The Sereni-Tree, settling in, Twister, more piratey angst, and continuing adventures on Boros

UPDATED: Thursday, February 2, 2006 16:04
VIEWED: 23385
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006 5:48 PM


Is it that time already? I started our last new thread only a week ago! Oh, well, here it is: Thread 37!

For the complete “Guide to the Clubhouse / Treehouse / Sereni-Tree Threads”, see:

Here is a summary of the previous thread at:

Near the beginning of this thread is “TheRealMe’s Guide to the Sereni-Tree, V4”.

The inhabitants of the Sereni-Tree gladly consume the dinner cooked by KellyofLuthien.

The lady pirate captain GedunkRose departs the Sereni-Tree and returns to her ship by means of a dimensional portal of TheRealMe.

ThatWeirdGirl and her ex-husband BlackJackRackham have a reunion and heart-to-heart talk.

The mysterious Phantom that has been floating around since our return from the ]Arkham turns out to be the Soul of SoulofSerenity. He re-inhabits his mostly-dead body (which had been carefully preserved in cryo-stasis) and rejoins us! He has a joyful reunion with Serenity, and is deeply moved by their upcoming baby. Others express their happiness at his return, including Jazaf, TheRealMe, Jake7, and PsychicRiver. After being examined by Doctor SimonWho (at the request of TheRealMe), he resumes his duties as Security Chief and starts looking for new deputies, which seem to include Noskillz and PsychicRiver. When asked by Kelly, TheRealMe relates the epic tale of the death of Soul during the “Madness of Arkham” adventure.

A drunken Cozen staggers by, claiming to be the grandfather of the baby, since, during his time as a star cluster thingie, he created Serenity (and for that matter, Needleseye) along with the yeti and spiders and everything else on the planets of Rukus and Black Diamond. This astounding revelation is promptly ignored, as Cozen passes out.

Monkeytail wakes up behind the bar. He is helped by Noskillz.

Ath gets up nerve to talk to Kelly. They seem to hit it off. For some reason, Ath’s wings have not dissolved like others got from the Sea of Wings.

In the Infirmary, SimonWho receives PsychicRiver as a patient. PsychicRiver is afraid that he might be pregnant! ThatWeirdGirl takes her son aside and they have “the talk”. Later, PsychicRiver rigs up an odd piñata full of condoms. Mai is disappointed at the lack of candy, but she (and others) avail themselves of the falling prizes, just in case they prove useful later. VoodooNell offers to teach PR how to shoot and do other piratey things.

After waking up naked with a hangover (after Soul’s wake) in the “This Land” park, Bride2 has a few adventures with the mysterious stranger Scorpion Regent on her way to the water park to find some clothes. It turns out that Scorpion Regent just wants to find his captain, VoodooNell, to ask her if she wants to take over the Sereni-Tree! Meanwhile, Jazaf goes looking for his missing student, and finds her.

VoodooNell is revealed to be the slightly-shapeshifted Seryn, who owns a pair of trained attack bunnies. She dreads revealing the truth to Rackham, but it turns out okay. When approached by Scorpion Regent, Seryn/Nell revealed that she was not really Nell after all, and was thinking of quitting the pirate life. Also, while taking the Sereni-Tree would be easy, keeping it would be difficult. Seryn is curious about, and wary of, Noskillz’s huge cat, Shadow.

BlackJackRackham is revealed to be Jadehand, who seems to be the same individual except for the lack of an eyepatch and of the ability to magically refill his bottle of rum. Seryn/Nell and BlackJackRackham/Jadehand make some “Hello my name is” stickers to wear.

Serenity begins building a nest on the upper balcony over the Common Room. The mysterious ManInBlack arrives, begins tracking her with magic, and finally confronts her. PsychicRiver senses the intruder and sounds an alarm. ThatWeirdGirl leads the rescue, armed with her trusty hula hoop, but manages to do little more than disrupt the building of the nest. Luckily, it turns out that Xander and Ash only sent TheManInBlack deliver a singing telegram to Serenity. Seryn regrets that TheManInBlack did not stay long enough for her to get all lustful with him.

Mai and Elemdee talk about fruit: bananas vs strawberries! Then Mai rigs an automop to act as an auto-spinner to call out colors and body parts for a game of pants-less Twister. Or was that strip Twister? Participants included Mai, Ath, Monkeytail, Kelly (elves are limber!) and Elemdee.

Montanagirl didn’t do a lot, except get knocked over by a crate of Pepsi.

Bluefishie wandered around the ship, as usual.

