The Sereni-Tree and the Madness of Arkham

UPDATED: Saturday, November 5, 2005 18:18
VIEWED: 21265
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Monday, October 24, 2005 6:23 PM


Time for a new thread, but first, some housekeeping.

TheRealMe’s Guide to the Clubhouse / Treehouse / Sereni-Tree Threads:

Following is the summary of the previous thread at

After the Sereni-Tree’s jump to the vicinity of the Destiny’s Shadow, Static hauls TheGreyJedi’s Mecha, Megadeus, into the hanger bay.

We all start getting an uneasy feeling as an ominous blip approaches. It is the derelict Alliance Cruiser Arkham, supposedly lost with all hands 30 years ago. We believe that our missing companion Emma is on the Arkham, but we can’t quite get a fix on her, so we send over several search parties in shuttles. Oddly, as soon as they get inside, each group seems to be transported to a different reality.

In the General Lee is TheRealMe, one of the Rats, Jake7, Needleseye, Nugget the Meteor Troll, and a pair of Zoe-clones. They find themselves on Whitefall where they face down an entire horde of chaos mutants to save Monkeytail, former cabana boy (how did HE get there?).

In the General Grant is CallMeSerenity, CallMeAth, Safeat2nd, CastIronJack, PsychicRiver, River-clone, Lissa, Mai, PyreFX, GreekToomey, and the Wash Malcolmette. They find themselves in cages around some kind of weird arena. PR uses his mental powers to open the cages, but he opens ALL the cages. The Wash Malcolmette is nowhere to be seen. Apparently, to get out of this situation, someone has to die. River-clone volunteers herself, since she is a clone, “not a real person”. Ath, apparently, kills her.

In the Destiny’s Shadow port shuttle is SoulofSerenity, The Head of Succatash, Static, Jayne-clone2, Jazaf, and (hidden as a stowaway and lagging behind) Bride2. They are traveling through a dark forest to a dark tower that Static seems to think holds his destiny. The Head of Succatash was left behind in the shuttle.

Occasionally, each of these groups witnesses a vision of something happening to another of these groups. There was one case where an unidentified person fell from the Grant’s reality into the Dark Tower’s. TheRealMe is concerned that they are all in a bad “malfunctioning holodeck” episode of Star Trek.

In the Admiral Nelson, ThatWeirdGirl and the other Rat are off into hyperspace. TWG believes that Emma can be found elsewhere.

SimonWho has departed in his Blue Box for an unknown destination.

Everyone else is in the Sereni-Tree. TheGreyJedi is relaxing in his quarters playing video games. Montanagirl has given Cozen a clean bill of health and shooed him out of the Infirmary. XanderLHarris / Ash might still be playing on the potty-go-round in the women’s restroom. Bluefishie is practicing the Mary Poppins trick. There still remains the Napoleon Bonapart or the Destiny’s Shadow starboard shuttle for anyone who still wishes to get in on the fun.

Periodically, I post “TheRealMe’s Guide to the Sereni-Tree” for new folks. It is coming up next. It’s a long post.


Monday, October 24, 2005 6:31 PM



Hello! I am TheRealMe. We’ve had some new folks join us lately, so I will provide another tour of the Sereni-Tree, my third. I have paid careful attention over time, and I believe that this layout is consistent with all the stories that have occurred in the Sereni-Tree to date. WARNING: This post is very long.

Below, I also list the crew that we seem to have now, without bothering to track down every poster we have ever had. If I have missed crew or if anyone would like to change my one-line description of them, let me know. There is always the possibility that some missing folks have just been sleeping in their quarters for the last dozen threads, or perhaps they have been placed in the cryogenic freezing chamber of the Insidious Doctor Rat. CageyBee? CosmicFugitive? BadgersHat? Apple? ManiacNumberOne? KaySky? Knibblet? Aramina? ImEarly?

The Sereni-Tree’s Past

The Sereni-Tree is our home. Originally, it took the form of a tree house built by Ebonezer, and this is the image it has on our flag, the Flag That Shw Made. The tree house was the immediate successor to “The Forgotten Not a Guy/Girl Clubhouse”. Later, PsychicRiver and a few others, including myself, modified the tree house to make it an air-ship, floating through the sky on numerous butterfly-shaped reactionless thrusters. In this form, the converted tree house was named and christened “Sereni-Tree” by Mal-licious, and we left the Tree behind as we flew off. Later, TheGreyJedi made even more modifications, and the Sereni-Tree became a starship. We have since been traveling the ‘verse, leaving the destroyed planets of Rukus and Black Diamond in our wake (we REALLY have to stop that). We returned to Earth-That-Still-Is to fight the Evil / Enemy Invaders and to face our own dark selves. After relaxing among dandelions and facing some Reavers, we are now trying to rescue Emma by splitting up into a handful of teams and searching the creepy ship of nightmares, the Arkham. Oddly, each team seems to have been sent to a different reality as they entered the Arkham. Does that seem right to you?

The Sereni-Tree on the Inside

The Sereni-Tree is a structure much larger on the inside than it appears on the outside, thanks to my ability to fold space-time in higher dimensions. On the outside, the Sereni-Tree is perhaps the size of a modest two-story house. On the inside, it is larger. MUCH larger.

The Common Room

The Common Room is the center of life in the Sereni-Tree. It is a huge cylindrical room perhaps 15 or 20 yards/meters across and three levels high. There are two encircling balconies, one above the other, around the Common Room. Equally spaced around the Common Room’s curving walls are the exits to the North, East, South, and West Wings. While it is true that the Sereni-Tree can move about and adopt any orientation, the names are traditional, coming from the time it was still a stationary tree house. There will be more about the Wings later.

In the center of the Common Room sits the pool table. In many ways, it is the critical nerve center of the ship, and battles have been waged for its possession. Underneath the pool table is the nest of Captain Ebonezer, where she piles her stuff (although the Captain has a designated room in one of the Wings, that room is rarely used). Also under the pool table are the remains of Cozen’s Pleasurable Torture Chamber, which includes “the Chair”. The top of the pool table is where the Captain sometimes climbs to address the crew. Note that the pool table is missing its eight-ball, which Rat once traded for more Spam. Above the pool table is an anti-gravity chandelier.

On the wall between the North and East Wings (and in that general area) is the game arcade. We have many pinball and video game consoles. A favorite is the Whack-a-Fox-Executive game, a device of my own invention. It’s similar to a Whack-a-Mole game, but much more satisfying. Beyond the arcade area is a door in the wall of the Common Room that provides access to the room beyond, a lounge / party room / mess area / lecture hall with enough tables and chairs to seat perhaps 40 people.

On the wall between the East and South Wings is the bar run by Trey (Bride3). It is finely constructed of a dark, polished wood, with barstools lined along it, and several tables out in front, and a place behind it for a bartender to work some alcoholic magic. On the wall directly behind the bar is a large mirror (unfortunately cracked in several places) and our carefully arrayed remaining bottles of booze (many of our previous collection having been smashed during the Invasion of Inola Teg, Eldritch Horror from the Purple Dimension). Above the mirror is a sign: “Trey’s Bar, where every hour is a happy hour!” As you face the bar, a door to its right leads to our personal micro-brewery, with vats of beer (and root-beer?). A door to the left of the bar leads to our fully equipped kitchen and pantry, with an enormous walk-in freezer. The balconies above the bar provide access to conference rooms and various offices on the upper levels (including at least offices of the Captain, First Officer, Cruise Director, and Security Chief with attached brig).

