The Sereni-Tree and New Arrivals

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 20:13
VIEWED: 28211
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006 3:59 PM


*sleeps under the table*

^by my friend Yoko, an interprentation of me
Yay myspace...


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 4:43 PM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
If you weren't good friends of mine, I'd be calling for a vet...

*pops into the infirmary*

You called?

You ended that sentence with a preposition! Bastard. - O'Neill


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 4:55 PM


* TheRealMe gladly takes the drink Kelly offers. *

You would like to know the story Kelly? The story of how SoulofSerenity died?

Well, the events surrounding Soul's fate took place in threads 31 “The Sereni-Tree: Back in Black”, and 32 “The Sereni-Tree and the Madness of Arkham”. You can check the summaries for those threads in the Guide, if you like. Then thread 33 was “The Sereni-Tree and the Lost Soul”, where we had a wake for SoulofSerenity, among other things.

But I suppose that I can summarize the summaries. We had been tracking Emma, who is yet ANOTHER missing member of our crew. She had gone out on a trading mission and never returned. We followed what we took to be her distress beacon to a derelict ship, the Arkham. While our sensors said that her beacon was there, we could not get a lock on her exact location.

So three groups of us took shuttles over to explore the wreck, each using a different entry point. But once inside, each group got caught in a separate reality that had nothing to do with a derelict ship. My group, which included Needleseye, Rat, Jake7, Nugget the meteor troll, and a couple of Zoe-clones, was on Whitefall being attacked by endless hordes of mutated creatures, and we were losing the fight. We met Monkeytail and N0skillz there. The group with Static, Jazaf, Bride2, Jayne-clone2, and Soul trekked through a mysterious forest and had to face the Dark Tower. The group which included Serenity, Ath, Safeat2nd, Mai, Lissa, River-clone, CastIronJack, and PsychicRiver were stuck in cages attached to a gladiatorial arena. On occasion our groups would meet, then break up again. A great deal happened, including the re-appearance of the Sith Lord Darth Ath and the loss of about twenty clones-beings of our Big Damn Heroes.

Now, I have no idea if we were being subjected to hologram-style illusions inside the Arkham, if our minds were being controlled, or if we were truly taken to various other worlds. The details are not important, however. What is important is that we were trapped in these nightmares, with no way out. We were the playthings of some evil alien entity, the kind you find in about half the episodes of Star Trek. It was a puppetmaster, and we were just dancing on our strings for its amusement.

And it was a sadistic puppetmaster. For some reason, it picked Soul and took him aside. It promised that we could all go free, but for a price. One of us had to die. Soul had to choose. The puppetmaster watched in glee as Soul agonized over the decision. Then Soul decided that HE would die in order to free us all. He willing sacrificed himself to save the rest of us.

What a guy!

But anyway, now he’s walking around, seemingly alive. And somehow, it disturbs me. It seems too easy. That is why I want the doctor to check him out.

* TheRealMe drains the drink in one gulp. *

And we STILL have not found Emma.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 4:57 PM


In the back room of Flechette’s restaurant on Boros:

After hearing the story about Safe and Jack’s past, all is quiet for a short time as Safe, Jack, Citizen, and the two Brides share a drink.

Then Bride6 perks up. “Well, Mister Safe, we can help you look for your missing friend. We’ve got plenty of weapons here in this pack, and Jayne-clone2 taught me how to shoot.” She rummages around in the pack. “Oooooh! We got some grenades here, too, so we can blow plenty of stuff up. Then when we’re done, we can all go back home to the Sereni-Tree.”

Bride7 had been filing her nails and looking bored, but then she gazes directly at Citizen. “You, Citizen! What’s your part in all of this?”


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 5:07 PM


* TheRealMe walks over to Soul, slaps him on the shoulder, and shakes his hand. *

Good to have you back, Soul. You go with SimonWho and let him run some tests so that we have an idea about what happened to you. Then, when you are ready and able to return to work, you can resume your duties as Security Chief. Sadly, all the clones of our Big Damn Heroes dissolved into dust during the Arkham adventure, including the four Zoes. So I’m afraid that you will have to appoint some new deputies.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 5:07 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
[BBut I suppose that I can summarize the summaries. We had been tracking Emma, who is yet ANOTHER missing member of our crew. She had gone out on a trading mission and never returned. We followed what we took to be her distress beacon to a derelict ship, the Arkham. While our sensors said that her beacon was there, we could not get a lock on her exact location.

So three groups of us took shuttles over to explore the wreck, each using a different entry point. But once inside, each group got caught in a separate reality that had nothing to do with a derelict ship. My group, which included Needleseye, Rat, Jake7, Nugget the meteor troll, and a couple of Zoe-clones, was on Whitefall being attacked by endless hordes of mutated creatures, and we were losing the fight. We met Monkeytail and N0skillz there. The group with Static, Jazaf, Bride2, Jayne-clone2, and Soul trekked through a mysterious forest and had to face the Dark Tower. The group which included Serenity, Ath, Safeat2nd, Mai, Lissa, River-clone, CastIronJack, and PsychicRiver were stuck in cages attached to a gladiatorial arena. On occasion our groups would meet, then break up again. A great deal happened, including the re-appearance of the Sith Lord Darth Ath and the loss of about twenty clones-beings of our Big Damn Heroes.

