Your favorite YouTube channels

UPDATED: Saturday, June 27, 2020 13:39
VIEWED: 9138
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Sunday, April 5, 2020 10:01 PM


America loves a winner!

What do you like, and why do you like it?

Is it topic specific? Or do you just like the host or hosts, and dig on pretty much what ever they say

I think I've posted enough here to let folks know a bit about what I like. The list is currently @ 35. There are about 10 that I'll watch on any given week though.


Monday, April 6, 2020 12:08 PM


I looked at my sub count and was really surprised to see that it's grown to over 90 over the years. A few of them aren't even active accounts anymore. I wonder if they just quit or if they were banned or something.

I've got a few categories I watch regularly. Mostly political stuff, movie and TV reviews for movies and shows I'll probably never watch, science/math related channels, computers/tech and video game related things. I watch a lot of DIY stuff too, but usually only things I'm trying to learn because I'm going to do it myself.

I know we've talked a lot on other threads about it and which channels we like and why, but not a bad idea to share them here. I'm always up for finding more. I kind of feel like I'm running out of stuff to watch that I like right now.

Rather than just throw a list out there, I'll probably pop back in here from time to time to add a new one with my thoughts.

But for now, Ryan George. 'Nuff Said.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, April 6, 2020 7:18 PM


America loves a winner!

Wow... that's a lot. One of my earliest subs was a channel called Red Earth. I picked up with these confessionals of a sort, vlogs, of a girl who was working in LA, living by herself, didn't know anyone... it was all part of a bigger story. She was a character, and I shortly bailed on it. The video is still up ,but the channel is long since inactive. No idea if it was just some film study or what, but the girl caught my attention. - LOL.

Funny to circle back and check in on some of those early channels. Some are still active, and wow, the people have changed. Grown up , married.. it's weird. But good on them for sticking with it. YouTube is so vast now, there are huge 'stars' who I've never heard of, who do quite well with their fanbases...

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Tuesday, April 7, 2020 12:44 AM


Yeah. I wasn't around much in the early days of YouTube. I think it was already 2015 when I ever even signed up for an account and actively watched anything. Before that I only ever watched videos somebody would email me or look up music videos from bands I liked.

I think it's kind of funny when you consider how many subs different channels have compared to each other. I know some channels that make some of the most mindless content, even if it's pretty entertaining, that have 1 or 2 million subscriptions or more. Then I also know some criminally underrated channels who are struggling with only 10 to 50 thousand and I can't figure out how they don't have a million already.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, April 7, 2020 12:14 PM


I guess I'll start the list then...

Filed under DIY and Consumer Reports:


This guy is excellent, and it's no surprise that he has over 1 Million subscribers today. I found him when I had already fixed the oil leak on my car and I was looking for ways to flush out my entire system for better performance. I ended up sticking around once I realized how many videos he had already made and how often he puts out more. Not only are many of them extremely informative and could help you make better choices when buying a product, but they're also extremely inventive.

I'm not sure if it's him exclusively, or if by now he actually pays a staff to do so, but I've never left a comment on his videos that he hasn't replied to, and some of those videos were already a few years old. If nothing else already had been separating this great channel from other similar channels, this is a fantastic level of immersion and a sense of community that is fostered here. Nobody else I've ever subscribed to who has a fanbase larger than 10-50k even seems to attempt to do this.

This site is a Must Subscribe for any DIYer, anybody who enjoys somebody destroying engines and tools by putting them through ridiculous trials they'd never see in a normal lifetime, or even anybody who ever wondered how much better Gorilla Tape was than standard Grey Duct Tape.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, April 8, 2020 11:20 AM


Filed under Film, Commentary/Reviews:

EDIT: I changed the videos for both of these.

Georg Rockall-Schmidt:

Sometimes you just want to watch somebody who's intelligent doing some in-depth commentary on movies and genres, instead of some edgy hot takes. Georg makes this possible without coming off as pompous or elitist, and makes it interesting enough to stick around. The dry humor is also appreciated.

Although I'm happy to see that he's gone above 200k subscribers from the sub 50k when I first started watching him, he's highly underrated and deserves a larger audience.

What is Anti-Logic:

Criminally Underrated. This channel would be the definition of that phrase. At 50k subscribers now, it's about 10 times the size that it was when I first started watching, but this guy puts so much thought into lore of movies and poses some riveting theories on topics like "Why Does Jeepers Creeper Kill?" and why everybody in the movie A Quiet Place is "Too Stoopid To Survive".

Quality over Quantity is the name of the game here. With only 35 videos uploaded in the last 2+ years, this is not a guy who is sitting there trying to pump out four 10-minute videos per day with clickbait thumbnails. You can tell that he really puts a lot of love into them.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, April 8, 2020 3:00 PM


I like several, Zebra Corner, Ryan George who also does Screen Rant's Pitch Meetings. Also Voxis Productions and Lindsey Ellis is brilliant, and of course...Doomcock. There are also many automotive and sci-fi channels I like but are too many to list. I also like the channels with trains hitting cars and trucks...maybe I need help


Wednesday, April 8, 2020 7:44 PM


America loves a winner!