On the wall between the South and West Wings are a huge plasma television, an impressive sound system, and a DVD player complete with racks of all Whedonverse DVD sets, as well as complete Doctor Who, Star Trek, Indiana Jones, Farscape, Babylon 5, Twilight Zone, old and new Battlestar Galactica, all the Stargates, Highlanders, X-Files, the live-action and animated Tick, the Predator, Alien, and Star Wars cycles, Lord of the Rings (extended editions), The Princess Bride, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Abyss, and many other science fiction and fantasy television series and movies. In front of this television sits a large (96” by 40”) comfortable leather-covered couch donated by Mal-licious, and a couple of love seats and recliners and some tables for holding munchies and drinks. To the right of the television as you face it is a doorway to the multi-level Infirmary of Doctor SimonWho, MontanaGirl, and the Simon-clones, which has an operating theater with overhead viewing area, convalescent ward, examination rooms, supply rooms, and medical offices (the upper levels of the Infirmary connect to the balconies above the Common Room). To the left of the television, as you are facing it, is a hatch to a major airlock. This placement allows us to drag wounded into the Infirmary from the airlock after a failed ground expedition (the airlock also connects directly to the Infirmary), or from the vehicle bay in the South Wing. On a wall in the airlock, hanging among vac-suits and space tools, is a fishing pole for retrieving Rat on those occasions when he has been spaced. There is an armory near or as part of this airlock, where one can requisition all sorts of odd gear, including space-suits, Spamguns, and jetpacks.

On the wall between the West and North Wings are public bathrooms with showers and lockers (the woman’s bathroom apparently has a odd device/ride called a “potty-go-round”), and beyond is access to the Sereni-Tree water park. The water park includes an Olympic sized swimming pool, a sauna, a jacuzzi (which can be turned into a chocolate jacuzzi with a flip of a switch), a floor to ceiling blue fishie aquarium, a pair of water slides that extends up three floors, and (floating in mid-air) a large zero-G blob of the same breathable fluid featured in the movie “The Abyss”, this last courtesy of SimonWho. The balconies above this area lead to platforms at various levels near the top of the water slides, and to the diving platform. There is talk of a “kissie pool”, where one could jump in among those charming affectionate creatures, but I don’t think it has been installed yet.

The Bridge

The Bridge and related structures are reached from the upper balcony to the northeast, jutting out from the side of the ship high over the lounge / mess hall. The main level of the bridge has a number of view screens and three main control stations, any of which can be configured for any ship function. Climbing a ladder up and forward from the main Bridge level gets you to the pilot dome, which is dominated by Static’s cramped cockpit. From here, the pilot has an excellent view, though this is easily supplemented by holographic images. From the Bridge, one has control over the ship’s functions of command, maneuver, navigation, sensors, computer, communication, weaponry, engineering, ship system status, security systems, and just about anything else. This control is shared by Main Engineering. Just off the Bridge are ladders that lead up and down to the dorsal and ventral gunnery stations. These access ways are not nearly so long as one would expect from the apparent height of the ship. On either side of the Bridge are mounted the twin-linked plasma cannons that are among Static’s favorite toys.

The Rest of the Central Core of the Ship

On the roof of the Sereni-Tree, above the Common Room, were once mounted MaRTHA and BERTHA, a catapult and high-powered gun both devised by TheGreyJedi, though he later removed the gun and mounted it upon his mecha, Aegis, to deal with a perceived invasion of the planet Rukus. Sadly Aegis has since been lost in a singularity accident. There is a dorsal quad-laser emplacement and gunnery station on the roof of the Sereni-Tree. Also on the roof is an observatory dome that splits open to reveal a high-powered telescope. There is an observation lounge on the top of the Sereni-Tree, a transparent enclosure that offers a stunning view. This is perhaps located on the spot once occupied by TheGreyJedi’s lawn chair back when it was the roof of the tree house.

Below the Common Room is the Main Cargo Bay. The Cargo Bay is a huge place, with a number of levels of vaults and subdivided compartments for various goods. There is a massive hatch that allows easy loading access from outside the ship. In one of the compartments is stored the original “Forgotten Not a Guy/Girl Clubhouse, recently recovered from Earth-That-Still-Is. Another holds CallMeSerenity’s extensive greenhouse garden, usually kept under lock. There is also a space in the cargo area that has been greatly expanded to hold a pifflepony ranch. In addition to our herd of piffleponies, we also house some horses and a corral of kissies.

Below the Cargo Area is Main Engineering, the realm of TheGreyJedi, Needleseye, and Bride4 (Jet). All sorts of arcane techno-magic occur in this place, and most ship functions can be controlled from here, in addition to the Bridge. Grey has a command chair that he rarely leaves, that seems to hover anywhere he needs to go. There are power plants and spacedrives of almost every description, including a console for the highly experimental quad-locked Grav Drive (aka Ether Drive). The life support systems are no doubt in this section as well. Off of Main Engineering are Grey’s quarters and a series of lockers and a bathroom. Somewhere, the Sereni-Tree must store its fuel, so perhaps fuel tanks are near Main Engineering as well. Or perhaps the ship requires so little fuel that its storage is not an issue.

In the days of the Sereni-Tree airship, Main Engineering was merely the boiler room, though it has since been upgraded significantly. However, the old boiler room had a permanent dimensional portal that connected to Zoid’s Pub at the Bottom of the Tree. I don’t know if this portal is still active, but if not, that could explain why we don’t see much of Zoid these days. Also in the old boiler room used to be the Big Red Button for enabling Real World Physics. TheRealMe has used warning signs, locks, titanium bulkheads, and duct tape to seal this away from Rat’s prying hands so THAT HE COULD NEVER MESS WITH IT AGAIN.

There is a ventral quad laser emplacement underneath the Sereni-Tree

The Sereni-Tree is also equipped with grappler arms, huge mechanical arms that can be used to hold or manipulate items, or even other ships.

Somewhere deep in the bowels of the Sereni-Tree is the secret cryogenic freezing chamber of the Insidious Doctor Rat. Inside are stored former crewmembers that have neglected to post in a long time and the remains of the EvilWeirdGirl, the FemaleReaver, and the traitorous Bride1 (any of whom may be resurrected when plots really slow down).

The Wings

The North, East, South, and West Wings of the Sereni-Tree all have identical floor plans, mostly because they are, in fact, the same exact space folded twice through higher dimensions. This has worked well; except for the time that Rat re-asserted real-world physics and the Wings all collapsed back down to just three dimensions. That got confusing. And crowded!

The Wings are entered off of the Common Room through four doors placed at the cardinal points. There are additional doors above these, one on each encircling balcony per Wing. On the left side of each of these doors is access to an elevator. On the right side of each is access to a stairway. These access ways run through all the decks of the ship, from the roof structures down through the Common Room, Cargo Bay, and Main Engineering, to the ventral lasers.

