Special Branch: The Chasing of Wild Geese.

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 03:25
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Friday, June 23, 2006 1:03 PM


Ok, so, the second thread. (Boy, I didn't think this would last!)

This Summary is a work in progress, just a rough outline for now, if someone wants to help me out I would kiss them. (where I not on the other side of the Atlantic)

We join our valiant crew of boy-whores, theives and ne'erdowells as they strive to make some sense out of the Giant Space Hiccup that took them from their lives of recently enforced Joy and spat them out into Peril. Most rubbed their hands and giggled with glee. But only inwardly. Stoic and manly facades maintained, the jumped through subspace, a mighty feat especially as no one actually used a definite term for what they did. That this narrator can remember. She'll check.

Safe's ship, The Dagger with her stalwart and muscly crew of Safe, Grunt, Bear and Jennings made the jump, towing the ISSCsomething behind it, which contained Needy (who was in the process of discovering his uncanny self healing powers and suffering visions of a bieng who looked like Serenity - the winged girl, not the ship - and kept threatening him with destiny).

Atatched to the side of the ISSVCsomesuch, was The Nandi, a small prowler type fighter that contained the bickering Seryn and Wisp. (And her rabbits, and their babies. Lots of them).

Entering the orbit of the planet Boros a short time later, Seryn and Wisp fall foul of the ISCSVwotsit's holographic alarm system, and discovered that Citizen was also on board the ICyesyoucan. After a short but enlightening lesson in transport ship anatomy, all attempted to land in a remote area of the planet.
Wisp learned that its really good fun to go tear-arsing down as if crashing, before landing in a big pile of goo. Seryn, Citizen and Needy learned that the Nandi does NOT, repeat NOT seat three comfortably.
Safe, Grunt, Bear and Jennings learned that Seryn makes damn good bbq sauce when she's in the mood.

During a night of moderate to heavy drinking, and possible spiking of the hot sauce with hallucinagenics, Rosie the Tree lady joined the group. Rosie proved to be absolutely invaluable in the events to come. Though Safe could possibly be facing an ant problem in the near future.

Nursing hangovers, the next morning Wisp implements a plan to get spare parts. Seryn and Citizen went shopping, and Citizen proved absolutly invaluable when it come to procuring goods and services for minus money. Even when drunker than a pirate called Sparrow. During a salvage attempt in a near by scrap dump, Wisp is attacked by Vixen, a girl who has a few issues. And then some.
She also appears to have already met Little Wisp. Which is a problem as as soon as they get back to camp, Needy takes a bit of a shine to her. Apparently despite her tendency to damage folk. Men!

Back up in space, a Firefly class ship crewed by the confused and previously elswhare (and, um, in some cases, previously dead) Soul, 'Tash, --- --- --- and ---, appears over Boros, they are pulled toward the planet and eventually land near the Dagger et al. After lots of nervous pointing of guns, each crew realise who the others are, and there is general hugging and manly back slapping.

During the work to fix up the ships, including the Issc... which has now been renamed The Epsilon (much to Seryns relief) many different little things are done, and Needy takes Vixen off for a walk and an attempted grope (Hey, spade a spade) Or something like that. Anyhoo, Wisp and Vixen end up fighting, and rolling about a bit, and eventually fall off the edge of the cliff. Careless.

In the meantime, back at base camp, Grunt? picks up the approach of ships. The Epsilons previous owner (the Jerk responsible for calling it all those random letters instead of giving it a proper name, honestly, calls himself a proud owner...) Has detected a beacon onboard the Epsilon, and is rushing, along with a few purple bellies, to reclaim his property. Safe and Soul decide, very quickly, to get off planet and hide for awhile, But Seryn, after Needy returns with news of Wisp fate, decides to go find him, and she and Needy take off, resolving to lay low in a town until Safe etc can return and pick them up.

The Epsilon, crewed, by Citizen, Safe and Rosie (anyone else?) heads for a random part of space in order to dump the tracking devide and attempt to throw their follower off the scent, while Soul and crew head for an old mining colony on one of the moons, and hide out. I've no idea where The Dagger ended up.Will check.

Somewhere on the planet, on the banks of the river into which Vixen and Wisp fell, One Teenage boy, Truth, and two younger girls, Ghost and Shadow, have been hiding out in a cave for a short time, after being told of get lost by their supposed carers for three days or so. Their past sounds decidedly unhealthy, but they seem to have made good in their riverside caves. Whilst one of them is fishing, she shouts out, and they rush to pull her find, an unconcious man, from the waters. (much more useful than a shopping cart.)

Watch out people, its gets twisty.

In the Nandi, Needy starts to have some sort of breakdown - he start seeing his 'Serenity' again, and seeing places other than the fighter. Seryn becomes concerned for him, but just a suddenly he appears deadly calm. Just as disturbing, but functional at least.

In a different part of Boros, the Helo Holding facility, a woman named Kyra McTaggert, manages to charm her way into one of the cells, to talk to a prisoner named Milton Reeves, former Companion and assistant to one Needy.
She talks to him, despite his obvious dislike of her, about the events that saw Needy 'abducted' and Milton imprisoned.
Just then her comm goes off, a partner out side warns her to get out of the building, saying that 'they're back', and that its 'all happening again'

(and there this girls memory has totally failed her. More soon, love y'all)

previous thread -

Special Branch: Unbound

now, where were we...?


Friday, June 23, 2006 1:28 PM


Just reposting Kyra's last post, to get us all started again.


As Kyra exited the cell, closing the door behind her, she discovers the guard that had let her in was sitting unnervingly close to the door.

Suddenly a worrying thought crosses her mind. Did he hear our conversation?

“Everything sorted?” the guard asks her, interrupting the thought before it had time to set in.

“Sorry?” she asked softly, desperate to conceal her guilt.

“Your brother - You said what you need to say?”

“Oh, yeah.” She replies, careful to disguise the relief that had just passed over her. “It’s just… brothers, they can be so stubborn sometimes”

“I bet”

After thanking the guard for his help, she quickly makes her way towards the exit – Payne’s announcement to her had made everything more urgent. They had been given a window of opportunity, and it was doubtful the window would remain open for long.

First though, she needed to get Milton out. And she knew exactly who to turn to for help.


1 year ago:
“You’re out!” Carl Perry’s voice boomed.

“What?” Kyra gasped

“You heard! I’ve covered your back one too many times but this…” he holds up the news article in question, “you’ve gone too far this time”

“It’s the truth”

“It’s fei-oo”

“Well, we’ll let the readers decide”

“No, we won’t, because this isn’t going out there. I told you to leave the stories of aliens, ghosts and reavers at home; that if you wanna stay a reporter, you give me a real news stories. But you can’t do that can you”


“Don’t Carl me. What about the job I assigned you?”

“I can’t do that”

“You’re a reporter; you’re supposed to get your hands dirty. You’re not here to make friends, you’re here to tell the stories people wanna hear. Expose the truth.”

“This is the truth!” Kyra shouted, grabbing the article he had thrown down.

“But people don’t wanna hear that sort of news. They want to read of crooked politicians and sordid affairs, not about children being raped to death by Reavers”

Kyra breathed heavily through her nose as she tried to contain her frustration and anger. “What do you want me to say Carl?”

“Well that depends. You’ve run out of lives. Are you going to do the story I assigned you or not?”

“I can’t…”

“Then there’s the door, it’s been nice knowing you”

Carl may have been a no-nonsense boss but, even so, the ultimatum still came as a shock to her. She had gotten used to being under his wing of protection. She was a good reporter – this much he had told her plenty of times - but it didn’t seem enough now. IT seemed his hand was being forced

“What’s the story again?” she surrendered.



“Kyra?” Carl responded upon accepting the call on his mobile cortex

“Hey, Carl”. Kyra replied on the video screen.

“What is it?”

“Remember the story I did for you?”

“The story? Of course. Why? What is this about?”

“Remember what you promised me?”


“Carl…” she interrupted him before he could answer. “I need to cash in that favour.”


Friday, June 23, 2006 2:09 PM


OOC: Absolutely LOVED the summary!! I laughed my butt off. Well done Seryn! Very... tactful.. From what I can tell, you've pretty much summed it all up nicely.

Nice to hear from Wisp again. Needy, excellent storyline!! Welcome aboard April!

Now if TRM and Citizen would check in (Please?) I have two options for my post. Different endings so to speak. One gives them an opening to be absent for a while if need be, the other continues on no changes.

Plus I'd like to explore Soul's story too at some point.

I'll post tomorrow.

Safeat2nd, lovin' this story! Was going into withdrawal without it.


Friday, June 23, 2006 2:42 PM


OOC Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I'm just not sure where I'm supposed to be, what's going on, nor any ideas for storylines. I'll try and get a post done soon.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Friday, June 23, 2006 5:51 PM



Somewhere on the planet, on the banks of the river into which Vixen and Wisp fell, three girls, Truth Ghost and Shadow, have been hiding out for thrree years of so. Their past sound decidedly unhealthy, but they seem to have made good in their riverside caves. As they go about their normal day, one of them shout out, and they rush to pull her find, an unconcious man, from the waters.

OOC: Good summary, just a few things with my characters you can add to the list later (and some ideas if people want to hear them)

Truth is a boy

Shadow and Ghost have lived with the Carson's for 3 years

They were kicked out to the woods a day before the post starts with a loaf of bread and told to fend for themselves because the Carson's had "company". The cave is somewhere Truth found that no one except them ever come to due to the rough terrain and river. The Carson's don't know about it. All three are expected back in two days.

Shadow was fishing for dinner (a loaf of bread will only get you so far after all), and caught a human (i was thinking it was Wisp but if there is an objection i can change it)

I was thinking the carson's are involved in some criminal element

In other news I leave tomorrow for Florida. I'll be mostly out of touch tomorrow but I will have some internet acess while i'm down there (unless for some reason my aunt's computer isn't working).

I'll be working on some profiles for my characters that will give some basic information on them as well as some personality and background information. I'll also try to work on a new post on the way to Florida (when i'm not sleeping or watchin firefly).

Glad the site is back on and nice to see everyone again. Any questions on my characters just ask.



