The Sereni-Tree and New Arrivals

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 20:13
VIEWED: 28210
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Friday, January 20, 2006 5:25 PM



Originally posted by Bride2:

Originally posted by Jazaf:
'There you are. I've been looking for you Deuce.'
Deuce looks up from her training, sweat beading her forehead, and manages a smile.
'Hiya, Sensei!'
'Just thought you should know, Soul is alive again. It got everyone in all manner of hysterics.'
He watches Deuce resume her training and notes that she has improved very well.
'Here, instead of training out here jump into the pool and use the water's resistance to help get a more effective training session.'

Deuce smiled. "Soul is back? That's great news, Sensei. And good advice about the water. I'll take a dip and a quick shower, then I'll join you all."

As Jazaf left her alone in the water park, Deuce slumped down to the deck, exhausted. She had gotten there just in time. She remembered what happened just a bit earlier:


Deuce woke up and rolled over. Her head felt like daggers were piercing it. She shivered, and became aware that she was very cold.

“Where am I?”

Even her own soft voice was too loud. She winced.

“Gorram hangover,” she whispered.

Without opening her eyes, she patted the grassy ground on either side of her for her weapons.


Deuce sat up, and forced her eyes to open and focus. She seemed to be sitting outside, perhaps in a park. She was naked. A pond was nearby. Deuce ran her fingers through her short red hair, unsuccessfully willing the headache to stop. She had a dim, hazy memory of…

“Skinny-dipping? Did we… really do that? Uh, we? Right, I came here with… somebody… Wow, that must have been some party we had for Soul! Got hammered well and good.”

Deuce got to her feet and started to stagger around, occasionally tripping over a discarded bottle. Before long, she came to a tree. It was impaled with one of her katanas. The bark seemed to have been hacked away by the weapon, and the wood was vaguely chopped and carved into…

“Is that supposed to be a face? Hmmph! How drunk was I?”

With some effort Deuce managed to wrench her katana out of the tree. With a frown, she examined its dulled edge. What would her Sensei say? That blade’s scabbard was lying nearby on the ground. Her second blade was next to it, still in its own scabbard.

“Now, if I could only find some clothes!”

Carrying her two katanas, Deuce wandered around for a while. Then she heard some kind of low growling or moaning sound and made her way toward it, not entirely sure what she would find. As she pushed the last shrub out of her way, she discovered Frederick the Dinosaur calmly chewing on her clothes like a cow chewing its cud.

“GORRAMIT!” she shouted, forgetting her hangover. She dropped both of her katanas and grabbed her head, to better endure the agony. When the latest wave of pain passed, Deuce ran up to grab what was in Frederick’s mouth.

“That’s my favorite top, you stupid lizard!”

Frederick ignored Deuce, easily winning the tug of war with her clothes. Frustrated, Deuce kicked him as hard as she could. Frederick made no sign of noticing, and moved to grab a nearby fern in his mouth. He started chewing that.

“Gorram stupid lizard!”

Deuce fell to the ground, and tried to think. She was in the “This Land” park, on top of the Serenitree’s north wing. The seven brides had taken up one whole level of the south wing as their quarters. How was she going to be able to get to the other side of the ship without any clothes, and without passing through a public or restricted area?


Deuce took up her sharp katana and cut down a few ferns to cover herself with.

“The water park is close, though. I got a locker there with some sweats. Worth a try. Maybe I can sneak there.”


Duece's luck doesn't hold for long. She had barely traveled twenty meters when a voice damaged her calm.

SR: This might work better than fern fronds.

A stranger leaned against a ajacent wall. A rain pocho hung from the tip of his left index finger. He looked askance in her general direction, clearly having no interest in making her uncomfortable, yet unwilling to turn his back on a person so armed. He extended the poncho toward her and raised his eyebrows emphasizing the offer.

Scorpion Regent


Friday, January 20, 2006 5:29 PM


Hey Kelly. Please come join the game. The more the merrier!

I'm taking a few people on the tour later on, if you'd like to come along to pick out a room.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Friday, January 20, 2006 6:25 PM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:
Ath's eyes widen just a bit before he opens his mouth to speak.

*Just as Ath is about to speak, he is interrupted by PR, who walks into the room with a pinata.

He looks back at KoL and gives her a crooked smile.*

"You wanna try it?"

KoL looks at him dubiously. "What do you do?"

"You whack a paper-mache animal with a bat to try get at the candy inside."

"Sounds...interesting. I'll give it a try", says Kelly.

*Ath walks with her to the common room where he kindly blindfolds her and watches as she hits the pinata.*

"That was fun!", says Kelly once her turn is done.

*Ath smiles then frowns as Mai breaks the pinata, but candy doesn't fall out.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:48 PM



Originally posted by mai:

Hey Kelly. Please come join the game. The more the merrier!

I'm taking a few people on the tour later on, if you'd like to come along to pick out a room.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.]

"I'd love to play! Er, how do you play? We only play "Kiss the Orc" where I'm from....

And thanks, I would love the tour! Any chance I could take a shower and find some new clothes? My dress is slightly filthy after spending days in the dungeon of a pirate ship!"

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Friday, January 20, 2006 8:52 PM


*Rackham stands from the table and wobbles slighty. He extends a hand to the table top to steady himself. He gazes around at all the activity and realizes that he is now the lone pirate in the room. Being the lone pirate isn't fun, being an alone pirate ...even less. he wonders over to the crowd as the pinata bursts open and listens as PR explains.*

Well, your mum gave ya the talk eh? She's a good woman, keep an eye on her, keep her safe.