The Wings have three floors each. The bottom two are for living quarters, with ten modest apartments on each floor, five on each side of a central corridor. The apartment of TheRealMe, the apartment once used as the FemaleReaver Containment Area, the apartment temporarily expanded to hold the population of Black Diamond, and Needleseye’s apartment are all on the lowest floor of the West Wing. The Real Me has one of the two apartments at the end of the corridor with windows giving a nice view of space. SimonWho’s apartment is also in the West Wing, probably on the middle floor, to be near both the Infirmary and the zero-G blob of “Abyss” fluid that he provided. MontanaGirl and SoulofSerenity have apartments in the South Wing. Static and ThatWeirdGirl are in the upper quarters level of the North Wing, so as to provide Static quick access to the Bridge. Mai and PsychicRiver once shared quarters at the end of the North Wing, as they have a window that looks out on space. CallMeAth is also in the North Wing. CageyBee used to be in the East Wing. I don’t know about anyone else, but feel free to pick a spot. We might want to reserve one Wing (the East?) strictly for passengers, Brides, and/or clones.

In addition to the two levels of living quarters, each Wing has a third floor with an extra-high ceiling containing something special:

The North Wing third floor contains the “This Land” game preserve / mini-theme park / miniature golf course, where we usually keep Mai’s pet dinosaur, Frederick.

The East Wing third floor contains a recording studio, stage, and dance floor (with disco ball!) for our band, “the Fireflies”.

The South Wing third floor contains the hanger for our various small craft, including the shuttles General Lee for Southerners or Dukes of Hazard fans, the General Grant for Yankees, the Admiral Nelson for Brits, and the Napoleon Bonaparte for any French Browncoats, at least a half-dozen speeder pods, TheGreyJedi’s new mecha “Megadeus”, Emma’s shrunken ship when Rat is not carrying it in his pocket, and perhaps SimonWho’s Blue Box when he doesn’t have it with him.

The West Wing third floor has the magnificent floor-to-ceiling Willy-Wonka-esque Dream Machine created by ManiacNumberOne, where one’s mind can be played with. It hasn’t gotten much use since the Insidious Doctor Rat hooked us all up to it, once. The West Wing also has a gym, with showers, lockers, mats, weights, treadmills, stair-masters, etc. There is a sports room with table tennis Who knows, we might even have a full tennis / basketball court, and a ring for UNPROFESSIONAL WRESTLING! Maybe we have a bowling alley, too, or a firing range.

The Sereni-Tree! Who needs to visit a pleasure planet?

The “Real” Crew and Passengers of the Sereni-Tree

Bluefishie: Often just wanders around the ship. Has pet blue fishies. Power: “Magic” marker?
CallMeAth aka Ath: With Lissa, creator of the kissies; Powers: pyro-kinesis and predictive parrying.
CallMeSerenity aka Serenity: Ath’s sister; built greenhouse in cargo bay; Power: flight via blue-white angelic wings.
CastIronJack: One of the Brothers Grimm. Picked up during Reaver attack. Perhaps a bit high-strung.
Cozen aka The Infinite Goof: Kidnaps women and subjects them to pleasurable torture; Power: insect creation / control.
Ebonezer (Captain): Exuberant, impulsive; nest under the pool table; Power: speaks to any creature.
Elwoodmom (Mom): Knows what is best for us; occasionally stops by to give advice; Powers: eyes in the back of her head and other “Mom” powers.
Emma: Space-going entrepreneur (thief). Owns (stolen) spherical spaceship. Faints at the slightest danger. Currently MIA.
GreekToomey: Recently wished aboard the General Grant by Mai during the Arkham adventure.
Jake7: Comes through in a crisis; Power: force field-projecting “remote”.
Jazaf: Swordsman, mystery man, Sensei to Bride2; Power: metal-shaping.
Lissa: With Ath, creator of the kissies; tends to prefer the calmer times (and jacuzzis).
Mai (Cruise Director): Not an attack-and-kill kind of girl; has pet dinosaur Frederick; Power: light generation.
Mal-licious (Goddess-Queen): Regal and self-assured; Powers: thread-jacking, charisma, and beauty.
Monkeytail: Former cabana boy of the Forgotten Not A Guy/Girl Clubhouse. Admits to being a bit lazy. Found on Whitefall.
MontanaGirl (MedAssistant and Vet); Likes Soul’s “Legolas” bow and Cozen’s kidnapping methods. Likes things to go boom! NASCAR fan.
Needleseye (Assistant Engineer): Aquatic carnivorous faerie creature; shapeshifts to monster; creates flowers.
Piffle101: Breeder of piffleponies.
PsychicRiver: Just a little crazy; knits; Powers: telepathy, precognition, telekinesis.
PyreFX: Recently wished aboard the General Grant by Mai during the Arkham adventure.
Rat (Acquisitions Officer): Troublemaker; messes with things; Power: inventor, weather prediction, elemental blasts.
Rat-clone: Rat made a clone of himself, once. Probably with TWG aboard the Nelson.
Safeat2nd: One of the Brothers Grimm. Picked up during Reaver attack. A pilot.
SimonWho (Physician): Helpful, friendly, annoys women he likes; Power: blue box; destroys entire planets
SoulOfSerenity aka Soul (Security Chief): Friendly; wants to help; Archer with bow; Power: desolidification.
Static (Pilot): No-nonsense guy; Powers: piloting; combat with blade and gun.
Succatach: Disembodied head that pilots Soul’s Firefly-class ship, the Destiny’s Shadow.
ThatWeirdGirl (1st Lieutenant): Playful and weird; Pepsimilk proponent; Power: Confusion; also shorts out electronics.
TheGreyJedi (Engineer): Loner tech-priest; Powers: MacGuyver-like scrounging / inventing; angelic Jedi powers.
TheRealMe (1st Officer / Navigator): level-headed, reliable; Powers: inventor, dimensional portals, and space-folding.
XanderLHarris aka Ash: Powers: two heads; Shindig goddess.
Zoid: Once a philosopher who owned the Pub at the Bottom of the Tree, now captured and held as a love-slave to Mal-licious? Or is it really Zoid after all?

The Brides

Bride2 aka Deuce: Red hair, freckles; impulsive, tempermental; strong, athletic, and tomboy-ish; acrobat. Has pair of katanas.
Bride3 aka Trey (Bartender): Tall woman of African descent, mixes drinks and deals cards.
Bride4 aka Jet (Assistant Engineer): Small of stature, dark hair, brave and intelligent, wears glasses.
Bride5: Beautiful woman of Asian descent; long straight black hair; affects the “glamorous” look; fashion conscious.
Bride6: Giggly and excitable blonde; curls and dyes hair; does nails; likes frilly and lacy dresses.
Bride7: Blushing psychotic bride; files nails; avoids work; good cook; possibly cannibalistic.

The BDH Clones from Cozen’s Rukus Resort

Badger-clone: Once the concierge of the Rukus resort. Probably in business with Emma and Rat by now.
Kaylee-clone: Mostly just helps Cozen break into places.
Jayne-clone1: Claimed by MontanaGirl.
Jayne-clone2: Watched over SimonWho when the latter was injured; went on Arkham adventure.
Mal-clone1: (Presumably) claimed by Mal-licious.
Mal-clone2: (Presumably) claimed by Mal-licious.
River-clone: Super-intelligent and creepifying; not right in the head; Powers: weird psychic stuff; a reader. RIP?
Simon-clone1: Assigned to the Infirmary under SimonWho?
Simon-clone2: Another doctor for the Infirmary?
Zoe-clone1: Ready for security duty with SoulofSerenity?
Zoe-clone2: Ready for security duty with SoulofSerenity? On Arkham adventure.
Zoe-clone3: Appeared mysteriously during the “Dark Soul” plotline. On Arkham adventure.
Zoe-clone4: Appeared mysteriously during the “Dark Soul” plotline.

