Special Branch: Secrets and Lies

UPDATED: Friday, August 3, 2007 04:54
VIEWED: 15137
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Friday, May 4, 2007 7:35 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Here is the latest thread for the "Special Branch" story.

Previous Threads:
1.Special Branch: Unbound

2.Special Branch: The Chasing Of Wild Geese

3. Special Branch and the HUGE Hospital Bills

4. Special Branch: The Living Dead

5. Special Branch: Motherhood For Heroes

Here's a different kind of recap - a brief summary interspliced with new bits of story.
Character profiles will follow shortly.

Everything was going swimmingly for our crew: Seryn gave birth to her baby and named him Fin; Milton had started to fit in with the crewmembers, especially the delightful Amy; and Needy and Kyra seemed to have put their past history behind them.

Then Wisp picks up a distress signal broadcasting on an independent frequency.
They track the signal to a dead ship floating in space - a ship named "The Dwarf" - and set out to lend them a helping hand.

The two crews meet and everything seems to be going fine, but nevertheless something seems "off".
Kyra confesses to Needy that she recognises the ship's code as belonging to a presidential vessel, and its not long before Safe assigns his crew to ascertain whether their visitors are who they say they are.

Strangest of all though, is Ciaran, wife of The Dwarf's captain. Over fifty years ago, Soul lost the love of his life. Her name was Ciaran. And now this visitor not only shares the same name and characteristics of that lover, but looks exactly like her too.
Soon, Soul discovers that she is not who she seems, but is in fact a woman that possesses the remarkable ability to appear as whoever she wants. For Soul, she appeared as the woman he lost so many years before.
Whilst reeling from that bombshell, she tells him that The Expendables - a group he once belonged to - are coming to kill him.

Meanwhile, our other crewmembers aren't doing so well either.
Wisp is knocked unconscious by a mystery assailant; and Seryn, whilst snooping arond The Dwarf, is confronted with a figure from the past.
In Wisp's dreamstate, he is once again visited by a mysterious being that instructs him of the task he must complete. A powerful entity will soon arrive, and can only be stopped if Wisp aids Soul.

Elsewhere, on Boros in fact, Clayton continues to investigate the mysterious abilities Needy manifested earlier.
His search leads him to a story which mirrored Needy's - a young woman who died and returned to life with remarkable powers. Her joy,though, was short lived when she appeared to go "off the rails", murdering her friends and family before she was killed.

He's not the only one uncovering information about the former male companion.
A bounty hunter known only as Kurren gathers all he can from a warden at the Helo Facility, as well as the Carson couple.
His motives? Unclear.

Back on the ship(s), Safe orders everyone to the bridge. Even though Wisp has awoken, these new visitors are not to be trusted. Their ship, it is learned, was actually the result of sabotage, and the person responsible for this and the attack on Wisp needs to be caught.

If things weren't tense enough though, the relationship between the crewmembers begins to strain, and Needy in particular struggles to trust even Safe.


Moments earlier:


Originally posted by safeat2nd:

“Safe, Jack here. Soul’s with me. We’re trying to round up Ciran. We should be up there shortly.”

“What do you want with my wife?” Liam almost shouted. “Surely you can’t think she did this?” Liam took a step forward.

“Right now, I don’t know what to think.” Safe turned to face Liam. “None of you have been overly ‘chatty’. Something else is going on here and I intend to find out what.”

“If you ... pirates lay so much as a hand on my wife, so help me I’ll…”

“Think very carefully about what you choose to say next.” Safe growled, his hand resting meaningfully on his gun.

Liam’s crewmember, Colm, grabs the back of a chair, intent on using it as a weapon, when the click of a gun hammer being cocked stopped him abruptly. “You best be planning on sitting in that chair.” Wisp smiled at Colm over the sights of his gun, wincing through the lingering pain.

Things were getting out of hand, Needy realised this.
It was like he had been told, "these people aren't fit to lead" the being had said. "They will bring about their own destruction, only you can stop them"
Needy wanted to ignore the last bit, he didn't want to go against his colleagues, but each and every one of them were being pushed to the edge


"We're here" Kyra said walking onto the bridge, Julie and Linda close behind

She could feel the tension in the room immediately, and she wondered what she'd walked in on

"What's going on here?" Julie called out to the group, shielding Linda by pushing her behind her
When she failed to elicit a response, she asked Liam directly "Dad?"

He shook his head and resigned himself to his helpless situation. "Nothing. We just got some... issues we need to deal with"

"What do you mean?" Julie asked, unable to hide her worry.

"Just, wait outside for a bit, we'll sort this out." Liam replied

"No. She stays here" Safe spoke up "We're keeping everyone together. Here in this room"

On that note, Vixen entered the bridge, but before she had the chance to say a word, Wisp was up and making his way towards her.

Grabbing her by the collar and placing a gun in her hand, he led her out of the vicinity

Originally posted by WashsYoungerSexierBrother:
"Vixen me and you got a job to do, lets go" Wisp told her while dragging her back out into the hall.

"Then where are they going?" Kyra questioned Safe

He shot her a glance "Never mind them"


Milton was beginning to feel very uneasy.
Things were getting from bad to worse and he had the unsettling feeling that it was only a matter of time before the crew turned on each other. And to make matters worse, it seemed like the only person Milton could rely on in such a situation, was part of the problem.
He just hoped that if and when hell broke loose, he would be kept out of it.


"You have to leave this place now" The being told Needy

"Why?" he asked

"You know why"


As the group waited anxiously for word of what was happening elsewhere on the ship, two men burst onto the scene


Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:
Soul marched into the bridge, a rather pissed off expression on his face. Jack followed behind, his expression one more of confusion than anything else. There was no pause in the ex-Expendables steps as he drew his dagger, the green runes glowing menacingly, and threw Liam up against the bulkhead. He placed the edge of the blade up against the other man's neck and gave him a glare that would have caused Hannibal Lecter to faint in fear.

"If you tell me that you had anything to do with this, I'll make sure that nothing stands between this blade and the wall behind you."

Linda hid behind her mother as Julie stood up suddenly "What the hell?!"


Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:
Soul stared, his gaze unwavering, murder in his eyes. "Ciaran. Tell me you didn't know."

"Know what?" Liam practically screamed.

"Soul what's going on?!" Safe demanded


Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:

Their eyes were locked for another minute, and then, just as abruptly as it had begun, Soul released his hold and Liam collapsed to the floor.

The release of breath by everyone that had been watching was nearly enough to ruffle Soul's hair.

Sliding the dagger back into it's sheath, Soul found the pilot's chair and slowly settled into it. He looked around at all the faces, some familiar, and some not, and began to tell his story.

Julie ran to her father, completely oblivious to the fact that she should have remained protecting her own child. She wrapped her arms around him, whilst a tearful Linda looked at them both. Looking around, there was only one other friendly face she could trust, and silently moved over to Kyra standing nearby, pressing her cheek against the adult's thigh.

Everybody breathed a sigh of relief and, whether they wanted to or not, listened intently to Soul's story.

He told his story - of love and loss, and more surprisingly of how he had died a hundred times over. He told them about how he had been alive for over five hundred years and how a woman named Ciaran changed his life. Then he explained the true nature of another Ciaran - the one that was on board their ship - and how she could appear as anyone she wanted.
As crazy as the story sounded, the crew listened. They had all witnessed things they couldn't explain. This story was not inconceivable... it was just the latest.

Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:
“She’s somewhere on one of these two ships, and since she can make people see her as someone different, the only way to weed her out is to get everyone from both ships together and find the duplicate.”

One of Liam’s crew perked up. “There’s a meeting room here that would be large enough.”

Soul looked over at Safe, and the other man nodded. “Fine. Let’s get everyone together.”

Without saying a word, Needy began to walk off from the group, but silent or not, it didn't escape Safe's notice.

"Where are you going?" he asked

"I got better things to do than wait around and play spot-the-double"

"What?" Safe could scarcely believe what he was hearing. "We're trying to catch the person responsible. This is no game"
"You'll do well to remember that" Needy said, walking off
"Hey!" Safe called at him to no avail. He began to go after him until he felt a hand rest on his shoulder, holding him back.
"Let him go" Soul said calmly. "We'll sort this out without him"

Milton looked at the two of them, shocked at their apparent lack of loyalty. "They might not care, but I'll be damned if I let him go out there alone"

Safe was hardly surprised when he saw Milton leave too, but that was his problem. The guy was hardly the brightest fella and was hardly a threat. They didn't want to be a part of it? So be it. But if they turn up later in the meeting room, they're gonna be gorram treated like a suspect.