Saturday, June 24, 2006 7:40 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: Nothing really to add story-wise, but I've created a run down of the characters so far.
Some need elaborating on (the main ones mostly - Safe and crew, Seryn, Soul etc - there's so much information that I didn't know which was pertinent) but I thought the best people to do that are the people behind the characters, namely you folks, so feel free to do that (please).
Also I've got to say thanks for that summary Seryn, not only was it informative but funny. Must have been a headache trying to sort through it all


Ships and Characters:

The Dagger (Spaceship, similar in size to Millennium Falcon):
“pilot and muscle”
Grunt:“electronics and long range weapons specialist”
Jennings: “co-pilot and street fighter”
Safe: Pilot and former Alliance officer.

Destiny’s Shadow (Firefly class spaceship):
Elise Dyan:
Beautiful yet tough Elise has quite a few skills, and uses them to fill quite a few roles on the ship – cook, medic, gunman (or would that be gunwoman?). It’s possible she’s also had an intimate relationship with “Spooky” Tark.
Ellington "Spooky" Tark: Captain Soul’s right hand man is the intimidating sort of fellow: Tall, silent and deadly. Certainly not the sort of man you’d want to be on the wrong side of.
Soul: Captain of the ship, Soul has recently been separated (due to a certain Giant Space Hiccup) from his fiance, the mother-to-be Serenity. He might not mind, he’s got a lot in his past that needs dealing with.
(Head of) Succatash: Pilot of Destiny’s Shadow. What his story is and why he now exists solely as a head in a jar is unknown… but he does make some small conversation and the odd quip, and that’s all that matters. Right?
Togan Hamrick: Engineer of Destiny’s Shadow and yet, despite what you would think is a grubby job, somehow he always manages to stay clean… which is probably for the best considering he’s an obsessive “neat freak”.

Epsilon/ISSCV (Interstellar Space Cargo Vehicle):
Business man, and possibly weapons dealer, not much of a pilot, but that might be because of his weakness for alcohol – can’t exactly have a pilot DUI now can we?
Needy – Former companion who is haunted by an unearthly being that only he can see. Disguised as Serenity – an old friend – he is told that he must embrace his destiny if he is to save the verse. Cue mental instability.

The Nandi (fighter ship, similar in size to X Wing – seats no more than 2):
“…a fighter pilot and general handywoman. Watch out for her rabbits…”. Currently is leading a search with Needy for the missing Wisp and Vixen.
Wisp: An “Ex military brat” that learned to fend for himself on the streets. Since his time as a teenager he’s got into scrapes as well as provided expertise to shady characters (being the electronics wizard that he is) but now he seems to have put that behind him in favour of thrilling heroics. Well, until an encounter with an old flame didn’t end so well. Currently, the two of them are missing, presumed dead.

Carl Perry:
News Editor, boss of and father-figure to Kyra McTaggert.
Ghost: Shy six-year old girl, practically raised (and protected) by her older brother, Truth. She’s four years younger than her sister Shadow.
Kyra McTaggert: News reporter with a history with Needy. Determined to make amends for the past, she is currently doing whatever she can to find the missing companion who, she believes, was kidnapped by strangers from another world.
Milton Reeve: Was a protégé of Needy at the companion house until Alliance officers arrested him, charging him with being a traitor. Currently locked up at Helo Holding Facility
Payne: Associate of Kyra. He also shares a keen interest in mysterious phenomenon.
Rosie Walker: One of seven plant people, specially grown during a drunken stupor by Wisp. Being a newly formed sentient being, she at times struggles to understand humans.
Shadow: Ten-year old runaway. She is a bit of a tomboy, and as a result gets mistaken for a boy a lot – not that she seems to mind much.
Truth: 15 year old boy. Looks after his younger sisters, protecting them from the world (including their adoptive parents)
Vixen Goddard: A dangerous ex-con who briefly shared a romance with Wisp, until her nasty habit of murdering people drove him away. Needless to say, their recent reunion on Boros wasn’t exactly pretty. She and Wisp are currently missing, presumed dead.


Let me know if you want some details altering/adding.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Saturday, June 24, 2006 9:29 AM


Needy that Feckin' brilliant! Thank you! You just saved me tonights work, and did it better than i ever could! Ok, I'm saving that and we'll post it at the start of each thread. Thats so well done. And the ships! The pretty ships.
Ok, so on with the story!


Saturday, June 24, 2006 9:42 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: Oops, should have said that the pictures of the ships come courtesy of Safe - I just resized them and put them on one pic so that you dont have to scan across the page to see them.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Saturday, June 24, 2006 10:24 AM


Seryn watched the companion nervously, twisted in her seat as she was, his face, the suddenly cold and lifeless eyes seemed to large, to close.
She turned again. Watching him in the reflections on the windows. He continued his calm observation. Stillness that was completely unnnatural took over the cramped interior.

She broke it. Turning with speed that surprised even her, she threw out an arm and caught his head, thumb and forfinger pressing either side of his jaw, forcing his head back against the wall. Hard enough to hopefully get his undivided attention. She pushed down her remorse for treating nim that way, and forced herself to look directly into his eyes.

"Get. A. Grip." A flicker of concern crossed her features. "I don't know what is happening to you... But you need to block it out! Its changing you, and thats frightening me! I don't know who or what it is thats haunting you, but right now our priority is Wisp! He could be hurt down there! he could be drowning as we speak! Control It, banish it. Even if it can't last, right now Needy we need you here!"

The vacant expression continued, eyes staring at things that didn't exist. then the gaze shifted, and a hint of allarm entered his expression.

She could have sang with the relief. But his face took on a look of absolute horror.


"Oh thank the gods Needy, your back with me, jeeze I could...."

"SERYN! Waterfall!"

She turned, just in time to see the water ahead disapppear, and feel the bottom drop out of the fighter. OH... I hate that bit.

Twisting back in her seat she found the controls and took the Nandi out of auto-pilot. She pulled up hard, skimming the mist at the base of the fall and levelling them out a few meters above ground again.ok, no big deal...

"So I can sit and emote my little heart out, but it takes a plunge over the edge to snap you out of it?" She looked at him over her shoulder "Typical, adrenaline junky."
She smiled.

No, I heard you, and I was... you've no idea whats happening to me... I keep seeing her..."

He stopped and leaned forward, fingers white around a side handle.

A few meters away, clinging to brush thrown out by the river, was a dark shape, human sized and wet through.

Pulling the Nandi over to a sand bar, she popped the hatch and both of them where out in moments.

It wasn't Wisp. Even in torn and misshapen clothing, the small frame and rounded curves were evident. Needy knelt and smoothed Vixens hair away from her face. She was pale, dark bruises showed all over her arms and stomach, a large one decorating her forhead and disappearing under her hairline. One blue lip bled slighly, bright red, fresh, a good sign, in a manner of speaking. He checked her pulse, but Seryn could already tell from the rise and fall of her chest that she was alive.
She moved to retriev the med kit and her coat from the Nandi, they hadn't even bought blankets.

"Has she broken anything? "

"Apart from possibly her arm, no." She looks beat up, but whole." He pulled a brace from the kit and secured it around her neck, then carefully splinted and bandaged the swollen arm.
"I think its just a case of getting hersomewhere warm and dry"
He picked her up and between them they got her into the Nandi, curled up and wedged between them.

Seryn bit her lip. "We're loosing the light, we can't go near the campsite yet. We sweep the rest down stream, look for Wisp Until we can't see anything. Then we head for town and find her some medical attention. We return at first light to find Wisp."

She met his look in the reflection on the window. Then started the engines and resumed the search.

(ooc - oooooh, moody or what! Ok, I tried to write more of what was going on in your head Needy, but everything iwrote just sounded wrong. So if you what to do your own take on those events, feel free. I wanted to bring Vixen back in, but we'll leave Wisp lost until we get the go ahead to find him. April can make her mind up as to whether the girls (and Truth) have found him, or if there were just lots of guys dropping out of the sky that day. (I like this planet if thats the case!)


Saturday, June 24, 2006 2:41 PM


OOC: Not been following this as well as I should have but I'll do my best.

His eyes jerked open to be assaulted by the brilliant dim lights emanating from the cockpit control board. His ears rang with the deafening roar of the soft electronic hum of the air recyc units.

His eyes clamped shut again and he fell off the chair and hit his head on the central control column before passing out again.

Sometime later his eyes jerked open and he realised he had a hangover. He had the mother, father, brother, sister and drunken aunt of all hangovers.

What had he been up to last night? He tried to cast his mind back to the last thing he could remember, some bastard cutting his umbilical cord. He decided to take stock, despite his last memory being his birth he was fairly certain he wasn't a baby, though he may, indeed, need a nappy.
He decided that the best way to start to find out where he'd been was to find out where he was, and where he was, was hanging upside down with his left foot tangled in a pilot seat restraint and his face pressed against a scanner screen. He deduced that he was in a spaceships cockpit; A spaceship that was careening across interplanetary space with zero expertise at the helm.
He had the strange feeling that his life was beginning to take a turn for the better.

He struggled for a moment before one of his flailing limbs hit the restraint release and he was ejected out of his precarious position into a slightly more stable, if less comfortable, heap on the floor. ‘So’ He thought to himself, ‘where am I now?’
He rested a moment before attempting to answer the questions that had plagued man-kind since the moment they had crawled out of the primeval ooze and invented the filofax: Who am I? Where am I? Where am I going? and how much did I have to drink last night?
No Idea, No Idea, No Idea and a lot.
He crawled back into the seat, this time managing to heave himself up onto the chair the right way up this time. He scanned the controls and readouts and lamented that the company had built in some major design flaws when they made all the controls and readouts too blurry to read.
Or maybe it was his eyes? He rubbed them to make sure and noticed with some satisfaction that the controls came into focus.

So where he was, was in the cockpit of a spaceship in the middle of nowhere, and judging by the flight path they were going nowhere. Why they’d be travelling with such urgency to get from nowhere to nowhere completely eluded him, but for the moment he decided it would probably be best to concentrate on the matter at hand, who the hell he was. He decided to take stock again. What did he know? He knew that he’d been born and the prospect of having his hitherto only life line cut had, at the time, filled him with unbridled rage. He knew he was on a fuzzy spaceship that was careening with great urgency at great speed to get nowhere in particular. He had to admit that it wasn’t a great deal to go on, but he had managed to work out he had a hangover with nothing more than the pounding in his head to go on.
First he had to try and regain some more of his memory, and for that he did have a starting point. He knew he had got fabulously drunk.
He toyed with the idea of looking for the Policewoman’s hat and suspenders and the traffic cone, if he had gotten drunk enough to wipe his entire memory clean and find his way on to an express ship to nowhere he surely must have gotten drunk enough to have gained an inexplicable pair of Policewoman’s suspenders and a traffic cone. Unfortunatly such a course of action would do little to help him in his current situation, no matter how much fun it may be.

