The Sereni-Tree and New Arrivals

UPDATED: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 20:13
VIEWED: 28208
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Monday, January 23, 2006 8:39 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul wakes up groggy and grumpy, just as he does every morning. One would think that someone just returned from the dead would be happy that they could go to sleep and wake up the next morning; but not Soul.

Go figure.

After blindly finding a cup of coffee from the kitchen clad only in boxer shorts, he returns to Serenity's room and begins his daily regiment of exercises. He pulls on some jogging pants, but leaves off his shirt and proceeds to make several laps of the second floor balcony, stopping by the Security Office to find that his desk is still in relatively the same shape it was since he had last sat there. He makes a mental note to track down NOSkillz and ask him about joining the security detail. Serenity had spoken highly of him before. He makes several more laps and returns to the kitchen for a bottle of water, and then it is back to Serenity’s room and to the shower. Afterward, he dresses and arms himself with his bow and arrows, strapping his bandolier of arrowheads across his chest first. Then, with a deep breath he steps out of the room and makes an announcement to the SereniTREE:

“Ladies and gentlemen, the Security Chief is back and ready for act—AARRRGGGHHH!!!”

Afterwards, while lying on his face on the deck, he makes a mental note to tie his shoes from now on.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Monday, January 23, 2006 11:47 AM


Seryn adjusts the belt around her hip, clipping the quiver to it by the straps, then adding to the belt a small deep hammock style pouch, into which she places Archie, who immedietly turns himself to look studiously out of the litte window chewed in the leather for just that purpose. She goes to place Esme in the bag aswell, but seeing JH's puzzled expression, she hands Esme to him.

'they're trained... to attack'

JH looks up from Esme, who has rolled onto her back and is flicking her whiskers at the new potential source of food, and gives seryn a an incredulous look

'I got them on that island, remember the one where we marooned the Governor of Port... port something or other, you remember, it was for fun, but then he tried to swim back to the mainland and almost got eaten by the squid? Well there was a tribe on that island, these two belonged to the shaman guy, they're sensitive to all things 'other, and can topple a man and have his throat out quicker'n you can say 'aye, that rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide'.

Handy to have around, and so damn cute.

come on.

They make their way to the common room, Seryn looks around for TRM or the cat guy, or TWG, or anyone with the slightest bit of an authorative air.

Glancing accross the room, she spots Soul coming into the room..



“Ladies and gentlemen, the Security Chief is back and ready for act—AARRRGGGHHH!!!”

'Aaah, maybe not.'

'should we go pick him up?'

Seryn continues to look around for someone to warn, then just on the edge of her hearing she catches her old name, looking in its direction she spot someone she had very much doubted she would ever see again.

'It cant be.....'

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."


Monday, January 23, 2006 11:57 AM



Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:
Then, with a deep breath he steps out of the room and makes an announcement to the SereniTREE:

“Ladies and gentlemen, the Security Chief is back and ready for act—AARRRGGGHHH!!!”

Afterwards, while lying on his face on the deck, he makes a mental note to tie his shoes from now on.

*PR looks up at the announcement, then rolls his eyes, when Soul trips. PR runs up the stairs to the second floor balcony, and he stops just in front of Soul who is still face down on the floor and PR stands to attention and salutes Soul.*

TRM mentioned that you might be needing some new deputies. I'd like to apply!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Monday, January 23, 2006 12:07 PM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by PsychicRiver:

TRM mentioned that you might be needing some new deputies. I'd like to apply!

"Well...I'm looking for someone with some experience. I mean, security experience."

Soul pauses and sees one of the new faces across the room. (What was her name...Nell? She looks different, though. Hmm...) He sees the bow strapped to her and he nods in appreciation at the quality.

He turns back to PR. "At any rate, shouldn't you ask your Mom first? I really don't want Weirdess to kill me because I give you a gun."


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Monday, January 23, 2006 12:25 PM


Will she stay in one place! Well I think I can do this now, everyone is down below and she is by her self.

*TheManinBlack steps out onto the balcony and pauses. Looking towards the massive nest and its creator, tMiB stands stunned at what one person can do in so little time.*

Ah, a nesting mother-to-be.

*tMiB grins, checks the photo one more time, and removes the cloak. Silently he comes up behind her and taps her shoulder.*

Excuse your name CallMeSerenity?


