Sereni-tree: Back in Black

UPDATED: Monday, October 24, 2005 18:20
VIEWED: 19584
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005 3:20 AM



Serenity looks at Mai who is still glowing

So THATS what it's all about...

*Mais glowiness begins to flicker and then funnel itself into one large beam illuminating the General Grant, yet showing nothing of the still darkened entrance of the Arkham*


*As the shuttle is brought into the doors the light flickers yet again only this time dimming and leaving the crew in complete darkness once again.*

That can't be good.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 3:49 AM


* River-clone turns to Mai. *

Losing your light doesn't ALWAYS mean that you've lost your way.

* She turns back to gaze out into the pitch black darkness that surrounds the Grant. *

But usually, it does.

* River-clone turns on a flashlight that she's holding. *


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 4:32 AM


Safe maneuvers the Grant in front of the docking bay while Jack tries to scan the interior with the spotlights.

The spotlights don't even put a dent in the darkness within. Suddenly Mai "explodes" with light and narrows it to a single beam aimed at the bay, only to be swallowed by the darkness too.

The shuttle glides slowly into the bay. Mai's light flickers then goes out leaving the crew trying to blink the light spots out of thier eyes.

Jack puts on his helmet and presses a button on the side. His visor mutely glows red.

"What does the infra-red show Jack?"

"Umm...according to the helmet" Jack gives it a smack "the walls are....alive."

At that moment the exterior docking bay doors slam shut.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 4:35 AM



"Umm...according to the helmet" Jack gives it a smack "the walls are....alive."

Ok, nobody panic!!!!!!

And what exactly do you mean their alive?

*begins to cower in her seat*

I knew I should stayed in the infirmary. This is all a nightmare. Right? We're all having the exact same highly detailed nightmare. Yeah, that must be it.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 4:41 AM


Hmph. Well this is great.

I tell ya, you better get me back to planet earth before Jake Gyllenhall's movie about gay cowboys comes out, or I shall not be happy.

P.S. Serenity, check out my post on the "Sean Maher on MySpace?" thread.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 4:58 AM


Okay, this is beginning to disturb my calm.

Anybody got a big gun I can borrow?

(This reminds me of the Star Wars movie when they landed inside that giant worm thing. Ewwwww.)

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 5:12 AM


Serenity, I don't have a gun but I do have this ...

*Pulls out the magical wish granting plank*

I WISH we would all wake up from this very eerie dream right now!

*The mwgp emits a few sparks, begins to smoke and then turns into a pile of sawdust*


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 5:45 AM


*nestled amongst the sawdust is none other than THE PyreFX... amazement and wonder at this techno-geeks mere presence persists until it is realized that at some point prior to this post, his head just went "POP", exploding right off his neck. Was this the result of the Black's tremendous pressures? Did River perhaps make good on her threat to Jayne and use this poor soul as an example? Or is his head explodee due to his trying to read through the utter insanity that is this microcosum called The Sereni-Tree? I think the answer is obvious.*

"I call her Vera."


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 5:59 AM



There's headless man sitting in the sawdust!

And I've got brain bits on my new shirt!


(Welcome PyreFX. Way to throw yourself into the madness.)

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:22 AM


*hoses off CMSerenity*

What? I'm helping!


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:24 AM


*and the Real Pyrefx looks over callmeserenity's shoulder at the corpse on the ground* Eww... what a mess. Poor sap. Glad I ain't him. So when we gonna go to the whore planet? i've got me a mean hankerin' for a whore planet.

"I call her Vera."


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:26 AM


*The crewmembers of the General Lee head east towards Patience's town. They come to a very familiar looking valley. They all stop at a vantage point and look over the landscape. jake7 pats herself down then asks*

Did anyone think to bring along body armor? This valley has an awful lot of history of gunfire...

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:51 AM


*Considers hurting Greek.*

*Finds a towel instead.*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 12:20 PM



Originally posted by PsychicRiver:
Hmph. Well this is great.

I tell ya, you better get me back to planet earth before Jake Gyllenhall's movie about gay cowboys comes out, or I shall not be happy.

P.S. Serenity, check out my post on the "Sean Maher on MySpace?" thread.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."

Ooh! Jake Gyllenhal! I cant wait for Jarhead! Sooo on topic!