Bored with amnesia, Rat regains his memories.

There is a lot of piratey angst as Scorpion Regent advises Seryn/Nell that being a priate captain is not a job that one can really resign from. Seryn has a plan, though, having already set up her cabinboy (secretly a girl) to replace her, or rather replace Nell, whom Seryn had already replaced (confused, yet?). The pirate Mad Morty poked his head in at the mention of his name, but promptly disappeared. Jadehand/BlackJackRackham offers a “Hello My Name Is Nell” sticker to help complete the cabin girl’s foolproof disguise. Scorpion Regent wanders off to the East Wing to find a room to sleep. He seems to be a fitful sleeper, to say the least!

ThatWeirdGirl makes pies of all kinds, including Frito Pie!

Finally, the Phantom of Arkham turns out NOT to have been SoulOfSerenity, but rather Soul’s soul was temporarily glued to it somehow. But with the revival of SoulOfSerenity, the Phantom is now free, and plotting its revenge.

Meanwhile, the game of strip-Twister continues, supplemented with pies from TWG.

On Boros: Our Heroes talk a bit in the back of Flechette’s restaurant. Somehow, things seem to be revolving around CallMeSerenity, her arch-enemy the scar guy, and possibly Needy the boy whore. Bride6 reveals that she is acquainted with Needy. When things get too hot for them in the restaurant, Citizen takes Safe, Jack, Bride6, and Bride7 through the tunnels to the Mother of All Armories.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:04 PM


*visions of bananas dance through elemdee's head*

*elemdee almost loses his precarious balance as something strikes the back of his head and lands on the twister mat next to his foot.

hey, who's throwin' bananas!?

--- <-inching towards daylight


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:48 PM


*Strolls into the common room and up to the bar. Takes note of several people in interesting positions with no pants on playing with bananas, and finds himself more than just a little amused. He sits atop a stool and has a quiet drink.*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 7:03 PM


Ash and Xander walk in, spy Jadehand at the bar, and decide to join him.

"Cider please."




Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:13 PM


On Boros:

Bride6 collects a few other choice items from Citizen's armory.

"So, what's the plan? We're going to need a ship or a shuttle to get out off this rock. And why did you guys come to Boros in the first place? Something about a lost friend?"


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 10:46 PM



SR takes the cigarette and crushes it out in the palm of his hand.

well that was dramatic... you couldn't use the ashtray?

*nod at small saucer on bedside table*


Did I ever mention I'm deathly allergic to cigarette smoke? I specifically locked the door for everyone else's protection. You are lucky I didn't kill you where you sit before my brain registered, it wouldn't be the first time. You break in here, completely disregarding the door knob sign and you gas me with your cancer stick. Well this proves it you're still a pirate. Go get rum and all will be forgiven.

*looks indignant* I would be a pretty poor pirate if I couldn't pick a lock, And I read that trick in a book once, i've been dying to try it out. I'll make a mental note, next time use the bog mud...

Though that doesn't always wake a person up, often the body thinks the quickest way to get away is just to chew through a wall and escape without the brain interfering...

Regardless, cut the crap, what is wrong?

You and me fight like cat and dog, Britney and Christina, I indulge and don't just dismiss you 'cause truth to tell I enjoy our little ruckuses, but its not appropriate here.
And as you are so fond of reminding me, I'm your Captain. So this is an order, you tell me what your nightmares are about, I help you resolve them ...I dunno, we'll go back in time and kidnapp Freud or something... You are happy, I am happy, we vow to fight a bare minimum of once a month.

Deal? Now spill...

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."


Thursday, January 26, 2006 2:02 AM


*As PR walks around he overhears Seryn talking to TWG.



Thank you TWG, I... but if people come after me the first thing i'm doing is leaving, i'm not letting innocent people get caught in the cross fire, its kind of you to offer but...

You're leaving? But you didn't teach me to shoot or use a bow and arrow yet!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Thursday, January 26, 2006 3:35 AM


*CMS finds Soul sitting in his Security Office.*

Hey you! I have some interesting news to tell you.
We received a singing telegram from Ash & Xander, congratulating us on the baby. It was delivered by the Dread Pirate Roberts. The best/worst part, is that TWG thought DPR was going to hurt me and attacked him with her hula hoop. Nearly destroyed the nest I had just finished building. But I fixed it, and it looks better than ever, I think.

Soul: built a nest?

CMS: Of course! Where else do you think I'm going to have the baby?

Wasn't that nice of Ash & Xander? We'll have to send them a thank you note.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, January 26, 2006 4:16 AM



"Ummm...Citizen, I don't have much left in the way of credits..."