Monday, January 23, 2006 12:41 PM


*whips around at the sound of an unknown voice, pulling out her katanas as she does so.*

I might be. Who are you, and what do you want?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Monday, January 23, 2006 1:23 PM



Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:

Originally posted by PsychicRiver:

TRM mentioned that you might be needing some new deputies. I'd like to apply!

"Well...I'm looking for someone with some experience. I mean, security experience."

"At any rate, shouldn't you ask your Mom first? I really don't want Weirdess to kill me because I give you a gun."

Ask my mum? I was doing crazy and dangerous stuff all the time before I even knew she was my mum! Besides, I think she'd be proud.

And experience...? Well, not so much. But think about it for a second...I'm almost a security system in myself. I mean...whose gonna see trouble coming before I do? Who could warn you and everyone or anyone else about impending security threats without even opening his mouth of moving a muscle?

And why would I need a gun when I can do...that thing that I do?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Monday, January 23, 2006 1:28 PM


*PR doesn't wait for Soul to answer.* I can sense trouble! Like the trouble I'm sensing right now...involving that creepy man that I've never seen of the tree before, who just snook up on Serenity up on the third floor.



"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Monday, January 23, 2006 1:58 PM


*feels PR blink*

I think we may be needed.

*she grabs the doc's hand and pulls him behind her* I'm not letting you spend all your time in here trying to figure out what's wrong with Soul. I still need a baby's daddy. And we have lots of new folks on the tree you should meet.

*as they round the corner they see a strange man tap CMS on the shoulder* I don't like the look of him, lets go...

SW: I’m a lover not a fighter.

*twg quirks her right eyebrow* Uh huh. Well, then call TRM...or call out her name and distract him. I'll do my confusion thing until PR gets help up here.

*twg sees CMS's nest and feel sorry for what she's about to do. she some how has her trusty hula hoop, huh, where'd that come from? She begins spinning it round her hips as she runs up to CMS and the man in black...*

Wow! That is so cool. What is this? *she reaches for the straw and gauze, hitting the man in black with the hula hoop and throwing him off balance. The straw falls into his face, the gauze tangles about twg and the man, trapping them within the hula hoop.*

Well, you’re new…who are ya?
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Monday, January 23, 2006 2:45 PM


Look lady, don't freak out! This will only take a couple of minutes so don't get upset. You don't want to upset Serenity and hurt the baby do you?

*The Man in Black looks to CallMeSerenity to make sure everything is okay.*

Well lets get this over with, I swear once this is over my debt is paid to those two asses. Pullrd me off my ship to do this dirty work. It humiliating. I am feared and respected mind you. So please don't hold this against me.

*tMiB steps out of the hula hoop and reaches into his cloak, fumbling around in an inner pocket. Not finding the proper item, he starts patting down other pockets and pouches.*

A ha! Knew it was here somewhere!

*Out of a satchel accordion and the Man in Black scowls.*

Now, I am no Johnny Cash, but here goes. Also let me mention that I did not write all of this, those idiots wrote most of it.
Set to 'Camp Town Races'

Your new baby's almost here, So glad, so glad.
Time for all that baby loot- Oh doo-dah-day.

Sent to Serenity, a growing family-
A Happy Harmony From Us,
Congrats on the babe to be.


Taking flights to your nest- Relax, relax.
Daytime napping, that's so grand, Oh doo-dah-day.

Sent to Serenity, a growing family-
A Happy Harmony From Us,
Hooray Soul is back!.

Enjoy this time with not dead Soul, Have fun, have fun.
Sheath that sword, don't stress out- Oh doo-dah-day.

Sent to Serenity, a growing family-
A Happy Harmony From Us,
Congrats on the babe to be.

Nighttime feedings, lack of sleep- Too bad, Too bad,
Spending time with SoulofSerenity, Oh doo-dah-day.

Sent to Serenity, a growing family- A Happy Harmony From Us....
Ash and Xander!

*The Man in Black puts down the accordion and sighs.*

There my mission is done. Well Lady if you would be so kind as to pass the message along to Soul for me. I am free of my debt to Ash and Xander, so I wish to take my leave of this accursed ship. If you ever have the need of a respectable pirate, please don't hesitate to call upon me, the Dread Pirate Roberts. Is there anything else I can do for you my lady?

