best minor characters

UPDATED: Saturday, April 23, 2005 23:40
VIEWED: 7239
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Friday, January 21, 2005 5:21 AM


okay, we have had all kinds of "favorites" or "best of" lists but here is another one. who is your favorite minor character or recurring character from buffy, angel or firefly? you can pick anyone, just not "the guy in the bar" or "woman on the stairs". but they do not have to have had large parts. they may have only been in one episode. they may have had a recurring role for a number of episodes. no "official" cast members, though. this precludes characters like lorne (since he was eventually a cast member), connor or harmony.

since i am posting this thread, i will go first. i always thought skip was a lot of fun. of course, he was an instrument in cordelia's demise, but still, he was funny and he had quite a unique look!


Friday, January 21, 2005 6:12 AM


I liked Skip too, and was disappointed when he turned out to be just another enemy conspirator.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Friday, January 21, 2005 7:23 AM


I liked Lily/Anne. Man was she smokin.

Um...I think she had some sort of role in the shows too.


Friday, January 21, 2005 7:58 AM


I think it's obvious here; I'll go with Early from Objects In Space. He's Early Fett, I mean he even has the space ship and the backpack. (Although in this case it's not a rocket pack.) He's tough and a little my side of the loony bin He was the perfect person to try and cowboy River.

So you're a bounty hunter.
No, that ain't it at all.
Then what are you?
I'm a bounty hunter.


Friday, January 21, 2005 9:40 AM


Gonna have to go with Two-Fry, from Serenity.

Poor sod didn't even get one line of dialogue.

"Nice hat...BLAM, thump."

Did a good job for a part that small, ya almost feel sorry for him.



Friday, January 21, 2005 11:56 AM


For me it's Badger.

Of all the minor characters I really feel he's the most developed, the most interesting and the most likely to be seen again. He's a classic criminal middle-man in a position to give Serenity lots of business and cause them a lot of trouble.

My dream scenario would have Badger and his crew pulling a deal somewhere out on the rim (where the wheel never stops turning).

Normally, Badger wouldn't budge from his "gorram den". He hires Reynolds et al to do it on a percentage basis but then has 2nd thoughts - this deal is so sensitive, so sweet, that he decides to handle it himself and "forgets" to tell our BDH they're out of the picture.

Everything would be going just fine...until the Reavers arrive. Desperate scenes, desperate decisions to be made, all looks lost until our BDH arrive, double-crossed and looking for Badger. So many ways it could go - BDH save Badger, Badger has to choose between own skin and innocents, sacrifices made, somehow it has to turn out that Badger says "sorry" and "thank you" and Mal slugs him by way of accepting the apology.

Also, Jayne and Vera must feature prominently along with some wierd-ass weapon that Wash and Kayley cook up on the spur of the moment.

That's the way it should be....

"How drunk was I last night?"

"I dunno, I passed out"


Saturday, January 22, 2005 7:09 AM


Holden Webster was the best one-episode character I've ever seen on television. Joss did a totally perfect job of writing dialog for the goofy psychoanalyzing vampire and Jonathan Woodward was brilliant in portraying him. Nearly every line was a memorable one without all the scenes being too hammy or OTT.


Saturday, January 22, 2005 11:09 AM



Originally posted by CapnEric:
For me it's Badger.

Of all the minor characters I really feel he's the most developed, the most interesting and the most likely to be seen again. He's a classic criminal middle-man in a position to give Serenity lots of business and cause them a lot of trouble.

My dream scenario would have Badger and his crew pulling a deal somewhere out on the rim (where the wheel never stops turning).

Normally, Badger wouldn't budge from his "gorram den". He hires Reynolds et al to do it on a percentage basis but then has 2nd thoughts - this deal is so sensitive, so sweet, that he decides to handle it himself and "forgets" to tell our BDH they're out of the picture.

Everything would be going just fine...until the Reavers arrive. Desperate scenes, desperate decisions to be made, all looks lost until our BDH arrive, double-crossed and looking for Badger. So many ways it could go - BDH save Badger, Badger has to choose between own skin and innocents, sacrifices made, somehow it has to turn out that Badger says "sorry" and "thank you" and Mal slugs him by way of accepting the apology.

