her lip trembled as he leaned closer, “I love you...I need you...and we go forward together. Always.” She couldn’t respond before his lips met hers in a passionate kiss that cast away any remaining doubts from her mind.


The End...Comments welcome as always! This was my first series and I found the whole fanfic thing thoroughly addictive, so I’m sure I’ll be posting more at some point!


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:01 PM


Not a bad conclusion here...if not quite in character, at least for Inara IMHO. A little too "romance" film and not enough Jossian ambiguity as we got with Serenity's ending. But that's fic is for options, not mirroring;)

Besides, I wanna see what you'll have the crew do next....:P


Wednesday, March 29, 2006 5:37 PM


Quote: Inara bit her trembling lip and lifted her chin, “But, it’s not enough that I love you,” she managed sadly, “I’m not enough, I guess that’s your answer then...”She turned away from him as tears threatened to spill down her flushed cheeks.

She made it two steps before he reached for her. In one motion he looped one arm around her waist and turned her back to him, pulling her body into his. He lifted his hand to her cheek, tilting her face to his, “Look at me, darlin’” he pleaded. She slowly opened her dark eyes and met his gaze, “You’re everything and all to me...” her lip trembled as he leaned closer, “I love you...I need you...and we go forward together. Always.”

She couldn’t respond before his lips met hers in a passionate kiss that cast away any remaining doubts from her mind.

Ai ya!! My heart is melting!! Very fine! I enjoyed this story muchly! Do write again!

Thursday, March 30, 2006 2:21 PM


Thanks all for the comments! I wanted a definate ending for all us Mal/Inara hopeless romantics...I LOVE the movie, and "Good answer" was sooo sweet, but it made me want to scream! I wanted at least a little kissin'! *Sigh* I guess that is what fan fic is true :)

Thursday, August 23, 2007 6:40 AM


I'm a sap, I'll admit it, but this was just lovely. Thanks for putting together a great, compact little package of post-BDM recovery for us!


Saturday, December 22, 2007 1:41 PM


That was great... you even managed to get all the character quirks that the crew have.


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Nothing Left to Lose
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Afterlife : Parts IX & X
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Afterlife: Parts V & VI
Mal and Inara face an unanswered question ,and come closer than ever to admitting their feelings for each other...Zoe gives Mal a piece of her mind.

Afterlife: Parts III & IV
The crew continues soul searching. Mal ponders his fractured relationship with Zoe, and Zoe and Jayne share a talk...Post movie (Some spoilers)

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