Spike movie officially under way

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 8, 2006 21:34
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Saturday, December 3, 2005 7:52 AM


I don't think anybody's posted a link to this yet. Tim Minear is officially directing and writing the Spike movie and it will include Illyria. Here's the story:


'Spike' Movie Comes One Step Closer

Author: Alan Stanley Blair
Date: 11-23-2005
Source: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Magazine

After jumping from “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” after its seventh season to continue on the show’s spin-off series “Angel,” the fan following of Spike has only continued to grow.

But when “Angel” was cancelled after its five year run on the WB, it looked as if we’d seen the last of the peroxide vampire. That is, until now. According to the Official Buffy The Vampire Slayer magazine, Tim Minear has agreed to both write and direct the television movie for the beloved character.

Minear, who has written and directed for “Buffy,” “Angel” and Joss Whedon’s short-lived “Firefly” series, said he is looking forward to continuing his work in the Buffyverse and agreed to work on the project the second Whedon approached him.

“I had lunch with Joss and he asked me is I wanted to write and direct some blond vampire movie thing,” said Minear. “Should I do it? I of course said yes right off. Still, anything under 13 hours scares me and anything over 13 hours … um, I got nothing.”

The magazine also announced that Amy Acker, who can now be seen on new episodes of “Alias” on ABC, has also been approached to work on the movie and is expected to return as Ilyeria.

And here's the link:

"Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Saturday, December 3, 2005 6:34 PM


I don't know if I would call it under way but this is definitely good news!!



Saturday, December 3, 2005 6:48 PM


Yeah, "under way" probably isn't quite accurate, unfortunately. All of that stuff in the story is good news, but it's also stuff that's been out there for awhile--that Minear quote has to be 6-8 weeks old, at least. And as good as it sounds, it's still all just rumors and possibilities.

Hopefully something official will be announced soon, but even if it is, I don't think they can start filming until James is done with his stint on Smallville (which'll be April if he's committed to finishing out the season), because bleaching his hair pretty much precludes other roles for some time after that...


Saturday, December 3, 2005 11:52 PM


America loves a winner!

My my, doesn't THAT lead one to asking some questions, hmmm?

When last we saw our heros, they were on the verge of fighting in THE Apocalypes. Wesly lay dead, Charles Gunn mortally wounded, leaving Angel, Spike and Illyria to deal w/ the evil hordes.

So, the movie is post Apocalypse? I see Spike, I see Illyria....anyone else ? ( Angel has gone undercover as a FBI agent, perhaps? )

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, December 4, 2005 2:49 AM


Those Tim quotes look pretty old to me. Too lazy to find the original source though...


Sunday, December 4, 2005 4:56 AM


The latest is that there are going to be a series of straight to DVD (or possibly TV) specials focussing on different characters including Ripper. Financial negotiations are allegedly underway. This is what AintItCoolNews reported a couple of days ago anyway.

extremely dimensionally transcendental


Sunday, December 4, 2005 7:27 AM



Originally posted by maugwai:
Still, anything under 13 hours scares me and anything over 13 hours … um, I got nothing.”

Heh. Sad, but true.

We applied the cortical electrodes but were unable to get a neural reaction from either patient.


Sunday, December 4, 2005 12:10 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Emma:
The latest is that there are going to be a series of straight to DVD (or possibly TV) specials focussing on different characters including Ripper. Financial negotiations are allegedly underway. This is what AintItCoolNews reported a couple of days ago anyway.

extremely dimensionally transcendental

...including Ripper. Who?

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Sunday, December 4, 2005 12:26 PM



...including Ripper. Who?
Since at least Buffy's sixth season, Joss has tossed around the notion of doing a Giles-centric spin-off, called Ripper (after Giles' old bad boy nickname). Due to various difficulties with funding and the fact that Tony Head doesn't want to do anything that requires him to leave the UK (doesn't want to leave family), the project has never come through. However, Joss & ASH have both repeatedly & consistently insisted that they want to do the project if they can get the money together. So, grouping it with the rest of the TV/DVD/whatever movies may be the best (and only) way to get it finally done.


Monday, December 5, 2005 7:05 AM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by StakeTheLurk:

...including Ripper. Who?
Since at least Buffy's sixth season, Joss has tossed around the notion of doing a Giles-centric spin-off, called Ripper (after Giles' old bad boy nickname). Due to various difficulties with funding and the fact that Tony Head doesn't want to do anything that requires him to leave the UK (doesn't want to leave family), the project has never come through. However, Joss & ASH have both repeatedly & consistently insisted that they want to do the project if they can get the money together. So, grouping it with the rest of the TV/DVD/whatever movies may be the best (and only) way to get it finally done.

