The Sereni-TREE among dandelions

UPDATED: Friday, August 19, 2005 20:05
VIEWED: 23507
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Sunday, July 24, 2005 2:51 AM


Well, a new thread, our 28th!! Here is the previous one:

I have made the decision to move us back to the Talk Story forum, since that is where this series of threads started long, long ago. I feel that is where we belong, since we are not really having “General Discussions” about Firefly or Serenity.

Here is the summary of what has gone before:

SoulofSerenity’s evil counterpart, DarkSoul, created a False Sereni-Tree (the Adelai Niska), kidnapped most of our womenfolk over to that ship, and then split off evil clones from Our Heroes. After some confusion as to what was going on, Our Heroes made their way to the False Sereni-Tree by means of their own powers or the three shuttles, fought to recover their friends, faced and conquered their dark selves, and departed before the Cozenroaches could finish eating the False Sereni-Tree.

The last major conflict of the “DarkSoul” plotline was when EvilSimonWho kidnapped ThatWeirdGirl. SimonWho defeated his dark self by (temporarily) stopping his own heart with a needle! The EvilSimonWho dissipated and SimonWho was rushed off to the Infirmary where he is in stable if guarded condition.

Then Soul, on the False Sereni-Tree, rammed the True Sereni-Tree, somehow magically joining all the good and evil bits back together. The (once again) one-and-only Sereni-Tree has been landed in a meadow on Earth-That-Still-Is, so that repairs can be made and so the crew can relax among dandelions a bit before the next great disaster threatens us. This also gives us a chance to re-supply our depleted pantry.

Newly acquired crew members include Bluefishie, XanderLHarris, and Piffle101. Welcome! More alarming additions are the Malcomettes!

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Sunday, July 24, 2005 3:04 AM


* All night, Bride5 and Bride6 have been helping Bride3 (Trey) make a large, impressive, and colorful sign to hang over the Sereni-Tree’s bar. The three also work very hard to clean and polish the bar and all the nearby tables. All the glasses and mugs are washed. By early morning, they are finished. The sign over the bar says: “TREY’S BAR, WHERE EVERY HOUR IS A HAPPY HOUR!" *

* And so, Bride3 becomes the Sereni-Tree’s bartender, aided by Bride5 and Bride6 waiting tables. *


Sunday, July 24, 2005 4:02 AM


*Serenity wakes up from her most recent nap. She heads off to her garden where she picks an armload of roses, then heads off the kitchen and scrounges up something that passes for a vase. She drops the roses off with one of the Simon-clones in the infirmary for Simon-Who, who is not yet awake. Then she heads over to Trey's bar (shiny!)and asks for a mimosa.*

"You know, there is no language of vegetables, which converts a cucumber into a formal declaration of attachment."-Nicholas Nickleby


Sunday, July 24, 2005 4:16 AM



Hi. I am TheRealMe. Now that the excitement has died down, at least for the moment, there is something that I thought I should attend to. We’ve had some new folks join us lately, so I will provide a tour of the Sereni-Tree, my second. I have paid careful attention over time, and I believe that this layout is consistent with all the stories that have occurred in the Sereni-Tree to date. If anyone has differing opinions, that’s fine, but try to stay true to what has gone before. WARNING: This post is very long.

Below, I also list the crew that we seem to have now, without bothering to track down every poster we have ever had. If I have missed crew or if anyone would like to change my one-line description of them, let me know. There is always the possibility that some missing folks have just been sleeping in their quarters for the last eight or ten threads, or perhaps they have been placed in the cryogenic freezing chamber of the Insidious Doctor Rat. CageyBee? CosmicFugitive? BadgersHat? Apple? ManiacNumberOne? KaySky? Knibblet? Elwoodmom? Aramina? ImEarly?

The Sereni-Tree’s Past

The Sereni-Tree is our home. Originally, it took the form of a tree house built by Ebonezer, and this is the image it has on our flag, the Flag That Shw Made. The tree house was the immediate successor to “The Forgotten Not a Guy/Girl Clubhouse”. Later, PsychicRiver and a few others, including myself, modified the tree house to make it an air-ship, floating through the sky on numerous butterfly-shaped reactionless thrusters. In this form, the converted tree house was named and christened “Sereni-Tree” by Mal-licious, and we left the Tree behind as we flew off. Later, TheGreyJedi made even more modifications, and it became a starship. We have since been traveling the ‘verse, leaving the destroyed planets of Rukus and Black Diamond in our wake (we REALLY have to stop that). Most recently, we have returned to Earth-That-Still-Is to fight the Evil / Enemy Invaders and to face our own dark selves.

The Sereni-Tree on the Inside

The Sereni-Tree is a structure much larger on the inside than it appears on the outside, thanks to my ability to fold space-time in higher dimensions. On the outside, the Sereni-Tree is perhaps the size of a modest two-story house. On the inside, it is larger. MUCH larger.

The Common Room

The Common Room is the center of life in the Sereni-Tree. It is a huge cylindrical room perhaps 15 or 20 yards/meters across and three levels high. There are two encircling balconies, one above the other, around the Common Room. Equally spaced around the Common Room’s curving walls are the exits to the North, East, South, and West Wings. While it is true that the Sereni-Tree can move about and adopt any orientation, the names are traditional, coming from the time it was still a stationary tree house. There will be more about the Wings later.

