The Sereni-Tree, an evil doll, and a showdown on Boros

UPDATED: Friday, February 10, 2006 20:02
VIEWED: 20749
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Wednesday, February 8, 2006 10:09 AM


*wanders in with a fire extingisher and puts the baby out.*

We may want to examine the bits. See wants going on. Maybe see who's pulling the strings on this thing.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 11:21 AM


Seryn stands at the edge of the balcony, coveralls already off and looped aroundthe cable left by Soul. She watches as Serenity leaps the railing and flys towards the doll, then holding the gun in one hand and onto the suit with the other she slides rapidly down the cable, keeping the doll insight until it is obscured by Serenity's wings.

By the time she lands however, the doll is already a sparking pile of bits and bobs...

She follows Serenity to Sould side and hands her the suit to use to staunch the flow of blood from his leg and his shoulder.

'get his leg in the air, up above his head, slows the flow.'

She looks round as JH puts the baby bits out with the extigusher

'JH? Can you grab his other shoulder? He'll need to go to the infirmary to get this patched up. Serenity you take his feet, keep the leg up high and the pressure on.

Cozen? Give that Llama a great big snog from me ok?'

She looks back at the cable... 'whoot! that was fun!'

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 11:46 AM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
*wanders in with a fire extingisher and puts the baby out.*

We may want to examine the bits. See wants going on. Maybe see who's pulling the strings on this thing.

*Finding a titanium ice bucket tucked back behind the bar, Washie takes a dustpan from the corner, scoops up the robobaby bits and dumps them into the metal container for later study. As she stands back up, baby's final resting place in hand, she feels a bit woozy, grabs the bar top for support. She grips the bucket tighter in one arm feeling a buzzing sensation where her hand is in direct contact with the metal.

Realizing the morbid and creepifying remains retain some latent power, she promptly sets down the bucket. "I'd like to assist on the techno-autopsy, and I think we'd better get to it quick-like before the thing's nano-technology dims to dead black. Thing's still got power, circuits may still be reading, but who knows for how ruttin' long it'll last. Who's got the no-how to lead the exam?"

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 11:55 AM


Somebody secure these bits I gotta get Soul into the Infirmary for SimonWho to work on.

* thinks the Infirmary should be a bit bigger, as it seems to get far more use than any other room on the Tree*

*Runs over to Soul, Seryn, and Serenity and scoops up the Left side of Soul as Seryn stands across from him Scooping up the Right side. Serenity takes him by the legs and leads the 4 of them towards the infirmary, followed by others who begin turning on various lights and equipment, even the machine that goes "BING!". Most stand back giving SimonWho and the others room to work. Most. Serenity stands by Souls side holding his hand.*

*Finds a stool on rollers and moves it to behind Serenity who sits without taking her eyes away from Soul's.*

Don't worry, Everything's going to be ok. I hear SimonWho's really good at this sorta thing. We'll find out who or what did this, and there may be some retribution in the near future......

*Spins on his heel and heads back to the common room and assists in collecting all the bits. As he picks up one larger chunks of computer bits, a label in side catches his eye. He peers closely and sees........*

*turns to ItsaWash*
I think TRM mentioned a workshop in main Engineering, Downstairs? TheGreyJedi might want to see this.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 12:09 PM


*While Soul, Serenity and Kelly wage their epic battle against poor Charlie, cozen disengages himself from Schwartz and adjusts a few straps binding other peoples' stuff to the llama. He feeds Schwartz one of Serenity's yummy garden carrots, whispering lengthy and detailed instructions that pretty much add up to "scram"!*

*He recognises a good distraction when he sees one. Whilst Serenity slices and dices, Seryn zings along her line and Jadehand douses flames, cozen actually does something remotely honourable by attending to the uncouncious and heaviliy bruised Mai. He then gently picks Mai up and carries her away to his room in the East Wing. There he will set Mai upon his bed. Then he will take inventory. Along the way he tosses the remote into the garbage.*

*Hopes Washie didn't notice....*

Eh, what's in a name?


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 12:12 PM


Seryn remains with Simon, helping him clean and stitch up Soul, though probably hindering more than helping. After washing her hands she goes to the bar and makes serenity a large mug of tea and takes it back to her, arranging Serenity's limp fingers around the warm mug.

Leaving the infirmary she joins JH at the bar. Seeing the label JH is looking at, she raises an eyebrow and looks at him...

'thats never a good sign'

She looks around 'where is Mai?'

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 12:29 PM


Right, let me see. I appear to have a line of patients, mostly bruised, but one impaled with what appears to be an Olympic class ice pick in his shoulder.

*examines it in more detail*

Okay, it looks like the pick has been driven deep into the shoulder. Let me just give you something for the pain Soul. Okay, right, to remove the pick itself will require some delicate surgery and a large amount of...


Oh, stop shouting, it's out now. Right, let me just apply a synth-suture along here... Good. That's stopped the bleeding. I recommend a nice rest, plenty of orange juice and a decided absence of being stabbed in the shoulder any time soon.

I'm sorry, did someone mention something about psychotic robotic infants?


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 1:25 PM



Originally posted by seryn:

'thats never a good sign'

She looks around 'where is Mai?'

