Any Firefly Fans Become Angel/Buffy Fans?

UPDATED: Sunday, March 26, 2006 01:51
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005 9:42 AM


I noticed when I first hit the boards that there were a lot of fans of Firefly who didn't watch Buffy or Angel. I'm seeing a lot more cross over now. Are you one of them?

Personally, I love them all.

NY/NJ Browncoats:


Tuesday, August 2, 2005 11:12 AM


Yes me.

I watched most of Buffy when it was on TV but missed 98% of Angel (It was on at inconvienient times so I never got into it).

But after discovering I noticed all the threads talking about Angel and it sounded good. So this year I bought the DVDs and watched it. It was very very good, not quite as good as Firefly of course, but well worth the money.

Also, Amy Acker is a hottie.


Tuesday, August 2, 2005 11:59 AM


Angel, yes. Buffy...not so much.

Jayne, your mouth is talkin. Might want to look into that.


Tuesday, August 2, 2005 1:11 PM


There's no place I can be since I found Serenity.

I never watched a full episode of Buffy or Angel until after Firefly. I have since bought and/or rented those dvds to catch up, and am currently about halfway through season 6 of Buffy. When I complete that I will go on to Angel season 3.

I like Buffy quite a bit (although less so far in season 6) but what I have seen of Angel is better overall in my opinion.

Neither is as good as Firefly though.

wo men ren ran zai fei xing.


Wednesday, August 3, 2005 12:10 AM


America loves a winner!

*raises hand* I had caught the last season and a half of Angel. Less so w/ Buffy. So when Firefly was being promoted, I was all over it from the start. Now I'm watching back seasons of Angel, to catch up on what I missed the 1st go 'round.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, August 8, 2005 4:13 PM


I never gave either the time of day until I hit this board, and now I'm a fan of Buffy, and I still have to give Angel more of a chance.

Latecomer Chrisisall


Monday, August 8, 2005 4:19 PM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
I never gave either the time of day until I hit this board, and now I'm a fan of Buffy, and I still have to give Angel more of a chance.

Latecomer Chrisisall

You are talking to a "late to the table" by 7 years person. However, I am so greatful that I no matter how late.......made it to the table. Enjoy!

NY/NJ Browncoats:


Monday, August 8, 2005 4:27 PM


Firefly first for me, then Buffy, and now Angel. I'm now buying Buffy, season by season, and lining them up next to Firefly (first love always). These are perfect shows.


Monday, August 8, 2005 4:57 PM


Buffy came on TV in 1997. I paid no attention. By 2000 2 good friends clammered at me to watch it. I ignored them. By 2003 I had no idea what all the chatter about Buffy and Angel could have been. I mean BtVS? Yea I saw the 1992 movie and recalled that it was stupid.

Then the same friend handed me Firefly.

That was the spring of 2004. I finished Firefly and wanted to know more about this fella named Joss Whedon. "He's the dude behind BtVS and Angel" my friend quickly explained. And convienently enough all the buffy seasons save season 7 were on DVD and owned by this friend.

To shorten this tale, by November of 2004 I owned DVD copies of 7 Buffy seasons, 5 angel seasons and of course firefly. Additionally I'd buy copies of Firefly to give away to friends and neighbors. While I'm sad I ignored my friend for so long about Buffy one good thing came from it....I was able to watch the entire Buffy saga unfold in a series of DVD discs without ads to suffer through. So I guess alls well that ends well.

Do not fear me. Ours is a peaceful race, and we must live in harmony.


Monday, August 8, 2005 5:23 PM


Just a couple months ago I was (once again) crying over the lack of any new Firefly. It was at that point when I decided I needed to give Whedon's other shows a fair chance, so I made the decision to buy Buffy seasons one at a time, and that I'd stop buying them if the show got bad. Now I own all 7 seasons. My favs are 2, 3, 5, and 6, although I love 4 and 7 as well. Season 1 has a lot of mediocricy in it (though there are a few entertaining eps). I've only been able to see season 1 of Angel so far and while I think it's better than season 1 of Buffy, it doesn't come close to any other season of Buffy. I still eventually plan to see all of Angel though.