All I know about HP Lovecraft is Cthulhu and he seems WAY ahead of his time. Certainly doesn't seem to have anyone in his time approaching the stuff he was writing.


Wednesday, April 8, 2020 9:49 PM


Did you watch it?

Yeah. His stuff is pretty terrifying. It's a shame that his prose is so hard to sit through though. You have to be pretty dedicated to actually read any of his stuff. That's why I'm still hoping for some good movies or TV shows based off of his work in the future.

Also, I wanted to make sure that you guys are getting the fact that I'm posting one video per channel recommendation. Should I change the font size and bold it for the channel names?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, April 9, 2020 5:33 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Did you watch it?

Yeah. His stuff is pretty terrifying. It's a shame that his prose is so hard to sit through though. You have to be pretty dedicated to actually read any of his stuff. That's why I'm still hoping for some good movies or TV shows based off of his work in the future.

Also, I wanted to make sure that you guys are getting the fact that I'm posting one video per channel recommendation. Should I change the font size and bold it for the channel names?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Yeah, watched the posted vid. I think I've got tons of respect for HP but to be honest, his stuff isn't for me.

I fall more ( ok, totally ) into the Tolkien camp. I don't even bother w C.S. Lewis, so it seems going to the other extreme, Lovecraft, is right out.

Props, but no... not for me.


Friday, April 10, 2020 11:25 AM



Originally posted by whozit:
I like several, Zebra Corner, Ryan George who also does Screen Rant's Pitch Meetings. Also Voxis Productions and Lindsey Ellis is brilliant, and of course...Doomcock. There are also many automotive and sci-fi channels I like but are too many to list. I also like the channels with trains hitting cars and trucks...maybe I need help

lol... I've seen some accidents videos before. I think it's just a phase that we all grow out of. At least for me they got boring to watch after a few hours. Did you see the one where the truck was too high for the bridge and it got stuck and eventually set on fire? That was pretty epic.

Another Ryan George fan. Cool.

Why don't you write up a little intro to the other channels you're bringing up and post a video you like and think does a good job representing what they're about?


Originally posted by AURaptor:

Yeah, watched the posted vid. I think I've got tons of respect for HP but to be honest, his stuff isn't for me.

I fall more ( ok, totally ) into the Tolkien camp. I don't even bother w C.S. Lewis, so it seems going to the other extreme, Lovecraft, is right out.

Props, but no... not for me.

That's cool man. I get you're not into Lovecraft now. I won't bring it up again. That being said, I'm going to change the video for Georg to a different one. I think I'm going to change the video I put for What Is Anti-Logic too. I didn't really pick videos that were best representations about what those channels are and instead made more topical choices.

I'm more interested in what you think about the content creators that I posted than the specific subject matters of the videos I posted.

Where's your picks? You started the thread and haven't contributed to it at all.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, April 11, 2020 1:06 PM


Filed under Tech Talk:

Technology Connections:

I always thought that video player my grandma inherited when my great grandma died was a Laserdisc player. Who knew it was actually the evolution of the vinyl record that was playing movies, and that the technology existed more than a decade before I was born?

Did you know that despite marketing and packaging, that $20 space heater is going to heat your house just as well as the $120 model due to the way that electricity works and the limitations of how our houses are wired for electric?

This guy did.

Watch one of the world's nicest guys tell you all about it while wearing a suit top over a t-shirt while still wearing his pajama bottoms behind the desk.

Not exactly underrated at 650k+ subscribers, but hopefully he hits a million soon because he's been doing a lot of great work over the last 5 years.

The 8-Bit Guy:

Here's a guy who finally hit his 1 Million subscibers late last year. Unlike some of the others I watch, he already had a pretty large base by the time I started watching him. Fairly niche market that his videos cater to, but however he did it he seemed to get all of them to watch.

Originally going by "The Apple Guy" many years ago, I assume he ran out of old Apple-exclusive tech to go over and as the viewer base expanded so did the content that he created.

Just like Technology Connections, it's fascinating to me to see in depth analysis of how old computers used to work. It's interesting to see reviews and specs of machines I never even knew existed while I was growing up, as well as seeing a random video pop up of a computer or games console that I either owned or knew somebody who did too.

If you ever wanted to know what "Phone Phreaking" was when they used that term in movies like Hackers, you should check out his presentation at the Let's Play Gaming Expo in Texas last year. This dude is OG Hacker.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, April 11, 2020 7:15 PM


America loves a winner!

What I find sorta weird about HPL is that I never even heard of him until 10-15 years ago.