Now, I have no idea if we were being subjected to hologram-style illusions inside the Arkham, if our minds were being controlled, or if we were truly taken to various other worlds. The details are not important, however. What is important is that we were trapped in these nightmares, with no way out. We were the playthings of some evil alien entity, the kind you find in about half the episodes of Star Trek. It was a puppetmaster, and we were just dancing on our strings for its amusement.

And it was a sadistic puppetmaster. For some reason, it picked Soul and took him aside. It promised that we could all go free, but for a price. One of us had to die. Soul had to choose. The puppetmaster watched in glee as Soul agonized over the decision. Then Soul decided that HE would die in order to free us all. He willing sacrificed himself to save the rest of us.

What a guy!

But anyway, now he’s walking around, seemingly alive. And somehow, it disturbs me. It seems too easy. That is why I want the doctor to check him out.

* TheRealMe drains the drink in one gulp. *

And we STILL have not found Emma.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

*KellyofLuthien leans against the counter and quietly listens to TRM tell an almost unbelievable tale. Her eyes widen in astonishment as TRM tells her of Soul's sacrifice.*

Kelly thinks to herself: "That is almost unfathomable for an elf of my kind. No wonder they were all shocked to see him walk in here. But Serenity? Why was she so affected by his return? And have they searched for Emma any longer?"

*Kelly frowns slightly. Something doesn't feel right. She notes the obvious worry on TRM's face as he walks away and decides maybe her questions are best left for later....then she wonders if PR just heard everything she thought.*

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 5:17 PM


*mt wakes up on the floor of the bar on serenitree and looks around for someone to pour him a drink or tell him where everyone is.

On a good day, hell can look alot like LA.-Playing God


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 5:47 PM


*N0S notices MT stirring around the bar. And reaches for the Brandy bottle and a empty glasses. Handing MT the glass and pouring him a drink*

"Here ya go mate. Cheers" Raising up his own glass.


RAF Lakenheath


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 6:09 PM


In the back of Flechettes restaurant on Boros:

At Bride6’s obvious delight at having grenades, Jack grins and moves his chair closer to hers.

“Citzen here was trying to offer us a job…” Safe starts, turning his attention to Bride7.

“Hold on a second. You’re from the Tree right? How much do you know about Butterfly girl?”

Both Brides look at Safe blankly.

“Ummm.. Serenity. How well do you know Serenity?”

“She’s connected to this somehow…”

“How do you figure?” Bride7 says, clearly bored with the direction of the conversation.

“From what I can gather, there’s bad blood between her and Scar man.”

“So the way I see it, the Alliance didn’t blow up our shuttle. Why would they? There’s nothing for them to gain from it. Scar man on the other hand, would be looking to make a statement. He seemed to know the shuttle ‘cause he was waiting for us when we arrived, but we were not who he was expecting. He was waiting for Serenity. We embarrassed him then ditched him.”

“His plan worked. It got the attention of the Alliance and they are now swarming the area. It won’t be long ‘til they figure out we’re here. All he has to do is sit back and a) wait for us to get caught or b) wait for the Alliance to flush us out and follow us back to Serenity.”

"So there it is. If you still want to help, you'll be marked too."

Safe turns to Citizen. "We could use your knowledge of this planet and your connections. Plus you've got a gift for talking your way out of a situation, a subtlety, something we are in short supply of." Safe looks meaningfully at Jack.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 6:12 PM


*sits across from TWG still showing slight signs of shock, he pours a tall glass of rum from the bottle on his hip, and pours a glass for TWG as well. He tries to get a few bites of bread down between pulls from the glass*

So, You've a walking corpse on board, seems to be stiring up quite a fuss. You've a grown boy, with a sharp wit,....Obviously not mine.

* He lets out a deep laugh as TWG slaps him across the left arm. He winces slightly as that's the arm that is still recovering. An appolagetic look flashes across her face. He smiles.*

No worries Luv, it's not me drinking arm.

*He raises his glass in his right arm and they toast, and they finish their glasses. He fills them again from the bottle on his hip.*

Happy? I'll manage I think. Well...Now. You look ta have a good crew here. Think any of 'em are up for some pirating? I'm kidding of course, unless they arrrrrrrrrr! ha.

*noticing the basket of bread is deplenished, he stands and takes the basket to the bar. He nudges Nell awake and fills her glass from the bottle on his hip*

Hey you, so there's ass biting?.....Again? Cheers babe. We gotta get the lay of the.......ship? We should get together soon.

*he gathers a fresh basket of bread and heads back to the table with TWG*

So Where do we go from here?



Wednesday, January 18, 2006 7:22 PM



At Bride6’s obvious delight at having grenades, Jack grins and moves his chair closer to hers.

