The Sereni-Tree, Dealings on Boros, and Mai-Quest 2

UPDATED: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 06:13
VIEWED: 19535
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Friday, January 13, 2006 6:22 AM


Back on the SereniTree...

Death intrigues him. Not just the act of a person dying, but the process of what happens after they die. After staring at the body in the frozen tube, he begins to contemplate about the afterlife, yet another part of his persona that has come floating to the surface. He thinks about souls, and if a person really does have one. If so, what happens to the soul after their body can no longer support life? And with that…does he have a soul?

If not…what does that make him?


"That's my man" - Zoe


Friday, January 13, 2006 6:40 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
* TheRealMe smiles after hearing PsychicRiver's report. *

So, Madame Captain, what are the odds that ship is friendly?

Ye fool!

That ship be me sister's ship, Drobie's Revenge. Captained by me sister, Voudoo Nell! Now there be another reason for ye to all be settin' down arms.

And you there, she-elf! Don' be foolish. If ye ignite the gunpower, ye will be blowin' all of us out o' th 'water. Ye won' survive any more than we will.

So be usin' yer brains. There ain't no way outta 'here cept on a boat and me an' my sister are the only ones currently in possession o' any. Well, there do be another way outta 'ere, but ye won't be alive for that. har har har.

*While she's been talking, her pirates have slowly and silently been moving into position until the TREEers are surrounded.*

Now, what was I sayin' about killin'?

*From all around, pistols cock.*

Most Feared Piratess in 6 o' the 7 seas!


Friday, January 13, 2006 7:19 AM


*standing in the ready room with jazaf and SimonWho, twg can take no more of this nonsense. She spins round and round and round, until she’s attired in her Mad Anne Rackham garb. She pinches her nose and slips through the closing portal. She’s near enough her son that he’s able to move her just so that she avoids a plunge in the sea. Proud that he’s beginning to remember what he can do, she smiles at the young man. With a solid CLUNK, she lands on her feet, pistol cocked and ready in her left hand, her right hand on the hilt of her sword*

You may wan ta rethink yourn plan Rosie. It be well known tat I be the best stave on the seas. Amphitrite herself pulled me outta the waters when I be a lass, I ‘ave connections. You be not harmin mine today or any day. *she nods in the direction of Black Jack* You wannabe telling her whats I be capable of?

*the right hand poised above the hilt, tugs at a small lace holding a green velvet pouch, from which dozens of glass marbles fall onto the deck. They roll to the feet of the pirates, despite the lean of the ship, just like her son she’s beginning to remember what she can do.*

I like to think we can truce. Join arms or turn blind eyes. I hate to hurt ya. be movin, you be fallin. You fire a single shot, an I be striking you down wheres you stand. I won’t ‘esitate. I lived on these seas for years, I knows how the game be played…try me…I prefer gin...gotta deck?
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Friday, January 13, 2006 11:39 AM


/me ,still hovering on his magnificent, winged banana, notices a seperate group of scary, mean looking pirates creeping up on the tense (and slightly comical) situation unfolding below on the main deck of the ship...figuring that he should help the odd tree-folk without any real reason for doing so, unleashes a pack of rabid bananas on the advancing would-be tide-turning group of pirates...99 bananas, to be exact. He grins as he sees the scurvy dogs pelted by and buried under the swarm of long, yellow fruit.

--- <-inching towards daylight


Friday, January 13, 2006 3:27 PM


* Black Jack Rackham's gaze had been diverted Aft to size up the "incoming Vessel", A smile of recoginition crosses his face just as Capt'n Rose points out that it is in fact Capt'n Nell. "She does have a nack for comin' at just the right time", he thinks to himself*

*upon hearing his Capt'n's reinforced orders, he spins the cannon he approached towards the foredeck and points it directly at TRM and kicks the wheel locks into place, he strkes a match off the side of the cannon and holds it a mere inch above the fuse*

Those Black flappy things may protect ya from the cannonball, But me thinks them sharks still be hungry.

*just then a light thud towards port draws his gaze.....*


*Jack is obviously shaken, he looks like he's seen a ghost. Eyes wide and more than just a little confused, he struggles to lock a gaze on her.

The match in his right hand finally consumes itself and burns his fingertips, the immediate threat to TRM has passed, And Jack seems to have not noticed. His mind still racing, his right hand discards the consumed match and draws the bottle from his holster, he plucks the cork with his teeth, collects it with his hand and turns the bottle up in his mouth without averting his eyes from Anne.*

....I thought I'd lost y......*shakes head*.....Impossible........



Friday, January 13, 2006 5:24 PM


Annie? Little Annie?

Is that you? Does that really be you?

Don't ye remember me? 'Tis Rosie!

*Captain GeDunk takes off her hat*

Oh, tis been many a year! BlackJack! Look, tis Annie! My how you've grown!

*gives Annie a big hug, and then backs up a little embarrassed at showing so much emotion in front of her crew.*

Annie, Nell's 'ere, next ship over. She be a captain, too. We both be, now. Got mighty fine crews, been doin' well fer ourselves. How've you been?

