What was the exact moment?

UPDATED: Friday, February 17, 2006 04:48
VIEWED: 11333
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Wednesday, February 1, 2006 4:46 AM


Just out of random curiousity. What was the exact moment for all of you that made you go "Wow, I love this show." I'm always thinking about it when I watch the first episode and I just like to know which moment is was for you.

I remember it so clearly ( probably 'casue it was only a year ago)It was Christmas Day and my brother(he had found out about it from the Carleton SciFi and Fantasy house) had asked for the Firefly dvd's for Christmas. (yes I'm a late comer to the 'verse but in my defense when it was on television I was only 12) "Santa" gave him the dvd's and he insisted on us following him downstairs to watch the first episode. We asked him what it was about and he goes "it's a space western" My first thought was "ooooookay. a Space Western?" Little did I know how aboslutely amazing it was. Anyway, we watched and it was funny and such and I liked it and I got distraught when I thought Kaylee died but up until one exact point I didn't think it was anything special.

Then Mal strode into the ship and shot that guy. (total mind blank. DANG i know his name to. grrrrrr) My whole family just stared at the screen and I went "I LOVE this show." and after that I was hooked.

I find it interesting that just one moment hooked me. It was like at that second it clicked in my head what a specatcular show this was.

so yea, I'm justa wondern' what moment it was in the firefly series that hooked you or if you've entered the 'verse by way of the Serenity movie what part in the movie made you realize that this was something special?

"Just keep on walkin' preacher man"

" I don't need a back spaceship driver!"


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 4:56 AM


I loved Mal, right off. Saw an episode on SciFi, don't even remember which one now... but yea, fell in love with Mal. Actually muttered to myself...."I would follow that guy anywhere!" Hence my name above..

Then I had to have the DVD's as soon as I knew they existed. Watched them, all at once, couldn't stop! I was biting when Simon was talking about River, after she is abruptly taken out of cryo...( by the way, the music behind that scene had a lot to do with that) but the hook was set when Mal shot the Alliance guy point blank like that. By the time Mal says "We're still flyin'.", I was absolutely head over heels in love with /Mal/Serenity! Haven't come up for air yet. Don't plan to.

" You hold. Hold til I get back." Mal


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 5:01 AM



Originally posted by Ginger08:
Just out of random curiousity. What was the exact moment for all of you that made you go "Wow, I love this show." I'm always thinking about it when I watch the first episode and I just like to know which moment is was for you.

It was in the pilot when Serenity pulls away from the wrecked ship and you get the engine firing up and the strumming guitar music. Oh yeah.


I remember it so clearly ( probably 'casue it was only a year ago)It was Christmas Day and my brother(he had found out about it from the Carleton SciFi and Fantasy house)

Is this referring to Carleton College in Northfield, MN?


Then Mal strode into the ship and shot that guy. (total mind blank. DANG i know his name to. grrrrrr)

The character's name was Lawrence Dobson. From the tone of his voice, he was apparently not too fond of the name Lawrence.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 5:06 AM


All the way back the first time round when The Train Job was the pilot and Mal kicks the henchman into the intake, and calmly turns to the next henchamn, who quickly gets the idea.

I think just because all through that ep. Mal had been the classic good guy outlaw, and it was such a nice change to have the sterotypes used to surprise us like that.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 6:01 AM


I'm with RPlackett. I was hooked when Train Job aired. The first thing that got me was the costuming; I was trying to peice together some period stuff at the time and BAM a scifi with the same wardrobe I wanted was on.

And then the plot got wasn't paint-by-numbers star trek scifi. The ship didn't have blasters! They weren't members of a military that always claim that they aren't really a military! There was even depth to the secondary characters. Niska got what, 2 minutes in that episode? And the sheriff still ranks as one of the stronger characters in the verse to me. And then Crow went through the engine...and I was in love with Firefly.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 6:08 AM


Watched BDM on DVD first, so you could say I'm a late believer. We (the wife and I) got hooked after the first episode "Serenity" and now we can't get enough...


