The Sereni-Tree, the Ocean Cloud, and Escape From Boros

UPDATED: Friday, February 24, 2006 07:35
VIEWED: 25698
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Friday, February 10, 2006 8:01 PM


Thread 39!

For the complete “Guide to the Clubhouse / Treehouse / Sereni-Tree Threads”, see:
Near the beginning of this thread is “TheRealMe’s Guide to the Sereni-Tree, V4”.

Previous thread at (summarized below):

Adventures on the Sereni-Tree:

TheRealMe takes over from Mai in showing new people around the Sereni-Tree. He shows KellyOfLuthien the cargo bay that holds the pifflepony ranch. Kelly quickly bonds with a white pifflepony that she names Shadowfax. Later, Kelly plants a special seed in the forest near the piffleranch and use her elvish magics to create a mallorn tree to be the home of herself and ner new friend, Piffle101.

Rat, Seryn, and Jadehand consider a plan where they can gather enough funds to build the Ocean Cloud, a shuttle of Jadehand’s design that comes equipped with a cloaking device. At first, Rat suggests robbing our future selves some time after the shuttle is built, but later, considering their skills and contacts, they decide to rob a mining colony for the necessary platinum, instead.

Serenity scolds TheRealMe for referring to her new (evil) robot practice baby, the Baby 3000, as “CallMeChucky”. She hands the doll over to an apprehensive SoulOfSerenity as she goes off to weed her garden. CallMeChucky promptly hypnotizes Soul into destroying the Sereni-Tree.

Meanwhile, SimonWho and ThatWeirdGirl are feeling weird after the discovery that someday, they will be the parents of PsychicRiver. They are uncomfortable around each other, which TWG deems silly, seeing as they have known each other for a year. For old time’s sake, they start a pie fight. (Later the couple gets around to some Olympic level “flirting”.)

As it happens, the hypnotized Soul wanders near with CallMeChucky and gets a pie, SPLAT in his face, breaking the doll’s hold over him. He is confused, and goes to change the baby’s diaper instead. Later, Serenity is shocked when she discovers Soul trying to drown CallMeCharlie in a toilet! She rescues the doll and departs in a huff. Soul begins to plot how he will destroy the thing.

TheRealMe continues the job interviews from last thread, at Seryn’s suggestion giving Bride5 the job of backup pilot to Seryn on the Bonaparte and to Ath on the Sereni-Tree. Seryn names Bride5 “Quincey”. Seryn also asks to tinker with the Alliance fighter in the Hanger Bay. LightMeDark applies for the job of animal trainer, revealing that he has the power to understand animal languages, both spoken and written! Ath, having been given the Assistant Pilot job of Sereni-Tree, changes into his Hawaiian shirt and takes his toys to the Bridge. Ash/XanderLHarris applies to become a deputy.

ItsAWash, who has been made Ship’s Counsellor, asks for a room in a central location with a jacuzzi. TheRealMe puts her in the first room on the lower floor of the North Wing, near the water park, the former room of River-clone. Later, Wash is awoken during the night by a ghost-girl who warns her of evil. She writes down everything she can remember.

Like any faithful son, PsychicRiver fiddles with the extradimensional blue box of his future father, but cannot break in. Later, he gets a hammer from Engineering and goes to the ladies’ room to also destroy CallMeChucky. Serenity defends again! Seryn arrives, first to stop PR, but then she takes the hammer up herself! Jadehand sends out an alarm. Cozen ties his llama Schwarts off at the doorway to the ladies’ room and slips in, to show all that CallMeChucky/Charlie is actually a girl-bot. Odd, as Serenity had ordered a boy-bot. Somehow, this defuses the tense situation. Ath, TheRealMe, and others arrive to answer the alarm, but by then things have been resolved. When Mai stops by and first sees the cute doll, she squeals with delight and volunteers to babysit! Serenity gladly accepts, grousing about the violent men and ex-pirates who want to harm Charlie.