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*

No, that tends to not be the best sign ever.

*looks around*
Mai? oh umm, let's see......
*pulls out the handy little comlink thingie and pushes a few buttons.....looks at read out, and closes the comlink and slips it back into his pocket.*
Oh, She's in Cozen's room.
*pours another pint of Cider for himself.*
What can I get for you then?

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 1:38 PM


*KellyofLuthien follows everyone into the infirmary and washes Soul's blood off her hands. Noticing Seryn hand Serenity a mug of tea, Kelly walks over to Serenity and places a hand on her arm.*

"I know you'd probably like to stay here with him, but let's get you a more comfortable seat. You've had a stressful day and need to rest, for the baby and for yourself."

Kelly finds an extra gurney and helps Serenity up on it. She wheels it over close to where SimonWho is working on Soul. Serenity flinches as SW yanks out the ice pick. Kelly smooths Serenity's hair.

"There. Looks like the worst is over now. I'll leave you to be patched up by SimonWho. Simon, please make sure she rests."

Kelly leaves the infirmary and heads back to change out of her dress, which has been splattered with blood. On the way, she stops by the bar and retrieves her bow and quiver, replacing the two arrows she fired into Charlie's hands. Walking to her hanger, she thinks she'll try to find Ath after she changes. He'd want to know what happened since it involved his sister.*

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 3:21 PM


With Soul being whisked off to the Infirmary by Seryn, Serenity, and Jadehand, TheRealMe looks around the rest of the Common Room. It is a shambles. The great winds blowing through have left the place in great disarray. He takes some time to ensure that the airlock doors are secure, reconnects the automatic airlock controls, then wanders about righting furniture and collecting the many scattered DVD sets.

From near the bar, ItsAWash has gathered the pieces of the Baby3000. Jadehand and Seryn have, by this time, returned. Jadehand points out the ominous Blue Sun logo. Wash wonders about researching the baby bits.

TheRealMe walks toward her. “Well, Wash, I have some expertise in robotics. Moreover…”

There is a moan. Wash cocks her head, then walks over to open the door to the brewery, to the right of the bar. A tall woman falls to the deck by Wash’s feet.

“It’s the bartender!” Wash calls back.

On the floor, Trey moans again, holding her side. “Gorram little doll took me by surprise and stabbed me!”

Soon, TheRealMe is at Trey’s side. “Hang on, Bride3. You’re suffering from decompression sickness as well as that wound.”

She winces. “What? What did you say?”

“Some hearing loss can also be expected.” TheRealMe turns to ItsAWash. “Wash, I require your assistance.”

With that, TheRealMe holds Washie in a tight embrace and gives her a kiss:

“Thank you, Wash.”

TheRealMe grabs the resulting kissie with both hands and firmly plants it down where it can see Trey’s suffering. The cute adorable creature sniffs the blood, then pouts and gets large sad eyes. It scampers over to Trey, coos a bit, and snuggles against her side, transforming itself into some kind of bandage to seal the wound. The bleeding subsides, and the kissie’s anesthetic properties ease Trey’s pain. She passes out.

“Washie, Jadehand, Seryn? Can some of you help me get her to the Infirmary? Then we can get to work on the doll.” TheRealMe pauses, thinking. “Actually, somebody should bring those doll bits and we’ll toss them into the brig until we’re ready for it!”

While they are carrying Trey up to the Infirmary, TheRealMe looks over his shoulder. “Say, has anyone seen Mai?”

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 3:45 PM


fascinating creature...

/me gets out his flask and takes a swig

...i'd sure like to make one sometime.

/me searches the room with his eyes for a certain someone.

--- <-inching towards daylight


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 6:31 PM


Meanwhile back on Boros in a cab:

"Wally this has to be the longest cab ride of my life, and I'm a lot older than I look, but I have no interest in dying of old age or bordom in the back of your cab. Would it help us get there any faster If I tell you that the meter is coming out of your finders fee?"

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 9:20 PM


"Okay, Jade, Seryn, Rat, if we have taken care of everyone, then go on with your test flight of the Cloud. I'm going to check a few more things to make sure that the Sereni-Tree hasn't been sabotaged."

TheRealMe realizes that he probably owes Ath a call! Activates com-link.

"Hello? Ath? This is Me. Here is our situation..."

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 10:10 PM



~~~ playing twister with KOL, Ath, PR, and LMD, in parkas and snowboots as pirates throw pies at them from the cat walk~~~~

fades to ~~~~ a pinata that comes alive and jumps off its string attacking everyone in sight with the bat and then explodes into a pretty fireworks show~~~~

fades to

~~~~ standing outside a small cabinet in a group of unfamilar people discussing strange things "Hey where's LMD?" - "How did you get here?" - "I don't have wings!"~~~~

*fights to wake up but cant' quite manage it*

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, February 8, 2006 11:29 PM


Watches TRM use the kissie to help Trey.

'whoa, and here was I stuck on medical science, gotta give those things a try sometime'

She helps carry the bartender to the infirmary. Looking at Soul and Serenity she asks quietly if they are going to be alright

Then she hears TRM's question,

Jade says Mai is in Cozens room, which I assume is ok, I mean, is Cozens room somewhere she's ok with being?