He absent mindedly put his feet up on the control console, hitting a number of buttons; in responce the ship lurched and began to make what, if it was in a planets orbit, would be a dramatic death dive. Of course the ship wasn’t in a planets orbit, so what would have been a dramatic death dive was in fact a sickening lurching zig zagging path to nowhere. All the same such a course wasn’t cogent for keeping ones lunch down at the best of times, especially when one’s previous lunch, dinner and between meal snacks were of the liquid variety.
He thrashed about at the controls and managed to shift the craft from its currently insane meaningless course to the infinitely better merely meaningless course.

Then like a tidal wave of Elephant vomit it hit him. Like any interstellar craft this vessel was sure to have some sort of onboard computer, an onboard computer that was sure to have a crew manifest, a passenger list or at the very least a drinks menu. He leaned back in the co pilots chair and drew a deep breath.

“Crahger-ireck-murrrgh” he started. He cleared his throat and managed a tentative whisper “Graerick erk” Obviously his voice was a little new to the power of speech this morning. He persevered and eventually managed to crackle a short sentence.

“Hello computer.” He finally uttered. His gargantuan effort was greeted by the soft deafening beeping of the automatic pilot. “Hello computer?” he tried once more.

Again, silence. He scratched around the control panel before coming across a microphone, pulling it from its cradle he lifted it to his lips. “Hello Computer” he said hitting the transmit button, his voice boomed around the cabin. ‘Finally’ he thought wincing, ‘I’m getting somewhere’. Again his efforts were met with silence; ‘Well’ He mused ‘obviously this computer is not voice activated.’
He scratched around for a bit longer before pulling a keyboard out from under the control panel, “A keyboard.” He muttered cracking his knuckles “how quaint.”

After a few minutes of fevered typing the VDU screen politely informed him that it had had enough and exploded. Back to square one.

So what did he know now? He had a hangover of such a great magnitude he could deduce that last night must have been a night to end all nights, he had managed to erase a lifetime of memories and get seconded to a rust-bucket express train to nowhere. He still, of course, was unclear as too why this ships was in such a hurry to leave the middle of nowhere behind for the dizzy delights of the quite spot just beyond.

It was at this moment, quite to his consternation, that the proximity warning bared to life pounding his already feebled brain with the information that a large heavily armoured Alliance strike cruiser was bearing down on them.

“Well” He said to no one in particular. “At least I’ve solved the mystery as to why we’re desperately going nowhere so fast.”

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Sunday, June 25, 2006 4:44 PM


Safe scrambled back trough the air lock, closing the door behind him. ‘Ruttin’ piece of goe se’ Safe thought as he waited impatiently for the lock to pressurize.

When they had taken off from planet side, the Alliance were closer than expected. The ejection of the Epsilons tagged Nav-Com ended up being one glitch after another. Everything that could go wrong went wrong in spades.

The repaired engine jammed and they had barely made it to the black. Then Safe had to go out and manually eject the Nav-com and try to fix the engine. They had barely managed to evade the pursuing Alliance, which had thankfully taken the bait of the ejected Nav-com, when the engine jammed again.

Safe hoped that that was the last space walk he’d have to do for a long time. The buzzer sounded indicating that pressurization was complete. Safe removed his helmet and opened the door.

HELLO COMPUTER” Citizens voice boomed through the cabin.

After the silence of the space walk, where the only sound he had was his own breathing and the beat of his heart, the sudden noise near deafened Safe.

Rushing to the cockpit where Citizen was casting about frantically, Safe is stunned by the sight that fills the windshield. A large heavily armoured Alliance strike cruiser was bearing down on them.

“Oh Shi...”

OOC: Excellent work Needy!! Very cool to see all the ships together.
Citizen, I hope this helps. You're with Safe and Rosie(?) in the Epsilon.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Monday, June 26, 2006 7:46 AM


The Epsilon leaving Boros:

“Safe!! Thank the stars!! I thought I was alone out here. While I may know my way around a business deal, and I am handy at knowing what to do with the business end of various armaments and things what go boom, I am hopelessly lost when it comes to flying. Plus, we’ve got company.” Citizen says, rubbing the growing bruise on his forehead.

“I can see that. Have they hailed us yet?”

“Not that I know of, but I just recently woke up.”

Safe drops into the pilots chair and flicks off the auto-pilot. Looking over at Citizen, Safe takes in the other mans growing bruise, smoking keyboard and the greenish tinge to his skin. “You alright?”

“Umm… I’ll get back to you on that.” Citizen manages a weak smile. “Listen, I remember bits and pieces.

A pair of boots are propped on the consol. Safe drops into the pilots chair and looks over at the owner of the boots. Citizen, his hands folded behind his heads, nods casually at Safe. “You still owe me, Y’know. Besides, I never really liked Boros.”
The rest is all black. I do remember that we had to ditch the Nav-com. Have you done that yet?”

“About 10 minutes ago, why?”

“Oh, nothing” Citizen says casually “I just added a little something to the Nav-com when Grunt was finished.”

“You WHAT?? What did you add?? I had all manner of trouble ejecting it. Don’t tell me that was your fault.” Safe scowls at Citizen.

“Hey, whoa there fella.” Citizen says holding up his hands. “I just added a… small… explosive rigged to a proximity sensor.”

“Meaning what exactly??” Safe continues to scowl at him.

“Lets just say that once the Alliance pigdogs get close enough to figure out your ruse, they’ll also be close enough to fully appreciate the effects of my explosive…”

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, June 28, 2006 9:26 AM


OOC Update:

I am trying to write a post for my characters, it's just taking awhile. I won't be able to get back on till later tomorrow cause we are goingn to Orlando, and Sea World. I will attempt to get something written but it might not be till Saturday night or Sunday till I can post something. (I'm borrowing my aunt's laptop and internet access when i can). Oh yeah anyone is welcome to use the Carson's.

I'm saying the trio did find Wisp.

Sorry i haven't been able to update.

See Ya'll and have fun.



Thursday, June 29, 2006 7:45 AM


Safe moves the yoke around expertly in relative silence, a look of concentration on his face. He stops abruptly and looks up as if in deep thought. “I hear crickets. Do you hear crickets?” He pauses again, listening intently. “Yup, definitely crickets.” He looks over at Citizen who shakes his head, causing his large black pompadour, fake glasses with the spring eyes and large black handlebar moustache to all wiggle about.

Safe dissolves into laughter. Citizen shrugs his shoulder in mock surprise “Wha..?” he says nearly spitting out his large fake buck teeth.

Safe recovers enough to look back. Where there should be a number of people bustling about filming and recording and most importantly writing, there were only the cameras, still running but operator less. Where was everybody?

Safe throws his hands in the air and storms off the set “#X@# Union!!! I’ll be in my trailer!!”

Sorry, it popped into my head and I thought it was funny

End OOC.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, June 29, 2006 9:52 AM


OOC - very funny. Hmmmmm, a thread with outtakes. It has potential...

I'm sorry ihavent posted, i'd been waiting for needy to post, but i'll post tonight if he doesn't turn up in the meantime


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 7:30 AM


OOC: *peeks out of his trailer and still sees no movement in the filming dept. Everyone seems to be waiting on the script.*

*Sighs and returns to his couch in front of a bank of TV's, playing various space films and shows, with an arm load of cold drinks for the others.*

That's what one would call a bump, a fancy, long winded bump mind you, but a bump nonetheless.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 10:40 AM


ooc - *storms though dormant set, throwing massive diva tantrum*

Where is Needy? Has anyone seen him? I tell you I wont work in these conditions! You tell Needy to get back soon or we're replacing him with Inflatable Irma!

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Tuesday, July 4, 2006 1:13 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
Where is Needy? Has anyone seen him? I tell you I wont work in these conditions! You tell Needy to get back soon or we're replacing him with Inflatable Irma!

ooc: Hides Irma. Jealously.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Sunday, July 9, 2006 11:32 PM


Seryn leaned against her forhead agaisnt the bars, hands gripping them loosely.

"why me?"

Their search for wisp had been absolutely pointless. They'd retraced their rout, tried to make sense of the currents and the innumerable river-ette that rand off the main course. In the end the light had left them, and it had seemed prudent to get Vixen to a doctor - the only thing worse that Vixen attitude problem would have been that attitude problem justified.

She turned and kicked the prone girl. She'd been checked over and bandaged up, but was still out cold.

Needy had freaked out again. He sat now on the low bench, limbs strangely stiff, skin pale and plasticky, a shocked expression on his face way out of proportion to the events.

She turned back to the room beyond their cell. What had gone wrong?
They'd stopped at the edge of town and hidden the Nandi as best they could. In the streets, the local nightlife had been in full swing. The first drunk thrown at them had given them directions to the nearest medical facility - a badly built pile of crap attatched to the side of a doctors house.

From accross the patrol room the Doctor eyed her nervously, fingering the lobe of his ear where it stuck out from the bandage.

Knocking had produced little answer, yelling had evidently only got him to call the sherrif out. When he had answered, he'd tried to fob them with the 'if she's not dead by morning...' line.

"Well! What was I supposed to have done?" Seryn thought to herself.

"Well, you could have not bitten him..."

"He annoyed me! It was an impulse."

"yes, but you didn't exactly break anything restraining yourself."

"Shut up."

She changed tack, gripping the bars she rattled them all she could. the effect was dissapointing, but it still earned her a whack on the knuckles from the deputy guarding them.

He smirked at her, mean piggy eyes squinting from a face that was fond of the home cooking. She resisted the urge to shake her stinging fingers, and folding her arms across her midsection, glared at him cooly.

"you go girl!"

"Hush up"

The stare out lasted five minutes until tubby was replaced by his superior officer.
This one looked completely diffent - she doubted he did home cooking. he looked more like he wrestled wild animals with his bare hands, lunch was on the looser. She imagined him sitting at home bouncing coins off his abs.

All in all, her ineer voice warned her, not the kind of guy its wise to mess around.

"Hello Tarzan." She grinned "What can i do for you then?"

He raised a lone eyebrow "Strange question to be asking from that side of the lock?"

"No, very pertinent question, really. What am i doing in here, and what can I be doing to get out?