When comparing Firefly to Buffy some interesting thoughts come up. I see Firefly as the better casual entertainment show. It's a lot funnier (most of the time) than Buffy and is more pure "fun" than Buffy is. But Buffy does meaningful concepts and drama much better than Firefly does (or at least what we have of Firefly). They are definately different shows, though, I love both of them equally, in different ways.

Note that if you stack of the first 14 eps of Buffy to the 14 eps of Firefly, Firefly blows Buffy out of the water. Joss definately had his stuff nailed when he started Firefly, no "crap period" needed on Firefly.


Tuesday, August 9, 2005 8:02 AM


Nope.. in fact, I dislike Buffy (the show) and dislike Buffy (the actor/character) even worse.

I thought Faith was potentially 10 times the Slayer Buffy was because she didn't have so much sanctimonious little prigg baggage weighing down her every move like the Buffster did - and if she ever got it together, well....

Now Spike, he was the only 'character' the show really had, and they went and neutered him, so... not so much.

Willow, well, that's just eye-mind-candy, is what it is.

I think the only time I ever LIKED Buffy was cave-buffy from the bad beer episode, and that maybe cause she JUST SHUT UP, for once.
(Her whiny voice has the same emotional impact as a dental drill folks, let's not kid ourselves.)

Angel never hooked me in either, on Buffy he was just a broody, sulky less-often-present wishful-thinking love-interest a'la Anime...

And on his own show.. blah, snore... it just didn't have the chemistry to maintain any interest for me, save for ONE episode.

I was, admittedly, on the floor holding my stomach for most of "Smile Time".. puppet Angel was downright HI-larious.

But mostly, gahh..

My girl likes the stuff, but I wind up rooting for the bad guys more often than not.



Monday, August 22, 2005 12:16 PM


I, like a few here never gave Buffy or Angel the time of day when they were on the air. When Firefly came around, I got hooked. Went back and bought everything Whedon and watched all of Buffy(loved it) and Im through season 1 of Angel(really like it, growing to love it)

I agree it was so great watching them in order, comercial free, and in my own time.


Monday, August 22, 2005 1:14 PM


I've only started to get into BUFFY. Right now, my brother and I are getting through season 4. ANGEL season 1 is waiting for me at the library and season 2 of ANGEL and season 5 of BUFFY are on hold for me.

But I'm really digging BUFFY. I'll post my full thoughts on the show once I've seen all 7 seasons.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

And wow! Hey! What's this thing suddenly coming towards me very fast? Very very fast. So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like ... ow ... ound ... round ... ground! That's it! That's a good name - ground! I wonder if it will be friends with me?


Monday, August 22, 2005 1:38 PM


It's fun to see the cross over. I remember when I first came here, there wasn't that much cross over, but when people give the shows a little time for the characters to warm up, it is truely a joy for those in need of a Joss fix.

NY/NJ Browncoats:


Thursday, August 25, 2005 11:54 PM


You know, speaking of the cross over affect.... i wish i had seen both Angel and Buffy in the order they were showed. I watched all of Buffy in order, really loved the show... and now I have been on to Angel....

It was very cool when i finished season 2.... they get back from the Hosts homeworld and Im not even thinking about whats going on with Buffy in the time line.....

Then they walk in and see Willow sitting there, crying.... it choked me up.

Remembering Buffy;s second death... and how that would affect Angel. It was a cool moment.


Monday, September 5, 2005 9:25 AM


I went through the Firefly DVD's 3 times before I tried Angel and Buffy. By that time I was desperate for anything remotely resembling Firefly.

I started watching some Angel early Season 2 episodes on TNT. After about 4 episodes I was hooked and tried to find the great deal ($15) that Amazon had had on the Angel Season 1 DVD. That deal was long gone but I was hooked and paid full price for Season 1 and then one-by-one the other seasons (I couldn't wait for TNT to work though the series).

I got interested in Buffy after watching Angel 1-8 ("I Will Remember You" [w/ Buffy]) and, by chance, Buffy 3-9 ("Amends" [w/Angel]). I find the doomed Angel-Buffy love story to be touching.

