The Sereni-Tree, an evil doll, and a showdown on Boros

UPDATED: Friday, February 10, 2006 20:02
VIEWED: 20748
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Sunday, February 5, 2006 8:19 PM


Boros tunnels:

Bride6 holsters her pistols as she scrambles to keep up with Citizen, Safe, Jack, and (farthest up the tunnel) Bride7.

"Uh, what was that back there?" Bride6's lip quivers, tears welling in her eyes. "I had that guy in my sights. Should have popped him good, but... and the window, how did..."


Sunday, February 5, 2006 11:26 PM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
hey! I was composing a post for that! Scratch PR's entry and read mine instead...

Ugh. Parents!


Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
*twg goes to lick Simon’s face but then she stops. The last time she did that it was just for fun, to be silly…okay and to flirt, but now it means something. So she stops.*

Hey, I’m going to go back to my room and clean off all this pie.

*there is an unfamiliar twinkle in his eye, almost lustful*

Um, I don’t have to I guess. *they wander the corridors, their clothes and hair still caked in pie, trying their best to cool down and not jump into anything. twg fails miserably and pushes the doc up against the wall. She licks his neck. She licks his ear. She licks his cheek...and slowly moves to capture his mouth. His arms hang helplessly at his side, he's not sure how to respond. She nips his lip and he is spurned into action.

I'm so gonna need therapy.


Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
Hearing PR's voice, she pulls away from Simon just as his arms begin to encircle her. She takes his hands and they walk a bit further. They pass CMS talking to PR about moving up to the observation deck*

Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask this for a while now. PR would you like to move in with me? I’d like to get a chance to get to you know you better and there’s no better way to do that then sharing a closet and a bathroom.

PR: Dad, you moving in too?

*Simon shuffles his feet a bit*

SW: I don’t think so. Not yet. Maybe once you two have a settled a bit…maybe…*twg looks at SW and smiles*

Your dad’s right. I don’t think we’re ready for that quite yet. Why don’t you move in this weekend and we can help CMS with her nest.

Okay, sure.

*Clicks his fingers, then raises his hands over the nest, and holding it all in place, PR "lifts" it off of the floor, and it hoves above the ground. He smile and then without touching it, pushes it along through doors that are open by themselves to let them trhough.*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Monday, February 6, 2006 1:24 AM


pretty much stable... they things she drew were always as stable as you or I, until she rubbed them out, so like I said, as long as no one goes near her with a pencil eraser...

wouldn't want to try getting her in and out of an atmosphere, but as we are going from a ship to rock based foundry, shouldn't be an issue.

Ok, give me one of those tags.

*writes out the name then pauses*

you think you could turn the other way while i'm changing? *grin*

She puts the sticker on, and a few moments later turning into a skinny blonde school kid in a green uniform and black beret, with a huge pair of round framed spectacles.

'oh thank god for tht, I was so hoping I wouldn't be a cartoon!
Right, to get to work, do you have those plans? *takes a pencil stub from behind her ear* I need something to work from...

spreading the plans out on the floor in an empty spot, she begins to scketch out lines int the thin air, as lines join up and shapes become rcognizable, the spaces inbetween fill and a real spaceship begins to take form.

Pretty soon one side of the ship is completely done, through some quirk of instinct and artistic license, the inner workings appear along with the outer surface.

'cool, I was dreading doing the wiring, I suppose it made sense, she drew a lion once and it appeared complete with it internal organs, with out her having to draw them.'

she moves around the front, then onto the other side, when she has completed the back she crawls onto the roof and completes the shuttle.

'Ta daaaa!'

Opening the hatches, she grins, inside the shuttle has completed its self, all is perfect, shiny and glittery and totally solid. Taking a small pencil eraser out of her pocket she goes to the pilots seats 'they'll never do...' and spends a few minutes adjusting the lines to make the chairs a little more comfortable.
As a finishing touch she reaches over and in the air above the controls, draws a small pool surrounded by palm trees and a small dinosaur.

She blinks in surprise as they are completed.

ok, should have specified plastic.

The small dinosaur coughs, squeeks, then trots over to one of the trees and begins chewing on the large fronds.

oh how cute!

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Monday, February 6, 2006 10:38 AM


Thanks PR! *kisses him on the cheek*

Now maybe I can get some R&R. I'm knackered.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Monday, February 6, 2006 12:03 PM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul wanders the ship, ever so slightly confused as to what is going on with the gorram doll. Grateful that Mai has the doll for the moment, he wanders up the stairs to the bridge and finds TRM hovering over the star charts by the nav console.

"Boros? Isn't that where Safe and Jack ran off to?"

TRM nods. "I just can't seem to get ahold of them, and I heard gunshots when I tried to open a portal. So I figure we might need to come to their rescue."

Soul smirks. "Nothin' is ever new under the sun, huh? Always someone needing a rescue." He pauses. "Speaking of rescuing, any news on Emma?"


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Monday, February 6, 2006 2:16 PM


Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Good work. I guess once we get names and info on the buyers, we'll be ready to go. I better get TRM up here and make some arrangements. Once we have a real Ocean Cloud, we'll be able to get small groups of people in and out of almost anywhere. And maybe Fredrick would like a little friend ?

*pulls out comlink and holds the talkie button*

TRM, it's JadeHand. I'm in the hanger bay with something you might wanna see. Can you spare a few minutes?

* Has a seat at the Nav controls. Pulls up a Nav screen.*

Huh. We seem to be on the move. Our current trajectory looks to be taking us fairly close to where we need to go. A brief touch down, a small negotiation, and a hasty retreat from now, We'll be ready to get the parts and asseble her proper.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Monday, February 6, 2006 2:31 PM


thank you, i'm rather pleased with her.

Though I think the perspective is slightly off.

*realises she's still twelve years old and talking like Sue Pollard*

oh, right...

*peels the sticker off and places it carefully on a peice of waxed paper*

As she slowly returns to her normal self, complete with dishevelled hair and rust smudged coveralls, she realises that the pencil, which she had left on the dash board, is still there.