*CallMeSerenity looks to tMiB and shakes her head.*

CMS: Um, no. But please do not forget your accordion. It is giving me the creeps.

*tMiB smiles and puts the offending instrument away.*

As you wish.

*tMiB pulls his cloak around himself and just as suddenly as he arrived, disappears.*


Monday, January 23, 2006 3:00 PM


Phew! Danger over.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Monday, January 23, 2006 3:11 PM


*twg stares open-mouthed at the scene before her*

*mouth still gaping*

that sweet!

*looks at the destroyed nest...then to Serenity*

Heh, um, sorry. I wouldn't have done that if Simon had come with me, we thought you were in danger because I felt PR...*they turn to see Simon on the floor laughing* I'll fix it.

*twg begins to piece the nest back together*
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Monday, January 23, 2006 3:15 PM



Originally posted by PsychicRiver:
Phew! Danger over.

Yeah. Now if he'd have left the accordion, that would've been dangerous!

You ended that sentence with a preposition! Bastard. - O'Neill


Monday, January 23, 2006 3:22 PM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:

Heh, um, sorry. I wouldn't have done that if Simon had come with me, we thought you were in danger because I felt PR...*they turn to see Simon on the floor laughing* I'll fix it.

*PR is now up on the 3rd floor.* My bad. False alarm.


Originally posted my MontanaGirl:

Yeah. Now if he'd have left the accordion, now that would've been dangerous!

I dread the thought!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Monday, January 23, 2006 4:48 PM


*Shakes his head, still recovering from seeing all the weapons*

Well, see the name tag's odd. The pad was kinda, well, a gift. Names have power, and the pad has the power to name. Most people can only wear one, somehow I can wear two.
*he puts his shirt aside just enough to reveal another tag underneath on his t-shirt with a blue Wo....* See that's how I was good at being Jack, I WAS Jack, Now I'm JadeHand.

I saw something in the infirmary? *struggles to recall* Ah yeah, I was drunk and likely had a concussion from the fall, I thought I was hallucinating......I do feel something weird...but now it seems to have passed.

Paranoia, it's a good thing, it's kept me alive....

*walks to a table a grabs a glass, pulls out the full bottle of rum from his hip an pours a glass. drinks it quickly, then glares at the bottle which for once, is not full.*

See, there's a downside to not being Jack....

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Monday, January 23, 2006 5:07 PM


*turns to Seryn*
So, some shaman guy gave you 2 vorpal bunnies? Archie and Esme? Um...Esme looks.....Hungry, we should find some grub.


'It cant be.....'

What, who is it?

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Monday, January 23, 2006 5:30 PM


Ok, crisis over!

So, are we playing Twister, or what?

And do I need to be pants-less to play?

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Monday, January 23, 2006 5:33 PM


SR sees Seryn and catches her eye. He gently tilts his head and raises a eyebrow indicating she and he should find a quiet place to talk.

Scorpion Regent


Monday, January 23, 2006 5:55 PM


Yes and No.

Let's play. If you lose you lose the pants. It's trip swister!

and I've come up with a genius solution for the spinner thing.

*takes out reconfigured auto-mop and attaches spinner*

An automated spinner with sounds!

autospinner says: left foot yellow!

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Monday, January 23, 2006 6:15 PM



Originally posted by mai:

autospinner says: left foot yellow!

*puts his left foot on yellow*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Monday, January 23, 2006 9:37 PM


TheRealMe wanders around the Common Room, astounded at everything that has been going on lately, and happy that Serenity is out of danger! He goes into the kitchen to get some ice cream. Sadly, the fridge is long since out of Ice Cream from the Purple Dimension.

Mindful of the missing Bride6 and Bride7, he again attempts to open a portal to them, as he did for Mai. Unfortunately, his powers are still exhausted from over-use in Mai-Quest2.

"Sigh. Looks like Bride Quest will have to wait."

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Monday, January 23, 2006 11:50 PM


Seryn stares at SR, no, I don't believe it, you're here, you should be a hearth rug by now *slowly begins to grin*

to Jadehand - well, he didn't ecactly give them to me... We traded.

Then she see TWG and the doctor running along the third floor, just inside the door of the room they enter she see a man appear as he removes an invisibility cloak.