As I working my way through Angel, I started to watch Buffy on FX, starting with the last few episdoes of the 6th Season. Then I tried to time my Buffy Season 7 with my Angel Season 4.

Then I went back and started with Buffy Season 1. I know -- now -- that this is not the right way to watch things. However, if I had started with Buffy Season 1 I'm not sure I would have stayed with it. Season 1 was good but if it had been my first introduction I might have found it to be too whimsical and too "high school".

The story arcs in all three series are wonderful and add depth and richness to the series. However, they also make it very difficult for a casual viewer to dive right into any random episode.

Also, the characters in Buffy and Angel grow and develop much more than is common in episodic television. So, unless you are watching in sequence you don't see the growth and understand the changes. Whereas, TV Captain Kirk is pretty much Captain Kirk, regardless of the season.

My preferences for the shows probably reflects my background. I'm middle-aged, a lifelong SF fan, and from Los Angeles.

Firefly is my favorite and I'm starting to know the dialog by heart.

Angel would be 2nd favorite. The protagonist is easier for me to identify with and I thought the show was more "adult" than Buffy.

I enjoyed Buffy and someday will watch it all the way through again. The latter seasons were more interesting to me than the early ones.

[By the way, I missed Firefly when it came out on TV. I saw the ads on Fox during the World Series and read some of the hype. I was intrigued by some of the publicity -- but cautious because a "space western" brings to the mind of an old-time SF reader some of the worst pulp SF where lazy genre writers substituted "blasters" for "six-guns". I think I saw part of "Train Job" and it didn't do anything for me. But that's a thread that has been beat to death.

I heard about Firefly on Jerry Pournelle's web site because he had run into Jewell Straite at a convention and she had extolled the virtues on the show. After Jerry's mail was 4 to 1 in favor of the show, I bought the DVD.

I'm glad I first watched Firefly on DVD. I had a new 50" HDTV, a HD upconverter DVD player and good sound. I compare what my DVD's look like and compare it to the quality of the SciFi channel showings and I shudder to think about watching my beloved show that way.]

I'm sorry for the length of this ramble. I've been lurking on this site for over a year and I finally had to post something for kindred spirits.


Monday, September 5, 2005 9:25 AM


I went through the Firefly DVD's 3 times before I tried Angel and Buffy. By that time I was desperate for anything remotely resembling Firefly.

I started watching some Angel early Season 2 episodes on TNT. After about 4 episodes I was hooked and tried to find the great deal ($15) that Amazon had had on the Angel Season 1 DVD. That deal was long gone but I was hooked and paid full price for Season 1 and then one-by-one the other seasons (I couldn't wait for TNT to work though the series).

I got interested in Buffy after watching Angel 1-8 ("I Will Remember You" [w/ Buffy]) and, by chance, Buffy 3-9 ("Amends" [w/Angel]). I find the doomed Angel-Buffy love story to be touching.

As I working my way through Angel, I started to watch Buffy on FX, starting with the last few episdoes of the 6th Season. Then I tried to time my Buffy Season 7 with my Angel Season 4.

Then I went back and started with Buffy Season 1. I know -- now -- that this is not the right way to watch things. However, if I had started with Buffy Season 1 I'm not sure I would have stayed with it. Season 1 was good but if it had been my first introduction I might have found it to be too whimsical and too "high school".

The story arcs in all three series are wonderful and add depth and richness to the series. However, they also make it very difficult for a casual viewer to dive right into any random episode.

Also, the characters in Buffy and Angel grow and develop much more than is common in episodic television. So, unless you are watching in sequence you don't see the growth and understand the changes. Whereas, TV Captain Kirk is pretty much Captain Kirk, regardless of the season.

My preferences for the shows probably reflects my background. I'm middle-aged, a lifelong SF fan, and from Los Angeles.

Firefly is my favorite and I'm starting to know the dialog by heart.

Angel would be 2nd favorite. The protagonist is easier for me to identify with and I thought the show was more "adult" than Buffy.

I enjoyed Buffy and someday will watch it all the way through again. The latter seasons were more interesting to me than the early ones.

