Motivation Series 25: Best Laid Plans
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Simon and Kaylee make plans, but only River knows what's really in store. A fluffy drabble to make up for the angst I posted yesterday. Next fic in my series, Simon/Kaylee, embarassingly PG rated.


"Hi Zoe!" Kaylee chirped, narrowly avoiding colliding with the older woman's swollen belly in the small stairway between the common area and the cargo bay. "All done with your checkup?"

"He's all yours, honey." Zoe smiled, knowing that the little mechanic was looking for her man.

"How's the new crew member?" Kaylee asked.

"Active." Zoe sighed. "Here." She took Kaylee's hand and placed it on her stomach. Kaylee and River both loved feeling the baby kick, and Zoe didn't mind at all.

"Ooh, he's jumpy today." Kaylee giggled. "He's anxious to get outta there, I bet."

Zoe chuckled. "He ain't the only one."

Laughing, Kaylee practically skipped down the steps and through the common area, stopping right in the doorway to the infirmary. "Hey sweetie."

"Hi there." Simon immediately got up from the stool next to the counter to give her a kiss.

"What's that?" Kaylee asked, gesturing to the sheet of paper in Simon's hand.

"The latest ultrasound picture." Simon explained. "See, there's his head, his arms,"

Kaylee snickered and swatted him on the arm. "I still can't quite believe there's gonna be a critter running around here."

"You can't believe it?" Simon grinned. "Before you came to breakfast this morning, Zoe said something to the captain about baby-proofing the ship. For a second, I honestly thought he was going to have a heart attack."

"Just think how he'll react when we start having kids in a year or two." Kaylee said.

"Two?" Simon repeated. "You'd really want to wait that long to have a baby?"

"Well, maybe not two years." Kaylee admitted, her heart fluttering at the thought of Simon holding a tiny version of himself. "But like I've said, I kinda want ya all to myself for a while. Maybe just a year."

"A year sounds good." Simon agreed, overwhelmed for a moment as he imagined how beautiful Kaylee would look with his child growing inside her. "How many kids do you see us having?"

Kaylee thought for a moment. "I always wanted a big family, but not too big...maybe three or four?"

Simon's eyes lit up. "When I was a kid, River and I always pestered our parents for one more brother and one more sister. Four sounds perfect."

"Well, perfect wasn't always the word I'd use to describe havin' three big brothers. But it was fun." Kaylee said. "So, four little Tams?"

"With your beautiful smile." Simon added.

"And your pretty eyes." Kaylee sighed happily.

"And your way with words." Simon joked.

"Let's hope." Kaylee giggled, kissing him when he pouted playfully. "I'm glad you're okay with waiting."

"Well, I kind of want you all to myself, too." Simon grinned, kissing her back.

"Sounds good." Kaylee murmured against his lips.

River leaned in and giggled, startling the couple.

"What's so funny, sweetie?" Kaylee asked, stepping back from Simon a little.

"Don't worry about it." River snickered. "Come on, don't want to be late for dinner." She scurried off, still laughing.

Simon glanced at Kaylee, raising one eyebrow. "Is it a bad sign that I'm sometimes a bit afraid of my little sister?"

"No, baobei." Kaylee said. "I think that's healthy.


Wednesday, April 19, 2006 12:48 PM


wait a second, River's giggling, I can see where this is going. Does Kaylee have a bun in the space oven?

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 12:52 PM


Indeed she does, ever since the events in my fic "Anniversary," but only Aunt River knows...for now. *wink*

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 2:19 PM


"Is it a bad sign that I'm sometimes a bit afraid of my little sister?"

"No, baobei." Kaylee said. "I think that's healthy.

A little fear is certainly a survival trait!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 4:24 PM


^^^ stupid anonymous crap


Wednesday, April 19, 2006 7:41 PM


See....I knew they couldn't go that long without conceiving! It's just not possible for those two crazy kids to go without children for too long;)


Thursday, April 20, 2006 8:14 AM


This conversation was so sweet! I loved every bit of it!

Simon glanced at Kaylee, raising one eyebrow. "Is it a bad sign that I'm sometimes a bit afraid of my little sister?"

"No, baobei." Kaylee said. "I think that's healthy.

Hoiw hilarious is that! Great job! Can't wait for your next post!

Friday, April 21, 2006 6:25 AM


"And your way with words."
"Let's hope."


'A bun in the space oven'


Saturday, April 22, 2006 1:52 PM


As always loving your work... lol :)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 6:11 PM


Baby-proofing the ship...that would be an interesting project. :)



Thursday, May 4, 2006 2:15 AM


Now I have read all of your stuff, so write more :).

Saturday, May 13, 2006 7:44 PM


Awww, the cuteness is making my cheeks hurt from all the smiling! Hehe, that's just awesome! I love the fluffiness, it's like crack! This is brilliance!


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Out of The Frying Pan: Where We Left Off
Does anyone remember this fic? Well, just in case, here's a brief summary of the story so far, really just to see if there's any interest in me continuing it...

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 6
The crew meets the new passenger, and a dream spurs Simon and Kaylee to take a surprising step. No smut in this one, either. Saving it all up for the next chapter...

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 5
Surgery! Flashbacks! Mind-reading! Simon gets punched! Oh, just read the freakin' thing. Features a bit of non-graphic (gasp!) Simon/Kaylee lovin', so I'm rating it R just to be on the safe side. See, folks? Fair warning.

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 4
Simon broods, Kaylee does her best to help, and Simon and Jayne find an appropriately dysfunctional way to communicate. Another transitional chapter, mostly Simon/Kaylee smut with a few hints of plot. Very NC-17, you've been warned.

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 3
The crew arrives on Bayou, meets up with an "old friend," and gets more answers than they really wanted. Simon/Kaylee, embarassingly PG. Next chapter will be a return to the smut, I promise.

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 2
Simon and Kaylee's wedding has to be postponed when the crew decides to head to Bayou. Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara, NC-17. I SWORE this chapter wasn't going to have any porn in it, but certain people protested. Not gonna name names. You know who you are. ;P

Out of the Frying Pan: Ch. 1
A continuation of the Motivation Series. After Miranda, the warrants for Simon and River were revoked, and the crew thought they were safe. Turns out? Not so much! Simon/Kaylee, NC-17. Yes, that's right, porn WITH plot...or is it plot with, just read it!

Motivation Series 30: Past Tense (repost)
That's right, I will continue to delete and repost this fic until that troll gets the message: You can't beat me! Simon/Kaylee, NC-17. The final chapter in this particular series, more of a transitional one.

Motivation Series 29: Dream On (Part 2 of 2)
Kaylee watches Simon sleep and gets an idea. NC-17, not for kids or prudes. This one was demanded by Piffle101, so if it sucks, it's all her fault. *wink* And remember, there's a special hell for people who don't comment...

Motivation Series 29: Dream On
Simon and Kaylee get a few days off, but everything is not as it seems...(Simon/Kaylee, NC-17, duh.)