Also, Jayne and Vera must feature prominently along with some wierd-ass weapon that Wash and Kayley cook up on the spur of the moment.

That's the way it should be....

So there's a great fanfic! Have you been to Wiccanslyr's thread about a contest? If not, please go. And even if you've never written squat before, try writing this! I would love to see it fully developed, it's a great idea!


Saturday, January 22, 2005 11:43 AM


And, I forgot to add, Badger is also my fave minor character because he's so well-drawn. I've been sad enough about losing the majors that the minors haven't really sunk in yet.

Close second: Adelai Niska. Mr. Fairman portrayed him so eloquently, and gave a minor moon some major glow. I hope we'll see more of him in the 'verse, too.

Aside: Has anyone else noticed the prevalence of Tiffany lamps in Whedonverse? One on Niska's desk; all the lamps in Rupert's house on Buffy; and there were some in Angel as well. What up with that?


Sunday, January 23, 2005 8:18 PM



Originally posted by amyel:
Holden Webster was the best one-episode character I've ever seen on television. Joss did a totally perfect job of writing dialog for the goofy psychoanalyzing vampire and Jonathan Woodward was brilliant in portraying him. Nearly every line was a memorable one without all the scenes being too hammy or OTT.

What you said.


Monday, January 24, 2005 2:11 AM


the one that's always stood out to me is yo-saff-bridge. a cunning, devious character with some sort of messed up past to set her out on that track. and she's hot. i've even been downloading episodes of kevin hill just to look at her.

eviltobz - that's lowercase gorram it!


Monday, January 24, 2005 3:07 AM


Angel: Penn, Boon, Billy

All unique and all developed in very short periods of time.


Monday, January 24, 2005 3:44 AM


who are Penn and Boon? sorry if they were memorable to you, just tell me in what story-context they were in and I'll probably remember them. Billy was creepy.

I'd have to vote for Ethan Rayne. he was beyond cool. I so missed him since they shipped him off to some army prison or something.
what I found most interesting about him was that he never even tried to hit anyone with his hands. sometimes he would try to throw a bookshelf at someone or sneak up to someone holding an iron bar or something but when the hitting and kicking started he always got beaten the crap out of and never tried to fight back. it wasn't his style. he got knocked out by second season BtVS Cordy for god's sake. his wapons were magic and intrigue. and not even all kinds of magic but only the chaos variety, interesting effects created to spice things up not the brutal kill-you-dead-magic that for example Willow used when she was pissed. and I have nothing against kill-you-dead-magic or Willow (she's my vote for best female character ever).

I just liked his style and his imagination and his disruptive attitude.

Skip was cool too, I loved his lines along the way "do you live here?" "no I commute. it's not so bad, just 20 min or so." it was exactly what you would not have thought them talking about down in the hell-prison about to kick each other's butt.



Monday, January 24, 2005 7:10 AM


Penn was from Somnambulist. He was a vampire that Angelus sired in the 18th century. He's the one that kept recreating his family's murders.

Boon was a blue-skinned demon from Blood Money. I actually don't remember a whole lot about him, but he was a pretty honorable guy and fair fights were really important to him. I think he could also grow some kind of metallic thingies out of his hands.


Monday, January 24, 2005 8:05 AM


thanks. now I somewhat know who we're talking about. but I can't say either of them impressed me much.

but just this moment another recurring bad-guy comes to mind: Sajan (sp?) I always loved him somehow. there was a scene with Angel and Lilah and Sajan in a bar where he was late and didn't know what the were talking about and then spilled his big secret in a fit of indignant rage about them consorting behind his back or somesuch thing. made you feel for the poor time-travelling demon who doesn't always get audio.

and speaking of Lilah I always loved her too. she was consistently evil, or at least egocentric, until she fell for Wes. and she was willing to take what came with being evil, she never tried to get out of her deal with W&H for instance. as opposed to Lindsay who never seemed to be able to make up his mind on who's side he's on today.

there's lots of great characters in all the JW shows, not only the ones in the credits.