*Jack bends down and picks up a couple of the treats from the pinata. "It's better to have a gun and not need it, than need a gun and not have it." He continues to look around for something to amuse himself with. When he overhears.....*


Right now, I have to concentrate on beating the pants off of PR at twister! You guys wanna play?

"Pants off twister" is always the most fun, eh?

oh, an arcade?......Anyone wanna play?....

*Jack wonders towards the arcade and finds something that just might keep him occupied/distracted...Funhouse Pinball. Presses Start.*
Ah Rudy!



Friday, January 20, 2006 9:33 PM


To KOL, You've never played before? Ah, ok here's what you do.

First we lay out the mat which has 4 rows of different colored circles in blue,green,yellow, and red.

Someone takes a spin and annoucnes what the first move will be. For example: Right foot yellow and everyone places their right foot on to a yellow circle and then there is another spin and so on.

As the game progresses everyone gets "twisted" up in each other until one by one people begin to fall. The the last player standing wins!

*looks for a volunteer to spin the spinny thing while kelly is off changing.

Ath, you playing?


"Pants off twister" is always the most fun, eh?

Of course! Why is there some other way to play the game?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 3:24 AM


Hey, did I mention that these were...magic condoms??


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Saturday, January 21, 2006 4:37 AM


Elsewhere on the ship a wind begins to blow.

Plants start to sway and leaves skitter across the floor.

The wind surges knocking plants and tools about the room.

Thunder cracks the air as lightning begins to strike the ground preparing the way.

The power flickers and goes out, so that only the lightning strikes illuminate the room.

And then just as quickly as it all began, everything stops and the room calms.

The power returns allowing the lights to come on and in the epicenter of the aftermath sits a man clothed in black.

*Looks up and grins*

*Moves swiftly from the room to the vastness that is the Sereni-Tree with it's many places to hide and far from prying eyes.*


Saturday, January 21, 2006 4:55 AM


magic? well thats uh very interesting. what exactly do you mean by magic?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:10 AM



TheManInBlack wrote:
Elsewhere on the ship a wind begins to blow.

Plants start to sway and leaves skitter across the floor.

The wind surges knocking plants and tools about the room.

Thunder cracks the air as lightning begins to strike the ground preparing the way.

The power flickers and goes out, so that only the lightning strikes illuminate the room.

And then just as quickly as it all began, everything stops and the room calms.

The power returns allowing the lights to come on and in the epicenter of the aftermath sits a man clothed in black.

*Looks up and grins*

*Moves swiftly from the room to the vastness that is the Sereni-Tree with it's many places to hide and far from prying eyes.*

* TheRealMe checks the readings downloaded into his com-link. He frowns, and presses a control surface on the device. *

Grey? This is Me. There's been some kind of disturbance in the Infirmary. Indications seem to point to a hull breach, or at least a short in the electrical systems. Can you check it out, please? or send Jet or Needle or a couple of the DRDs?

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:28 AM


*Nursing an apocalyptic hangover, cozen writhes painfully to assume a less uncomfortable position on the infirmary's floor. His movements free a stray can of Pepsi that apparently had served as his pillow.*

Huh. Breakfast.

*Lightning storms wreak havoc in his brainpan as he vainly stuggles with the popcan's tab. Oddly, a series of electrical flashes seems to originate from outside his head.*
Quote: the epicenter of the aftermath sits a man clothed in black.

*Bloodshot eyes ratchet through a bleary scan of his surroundings. Beyond the open infirmary door he imagines a poorly focussed figure of a darkly clad feller.*


"You think somebody wouldn't go see somebody if they didn't want entertainment?"


Saturday, January 21, 2006 5:36 AM


Continuing Deuce’s adventure from earlier that day:

Deuce had been trying to sneak from the This Land preserve to the Water park in order to find some clothes. Each hand held a large leafy fern, one attempting to cover her front, the other her back. The scabbards containing her katanas were held in the crook of one arm.


Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
Duece's luck doesn't hold for long. She had barely traveled twenty meters when a voice damaged her calm.

SR: This might work better than fern fronds.

A stranger leaned against a ajacent wall. A rain pocho hung from the tip of his left index finger. He looked askance in her general direction, clearly having no interest in making her uncomfortable, yet unwilling to turn his back on a person so armed. He extended the poncho toward her and raised his eyebrows emphasizing the offer.

Deuce was surprised by the stranger she had come upon, and reacted without thought. She dropped the plants and performed a perfect backflip to gain some distance. When her feet again hit the deck, her hands were grasping the hilts of her blades. With a flick of each wrist, the scabbards went flying, revealing the gleaming steel.

Deuce stood there in a fighting stance, naked, as she faced the stranger. Embarrassment or anger or both had flushed her face until her freckles were obscured. “Who the hell are you? I know everybody on this gorram ship, and you ain’t one of them!”

She looks closer. "Do I know you?"



Saturday, January 21, 2006 6:04 AM


Okay, I know that must have raised some eyebrows but I must not be seen. The others would definitely want to know what I'm doing.

Okay now who am I looking for again?

*Pulls out a map and a picture*

Ah yes, this should be fun.

*Pulls cloak around self and disappears*


Saturday, January 21, 2006 6:18 AM


Uh oh!

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 6:38 AM


(Gonna go back in time a lil bit)

Originally posted by VoodooNell:
Unnoticed by the others Nell half wakes up, but less now of the Nell, silently, through one eye, she watches her disguise wearing off, her nails grow, the sundrenched and weathered look leaves her skin....