Safe eyes a box of marble explosives.

"We used up a lot of ammo on Arkham, and could use to restock."


"So, what's the plan? We're going to need a ship or a shuttle to get out off this rock. And why did you guys come to Boros in the first place? Something about a lost friend?"

"First things first" Safe says. "I don't like not knowing the motives of my hunters. Lets find this Needy fellow. Maybe he can clear things up."

Safe presents his pile of supplies to Citizen, a box of clips for 9mm handgun, 2 boxes of bullets for his Colt Peacemaker, a box of marble explosives and the remote for them and a sniper rifle with high powered scope and ammo.

"Still don't know how you laid hands on all this, but I'm mighty appreciative of it. What do I owe you?"

"Jack, stop playin' Romeo and get a move on! No way of knowin' how long 'til the Alliance finds that trapdoor and I don't want to be trapped down here when they do."

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, January 26, 2006 5:18 AM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
"Jack, stop playin' Romeo and get a move on! Know way of knowin' how long 'til the Alliance finds that trapdoor and I don't want to be trapped down here when they do."

Bride6 gives Jack a quick kiss and whispers "Later." Then she urges him back toward Safe.

Bride6 blinks. "Ooooh! Is that a rocket launcher?"


Thursday, January 26, 2006 5:24 AM


Hello Ash, hello Xander


Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:12 AM



Originally posted by seryn:

SR takes the cigarette and crushes it out in the palm of his hand.

well that was dramatic... you couldn't use the ashtray?

*nod at small saucer on bedside table*


Did I ever mention I'm deathly allergic to cigarette smoke? I specifically locked the door for everyone else's protection. You are lucky I didn't kill you where you sit before my brain registered, it wouldn't be the first time. You break in here, completely disregarding the door knob sign and you gas me with your cancer stick. Well this proves it you're still a pirate. Go get rum and all will be forgiven.

*looks indignant* I would be a pretty poor pirate if I couldn't pick a lock, And I read that trick in a book once, i've been dying to try it out. I'll make a mental note, next time use the bog mud...

Though that doesn't always wake a person up, often the body thinks the quickest way to get away is just to chew through a wall and escape without the brain interfering...

Regardless, cut the crap, what is wrong?

You and me fight like cat and dog, Britney and Christina, I indulge and don't just dismiss you 'cause truth to tell I enjoy our little ruckuses, but its not appropriate here.
And as you are so fond of reminding me, I'm your Captain. So this is an order, you tell me what your nightmares are about, I help you resolve them ...I dunno, we'll go back in time and kidnapp Freud or something... You are happy, I am happy, we vow to fight a bare minimum of once a month.

Deal? Now spill...

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."

When was the last time you saw me,...before I showed up here? How long has it been? Where were we? I've been lost for a long time and I am starting to realise that it's possible I have been gone longer than you have, much longer. I was really busy too. Blast Rackham! he didn't have the good sense to leave us his bottle. I aught to dislocate both his arms for that.

Seryn suddenly realises that she is sitting next to a guy lying on a bed talking about his problems. "Pirate therapy" she thinks to herself and smiles, though her jaws is clenched to keep the laughter inside.

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:27 AM


*KOL looks up from her position on the Twister mat to get Jadehand's, Ash's and Xander's attention.*

"Um, could one of you check out what's going on in the kitchen? TWG has been in there for quite some time, and I just heard a crash...."

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:40 AM


I'll be right Back
*polishes off pint of cider.*
*walks around to kitchen, peeks in, gasps, and runs in*
Anne! I mean TWG!
*drops to knees and scoops up TWG. Checks breathing and pulse*
She seems to be ok, just exhausted from the baking I guess.
*grabs a towel and wipes away some of the cream on TWGs face. Stands up with TWG in his arms and nudges the door open with his foot.*
Hey, umm, I'm gonna take her down to the infirmary to be checked out, but you guys should have some pie, shame for her hard work to go to waste. I'll be back once the Doc has seen her....Oh and some one should tell PR just so he knows.
*Carries TWG to the doc*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:02 AM


*Ash/Xander orders a round of drinks for the ship.*


OT: My Xbox is in. It is time to celebrate!



Thursday, January 26, 2006 11:18 AM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

When was the last time you saw me,...before I showed up here? How long has it been? Where were we? I've been lost for a long time and I am starting to realise that it's possible I have been gone longer than you have, much longer. I was really busy too. Blast Rackham! he didn't have the good sense to leave us his bottle. I aught to dislocate both his arms for that.