[By the way, I missed Firefly when it came out on TV. I saw the ads on Fox during the World Series and read some of the hype. I was intrigued by some of the publicity -- but cautious because a "space western" brings to the mind of an old-time SF reader some of the worst pulp SF where lazy genre writers substituted "blasters" for "six-guns". I think I saw part of "Train Job" and it didn't do anything for me. But that's a thread that has been beat to death.

I heard about Firefly on Jerry Pournelle's web site because he had run into Jewell Straite at a convention and she had extolled the virtues on the show. After Jerry's mail was 4 to 1 in favor of the show, I bought the DVD.

I'm glad I first watched Firefly on DVD. I had a new 50" HDTV, a HD upconverter DVD player and good sound. I compare what my DVD's look like and compare it to the quality of the SciFi channel showings and I shudder to think about watching my beloved show that way.]

I'm sorry for the length of this ramble. I've been lurking on this site for over a year and I finally had to post something for kindred spirits.


Monday, September 5, 2005 9:55 AM


Welcome! I'm glad to see people being exposed to all things Whedon. He is such a delight! Enjoyed your post. Keep 'em coming.

NY/NJ Browncoats:


Monday, September 5, 2005 10:05 AM


I tried, honest I did. I tried watching Buffy when it first came out. Nope. I tried watching Buffy after FF came out. Nope. I have tried again recently for both Buffy and Angel thinking that if I like FF there must be something in Buffy and Angel I like. Basically, nope. Spike is pretty cool, sometimes, but Buffy (the character) whines toooo much and Angel (the character) is...I don't know...dull? Maybe I missed something, but I just can't make myself watch more to find out what. It's hard to get into a series if'n you don't care about any of the characters.


Monday, September 5, 2005 12:43 PM


When Buffy come out I thought it sounded like the dumbest thing ever. I only stumbled upon the end of season 3 by accident, didn’t know what it was, got hooked. I’ve seen most of seasons 1-3.

Then I heard of Angel, and thought that was the stupidest spin-off ever and swore I would never watch it. Again I found it by accident and enjoy it (mostly for Amy Acker…hot). I watched all of Angel on DVD (LOVE Netflix. Great for watching TV shows without having to buy the DVD set) it not my favorite show but with the other crap that they try to pass off as drama anything by Joss is worlds better. I plan on watching the rest of Buffy someday.


Monday, September 5, 2005 1:02 PM


I'm slowly making my way throgh Buffy with Netflix, even though I am the kind of person who would watch it again, this way is just cheaper.

I really enjoy buffy, and I'm sorta looking forward to starting angel once i finish season 3, (except that cordy has to be a main character... eesh) but I have a question...

Is it REALLY a good idea to watch the whole Buffy season 4 first, then watch angel season 1, then go buffy season 5, etc? because i could do that.... I'm just wondering if I will find it worthwhile? (hell, i could even alternate between the discs, thanks to netflix, buffy 1/angel1/buffy2/angel2, if it came to that...)

I survived a day in Whitefall and all I got was this lousy signature!

Terrifying Space Monkey of Destiny


Monday, September 5, 2005 1:34 PM


I watched Buffy S4 first, then watched Angel S1 after - it worked for me....

Crossover Chrisisall


Monday, September 5, 2005 1:43 PM


Ok, thanks. eh why not, temporal mechanics are lots of fun.

i'll go through buffy season 4 and then do angel 1.

I survived a day in Whitefall and all I got was this lousy signature!

Terrifying Space Monkey of Destiny


Monday, September 5, 2005 3:19 PM


For me it was just the opposite. I started out as a Buffy and Angel fan and then became a Firefly fan. I had my doubts when I heard of the premise Sci-fi Western with no aliens.
But decided to give it a try. Got excited over the show when I saw the promos for it. Of course the rest is history.


Monday, September 5, 2005 3:19 PM


For me it was just the opposite. I started out as a Buffy and Angel fan and then became a Firefly fan. I had my doubts when I heard of the premise Sci-fi Western with no aliens.
But decided to give it a try. Got excited over the show when I saw the promos for it. Of course the rest is history.


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 7:27 AM


Dietcoke, thank you for the warm welcome to the forums.