In the center of the Common Room sits the pool table. In many ways, it is the critical nerve center of the ship, and battles have been waged for its possession. Underneath the pool table is the nest of Captain Ebonezer, where she piles her stuff (although the Captain has a designated room in one of the Wings, that room is rarely used). Also under the pool table are the remains of Cozen’s Pleasurable Torture Chamber, which includes “the Chair”. The top of the pool table is often where the Captain climbs to address the crew. Note that the pool table is missing its eight-ball, which Rat once traded for more Spam.

On the wall between the North and East Wings (and in that general area) is the game arcade. We have many pinball and video game consoles. A favorite is the Whack-a-Fox-Executive game, a device of my own invention. It’s similar to a Whack-a-Mole game, but much more satisfying. Beyond the arcade area is a door in the wall of the Common Room that provides access to the room beyond, a lounge / party room / mess area / lecture hall with enough tables and chairs to seat perhaps 40 people.

On the wall between the East and South Wings is the bar. It is finely constructed of a dark, polished wood, with barstools lined along it, and several tables out in front, and a place behind it for a bartender to work some alcoholic magic. On the wall directly behind the bar is a large mirror (unfortunately cracked in several places) and our carefully arrayed remaining bottles of booze (many of our previous collection having been smashed during the Invasion of Inola Teg, Eldritch Horror from the Purple Dimension). Bride3 has become our new bartender. As you face the bar, a door to its right leads to our personal micro-brewery, with vats of beer (and root-beer?). A door to the left of the bar leads to our fully equipped kitchen and pantry, with an enormous walk-in freezer. The balconies above the bar provide access to conference rooms and various offices on the upper levels (including at least offices of the Captain, First Officer, Cruise Director, and Security Chief with attached brig).

On the wall between the South and West Wings are a huge plasma television, an impressive sound system, and a DVD player complete with racks of all Whedonverse DVD sets, as well as complete Doctor Who, Star Trek, Indiana Jones, Farscape, Babylon 5, Twilight Zone, old and new Battlestar Galactica, all the Stargates, Highlanders, X-Files, the live-action and animated Tick, the Predator, Alien, and Star Wars cycles, Lord of the Rings (extended editions), The Princess Bride, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Abyss, and many other science fiction and fantasy television series and movies. In front of this television sits a large comfortable leather-covered couch, and a couple of love seats and recliners and some tables for holding munchies and drinks. To the right of the television as you face it is a doorway to the multi-level Infirmary of Doctor SimonWho and MontanaGirl, which has an operating theater with overhead viewing area, convalescent ward, examination rooms, supply rooms, and medical offices (the upper levels of the Infirmary connect to the balconies above the Common Room). To the left of the television, as you are facing it, is a hatch to a major airlock. This placement allows us to drag wounded into the Infirmary from the airlock after a failed ground expedition (the airlock also connects directly to the Infirmary), or from the vehicle bay in the South Wing. On a wall in the airlock, hanging among vac-suits and space tools, is a fishing pole for retrieving Rat on those occasions when he has been spaced. There is an armory near or as part of this airlock, where one can requisition all sorts of odd gear, including Spamguns and jetpacks.

On the wall between the West and North Wings are public bathrooms with showers and lockers, and access to the Sereni-Tree water park. The water park includes an olympic sized swimming pool, a sauna, a jacuzzi (which can be turned into a chocolate jacuzzi with a flip of a switch), a water slide that extends up three floors, and (floating in mid-air) a large zero-G blob of the same breathable fluid featured in the movie “The Abyss”, this last courtesy of SimonWho. The balconies above this area lead to platforms at various levels near the top of the water slide, and to the diving platform.

The Bridge

The Bridge and related structures are reached from the upper balcony to the northeast, jutting out from the side of the ship high over the lounge / mess hall. The main level of the bridge has a number of view screens and three main control stations, any of which can be configured for any ship function. Climbing a ladder up and forward from the main Bridge level gets you to the pilot dome, which is dominated by Static’s cramped cockpit. From here, the pilot has an excellent view, though this is easily supplemented by holographic images. From the Bridge, one has control over the ship’s functions of command, maneuver, navigation, sensors, computer, communication, weaponry, engineering, ship system status, security systems, and just about anything else. This control is shared by Main Engineering. Just off the Bridge are ladders that lead up and down to the dorsal and ventral gunnery stations. These accessways are not nearly so long as one would expect from the apparent height of the ship. On either side of the Bridge are mounted the twin-linked plasma cannons that are among Static’s favorite toys.

The Rest of the Central Core of the Ship

On the roof of the Sereni-Tree, above the Common Room, were once mounted MaRTHA and BERTHA, a catapult and high-powered gun both devised by TheGreyJedi, though he later removed the gun and mounted it upon his mecha, Aegis, to deal with a perceived invasion of the planet Rukus. Sadly Aegis has since been lost in a singularity accident. There is a dorsal quad-laser emplacement and gunnery station on the roof of the Sereni-Tree. Also on the roof is an observatory dome that splits open to reveal a high-powered telescope. There is also an observation lounge on the top of the Sereni-Tree, a transparent enclosure that offers a stunning view. This is perhaps located on the spot once occupied by TheGreyJedi’s lawn chair.

Below the Common Room is the Main Cargo Bay. The Cargo Bay is a huge place, with a number of levels of vaults and subdivided compartments for various goods. There is a massive hatch that allows easy loading access from outside the ship. In one of the compartments is stored the original “Forgotten Not a Guy/Girl Clubhouse, recently recovered from Earth-That-Still-Is. Another holds CallMeSerenity’s extensive greenhouse garden, usually kept under lock.