She looks at Jadehand, then holding her breath she quickly sketches out another small dinosaur, a triceratops this time. She squeals with delight as the dinosaur solidifys, looking only slightly sketchier than the first.

Oh I love my plans! *hugs JH* Now I won't have to change back for the little stuff. Not that I minded being young and blonde again, but that polyester uniform was horrible!

*mind wanders*

I wonder... I'm that used to shape shifting now, not to mention the whole wing growing thing.. do you think I could do it by will?

*concentrates very hard - slowly her hair colour lightens from its bright red to a kind of strawberry blonde*

well, that gave me a headache, but hey! fun!
"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Monday, February 6, 2006 2:48 PM


From TRM to LightMeDark:
"There’s also a small herd of prehistoric butterflies that I’m trying to breed for use as solar-powered reactionless thrusters. Frankly, I’d like to create a zoo aboard the ship containing the life of all the planets we visit. "

*While ambling past The Real Him's office on a self-guided tour of the boat, Washie overhears an interesting discourse regarding the first officer's breeding program. Speaking only to herself as she walks: "What a concept! Biology harnessed as a ship's power source. Infinitely renewable, if it works" she says, without stopping to contribute to the conversation.

She also THINKS she hears something about the new guy being able to read, write and understand almost any language. 'Strange and wonderful, these humanoids around here, she thinks.'

As she continues along the corridor to she-knows-not-where, she smiles and thinks that this first officer guy and the animal linguist have got it going on in the brains department. The First Officer showed smarts by hiring her in the first place, but this breeding program thing? Jing zi, to say the least. Nodding to herself, she figures these two might be a resource for bouncing ideas off of. Heck, might be good counselors for the ship's counselor's to consult, should the need arise.

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Monday, February 6, 2006 3:03 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
“Hair. Very, very long hair, all tied around itself. Hair as an evolutionary development is based on greatly extended reptilian scales, lengthened in order to provide insulation to a creature with a warm-blooded metabolism. That, or else God made hair that way. Hmmm… It just needs a pretty little bow.”

Startled, ItsAWash awakens in her room. She sees a young, slightly built woman with long dark hair sitting on the side of her bed and admiring Washie’s four-foot long braid.

Then the young woman notices that Washie is awake, and stares into her eyes. Seriously, she adds, “It’s not what you think. It’s not what anyone thinks. It’s a lie. It’s here, or it will be... soon.”

Washie blinks once or twice, and then she finds herself alone again.

*Slamming up in bed and whipping the egyptian cotton sheet off her body, Washie leans forward, breathing hard, eyes darting this way and that. She takes in the sealed-closed door and listens hard with ears and mind on full-seeking mode for any sentient being in the cabin. Nothing. No one. She slides off the bed, walks every square foot of the place.

Taking up a pad and pen, she notes every detail of the encounter for later discussion with somebody in charge on board the vessel.

Note-taking done, she flicks on all the lights and looks for evidence. On the floor next to her bunk is a single long jet black strand of hair. Washie holds it up, brow furrowed, then sighs and checks the time. Too early to disturb anybody about this, even with the evidence in hand...

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Monday, February 6, 2006 6:16 PM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:
"And here is my bedroom. Er, how about that tea?"

Kelly heads over to the stove and sets the kettle on. Soon the water is heated and Kelly makes two cups of tea. Turning around with the cups in her hands, Kelly looks over at Ath.

"So, where would you like to sit down?"

"Um, the sitting room looks fine."

*Ath and Kelly sit down opposite each other at a table. Ath looks into Kelly's eyes and tries to speak, but the instant he does, he immediately forgets how to form words.*

Come one man, you can do it! Just say something.

*Mustering his courage, Ath takes a deep breath*

"So, uh, where are you from?"

There, that wasn't so bad was it?

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Monday, February 6, 2006 6:34 PM



Originally posted by CallMeAth:
*Mustering his courage, Ath takes a deep breath*

"So, uh, where are you from?"

There, that wasn't so bad was it?

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"

*KellyofLuthien smiles warmly.*

"I am from Lothlorien, a forest in Middle Earth. I grew up on the banks of Nimrodel, a beautiful river, and am skilled with small boats because of it. I was sailing past the country of Gondor and out to the sea when I was captured by those pirates. I think they thought someone would come for me, but nobody did and they got bored."

Kelly sighs. "Most of my kin had sailed to the West, and that was where I was heading, so there was no one to rescue me.....except you, of course. Thank you, again."

*Kelly places her hand on Ath's arm as she thanks him, and he can feel the warmth of her fingers, and a tingling sensation, as if she were thanking him through magic as well.*

"And you, Ath? Mana nórello tulyë--I mean, where are you from?"

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Monday, February 6, 2006 7:07 PM



SoulOfSerenity wrote:
Soul wanders the ship, ever so slightly confused as to what is going on with the gorram doll. Grateful that Mai has the doll for the moment, he wanders up the stairs to the bridge and finds TRM hovering over the star charts by the nav console.

"Boros? Isn't that where Safe and Jack ran off to?"

TRM nods. "I just can't seem to get ahold of them, and I heard gunshots when I tried to open a portal. So I figure we might need to come to their rescue."

Soul smirks. "Nothin' is ever new under the sun, huh? Always someone needing a rescue." He pauses. "Speaking of rescuing, any news on Emma?"

“No, Soul. Nothing on Emma. I’m afraid that we are out of leads on her current location. We followed her distress signal, and found the Admiral Nelson, but no sign of her. And she didn’t seem to be aboard the Arkham as we suspected that she was. Her companion, the Rat-clone, had nothing to say about her fate. Then HE dissolved to dust.”

TheRealMe sighs. “But we DO have leads on Jack, Safe, and two Brides. We’re going after them. Still, it will take days to make it there. Hopefully, they can hang on.”

TheRealMe touches some control surfaces to feed his newly plotted course into the navigation computer. Then he touches a control for ship-wide communications.