The Black Diamond Creatures

Yeti: A dance troupe of perhaps a dozen yeti, friends to ThatWeirdGirl.
Windmill Giants: A few shrunken giants, including Rat’s friend Wendel.

The Malcolmettes (semi-sentient creatures with the bodies of the BDHs but the heads of Mal.)

Kaylee-Malcolmette: Aimlessly wanders around spouting Mal quotes.
Jayne-Malcolmette: Aimlessly wanders around spouting Mal quotes.
Mal-Malcolmette: Aimlessly wanders around spouting Mal quotes.
River-Malcolmette: Aimlessly wanders around spouting Mal quotes.
Simon-Malcolmette: Aimlessly wanders around spouting Mal quotes.
Wash-Malcolmette: Aimlessly wanders around spouting Mal quotes.
Zoe-Malcolmette: Aimlessly wanders around spouting Mal quotes.

Mechanical and Magical Servants, Friends, and Pets of the Sereni-Tree

Aluminum: TRM’s white horse, for when he’s playing at being Sheriff of Serenity County.
The Black Ribbon: MontanaGirl’s magical protective black ribbon kept in a glass of Pepsi.
Blue Fishies: Pets of Bluefishie.
Dale, the Intimidator Ferret: Montanagirl’s friend, who takes revenge on those who disparage NASCAR.
DRDs: An unknown number of Diagnostic Repair Drones, presumably built by TGJ.
The Ebo Golem: The Effigy of Ebo, magically animated by TRM to replace Sparky.
Frederick the Dinosaur: A pet dinosaur picked up in the Land of the Lost by Mai during Mai-Quest.
Kissies: Numerous pokemon-ish emoticon creatures which spread affection everywhere.
MollytheParrot: A cute creature cloned from Cozen’s one-time mouthpiece, Black Jack Silver.
Nugget, the Meteor Troll: Emma’s friend, a large and brutish creature with some affection for TRM.
Piffleponies: Everyone wants a pifflepony, deep down. Piffleponies include: Patience, Prudence, Penitence, Ororo, two mothers, four foals, among others.
The Pillow CageyBee: The golem created by CageyBee of fabric and stuffing; not seen lately.
Sparky: The Mechana-Cabana-Boy 3000; much repaired, rarely working robot of TRM.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Monday, October 24, 2005 6:51 PM



Dale, the Intimidator Ferret: Montanagirl’s friend, who takes revenge on those who disparage NASCAR.

IRL aside:
*Hollers across the room* "Hey Dale, you're officially a member of the treehouse!"

*Dale is unimpressed and continues to nap in her blanket.*

Now, back to your regularly schedule looniness.
"Do you accept gifts from strange men?" -Brisco
"Well, strange is no problem, but I draw the line at men I don't know." -Dixie


Monday, October 24, 2005 7:03 PM


(The Dark Tower crew)


Soul wrote:
Then the sky above them opens up, and a cacophony of inhuman screams erupts into the still clearing. Soul swings his bow skyward just in time to catch a glimpse of what appears to be a jail cells, along with a few faces he recognizes--

--And then a bloody body appears from the sky and drives Soul to the ground, just as the screams dissapear...

Jayne-clone2 swings around the muzzle of his rather large gun, takes careful aim, and unleashes a deadly rain of lead against the bloody body. After a moment, he stops. Amazingly, Soul is untouched.

Jayne-clone2 looks around at his companions.

"What? I wuz just makin' sure!"

He looks around again.

"Hey, ain't every day a fella falls outta some gorram hole in the sky!"


Monday, October 24, 2005 9:13 PM


*PsychicRiver gasps*



"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 3:08 AM



Ath, what have you done?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny

I have a live journal:


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 3:27 AM


(The Lee crew:)

* From his position next to Rat on the north cliff, TheRealMe takes careful aim at the mutant trying to climb over Jake7's force field. *

* Suddenly, he sees a vision that looks like Darth Ath cutting down some poor young...*


* TheRealMe's long-suppresed Force powers tell him that it is a true vision. *

"Ath! There had to be a better way!"

* For the first time, TheRealMe begins to hope that this IS just a bad "malfuctionaing holodeck" Star Trek episode. *

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 3:50 AM


Ummm...Ath, I was just about to say..

*Safe pauses momentarily as a howling creature jumps towards them. Safe's gun bucks and a blows a fist sized hole in the creatures head.*

...anyways, I was just about to say, maybe we weren't meant to take the message so literally. Maybe "the only way out is death", meant we'll have to shoot our way out. I sure as hell don't see any results and it's get kinda crowded here.

*Safe turns and focuses on the job at hand. The air is soon filled with the echos of gunfire, the whistle of flashing katanas, the low hum of a lightsabre, and the grunts of exertion as the crew fights to survive*

The blood from River trickles past Safes feet and mingles with the blood of the creatues as it works it's way to the centre of the chamber. A pool slowly forms.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 4:10 AM


(On the Sereni-Tree)

* Kaylee-clone comes running into the Infirmary. *

Oh, Montanagirl! I got me a terrible bad feeling sumthin' awful just happened... Uh... Could you tell me where either o' the Simon-clones got to?


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 4:18 AM


'Who in the nine hells is that!?!' Jazaf asks

'Recognizing a dead person isn't exactly my highest ruttin' priority!' Jayne-clone2 states

'Not a member of the crew.' Soul whispers

'Can't we just leave the body and continue on with our eerie ass day? Mind you, this place is damaging my calm. Nothing here makes any sense!' Jayne-clone2 vents.

'It isn't supposed to.' Static says calmly.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 4:30 AM


If we can go back a bit...

*As Ath grabs his lightsaber, meaning to try to cut through the walls or floor of the room, he feels a strange sensation, as if he's being pushed aside. He's forced to watch as his own hand ignites the saber, and stabs it through River.*

*A familiar chuckle echoes through Ath's mind.*

No! It can't be! I got rid of you!

"Rid of me? You fool. All I did was hide for a while."

Why did you kill River?

"That girl knows far too much. And also, I wanted to see that boy's face when she died."

You ing son of a !

"Language, Ath. Now you just be a good boy and hang out around here for a while. I may need you later."

And why the hell would I do that?

"Because I can kill every one of your little friends here. Mai, PR, Serenity. LISSA. So just be a good boy and sit tight. They'll be okay."

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 5:21 AM


The crew of the Grant are forced backward by the onslaught, taking refuge in a cell. Safe and Jack use a broken cell door as a barricade. Mai has discovered that if she concentrates, she can focus her light into narrow beams like lasers and has joined Safe and Jack behind the barricade. While the beams don’t do much damage, they do disorient and knock back the creatures, but the strain is taking its toll on her.

Unbeknownst to the crew the pool of blood grows and begins to swirl.

PR crumples to the floor holding his head. “IT STARTS!!!” A bloodied Serenity looks alarmed at PR.

The center of the pool erupts suddenly into a fountain. Mai’s beam hits it and the fountain begins to take on a human form with its mouth open in a scream. As the shape becomes more defined the crew begins to notice that it looks vaguely familiar and the scream becomes audible, becoming louder the more human the form becomes.

In the other realities: A swirling, blood red disc appears in the sky. The body in the Dark Tower reality turns to ash and swirls away in the wind.