Below the Cargo Area is Main Engineering, the realm of TheGreyJedi, Needleseye, Bride4, and (perhaps) the Kaylee-clone. All sorts of arcane techno-magic occur in this place, and most ship functions can be controlled from here, in addition to the Bridge. Grey has a command chair that he rarely leaves, that seems to hover anywhere he needs to go. There are power plants and spacedrives of almost every description, including a console for the highly experimental quad-locked Grav Drive (aka Ether Drive). The life support systems are no doubt in this section as well. Off of Main Engineering are Grey’s quarters and a series of lockers and a bathroom. Somewhere, the Sereni-Tree must store its fuel, so perhaps fuel tanks are near Main Engineering as well. Or perhaps the ship requires so little fuel that its storage is not an issue.

In the days of the Sereni-Tree airship, Main Engineering was merely the boiler room, though it has since been upgraded significantly. However, the old boiler room had a permanent dimensional portal that connected to Zoid’s Pub at the Bottom of the Tree. I don’t know if this portal is still active, but if not, that could explain why we don’t see much of Zoid these days. Also in the old boiler room used to be the Big Red Button for enabling Real World Physics. TheRealMe has used warning signs, locks, titanium bulkheads, and duct tape to seal this away from Rat’s prying hands so THAT HE COULD NEVER MESS WITH IT AGAIN.

There is a ventral quad laser emplacement underneath the Sereni-Tree

The Sereni-Tree is also equipped with grappler arms, huge mechanical arms that can be used to hold or manipulate items, or even other ships. In cases of extreme propulsion failure, they can be used to “walk” the whole ship in a 1-G gravity field, though this is not recommended.

Somewhere deep in the bowels of the Sereni-Tree is the secret cryogenic freezing chamber of the Insidious Doctor Rat. Inside are stored former crew members who have neglected to post in a long time and the remains of the EvilWeirdGirl, the FemaleReaver, and the traitorous Bride1 (any of whom may be resurrected when plots really slow down).

The Wings

The North, East, South, and West Wings of the Sereni-Tree all have identical floor plans, mostly because they are, in fact, the same exact space folded twice through higher dimensions. This has worked well, except for the time that Rat re-asserted real-world physics and the Wings all collapsed back down to just three dimensions. That got confusing. And crowded!

The Wings are entered off of the Common Room through four doors placed at the cardinal points. There are additional doors above these, one on each encircling balcony per Wing. On the left side of each of these doors is access to an elevator. On the right side of each is access to a stairway. These access ways run through all the decks of the ship, from the roof structures down through the Common Room, Cargo Bay, and Main Engineering, to the ventral lasers.

The Wings have three floors each. The bottom two are for living quarters, with ten modest apartments on each floor, five on each side of a central corridor. The apartment of The Real Me, the apartment once used as the FemaleReaver Containment Area, the apartment temporarily expanded to hold the population of Black Diamond (and once claimed by Needleseye), and Needleseye’s new apartment that Cozen raided for a green sarong are all on the lowest floor of the West Wing. The Real Me has one of the two apartments at the end of the corridor with windows giving a nice view of space. SimonWho’s apartment is also in the West Wing, to be near both the Infirmary and the zero-G blob of “Abyss” fluid that he provided. MontanaGirl and SoulofSerenity have apartments in the South Wing. Static and ThatWeirdGirl share an apartment in the upper quarters level of the North Wing, so as to provide Static quick access to the Bridge. Mai and PsychicRiver once shared quarters at the end of the North Wing, as they have a window that looks out on space, and these quarters are adjacent to those shared by Static and ThatWeirdGirl. CallMeAth is also in the North Wing. I don’t know about anyone else, but feel free to pick a spot. We might want to reserve one Wing (the East?) strictly for passengers, Brides, and/or clones.

In addition to the two levels of living quarters, each Wing has a third floor with an extra-high ceiling containing something special:

The North Wing third floor contains the “This Land” game preserve / mini-theme park / miniature golf course (where we usually keep Mai’s pet dinosaur, Frederick). We might consider a stable somewhere around here for the piffleponies and Aluminum.

The East Wing third floor contains a recording studio, stage, and dance floor (with disco ball!) for our band, “the Fireflies”.

The South Wing third floor contains the hanger for our various small craft, including the shuttles General Lee for Southerners or Dukes of Hazard fans, the General Grant for Yankees, and the Admiral Nelson for Brits, at least a half-dozen speeder pods, Emma’s shrunken ship when Rat is not carrying it in his pocket, and perhaps SimonWho’s Blue Box when he doesn’t have it with him. We recently acquired a fourth shuttle, a duplicate of the General Lee, which we need to rename if we keep it. The Napoleon Bonaparte for any French Browncoats?

The West Wing third floor has the magnificent floor-to-ceiling Willy-Wonka-esque Dream Machine created by ManiacNumberOne, where one’s mind can be played with. It hasn’t gotten much use since the Insidious Doctor Rat hooked us all up to it, once. The West Wing also has a gym, with showers, lockers, mats, weights, treadmills, stair-masters, etc. Who knows, we might even have a tennis / basketball court, and a ring for UNPROFESSIONAL WRESTLING! Maybe we have a bowling alley, too, or a firing range.

The Sereni-Tree! Who needs to visit a pleasure planet?