Seryn suddenly realises that she is sitting next to a guy lying on a bed talking about his problems. "Pirate therapy" she thinks to herself and smiles, though her jaws is clenched to keep the laughter inside.

Scorpion Regent

Seryn remember her secret stash, as she rummages through a side pocket, SR hears what sounds like dozens of bottles clinking together. Right, I have that blue stuff, aaaahh, campari? I don't know, its bright red, chocolate liquer, cherry, oh gods is there any real alcohol in here? Ah! With a smile of stasfaction she produces a bottle of 12 year old malt whiskey.

SR smiles, he takes the bottle and goes to drink from it.

Uh uh uh! we're going to be civilised! glasses on the sideboard....

You've been gone what, half a year? we lost you on that island, you know, the one shaped like a starfish, we thought, from your last campsite, and the behaviour of the locals, that you were long gone.

SR, sits back on the bed and she pours them both a drink.

'I remember that evening before, that was one hell of a party then...'

Seryn thinks about the therapy thing again [ihey wonder if the ship needs a counsellor? as he sits recounting his adventures, and all of the things he saw while awy. no wonder he's having bad dreams.... I couple of hours later Seryn leaves, having poured most of the contents of the bottle into SR's glass and left him sleeping it off.

On entering the common room she looks out for PR, that lesson is long overdue, while i'm here I should find Soul and tell him i'm willing to help if he wants me too...

Trying hard to avoid looking at all the twister players with their pants off,who would have thought of a prudish pirate eh? she makes her way up to where Serenity built her nest, reasoning that Soul will be with her if anywhere.

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."


Thursday, January 26, 2006 11:55 AM


He floats into the common room, his anger nearly overwhelming him, and he has made the decision to kill the first person he gets to when he sees--


Running, or rather floating over, he watches as the spinning mop calls out "right foot red". So Phantom puts his right foot on red, and laughs as he plays along with the others; and in that moment of childish joy, he dissapears in a puff of logic that simply states that an evil incorporeal being just cannot enjoy Twister. ESPECIALLY not pant-less Twister


OOC: Eh...less drama, more fun...I start up too much serious stuff. Time to have fun for a while!! - Soul


"That's my man" - Zoe


Thursday, January 26, 2006 4:47 PM


*Having lurked and watched the dramedy adventures of this rag-tag bunch o' pirates, sylphs, preganant souls, Real and UnReal folk long enough, ItsaWash steps out of the shadows and into a pile of whipped cream in the kitchen.

Quick to notice such things, she follows the manly footsteps in the mess out the other door of the kitchen, knowing which direction to go when the steps disappear (as the cream wears off) by the scent of pie filling on the departing male.

No wait...the male smells like leather and orange crush. The pie scent is from a female.

Hurrying along, vaguely hungry now, head down and concentrating, she runs smack-dab into a strong backed man carrying a pie-clad woman, and all three collapse in a limb-entangled heap.

Wash blacks out, her last sight before engulfing darkness is a very surprised tall dark (but reclining) man and a very creamyfied and unconscious woman. A nanosecond before the dark slams her down deeply, Wash sneaks a fingerfull of whipped cream and pie filling off the female's arm, swallows, smiles and fades.*

(Yes, TRM, I read your jing-zi preface first. Nice work, Historian!)

Fave part :"Bored with amnesia, Rat regains his memories."

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Thursday, January 26, 2006 4:50 PM


*After finishing his business with Soul, N0S heads back to the common room to watch the fun unfolding with the pantsless twister*


RAF Lakenheath


Thursday, January 26, 2006 5:40 PM


* a stray bananna hits the automopspinner making it call orders at an insanely fast rate.*

autospinner says: right foot red, left hand green, left foot red, left yellow, right foot green..

*the players become tightly entangled and the whole group begins to totter*

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 5:53 PM


well this is working out better than I expected, thinks elemdee as he finds himself thoroughly entangled with the other players and particularly the one of his interest, i certainly couldn't have planned this any better

--- <-inching towards daylight


Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:46 PM


*dumps her fishies in the tank, so they have more space to swim*

There you go, now eat and make babies or something.

*dives in the tank after them*

It is a FISHIE tank after all.

^by my friend Yoko, an interprentation of me
Yay myspace...


Thursday, January 26, 2006 6:50 PM


The door closes and SR opens first one eye and the the other.

"That ought to hold her for a while." he thinks to himself. "If I told her the truth she'd have nightmares. I'd wake up to find myself locked in, right proper, from the outside. Six months, have passed,...for everyone else. For me five years, maybe six of complete and total fear and loathing. If she only knew that the story I told her would have been a welcome relief from what I really went through."