When CastIronJack moves closer, Bride6 smiles and starts to flirt with him, all the while waving a grenade about in her hand as she chats. Bride7 rolls her eyes, snatches the grenade, and returns it to the pack. Bride6 pouts.


“Citzen here was trying to offer us a job…” Safe starts, turning his attention to Bride7.

“Hold on a second. You’re from the Tree right? How much do you know about Butterfly girl?”

Both Brides look at Safe blankly.

“Ummm.. Serenity. How well do you know Serenity?”

“She’s connected to this somehow…”

“How do you figure?” Bride7 says, clearly bored with the direction of the conversation.

Bride6 smiles. “Oh, I know Serenity pretty well. We were there when she came aboard the Sereni-Tree at Black Diamond. She’s nice. She’s pretty. She made a garden in the cargo bay. And she has pretty wings. But they aren’t butterfly wings. They’re angel wings. Why do you think they are talking about her, and not somebody else?”


“From what I can gather, there’s bad blood between her and Scar man.”

“So the way I see it, the Alliance didn’t blow up our shuttle. Why would they? There’s nothing for them to gain from it. Scar man on the other hand, would be looking to make a statement. He seemed to know the shuttle ‘cause he was waiting for us when we arrived, but we were not who he was expecting. He was waiting for Serenity. We embarrassed him then ditched him.”

Bride6 is suddenly surprised. “Somebody blew up the General Grant? But.. But.. It was part of a set!”


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 7:34 PM


*Ath finally recovers from seeing Soul alive again, somehow. Seeing how Soul is looking at Serenity, Ath decides to forgo the hug, and the plethora of questions, and heads back into the kitchen, leaving them to their reunion.

As he gets back to the kitchen, Ath spies Kelly talking to NoSkills.*

"Oh, just talk to her, you loser", Ath tells himself. "And stop talking to yourself!"

*Gathering his courage, Ath walks up to KellyofLuthien and finally introduces himself properly.*

"Hello, Kelly. I'm sorry I didn't get to introduce myself properly earlier. My name is Ath. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 10:17 PM


*sniffles back a few tears watching Serenity and Soul back together again*


*takes flask and downs the rest of the contents*

Oops. Sorry about that. *Grabs a bottle from the bar* Here let me get you a refill.


Do you like bananas?

Only if they're involved in a banana split.
Why do you ask?

*looks at Elemdee a bit strangely*

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Thursday, January 19, 2006 12:05 AM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
*as twg and Jack sit down to eat, she spies PR with a glass of Brandy*

One. Any more than that and you may not be able to keep your mind clear of everyone's thoughts.

Great. Thanks...uh, mum. *He smiles.*


KOL said:

*Kelly frowns slightly. Something doesn't feel right. She notes the obvious worry on TRM's face as he walks away and decides maybe her questions are best left for later....then she wonders if PR just heard everything she thought.*

*PR frowns at Kelly and then blinks and looks away.*

*PR sips of his drink before thinkin an unnerving thought himself. He looks at his drink with concern before putting it down.* I'm not so sure I should be drinking my condition. *PR gets up and leaves the room, leaving a wake of blank faces.*

*He enters the infirmary where he finds SimonWho and MontanaGirl.*

Doc, we need to talk.

SW: Ah yes, I wondered how long it would be before you would turn up. Come in young man, take a seat.

*PR thanks the doc and sits down.*

SW: Now, how may I help you? I take it this is about your father?

PR: Not exactly. I think I'M pregnant!

SW: *Stare. Blink.* What?

*MG bursts out laughing.*

PR: Well, the other day...Bluefishie and I were having a long talk about babies...and menstrual cycles and I've just realised. I'm late, doc! LATE! I'm like...17 YEARS LATE!!!!!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Thursday, January 19, 2006 7:41 AM


The door opens and Flechette pokes her head in. “Mr. Citizen, Ami just got back with them clothes you were wantin’.” The door opens wider to reveal Ami; arm’s piled high with clothes.

“Alliance is going door to door asking questions” Ami says “They were at the antique book store up the street, you know, Versereaders.” Ami says to Flechette. “Nice lady what runs that place, good stuff there too.”

Flechette waves her hand at Ami “Not now Ami, we’ve got more ‘portant things to worry about.” She turns to Safe “I over heard you talking about a girl with angel wings. Would that be Serenity?”

“She was here a spell ago. Part of a teraforming team. Spent a lot of time here.” Flechette turns to Citizen, “Find the boy-whore, Needy. She spent more time than what’s natural with him. He’ll know more ‘bout her. Plus, he’s got connections. His line of “work” affords him that pleasure.” Flechette rolls her eyes “Now get dressed and git movin’. You don’t have much time.”

Ami hands out the clothes. Everything showed signs that it was meticulously chosen for each person. Ami blushes and smiles every time Safe looks over at her.