Serenity decides that her nest, perched on the upper balcony, is not very restful. She gets PsychicRiver’s help in moving it to the observation lounge on the roof. This displaces PR, but he is invited to move in with his mom-to-be, ThatWeirdGirl.

Seryn checks out the Hanger Bay, finding the Alliance fighter and the Bonaparte, among other toys. Seryn and Jadehand refine the “Ocean Cloud” plan after realizing that JH’s name tags can alter the person they are applied to. Seryn gets JH to turn her into “Penny Crayon” who has a magic crayon. “Penny” uses the plans of the Ocean Cloud to draw a life-sized copy of the shuttle, which is made real by the crayon! They just need to be careful to keep an eraser away from it. As a final touch, she draws a small plastic dinosaur on the control station, but forgets to specify “plastic”. The tiny dino comes alive. She makes a second dino, for fun.

With great effort, TheRealMe opens a tiny dimensional portal to Bride6 and Bride7, and gets enough information to know that they are in trouble with Safe and Jack on Boros. TRM plots a course to Boros. Unfortunately, his portal powers need to recharge after their over-use in Mai-Quest2.

Kelly shows Ath her new tree-home. He clumsily begins a conversation, asking where she is from. She tells him of her home in Middle Earth. He begins to tell her of himself when TheRealMe announces that the first of Static, Ath, or Quincey on the Bridge can pilot the Sereni-Tree. Ath makes it to the Bridge, annoyed that TheRealMe is missing. Quincey runs in soon after, dripping wet and wrapped in only a towel. She has lost again!

Bluefishie puts in an appearance.

Jazaf stops Mai with the evil doll. Mai’s eyes are completely white and she is speaking in tandem with it. He tries to take it away, but she grabs it back and stomps off, convinced that Serenity was correct about the men being insane. She heads toward the main airlock.

Seryn, Jadehand, and Rat are joined in the Hanger Bay by TheRealMe (and later by ItsAWash and SoulOfSerenity). TRM is impressed by the crayon-created Ocean Cloud, and thinks that its cloaking tech would be good in a Boros rescue. TRM is impressed by Seryn’s work on the fighter, too. JH lets TRM in on plans for the Ocean Cloud Scam. Soul tells of his misgivings regarding the evil doll.

Serenity wakes from her nap and cannot find Mai. She goes to the Hanger Bay to talk to TRM and Soul about it. It seems that Mai was last seen glassy-eyed and heading toward the main airlock. “Didn’t even say hello? That doesn’t sound like Mai!”

Before the group can depart the Hanger Bay to investigate, a klaxon sounds and warning lights flash. The computer broadcasts a message:

“Warning! The main airlock safety protocol has been over-ridden. Both inner and outer doors are being opened. This procedure is not recommended.”

The group runs toward the Common Room, but a safety door shuts, trapping them in the Hanger Bay. The air in the Common Room begins to be vented into space. The emergency safety doors do not stop Soul, who uses his power to phase through. Serenity gets somewhat hysterical over Soul, but is calmed by Wash. TheRealMe tries to get the EVA pods launched quickly to retrieve any survivors.

Down in the Common Room, Mai comes to her senses as she realized that she just opened the airlock, but CallMeChucky starts to choke her before she can close the doors. Luckily, Cozen is wandering by from a trip to the cargo levels, his llama Schwartz loaded down with other people’s stuff. Schwartz noses the “shut” button and the doors close before anyone is swept into outer space. Mai and the doll are knocked unconscious due to wind buffeting. Soul witnesses the llama heroics.

Soul goes over to Mai, Cozen, and Schwartz, but is attacked by CallMeChucky, who is armed with corkscrews, icepicks, and other implements from the bar. Kelly arrives with her bow. Soul shoots a special arrow into the doll’s chest which causes it to short-circuit, burst into flame, and fall over. He walks up to check it out, and unwisely turns his back. The flaming doll leaps up and deeply impales his shoulder with an icepick. Kelly keeps the doll from getting more weapons by spearing its hands with a pair of arrows. Serenity, freed from the hanger bay, flies down and chops the doll to bits with her katanas. Then she moves to dote over Soul. “I told you so!” he says of the doll.