”Attention! Mister Static, Mister Ath, and Ms Quincey. The first one of you to make it to the Bridge can implement our new course to Boros.”

TheRealMe smiles at Soul. “It never hurts to have a little competition among the crew.”


Jadehand wrote:
TRM, it's JadeHand. I'm in the hanger bay with something you might wanna see. Can you spare a few minutes?

TheRealMe touches another control. "Yes, Jadehand, I will be right there!"

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Monday, February 6, 2006 8:30 PM


'Something is seriously odd about that doll.' Jazaf thinks to himself. He overheard Mai mention that she'd take care of the doll. So Jazaf follows Mai, she places the doll behind her head giving it a ride on her shoulders, eventually he stops Mai.
'Say Mai, can I have a look at the doll?'
Mai turns around with the baby still on her shoulders. Her eyes are completley white and the doll smirks at Jazaf.
'What are you?!' Jazaf says quite surprised.
'Get away from me!' the Baby and Mai yell in tandem.
'humph. Didn't see that coming.' Jazaf mutters.
Acting on a hunch, Jazaf reaches out and snatches the doll from it's perch. Mai's eyes return to normal and look quizically at Jazaf.

'Just what do you think you're doing?'
'I think this thing is defective.'
Mai takes the baby back from Jazaf. 'It isn't defective!' She gives Jazaf a nasty look before stomping off.
Jazaf just rubs the back of his head.
'Well, that was informative.'

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Monday, February 6, 2006 9:43 PM


*walks off cradling the baby in her arms*

"Your momma's right, Charlie people on this boat have lost their minds! Now, what do you say we go and play?!"

*Charlie coos* but then speaks in a ferocious whisper "Don't wanna play!"

"What do you..."
*feels a strangeness come over her mind*

*thinks* must get off ship now.
*Begins inexplicably walking back through the ship toward the airlock.*

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Monday, February 6, 2006 11:25 PM


*peers closely at a button on the console*

Did you design her with a cloaking device? *presses button, goes out looks, then comes back in* Nifty!

ok, we should fire her up, check that everything works. You do it, i'll watch and learn.

If we lift her up slightly, i'll jump up and down to make sure the floor don't give way, then turn her round to face the airlock, ready for the real test flight...

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 4:46 AM


Per Jadehand's request, TheRealMe leaves the Bridge, walks around the upper balcony to the South Wing, and enters the Hanger Bay.

"Whoa! New shuttle!"

TheRealMe considers the implications.

"You know, I believe that we could make use of a brand new shuttle that has no known ties to the Sereni-Tree. How do you feel about taking part in a rescue mission in several days? Hmmm... Looks like you are getting ready for a test flight."

TheRealMe uses his com-link to send a signal to the pilot station on the Bridge to hold off on the new course to Boros for the time being.

"Oh, that's magnificent! It just turned invisible! Or did it disappear?"

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 7:45 AM


Hehehe. No she's still there. That's the S.E.P. field. You just don't notice the shuttle anymore, because it's Somebody Else's Problem. And well, this is really a proxy shuttle, we can use it to grab the platnium, then trade the Platinum for the parts we need through Rat's connections to build the real thing. She'll be perfect for rescue missions with the S.E.P.and enough space for a strike force of about 10, well, less if you want the rescuees to fit in. Who's in trouble?

*notices he lost TRM back at the whole proxy/Platinum bit. *

Oh sorry, yeah you see, here's the deal.......*whisper whisper* * fills in the details, TRM's eyes going wide at seversl points in the story, glancing back and forth at the three twisted plotters (heh) at several points, and shaking his head in disbelief*

So,......What do you think? Can we swing by the mining station? then hit Rat's less than white market contacts? I'll make a few of us into the best mechanics in the 'verse and she'll be ready to go by the time we get to Boros. You can be Scotty, Seryn can be Kaylee, I could be Forge, *ponders other Mechanics/engineers...*

*Looks to TRM for approval .....*
*checks the doorways to make sure the men with the white coats aren't coming.....looks back to TRM..............*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 8:40 AM


Seryn joins TRM and Jadehand.

Isn't it great? Can't wait to get her flying.
Though if this rescue you are wanting is planetside she wont do, not sure that she wouldn't break into flames or disintigrate or something the minute we hit atmo... But as soon as we finish our plan she'll be the best runner and a prime getaway vehicle. The S.E.P idea is genius, *turns to JH* do you think you could knock another of those up for the fighter?

*TRM looks at Seryn when she mentions the fighter, she nods and point to its dark hulk at the back of the bay*

She's actually mostly still there, patches of her outer hull and a lot of her componants have gone, but I figure I could patch her up with spare plating from other things, draw in her internals, and get her in a decent working order to go cause some constructive mayhem on Boros.

You did say Boros didn't you? I know that place, its a crap hole, but should be very easy to get in and out of, no-one questions what the Alliance do on that rock. So the cloud with Millitary escort *nods at the fighter again* should get to wherever they are unmolested. *grimaces* can't promise the same for the get out, but the S.E.P. drive should ease that...

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 8:44 AM


As for immediet plans, we need extra people.
It makes sense that these guys would have a couple of body guards and a few slaves apeice.

The guards would be watched, but the 'slaves' could slip about all quiet like, and if those slaves are pretty handy in a fight then its all a bonus if things go pear-shaped.

It may not come to that, and the rest of the trip ain gonna to be too glam, but if you know any who might like the day trip then just let them know about it.

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 8:59 AM



Originally posted by Jadehand:

So,......What do you think? Can we swing by the mining station? then hit Rat's less than white market contacts? I'll make a few of us into the best mechanics in the 'verse and she'll be ready to go by the time we get to Boros. You can be Scotty, Seryn can be Kaylee, I could be Forge, *ponders other Mechanics/engineers...*

*Looks to TRM for approval .....*
*checks the doorways to make sure the men with the white coats aren't coming.....looks back to TRM..............*

*Her self-guided tour having taken her past the bridge on a meandering way hither and yon, Wash wanders toward voices she heard coming from a cavernous space ahead. She reaches the main doorway just in time to hear Jadehand mention recruiting mechanics for an upcoming mission.