SHould someone in form LMD about her? they looked to be getting quite close...

Right, i'll go start her up, last minute checks *looks dowm at her vest and shorts and limbs, where they were caught by blood* and change. Are there showers between here and the hangar bay?

Seryn goes off in search of a shower, runs in washes as quicly as possible, the runs to the hangar bay, hoping that no-one spots her in just her towel, and changes into fresh underwear and one of the flight suits.

Leaving out a few more suits for Jade and the others she goes to the cloud, and starts running various systems to check that they are all functional.

While she does this, in the back of her mind she thinks brunette, dark, long, brunette, dark, long...

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Thursday, February 9, 2006 2:27 AM


*With some careful steering PR makes his way through the tree, trying his best to make things move to form a clear path as he heads through the engine room. He bumps into the doorway as it isn't wide enough. He backs up with some careful concentration the mule goes on it's side and glides through the door to the engine room.* Now, I know it's in here somewhere...


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Thursday, February 9, 2006 4:08 AM


*Serenity suddenly remembers*

Mai! Where's Mai? She had the baby. Is she okay?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, February 9, 2006 5:07 AM


*Wanders into the hanger bay and over to Ocean Cloud. Nervously checking for any signs of tampering. Recent events have made him overly cautious. He laughs to himself, "I may be paranoid, but it's kept me alive this long." Satisfied that no one has damaged or added anything to Ocean Cloud, he steps inside.*

Hey! who are.. *spins the chair to face him* ...Oh Seryn, it's you. You've changed your hair again. Where do you find the time between all the crazed robo-babies of Doom, and Llamas, and such? It looks great, as always. Nice flight suit.

So are you ready to help me fly this thing? I just need to run a few checks and we should wait for Rat.

*steps back to some control panels and begins running diagnostic tests*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Thursday, February 9, 2006 5:10 AM



Safe finds himself seeing Citizen in a different light for the second time today. For a small planet politician, hell a third generation politician, he had an eye for strategy.

Safe points to the balcony on the left, "I’ll set-up up there, Jack you’re on the other side. Stay out of sight, let Citizen do the talkin’. NO shooting ‘less I say so, Dong ma?" Jack nods.

"Where do you want us, Mr. Safe?" Bride6 asks quietly. "Those... whaddyacallem... sonic mines... can’t get us in here, can they?"

"Let’s just hope they didn’t bring anymore. How about you two stay out in plain site, but a bit back from Citizen. Let him do the talking, no matter who comes a callin’. Way I figure it, seeing you two will either put them at ease or distract them. I’ll take whatever advantage we can get."

Safe then turns to Citizen, "You ok with this?" Citizen waves his hand dismissively.

"If the mysterious sniper shows up, don’t assume he’s an ally just ‘cause he fired on the Alliance. Get some details from him. Same thing goes if the Alliance shows up. Things start to go south, we’ll take ‘em down."

Citizen’s com beeps. "Ok that’s my contact’s signal, shows on."

Outside the old town hall, a cab pulls to a stop. The lone passenger disembarks and the cab pulls away. He stands briefly surveying the building before entering.

The cab turns the corner at the end of the block and stops, waiting. A man steps out of the shadows and approaches the cab. The driver looks nervously around "Ok I did my side of the bargain... 500 credits, you promised..."

The stranger smirks and removes his hand from his pocket. Instead of credits, his blue gloved hand holds a pen like object. Screams fill the evening air.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, February 9, 2006 5:27 AM


*visits to the infirmary to check on Soul and CMS….and Simon*

Hey. *she startles SW. he jumps, pulling at the suture he just finished. Soul yelps*

SW: You okay? You didn’t get hurt or anything did you? You always seem to be mixed up in things. Do you need to sit down? *he takes her arm and shuffles her over to the bed where Soul is wincing in pain, he shoves Soul out of the way so twg can sit.*

No, I’m fine. I just wanted to check on things. *she stands and motions for Soul to take his seat once more. He’s not sure if he should so he stands near the bed and leans against the edge*

Have you seen PR? He’s wandered off in all the chaos. I know he’s a big boy and can take care of himself, it’s just…I have this feeling…I don’t know. *she steps to him and begins to fuss with his hair* Did you get hurt? Are you okay?

*CMS and Soul have had about enough of these two*

CMS: Good grief! What is with you two? I’ve never seen either of you act this way. We *pointing at herself and Soul* were the ones that got hurt. Not you. *she rolls her eyes* As our doctor, you should be making us feel better, fixing us, not worrying about some DiD that for once, safely walked down a hall. Kiss! Yell! Anything really, just get back to being you. And we saw PR, he took the mule for a ride.

*twg and SW look taken aback by CMS's outburst. They stare at her a bit. She begins to fidget. twg bursts out laughing, Simon soon joining her*

Someone’s a cranky preggy. *twg kisses SW’s cheek and slips out the door* I’m gonna find our son and make sure he’s not doing what I think he’s doing…
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Thursday, February 9, 2006 5:49 AM


On Boros:

Bride6 goes to the spot that Safe suggested. She drops her pack and puts on a long brown coat to help hide her weapons.

Reluctantly, Bride7 follows her to the spot. "This is going to get us all killed. You know that, right?"

