VA Democrat Mike Dickinson is nuts. And he's a liar. AURaptor 6 4/12/2014 11:09:16 PM
Kaneman shakes his head KANEMAN 2 4/12/2014 8:41:25 PM
Did Obama warn against Obamacare? Geezer 7 4/12/2014 7:18:34 PM
Heartbleed. Oh my. SIGNYM 13 4/12/2014 8:54:52 AM
New Poll Shows More Americans Support Obamacare Than Oppose It Niki2 19 4/12/2014 12:34:08 AM
Kimmel catches reporters confusion over just which Rooney died. AURaptor 17 4/11/2014 9:33:49 PM
Got Books? ecgordon 2 4/11/2014 9:03:01 PM
I'm ready to admit that AGW is real, IF ... AURaptor 28 4/11/2014 6:00:51 PM
FFO FongLuh 3 4/11/2014 2:48:07 PM
MIKER 11 4/11/2014 9:47:21 AM
N.C. State Board Finds More than 35K Incidents of ‘Double Voting’ in 2012 AURaptor 18 4/10/2014 10:07:29 PM
KickAss 2 SHINYGOODGUY 22 4/10/2014 8:18:05 PM
The Operative in 12 Years a Slave second 2 4/10/2014 8:12:34 PM
TV's biggest scumbag to be relpaced by TV's biggest douchebag whozit 6 4/10/2014 5:33:55 PM
413 - 2. House vote down Obama budget. AURaptor 9 4/10/2014 4:04:06 PM
MIKER 14 4/10/2014 1:43:08 PM
What's wrong with this photo ? AURaptor 17 4/10/2014 11:40:48 AM
Medicare database reveals top-paid doctors Geezer 3 4/10/2014 8:46:02 AM
DEA Chief Leonhart: If pot is legal, dogs will die!!! Niki2 10 4/10/2014 8:22:32 AM
Vampires were (are) real.... CHRISISALL 10 4/10/2014 8:22:17 AM
Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) introduced bill in Congress looks to ban states' GMO labeling laws 1kiki 2 4/10/2014 8:21:26 AM
U.N. Blames Extreme Events on Climate 1kiki 1 4/10/2014 1:01:05 AM
I never thought of it before Magonsdaughter 21 4/9/2014 11:55:51 PM
PETA Wants Dahmer's Home Turned Into A Vegan Restaurant Jongsstraw 3 4/9/2014 11:22:54 PM
Obama WH's UNfair Pay Day AURaptor 6 4/9/2014 2:42:36 PM
McBoobies whozit 6 4/9/2014 12:22:07 PM
The Age of Global Warming AURaptor 19 4/9/2014 11:16:39 AM
Ex-Official At Center Of Bridge Scandal Is Cooperating With The Feds Niki2 6 4/9/2014 8:32:10 AM
Oh, all right, I'm sorry I told you to 'shut up' AU... CHRISISALL 27 4/8/2014 11:27:37 PM
Gallup: Uninsured Rate At 5-Year Low As Obamacare Coverage Takes Hold Niki2 9 4/8/2014 10:06:53 PM
New Firefly series reboot in the works PIRATENEWS 4 4/8/2014 6:04:42 PM
Yet another reason to eat a cheeseburger whozit 15 4/8/2014 8:44:29 AM
Anyone wanna sign this petition? CHRISISALL 8 4/8/2014 7:11:46 AM
Democrats: The Real Party Of The Rich Jongsstraw 16 4/8/2014 12:41:40 AM
It's OK to lie about climate change AURaptor 56 4/7/2014 10:25:50 PM
U.N. Panel Says Global Warming Dials Up Risks 1kiki 25 4/7/2014 7:44:45 PM
RAT! whozit 1 4/7/2014 6:02:31 PM
White House considering ban on selfies with the President AURaptor 18 4/7/2014 2:23:45 PM
What Obama does in private SIGNYM 34 4/7/2014 12:24:33 PM
Hell Freezes Over: Republicans Secretly Vote to Help Obamacare Niki2 5 4/7/2014 9:03:41 AM
"Fox and Friends" on Obamacare and climate change Niki2 2 4/6/2014 11:53:22 PM
Study Projects Big Thaw for Antarctic Sea Ice 1kiki 3 4/6/2014 8:34:03 PM
It's great to be fat whozit 2 4/6/2014 8:20:06 PM
Whose Side Is God on Now? AURaptor 24 4/6/2014 3:16:00 PM
Pants on Fire: Ann Coulter says a friend's sister "died from Obamacare" because Blue Shield of California left Niki2 8 4/6/2014 2:59:14 PM
Americans used more energy in 2013 1kiki 10 4/6/2014 12:14:24 PM
' War on women ' ? Or just hard hitting campaigning ? AURaptor 8 4/6/2014 4:07:54 AM
TV's biggest scumbag to retire in 2015 whozit 26 4/5/2014 4:44:07 PM
Ann Arbor Police search for Mystery Pooper whozit 3 4/5/2014 2:16:14 PM
MIKER 4 4/5/2014 11:46:37 AM