Because Dancers are tough,mean...Chicas!! -Summer Glau
-I think they captured his essence... -Wash
-Look sorta angry, dont he? -Kaylee
-Kinda what I meant. -Wash
-Everywhere I go..His eyes keep following me... -Kaylee
-How bout we get away from this eerie ass piece of work and get on with our increasingly eerie ass day? How's that?!


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 2:08 PM


* On the Grant,River-clone looks at the pile of dust with the headless PyreFX, then at the real PyreFX, then at GreekToomey, then back again to the ashes of the magical wish-granting plank. *

River-clone: “Most cultures of Earth-That-Still-Is tell cautionary stories of how bad things happen when you use some magic item to make a wish. In role-playing games, it is traditional for the gamemaster to crock the wish if possible.”

* River-clone smiles at the newly created or summoned arrivals. *

River-clone:Welcome aboard!

* River-clone goes back to staring blankly ahead and playing with her hair. *


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:07 PM


Static draws the twin revolvers and checks their loads before returning them to their holsters. He nods towards the tower in the distance and begins walking towards it without a word. After a few steps, something seems to occur to him. He stops and turns to the others.

"The Tower is my destiny, not yours. You are welcome to follow, but I cannot guarantee any of you will live." With that being said, he turns once more and begins walking towards the tower in the distance.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:30 PM


(General Lee crew on Whitefall)

* With a somewhat surprised expression on his face, TheRealMe turns to Jake7 and shrugs. *

Sorry, Jake7, I don’t think I brought any armor either. An oversight, perhaps. But what’s the worst thing that can happen?

* Nugget the Meteor troll growls and points down into the valley. *

Look, it’s some guy running up the valley toward us. Say, he’s dressed like a cabana boy… But what would a cabana boy be doing on Whitefall?

*Nugget growls again. *

Oh, and look at what is chasing him up the valley!

* TheRealMe stands there for a moment, observing the situation. *

Did anyone bring guns? Rat? Needle?

* Simultaneously, both Zoe-clones have their guns make that odd humm-buzz sound. *


TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:37 PM


*walks into his quarters, listening to the comm chatter coming from his command chair. He pulls on a black t-shirt and slips into his knee-high black engineer boots. DRDs scuttle beneath his feet as he limps(only slightly) to his chair. He slides into the chair, his bottle(glass) of Cheerwine sitting snugly in the cup holder.*

Seems kinda lonely around here, I wonder who is still onboard...

*listens to comm-chatter and checks the security vids for other crewmembers still onboard.*

Be careful, love.

*he kisses his fingers and touches a holoscreen of the General Grant.*

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7:12 PM


* The Computer Responds to TheGreyJedi: *

Not counting Semi-Sentients or Non-Sentients, the following are currently believed to be aboard the Sereni-tree:

Needy the Boy Whore

The Brides

The BDH Clones except Jayne-clone2, Zoe-clone2, and Zoe-clone3

The Yeti

The Windmill Giants


Wednesday, October 19, 2005 9:05 PM


*blinks at the read-out*


*pushes a few buttons on his console and picks up what looks like a video game controller and starts playing some video games.*

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE


Thursday, October 20, 2005 2:44 AM


(The Destiny's Shadow's port shuttle crew at the Dark Tower)


Originally posted by Static:
"The Tower is my destiny, not yours. You are welcome to follow, but I cannot guarantee any of you will live." With that being said, he turns once more and begins walking towards the tower in the distance.

*Jayne-clone2 smiles, lights a cigar, and falls in line behind Static, still carrying his load of weaponry. *

Action at last!


Thursday, October 20, 2005 3:32 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by Static:

"The Tower is my destiny, not yours. You are welcome to follow, but I cannot guarantee any of you will live." With that being said, he turns once more and begins walking towards the tower in the distance.

Soul takes the bow off of his shoulder and notches an arrow. Beside him, Jazaf pulls out his katanas and Jayne-clone2 pulls back the slide on his rifle.

"We help each other," Soul replied. "Besides, I still owe you for that whole dark side debacle."

Soul turns to the shuttle and shuts the door. "I think 'Tash should be okay in there." He turns back to Static. "Lead the way."