Bride6 smiles. "Nope. Don't know that at all." She makes sure her weapons are loaded. Then she bends down and digs through her pack. "Grenades?" She stands and shoves a handful of grenades into Bride7's grasp.

"Thanks a bunch," Bride7 replies sourly.

"You're welcome." Bride6 seems thoughtful. "You know what Jayne-clone2 would say? 'Live or die, this here has the makin' of a mighty fine shoot-out!'"


Thursday, February 9, 2006 6:08 AM


Today has not been the best day ever.

*Fusses around getting Soul back in bed, brings him a blanket and tucks it around him, brings him a class of water and helps him sip at it and then, running out of things to do, sits next to him and picks at the lint on the blanket.*

You know, even though you were right about the evil baby robot, and I'm sorry I doubted you, I'm still annoyed at you. You don't seem to be taking your imminent parenthood very seriously.

But, you know, I'm glad you're alright.

*dabs at her eyes with the corner of the blanket.*

I'm hungry. I want lasagne.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, February 9, 2006 7:01 AM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:

Outside the old town hall, a cab pulls to a stop. The lone passenger disembarks and the cab pulls away. He stands briefly surveying the building before entering.

The cab turns the corner at the end of the block and stops, waiting. A man steps out of the shadows and approaches the cab. The driver looks nervously around "Ok I did my side of the bargain... 500 credits, you promised..."

The stranger smirks and removes his hand from his pocket. Instead of credits, his blue gloved hand holds a pen like object. Screams fill the evening air.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny

SR strides into the building with a smooth measured tread and stops six paces inside the door.

"Time is of the essence. Things are motion at high speed. I need immediate disclosure. If you are going to kill me I should let you know that I am holding the deadman switch detonator to the bomb I am wearing and it is large enough to make the surrounding three blocks prime real estate for urban renewal. I am sincere in my interests to do business, but all business ventures require insurance. I all ready know that the man who delivered me here is a traitor."

There is a sudden explosion not too far away.

"He either betrayed me to you or he has betrayed us all. He no longer a issue. Answer quickly please."

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, February 9, 2006 7:35 AM


*Rat piles a few more things into The General and closes the door. He then takes running leap and throws himself at a huge red disk on the side of The General.*


*Picks up the Matchbox size General and places it in his pocket.*

I'm packed, let's go!

Acquisitions Officer - SereniTREE


Thursday, February 9, 2006 7:47 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
TheRealMe realizes that he probably owes Ath a call! Activates com-link.

"Hello? Ath? This is Me. Here is our situation..."

"An evil robot?! Is Serenity ok?"

After TRM assures Ath that everything is fine and there were no serious injuries, Ath begins running the ship's diagnostic programs.

While the programs are running, KellyofLuthien walks onto the bridge.

"Ath! I thought you should know, that robot baby your sister had went berserk and tried to kill Mai..."

"I know, TRM filled me in. Are you okay?"

"Well, I've never shot a baby before, even a robot one."

"You shot it? I can't picture you using a gun."

Kelly smiles. "I used a bow. All Luthien's are accomplished archers."

*A line from a tv show flits through Ath's mind: Have you ever been with a warrior woman?, but his thoughts are interrupted by the computer.*

System Diagnostics complete

*Ath reads through the report, then contacts TRM through his comm.*

"Hey TRM, the computer says everything's fine. Give me the word and we'll head for Boros."

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Thursday, February 9, 2006 8:54 AM


'Hi JH. theres one for you too, near the lockers, and one for Washie and Quincey.'

*looks at the hair*

'Oh, I don't know how long, I've just been thinking brunette since I left the infirmary - I changed my eyecolour too, I'm thinkin it could come in handy...'

*turns serious*

'But, that is a little beside the point right now, *thinks* This situation on Boros, I don't know these guys, but they have very little time, certainly not time for us to complete our... mission. Possibly not even time enough for the Tree to reach them. We need to test this version of the Cloud, she will fly, I know that, but we need to know that she'll hold up in a fight.'

*turns back to the controls*

If you go to the fighter, in a locker to the rear of the ship you'll find a gun, it has lasers and bullets. I'd like to try the rocket thrower, but can't in here. Go and get the gun and fire at the Cloud, test out the weakest spots you know of.
If she holds, then thats good, we get TRM to open us a portal as near as possible to these guys, we go in and we get them out. I take it he can do portals large enough for the Cloud the fighter and any other shuttle as wants to come along?

*punches the button on her comm*

'TRM? We need a portal, one big enough for the Cloud, close to your guys as you can get, do you think thats possible?'

'What are you waiting for JH? go get that gun! We've got some heroing to be doing!'

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Thursday, February 9, 2006 9:11 AM


Dr. Whom? Are you done running tests? Is my baby okay? I have this nagging feeling and I need to talk to TRM.

Also, I'm still really hungry. Can we call the kitchen and see if they'll deliver?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, February 9, 2006 9:27 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul groans and tries to stand. He feels a bit light-headed, but he manages to stand. Serenity is looking away, so Soul quickly reaches for his bow and quiver, but falls to the floor with a crash. Serenity runs over to him.

"Just what in the world do you think you're doing?" she asks as she helps him back to the bed.