Jadehand arrives and puts the burning doll bits out with a fire extinguisher. He and Wash think it should be examined. Wash collects the bits in a bucket, but thinks they are still active with power. JH finds a Blue Sun logo among the bits.

Kelly works some healing elf-magic on Soul’s shoulder, then Serenity, Jadehand, and Seryn take Soul to the Infirmary to be treated by SimonWho. Serenity keeps Soul in his bed when he tries to resume his duties. She fusses over Soul for a time, then wants lasagna

TheRealMe arrives, to see the Common Room in shambles due to the high winds. Wash discovers the wounded Bride3. TheRealMe and Wash make a kissie to help her wound.

PsychicRiver gets into the hover-mule Thingamyjig II and takes it for a ride through the extradimensional portal to Zoid’s Pub at the Bottom of the Tree, then elsewhere on Earth-That-Still-Is. He leaves TWG a note that says not to worry, so she starts to worry. She searches the entire ship for him, to no avail.

Largely unnoticed during the battle with CallMeChucky, Cozen ditches a remote (later found by ItsAWash) and he takes the unconsious Mai back to his quarters, along with lots of other people’s stuff that he has tied to his llama. Once there, Cozen lays her on his bed and starts putting other people’s clothes on top of her, which, sleeping fitfully, she kicks off one by one. Mai awakens, thinking to have heard the voice of LightMeDark.

LightMeDark has been looking around for the missing Mai. He falls into a violent dream of being elsewhere, but he is brought back by Kelly with a splash of water to his face.

Serenity reveals her backstory to TheRealMe and Ath. She fears that her past association with Scarface (Heinz) may bring disaster to the Sereni-Tree.

Both the Sereni-Tree and the Ocean Cloud (even after being shot with bullets) check out fine.

Adventures on Boros:

Our Heroes SafeAt2nd, CastIronJack, Citizen, Bride6, and Bride7 have been In the Companion Training house on Boros, talking to Needy the Boy Whore who told them some details of Serenity’s life as regards her arch-enemy the Scarface Guy. However, they are surrounded on all sides by the Scarface guy, the Bluehands guy, and a bunch of Alliance goons, who hold a friend of Safe and Jack. Citizen longs for the rocket launcher that he told Bride6 not to bring. Outside, ScorpionRegent attempts to make contact with a flashlight, but it is seen by Bride6, who cannot read code.

Safe cautions everyone that if they give into the Alliance demands to “just talk”, that will result in everyone in the Compainion house being killed. Their best bet is escape down the tunnels, but what about the friend of Safe’s that the Alliance holds hostage? Well, that fellow is executed! Jack goes nuts and must be restrained by Citizen. Safe is plagued by doubts.

Outside the house, ScorpionRegent starts firing into the Alliance group that just shot Safe’s friend. He drops a few, then departs before they can swarm him.

Around the house, guys in grey suits and blue gloves activate a sonic-based slow-motion field to envelop the house, and to which they are immune. Everything else is in slow motion, even fired bullets! When they unleash the monkeys, Safe and Citizen know it is best to escape into the tunnels, scattering grenades behind them. Needy tells of a client who owns a hanger with some mothballed spacecraft that could get them away from Boros.

Needy then departs with most of the locals toward that hanger, while Safe and Citizen lead the rest elsewhere. Through an intermediary, it seems that ScorpionRegent had already made contact with Citizen and they arranged to meet at the derelict town hall. SR gets into a cab and both bribes the cabbie with a diamond and threatens the cabbie with explosives to take him there.

When Citizen, Safe, Jack, Bride6, and Bride7 arrive at the derelict town hall, they see a statue of Citizen’s ancestor who founded the colony. Citizen talks of this, and explains the space monkeys that had been used against Our Heroes. They prepare themselves to meet ScorpionRegent, assuming it’s a trap. Bride6: "You know what Jayne-clone2 would say? 'Live or die, this here has the makin' of a mighty fine shoot-out!'"