"Oh i'm afraid theres very little hope of that darling. Even if you hadn't savagely attacked the MD, you're harbouring... attempting to aid, no less, a known criminal"

For a moment her grin slipped, but he only seemed more amused.

"But if the doctor there doesn't press charges, and you behave like a good girl, you could be out... soon enough"

"And the others?"

He tilted his head to regard Needy and Vixen "He can go whenever he comes down from whatever it is he's taken. As for her, she stays with us." He laughed at her expression, and she scowled even more "what? you actually care about what happens to her?"

"Not so much care... but someone needs to give her a hard time, and really, I rather that pleasure where mine"

"And my pleasure?"

She grinned again, then pulled herself up so that her mouth was near his.

"Can be found elsware - she's a criminal, and you already know i'm a biter."

He laughed, stepped back and away to his other work. And she turned to kick Vixen once more, only to see that the girl was awake and watching her.

"So we're screwed then?"

"Pretty much."

ooc - ok, people, hang on in there, Needy, man of copious plots, is not ignoring us, he can't get back onto the site since the server meltdown!


Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:37 AM


On the Epsilon:

“Unknown shuttle, you are ordered to follow the docking coordinates.” The voice blared over the Epsilon’s radio validating the sinking feeling in Safe had in his stomach the moment he had seen the cruiser.

“Gos-se! They couldn’t not follow procedure just this once?” Safe muttered, then out loud “Roger tower, following your coordinates.”

“Can’t we just out run them Safe?”

A resigned Safe turns to Citizen, “When I said I fixed the engine, I was using the term loosely...”

Docking completed Safe releases the controls and standing, dries his hands on his pants. Turning to Citizen he says, “Let’s go meet our guests shall we?”

As they walk to the back of the ship, Safe snags a ball cap and puts it on, pulling it down tight over his eyes. As they pass Rosie, Safe notices that she appeared to be hibernating. He lets out a guilty sigh of relief. At least he wouldn’t have to explain a talking plant. He wondered if space travel was taking its toll on her and made a mental note to get her planet side, if he made it out of this.

The air lock hissed as it pressurized and the door slid open to reveal an Alliance officer, holding a clipboard with a retinal scanner, and three soldiers. The officer had salt and pepper short hair and a sun drenched weather beaten face. The soldiers, by contrast, were young and mean looking.

“State the nature of your business.” The officer says not looking up from his clip board.

Safe looks sideways at Citizen, pulling the beak of his hat down lower.

Taking Safes cue, Citizen pipes up, “I had a business deal on Persephone. The Hwoon dahn didn’t have the funds agreed upon, so he “gave” me his ship in payment. I hired a pilot to fly it back. Had I known what a pile of Gos-se it was, I’dve asked for more. Needless to say he won’t be getting anymore business from me.”

The officer takes notes, never once looks up from his clipboard. The man clearly had no interest in his job. The soldiers, on the other hand, glowered and sneered at Safe and Citizen. They seemed to take offence to Citizens cocky swagger and Safes stony silence.

“Eyes to the scanner please.” The officer intones.

Citizen steps up and looks into the scanner.

“Mr. Citizen,” the officer says, finally looking up from the readout on the scanner. “Not much off planet business this year?”

Citizen shrugs, “Enh…bad year.”

“You’re next sir.” The officer says turning to Safe.

“I don’t think so” Safe says quietly not looking up, arms folded across his chest, hands hidden under his jacket.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 4:28 PM


On the Epsilon:

The Officer’s eyes widen in shock then recognition.

Anticipating this reaction, Citizen sidles up to the Officer, disguising his intent with a cocky smile and a pat on the Officers back. This movement hides the opening of Citizens jacket to deliberately expose a vial of what is unmistakably explosive.

Safe looks the Officer in the eye. Recognition flashes briefly across his face as well, but it neither inspires him to uncross his arms nor relax his stance.

A tense moment passes and then the Officer gives an almost unperceivable shake of his head. Safe uncrosses his arms and lets them hang at his sides, his hands empty. Citizen looks at Safe confused.

“Let’s do this quickly. Your boys are getting a mite twitchy.” Safe says quietly to the Officer. The three young guards indeed looked like they suspected something was up. Their eyes keep flitting from the officer to Safe and back again.

The Officer clears his throat “Please step up to the scanner sir”. Safe obliges this time, but when the scanner obscures the Guards view of his face, he closes his eyes.

The word ERROR appears on the readout. The Officer presses a few buttons and it is erased quickly. “Thank-you… Mr. Smith.” He says winking at Safe. Turning to a still confused Citizen the Officer says “I’m sure we’ve wasted enough of each others time, Mr. Citizen. All seems to be in order. You have a safe decent to Boros.”

“Ok men; let’s go see why one of our cruisers is sending a distress signal.” The Officer turns and levels an accusing stare at Safe and Citizen as he waves the three still suspicious guards out of the room.

Citizen shrugs his shoulders innocently and Safe grins back at the Officer then salutes him.

The Officer returns the salute with a warm smile then turns and walks out of the room.

“What the hell happened back there?!?” Citizen exclaims as Safe pilots the Epsilon away from the Alliance cruiser. “I thought we were humped for sure!”

“That was my old flight instructor, Cliff Richards”

“But he’s still Alliance! It’s been my experience that all Alliance were the same… Why’d he let us go? I thought you were wanted.”

“The Alliance wasn’t always what it is today” Safe says sadly. “It’s good to know there are still some decent people in there.” Shaking his head to clear his mood, Safe shoots Citizen a sideways look. “I’m ex-Alliance. Would you clump me in with them?”

“Well… ummm…” Citizen actually seems flustered and quickly changes the subject “Why are we going back to Boros?”

“I’m not looking to get Richards into any more trouble. He said that was our destination, so that’s where we’re going. Besides, we need to find a “quiet” garage to hire repairs. I’ll radio Soul when we’re planet-side to see if he’s heard from Seryn yet.” Safe says struggling with the controls as they break atmo.

“Leave the shop to me.” Citizen says.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, July 14, 2006 4:12 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

“I’m sorry Kyra, I don’t think I can” Carl speaks softly to the screen in front of him.

On the other end of the call, Kyra starts to get angry – the one person she thought would come through for her was letting her down. “What do you mean you can’t? You said if there was anything, anything at all that I needed… well I need this now”

“It’s not as simple as that…”

“It’s certainly not about having the authority, you’ve bragged so many times about your friends in high places. Where’s your influence now?”

“Kyra. Listen to me. This is completely different. You’re talking about setting a criminal free, one of great importance apparently.”

“Firstly he’s not a criminal, and secondly he’s not all that important. The only reason the Alliance want him is because they’re looking for a renegade crew or something. Milton has nothing to do with it. He’s being held there for no reason, just so the Alliance can say they have a suspect in custody.”

“There you have it, he is a suspect, innocent or not. Even if I could somehow influence Leon down at Helo to let him go, it’d just cause more trouble. And might I remind you that I can’t afford to have Alliance breathing down my neck. I could lose my job, if not worse.”

“There you go, always thinking of yourself”

“Dammit Kyra, you know I’m not thinking of myself. I have a family, a newborn girl. I’m not going to throw it away so that you can feel better about yourself. Make amends some other way.”

“It’s not right what they’re doing to him”

“No, it’s not. And I’m sorry. But I can’t get involved.”

With that, Carl disconnects the call, leaving Kyra furious as she finally leaves the prison grounds.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Friday, July 14, 2006 4:12 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Clayton Payne alternated between scratching his ear and looking at his watch as he waited for Kyra to return.
Time was of the essence and she sure was taking her sweet time. What the hell is taking her so long? he thought to himself as he glanced again at the time.

Visiting Helo wasn’t his idea but knowing Kyra’s personal connection to both Milton and the missing companion, he didn’t have the heart to tell her no.
But now, the visit could be costing them discovering the truth.
Only ten minutes ago, Payne had received an unexpected call…

“Hello?” he had answered it.

The caller on the other end was a young lad named Steven, someone the two of them had interviewed not too long ago. Steven may have only been thirteen years old, and some would hesitate to believe him, but the story he told was not one Kyra and Clayton could afford to ignore.
He had seen the rebels arrive, long before they made their presence known – they had practically landed at the back of his parent’s house. His testimony and descriptions of the rebels in question had proven valuable to the pair of reporters… especially since he had not divulged the information to the untrustworthy Alliance.
“Mr Payne…” the teenager started, before hesitating as he thought about how to continue
“What is it Steven?”
“I think they’re here again”
“Who?” Clayton had asked with concern.
“Them… the ones you were looking for”
Clayton paused as he considered the full implication. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah. Same thing happened like before, only…”
“The weird stuff that was happening in the skies the past few nights. I think it was them trying to get back. And it’s not just me – others have seen it too”
“Where? Where are they?”
“They keep moving. Some say they’ve stayed near the campsite, but they must have moved again”
“Cos I’m not at the campsite, and look…”
Clayton had watched whilst Steven clicked a button on his mobile cortex which brought up a short clip of recorded footage. The video had showed a ship taking off to the skies. Although the footage was shaky, the image was clear enough to make out – the ship that was taking off was the same cargo ship that had been stolen on the day of Needy’s disappearance.
“I don’t understand.” Clayton admitted. “Has the ship left already?”
“Maybe, I haven’t seen it again since, but its not the only ship they’ve brought.”
“There’s two, maybe three, more that arrived with it. We’ve just spotted one, looks like a fighter, flying over Apollo’s Bank. We’re heading down there now”
“No Steven. It might not be safe.”
“I’m not missing this”
“Just wait Steven. Wait till we get there. We’re on our way now”
“I’m not waiting for you. I just wanted to let you know they’re back. I might see you down there”
With that, the boy had hung up.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Friday, July 14, 2006 4:13 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

“C’mon Kyra” Clayton muttered through clenched teeth.
Just then, he spotted her leave the building and head towards him.
“About time too” he told himself, as he got into the pilot’s seat of the Copter.
She began to jog towards him as she noticed his impatience.
“C’mon we gotta go.” He told her
She heard him but then turned her head back to look behind her.
“What?” he asked
She frowned as she struggled to make a decision.
“What is it?” he repeated, this time sounding more annoyed with her hesitance.
“Milton. I can’t just leave him here”
“What are you talking about? You said Perry would take care of that.”
“Obviously not. We’re on our own.”
“So, what? You gonna break him out?” Clayton asked incredulously.
“I was joking”
“Well, I can’t leave him there.”
“He’s not going anywhere. But we’ve got to move.” He told her plainly
Kyra looked up at him with sombre eyes.
“This may be our only opportunity to find the evidence we need.”
A story was the last thing on her mind at the minute, she was too worried about what was to become of Milton. The Alliance are not forgiving, especially when they are made to look like fools. If Milton was assured of one thing, it was that they would come down hard on him, make him an example. She couldn’t live with that. She needed to do something. “Screw the story.” she resolved as she looked away again, towards Helo.
Clayton could tell she was having second thoughts. He knew that ever since the companion had been kidnapped, and his apprentice arrested, her mind had been elsewhere. Her job was secondary to her search for answers, her search for redemption. Finding the kidnapped companion and making amends with the past was her main goal now.
He could be out there.” Clayton blurted, knowing full well that Kyra would understand who he was referring to. “Yes it was a cheap shot” Clayton thought to himself, “but the companion-angle is the only way she’ll come. And even if he isn’t there, these rebels that took him will know where he is”

Her eyes glazed over as she was overcome with emotion. But a reporter doesn’t show emotion. A reporter needs to be cold and merciless. Feelings get in the way of telling the story. That’s probably why she was a bad reporter.
A tear rolled down her cheek as a whispered name floated off her tongue, “Bernie”.
Quickly wiping her face with her hand to hide evidence of emotion, she turned once more to face Clayton.
“Okay… let’s go”

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Saturday, July 15, 2006 1:49 AM




He looked better now, but his silence was still worrying her.