*gasp* Oh my god! ROBERTS?? Roberts? the Dread Pirate Roberts here? Butterfly's break out in her stomach, the usual reaction to seeing or hearing of a guy she's fancied for years... oh yotz, why can't pirates get agents? then they give advanced warnings about appearnces. Still, brief pause to appreciate the ass from this angle....aaaaand back to buisness.

I guess it was another false alarm, *looks down at the rabbits, who appear to be sniggering*

*stern look* you'd fancy him too if you were human. Even you Archie.

She looks again for SR...


Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
SR sees Seryn and catches her eye. He gently tilts his head and raises a eyebrow indicating she and he should find a quiet place to talk.

Seryn resists the impulse to run at SR, squealing in a girly manner and hug him half to death.

Instaed she works her way calmly through the crowd, pointing out the now deserted infirmary, she make her way inside and sits on one of the medi beds.

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan." Enormous thank you to KOL for the pictures!


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 2:43 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
Instaed she works her way calmly through the crowd, pointing out the now deserted infirmary, she make her way inside and sits on one of the medi beds.

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan." Enormous thank you to KOL for the pictures!

SR: Captain as you are incongnito am I correct in presuming that you wish to sieze this ship? I did reveal to one of the crew here that I was the quartermaster to Voodoo Nell though I never directly spoke to our day job. I must say that siezing this ship though ambitious, would be ill advised, there appear to be too many people and the design makes crowd control difficult. What the hell is that on your hip a marmot? How many of our crew is here? If we have to move fast, who should I kill and who should I keep alive for ransom? Most of my weapons are in a locker at the waterpark. Do you have any grenades?

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 2:53 AM


/me shoots a look of disbelief at the auto-spinner

game never goes well for me when it starts off with left foot yellow, lmd silently curses and lets out a long sigh, oh well

/me grins with mischief at the other players and places a foot on yellow with great flourish

--- <-inching towards daylight


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 5:25 AM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:

*looks at the destroyed nest...then to Serenity*

Heh, um, sorry. I wouldn't have done that if Simon had come with me, we thought you were in danger because I felt PR...*they turn to see Simon on the floor laughing* I'll fix it.

*twg begins to piece the nest back together*

TWG! I spent all morning working on that!

Sheesh, just because I'm pregnant, doesn't mean I can't take care of myself!

I know you mean well, but let me fix it.

*Gently moves TWG out of the way and sets to work repairing her nest.*

Now, would someone be so kind as to bring me some rootbeer? And nachos. I could really go for some nachos.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 7:44 AM



Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:
“Ladies and gentlemen, the Security Chief is back and ready for act—AARRRGGGHHH!!!”

*After the false alarm over Serenity and the stranger, N0Skillz makes his way over to Soul*

"So your the Security Chief, and I also couldn't help but over hear the your in need of some deputys..."


RAF Lakenheath


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 7:51 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by N0Skillz:

*After the false alarm over Serenity and the stranger, N0Skillz makes his way over to Soul*

"So your the Security Chief, and I also couldn't help but over hear the your in need of some deputys..."

"I could certainly use a few good guns to help out around here, and that cat of yours could be a deputy in his own right."

Soul holds out his hand, and NOSkillz grabs it.

"Welcome aboard," Soul says, and then looks around the room. "Now I have to go find PR. He made a good point earlier, and I think it would be a good idea to have him as part of the security detail as well."


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 8:08 AM


*After shaking Souls hand, he point upstairs*

"I believe hes still upstairs with Serenity."


RAF Lakenheath


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 8:25 AM


*KellyofLuthien glances around at the Twister players, noticing everyone still has their pants.

The auto-spinner cheerily yells out "Left foot yellow!"

Kelly bravely puts her left foot on yellow, bringing glory to all Elvenkind as the first Vala to play pants-off Twister.*

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 9:04 AM



SR: Captain as you are incongnito am I correct in presuming that you wish to sieze this ship? I did reveal to one of the crew here that I was the quartermaster to Voodoo Nell though I never directly spoke to our day job. I must say that siezing this ship though ambitious, would be ill advised, there appear to be too many people and the design makes crowd control difficult. What the hell is that on your hip a marmot? How many of our crew is here? If we have to move fast, who should I kill and who should I keep alive for ransom? Most of my weapons are in a locker at the waterpark. Do you have any grenades?

Whoa! hold on there!

Its a very long and involved story, I don't much want to go into it, though I guess its gonna have to come out sooner or later.....

Upshot is, I'm, ahh.. not really Nell.