He looks looks toward the doorway with a concerned visage, then back to the First Officer. ItsaWash clears her throat politely and takes a few steps into the room toward the two men. Her trademark lavendar scent follows her, trailing behind as does the edge of her butterfly-gossamer sky blue and pale green gown.

"Gentlemen, I'm not exactly dressed for it so I'm not sure you'll believe me, but I happen to be a dab hand at mechanical pursuits. Father was senior mechanic on a couple of boats in his day, brothers were too. I learned a thing or two by hanging around them. Dad even worked on the original SEP-fields, if I remember correctly." *She looks at one carefully manicured hand and continues* "I like monkeying with metal parts; don't mind getting my hands dirty. It's kinda fun, actually, to see 'em go from girly to grungy-from-work and then back again after a good manicure."

*Cocking one hip out and placing hands akimbo* "If we've got spare overalls for me, I can doff the frou-frou and be one of the boys for as long as I'm needed. Guess I'm sayin' I'd like you to consider me as a possible addition to whatever misbehavin's to be done, if there's room for me and my hair."

"OH! And TRM? I'd like a word with you in my quarters whenever you get a chance. Nothing urgent, just want to chat about something odd that happened last night." *Shivers, and wraps arms about self.* "Hoping you can shed some light on it and let me tell you my thoughts as well."

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 10:22 AM


Would you be wanting to come with us on our trip? I'll warn you it would probably do more damage to those nails than any manicure could fix, but if you want to come along...

Talking of... do you think we could borrow Quincey? If ever there was flying experience, the Cloud would be it. Theres likely to be a great deal of hasty retreats to be made, she'll enjoy herself.

And, if Cozen has nothing better to do, I have a starring role for him.

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 10:39 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul wanders into the shuttle bay and overhears the conversation.

"Well," Soul begins, "I would like to offer my services, as well as my bow, to whatever bit of excitement is about to occur." He pauses and looks over his shoulder. "Plus, I really need to get away from that doll!"


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 11:06 AM


yeah, I don't blame ya mate, creepifying little thing...

Cool, our gang is growing! Well, sould, how would you like to be a body guard? Together with your opposite number all it involves is giving the impression that you are, the both of you, the original rock and the hard place.

Oh, and looking meaningfully at your weapons when occaision demands.

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 11:09 AM


Don't worry Soul, I saw Mai taking that wretched thing away. Didn't even say hi to me as she passed either. Honestly some people are just totally wrapped up in their own problems that they don't pick up on anybody else's troubles.

*wonders what he's going to do about TWG and his son*


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 11:24 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by SimonWho:
Don't worry Soul, I saw Mai taking that wretched thing away. Didn't even say hi to me as she passed either. Honestly some people are just totally wrapped up in their own problems that they don't pick up on anybody else's troubles.

"Didn't even say hi? That's not the Mai I know. Any idea where she was going?"


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 12:14 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
Would you be wanting to come with us on our trip? I'll warn you it would probably do more damage to those nails than any manicure could fix, but if you want to come along...

"Nails, shmails. If I'm needed, I'm there. If not, I can always see if anybody needs help in the shower."

*Looks meaningfully at the room's inhabitants (except Seryn), then sighs and smiles as she smooths down her gown.*

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 12:26 PM


Doesn't that thing make people go all doolally and kind of absent like?

Mai's so sparky and fun, she'd say hi...

Should we go and find her?

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 12:27 PM


*Serenity wakes up from a very refreshing nap in the Observation Deck and heads down to find Mai and Charlie. She doesn't find them in tbe common room, the kitchen, Mai's apartment, or anywhere else she looks. Beginning to get a bit worried, she tries to contact Mai on her comm link.*

Mai? Hey Mai? Where are you? I'm done with my nap and I'm trying to come find you.

*There's no answer.*

Mai? MAI!


Soul? Are YOU there? I can't find Mai. She has Charlie! I know you hate the Baby3000, but I'm worried.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 12:52 PM


Well, as far as parts for the fighter and an extra SEP, we can 'negotiate' for those when we do our trading, the extra hands joining our endeavour as guards will only add to our believability. but the real buyers are scheduled to arrive soon and we should hit it about a week before to be safe.

Extra mechanics are always welcome, the added hands should get the real cloud and the fighter ready in time for this Boros thing.

Due to the possible delicate nature of the proxy Cloud, we'll need the Tree to break atmo before we depart. Once Rat gets us the profiles on these guys we'll be ready. And after the trading for parts, we'll think on those showers.
*looks around*

Crazy robo-baby seems to be a problem, which way was mai headed with it? And what kind of external weapons does the Tree have? That thing isn't even the Baby Serenity ordered, somebody pulled a switch on her to get something dangerous on board. We need to look to past enemies and who has the capabilities to pull this off. If we can deactivate it long enough to have some of these fine engineers see what's making it tick we may have a lead. We can send someone who looks like Serenity *waves tags* to collect the thing from Mai, when we find her. After we find out all we can from it I say we space the thing and tag it with the Tree's max damage output.

woah, making too much sense, need a drink......
TRM? Rat?

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 1:01 PM


Seryn absently hands JH a bottle of rum and pats him on the forearm.

She about to ask JH how many of those stickers he has, If he can get more and if he should be conserving them, when they hear Serenity's panicked voice coming from Souls communit...


Soul? Are YOU there? I can't find Mai. She has Charlie! I know you hate the Baby3000, but I'm worried.

Seryn looks from Soul to JH to TRM.

'Um, should we be, maybe, running? or something now?'

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 2:09 PM



Originally posted by seryn:

...they hear Serenity's panicked voice coming from Souls communit...


Soul? Are YOU there? I can't find Mai. She has Charlie! I know you hate the Baby3000, but I'm worried.