Against all her better instincts, she'd sat quiet and behaved, It was beginning to make her antsy. She hoped she'd hidden the Nandi well enough. it wouldn't stay hidden from detectors, but hopefully from casual observance.

mind you, that was useless.

Needy was still off the hook, and though Vixen was awake, her enitre hide was slowly turning purple. she struggled to crwl, so running wasn't going to happen.

she crossed to the bars, stared at her gunbelt locked in a mesh cage, the device Safe had given her to recall them dangling from it.

(ooc - i'll complete this later, i have to go!)

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 6:17 AM


Sorry for the delay. The power has been out for the last two days due to the storm and work is crazy busy. Plus the nights I'm not playing softball, my girls are playing soccer.

Now that the power is back, I'll try to plug away tonight. I was hoping Citizen would post first.

Safeat2nd, Doing his best headless chicken impersonation and failing miserably...


Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:09 AM


Hours seemed to pass, but she knew they hadn't really. Deputy doofus has only suggested food twice.

She wished he'd shut up. he at least had the option of walking out and getting something.

Vixen had managed to get herself up, and was sat on the low bench next to Needy. They'd attempted converstaion, but it hadn't lasted. There wasn't much to say. Wisp was lost, they were stuck here at the pleasure of the local police force.

"do you think we could get something to eat? we're starving in here!"

Doofus grunted. The sherrif looked at her then sighed.

"Sure, what do you want?"
"oh? Baked jacket potatoes maybe, cream cheese, maybe chinese dumplings?"
"give me a few minutes"
He disappeared, the heard the shifting of boxes in rooms off the corridor, then he returned. She'd already fixed her unamused face in position. "har har".
He grinned, shoved the foil wrapped ration bars through the cell bars.
She turned and threw a couple to Vixen who tore the wrappers off vigorously. "Say, when i get out of here..."

"when i get out of here, how would you feel about meeting up?"
"meeting, you trying to proposition me or something? if you think thats going to get you lenien...."
"oh don't flatter yourself chump, I just wanted the fair and equal opportunity to really hurt you."
He laughed, a scoffing, disbelieving laugh "you? hurt me? He looked her over "you'd be no more trouble to me than a gnat"
"yeah, gnats can bite"
"well, we've already had enough proof of that ability. but i don't think you have anything else to add."
"oh you never know, when i loath someone enough..." as quickly as she couldshe brought her arm back and attempted to punch him low in the kidneys, her eyes on the key chain on his belt. Quicker, her caught her hand and forced it back against the horizontal bar.
"Enough! What will it take to get us out of here?"
"You are free to go, the md isn't pressing, just as soon as i've finished those papers over there, you're a free woman."
"and the others?"
"the lad can go with you, he 's done nothing" he looked over at the seated companion "literally.
The girl is goig to an Alliance holding facility, some of her adventures were outside my jurisdiction"
"you can't do that! She's a petty theif gorramit! Alliance don't concern themselves with petty criminals! You have to let her go!"
He held his hands up and walked away. she could have screamed.

She turned to Needy and Vixen, "we have to get out of here! now, you go to alliance holding theres no hope of getting you out. Needy! Needy wake up!

Vixens eyes widened, and the clank and screech of the cell door made her turn. Doofus stood in the doorway. "Ms Vixens ride is here."

With out even realising, Seryn launched herself at the guards, blind panic muting all thoughtt except one, that the Sherrifs name badge read A. Huxley, and it glinted slightly as he swung to knock her out with the butt of his gun.

She awoke later. The door stood open, Needy knelt over her, worry in the tone of his voice.

"on her way to the holding facility"
"we have to get her out."
"yes, we do."
"Why. Why do we have to?"
"because it sound like the sort of stupid thing we would do."
She shakily gained her feet, and they walked out towardsthe desks.
Staring the sherrif in the eye, she retrieved her belongings from the table top.
Slowly she buckled on her gunbelts, using the movements to press the recal device unnoticed.

At the door she gave up fighting the impulse, and turned round. It was stupid and childish but it had to be done. "You are so dead"

The sherrif just grinned.


Friday, July 21, 2006 5:19 PM


Once the Epsilon broke atmo, Citizen set to work finding an off-the-beaten-path shop for repairs.

After some considerable negotiations, Citizen disconnects from the cortex and wearily slides the headset off his head.

“Well I found one…”

“Yeah?” Safe says through gritted teeth. He didn’t dare look over at Citizen. It was taking all his effort to keep the Epsilon on an even keel.

“Yeah. He does good work and doesn’t ask any questions, but…”

“But? But what??”

“It’s not gonna be cheap. Luckily for us, though, you two have something in common.” Citizen stares pointedly at Safe.

“How’s that?”

“You both owe me...” Citizen leans back with a self-satisfied smirk, linking his hands behind his head.

Citizen’s smirking is interrupted by a chime and a flashing light on the consol. He starts upright in his seat.

“What’s that?? Are we crashing?? Please tell me we’re not crashing!!”
“No, We’re not crashing.” Safe grunts “That’s Seryn’s signal.”
“Oh... I knew that. So no emergency, no crashing right?”
“To tell you the truth, I wasn’t expecting to be signaled so soon.”
“You think something’s up?”
“I hope not, but my instinct says otherwise”

Safeat2nd, Better late than never right?


Monday, July 24, 2006 4:26 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

A blue light flooded the hospital room. Two Neon tubes were held aloft on the roof of the room giving off an uncomfortabley bright aura.

The rooms only patient though didnt mind.

Three doctors walked into the room and the first (obviously the superior)Picked up a tablet computer from the end of the bed and scanned its contents.

"Dr Chou Your presenting"

"John Doe roughly aged 18. Brought in coding but was ressucitated. Broken bones have healed however patient is still in a coma"

"why is he JD?? Doesnt the core have his records???"

"Classified level 5"

"Well,Very good he's breathing on his own so just watch in case he comes round "

The doctors left leaving the young man with dark hair and a scar on his left cheek.

ooc-Not back yet but closer loving the plots


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 1:37 PM


A bottle of rum sat on the rough wooden table. At least the bottle said it was rum. She had a sneaking suspicion it was actually sheep dip.
But at that point in time, she couldn't care less.
She wasn't good with head injuries. Fainting wasn't all that fun if you wern't wearing a pretty dress in a room full of cute firemen, and she figured that staggering drunk was eisier to deal with than staggering sober.

Perhaps it was the pirate in her talking.

Needy leaned over the bottle and took a sniff, recoiled, and went back to his own drink. She couldn't remember what is was. Well, of course she couldn't remember, as she'd not seen what he ordered.

For the last hour she'd been laid out on the bench of a dingy little bar, the table blocking her view of everything but the butt cleavage of some guy accross the room. Needy was sat next to her, doing a wonderfull job of monitoring her boots.laid as they were, accross his lap. A bemuses smile lingered on his face, but he didn't say anything.

The boots were important. She'd once managed to loose them while drunk.

That was not to happen again.

"How long since we got out of the jail?"
"Several hours"
"And since we pressed the recall button?"
"Also several hours, i don't know, i didn't really monitor the clocks."
"Should we have gone back to the Nandi after all?"I don't know why i thought it was a bad idea now."
"No, i think we should stay here. The idea of leaving town now didn't seem right to me either"
"I wonder what became of Wisp."
He looked down at her, and tried his best encouraging grin "we'll find him, i don't believe he's..."
"Are my boots still there?"
He sighed "yes, they're still there, they're fantastic boots, really, i'm taking good care of them"
"thank you, you are wonderful...

could you just check inside and see if my feet are still there?"


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 2:54 AM


The mechanic was a bit of a surprise. The easiest description that came to mind was “hick”. He was a clean cut, farm boy with an easy smile. At six foot two, he looked like he’d be more at home fixing tractors than transports, but Citizen had vouched for his work and with Safe’s experience with Citizen… that was good enough for him.

Having sent messages to Soul and the Dagger, Safe left Citizen to the negotiations. Safe then followed the mechanics directions to find the place to rent a hover-mule. The “Carson’s” place, he said, was about a Kilometer down the road. It was quite apparent by the way the mechanic had literally spit the name out, that he had no love for these people, but as they were the only ones with a hover-mule for rent, there really was no other choice.

As Safe turned down the dirt lane to the Carson’s place, he was beginning to understand the mechanics hesitation to use these people. The front of the ramshackle, what looked to be a ranch at one time, building was littered with hover-mules in various stages of disrepair. The sound of a heated argument came from inside the building.

Not wanting to walk into the middle of a domestic squabble, Safe stops at the foot of the front porch. “Hello?”

The screaming and yelling stopped like a switch was thrown and a man’s voice calls out “What do y’want?”

“The mechanic up the road said I could rent a hover-mule here. Is this the Carson place?”

At that, the front door is flung open and an overweight balding man steps out followed by a thin shrill looking woman sporting a black eye, her left arm hanging limp at her side. The man slicks back his remaining hair, adjusts his cheap suit jacket and smiles a wide crocodile smile, showing off his gold tooth. “Rube sent you?? Well then… seems that hayseed… er … respected business man has a nose fer business after all. What can I do fer you?”