"Anyone else wanna go?" he asked the group.

No response.

"Good. Now where's this meeting room?"


OOC: Woah, that was longer than I thought

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Friday, May 4, 2007 7:52 AM


OOC: welcome Jazaf, I've been wondering if anyone would choose to play the villian.

Scorpion Regent


Saturday, May 5, 2007 4:51 PM


OOC: heh, well we can't all be good guys. 'sides everyone knows the bad guys always gets the ladies

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Sunday, May 6, 2007 12:16 PM


Ooc - hello, sorry, safe had a post concerning me i believe he was going to put up when ready, so this is basically an 'i'm still alive!' post.

If anyone has any time to do it an update would be EXTREMELY handy, and congrats to your sister Needy!


Sunday, May 6, 2007 2:29 PM



Originally posted by Seryn:
“Her blood ran cold. She'd seen it before, an insignia, a small scratch on a metal ring. She remembered it very well; it was the first time anyone had dared strike her. She'd been furious at that, and remembered how she'd noticed the ring, close to the angry bite mark she'd left on the guy’s hand.
Two hours later her uncle had packed up and left forever, she'd hear from him two or three times, enough to know that he was 'safe' somewhere, but they'd scared him bad, bad enough to leave his wife and children, his mistresses and his business, even his highly lucrative scams and run and hide.
Deciding that whatever was going on, better working minds than hers needed to see it, she turned back to leave the room. Only to find her way blocked.”

Seryn looked up startled, only to find herself looking into familiar eyes. Seeing the insignia had brought back a flood of memories and not trusting her eyes to see through visions from the past, Seryn blinked hers eyes, but her dead husband still stood before her.

“How??” Tears welled up in her eyes and the raw emotion threatened not only to choke her but rob her of her tenuous mental stability.

“S’ok darlin’. I am here and that’s all that matters.” He drew her in, hugging her tight.

On the verge of an emotional and mental break down, something intruded on Seryn’s conscious, like the morning alarm heard from the distance of deep sleep. Something didn’t feel right. Seryn finally realized that the little tingles of warning were in fact loud alarm bells ringing in her head.

Seryn’s eyes snap open just as she feels a sharp pin prick at the base of her neck. Pushing away, she searches those familiar eyes only to find they weren’t as familiar anymore.

A sneer curled the corner of those familiar lips, that shouldn’t aughta be there. Seryn gasped in shock “You’re not….” Her words trailed off as the figure in front of her blurred out of focus and was replaced by a woman.

“Nope, that I ain’t darlin’. Now be a good girl and go to sleep.”

Seryn reached instinctively for her gun, only to find her hands unwilling to move. She looked down at them accusingly, which was entirely the wrong thing to do as the floor yawned open and she fell headlong into the blackness of unconsciousness.

The figure pushed Seryns unconcious form under the bunk and was straightening up, back to the door, just as SR walked in.


Originally posted by Scorpionregent:
"Hey tag-a-long, Safe wants me to round everybody up and bring them to the bridge. It will be nice to have someone I can, (sort of) trust to watch my back and make me look less threatening when I say things like: 'Everybody keep their hands where I can see them and form a single file line towards the bridge.' Where's the homunculus of power?"

'Seryn' turns and smiles at SR, "Well we best get going then? After you, kind sir."

OOC: Let me know if that sounds ok Seryn.
"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Monday, May 7, 2007 11:54 AM


nope, thats great! i'll get my thinking cap on and come up with something when its time... its all very exciting...

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 5:25 AM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:


Originally posted by Scorpionregent:
"Hey tag-a-long, Safe wants me to round everybody up and bring them to the bridge. It will be nice to have someone I can, (sort of) trust to watch my back and make me look less threatening when I say things like: 'Everybody keep their hands where I can see them and form a single file line towards the bridge.' Where's the homunculus of power?"

'Seryn' turns and smiles at SR, "Well we best get going then? After you, kind sir."

"Not so fast missy," SR says. There was a long pause, "You and I have still got to have our little chat and you've been avoiding me for a while. Now I'm not one to take advantage, but this is a oppurtunity too good to pass up. So what have you got to say for yourself?" SR knew that there was something definitely wrong with the situation. He could not put his finger on it as he tried to think over the situation in his mind 'Seryn' crossed her right arm arm across her body and used it to rest her left elbow as she cradled her chin in her left hand. He remember that 'Seryn's' eyes had tighten up and her head turned slightly to the right so that she was looking at SR with her left eye as dominant. when he had said "Not so fast missy," Her body language was all wrong.
"Seryn doesn't do that, who is this?" he thought to himself.

"Hey what's all this about a meeting on the bridge?" a womans voice asked behind him. SR turned and the was Mary, or was it Marina, or Melody? The party girl who had tried to ply him with talk of drink and set upon him with her wiles.
"Yeah every has to go to,..." SR was saying when his eyes lost focus and the floor suddenly came rushing up and then there was nothing but a soft hazy sensation of floating in a world of peace.

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 7:10 AM


OOC: Bullseye!! Nicely written!!
Heads up Wisp, fastball headed your way. I'll post in a bit.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 11:23 AM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
"Hey what's all this about a meeting on the bridge?" a woman’s voice asked behind him. SR turned and there was Mary, or was it Marina, or Melody?, the party girl who had tried to ply him with talk of drink and set upon him with her wiles.
"Yeah everyone has to go to..." SR was saying when his eyes lost focus and the floor suddenly came rushing up and then there was nothing but a soft hazy sensation of floating in a world of peace.

Maxine watched as Scorpion’s eyes rolled back in his head and he pitched forward towards her. She reached out to catch him but, as this had caught her off guard, Scorpions weight carried her to the floor as well, his body pinning her to the floor.

Maxine looked up as a form filled the doorway previously occupied by Scorpion. “You…” she whispered as Ciaran glared down at her.

Maxine struggled to push Scorpion off her. “No, no, no! Not now! You weren’t supposed to act until we got planetside and I had a chance to get the others out of harms way.” She struggled to hold back tears of frustration and futility.

Ciaran peered down at Maxine intently, as she put a foot on Scorpions back, impeding Maxine’s attempts to free herself. “You know??”

“Ya, I figured most of it out back before we left, during pre-flight checks. Actually I suspected something the day Liam introduced you to me, But I didn’t have the heart to say anything to him. He was sooo in love.” Maxine looked up at Ciaran imploringly, “You don’t have to do this. You’re going to crush Liam, not to mention all the work he did to get us to this point.”

Ciaran, continued to look down at Maxine, unaffected by her plea.

“Think of the children for god’s sake!!” Maxine near screamed at her, sensing she was running out of options.

Ciaran ignored Maxine’s last comment. “You people have served my purposes, and I hold no grudge for that. But, your usefulness has come to an end. I now have the means to complete my missions, no thanks to this rust bucket…” Ciaran pauses and looks at Maxine as a realization dawned on her. “You did it. You caused this ship to break down… You were trying to stop me.”

Ciaran smiled at the fear in Maxine’s eyes. “No matter. You can’t stop me now. All you can do is wallow in the guilt that you failed.” She barked out a laugh. “Kill ya later, tater, I got a ship to steal.” Ciaran pushed down once more with her foot and stalked off.

Once Ciaran disappeared around the corner towards the Epsilon, Maxine pushed herself clear of Scorpion. Why oh why didn’t she have her comm. with her??

Maxine ran towards the bridge of the Dwarf. I’ve got to warn the others… Head down she collided with Wisp and Vixen sending them all sprawling.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Thursday, May 10, 2007 6:31 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp was caught entirley off-guard and ended up in a crumpled heap for a few seconds, Vixen however was a little faster with her reflexes and on the way down managed to pull of a hand-stand-mini-kick catching Maxine in the Jaw. Going in for a follow-up Maxine cowered backward.

"NO NO!! Im sorry!!" Wisp was up by this team and grabbed Vixens arm before she put in a roundhouse kick that would have comatosed the poor woman.

"Your ok Darling but right now were in a rush"

"Shes headed for your ship! She wants to steal it so she can continue"

"Continue what??" Vixen but in

"I dont know but shes dangerous!"

"Great then we cant waste any more time, Thanks for your help now go and tell them" Wisp pulled Vixen by the arm to the air lock.
"Ok its teamwork time. Remember piggyback?"

