What happened to music?

UPDATED: Monday, September 23, 2024 14:00
VIEWED: 10558
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Thursday, July 27, 2023 5:54 PM


I have been enjoying something called throat trumpeting. Does this differ from shouting?


Saturday, July 29, 2023 4:45 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I have been enjoying something called throat trumpeting. Does this differ from shouting?

I think I used the wrong term.
"Mouth trumpeting" is what I heard, as described by Naomi Gomez, and she is the first I heard really belt it out.


Saturday, July 29, 2023 4:52 PM


You can also mean this JSF. Throat singing


Tuesday, August 8, 2023 5:37 PM


Hate to Love: Nickelback - Documentary Trailer


Originally posted by Brenda:
You can also mean this JSF. Throat singing

I think he means Trumpet like Black Face Louis Armstrong in Japan


Tuesday, August 8, 2023 6:04 PM


Improvisation of Mongolian Throat singing


Saturday, August 12, 2023 8:13 AM


Music Amy Hanaialii Gilliom, the Hawaiian tradition of female falsetto


Sunday, August 13, 2023 7:48 PM


Oliver Anthony’s ‘powerful’ Rich Men North of Richmond song goes viral on TikTok


Friday, October 27, 2023 9:20 PM


Auto Tune

C'Mon Man


Saturday, October 28, 2023 12:33 AM


Why does Joe Biden*'s chin look like floppy camel toe these days?

I think his skin suit is failing him.


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Thursday, January 18, 2024 6:20 PM


Artificial intelligence to bring Elvis Presley to London stage with 'never seen before' performances


Thursday, January 18, 2024 9:13 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Artificial intelligence to bring Elvis Presley to London stage with 'never seen before' performances


Political correctness is just tyranny, with a smiley face.


Tuesday, May 21, 2024 4:22 PM


P Diddy Makes An Apology Video For Smacking His Woman Around After Disturbing Video Is Released


Tuesday, May 21, 2024 4:56 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
P Diddy Makes An Apology Video For Smacking His Woman Around After Disturbing Video Is Released

That's nice.

No apology yet for the pedophilia though, huh?


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, July 28, 2024 11:37 AM


Rick suffers through the Top 10s

Are These REALLY the Top 10 Songs in the WORLD?


Sunday, July 28, 2024 12:57 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
Rick suffers through the Top 10s

Are These REALLY the Top 10 Songs in the WORLD?

Rick Beato is great.

LOL... It's great watching these guys suffer through a top pop list. This "music" is awful. They're a lot more generous to some of these "artists" than I would be.

You ever watch his video on "The Most COMPLEX Pop Song of All Time"?

I love how he adds his own back story into some of his videos, and how him and his jazz band buddies blew the gig because they couldn't figure it out in time.

That is one of the first songs I remember hearing on the radio when I was a little kid. I always knew there was something special about it, but it wasn't until I saw Beato's video almost 40 years later than I knew why.

Channels like Rick's are gold and make up for all the trash that people put up everyday. They justify the existence of YouTube.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, July 28, 2024 5:29 PM


I wasn't familiar with that song 'Never Gonna Let You Go'