Safe gritted his teeth. This man set his nerves on edge. It was all he could do to stop from punching that gold tooth down the other man’s throat. Taking a deep breath and making sure to unclench his hands, Safe addressed the man. “Mr. Carson I presume?” Safe didn’t offer his hand. “I’m looking for a hover-mule to run… errands in town. I need it big enough to haul supplies and crew members.”

“Well then, you’ve come ta the right place. Follow me.”

During the brief tour, the woman’s eyes keep darting to the woods behind the house, like a hawk watching for a mouse. Her eyes would then dart back at Safe and slide over him from head to toe. Safe felt greasy, when under her scrutiny.

Tuning Mr. Carson out, Safe chose the hover-mule in the best repair that would suit his purposes and quickly closed the deal. When Mr. Carson offered his hand to close the deal Safe just glared at him, making no move, again, to raise his hand.

Finally away from that place Safe piloted the mule back to town. ‘What are they hiding back there?’ he wondered, then vowed to have a quick shower as soon as he got back to Epsilon to wash off the Carsons.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 2:57 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

It had been hours since Needy and Seryn were in the Nandi, searching for their missing friends; hours since Needy started to lose control. But even now it still felt like the world was spinning around him – a ship caught in a tailspin, hurtling towards a planet’s surface, with him at the pilot’s seat unable to pull out of it.
Out of control; out of his body; out of his mind.

Sounds and images bombarded him, as if his life was flashing before his eyes and his time was almost up.

From the perspective of a person looking on, they couldn’t have guessed what was going on in the companion’s mind. Although the vacant expression on his face testified to the fact that he was “out of it” - this wasn’t such a simple daze. This was a mind-trip, pure and simple. A reality-bending hallucination that took him on a journey through what was real and unreal, past and present - the line between such being impossible to determine.
It started simply like this:

He could sense the being by his side, whilst hearing from a distance the words of Seryn as she had spoken to him. Although he would slip in and out of his trance-like state, a part of him felt that he was no longer there with Seryn, but that his consciousness was now being divided between two worlds – the seen and the unseen.
The being would not leave him, even when it was out of sight; it was not out of mind. It was a lingering presence. But soon, even that fact didn’t bother him, as it too faded into the background.
Soon other people - who existed only in the companion’s memory - took up residence in his mind

These voices from his past drowned all other thoughts out, and reminded him of events that led him to where he was today.

" what you want... you've never been anything more than a disappointment..."
"...she used you..."
"'ve betrayed the trust of everyone..."
" can't save her..."
" matter what you'll never..."

The memories had come flooding back to him. Memories of past loves; past disappointments - those left behind. Memories he wished he could forget. And some memories that had been forgotten, that had been locked away.
Answers to questions he had sought for were buried deep within his subconscious.
He knew who the other Needy was, the one who had joined the crew of Sereni-Tree long before his arrival.
He knew the true identity of the being, the one that disguised itself as Serenity.
And he knew what mission it had in store for him – the reason why he was brought back from the brink of death.
If only he could warn...
The answers that he had just discovered were suddenly blasted from his mind, as a gunshot shattered all other thoughts.

The same gunshot that had sealed his fate not so long ago.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 2:58 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

The memory was so clear. It was as if he was back there. He could feel the sharp thud in his chest, then the blood that trickled down soon after.
He could remember no pain, just the shock of it all. At that instant in time, he had questioned whether it was really happening to him. Was it a dream? No, it was real.
A fact that was made apparent as he collapsed to the floor, his head cracking on the hard pavement.
That he felt.

The memory was no longer just a simple memory.
Needy was back there. Experiencing it all again. And there was nothing he could say to those that came to help him. He tried to speak, but nothing came out of his mouth, nothing but blood.

Not again. he pleaded to whoever could hear him. Not again... please

A white flash overcame him.

"There is a reason for all of this" a voice told him. The voice beckoning forth from a ethereal being.
"This was where I first saw her" Needy thought, and indeed he was right. After his "death" he found himself in the companion house - or at least a place that resembled it - being attended to by someone. Someone close to him. At first he thought it was an angel. That he was dead. But soon he recognised the face - it was Serenity. No, it was someone who had chosen to appear to him in her form.
This was where it all began

"There is a reason this has happened to you" she reiterated.

"This isn't a memory. She never..."

"No, this isn't a memory" she spoke, answering a question he never uttered. "I've brought you back here so that you might understand"

Needy remains silent, unsure how to reply, if one is even necessary.

The Serenity-Being continues. "You need to let go. Let go of the past, those thoughts that plague you."

"What if I can't", Needy asks just before his surroundings change around him. No longer present at the companion house, he looks around to discover he is back in the alley where he was shot.

"You died here once. Do you remember?"

"Of course"

"Then that life is over. The man you were is gone. You have been reborn. Will you not take this opportunity to start over?"

"But... there are many things I didn't... I wasn't ready"

"People rarely are. But you cannot continue if you don't let go of it all. Now"

"And what about those from my past?"

"All will become clear in time. Patience. You must learn patience. Put out of your mind those things that trouble you."

"I can't…"

"Yes you can. I'm here..." The being approaches Needy. " help you. To guide you." Reaching out its hand and resting it on the companion's forehead, the being utters its final words "You are not alone.”

The words ease his soul and he finds an inner calm wash over him

“Wake up” the voice says… only this time, it’s not coming from the being in front of his eyes.


Needy awakens from his trance, his consciousness rejoining his physical body.

Standing in front of him is Seryn, who had just gotten through shouting at the companion and the woman sitting next to him.

The sudden change in environment takes him aback, so much so that he is unable to react to the rapid turn of events. The sheriff and his guards enter the cell, grab Vixen and drag her away whilst the Sheriff personally takes delight in knocking Seryn unconscious.
Seconds pass before Needy realises what had just happened.
Attempting to stand, he collapses to the ground in a dizzied state.
Not ready to stand yet he realises.
Not needing to be able to stand to check on Seryn though, he crawls across to her, checking her head for any major injuries.
She seemed fine, even though she was knocked out cold, but for some reason, he felt guilty, as if he was responsible.
He leaned across and brushed the hair from her face, gazing at her quiet beauty, whilst he waited for her to regain consciousness

Even though he was sure she couldn’t here him, he spoke softly to her anyway. “Seryn? Don’t worry. I’m here now. You’re not alone”
Feeling that soothing calm pass over him once more, he adds “None of us are”

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 2:59 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Earlier: Apollo’s Bank

Nothing. It had all been for nothing Kyra thought to herself as she sat on the bank by the river.
She and Payne had arrived by copter within half an hour, and yet, despite the record time, they hadn’t found anything. Their young source, a boy named Steven, claimed to have seen a fighter ship in the vicinity – a ship that had belonged to the rebels – but by the time of their arrival, it was nowhere to be seen. Their journey had been a wasted one.
The youngster couldn’t even provide a description of the three people he saw leave in the ship because he was too far away.
She had been foolish to get her hopes up, that tracking down the perpetrators would be that easy. She had only wasted time, time she could have spent on getting Milton out. She wanted to blame Clayton for dragging her out here, when there was nothing here, but it wasn’t his fault. He had done what he could to try and help her, he wasn’t to blame. They were. If only she knew where the rebels had gone now. Somehow, she will track them down. She had to.

A buzzing in her right pocket startled her.
It was her mobile cortex.
After breathing a deep sigh, she took it out and accepted the transmission.
It was Carl.
“What is it?” she mumbled, not really wanting to talk to him, but being unable to afford not to.
“I need you to come down here”
“I need you here at the office”
“I just… I need to…”
“You know what? I’m not in the mood for you and your excuses…”
“It’s about Needy.” He cuts in, before she terminates the call
His words have the desired effect as she freezes on the spot. She begins to stutter “wh-what about him?”
“Some new information has come up you’d want to know”
“What is it?”
“I’d rather tell you in person”
“I don’t care. Tell me now.”
He hesitates before responding. “We’ve just received word from a witness that was there during the firefight…”
Kyra stares at the screen, her eyes begging for him to continue
“He’s dead Kyra. He was shot that day. Died on the scene. I’m sorry”
“No, he can’t be…” she mutters, fighting back the tears “… why would they take him if he was already dead. It makes no sense. They might have been taking him to get help”
“I know it’s hard to hear but why would they do that? These are cowboys; they don’t care about civilian casualties…”
“… but he might be alright…”
“There was too much blood loss for anyone to survive”
“How do you know? Your source could be wrong”
“He made a positive id. And we went to the site, had jimmy run a sample on the blood. It’s his”
“I wanted to tell you earlier but I had to be sure, I couldn’t tell you if there was any doubt”
“NO!” she screamed, throwing her cortex into the river, before bursting into tears.
“No” she repeated again and again as tears streamed down her face.

From across the river, Clayton looked up and saw his partner in distress, but he was unable to reach her – the bridge he had crossed was half a mile away, and the width and depth of the river was too great to easily get across.
As he contemplated running to the bridge, so as to make his way to her, he watched as she got up and ran from the spot where she had been sitting
“Kyra!” he shouted across to her, but either she could not hear him or she did not want to.
The copter he thought, she’s going for the copter

By the time Payne had ran to the bridge, crossed it and reached the landing spot for the copter, Kyra was long gone, as was the transport.

He had no idea what was wrong or where she had gone, but instinct told him that Helo was sure to be one of her stops.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 3:08 AM


OOC: I'll try and post soon but I've got a lot on at the moment, got a fair bit of thread catching up to do too.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No one can see their reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:36 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

OOC- IM BACK BABY YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It may not last but ill try my best and if i fail som1 else can make me do stuff

Dr Chow Had fallen asleep in John Does room. She found his quiet pose helped her think and she had been doing her paperwork in his room the few days he'd been here. Sometimes shed tell him all her problems and imagine he was the perfect guy and hed just listen never stirring.

But he was now

His eyes opened with a flash blazing emerald into the gloom. He didnt feel groggy mentally but his muscles were atrapheet (??) and he imediatley recoiled his advances. After a moment he sat up and looked round the room and saw the woman


He swung himself out of bed and used the side to steady himself from falling over. Hobling to the edge of the bed he found his clothes cut to ribbons. It could have been the ribbon or the ER but he couldnt wear them. Underneath them were a handheld computer pab and a silver case like something youd put your glasses in.