*leans over the side and yells*


*Nell waves back enthusiastically.*

So, Annie, you be knowin' these scallywags? I didn't realize, else I wouldn't be tryin' t' shoot 'em an' all. *Calls out to the stunned TREEers* No 'ard feelin's, now? Didn't know ye was friends o' little Annie 'ere. Any friends o' Annie be friends o' ours!

BlackJack, what ye be doin'? Break out th' rum! This be time for celebratin'!!

Most Feared Piratess in 6 o' the 7 seas!


Friday, January 13, 2006 5:24 PM


killing 'em with bananas. *impressive*

*looks at the portal once again*

Now looks like a a perfect time for escape. Everyone ready?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Friday, January 13, 2006 8:26 PM


**jake7 flaps her newly sprouted wings (Thanks to squeezing some water from Serenity's hair -- still can't believe I drank it!)**

I'm as ready as I'm gonna get!

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Friday, January 13, 2006 10:51 PM


* On the pirate ship, TheRealMe stares at the brilliant, action filled tale chock full of clever plot-twists that he was ABOUT to post regarding how Our Heroes escaped the Pirates. Then he realizes that this has been overtaken by events and everyone seems friendly now.... Muttering to himself, he rips his post into a million pieces and tosses the confetti into the air. *

So, you know each other?

* A second pair of wings sprouts from the back of TheRealMe *

* The spot of light on TheRealMe's boot fades. *

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, January 13, 2006 10:53 PM


On the Sereni-Tree:

Bride3 carefully opens the hatch to the lowest level of the Sereni-Tree’s cargo area and steps inside. That persistant banging sound is definitely coming from inside this chamber! She holds tightly to her only weapon, an automop that she brought from the kitchen upstairs.

Suddenly, there is a sound behind her. Someone is coming! She ducks to one side of the door, her makeshift weapon ready for whoever might come through. It is Jazaf who leaps through the door, instantly aware of her presence and sword at the ready.

Bride3 relaxes. “Oh, it’s you, Mystery Man! Heard the sounds too, huh?”

Jazaf lowers his sword, and nods.

The tall, attractive black woman offers her hand. “We’ve met, but we’ve never really been introduced. I’m Bride3. You can call me Trey. I run the bar.”

“Right.” Jazaf briefly takes her hand, but is already peering into the darkness of the cargo bay. “Let’s move on.”

As they walk together, Bride3 smiles. “So where’s your shadow, Mystery Man? I don’t think I’ve seen Deuce since the New Year’s party.”

Jazaf shrugs.

“You’ll be nice to her, won’t you? Deuce was the youngest of us seven. Has the most to prove, to herself and to others. I know she’s trying very hard to learn what you’re teaching her. She’s determined to be the swordmaster that Ace was. Hmmmm… You never met Ace… Bride1… did you?”


“Uh huh. Before your time. Well, Ace was fantastic with a sword, and fast! Her attacks were a blur. Her dodges and parries, a dance. But she was also a freaking homicidal lunatic, and very big on revenge. That all was BEFORE she got talking with the FemaleReaver we had on board back then. Ace got all reaver-ized and went nuts. Helped the FemaleReaver escape, and started attacking folks. Put Deuce and me in the Infirmary for a long while. Not that I minded overmuch hanging out with our Doctor for all that time…”


Friday, January 13, 2006 11:06 PM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Back on Boros;
"Lets find someplace a little more... un-sewerly like, and a little more private, first."

Citizen leads the small party through the maze of tunnels.

Jack breaks the silence. "Safe, we've been down here too long, it's starting to actually smell good."

Citizen smiles at him, "No, it's because we're here." He reaches up and grabs a rope hidden amongst the pipes and pulls. A stairway folds down from the roof.

Citizen climbs up and pushes up a doorway into a room above. The smell of food washes down.

The rest follow Citizen up the stairs. They find themselves in what appears to be the storeroom of a restaurant. Citizen is greeting two women.

He turns to the others. "I'd like you to meet Flechette, chef and owner of this fine establishment. And Amy, owner of the finest clothes shop this side of Persephone."

"Flechette, we'll need to borrow your backroom. Amy, I may need to trouble you for some umm, suitable, attire for my... acquaintances."

On Boros:

Bride6 follows Citizen, Safe, Jack, and Bride7 out of the tunnels, lugging the weapons up into the back room of Flechette’s restaurant.

Bride6 inhales deeply. “Mmmmmm…. That smells good! When’s lunch? And this Amy friend of yours has a clothing shop? Does that mean we can go… SHOPPING?”

Bride7 rolls her eyes.


Saturday, January 14, 2006 5:11 AM


*Aw, we’re sorry TRM. I’m sure what you wrote was brilliant and exciting stuff. *

*twg hugs Rosie and waves to Nell* It’s good to see you too. Tis some of my crew. We’re a strange lot, love each other to pieces, but we hold fast and don’t let no one hurt any of or own. Actually, our Cap’n is safe onboard our ship. I knows you can’t see any t’other ship, but believe me whens I tell ye it’s near enough

*twg watches Mai and Jake7 make for the exit*

In fact, some folks are ready to go home now. I’d love to stay an’celebrate a bit wit ya. *takes a swig of the proffered rum* A lot that’s happened in me life. I, I, well, that tall resourceful man up thar in the crow’s nest? He’s mine. My boy. It’s complicated, but it’s true. The leader of this rescue is TheRealMe, our First Officer. He be a brave and mighty man. He would have gotten his crew home with nary a scratch even if I had not arrived. *passes some rum to TRM* I think I’m gonna celebrate with my past for a bit. If’n you alls want to go back ye can. I think I know my way home from ‘ere.

