Serenity may fly again?

UPDATED: Saturday, February 4, 2006 01:59
VIEWED: 35609
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Thursday, January 12, 2006 2:40 AM


After spending time in Europe and elsewhere, I've come to think my countrymen are far too uptight to tolerate. Perhaps my English heritage is shining through on this point (I also happen to covet Newcastle Nut Brown Ale as "mother's milk").


Thursday, January 12, 2006 2:48 AM


This is good news indeed!
Lovely to see Serenity is doing what was hoped with the DVD sales.

I have bought as much Firefly/Serenity stuff as I can lay my hands on in the hope that my money will talk in the only language suits understand.

I know three extra people that will be going to see any Serenity sequel that missed the original showing at the flicks.
I'm sure lots of others here know new Browncoats too that will be going to support any future movies.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 3:06 AM


You have obviously thought this out greatly. We need to send a message to Fox (as I suspect they still own the rights) that we are this serious. We need to do so just as the fans did in '67 and '68 to keep TOS on the air. I think you've spelled out our requests/demands pretty well. See what the gang thinks...


Thursday, January 12, 2006 7:17 AM



Originally posted by Khei:
Fox Doth Blow!

Yea, verily!

~ Lynne C. ~


Thursday, January 12, 2006 8:31 AM



Originally posted by WildWeasel:
Do yall think that perhaps a video game could emerge from the Firefly verse that could generate revenue and and enough new fan interest to help get Serenity back in the black? I loved Microsoft's freelancer, and they're making games out of everything these days, and movies from games.

A game mixing WC Privateer flight with on-planet mission selects of Jedi Academy and on-planet towns and interactions as nice as TES:Morrowind would rule not just from our point of view but from *any* gamers'!

I posted in this thread:
Some tweaks to an open-source Wing Commander Privatter game (extended into the WC Universe with more ships, etc) to [role] play more like Firefly.



Thursday, January 12, 2006 9:22 AM



Originally posted by tanstaafl28:
You have obviously thought this out greatly. We need to send a message to Fox (as I suspect they still own the rights) that we are this serious. We need to do so just as the fans did in '67 and '68 to keep TOS on the air. I think you've spelled out our requests/demands pretty well. See what the gang thinks...

FOX is a many-headed hydra, the F*X Network that cancelled Firefly is not FOX Productions who we will almost certainly be dealing with over the issue of copyright for bringing the series back. Others may know more background into this but several of Joss' previous projects have had FOX on the label that were never even shown on F*X Network without copyright infringement litigation arriving on their doorstep. As long as we move cautiously (and I think ANTIREAVERS step of enlisting the aid of a copyright lawyer is a wise step), pledge enough money, and get Joss and Co. to sign on, we may be flying back into the black sooner than we think.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 11:21 AM


I may be stepping on pins and needles here, but do we even know if Joss HASN'T negotiated another TV timeslot? When you think about it, these things take time. First of all, he has to make sure all the characters will be able to play their parts! The Baldwin is currently on another TV show! It might be a few years before all of the characters are available! He also has to shoot a few episodes, just like when trying to get a book published, you have to submit a few chapters, and submit them to major networks. And let's face it, SCI FI isn't going to get Firefly back on its feet again. It just doesn't produce enough revenue to get $2 million per episode! We'd need a major corporation, like FOX, ABC, or CBS. THIS TAKES TIME!

We MIGHT get lucky enough to have the series back in mid 2007, but realistically, we're looking at early 2008 IF the show ever comes back to the small screen. Joss has already SAID that he doubts that it ever will. He said, "Serenity will probably fly on the silver screen from here on out."

We need to face it. We have movies to look forward too, for now. Maybe, if the sequel to Serenity gains enough revenue, it'll return to the small screen. And as for us BUILDING a corporation, BUYING shares, or all of that, it's a wastefull effort. The money your AntiReaver friend has CAN'T EVEN BUY ONE EPISODE! To even propose to ANY network, you need THREE OR FOUR.

Sorry to burst everybody's collective bubbles, but just because a proposal is long, doesn't make it good. It's unrealistic and WILL NEVER HAPPEN. I'm sorry, but we can't even get 100,000 people to sign a freakin' petition for HBO to pick it up, much less the amount of people needed to buy a corporation.