She scurries past the bar and its various drunk crew members, heading for the infirmary, but SW and TWG are still in there.

She runs for the west wing, trying random doors until she finds a musty smelling room, obviously unused, with the glorious, marvellous heaven sent sight of an adjoining bathroom.

*N0S trys not to draw attention to himself, as he sees Nell, shifting uncomfortably and then hurry from teh room to the direction of the infirmary. *

"Stay here Shadow, i'll call if I need you." He whispers to the large cat.

*Skillz makes his way towards the infirmary and just before he makes it there, he sees Nell rushing to the west wing. He slips down the hallway behind her, sticking to whatever shadows he can find. When Nells going into what seems like a vacant room, N0S makes his way, and leans on the wall next to the door as he hears the bathtub start to fill up.*

Hmm... she was in an awful hurry just to take a bath.

*Sometime passes before N0S hears anything else. But as he listens, he doesn't detect any stress in her voice as who he thinks is Nell talks to whoever or whatever else is in the room with her. Skillz makes his way back to the common room with the others, making himself a drink as he passes the bar*


RAF Lakenheath


Saturday, January 21, 2006 7:56 AM


*continues to play FUNHOUSE*
*the talking head within the machine, "Rudy", Cries out..."You don't wanna go in there!"...."You big Sausage!".*



Saturday, January 21, 2006 12:58 PM



Originally posted by mai:
magic? well thats uh very interesting. what exactly do you mean by magic?

Well...if you blow them up, they will assume the shape of whatever you're wishing for at the time! AND, once in that shape they can be used as water floatation aids, or flying aids!!

Look! *PR picks a condom up off the floor and blows it up, it blows in to the shape of a star with a piece of string dangling from it...and grows to about, normal balloon size. PR smiles and hans the string to Mai and star bobs about above her head.* See?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Saturday, January 21, 2006 1:27 PM


'nope' this wont do, dammit woman, grow a pair...'

Archie leaps off the bed, only just having got comfy and now pissed at his minders total lack of decision making skills.

The lights dimm and flicker slightly, from her position by the food bowl, Esme sits back on her haunches, both ears perked and staring intently back towards the centre of the ship, Archie follows suit.

Oh shush, you two are even more paranoid than me.

Right, I'm heading back' she makes her way to the door, but only makes it half way before the rabbits tag team effort topples her*

Beginning to regret teaching you that trick... Are you really serious? Ok, lemme go, i'll be careful... promise.

Making her way to the kitchen, Seryn pauses 'Wha? Wat is that hinky smell? yeesh, is that....? no can't be.

*looks in to see shapes bobbing about, almost, but not quite like balloons. A chemical smell and a strange banana scent lingers in the air.*

*smiles* 'wow, you leave a place five minutes and suddenly it goes frat party on you'

She notices a man sat watching the crowd, a large cat sat with is head resting on his lap follows her slightest movement.

She also notices that Rackham is gone. Turning away from the party games, she follows the lingering scent of rum, tracing him to what could only be an arcade, she looks at all of the different games, vintage pinballs alongside state of the art VR generators - a girl could have lot s of fun here.

*takes a deep breath*

Hello Jack...

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."


Saturday, January 21, 2006 2:48 PM


*Coming to an intersection TheManinBlack pulls out the map once again*

Blasted girl can't even draw a simple, easy to read map. Is this damn thing even in English?

*TMiB sighs and drops the map*

Guess I'll have to scry her.


Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:06 PM



Deuce was surprised by the stranger she had come upon, and reacted without thought. She dropped the plants and performed a perfect backflip to gain some distance. When her feet again hit the deck, her hands were grasping the hilts of her blades. With a flick of each wrist, the scabbards went flying, revealing the gleaming steel.

Deuce stood there in a fighting stance, naked, as she faced the stranger. Embarrassment or anger or both had flushed her face until her freckles were obscured. “Who the hell are you? I know everybody on this gorram ship, and you ain’t one of them!”

She looks closer. "Do I know you?"


SR: Who I am is a long story. You seem to contradict yourself. I could say things about past lives or fate or parrellel universes, but I sense the form of answer you want to hear. No you don't know me. For the present I am the person who is offering you a poncho. You can put away your weapons. If I had wished it you would all ready be dead.

The stranger is armed, in a way that brings to mind the phrase "to the teeth". However a clever observer would certainly notice the sword on his left hip is tied into it's scabbard, the pistol on his right hip is likewise secured in its holster, as are the rest of his weapons likewise bound or covered.
The stranger is dressed in clothes made for hard work and long travel and they clearly have done a lot of both. They are patched and repaired in a crude, but sturdy fashion. The webbing holding his weapons and equipment is a amalgam of various forms, leather, macrame, and nylon. Though the stranger is tall though to look at he appears not thin but stocky. His hair is long and a brown. A full red beard covers his chin while while the rest of his face is in shadow from the brim of his hat.

SR: Have you ever considered a career in performance art?

Scorpion Regent


Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:28 PM


*gets out from under the table and looks for a place to go swimming*

^by my friend Yoko, an interprentation of me
Yay myspace...


Saturday, January 21, 2006 9:37 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
She notices a man sat watching the crowd, a large cat sat with is head resting on his lap follows her slightest movement.

She also notices that Rackham is gone. Turning away from the party games, she follows the lingering scent of rum, ...

*N0S notices the stranger, wondering who it was.*

"It seems we have new traveler aboard, good buddy. Go check it out will you?" He asked, petting his feline companion.