Shorny: Yes, Buffy whines sometimes. I just ignored it because it is not every episdoe and there are ones where she is really good. Angel is a bit taciturn and too world weary at times. So, I can see how someone wouldn't completely identify with him.

re: Watching order

Because I watched the shows in the wrong order, I didn't have some of the back story when I watched the later episodes of Buffy and the earlier episodes of Angel. I would recommend watching them in the order that they were aired: B1, B2, B3, B4/A1, B5/A2, B6/A3, B7/A4, A5. Within the dual seasons I am not sure if it makes much difference if you watch them simulataneously or one after the other.

It is a major investment of time (144 Buffy episodes and 110 Angels) to watch these shows. It took me months and by the time I got through, partly because I watched them in the wrong order, I was vague on some of the earlier episodes that I had watched. So, I would recommend watching them in the "correct" order.

I do notice dialog similarities and character traits that ended up in Firefly. That was fun, to see an earlier version of a Firefly thing.

To me Buffy started "teenage" and became more adult. Angel started adult but Firefly was the most mature show of all.

Is it really 24 more days?


Tuesday, September 6, 2005 7:27 AM


Dietcoke, thank you for the warm welcome to the forums.

Shorny: Yes, Buffy whines sometimes. I just ignored it because it is not every episdoe and there are ones where she is really good. Angel is a bit taciturn and too world weary at times. So, I can see how someone wouldn't completely identify with him.

re: Watching order

Because I watched the shows in the wrong order, I didn't have some of the back story when I watched the later episodes of Buffy and the earlier episodes of Angel. I would recommend watching them in the order that they were aired: B1, B2, B3, B4/A1, B5/A2, B6/A3, B7/A4, A5. Within the dual seasons I am not sure if it makes much difference if you watch them simulataneously or one after the other.

It is a major investment of time (144 Buffy episodes and 110 Angels) to watch these shows. It took me months and by the time I got through, partly because I watched them in the wrong order, I was vague on some of the earlier episodes that I had watched. So, I would recommend watching them in the "correct" order.

I do notice dialog similarities and character traits that ended up in Firefly. That was fun, to see an earlier version of a Firefly thing.

To me Buffy started "teenage" and became more adult. Angel started adult but Firefly was the most mature show of all.

Is it really 24 more days?


Friday, September 9, 2005 1:29 PM


I'm an Angel/Buffy fan that became a Firefly fan. I liked Firefly a lot better after I bought the DVD's and watched the episodes in the correct order. Boy, did Fox blow it big time.

As time went on, I really started getting into the characters. Buffy was much better in Season 2 and so was Angel. You could already see Firefly getting better as season 1 was going along. It would have been a great show. Now it's going to be a great movie. :)


Friday, September 9, 2005 1:36 PM


Nope; neither one for me. They hold no interest at all. If Joss hadn't done Firefly I'd probably have never heard of him.

I didn't do it.
You can't prove it.
The sheep are lying.


Friday, September 9, 2005 2:04 PM


I just finished watching the 7th season of Buffy, and this weeked I'll start Angel. The first Buffy season was so-so, but I couldn't stop watching once the second season started. Wow!! Now comes Angel, which I've heard is just as good as BtVS.

Everyone dies alone.


Friday, September 9, 2005 7:37 PM


I started watching Buffy when it came out on TV in 1997. Got hooked almost immediately! Didn't really get into Angel that much though.

I now have all 7 seasons of Buffy - agree s1 is kinda lacking something when you compare to FF or even later Buffy seasons - as well as, of cause, FF, but do not have any of the Angel seasons.

In short, I was a Buffy fan first, then Firefly.


Wednesday, October 5, 2005 2:07 AM


Yo, people, this is important.

It's more important than Serenity.
It's more important than Angel.
It's more important than Buffy.
Now repeat after me:
Joss Whedon is a gift from God.
Joss Whedon is a gift from God.
Joss Whedon is a gift from God.
Joss Whedon is a gift from God.
Joss Whedon is a gift from God.

Look, if mahayana Buddhists can make the workd better by chanting aum mani padme hum, who are we to disagree just because we have a different mantra?