"Come on Wisp it may have been a few years back but I can enter an occupied structure before breakfast"
Comedy and That


Thursday, May 10, 2007 7:01 AM


OOC: Uh... summary of last thread? List of characters? Have we broken 100 people on the Epsilon, yet?


Thursday, May 10, 2007 8:07 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by TheRealMe:
OOC: Uh... summary of last thread? List of characters? Have we broken 100 people on the Epsilon, yet?

OOC: I'm working on it. I've been having problems with my internet connection but I'm gonna work on it now and should hopefully have one or the other, if not both, up by later tonight

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Thursday, May 10, 2007 8:20 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

OOC: One thing: It's spelled "Ciaran". Otherise: ROCK ON!


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

I'm blogging about the novel I'm writing! Stay informed, and keep me inspired! Please!


Thursday, May 10, 2007 10:25 AM


OOC: Ok, I had to post this or lose it. If it needs adjusting, let me know. I have no problems adjusting it. Soul, I fixed the spelling of Ciaran on my posts.

Flechette looks up at the knock at the Epsilons rear airlock door. Peering through the hatched porthole, she sees Safe standing outside tapping his foot impatiently and casting glances back down the corridor.

Safe looks back at the porthole, about to knock again when he spots Flechette, he grins at her and holds up his comm. shaking it and shrugging his shoulders.

Flechette nods, understanding that his comm. is malfunctioning and opens the hatch.

“Hey, Safe, what’s goin…”

“Thanks darlin’.” He interrupts, smacking Flechette on the butt and he walks past.

Flechette pauses in closing the hatch and turns slowly to level a withering glare at Safe, “Don’t …EVER… do that again…”

Safe adopts a hurt expression. “Was it sumthin’ I said?” His gaze slides past her to something over her shoulder and his face hardens.

Flechette starts to turn to look when her training screams ‘TRAP’ in her head. Unfortunately, this is at the exact moment Safe’s shoulder makes contact, driving her into the partially closed hatch. The force of the blow closes the hatch and drives Flechettes face up against the porthole, driving the air from her lungs and momentarily stunning her.

Strugglings to catch her breath and understand what was happening, Flechette sees through the porthole of the closed hatch what Safe had been looking at. Wisp and Vixen had skidded around the corner at the end of the corridor.

Reaching out and hitting the button disengaging the air lock between the two hatches, Safe leaves himself vulnerable.

Flechette lashes out with her elbow and is rewarded with a grunt as she catches Safe in the ribs, only to have her elation quickly erased. He had had his hand holding the hair at the back of her head and as he recoiled from the blow, he had also yanked her head back, throwing her off balance.

She knows what was coming next and tries to brace herself for it but to no avail. Safe steps into her driving her head into the porthole, splitting her head open, and knocking her unconscious.

He pauses at the porthole and smiles at Wisp and Vixen before turning and heading for the cockpit.

Wisp and Vixen watched Flechettes face collide with the porthole and slide down out of view leaving a trail of blood as they ran towards the hatch. Skidding to a halt in front of the hatch, a new face appears grinning at them, Ciaran.

Vixen reacted like greased lightening. Her hand blurred out holding Wisps gun to the portal, pointed directly at the face. The face never even blinked. It just pointed at the light to the side of the hatch. The red, blinking light.

Wisp surged forward knocking Vixen off balance just as she squeezed the trigger, the bullet missed the portal, by a hair, bouncing harmlessly off the reinforced hatch.

“What, are you crazy?? Do you know what that light means??” He yelled at her.

Vixen shrugs her shoulders.

“He’s disengaged the airlock. You would’ve killed us all!”

Vixen just glares back at him.

As Ciaran walks forward, she passes through the passenger compartment where Amy sits with Finn, Ghost and the other children.

Amy looks up at her, “What’s going on Flechette?”

'Flechette' looks at Amy, “Safe says we are to get the children as far from the Dwarf as possible. He suspects there may be a bomb on board.”

Amy casts a worried look back at the hatch. “What about the others? We just can’t leave them here? Surely Versa can disable it?”

“She’s gotta find it first. Besides there are lifeboats. It’s just Safe being… well… safe, I suppose.” 'Flechette' shrugs. “Buckle up.” She continues on to the cockpit.

The Epsilon’s engines fire up and it rapidly accelerates away from the Dwarf, ignoring all disconnecting procedures.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Friday, May 11, 2007 12:38 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Can you believe I wrote a long summary last night of the previous thread, but before I got to save it, the computer froze.
Yep thats right, I lost all of it
Fortunately I had saved my post of my story
So instead of re-writing a mega long recap, I'll just write a brief one and add it to the first post. I'll post the list of characters when I can

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Friday, May 11, 2007 3:18 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

OOC: This thread ROCKS.

Oh, and I have nothing to add right now. My brain is on work mode, which means it's oozing out of my ears.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

I'm blogging about the novel I'm writing! Stay informed, and keep me inspired! Please!


Friday, May 11, 2007 4:48 PM


Kurren’s ship the Bounty Baby, drifts aimlessly in the black. Kurren sits in the cockpit with a Nav chart glowing in the screen before him.
In particular, the orbit of Boros and the current configuration of the planets. Kurren stares hard at the screen as he tries to determine his prey’s next possible move.
“Let‘s see. They attacked a military prison, broke out of a hospital, and grounded an interceptor unit. Obviously they‘re no friends of the Alliance so heading into the core is out of the question, especially since the ship they flew away in had been identified as an ISSCV Class ship.” He settles his face in the palm of his left hand
“There are stations out here but the ones this close are under Alliance control. They could head for the Rim, but there might be a few looking for a brass ring. ” He lets out an exasperated sigh and leaves the cockpit.
He walks over to a side panel, grabs a handle and pulls out a cot stored in the wall. Kurren plops onto the cot, he lets his left leg and right arm dangle over the edges. Lying there, Kurren could swear he heard the voice of his father reminding him 'Remember son, to catch the target do not overburden yourself with information. Learn the habits of your target so you can anticipate it's next move.'
“Maybe….I‘m over thinking this. According to the reports they were all manners of confused. So where do confused, tired, and hungry fugitives go?”

He leaps out of the cot and sits back down in the Cockpit, he fires up his engines now with a destination in mind. “Santos!”

OOC: I'm still working on the Ship's design I'll try to post it when I finish it.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny
Kurren, Bounty Hunter


Wednesday, May 16, 2007 6:32 AM


In the meeting room, Safe stared at the ceiling in growing frustration. Either these people actually didn’t know anything, or they were so fervent in their ideals they were willing to die for them.

Soul paced the room. It was clear that Soul’s story had affected Liam, but he wasn’t budging in his story. Instead he had retreated into silence, watching Soul like a hawk.

Maxine bursts into the room. “She’s going to steal your ship and leave us here!!”

All heads turn in her direction, and everyone tries to talk at once.

“Whoa! WHOA there!! Slow down. Who’s doing what now?” Safe asks.

“Ciran, she’s going to take your ship to complete her mission. She’s not who she seems.” Maxine then looks directly at Liam and shakes her head slowly, “I’m sorry, I’m sooo sorry. I knew but…”

A gunshot echoes through the ship.

Safe, Soul, Jack and Liam run for the door, Safe keying up his comm. as he runs, “Scorpion! Meet us at the Epsilon! SCORPION!?!” Where is he? “Wisp! Report!”

As the four leave the meeting room, Maxine is left standing there, her words still hanging in the air. “I thought I could handle it. I’m soo sorry.” She finishes in a small voice.

Julie disengages herself from Kyra and walks over to Maxine taking Maxine’s hand in her small hands, “S’ok Maxie.”

OOC: Sorry it isn't much or if it sounds choppy, but work has been absolutely crazy. Have I mentioned before that I hate people? Good thing Baseball season has started and I can take out my frustration on the ball field.
Oh and congrats on the new sweetie Wisp!

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Thursday, May 17, 2007 5:40 AM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
a soft hazy sensation of floating in a world of peace.

Scorpion Regent

SR could not feel his body, there was no color or sound, his mouth was gone, and yet there was something, something vague and distant, ... there it was again, it was a smell, and the smell meant something. The smell had a name, yes it had a name: Seryn. Seryn was near.

On the floor, under the bed, SR and Seryn lie together unconscious. His arms wrap around her holding her close.

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, May 17, 2007 6:13 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

OOC: Still nothing to add, sorry. I've got my book bouncing around in my head right now.