Safe catches himself grinning. He likes these women. Flechette has that no nonsense pioneer spirit that he finds engaging and Ami… Safe shakes his head. He can’t afford to let himself go there, not now…

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:23 AM


*Soul & Serenity leave the infirmary*

Well, Doc doesn't seem to be too worried, so I guess we're both okay.

Now what do we do?

You want to hear about all that's happened in the last 3 months?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:38 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

Well, Doc doesn't seem to be too worried, so I guess we're both okay.

"Well, you might be fine, but..." Soul looks back over his shoulder at the infirmary. "Doc always worries me when he babbles under his breath like that."

He turns back to Serenity.


Now what do we do?

Soul shrugs. "I think I need to go find a book about parenting, 'cause I don't know the first thing about it."

They keep walking.


You want to hear about all that's happened in the last 3 months?

Soul nods. "Sure. It seems like I've missed quite a bit."

She smiles at him, and they begin to talk.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Thursday, January 19, 2006 1:47 PM



Originally posted by mai:
*takes flask and downs the rest of the contents*

/me watches Mai intently. good thing I haven't left much...that's fairly strong stuff. as much as I...ah, there I go. thoughts drifting again


Only if they're involved in a banana split.
Why do you ask?

*looks at Elemdee a bit strangely*

Uh, odd question, I know. I only asked because I like bananas and that flask held banana schnapps. You seemed to like it least I hope you did.

Did you?

*shut up, shut up! just stop talking, you're making a fool of yourself. as usual! why is it that your eloquent tongue is so easily tied, now? Elemdee sighs*

Uh, so...what do you do for fun here? I could use a little down-time activity. And I could use some company. Join me?

--- <-inching towards daylight


Thursday, January 19, 2006 4:52 PM



Originally posted by CallMeAth:
*Ath finally recovers from seeing Soul alive again, somehow. Seeing how Soul is looking at Serenity, Ath decides to forgo the hug, and the plethora of questions, and heads back into the kitchen, leaving them to their reunion.

As he gets back to the kitchen, Ath spies Kelly talking to NoSkills.*

"Oh, just talk to her, you loser", Ath tells himself. "And stop talking to yourself!"

*Gathering his courage, Ath walks up to KellyofLuthien and finally introduces himself properly.*

"Hello, Kelly. I'm sorry I didn't get to introduce myself properly earlier. My name is Ath. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"

*KellyofLuthien is pondering the complexities of the Sereni-Tree when Ath steps up to her and introduces himself. She is intrigued by the way he can only meet her eyes with his for the briefest moment in time. Smiling gently, Kelly puts her hand on his arm.*

"Once again, the pleasure is all mine, Ath. Would you like to sit down? You still look a little pale."

*Ath nods and leads her to some chairs and they both take a seat. Kelly nibbles on some Elven bread as she watches him. She can tell he is nervous by his shy smile and the tense way he holds his wings. Hey, wait a minute!*

"Ath, how come your wings have not fallen off like mine have?"

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Thursday, January 19, 2006 6:07 PM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

No, you moron! It's Cozen's! OF COURSE....

*Weaves into the scene from the bar, which has borne witness to a measure of imbibance. The bar, however, maintains a neutral distance.*

*he declares:*

Um, from the hysterical prespective uv dis fine Tree-thingy, I give ya my (vain)glorious reign as a omnimpotent starclustah thang. Wherein belch er, upon Rukus (or wazzit the ski reezort?) I happened to create this finest of critters (*points in CMS's gen'ral direction*)... erm, along with Neddleseye I s'poze. And, well, yetis and vare-yus arachnids and roachies too I guess, but less not go there....

In any case, I heretofore-by claim grandpartridge on the Sereni-Soul offspringy thingy.


*Stumbles in the general direction of the bar and somehow manages to knock a case of Pepsi onto Montanagirl's lap.*

"You think somebody wouldn't go see somebody if they didn't want entertainment?"


Thursday, January 19, 2006 6:50 PM


On Boros:

Bride6 looks puzzled. “Needy? Needy is on the Sereni-Tree too. At least, he was for a while. Hmmmm… Maybe he left with The Head and flew off in the Destiny’s Shadow.” Bride6 examines the dress offered by Ami, holding it up to herself and looking in a full-length mirror. She seems to decide that she likes the dress. “Oh, and Needy is a boy whore,” she adds.

Bride7 smiles as she continues to file her nails. “And just how would you know THAT?”

Bride6 gets flustered and her face turns red. “Uh, because… Well, he… Ummm…”

Bride7 chuckles.

Flechette eyes Bride6 disapprovingly. “Because Needy makes no secret of his profession… to those who have need of his services!”

Bride6’s face grows redder, and she pretends to study the stitching on her new dress.


Thursday, January 19, 2006 7:07 PM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:
"Ath, how come your wings have not fallen off like mine have?"


*Ath reaches back and feels his wings.*

Huh. That's weird.