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:14 AM


*scratches head as he watches Static head off* My word... Certainly is a Dark Tower... Good thing we've got plenty'a Gunslingers here. Keep your eyes out for the Man in Black, boys, I hear he's got powers that're all kindsa spooky. Oy', this'll be fun.

*Pyre tries to stay out of the way, letting the big damn heros be big damn heros, concidering he wasn't invited in the first place, but then, what fun is it being a stowaway if you've been invited?*

"I call her Vera."


Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:32 AM


Jazaf looks around at the surrounding area.
'I feel as if I'm missing something....! Where's Duece?!' Jazaf silently curses himself for leaving his only pupil behind, then quickly catches up with the others.

'So Static, what are you expecting to find up there?' Soul asks

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Thursday, October 20, 2005 4:40 AM


On the Grant;

As Safe turns to answer Mai's question and address the new arrivals, the lights in the Grant flicker and go out.

The resulting backness is so complete and oppressive the crew lose touch with where they are or who they're with. It's a blackness they can almost touch and taste. The line between concious and unconcious blurs.

When the darkness receeds each of the crew finds themselves no longer on theGrant and alone.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:50 AM


Where'd everybody go?


*draws her katanas*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny


Thursday, October 20, 2005 11:41 AM


*PR looks again. A gloomy look on his face.*

*He sighs*

Here we go again.

*He picks a direction and walks through the night.*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Thursday, October 20, 2005 6:43 PM


Succatash’s head watches through the shuttle’s view panels as the four departing heroes pass beyond the crest of a nearby hill. “They’re gone.”

From the cargo area in the rear of the shuttle, a wall panel falls to the floor. From out of a cramped compartment designed for smuggling, pops the head of a young red-headed woman.

“Tight fit!” she mutters. “Good gorram, why do I put up with this crap?”

Deuce painfully stretches her cramped arm out of the compartment and drops her pair of swords to the floor. Then slowly, carefully, she wiggles herself out. “Good thing I’m an acrobat and a contortionist.”

“And small,” Succatash’s head adds.

“Your're right about that, Head. Why, Trey, Bride3 that is, is too tall to fit in there. And that barbie doll Bride6 is way too, ah, never mind.”

Standing upright, Deuce performs some stretching exercises to remove the cramps from her muscles. “So, Head, thanks for letting me aboard. For keeping my secret. Humph! I can’t believe that my Sensei would leave me behind like that! He’s probably just thinkin’ I’m not ready for a mission like this and was tryin’ to protect me an’ all. Well, I’d best catch up with him so he can start apologizin’. I mean, what is he gonna do without me to rescue him when he gets in trouble? Maybe I should sneak up behind them all to be rear guard? Rush in to save’em when they get into a fight? Yeah, that’s me! A Big Damn Hero!”

Deuce collects her swords and departs the shuttle.

“Good luck,” says Succatash’s head.



Friday, October 21, 2005 2:46 AM


Sorry, I had a brain cramp. Backed myself into a corner and couldn't think of a direction to go from there. I will try to fix it.
After some exploration, the crew of the Grant find that they are in large individual cells.

Looking through the narrow slit in the "door" all can see a large open central chamber ringed by cells on a various levels.

"Hello? Anybody out there?"

A voice booms out, seeming to come from everywhere,


Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, October 21, 2005 4:46 AM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:

A voice booms out, seeming to come from everywhere,


What the heck?!?!

*mumbles to self* pay a fee my pretty blue wings!

Is everybody here? Anyone hurt?

*Everyone calls back. They're all trapped in their own cells, but no one's hurt.*

Okay, now we need to figure a way out of this. Anyone got any ideas?

lissa-you didn't happen to bring your bazooka, did you?

PR-any way you can unlock our cells with your mental powers?

*Serenity starts to fumble around her dark cell, trying to find anything she can use to get out of here.*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny

I have a live journal:


Friday, October 21, 2005 4:52 AM


(Grant crew, trapped in cells.)

"I'm here!" River-clone sounds off at Serenity's command.

Then River-clone sits cross-legged on the floor of her cell, head cocked to one side, listening. She is listening for whispers. She doesn't always listen, but they are always there.


A flood of whispers come to her, the worries and concerns of her friends and companions:

PsychicRiver (he's SO photogenic!)