Lissa screams and Serenity gasps in shock. Rivers body turns to ash. Now the crew know why the screaming form looks familiar….The crew realizes that the screaming has stopped. They turn as one to face the blood pool. There standing in the middle of the pool is a liquid River.

She beckons silently.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 6:29 AM


**jake7 watches in horror as the mutant creature clambers up the force field. She hollers out, hoping someone will hear her**

Can somebody get this thing OFF OF ME???!?!

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 6:59 AM


LMAO..Since I wasnt following the last thread..It seems the Operative (or something along those lines) has come onto the TREE..with him saying I can kill everyone of you with a miss-ile, and then someone (Ath?) killed River..

*smacks head* PAY ATTENTION SELF!

Because Dancers are tough,mean...Chicas!! -Summer Glau
-I think they captured his essence... -Wash
-Look sorta angry, dont he? -Kaylee
-Kinda what I meant. -Wash
-Everywhere I go..His eyes keep following me... -Kaylee
-How bout we get away from this eerie ass piece of work and get on with our increasingly eerie ass day? How's that?!


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 8:46 AM


Piff, all the action so far is happening over on the Arkham (not the Sereni-Tree). Those of us on the Arkham are split into three groups wandering about in alternate realities. Or something. There is no Operative that we have seen yet (unless you just now created one). The first post of this thread should contain an adequate summary.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 9:32 AM


Riight..I should read that again..
Ah,Im not in the different universe? S'alright.

And, yes. I just created the Operative. He's (me) is in every universe, and cannot be stopped or pushed to the back of your minds.. Why, you ask? Cause in all of your sleep,I stripped you amygdalas. Now suffer and feel everything

Because Dancers are tough,mean...Chicas!! -Summer Glau
-I think they captured his essence... -Wash
-Look sorta angry, dont he? -Kaylee
-Kinda what I meant. -Wash
-Everywhere I go..His eyes keep following me... -Kaylee
-How bout we get away from this eerie ass piece of work and get on with our increasingly eerie ass day? How's that?!


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 10:14 AM


(The General Lee Crew at Ambush Valley on Whitefall:)

As the mutant is about to jump down off the force field wall to pounce on Jake7, a tentacle from Needleseye whips up to wrap around the creature’s neck. A pull, a twist, and a sickening crunch and it falls back, stone dead. But its fellows clamber up over it. The growing pile of mutant bodies on the other side of the forcefield is allowing these slavering monsters something to climb up over.

Another mutant leaps up to the top of the forcefield. It has a form that is reminiscent of a human female, with an almost perfect, beautiful face, but it also has seven crooked limbs jutting out in all directions, each tipped with a bone spike almost a meter long. It leaps at Jake7, but it is caught in the strong arms of Nugget, the Meteor Troll. As it flails about in his grasp, Jake7 receives some minor cuts to her forearm and face. With a mighty howl, Nugget slams the creature to the ground and bears down on it with his considerable weight, all the while ignoring the numerous bone spikes that are thrust into him. Nugget repeatedly smacks the thing with his heavily muscled spiked tail.

Needleseye moves to intercept the next one about to strike.

So many mutants had been killed! Yet, there were still too many remaining, all uncaring of the devastation visited upon them. Every one them was a crazed berserker. Anything remotely sentient would have given up by now. Anything remotely sentient… or remotely sane.

TheRealMe: “Needle! Give us another scream! The rest, orderly retreat! Fall back to Rat’s position! Rat, enlarge and prep the Lee.”

With that, TheRealMe drops his gun and a red-bladed lightsaber activates and flashes into his hand. He charges down in support of his fellows. Behind him, Rat digs his hands in his pockets. On the other side of the valley, the Zoe-clones abandon their cover and circle around the canyon ledge toward the forcefield position, firing their weapons while on the run.

Needleseye takes a deep breath and inside of her, the rumbling starts again. When she looses it, her sonic attack blasts away another mob of mutants. She is breathing heavily, clearly fatigued.

TheRealMe: “Thanks, Needle! Good as a grenade! That should buy us enough time to…”

But by that time, the next wave of mutants begins its charge.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 10:25 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul jumps to his feet as the body that had landed on him blows apart in the wind like it was made of dust.

"Okay, that was weird," Soul says.

"I've got something weirder," Jazaf replies.

Soul turns around and stumbles backwards in shock. The dark tower that had jutted from the horizon for the past hour or so now looms over their collective heads.

"What the hell did it do, jump here?" Jayne-clone2 asks nervously.

"Yeah, the building jumped," Jazaf laughs.

"Actually," Static states, his voice low, "It did."

He walks to the side of the momolith to a pair of heavy brass door set deep into the face of the tower. His pistol in his right hand, he raises his left hand towards the doors. They swing open at his touch, and from the chasm they reveal comes the sound of wailing, the same sound that had previously echoed through the forest.

Then Soul sees something on Static's face, something he hadn't expected. As the pilot walks into the darkness beyond the doors, a grin flitters across his lips, and then he is gone.

"What in the good gorram..." Jazaf whispers.

Soul swallows loudly and notches an arrow. He raises his bow, walks towards the dark opening, and steps into--


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 10:33 AM


(The Dark Tower Crew:)

Jayne-clone2 is surprised as Static walks in through the massive doors.

"Uh, hey, we ain't really goin' inside that uh... hoppin' castle are we?"

When Soul enters, Jayne-clone2 falls in beside him, and scowls:

"This day just keeps gettin' better an' better!"


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 1:05 PM



Originally posted by Dark-and-Nasty-Murdering-Evil-Ath-Guy:
"And also, I wanted to see that boy's face when she died."


*PR rushes to the still and silent form of the River-clone. Her eyes are closed and she looks peaceful, almost...serene. He checks her pulse, even though he knows for certain that she's dead. He cradles her still body in his lap. He gently strokes his hand over her face and then through her hair. A small tear falls onto her face.*


Originally posted by safeat2nd:
PR crumples to the floor holding his head. “IT STARTS!!!” A bloodied Serenity looks alarmed at PR.


Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Rivers body turns to ash. Now the crew know why the screaming form looks familiar….The crew realizes that the screaming has stopped. They turn as one to face the blood pool. There standing in the middle of the pool is a liquid River.

She beckons silently.

*The rest of the crew falls silent, and all there is to be heard is PR's loud and erratic breathing.*

*PR slowly looks up to the liquid-River, and his face falls. A trick*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 2:54 PM


As Static enters the tower, holstering his pistols, grinning with relief that his quest is reaching its end, he pauses and takes a deep breath.

Then his expression begins to sour. Something doesn't feel right. He turns and looks at his companions behind him.

"How is it that you were allowed in?"

As he speaks these words, the doors slam shut. Jayne-clone2 runs to them and throws himself against them. Growling loudly. Static draws his pistols and touches Jayne on the shoulder and raises his fingers to his lips.

"Shhhhh." With this instruction, Static begins to assess their situation, getting a feel for the room. Without warning, Jayne-clone2 steps back from the doors and levels his huge weapon at them, releasing a long burst of automatic fire that thunders through the bottom level of the tower. Soul jumps in alarm, while Static merely turns to the huge mercenary and once more raises a finger to his lips, "Shhhhhhhh."

Soul sidles up to Static, concern all over his face, "What's going on?"

Static continues to look around the room. His voice is calm, but there is an anguish in his eyes so potent it causes Soul to nearly choke up, "This is not my tower. This is a sham...I've allowed myself to be duped."