but Yeah I remember that vid, Rick he's a skilled jazz guy and educated and before he was an audio engineer he was a good player so assumed a 'pop song' would be normal and easy. I wasn't familiar with the song but great song, its not really my groove or style or tempo or chords or energy...too romantic maybe or emo but I respect it and I think its probably a lyrics piece and melody from the heart. I haven't played in a while but with notes I could probably chance playing it on something bass or piano but I would do it with notes, not something you just go and wing-it easily. I'm not that good on guitar and Rick is a far better player than me. Logically you'd take it in blocks verse, chorus, solo, bridge, verse, chorus or most songs there is a simple code or pattern, even if it seems complex you might figure out oh its Modal Funky Mixolydian or Phrygian Latin...but not this... but it has so many changes I don't know what it was like G Major or starts in F sharp minor or then it goes to a type of G progression and then a different B flat Major progression then another change. It looked like a nighmare to learn quick, everytime you think you've figured it out it jumps somewhere like a Classical song doing weird key changes but there is no logic to it that you can easily see or I can not see anyway. Maybe he or she who wrote the song had some Latin or Brazilian or Jewish or Folk song Rock logic but I could not see a pattern, I was a little lost following Rick who he himself still seemed kinda lost??? its not like it drop to the Fifth and changes Key major to Minor or jump to the Fourth or up to the Fifth, there are like single tone and half tone changes. Is that a Super Mario video game Cadence? its not going where you expect, its another change. You would probably have to tape some stick note paper to the side of a mic or piano that you could take a quick glance at. Most pop songs are simple 3 Chord tricks or even 2 and the changes within are simple but that song travels to all kinds of places. With all the weird Chord changes Sus, inversion, it seems almost more complicated like a complex Classical Music or Jazz piece but even those simple Cadence, 'Baroque' can have a standard logic to them, easy Jazz standard 2 V 1? I would think the guy or girl just wrote out melody and lyrics and then people with an ear figured out how to put Chords to it which is why it goes almost 'Everywhere'. I wonder if it does have a true pattern somewhere if the notes were wrote out does something, a visible pattern of notes jump out at you, I'm thinking no and it was a piece of his emotions inside broadcast and then recorded.

Great story of them trying to do it on the fly without much practice, 'pride comes before a fall' haughtiness and hubris and humor... I will definitely watch the vid again. I've no intention of ever 'Learning It' if Rick Beato can't play it. It's strange that with all the odd changes the song never really soounds 'out' maybe there is like some kind of bossa trick or pattern to it but hidden inside?


Sunday, July 28, 2024 5:31 PM


I looked it up, husband and wife team of Cynthia Weil and Barry Mann are given credits, they are NYC and not Latin but 'Artists' and ...I dunno....maybe 2 people made a song more crazy? they were probably arguing over the few days that they wrote it which way it would go and this perhaps would explain why it got so Schizo with the crazy changes.

watching some of the vid now, the Song is even crazier than I remember


Sunday, July 28, 2024 6:43 PM


and yes it has gone more 'simple'

Popular songs are simpler and more repetitive than they used to be

interesting one here for non-musicians or people who can't read, and its interesting how it goes in different directions like down or sideways

Lego style

'Sound Blocks'


Sunday, July 28, 2024 7:11 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
I wasn't familiar with that song 'Never Gonna Let You Go'

but Yeah I remember that vid, Rick he's a skilled jazz guy and educated and before he was an audio engineer he was a good player so assumed a 'pop song' would be normal and easy. I wasn't familiar with the song but great song, its not really my groove or style or tempo or chords or energy...too romantic maybe or emo but I respect it and I think its probably a lyrics piece and melody from the heart.

Haha... Yeah... I don't think Emo was a thing back in the early 1980s. I don't imagine this one would have gotten much play on MTV either, had MTV even been a thing when it came out in 1983. This was more "Adult Contemporary" than anything else, and that probably wasn't even in the Lexicon back in 1983 either. I think it was songs like this from around that time that ended up becoming "Adult Contemporary". I'd hear this on the same radio stations that had Chicago and Bread... whatever my mom listened to at the time. I didn't even know until Beato's video about it that it was by Sergio Mendes. I think in the back of my mind I always thought it was Michael McDonald.