*most of the crew begins passing the rum. she walks up to Black Jack and kinda smiles at him* Hi. *she catches the drunkard off guard when she throws her arms about his neck and hugs him* I know it’s been a many years, but I’m glad I seen you again.

*she steps back, rights her scabbard and straightens her shirt* Ye can come back with us. We’re always getting ourselves in trouble with someone or something. We could use the skills I know ye te ‘ave. *she fiddles with her sleeves* It’s been a long time.
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Saturday, January 14, 2006 6:07 AM


* TheRealMe takes a swig of rum as it is passed around. He visibly struggles to not wince, as this stuff is no doubt stronger than anything he's used to! *

Ah! Smooth!

Indeed, Anne, you may stay with your friends and family a time, or else they may visit us. I will leave the portal open a while. But for now, I want to try these babies out!

*TheRealMe hands back the rum, flaps his four wings, and rises into the air. *

Huh! That guy IS riding a flying banana!

(P.S. Just kidding about my lost post. Actually, that sort of thing happens all the time!)

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Saturday, January 14, 2006 7:00 AM


* TheRealMe flies around for a bit with his new wings, but then realizes that he has completely forgotten his manners. He lands next to KellyofLuthien, folds his wings, and bows. *

Forgive me, Lady, but in the heat of conflict, I forgot to make proper…

* TheRealMe takes a closer look at this woman. She is beautiful, but more than that. In her every movement is an inhuman, fluid grace. In her youthful eyes he finds a certain ancient, ageless quality that he recognizes. Also, the Ring on her finger is of a workmanship that he has seen before. He bows again, more deeply. *

My poor eyes can now discern that you are a lady of the Eldar race. Elen sila lumenn omentielvo! I am called TheRealMe. Elda, you are welcome to join us aboard our ship. It is the Sereni-Tree. It may be found through that portal. Not unlike Vingilot, it is a ship that travels among the stars.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Saturday, January 14, 2006 7:43 AM


Suddenly the ship shudders, knocking everyone about.

Through the air swings a vision in red, hair streaming in the wind, shiny weapons hanging from her hips, she lands on the deck with the grace of a cat. Letting go of the rope and without pause she raises a sawn-off to point at the tree people. Another gun, broad barrelled and just as evil looking points to the rent in the air above the ship.

"No. Body. Move."

"Rose? I thought we had words about the farming privelidges in this hear pond...? You gonna go back on a deal?"

She turns, alerted by the whirring sounds above her. What in the big blue wet thing are they?

"boys! deal with that"

gunshots ring out, the air fills with the scent of banana.

"Now, this is an interesting situation. Lots of little people who shouldn't be here, and a guy on a banana. Well, it has been quiet, and rather too, ah... sane round here.
But the most interesting thing of all, is we appeared to be having a vote..."

Saunters over to where Ath is preparing to escape through the portal.

"well, this is no democracy. I've a feeling i'd like to see how that little 'distraction' might go....." with out pause she points her gun at KOL's head


Ath looks at her, realises she's serious, looks for a way out, but see's the scared look on KOL's face.

Slowly he starts unbuttoning his shirt...

"Nah! Only kiddin' love! - I just love dramatic entrances" Nell giggles and pats him on the ass with the gun.

*aside to Rose (who visibly relaxes) "though someother day I might just not be joking about him getting nekkid, mm mmmmm..."

Turns to TWG, a look of pure delight on her face


Nell throws her arms up and engulfs her in a big bear hug, swinging her round the deck.

"my god, how long? Wow you look good, a little damp, but good!"

You're all going now? Cool, I fancy a holiday, I'll come with you!

Grabs a bag from the deck where it landed just after she did.

First mate is lookin' after the old girl, I'm as free as a bird.

*aside -besides, someones got to mediate when Rackham's liver divorces him...


Meddle not with dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


Saturday, January 14, 2006 11:17 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
* TheRealMe flies around for a bit with his new wings, but then realizes that he has completely forgotten his manners. He lands next to KellyofLuthien, folds his wings, and bows. *

Forgive me, Lady, but in the heat of conflict, I forgot to make proper…

* TheRealMe takes a closer look at this woman. She is beautiful, but more than that. In her every movement is an inhuman, fluid grace. In her youthful eyes he finds a certain ancient, ageless quality that he recognizes. Also, the Ring on her finger is of a workmanship that he has seen before. He bows again, more deeply. *

My poor eyes can now discern that you are a lady of the Eldar race. Elen sila lumenn omentielvo! I am called TheRealMe. Elda, you are welcome to join us aboard our ship. It is the Sereni-Tree. It may be found through that portal. Not unlike Vingilot, it is a ship that travels among the stars.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

*KellyofLuthien bows her head slightly as a warm smile graces her face*

"Mai govannen, TheRealMe! I did not expect to find one here who knew of my race. A light does shine upon the hour of our meeting. Thank you, and your crew, for all your help. I would be delighted to--"

*KOL suddenly breaks off as she feels the cold hardness of a gun barrel at her temple. Her eyes dart to a beautiful lady in red, paying no attention to KOL as she makes demands for Ath, her hero, to strip. Ath looks around frantically, finally meeting eyes with Kelly. Her eyes beseech him to do as the red lady says. Slowly, Ath begins unbuttoning his shirt, when the red lady laughs and says:

"Nah! Only kiddin' love! - I just love dramatic entrances" and then says as an aside to another crew member, "...though someother day I might just not be joking about him getting nekkid, mm mmmmm..."