Thursday, January 12, 2006 9:27 PM



Originally posted by kerretom:
I may be stepping on pins and needles here, but do we even know if Joss HASN'T negotiated another TV timeslot? When you think about it, these things take time. First of all, he has to make sure all the characters will be able to play their parts! The Baldwin is currently on another TV show! It might be a few years before all of the characters are available! He also has to shoot a few episodes, just like when trying to get a book published, you have to submit a few chapters, and submit them to major networks. And let's face it, SCI FI isn't going to get Firefly back on its feet again. It just doesn't produce enough revenue to get $2 million per episode! We'd need a major corporation, like FOX, ABC, or CBS. THIS TAKES TIME!

We MIGHT get lucky enough to have the series back in mid 2007, but realistically, we're looking at early 2008 IF the show ever comes back to the small screen. Joss has already SAID that he doubts that it ever will. He said, "Serenity will probably fly on the silver screen from here on out."

We need to face it. We have movies to look forward too, for now. Maybe, if the sequel to Serenity gains enough revenue, it'll return to the small screen. And as for us BUILDING a corporation, BUYING shares, or all of that, it's a wastefull effort. The money your AntiReaver friend has CAN'T EVEN BUY ONE EPISODE! To even propose to ANY network, you need THREE OR FOUR.

Sorry to burst everybody's collective bubbles, but just because a proposal is long, doesn't make it good. It's unrealistic and WILL NEVER HAPPEN. I'm sorry, but we can't even get 100,000 people to sign a freakin' petition for HBO to pick it up, much less the amount of people needed to buy a corporation.

Your judgments are based on misconceptions and weaknesses not supported by facts.

1. 2 million USD an episode is simply crazy and demands a cold and forceful inquiry to justify it. This extreme figure is reducible at least in part explained by a change in venue to Vancover where Scifi does most if not ALL their Scifi (as well as serving as the hometown of Jewel Staite(Kailee) and possibly Nathan Fillion(Capt. 'Tightpants') who also lives in Canada). This reduces the cost in two very significant ways: one, the cost of keeping the door open, the crew fed, and set built and maintained in Canada is FAR, FAR less than the Hollywoodesque excesses of L.A. and for doing important show business in Canada has raised the prospect I am told from those that live there of government subsidies to defray operating and/or material expenses; second, Scifi has CGI scripters and computer modelers who aren't used to buying up pleasure palaces on Manhattan Island every two payperiods. Give me a break...Firefly principal focus was always on character development, interaction, plot, and story-driven conflicts not recreating Star Wars universe with every episode. Special effects where present are often far less and more muted than Battle Star Galactica and Scifi affords that plenty with ease and grace (Universal OWNS Scifi - consider that too). Aside from a fixed cost in constructing the set and requisite props and sundry gear as well as maintaining the set there is no significant equipment related costs. The actors and actresses on staff weren't A list famous and so can not demand multi-million dollar salaries. Advertising and Marketing were literally non-existent and so no costs are justifiable in this regard. Joss himself may have commanded a respectable wage but he is certainly no corrupt politician or the typical multi-national Corporate tycoon to add up to that ridiculous figure. CGI scripting and computer modeling simply is *NOT* THAT excessive or so obscenely difficult yet legions of them were utilized - why? for what? What did we get aside from a few shots comparable to Babylon 5; maybe even less shots than that. Transportation? It is true that Nathan Fillion and Jewel Staite lived in Canada prior to the show but they simply wouldn't want Lear luxury jet liners ala Enron CEO for a round trip tour every week; its simply too impractical for them to generate such quality work every week for that to be even a *remote* possibility. They would all have to live in the vicinity of their worksite just like the rest of us in order to get to work. Bottom line: special effects generated by a *computer* tied into a studio blue room with a few props and sometimes not even that (Serenity or space object space/landing shots) simply CAN NOT cost so much as to justify that difference EVERY SINGLE Episode! As stated Scifi operates in a far more economical environment than this (apparently) OBSCENE L.A. crowd. Nothing in an episode of Firefly suggests itself as a practical matter to justify this obscene expense and so should not be used as a hammer to strike down every effort to restore Firefly as a series. There ARE ways to reduce cost simply through change of venue to a more sane business environment where CGI scripters aren't employed on multi-million dollar retainer by the hundreds or thousands per episode.