RAF Lakenheath


Sunday, January 22, 2006 12:06 AM


*Gets bored with amnesia and goes off to do something else!*

Acquisitions Officer - SereniTREE


Sunday, January 22, 2006 4:55 AM


* holds the left flipper button until the pinball comes to a rest between the rail and the flipper. *

*surprised by the company he looks up*

Oh hey, Nell. Wow you're good. Haven't been here long and you've already changed your hair. It looks great. Interesting bunch of folk here. Can hardly believe the recent events.

You looked concerned, what's on your mind?..........



Sunday, January 22, 2006 5:17 AM


On Boros:


Originally posted by citizen:
The sound of Alliance boots came stamping to a halt outside the shop as the trap door to the sewer slammed shut above them. Citizen began leading them on through the tunnel network before speaking.
“Look, I don’t have any idea how we might get in touch with this Needy, I don’t have those sorts of contacts.” He said stopping and turning. There was silence for a few moments as the group stared at him. Citizen slumped his shoulders.
“Okay” He said finally. “This way.” He started leading them off into a fork in the tunnels.

Before long they came across a large metal door, that looked like it could withstand a Nuclear explosion, and had several large ‘danger: high voltage’ signs plastered across its surface. Citizen began unlocking various locks with keys and swipe cards.
“Just need to pick-up a few things first.” He said as a retinal scanner folded out of the wall. The door finally hissed open as he continued. “Can never be too careful these days.” He shrugged.
Citizen stepped through the entrance and let the group fan in behind him.
“Welcome,” he said as Bride7 began to have what can only be described as a religious experience. “to my Armoury.”

Bride6 makes happy cooing noises and claps her hands together. Then she dashes in, like a child on Christmas morning running to her presents. "Oh, I'll have one of these, and one of those, and this is always useful..."

Bride7 turns to Citizen. "Whoa! Good armory!"


Sunday, January 22, 2006 5:40 AM


Continuing Deuce’s adventure from earlier that day:


Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

Deuce stood there in a fighting stance, naked, as she faced the stranger. Embarrassment or anger or both had flushed her face until her freckles were obscured. “Who the hell are you? I know everybody on this gorram ship, and you ain’t one of them!”

She looks closer. "Do I know you?"

SR: Who I am is a long story. You seem to contradict yourself. I could say things about past lives or fate or parrellel universes, but I sense the form of answer you want to hear. No you don't know me. For the present I am the person who is offering you a poncho. You can put away your weapons. If I had wished it you would all ready be dead.

The stranger is armed, in a way that brings to mind the phrase "to the teeth". However a clever observer would certainly notice the sword on his left hip is tied into it's scabbard, the pistol on his right hip is likewise secured in its holster, as are the rest of his weapons likewise bound or covered.

SR: Have you ever considered a career in performance art?

“Performance art? Hmmmph! Like with a pole or something? I was a gorram Olympic acrobat! And I’m pretty strong, too. Didn’t save me from getting my ass kicked, though, ‘cause I never learned to fight. Well, I learned in the time since! I’m not afraid of anyone, now, and that means you, too! Now, who are you, how did you get on this ship, and what do you want?”

Deuce continues to hold her fighting stance while Scorpion Regent remains unthreatening, dangling a poncho off one finger. Still unclothed, Deuce shivers slightly. After a short time, she relaxes a bit and slowly brings the point of one sword near SR, but it is not pointed at him and the edge of the blade is turned away. He hangs the poncho off the tip of that sword. She brings it back and wraps it around herself, but she does not put it over her head or take her eyes from him.

“I was just getting chilled, is all. It’s not like I trust you.”



Sunday, January 22, 2006 7:12 AM



Originally posted by Bride2:
“Performance art? Hmmmph! Like with a pole or something? I was a gorram Olympic acrobat! And I’m pretty strong, too. Didn’t save me from getting my ass kicked, though, ‘cause I never learned to fight. Well, I learned in the time since! I’m not afraid of anyone, now, and that means you, too! Now, who are you, how did you get on this ship, and what do you want?”

Deuce continues to hold her fighting stance while Scorpion Regent remains unthreatening, dangling a poncho off one finger. Still unclothed, Deuce shivers slightly. After a short time, she relaxes a bit and slowly brings the point of one sword near SR, but it is not pointed at him and the edge of the blade is turned away. He hangs the poncho off the tip of that sword. She brings it back and wraps it around herself, but she does not put it over her head or take her eyes from him.

“I was just getting chilled, is all. It’s not like I trust you.”


SR: Who am I? The short form: Name, Scorpion Regent. I am quartermaster with Voodoo Nell, but that's just one of my day jobs. How did I get here? I'm not completely certain. I took part in a tribal ritual involving the ingestion of some powerful sacrements a ways back and they have some side effects that still manifest occasionally. What do I want? It's been a long time since anyone asked me that. For the moment I would be well served by a chance to clean up, a bite to eat and a chance to get some sleep.

The stranger turns his head such that he now is looking Duece straight in the eye. His eyes reveal a soul that has traveled, fought and searched for centuries. These eyes have seen birth and death, triumph and despair. They are eyes of wisdom and yet they have no arrogance. They are sharp and then they focus out for a moment, they blink in a rapid complex sequence. Duece feels slightly light headed and then stranger turns his gaze away.

SR: Yet I suspect that is far too much to ask for in trade for the use of a poncho, so if can show me to Nell's ship I will be out of your way.