But SR, wow. Awesome post.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

I'm blogging about the novel I'm writing! Stay informed, and keep me inspired! Please!


Thursday, May 17, 2007 4:00 PM



Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:
OOC: SR, wow. Awesome post.

OOC: Well I figure if I 'm out like a light, my girl won't talk to me, I'm stranded in the middle of nowhere, the least I can do is cuddle. Don't wake me unless it's important.

Scorpion Regent


Friday, May 18, 2007 4:59 AM


OOC: A friend of mine that proof reads for me on occasion had this to say about our 'little story':

"Whoa this is AMAZING!!!

It’s like a novel…murder, intrigue, shape shifters (a la Heroes)…. I can’t believe that people who don’t even know each other are able to put this stuff together."

I thought I'd share just as a high note to start the long weekend.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Friday, May 18, 2007 5:19 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp cursed and banged on the plexi glass and swore to himself. 'How can I get to that ship??'
There were no engines that could be repaired in time, no shuttles, maybe a holding beam but im sure that whoever was on the Epsilon could shake it.

Screwed Royaly.

Then one of those crazy lateral ideas shuddered into his brain.

"Hit me!!" He shouted at Vixen. Without questioning she punched him firmly on the chin.

"Better?" She asked.

"NO knock me out!"

"...?????..."Said Vixens eyebrows.

"Just do it"

She stepped back then gave Wisp a good roundhouse to the head knocking him out cold.
"Now what"


As Wisp fell from consiousness he dragged himself into the white astral plane he had been just a few minutes earlier.

"I know your here so show yourself!!" he screamed in silence.

"You cannot bekon me whenever you need me"

"Screw that I need your help. Well as Im doing this YOU need Your help"


"NO. You dragged us all into the ass end of the galaxy through magic or whatever so do it again."

"Those were special circumst..."

"Shove it! Do this now or your precious plan fails! Teleport Us to that ship!"

"I can teleport one person" The being spoke with reluctance.

"Then send me"

"I Cant send you"

"Why not?"

"Because you now have a serious head injury and wont regain consiouness for several hours"

"Gosa then send..." Wisp couldnt finish his sentance as the white faded to grey then to white and he was lost.


In a blinding haze a figure appeared on the Epsilon side of the Airlock.

It was Vixen.

"How the....??? I dont wanna know" She took the safety off her weapon and headed to the bridge.
Comedy and That


Friday, May 18, 2007 6:35 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: LOL, this thread is sooooo cool. Its getting better and better and I'm loving every minute of it.
I got an idea for a bit which I'll post after dinner - I'm starving!

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Friday, May 18, 2007 7:54 AM


ooc - sorry to wake you up SR dearie, but this is the first and last chance i'll get to post for awhile!

Seryn woke.

Not that it made much difference, it was still really dark and she couldn't move much at all.
Why would that be? She shifted her head to one side and the blood swished about her skull, stopping long enough to announce the fact that there was a huge lump that was going to hurt like hell. She had to stop getting hit on the head, she was going to loose all brain function entirely, live out her days dribbling onto windows with Fin, bless him, buying her diapers only a few years after he'd got out of his own.

Ok, she could move her hands, and most of her legs below the knee, but there was a heavy weight holding her down. Shifting a little, she scooched around and peered up in the gloom. One stubborn chin, mucho stubble and a definite smell of Pirate. SR.
Oh aye, what was going on here then? The woman must have got him as well, shoved him... under the bed? Bed springs above them, must be under the bed, so now there was a big lug of an unconcious bloke between her and the cow how did this.

Always the way.

And she was out there now.. Fin! no, she had to get going, make sure he was ok.
She pushed herself back, finding the wall behind her, and started to pull her knees up, getting her feet between herself and the prone man then catching the balls of her feet as best as possible on his chest, well, stomach... still it was better than a few weeks ago... she pushed out.

SR came to to the surprising sensation of pressure on his abdomen, belt buckle biting in and trapping the skin, he let out a small yell of protest and the pressure stopped immedietly.

"Oh good you're awake, get up, i need to go kill someone"
SR grunted, not quite the sweet nothings he'd been hoping for, but it was an improvement on the ear bashings he'd got in the past. For once obliging, he pulled himself towards daylight and stood, watching and shaking the life back into limbs as Seryn pulled her self out and up.
He reached to embrace and help her, but she twisted and pushed him off,
"Lordie she got you hard didn't she?"
SR grimaced, nd stood firm, until she sensed something was wrong.
"Whats wrong now SR, a lecture on not presenting my head as an easy target? whats it to be?"
"We need to talk about us"
"Us? What 'Us'?"
"We need to talk about what we are to each other"
She straightened her shirt in an irritated manner
"SR we've been over this, i'm no longer Captain, you have no need to stick around, you owe me nothing, you are free to go where you please, we are friends, nothing more, nothing less, now please.. is this really the right time to talk about this? "
SR froze, for once unsure if what he wanted to say next was the right thing "You know theres more."
"More?" She laughed "What do you mean more?" She looked at his face, and frowned " What, you mean like puppies and roses more? when have we ever been that to each other? You need to sit, you got hit hard SR if you think.. i don't know what you think... Jeeze SR, don't do this now - I'm kind of busy, i have a brand new baby to keep and there a mad woman running around with the best dressing up box... oh god Fin!"

She left.


A short while and yet an eternity later she stood near the airlock, entirely consumed with rage as she watched the Epsilon shrink into the distance.

"Why isn't this ship moving?"

Vixen stood back a little.

Isn't sanity really a one trick pony, anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking! But when you're good and crazy...ooh hoo hoo hoo... the skys the limit!


Friday, May 18, 2007 11:26 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Needy stood in the hallway, away from the others, struggling in his mind to make sense of everything - of his life.
He felt he had no idea where he was going.
Was his life destined? Could he really change the world, could he save it?

Can one man really change the world?

It seemed as though his life was heading in the right direction before - he had friends, he had a job, he had security. Now all that seemed to be gone. His new friends? He couldn't trust them. He had Kyra, but something told him that unless he did something, that too would be shortlived.

"I need answers" he said

"What makes you think you are ready for them?" the being replied

"I am. I have nothing else"

"You think because you feel you have nothing, that entitles you to answers?"

"I do. I must know"

The being stared into his eyes. "You claim you have nothing left, but you are wrong. You still have ties to this world. The truth... it comes at a price. You must be willing to sacrifice all that you have in order to move on - to learn all the answers. To fulfil your purpose"

Needy breathed deeply. "I know"

"And are you willing to do that?"

Needy contemplated the question, and what it meant. What the repercussions might be. But in his mind, he could not see any other way out. He had lived with these questions for too long. He had wandered in the wilderness of mystery for what felt like a lifetime. He needed to know, once and for all.

"I am"

"From here there is no turning back" the being reinforced

"Do it" Needy commanded.

A bright light filled the arena of his mind, and finally his eyes were opened to the truth. He now understood fully what had bothered him for months. He had been chosen for a great task. And it required great sacrifice.


"Needy?" Milton called out to his friend. "You ok?"

The question was meaningless. He was enquiring about the feelings of this former companion, but far more important things needed to be considered

Needy turned around to face him, and instantly Milton realised something was off. Needy's expression was that of contentment, as if the previous argument hadn't happened, and his face almost had a glow to it. The fact that Needy seemed fine, almost happy, was what unnerved him the most.

"What's going on?" Milton asked.

Needy smiled. "More than the human mind can even begin to comprehend"

Milton failed to see any humour in the reply, but stood back in shock "What's happened to you?"

"Would you like me to repeat my last statement?" Needy replied with a sly grin

"I want you to tell me the truth" Milton replied, apparently having grown some balls. "Is it true? You die, come back to life and all of a sudden you think you've got some destiny?"

Needy is silent, and simply looks at Milton, the grin still on his face

"Do you hear voices still? Talk to angels?"

"Now who gave you that idea?" Needy asked

"Is it true?"

Needy waited for a moment, waited for Milton to calm down before he answered. Was he ready for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Of course not. But he had to give him something, right?

"Yes. It's true" Needy answered calmly

Milton scoffed and shook his head. "I don't be... I'm sorry, I just can't..."

Needy silenced Milton's voice out for a moment as he allowed other voices to enter his mind. Something was happening elsewhere.
The ship.
Someone was stealing their ship.
The woman. Ciaran. The imposter. The traitor.
"This one will come in handy" the being had told him. She was right. And it was almost time.