*braces for reaction, looks up to find that SR is simply staring at her*

I'm not Roses sister. I know that I said I was, but, i'm not, as far as I know the real Nell is still living with her husband on their counrty estate in Shropshire.*shrugs*

I used her identity to hide for a few years, I got word several moons ago that I didn't need to do that anymore. I thought about leaving...

*throws her hands up* well, you were gone! Mad Morty wanted your job, I couldn't keep refusing him. Gods, I never thought I would see you again, I thought you were someones wacky tribal ornament by now - you're gonna have to tell me what you were doing - and well, the rest of the crew? nyah...

Anyway, these guys turned up, I decided to go with, I left the serum on the ship, so my disguise wore off, and here I am.

Though honestly, taking over this ship, not a problem, the security is crap, people just keep popping in and out, devil may care like *gets all happy* Do you realise the Dread Pirate Roberts was just here? *sighs* oh he's so gorgeous. *pouts* and he came and went and I didn't get so much as a chance to scream 'I want your babies' at him. *grins - back to the point* I mean I understand that their security officer has been dead for a while, but still...

How did you get here?

Though saying that, I get the impression that though taking the ship presents no problems, keeping it would be a major pain in the ass.

Regardless, thats not my intention, hell, I was even thinking of trying something new and making myself useful.

Oh don't look at me like that! Still, Hi! my name is Seryn *points and sticker* Holds out her hand to shake SR's, as he grasps her hand she pulls him into a quick hug.

I missed you you old bastard.
"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan." Enormous thank you to KOL for the pictures!


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 12:31 PM


So Seryn,
You're thinking of staying on seeing what happens eh? That sounds good, I mean they have a pool table and FUNHOUSE pinball, and a swimming pool, and a bar. Very familiar.
I agree holding the ship would be a problem. I'm still trying to figure out the priorities of the folk here. Leave the head of secruity dead in a freezer for a while, quick! everyone rescue Serenity from the singing telegram....seems odd, but certainly entertaining.
Staying and being useful, with an armoury like yours and 2 vorpal bunnies? Likely not too hard.
Good to hear you don't need to run anymore, glad whatever that was got resolved.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 1:22 PM


yes, resolved... landslides have their uses.
It was your typical love story I suppose, girl meets boy, boy has own empire, girl dislikes inlaws, inlaws try to kill girl, boy chooses duty over girl, boy uses influences to hide girl, marries some tiresome royal lettuce leaf. Inlaws think he hides her cause she's carrying future heir to throne, inlaws send assasins, magicians,a few zombies and one very unconvincing were-ferret to get girl. no luck, then one day inlaws killed in a freak landslide whilst on holiday.
Same old, same old. *grins*

Yeah, I reckon it might be fun, useful...

I think I heard that they wanted deputies for the security team.

Not sure I like the idea of going from Captain to deputy though, offends my girly dignity.

First order of business however is to set up some kind of system of early warnings, if we can't stop people suddenly appearing we can gorram well track them when they do.
Do we go all mystical, or stick to good old science? You know I think I had a book somewhere on how ghosts are mostly radio waves and magnetic disturbences, the same might be true of magicm or whatever it is thats letting people on and off this boat Maybe we cold rig the sensors to tell us about any changes to the magnetic fields? though, that works in a hut on an island in the carribean. For all I know magnetic waves on board a starship could be about as stable as a pissed pirate on a pogo stick...

Screw this, I hear theres a game of pants-off twister going on, I vote we go watch.

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 3:16 PM


*places left foot on yellow. smashes someone elses foot by mistake of course......sorry!

autospinner says:

right hand blue!

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 4:05 PM


*shuffles feet* Okay, sorry. I'll get those nachos for you...right away!

*turns to run to the kitchen only to trip over the laughing Simon. She flys across the floor, bounces off the wall, and tumbles down the three flights of stairs landing on her head*

Oof. It's okay, I'm okay. It's all good.

*she slowly rolls over to her stomach and begins to crawl her way to the kitchen...the doctor jumps to his feet in case she's hurt, sees she is fine, and starts laughing again.*

Sparky? Spppaaaarky! Ah, there you are. Can you carry me to the kitchen or maybe bring me some nachos? *The Cabana Boy 3000 shakes his head and wriggles his shoulder cuff as an arms* Figures.
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 4:38 PM



one very unconvincing were-ferret

Ha! that sounds interesting. I never used a pogo stick... Not too sure about the security thing, but you're right about one thing for sure, It can wait until after Pants-Off Twister.
*heads to game with Seryn and orders them a drink...*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 5:07 PM



Originally posted by mai:

autospinner says:

right hand blue!