ScorpionRegent is delivered by the cabbie, who proves to be a traitor, but is killed by the Alliance anyway. SR walks in to meet Our Heroes face to face. There is something of an uneasy standoff, but they come to an understanding. SR recognizes the Brides as coming from the Sereni-Tree. They move out. Down below, Safe threatens SR and gives him a stern warning against treachery, which upsets Bride6. The Alliance goons blow up Citizen’s town hall.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, February 10, 2006 8:11 PM



"I suppose I could possibly send a few individuals to Boros, dropping them to within feet of one of the Brides. I suppose I know Bride7 better, so she would be easier to find…”

TRM, Test run on Psuedo Ocean Cloud is complete. We'll need help breaking atmo at the mining colony, and we'll get things underway.
As for Boros, If you can get a couple of people near the brides, can you drop a few satchels of arms and ammo and other fun stuff for them instead? Maybe help them stall, 'til we can all get there. Attach a message to let them know our ETA and possible LZ?

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Friday, February 10, 2006 8:18 PM


Great news, Jadehand. Once you are all secured, send a message to Ath to get the Sereni-Tree moving.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree



ScorpionRegent wrote:
SR is thinking to himself. "Bride 6 and 7, bride 6 and 7, bride 6 and 7, why does that seem so familiar? I have never seen them before. 'I remember how I cried when I heard about his widowed bride' No. Was it those Tarentino movies? No.

Actually, Bride1, the first to be given any personality, was intended to be the Bride from the Kill Bill movies. Also, if SR returns to the Sereni-Tree, he will find big red “panic buttons” installed in most rooms that, in an emergency, can be used to turn off all devices within that room. Unfortunately, I still can’t do anything about gorram killer dolls that folks bring aboard.

TheRealMe, OOC


Friday, February 10, 2006 8:55 PM



Seryn wrote:
if Cozen has nothing better to do, I have a starring role for him.

*Fading letters written in olde english script on the tag of the worn canvas duffel read "BJR". The bag slides off the llama's back and lands softly on the dresses insulated floor with a satisfying muted chorus of clinks.*

Score! Gotta be at least a couple dozen bottles of rum in here!

*Drinking ensues*

*Mai awakens, drinking doubles.*

*Drunken ideas are manifest, with a wig, a razor, some heavy make-up and a coating of suddenly available garments.*

*When done, Mai and cozen weave their uncertain way about the Sereni-Tree, eventually and quite by accident stumbling upon the hangar where rests the primed Ocean's Cloud.*

Mizz Zeryn, I've been a star clutzer. (Zee, there? It's in my CV). A mere star oughta hic be no prollem.


Friday, February 10, 2006 10:00 PM


On Boros, in a tunnel:

As Safe launches into his monologue SR looks him straight in the eye and zones him out completely. He takes a moment to lower his blood pressure and listen to his inner self. His train of thought runs something like this,
"Here's another talker that thinks a gun makes for a captive audience. One of those guys who always has to get their two cents in. If he was going to shoot me he wouldn't be talking. Maybe it would be a improvement, he's awfully longwinded. He'll have plenty of time to talk to the Alliance or the Smurf hands if he doesn't shut up soon. If he buys the farm I can't say that I'll miss him. One of the things that indeared me so to the Spartans was their laconic style of understatement. Oh he's done what a relief. I wonder if it was important."

Scorpion Regent


Saturday, February 11, 2006 12:45 AM


Still on a high Seryn completes a few tests, making sure that there were no other effects on the Cloud, skipping every few steps for the hell of it.

'So who exactly is coming with us to the mining colony? JH and myself will be posing as the buyers, we need the pilot *looks questioningly over her shoulder at Quincey* Quincey? you up for that. We need a couple of security guards, too keep watch and direct the loading of the eqipment... Rat? Washie? then we need a slave/servent, they would never travel with out one, and its damn useful to have a plan B with you.

She goes to the room where her bag is stored, to find two rabbits glaring at her.

'You know full well why i'm not taking you. Stop giving me those looks.