I may have heard, in passing, mention of Cthulhu , but never understood the origins...I just assumed it was some ancient god or deity of some sort. I never realized he was a made up character from some early 20th century writer I'd never heard of.


Saturday, April 11, 2020 11:17 PM


Yeah. I actually thought that Joss put the HP's Elder Gods into Cabin in the Woods.

Turns out that it was actually parody on how movie fans will rip a movie apart if they don't like it and the end of the movie was actually about you and me.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, April 12, 2020 9:54 AM


America loves a winner!

Cabin in the Woods. Good flick. Nice twists there and play on the standard slasher film. My only problem was that knowing it was Joss's film, seeing familiar faces ( Amy Acker, Fran Kranz ) and the whole corporate evil thing going on ( Wolfram & Hart ? ) it seemed a bit of a rip off of his own work.

So, Joss is saying that WE are the Elder Gods? I dunno about that. Maybe Joss was trying to protect copywrite or something.

Funny how he'd say that though... because as that movie came out, seems to be about the time when actors and directors started getting rabbit ears and taking criticisms of their work personally and pushing back on the fans. They stopped treating " us " as customers and more like annoyances. Just my 2 cents.


Sunday, April 12, 2020 9:13 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
Cabin in the Woods. Good flick. Nice twists there and play on the standard slasher film. My only problem was that knowing it was Joss's film, seeing familiar faces ( Amy Acker, Fran Kranz ) and the whole corporate evil thing going on ( Wolfram & Hart ? ) it seemed a bit of a rip off of his own work.

Outside of Firefly and Cabin in the Woods, I've never actually seen anything else he's done. I'll have to take your word on that.


So, Joss is saying that WE are the Elder Gods? I dunno about that. Maybe Joss was trying to protect copywrite or something.

I dunno. I saw that on this video:

The hands were defiantly human looking. If they were Lovecraftian, they'd probably be tentacles instead.


Funny how he'd say that though... because as that movie came out, seems to be about the time when actors and directors started getting rabbit ears and taking criticisms of their work personally and pushing back on the fans. They stopped treated " us " as customers and more like annoyances. Just my 2 cents.

Perhaps he was ahead of his time with that criticism too.

If that really was what he was doing, I don't take issue with it. It made for a good movie and a clever ending, IMO. Sure beats the hell out of calling somebody names on Twitter.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, April 13, 2020 2:23 PM


Don't know that I have any real favourites but I watch some British Telly on YouTube, things like "Good Neighbours" which is British comedy.

Also tend to watch "Top 5 Scary Videos". It's a channel that reviews horror movies. I mean I don't even like horror movies.

Simon Whistler for his historic videos and geographic ones.

So, not really any favourites just whatever catches my eye.


Monday, April 13, 2020 5:05 PM


America loves a winner!

Lately here's a sample of what I've been watching most. In no particular order or category.



Geeks and Gamers

Tim Pool

Mr. H Reviews.

Daisy Cousins

Again, I subscribe to approx. 40 channels, a full 10-15 of those I almost never watch. Like SETI . Love the topic, but their vids are a bit on the dry side for my likes. Overly technical, long vids about topics I don't mind watching about, but not 1-2 hours worth.

Bright Insight - I'll bounce back and check up on Jimmy's vids, but they come out a month or more apart and I frankly was underwhelmed with his BIG shocking video last month. It was too much speculation for my likes, and not at all his best work.

Oh, and how can I forget !!!!


Monday, April 13, 2020 10:47 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Don't know that I have any real favourites but I watch some British Telly on YouTube, things like "Good Neighbours" which is British comedy.

Yeah. That's cool. I didn't even realize that there are some free TV shows up on youtube. I just found a whole bunch of episodes of an old anthology series called Ray Bradbury Theater. Kind of like the Twilight Zone, but from the late 80's and early 90's.


Also tend to watch "Top 5 Scary Videos". It's a channel that reviews horror movies. I mean I don't even like horror movies.

lol. I know exactly what you're talking about there. I watch movie reviews constantly, but I could probably count on both hands the number of movies I've actually watched in the last 5 years, and 3 of those were in the last 8 months.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, April 13, 2020 10:59 PM


I used to watch a lot of Tim "It's Complicated" Poole, but he's gotten pretty stale, IMO. Every one of his videos are 20 to 30 minutes long and he repeats himself 1,000 times per video. I know they need to make videos at least 10 minutes long to make the ad revenue worth the upload, so if he has to ramble on mindlessly he should at least focus and cut his videos down to 10 minutes, even though hardly any of them justify being more than 5 minutes long.

I watch Styx for my political commentary. He doesn't monetize any of his videos ever and he seems to be more intelligent than most when it comes to independent journalism.

Anyway... Here's another channel I watch...

Filed under Video Game History:

Jeremy Parish:

Talk about biting off more than you can chew...