I haven't played in a while but with notes I could probably chance playing it on something bass or piano but I would do it with notes, not something you just go and wing-it easily. I'm not that good on guitar and Rick is a far better player than me. Logically you'd take it in blocks verse, chorus, solo, bridge, verse, chorus or most songs there is a simple code or pattern, even if it seems complex you might figure out oh its Modal Funky Mixolydian or Phrygian Latin...but not this... but it has so many changes I don't know what it was like G Major or starts in F sharp minor or then it goes to a type of G progression and then a different B flat Major progression then another change. It looked like a nighmare to learn quick, everytime you think you've figured it out it jumps somewhere like a Classical song doing weird key changes but there is no logic to it that you can easily see or I can not see anyway. Maybe he or she who wrote the song had some Latin or Brazilian or Jewish or Folk song Rock logic but I could not see a pattern, I was a little lost following Rick who he himself still seemed kinda lost??? its not like it drop to the Fifth and changes Key major to Minor or jump to the Fourth or up to the Fifth, there are like single tone and half tone changes. Is that a Super Mario video game Cadence? its not going where you expect, its another change. You would probably have to tape some stick note paper to the side of a mic or piano that you could take a quick glance at. Most pop songs are simple 3 Chord tricks or even 2 and the changes within are simple but that song travels to all kinds of places. With all the weird Chord changes Sus, inversion, it seems almost more complicated like a complex Classical Music or Jazz piece but even those simple Cadence, 'Baroque' can have a standard logic to them, easy Jazz standard 2 V 1? I would think the guy or girl just wrote out melody and lyrics and then people with an ear figured out how to put Chords to it which is why it goes almost 'Everywhere'. I wonder if it does have a true pattern somewhere if the notes were wrote out does something, a visible pattern of notes jump out at you, I'm thinking no and it was a piece of his emotions inside broadcast and then recorded.

I envy you for having all that knowledge about music. At least 10% of the words you used there went over my head, actually.

I was never in band or chior, and my last music class would have been back around 3rd grade, learning how to annoy my parents with a recorder. (A cheap plastic abomination of a flute like thing, if that's not what they called them where you hail from).

By the time I tried picking up a guitar, I was already in my early to mid 20's. All I used was tabs to play, and it didn't matter how many hours I put into it I never got any good at all. I remember enough now to play about 3 or 4 easy songs and I could impress a 5 year old with it, but that's about it.

I'm a great mimic though, which makes it such a shame that I decided I wanted to be in wrestling instead of choir in high school. I used to kill it on karaoke nights at the bars. I've got a pretty damn impressive range despite zero training, and I can morph my voice to sound like Tom Petty or Michael McDonald or Eddie Vedder or Chris Cornell or Anthony Kiedis. I don't imagine I could still do it today because of years of smoking and no practice in between, but I used to be able to nail songs like The Eagles' Hotel California and Ah-Ha's Take on Me to some pretty great applause, then go back up there 30 minutes later and rock out on Metallica's Enter Sandman. It's too bad I never hung out with anybody who was musically inclined or I probably could have been in a band and made people think I actually had musical talent.


Great story of them trying to do it on the fly without much practice, 'pride comes before a fall' haughtiness and hubris and humor... I will definitely watch the vid again. I've no intention of ever 'Learning It' if Rick Beato can't play it. It's strange that with all the odd changes the song never really soounds 'out' maybe there is like some kind of bossa trick or pattern to it but hidden inside?

Yeah... I don't even know man. Don't even know what a Bossa Trick is, honestly.

But just like my ability to mimic almost any song and voice with my built in musical instrument, I just had a feeling that this song was special any time I'd hear it on the radio growing up even though I had no clue why it was special.

I think I like Beato so much because he represents the type of people I wish I'd been hanging out with in my teens and early 20's instead of the losers I got messed up with.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Sunday, July 28, 2024 7:16 PM



Originally posted by JAYNEZTOWN:
I looked it up, husband and wife team of Cynthia Weil and Barry Mann are given credits, they are NYC and not Latin but 'Artists' and ...I dunno....maybe 2 people made a song more crazy? they were probably arguing over the few days that they wrote it which way it would go and this perhaps would explain why it got so Schizo with the crazy changes.

watching some of the vid now, the Song is even crazier than I remember

lol... this made me laugh.


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Monday, July 29, 2024 5:52 AM


It's been bothering me all day and into the night that there is another song that makes me think of Never Gonna Let You Go and vice versa, but I just couldn't dredge that up out of the depths of my memory...

I finally remembered what it was.