Joss Whedon is a gift from God.
Joss Whedon is a gift from God.
Joss Whedon is a gift from God.
Joss Whedon is a gift from God.
Joss Whedon is a gift from God.


Wednesday, October 5, 2005 3:09 AM


Not a chance... Buffy/Angel don't interest me, they seem to be poor works of Joss Whedon. Certainly Joss is extremely talented. But I'm fairly certain now that it was other people and influences that took Whedon's talent and resulted in the phenomenal special nature of Firefly.


Wednesday, October 5, 2005 4:26 AM


I agree with Spinland and Mithel.

I watched a couple of episodes of Angel. Wasn't too bad nothing to get hooked on like Firefly or House. Wesley was cool and I liked the Guy before Gunn, in the first season, but Buffy??

Sarah just can't act. She's in the same category as Ben Stiller, Tom Green and Wil Farrel, people what should be persuing different lines of work.

I total agree with the dentist drill comparison, although, nails on a chalkboard works too.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, October 6, 2005 1:53 AM


I like it, Cybershark. I like it a lot!!!


Thursday, October 6, 2005 2:25 AM


I had never heard of Joss before Firefly. After the first episode of FF, I swore I would follow its writers to the ends of the earth. Then I found out they did Buffy and Angel, which I thought were stupid shows from the few episodes I'd caught. Ugh.

But I swore. So I started at the beginning, and by second season of Buffy, I was hooked. Hooked as in I had to watch the next episode, and the next, and the next. But not hooked where I would watch the show again. Buffy always seemed a bit juvenile/immature to me.

Angel, however, made me run out and buy all 5 DVDs right away. But then I am a big huge fan of David Greenwalt from his FOX cancelled series, "Profit." I absolutely fell in love with "Wonderfalls" and bought that as well. I think Joss' co-writers are brilliant in their own right and in some respects, I prefer their writings sans Joss.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Thursday, October 6, 2005 4:16 AM


Captrulz wrote:

>I think Joss' co-writers are brilliant in their own right and in some respects, I prefer their writings sans Joss.

Good observation. However, as I understand it, Joss runs the writers' meetings like an RPG (and guess who the game-master is?) and gives writing credit to whomever it is that actually scrivens the episode down.

Think about it. Firefly runs like a Traveller adventure. Buffy and Angel had a definite Gurpy feel to them. Buffy maintained a teen-ish feeling to it, but that was largely the feedback loop with its demographic. (Veronica Mars has a teen-angst thing going on, but that does not detract from it as good entertainment.)

Notwithstanding the complaint about Buffy's having targeted a teen audience, I do not think anyone (except the Emmy nominators, boo, hiss) that "The Body" is one of the greatest installments of television drama that has hit the screen since the early 1960's. And "Once More With Feeling" is an extraordinary work as well.

Joss Whedon is a gift from God.
Joss Whedon is a gift from God.
Joss Whedon is a gift from God.
Joss Whedon is a gift from God.
Joss Whedon is a gift from God.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 5:17 AM



Originally posted by canttakesky:
I had never heard of Joss before Firefly. After the first episode of FF, I swore I would follow its writers to the ends of the earth. Then I found out they did Buffy and Angel, which I thought were stupid shows from the few episodes I'd caught. Ugh.

But I swore. So I started at the beginning, and by second season of Buffy, I was hooked. Hooked as in I had to watch the next episode, and the next, and the next. But not hooked where I would watch the show again. Buffy always seemed a bit juvenile/immature to me.

Angel, however, made me run out and buy all 5 DVDs right away. But then I am a big huge fan of David Greenwalt from his FOX cancelled series, "Profit." I absolutely fell in love with "Wonderfalls" and bought that as well. I think Joss' co-writers are brilliant in their own right and in some respects, I prefer their writings sans Joss.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky

I love Profit! I own it as well. It is truely brilliant. I know why Joss hired him!

NY/NJ Browncoats:


Thursday, October 6, 2005 6:12 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

Any Firefly Fans Become Angel/Buffy Fans?

For me, it was the other way 'round. Until a few months ago (June '05), I'd never seen a single episode of ANY of the three shows. I'd heard of them, of course, but never felt compelled to watch; maybe they were up against something else I wanted to see, or maybe I was just too wrapped up in work...