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 6:12 AM


I've talked at length a few times about getting hooked, so I'll keep this short. For once. :P

Thinking back, what really got me was the title sequence. Had only seen two episodes prior to the movie, but the ones I'd seen were good enough to give the film a try. Actually, the BDM was so good I immediately went out and bought the box set of the first (and only :( season.

I remembered the title song being... different from a ways back, and at first I didn't really like it. It sold the whole western in space thing, but... it kind of bugged me at first. It wasn't until maybe the third time I heard that it somehow sunk in.

Next thing I know I'm singing right along, popping in disk after disk. Lot of times when I'm watching a series on DVD I'll skip right through the opening credits. Not once have I done that with Firefly. I'll watch that title scene all through every time. Heck I'll even put a disk in just to hear that song every once in awhile.

After that there was no going back...


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 6:29 AM


I didn't really have an exact moment, my love gradually increased throughout the series.

But the start of Out of Gas with the explosion was the first but that made me see how awesome the show was.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 6:36 AM


I was hocked on the show when i saw the prevew on fox 12 days befor the show permered. not for joss but just becouse it was that good. they are gorramn grate.

Wash: Oh, my God. What can it be? We're all doomed! Who's flying this thing? Oh, right, that would be me. Back to work.
Kaylee: Everyone's got somebody. Wash, tell me I'm pretty.
Wash: Were I unwed, I would take you in a manly fashion.
Kaylee: 'Cause I'm pretty?
Wash: 'Cause you're pretty.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 7:03 AM


Definitely after the first episode ended. I sat on my couch dumbfounded for roughly five minutes, and then said, "great."

My food is problematic


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 7:05 AM


For me, I saw the pilot first. The exact moment that hooked me was when Mal tells Simon that Kaylee was dead (I thought, what a shame I really liked that character - guess she was just a red-coat ensign). He goes running through the ship to find Kaylee just fine - cut to - Mal, Zoe, Jayne, and Wash laughing.

Brilliant. I was hooked.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 8:04 AM


I saw Serenity before I saw Firefly, so I guess...

She had me "...Oh my god we're all gonna die!


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 8:12 AM


I saw "Serenity" before I saw the shoe.
You cannot understand! Well...maybe you can, 'cause, well, most of you saw it first. I was set to hate the film- I was only seeing it because my boyfriend loved it.

And then... Wash said, "Oh god, oh god. We're all gonna die?"
And Mal grabbed the intercom and said they were gonna explode!
AND THEN There was this big guy covered in guns saying "I don't wanna explode!"
Mal was yelling "Kaylee! What in the sphincter of hell..." and there was the cutest little thing with tools in her hand and grease on her face....

Yah... it was magic. I was in love with every second from that moment on.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 8:17 AM


The moment you cite, Ginger08, is one of the moments that I, too, can really point to and say, "There. That made me a believer."

I really dug the show up until that point, but that was, perhaps, the spot where I realized that it was totally different from any other show out there. When Dobson grabs River, you think, "Oh, there's going to be a tense stand-off!" Then Mal just strides in and offs him like nothing. Hell yeah.

The fact that Firefly was always there to break the cliché really resounded for me. Actually. . .


Select to view spoiler:

. . .that's one of my main gripes with the Serenity comic: Dobson comes back. After totally breaking through cliché, it just winds up back in its dreaded grip.


"Remember, there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over."


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 9:02 AM


I am with RPLACKETT and DUG. I saw the show it in its first run on FOX and was hooked when Crow went through the engine. I liked the dialog and the acting from minute one, but up 'til that moment my husband and I were a little worried that Crow chasing them through the Universe was going to be the arc of the show, and that cliche killing twist got us both. I didn't become truly, painfully addicted until Out of Gas. I wish I'd seen Serenity the Pilot first, because I would have appreciated some of the characters even more during the initial run. Watching it in order makes a HUGE difference.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 9:24 AM


Crow getting kicked into the engine sealed the deal, but little things thru out the episode had me, also. Jayne asking “What month is this?” was hi-larious.

