Family--Part 2, Chapter 1/9
Saturday, April 8, 2006

This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon and River/Kaylee slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa. Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt? In this chapter: River talks to Kaylee about babies.


DISCLAIMER: Don't own it, never did, never will--just having fun playing.

A/N: You should really read the first part of this story, if you haven't already. All chapters are interlinked. Chapter 1 Adult Only!, or an alternate beginning at Chapter 2 PG13

As always, thanks to kispexi2 for betaing this for me! Thanks to rhian_morwenna for making sure I got the medical stuff right! And thanks to woodsong_1978 for the final polishing! *g*

Translations are in mouseover.

Feedback is my drug of choice. Feed my habit?

Chapter 1 River talks to Kaylee about babies.

"You like babies," River told Simon before twirling away to find Kaylee. All the way to the engine room she thought about Simon and everything he had done for her since rescuing her from The Academy. She had always wished she could find a way to help him, too. She might have just found a way, but she needed to talk to Kaylee first. Kaylee, her shining light, her anchor in a sea of chaos, her friend, her partner, her lover. Yes, she needed to talk to Kaylee.

"Kay…lee," she sang out as she reached the engine room. "Kay…lee."

Kaylee popped her head up from behind Serenity's engine, "Hey, sweetie! What cha need?" She had a streak of engine grease down the side of her face, and her hair was falling out of the bun she tried to keep it in. She still looked like the sweet young woman River had first seen in the infirmary almost ten years ago, which amazed, and sometimes confused, her.

Instead of trying to contemplate that anomaly, River let it flow away for later consideration. "Need to talk. Got time?"

"Sure thing, sweetie. Jus' give me a sec' to finish this up, ok?" Kaylee disappeared behind the engine. River stood waiting patiently. She could hear Kaylee working at putting things back together, and knew she'd finish as quickly as possible. "There, all done." Kaylee walked around the engine casing towards River, wiping her greasy hands on a rag that was hanging from the waist of her overalls. She kissed River as they sank to the floor. Putting a hand up to move River's hair off her face, she asked, "What's up?"

River laid her head in Kaylee's lap as she said, "Simon wants me to have Mal's baby."

She felt Kaylee's body tighten with surprise. "WHAT!?!"

"Simon wants…"

"No, no, I heard you the first time. When did he ask you this?"

"Hasn't. Will, though. Want to."

"He hasn't? He will? You do?"

"No. Yes. Yes."


"Because Mal wants children, and he wants Mal to be happy."

"No, not why does Simon… Why do you want to?"

"Oops, sorry. Silly me. Confused."

"You aren't the only one, băo bèi." River smiled briefly, but then frowned as she answered, "Want to help Simon because he helped me. Gave up everything for me. Still feel guilty. Might help feel better. Might not. Still want to."

"But, you and Mal… I'm not sure…"

"No, no, băo bèi. Artificial insemination. Medical procedure. No sex. At least, not with each other." River sat up and kissed Kaylee, letting her hand drift up Kaylee's thigh.

Kaylee stopped River's hand as she broke the kiss. "Not right now, sweetie. Don't want to be distracted. We need to talk about this."

"What's to talk about? I want to. Won't affect us. You're my anchor. Won't cut you loose."

"That's good to know, sweetie, but that's not what I meant. Have you thought about how you'll feel giving up a baby? Not having any say in how it's raised? How it will affect you to see a child you gave birth to grow up as someone else's child? How I will feel watching you go through this?" Kaylee's voice broke on the last question, and tears began falling silently down her face, leaving pale pathways through the grease and grime.

River crawled onto Kaylee's lap and held her as close as she could. "No, no…shh…shh…Be fine. Don't want children. Never did. Mal does. Simon does now…for Mal. Shh…shh…You don't want children…have Serenity. Have me. It's enough. Shh…shh…you didn't know. Told you too fast. Shh…shh…I'm sorry."

Kaylee stopped crying as River held her and reassured her. "I'm sorry, too, sweetie. I know it's hard for you when I get emotional. Are you sure you want to do this? If you are, I'll be fine, but if you have any doubts…"

River put her hands on either side of Kaylee's face, and looked deep into her eyes as she said, "No doubts. Love Simon. Love you more. I'll be fine." She kissed Kaylee, lightly at first, but then deepened the kiss as Kaylee opened to her. Finally, they broke apart, and River touched her forehead to Kaylee's.

They sat quietly for a few moments, until Kaylee reached up and pushed River's hair away from her face again. "So, now what?" she asked.

"Go tell Simon and Mal. They're nervous. Hate to ask. Have to tell them it's okay."

"Ok, sweetie. Do I have time to clean-up first?"

"Yes, if we hurry."

"Come on then. Let's hurry. I don't want to talk to them lookin' like this."

"Look fine to me. Love you mussed." River stood, pulling Kaylee up off of the floor, and took off running with her in hot pursuit, laughing all the way.

Chapter 2


Saturday, April 8, 2006 9:50 AM


Awww, so perfect!

Poor River and poor Kaylee! I hope that Kaylee really is okay with it. I loved her reaction when she thought about how River would be getting pregnant... and of course, always the voice of reason, River brings up artificial insemnation.

Brilliant chapter! I can't wait to read more!

Saturday, April 8, 2006 9:58 AM



Glad you liked it! More soon!

"I love my captain."

Saturday, April 8, 2006 11:07 AM


Hella cool, Lvs2read! And I like how you had River think on Simon's tentative plan for children via River as a way of paying back the perceived debt she owes:)

But why do I get the the strange feeling that there's more to Kaylee's initial reaction and feelings on River carrying a baby for Simon and Mal? Cuz call me weird, but Kaylee strikes me as the motherly type and I can't see her not wanting a child of her own to raise with whatever partner she ends up with....

Still...great work here:)


Saturday, April 8, 2006 12:31 PM



Glad the debt paying scenario works for you. I think you're right about Kaylee, but I figure she's got enough to handle with helping River stay sane and keeping Serenity flying. She just gets to be a great 'aunt' to everybody this go 'round. *shrugs*

Thanks for reading and commenting!

"I love my captain."

Sunday, April 9, 2006 5:24 AM



I'm glad you like the solution, and you're right on all counts. Hope you like the way the story progresses. Thanks for commenting!

"I love my captain."


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Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt?
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Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt?
Mal's Reaction & River gives Kaylee the news

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Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt?
"Simon gives Mal the news"

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"Why can't things ever go smooth?"

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This AU story takes place 9-10 years after "Serenity, the Pilot," and is Mal/Simon and River/Kaylee slash. Don't read if that's not your cuppa.
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Mal and Simon want a child. Will River and Kaylee help them out? Was there ever any doubt? Conversation in the infirmary