This guy has been making in-depth game reviews for all NES games released in chronological order by release date. (In the US alone, that's roughly 650 games, but he's also doing Japanese and Europe releases as well).

But then he started adding other systems as well, such as Game Boy and N64. That was likely to break up the monotony of doing just the one system, but he already took an insanely massive project and added 4 times the work.

He's been constant in his releases for 5 years now. He's probably got the rest of the free time in his life planned out for himself if he doesn't give it up.

Huge fan of this extremely underappreciated channel. Only 50k subs, and hasn't really grown much.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, April 13, 2020 11:47 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Don't know that I have any real favourites but I watch some British Telly on YouTube, things like "Good Neighbours" which is British comedy.


Yeah. That's cool. I didn't even realize that there are some free TV shows up on youtube. I just found a whole bunch of episodes of an old anthology series called Ray Bradbury Theater. Kind of like the Twilight Zone, but from the late 80's and early 90's.

I've heard of Ray Bradbury theater but don't think I've ever watched it. Not even on tv. People upload things. Like I said "Good Neighbours" from the UK and older stuff from the US such as "Rat Patrol." I like that too.


Also tend to watch "Top 5 Scary Videos". It's a channel that reviews horror movies. I mean I don't even like horror movies.


lol. I know exactly what you're talking about there. I watch movie reviews constantly, but I could probably count on both hands the number of movies I've actually watched in the last 5 years, and 3 of those were in the last 8 months.

I know. Think I can name all the horror movies I've seen in my lifetime. The list wouldn't be very long. They just aren't my thing. Used to watch a tv series called "Friday the 13th." It was filmed up here in Toronto in the late 80s. It wasn't remotely anything to do with the movie series. The show centred around a pair of cousins that inherited a curio shop from a late Uncle, who had made a deal with the devil for his soul. All the items in the shop were cursed, so with a friend of the family they now had to go around and gather up all the cursed items, to put them in a vault. It wasn't a bad little show.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, April 14, 2020 1:46 AM


Haha! I remember that Friday the 13th show. Can't remember too much about it but me and my bros loved watching anything that had to do with horror growing up.

But by your description, it makes me wonder if that show was the inspiration for Warehouse 13? Definitely an example of a reboot done right if it was.

I never caught much Ray Bradbury theater when I was a kid, so I can't say how much of a variety there was between episodes. The few I've seen are pretty much like the 80's reboot of the Twilight Zone though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, April 14, 2020 3:04 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Haha! I remember that Friday the 13th show. Can't remember too much about it but me and my bros loved watching anything that had to do with horror growing up.

But by your description, it makes me wonder if that show was the inspiration for Warehouse 13? Definitely an example of a reboot done right if it was.

I never caught much Ray Bradbury theater when I was a kid, so I can't say how much of a variety there was between episodes. The few I've seen are pretty much like the 80's reboot of the Twilight Zone though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I stumbled across Friday the 13th on a Saturday night after midnight, I think is when it ran. Also another show I watched that ran at the same time was "Forever Knight". That was a vampire show and again filmed in Toronto. I like vampires.

I've not seen much of Warehouse 13 but from what I know that is possible.

Like I said I've just heard of Ray Bradbury Theater, never watched it.


Tuesday, April 14, 2020 3:22 AM


I had a severe crush on the Friday the 13th female lead, Robey.
It actually wasnt that bad of a show, I watched it whenever I could.
It aired at like 1am every Saturday night, IIRC.

Warehouse 13 definitely got some inspiration from it, though it is a lot more lighthearted.


Tuesday, April 14, 2020 12:08 PM


1am you say? That would be why we watched it too. Two things we loved doing when we were kids was staying up as late as we could get away with and horror, no matter how cheesy it was.


Oh yeah. Now I remember. Louise Robey was gorgeous and I had a crush on her too. That 80's hair. lol

I think the only time I ever saw hair like that again was Dina Meyer in Dragonheart.

Wow. Crazy how the mind works. A lot of that show just kind of flooded back to me when seeing pictures. I would have been 8 or 9 years old when I caught any episodes of it.

John LeMay looks really familiar to me too, but I don't recognize anything else he's been in as something I would have seen. I'm just remembering him from all the eps I saw of Friday the 13th.

I'd love to go back and watch it now, but I know how poorly it's going to hold up today just like most shows from that time tend to do.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, April 14, 2020 12:12 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Haha! I remember that Friday the 13th show. Can't remember too much about it but me and my bros loved watching anything that had to do with horror growing up.

But by your description, it makes me wonder if that show was the inspiration for Warehouse 13? Definitely an example of a reboot done right if it was.

I never caught much Ray Bradbury theater when I was a kid, so I can't say how much of a variety there was between episodes. The few I've seen are pretty much like the 80's reboot of the Twilight Zone though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I stumbled across Friday the 13th on a Saturday night after midnight, I think is when it ran. Also another show I watched that ran at the same time was "Forever Knight". That was a vampire show and again filmed in Toronto. I like vampires.