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Thursday, January 19, 2006 7:07 PM



Originally posted by cozen:
*Stumbles in the general direction of the bar and somehow manages to knock a case of Pepsi onto Montanagirl's lap.*

*N0S manages to nimbly slip out of the path of the stumbling, VERY drunk Cozen and makes his way over to a shadowy corner and takes a seat next to Shawdow. The large cat places his head on his master lap, and N0Skillz strokes his head absent mindely.*

"You know old friend," He whispers quietly "As much as i'm glad to see Soul back, it just doesn't feel right."

*Masking his face to keep from showing his uneasyness, N0Skillz takes one last gulp from his glass and leans back against the wall, watching the crew from Serni-Tree busel about him*


RAF Lakenheath


Thursday, January 19, 2006 7:19 PM


*In the middle of laughing at PR's conundrum, a case of Pepsi comes sailing into the infirmary and knocks mg over.*

You ended that sentence with a preposition! Bastard. - O'Neill


Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:02 PM


*twg excuses herself from the table when she sees her son wander off in a state of confusion. She follows him to the infirmary and overhears his talk with the doc*

Now wait a tic, PR. Doctor, can you straighten this out for us? Prove to PR he's not pregnant. I can’t be a grandmother, I only recently found out I’m a mum! I never had THE TALK with him, but surely his father did that before he was sent here? Right? *SW shrugs his shoulders.*

SW: Maybe you lost the coin toss.

*MG picks up the Pepsi and makes a quick exit. twg sits down next to her son and takes his hand* Do you know where babies come from? See, when the man likes the woman and the woman likes the man…

SW: I love stories, can I listen too?
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:07 PM


Amid all the commotion Jazaf looks around for his pupil. When he doesn't see her in the common room he heads into the waterpark where they sparred on occasion. His heart swelled with pride as he found Duece training diligently.

'There you are. I've been looking for you Deuce.'
Deuce looks up from her training, sweat beading her forehead, and manages a smile.
'Hiya, Sensei!'
'Just thought you should know, Soul is alive again. It got everyone in all manner of hysterics.'
He watches Deuce resume her training and notes that she has improved very well.
'Here, instead of training out here jump into the pool and use the water's resistance to help get a more effective training session.'


OOC: NoSkillz...your in Lakenheath? heh. Is it still a decent place? I was in England for 5 years(not exactly my happiest ), saw a lot of Harrogate and Menwith Hill, but didn't travel to Lakenheath much.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:24 PM


I like the base. I havn't really seen the area yet. Dont know anyone with a car.


RAF Lakenheath


Thursday, January 19, 2006 8:32 PM



Originally posted by Jazaf:
'There you are. I've been looking for you Deuce.'
Deuce looks up from her training, sweat beading her forehead, and manages a smile.
'Hiya, Sensei!'
'Just thought you should know, Soul is alive again. It got everyone in all manner of hysterics.'
He watches Deuce resume her training and notes that she has improved very well.
'Here, instead of training out here jump into the pool and use the water's resistance to help get a more effective training session.'

Deuce smiled. "Soul is back? That's great news, Sensei. And good advice about the water. I'll take a dip and a quick shower, then I'll join you all."

As Jazaf left her alone in the water park, Deuce slumped down to the deck, exhausted. She had gotten there just in time. She remembered what happened just a bit earlier:


Deuce woke up and rolled over. Her head felt like daggers were piercing it. She shivered, and became aware that she was very cold.

“Where am I?”

Even her own soft voice was too loud. She winced.

“Gorram hangover,” she whispered.

Without opening her eyes, she patted the grassy ground on either side of her for her weapons.


Deuce sat up, and forced her eyes to open and focus. She seemed to be sitting outside, perhaps in a park. She was naked. A pond was nearby. Deuce ran her fingers through her short red hair, unsuccessfully willing the headache to stop. She had a dim, hazy memory of…

“Skinny-dipping? Did we… really do that? Uh, we? Right, I came here with… somebody… Wow, that must have been some party we had for Soul! Got hammered well and good.”

Deuce got to her feet and started to stagger around, occasionally tripping over a discarded bottle. Before long, she came to a tree. It was impaled with one of her katanas. The bark seemed to have been hacked away by the weapon, and the wood was vaguely chopped and carved into…

“Is that supposed to be a face? Hmmph! How drunk was I?”

With some effort Deuce managed to wrench her katana out of the tree. With a frown, she examined its dulled edge. What would her Sensei say? That blade’s scabbard was lying nearby on the ground. Her second blade was next to it, still in its own scabbard.

“Now, if I could only find some clothes!”

Carrying her two katanas, Deuce wandered around for a while. Then she heard some kind of low growling or moaning sound and made her way toward it, not entirely sure what she would find. As she pushed the last shrub out of her way, she discovered Frederick the Dinosaur calmly chewing on her clothes like a cow chewing its cud.

“GORRAMIT!” she shouted, forgetting her hangover. She dropped both of her katanas and grabbed her head, to better endure the agony. When the latest wave of pain passed, Deuce ran up to grab what was in Frederick’s mouth.

“That’s my favorite top, you stupid lizard!”