There's no place I can be
Since I found Serenity


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 9:48 AM


I have to admit, I was a little skeptical at first, but as soon as the Wash said, "Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?" that was the hook.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 10:05 AM



Originally posted by nuclearday:
I remembered the title song being... different from a ways back, and at first I didn't really like it. It sold the whole western in space thing, but... it kind of bugged me at first. It wasn't until maybe the third time I heard that it somehow sunk in.

Next thing I know I'm singing right along, popping in disk after disk. Lot of times when I'm watching a series on DVD I'll skip right through the opening credits. Not once have I done that with Firefly. I'll watch that title scene all through every time. Heck I'll even put a disk in just to hear that song every once in awhile.

After that there was no going back...

LOL i know exactly what you're talking about. I thought that i was the only one. When my family hears it, they think im so weird for watching a scifi western.

I'd say that the moment that turned me was during the BDM (i saw the BDM in the theater before i became a fireflymaniac) when Simon got shot by the reavers and was talking to River, and then she starts to tear the place up.

***someone should make a MMORPG based on the 'verse!***

Geeze i want Firefly to come back!



Wednesday, February 1, 2006 10:25 AM



I had never heard of the show until last December (yeah, I know, I must have been deaf and blind and everything, but since it was never on TV in Germany, I somehow missed it). Then I saw one of LithiumDoll's FanVids for it and thought "Wow, that looks interesting, who are all those people and why do they fly spaceships and ride horses in the same show?" And then suddenly the name appeared everywhere, in every writer's blog I was reading, in every forum etc. And they all agreed: this is a great show. So I bought the DVD set and gave it a try. (I have never done that before, spending almost 50 bucks on a TV series I did not even know).

And then I watched the pilot and fell in love step by step. I was confused by the teaser, because I could not really figure out what was going on there, but then there was the opening music. I love folk music and this really got to me right away. Then there was Wash playing with his dinosaurs "and they called it -- this land" I loved Kaylee from the start, too, her being so cheerful and everything. It took me a little longer to fall for Mal, but then I did fall hard and fast. I love it how protective he is of his crew, how upset he gets when Kaylee is shot down, I love his reaction when he finds River and thinks Simon is going to sell her as a slave or something. I love it when he decides to go to see Patience and the others ask "Didn't she shoot you last time" one after the other and he says "Everybody is making a fuss" and so on. From somewhere around there onward I was totally and completely taken by the show.

Keep flyin',


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 10:31 AM



Originally posted by nuclearday:
Heck I'll even put a disk in just to hear that song every once in awhile.

If you want to satisfy your thirst for the Firefly theme:


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 10:37 AM


The first episode when Mal is standing in Serenity Valley and the guy next to him is shot dead. Yeah it was pretty early but I just thouhgt it was soooo funny. Can't get enough ever since.

~~River: Bible's broken. Contradictions, false logics. Doesn't make sense.~~


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 10:47 AM


I came at the show completely b-ass-ackwards, in that I caught two reruns on SciFi that convinced me to go see the movie. The first episode I saw was Heart of Gold. The "it" moment was when Kaylee said "Look, they got boy whores. Isn't that thoughtful?"

It just cracked me up. I couldn't stop laughing. That's all it took.

The greatest pleasure I've had in recent memory was getting the DVD set, sitting down and watching the episodes in proper order, properly letter-boxed, with no extra-added stupid sound effects. It was sooo much fun. Wot that I could wipe my brain and enjoy them for the first time again. Sigh.

To this day, everytime I think about the show I start chuckling.

"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 10:49 AM


For me, I was in the theater, ready to watch Batman Begins for the second time. The teaser for Serenity came up and I thought ("Wow, so this is kinda like the Sixth Element, boy was I wrong) I laughed out loud when the Operative said he was unarmed and then Mal was like "Good." and shot him. At that moment I said "We have GOT to see that movie."

Time passed and the movie came and went without me even noticing. I heard some blogs mentioning it and stuff but beyond that I just forgot.