Everyone was nearby, most were frightened, or at least worried.

But there were other thoughts out there, too... Bad thoughts.

River-clone screams and faints.


Friday, October 21, 2005 5:21 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

They walk through the black fields, and as it always happens, their travels take them to the edge of a black forest.

"We ain't gonna go in there, is we?" Jayne-clone2 asks.

"Aw, is the baby scared," Jazaf says, laughing.

Jayne-clone2 brings up his rifle. "I'll show you scared--"

"Quiet!" Static whispers loudly.

Jayne-clone2 opens his mouth to say something back, but his jaw snaps shut as an eerie wailing emerges from the forest. It sounds almost like the crying of a child, but it's way too loud for a child, and much too piercing. It rises and falls for a moment, and is echoed across the forest by another deeper wail. They are quickly joined by a third, a fourth, a fifth, until the entire forest seems to be joined in one mournful symphony. Then , just as abruptly as it began, every wail cuts out, leaving everything in an unnatural silence.

Static takes a deep breath. "Let's go"

Soul nods in reply and raised his bow. Jazaf falls into step behind him and Jayne-clone2 takes the rear. Together, they enter the black forest.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Friday, October 21, 2005 5:28 AM


*Hears River-clone scream*

River? Are you okay mei-mei?

mai: I think she fainted.

Greek: Well, she sure picked a sweet bun of a time to go all helpless!

Sorry, it had to be said

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny

I have a live journal:


Friday, October 21, 2005 5:48 AM


River-clone's scream triggers a number of responses, one is gunfire...

Safe jumps to the door "Jack!"

Boom boom boom.

Safe, "JACK!! PUT IT DOWN, save your ammo!!"

The gunfire subsides and silent contemplation sets in. The crew then notices the light in the main room changing. They look out to see a scene flickering like a mirage. A black forest and in the distance, a black tower. A familiar group of people prepare to enter the forest. The image flickers and disappears.

Safe mutters to himself "seems everthing is connected somehow..."

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, October 21, 2005 11:11 AM


*River continues to walk through the night, until he hits a wall.*

Oh! *He falls down and then sits up rubbing his head*

Some psychic...


Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

PR-any way you can unlock our cells with your mental powers?

Um, uh...sure. Yeah. I can do that. I mean...I haven't used my powers in a while, but...everything should be fine.

I can do it. No sweat.

*PR whispers to himself* Come on PR...get in the zone...


Then River-clone sits cross-legged on the floor of her cell, head cocked to one side, listening. She is listening for whispers. She doesn't always listen, but they are always there.


A flood of whispers come to her, the worries and concerns of her friends and companions:

PsychicRiver (he's SO photogenic!)

Everyone was nearby, most were frightened, or at least worried.

But there were other thoughts out there, too... Bad thoughts.

River-clone screams and faints.

( Photogenic!)

River? Okay...she's out cold. Don't worry. Everybody stay calm.

*PR concentrates and goes into that place. Although now distant from reality, he heres gunfire... His mind runs through the locks on their small holds...*


*They don't seem like regular locks...they seem...oddly controlled.*

*Still, by going at it from a different route...he gets it done.*

*Theres a resounding click! heard, as the doors unlock. PR evens does the courteous act of making all the doors swing open, just for effect.*

*Everyone looks to the doors, and PR's open and he can see Jack in the hold opposite him.*

Aloha friends.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Friday, October 21, 2005 2:06 PM


Great job PR!

*Serenity runs up to him, hugs him, and rubs his nose.*

Well, now that we're out, what do we do?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny

I have a live journal:


Friday, October 21, 2005 4:39 PM


*Continues to do whatever he is doing!*


Acquisitions Officer - SereniTREE & Destiny.


Friday, October 21, 2005 8:18 PM


(Grant’s crew in now-opened cells:)

River-clone stirs, awakens from her mental anguish, gags, and throws up in the corner of her cell.

“I’m all right,” she says to the others. “I’m ALL RIGHT!”

"But where is the Wash Malcolmette?"


Friday, October 21, 2005 8:23 PM


(Lee’s crew at Ambush Valley on Whitefall.)

TheRealMe shades his eyes with his hand as he looks down into the valley. “Is that Monkeytail they’re all chasing? What is HE doing here?”