Christopher Cross - Best That You Can Do

Check out the intro to both right after each other. (They're both 14 seconds long)

I told you that I've got zero musical training, and I couldn't tell you what even a basic note was just by hearing it, but there are some real similarities here. There has to be some chord overlap between them. The break between the Chorus and Verse in both of the songs seem real familiar between the two as well. (1:13 on Cross / 1:35 on Mendez)

What I can tell though is that Best That You Can Do would be the "easy" version of Never Gonna Let You Go. My guess after a few listens to both of them is that there are about half as many chords in Christopher Crosses' song.

One might think that Cross "sampled" Mendez's song, but Best That You Can Do came out in 1981 and had Never Gonna Let You Go beat by 2 years. Maybe somebody was really digging what Cross was putting out and made it more complex?


Trump will be fine.
He will also be your next President.


Monday, August 5, 2024 7:05 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

I told you that I've got zero musical training, and I couldn't tell you what even a basic note was just by hearing it, but there are some real similarities here.

You don't really need training, you have enough tools and experience to get going and say why they are similar
Rick Beato, the 'Wings of Pegasus' social media discussions you are already getting free training on the level of the college and university

Vocal you probably have some trained instinct hearing you don't know, pitch, tone, you know lyrics you sing you remember lines so you should be able to step outside yourself and do your own analysis

You know chords so you should have some kind of harmony, tempo, melodic tone, timing, know what blends with the bass and drum and your voice and 'sounds right'

Are you asking me to do some ears will be different to yours just as we have different experiences of smell or touch and sights and taste for foods

Me I can layer like a DJ I don't sing, I can hold rhythm, play bass, piano chord or vamp, strum or pick something simple on guitar and loop it, I can play rhythm within rhythm a slow long line above or double time, triplets, or swing it or eights, a sixteenth fill underneath while holding a steady bear through the bars, your recorder I never played one but I have no fear to give one a go I seen one before I think the fingering is tricky with holes underneath but I would not fear a penny whistle or Native American Flute I can kind of read notes but slow.
I don't know many chords just tricks to make it seem like I play and I don't sing like you
People have different ears

RICK vid again

'I Admit... I Got Owned'
Rick Beato

Les Hall
maybe he rushed it got a little confused and played it the old J.S Bach way


Monday, August 5, 2024 7:23 PM


Ok I'll give it a go they have a similar wall of sound, a style, music is audio engineered almost in a fashionable way during a period of time a certain way as styles get into fashion or music...the point is to be popular to make money.

There's enough that makes very unique that makes songs not like each other, makes them very different

Passive Listening
Most songs start on the Root note or Tonic chord, your Solfège 'Do' note 'Do-re-mi'
I believe none of these songs begin on the Root note which adds to a feeling of exploration, uncertainty, dreamy, love, melancholic
MaJor is Do mi+ so played together on piano happyish
minor is Do -ma so played together makes it 'sad'

You can minor a scale, by moving along the Major and changing 'La' to your root note

LA TI do' re' mi' fa' so la' ...or maybe I should remove the caps and ' Apostrophe (’) symbol?

an inversion is taken from scales, you take a note from a chord and move it up or down to the Octave Above or Below
do re mi fa so la ti > up to next octave DO Re MI FA SO LA TI DO
on piano notes this is cdefagbCDEFAGB-

you take a note and put it one the bottom ... do mi so ...or ...DO MI SO
becomes 'mi so DO' its the same chord but a slightly different flavor
or you can go 'so DO MI' again same chord different inversion
ACE minor becomes
e A C
CEG Major becomes
e g C an inversion
The 'sus' chord removes the 'Third' which is a fancy name the Major/Minor note making the chord very mysterious


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

What I can tell though is that Best That You Can Do would be the "easy" version of Never Gonna Let You Go. My guess after a few listens to both of them is that there are about half as many chords in Christopher Crosses' song.