"I'm the Security Chief. I need to be protecting this ship and our crew. I can't do that if I'm stuck in bed."

Serenity shakes her head. "You are possibly the most hard-headed man I know." She helps him lay back. "However, I am carrying your child, and I plan on my child having a father. You already died once. I don't need you dying again."

Soul groans again.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Thursday, February 9, 2006 9:45 AM


You can protect the ship just fine from here for now. You have your deputies to help. Besides, there's something I need to discuss with you and TRM. And probably my brother. Yeah, he needs to hear this.

*presses comm link*

TRM, Ath? Could I see you both in the infirmary, please. There's something important I need to tell you.

*She tucks the blanket back around him and grabs his hand again. Soul gets the feeling that this is more for her comfort than his.*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, February 9, 2006 9:56 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
TRM, Ath? Could I see you both in the infirmary, please. There's something important I need to tell you.

"All right, I'll be there in a sec." Ath turns to Kelly. "Sorry, family calls."

*Ath quickly heads down to the infirmary.*

"Hey Serenity. You ok? What's going on?"

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Thursday, February 9, 2006 10:42 AM


on boros

The stranger stands for a beat after making his demand. Citizen smiled and steps closer.
"Well, aren't we the well prepared boy scout?" He said casually.
The stranger raised the pressure sensor clasped in his hand. Citizen smiled and nodded.
"Oh I understand you're in control here." He said slowly. "Far as I'm concerned that man was an outside contractor, if he sold us out you chose your contact poorly." Citizen took another slow step closer to the stranger.
"Life is hard for many here and the Alliance presence is strong. Not many are trust worthy, next time you may want to be a bit more careful about who you ask for help."
The stranger looked Citizen up and down. "Maybe I should start with you, what do you think?"
Citizen nodded toward the statue behind him. "Notice anything?" He said. "Besides, far as I can tell you need me, I'm guessing you want off this rock, and there's only two ways off, one's through me, and the others through the Alliance."

Citizen tipped his hat. "Names Citizen, so maybe we should get down to business otherwise we’re just wasting each others time."

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Thursday, February 9, 2006 11:01 AM


Hey Ath. Yeah, I'm okay, and Soul will be. Let's wait for TRM and then we'll talk.

You don't think Kelly's got any leftover lasagne in the kitchen do you? I'm starving. Would you go run and look?

And maybe some rootbeer?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, February 9, 2006 11:27 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
on boros

"Oh I understand you're in control here." He said slowly. "Far as I'm concerned that man was an outside contractor, if he sold us out you chose your contact poorly." Citizen took another slow step closer to the stranger.

"Life is hard for many here and the Alliance presence is strong. Not many are trust worthy, next time you may want to be a bit more careful about who you ask for help."

He said. "Besides, far as I can tell you need me, I'm guessing you want off this rock, and there's only two ways off, one's through me, and the others through the Alliance."

Citizen tipped his hat. "Names Citizen, so maybe we should get down to business otherwise we’re just wasting each others time."

SR put's the switch into his pocket and in turn offers with his other hand the gem that he used to capture the late Wally's attention. Simultaneously he takes up the conversation quickly. His words are enuciated smoothly, but with no wasted breath.

"If you were going to kill me I would be dead all ready. I am convinced you don't wan't me as a captive. I'm certain we're not safe here. That's what I have to pay with at the present. You can hold on to it as collateral, if you want something else."

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, February 9, 2006 11:48 AM


Citizen hoisted his briefcase and dropped the gem into an inside pocket. "Okay, I know a place."

He turns toward the back of the entrance hall. "Safe, Jack, seems we're moving out."

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Thursday, February 9, 2006 11:55 AM


Oh so not only am I constantly deluged with patients with largely self-inflicted wounds, now you're turning my infirmary into a meeting room?

*wanders off muttering about how little respect the medical profession holds today*


Thursday, February 9, 2006 12:14 PM


Mai? Mai, wake up dear, you’re only dreaming. Mai? There’s folk asking about you, wondering what’s going on. It’s starting to damage my calm.

*Mai continues her fitful sleep, tossing sheets assunder, clutching at air. cozen considers utilising the diablolically foolproof secret Mai-waking technique. Then reconsiders when stricken with a statistically unlikely pang of conscience. He turns to Schwartz and mutters.*

Huh. Well, given the Tree Of Probablities around here, I guess even I can be affected by strange events. Still, this conscience thing, doesn’t, feel… right.

*Opens a closet door with the intention of placing his conscience amongst the wide variety of psychological demons nesting on the shelves, but his conscience will have none of that and remains resolutely planted within his brainpan. Instead, he rummages about until he finds a silken blanket, a remnant of those times when kidnapping was the order of the day and Spam was slung. He drapes the blanket over Mai, but it’s not long ere another dream induced spasm sends it afluttering about the room.*

Hmmm. There’s an idea….

*Ignoring a long series of comm calls thematically centred either on Mai’s welfare or a call to arms, he looks over the several items of baggage that have recently been liberated from the cargo bay. He chooses one embossed with the initials “KoL”. Upon opening it he finds several neatly folded dresses and gowns in a variety of natural colours ranging from forest greens to blood red. One in particular stands out from the rest: a dazzling white flocked chiffon number with a pearl belt and matching lace and pearl trim at the neckline.*

Well, unless I miss my guess, this is a gorram wedding dress, eh? For whom, I wonder?