Monday, January 24, 2005 8:10 AM



Originally posted by Idefix:
thanks. now I somewhat know who we're talking about. but I can't say either of them impressed me much.

but just this moment another recurring bad-guy comes to mind: Sajan (sp?) I always loved him somehow. there was a scene with Angel and Lilah and Sajan in a bar where he was late and didn't know what the were talking about and then spilled his big secret in a fit of indignant rage about them consorting behind his back or somesuch thing. made you feel for the poor time-travelling demon who doesn't always get audio.

and speaking of Lilah I always loved her too. she was consistently evil, or at least egocentric, until she fell for Wes. and she was willing to take what came with being evil, she never tried to get out of her deal with W&H for instance. as opposed to Lindsay who never seemed to be able to make up his mind on who's side he's on today.

there's lots of great characters in all the JW shows, not only the ones in the credits.


never really like sahjan (my spelling is probably wrong). he just seemed too out of it and not really a main part of the action. on that note, i never liked holtz either.

lilah was pretty fun to watch. she had some very memorable moments and even when she was with wes, she still manipulated and used him to further her own agenda or the firm's. i liked lindsay too, though.


Monday, January 24, 2005 9:06 AM


I love the Grooselug from Angel. He was so adorable. He was like a really nice, muscular, masculine Anya with his observations about the new world he'd entered. He can massage my Shulcktee any time.

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Monday, January 24, 2005 12:49 PM


I don't think Sahjhan or Groo are really minor characters. IMDB says Sahjhan is in 8 eps and Groo 9 - not particularly minor if you ask me. But both were good, and underused in the long run.


Monday, January 24, 2005 12:53 PM



Originally posted by Grounded:
I don't think Sahjhan or Groo are really minor characters. IMDB says Sahjhan is in 8 eps and Groo 9 - not particularly minor if you ask me. But both were good, and underused in the long run.

well, i meant this thread to involve characters that never appeared in the opening credits at any point in time. that is why i left out connor and lorne because they both end up in the credits, albeit long after they are introduced on the show. perhaps minor is not the best term. maybe minor and recurring but not official "cast members".

i completly agree about groo. he was not developed properly. i would have loved to have him come back in the end to help out with the black thorn or something. his departure is touching, but entirely too gentle for someone like him.

remember the immortal words from galaxyquest:
"miners not minors!"


Thursday, April 21, 2005 9:33 PM


I was always a fan of Lilah. Billy was creepy. I liked vampire Darla, not to forget Dru from both shows. I loved Glory from Buffy, Niska from Firefly and I had a major crush on Lindsey at the time. If Vamp Willow from 'The Wish' and 'Doppelgangland' counts, then her too. In fact, there were alot of minor characters that I really liked. I just can't name them all right now.

Oh, and you can't forget Numfar-
"Numfar- do the dance of honor"

No Power In The 'Verse Can Stop Me\


Friday, April 22, 2005 1:44 AM


Important people don't do field work.

I'm surprised that the Sherriff from Paradiso in "The Train Job" hasn't been mentioned. I thought he was great! Especially that little touch of going over and letting that guy in the jail cell have a drag off his smoke...

There was the informer demon on Angel...Merl. I thought he was great...Also, according to the criteria mentioned, wouldn't Lindsay, Lilah, and most anyone from Wolfram and Hart be up for mentioning...That would mean Gavin and Holland as well.

Over on Buffy...Let's see...Most anyone, and I know some of the principals did...who portrayed The First...most of them seemed like the were having a good time doing it. I know you said no credit sequences, and, even though he got his own, I thought Jonathon was one of the redeeming things about season 6. Of course, there's Principal Schneider and The Mayor(but, like the Wolfram and Hart gang, hardly minor characters...) Oh...and CLEM! How could I have forgotten about CLEM! Everytime he showed up in an episode, I would turn to my wife and say "Clem's da bomb!"