The “Real” Crew and Passengers of the Sereni-Tree

Bluefishie: New crew; has a pet blue fishie.
CallMeAth aka Ath: With Lissa, creator of the kissies; Powers: practicing his pyro-kinesis and predictive parrying.
CallMeSerenity aka Serenity: Ath’s sister; created greenhouse in cargo bay; Power: flight via blue-white angelic wings.
Cozen aka The Infinite Goof: Kidnaps women and subjects them to pleasurable torture; Power: insect creation / control.
Ebonezer (Captain): Exuberant, impulsive; nest under the pool table; Power: speaks to any creature.
Emma: Space-going entrepreneur (thief). Owns (stolen) spherical spaceship. Faints at the slightest danger.
Jake7: Comes through in a crisis; Power: force field-projecting “remote”.
Jazaf: A swordsman, newest mystery man aboard the ship; Power: metal-shaping? White-hot katanas?
Lissa: With Ath, creator of the kissies; tends to prefer the calmer times (and jacuzzis).
Mai (Cruise Director): Not an attack-and-kill kind of girl; has pet dinosaur Frederick; Power: light generation.
Mal-licious (Goddess-Queen): Regal and self-assured; Powers: thread-jacking, charisma, and beauty.
MontanaGirl (Medical Assistant and Vet): Likes Soul’s “Legolas” bow and Cozen’s methods. Likes things to go boom!
Needleseye (Assistant Engineer): Aquatic carnivorous faerie creature; shapeshifts to monster; creates flowers.
Piffle101: New crew; breeder of piffleponies.
PsychicRiver: Just a little crazy; knits; Powers: telepathy, precognition, telekinesis.
Rat (Acquisitions Officer): Troublemaker; messes with things; Power: inventor, weather prediction, and elemental blasts.
Rat-clone: Rat made a clone of himself, once…. Not sure if we kept track of it…
SimonWho (Physician): Helpful, friendly, annoys women he likes; Power: blue box; destroys entire planets
SoulOfSerenity aka Soul (Security Chief): Friendly; wants to help; Archer with bow; Power: desolidification.
Static (Pilot): no-nonsense guy; TWG’s “beloved”; Powers: piloting; combat with blade and gun.
ThatWeirdGirl (1st Lieutenant): Happy, playful; Static’s “sweetest”; Pepsimilk proponent; Power: Confusion; can short out electronics.
TheGreyJedi(Engineer): Loner tech-priest; Powers: MacGuyver-like scrounging / inventing; angelic Jedi powers.
TheRealMe (1st Officer / Navigator): level-headed, reliable; Powers: inventor, dimensional portals, and space-folding.
XanderLHarris aka Ash: New crew. Might have two heads.

The Brides

Bride2 aka Deuce: Red hair, freckles; impulsive, tempermental; strong, athletic, and tomboy-ish; acrobat. Has pair of katanas.
Bride3 aka Trey (Bartender): Tall woman of African descent, mixes drinks and deals cards.
Bride4 aka Jet (Assistant Engineer): Small of stature, dark hair, brave and intelligent, wears glasses.
Bride5: Beautiful woman of Asian descent; long straight black hair; affects the “glamorous” look; fashion conscious.
Bride6: Giggly and excitable blonde; curls and dyes hair; does nails; likes frilly and lacy dresses.
Bride7: Blushing psychotic bride; files nails; avoids work; good cook; possibly cannibalistic.

The BDH Clones from Cozen’s Rukus Resort

Badger-clone: Once the concierge of the Rukus resort. Probably in business with Emma and Rat by now.
Kaylee-clone: Mostly just helps Cozen break into places. Another new Assistant Engineer for TheGreyJedi?
Jayne-clone1: Got to watch him. Claimed by MontanaGirl.
Jayne-clone2: Got to watch him. Watched over SimonWho when the latter was injured.
Mal-clone1: (Presumably) claimed by Mal-licious.
Mal-clone2: (Presumably) claimed by Mal-licious.
River-clone: Super-intelligent and creepifying; not right in the head; Powers: weird psychic stuff; a reader.
Simon-clone1: Assigned to the Infirmary under SimonWho?
Simon-clone2: Another doctor for the Infirmary?
Zoe-clone1: Ready for security duty with SoulofSerenity?
Zoe-clone2: Ready for security duty with SoulofSerenity?
Zoe-clone3: Appeared mysteriously during the “Dark Soul” plotline.
Zoe-clone4: Appeared mysteriously during the “Dark Soul” plotline.

The Black Diamond Creatures

Yeti: A dance troupe of perhaps a dozen yeti, friends to ThatWeirdGirl.
Windmill Giants: A few shrunken giants, including Rat’s friend Wendel.

The Malcomettes (semi-sentient abominations?)

Kaylee-Malcomette: Aimlessly wanders around spouting Mal quotes.
Jayne-Malcomette: Aimlessly wanders around spouting Mal quotes.
Mal-Malcomette: Aimlessly wanders around spouting Mal quotes.
River-Malcomette: Aimlessly wanders around spouting Mal quotes.
Simon-Malcomette: Aimlessly wanders around spouting Mal quotes.
Wash-Malcomette: Aimlessly wanders around spouting Mal quotes.
Zoe-Malcomette: Aimlessly wanders around spouting Mal quotes.