"I saw a tweaked-out looking woman cradling a baby back that-a way," says Washie, pointing down the corridor. Remembering the airloc she had passed by earlier, she yells, "Sweet buddha NO! There's an airloc back there! Let's GO!"

They all pound down the corridor, TRM in the lead, desperately hoping they're not too late...

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 5:48 PM



TheRealMe wrote:
Bride6 holsters her pistols as she scrambles to keep up with Citizen, Safe, Jack, and (farthest up the tunnel) Bride7.

“Uh, what was that back there?” Bride6's lip quivers, tears welling in her eyes. “I had that guy in my sights. Should have popped him good, but... and the window, how did...”

With the explosion still ringing in his ears, Safe breaks into a run with the others, falling into stride alongside Bride6.

“That... was a “sonic mine” used to capture some of the more elusive targets. It has something to do with very low frequency sound and electrical current. Slows the target down, makes ‘em easy to capture if they can’t run away.” Safe says a look on his face like he had a bad taste in his mouth.

“The Blue Sun Corporation funded the Alliance in the research. They found that it not only affects the body's electrical system but somehow the very air within a radius of the mine.”

Bride6 look worriedly back the way they came. “How come the man in the grey suit wasn’t affected?”

“That I don’t rightly know...”

Safe slows as they approach the hatch to Flechette’s restaurant. Was that worry he felt? How could he worry about someone he barely knew? It went against all his military training.

As if responding to his thoughts, the hatch opens. But it wasn't the person he was hoping? it would be.

Needy looks down. “Mr. Safe! Hold on a moment.”

Needy hands Safe a piece of paper. “I shouldn’t be telling you this. It goes against my entire companion training... but I’m no supporter of the Alliance. A client of the house has a hanger. In it is his private collection of shuttles and fighters. The Alliance made him mothball the fighters and turn all armaments over to them, but the shuttles should be operational. Good luck.”

Safe looks at the paper. “Thank-you. But you can’t stay here. Take Flechette, Amy and the book store lady and go wait for us at that hanger.” Safe looks down the tunnel at Citizen. “We have a bit of business... We’ll meet you there.”

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 6:07 PM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:
"And you, Ath? Mana nórello tulyë--I mean, where are you from?"

"Well, Serenity and I are from a planet called Daedelia. We grew up in a place called-"

Before Ath can finish he hears TRM's voice over the ship-wide comm:


Originally posted by TheRealMe:
”Attention! Mister Static, Mister Ath, and Ms Quincey. The first one of you to make it to the Bridge can implement our new course to Boros.”

*Ath turns to Kelly with an apologetic look on his face. Looking at Ath, she smiles.*

"Sounds like you're needed up there. Good luck!"

*Ath frowns. "Are you sure? I can stay here...."

*Kelly shakes her head.* "No, I completely understand. Go! And fly beautifully!"

"Thanks! We'll finish this later, I promise!"

*With one last glance back, Ath runs to the bridge as fast as he can. When he gets there, he gets the signal from TRM to hold off, but not a reason.

Anxious to do his job and a little annoyed that his tea with Kelly was interrupted for nothing, Ath gets on his comm-link.*

"Hey TRM, what's going on?"

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 8:57 PM


Quincey runs onto the Bridge, dripping wet and with only a towel wrapped around her. She stops cold when she sees that Ath is already sitting at a control station. Ath smiles and waves at her.

“Gorram it! Lost again!” She kicks a bulkhead with her bare foot. “OW!”


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 8:59 PM


Earlier, in the Sereni-Tree Hanger Bay:


TheRealMe wrote:
"Whoa! New shuttle!"

TheRealMe considers the implications.

"You know, I believe that we could make use of a brand new shuttle that has no known ties to the Sereni-Tree. How do you feel about taking part in a rescue mission in several days? Hmmm... Looks like you are getting ready for a test flight."

TheRealMe uses his com-link to send a signal to the pilot station on the Bridge to hold off on the new course to Boros for the time being.

"Oh, that's magnificent! It just turned invisible! Or did it disappear?"


Jadehand wrote:
Hehehe. No she's still there. That's the S.E.P. field. You just don't notice the shuttle anymore, because it's Somebody Else's Problem. And well, this is really a proxy shuttle, we can use it to grab the platnium, then trade the Platinum for the parts we need through Rat's connections to build the real thing. She'll be perfect for rescue missions with the S.E.P.and enough space for a strike force of about 10, well, less if you want the rescuees to fit in. Who's in trouble?

*notices he lost TRM back at the whole proxy/Platinum bit. *

Oh sorry, yeah you see, here's the deal.......*whisper whisper* * fills in the details… *

So,......What do you think? Can we swing by the mining station? then hit Rat's less than white market contacts? I'll make a few of us into the best mechanics in the 'verse and she'll be ready to go by the time we get to Boros. …

Actually, TheRealMe has seen stranger things in his time than a shuttle created with a magic crayon, so he is able to absorb this bit with little trouble.

“I am not at all surprised that Rat is somehow tied up in this felonious double-dealing scheme! Well, it sounds like you have an excellent, workable plan. Sure, anybody who wants to participate can go with you, as long as you don’t completely denude the Sereni-Tree of essential personnel. Just try not to implicate the Sereni-Tree in anything that the Alliance is likely to care about.”

TheRealMe pulls out his com-link and uses it to holographically display the 3-D star charts he had been studying earlier.

“Hmmm… Well, we could make a slight detour to stop by the mining colony of Grendel’s Find. Then on to Garrison as I had planned, just before the jump to Boros. On Garrison you can probably purchase what you need to build the shuttle. Do those worlds work for you, or did you have some particular destinations in mind?”

TheRealMe deactivates and puts away his com-link.

“Hmmm… A Somebody Else’s Problem field? Excellent! I always wanted to play with one of those! I wonder if we can upgrade our existing shuttles with it, or would it interfere with Rat’s shrinking technology?”