Then one day, one fateful day, I was watching SciFi for a little SG-1 and then saw the preview for Firefly come up. I then remembered everything, the teaser, the blogs and then I told myself. "I have got to see this show!" I wasn't able to catch it on Friday for three weeks so I decided to get the DVDs. Plug in the first epp. and I figured out what Gold this is.

The thing that hooked me was the innovation in Book's and Inara's relationship. Never before could I recall a Christian in a scifi show and Mal, don't get me started on him. He was the most awesome thing in the world.

I'm a scifi junkie so I'll let me tell you that for us scifi junkies, FIREFLY ROCKS!


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 12:23 PM


Would saying "From the first moment" be too corny? Well, I saw Serenity first; so, everything thereafter was just a 'must-have'. And I usually never buy things, especially not box-sets, that I've never seen. And it didn't even come in 5.1 sound, lol. :) It was my best buy ever, though, next to Serenity, of course.

Would saying "The moment I saw River" be too corny? It probably would; so I will not do that. :)

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam.oul


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 12:39 PM


Well...I rented the TV series one disc at a time to see if the movie was going to be worth my time. My girlfriend and I just loved the show more and more with each episode, but when the love turned into complete and total obsession was the very end of Out of Gas when Mal is looking at Serenity with complete love, I was speechless.

I just sat there after the show ended and kept thinking to myself,
"Jesus H. Christ....this is the best damned show ever."

And let me say that I can be quite fanboyish when it comes to my entertainment, but I've never been obsessed like this with anything. And I do mean obsessed.

How much is that little Geisha in the window?


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 12:46 PM


My brother had gotten the DVD's for XMas 2003 and started watching them. I was busy on the computer, half paying attention to the show. Then Out of Gas came on and they show the ship, all empty like. Then you see Mal fall, then he and Zoe walk in... then back to Mal and below the crate with the blood dripping.



I was like, you can't do that to a main character!

"Do you know what your sin is?"
~The Operative


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 1:35 PM


Like someone mentioned above, My first taste was Heart of Gold on SciFi.

I thought it was a very good show and decided to watch the following week.

W: "Were I not wed, I would take you in a manly fashion."
K: "Because I'm prety?"
W: "Because you're prety."

That was probably the the moment, right there.

The following week, Out of Gas was one of the best shows I had ever seen on TV. Period.

Within 10 minutes of Out of Gas ending, I was on the computer and had orded the DVD set from Amazon. It arrived Tuesday morning.

I then watched the whole series (including rewatcing all the episodes with commentary on) by that same Friday. I preorderd the BDM Friday night and THEN went out and caught the movie at a third run theater on saturday ($2 matinee).

First run through the series, at least one thing in most episodes stood out as "WOW, I've never seen anyone DO that in a TV show before." Like Mal shooting Dobson or kicking Crow into the engine...

Doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, you just don't see the "hero" DO that on a TV show. EVER. Untill now.

Go Joss!



Wednesday, February 1, 2006 2:05 PM


i know exactly what it was that did it for me.
in "OMR", when jayne says:
"that's why i never kiss 'em on the mouth."

and i thought, "where exactly does he kiss 'em?" which is when i decided: well, he could kiss me anywhere he wanted.

oh yeah, and the show is really good! i'm sure that had something to do with me likin' it!
if i ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 3:27 PM


I also came into the Firefly world bass-ackwards. I watched the BDM at the theater, and I had absolutely NO idea what to expect. The friends just said I'd love it.

I hate being predictable, but they were right.

I took the bait when this nameless futuristic and well-spoken fellow started talking about ancient civilized cultures throwing themselves upon their own swords after failing so completely...and then actually producing a sword when the smart-ass doctor guy said he'd forgotten his.

However, the hook was fully set when a piece of ship went flying off and the captain jerked like he'd been shot, demanding, "What was that? Was that the primary buffer panel? Did the primary buffer panel just fall off my gorram ship??"