*Ath gives a great sigh of relief, but Kelly becomes even more tense. She realizes she'd rather Ath not get naked...unless, of course, it were in a private room with her alone. She shoots a glare at the red lady before turning back to TheRealMe.*

"Thank you for your hospitality. I would be delighted to board the Sereni-Tree. Your crew may find that I can be of them."

*KellyofLuthien turns her head at those words and gives a coy smile to Ath before turning back to TheRealMe and inclining her head once more.*

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Saturday, January 14, 2006 11:36 AM



Originally posted by VoodooNell:
"boys! deal with that"

gunshots ring out, the air fills with the scent of banana.

*with the sound of his laughter pealing through the air, elemdee comes crashing down through the air, hits the deck, and bowls into Mai, toppling her over him.*

/me helps right Mai, sits up while looking around at everyone, and shrugs

It's ok, everybody! I'm just drunk!

--- <-inching towards daylight


Saturday, January 14, 2006 11:44 AM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
*I, I, well, that tall resourceful man up thar in the crow’s nest? He’s mine. My boy. It’s complicated, but it’s true.

*PR swings down from above.* Hey. *He salutes the cap'n.* Jolly nice to meet ya. *PR puts a hand on the mast.* Good ship!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Saturday, January 14, 2006 12:26 PM


Yours? As in, your son? Oh my, thats...!

...Wierd actually... but thats great, i'm absolutely certain that theres a very long involved and entertaining story we can share sometime when we're drunk, I look forward to it!

Are we going soon? just going to say my goodbyes to Rose and the lads.

*strolls over to Rose*

Bye my dear, listen, do me a favour? If my first mate gets too cocky, shoot 'im. Cabin boys a good'un though, keep him safe for me. I'll keep visitin, make sure things are tickin over, but look after your self! Don't trade with that little maggot in that last bay, odious little man, we could have got so much more for that school bus, and I dread to think how much those ipods are going for...

But anyway, bye. Can I hug ya in public?

*goes to side of ship and hauls up a bucket 'i'm gonna need wings for a wee while' *drinks and grimaces as large crystalline butterfly wings begin to grow, carefully she pours the rest of the bucket in to a large wine skin, and puts it in her bag*

Well, I'm ready, everybody should be. *grin*

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan." - Every man's (literally) dirty fantasies, in thread form.


Saturday, January 14, 2006 1:43 PM



Er, sorry... that... happens sometimes... the whole...flickering, between... personalities, thing...


Anyway, where was I?

Ah, yes, well my wings are totally dry now and i'm itchin' t' be off!

*Flys up and starts to lazily circle the rigging, hoping no-one noticed too much*


Saturday, January 14, 2006 5:28 PM


Meanwhile on Boros, in a dimension far far away…

"Flechette, we'll need to borrow your backroom. Amy, I may need to trouble you for some umm, suitable, attire for my... acquaintances."
Citizen eyed Jack and Safe. “And nothing to flashy, ya know what I’m sayin’”

Citizen leads the group to the back of the shop and pulls open a heavy looking door. The back room was a reasonably sized but dark room, lit only by a small dingy over head lamp. In the centre was something that looked like a professional Tall card gaming table, surrounded by chairs.

Citizen pulled out a chair and let Bride6 sit down before taking a chair for himself. He waited for everyone else to take up positions around the table before speaking.
“I want to know who you two are, where you’re from, what you’re doing here, and why half the planets being blown up and the other half is being overrun with feds?” He leaned back in his chair. “And I want to know what you’re doing here on Boros, and I want to know now.”

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Saturday, January 14, 2006 6:56 PM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:
*KellyofLuthien turns her head at those words and gives a coy smile to Ath before turning back the TheRealMe and inclining her head once more.*

"You just imagined it," Ath tells himself. "She just gave you a smile to say thank you. You don't honestly think someone like her would be interested in you, do you? I mean, did you see her eyes? And the way she moved?"

*Ath sighs inwardly, then politely excuses himself and jumps through TRM's portal, not noticing KOL's disappointed look as he leaves.

Once back on the Sereni-Tree, Ath heads to his room to rest. However, try as he might, he can't get the lovely red-haired woman out of his mind. He can't help but remember the feel of her in his arms as he carried her, her touch as she held onto him for support, or the determined look on her face when she used her ring of fire. But most of all it's her eyes that he keeps coming back to, that keep him from falling asleep.