Wisp grabbed them both and spotted the cabinet across the backwall. Opening the door he found a pair of scrubs folded neatly.

Scrubs were the perfect cover in a hospital all the lowly porters and nurses wore them and everybody ignord the people in them. A sterile invisibilty cloak.

He stole a glance at the doctor while dressing and saw his flying jacket next to her fuly intact.

"Thank God" He whispered to himself, his voice groggy from underuse.

He opened the computer and selected a radar map of the hospital floor and set off to the lift trying to act incospicuous.

With a bit of creative hacking he manged to travel to the reception floorwithout setting off any alarms. As he steped out of the lift he saw two men in suits at the reception desk wearing blue gloves. He dodged out of sight and listened

"Hi how can i help?" Said the young blonde at the counter

"Were here to see a John doe on the fifth floor was brought in by some children a few days ago"

'Thats me' he thought to himself 'Why are they after me?'

They stepped into the lift at the other side as Wisp remained hidden. He pressed a button on the silver case and it transformed into a pistol which he hid out of sight as he snuck out of the door into the early morning dew.

"Now where are the others??"


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 12:33 PM


No, this isn't right. Ok, up we get.

"We have to do something."

Needy shot her a look, then grinned. "Finally!" He slapped her ankles lightly and pushed her boots off his knees. The sudden movement caused her to loose her balence, and almost fall butt first from the bench. The table stopped the fall, but the rum bottle was the sacrifice.

She watched it fall smash and spread out over the floor, and was kinda glad at how little she cared. One of the thought swimming round her head for the last few hours had been that drinking was a really really bad idea in her condition.

It had been the reminder of that condition that had spurred her into action. She didn't want to stay forever in some backwater where she had bitten the only guy capable of delivering the kid.

So action it was. But what to do?

Needy stood, stretched a little, then helped her up. She declined the hand, and rose herself, not a hint of drunkenness. Instant sobriety - it was a trick she'd learned long ago. They made their way throught the low room, and she paused only long enough to lean into the guy who she could see from under the table, and whisper "great cleavage mate" before they opened the door to blinding daylight.

Now that was not fair.

The Nandi lay only a few miles out of town, but she was useless to them until they needed to go elswere fast.
The Halo facility was in the next town over, larger again, it had a hospital and, she imagined, a lot more unsavory types for hire.
She had a feeling before they left, mixing with unsavory types was going to become necessary. A better chioce was good.

She wiped the dried blood form her forhead, and pointed along the road that lead to the larger town.

"Fancy a walk?"

Needy ignored her, he was facing back the way they had come, eyes shielded beneath his hand. She soon picked up what he was watching - some kind of land vehicle, moving incredibly fast.

Needy held his arm out to her, guiding her back to lounge casually against a building. The vehicle neared the town, the shapes and blobs becoming easier to make out by the second.

She started to grin around the same time as he did.

"Cavalry's here..."

ooc - Yey! Wisp is back! we missed you, I was going to write a Vixen pov, but it wouldn't have been anything special, so i'll leave it to you to do that. Great to have you back!

Safe - if you didn't want that last bit to happen, tell me and i'll erase it.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 2:42 PM


OOC: sorry for taking so long i had a writers block on this anyway here is a small Ghost POV, which should be followed by a Shadow POV and a Truth POV when i get them written. This should also help bring the kid trio in contact with the rest of the group.:endOOC

Ghost whimpered quietly as her hiding spot began to move, pain coming from her broken arm. Shadow had hid her here after Mr. Carson saw them returning from town. She had been there a loooooong time, and then she heard yelling and screaming and banging, and then there was silence. So much silence she almost got out to see if she could find Truth and Shadow. Then she heard Mr. Carson’s voice and Mrs. Carson’s and someone she didn’t recognize. Then the world began to move and was alone, alone and scared.

She didn’t know where Truth and Shadow were.

She wanted to cry, but the last words both Truth and Shadow had told her were Stay silent, and Stay put.

So the young girl stayed hidden in the mule’s storage compartment.

OOC: i don't remember if hover mules have storage compartments or not i was thinking of this as more of a big toolbox (well not very big but...) or small storage compartment for tools or spare parts or something


Thursday, July 27, 2006 8:57 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Outside the hospital was a a small military compound probably for security with a bared gate. Outside was a bustling town with a few ships coming and going.

Wisp placed his weapon in the inside pocket of his flying jacket and casually walked to the road block.

"ID" Said the guard with no sense of enthusiasm or anger.

"I left it inside sorry, ive got one at home though so ill use that to come in tommorrow"

"Sorry no can do. Some Brass just said we cant let anyone leave without it"

The guys in the suits Wisp thought still having no clue of why they were after him

"No problem ill run up and get it" Wisp cursed silently as he strolled back to the main door. He had to go but how??

He absently pretended to look for something in his pockets while he came up with a new plan when suddenly he found something in his pocket.

He pulled it out and found it was a door card belonging to a Doctor Chou. It must have fallen out of the doctors pockets and into his or she could have put it there but thats far fetched.

Wisp didnt know this but she had actuall borrowed his jacket the following day as she had forgotten hers.

'If i see her again ill thank her'

He walked to the gate and entered the town disapperaing into the hustle of life.


The two men arrived at room 5:25 where they expected the John Doe {Known to them as William Spacer}.Upon entering the room they found the bed was empty and a young woman was asleep in the chair by the window.

The men exchanged a look and the first went to her and lightly shook her. She stirred sleepily

"Hello" She said with a start "Can i help you??"

"where is this patient"

She looked to the bed and was starlted again by his absence

"I dont know he was in a coma"

"Dont worry" said the second man "He cant have gone far"

She smiled at him and pinched he ear as she always did when she was nervous, She didnt see him take out the pencil sized device as the first man closed the door.


OOC Ill leave Vixen till i know where everyone is again


Thursday, July 27, 2006 10:05 AM


OOC: I just want to say how much I'm enjoying this story so far!

Seryn, that is what I would have written, in fact I had written, for meeting up.

Wisp good to see you back!

April, exactly what I had in mind, a stow away in a storage compartment. Why can't hover-mules have storage compartments?

Citizen, catch up when you can.

I'll try to write more, but I'm in another softball tournament this weekend, so It may not be til Sunday.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Monday, July 31, 2006 10:57 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp walked through the town seeing everything but looking at absolutely nothing. He was looking for Opportunities and Dangers.

In the military they called them Feathers in your Cap And Black eyes.

A Feather In your Cap was money at the minute Black eyes were Feds. There were other things out there that fell into both catagories but those two were the current ones.

There was an ATM up ahead. ATM's were usually useless but Wisp had his Pocket Computer. About the size of an MP3 player mini keyboard big screen, Perfect Hackers tool (The transcriber). In the right hands it was a digital key a fake identity and it was easily concealable. His Laptop was more powerful and had a greater range but the principle was similar. his Laptop had bigger better gadhets tho.

Wisp approached The ATM and placed The transcriber over the pin pad and started uploading files. A large ammount of cash was dispensed and Wisp took it quickly and walked away.

Next feather Camoflage. Scrubs may make you invisible in a hospital but they are far different On the street. The part of town he was in now was too developed the shops were neat and clean it wasnt safe. He walked along the road and took several turnings till the surroundings became a little Shabbier than walked into a shop and bout some jeans and a T shirt A rucksack a coat (his was compromised but in his bag it was out of sight). He payed in cash made a bad joke then disappeared. The Sails assistant found him instantly niced but would only remeber the joke not the face.

He found a seedy bar and ordered a drink. And set about his final feather-Shelter. The hotels would have his face so that was out of the question, The streets would be sweeped by feds so that was a no-no. He Decided to fall back on his own tried and tested method. Something they didnt teach at the acadamy.

He winked at a girl in the corner and started talking to her. He bought her a few drinks and a few hours later they left for her place. No-one in the bar saw them leave or could remember he was there.


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 6:37 AM


Safe grinned down at Seryn and Needy from the hover-mule as the dust settled. “Need a lift?” He asked casually.

Seryn and Needy’s smiles faltered when they got a good look at what Safe was wearing

Seryn looked back at the bar quickly in time to see the people who were initially curious to see the newcomer, suddenly find other things to do.

“Umm.. Safe, you do know that your get up is not going to make you any friends ‘round these parts right?” Seryn said as Needy nods his head in agreement. She was referring to Safe’s Alliance issue fatigues consisting of a tan hat, shirt and pants, sunglasses, green vest, and combat boots. His rank was clearly visible on his shirt collar and on the badge on his vest.

“The way I see it” Safe says as Seryn and Needy climb into the hover-mule, “The best place to hide is right out in the open. Plus I think this’ll open a few door for us.”

Safe starts the mule and heads in the direction indicated by Seryn. On the way, seryn fills Safe in on what has happened so far. He nods grimly.

“When I started looking for you, I found the Nandi. I made sure to stay a goodly distance from it, but I did notice people poking around in that area. I made conversation with one of the locals, seems there’s been a reporter poking around looking for info on a companion” Safe looks pointedly at Needy “And a group of kidnappers. Talk of our last visit to Boros is running around. The Alliance has painted an entirely different picture of what happened. We’re the bad guys, of course.”

Needy buried his face in his hands and Seryn rolled her eyes. “Of course!! That’s just perfect!! Is anything EVER going to go our way??” Seryn looks up suddenly “Where is Citizen, Soul and the others?”

“Citizen is back with the Epsilon finalizing the deal for repairs, plus he said he had some errands to run. There’s a four wheeled mule on the Epsilon for him to use. I sent a message to Soul and the Dagger, but I’ve heard nothing back yet. I’m not sure if any non-Alliance communications from planet-side are being jammed or if the Ore mine on the moon where they are hiding is causing interference.”

“Did the officers give you any indication where they were taking Vixen? And why is it exactly that we care?” Safe looks at Seryn, eyebrow raised.

“I’m working on an answer for that” Seryn sighs. “Plus we have more to worry about than just that.” She nods her head in Needy’s direction “And we haven’t found any sign of Wisp yet. Being in jail severely limits ones options”

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, August 2, 2006 11:37 AM


And then of course, there was a pressing need to drink something.

She looked sheepish for a second, then snapped out of it.

"The sheriff - she almost snarled the word - mentioned something called a Halo facility. I should imagine its not exactly a day care... whats wrong?"

Safe hadn't even moved, but a slight tightening of the jaw and the look in his eyes made her pause.