Soul nods soberly, "So what do we do now? How do we get out of this?"

Static nods towards the staircase, "We go far as we can. And one might reasonably infer that we will NOT 'get out of this'"

Jayne-clone2 gulps audibly and tightens his grip on his weapon, "Well, I might."


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 3:16 PM


*** A slight plot twist that may impact upon our gallant warriors. ***

*cozen pauses in the weeding of Serenity’s garden and contemplates his grimy fingernails. Feels the grit and ponders the the complex miracle of the bounties that flourish from soil. It feels... real.*

Heh, if this is what being “grounded” is all about, then it’s a positive experience.

*While carrying a bundle of weeds to the compost bin, he considers the ethics of cloning. Is hung up a bit on the moral nature of cloning fictional characters until the truth of the enterprise blasts through his brainpan. He remembers; allows in the awful truth. It is all he can do to dump the weeds into the bin. He wraps his arms around the compost bin for support as he drops to his knees, his head slumped onto an arm.*

*He speaks, not believing he will be heard, but truth will out.*

They’re not clones, per se. They are apparitions, created by me and implanted in your imaginations via one of those special powers with which we Tree-ers appear to be burdened. The “clones” purpose was ever to facilitate your own subliminal abilities. For example, when the Jayne-clone next to you blasts a hole through the head of a beastie, it was you who made the shot.

I have been able to maintain these chimaeras for some time now, subconsciously even as I slept. Yet I am human, and subject to human frailties. My resolve is sapped by the sheer mental effort required to keep the illusions functional, and my ability wanes even as your battles rage on. Pshychic River: I take full responsibility for the demise of the River “clone”. That one... took a lot of effort, which has considerably weakened me.

I can not guarantee the lifespans and continued reliability of the remaining “clones.” The message is simple: you now must need to find the strength within yourselves. You must gain the confidence in yourselves to aim true and fire without hesitation.

*He lifts his head, gazing at the wonders of the garden.*

Ooh! Shiny plums!

"You think somebody wouldn't go see somebody if they didn't want entertainment?"


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 3:42 PM


*finally beats the level he had been working on so diligently for the last few days. Straight, it feels like. Gets up and stretches about, feeling his neck and back pop.*

Hmm. I guess I should head to the bridge.

*finds his knee-high boots and pulls them on. Grabs his shoulder bag, hanging on his right side, clips his lightsaber-

Oh, how I have missed you.

-on his belt at his left hip and makes his way to the bridge.*

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 4:18 PM


OOC: I honestly wouldn't mind seeing the clones slowly make their ways out of need a gorram scorecard to keep up with all the folks running around this thread anyhoo.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005 4:31 PM


Bride2 has been following Jazaf and the rest. Now, she runs up to the Dark Tower to join Jazaf, who has apparently been locked outside, away from Static, Soul, and the Jayne clone.

"Hi, Sensei! What's the plan, now?"



Tuesday, October 25, 2005 7:29 PM


*Concentrating the light remains and as the liquid River appears the light grows brighter and now lights up the entire area between the cells.*

Um, guys don't know how much longer I can keep this up so I'm thinkin' itd be best to get the hell out of here while we can see where we're going.

*Falls to her knees behind the barricade, shocked and feeling more than a might weak.*

Or maybe we could just stay here and rest for a moment first. *Passes out,still glowing*


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 12:01 AM


*PsychicRiver hears something in his mind...a voice, a familiar voice...*

*PR went into a daze and spoke what he heard...*


Originally posted by cozen:

*He speaks, not believing he will be heard, but truth will out.*

They’re not clones, per se. They are apparitions, created by me and implanted in your imaginations via one of those special powers with which we Tree-ers appear to be burdened. The “clones” purpose was ever to facilitate your own subliminal abilities. For example, when the Jayne-clone next to you blasts a hole through the head of a beastie, it was you who made the shot.

I have been able to maintain these chimaeras for some time now, subconsciously even as I slept. Yet I am human, and subject to human frailties. My resolve is sapped by the sheer mental effort required to keep the illusions functional, and my ability wanes even as your battles rage on. Pshychic River: I take full responsibility for the demise of the River “clone”. That one... took a lot of effort, which has considerably weakened me.

I can not guarantee the lifespans and continued reliability of the remaining “clones.” The message is simple: you now must need to find the strength within yourselves. You must gain the confidence in yourselves to aim true and fire without hesitation.

*Then he is done. And he blinks with the realization of what he just said.*

So...this means that....I played cards with myself?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 2:38 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

They slowly make their way up the stairs; Static, Soul, and Jayne-clone2. Soul glances back towards the door as he realizes that Jazaf never made it through before the doors shut. Soul whispers a quiet prayer for his friend outside, then his friends inside, and finally for himself. Then he lets his mind relax, and focuses inward.

So you finally realize, do you?

"That we are more powerful together than apart? Yes, I now understand."

Well, let's do this, then.

Soul opens his eyes and allows himself a small grin, feeling power surge through him as both sides of his persona join as one, and he follows the others up the stairs. For a while, he hears the occasional screech or wail, but he sees nothing but shadows on the stairs. Then Jayne-clone2 grunts, and Soul turns to see the mercenary staring up at him with confusion written across his features.

"What in the--"

And then like dust in the wind, Jayne-clone2 dissolves into nothingness, and is swept away. Everything disappears, including his gun, until only two remain on the stairs.

Soul looks up at Static. "This is out of my league. What do we do now?"

Static turns and continues up the stairs. "We climb."


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 3:27 AM


Safe listens to PR as he continues to fire on the creatures.

"Well that explains what happened to River, but not what's in the pool." As he looks at the pool the figure's face morphs briefly into Jaynes' face and continues to beckon. "Well, that's new."

"But, my question is, Jack and I are new, how come we could see River? Also if any of the rest of you are clones, speak now. I don't need anymore surprises."

Jack: "Ok, let me get this straight, the message said #3 pays the fee. And PR said the way out had somthin' to do with blood. Well we've paid the fee right?? There's the blood, we've seen the body fall through the picture. Why ain't we jumpin' through the picture??"

Jack points at the pool. The pool at the River/Jayne's feet reflects the scenes from before. It flashs from one scene to the next.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 3:58 AM


*The pool of blood grows...more evil creatures descend from above.*

But...I don't understand. Whats happening?!

*Safe, Jack, Ath and others open fire on the creatures. PR can hear their gunblast in the distance...but his head is filled with a loud form of silence...a strange sound...almost like, white noise.*

*One of the creatures pounces upon the unconscious Mai.*

*Ath grabs hold of it, pulls it off of her, and throws it backwards. He pulls out his lightsaber and slashes at the creature.*

*PR is staring at the ground...he's starting to feel dizzy*

*Two of the creatures leap at Safe, knocking him to the floor... Serenity tries to tackle them. One grabs a hold of her ankle and pulls her down.*

*The Wash Malcolmette flickers in and out of existence as he is also pounced upon by a creature.*

*The room around them beings to swirl...PsychicRiver hears the loud and awful growls. The white noise grows louder and louder until its all he can hear.*

*PsychicRiver tries to fight back with his mind but not a thing happens! Gasp! He reaches round to his back, and pulls out the gun that was being kept just inside his belt... he grips it firmly and aims it at one of the creatures above Serenity and Safe...*

*Theres a flash and a loud "blip!" sound followed by silence. A silence so calm that it almost hurts PR's ears, after all that white noise.*

*PR blinks in the bright light and looks around. They are in a wood...on the ground...light leaks in gently from the trees high above.*

*He sees the rest of the Grant crew around him too. In the exact positions they were a second ago, except now...there are no monsters there.*

*PR hears some moaning...he gets up and looks down.*

Oh, Jazaf. Hello!