Also, it's hard to get comfortable with the wings still on his back.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Saturday, January 14, 2006 7:23 PM


TheRealMe concentrates, and causes the dimensional portal to the Sereni-Tree to move from near the plank to over the main deck of the pirate ship. Then he strengthens it and opens it a bit wider.

"There! Anybody who wants to join us is welcome. Any friend of Mad Anne Rackam...."

Is someone to be watched, he wonders....

"Is a friend to us!"

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Saturday, January 14, 2006 8:10 PM


*still standing near Jack, twg is unsure how this all happened. She knows, now at least, who this man was, er, is. She’s a kinda…oh bother….*

Holy….uh, so, Jack, I, um, sorta forgot a few things…um, oh cào!

*she thinks of the pilot she is supposedly involved with…whom she can’t remember falling in love with…and of the doctor she remembers clearly…the pies, the hammocks, the tangled mess on the floor…and now she remembers this man. Her past. Her forgotten past….my sweet Son, we need to find your father*

I'm called twg now. Jack, you want to come aboad the Serenitree? We could catch up and I could introduce you to some, uh, people. Anyone up for a game of charades?
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Saturday, January 14, 2006 8:44 PM


Aye, TWG, I'd be honored to meet your new crew. I......just ummm need to collect a few things from ummmm below decks.

*turns towards the stairs leading below, mind still reeling from the impact of seeing the woman he thought was lost.*

Capt'n, permission to....

*is already stumbling down the stairs as his voice trails off.*




Saturday, January 14, 2006 9:09 PM


*twg hears the crash down the stairs..she runs to the bottom, finding jack unconscious and sporting a broken arm. *

PsychicRiver! PR! I need you.

*Her son is at her side in a heartbeat*

Help me get him back onboard the Tree. He needs the Doctor. *still shaky and a bit unsure of himself, he doesn’t use his powers, PR and twg carry him up the stairs and to the portal…once through the glowing doorway, twg spies the doc*

Simon, we need your help. He’s hit his head and I think his arm is broken and he may be drunk...

*Simon smiles at twg and PR, quickly coming to their aide, he kneels over Jack and begins to check his vitals* Who is he?

*How can she explain this? She only just remembered. What must they think of me, man to man to man...and now him. She thinks to herself, 'I'm sorry.' PR tilts his head and crinkles his forehead as if he heard her words. she pauses, takes a deep breath and locks eyes with the doc*


*his draw drops…and so does Jack’s head when both PR and Simon let go of him at her words*

*she grabs their hands* Before you get upset, let me explain…
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Saturday, January 14, 2006 9:22 PM


While searching the cargo bay Jazaf reveals his thoughts on Deuce.
'She's a good girl. Sharp as a tack and getting better with the sword everytime we spar. The only thing I've noticed so far is that she's trying too hard to impress me.'

'Is that such a bad thing?'
'It might lead to a mistake further down the line. I should know.....'

While they were talking Trey and Jazaf come across a broken crate.

'Now what would?' Jazaf started.
'Hold on Mystery Man, look.' Trey points to a few feet in front of them.
'Blue? how'd you get in that crate? Come on let's get you back to the common room.'

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Sunday, January 15, 2006 8:23 AM


You really don't wanna know. Or maybe you do want to know. Do you?

^by my friend Yoko, an interprentation of me
Yay myspace...


Sunday, January 15, 2006 9:02 AM



*ignores the sharp cracking sound eminating from beside his feet*

You're married? To... a pirate? You're married to a drunk pirate?

Oh. Well...



Sunday, January 15, 2006 9:19 AM


* Jake7 and TheRealMe are the last crew members of the Sereni-Tree to stay in the world of Pirate Seas. *

Just a little higher, Jake7!

* The two of them, flapping their newly formed wings, fly up to the top of the highest mast of the pirate ship. As they near the top, TheRealMe pulls off one of his protective black ribbons and slaps it onto the pirate flag. The ribbon seems to sink into the black cloth, becoming one with it. *

There! Now I have something that will let me find this place again. I can home in on that ribbon when I want to make a portal to bring our newfound pirate friends back here!

* Jake7 and TheRealMe engage in a few more aerial acrobatics, then land and walk back through the portal to the Sereni-Tree. *

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Sunday, January 15, 2006 11:15 AM


realising that the Sereni-tree people have all left, Nell hurries towards the portal,

'Darn these pretty butterflys! Should have gone with hawks wings, much quicker! '

With a last spurt of speed, she fly's through the closing portla, and lands in a sprawled heap on the floor of the brig.


My, that was graceful... I don't believe we met.... I'm Nell'



Sunday, January 15, 2006 11:19 AM


*seeing that no more of the odd tree folk are around, elemdee scurries in after the oddly attired one that he assumes is the leader of the bunch.*

*back in the odd room that he only recently woke up in and left, elemdee looks around with some signs of confusion starting to appear on his face.*

Ugh, my stomach hurts...where am I?

--- <-inching towards daylight


Sunday, January 15, 2006 11:33 AM


(All shy like) Am I in the right place? I might be lost. you see I'm new, and I...OOOH, is that a pool table!!