SR gets up and walks to the door. He extracts a tube of superglue from his pocket and seals the lock shut. He return to the bed finishes the last of the alcohol in one draft and rolls toward the wall and cries himself to sleep.

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, January 26, 2006 7:12 PM



Originally posted by mai:
* a stray bananna hits the automopspinner making it call orders at an insanely fast rate.*

autospinner says: right foot red, left hand green, left foot red, left yellow, right foot green..

*the players become tightly entangled and the whole group begins to totter*

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.

*Ath, who was already having trouble balancing with the added weight of his wings, finally topples over, dragging Mai and Kelly with him.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Thursday, January 26, 2006 7:27 PM



Originally posted by CallMeAth:

Originally posted by mai:
* a stray bananna hits the automopspinner making it call orders at an insanely fast rate.*

autospinner says: right foot red, left hand green, left foot red, left yellow, right foot green..

*the players become tightly entangled and the whole group begins to totter*

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.

*Ath, who was already having trouble balancing with the added weight of his wings, finally topples over, dragging Mai and Kelly with him.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"

*KellyofLuthien curses in Elven.

Standing up, she offers a hand to Ath and Mai and pulls both of them to their feet. Bowing to LMD, who appears to have won the game, Kelly then grabs at the waistband of her scrub pants. Being a few thousand years old has some perks, and one of them is losing all sense of modesty. Kelly pulls down her scrub pants and steps out of them, revealing a pair of black boyshorts with the phrase "Elf Booty Got Soul" in rhinestones on the backside.

Satisfied that she played by the rules, KOL heads into the kitchen and starts cutting pieces of pie for everyone*

[to fully understand "Elf Booty Got Soul," goto and download the music video ]

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Thursday, January 26, 2006 7:48 PM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:
Kelly pulls down her scrub pants and steps out of them, revealing a pair of black boyshorts with the phrase "Elf Booty Got Soul" in rhinestones on the backside.

*Ath stares.*

I'll say they do at that!

*Mai nudges Ath out of his trance and clears her throat.*


*Mai looks down at Ath's pants and raises her eyebrows expectantly.*

Oh, right!

*Ath blushes, but pulls down his pants to reveal a pair of Snoopy boxers.*

What? They were a gift.

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Thursday, January 26, 2006 7:59 PM


Jazaf shakes his head and smiles. 'What an odd game.' he thinks to himself. Feeling a bit tired he wanders into the waterpark. Jazaf waves to Blue as she socializes with her fish then leaps into the floating ball of breathable liquid. 'Now to get some peace and quiet'

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Thursday, January 26, 2006 8:06 PM



*Ath blushes, but pulls down his pants to reveal a pair of Snoopy boxers.*

Nice boxers, very nice.

My turn huh?

*pulls down pants to reveal low-rise hip hugger panties in a pretty green polka dot*

Well that was fun. Now what?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 8:17 PM



Originally posted by mai:

*Ath blushes, but pulls down his pants to reveal a pair of Snoopy boxers.*

Nice boxers, very nice.

My turn huh?

*pulls down pants to reveal low-rise hip hugger panties in a pretty green polka dot*

Well that was fun. Now what?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.

*KellyofLuthien walks out of the kitchen, still pantsless, balancing a huge platter of pie pieces on each arm*

"And now, we eat pie!"

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Thursday, January 26, 2006 8:19 PM


Of course!

*takes a piece of chocolate pie from Kelly and digs in*

So after this who's up for round two of twister?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 8:23 PM


*Takes a piece of key lime pie.*

Not bad, TWG.


Originally posted by mai:
So after this who's up for round two of twister?


Except...What do I take off if I lose this time?

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Thursday, January 26, 2006 8:27 PM




Except...What do I take off if I lose this time?

well, I guess that's up to you.

*finishes pie and starts attempting to fix autospinner for the next game*

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 8:37 PM


huh, imagine that...I won. uh, thanks, ath, i think.

/me sits down at the edge of the twister mat and watches as the ladies undress. elemdee sighs in contentment then reaches for his bottle of 99 bananas.

Hmm, this bottle's almost gone...I'll go with the 99 apples for the next.

--- <-inching towards daylight


Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:46 PM


Seryns strolls along the balcony, taking the opportunity to look around and trying desperatly not to look down, where in the common room, the spinner has started calling out instructions at a ferocious rate. She hears the laughing as the players all tumble to the floor. Given free reign, her imagination has gone into overdrive and she just can't stop herself glancing down

Aaaarrhhgg..... oh, no. hang on, aah...UNDERWEAR. Folks round hear wear underwear. Well that makes that game a lot less disturbing.... I'll have to remember that...