Frederick ignored Deuce, easily winning the tug of war with her clothes. Frustrated, Deuce kicked him as hard as she could. Frederick made no sign of noticing, and moved to grab a nearby fern in his mouth. He started chewing that.

“Gorram stupid lizard!”

Deuce fell to the ground, and tried to think. She was in the “This Land” park, on top of the Serenitree’s north wing. The seven brides had taken up one whole level of the south wing as their quarters. How was she going to be able to get to the other side of the ship without any clothes, and without passing through a public or restricted area?


Deuce took up her sharp katana and cut down a few ferns to cover herself with.

“The water park is close, though. I got a locker there with some sweats. Worth a try. Maybe I can sneak there.”



Thursday, January 19, 2006 9:02 PM



Originally posted by CallMeAth:

Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:
"Ath, how come your wings have not fallen off like mine have?"


*Ath reaches back and feels his wings.*

Huh. That's weird.

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"

"Do they bother you?"

*Ath shakes his head, and Kelly reaches and touches his left wing. It feels strong, muscular, yet surprisingly soft. She looks up to see a slight flush in his cheeks, and moves to take his hand in hers. Ath looks down at her hand before meeting Kelly's eyes. Kelly sees something in his look, something like fear, or is it longing? She can't tell.*

"Are you OK? Am I bothering you?" Kelly asks. Ath's eyes widen just a bit before he opens his mouth to speak.

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:11 PM


Yep. I liked it. Very tasty. Strawberries more my flavor though...

Hmmm... fun? Well, theres not much to choose from.

We have waterslides,swimming pools,jacquzi, bowling alley,mini-golf, a park, an aquarium,pool table,movies, amusement park (or at least some strange merry-go-round, but uh that's in the girls room, so never mind...)

Other than that, I can't think of a thing to do.
So, really its up to you.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Friday, January 20, 2006 1:20 AM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:

Now wait a tic, PR. Doctor, can you straighten this out for us? Prove to PR he's not pregnant. I can’t be a grandmother, I only recently found out I’m a mum! I never had THE TALK with him, but surely his father did that before he was sent here? Right? *SW shrugs his shoulders.*

SW: Maybe you lost the coin toss.

*MG picks up the Pepsi and makes a quick exit. twg sits down next to her son and takes his hand* Do you know where babies come from? See, when the man likes the woman and the woman likes the man…

SW: I love stories, can I listen too?

*A good 40 minutes later...*

Oh....I see. *TWG smiles at him.* does he...? *TWG whispers in PR's ear.* Ohhh. Really? *TWG nods.* Wow.

Well, I'm glad we had this chat. *PR pats TWG on the knee before wandering off.

*An hour later he enters the common room. He is carrying a large, Serenity (the ship, not the hot chick! ) shaped Pinata. He hangs it in the common room.* Gather round, gather round! *People get up and come over.* Now, in honour of Soul's wondrous return...I have made this Pinata. Enjoy! KellyOfLuthien, perhaps as a new resident, you'd like to go first?

*She smiles and PR hands her the beating stick. She takes it and Ath kindly agrees to blindfold her. She is spun around and then takes a good swing at the Pinata, hitting it. But it doesn't break...*

Okay, nice try. Whose up next? *PR smiles.*


*A few goes's Mai's turn. She gives the Pinata a good-thwacking and it breaks and dozens of condoms hit the deack and scatter across the floor. There are many blank stares.*

Mai: Condoms? You filled the Pinata with condoms?

*PR beams.* Yes. Well, in light of my recent talk with mother...I know have a good understanding of safe sex. AND, with all the new arrivals and lusting thats going on around here, this place seems to have turned into the love boat or something! And...well....herpes certainly isn't fun.

*More stares.*

Or so I'm told.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Friday, January 20, 2006 1:37 AM


PR, I'm really glad you're taking this whole life lessons thing to heart, but really...

* slightly disspointed at the lack of candy in the pinata* (stuffs a few condoms in her pocket, well you never know!)

Well while were at it why not have a few more party games?

Twister anyone?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Friday, January 20, 2006 2:05 AM


Ooh sounds fun! I'm in!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Friday, January 20, 2006 3:10 AM


*is glad he didn't have to give the buzzards and the buzzers talk*

Right. Now then... back to the lab.

*notices TWG still hanging around*

Can I help you with something?


Friday, January 20, 2006 4:00 AM


No. I'm kinda worn, an hour of sex talk can be draining. *follows SW into the lab and hands him whatever he points to. a companionable silence blankets the room.*

How did you know about the coin toss?
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Friday, January 20, 2006 4:23 AM


Lounging on a couch, TheRealMe stares blankly at the condoms falling from the piñata.

“Wow. I haven’t seen something like that since… well, never! Seems just like the old ‘Love Boat’ threads, except this time there are multiple couples, not just one.”

TheRealMe takes a sip of his drink and sighs wistfully.

“Hmmm… I wonder how long the modifications would take to turn Sparky into a love-bot?”