*He stops wondering as he carefully drapes the dress along Mai. Seconds later, she has flung it aside. He selects another dress at random and drapes Mai with it. In short order, it is sent flying. He repeats the draping until the satchel is emptied, always with the same result.*

Fun, a new game! I dub this game: Fling-A-Dress.

*Hauls out a battered canvas duffel, on the side of which is sewn in rough, dripping red letters the name “Nell”.*

*Soon cozen’s room is covered knee deep to a llama in elven and piratey apparel.*

"You think somebody wouldn't go see somebody if they didn't want entertainment?"


Thursday, February 9, 2006 12:19 PM



Originally posted by citizen:
Citizen hoisted his briefcase and dropped the gem into an inside pocket. "Okay, I know a place."

He turns toward the back of the entrance hall. "Safe, Jack, seems we're moving out."

"As to your earlier points. If I was in control I wouldn't be on the run now would I? Poor choice maybe, but desparate times call for quick decisions and I'm here and alive for the moment, which is more than I can say for him and he was someone you trusted enough to meet me so either we are both poor judges of character or both desparate men. Doesn't really matter does it?"

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, February 9, 2006 12:26 PM


Citizen looked at the stranger for an instant. "Sometimes you have to think on your feet." He said. "Lets get moving."

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you.


Thursday, February 9, 2006 1:11 PM


*still tired from harrowing recent events and relaxed by copious amounts of alcohol, elemdee rests his head on the bar and drifts off into slumber...

*elemdee finds himself in a familiar place, a skyscraper. here are his friends.

then he's cast into darkness as a too-immense-to-be-real yell for help crowds all other throught from his mind and then brings nothingness

*elemdee finds himself in front of a gate and staring at what must be a reflection...but no, it's another of him, and...and he's attacking! lmd fights back against himself, but the other is too fierce, too determined to make it past to the gate. again, lightmedark finds it all fading to black...

*elemdee must have taken a hard hit to the head...everything is blurry, mixed up, confused...these disparate elements don't belong together. what is this? who is that girl? why are there two of her? is she the one, errr two?

*a horrific pain engulfs lmd, there is an indescribable noise...then all is calm, clear...focused. he sees a shadow of himself run off towards apparently nothing, or maybe something he can't see.

*then, one thought punches through into his mind, repeating over and over, sharp staccato blasts: where is mai? where is mai?

*elemdee struggles to wake up, to find and help this person so strangely thrust into his life - but he can't.

well, he thinks, guess i'll just have to find some other way.

--- <-inching towards daylight


Thursday, February 9, 2006 1:19 PM



Citizen looked at the stranger for an instant. "Sometimes you have to think on your feet." He said. "Lets get moving."

SR is in the motion from the get go.

He thinks to himself "If this guy only knew. I've been thinking on my feet all my life and on the move such that there is no end to it. After I'm dead my corpse will need to be tied down for a week till the reflex action of running stops."

"You best let me know who your people are so's I don't ventilate one of them as a result of a misunderstanding." He says to Citizen as he takes his weapon of his shoulder. He checks the chamber to confirm load and takes the clip out and taps it to confirm the shells are properly seated.

"Yeah slug rounds would be best." he thinks to himself as he confirms the ammo type.

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, February 9, 2006 1:46 PM


*watches Jadehands face as she describes her plan to shoot large holes in the Cloud*

*Sighs as JH make a strange little grunting, you gotta be kidding me noise*

Ok, ok, I wont ask you to do that then. Yes I realise full well that its like asking you to shoot your first born.

*JH grunts again, this time she senses he is trying to say 'really?'*

So I wont make you shoot the shuttle. I'll do it.

She goes to the fighter, opens a hatch on the side and pulls out an assortment of weapons, until she finds the one she wants, then stows the others away neatly. 'how these are still here I do not know'Returning to the shuttle she goes inside, retrieves the plans and sets the shuttle to record the effects that the blasts have.

'ok!...' *looks at JH* 'you may want to turn away.'

Using the plans as a guide she spends a few moments methodically shooting the crap out of the shuttle.


Jadehand looks round and breaths a huge sigh of relief, the shuttle still stands, a few dints and pockmark richer, and with a giant N drawn in heat damaged glass on one window, but all in one peice. Seryn returns from inside the shuttle and hands the read outs detailing the internal reactions to JH, he studies them carefully, then joins her in inspecting the outside damage closely

JH- 'its only slightly less stable than the real materials,some of it appears tougher! Look, this laser burn, its actually less than it should be...'

'Its fine! Not a single issue! this is brilliant, i'm telling you, magic crayons should become standard issue!'

She finishes circling the shuttle, then fetches the crayon and starts to draw out the damage, improving a few lines, and finishing by drawing in a name plate, the name Ocean Cloud in flowing white letters against the deep blue of an ocean through to the vivid orange and pinks of a sunset. Then she turns and smiles at Jadehand.