2. Joss and Co. were the first to fall in love with this 'verse. They were the browncoats before any of us had even heard of Firefly. If given half a chance and a suitable but reasonable paycheck (all of us have got to eat), I think it would be foolish to deny either their resolve or ours in getting Firefly back. Given all that Joss et Co.s done to get a short-lived 13 episode series transformed into a major motion picture, given the promise of the entire cast without hesitation to sign up for the prospect of two more(if made), given Joss' commitment to this crew of a short lived TV show and that crew's commitment to him and this 'verse he created, and how hard and how long each and every one of us has given for a show that was hunted to extinction from its first frame due to the failings of those who axed it in, given all of that I dare to think that yes Joss et Co. still love this 'verse that we have all come to love old guard and recruits alike.

I believe Mal summed up Joss' et Co.'s feelings (and mine) rather nicely, when he said(at the end of Serenity):
"Love. All the math in the 'verse won't take a boat in the air if you don't love. It'll shake you up as soon as sure as it'll turn the worlds. Love keeps you up in the air when you should fall down. Tell you she's hurting before she keens. Makes her a home."


Friday, January 13, 2006 1:24 PM


Found this on Sequel rumors

Fans of Firefly had hoped that if Serenity were successful, it might lead either to a revival of the television series or a film franchise. The former was always unlikely, since Fox still owns the Firefly television rights. Fans' hopes for further theatrical films appear to have been partially dashed by Serenity's poor box office showing. However, on December 1, 2005, IGN Filmforce reported that Universal had expressed an interest in making a Serenity TV movie for broadcast on the Sci Fi Channel (which is owned by Universal), and eventual DVD sale. It is expected that commissioning of a television sequel would be contingent on strong DVD sales of Serenity.[10] It should be noted that Joss Whedon, in response to the many rumors and speculations, has always said that nothing will be decided until the DVD sales are known.


Saturday, January 14, 2006 9:39 AM



Takes more than combat gear to make a man
Takes more than a license for a gun
Confront your enemies, avoid them when you can
A gentleman will walk but never run

-Sting, An Englishman in New York


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 3:33 PM


Yes, we are continuing to fight years later, but with well justified hope. "Family Guy", cancelled by Fox, is again going to grace the small screen with new episodes. "Futurama", ditto. Both were brought back because the fans continued to rabidly devour the shows on the Cartoon Network. The continued strength in the ratings demonstrated that there was money to be made by reviving the francise. We can do the same by watching the reruns on the SciFi channel, and encouraging everyone we meet in elevators to do the same.

We'll get a BDS. Look at the other dross that gets redone.

Remember to branch out on your purchases. The Serenity Role Playing Game is a good way to demonstrate continued support for the series (by buying the suppliments & such) and shows the depth and continuity of the fan base. If series related books come out, try those too, & look on Amazon for Firefly related materials. My wife owns a cool "Shiny!" t-shirt, & I saw a lighter & ornament on FFF website somewhere. If anyone doubts this format will work, I'd just like them to look at the Star Trek monolith, which was built based on the book & convention base after the cartoon series left the air.

What was the Firefly reference on "Bones"? I don't watch Fox but I am curious.

Shiny on Space: A & B! Now I have two great scifi shows to watch!

Hell. It's Special.