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, January 20, 2006 4:25 AM



Originally posted by PsychicRiver:

*An hour later he enters the common room. He is carrying a large, Serenity (the ship, not the hot chick! )


Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Friday, January 20, 2006 4:32 AM



"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Friday, January 20, 2006 4:37 AM


*Soul & Serenity walk back towards Serenity's apartment*

...and then PR tried to feed it m&m's.

Soul: The tree? The aluminum tree??? ha ha ha!

*At the sound of his laughter, Serenity flings herself at him and burst into tears again. Muffled words break out between sobs from where her head is buried in his chest.*

Sorry...stupid hormones...all you...have something...

*She finally tears herself away and opens the door to her apartment. Wiping away the tears still streaming down her face, she picks up Soul's bow and quiver where they lay on a table by the door.*

Here. PR brought them back and gave them to me. I've been holding on to them, but now you're back, I don't need to any more.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Friday, January 20, 2006 4:55 AM


The sound of Alliance boots came stamping to a halt outside the shop as the trap door to the sewer slammed shut above them. Citizen began leading them on through the tunnel network before speaking.
“Look, I don’t have any idea how we might get in touch with this Needy, I don’t have those sorts of contacts.” He said stopping and turning. There was silence for a few moments as the group stared at him. Citizen slumped his shoulders.
“Okay” He said finally. “This way.” He started leading them off into a fork in the tunnels.

Before long they came across a large metal door, that looked like it could withstand a Nuclear explosion, and had several large ‘danger: high voltage’ signs plastered across its surface. Citizen began unlocking various locks with keys and swipe cards.
“Just need to pick-up a few things first.” He said as a retinal scanner folded out of the wall. The door finally hissed open as he continued. “Can never be too careful these days.” He shrugged.
Citizen stepped through the entrance and let the group fan in behind him.
“Welcome,” he said as Bride7 began to have what can only be described as a religious experience. “to my Armoury.”

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Friday, January 20, 2006 5:00 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

*She finally tears herself away and opens the door to her apartment. Wiping away the tears still streaming down her face, she picks up Soul's bow and quiver where they lay on a table by the door.*

Here. PR brought them back and gave them to me. I've been holding on to them, but now you're back, I don't need to any more.

Soul smiles as she hands him back his bow and quiver. He quickly re-arms himself, and then gathers Serenity up in his arms.

"Hey, you've got me again. It's a good thing, isn't it. Besides, I like to think that I'm more comfortable to cuddle with than a quiver full of arrows."


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Friday, January 20, 2006 5:14 AM


Well, I don't know. Those are some pretty cozy arrows!

*She laughs. It's almost like he never left. Almost.*

Hey, I've got a sudden craving for a peanut butter and banana sandwich. Wanna go get a snack?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Friday, January 20, 2006 5:18 AM


after having a drink with noskillz, mt thanks him and decides to take a walk. A few minutes later he happens upon PR and Mai standing in front of a broken piniata. He hears Mai ask who wants to play twister as she stuffs condoms in her pocket.

"I'll play"

mt then walks up to PR and Mai and stuffs a handfull of condoms in his pocket. MT sees PR holding the piniata bat beteween his legs and shakes his head. He then looks at Mai

"Hey, if you're free later I still need someone to show me to a room. Sleeping on the floor near the bar for a few months isn't nearly as much fun as you think."

On a good day, hell can look alot like LA.-Playing God


Friday, January 20, 2006 5:48 AM



Originally posted by monkeytail:

mt then walks up to PR and Mai and stuffs a handfull of condoms in his pocket. MT sees PR holding the piniata bat beteween his legs and shakes his head. He then looks at Mai

"Hey, if you're free later I still need someone to show me to a room. Sleeping on the floor near the bar for a few months isn't nearly as much fun as you think."

*PR winks at Mai and speaks to her telepathicall.*

Get your coat, you've pulled! Guess you'll get to use those after all!

*Mai's head then fills with the sound of PR's laughter.*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Friday, January 20, 2006 6:11 AM


Unnoticed by the others Nell half wakes up, but less now of the Nell, silently, through one eye, she watches her disguise wearing off, her nails grow, the sundrenched and weathered look leaves her skin.

Oh crappit.

She moves uneasily, seeing the hems of her clothing now too short, feeling the lingering ache from the bones altering them selves. Kicking off her now uncomfortable shoes she stands up, using the cupboard handles as support.

I should have gone and found a bed when she had a chance, this was always easier with fluffy pillows and a stuffed toy.

who was she kidding? The only thing that ever made this easier was really really strong drugs

Thank the gods for whoever thought up the party games she thinks as she slips silently from the room.twister... cool *grin* *grimace* She scurries past the bar and its various drunk crew members, heading for the infirmary, but SW and TWG are still in there.

Oh crap, ok, just get to a bathroom, hot water helps, as does the ability to upchuck without an audience...

She runs for the west wing, trying random doors until she finds a musty smelling room, obviously unused, with the glorious, marvellous heaven sent sight of an adjoining bathroom.