And then the bait, the hook, and the whole damn fishing pole went down my gullet when Jayne came out all gun-bedecked saying, "Well what you plan and what takes place ain't ever exactly been similar" and looking positively dismayed when told to leave behind the grenades.

Yeah, that's love, baby.


Please remember that the 9:30 show is completely different from the 7:30 show. Don't forget to tip your waitress.


Wednesday, February 1, 2006 4:01 PM


I caught FIREFLY when it initially aired back in 02, and it was kind of a big deal for me.

See, up until the previous year, I only had access to farmer vision, which is three channels that the antennae picked up. None of which were WB affilliates, so I missed out on BUFFY and ANGEL the first time around. Yet I kept hearing about how great of a show they both were and how Joss is a genius.

So when I heard that he was creating a new show that would actually be on one of the channels I had, I tuned in to see what the deal was. It was, of course, THE TRAIN JOB. And already, I was actually impressed.

But what really got me hooked, the moment that made me want to come back every week, was the final scene, where we meet the Hands of Blue. That was what did it for me.

But I have to admit that when it met its first demise, I was a bit peeved at it not continuing on, but I just moved onto the next thing. 24 was in the middle of it's second day, and one of the best in my opinion, and there was also BOOMTOWN for me to get behind, which became another genre busting show that got cancelled prematurely. So FIREFLY actually left my consciousness for a while. But when my brother played the theme song to me a year later, I remembered it. And when I heard they were filming SERENITY, I picked up the DVD set, put it on, and I've been a hardcore Browncoat ever since.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Couldn't we at least abduct their political or religious leaders instead of just any idiot in a pick-up truck?"

"I'm sure the Great Leader has his reasons."

"Well I'm sure the Great Leader is just some sort of twisted ass freak."

"All right, I am now offically ignoring you, commence anal probing."


Thursday, February 9, 2006 2:33 AM


Saw the scenes to it at another movie and said "hey, I seem to remember something like this being on a couple of years ago...looks ok."

Went to see it and sat through the opening ten minutes with a let's wait and see where this goes attitude....the the screen goes black the title comes up..we pull back to the first view of "our" ship blasting into the planet..and I start grinning like a ten year old.. and I'm hooked totaly fan trek didn't do it, star wars didn't do it, raiders didn't do it...but Whedon and his crew did.....



Thursday, February 9, 2006 2:53 AM


Dunno why but,

"Cry baby Cry"
"Make your momma sigh"

And I was totally obsessed ...


Okay, I'm lost, I'm angry, and I'm


Thursday, February 9, 2006 3:56 AM


Well, first I became a fan of the 'verse about 10 minutes into Serenity. I had never seen the show nor barely ever heard of it before I saw the movie. The movie left me wanting more so I bought Firefly literally right after I got out of the theater (Best Buy's right near it.) So you could say I was a fan of the show even before I saw it.

Mal would kick Han Solo's ass.


Thursday, February 9, 2006 4:24 AM


I was already getting hooked about halfway through the pilot but what sealed the deal is when they land on Whitefall and are checking out the area of the rendezvous with Patience, Jayne goes, "Testing, testing Capn. can you hear me?" and Mal goes, "Jayne, I'm standing right here" to which Jayne replies "You're comin in loud and clear" and Mal says "That's cuz I'm standin right here!" almost pissed myself over that one and I was hooked from then on. I am 51 years old and NO OTHER TELEVISION SHOW has affected me the way Firefly has. Fox execs, are you listening you bunch of inbred morons? You really screwed yourselves passing on this opportunity!



Thursday, February 9, 2006 3:12 PM


Got taken to the BDM by my 16 year old daughter. We're movie buddies and I went along thinking "Kelly 's told me this movie has had good reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, I like SciFi, having grown up on Star Trek and Star Wars, but sometimes her taste and mine don't exactly click-she being 16 and loving Anime and me being a middle aged woman."

Well, the movie started, I thought it was a decent Sci Fi movie and then the buffer panel fell off and I was hooked. Still couldn't figure out what Inara's profession was and how she got all those gorgeous clothes packed in a box and why did she leave such a good looking guy?