"Don't believe me?" Needy asked Milton who had turned his back on him. "Believe this"

Milton turned to witness Needy standing there, his arm outstretched and palm facing upwards. And in his palm? A strange ball of light. The light was blue, with a deep black center. A black hole in fact.

"Wh... what is that?" he asked

"One of them has taken our ship" Needy divulged

"What? What are you talking about."

"Ciaran. She has stolen The Epsilon. And some of the crew are still on there. The children... Amy"

"What? You can't know that!"

"But I do. You're right, I am different. But are you? Are you a man who will do whatever's necessary?"

"What are you talking about?" Milton asked, showing signs of panic

"I know how you feel about Amy. Will you do whatever's necessary to help her, to protect this crew?"

"Yes but I..."

"Then do it."

With that, the bright light that Needy had created expanded, until the ball engulfed the two of them completely.
Then in an instant, the portal collapsed - the two men that were once standing there, were gone.

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Saturday, May 19, 2007 1:09 AM


OOC: No fair, getting all Deus Ex Machina. I vote for a real solution, or atleast a more realistic one. What would we think of Firefly if Mal just clicked his heels together three times and said, "There's no place like Triumph." everytime he got into a jam? Do what you must, it's four a clock in the morning and I'm barely coherent.

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, May 20, 2007 12:44 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
ooc - sorry to wake you up SR dearie, but this is the first and last chance i'll get to post for awhile!
"Oh good you're awake, get up, i need to go kill someone"
SR grunted, not quite the sweet nothings he'd been hoping for, but it was an improvement on the ear bashings he'd got in the past. For once obliging, he pulled himself towards daylight and stood, watching and shaking the life back into limbs as Seryn pulled her self out and up.
He reached to embrace and help her, but she twisted and pushed him off,
"Lordie she got you hard didn't she?"
SR grimaced, nd stood firm, until she sensed something was wrong.
"Whats wrong now SR, a lecture on not presenting my head as an easy target? whats it to be?"
"We need to talk about us"
"Us? What 'Us'?"
"We need to talk about what we are to each other"
She straightened her shirt in an irritated manner
"SR we've been over this, i'm no longer Captain, you have no need to stick around, you owe me nothing, you are free to go where you please, we are friends, nothing more, nothing less, now please.. is this really the right time to talk about this? "
SR froze, for once unsure if what he wanted to say next was the right thing "You know theres more."
"More?" She laughed "What do you mean more?" She looked at his face, and frowned " What, you mean like puppies and roses more? when have we ever been that to each other? You need to sit, you got hit hard SR if you think.. i don't know what you think... Jeeze SR, don't do this now - I'm kind of busy, i have a brand new baby to keep and there a mad woman running around with the best dressing up box... oh god Fin!"

She left.


SR stood there, alone, fuming, he had let things slip out wrong, it must have been a side affect of whatever put him down. He has said the word "Us". He had siad there was "more". He never talked like that in a strange situation and given that he tended to shift in space and time his situations were more often than not 'strange'. He didn't want to tell her anything. Not that he wanted to lie to her, but the problem with random travel in space and time is that you are better suited by asking questions than by telling people things. Get information first then choose your words carefully. Well atleast he now knew that he was in point in time where he and Seryn had not yet become involved. But she now had a child and they had been involved before she had ever given birth. That was a bad sign, this meant that he now was in not just a different point in time but in fact a alternate reality. Well there was nothing to be done about reality, it is what it is. He automatically took stock of the immediate situation to see if there was something he could do about that: He had been unconscious, Seryn didn't love him, there was an imposter onboard the ship, and his head hurt like hell. Time call in, relay information and perhaps call for reinforcements. He clicked on his comm unit.
"Safe, It's Scorpion, I was knocked out and Seryn too in one of the aft compartments there's a imposter aboard she looks like Seryn. Tell me there is someone to interrogate. I feel like hurting someone."

OOC: Seryn, SR wasn't expecting sweet nothings, he was rendered unconscious and his body simply followed it's nose to Seryn, cuddling was a reflex.

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, May 20, 2007 8:28 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
OOC: No fair, getting all Deus Ex Machina. I vote for a real solution, or atleast a more realistic one. What would we think of Firefly if Mal just clicked his heels together three times and said, "There's no place like Triumph." everytime he got into a jam? Do what you must, it's four a clock in the morning and I'm barely coherent.

Scorpion Regent

OOC: *Throws hands up* Sorry, SR, and anyone else who agrees, I'll readily admit that yes, it does wreak of deux ex machina, and yes I might have cheated a little.
In my defense, my original plan was for Milton and Needy be on the same ship with the traitor, but it kind of got away from me. And I really felt it was time for Needy to embrace his "destiny", and that the display of his new (or maybe, not so new) abilities would coincide with that.
So yes, I combined the two, even though I know it is a cheat, and a plot contrivance... not to mention, unoriginal considering Vixen has just travelled over there in a similar fashion only a few posts before.

But no, before you worry, its not going to be an easy "oh why dont we do that every time we get into a little pickle". Plus, I hope you'll forgive me for this little cheat after what's to come soon.

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Tuesday, May 22, 2007 3:52 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Safe and the team arrive at the airlock to find Wisp lying unconsious. Maxine runs over and begins to check his vitals.

"Breathings labored, Pulse thready. We need to get him to the med bay now"

"Dont have time" Safe replied "Probably just his earlier wound playin up"

"No this is separate, fresh. Someones hit him on the head, HARD. Theres probably internal haemoraging maybe a haeomtoma."

"Ciaran" Soul mutters.

"No shes already on the other ship, I saw him with another woman earlier. Dark hair , vest, ponytail" Maxine says arranging people to pick up Wisp.

"Vixen" Safe replies "Bet the being made her an offer, shes been waiting to cut us loose and now shes done it with our own ship! When i catch that jien huo..."
Comedy and That


Wednesday, May 23, 2007 2:14 PM


Safe punched the door in frustration, “Gorramit!!” Stepping back from the door he puts a hand on one hip and pinches the bridge of his nose with the other. Think, dammit!

Silence interrupts his thoughts. Safe looks up slowly and then around at the people gathered there. They all stood quietly, some lost in thought others waiting expectantly.

Sighing, he understood what it was they were waiting for and he didn’t like it one bit.

“Alright, already… what are you all just standing here for?” Safe glared around at the group. “Do you even know? I’ll tell you what it is, you’re waiting for someone to take the lead and if it’s me you’re wantin’ to do it, I’ll tell you right now. I DON’T WANT THE JOB!” He glared around at the group again. “But as I see no other way around it, I’m gonna lay down some rules.”

“You wanna be a crew; you gotta start acting like one, right here, right now! It’s the only way we’re gonna get anything done. There are NO loners in a crew. Just so you know, I’m not afraid to get my hands dirty and I expect you all to be the same. I won’t ask you to do anything I wouldn’t do myself, nor will I sit around doing nothing but barking orders while you do all the work. That said, when I ask someone to do something, I expect it to get done with no backlip. I don’t care how you do the job, just do it….”

“Wait a minute!” Liam had stood quietly absorbing all of this, but finally he had had enough, “This is MY ship and MY crew.” He looked for support, but found only stares. He turned back to Safe and found him scowling back at him, one eyebrow cocked. Over Safe’s shoulder, he could see Jack, the beginnings of a wicked grin forming on his face like he knew what was coming next. This only served to bolster Liam’s indignation.

“Who are you anyway to…” Liam started but Safe had finally had enough, his arm snakes out rabbit punching Liam in the face, breaking the man’s nose. Liam’s head snaps back and he drops to the floor. Scorpion glares at Colm, daring him to move.

“I’ve had enough of YOUR lip for one day. As, I suspect, have the others.”

“You brode by nothe!”

Safe looked down at Liam, “Consider yourself lucky.”

“Ok, crew, lets get cracking. We’ve got a ship to catch. Seryn, lets get a head count. Find out who’s missing. Jack, get Wisp and Liam to the med bay. If he gets lippy, hit’im again. Soul, take Colm, there’s a cabin that’s locked up tight. I wanna know what or who’s in it. Scorpion, you and Maxine get to the bridge. Let’s get this boat moving. Versa, you’re with me, back to the engine room.”