Mechanical and Magical Servants, Friends, and Pets of the Sereni-Tree

Aluminum: TRM’s white horse, for when he’s playing at being Sheriff of Serenity County.
The Black Ribbon: MontanaGirl’s magical protective black ribbon kept in a glass of Pepsi.
Blue Fishies: Pets of Bluefishie.
DRDs: An unknown number of Diagnostic Repair Drones, presumably built by TGJ.
The Ebo Golem: The Effigy of Ebo, magically animated by TRM to replace Sparky.
Frederick the Dinosaur: A pet dinosaur picked up in the Land of the Lost by Mai during Mai-Quest.
Kissies: Numerous pokemon-ish emoticon creatures which spread affection everywhere.
MollytheParrot: A cute creature cloned from Cozen’s one-time mouthpiece, Black Jack Silver.
Nugget, the Meteor Troll: Emma’s friend, a large and brutish creature with some affection for TRM.
Piffleponies: Everyone wants a pifflepony, deep down.
The Pillow CageyBee: The golem created by CageyBee of fabric and stuffing; not seen lately.
Sparky: The Mechana-Cabana-Boy 3000; much repaired, rarely working robot of TRM.


Sunday, July 24, 2005 4:41 AM


Patience, Molly, I'm still wrasslin' with the concept of there being two of me in the one-of-me. This assimilation business can be right nauseating.


Scotch? At this time of morning? (Good idea!)

*Ambles over to bar... and finds no scotch!*

*Hands Molly his credit card.*

Molly: your mission, should you decide accept it....


Sunday, July 24, 2005 7:30 AM



Piffleponies: Everyone wants a pifflepony, deep down.

It's true...It's true.

I dont wear underwear...You know that...I mean!?!


Sunday, July 24, 2005 8:06 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
We recently acquired a fourth shuttle, a duplicate of the General Lee, which we need to rename if we keep it. The Napoleon Bonaparte?

That works! By the way, on the way back there was a mal-function with the shrink, now the ship is only about two thirds the size of the original!

Acquisitions Officer - Uss SereniTREE.


Sunday, July 24, 2005 8:30 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
The (once again) one-and-only Sereni-Tree has been landed in a meadow on Earth-That-Still-Is, so that repairs can be made and so the crew can relax among dandelions a bit before the next great disaster threatens us.

Yay, I can use my plant identification system that I haven't used since the one range class that I had to take in college! (The following will sufficiently demonstrate why I was an Animal Science major and not a Range major.)

*points at one plant* Dandelion.
*points at another* Not a dandelion.

"Man has an evil side, Pinky." -Brain
"Front or back?" -Pinky


Sunday, July 24, 2005 9:19 AM


*watches the slow descent into daylight from his floating position. He rotates his body so his feet are on the floor.*

Restore normal life support.

*SereniTREE beeps a confirmation, his weight returning to him.*

Open observation lounge. Disengage door field.

*Two beeps. The large glass half dome of the observation lounge slides back, letting in a rush of warm air into the previously freezing room. Grey walks out onto the top of the ship and takes a seat laying back on the roof of the bridge, staring up at the clouds as he rolls his black cargo pant legs up to his knees.*

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE
Real Fans Wait - 09/30/05


Sunday, July 24, 2005 11:21 AM


Ooh! Dandelions!

*Serenity finishes off her mimosa in one big gulp then heads outside to frolic in the flowers.*

Aahhh. Sunlight, growing things, little wing'ed bugs. This is nice.

*she starts making herself a daisy chain.*

"You know, there is no language of vegetables, which converts a cucumber into a formal declaration of attachment."-Nicholas Nickleby


Sunday, July 24, 2005 11:47 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Ooh! Dandelions!

*Serenity... starts making herself a daisy chain.*

*Stands at safe remove, all the better to minimize potential "bumping-into" incidents.*

Heya, Serenity. Glad you could be back with us... near our ship. Gotta ask, though, um, like, what're ya after, what with linking up all these 'puters? (Just askin').

*Produces 64 Firewire cables.*


Sunday, July 24, 2005 12:45 PM


*Needleseye awakens with a start.*
*Sits up straight. Looks about room, remembers something, but definitely wonders why she's on the floor. Starts to recall slowly... thinks~ well that's the thanks for a kindness... rolls eyes.*
OW! My head!

*Sensing SereniTree is no longer moving, hoping to find someone about on her way, she heads for cargo bay .
Falls down as her senses are not fully recouperated*
*flings boots off.*
No more shoes!
thinks~ is that fresh air I smell? begins to walk faster sniffs sprints out of the Tree and into the meadow.
thinks, not sure I'm leaving this place, must find a pond or somesuch...
*Along her path all variety of wildflowers rise up to meet her fingertips, paint brushes, indian feather, blanket flower, mexican hats, thistle, bee balm........ then a huge growth of fluffy scented clover (trifolium!) . Dives upon it. It's cool and deep green.
While laying there looks back at SereniTree.
Wonders if it would have been better to have just admired it and it's crew.. maybe just stayed on the beach that day... ....Oh right it got blown up.*

*A lady bug lands on her knee, righting it's tiny wings til it has a solid red shell again. Needleseye hums to it.*

i couldn't think of a thing
that I hope tomorrow brings
oh what a surprise
stupidity tries...


Sunday, July 24, 2005 3:02 PM


*After the credits of "The Princess Bride" roll, Ath and Lissa get up and head outside. Just as they exit the ship they pass by MG.


Originally posted by montanagirl:
*points at another* Not a dandelion.

Uh...that's a rock.

*Ath deftly avoids MG's kick.*

So, anyone up for a game of Tag?

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Sunday, July 24, 2005 3:13 PM


(Floor? What is this floor?! What kinda person do you think I am? You, my dear, were in my comfortable, if spartan, bunk.)

*Espies Needleseye as she meanders through the field. Nature should be in nature, he thinks. Raises up off his back and sits in lotus position, The moving clouds parting over him for a moment, highlighting the pinkish lines of a few scars on his lightly-tanned torso. He inhales deeply.*

Color, but a lack of real green. Satisfying enough, though.