Wednesday, January 18, 2006 5:33 PM


I'm new here, and haven't felt the need to do this before, (even when my one sci-fi star Farscape plummeted in the night). Like many of you I have had to watch as the shows I love are trashed for more reality TV garbage. It sickens me really.
I too am guilty of never seeing the show when it was on the air originally. At the time Buffy was nearing it's end, and being an avid fan, it was one of the few shows I tuned in for during the week.
Wrongly I assumed that the show, being done by Whedon, would last long enough to catch up on after Buffy, and eventually Angel, had run their course. Sadly Buffy ended, and then Angel, unexpectedly shortly thereafter. I was saddened by both of their losses, and more or less forgot about Firefly.
My wife and I have collected all of the Buffy and Angel seasons and had moved on to other things when I heard about Firefly coming to DVD. I had not, (and have still have not seen Serentiy) because I was afraid without previous knowledge of the show I would be lost in the theater. Being a big fan of Whedon's work, we thought it might be worth checking into.
Upon seeing the release of Serenity on DVD, we made the decision to pick both up after Christmas to see what all the hype was all about.
Honestly I expected to be sorely disappointed, but went about shopping for it anyway.
First and foremost I had a hell of a time finding either the movie or the show after Christmas. I went over to Best Buy here in town and luckily they had a copy of Firefly stuffed in behind some other shows.
Let me tell you it has been one of the best DVD purchases I have made in sometime.
I never tought I would say this, but it's one of the best sci-fi shows on (or sadly now off) the air in who knows when. I have been watching and savoring every episode since I began watching a few short weeks ago. I only allow myself one or two episodes aweek in order to make it last, but it takes a lot of self control. I'll end it all with the movie, with the hopes that there will be more to come.
With shows like Family Guy and Farscape ( the latter if only shortly) pulled from mothballs, perhaps my hopes may not be in vain.
Just wanted to throw my hat in with everyone else here and declare myself (if not a little late) a faithful BrownCoat.
Keeping my fingers crossed,


Friday, January 20, 2006 12:35 AM


Why wait for Joss? Can't someone else Joss trusts direct the next incarnation of the show/film and Joss' name will appear as executive producer while he doing Wonder Woman.


Friday, January 20, 2006 1:43 AM


I'm getting it the day it comes out here (Australia), I got it pre-ordered, and can't WAIT to get it, I'm gonna get home from school and watch it straight away.


Friday, January 20, 2006 1:54 PM


Shiny...sounds like our dream will be realized. I will be picking up the UMD as soon as I get my tax refund

"Come a day there won't be room for naughty men like us to slip about at all." - Malcolm Reynolds


Friday, January 20, 2006 6:45 PM


Ok, so Fox owns the TV rights, Universal the Movie rights, but what about a direct to DVD series?


Friday, January 20, 2006 7:41 PM


I cannot agree more. Reality shows SUCK. Firfly is so far-and-away superior it is unbelievable. Anyone with an ounce of decerning taste pefers Firefly to any other form of entertainment. Am I right of wrong?????


Friday, January 20, 2006 7:50 PM


Oh me too!! I've watched all the Star Trek incarnations, and enjoyed them fairly well, but none of them can "hold a candle to" Firefly. The whole Firefly package is simply far superior, in my opinion. The stories, character development, and 'verse is just more interesting. 'nuf said!


Saturday, January 21, 2006 7:21 AM


ImperialKnight, your idea (set up a corporation to buy the rights to Firefly) is exactly what I was thinking about. Browncoats say they're ready to put their money down to keep the signal going. So, it seems that some one of them could create a corporation (i.e., a "real" corporation with a real board and real business plan), sell shares to Browncoats to capitalize, and make its first order of business to buy the rights to Firefly from Fox. If Fox's ownership of those rights is the big blockage, then the logical thing to do is create a company with the legal and financial ability to buy them. At that point, more options open up because Joss can actually have meaningful negotiations with other networks. I have no idea how much money it would take, but I'd buy shares . . .


Saturday, January 21, 2006 8:00 PM


I'm thinkin tho Fox may take offense at a group of fans trying to procure a shows rights. Its hard enough for a different Network to get them let alone a group of fans... They may just see it in a way that if they were to sell it to fans it would set them in a bad stead with other networks, or something like that. Its a good idea and all, but the likelihood of it actually working is very minimal. I sugest we let the big guns sort it out for themselves. If they don't well, we can always just enjoy what we have now like we already do.


Sunday, January 22, 2006 1:17 PM


Tsk, Tsk Fireflynutter! What the hell was that? Give Up? NEVER!!!!!!
Oh, I'm sorry, excuse me. I got a little carried away.
I beleive that we absolutely can create a corp. to buy the rights, but I also agree that Fox would never give them up. I actually e-mailed the corporate office, and asked who I could send copies of the series and movie to, to try to convince the exec's that the show has many more years. My thinking was that if any of them had actually watched the series, it would never had been cancelled. And even though I feel the fan based corp is probably a waste of time, I would buy shares, and many of them, in the hopes that just starting the corp. would be enough of a buzz to get Fox thinking about the merrits of bringing the show back.
For more Firefly stuff, like coffe mugs, hats and T-shirts, check out, they have pages full of stuff.