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Thursday, May 24, 2007 12:02 AM


SR doesn't flinch, but when Safe struck Liam something inside him snapped.
These people were victims, pushing them around made as much sense as burning the toys of a crying child. He knew that Safe meant well, but he didn't sign on for this. He wasn't going to question Safe, but he didn't have to stand idly by and watch him turn into a screaming tyrant either. SR had been a pirate quartermaster for a long time and it was his job to see that the crew stood on equal terms with the captain. Violence was a necessary adjunct of the job, but it was best directed at ones enemies and not at one's crew.
As Maxine led him forward to the bridge he excused himself and stepped into the lavatory. He washed his face and looked into the mirror. He loved Seryn, but this Seryn didn't know it and couldn't be bothered to listen to him and that was a rusty piece of shrapnel in his heart. What did he have to stay for?
SR turned out the lights and dissappeared.

Later the only trace to be found would be a the phrase "deal me out" scrawled in grease pencil on the mirror.

The western bank of the Don river Late September 1942.

"Comrade Ragent I see the Partisans have come to make a glorious difference in our battle against the fascist invaders."

"Comrade Sargent, you know as well as I, that in this great system of ours that one must give one's all for the people's defence. Beside I couldn't let you have all the fun."

"You don't have any of that special vodka of yours do you?"

"I'll trade you my last bottle for a good rifle and twenty bullets."

"Have you lost all reason, you need a good coat first."

"I will kill an enemy officer and take his coat, Comrade Sargent. With luck I will have nineteen bullets to spare."

"Or you could shoot that fat commisar over there."

"Not sporting enough, besides better to have him as the obvious target for the enemy to aim for, rather than you or I, Comrade Sargent. Let them do their job and we do ours."

OOC: I might be back later.

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, May 24, 2007 4:19 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Milton woke suddenly, sitting up and gasping for air.
He felt like he had been drowning, and only now was he getting the needed oxygen.

As his breathing slowed and he regained control, he looked around.
The room was dark and small. Various pieces of equipment gathered dust around him. Useless fei-oo. It seemed to Milton to have been left here in storage for quite a while.
Beside him, Needy stirred.

"Where are we?" Milton asked

Needy was weak and drained. In fact, he recalled a time a few months back when he had awoken in a similar state, right about the same time his journey had begun.
It took all his energy to move his mouth to speak.

"We're on our ship." He spoke in a dry,husky tone.

"What? How? That's impossible" Milton exclaimed, but Needy of course was not surprised. Milton was confused, even after all he had seen, but he ignored the major questions for now and simply asked "What do we do now?"

"You need to go" Needy replied, his voice softening somewhat


"Go. Find Amy."

"Then what?"

"You'll figure it out" Needy uttered, slowly rising.

"What about you?"

Needy collapsed again. "I'm going to rest"

Milton stood and did as he was told. He didn't know how he could help Needy, he didn't think that he could. And he knew he was no hero, but nevertheless he had to do what he could. Amy and the others... they had helped him. It was time he returned the favour.

Quietly he opened the door and stepped out of the storage room.
Sure enough, he was on board the Epsilon.

Slowly but surely, whilst remaining as silent as possible, Milton closed the door behind him and made his way to the living quarters.

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Friday, May 25, 2007 1:25 PM


She was dimly aware that Safe was speaking, but it didn't seam important. Even when he said her name.
It mattered very little.
What mattered was that this hunk of crap wasn't moving. Why? Her son was moving steadily further and further away from her and there was nothing she was able to do.
Safe was shouting, but it really didn't mean much.
She didn't even have her remote for the Nandi with her - it was in the med bay. Useless.

She turned. Liam was on the floor, blood smeared accross his face. From his stance, his expression, it was Safe who had thrown the punch. Something about that struck her as wrong.

Safe turned to look at her - counting something? What was the point of that? Her son... he was helpless, Sykes was there - but who was to say that... She... hadn't taken him out? All of the children, Liams children...

Her blood boiled, Safe had no right, none at all...

Before he knew what was happening Safe was against the wall, Seryns scraped and bloody knuckles wrapped around his throat.
The others were frozen, their loyalties with Safe but knowing that she wasn't an enemy - or was she?

Everything had crystallised. the only thing that mattered now was the engines, getting them working again, but she couldn't leave Safe - he was loosing it, even on short aquaintance, she new he wasn't the sort of man to floor someone who was no danger to him.

She increased the pressure around his throat, his skin was reddened now, he strained and grabbed at her arms, neither of them had any idea where her strength was coming from.

'All of you! The engines - get them back on line. Identify the problem, fix it. Now. '
Her voice was hard, crisp, it tolerated no excuse, brooked no refusal. Inside her something like elation unfurled, locked up for so long, the pirate in her masked and concealed, instincts to lead suppressed, her heart beat quicker, adrenaline kicking in - this was how things would be done now they would get the Epsilon back. The others hesitated.

"Go." She didn't wait to see if her orders were followed, she assumed they would be. By the time she turned back that way, should someone not have obeyed her - well, she'd deal with it then.
Turning to Safe her expression changed. It didn't soften, but it opened, it let him know that she bore him no ill will, but that this was the way it was for a while...
"Pick him up." She looked to Liam, but the man was already on his feet, bracing himself against the bulkhead as he wiped at his face with his shirt sleeve. Turning back to Safe she inclined her head to the other man. "Check you haven't broken it then both of you follow me to the bridge. I want to know whats going on and then I want it sorted. Soul?" She knew the other man would have paid about as much attention to her orders as to an ant in the grass, but it was worth a try.
"In one of the crew quarters, some items you may be interested in, you may not be, but then again... get SR to show you where" she looked to Safe, "once you've checked the bunk Safe is interested in, then join us on the bridge."

Safe, to his credit, had recovered his composure, straightened his back and was, albeit roughly, checking Liams injuries. She knew she'd face repercussions from this. But that meant nothing, she was getting her son back, she was taking them to a safe place, she was giving them a chance. She and the Captians would have plenty of time to slog it out once they were at leisure.
For now, it was her call.

Squatting beside Wisps prone body, she picked him carefully up and made her way towards the med bay.

ooc - hey! the bitch is back! was getting sick of mopey Seryn, so brought back the feisty version and then some.
I apologise if it interferes with anyones planned story arcs. If it does, let me know - someone could always knock her out cold, i don't mind. Of course now they'd have to watch their backs once she woke up.
I have no ideas how you're planning to get back to the Epsilon - next post was going to be them getting to the bridge, demanding the full story from Liam and then her demanding ideas as to how to be going on.
(she may be putting her foot down, but she's not a know it all)
Soul - i've no idea if Ciarans involvement with some sort of agency is what you want, or if you want a clue or proof of it at this stage, which is what all of the belongings in that room were - if you don't just say there was nothing there, or something - you can come up with something better than i can.
SR - don't go! I thought the unrequited thing would work really well in the story - I hope you don't think i cut your plotline dead - and i apologise for writing your character so badly, but its just getting interesting! Saying that - the historical thing looks interesting.
Safe - sorry! But SR was right - hitting people is not nice, and she wouldn't have liked that! you're still going to have to be the smart one here - Seryns brain is saying one thing - Get Fin Back! Saying that, i'm not sure of Liams character, so next step is someone elses. Would this be a good place for a summary post? or would it interrupt the action?

If you all hate this then i will delete - but i think it could be interesting!


Friday, May 25, 2007 3:16 PM


OOC: Nope, I'm good Seryn. I think you explained it quite well actually. I was going for the frayed nerves thing, so Safe is not acting as rational as he would normally. I think Needy was leading up to this kinda of confrontation amongst the crew anyway. After all, they have been on the run for quite sometime with realatively little sleep and really don't know each other all that well yet.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Monday, May 28, 2007 5:45 PM


The Man They Call Soul...

OOC: Okay, here I go. PLEASE let me know if I need to change anything. Oh, and who is this "Colm" that I'm with?

Walking the halls, Soul actually cracked a grin. Just moments before, Seryn had taken to giving out orders. As much as Soul loathed being given orders, he had to admit, something needed to happen, and if Seryn hadn't stepped up, then Soul would have. So he was heading to check out the locked room, but then after that, he would decide what he would do.


Colm pointed out the locked door, and then Soul waved him away. Not everyone knew what he could do, and he prefered to keep it that way.

Taking a deep breath, Soul took three steps forward, and he was inside the room.

"So Liam isn't a liar. Interesting."

The room had indeed been gutted by a fire. The bunk was nothing more than tattered remnants of a mattress hanging to a metal frame, and the small table was blackened. Anything that had been out in the open would have been destroyed. Soul just hoped that no one had been inside.