'Good as new... almost good as the real thing! Call everyone you can to come here, try and find out if TRM is able to do that portal, see who wants to go... I have to finish the fighter'

And with that she resumes here work patching up the fighter with spare metal sheeting, and drawing in the necessary internal componants with the crayon, the sound of her contented humming soon lost to the dull percussion of the bolt gun and the fizz of the welding torch.

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Thursday, February 9, 2006 2:57 PM


*PR feels that odd whooshing sensation that tells him that not only has he found the portal, but he's gone into it. He finds himself crashing into Shw's bar at the bottom of the Sereni-Tree's tree.* Ah, home sweet home. I knew that portal had to be there somewhere!

*Looks around at some of the broken tables and chairs.* Oops. Well, if Shw should ever return, then I shall apologise.

*Back on the Tree, PR had left his mother a note, which reads;*


I've just popped out for a second, don't worry - everything's fine. I shan't be long, perhaps a few days.

Stay out of trouble.

PR x

*PR had felt off writing "Stay out of trouble" to his mum, but after all, his mother was ThatWeirdGirl.*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Thursday, February 9, 2006 3:43 PM


*Turns away and cringes a little as Seryn opens fire on the Psuedo Ocean Cloud. He turns and watches her as she empties the gun in her hand, and smiles. Together they go over Ocean Cloud and the test results.
Repairs and corrections are drawn up. He watches as Seryn moves to tinker with the fighter. He runs his hands across Ocean Cloud, admiring her form. She's beautiful, a true work of art, perfect in every way. *

Ah, very nice.

*shakes his head and turns to see Rat waiting.*

Oh come on in, we need to run a weapons check and she's ready to go, I don't know if TRM can do the portal thingie, If not we may have to speed up the mine operation. Do you have those names and info I asked about before? Things could get bumpy without 'em.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Thursday, February 9, 2006 5:56 PM


*LMD, muttering in his dreams, is awoken by an icy slap to his face. Jerking his head off the bar, LMD looks over to see KellyofLuthien standing demurely next to him.

"Huh...wha?" LMD asks.

"You were having bad dreams, I think," Kelly replies.

"Did you use your Elven magic on me?" LMD seems shocked.

Kelly lets out a golden laugh and holds up an empty, dripping bucket. "Nope, just some ice water from the kitchen. Are you alright?"

LMD nods. "I think so."

"You were muttering something about Mai."

"Mai! Where is she?" LMD exclaims.

"I'm not sure. I just got a call from the infirmary that they need lasagne--stat, so I'm going into the kitchen to prepare some. Perhaps you should go look for Mai."

Kelly looks LMD up and down. "Or perhaps you need a strong cup of coffee."

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Thursday, February 9, 2006 6:18 PM


The meet-up on Boros:


TheRealMe wrote:
Bride6 goes to the spot that Safe suggested. She drops her pack and puts on a long brown coat to help hide her weapons.

Reluctantly, Bride7 follows her to the spot. "This is going to get us all killed. You know that, right?"

Bride6 smiles. "Nope. Don't know that at all." She makes sure her weapons are loaded. Then she bends down and digs through her pack. "Grenades?" She stands and shoves a handful of grenades into Bride7's grasp.

"Thanks a bunch," Bride7 replies sourly.

"You're welcome." Bride6 seems thoughtful. "You know what Jayne-clone2 would say? 'Live or die, this here has the makin' of a mighty fine shoot-out!'"


ScorpionRegent wrote:
SR strides into the building with a smooth measured tread and stops six paces inside the door.

"Time is of the essence. Things are motion at high speed. I need immediate disclosure. If you are going to kill me I should let you know that I am holding the deadman switch detonator to the bomb I am wearing and it is large enough to make the surrounding three blocks prime real estate for urban renewal. I am sincere in my interests to do business, but all business ventures require insurance. I all ready know that the man who delivered me here is a traitor."

There is a sudden explosion not too far away.

"He either betrayed me to you or he has betrayed us all. He no longer a issue. Answer quickly please."


Citizen wrote:
The stranger stands for a beat after making his demand. Citizen smiled and steps closer.
"Well, aren't we the well prepared boy scout?" He said casually.
The stranger raised the pressure sensor clasped in his hand. Citizen smiled and nodded.
"Oh I understand you're in control here." He said slowly. "Far as I'm concerned that man was an outside contractor, if he sold us out you chose your contact poorly." Citizen took another slow step closer to the stranger.
"Life is hard for many here and the Alliance presence is strong. Not many are trust worthy, next time you may want to be a bit more careful about who you ask for help."
The stranger looked Citizen up and down. "Maybe I should start with you, what do you think?"
Citizen nodded toward the statue behind him. "Notice anything?" He said. "Besides, far as I can tell you need me, I'm guessing you want off this rock, and there's only two ways off, one's through me, and the others through the Alliance."

Citizen tipped his hat. "Names Citizen, so maybe we should get down to business otherwise we’re just wasting each others time."


ScorpionRegent wrote:
SR put's the switch into his pocket and in turn offers with his other hand the gem that he used to capture the late Wally's attention. Simultaneously he takes up the conversation quickly. His words are enuciated smoothly, but with no wasted breath.

"If you were going to kill me I would be dead all ready. I am convinced you don't wan't me as a captive. I'm certain we're not safe here. That's what I have to pay with at the present. You can hold on to it as collateral, if you want something else."