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, January 22, 2006 8:00 AM



Originally posted by BlackJackRackham:

*surprised by the company he looks up*

Oh hey, Nell. Wow you're good. Haven't been here long and you've already changed your hair. It looks great. Interesting bunch of folk here. Can hardly believe the recent events.

You looked concerned, what's on your mind?..........

Braced for a lot of shouting, Seryn realises it not going to come, uncrewing her face from it expectant grimace, she stares incomprehensibly at Jack


Then slowly she smiles.

'oh, nothing. Nothing at all! I'm one perfectly worry free zone.'

'I'm so glad you're still here, you're always so good a reminding me what a total dork i'm being.'

*impulsively throws her arm around Jack*

*Jack struggles, pointing vaguely at the pinball machine, mouthing a protest, then realises that he's getting a free hug and embraces her back*

Jack - 'Are you planning to gut me?'

'what? No!'

'I seem to remember, last time, that you said you would if I ever touched you again...'

'Ah.... well no fear, I have renounced my gut-inesss ways, In fact i'm not going to be a pirate any more.'

*jack looks at her surprised*

'can I have your ship?'


'If you die can I have your ship?'

*smiles as she recognises the joke*

'go on then'


'Jack.... do you know who that large scary looking cat belongs to?
More importantly, has it ever been know to eat folks?'

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."


Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:07 AM


*Finished with the spell, TheManinBlack puts away the various materials that were needed.*

Okay, I see were she is at, but there seems to be another with her.

*Checks instructions yet again.*

Ah, yes, well I'll just take care of him at the same time. Two birds, one stone. At least it makes less work for me. I hate doing this crap. Afterwards I always feel, dirty.


Sunday, January 22, 2006 11:04 AM


*continues to watch the cat*

but you're not gonna move are you kitty? You're just on recon.
Well, i'm pretty much gonna be here, the kitchens, or the room in the west wing, you can smell everywhere i've been, so just run along now kitty. back to you're....

The pressure is back, joined this time by tingling and flushes of heat over her skin. A shiver runs up her spine. That was actual magic...

oh.... the mojo's here...

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan." Enormous thank you to KOL for the pictures!


Sunday, January 22, 2006 3:27 PM


Continuing Deuce's adventures from earlier in the day:


Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

SR: Who am I? The short form: Name, Scorpion Regent. I am quartermaster with Voodoo Nell, but that's just one of my day jobs. How did I get here? I'm not completely certain. I took part in a tribal ritual involving the ingestion of some powerful sacrements a ways back and they have some side effects that still manifest occasionally. What do I want? It's been a long time since anyone asked me that. For the moment I would be well served by a chance to clean up, a bite to eat and a chance to get some sleep.

The stranger turns his head such that he now is looking Duece straight in the eye. His eyes reveal a soul that has traveled, fought and searched for centuries. These eyes have seen birth and death, triumph and despair. They are eyes of wisdom and yet they have no arrogance. They are sharp and then they focus out for a moment, they blink in a rapid complex sequence. Duece feels slightly light headed and then stranger turns his gaze away.

SR: Yet I suspect that is far too much to ask for in trade for the use of a poncho, so if can show me to Nell's ship I will be out of your way.

Scorpion Regent

“Hmmmph! Never heard of you. Or this Nell character.”

Deuce realized that, even though he talked funny, she thought Scorpion Regent was kind of cute in a scruffy sort of way, and gentlemanly considering the circumstances. She bent down to pick up her scabbards, and sheathed her katanas.

“But, I know that folks drop in here all the time, just like me and my six friends did way back when. I guess I could take you to talk to somebody. The Real Him is a good choice. He knows most stuff that goes on here. And I'm sure we can get you fresh clothes and a place to sleep. But just now I have to get to the water park to get some clothes before someone sees me like this. Uh. I mean, someone else.”



Sunday, January 22, 2006 3:47 PM



Originally posted by mai:
Ath, you playing?


"Pants off twister" is always the most fun, eh?

Of course! Why is there some other way to play the game?

Do you even have to ask?

*starts stretching*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Sunday, January 22, 2006 4:55 PM



Originally posted by Bride2:

“Hmmmph! Never heard of you. Or this Nell character.”

Deuce realized that, even though he talked funny, she thought Scorpion Regent was kind of cute in a scruffy sort of way, and gentlemanly considering the circumstances. She bent down to pick up her scabbards, and sheathed her katanas.

“But, I know that folks drop in here all the time, just like me and my six friends did way back when. I guess I could take you to talk to somebody. The Real Him is a good choice. He knows most stuff that goes on here. And I'm sure we can get you fresh clothes and a place to sleep. But just now I have to get to the water park to get some clothes before someone sees me like this. Uh. I mean, someone else.”


SR: You've nothing to ashamed of. (pause) Well, suit yourself, no pun intended. As for that career choice, you're the artist, the medium would be your call, not mine. I can wash what I've got, I even have a change in that bag there.

SR inclines his head indicating a canvas duffel bag at his feet.

SR: Maybe the water park isn't necessary.

SR hunkers down, undoes the intricate knot holding the bag closed and begins rummaging around in it. He produces a pair of baggy pair of cotton draw string pants and a Japanese hapi coat.

SR: That's more the ticket. I offered the poncho because it was closer at hand.

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, January 22, 2006 5:28 PM



.'I seem to remember, last time, that you said you would if I ever touched you again...'

'Ah.... well no fear, I have renounced my gut-inesss ways, In fact i'm not going to be a pirate any more.'


Ok, umm. No more Pirating? Awww, it was fun. I'm happy about the No-gutty thing, 'cause ...well, Touching is good. But, the Pirate thing was working, what's next then?