*not an aggressive person by nature, elemdee nonetheless puts his hand on the blue dot farthest from him and placing himself in even closer proximity with all those playing

--- <-inching towards daylight


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 6:14 PM


Inside Citizen’s impressive armory on Boros, Bride6 admires the matching pair of Desert Eagles she has discovered. She loads them both and sights down the barrel of first one, then the other, getting the feel of each weapon. She stocks up on ammunition for the pistols.

“Mine!” she says.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 6:31 PM



Originally posted by mai:
*places left foot on yellow. smashes someone elses foot by mistake of course......sorry!

autospinner says:

right hand blue!

*Grimaces as Mai steps on his foot, but immediately forgives her.

As he places his right hand on blue, KellyofLuthien places her hand on the same one at the same time. Ath immediately pulls his hand away and nearly falls onto his stomach. Blushing, he manages to put his hand on another blue dot.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 7:04 PM



Originally posted by CallMeAth:

Originally posted by mai:
*places left foot on yellow. smashes someone elses foot by mistake of course......sorry!

autospinner says:

right hand blue!

*Grimaces as Mai steps on his foot, but immediately forgives her.

As he places his right hand on blue, KellyofLuthien places her hand on the same one at the same time. Ath immediately pulls his hand away and nearly falls onto his stomach. Blushing, he manages to put his hand on another blue dot.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"

"Right hand blue!"

*KellyofLuthien deftly places her right hand on a blue circle and almost jerks away as Ath quickly pulls his hand from hers. Watching him regain his balance and blush, Kelly suppresses a small giggle. Her thoughts had strayed to the consequences had Ath fallen over, and she has found that pantless Ath does indeed seem like a very good thing.......*

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 8:02 PM


*looks around*

...Where the hell am I?

^by my friend Yoko, an interprentation of me
Yay myspace...


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 8:38 PM



Originally posted by seryn:

*throws her hands up* well, you were gone! Mad Morty wanted your job, I couldn't keep refusing him. Gods, I never thought I would see you again, I thought you were someones wacky tribal ornament by now - you're gonna have to tell me what you were doing - and well, the rest of the crew? nyah...

How did you get here?

Oh don't look at me like that! Still, Hi! my name is Seryn *points and sticker* Holds out her hand to shake SR's, as he grasps her hand she pulls him into a quick hug.

I missed you you old bastard.
"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan." Enormous thank you to KOL for the pictures!

"I was gone? I was gone? I turned around and everyone had left! If it wasn't for the fact that I was still in the nook I would have thought you had marooned me.
As for what I was doing it was a long story lass and not much of it pleasant. Another time perhaps when were are to drunk to know better.
How I got here, that I can't tell you. Not won't, can't.
I missed you too, perhaps that's why I'm here."

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 8:51 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
yes, resolved... landslides have their uses.
It was your typical love story I suppose, girl meets boy, boy has own empire, girl dislikes inlaws, inlaws try to kill girl, boy chooses duty over girl, boy uses influences to hide girl, marries some tiresome royal lettuce leaf. Inlaws think he hides her cause she's carrying future heir to throne, inlaws send assasins, magicians,a few zombies and one very unconvincing were-ferret to get girl. no luck, then one day inlaws killed in a freak landslide whilst on holiday.
Same old, same old. *grins*

Yeah, I reckon it might be fun, useful...

I think I heard that they wanted deputies for the security team.

Not sure I like the idea of going from Captain to deputy though, offends my girly dignity.

First order of business however is to set up some kind of system of early warnings, if we can't stop people suddenly appearing we can gorram well track them when they do.
Do we go all mystical, or stick to good old science? You know I think I had a book somewhere on how ghosts are mostly radio waves and magnetic disturbences, maybe we cold rig the sensors to tell us about any changes to the magnetic fields? though, that works in a hut on an island in the carribean. For all I know magnetic waves on board a starship could be about as stable as a pissed pirate on a pogo stick...

Screw this, I hear theres a game of pants-off twister going on, I vote we go watch.