Sunday, January 15, 2006 12:18 PM



Originally posted by citizen:
Citizen pulled out a chair and let Bride6 sit down before taking a chair for himself. He waited for everyone else to take up positions around the table before speaking.
“I want to know who you two are, where you’re from, what you’re doing here, and why half the planets being blown up and the other half is being overrun with feds?” He leaned back in his chair. “And I want to know what you’re doing here on Boros, and I want to know now.”

Before anything can be said, Flechette steps into the room, placing 2 pitchers and several mugs on the table.
"Make sure you keep it civil Mr. Citizen... I don't want no trouble in my place." She looks warily at the strangers before stepping back out of the room and closing the door behind her.

Jack grabs one of the pitchers and fills a cup. After taking a long drink, he wipes his mouth on his sleeve and starts his story.

"Safe and I were part of a highly trained Alliance Special ops unit. We were the unit sent into Serenity Valley to “break the Browncoats back”.
The alliance couldn’t seem to break the Browncoats hold on the valley. The Browncoats kept losing numbers but remained tenacious and they kept inflicting huge Alliance casualties.
When our unit landed, there was one pocket of resistance left. The Alliance troop that we were assigned to, had captured a Browncoat soldier. The C.O. of the unit had taken over the questioning of the soldier. See, he had taken the Browncoat resistance quite personnaly. Felt he had sumptin' ta prove. He had near beaten the soldier to death when one of our crew told Safe what was going on. Safe arrived in time to stop the C.O. The rest of our crew and I arrived in time to see Safe standing between the C.O. and the beaten soldier.
“Get out of the way Captain. I asked that man a question and he refused to answer.”The C.O. hollered.
“Touch that man again and I guarantee it will be the last breath you draw.” Safe says to him all low a quiet like.
A few of the men from our unit already had questions concerning the Alliances motives in this war. Truth be told, most questioned it before that assignment, but being career military, we were trained not to question. I think Safe had grown to admire the Browncoats, I know I had. Plus this wasn't a soldier, just a regular Joe Blow fighting for his cause.
The C.O. had his hand on his holstered sidearm “Stand down Captain. On this backwater planet, I am Judge and jury and, may I remind you, your superior officer. So I say again, STAND DOWN, or I will gun you down like the dog you are.” But Safe stood silent and unflinching, and we were backin' him up."

Jack paused, taking another pull from his mug, emptying it.

"What happened next caught us all by surprise. The C.O. barks “Have it your way Captain.” and draws his gun. Nobody, including me, saw Safe draw his gun, but suddenly ther it was in his hand. When the last of the gunshots echoes had faded, the C.O. was lying on his back on the ground staring at the sky above as Alliance attack craft screamed by, a startled look on his face and a large hole in his forehead."

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Sunday, January 15, 2006 12:29 PM


Safe picks up the story from there, "While most of what Jack said is true, he does tend to embelish.."

"That air attack was the final straw. The last of the Browncoat resistance were captured. We never saw what happened to them... woulda like to have met that man.."

Safe pauses lost in thought.

"Anyway, word musta got around. The Alliance high ups didn't take kindly to one of their C.O.s being... retired. He musta been well connected 'cause soon after that, men from my... err our unit started turnin' up dead. We've been on the run ever since. We're the last ones left. I had heard that one of my... err the men had holed up here."

Safe finishes tale by recounting their run in with the scar man.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Sunday, January 15, 2006 12:46 PM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:

*How can she explain this? She only just remembered. What must they think of me, man to man to man...and now him. She thinks to herself, 'I'm sorry.' PR tilts his head and crinkles his forehead as if he heard her words. she pauses, takes a deep breath and locks eyes with the doc*


*his draw drops…and so does Jack’s head when both PR and Simon let go of him at her words*

*she grabs their hands* Before you get upset, let me explain…

A step father whose a pirate? And a mother with a secret past...also as a pirate.

I'm guessing I had complicated childhood. *PR shook his head, remembering.* Will have, a complicated childhood. I guess.

So do I get to learn pirate-y skills?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Sunday, January 15, 2006 1:28 PM


I can teach ya sword fightin' and shootin' and swinging from ropes if yeh be watin' ter learn.

Thats if your, ah, parents don't want to teach you themselves.

*sticks her hand out to shake* I'm Nell, pleased to meet you.

Can someone explain all this to me? Rackham? you never told me you were married!

Never mind a Daddy. God, how old were you?

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan." Enormous thank you to KOL for the pictures!


Sunday, January 15, 2006 1:56 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
I can teach ya sword fightin' and shootin' and swinging from ropes if yeh be watin' ter learn.

Thats if your, ah, parents don't want to teach you themselves.

*sticks her hand out to shake* I'm Nell, pleased to meet you.

Can someone explain all this to me? Rackham? you never told me you were married!

Never mind a Daddy. God, how old were you?

Ooh..shootin! I ain't not never done shootin afore! :D

*Shake's Nell's hand.* Nice ta meet you too.

Wait a, this man is my father?? Or just my mothers husband?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Sunday, January 15, 2006 2:01 PM


On Boros:


Originally posted by safeat2nd:
"Anyway, word musta got around. The Alliance high ups didn't take kindly to one of their C.O.s being... retired. He musta been well connected 'cause soon after that, men from my... err our unit started turnin' up dead. We've been on the run ever since. We're the last ones left. I had heard that one of my... err the men had holed up here."