Anyway, I found myself on "sabbatical" in June, having burned out and flamed out on my old job, and just needed some mindless entertainment. I found "Buffy" - it was about midway through Season 3 on FX at the time - and watched a couple episodes. The characters (particularly "Bad Willow" when she was a vampire) pulled me in, and I started watching and taping it. Within a week I was hooked; within another week, my wife was hooked as well! We kept watching, then started buying previous seasons on DVD so we could get completely caught up. Now we've got Seasons 1 thru 4 of Buffy, all 5 seasons of Angel, and then a friend told me about "Firefly". Figuring at this point that Whedon could do no wrong, I went right out and bought the DVD set. By the second episode, I was hooked, completely. By the end, I was terribly sad to see it go, but by then I knew "Serenity" was coming to the big screen.

I didn't realize David Greenwalt was behind "Wonderfalls" or "Profit". I never saw "Profit" (or even heard of it when it was on), but I saw a couple episodes of Wonderfalls, and then it was gone. I'll have to look for those two series on DVD as well.

It's funny... I'm 43 years old, and I feel like a "fanboy"! :) I give full credit (or blame) to Joss Whedon for doing that to me. And I thank him profusely.


Grrrrrr. Arrrrgh.


Thursday, October 6, 2005 6:14 PM


Hi I was an Buffy and Angel fan before I even knew Firefly existed I didnt know about Firefly untill last year when I was on a Buffy and Angel Board and people kept talking about Firefly and Serenity and I asked what it was and they told me and guess what happened next?



Friday, October 7, 2005 4:18 AM


Wait 'til you see Profit. You'll know what Joss hired him!

Hey, I just turned fan girl in my 40s too!

NY/NJ Browncoats:


Friday, October 7, 2005 3:22 PM



Originally posted by JRC:
Now comes Angel, which I've heard is just as good as BtVS.

It is, just a little more on the grown-up side.
I'm just now watching Angel's second season, it's better than the first!



Friday, October 7, 2005 3:26 PM



Originally posted by dietcoke:

Hey, I just turned fan girl in my 40s too!

Chalk me up as another 40's fanboy!

What's Profit about, anyway?

Too lazy to punch up Chrisisall


Friday, October 7, 2005 4:28 PM


It's David Greenwalt's short lived TV show on Fox.

Netflix this show and you can thank me later. It has so many surprises, don't read about it, just watch it.

What I can say is that it got A+ reviews! But don't spoil yourself just see it.

Several Browncoats online told me about it, and well they were sooooooooooooo right.

NY/NJ Browncoats:


Friday, October 7, 2005 6:59 PM


I was a huge buffy/angel fan i belived they had good action, some good amount of laughs and a good charaters eg: Angle and Spike.

But then i descoverd firefly which for me has beat'n buffy and Angle in every way better action scenes, more laughs, even better charaters such as Mal and Jayne and has outstanding story lines. I am now a Browncoat for life.

FF has also alowed me to see Joss Whedon for what he is, the undesputed god of si-fi TV shows.

"never fear Bazza's here"


Friday, October 7, 2005 7:03 PM


No, not at all. Love Firefly! No interest in Buffy or Angel.


Thursday, October 13, 2005 3:18 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)


Thanks for the tip on "Profit". Based on both of your recommendations, I picked it up yesterday. Just finished watching the whole thing, and have only three words: Oh.... My... Gawd!

I'm a bit shocked that ANY of it ever got broadcast on network television. I could see it being on HBO or Showtime, but even for a "cutting edge" network like Fox, that was some out-there material. I loved every second of it!

It gave me a greater insight into a lot of the stuff that must have been behind Wolfram & Hart on "Angel". The evil corporate environment and the intricately plotted deviousness behind them definitely felt like they came straight out of Greenwalt's experience on Profit.

Funny... those of us of a certain age *used* to think J.R. Ewing was an evil bastard. Jim Profit makes JR look like a boy scout.

Again, thanks for the tip. I bought "Wonderfalls" as well. :)


Grrrrr. Arrrgghh.