.'Jack.... do you know who that large scary looking cat belongs to?
More importantly, has it ever been know to eat folks?'


Haven't noticed it. Now I love * stops. controls self * Ummm, no. I've never heard of them eating back.

*reaches up and removes his eyepatch, revealing the somewhat less interesting JadeHand*

JH: *takes Seryn into his arms in a warm embrace.*
"So Darlin', Wanna grab a shuttle and find some adventure? I can change personas too, if you're tired of the pirate thing. Space Cowboys? Kilts? Superheroes? or just



Sunday, January 22, 2006 5:51 PM


*reaches into a pounch on his hip, and withdraws a Blue Sharpie and a pad of stickers....there's a slight gleam to them as he places them atop FUNHOUSE. The Pad reads..."HELLO, My name is....." He quickly writes out "JadeHand" on one and "Seryn" on another. He places the Sharpie and the pad back into his pouch and closes it. He peals the back off and Sticks the "JadeHand" sticker above his heart, and hands the "Seryn" sticker to Seryn*
*As she finishes sticking her tag on he holds out his hand.....*

Shall we?...............

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Sunday, January 22, 2006 7:39 PM



Originally posted by citizen:
Before long they came across a large metal door, that looked like it could withstand a Nuclear explosion, and had several large ‘danger: high voltage’ signs plastered across its surface. Citizen began unlocking various locks with keys and swipe cards.
“Just need to pick-up a few things first.” He said as a retinal scanner folded out of the wall. The door finally hissed open as he continued. “Can never be too careful these days.” He shrugged.
Citizen stepped through the entrance and let the group fan in behind him.
“Welcome,” he said as Bride7 began to have what can only be described as a religious experience. “to my Armoury.”

His reverie cut short by Jack shouldering past, Safe struggles to put aside his guilt at putting yet more innocent lives at risk. Looking over his shoulder back the way they came, he finds himself worried for the well being of the two women. Snap out of it man! Focus!

Safe takes in the retinal scanner and heavy door. He raises an eyebrow, “Is there any point in my asking how you came to lay your hands on such high-tech Alliance hardware? Not that I‘m complainin’ mind you…” Safe says, seeing Citizen in a new light.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Sunday, January 22, 2006 7:57 PM


Continuing Deuce’s adventure from earlier that day:


Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

SR: I can wash what I've got, I even have a change in that bag there.

SR inclines his head indicating a canvas duffel bag at his feet.

SR: Maybe the water park isn't necessary.

SR hunkers down, undoes the intricate knot holding the bag closed and begins rummaging around in it. He produces a pair of baggy pair of cotton draw string pants and a Japanese hapi coat.

SR: That's more the ticket. I offered the poncho because it was closer at hand.

“Oh. Uh, thanks.” Deuce tool the clothes offered by Scorpion Regent. They don’t really fit, but they are better than nothing. Or even a poncho.

“But I still want to get my own stuff.”

Deuce led Scorpion Regent along some corridors, through a hatch, and down a couple ladders.

“This is the water park. Lots of cool stuff to play around on. Anyway, those are the men’s showers and locker room, and here are the women’s. We can both get a shower and change of clothes. There’s also a washing machine and dryer in there.”

Deuce returned the clothes that she borrowed, and both headed to the showers. Deuce was the first to finish, and put on some sweats she had in her locker. While waiting for Scorpion Regent, she took the opportunity to practice a few blade techniques on the water park deck.


Originally posted by Jazaf:
Amid all the commotion Jazaf looks around for his pupil. When he doesn't see her in the common room he heads into the waterpark where they sparred on occasion. His heart swelled with pride as he found Duece training diligently.

'There you are. I've been looking for you Deuce.'
Deuce looks up from her training, sweat beading her forehead, and manages a smile.

'Hiya, Sensei!'

'Just thought you should know, Soul is alive again. It got everyone in all manner of hysterics.'
He watches Deuce resume her training and notes that she has improved very well.

'Here, instead of training out here jump into the pool and use the water's resistance to help get a more effective training session.'

Deuce smiled. "Soul is back? That's great news, Sensei. And good advice about the water. I'll take a dip and a quick shower, then I'll join you all."

As Jazaf left her in the water park, Deuce slumped down to the deck, exhausted. She had gotten there just in time.

Moments later, Scorpion Regent joined her. He had apparently noticed Jazaf. To Scorpion Regent’s questioning gaze, Deuce said, “That was my Sensei, Jazaf. A master with the blade. Uh, I really didn’t want to introduce you to him just now because that would have brought up other questions, like where and how we met. And to tell you the truth, I’m really not sure what I’ve been doing over the last day or so.”

And now Deuce is caught up to the present!



Sunday, January 22, 2006 8:13 PM


*KellyofLuthien wanders around the ship until she finds her way back to the infirmary. She grabs a set of scrubs and wanders some more until she finds the showers. After taking a nice, long shower, she changes into the scrub top and pants. She pads her way back to the common room just in time to hear:



"Pants off twister" is always the most fun, eh?

Of course! Why is there some other way to play the game?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.]

*Kelly looks down at her scrubs.*

"Aww, no pants? And I just changed! Oh well!"

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Sunday, January 22, 2006 9:12 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
*continues to watch the cat*

but you're not gonna move are you kitty? You're just on recon.
Well, i'm pretty much gonna be here, the kitchens, or the room in the west wing, you can smell everywhere i've been, so just run along now kitty. back to you're....