Sorry, I didn't mean to land on you.

(No more clones? But thats so sad.)


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 4:54 AM


*Serenity pulls herself off of Safe (sorry Safe!) and hurries over to Mai.*

Come on mai mai! We need you to wake up now!

*she lightly taps mai's face and shakes her gently until mai moans slightly and her eyelids flutter open.*

Everyone okay?

Jazaf, can you tell us where in the heck we are? And maybe how we got here?


We get to keep the brides, right? I'd hate to lose the brides. They're so funny. And I just love Jet.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 6:40 AM


**Meanwhile, back at Ambush Valley on Whitefall:
jake7 swipes at the blood dripping into her eyes. Now she's ticked. REALLY ticked. While Needleseye ravages the waves of mutants attacking, jake7 uses her anger to gain the energy to scramble up and over the dead mutant bodies that just keep piling up. She almost fumbles the remote at one point, and it's at this time she notices a small orange button on the remote...**

Funny, I never noticed that button before...

**She looks up and stares at the waves of mutants that keep coming and contemplates pushing the orange button. She mutters to herself:**

Well, what *more* could go wrong?

**She pushes the orange button.
Suddenly, the dead mutants begin to rise. She frantically pushes the button again and the mutants all go limp once more.**

Well. I guess I won't be using THAT button again any time soon!

**She resumes the force field and uses it in an attempt to hold off the charging mutants as she backs her way back down the valley. She calls out:**

Well, this has been a fair bit of fun, but I think I'm just about done with these mutants! Anybody got any grenades?

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 8:34 AM


just dandy, thanks.

*lying on the ground, takes in the new surroundings and looks up at the sky as it rapidly changes from bluish-green to violent red and black.*

well now, that can't be good.

*the skies break open with a deafening roar and rain begins to sprinkle small icey, black drops of some unknown substance.*

Oh ewww...

*begins to stand up and collapses again*, ok so the legs aren't quite working yet. someone wanna help me up?


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 8:52 AM


(Remember, Im the Operative.)

Watches from Afar.. More than satisfied.

Because Dancers are tough,mean...Chicas!! -Summer Glau
-I think they captured his essence... -Wash
-Look sorta angry, dont he? -Kaylee
-Kinda what I meant. -Wash
-Everywhere I go..His eyes keep following me... -Kaylee
-How bout we get away from this eerie ass piece of work and get on with our increasingly eerie ass day? How's that?!


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 9:54 AM


*It starts to rain*

Ew! It stings. And it stinks!*

*Serenity spreads her wings over her head to shelter herself from the rain. She leans over to cover mai and grabs lissa and pulls her under cover as well.*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 10:57 AM


*PR scans the group...*

Wait. Wash. Where's Wash??



"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 12:50 PM


*twg merrily hums along on her way…occasionally breaking into song…
I always say, come on, let's go--
Just when I orta say nix!
When a person tries to kiss a girl,
I know she orta give his face a smack.
But as soon as someone kisses me...
I somehow sorta wanna kiss him back!
I'm jist a fool when lights're low,
I cain't be prissy and quaint--
I ain't the type what can faint--

twg calls over her shoulder for Rat to bring her fresh root beer*

Hey, Rat? Clone boy? Where ye be? *twg leaves the console in search of her reluctant buddy. She searches the shuttle, but cannot find him…she enters the hidden chamber where she first saw him* Rat? *she finds a dusty support unit with no evidence of ever having been used* I don’t…what’s happening?

*as she settles back into the pilots seat to double check her coordinates, she notices her hands fazing in and out*

Shite! The clones are fading…

*within matter of seconds the Admiral nelson is floating unmanned in space*
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 1:10 PM



FYI: TWG created the cannot kill the brides! The brides are not clones.

"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 1:27 PM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:

FYI: TWG created the cannot kill the brides! The brides are not clones.


Thank goodness for that!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 3:18 PM


*During all the hubbub of teleporting, and getting rained on by stinky black stuff, Darth Ath slips away from the group. Once he's a ways off from everyone, Ath speaks up from his prison in the back of his mind.*

You mind telling me where were going?

The Tower.

THE Tower? As in the Dark one?

That very one.

How are you gonna find it?

Easy. You just follow the Beam.

*With that, DA looks up. Ath doesn't get it at first, but after a while he can see that all the clouds are moving in one direction, just as all the limbs of the trees are growing towards the same point on the horizen. Almost as if they're being pulled.*

You're not the only one searching for it.

That gunslinger? He's looking the wrong way. DA chuckles. You'd think he'd know better.

What are you gonna do when you find it?

Climb to the top. What else?

Why? What's up there?

Knowledge. Power. Well, they're really the same, aren't they? Now, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like some alone time.

*With that, Ath is thrown into darkness and silence. The only sounds he hears are those of his own thoughts.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 3:32 PM


Bride2 looks at the door into the dark tower, then to her Sensei, Jazaf, then to all the new people from the Grant who are talking to Jazaf.

"Hey!" she said, irritated, "I'm right here, too, ya know! And I got me no plans to turn to dust like some freakin' clone!"



Wednesday, October 26, 2005 4:20 PM



Originally posted by Bride2:
Bride2 has been following Jazaf and the rest. Now, she runs up to the Dark Tower to join Jazaf, who has apparently been locked outside, away from Static, Soul, and the Jayne clone.

"Hi, Sensei! What's the plan, now?"


Jazaf turns around rubbing his nose. 'Gorramit all! Ruttin' doors shut just as I was about t walk...' Jazaf looks up and notices Bride2 and relief washes over him. 'Thank goodness.' he whispers to himself.


Theres a flash and a loud "blip!" sound followed by silence. A silence so calm that it almost hurts PR's ears, after all that white noise.*

*PR blinks in the bright light and looks around. They are in a wood...on the ground...light leaks in gently from the trees high above.*

*He sees the rest of the Grant crew around him too. In the exact positions they were a second ago, except now...there are no monsters there.*

*PR hears some moaning...he gets up and looks down.*

Oh, Jazaf. Hello!

Sorry, I didn't mean to land on you.

Jazaf merely grunts and lifts an offensive finger as a response. After Jazaf has had time to recover he is bombarded by questions.

Everyone okay?

Jazaf, can you tell us where in the heck we are? And maybe how we got here?

'I don't have a clue as to how you guys got here. Duece might've seen something though. As far as location.....we are in front of Static's Tower.......I think. It closed up as soon as Static, Soul, and Jayne-clone2 went in.'
Jazaf notices the saddened faces.
'Did I miss something?'

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Wednesday, October 26, 2005 4:35 PM


*takes a seat in the pilot's chair in SereniTREE's bridge.*

Hmm, so this is what it feels like.

*He shrugs as he scans the consoles, looking for sensor readings. He grabs the controls and gently eases the stick forward. the ship propels itself at a slow clip towards the Arkham, her sensors and scanners at maximum sensitivity.*

Chief Engineer - USS SereniTREE


Thursday, October 27, 2005 3:48 AM


Yes, Bride2, we're glad you're still here. Would you like to stand under my wings out of the stinky black rain?