Safe finishes tale by recounting their run in with the scar man.

Throughout Safe and Jack's story, Bride6 sits at the table, watching them with wide eyes and a mouth making a tiny little "o". When they are finished, she says, "Oooooh! So you guys are like some kind of war heroes!"

Bride7 shrugs. "Or war criminals!"

Bride6's brow furrows as she considers this. "Oh, well, that would be less good, I guess." She perks up and smiles. "But still exciting!"


Sunday, January 15, 2006 2:11 PM


* Back in the Sereni-Tree's brig, TheRealMe closes the dimensional portal behind him and picks up a special scanner off the table. He waves it around and studies the readings. *

Hmmmm... well, I can't detect anyone who followed us through that we didn't invite. Of course, the detector is only as good as the inventor....

* TheRealMe uses a computer code to unlock the brig and everyone is able to depart. TheRealMe then begins pulling off the protective black ribbons one by one and dropping them into a laundry basket. As he does this, he regards LightMeDark. *

So, you look a little confused. Are you all right?

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Sunday, January 15, 2006 2:16 PM


* As TheRealMe is stripping off black ribbons, he suddenly looks startled. He turns to Jake7. *

Say, we are not really finished! True, we have recovered Mai, but Bride6 and Bride7 are still missing. One is the most clueless and helpless of the Brides, and the other is, as you know, the most dangerous and untrustworthy.

* TheRealMe pauses to think. *

Well, perhaps we can consider what to do after dinner! I'm hungry!

* TheRealMe has some trouble getting the ribbons off from around his four wings. *

Aw, and these wings ruined this shirt,too!

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Sunday, January 15, 2006 2:31 PM


While digging around in the Cargo levels of the Sereni-Tree, Bride3 continues her story to Jazaf...

"Well, anyway, after Deuce and I got our butts kicked by the FemaleReaver and Ace, that sort of changed her. She had always been athletic, and very determined in sports, but I've never known her to want to fight. I guess she never wanted to get her butt kicked like that again. Anyway, after Cozen brought aboard those 20 shiny new katanas, she grabbed two of them and started to practice by herself. It was a while after that when I found out she had approached you to teach her real swordplay."


After finding Bluefishie:

"Fishie, whatever are you doing down here?! Why, your banging around gave me quite a start!"


Sunday, January 15, 2006 2:42 PM



Originally posted by PsychicRiver:
Wait a, this man is my father?? Or just my mothers husband?

Ex husband. He's not your father. We, me and him, never had any kids. And he's not currently my husband, there was a falling out and a falling

*a groan escapes from BlackJack. twg looks back and forth between her son and the doctor.* I know this is kind of a surprise, but we never really talked about what we did before we joined this crew...any of us. Have we? I had put it in my past and left it there. Are you going to help him? *she kneels down and lifts his head into her lap.* I can't let him suffer for my sins.

*his eyes open and a lopsided grin forms on his lips* Anne?
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Sunday, January 15, 2006 2:43 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
So, you look a little confused. Are you all right?

/me scrunches his face his mind clears his circumstance only gets more confusing to him.

I...I'm alright I guess *closes his eyes, a look of concentration overshadowing that of confusion*... yeah, I'm fine. I'm just not very sure of where it is I am and what it is I'm doing here. The last I knew I was relaxing with some drinks and some friends on the eighth floor of our hidden skyscraper when the most aweful feeling came over me, throwing my mind into wracking pain. I heard this voice crying for sounded just like her.

/me points at Mai

--- <-inching towards daylight


Sunday, January 15, 2006 3:09 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
* As TheRealMe is stripping off black ribbons, he suddenly looks startled. He turns to Jake7. *

Say, we are not really finished! True, we have recovered Mai, but Bride6 and Bride7 are still missing. One is the most clueless and helpless of the Brides, and the other is, as you know, the most dangerous and untrustworthy.

* TheRealMe pauses to think. *

Well, perhaps we can consider what to do after dinner! I'm hungry!

* TheRealMe has some trouble getting the ribbons off from around his four wings. *

Aw, and these wings ruined this shirt,too!

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

*After coming through the portal, KellyofLuthien looks around for Ath and feels a pang of disappointment that he is nowhere to be seen. She watches everyone head off in various directions but has no idea where she should go. Overhearing TheRealMe talking about dinner, she realizes just how hungry she is. The last thing she ate was some old lembas bread 2 days ago. She turns to TRM*

"I don't know if you would like my food, but I'm somewhat known as a chef in the land I come from. If you show me to your kitchen, I'll try to make you something. It's the least I can do after being invited on your ship!"

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Sunday, January 15, 2006 3:12 PM


* TheRealMe turns to Kelly. *

Thank you. That sounds like a marvelous idea! I am certain that your food will be a delicious feast for us. I will take you to our kitchen soon, but first, we need to help this fellow.

* TheRealMe gives LightMeDark a hand getting to his feet. *

You seem a bit unsteady, friend. Maybe it would be a good idea for our doctor to check you out. I am TheRealMe, and these ladies are Jake7 and Mai, and... I'm sorry Elda, I do not believe that you have gifted us with your name.