Rat: “About to get eaten?”

Jake7: “Maybe the same as us? Sent here at random?”

Needleseye: “Or by someone’s plan?”

TheRealMe: “Okay, speaking of plans, here’s how it is. We have the high ground, but those things in that valley below us are FAR more numerous, and they are heading this way at a good clip. There is also one civilian that we want to keep whole and uneaten. Zoes?”

Zoe-clones, in chorus: “Sir?”

TheRealMe, pointing: “Take up position there by that boulder overlooking the south wall of the canyon. Concentrate fire on the lead elements of this army. Make them stumble over each other as they try to climb the steep slope. Rat and I will be along the north wall, to try to catch them in the crossfire between our groups. I don’t see anything shouting orders and the like, so I don’t think that horde is being led, per say. Concentrate on the big ones. Or the ones with more tentacles. Or the scaly ones.”

As one, the Zoe-clones nod and run off.

TheRealMe: “Rat, you heard that? You and I will be on the north side, shooting down on the things, coordinating fire with the Zoes.”

Rat, checking his weapon: “Yep!”

TheRealMe: “Jake7? You are the key to this plan. You see that narrow place on the way up on the steep path? Wide enough for maybe two or three people walking side by side? It’s a good hold point. We can block them there from climbing up to us. When they get close, I want you to put up one of your force fields to block them. Hold it up as long as you can, to give the rest of us a chance to thin out their ranks, or maybe cause enough casualties to break their will to fight.”

TheRealMe: “Needleseye? Nugget? You two are by far our best hand-to-hand fighters. I’d like you to take position near Jake7. How you fight is up to you. You know your own capabilities better than I. You can wait to run in if Jake7’s force field breaks, or you can jump in among the enemy and fight them on their side of the forcefield. Your call.”

TheRealMe: “If they break through, we retreat to Rat’s position, he pulls the General Lee out of his pocket, enlarges it, and we get in and fly off. Any questions or comments? Okay, get ready to get into position. I’m going to go rescue Monkeytail. I’ll be back momentarily. Nugget, while I’m down there, don’t let anything but me and Monkeytail come back through this portal.”

Nugget the Meteor Troll howls.

TheRealMe, smiling: “Nugget, don’t worry. It’s what I do.”

TheRealMe reaches out his right hand, and a point of light appears. Simultaneously, another point of light appears down in the valley, in the path of the horde. Each expands to become a ring of fire surrounding a dark void, perhaps the height of a tall person. TheRealMe leaps into the near dimensional portal and out of its twin in the valley below, directly in the path of danger.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, October 21, 2005 8:25 PM


(Lee’s crew at Ambush Valley on Whitefall.)

As TheRealMe jumps out of his dimensional portal down in the valley, an image flickers across his vision like a ghost. He sees what appears to be a handful of people entering a dark forest in some distant land. And in the distance beyond the forest, a dark tower.

“Huh. What in blazes was that? I hope we’re not in some bad ‘malfunctioning holodeck’ episode from Star Trek…”

As TheRealMe recovers his bearings, a frantic cabana boy speeds near.

“Hello, Monkeytail, good to see you again! Pardon me.”

TheRealMe sticks his boot out to trip Monkeytail, grabs the cabana boy’s arm, and tosses him into the nearby dimensional portal. High up on the ridge, Monkeytail falls out of the other portal, into the waiting arms of Nugget, the Meteor Troll. Monkeytail yelps loudly.

TheRealMe tosses himself back through his connected pair of portals, but something grabs his legs and pulls him back, dragging his face in the dirt. TheRealMe twists around to see what has him.

“Huh. Wonder if that was ever a human being…”

The thing has a huge bulky torso but a pair of thin spindly spider-like legs. On its right side is a huge brawny arm, from its left sprout a dozen long scaly tentacles, some of which are wrapped around TheRealMe’s legs. Its face looks half melted, with three eyes, tusks, and pox marks. It has one horn erupting from the center of its forehead, and another from where its left ear should be. In addition to its regular tusked mouth, it has a second mouth somehow positioned on the right side of its neck. This mouth is drooling a kind of brownish slime down its shoulder.

“Whew! Chaos mutants are so gross!”