I've not seen much of Warehouse 13 but from what I know that is possible.

Like I said I've just heard of Ray Bradbury Theater, never watched it.

If you're bored, you should watch Warehouse 13. I think you'd really like it. It almost didn't hold my interest in the beginning, but my brother got me to keep watching it. The last 2 or 3 seasons are really excellent. I think it got better when they expanded the cast.

I vaguely remember Forever Knight too. I didn't think they were on at the same time, so I had to look it up. FK came out in 1992 (which was still earlier than I thought). Friday the 13th was on between 1987 to 1990. You were probably watching reruns of both shows by the time you saw them. I'm pretty sure that Forever Knight had a normal time slot that most people would actually be awake for when it originally aired.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, April 14, 2020 1:24 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Haha! I remember that Friday the 13th show. Can't remember too much about it but me and my bros loved watching anything that had to do with horror growing up.

But by your description, it makes me wonder if that show was the inspiration for Warehouse 13? Definitely an example of a reboot done right if it was.

I never caught much Ray Bradbury theater when I was a kid, so I can't say how much of a variety there was between episodes. The few I've seen are pretty much like the 80's reboot of the Twilight Zone though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I stumbled across Friday the 13th on a Saturday night after midnight, I think is when it ran. Also another show I watched that ran at the same time was "Forever Knight". That was a vampire show and again filmed in Toronto. I like vampires.

I've not seen much of Warehouse 13 but from what I know that is possible.

Like I said I've just heard of Ray Bradbury Theater, never watched it.

If you're bored, you should watch Warehouse 13. I think you'd really like it. It almost didn't hold my interest in the beginning, but my brother got me to keep watching it. The last 2 or 3 seasons are really excellent. I think it got better when they expanded the cast.

I vaguely remember Forever Knight too. I didn't think they were on at the same time, so I had to look it up. FK came out in 1992 (which was still earlier than I thought). Friday the 13th was on between 1987 to 1990. You were probably watching reruns of both shows by the time you saw them. I'm pretty sure that Forever Knight had a normal time slot that most people would actually be awake for when it originally aired.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I did try watching Warehouse 13 once but I might have to look at it again.

As to the time frame for Forever Knight, you young whippersnapper. I was watching both Forever Knight and Friday the 13th in their original runs.

Also I was watching them on West Coast time, so a little different.


Tuesday, April 14, 2020 6:18 PM


America loves a winner!

LOL @ Tim " It's complicated " Pool. He's certainly shifted his ' act ' from a guy who traveled all over Europe and the US to get breaking stories to a guy in his fan , down by the river.

Is he 'dating' Emily Mollie ? They were travel / reporter buddies a few years ago, but he seems to stay put and she's still traveling. Maybe their relationship is strictly professional, IDK. I just watch his vids and take them at face value. I don't try to overthink his RL story, but I do find his material interesting. Even if I don't agree all the time.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020 2:07 AM


At least Tim can read the stories he presents, unlike a lot of other YouTubers that can't even do that right.

He needs to get his ass off his computer chair and do some work though. I'm fairly confident he's popping a lot of pharmaceuticals. Dude is wired AF these days and constantly derails his own train of thought. These days I usually just tune in for about the first 3 minutes of his videos before I move on. Even on lockdown I don't have time to sit and watch somebody take 30 minutes to say what he could have said in 5.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, April 15, 2020 2:10 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Haha! I remember that Friday the 13th show. Can't remember too much about it but me and my bros loved watching anything that had to do with horror growing up.

But by your description, it makes me wonder if that show was the inspiration for Warehouse 13? Definitely an example of a reboot done right if it was.

I never caught much Ray Bradbury theater when I was a kid, so I can't say how much of a variety there was between episodes. The few I've seen are pretty much like the 80's reboot of the Twilight Zone though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I stumbled across Friday the 13th on a Saturday night after midnight, I think is when it ran. Also another show I watched that ran at the same time was "Forever Knight". That was a vampire show and again filmed in Toronto. I like vampires.

I've not seen much of Warehouse 13 but from what I know that is possible.

Like I said I've just heard of Ray Bradbury Theater, never watched it.

If you're bored, you should watch Warehouse 13. I think you'd really like it. It almost didn't hold my interest in the beginning, but my brother got me to keep watching it. The last 2 or 3 seasons are really excellent. I think it got better when they expanded the cast.

I vaguely remember Forever Knight too. I didn't think they were on at the same time, so I had to look it up. FK came out in 1992 (which was still earlier than I thought). Friday the 13th was on between 1987 to 1990. You were probably watching reruns of both shows by the time you saw them. I'm pretty sure that Forever Knight had a normal time slot that most people would actually be awake for when it originally aired.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I did try watching Warehouse 13 once but I might have to look at it again.