Bride6 smiles at ScorpionRegent, and points. “Yep, that’s him. That’s the guy who was sneaking around and shined the light at me. It’s the same guy who was shooting at those Alliance goons who came for us. I’m thinking… he’ll shoot at them again.” Bride6 puts on a pair of stylish mirror sunglasses. “Let’s stop screwing around and get on with this!”

Bride6 reaches up, pulls the sunglasses down her nose a bit, and peeks over them for a closer look. “Ooooh! A diamond the size of a testicle!”


Thursday, February 9, 2006 6:24 PM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:
Kelly looks LMD up and down. "Or perhaps you need a strong cup of coffee."

No, I don't drink coffee...what I need is to find mai.

*elemdee moves to head off, breaks stride, and rushes back to Kelly, giving her a quick hug

Thanks for waking me, don't mean to be rude...just need to find mai now.

*with that elemdee turns and is gone

--- <-inching towards daylight


Thursday, February 9, 2006 6:25 PM


On the Sereni-Tree Bridge just after the Baby3000 is defeated:

Originally posted by CallMeAth:

Originally posted by TheRealMe:
TheRealMe realizes that he probably owes Ath a call! Activates com-link.

"Hello? Ath? This is Me. Here is our situation..."

"An evil robot?! Is Serenity ok?"

After TRM assures Ath that everything is fine and there were no serious injuries, Ath begins running the ship's diagnostic programs.

While the programs are running, KellyofLuthien walks onto the bridge.

"Ath! I thought you should know, that robot baby your sister had went berserk and tried to kill Mai..."

"I know, TRM filled me in. Are you okay?"

"Well, I've never shot a baby before, even a robot one."

"You shot it? I can't picture you using a gun."

Kelly smiles. "I used a bow. All Luthien's are accomplished archers."

*A line from a tv show flits through Ath's mind: Have you ever been with a warrior woman?, but his thoughts are interrupted by the computer.*

System Diagnostics complete

*Ath reads through the report, then contacts TRM through his comm.*

"Hey TRM, the computer says everything's fine. Give me the word and we'll head for Boros."

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"

“Uh… Excuse me.” Still wet and wrapped in a towel, Quincey pushes by Kelly and makes for the exit to the Sereni-Tree Bridge.

She bumps into TheRealMe, who is entering. “Pardon me, Bride5!” he says. She mutters something back to him and goes on her way. TheRealMe shrugs.

TheRealMe nods to Ath and Kelly as he takes his place in one of the two open control stations. He taps at the console screen and a 3-D star chart is displayed, rotating in the air before him. A red line snakes its way from star to star. “I just need to make a few adjustments…” The red line develops another kink which leads to the ‘Grendel’s Find’ system. “There! Okay, Ath, this revised course should be uploaded to your station by now. As soon as the test flight of the Ocean Cloud is complete, we will be ready to depart. Seryn, Jadehand, or Rat will signal us.”

TheRealMe looks back over his shoulder. “Say, do you think Bride5 was upset or something?”

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Thursday, February 9, 2006 6:29 PM



Originally posted by CallMeAth:

Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
TRM, Ath? Could I see you both in the infirmary, please. There's something important I need to tell you.

"All right, I'll be there in a sec." Ath turns to Kelly. "Sorry, family calls."

*Ath quickly heads down to the infirmary.*

"Hey Serenity. You ok? What's going on?"

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"

“Very well, Serenity. Ath and I will be there directly.”

Ath and TheRealMe depart the Bridge, go down a level to the lower balcony, and walk along it until they reach the Infirmary. They go inside to meet Serenity, who requests some of Kelly’s lasagna, first.

TheRealMe pulls out his com-link. “Sparky, go to the kitchen, fetch a double helping of warmed-up lasagna, and bring it to the Infirmary.”

TheRealMe arrives in the Infirmary moments after Ath.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Thursday, February 9, 2006 6:31 PM


Quincey walks into the hanger bay. By this time, she has dried her hair and changed into functional rust-colored coveralls. She looks somewhat different than when she applied for her job, back when she had the slinky red dress and expertly-applied makeup. She strolls up to the group of conspirators.

“So, Seryn, I hear that there might be something for me to do here. Maybe some… piloting?”


Thursday, February 9, 2006 6:40 PM



Bride6 smiles at ScorpionRegent, and points. “Yep, that’s him. That’s the guy who was sneaking around and shined the light at me. It’s the same guy who was shooting at those Alliance goons who came for us. I’m thinking… he’ll shoot at them again.” Bride6 puts on a pair of stylish mirror sunglasses. “Let’s stop screwing around and get on with this!”

In spite of their clandestine location the brides fail to go unoticed by SR. He notes the reflection off the lenses of the sunglasses. "Loose the shades sister a good observer will spot the flash and well lose any chance of slipping away unnoticed. I know you want to die young and leave a beautiful corpse, but you're not going to kill me doing it."


Bride6 reaches up, pulls the sunglasses down her nose a bit, and peeks over them for a closer look. “Ooooh! A diamond the size of a testicle!”

"Who do you know that has testicles the size of grapefruit?"

Scorpion Regent






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