*giggles at the message on Kellys shorts*

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."


Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:36 PM


*stirs briefly in the infirmary at the sound of pants being removed. Hears "And now, we eat pie!"*

*stirs more, then thinks "Aaaarrhhgg..... oh, no. hang on, aah...UNDERWEAR. Folks round hear wear underwear. Well that makes that game a lot less disturbing.... I'll have to remember that... "
*passes out again*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Thursday, January 26, 2006 11:38 PM


Back on Boros:
"Still don't know how you laid hands on all this, but I'm mighty appreciative of it. What do I owe you?"
Citizen slips his new found pistol into a shoulder holster, before letting his coat fall back in to place.
"I told ya, this is my gorramn town." He said simply. "Payment can wait, I'm smelling potential profit off this, Alliance don't get this worked up unless there's something in it for 'em." He heaved up a black briefcase and a granade belt. "So we find this Needy fella an' go from there."
Citizen turns to Bride6 "I thought it was Bride7 who was the gun nut." He shrugs. "Best be leaving that one, can't be finding no one if the moon their on don't exist no more!"

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Friday, January 27, 2006 3:34 AM


*CMS heads downstairs just in time for pie.*

Mmmm coconut cream!

*She finishes that in a few bites and then works here way through a slice of chocolate*

*Glancing around at everyone in their skivvies*

Well, looks like I missed an exciting game.

Hey Ath, how come you still have your wings? Did you bring some of that water back with you? If you weren't standing around in Snoopy boxers, I'd tell you you looked like a girl.

*grabs a slice of apple next*

TWG does make a good pie!

*spies Ash & Xander sitting at the bar and heads over*

ASH! Xander! When did you show back up? *hugs* We got your singing telegram! Thank you soooo much! However did you get the Dread Pirate Roberts to do such a thing? You know TWG nearly took him out, thought he was going to hurt me.

So, tell me, what have you been up to?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Friday, January 27, 2006 4:30 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
Back on Boros:
Citizen turns to Bride6 "I thought it was Bride7 who was the gun nut." He shrugs. "Best be leaving that one, can't be finding no one if the moon their on don't exist no more!"

Bride6 pouts and gives a heavy sigh. "Well, okay, I'll leave it." She returns the rocket launcher to its case. "But I'm not some 'gun nut', Mister! I'm a weapons enthusiast!"

Bride7 rolls her eyes. "Whatever!"

(Pssst! Hi Washie. Welcome to the crazy house!)


Friday, January 27, 2006 4:51 AM


On the Sereni-Tree, TheRealMe walks by the entrance to the kitchen, distracted by some of the participants in the pantsless Twister game. He slips on some of the whipped cream and lands on the deck next to Jadehand, ThatWeirdGirl, and the newcomer ItsAWash.

"Sparky, get a mop, please, and clean this up!"

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, January 27, 2006 5:38 AM


SR wakes up with a groan that could be heard a parsec away. His body is screaming at him. He tries through the pain to put the situation in order. He's hungry, nigh starving. It's been four days since his last meal. He's dehydrated. He's hung over. He's locked in a room because he superglued the lock shut and he needs to pee.
His one solace is that he woke up in the same place he went to sleep.
This for SR is not a bad morning, his life is in no immediate danger.

"I'm in pain and the pain tells me I am still alive." he thinks to himself as he searches through his things. He finds a small aerosol can which he sprays into the lock. He waits and listens to the screams of his bladder and his head. He notes that if one of the two were to shift the key a little they would have a serious two part harmony going. He waits some more. He turns the knob. It remains frozen. He turns the knob harder. It gives and the door opens. he then walks to nearest fresher and finds a small and fleeting moment of bliss. From there he proceeds on to the kitchen.

Scorpion Regent


Friday, January 27, 2006 7:17 AM


Fully stocked, Citizen closes up his armory and heads off to find Needy, the group in tow.

Back at the terminal, a man in a sharp gray suit and dark glasses strides purposefully up to the Alliance temporary base in the empty hanger, hands tucked seemingly nonchalantly in his pockets.

“Captain, a moment of your time please?”

The Captain looks up from his notes, clearly annoyed at the interruption. Upon laying eyes on the man in the suit, captain’s expression of annoyance melts off his face. He swallows nervously. “How can I help you?”