As to the time frame for Forever Knight, you young whippersnapper. I was watching both Forever Knight and Friday the 13th in their original runs.

Also I was watching them on West Coast time, so a little different.

If you've got the time to invest, I think you'd like Warehouse 13. But it did take a while for the show to really take off. I think the problem in the beginning is that the character development was lacking, but once they started to get you to care about the characters it really started getting good. What I also thought was pretty cool at the time was that they did crossover episodes with another show called Eureka that was also really good. I was bummed when those shows ended.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, April 15, 2020 1:47 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Haha! I remember that Friday the 13th show. Can't remember too much about it but me and my bros loved watching anything that had to do with horror growing up.

But by your description, it makes me wonder if that show was the inspiration for Warehouse 13? Definitely an example of a reboot done right if it was.

I never caught much Ray Bradbury theater when I was a kid, so I can't say how much of a variety there was between episodes. The few I've seen are pretty much like the 80's reboot of the Twilight Zone though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I stumbled across Friday the 13th on a Saturday night after midnight, I think is when it ran. Also another show I watched that ran at the same time was "Forever Knight". That was a vampire show and again filmed in Toronto. I like vampires.

I've not seen much of Warehouse 13 but from what I know that is possible.

Like I said I've just heard of Ray Bradbury Theater, never watched it.

If you're bored, you should watch Warehouse 13. I think you'd really like it. It almost didn't hold my interest in the beginning, but my brother got me to keep watching it. The last 2 or 3 seasons are really excellent. I think it got better when they expanded the cast.

I vaguely remember Forever Knight too. I didn't think they were on at the same time, so I had to look it up. FK came out in 1992 (which was still earlier than I thought). Friday the 13th was on between 1987 to 1990. You were probably watching reruns of both shows by the time you saw them. I'm pretty sure that Forever Knight had a normal time slot that most people would actually be awake for when it originally aired.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I did try watching Warehouse 13 once but I might have to look at it again.

As to the time frame for Forever Knight, you young whippersnapper. I was watching both Forever Knight and Friday the 13th in their original runs.

Also I was watching them on West Coast time, so a little different.

If you've got the time to invest, I think you'd like Warehouse 13. But it did take a while for the show to really take off. I think the problem in the beginning is that the character development was lacking, but once they started to get you to care about the characters it really started getting good. What I also thought was pretty cool at the time was that they did crossover episodes with another show called Eureka that was also really good. I was bummed when those shows ended.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Think I did watch part of one episode of Eureka just because again I stumbled across it and was "what is this". Might have to give it a look see as well. I am getting bored.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020 9:23 PM


Eureka was a fun show with great characters. Started out fairly lighthearted and got a bit more serious in the middle. I think both shows played well off of each other.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, April 15, 2020 11:30 PM


They are possibilities. Need to find something different on YouTube outside of British Telly.


Thursday, April 16, 2020 3:16 PM


America loves a winner!


I usually just tune in for about the first 3 minutes of his videos before I move on. Even on lockdown I don't have time to sit and watch somebody take 30 minutes to say what he could have said in 5.

Dude does repeat himself a good bit. But Rush does it far more than anyone, and he's gotten worse with age.

You may be onto something w/ the pharmaceuticals remark.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Thursday, April 16, 2020 5:35 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

I usually just tune in for about the first 3 minutes of his videos before I move on. Even on lockdown I don't have time to sit and watch somebody take 30 minutes to say what he could have said in 5.

Dude does repeat himself a good bit. But Rush does it far more than anyone, and he's gotten worse with age.

You may be onto something w/ the pharmaceuticals remark.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

Seriously man. My bet is on Adderall. College kids get addicted to that shit early in life and Tim's behavior is pretty consistent with what I've seen in real life.

I like Tim. He seems like a pretty decent guy. My advice to him would be to get some help if he is popping pills, and stop saying that the country is headed for a 2nd Civil War.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, April 16, 2020 6:02 PM



Looked up an episode of "Friday the 13th" and no I don't think it has held up. Didn't make me jump at all. Think when I saw the episode it might have but now just far too simple.

Also looked up "War of the Worlds" tv series that ran from 1988-1990. That one episode I watched seemed to have held up a little better.


Friday, April 17, 2020 1:18 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Looked up an episode of "Friday the 13th" and no I don't think it has held up. Didn't make me jump at all. Think when I saw the episode it might have but now just far too simple.

Also looked up "War of the Worlds" tv series that ran from 1988-1990. That one episode I watched seemed to have held up a little better.

That's a bummer to hear about Friday the 13th. Not really surprised though. I think TV kind of hit its Golden Age around 10 - 15 years ago with stuff like Lost and Fringe and Breaking Bad and a whole other shows of that caliber. It's just hard to go back to the low budget and low production value of the 80's and 90's.