Shadow, you can come on back now, I don't think we have to worry about this vistor

*As the large cat makes his way back to his master, N0S get up to make his way around the room, filling up his glass and grabbing some food.*


RAF Lakenheath


Sunday, January 22, 2006 9:32 PM



Originally posted by Bride2:
Continuing Deuce’s adventure from earlier that day:
Moments later, Scorpion Regent joined her. He had apparently noticed Jazaf. To Scorpion Regent’s questioning gaze, Deuce said, “That was my Sensei, Jazaf. A master with the blade. Uh, I really didn’t want to introduce you to him just now because that would have brought up other questions, like where and how we met. And to tell you the truth, I’m really not sure what I’ve been doing over the last day or so.”


SR Takes all this in with little more than a shrug, though clearly he seems to have something on his mind.

Duece: "What?"

SR: "I am a stranger here, it is not my place to speak and my opinion is worth less than twenty year old gossip."

Duece looks SR in the eye. He words are true though he still hasn't told her what's on his mind. She wonders should she press him on the issue and then she realizes she is looking into his eyes again. She feel a sense of dizzyness as if she were balanced on a great hieght looking down. Duece feels suddenly breathless and she realizes it's because she is holding her breath.

Duece: "I'm sorry what was that?"

SR: "I was saying, I took the liberty of securing most of my affects in a locker."

SR is now dressed in in simple pants and short sleeved tunic. His heavy combat boots are replaced with leather sandals. The big hat is gone and in it's place is a light blue cap similar to a beret. The sword and pistol with their heavy cross belts are likewise missing. SR's only apparent weapon is a dagger on his belt, though there are several pouches there as well and he does have a have a bag hanging from his shoulder. His hands are heavy with rings and a chain of greyish metal hangs around his neck. His ears have heavy gold rings that are revealed now that his hair now hangs in a heavy braid down his back.

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:20 PM


Deuce was wondering about the strange effect that Scorpion Regent's eyes had on her. She closed her eyes and shook her head to clear her mind.

"Uh, okay. Whatever. Hey, Scorp, come on to the common room and I'll introduce you to folks. Then maybe a quick stop in the kitchen for something to eat."



Sunday, January 22, 2006 11:39 PM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
*reaches into a pounch on his hip, and withdraws a Blue Sharpie and a pad of stickers....there's a slight gleam to them as he places them atop FUNHOUSE. The Pad reads..."HELLO, My name is....." He quickly writes out "JadeHand" on one and "Seryn" on another. He places the Sharpie and the pad back into his pouch and closes it. He peals the back off and Sticks the "JadeHand" sticker above his heart, and hands the "Seryn" sticker to Seryn*
*As she finishes sticking her tag on he holds out his hand.....*

Oh thats a marvellous idea! *sticks her name sticker onto the shirt and grabs his hand*


Shall we?...............

of course!


though you know, there no need for you to change identities, I kinda had no choice, I couldn't make it stick. *pauses* y'see I wasn't a pirate to begin with, though I do love the life...

But please don't go changing on account of me, keep your options open, what would Rose say if she new you were never coming back? Plus, with SR gone, who is going to go back and take over my ship? I don't think the cabin lad will ever really take to pirating...

*looks down at the sticker*

this really is a stroke of genius my man, wow, all the crap I got stuffed into my bag, never thought of name stickers.

*thinks of the bag, and the rabbits, all the way away in the west wing, where they're of no use. then thinks of the spell she sensed, they were looking for someone

Tell me Jack... jadehand! Jack? Who here do you reckon in is capable of spell casting? or should I be thinking back to front? Who here do you think is looked for? do you think we should warn someone?

*thinks of the guy with the cat*

yeah, maybe he's a good place to start...

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan." Enormous thank you to KOL for the pictures!


Monday, January 23, 2006 4:29 AM



Originally posted by Bride2:
Deuce was wondering about the strange effect that Scorpion Regent's eyes had on her. She closed her eyes and shook her head to clear her mind.

"Uh, okay. Whatever. Hey, Scorp, come on to the common room and I'll introduce you to folks. Then maybe a quick stop in the kitchen for something to eat."


SR nods and offers Duece his arm.

Scorpion Regent


Monday, January 23, 2006 5:05 AM


What, so I was always a pirate? Oh, It's fun, but I can go back to it anytime, Plus there's the whole being in more than one place at a time if I have to. I'll go to Rose, If she needs me.

Spell casting? Looked for? Warn someone?
What's going on? You think someone here may be in danger?
Well TWG seems to have been here a while, she likely knows the folk here better, and TheRealMe seemed very protective of the crew, if you think someone is in danger, I'm sure he would want to know. Let's head out to the common room and see if we can find one of them.

oh and ummm, not sure what you mean by "make it stick", but if you need to be......well Not Seryn, then ya might wanna remove the nametag first. If you want Nell to "Stick" we can make a tag for her, it should stick till you pull it off.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Monday, January 23, 2006 5:33 AM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

SR nods and offers Duece his arm.

When Scorpion Regent offered his arm, Deuce blushed slightly, then got angry with herself that she blushed. But she did take the arm.

"By the way, I'm Bride2. You can call me Deuce."

They head through a pair of double glass doors and are in the common room.



Monday, January 23, 2006 5:46 AM



Originally posted by Bride2:

Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

SR nods and offers Duece his arm.

When Scorpion Regent offered his arm, Deuce blushed slightly, then got angry with herself that she blushed. But she did take the arm.

"By the way, I'm Bride2. You can call me Deuce."

They head through a pair of double glass doors and are in the common room.