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Friday, April 22, 2005 2:52 AM



Originally posted by manwithpez:
There was the informer demon on Angel...Merl. I thought he was great...Also, according to the criteria mentioned, wouldn't Lindsay, Lilah, and most anyone from Wolfram and Hart be up for mentioning...That would mean Gavin and Holland as well.

merl was pretty funny. such a greasy character but i felt bad when he got splattered over the wall. he was quite the simpleton but still a lot of fun to watch. he is kind of like those characters in police movies that the heroes go to see. the secret informer or the "i helped his brother out a long time ago" or the guy who owes one of the heroes a favor. they always say something like "i do this for you and we're even.".

gavin was pretty cool. his demise was pretty amusing. he was such a slave to guys like linwood murrow. of course, he was feeding his own ambition, trying to get the advantage. ironic he ends up as a mindless zombie. :\

holland manners as a character was neat though i kind of disagreed with the casting choice. the actor played it very well he just did not have quite the right look to me. not streamlined enough. he always looked a little rumpled. not really in keeping with the sharp look of other characters in the firm like hamilton, lilah and gavin. they were all so smartly dressed and looked more imposing on screen.


Friday, April 22, 2005 2:54 AM


Important people don't do field work.

What I really liked about Gavin was how much he had misunderstood Wolfram and Hart's mandate for Angel. Every mean thing he did to Angel Investigations, Lilah would have to go behind him and undo. I thought that was a nice touch...

Kaylee: "What's so damn important about being proper? It don't mean nothing out here in the black."
Simon: "It means more out here. It's all I have..."


Friday, April 22, 2005 3:47 AM



Originally posted by manwithpez:
I know you said no credit sequences, and, even though he got his own, I thought Jonathon was one of the redeeming things about season 6.

He was great. And although Jonathon appeared repeatedly in the Superstar credits, Danny Strong's name didn't.


Friday, April 22, 2005 4:06 AM


Firefly: Would be Early.
Angel: The guy who owned the bookstore in season three and four I think it was. And the little Demon Midget Fred meets in that hole. He cracked me up!!
Buffy: Clem - what a guy! Also Willy was a pretty cool observation - you always get the guy who profits from the worst kinda scum.



Friday, April 22, 2005 5:49 AM



Originally posted by TheSomnambulist:
Firefly: Would be Early.
Angel: The guy who owned the bookstore in season three and four I think it was. And the little Demon Midget Fred meets in that hole. He cracked me up!!
Buffy: Clem - what a guy! Also Willy was a pretty cool observation - you always get the guy who profits from the worst kinda scum.

I love the above candidates,
and Zeek's suggestion of 'Anne' (I'm so happy they put her in the Ats finale, she was a wonderful character with real growth).

And Ethan Rayne definitely deserves a mention!

But I want to add Amy...even as a rat she was an interesting on-going minor character!

Actually I have trouble narrowing down the list;
I guess we can't include Jonathan, Andrew & Warren (who I will always love)?


Friday, April 22, 2005 7:08 AM


You'll probably consider this cheating but I think it's just a loophole:

On Angel I liked that Hamilton character played by um...what's his name again?

And on Buffy, Caleb was a pretty great villain. I think somebody named Fillman(sp?) played him...?


For Firefly, as already mentioned, Yo-Saf-Bridge rocked! I would have liked to have seen Niska and Badger interact...after all they moved in similar circles...

The Whedon machine does such a great job with characters that even the minor ones tend to have epic proportions.

"Appears they've canceled the show and we're still here. What does that make us?"
"Big damn junkies, Sir!"
"Ain't we just."


Friday, April 22, 2005 7:39 AM



Originally posted by est120:
i completly agree about groo. he was not developed properly. i would have loved to have him come back in the end to help out with the black thorn or something.

Yeah, Groo. I wanted him to show up for the finale too.

Another one I always cheered for was Riley's compadre, Graham. Not turning to evil like Forest (or Riley) did was a reason to admire him. Always liked it when he would show up later, still with the government after all his unit had been through.

"Don't say 'ka' until you've tried it." Daniel Jackson


Friday, April 22, 2005 6:54 PM


One to remember is J. Woodward, who was an important element in BTVS "Conversations with Dead People," and even more important as the Fred-betraying Knox in Angel.


Saturday, April 23, 2005 11:40 PM


If I can include recurring characters rather than minor, then I'd pick Faith. Not only is she my favourite recurring character on Buffy and Angel, but one of my favourite characters on any Whedon show. I also really loved Andrew and Jonathan.

If I'm just picking minor characters, then I'd choose Yo-Saf-Bridge and Badger.






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