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE
Real Fans Wait - 09/30/05


Sunday, July 24, 2005 3:21 PM


*Kinda bodyslams Lissa a bit too hardish across the ribs.*

Uh, um, like... sorry? Still dealing with the incorporation of darkcozen, y'know? Gonna take a bit.

Mai: could use a little help here. Just sayin'.

btw, Lissa: yer IT!

*Finds a screwdriver, chisel, fertiliser, an ipod loaded up with Bruce Cockburn and Jesse Cook, and sets to effecting cosmetic repairs to a bruised and battered Sereni-Tree.*


Sunday, July 24, 2005 4:20 PM



Originally posted by cozen:
*Finds a screwdriver, chisel, fertiliser, an ipod loaded up with Bruce Cockburn and Jesse Cook, and sets to effecting cosmetic repairs to a bruised and battered Sereni-Tree.*

Aw, Cozen, fixing the Sereni-tree? Just get a little spackle and she'll be fine!

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Sunday, July 24, 2005 5:43 PM


Well, while we're at a stop, anyone wanna help me build a tank to hold my fishies, preferably away from the PifflePonies in case they get hungry!


Sunday, July 24, 2005 5:49 PM


*Goes outside to join the others and breathes in the fresh air*

Ohhh pretty flowers... *Joins in the flower chain making and hangs several strands around her head and neck. (Hmmm a dandelion dress would be cool)
*Gathers a large bouquet of flowers to take back to the ship*

Watches as Cozen nearly knocks Lissa off her feet. Hmmm... he looks a little dazed maybe I better help.

*Runs up behind Cozen knocking him off his feet and into the soft field of dandelions. Play nice or no ice cream!


Sunday, July 24, 2005 5:54 PM


* TheRealMe considers BlueFishie's request, then thinks about the three-story water park in the Sereni-Tree's north-west corner. *

No, not a tank!


The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Sunday, July 24, 2005 6:15 PM



Originally posted by cozen:
btw, Lissa: yer IT!

*kisses ath*

you're it!

*makes a pretty dandelion crown*

~lissa, spwhore


Sunday, July 24, 2005 7:05 PM


*Joins Serenity with the chain making*

*lets her ponies loose (away from the fishies) to nibble in the grass...*

I dont wear underwear...You know that...I mean!?!


Monday, July 25, 2005 2:15 AM



Originally posted by cozen:
Heya, Serenity. Glad you could be back with us... near our ship. Gotta ask, though, um, like, what're ya after, what with linking up all these 'puters? (Just askin').

*Produces 64 Firewire cables.*

Huh? Cozen, are you right in the head?

*Helps him into a sitting position and gives him a daisy chain lei. Then she scampers off with the others and joins their game of tag.*

"You know, there is no language of vegetables, which converts a cucumber into a formal declaration of attachment."-Nicholas Nickleby


Monday, July 25, 2005 6:04 AM




Monday, July 25, 2005 7:45 AM


**jake7 awakens from the nap she must have been taking once things died down. Her head feels a bit muzzy. She sits up, disoriented.**

Where'd everybody go?

**She looks around and notices that the hatch is open to the outside and there is a lovely field of dandelions. Most, if not all, of the crew is outside enjoying a bit of R&R. Jake7 heads outside. She pauses for a second and thinks**

I hope my dark side was absorbed when the Adalai Niska and Sereni-TREE were rejoined!

**She makes her way outside to be immediately involved in a spirited game of tag.**

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.


Monday, July 25, 2005 8:04 AM


*Tags jake 7.*

You're it!

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Monday, July 25, 2005 8:45 AM


**jake7 runs gleefully after Ath and the rest of the gang playing tag.**

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.


Monday, July 25, 2005 9:18 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul sits in the grass, enjoying the merriment of the rest of the crew. It feels good to be able to relax finally.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Monday, July 25, 2005 9:48 AM


*Serenity runs over to where Soul sits, a little flushed and breathless from all the running around.*

Soul, you're back!

*She gives him a kiss on the cheek and crowns him with a dandelion chain.*

There. Now you look the like the king of Londinium!

"You know, there is no language of vegetables, which converts a cucumber into a formal declaration of attachment."-Nicholas Nickleby


Monday, July 25, 2005 12:00 PM


Jazaf leaves the observation deck and heads off to the East wing. he walks up to the second floor and looks into a room. 'Hmmm. Looks unoccupied.' Jazaf smiles, 'MINE!'

He goes into the room and looks at the bed. 'I could use some practice on my skills.' He promptly takes the metal legs off the bed and heads outside.

Jazaf takes a deep breath and places three of the legs on the ground.

'What're you up to?' Soul asks
'Practicing some skills I've neglected. My Master taught me how to bend and shape metal with my inner energy....he called it chi or something.'
'So what're you hoping to make?'
'Darned if I know. Figured I'd just let my mind wander for this one.'

Jazaf focuses his energy into the metal rod. The rod begins to twist and squak slightly as it goes against it's original design. Most of the rod grows thin, while the top of the rod begins to overlap itself. Eventually two leaves form on the sides of the rod as it takes on a new shape.

'It's a...'
'It's a Rose!', Montanagirl points out, 'Where'd you get it?'
'I made it'
'But I thought only Needleseye makes flowers.'
'She does. I just happened to make this from a metal post.'
Jazaf focuses a little more, just enough to give a point to the stem of his mock flower. He spots a tree and throws the flower towards it. The rose hits it's mark and becomes embedded into the tree.