"Bride?" SR thinks to himself, "Did I see a ring?"

SR: "A very interesting name, does it indicate your pledge or vows to someone?"

Scorpion Regent


Monday, January 23, 2006 7:04 AM


Making it stick? Oh, simply that, although I loved the life, I never felt quite right, and since the wing waters, well, kept flipping back and forth, couldn't seem to get it straight. You just seemed like a natural, maybe it was the rum...

But no, Seryn is who I am, and the name badge suits me.

As for the spells, yeah, I think someone needs to be watching their ass. Theres somebody here, I'm not sure if they belong or not, but they're looking for someone, using spells... Don't you feel it?
In the infirmary, you saw something, and I felt it, then Soul came back and it stopped. But just a little while ago, it started again, slightly different, pressure at my temples, what I alway used to get, just telling me that something other was here, and this time there was magic worked, don't ask me how I know, but there you go...
I've no idea what they're intending. It could be one of the crew ain't shown their face yet, but why don't they use the com links? I can't help but think that they don't want people knowing they're here, and that never bodes well.

But of course, I'm paranoid, maybe all the warm and fuzzy's in the air are making me over react. But I think we oughta tell someone, TRM sounds the best bet, but that guy with the cat, he seemed pretty big on security.
I vote we find him. But first of all, I need to pick up something from my room.

*pulls Jadehand toward west wing and room, once inside, she grabs the bag, pulling out the pet carrier, a blanket and several small boxes, she finally finds her gun belt, removing a couple of small practical looking guns, she hides one in the back of her sash and another in a shin holster along with a very small knife.*

*see his look*

like I said, I'm a trifle paranoid *grin* besides, I never usually go anywhere without them... they were a birthday present

*from the bag, after some more rummaging, she slowly pulls out an old style English Longbow, followed by a slim leather quiver full of arrows*

*Jadehand blinks, stares at the bag, then blinks again*

*smiles* I promised PR a lesson!

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan." Enormous thank you to KOL for the pictures!


Monday, January 23, 2006 7:21 AM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
SR: "A very interesting name, does it indicate your pledge or vows to someone?"

Deuce seemed to be startled by that question, and released Scorpion Regent’s arm. She showed Scorpion Regent her wedding ring.

“Yeah, I was a bride,” she said, wistfully. “But my husband died. Accident. Anyway, seven of us brides were brought here to the SereniTree a long time ago. Magic spell or something. I was the second of us to appear, so that’s why I’m Bride2. But this is not a bad place, and I had nowhere better to go, so I stayed.”

Since SR gave a description: Deuce is a young woman, perhaps not yet twenty. She has red hair, which she keeps short, and freckles. She is by no means beautiful, but might be regarded as cute. She is a bit shorter than average. She is an athlete who trains constantly, so she has a strong physique (but is not overly muscled). She seems to have no concern whatever for makeup or clothes. She is most often seen in some gray sweats or else jeans and a t-shirt. Since she began weapons training, she has always carried around a pair of katanas. She tries to control her temper, but usually fails. She is trying very hard to prove herself, and to hide her insecurities. She gets frustrated when she keeps missing the more profound bits of Jazaf’s teaching. A brain girl she is not.



Monday, January 23, 2006 7:24 AM


*Serenity wakes up, feeling better than she has in quite some time. She stretches, then peers at herself in the mirror, smoothing her hands over the belly that is just starting to show. She feels full of energy this morning. So, she leans over and kisses the still-sleeping Soul on the forehead, then gets herself ready for the day.*

*She wanders first into the kitchen and makes herself a peanut butter and banana sandwich. Then she heads over to her garden where she does some pruning and weeding. As she works, she sings to herself.*

Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree,
eating all the gumdrops he can see
stop, kookaburra, stop, kookaburra
leave some there for me.

*She picks up the pruned branches from her fruit trees and carries them up to the balcony on the third floor. Then she heads over the the clubhouse, where she grabs a couple hammocks lying on the floor, unused. She carries those up to the third floor, too.*

Oh hush thee my dove,
Oh hush thee my roan
Oh hush thee my lapwing
My little nutbird.

*From there, she wanders over the the barn, where she feeds the piffleponies apples and carrots she had stuffed in her pockets.*

Hushabye, don't you cry.
Go to sleep little baby
When you wake, you shall have
All the pretty little piffleponies.
Blacks and bays, dapples and greys
All the pretty little piffleponies.
Hushabye, don't you cry
Go to sleep little baby.

*She takes a bale of hay and flies it up to the third floor, too. Then she wanders around the common room, gathering cushions and throw blankets. She heads to the lockers where she grabs towels. In the laundry, she finds sheets and more blankets. She takes eveything up to the third floor balcony. In the infirmary, she finds gauze rolls. She grabs and armful of these and flies them up, too. And then she begins to work, singing all the while.*

Baby owlet, poor little owlet,
sleeping as the sun doth shine.
Won't you send me your sweet pinion?
Won't you send me your sweet pinion?
Won't you sent me your sweet pinion?
That I may fly to your love.

*When she has finished, she steps back to admire her handiwork.*

*She had made what is unmistakable a large nest.*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Monday, January 23, 2006 8:06 AM


After Deuce brought Scorpion Regent to the center of the common room, she called out:

"Hey, everybody! We got us a new guy here. Calls himself Scorpion Regent. He's looking for somebody named Nell."

To SR: "You can talk and mingle if you like. When you're ready, the kitchen's that way, past the bar. Me, I'll be at the bar."

Deuce then wandered over to the bar see what Trey had on special.







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