He made a quick inspection of the room, but found nothing of interest. He was about to leave when he noticed a panel above the bed that wasn't quite fastened down. With one firm tug, he yanked it loose, and from the resulting hole, he produced a small computer pad. He thumbed the power switch, and miraculously, the pad hummed to life. The screen was blackened by the smoke, though.

"Seems like a job for Soul." He chuckled to himself.

Closing his eyes, he reached out through his neural interface and tapped into the pad. It took only a moment of digging before his eyes shot open.

"Oh, this isn't good."

* * *

Two minutes later, he was on the bridge, and he pulled Safe to the side.

"We have a problem."

"You think?" Safe replied.

"Snap out of it," Soul barked under his breath. "People are looking to you for guidance."

Safe took a slow breath. "Sorry. Getting a little frayed."

"As is everyone," Soul stated. "As am I."

He produced the computer pad. "This belonged to her, and what's on it has me more than a little concerned. This is bigger than me. Bigger than you." He lowered his voice to a whisper. "She had two goals, and apparently she hit the jackpot when we arrived. One was me. My former employers seem to still want me either in their posession, or dead. Whichever is easier."

"What's the other goal?"

Soul stared straight into Safe's eyes. "The president."

OOC: It's about midnight here, and I'm not sure if I'm remembering everything correctly, but I hope this works!!

Oh, and SR, if you're still hovering out there, you don't need to leave. That's what's fun about these threads. Not everything goes the way you think it should. You just have to roll with the punches. Besides, it makes for a pretty damn good story, if you ask me.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

I'm blogging about the novel I'm writing! Stay informed, and keep me inspired! Please!


Tuesday, May 29, 2007 4:53 AM


OOC: I had no clue I would be so missed. I "left" for a couple of reasons. I was leaving town and going dark in the real world. I didn't want to back Safe's move and I needed my character out of the way where he won't get in trouble. So for right now SR is on ice, so to speak, at the battle of Stalingrad. I can't promise anything, but I imagine that Seryn's irrestable pull will draw SR back even if he doesn't know it. I have some ideas for how to make that interesting, that is, if it does happen.

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, May 30, 2007 11:55 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: Glad you've decided to stick around SR, we might not have always seen eye to eye bt your last post has left me really intrigued - there's so much potential in the character, can't wait to see what you've got planned when you make your return.

Milton stalked the corridors of the ship silently. He had a vague idea of where he was heading, but that's all it was, a vague idea.

He was going on instinct, he didn't have a neat little map of the ship in his head - he hadn't been on board that long - but he knew the children's room was somewhere along here.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap

The sound of footsteps stopped Milton dead in his tracks. They weren't his own. He didn't know whose they were, all he knew was they were getting louder.
Getting closer.

He scurried to the side, hiding himself behind a girder close to the wall.

He couldn't risk getting caught, not now.

The sound of the steps got closer until they suddenly stopped, mere feet away from him.

Milton breathed deeply and his heart beated rapidly.

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Wednesday, May 30, 2007 11:55 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Clayton sat by his desk staring at the piece of paper in front of him.
The sheet represented all the information he had gathered thus far on the investigation, a map of events that somehow seem linked to the man they call Needy.

Bernard "Needy" Needham


"Seryn" - possible alias - got herself and N arrested by local lawmen
Kyra - former lover. Currently missing. With N?
Milton - former protege. Taken from Helo Holding Facility. Currently missing.
Serenity - Member of resistance. Sought help from N re Heinz. Reported to have wings

- Claire Conway "returns to life" and murders family and friends
- Firefight in Northtown district, location of N's companion house, between Alliance officers and presumably members of a resistance group.
Note: Witnesses of the firefight report the male companion, N, was shot dead
- Heinz (local mobster; history with N) found dead on Commerce, Garrison.
Note: Numerous accounts of a "body-jumper" spirit were reported in and around the location.
- Sky above Boros flashes red, coinciding with the return of marked ships. N appears to be one of the passengers.
Note: A similar incident was reported, but has yet to be confirmed, over Earth-That-Still-Is last year
- N and "Seryn" are arrested by the local sheriff for assault. They soon escape
- N and members of Resistance are held by Crimson Guard.
- N manifests powers of telekinesis, murders CG officers.

Clayton tried to make sense of all that was written
Its all connected, it must be.
Some of the pieces seemed bizarre and out of place, but he was sure that it would all fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.
He just needed to see the big picture

"Still working on the case?" Carl Perry asked, looking over his shoulder.

Clayton turned suddenly, attempting to hide his notes.

"It's about him isn't it - Kyra's old boy?"

Clayton didn't need to answer, Carl already knew.

"I'm not stupid. In fact, even if you were the only one looking into it, I'd say it was an interesting mystery."

"What's that?" Clayton asked quickly

"I've read your notes. Your files. It's all very well and good trying to find proof of the weird and the wonderful. Just don't do it on my time."

"No, not that" Clayton elaborated "What about me not being the only one?"

"Yeah, that's what I was coming to tell you. Johnny was paid a visit by a guy wanting to know about Needy. About Kyra's story. Anything out the ordinary with the guy"

"What did Johnny say?"

"He said HE was better off talking to someone who knew, like Kyra, only she's not here"

"What guy?"

"Johnny didn't know, didn't get a name."

Clayton sat there confused.

"But he did get a number" Carl added, passing a card over to his reporter. "Said if he remembered anything, he should give him a call. Maybe you should."

"What, give him a call? I don't know the guy"

"No, but maybe he knows something you don't."

Carl began to walk away.

"What happened to not working on this case on your time?"

Carl turned back "You're not going to drop this till it's solved. I want this over and done with, come back to me when you're ready to get back to work"

"Thanks Carl" he called back

"Don't thank me. You're on suspension, without pay. Now get it done"

Clayton grabbed his notes, threw them into his bag and headed for the door.

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Thursday, May 31, 2007 2:14 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

OOC- I apologise everyone but i have just left my uni flat so am staying in youth hostels for the next month- this means my posts might get a little patchy but dont worry!!

Im gonna try and put something down for vixen in a few days and ill be back fully by july!

And this plot is smoking!! Loving Feisty seryn and tired Safe, Not forgetting crazy Needy, And SR!! Please return when the real world gets boring!! [/i}


Friday, June 1, 2007 4:49 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Vixen drew her pistol and started heading towards the bridge of The Epsilon. The ship wasnt very large but she was taking extra care. She was always a lone gun hand and she's learnt many times how to avoid ambushes and the like. When your on your own you have nobody to watch your back.

She remembered once how she'd walked past a room with an armed guard without noticing and he just happened to be yawning at the time. When you come that close you buck up your ideas.

She opened the door to the passenger hold very slowly and peeked in barrel first.


Friday, June 1, 2007 6:46 AM


Seryn slid into the co-pilots seat. She was still trying to get the feel of flying bulk transports. It’s not that she didn’t know how to fly it; it’s just that the mechanics were different from flying light fighter craft. Plus it gave her something to do. Something to occupy her mind and keep it away from the gnawing panic that had set in when Ciaran took the Epsilon, effectively kidnapping Finn.

Maxine tucked an errant strand of red hair behind her ear. The rest of it, with the exception of her ponytail, was contained under the baseball style flight cap. She looked less like a pilot than a ships mechanic with an outfit consisting of a pair of coveralls with the top rolled down and the sleeves tied at the waist, and a white T-shirt. Her actions, however, said different. She was perfectly at home at the controls.

“You’ve been flying at while have you?” Seryn asked trying to make small talk.

“Yep. Flew dropships and emergency medical evac ships during the war.”

Seryn noticed that Maxine never said for which side. She nods at Maxine. “Do you have any sort of tracking equipment on this tub?”

“No need.” Safe said. “We know where she’s headed.”

All eyes turn to look at Safe. He stares pointedly at Liam. “Ok, now where is this ‘weapon’?”

Liam’s jaw drops. “How could you…”

Soul steps forward holding the blackened laptop.

Safe opens his mouth to say something when Soul places a hand on his shoulder. “Let the man speak. In fact, I think you should go to the sick bay and get some sleep. We need some level heads and sound judgment right now. Traits you normally have, but you’ve shown very little of lately.”

Safe clenches his jaw and glares back at Soul, the adrenaline rushing through his ears like a freight train. He looks around the cabin. All eyes watch the two expectantly. Seryn shakes her head.