Ahh, ok. I'm not as up on the Buffy 'verse as I am Angel. Now I'm left to speculate as to the origin of this nickname.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Friday, December 30, 2005 5:46 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Ahh, ok. I'm not as up on the Buffy 'verse as I am Angel. Now I'm left to speculate as to the origin of this nickname.

ok. Giles is his last name, First name Rupert.
now in his late teens, found out his destiny was to be a watcher, hit his rebelloius streak, hates the world, starts messing with majicks, some of them dark, falls in with a similar crowd, etc. and you know as a young man with a tough image, Ripper is much cooler than Rupert.
(kinda like Arthur Fonzirelli and "The Fonz")and if you don't get THAT reference watch a few re-runs of happy days.

Nothing like filming a major motion picture to make you feel better about your show being cancelled.
- Nathan Fillion
- Adam Baldwin
Well played Clerks...
- Leonardo Leonardo(Clerks Cartoon)


Sunday, January 1, 2006 10:37 PM


I was lucky enough to be at the Edinburgh film festive a few months ago and attended Joss’ discussion evening and the Spike film was, unsurprisingly, brought up in the Q&A session. It would appear that Joss does intend to take this as far as he can, he just won’t say anything definite for now saying, (to paraphrase) the rugs been pulled out from under him one too many times…

My personal feeling on the project, though I know no-one asked for it, is one of slight disappointment. Like all of the fan-base, I long for a return to the Buffyverse – but for me, the heroes of Angel went out in a blaze of glory. Any direct continuation with any of the characters from the alley, I feel, will almost taint that poignant, powerful end. As you might have guessed, I’m on of those all too few fans that adored the finale.

I would prefer to see something involving Connor – a spiritual continuation – or a project focused on Giles, Oz or Xander. Or a new series, featuring all new characters in that universe that Joss created almost 10 years ago.

Having said that, if the Spike flick does get commissioned I will likely check it out. After all, Tim will be at the helm and recent news that the flick may serve as a bridge between Buffy and Fray has sparked my interest.

I seen so much death... I been on fields carpeted with bodies, friends and enemies - i seen men and women blown apart to messes no further from me to you. But every single ones of those people died on their feet. Fighting. Or, hell, running away - doing summat to get through...


Monday, January 2, 2006 1:04 AM


America loves a winner!


I would prefer to see something involving Connor – a spiritual continuation – or a project focused on Giles, Oz or Xander.

I'm one of those who didn't really look too favorably at the whole Conner, Evil Cordy, unholy union between them thing. Oz's story, on the other hand, seemed to me just begging to be told. Getting Seth to reprise his role as Oz might be too much to ask. I like the idea of Spike coming back, a great deal. I'd like to think they all survived, maybe even Gunn. But for any continuation, I'd be for it.

I don't know if we're spoiled, delusional or what, but Joss does seem to have this knack for bringing things back from the dead, especially for those of us who BELIEVE.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Monday, January 2, 2006 1:22 AM


Well, I think that people judge Connor, as a character, unfairly. Yes, the whole Connor/Cordelia union had a high “eeew” factor; that cannot really be denied. However, I always deeply pitied Connor and found myself feeling for him just as much as I did hate him at times (such was his thankless role as protagonist in latter Season Three and Four).

But I still found him a wonderful character and think very highly of the episodes that focused on him. ‘Inside Out’ is a much too over looked gem – in my opinion. And who didn’t love ‘Home’?!

Having said that, I completely understand why so many people do not like the character (though quite how he is one of the most hated still slightly baffles me). However, I think that a number of these fans were brought back onside with the introduction of the new incarnation of the character in ‘Origin’. In that episode we got to know the Connor that could have been, the one that Holtz denied him to be.

And then we have the joining of the old and the new Connor(s) in the one we see in ‘Not Fade Away’ and that is the Connor that fascinates me. The one that I think deserves to have his story told. With his adjusted upbringing helping the balance the trauma of his pervious life (which I’m sure will seep into his memories more and more as time goes by) – I think that his character showed much promise.