"You're literally the only girl in the world".


Monday, January 23, 2006 5:37 AM



Originally posted by Shiney777:
I beleive that we absolutely can create a corp. to buy the rights, but I also agree that Fox would never give them up.

And even though I feel the fan based corp is probably a waste of time, I would buy shares, and many of them, in the hopes that just starting the corp. would be enough of a buzz to get Fox thinking about the merrits of bringing the show back.

I will have to respectfully disagree with your thought that Fox would never give up the rights to Firefly. As others have repeatedly stated, it's all about money. Fox will give up the rights if Fox believes that doing so is best for Fox's bottom line. Remember that with the rights to Firefly, Fox also has the rights to all the income stream generated from Firefly (the profit from the DVD sales, the profit from officially licensing Firefly products, future development rights, etc.) There is a dollar figure that Fox would jump at to sell the rights, no matter who made the offer. I have no earthly idea what figure that would be; maybe it would be so high as to be out of the reach of our hypothetical Browncoats, Inc. But EVERYTHING is for sale, and we won't ever know what the price might be if we don't ever take any steps to find out.

Maybe it's another pipe dream. Seems that might be a Browncoat specialty.


Monday, January 23, 2006 5:52 AM


Keep buying those DVD's people! My brother bought one, now I bought one and I keep spreading the word to all my college friends to go and rent the movie or buy it and discuss the series, suprizing many knew it existed but had never seen it.


"The Hero of Canton, the man we call Jayne"


Monday, January 23, 2006 6:28 AM


Where do you buy different region dvds. I would like to get the UK and Australian version.


Monday, January 23, 2006 12:50 PM


Sorry MICO, you caught me in a very negative state of mind. I'm just depressed and frustrated. There isn't anything worthwhile on TV anymore, and I just don't have the time to read a good book!
We could all pool together for the next BIg GAme, or Power BAll drawing and hope we win enough money to get theis going. (This just goes to show how desperate I've become).
So what is the next step in this fan based corp?


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 5:40 AM


Hey, Shiney777, I completely understand the whole nothing-worth-watching-on-tv scenario.

I'm not sure what the first step in creating Browncoats, Inc. would be. If it were up to me, I'd like to see a core group of competent Browncoats who are able (have the time and skills) and willing (think it's worth pursuing) to begin putting together some information. One of the competent "volunteers" should be a corporate and securities attorney who can advise the group on the legal niceties that have to be observed. Another one should be somewhat of an entertainment industry insider who can point the right direction to the right people to get a realistic number on what it would take to buy the rights from Fox. Depending on what information they put together, the whole thing might or might not be worth pursuing.

For myself, I'll stand on the sidelines and cheer (although I'm willing to help in small ways, my life doesn't lend itself right now to this kind of endeavor), and buy shares of Browncoats, Inc. when they become available. Are there any competent, able, and willing volunteers out there? Or, is it best to take the more passive route of buying DVDs, recruiting more Browncoats, and hoping that's enough (which it might well be)? I don't know, but time will tell.


Saturday, February 4, 2006 1:59 AM


Sorry about the late reply, haven't had much time on me hands.


Originally posted by Shiney777:
Tsk, Tsk Fireflynutter! What the hell was that? Give Up? NEVER!!!!!!
Oh, I'm sorry, excuse me. I got a little carried away.

I never said give up... Hell I want Firefly back as much, as any one on this forum, I was just stating that as FOX is a large company (a 500 company) it has its reputation to look to. How will they look if they were to sell the rights to a company made entirely of fans. Now I'm not saying it won't work, and it would be a first for the entertainment industry, i'm just trying to say that its going to be a lot harder then what you most likely think. Remembering that the stock market is a very fluid entity, half the fun will just be in floating the company let alone selling any shares. Still I hope to be proven very, very wrong. :)






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