* TheRealMe and Jake7 help support LMD as they make their way out of the brig and into the Security office. TheRealMe's wings catch on the door frame. *


* TheRealMe folds his wings tightly against his back and continues. Then he turns back to LightMeDark. *

So, friend, have you met Mai before? Mai, do you know this fellow? While I have heard of cases of spontaneous teleportation in times of danger, this would seem to be an unusual case. And how did you get your power over... bananas?

* The group exits the Security office and finds itself on a balcony looking down upon a great cylindrical room, some 20 yards/meters in diameter. Below can be seen video game consoles, a giant television surrounded by sofas and comfy chairs, a bar, and other entertainments. In the exact center of the room is a pool table. The balcony they are standing on is one level up, comletely encircling the room. There is a second such balcony above them. *

Let's get you to the infirmary first, then we'll go to the kitchen. You know, Elda, our ship does not currently have a cook.

* The group turns left, and walks along the balcony. On the way, they pass a series of doors, the largest with a label of "South Wing Entrance". In a short time, they stop at a another set of doors which Mai opens for them. Inside is Doctor SimonWho, ThatWeirdGirl, PsychicRiver, the two pirate ladies Rose and Nell, and the prone body of BlackJackRackham. *

"He's my husband," ThatWeirdGirl says of the fallen pirate.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Sunday, January 15, 2006 3:39 PM


Thanks, friend. I hope it's alright to call you friend. I mean no offense.

No, I've never met this girl before, never heard of her.

Well...I think I may have dreamed about her before, and recently, too, now that I've gotten a good look at her. Mai, right? Hi, I'm Elemdee.

The bananas? Oh, you could see those? *breaks off into hysterical laughter, draining him of energy. he slumps more heavily into the support of the two surrounding him* Ah, the bananas. I was just...drunk. I'd been drinking a banana flavored schnapps before all, uhh, this happened. I've never been one to pass out while drinking, but I figured I must have when I found myself in this strange place and was playing along with what I thought was just a silly dream.

But, of course, that wouldn't happen to be my luck, so here I am...and where that is I'm still not sure of.

--- <-inching towards daylight


Sunday, January 15, 2006 3:39 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
* TheRealMe turns to Kelly. *

Thank you. That sounds like a marvelous idea! I will take you to our kitchen soon, but first, we need to help this fellow.

* TheRealMe gives LightMeDark a hand getting to his feet. *

You seem a bit unsteady, friend. Maybe it would be a good idea for our doctor to check you out. I am TheRealMe, and these ladies are Jake7 and Mai, and... I'm sorry Elda, I do not beleive that you have gifted us with your name.

* TheRealMe and Jake7 help support LMD as they make their way out of the brig and into the Security office. TheRealMe's wings catch on the door frame. *


* TheRealMe folds his wings tightly against his back and continues. Then he turns back to LightMeDark. *

So, friend, have you met Mai before? Mai, do you know this fellow? While I have heard of cases of spontaneous teleportation in times of danger, this would seem to be an unusual case. And how did you get your power over... bananas?

* The group exits the Security office and finds itself on a balcony looking down upon a great cylindrical room, some 20 yards/meters in diameter. Below can be seen video game consoles, a giant television surrounded by sofas and comfy chairs, a bar, and other entertainments. In the exact center of the room is a pool table. The balcony they are standing on is one level up, comletely encircling the room. There is a second such balcony above them. *

Let's get you to the infirmary first, then we'll go to the kitchen. You know, Elda, our ship does not currently have a cook.

* The group turns left, and walks along the balcony. In a short time, they stop at a set of doors which Mai opens for them. Inside is Doctor SimonWho, ThatWeirdGirl, PsychicRiver, the two pirate ladies Rose and Nell, and the prone body of BlackJackRackham. *

"He's my husband," ThatWeirdGirl says of the fallen pirate.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

*KellyofLuthien bows her head again*

"My name is KellyofLuthien. Perhaps I could be your cook? Of course, you better let me make you something before you give me the job!"

*KellyofLuthien lets out a laugh that sounds like falling water and the whispers of the breeze through golden tree leaves. Her laughter is short, though, as her eyes fall upon the LightMeDark. He seems a bit disoriented. She puts her hands lightly on his face and mumbles a few Elven words in a low voice. LightMeDark's eyes seem to focus a bit more, and he seems steadier on his feet. KOL turns again to TRM.*

"There. I did what I could for him, but I do think your doctor should take a look..."

*At that moment, TRM opens the door to the infirmary and Kelly's voice trails off as she recognizes that TWG's statement is rather big news....*

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Sunday, January 15, 2006 4:42 PM


*Walks up to TheRealHim and extends his hand.*

Hi, I'm Ratboy, nice to meet You!... Um, why am I soaking wet?



Sunday, January 15, 2006 5:55 PM


Uh, Rat?

We met well over a year ago, when this starship was still just a treehouse! What, have you lost your memory?

You are wet because you have just taken a swim in an ocean full of pirates. Here, read this thread.

Oh, and apparently, you are my father!

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree






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