Safe takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly “Ya…” The adrenaline rush had been a welcome relief, one that he had looked to more times recently than he’d like to admit. The adrenaline rushes had held back the headache that had been trying to beat its way out of his skull and now that it subsided the headache rushed back into the void it left causing Safe’s vision to swim.

“Jack, maybe you want to help Safe?” Soul said, seeing the pain in the other man’s eyes.

“No! I can find the way myself!” Safe stops and pinches the bridge of his nose again. “Sorry…. I can manage.”

Soul’s com chimes and Versa comes on line. “The damage to the engine by that Jezebel, was cosmetic. We’re back in business.”

Soul nods at Maxine and Seryn, who get the Dwarf under way, then turns to Liam. “Now… where were we?”

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Sunday, June 3, 2007 6:25 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Clayton looked at the number on the card he had been given.
It was a longer code than normal - letters and numbers - and instantly he recognised it as belonging to a long-range communicator.

"Great, that'll cost me" he thought to himself.
LongCom's were not cheap to come by, in fact it was rare for your average joe to own one - you would find them in certain ships, but usually most would take advantage of the Cortex when their standard communicator would fail to connect.
Obviously, whoever this guy with an interest in Needy was, he was a man who could afford the finer things life had to offer. Either that, or his manner of business required such technology, which made him wonder what sort of business the man might be in.

Whatever the motives of this man, Clayton knew that right now, he was the best lead to tracking Needy - or at least one he could gather information from.

The Kristal Complex was a huge establishment owned by one of Boros' wealthiest businessmen. It was also notorious for being prevalent with seedy activity - hardly surprising given the complex's casinos, bordellos and semi-illegal fighting rings. Of course, illegalities aside, it was never going to be shut down when the most frequent visitors were the politicians.
Aside from all that though, it did contain a fair few LongCom booths. They weren't the only ones in town, but they were the closest, and Clayton was not fazed by the other activities in the complex to the point that he wanted to travel further

Finding an empty booth and begrudgingly shelling out the needed credits for its use, Clayton punched in the words and numbers that made up the man's contact number.

No response.

It wasn't ideal, he would have much rather talk to the guy there and then, establish who he was and what he wanted, but that just wasn't an option. The only option he had available now was to leave a message, and that he did.

"My name's Clayton Payne, a reporter for Boros Band. I hear you're looking for information on a man named Needy. I might have what you're looking for. You can contact me on this number, maybe we can help each other out."

And with that, the call was disconnected.


Miles away, in a ship called the Bounty Baby, Kurren's LongCom beeps.

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Sunday, June 3, 2007 7:01 AM



casinos, bordellos and semi-illegal fighting rings

OOC: Dude! You forgot drug dens, sleazy dives, fern bars, and most of all Starbucks!

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, June 3, 2007 7:13 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

OOC: Dude! You forgot drug dens, sleazy dives, fern bars, and most of all Starbucks!

Scorpion Regent

OOC: Damn! I knew there was something I was leaving out!! LOL

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Tuesday, June 5, 2007 8:08 PM



Miles away, in a ship called the Bounty Baby, Kurren's LongCom beeps.

"What's this? Seems I have a message."


"My name's Clayton Payne, a reporter for Boros Band. I hear you're looking for information on a man named Needy. I might have what you're looking for. You can contact me on this number, maybe we can help each other out."

Kurren chuckles a little as he mocks the caller, " each other out.." He wants to ignore the message, he wants to continue to Santos where he is sure his prey is heading, but the words of his father come back to him 'Remember son, know your prey. The more you know about them the easier it becomes for you to trap them. Always do what you can to learn more.'

Kurren grimaces as he heeds his memories. Punching in the contact number for Payne, Kurren mulls over what he wants to say and what he hopes to hear.
Clayton's Personal Com buzzed to life, he checked the ID and noticed it belonged to the man who was curious about Needy. Accepting the call, he brought the receiver to his ear.
"Mr. Clayton Payne, I presume."
"Yes, and am I right to assume you are the one interested in Mr. Bernard"
"Yes, the name's Kurren"
There was an uncomfortable silence until Kurren restarted the conversation.
"So, what do you know about this elusive critter?"
"I won't tell you over Long Range Com."
"Too many ears in the black for you?"
"No, too many creds per minute. Come back to Boros and we'll talk."
"Why don't you get a shuttle and I'll meet you in orbit?"
Clayton could hear the other man smile and it didn't settle well with him. Taking a deep breath he issued an ultimatum.
"It's my information so it's my terms. Come back to Boros and we can discuss Needy further."
There is a pause on the other side.
"Fine. I'll be back on Boros in two days. Name the place."

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny
Kurren, Bounty Hunter


Friday, June 8, 2007 3:52 PM


Clayton took a deep breath, it had been an hour since he made the arrangement with Kurren. His only hope was that he could keep a brave face when Kurren was standing right in front of him.
"Two Days" he sighed. "I have two days to learn what I can about this Kurren so I can be as prepared as possible to meet with him."
Clayton took another breath then set out to gather his info.
On the Bounty Baby
"Pretty ballsy for a guy a few hundred miles away." Kurren smiles "His information should be more helpful than those Carson hicks. Besides, Father's wisdom never failed me before."
He steers the ship towards Boros , "Plus I'd love to see if this guy can keep up that front of his when we're face-to-face."Kurren laughs

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny
Kurren, Bounty Hunter


Tuesday, June 12, 2007 10:28 AM


Safe walks towards the med room, taking slow but deliberate steps. He stops in front of the locked room where Soul recovered the laptop. He was so sure there was something else in that room, something more tangible. How could he have been wrong?

The information on the laptop and things Seryn said had triggered a nagging doubt in the back of Safe’s mind but the pounding of the headache was preventing him from exploring that line of thought. The rational part of Safe’s mind knew that everything he was going through could be attributed to the after effects of the adrenaline shot he had taken back on Boros, but that never made it any easier to live through.

He stumbled into the med room and lay on an empty cot. Wisp lay on the other cot.

Safe had a moment to feel sorry for the youngster before unconsciousness took him. That many knocks to the head was bound to loosen ones brainpan.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 6:12 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Clayton's entry:

I've spent the last day or so scavenging through Kyra's old notes on Needy, hoping to find some reference to a man named Kurren.


Who's this guy who seems so interested in the Needy? And what does he want with him?

If he wasn't a friend, then only two other possibilities sprang to mind.
He wanted to find Needy because there's someone the two have in common - a link not too easily found in Kyra's notes.

Or more likely, he wants to find Needy to capture him.

There is a bounty on Needy's head, just like there's a bounty on all the heads of those that would ally themselves with the resistance.

If they found out that I've allied myself with the resistance, they I would be in danger too.
But my connections are slight and I've had even less contact with them.

Perhaps they would be able to help me though. That is if the only members I knew haven't already been arrested and presumably imprisoned weeks ago.
Robert Wu is my only link to them now, but I'm not even sure how much he knows

Kurren. Kurren.

Nothing. It don't sound familiar.

If it was indeed someone trying to recapture Needy, then that one would either have to be an Alliance operative or a bounty hunter.

Standard alliance officers don't work alone, nor can I imagine them changing their route to talk to a lumpen reporter.
An operative sounds more likely but why would a highly esteemed operative set their eyes on a companion like Needy?
Unless they knew of his gifts.
Or maybe he knew something that would be damaging to the alliance.

But Operatives have no names, they don't exist, they are supposed to act invisibly. And this guy Kurren has put himself on the radar all over Boros by going to a reporter.

It just leaves one option.
A bounty hunter.

I've one day left before I meet him at our agreed location.
I've got to have something on him before then
I need to know what I'm up against.

Needy. Male Companion: Chosen One?
----- The World's Greatest Detective?


Thursday, June 21, 2007 1:18 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

OOC- I leave you on your own for 2 weeks and nothing gets done! Honestly

Vixen was swung round the door to the bridge to find herself pointing the barrel of her gun at Seryn holding Fin.

"PUT THAT DOWN!! I have a baby in my arms!" She screamed at her. She was holding the child across her chest with one arm as she pressed buttons on the control terminal.

"Did you see her??" Vixen asked, lowering the gun but not holstering it.

"Nobodys come past here Im just trying to turn the ship round" Vixen looked at the door for a split second wondering where her mystery assailant had gone but when her gaze returned to Seryn she was holding a double barreled shotgun at her face. "Silly Girl"






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