“Anyway, once you get the parts, there are many excellent engineers, technicians, and mechanics on board that could help construct this vehicle. Aside from Rat and myself, there are also Needleseye and Jet (that is, Bride4) who work down in Main Engineering with TheGreyJedi. You would normally have to see if Grey can spare either one. Knowing Jet, though, she’d probably be willing to tinker with this on her own time! To my knowledge, Grey himself is the best engineer we have on board. He designed and built all the starship components of the Sereni-Tree, after all. But he is usually occupied with the Sereni-Tree’s engines.”


ItsAWash wrote:
*…Wash wanders toward voices she heard coming from a cavernous space ahead. She reaches the main doorway just in time to hear Jadehand mention recruiting mechanics for an upcoming mission…

"Gentlemen, I'm not exactly dressed for it so I'm not sure you'll believe me, but I happen to be a dab hand at mechanical pursuits…

*Cocking one hip out and placing hands akimbo* "If we've got spare overalls for me, I can doff the frou-frou and be one of the boys for as long as I'm needed…

"OH! And TRM? I'd like a word with you in my quarters whenever you get a chance. Nothing urgent, just want to chat about something odd that happened last night." *Shivers, and wraps arms about self.* "Hoping you can shed some light on it and let me tell you my thoughts as well."

“Yes, Wash, I am certain that we can find some work clothes for you. And I’ll be happy to talk with you as soon as I’ve gotten back to the Bridge. I need to modify our course to pass by the mining colony. Jadehand, Seryn, Rat, if you want to try a test flight of the crayon Cloud, go ahead. But when you are done and it is secured, send a signal to the Bridge so that we know we can proceed. Kindly finish in… oh, an hour or so. I’d like to be under way by then.”

Oh, Seryn, you have the Alliance fighter almost ready to go! Impressive!


Jadehand wrote:
Who’s in trouble?

“Who’s in trouble? SafeAt2nd, CastIronJack, Bride6, and Bride7 seem to be together on Boros, and there are gunshots near them. That’s all I know right now.”

Soul also arrives to join in on the planning, and mentions that he would be much more interested in that than in the doll! Talk turns to the doll, then…


ItsAWash wrote:

Originally posted by seryn:

...they hear Serenity's panicked voice coming from Souls communit...

Serenity wrote:
Soul? Are YOU there? I can't find Mai. She has Charlie! I know you hate the Baby3000, but I'm worried.

"I saw a tweaked-out looking woman cradling a baby back that-a way," says Washie, pointing down the corridor. Remembering the airloc she had passed by earlier, she yells, "Sweet buddha NO! There's an airloc back there! Let's GO!"

They all pound down the corridor, TRM in the lead, desperately hoping they're not too late...

As they run, TheRealMe’s com-link beeps.

CallMeAth wrote:
"Hey TRM, what's going on?"

TheRealMe ignores Ath as he runs with the group down the corridor that leads from the Hanger Bay back to the Common Room’s upper balcony. Suddenly, a klaxon begins to sound throughout the ship and red lights start flashing everywhere. The ship’s computer broadcasts a message:

“Warning! The main airlock safety protocol has been over-ridden. Both inner and outer doors are being opened. This procedure is not recommended.”

TheRealMe almost makes it to the door to the Common Room balcony, but an automatic safety hatch slams shut, as do other hatches throughout the ship. But even through the thick metal door can be heard a great whooshing sound as the air in the Common Room is vented out into space.

TheRealMe is stunned. “Huh! This is rather… impossible.”

The Bridge exit to the Common Room also slams shut, trapping Ath and a dripping wet Bride5.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, February 7, 2006 11:37 PM



“Warning! The main airlock safety protocol has been over-ridden. Both inner and outer doors are being opened. This procedure is not recommended.”

*as the alarm signal rings through the ship Mai's mind begins to clear. She finds herself standing at the control panel of a nearby airlock putting in a sequence of orders*

What in the 'verse?!!!
Remebering the voice activation of several other machines on the ship she shouts *deactivate airlock doors!

The computer answers "unrecognized voice detail, inner airlock panel open. system run complete. 6.2 seconds to initialize outer doors*


*Cargo crates begin flying towards the now partially open doors. The doll grabs for her throat, choking her as she dives for one of the hidden cubbies*

*Losing consciousness as she hears the doll chant. "You all will die one by one. The ship will be destroyed, oh what fun!"

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 12:01 AM



Originally posted by mai:
" ...oh what fun!"

*Heavily laden with bundles of other peoples' stuff, Schwartz is led through the cargo bay by cozen. cozen tosses the llama a peanutbutter choccy cup, which in mid flight is caught up in the sudden hurricane caused by the opening of the external bay door.*

*The Baby3000 ceases its choking of our Mai and screams, "mine!" and leaps after the yummy confection. But s/he misses. The doll and Mai are both rapidly drawn toward the emptiness of space. cozen heroically considers making a grab for them. However, he seems to be unable to loosen his deathgrip on the llama's haunches, consequently embracing a sort of interesting catatonic panic.*

*Schwartz, being a sensible sort, casually noses the airlock's 'close' button. Mai and Chuck slam against the door, but fail to escape into the black.*

*Crisis averted, yet again. Substantial bruising ensues.*

"You think somebody wouldn't go see somebody if they didn't want entertainment?"


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 2:53 AM


Citizen led the way into the old Town hall. The building was largely derelict, and had obvious gaping wounds from small arms fire. Safe guessed, correctly, that these were the battle scares from the war. The entrance hall was a fairly large expanse with sweeping staircases leading up on to an overlooking third floor balcony. The remnants of an old reception desk which looked like it had come under considerable heavy fire took up the expanse of the front walls either side of the main entrance.

In the centre stood a fairly modest statue whose features looked not just quite exactly like Citizen's. Jack looked at it and then glanced at the Citizen before his eye's fell back on to the statue.

He raised his hand and pointed. "Who the ruttin' hell is that?"