Daughter then told me about the series, ordered it from Amazon.. I saw the pilot and as soon as Mal shot Dobson I go-"Oh, Raiders of the Lost Ark go Star Wars, go western and into space-cool." (remember when Harrison Ford gets disgusted with the sword wielding (or was it a whip-I forget)guy showing off in Raiders and just pulls out his pistol and shoots him?") Instant Browncoat.

And yes, Nathan does remind me of Harrison Ford except Nathan is the whole ball of wax-he can do pain, comedy, action, romantic lead all in the space of a minute.


Thursday, February 9, 2006 3:35 PM


I came into the 'verse via the movie. I'd only heard of it in the vaguest of terms before; the BBC had marketed it as a subversive SF story of exactly the kind I like (and kind of like the ones I write), so I was very hopeful.

The moment I got truly hooked was the first time the camera panned into Serenity's bridge, just after the Operative asks River's hologram where she's hiding, when Wash is fighting to stop Serenity crashing and Mal's demanding to know what's wrong with his ship. Saying that, I don't want to give the impression that the dialogue itself was the thing that grabbed me - it was the whole scene, the cinematography as much as the words, and the way the actors were so comfortable with themselves and their roles, and the way the ship was battered and falling to bits...

...OK, stopping now.

So, yeah, I liked it. A lot. Then I saw the series. Unreconstructed Browncoat ever since.

Creative Writing


Thursday, February 9, 2006 4:26 PM


Now I am learning about scary.

Wow, that's a tough one. As everybody has said, there are so many great moments. I have to start with "Buffy," because that's how sneaky Joss got into my head. I watched snippets of Buffy during the news because that was the only channel that didn't have commercials when I was surfing. Little by little, I started to watch Buffy more than the news (great writing, characters, etc.). Then I heard that Joss was going to have a sci-fi show and I thought, "I can't miss this!" Yes, I'm one of the five people (give or take) in the world who saw the show when it was first aired on Fox. I loved it, loved it, loved it! The humor, the action, the whole "Western in Space" idea were all just what I wanted but had never expected to find on TV.

Then, of course, it got cancelled. I was sad, but that happens to most of the great shows I like on TV so I didn't think much about it.

Fast forward to spring 2005 when I'm checking out a few movie trailers on a site. I saw the name "Serenity" and wondered what kind of boring movie that would be. Something about Buddhists? Thank goodness I checked it out, because about three seconds after the trailer started I was screaming, "They made a movie from 'Firefly'!!" I recognized it right away.

And now I'm hooked all over again! Yea! Thank you, Joss Whedon.


Thursday, February 9, 2006 4:30 PM


it was the movie that got me hooked. I didn't want to fork over $40 for the DVD's, so I rented Serenity and watched it. As soon as I heard the line "Its okay to leave them to die", I was hooked


Thursday, February 9, 2006 5:44 PM


The Train Job was the first episode that aired on my regional station (followed by Serenity Parts 1 & 2 - go figure). What hooked me was after the bar-fight when they're standing on the edge of the cliff and the ship just LOOMS up behind them, all big and heroic.

WASH: Every man there go back inside, or we'll blow a new crater in this little moon.

THAT was the moment.
'Course, it didn't hurt that everyone was so pretty.

"Now somethin' about that is just downright unsettlin'."


Monday, February 13, 2006 2:14 PM


And yes, Nathan does remind me of Harrison Ford except Nathan is the whole ball of wax-he can do pain, comedy, action, romantic lead all in the space of a minute.
Yes yes yes!!!!
Mal was it for me. The first few minutes of watching the BDM and I was just hooked. As Mal was talking over the intercom and telling his crew about their "interesting" landing and then running off to our cute little Kaylee and saying something like.... "If we crash... You crashed her!!" I was telling myself what a trip this captain was gonna be and from then on.... the amazement and addiction just got stronger and stronger. The intensity climaxed at Out of Gas. This episode just blew me away in ways that I have never thought possible. The emotion I was going through while the entire crew was listening to Mal's four per shuttle solution was beyond words. You can almost tell the exact moment when his crew realizes how perfect of a Captain they have and are about to loose. At that moment... Mal earned their absolute respect and trust as well as mine. He is my Captain.