Slipping in and closing the door, she runs to the bath fills it up with the hottest water she can take. Pausing only long enough to remove her hat and coat she sinks into the water leaving only her mouth and nose exposed.



Friday, January 20, 2006 7:12 AM


So review the last few years, running away, stealing the serum, joining those pirates, that was wrong, maybe, plenty've done worse...
You did it for good reasons, you did it to stop bad stuff happening.
Maybe tricking Rose was wrong, yes, that was a Bad Thing To Do, making her think that her sister had returned. You'll have to apologise, just do it from a safe distance, maybe you could sky-write it...

But the last day or so, these people aint too bad, so you told a few lies, you're a pirate! were a pirate... They'll understand, hell, they'll probably laugh, it don't mean nothing to them. Rackhams gonna hate you... but at least your rabbits will understand....



water flys everywhere as Seryn leaps out of the cooling tub.


grabbing towels she mops the floor with her feet, trying to get the clinging wet clothes off and rescue her bag from the spreading waters.
Pulling on a robe she runs and places the bag on the bed with exaggerated care.

Pulling it as wide open as she can, Seryn flips up the lid of a box that really shouldn't fit into the satchel, and from the cushioned and oxygen supplied pet carrier she pulls Archie, a small white rabbit with two grey paws and a green rump, and Esme, an even smaller one with lavender spots all over her belly.

Hey guys, sorry! I left you in there too long.*scratches ears and tickles bellys*
Here's your food bowl, in this corner, you go explore.

From one of the side compartments, she pulls a small bag of clothing and returns to the bathroom. In the mirror she examines her old face - green eyes again, and without Nells suntan she's still as pale as ever. At least theres no new wrinkles this time.

Her hair is still red, its grown, but has lost Nells abundant curls, grabbing a pair of scissors she chops of almost all the legnth, styling it short at the back and longer at the front so that she still has enough to play with when she's bored.
From her stock of clothes she selects a black shirt and its accompanying obi style belt, her little bit of luxury, made from antique charcoal grey silk embroidered in red and black cherry blossoms. She runs her fingers over the fabric, loving the cold, smooth feel after years spent in rough cottons and leathers.
Pulling tailored pants and a pair of black heels, she secures the obi with a slim leather belt and checks it all in the mirror.

Not bad,nit bas. Nell had better tits.

Ha well.

Ok, enough, theres no use sitting here going over everything, dive back in! go say hello, your basic features hav'nt changed,they'll recognise you! so theres no problem.

What can they do? shoot you?

*nervous laughter*

Maybe just a quick nap, its a tough process, and besides,the little finger on your left hand still hurts, and you know how cranky you get when you're in pain...

*Seryn runs to the bed, leaps onto the mattress and covers her self with the duvets*

*Archie and Esme jump on to the bed and start to sniff at the pile of blankets*

No, say what you like, call me any name, I'm comfortable with myself, tomorrow morning is soon enough to discover that i'm making a big fuss about nothing.

Archie! bed clothes are not edibles!

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."


Friday, January 20, 2006 11:07 AM



Originally posted by mai:
PR, I'm really glad you're taking this whole life lessons thing to heart, but really...

* slightly disspointed at the lack of candy in the pinata* (stuffs a few condoms in her pocket, well you never know!)

KellyofLuthien looks over at Mai:

"Hey, where'd LMD go? I just found a banana-flavored condom!"


Well while were at it why not have a few more party games?

Twister anyone?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.

"Elves are very flexible, ya know."

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Friday, January 20, 2006 1:07 PM



Originally posted by mai:
Yep. I liked it. Very tasty. Strawberries more my flavor though...

Good *elemdee smiles* Banana's not my favorite, either. I love cherry and grape. I just happened to be drinking 99 Bananas when...well, when I ended up here.

You must be dying to take part in the festivities going on...why don't you go have fun? I'll be alright, could use a bit more rest. Thanks for lookin' after me. I'll catch up with you in a bit.

*a bit later the newcomer gets a little restless and wanting for company, so he sets off to find Mai, hoping she'll find his presence a welcome thing.*

*as he finally catches sight of her, he hears the pretty elf-lady's voice*

"...a banana-flavored condom!"

Did someone mention bananas again? That seems to be the theme for my day. Has it only been one day?

Ooh, twister! I'm starting to feel better...*turns his gaze to Mai* Anyone want to play?

--- <-inching towards daylight


Friday, January 20, 2006 5:16 PM


Oh hey MT! It's been a long time. Sorry I didn't realize you hadn't found a room for yourself yet.

This here is Elemdee. Don't know if you been introduced proper like yet. Maybe I can give both of you the grand tour later on.

Right now, I have to concentrate on beating the pants off of PR at twister! You guys wanna play?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Friday, January 20, 2006 5:20 PM



Huh? Oh! PR you've got a dirty mind! Get out of my brain or I'll tell your mommy!

*laughs and plants a big on PR's cheek as they start the game.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.






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