Select to view spoiler:

How would he deal with learning that he assisted in the murder of a poor young, helpless girl (‘Inside Out’), learning that he had a daughter and that the woman that he once loved is dead… So many questions unanswered...

I would see the project as very much a bridge between the styles of ‘Angel’ and ‘Buffy’. A kid trying to balance his ‘normal life’ with his newfound responsibilities… Struggling to fill the shoes of his father, failing far more than he wins… Looking for guidance and support…

As for Oz – I agree that getting Seth to commit to a series would be very, very unlikely (unfortunately)… But perhaps a straight-to-dvd flick, produced in the off-season, would be a much more likely prospect. And I would happily take that. Kinda like the Hulk, but, you know, actually good.

With either of these projects I would happily have one of the ex-Mutant Enemy writers taking the reign, with the nod from Joss. Drew Goddard would be my personal top choice.

I seen so much death... I been on fields carpeted with bodies, friends and enemies - i seen men and women blown apart to messes no further from me to you. But every single ones of those people died on their feet. Fighting. Or, hell, running away - doing summat to get through...


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 9:31 AM


America loves a winner!

Select to view spoiler:

How would he deal with learning that he assisted in the murder of a poor young, helpless girl (‘Inside Out’), learning that he had a daughter and that the woman that he once loved is dead… So many questions unanswered...

Yeah, on that. I have my own little comment relating to that topic....

Select to view spoiler:

I never bought the notion that Conner could have carried out that murder after that speech by Darla. She was offering him everything he had been denied. Not only the brutal truth of her own existence, but her complete love in the one thing she, his mother, could only love....Conner himself. And he tossed that away. Sure, it's a great moment for drama, but a low point in my love for the show.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 12:40 PM


Select to view spoiler:

Funnily enough, whilst I desperately wished that Connor would make the right decision (save the girl, take on Cordelia and embrace the love of his mother), I couldn’t help but love that moment and what it represent for him. Here was this young man, so fucked up (excuse my French) due to a truly horrific upbringing that he could not believe that anyone could love him, not even his mother… I thought that spoke volumes about the character and just how tragic he really was…

I’ve always looked on that moment with great affection (as odd as that sounds), it’s another moment with the writing doing what needs to be done, that’s *real* rather than what we want… And who didn’t want Connor to realise he was being manipulated. It just felt right for the character.

Say what you want about evil Cordy (‘cause I’m mainly gonna agree with you) but ‘Inside Out’ was an amazing episode for the young hellspawn.

I seen so much death... I been on fields carpeted with bodies, friends and enemies - i seen men and women blown apart to messes no further from me to you. But every single ones of those people died on their feet. Fighting. Or, hell, running away - doing summat to get through...


Wednesday, January 4, 2006 3:53 PM


America loves a winner!

I may be swayed by how magnificant Darla's character was handled. Both in the writing and the acting, I really enjoyed Julie Benz's effort more than any other character, save for James' Spike. f

And I know it's been mentioned before, somewhere, but Julie does the voice for a character in HALO 2.

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That character's name - Miranda.

" They don't like it when you shoot at 'em. I worked that out myself. "


Saturday, January 7, 2006 12:25 PM


hmm, in origin I found myself if not liking then at least not minding conner, but generally I would be happy if I never saw him again... but in the one where he kills the girl (I forget the name) I think it fits that he goes ahead after darla's speechifying. its kind of like how he sees jasmin as she is but still loves her, she was his cordy replacement and he's so desperate for a female influence that I believed he'd ignore his real mother for evil cordy...

on the subject of spin offs, woo, and may I add hoo, I don't know how they'll get spike out of the alley but I'm sure it will be convincing, and can't wait for more spikey goodness.

I'm sure I remember hearing/reading years ago, possibly while buffy was still going that there was to be a series called ripper, set in england and part made by the bbc... obviously nothing happened with that but maybe after the success of the return of dr who, the beeb might be looking for more genre projects and it might be brought up again- that would be cool...

"I'm an artist, with an e and a beret."


Wednesday, January 11, 2006 2:34 PM


I just wanna say right now I WAN'T AN OZ MOVIE!!! he was my favorite and I wanna see what he did when he left and after! I want a Spike movie more but I want an Oz one soon after.

It's a real burden being right so often.


Saturday, February 4, 2006 7:42 PM



Originally posted by XLogic:
Having said that, if the Spike flick does get commissioned I will likely check it out. After all, Tim will be at the helm and recent news that the flick may serve as a bridge between Buffy and Fray has sparked my interest.