I know what you mean about War of the Worlds though. I saw every episode of that with my old man when I was a kid on the original run, and I re-watched the whole thing sometime around 2009 and it was still creepy as hell. It hat the 80's cheese and the low production value too, but it did have something special about it that kept my interest on the re-watch. Do you remember how it got about 10 times weirder in the 2nd season?

I also didn't even realize that Adrian Paul was in the 2nd season when I saw him years later in the Highlander TV series.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, April 17, 2020 1:38 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Looked up an episode of "Friday the 13th" and no I don't think it has held up. Didn't make me jump at all. Think when I saw the episode it might have but now just far too simple.

Also looked up "War of the Worlds" tv series that ran from 1988-1990. That one episode I watched seemed to have held up a little better.

That's a bummer to hear about Friday the 13th. Not really surprised though. I think TV kind of hit its Golden Age around 10 - 15 years ago with stuff like Lost and Fringe and Breaking Bad and a whole other shows of that caliber. It's just hard to go back to the low budget and low production value of the 80's and 90's.

I know what you mean about War of the Worlds though. I saw every episode of that with my old man when I was a kid on the original run, and I re-watched the whole thing sometime around 2009 and it was still creepy as hell. It hat the 80's cheese and the low production value too, but it did have something special about it that kept my interest on the re-watch. Do you remember how it got about 10 times weirder in the 2nd season?

I also didn't even realize that Adrian Paul was in the 2nd season when I saw him years later in the Highlander TV series.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

It was kind of a bummer because for its time it was an interesting little show with the title and all. I remember my mom couldn't figure out why I was watching it and I had to explain that it had nothing to do with the movie.

Loved Breaking Bad. So did my Blair. One show we would watch together.

I watched every episode too and my mom watched most with me, I think. It did but I was sorry when Richard Chaves left the show. I liked Ironhorse.

I didn't know who Adrian Paul was when I first saw Highlander. I picked up the series because of the film, which I loved.


Saturday, April 18, 2020 2:16 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
It was kind of a bummer because for its time it was an interesting little show with the title and all. I remember my mom couldn't figure out why I was watching it and I had to explain that it had nothing to do with the movie.

lol. Parents just don't understand. I remember years after we got our first Nintendo my mom kept calling it Atari and it would drive us nuts. :)


Loved Breaking Bad. So did my Blair. One show we would watch together.

That's nice.

I'm sure there are some people out there who say they didn't like Breaking Bad. But I don't believe them.


I watched every episode too and my mom watched most with me, I think. It did but I was sorry when Richard Chaves left the show. I liked Ironhorse.

Yeah. I thought that was a huge loss too, but I don't think the panic and paranoia of the 2nd season would have been as real with Ironhorse. He was like the father figure of the show.

Strange thing about when I re-watched the show and was telling my old man I was like 12 years ago. He said that he had just re-watched it about a year before I did, and he told me that he kept thinking of me when he saw Ironhorse. I laughed and told him that's exactly what I was thinking of him when I saw Ironhorse.


I didn't know who Adrian Paul was when I first saw Highlander. I picked up the series because of the film, which I loved.

I didn't either, but my brother was like a mega-fan and had tons of Highlander merch. He got me watching the show when we were younger. I was just saying that it wasn't until I rewatched War of the Worlds that I realized he was in it. I don't know why I didn't recognize him when the Highlander show came out.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, April 18, 2020 3:31 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
It was kind of a bummer because for its time it was an interesting little show with the title and all. I remember my mom couldn't figure out why I was watching it and I had to explain that it had nothing to do with the movie.


lol. Parents just don't understand. I remember years after we got our first Nintendo my mom kept calling it Atari and it would drive us nuts. :)

Yeah, she didn't get it and she even tried watching it with me. Not to her liking though.


Loved Breaking Bad. So did my Blair. One show we would watch together.


That's nice.

I'm sure there are some people out there who say they didn't like Breaking Bad. But I don't believe them.

I'm sure there are.


I watched every episode too and my mom watched most with me, I think. It did but I was sorry when Richard Chaves left the show. I liked Ironhorse.


Yeah. I thought that was a huge loss too, but I don't think the panic and paranoia of the 2nd season would have been as real with Ironhorse. He was like the father figure of the show.

Strange thing about when I re-watched the show and was telling my old man I was like 12 years ago. He said that he had just re-watched it about a year before I did, and he told me that he kept thinking of me when he saw Ironhorse. I laughed and told him that's exactly what I was thinking of him when I saw Ironhorse.

He was kind of. I'm not totally sure why I liked the character. Maybe it just fascinated me that here was a character who was a full blood Indian in the army and a full bird Colonel to boot.


I didn't know who Adrian Paul was when I first saw Highlander. I picked up the series because of the film, which I loved.