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."

SR steps in front of Seryn blocking the doorway.

"You can play in a minute but for now, it's time to stand fast me bucko and hear me out. Do you know what nine out of ten dead pirates all have in common? They failed to think things through. I don't care if you really aren't Nell, but you really are my captain and once a pirate captain always a pirate captain. Maybe you are thinking that being a pirate was a mistake, but your biggest mistake was not realizing what you were getting into when you took the title of captain. It's not like a job a the hair salon that you can quit once the shine goes away. You have commanded men (and women) in a brazen criminal league focussed upon the flaunting of all law and extortion for profit by threat and force. Even if you could get the crew to agree to let you off the hook there's the entire 'verse to contend with. If word get's out that Voodoo Nell has given up the plundering and pillaging, every other pirate out there will beat a path to your door looking to deprive you of alll the loot you ever earned. It doesn't matter that you may not have it or never did. Pirates get drunk and tell tales and there a lot of raids and attacks that you have had no part of that have been blamed on you and not by nice cuddly pirates like our old crew, no but by animals only barely human. There are governments that will blame their atrocities on you because everyone hates a pirate. There are bounty hunters, sherriffs, privateers and naval officeers no end, out there, searching for the notorious Voodoo Nell. Lastly there will be people out there that will continue to commit terrible acts in your name once you have stepped down. If you stay active and continue to build a reputation based on true exploits others will a tad more reluctant to think you a easy target or a quick false flag to fly. You see you can't just walk away. We can lay low for awhile, but in time you will have to fly the black flag again. If you choose you may play the Robin Hood and try to do some good. Perhaps you can take a page out friend Roberts' book and cede your legacy on to someone else. Or I could kill you."

Seryn's eyes go wide as pie plates and her face goes to a shade of pale that's almost reflective.

"Well, actually we would have to fake your death. Don't worry we'll figure something out."

SR stands aside from the door.

"You can run along and play. I'm going to get a bite to eat and find a room with a door that locks and sleep for a week. I haven't eaten or slept in three days. So you'll forgive me if I've been a bit gruff."

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 9:00 PM


*twg crawls by with a plate of nachos on her back*


Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
If word get's out that Voodoo Nell has given up the plundering and pillaging, every other pirate out there will beat a path to your door looking to deprive you of alll the loot you ever earned. It doesn't matter that you may not have it or never did.

now just a second! I know we look a bit loony at the moment, but we can be a force to be feared. If you're a part of this crew, we stand with you. You can be sure of that. No worries...well, maybe a few...but we always win...okay two of us have died once or twice, but we're alive now...just know that if you need us, all you must do is ask.

*twg continues crawling...finding the stairs a tricky thing with the plate on her back*
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 9:05 PM


SR looks out of the infirmary door and realizes he's too damn tired to walk to the kitchen and decides he doesn't care about a door with a lock as he climbs onto the examining table and falls asleep instantly.

Twenty minutes later he awakes with a blood curdling scream and with his dagger in his hand before he's completely conscious. He sheaths his blade and wanders out to find a room with a lock, If only to keep from killing someone in his sleep.

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 10:38 PM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

SR steps in front of Seryn blocking the doorway.

"You can play in a minute but for now, it's time to stand fast me bucko and hear me out. Do you know what nine out of ten dead pirates all have in common? They failed to think things through. I don't care if you really aren't Nell, but you really are my captain and once a pirate captain always a pirate captain. Maybe you are thinking that being a pirate was a mistake, but your biggest mistake was not realizing what you were getting into when you took the title of captain. It's not like a job a the hair salon that you can quit once the shine goes away. You have commanded men (and women) in a brazen criminal league focussed upon the flaunting of all law and extortion for profit by threat and force. Even if you could get the crew to agree to let you off the hook there's the entire 'verse to contend with. If word get's out that Voodoo Nell has given up the plundering and pillaging, every other pirate out there will beat a path to your door looking to deprive you of alll the loot you ever earned. It doesn't matter that you may not have it or never did. Pirates get drunk and tell tales and there a lot of raids and attacks that you have had no part of that have been blamed on you and not by nice cuddly pirates like our old crew, no but by animals only barely human. There are governments that will blame their atrocities on you because everyone hates a pirate. There are bounty hunters, sherriffs, privateers and naval officeers no end, out there, searching for the notorious Voodoo Nell. Lastly there will be people out there that will continue to commit terrible acts in your name once you have stepped down. If you stay active and continue to build a reputation based on true exploits others will a tad more reluctant to think you a easy target or a quick false flag to fly. You see you can't just walk away. We can lay low for awhile, but in time you will have to fly the black flag again. If you choose you may play the Robin Hood and try to do some good. Perhaps you can take a page out friend Roberts' book and cede your legacy on to someone else. Or I could kill you."