It opens its tusked mouth in an attempt to feed, as its fellow mutants arrive on the scene.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Saturday, October 22, 2005 1:22 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Great job PR!

*Serenity runs up to him, hugs him, and rubs his nose.*

*PsychicRiver blushes and smiles*

I did good...


Originally posted by River-Clone:

"But where is the Wash Malcolmette?"


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Saturday, October 22, 2005 5:36 PM


Deuce tracks Soul, Static, the Jayne clone, and Jazaf to a large, dark creepy forest. Howls, screams and other scary sounds come out of it.

“Crap! Isn’t that my luck!”

Deuce follows the trail into the dark forest.

“Maybe this is all some initiation test from my Sensei.”



Saturday, October 22, 2005 7:01 PM


in the infirmary

You know, with most everyone on the ship out on a dangerous mission, chances are we're going to have some injuries to deal with when folks get back. Better start getting prepared now.

*mg unties cozen since he's all better and shoos him out of the infirmary. Then she cleans up and readies meds, needles, bandage material, etc.*

I sure hope SimonWho gets back before we have anything really serious to deal with. I guess it's a good thing I just took a blood transfusion course. Of course, it was for animals, but I could probably figure it out for people too.

*Sits down to wait for patients to come in.*

I sure hope Dale's doing okay.

"Do you accept gifts from strange men?" -Brisco
"Well, strange is no problem, but I draw the line at men I don't know." -Dixie


Saturday, October 22, 2005 9:13 PM


Taking position with Jake7 at the narrow path, all bear witness as TRM is dragged from his escape portal in the valley below.*

*looks at Jake7* Keep that forcefield up. *winks*

*jake7 is now looking at an empty pair of boots*

*Without hesitation , Needle runs to the edge of the steep hill, She leaps off and out into the air, her body positioned in a dive as scales and fins and tentacles surface. She briefly imagines how wings might be a novelty at this moment. Eyes darken as she focuses on her task, nictitating membranes close over in defense as she nears the ground.
She springs off the back? of the first mutant in her path, extends her talon like fingers and slices its face away as she leaps. She flips and knocks away more with her tentacled body, knocking off the limbs and tentacles of sevral more mutants, imapling and slicing with claws, flinging the flesh of their repulsive bodies. She grabs the tentacle of one and rips it away with her teeth while dismembering the rest of the creature, tearing its thrashing body with her own tentacles.
Frenzied by the blood bath, and slightly disgusted, Needle begins to sing her song of dischord. It rumbles through the creatures surrounding her, shattering a few of their mutated forms, sending others into convulsive fits, rendering them helpless or dead.
Continuing swiftly into the valley, she clears a path through the mutant hoarde , some mutants seem to back away on sight of her. Whether the song or her own tentacles confuse them is unknown. She reaches TRM who has freed himself from the offensive chaos mutant which grabbed him. She stands dark and nearly hissing in the remenants of her dress covered in mutant blood and whatever else that stuff is they ooze.*
*grins wearily*
Hey TRM...
*chokes from the smell of chaos mutant body fluids*
lets get through that portal... this is just gross!
*grabs another mutant by is neck? and throws it against the ground, it makes a heavy crunchy sound and then no longer moves*

Say jam sucker
Say groove sucker
Say dance sucker
Now move sucker
We're the renegades of funk


Sunday, October 23, 2005 5:31 AM


The crew of the Grant;

While the rest of the crew reunite, Safe contemplates the surroundings.

The light in the main chamber changes again and again a scene flickers in the centre of the room. The scene is a a valley, filled with a mass of writhing, grotesque bodies chasing a lone figure across the valley floor...

The scene flickers again and is gone.

Something occurs to Safe as he surveys the room. Looking up at the floor after floor of cells all looking out at the central chamber. "Ummm PR, when you unlocked the cells...did you unlock all of them??"

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Sunday, October 23, 2005 5:48 AM


(The Grant crew:)

River-clone frowns. Her brow furrows.

"I think it's time for the main event."


Sunday, October 23, 2005 6:48 AM


(The Lee’s crew, in Ambush Valley on Whitefall:)

From his prone position, TheRealMe looks up at the horrific Chaos mutant that is securely holding him. Its tentacles drag TheRealMe closer to his doom. It opens its tusked mouth in an attempt to feed. Other mutants draw near, ready to gobble up any leftover scraps.