I seen so much death... I been on fields carpeted with bodies, friends and enemies - i seen men and women blown apart to messes no further from me to you. But every single ones of those people died on their feet. Fighting. Or, hell, running away - doing summat to get through...

Out of the loop, what did you mean by it may serve as a bridge between Buffy and Fray.

Is there a new project in the works im not aware of. Fray.

"I don't disagree on any particular point."

Can't Stop The Signal


Saturday, February 4, 2006 8:56 PM


Fray is a comic book written by Joss, it is set in the Buffyverse in the future. Awsome read.


Sunday, February 5, 2006 10:16 AM



Originally posted by rickker:
Fray is a comic book written by Joss, it is set in the Buffyverse in the future. Awsome read.

Didn't know that. Is it still in circulation, and where could I get it.

Sorry for all the questions, new to the verse but I have seen all eps of Buffy and Angel, and was interested in more. So this comic seems intriguing.

"I don't disagree on any particular point."

Can't Stop The Signal


Sunday, February 5, 2006 10:48 AM



Originally posted by ShinyRiv:
Sorry for all the questions, new to the verse but I have seen all eps of Buffy and Angel, and was interested in more.

No need to apologize, questions are always welcome. And I really recommend “Fray,” it is a spectacular and unique contribution to the “Buffyverse,” combining Joss’ usual brilliance with some world-class artwork. It’s set several centuries after the end of “Buffy” and follows the experience of another vampire slayer, Melaka Fray, the first to be called in hundreds of years. “Fray” was where the Scythe--the big red axe thingy from “Buffy’s” seventh season--made its first appearance. The comics should also be dear to the heart of browncoats because it was here that Joss first developed the slang term “ruttin’” as part of his futuristic dialect.

“Fray” is available in trade paperback format, published by Dark Horse. It should still be available in most comic book shops and you can also get it from Amazon. “Fray” is one of the three canonical comic book collections, the other two being “Tales of the Slayers” and “Tales of the Vampires,” which are available in the same places. Whedon recently announced that he will write more canonical comics that would serve as a de facto Season Eight for “Buffy.”

“Fray” was written before “Buffy” came to an end and as a result there are some inconsistencies between the “Buffy” finale and the events in “Fray.” Whedon has said he wants to explain those inconsistencies in future projects. And since he seems to be planning something major, most folks feel that it will among other things bridge the gap between the end of “Buffy” and the future world of “Fray.” Here’s what Joss had to say about the future of the Buffyverse in his big post on Whedonesque last November:

Originally posted by Joss on Whedonesque (excerpt):
Speaking of Darkhorse Comics, they are starting a new Buffy comic, and as I understand it, it will take place after the end of Buffy and Angel and be canon in the Buffy world. And I understand it that way 'cause I'M WRITING IT. I'm kicking off the book with a four issue arc that finds Buffy -- you guessed it -- living in Italy with The Immortal. (Scott -- don't be mad I spoiled the announcement -- saying it means I have to finish it.) Then I'll be overseeing the book more closely, to make sure it remains true. Gonna be interesting. And it just might tie in to...

The infamous Spike movie. Still haven't finalized anything, but I feel that very soon I'll be able to go to James and say something a lot more interesting than "Wouldn't it be cool if..." 'Course, I just hope he's free some time this decade. See how my peeps is all actifying! Tomorrow night is AMIAS, (that's alias with Acker in it.) Happy. And totally jealous.

See, the Buffyverse glows in my brain with a new, overreaching arc that will include the comics, Spike, and more. It's taking shape and soon you will know its name. And you will tremble.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 9:34 PM


Posted by Stakethelurk:
“Fray” is available in trade paperback format, published by Dark Horse. It should still be available in most comic book shops and you can also get it from Amazon. “Fray” is one of the three canonical comic book collections, the other two being “Tales of the Slayers” and “Tales of the Vampires,” which are available in the same places. Whedon recently announced that he will write more canonical comics that would serve as a de facto Season Eight for “Buffy.”

Thanks for the response, very interesting I will try to get the comic Fray and maybe also pick up the other two. Besides anything that Joss writes usually is gold. Also, thanks for the excerp, if he is doing another series of comic on buffy i'm all for it. Once I read Fray, I'll tell what i thought.

"I don't disagree on any particular point."

Can't Stop The Signal






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