"its bad isn't it? Much harder to get into than i imagined. Crap.

I suppose its a good thing that Wisp is our top priority - we find him before we do anything else. We were headed to check out the hospital. Though knowing Wisp, we're best off starting the search in the nurses dorm rooms."


Thursday, August 3, 2006 6:19 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

As the dawn light filterd in through the closed venetian blinds Wisp was sat watching the kettle boil. Two arms circled him from behind which he gave an affectionate pat to as the locked around his front.

They belonged to the attractive girl from the bar from the night before. She had Dark hair flowing down to her shoulders which was wild from the night before.

"Good morning" Said Wisp not altering his gaze from the water "sleep alright??"

"Eventually" She said coquetishley. She uncircled her arms and walked to the fridge "Bugger no milk! Ill go out and get some"

"No you wont I'll get it" Wisp said getting up and spinning her round so they were locked in a light embrace

"Where have you been hiding all my life??" She said before she kissed him romantically

"You know...around"

Wisp walked out of the apartment and walked down the stairs to the street. Normally he wouldnt have allowed a girl to fall for him so quickly but the situation demanded it. He liked her but not as much as she liked him. He'd play along till he located the others then spin a story about something apologise say how much he loved her and disappear.

He'd spotted a shop opposite the bar last night and it was only round the corner. On the way he saw a bulletin on a Screen.

"All citizens a routine security check is being carried out so all people entering and leaving the city require a full and complete passport. We apologise for the inconvenience"

'Shit' Wisp thought 'that stops any chance of me escaping on my own'

As he turned the corner he found the bar From last night a burned out shell with firemen and Feds all over.

"What happened??" He said to the nearest fireman being careful to avoid any attention from the Feds

"Gas leak. Killed the owner and his wife in the early hours. Terrible accident"

'Accident my arse' Thought Wisp 'SANDRA!!!" He turned tail and ran to the apartment kicking the door through when he reached the top.

Inside he found the two men from the hospital carrying the lifeless corpse of the girl to her bedroom. They instantly froze and dropped the body reaching for weapons but Wisp was faster and they both fell mid draw.

Wisp examined their bodies for ID or something. Nothing But a simple ID card reading level X Access. These werent hired goons they were proffesionals.

He placed the card in his pocket and walked to the girl.

"Damn Shame" He said placing a kiss on her forehead and exiting the apartment.


Thursday, August 3, 2006 3:48 PM


The Man They Call Soul...

Wearing all black is usually helpful when you are hiding out at night, but in the middle of the day, it makes you stand out. Not only that, it's makes you pretty hot, too. It was what he had to wear, though, and it was an outfit he hadn't work in ages, but one that just seemed appropriate. From his military-issue boots, to his black, jeans, to the black trench coat, even the dark shades he wore; everything was black. The only thing not totally black was his t-shirt, and that was only because of the small blood-red symbol on the lower right, just above his belt line: a blazing sun, crossed over with a trio of slashing claw marks. As strange a mark as it seemed, it gained him a certain amount of respect among the Alliance Feds spaced around the town. They seemed to pick him out of the crowd for random inspections, but as soon as he swung his trench coat open and revealed the insignia, they backed away and let him be. So he walked, and before too long something coming up the street caught his eye, and he grinned as the trio of passengers became clear. He took a breath and stepped into the path of the hover mule and put on his best casual impression.

“Got room for one more?” he asked.

“Sorry, but…Soul?”

Soul grinned up at Safe. “You sure you don’t have room?”

Safe grinned back. “Climb aboard.”

Once Soul was aboard and the mule was moving again, Safe turned to him. “Okay, there’s a lot of missing information between you taking off with Destiny’s Shadow and you showing up here, alone, dressed in black.”

Soul leaned back and closed his eyes, an expression crossing his face of something in between pain and laughter, but nothing else could describe it. “Let’s just say that an Alliance cruiser needed a bit of distraction, and I needed to get here. The duds may come in handy very soon. Other than that, the details are not important. What is important, however, is how in the hell did we get into this situation, and what do I need to know besides the fact that the Alliance is hiding a certain female inside the Helo facility, and you need a way inside.”

“But…how…” Seryn stammered.

Soul tapped the side of his head. “The first part I picked up by tapping into coded Fed communications, and the second part was kind of blind logic. As for the first part as well, I think I may be able to get inside…”


OOC: Yes, I am back!!! I kinda wanted to get away from having to write in four additional characters on top of everything else, so I sent away Soul's ship. Don't worry, part of his backstory will play into things soon...


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Friday, August 4, 2006 1:42 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

As far as days go this one was full of four letter words that shouldnt be said in a nursery. All in all he was up a well know creek without a wooden instrument. He'd moved to an even shadier part of town now after the events of earlier.

As soon as those two were found he'd have his picture up all over and that was game over. He needed to come up with a new plan. This had to fix all his problems in one fell swoop.

He saw a dark alley and settled down into it. He looked like another Hobo from the street and he could avoid attention and think.

What did he have?? His computer, his gun..and that Id card.

He pulled it out of his pocket and turned it over in his fingers. This was the key but how could he actually use it??

An idea formulated in the back of his cranium and rippled forward washing over every axon becoming more defined and unique. The flow of ions in his neurons was comparable to a supercomputer. Billions of yes nos taking place simoultaneously. His brain was more powerful than most peoples. He had abstract thoughts taht he could shape into anything he wanted.

He sat there deep in thought while the world revolved round him.


Saturday, August 5, 2006 12:42 PM


(ooc - welcom back dearie!)

"So... how? or is this one of those plans that... evolve?"

she looked from Soul, to Safe, to Needy, and back again. And grinned.

"You know, this reminds me somewhat of some old earth-that-was flick, we have our sandy haired fighter, our rogue in black clothing... question is, do we need that princess with the silly hair? or would two walking carpets be more useful?

Personally, if you could make use of a princess, i'd take it as a kindness - i'm very good at it, and to be honest - i'm not big on the fur."


Sunday, August 6, 2006 6:00 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

The Fed station in this little town (Wisp still didnt know precisely where he was) was a three story building on the middle of the main street. People were constantly streaming in and out of the building and there were Feds idley milling around on the steps outside.

Wisp took a sharp breath and walked up through into the front door. Inside he walked straight up to the desk and acted as though he belonged there.The entry hall was sparse and much emptier than you would expect due to the foot traffic. People walked round teh edges of the silver blue room into the adjancent alcoves and lifts.

"Hello Im here to speak to the precinct commander" He said trying to remove all emotion from his voice

"Unless u got urself a genie and a spare magical wish ud better go home" The man behind the counter said not moving his eyes from his computer screen

"Will this suffice" He produced the card and slid it under the safety screen

The guard reluctantly picked it up then immediatley straighten himself out "sorry Sir" Throwing a hasty salute. "ill take you right up"

He stepped out of the booth and walked towards the lift. Entering a pin code The doors slid open and the pair stepped inside. The room had the same silver blue floor walls and celings with black rims at the floor celing and waist height. The lift stopped at the top floor and Wisp stepped out, the guard began to follow but Wisp raised a hand stopping him.

The man behind the desk was a large bear of a man witha a barrel chest. He wore a grey suit that was immaculately buttoned up. "Can i help You??" He asked raising his gaze.

"To end the security alert the fugitive has been...aprehended" Wisp was gambling but not showing an inch.

"Thankyou ill sort that out immedately. I assume you'll be leaving the same way you arrived???"

"None of your concern. Ill leave the city on foot in one hour tell whatever lies you wish" He turned around and left the office secretly sweating.


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 10:49 AM


OOC: HAHAHA!! Seryn-Chewbacca?? Nope, I'm sorry, I just can't picture it.

“We can make a quick stop at the hospital to check the records. If Wisp has been found and taken to a local doctor or another hospital, they’ll have records on file.” Safe said as he steered the mule towards town.

Safe keep glancing over at Soul. He recognized the outfit right away. It wasn’t something one just found lying around. You either had to be part of the guild or had to have killed a member, and that was no easy feat.

Safe knew some of Souls history but what he did know was limited only to what the Alliance had on his dossier. Yeah, they had run into one another from time to time as both the hunted and the hunter, but the man remained a mystery. One thing Safe had always been thankful for was that he, personally, had never been one of Soul’s targets.

Turning back to driving, Safe pushed the questions to the back of his mind while he focused on the town’s layout. He took careful note of the local bar, hotels, and slowed for a good look at the Fed Station, before pulling to a stop at the laundry facility.

Hopping out of the mule, he ignored the questioning look from Seryn, and entered the building. An AD in the window caused him to pause. It was the local media standardized promotion, and normally he would have ignored it but the logo rang some bells. He had seen it before… the man walking into town had it on the back of his flight jacket. Another mystery for later.

After a short conversation with a nervous shop keeper, Safe walked out of the building with two articles under his arm. He paused briefly to look back up the road before jumping back into the mule.

Safe hands the items to Seryn, “Here are your smocks Doctors.” He winks at Seryn then gets serious. “You think you can keep him in the here and now?” Safe says as he nods at Needy.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Tuesday, August 8, 2006 11:24 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp was at the checkpoint on the edge of town. He had done it got out of town. He could now find the Nandi Dagger and Epsilonand all would be Dandy!

"ID" said the guard at the gate. Wisp produced a standard fake, an hour ago it wouldnt have worked but now the alert was down hed be fine. The guard looked at the ID then at his face and waved him thru.

The gate raised and Wisp began to step through but then he noticed something odd. The guard at the other side was looking at him. That was wrong. Very wrong.

Wisp Dropped to the floor and rolled a few feet just as sniper bullet plowed into the ground where he had been stood. Wisp's pistol was in his hand but he was no match for an alliance sniper. Wisp ended the four guards on the floor as they were still reaching for there guns, They wernt expecting the sniper to miss.

Wisp stood up and ran now as the sniper plowed bullets all around him. Snipers hated movement they just couldnt deal with it. The shower of lead brought up a cloud of dust enshrowding the checkpoint alowing Wisp to slip away down a side street.

His ballsy manuver at the Fed station hadnt worked. The Guy must have seen through him then set up a trap. Planning to ice him then collect a reward.

Where could he go now??? His face was being broadcast to every Fed in the town (still didnt know which town) and the exists all had feds which means he couldnt leave. He didnt know anyone here either.

Except the Doctor. She at least knew his face and might help him. He pulled his jacket round his face and disappeared towards the Hospital.






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