Citizen glanced over. "Oh that's my great grandfather, he founded this town." He said.

Safe looked at him for a moment before speaking. "So when you said that this was your gorramn town, you meant that this was your gorramn town?"

Citizen's brow scrunched up in a puzzled expression for a second. "Of course, you didn't think I was just a small time monkey trainer with delusions of grandeur did you?"

Jack and Safe glanced at each other, shared a look and then shrugged.

“So what happened?”

“The usual, politics, that and the Alliance had bigger guns, same thing really.” Citizen shrugged. “Rolled in here right over the locals and the Independents, the rest is history.”

Jack sat down by the foot of the statue and began checking his weapons. “So what’s with the tooled up monkeys?” He said as he began to reload the various arms laid out before him.

“Well after the war the Alliance didn’t much have the resources for peacekeeping here, so I pulled together what was left of the local police and militia to help keep the less savoury types in line.” Citizen took a perch on the remnants of the old reception desk. “They weren’t much, the Alliance pretty much only left alive the soldiers that weren’t up to being cooks. Anyway, there was this crashed ship, some sort of travelling circus that had been hit, by who I don’t know. The crew was wiped out; all that was left were these monkeys.”

“So you’re saying they’re genuwine space Monkeys?” Safe said half laughing.

Citizen grinned. “Yeah, hadn’t really thought about it like that. Well some of my fellas took a shine to ‘em, started teachin’ ‘em tricks, even teachin’ ‘em to play Chess.” Citizen leaned forward slightly to heighten the effect of what he was about to say. “When the Monkeys started winning I decided that it was about time I upgraded.”

He jumped down from his perch and began walking toward the back of the entrance hall. “Anyway, we need to get set up.” He said starting to get official. “There’s two possibilities for who were meeting here way I see it, either the Alliance knew I’m with you and got to my contacts and this is a trap, or we’re about to meet the sniper from the training house.”

“You sure that this isn’t just a coincidence?” Bride6 asked.

“I don’t believe in coincidences.” Citizen replied simply. "The alliance want us, and the sniper wants off this rock" He turned to Safe “Safe, I’m thinking elevated fire positions from the balcony, with lower crossing fire from behind the desk. What do you think?”

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 4:30 AM


*going back just a little bit*


Originally posted by TheRealMe:

“Warning! The main airlock safety protocol has been over-ridden. Both inner and outer doors are being opened. This procedure is not recommended.”

OH NO!!!

*Serenity runs as fast as a 4 1/2 month pregnant winged woman can run toward the airlock. She meets up with TRM and the others at the door to the common room. She pounds her fist on the door in frustration.*


What are we going to do? We have to get in there!!!

*begins to hyperventilate*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 4:36 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul pushes past the others as the emergency door shuts, but that doesn't stop him. Phasing his body he dives through the door, he feels the rush of wind on his body as he solidifies and is sucked over the edge of the balcony and into the common room. He pulls out his bow and fires an arrow into the wall, a cord trailing behind it. As soon as the arrow impacts, he grabs tight to the cord and begins to make his way towards Mai and the doll. He inches closer and closer, objects flying all around him until--

The wind stops, and he drops to the floor. After sustaining a nice bruise on his rear, Soul looks over to see Schwartz by the controls to close the airlock door.

"Go figure. A llama saves the day."


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 5:07 AM


TheRealMe, Jadehand, Seryn, ItsAWash, Rat, and SoulOfSernity (and maybe CallMeSerenity) are cut off from the common room and trapped in the hanger bay on top of the South Wing.

Mind racing, TheRealMe speaks into his com-link. “Computer, close and seal both main air lock hatches!”

”Acknowledged. Unable to comply.”

“Unable? Why?”

”Automatic control of that area has been terminated.”

TheRealMe spins on his heel and runs back into the hanger bay. “Computer, prep all remaining EVA pods for immediate launch!”

”Acknowledged. Initializing start-up procedure for EVA pod 5. Initializing start-up procedure for EVA pod 6.”

“Computer, who did we lose?” TheRealMe dreads the answer. Who had been in the common room when the airlock doors opened?

“Please restate question.”

“Dammit! List all individuals who have departed Serni-Tree within the last minute.”

TheRealMe hops into the nearest EVA pod, number 5, feet first.

”Understood. The list has no members.”

At that moment, the klaxon stops and the red lights stop flashing.

”The main airlock has been sealed.”

TheRealMe sighs and climbs out of the pod. “I guess someone acted quickly enough to avert disaster.” He yells down the length of the hanger bay. “Soul! Gather your deputies and investigate this matter! If Mai or this doll or both are responsible, I want them in the brig!”

TheRealMe squints to count his companions. “Soul?”

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 5:36 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

“Computer, who did we lose?” TheRealMe dreads the answer. Who had been in the common room when the airlock doors opened?

“Please restate question.”

“Dammit! List all individuals who have departed Serni-Tree within the last minute.”

TheRealMe hops into the nearest EVA pod, number 5, feet first.

”Understood. The list has no members.”

At that moment, the klaxon stops and the red lights stop flashing.

”The main airlock has been sealed.”

*PR walks into the hanger bay.* Hey, what's up?

*PR goes to the mule that himself and Piffle recovered on the cursed maiden voyage of their hang-glyder, 'Thingamyjig'. It's also the very vessel that Jack and Safe came aboard the Sereni-Tree on. PR had named the mule 'Thingamyjig 2' in tribute to the short-lived 'Thingamyjig'.

*PR hopped into the mule and started hitting the controls, he turned the key in the ignition, and it's engine roared to life. The others in the Tree looked around to see what was going on. The mule hummed forward slowly and PR flew it out of the hanger bay.*

Now, with some careful steering, I should make it to my destination without a bump!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 7:29 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
*going back just a little bit*

OH NO!!!

*Serenity runs as fast as a 4 1/2 month pregnant winged woman can run toward the airlock. She meets up with TRM and the others at the door to the common room. She pounds her fist on the door in frustration.*


What are we going to do? We have to get in there!!!