Seryn feels herselve pale, and then begin to redden with anger

'you think I don't know all this? You actually think I don't realise exactly how many people would like to seee me dead right at this moment? I've spent most of my life wanted, where do you think the paranoia come from, right now I have eight different weapons on me! Does that seem healthy to you? Back in my room theres a small armoury! you know that little story I mentioned? well, you may not believe it but most of it is true, the biggest lie is what killed them!


I know full well that leaving the crew is going to stir up a storm of crap, for me and for them.

Killing me is not an option, the real Nell intends to return, with or without hubby, I can't kill off her life like that, so in the mean time?
For your information, I have thought this through, You remember that cabin boy I had? Well, NOT A BOY. And i'm not talking about age, though he was full well too old for the post.
The important factor here is he was girl! Elizabeth was the name she gave me, and even now she's on Roses ship, she has my serum and at the right time she's going to go back as me, or as Nell. All that time spent in my cabin? Yes I know what the crew thought we were doing, well she was learning to be me, my mannerisms my speech, my style of fighting even.

Seryn trails off, suddenly thoughful.

But you know what? one of us is eventually going to have to go back to support her. I don't like the thought of her on her own, in the beginning anyway.

*anger returns*

Jack, I'm not in the party mood anymore, i'm not fit company, for anything much...

From outside the infirmary, they hear TWG, as Seryn listens to what she says, she begins to get flustered, unused to that kind of blind, whole hearted support...

Thank you TWG, I... but if people come after me the first thing i'm doing is leaving, i'm not letting innocent people get caught in the cross fire, its kind of you to offer but... s**t hits the fan? you are all to clear out.
I'm not prepared to change my mind on that account...

SR stands aside from the door.

"You can run along and play. I'm going to get a bite to eat and find a room with a door that locks and sleep for a week. I haven't eaten or slept in three days. So you'll forgive me if I've been a bit gruff."

Seryn just looks at him, then stomps over to TWG, picks the plate off her back, and stalks up the stairs with it, momentarily she returns, scoops up TWG, throws her over her shoulder and takes her up as well, after depositing TWG at the top of the stairs she leaves, heading roughly in the direction of the west wing.

And they're rabbits, not marmots!

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."


Tuesday, January 24, 2006 11:10 PM


We interrupt this presentation to bring you important news from Blue Sun:

Are you old? Feeling worn down? Feel like no one appreciates you? Well come on down to Blue Sun's Soylent Green recruiting centre, where you'll soon be appreciated by many!

Blue Sun, Conquering better worlds.

This message paid for by the Blue Sun group.

(What happens when you post accidentally)


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 3:48 AM


um, thank you. Didn't mean to make things worse, why do i always make things worse...*twg finds Serenity and hands over her order*

I'm gonna make some pie...
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 3:50 AM



Mad Morty wanted your job, I couldn't keep refusing him.

Arr, be someone mentionin' me name?
Arr! No?
Is lonely, says I.
*vanishes in a puff of depressed inconceivable logic*


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 4:23 AM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
um, thank you. Didn't mean to make things worse, why do i always make things worse...*twg finds Serenity and hands over her order*

I'm gonna make some pie...

Oh, thanks, TWG!

But you don't always make things worse, where would you come up with an idea like that? You know we all love you here. We love your weird ways.

I'm sorry if I was a bit rude earlier. All these stupid pregnancy hormones, you know. I'm just a mess.

*starts shoveling nachos in her mouth*

Besides *she says, with her mouth half full* I've made some improvements to my original design.

Now, did you say pie?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 4:43 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Now, did you say pie?

uh huh. You want a particular kind? I'm just making some for the twister game. How can they play without the pie? We always play twister with pie! *fondly remembers getting pied while playing twister and while not playing twister...* I'm just making the basics, but if you want a pie, i can make you a pie. I hear you like coconut *ick* would you like a coconut cream pie?
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"






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