Monday, February 13, 2006 2:51 PM


I came to know the 'verse through the movie.

I watched Jonathan Ross' review on Film 2005 and loved the idea of a movie that was a visually and emotionally exciting as the original Star Wars films. (I saw my first at the cinema when I was 5 - so it will always have a special place in my heart).

I was blown away at the cinema! It was fan-ruttin'-tastic!!!

Then I got Firefly on DVD and loved it from the pilot. I adore Sci-Fi and Westerns and US history, so I was a perfect combination for me. Classic Western speech, Western style predicaments, Characters etc....... And Joss and Adam's obvious love of Westerns...... It was like a kinda loving modern tribute to this very American phenomenon...... all mixed up in space of the future.........

To pinpoint when I fell in love with the 'verse...

In the movie: after Mal tells Jayne "No grenades" and then they need them on the job and Jayne says "Boy, sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think?"

In the Pilot: when Janye waits anxiously outside the infirmary as Simon treats Kaylee's gun wound, showing us that he does care for her, and his remarks to Kaylee in front of Simon were just as case of a boy pulling a girl's pigtails because he likes her!!! And also later when Jayne interrogates Dobson..
JAYNE "Don't they teach you how to, you know, withstand interrogation? Can't even tell a damn lie."
DOBSON "Okay. I can see you're not an idiot."
JAYNE "Wish I could say the same, Laurence, but this is disappointing as hell."

Basically, I love any part with Jayne in it. *sigh*

Jayne - the way Adam plays him - melts this girl's heart!!


Monday, February 13, 2006 3:14 PM


A few weeks before Serenity the movie came out I decided to go rent the series so I would be up to speed on the story since a lot of people I knew had gone to one of the previews and said, "You have to go see this movie." So I go down to the nearest impersonal corporate chain store that shall remain nameless (it starts with a blockbuster) but they didn't have FF in stock. Now this was my first real clue that I might really enjoy this. The general rule being that BB never has a movie I actually want to watch. So I hem and haw a bit and decide, "You know lots of people who have similar tastes to mine have talked about this I'll take a chance and buy it." So I take the L down to my kinda favorite book/music/video store and by it.

I L back and slip the first disk in. I watch Serenity (the episode) and think, "This is kinda good. I may not have wasted my money after all." and then I go to sleep because after running arround picking up the DVDs and then watching the two parter it's pretty late and work sadly must be gone to in the morning. So I go to work and I'm kinda thinking about Firefly all day untill when I finally get home and I put on the second episode.

The Train Job. This was it. From the opening barfight through to the Blue Hands Group this was just wonderfull, great, fantastic stuff. Like somebody had done a scan of my brain and determined just what exactly would be the perfect television show for me and then they made it.

Anyway there it was. The bar fight hooked me. And the engine intake reeled me in. I was convinced I had spent my $40 wisely.


You wanna go, Little Man?
Only if it's someplace with candle light.


Friday, February 17, 2006 4:48 AM


It only took me a few seconds to come up with when I first knew I would love the show. I had seen the movie and really liked it, and asked a friend if I could borrow Firefly.
The scene that got me hooked was in the very beginning at the war in Serenity Valley. At the end of the battle, when everyone was pulling out and giving up, that look on Mal's face got me. Immediately a memory of mine surfaced I thought was forgotten. I won't say what happened exactly, but I could relate to how Mal would have felt at that particular moment. That particular shot was done so well and you can see that that was the changing point of his character for the series.
Since then Mal has always been my favorite character, and Book very close behind. After the Pilot episode though I watched the other 2 episodes on the disc, and ended up finishing all the episodes in 3 or 4 days. Considering that I work pretty close to full time and go to school full time that is saying quite a bit.






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