No, your not going, that my final word!

And you even try to sneak aboard, well, I hear rabbit stew is a damn fine meal. Be warned.'

*Pauses, picks up Esme and carefully feels her belly*

'Besides Archie, would you want Esme going into danger in her condition?'

She picks up what she is looking for then goes back out to the bay to find JH and Rat just about holding it together and Washie concealing her laughter behind her hand.


Mizz Zeryn, I've been a star clutzer. (Zee, there? It's in my CV). A mere star oughta hic be no prollem.

*Smile* Well, wow, thank you Cozen, perfect. Just exactly what I was looking for. Brilliant. *giggle* are you ready to go now? Soonish at least? *cough* So, well, i'll explian the plan to you in the shuttle

*bites lip*

Are they my boots?

*pauses to collect herself* Mai! How are you? are you feeling better? Honey I don't think you should be up and about you had a nasty shock! Do you want me to call LMD and he can get you something to eat and get you too your room? Cozen is going to be busy for a while, so he really... can't... look after... you. *eyes Cozen warily as he starts weaving and wobbling a bit* Is that rum on your breath? never mind. NO BUTTON PRESSING!

Seryn sends a brief beep to LMD, asking him to come to the bay, then sits her down and gives her a glass of orange juice, while she leads cozen away to explain his role to him.

Is that my old corset as well?

JH, Rat and Washie loose it.

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Saturday, February 11, 2006 4:34 AM


Quincey nods. "Oh, yes, Seryn! I'm up for a little adventure!"

Then she watches intently as Cozen staggers about in women's clothing, randomly bumping into the Ocean Cloud during his drunken meandering. "Huh? urrrp! Huh? Wassat?" He leans against the shuttle to support himself.

Quincey sighs longingly. "Oh, there's nobody like our Cozen!"

Suddenly, Quincey is startled. "Hey, if we are ready to go, there is no need to wait for Ath. I can pilot this gorram ship! THIS IS MY CHANCE!"

Quincey runs off to the Sereni-Tree's bridge. "I'll have us under way in a minute!"


Saturday, February 11, 2006 4:49 AM


Quincey arrives at the Bridge entrance, out of breath from her running all the way, to find TheRealMe walking out.

"Oh, hello, Bride5. Since Ath was sleeping, I took the liberty of making the course adjustments to Grendel's Find myself. I figured there was no need to wake him. We should be there soon."

Quincey stares blankly ahead.

TheRealMe is puzzled. "Can I do something for you, Bride5? Is there something you want?"

Quincey's teeth grind as she turns about and heads back to the hanger bay. TheRealMe watches her back as she marches off.

"Huh. What's with her?"

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Saturday, February 11, 2006 12:17 PM


*lmd looks frantic and frankly strung-out when his com beeps at him*

ugh, well, i've looked everywhere else, may as well go see what Seryn wants...

*elemdee huffs as he turns and sprints off towards the hanger. after a few minutes of dashing through his new home, he arrives...


*no longer tired, lightmedark rushes up to mai and wraps her in a heck of a hggl before releasing her, backing away, and blushing

uh, sorry mai...i don't know why i needed to find you. something about a dream. i feel so off.

--- <-inching towards daylight


Saturday, February 11, 2006 2:48 PM


Hey Mai and LMD, you guys wanns play thugs when we get to Grendel's Find? Seems we're already on the move. Should be there soon. then we need to hit Rat's contact's for some 'trading'.
*goes back to polishing Ocean Cloud, looking for anything out of place*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Saturday, February 11, 2006 3:59 PM


*Hugs back still slightly wobbly on her feet from the doll attack... right, that must be it.*

No need to apologize LMD. In fact, I'm glad you're here. What, with all the distraction we haven't had time to talk about all that's happened since I disappeared and you arrived.

*blushes slightly too*

Now don't take this the wrong way, but I've been dreaming about you too. I mean we were together in the dream. Well not togethertogether of course.. oh you know what i mean!

JH, I am so in!I know I could use a little outlet for all this tension! You wanna come along LMD? We can talk about all this on the way.