“How is your investigation going?” Every word the man speaks is slow and precisely enunciated.
Glad for the opportunity to shift the man’s attention from himself the captain turns and barks “Johnson, Chen! Report!”

The two soldiers run in and stand at attention, eyes flicking nervously between the captain and the man in gray.

Chen steps forward, “Sir! We are still going through the wreckage. Still no idea what caused the blast but we did find the registration for the shuttle.” Chen holds out a clipboard to the captain.

“The Sereni-Tree…hmmm, where have I heard that before…?” The captain mutters trying to remember. “Johnson, any luck with the terminal master?”

“Yes sir! We obtained this footage from the security cameras.” Johnson hands the vid card to the captain.

“Good work Johnson” The vid card plays a 2 minute loop showing Safe and Jack as they enter the terminal from the hangar. “Have a search set-up for these men.”

“All ready done captain.”

The man in gray reaches out a gloved hand and takes the vid card from the captain.

“Tell your men to stop their search and go to this address.” The man in gray writes the address on a piece of paper, folds it precisely in half, and hands it to the captain. “THIS is where they are going."

"Have your men wait outside the building." the man in gray ordered. His voice, while not raised, left no room for argument. "WE will handle it from there.”

A cold sweat trickles down the captains spine raising the hairs on the back of his neck as he hesitantly takes the paper from the gray man.

While the gloves themselves were no cause for concern; it was the color of the gloves…

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, January 27, 2006 7:35 AM


On entering the security office, Seryn doesn't immedietly spot Soul, hiding as he is behind the paper backlog of his absence.

'Jeeze, I was going to offer my services on the security team, but it looks like you have more need of a secretary.'

Pulling up a chair, she rummages through the pile, pulling out random bits of mail...

'Subscription to Gun Nut Monthly, with free gift ooooof... a cleaning cloth. Bin! Dear sir, do you ever feel that there are far too many.... irritating morons with the ability to write? yup!Bin! Capital one credit cards, capital one, capital one, oh, heres a change, virgin credit cards. Bin! Win a years supply of viagra! wha...? Bin!
20% off huggies, oh, you'd better be keeping that one. Dear Sir, we regret to inform you that your life insurance policy has expired, as our records indicate that you are dead. To rectify this problem please call our dedicated customer service team... *blinks* hang on...'

Being a pirate had all sorts of unknown advantages didn't it?

Pulling over another stack she starts sorting them into a file.

'So, as I was saying, I came to see if you were in need of any help. Not saying that I'd make a great deputy... but theres an extra gun hand here should ya want it. I'm pretty nifty with a longbow as well, *looks at a peice of card* Two for one tickets at the amusement park of your choice. Oo, keep that one, might be useful. And Esme and Archie come in handy too *she places the rabbits on the desk, where Archie immedietly starts chewing a tax demand to peices* See?
Well, just so you know.
There was something else as well... what was it... Oh, yes, several times now people and .. things... have got on and off the ship, not that there's been a problem, and frankly I'd like to see some of them return *dreamily imagines Roberts coming back...* But I was wondering if we shouldn't try to cook up some kind of warning system, I had a few ideas. If there are any brainy types on board I could run it by them?

Any way, just say.

*grins her most charming grin* *heads off for pie*

Oh, do you know where PR is?

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."


Friday, January 27, 2006 8:33 AM


*Ash/Xander get up and hug Serenity.*

Ash: Well we haven't been doing much of anything. Wondering about, playing with pirates...

Xan: Wait did you say that Roberts had already left this ship? He has already fullfilled his debt?

*Serenity nods.*

Xan: Oh shit. Um I think, um...Excuse us for just a second.

*Xander leans over to Ash's ear and begins to whisper. Ash turns white and together they start to fidget.*

Ash: Serenity you have to help us. Please!

*The twins fall to their knees and as one they start to talk.*

Ash/Xan: It was all innocent fun/Simple mistake...Please hide us!

Ash: We sort of forgot to return his boat.

Xan: They are called ships.

Ash: I don't care what they are called we are still going to die.



Friday, January 27, 2006 8:46 AM



You took his ship??

How can I help with that? Sounds like you've gotten yourselves into quite a pickle.

Mmm...pickles. Wonder if there are any left in the kitchen...

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Friday, January 27, 2006 12:15 PM


Seryn skips down the stairs, hummig wondering what the strange new feeling in her stomach is it... could it be...? contentment? Reaching the bar, she pours herself a glass of lemonade.


Originally posted by xanderlharris:
Ash: We sort of forgot to return his boat.

Xan: They are called ships.