*begins to hyperventilate*

*Placing a tentative arm around the distraught obviously pregnant crew member's shoulders, Wash draws her away from the sealed door murmuring soothing "It'll all be okay.." noises. When Serenity gasps out, "How?" Wash replies, "I don't know, it's a mystery..." leading the lovely enceinte one to the bulkhead wall where Serenity can lean or slide down to sit on the floor.

Wash breathes slowly and deeply making sure to keep eye contact as Serenity breathes with her, lessening the shorter breaths to normality. "The baby needs oxygen through you, so we'll need to keep respiration even."

Serenity feeling much better, Wash looks over at TRM who should be relieved upon hearing that no casualties resulted from the 'Tree's latest disaster. She nods in hearty approval at the call to go all brig'gn' on the demon kid and Mai, if necessary, but pales as she realizes we're short one Soul.

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 7:49 AM


What? Soul went IN THERE?!?!

Oh no! Is he okay? He's not allowed to die again! If he dies I'm going to KILL him!! TRM-DO SOMETHING!!!

*resumes panic attack*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 8:10 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul stands slowly. His body is bruised, but he'll live. He looks around the room and spots Mai by the now closed airlock doors. He limps over to her, relieved to find her breathing, but unconscious. The doll, however, is nowhere to be found. Soul looks over towards Schwartz and sees Cozen grinning back at him, his face a mixture of humor and pain. Then Cozen’s eyes grow wide as they focus on something over Soul’s shoulder. Soul spins just in time to feel the impact of a corkscrew in his leg. He cries out in pain and sees Charlie standing on top of the bar brandishing a variety of drink-mixing utensils, including one rather sharp looking olive skewer.

“Well,” Soul says, “This is one time when I had better hear the phrase ‘you were right and I was wrong’!”

He rolls out of the way just in time to avoid another corkscrew.

“I could use some help in here!”


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 9:07 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

Sure, anybody who wants to participate can go with you, as long as you don’t completely denude the Sereni-Tree of essential personnel.

I assure you, I won't ever denude the crew, I find anyone nude, I'm leaving 'em that way.


They all pound down the corridor, TRM in the lead, desperately hoping they're not too late...

Oh yeah, trouble.
*meets with everyone near the airlock*

Ok who's ready to get in there and help? And what's the plan? Take it for study or blow it out of the airlock?

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 9:22 AM



Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:
“Well,” Soul says, “This is one time when I had better hear the phrase ‘you were right and I was wrong’!”

He rolls out of the way just in time to avoid another corkscrew.

“I could use some help in here!”


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

*Breathing heavily, KellyofLuthien enters the common room brandishing a bow, arrow locked on Charlie. Seeing a new target, Charlie starts pelting corkscrews and icepicks at Kelly, who defty ducks them, keeping her arrow trained on the maniac robot. Looking over at Soul, she says:

"Ai! Why is that baby attacking you? Just give me the word and I'll shoot!"

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 9:35 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:

Looking over at Soul, she says:

"Ai! Why is that baby attacking you? Just give me the word and I'll shoot!"

"Keep him occupied!" Soul shouts back. He rolls behind a sofa and selects an arrowhead off of the bandolier on his chest. Screwing it onto the end of an arrow shaft, he takes a deep breath and then roles back out into the open. Charlie sees him, but Soul fires the arrow before the doll can do anything. The arrow impacts the doll in the chest, and sends up blindingly white sparks as the arrowhead does its job and proceeds to fry the doll's circuitry. Charlie falls behind the bar, still sparking, and now smoldering.

Soul gets up slowly and walks over to the bar. He leans over and sees Charlie lying there, eyes open wide as flames begin to eat away at its head. Soul’s shoulders sag and he turns around to face Kelly.

“Well, that’s the end of--”

In that moment, Soul once again learns the hard way to never turn your back on an enemy unless you’re SURE that they’re dead. He learns this as the now flaming Charlie leaps up and drives an ice pick into his shoulder.

OOC: No, Charlie is not gay. That's "flamimg" as in on fire...


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 9:49 AM



Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:
Soul gets up slowly and walks over to the bar. He leans over and sees Charlie lying there, eyes open wide as flames begin to eat away at its head. Soul’s shoulders sag and he turns around to face Kelly.

“Well, that’s the end of--”

In that moment, Soul once again learns the hard way to never turn your back on an enemy unless you’re SURE that they’re dead. He learns this as the now flaming Charlie leaps up and drives an ice pick into his shoulder.

Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

*As the icepick finds its mark, Kelly lets loose two arrows that pierce Charlie's hands, preventing him from picking up any more deadly weapons. Charlie falls backward with a loud thump as Soul crashes to his knees in pain.

Rushing over to Soul, Kelly shouts:

"Someone please finish off that baby!"

The ice pick is embedded deeply in Soul's shoulder, and Kelly realizes that SimonWho would be best equipped to handle the removal. Whispering a few words in Elvish, Kelly lays her hands near the wound and feels a warm tingling enter Soul's shoulder. The hurt of the wound lessens, but Kelly can still see pain in Soul's eyes.

Grabbing his hand, Kelly whispers "Hold on, we'll get you some help."

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 9:59 AM



Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:

“I could use some help in here!”

*Serenity hears a yell from the common room and finds herself on her feet. She pries open the door and runs onto the balcony overlooking the common room just in time to see Charlie attack Soul with the ice pick.

*As Kelly fires arrows at Charlie, she swoops down to the ground level, pulling out her katanas as she does so. When she's done with Charlie, there's nothing left but a small pile of scrap metal and wiring.*

*Her anger finally subsiding, she drops her katanas and rushes over to where Soul lay on the floor.*

Is he okay? Is he going to be okay? There's so much blood! SIMONWHO! *she yells into her comm link* We need you in the common room now!

*She grabs Soul's hand.*

I'm so sorry. You were right. This is all my fault.

You're not allowed to die on me again!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:






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