One thing before we leave. Reaches over and es Cozen. (who then loses balance and topples to the floor). Thanks for saving me from the evil baby doll! I owe you one.

So, when do we leave?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Saturday, February 11, 2006 4:23 PM


not sure why, but I feel as though I shouldn't let you out of my sight for the time being. I'm not really sure what's happened...umm, so yeah, I'll go.

--- <-inching towards daylight


Saturday, February 11, 2006 5:15 PM


*Ath rolls over onto his side, hoping the change of position will finally grant him sleep. After five minutes, he gives up and decides to go to the Bridge and wait for the signal. At least while he's waiting, he can further acclimate himself with the Sereni-Tree's abilities.


Originally posted by TheRealMe:
TheRealMe is puzzled. "Can I do something for you, Bride5? Is there something you want?"

Quincey's teeth grind as she turns about and heads back to the hanger bay. TheRealMe watches her back as she marches off.

"Huh. What's with her?"

*As he nears the Bridge, Ath bumps into Quincey. Ath tries to say hello, but Quincey gives him a dirty look and rushes past.*

"What did I do?"

*Quincey makes a noise rather like an angry cat and keeps walking away.*

*Just outside the Bridge, Ath sees TRM.*

"Hi TRM! I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd wait up here for the signal from Jadehand. Maybe acquaint myself with the Tree's controls a bit while I'm waiting."

"Oh sorry, Ath. I went ahead and plotted the course. We should reach Grendel's Find soon."

"Oh. Okay," say Ath, clearly disappointed. "Well, you'll still need me to get it into atmo, right? By the way, I ran into Quincey, and she wasn't happy. Any idea what's wrong?"

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Saturday, February 11, 2006 6:01 PM


On Boros in a tunnel:

"Define Moron: A man with a gun who thinks he can intimidate a man with a bomb. Safe if you want your friends to survive this you are going to have to start using your brain. The Bomb is not for you. I was hoping that it wouldn't be needed it all, but I will not allow any one to kill me without killing them right back. Now I can go the whole duration holding the deadman switch, but it means I can't fire my primary weapon, and that is a serious handicap to my combat efficiency. If you are willing to drop the Macho Man theatrics maybe we can set aside the big bang gambit. Or maybe you should leave, after all I'm only making the situation that much more dangerous in response to you. One last thing, until you reactivate your brain I'm sure as hell not taking orders from you.
Point the way Citizen time's a wastin'."

Scorpion Regent


Saturday, February 11, 2006 8:08 PM


Oh are we gonna be needin' weapons? Cause I'll need to be borrowing one since I don't own any myself. You know something fun that makes a big bang!

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Sunday, February 12, 2006 1:01 AM


Yes of course!

'I forgot. Theres a stash in an arms locker on the fighter, I'm not sure how it was missed, but lots of goodies in there.'

Seryn leads them to the fighter then opens a hatch and starts handing out weapons, including a buch of grenades, which she starts to feed into the small bag, when she's done, the bag is as empty looking as it ever was. *grins*

'Gotta love disney. The Poppins bag was their greatest gift to crime ever. So, take your pick. Save one for Quincey, I want her to be able to defend herself should they get onto the Cloud. Where is she?'

We can start drawing up the name tags, and then its just waiting to arrive'

*smiles* Ok, i'm just gonna get all mother hen at you now, and you're all going to suffer in a dignified way *grins* - everyone ok? Eaten enough? got what they need? dressed aproprietly? Happy with their part? Ready to go do some fun and exciting crime?

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Sunday, February 12, 2006 1:13 AM


Let's test the crew's alertness levels, shall we?

*Begins juggling grenades*

"You think somebody wouldn't go see somebody if they didn't want entertainment?"


Sunday, February 12, 2006 2:05 AM


ooooooo kay...