Ash: I don't care what they are called we are still going to die.

*grins impishly* ooo you guys are for it...

*holds out her hand to shake* Hi, nice to have known you.

Hey Serenity, how're you and Bump? *realises something....*

Wait! are you talking about Dread Pirate Roberts? *flutters* wow, you met him? You spent enough time with him for him to want to kill you?Oh you guys are so lucky...

*drifts of into a happy little day dream about sunny days, good winds and DRP not wearing much*
"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."


Friday, January 27, 2006 1:15 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
He slips on some of the whipped cream and lands on the deck next to Jadehand, ThatWeirdGirl, and the newcomer ItsAWash.

"Sparky, get a mop, please, and clean this up!"

*twg moans and realizes she's covered in cream. she growls.*

*Sparky looks down at the growling puff and scampers away in fear (yes he can scamper)*

*she lies there for a few moments, staring at the ceiling and patiently waiting for her cleaning service...then she remembers she did this to herself and there will be no manly tongue licking her neck*


*she sees two other figures knocked out as well*

I'm not sure how the three of us got out here and unconscious...we didn't...I mean, we could have...but surely we didn' Jack, er Jade still in to that? *Checks out the Wash thingy* Yeah, I guess he would be, she's a looker. Well, I don't remember the three of us getting into anything crazy *notices all have clothes on* I should help them up and show them to a shower. *she wakes up the other two creamy people and takes them to her room where they can clean up a bit*
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Friday, January 27, 2006 4:23 PM


From her semi-comatose state on the corridor floor in the tangle of bodies, Washie seems to faintly detect a deep rumbly voice welcoming her to this strange yet illustrious domain. She drifts back into the black, comforted by the disembodied voice.

(Thanks for the fine welcome, TRM. )

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Friday, January 27, 2006 4:24 PM


*Still in shock after the de-pantsing of the girls, N0S pushes his jaw back into the closed position.*


RAF Lakenheath


Friday, January 27, 2006 4:34 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
He slips on some of the whipped cream and lands on the deck next to Jadehand, ThatWeirdGirl, and the newcomer ItsAWash.

"Sparky, get a mop, please, and clean this up!"


*twg moans and realizes she's covered in cream. she growls.*

*Sparky looks down at the growling puff and scampers away in fear (yes he can scamper)*

*she lies there for a few moments, staring at the ceiling and patiently waiting for her cleaning service...then she remembers she did this to herself and there will be no manly tongue licking her neck*


*she sees two other figures knocked out as well*

I'm not sure how the three of us got out here and unconscious...we didn't...I mean, we could have...but surely we didn' Jack, er Jade still in to that? *Checks out the Wash thingy* Yeah, I guess he would be, she's a looker. Well, I don't remember the three of us getting into anything crazy *notices all have clothes on* I should help them up and show them to a shower. *she wakes up the other two creamy people and takes them to her room where they can clean up a bit*

Wash rises groggily, checks herself for mortal injuries and, finding none, checks out the lovely vision of a female helping her up. Led by the lass's hand (she says her name's thatweirdgirl) Washie goes willingly, seeing the that the male portion of this menage de trois is as comely in a manly way as both of us females are.

"Where we goin?", Wash asks twg. "Back to my place, creamy girl. We need a shower."

We advance along the hallway heading for a showery scrub-down in 'What kinda place is this?' Wash thinks, then answers her own question easily: 'MY kinda place!' Wash strolls along, smiling and sorta humming a little tune that sounds like Mal's song. As she walks she checks out the manly man stumbling along in the shower-owner's wake. Mmmmm. Nice hindparts. Oh yeah! Hers is pretty good too.

"Jade? You okay Darlin'?" twg asks over her shoulder, nodding at the stud holding her other hand.

Rubbing his head and looking at the two women he's linked to, he nods and walks along.

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Friday, January 27, 2006 4:41 PM


Ah, a warm shower, good call. I thought you liked the neck thing....ah well. So, there's pie *removes boot* and there's twister *removes other boot* and a pool table *drops coat off shoulders and onto the floor* and a nice little arcade *removes socks* I mean you hardly ever see FUNHOUSE any more *pulls off shirt* that RUDY always cracked me up *turns on the shower* I hear you even have a large swimming pool here somewhere *drops pants to the floor and steps aside* and the bar, oh the bar is top notch, my compliments to the creator and the barkeep *removes last stitch* but what exactly do you guys do for fun around here?...................What?............What's wrong? Plenty of room love. *steps in the shower* Ah the water's perfect, come on in.

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