*Serenity looks around.*

Hey, where's my brother?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny

I have a live journal:


Thursday, October 27, 2005 4:22 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Yes, Bride2, we're glad you're still here. Would you like to stand under my wings out of the stinky black rain?

*Serenity looks around.*

Hey, where's my brother?

*PR looks around.*


Okay! Thats it! *He stands, shoving his gun back into his belt.* Nobody move! No more disappearing! No more poofing, no more slinking off. Okay?

Jazaf...there's something you should no. The clones...they're not real.

Jazaf: I know. Ain't that the point o' em bein clones??

No...I mean, they've gone. They don't exist anymore. And...they never did.

Jazaf (to Serenity): He go cuckoo again?

Serenity: No...he's telling the truth.

Jazaf: Thats insane! I was just with Jayne-clone 2 a few minutes ago!

You think you were. But you weren't. You see...when Cozen created the clones...all he did was make us believe they exist. To give You see...whenever the clones did something wasn't them. It was us.

All along.

The strain of keeping the clones alive to us has been taking its toll on Cozen. Come to think of it, thats probably why he took so long to recover after the Molly incident.

Anyway...River-clone...turned to dust...after being murdered by Ath. And yes I know this is confusing but I'm not completely up to speed either, so bear with me here. Then we also saw Jayne-clone go all dusty too.

Then we arrived here...and well...I guess the Wash Malcolmette has gone too.

So...the clones are fading fast.

And now Ath has disappeared...wheres the rest of your team??


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Thursday, October 27, 2005 12:15 PM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Yes, Bride2, we're glad you're still here. Would you like to stand under my wings out of the stinky black rain?

Bride2 seems surprised at Serenity’s kind offer. She glances at Jazaf, who is stoic as he endures the unpleasant black rain.

“Thanks, Serenity, but I’m okay standing out here in it. But you can call me Deuce if you like.”

She turns to Jazaf.

“Hey, Sensei? Is that weird door metal, or does it have metal parts? Are you gonna shape our way inside?”



Thursday, October 27, 2005 1:06 PM


(The General Lee Crew at Ambush Valley on Whitefall:)

Needleseye dispatches the last of the mutants swarming about the General Lee. Meanwhile, the severely wounded form of Nugget is dragged aboard the shuttle using a winch.

“There! He’s aboard!” Jake7 calls out.

TheRealMe wipes his brow and takes in the situation. He points. “The Zoe-clones are still cut off from us by that OTHER mob of mutants, and Zoe-clone3 looks wounded. We have to get them. Leave nobody behind!”

TheRealMe takes a deep breath as he thinks for but a moment. “Jake7, get aboard with Nugget, Monkeytail, and Rat. Have Rat lift off, then circle about and remain on station. Go!”

Jake7 closes the hatch. A moment later, Lee’s engines roar to life.

TheRealMe puts his hand on Needleseyes’s… shoulder? “Needle, I know you’re tired, but I need your help in this. The Zoes have their backs to a cliff, but are surrounded, trapped there. I can use a portal to get them here, but likely a bunch of mutants will make it through before I can close it. So we’ll have to…”

A weary Needleseye nods.

TheRealMe reaches out with one hand and concentrates. A dimensional portal forms near him, parallel to the ground and about six feet above it. In the distance, another portal forms on the ground below where the Zoe-clones are standing. The Zoe-clones fall through, landing roughly next to TheRealMe and Needleseye. TheRealMe closes the portal, but not before five mutants also drop through.

With a roar, Needleseye leaps onto the mis-shapen creatures, grabbing three with her tentacles and squeezing the life out of them with bone-crushing strength. TheRealMe’s lightsaber flashes to life, cutting down one at Needle’s back. Zoe-clone2, out of ammunition, scrambles to her feet and stands over her clone-sister while she smashes the last mutant with the butt of her rifle. TheRealMe’s lightsaber sweeps around to cut this last mutant in two.

Needleseye, TheRealMe, and Zoe-clone2 stand over a pile of dead mutants and the fallen form of Zoe-clone3, all trying to catch their breaths.

Zoe-clone2 turns to TheRealMe. “Thanks for the rescue, sir. About time.”

TheRealMe kneels to examine Zoe-clone3. “How badly is she hurt? Hmmm… Looks like a nasty gash to her arm, but nothing that…”

Suddenly, Zoe-clone3 falls apart into a pile of dust.

TheRealMe is startled. “Huh? What’s going on with this…”

Zoe-clone2 looks at her vanished twin, then at her own hands as they begin to dissolve as well. She gives a sad smile. “It’s been a pleasure, sir!”

Then she is dust, too.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Thursday, October 27, 2005 2:19 PM



Originally posted by Bride2:

Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Yes, Bride2, we're glad you're still here. Would you like to stand under my wings out of the stinky black rain?

Bride2 seems surprised at Serenity’s kind offer. She glances at Jazaf, who is stoic as he endures the unpleasant black rain.

“Thanks, Serenity, but I’m okay standing out here in it. But you can call me Deuce if you like.”

She turns to Jazaf.

“Hey, Sensei? Is that weird door metal, or does it have metal parts? Are you gonna shape our way inside?”


Jazaf's eyes widen slightly. Then, sheepishly, he scratches his nose. 'That sounds like an idea.'

He turns to the tower and gives it a few raps to make sure it's metal. Then he focuses his energy into the door. The door begins to contort and swirl, it almost folds in on itself. Suddenly it snaps back into place throwing Jazaf into the mud.

'Sensei!' Duece said and went to Jazaf's side.

'Didn't expect that to happen. I guess it's not exactly metal. But that's okay because I got another idea.'

Jazaf stands up, brings out his twin blades and reverts them to their original, single form. He approaches the door again and pours his energy into his blade.

The assembled crew watch on as steam begins to come off of Jazaf's sword. The blade changes color from grey to white and the droplets of rain dissipate well before they reach the smoltering sword. Jazaf get's closer to the door and presses his sword into it. After a few minutes, Jazaf manages to cut a small hole into the door.

'Allright, everybody in!' Serenity shouts.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Thursday, October 27, 2005 2:51 PM


*whips out magic marker and a book out of her bag*

The... Eh...I don't wanna read this.

*writes The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on the cover and starts to read to her fishies*

Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun...

^by my friend Yoko, an interprentation of me Myspace^^ it's beautiful...


Friday, October 28, 2005 2:44 AM


*A loud scream errupts from Malicious' bunk, back on the Sereni-TREE, as Mal clones 1 & 2 fade to dust.*


*Kaylee-clone wanders into the common room, where she sees Bluefishie*

Oh, hi there! *She smiles*


*Down in the infirmary, the two Simon-clones and MontanaGirl are checking over the quipment.*

Simon-clone 1: Oh god...

*He turns to dust, much to MG's surprise.*

Simon-clone 2: No...

*He looks to the door, and rushes out, running through the tree.*


*Moments later, Simon-clone2 bursts into the common room, and rushes to the Kaylee-clone.*

Kaylee-clone: Hi Simon-

*Simon-clone 2 sweeps the Kaylee clone into his arms and kisses her passionately.*

*BF's jaw hits the floor.*

BF: Well its about time!

*As the pair kiss, they turn to dust, entwined in each other.*

*A small gust of wind blows through the common room and carries the dust out of the other leaves on the wind.*

(BTW, TRM, the end of the Zoe-clones was just the saddest thing ever.)


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."






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