'Ahh. There is no flower deadlier than a rose.' Jazaf said.'Now Let's try something else.'

Newest Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree


Monday, July 25, 2005 2:35 PM


BTW, that's an underage parrot you're trying to get you to buy/drink with there. Don't be gettin' Molly drunk now. It would be a real shame...
to waste alcohol on the bird.

*Goes back to bar and takes a seat, sprawling across the bar... Trey, gimme whatever you got its been a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnng day IRL.*


Monday, July 25, 2005 3:16 PM


*mg looks at Jazaf's rose for a minute, thinks, then begins to concentrate. Slowly the metal becomes infused with color. The stem and petals are a vibrant green, while the petals become deep red on the outside with a pale cream center. mg smiles.*

That's better! And just to be clear- not a dandelion!

"Man has an evil side, Pinky." -Brain
"Front or back?" -Pinky


Monday, July 25, 2005 3:35 PM



Originally posted by mai:
It would be a real shame...
to waste alcohol on the bird.

its been a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnng day IRL.*

*Molly the Parrot, struggling mightily with the load constituting one case of 14 year old Oban, weaves oer' the meadow. Her strength gives out, and she drops her cargo, which, inevitably, plummets straight at our happily relaxed MontanaGirl.*

*Thudding ensues.*

*cozen leaps toward the scene of carnage.*

Yikes! Any bottles broken?!


Monday, July 25, 2005 5:37 PM



Originally posted by cozen:
*Molly the Parrot, struggling mightily with the load constituting one case of 14 year old Oban, weaves oer' the meadow. Her strength gives out, and she drops her cargo, which, inevitably, plummets straight at our happily relaxed MontanaGirl.*

*Thudding ensues.*

*cozen leaps toward the scene of carnage.*

Yikes! Any bottles broken?!

Just the one that hit my head. I think I'll just lie here and look at the clouds for a while.

"Man has an evil side, Pinky." -Brain
"Front or back?" -Pinky


Monday, July 25, 2005 6:08 PM


*Staggers out the bar and back outside to enjoy the sunshine*

Geez-its kinda bright out here. Someone turn down the light!

*Plops down most ungracefully next to MG with a nice bottle of *

Ow. That musta stung a bit, huh? Here I brought you this too. *Hands MG, a nice ice pack to put on the bottle shaped bruise*

Hey that cloud kinda looks like a fluffy version of Simon. Weird.


Monday, July 25, 2005 7:29 PM


*Takes icepack from mai with thanks. mg's Jayne wanders over and sits down next to her. She lays with her head pillowed in his lap as he holds the icepack on her purpling bruise.*

I think that cloud looks like ... a dandelion puff. I just sustained a major head trauma, so sue me.

"Man has an evil side, Pinky." -Brain
"Front or back?" -Pinky


Monday, July 25, 2005 7:44 PM


*Flopped lazily on her belly in the clover, Needleseye takes in the scenery.
Kicks her feet behind her. Feels the coolness of the ground and the dampness of the crushed greens.*
*Misses sun on her fins, and also the cool dark sea depths. Flashes some shimmery irridescent scales, as she swings her feet, which then as one, become her tell tale tail. Rests her chin on her hands, gazes at SereniTree, and the figure seated on top.
Squints for a better view.
Waves silvery tail back and forth, swooshing clover buds about. They fly up then sprinkle across the back of her dress.*

*Remembering an amusement of human females...
Picks dandelion... begins to pluck petals*

loves me..... loves me not.... loves me.... loves me not.....

Each petal drifts in the air, given flight in the breeze.

Her singing continues...
if i seem to be reckless with myself
it's the fault of no one
all things have a place
under the moon as well as the sun


Monday, July 25, 2005 10:38 PM


*plops down in the grass with her newly found fish bowl, holding two blue fishies, one injured, one healthy*

Hmmm...How'd the second one get there?

Oh well.

At least I get to feel some grass on my feet again.

I don't think I was wearing shoes in the first place...


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 1:52 AM


TheRealMe: Okay, on THEIR side the dimensional portal will be on their floor, but over here, it will be on our ceiling. So when I have the crane lower it into their end of the portal, it will come out up there, got it?

* TheRealMe points to the ceiling over the Sereni-Tree's water park, three floors above. *

TheRealMe: Now, what I need all of you to do is to position it in just the right place as it comes down, to ensure that the seal with our floor is water-tight, and that our filtration and oxygenation system will work.

Kaylee-clone: Aw, I deal with air-leaks all the time. A water leak is pretty much the same. And them machines ain’t so different from fuel pumps as to confound me.

TheRealMe:Are you sure? That column of water will be a couple meters wide and three levels high!

Kaylee-clone, smiling: It’s all shiny. It’s what I do.

Jayne-clone2: Well, the way I’m seein’ it, that huge glass tank’ll be swingin’ back an’ forth as you try to set it down. Could smack a soul into the next world, if it connects. Plenty o’ reasons fer me to wonder exactly why we’re doin’ this….

Bride2: Naw, it won’t swing too much, not if we use ropes or something to guide it down.

Kaylee-clone: And it’s not glass. It’s some transparent polymer, lots stronger an’ lighter than glass.

TheRealMe: Besides, the Ebo Golem and Sparky will be handling most of the mass of the thing.

* Jayne-clone2 takes another swig of beer, seemingly unconvinced. *

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 12:41 PM


Okay, so we know the layout of the ship. Have we had a summarization of all the threads yet? That's what I'm interested in reading. I think it would make a WONDERFUL novel.


"Let's go be bad guys."