TheRealMe, however, has other plans. He calmly reaches into his beige-colored coat and pulls out a cylindrical object that fits comfortably in his right hand. With a hum of energy, the red-bladed light saber crackles to life and slices off the tentacles restraining TheRealMe. Then he waves the light saber about, slicing pieces off other nearby mutants as he scrambles to his feet. The mutants howl in pain and back off, but don’t go far.

“I KNEW it was a good idea to keep this little memento from my evil twin, Darth Real!”

Other mutants approach TheRealMe, each just as twisted and repulsive as the first. But from on high, shots ring out. The Zoe-clones and Rat are targeting the mutants nearest him. TheRealMe’s forearm is grazed, his coat arm ripped.

“RAT! Be careful!”

TheRealMe continues to swing the light saber, but there are too many around him; their strength in numbers begins to tell. He cannot make his way back to the dimensional portal, and escape. Things begin to look bad. Luckily, it seems that Nugget is keeping mutants from getting though the portals, as another monstrosity is tossed back, broken and bloody.

Then, in a magnificent leap from the cliffs above, TheRealMe sees a being of fluid grace make an impossible dive, landing with great force amidst the mutants. It is a creature of scales, fins, fangs, claws, and tentacles, no more human than the things he is fighting, and yet it is a thing of beauty unlike these vile, tainted monsters. Needleseye has come to his aid! A siren song, loaded full of subsonics, begins to build. TheRealMe has heard this song before, has FELT it. He watches the mutants nearest the song fall to pieces at its onslaught, almost liquefying. He watches Needle’s shifting form slam into the mutants, and render one after another to pieces with her sharp claws and fangs as she makes her way toward him.

Blood and gore fly everywhere. She kills dozens. More. The mutants back away somewhat from her approach, allowing TheRealMe to catch his breath. Soon, she is there next to him.


Originally posted by Needleseye:
* She stands dark and nearly hissing in the remenants of her dress covered in mutant blood and whatever else that stuff is they ooze.*

*grins wearily*

Hey TRM...

*chokes from the smell of chaos mutant body fluids*

lets get through that portal... this is just gross!

*grabs another mutant by is neck? and throws it against the ground, it makes a heavy crunchy sound and then no longer moves*

TheRealMe smiles weakly. He grabs one of her slowly waving tentacles and gives it a gentle squeeze. Then he brings it close and gives it a kiss.

“Thank you, Needle, for a marvelous rescue. And you’re right. They won’t stay intimidated long. Let’s go.”

Needleseye begins to shift her shape back to a humanoid form as she and TheRealMe move through the dimensional portals, which then dissolve. On the other side, up on the ridge, TheRealMe finds himself holding one of Needleseye’s hands. She is a beautiful woman again.

“Needle, I’m afraid that your shapeshifting is a little hard on your gowns.”

TheRealMe removes his own beige-colored coat and drapes it over Needleseye’s shoulders.

Meanwhile, the mutants in the valley below have renewed their assault. Rat’s gun barks loudly as he opens it up to full auto. The Zoe-clones continue to fire individual shots, each one a guaranteed kill.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Sunday, October 23, 2005 12:08 PM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
"Ummm PR, when you unlocked the cells...did you unlock all of them??"

*PR looks up above them.*

*His mouth forms a perfect "O" and after a short silence, he says;*



"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Monday, October 24, 2005 6:24 AM


Beige-coloured coat?!?!?

Am I ever going to live that down?

TRM-You are the brownest Browncoat that ever wore a brown coat. You are so brown you're nearly black. You make other browncoats pale in comparison to your browniness. Not only that, but you're a real swell guy.


The crew of the Grant all look upward simultaniously as they hear a loud


Serenity, First Officer of Destiny

I have a live journal:


Monday, October 24, 2005 6:29 AM


**jake7 watches in fascination as Needleseye goes to work rescuing TRM. Mutant bodies dropping like flies. She then watches as TRM and Needleseye go through the portal and then notices the few mutants unaffected by the Needle's siren song coming at her full-speed.**

I hope they get back here soon! My finger's starting to cramp and I really hope I have enough battery power to keep this force field up!

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.






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