I didn't either, but my brother was like a mega-fan and had tons of Highlander merch. He got me watching the show when we were younger. I was just saying that it wasn't until I rewatched War of the Worlds that I realized he was in it. I don't know why I didn't recognize him when the Highlander show came out.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I know what you mean. I should have recognized him too. I watched the "Highlander" movie because it was sort of a mix of fantasy and what have you, so I decided to give the series a whirl and was hooked on it. Though I would have fun with the series as a lot of its run was filmed in Vancouver and the surrounding Lower Mainland. So it became can I guess where an episode was filmed. Then I got hooked on Jim Byrnes music for the series.


Saturday, April 18, 2020 9:27 AM


America loves a winner!

Noticing more and more live streams on Friday nights from my regulars. Folks who normally don't have live streams at all showed up with one last night. And FYI, live streams are great ways to donate to their channels. Even if they get demonetized, and stricken from ad revenue, they can still make $ from donations.


Sunday, May 3, 2020 12:38 PM


America loves a winner!

Random question -

I don't upload videos, I just watch stuff. I have zero 'content', and yet, somehow, I have 2 mystery subscribers to my channel.

What's that about?

I don't have any sort of running blog. I do offer comments , from time to time, on videos I watch, but almost always in praise, not in a flaming manner. ( Really, it's a different area for me, and I use YT to relax and have fun, unlike say in a political forum )

Anyone else have mystery subscribers, and if I can't find out who they are , does it matter? Is there a way I can block them, should I need ?


Sunday, May 3, 2020 1:47 PM


I’d guess that someone liked your comments and subscribed to you.


Monday, May 4, 2020 11:24 AM


I wouldn't worry about it.

I don't upload videos or have a blog either, but I've got 6 subscribers on my channel.

I know at least 3 or 4 of them were from some super long comment I made where I rambled on about how I didn't want you to like my comment or subscribe to my channel and there would be no reason for you to sub since I will never provide any content. I was making fun of somebody who always requests you "smash that like button and subscribe".

A few people commented back that they subbed me because they don't like being told what to do.

MOOSE is right. Somebody probably just liked one or two of your comments.

As far as I know, there isn't a way for them to go tracking your comment history once they're subbed.

I've got my channel pretty much on lockdown. The only thing I have open is some playlists that I made, but you have the option to make those private if you want to.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, May 11, 2020 8:03 PM


America loves a winner!


Originally posted by Moose:
I’d guess that someone liked your comments and subscribed to you.

Well, that's just weird. I have zero uploads which means there's no content to subscribe to. There was just one subscriber, from way back, name blocked of course, and I wondered if that just wasn't some automatic YouTube thing. Then I noticed a 2nd, again, name blocked. For how many folks are signed up, I guess 2 mystery subscribers isn't a thing. If I had a dozen or a hundred... maybe then it's a thing.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall


Saturday, May 23, 2020 7:46 PM


America loves a winner!

Topic should get its own thread...


Sunday, May 24, 2020 11:21 AM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

Originally posted by Moose:
I’d guess that someone liked your comments and subscribed to you.

Well, that's just weird. I have zero uploads which means there's no content to subscribe to. There was just one subscriber, from way back, name blocked of course, and I wondered if that just wasn't some automatic YouTube thing. Then I noticed a 2nd, again, name blocked. For how many folks are signed up, I guess 2 mystery subscribers isn't a thing. If I had a dozen or a hundred... maybe then it's a thing.

Fathom the hypocrisy of a government that requires every citizen to prove they are insured... but not everyone must prove they are a citizen

I'm just a red pill guy in a room full of blue pill addicts.

" AU, that was great, LOL!! " - Chrisisall

You can subscribe to anybody on the site, and it's easy to bring up their profile just by clicking on their name when they leave a comment.

Conspiracy Theory Me would tell you it's probably a government agent, but really... are you that interesting to have one of those of your own?

The AI on sites like YouTube is getting more sophisticated every day. They know much more about you based solely on your viewing habits than they ever could by paying a person to watch what you're commenting on videos. And at the end of the day even if you delete your comment and watch history you're only doing so on your end and that's stuck in a database somewhere until the sun burns out.

I don't let Conspiracy Theory Me do much thinking for me anymore these days. He's never once served me well and only makes life suck more.

Push it all out of your thoughts and embrace the internet. Or just get off the internet and the grid entirely if something like this bothers you that much. No sense in taking any half measures either way.

One day I woke up and realized that I'm not important at all in the grand scheme of things and until you have that epiphany, you can't possibly know how liberating that is.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, May 24, 2020 11:53 AM


America loves a winner!

Fact is, outside of here I don't really talk to anyone about YouTube stuff I see. Sure, I'll post some videos, but not all the things I post are what I am subscribed to.


Saturday, June 6, 2020 11:23 PM


Been watching some Red Green stuff on YouTube. Need the laugh.


Wednesday, June 10, 2020 9:36 PM


What's Red Green?

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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