So it seems you already well enough to explain the differences

if you really want to learn there is an archive of questions about theory and intervals and hearing and melodic writing

These tunes are similar
However they are both Easy Listening Pop Rock with some minor jazz chords
maybe they hired the same audio engineering producer building in Calfornia or NYC and used the same tapes and cables and microphones?
maybe one of Rick Beato's friends set up the mics for both bands?...I don't think so but an Audio Engineer can find a 'New Sound' then every other studio guy will try copy that new hip and cool sound that is hot and selling

They both have Similar minor chords, similar Tempo 64, 70, 68 bpm ish but the tempo might be disguised with a lack of picking or lack of vamps or lacking fills, the true drum guitar beat is probably 136 ? The grove is somewhat like each other the Drum is Straight 4 on floor, but there is rhythm on the beat then maybe a little Funky or Latin off beat...Sergio if I remember feels more Latin off beat with melodic fill, maybe some type of Funky Rock fill, anticipation of the beat but they are 4/4 but both are Slow Sets, very Similar Chords, very similar straight 4 on floor with major sevenths maybe? seems like its D Major progression not far from 'G' then maybe similar sus or inversion or it goes to D minor F sharp to F and B to B could be A Major but then you have a B flat?
It sounds like there is a similar progression some where I'm not sure what it is E to A Major to D minor
and G is it 'modal' does it want to be Phrygian or Mixolydian does it have a tonal center? I would imagine some of the chords in both songs are exactly the same but not all will be the same.
the other second tune, I'm not sure if the song wants to be a D minor or is B-flat major, 'Never Gonna Let You Go' has too many strange chords for me to say 'That's It'
First song has 12 chords, its can be done
...Sergio has ...
I lost count at Rick Beato's 32 Chords but harmony they sound similar-ish. Both of them similar theme 'Long songs' happy, regret, joy and content, looking back, romantic, intimacy, reflection topic, I think the first is more happy and the second is more regretful?
I'm not good on vocals but I could guess Both sing with a similar range Low-Tenor? High Baritone?
Both are from similar eras so they would have similar set up on stage with Bass or Drum or Piano, audio engineering stage 'mix'
Both have a strong melodic topic they wait to come around...where they finish with a long note at the end of the bar
both have a melodic topic they keep returning to and they both have some kind of brief instrument solo, the first is strong loud Sax the second song is a Piano Synth Guitar part picking and piano doing electronic guitar chords
they might even use the same brand keyboards, synthesizers, amps, bass and guitar brands?
I don't have a piano and don't have to learn these songs so I won't try figure them out
Both are early 80s style? both sung by young middle age men
both romance ...melancholy
probably recorded on similar medium 'Tape' , Analogue Mixing Desk etc which would have its own audio analogue properties compared with modern digital


Monday, August 5, 2024 7:27 PM


Most people trying to figure it out in studio, go back to piano even a digital grpahic one on your screen because all of Western music is layered and wrote and laid out there on piano, even strange exotic Eastern chords and strange overseas melody can be found there.
You can probably teach a kid to '12 Bar Blues' on bass easy quick just 3 chords
1 - 4 - 5
the root notes Do Fa So with a 'blue note' in between
What's different that will have you lost strarting...maybe learning advanced chords or a Latin beat maybe but its becoming common ish in Texas Calfornia NYC that funky influence, jazz minor exotic scale but not as 'exotic' as it used to be. People from the Balkans play odd time very well, better than players in Britain or Aus or Canada or the USA, odd time is becoming a thing but it feels fake, it should be like a folk song or dance, you should still feel a swing or tap your foot or the melody something that grooves not an extra electronic beat forced into a machine
there is pro rock and progressive pop Nine Inch Nails, Zappa, Pink Floyd, Tool with their ass jokes, Alice in Chains, Genesis were deep into their new sound, progressive rock ...Björk she is very interesting but she's a bit oddish in a strange way and I'm a little ignorant of her sound and never played any of her stuff
Musical Themes, Video Game Hooks or Film Scores they can have an odd time signature or strange scale
Jazz or Swing Brubeck's Take Five
The reason I go back on piano is most guitarists I know can't tell me what they are playing they know its some type of G or E flat or C or A minor but can't really tell me unless they are trained, they know some lines and progressions without theory and don't know if its 'Sus' or an inversion not really sure on rhythm, they have an idea on harmony and timing and they know the idea they have it fits the song and sounds nice so that's where we try figure it out with bass or piano.