Thursday, October 13, 2005 4:18 PM


saturday i took a joss whedon fan to serenity. she loved it and mentioned afterwards that she could name the episode and seasons for each of the bdh's appearances on the show. she had the decency to blush.

i gave her the first disc of firefly and she lent me the first season of buffy. i am now 2 discs in and have come to several important conclusions.

a.) this is not firefly. it will never be as hot as a shirtless simon.
b.) this is good television. not great. but interesting enough to be better than all the other stuff out there now with few exceptions
c.) xander is on a abc family movie i once saw ( don't tell anyone!)
d.) preying mantisis will eat you alive after laying eggs. (soo stupid. it it wasn't for the patented joss dialouge it wouldn't be worth it.)

rant. i'm enjoying it.

shakespeare: more words than God.


Thursday, October 13, 2005 5:28 PM


Yeah, after I saw Firefly on DVD I was curious about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Haven't seen Angel yet but I hope to.

Wash: Psychic, though? That sounds like something out of science fiction.
Zoe: We live in a space ship, dear.


Thursday, October 13, 2005 7:13 PM



Originally posted by reallykaylee:
b.) this is good television. not great. but interesting enough to be better than all the other stuff out there now with few exceptions

Season 1 is probably the weakest overall, so if you can get through it, better things are ahead. The show--writers, cast, and crew--really began to find their stride during S2...


Thursday, October 13, 2005 7:18 PM



Originally posted by Kwicko:
Oh.... My... Gawd!...

Isn't that show sumpthin'? Joss doesn't work with slackers!

It gave me a greater insight into a lot of the stuff that must have been behind Wolfram & Hart on "Angel". The evil corporate environment and the intricately plotted deviousness behind them definitely felt like they came straight out of Greenwalt's experience on Profit.
You're not wrong. Check out this article.

In the meantime, Greenwalt continues his efforts to fulfill a long-held wish and have Adrian Pasdar, who starred as ruthless corporate shark Jim Profit on Greenwalt's short-lived 1996 series "Profit," reprise his character on "Angel."

Chief among Angel's enemies as he fights evil and helps the helpless in Los Angeles is the supernaturally evil law firm of Wolfram & Hart. According to Greenwalt, that firm is based in large part on Profit's unscrupulous employer.

"Wolfram & Hart is so much Gracen & Gracen from 'Profit,' I can't believe it," says Greenwalt. "It's exactly that. I've got all those people playing it like that.",1002,271%7C71339%7C1%7C10,

Ah, I woulda loved to see Profit as a guest star on Angel.

Can't Take My Gorram Sky


Thursday, October 13, 2005 8:01 PM


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Reagan's presidential campaign manager & CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

CANTTAKESKY: So it wasn't just my imagination then - W&H really *were* influenced by G&G (or was it Johnson & Johnson? :) ). And yeah, it definitely would've been something to see Jim Profit turn up on Angel. That might've been one helluva fight.

REALLYKAYLEE: Congrats on starting in on Buffy. When I found it, it was about midway through Season 3 (this was on FX, just a few months ago; I missed the entire run of Buffy when it was on Fox originally). Once I got hooked, I had to see where it all started, so I bought Season 1 to introduce me to Whedon's "Buffyverse".

Like others have said above, don't let your impressions from Season 1 of BtVS deter you from seeing later episodes or seasons. It definitely got better as the team (both on-screen and off-screen "teams") found their stride. I look at Season 1 as Joss trying to undo the wreck they made of his movie and set the tone for a darker (but still witty and funny) series that was more like what he originally intended the film to be. Besides, there was still some good wit in S1 of Buffy. (Just hearing The Master say "By the way, I like your dress," - and the way and circumstance in which he says it - made it worthwhile for me!) Some of the episodes felt like "filler", but they were still just trying out for the network, and needed to get picked up for a full season before they could tackle bigger story arcs and tie things together with tighter writing and pacing.

I don't know what will become of Firefly (or Serenity) now; I don't know what the future holds for Buffy, Angel, Joss, or Greenwalt... but I'll give anything they're associated with a chance. I missed out on their magic once. I don't intend to miss out again.







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