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 3:22 PM


*follows TRM to the water park*

You need any help here? Well, besides the suppling the fishies part? Since I started this, may I offer any services?

Ooo, there's a third fishie now...

If everyone took and eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth, there'd be a bunch of blind and starving people walking around...


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 3:42 PM


*pifflepony drools over multiplying fishies*
"BAD PONY! Go eat the grass!"

*Piffle goes over to Fishie to apologize for her ponies bad behavior*
Hey! My Ponies multiply too!

I dont wear underwear...You know that...I mean!?!


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 4:49 PM


'Well, I'm pretty confident of my power now.' Jazaf says with his hands at his sides.

Before him is a small statue that he created from the remaining three rods.
The statue resembles two fighters with blades locked in a stand-off. One character has a bright look on his face while the other has darker features.

As Jazaf looks at his creation his smile of satisfaction fades. For some odd reason the dark fighter is slowly moving it's blade down the edge of the kinder looking one. Eventually, the dark one's blade travels past the other sword completly and enters the chest of the other combatant.

'No...' Jazaf's face pales and he lunges forward, focusing his energy into his hands. He strikes at the darker fighter and the heat Jazaf's energy creates instantly melts that side of the statue.

'What the...' Jazaf looks at the statue again and finds the cheerful fighter unscathed.

'I think I need a moment to think about this.'

Jazaf walks into the Sereni-TREE obviously shaken by what he saw.

Newest Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 5:47 PM


TheRealMe to Bluefishie: Oh, hi, Bluefishie. Hey, we're almost done.

TheRealMe to Kaylee-clone: How about now?

Kaylee-clone, agonizing: Uh, I think I got it, now…

TheRealMe: Quite a lot of water pressure can build up in a column that high.

Kaylee-clone: Yep. You were right. That’s it, though. I fixed the last leak just now. I promise.

* TheRealMe smiles, and gestures toward the top of the column. A point of light appears inside the transparent column, and expands into a small dimensional portal. Water comes gushing out and begins to fill it. *

TheRealMe: We’ll see. We’ll see. I set the other end of that portal in some Siberian lake.

* The column fills full of water and TheRealMe shuts down the portal. *

Kaylee-clone, beaming: Looks like we got it!

* TheRealMe examines the water-filled column two meters wide and over ten high. *

TheRealMe turning back to Bluefishie: Can you imagine that filled with blue fishies? It will look gorgeous! Well, it's all yours!

TheRealMe: Huh! Now what are we going to do about all the piffleponies?

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 5:51 PM


* TheRealMe opens a dimensional portal in the Sereni-Tree’s kitchen. Next to it, he opens another. TheRealMe, Sparky, Bride3, Bride5, and Bride6 are ready with carts. One by one they enter one portal and after a short time emerge from the other, wheeling cartfuls of food and other supplies. It takes the better part of an hour to fill the pantry and the attached walk-in refrigerator and freezer. TheRealMe allows his portals to collapse and wipes his brow. *

Whew! Okay, next we start filling the cargo bays. It’s a good thing that I found that alternate reality where money really DOES grow on trees.

* TheRealMe looks about the kitchen. *

Say, do we have a ship’s cook, yet? I mean, Bride7 COULD do the job. She’s an excellent cook! But she’s a little too… uh…. cannibalistic for my taste. Trey?

* Bride3 shakes her head. It seems that the bar is enough for her. *

I guess we can ask the rest of the crew….

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 6:10 PM


*dumps the now four blue fishies into the tank*

Hope they don't multiply too much...don't really need a ship full of fishies now do we!

If everyone took and eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth, there'd be a bunch of blind and starving people walking around...


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 7:07 PM



Mal-licious wrote:
Okay, so we know the layout of the ship. Have we had a summarization of all the threads yet? That's what I'm interested in reading. I think it would make a WONDERFUL novel.


* TheRealMe bows deeply. *

Mistress! You have returned!

Sadly, I have failed you. I do not have the summary ready. Incidents IRL have intervened. However, I never intended more than a paragraph or two for each thread.

I await your just punishment.

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at


Tuesday, July 26, 2005 9:23 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
...TheRealMe: Huh! Now what are we going to do about all the piffleponies?.....* TheRealMe opens a dimensional portal in the Sereni-Tree’s kitchen.*...

If wishes were piffleponies...

Acquisitions Officer - Uss SereniTREE.


Wednesday, July 27, 2005 7:53 AM


hey, Hey, HEY! HEY! Step away from my ponies!!!
They may be ponies but they are trained to attack remember?

I dont wear underwear...You know that...I mean!?!


Wednesday, July 27, 2005 8:11 AM


Piffle-can I take a ride on one of your piffleponies?

"You know, there is no language of vegetables, which converts a cucumber into a formal declaration of attachment."-Nicholas Nickleby


Wednesday, July 27, 2005 10:46 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

Mal-licious wrote:
Okay, so we know the layout of the ship. Have we had a summarization of all the threads yet? That's what I'm interested in reading. I think it would make a WONDERFUL novel.


* TheRealMe bows deeply. *

Mistress! You have returned!

Sadly, I have failed you. I do not have the summary ready. Incidents IRL have intervened. However, I never intended more than a paragraph or two for each thread.

I await your just punishment.

The Real Me, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(The Real Me cannot currently receive messages from this site; he is not ignoring you. But he CAN receive e-mail at

WHAT!? TheRealMe has a RealLife? Preposterous. Why, I've never heard of such balderdash.

Oh, well, I'm sure you'll get a round tuit eventually.


"Let's go be bad guys."






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