someone told me watch out for 'Shred' the stuff he teaches and says might be 'evil' or is it just music

Hungary Minor? or is it Romania

I AM DRACULA | Vampire Scale

Most hiphop is a few seconds of Clyde Stubblefield or John Bonham copied and looped

and because you showed me this guy

Wings of Pegasus again

analyses Elvis Presley's guitar playing


Tuesday, August 6, 2024 1:18 PM



Wednesday, August 7, 2024 10:18 AM


Music is dead maybe or not....maybe but you still have spectacle and skill on you-tube style social media channels

Video games is where art is ...just... surviving now but under commercial need for sales.
High Art and Low Art debate
and Do you have to be financially successful to be 'Art'?

I also think 'Modern Jazz' started to suck, it became a style about nothing, play as many notes as possible as many tones, slow miserable song and boring solos, very formula smokey bar cafe, a style that climbed up its own AssholeOfFilth and yet some ask is jazz unpopular? jazz was originally dirty street music, white and blacks in dance halls, based on blues that was looked down upon then it became 'elite' and lost something?
Jazz tries to climb up its own ass and becomes so cliché it forgets it was like an old Country Blues Harmony song and it was the peoples folk music for a while
ask why people today only want oldies the people like only "old" styles of swing or blues or jazz?
Solos can get tiresome and people who like harmony and chords don't like the sound of dissonance also some Jazz people are terribly over rated as musicians.

Music possibly died with the teens buying simple pop and then people taking a brand like jazz too serious, it dies in every culture, with the death of the Baroque era, Max Steiner, Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, the Classical Music Greats, Ennio Morricone, Leonard Bernstein, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Miklós Rózsa, Vangelis, Funky man Prince, the Early Rockers, some of the playing and composition is simple even for Classical style but it grabs, it sets a mood and Hollywood and Tv written music is 'catchy' so then when music forgets its job is to make people tap their foot to set a mood and entertain...although I can forgive the perfectionists like Prince or Leonard Bernstein having their hissy fits trying to get the people to play right temp and correct note.
California is now dead culturally, anyone on the net can see how crazy Commiefornia has become and won't move there just to meet other artists.

yeah sometimes music takes itself too serious but we should appreciate talents and composers and skill

and I do appreciate crazy works of a video game guy or a pop guy or a rock and roll or blues guy or written by a virtuoso like Niccolò Paganini


Wednesday, August 7, 2024 11:29 PM


Music is not dead. Different genres evolve into other things. You may have to go looking for say something like Punk but it is still around. Rock and roll evolved out of R&B and blues music.

And also for other styles of music you can find reels and jigs that still are played and danced to in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and New Brunswick. These were brought over by the Scots, Irish and even English immigrants to those parts of Canada. That music hasn't changed in over 100years. And you'll still find that style of music being played in Scotland, Ireland and yes England to this day.

In the deep South in the US, you can find reels and jigs that were brought there by settlers and are still played today with no changes to the music. And someone from the past would recognize it.


Monday, September 23, 2024 8:15 AM


A previously unknown piece of music composed by Mozart when he was probably in his early teens has been uncovered at a library in Germany


Monday, September 23, 2024 2:00 PM



Originally posted by SAVEWASH:

Oh, I couldn't agree with you more! I'm so tired of hearing the same 10-12 songs over and over instead of something new and original. When will they get a clue???

My rant's over, too.

"We need to keep our heads so we can ... keep our heads."

They ask you when you come across things are posted, to give it a thumbs up if you find it helpful.

So, thumbs up. And I gotta say, I love your Avatar.







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