*catches grenades as they sail up into the air, puts them ito the bag and ties the bag shut, then goes to the fighter, grabs a roll of duct tape, tapes the bag shut. Thinks. Adds another layer of duct tape, then hands the bag back to Cozen*

Save it for the people we really need to put the S**t's up, ok? *slaps Cozen on the back, then turns to face the others and starts mouthing all manner of exotic swear words*

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Sunday, February 12, 2006 2:41 AM


Citizen sighs heavilly and looks between Safe and 'Stan'. "look if I thought we had time for you two to start arguing like Husband and Wife I'd of married you myself, so unless you want to kiss the bride, not you," Citizen said indicating Bride6. "i think we should be moving on. Quickly please."

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Sunday, February 12, 2006 4:46 AM



"look if I thought we had time for you two to start arguing like Husband and Wife I'd of married you myself, so unless you want to kiss the bride, not you," Citizen said indicating Bride6. "i think we should be moving on. Quickly please."

"You are right we don't have time, let's get out of here."

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, February 12, 2006 5:03 AM


Ok, No grenade juggling, that's what goslings are for. We should be getting close to Grendel's Find soon, let's make sure we have everything we need. Cozen, are you sober enough for this, or are you staying on the Tree? I don't want anybody getting dead on this, if we play our parts, the only metal we should be putting our hands to, is that platinum, Dong Ma?

*Loads several weapons and hides them under his coat*

Of course it's better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it. Seryn, could you grab that crayon and with"draw" a few stacks of cashy money?

*Retrieves bottles of rum from Cozen*

Between the Booze and the Cash, they'll be too happy to suspect anything. And it'll be awhile before they figure the cash is funny. Can't use the funny stuff on the black market. Best to keep those folk in a not killing us mood.
Saddle up, Soon as the Tree breaks atmo, we're off for some fun. Rat, I need those names.

*presses talkie button on the com*

Ath, give us the word when we're there. ETA?

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Sunday, February 12, 2006 6:13 AM


Quincey trudges back to the hanger bay, fire in her eyes. From the selection of weapons provided by Seryn, she grabs one, almost at random.

"Oh, I am SO ready to go!"

Her demeanor softens when she sees Cozen. "Hey, is Cozen coming with us? Isn't this too dangerous for him to be along?"

Quincey, Bride5


Sunday, February 12, 2006 6:52 AM


Seryn takes out the crayon and starts drawing stacks of notes, then draws in the last pile made up of individual notes.

yup, he's sober enough, if not I got something to sober him up. The wiff of aclcohol will be useful for what I need him to do. And I'm absolutely certain he can take care of himself.

*places her hands atop Cozens where he is attempting to peel off the duct tape*

Not yet.

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Sunday, February 12, 2006 6:57 AM


Bride5 turns to Seryn. "When I wondered if it was too dangerous to bring Cozen along, I wasn't talking about HIS safety. In case you hadn't noticed..." *whispers* "...he's something of a jinx."

Quincey, Bride5


Sunday, February 12, 2006 7:04 AM


A jinx? Honey, I think you are possibly talking to the least superstitious ex-pirate there is alive.

And thats not because all of the others are dead.

*see Quinceys incredulous look* Yes I know theres all that crap about sensing things. But thats a feeling I get, actually physical sensation, don't ask me why but there you go. It say something is not right, theres bad here. It doesn't say 'and its all that guys fault' So trust me on this one?

*hits the back of Cozens head, he stops his attempt to cut the bag open*

I have my eyes one him, none of this talk about jinxing, you'll make the others nervous, think positive! any bad thoughts, aim them at the guys we're off to rob.

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Sunday, February 12, 2006 11:01 AM


"Needy indicated that the tunnel opens in a back alley near the hanger. Citizen, you, Jack and Bride6 lead the way, "Stan", Bride7 and I will take up the rear. We’ll try to keep the Alliance at bay. If we go down, for any reason, you keep going." Safe says, looking back down the tunnel towards the explosion. Jack catches the look in Safe’s eye and nods slightly, suddenly all business.

"Let’s move."

Back at the Companion House;

In a small client screening room a man in a grey suit, flanked by three Alliance soldiers, sits across the table from the Companion house's head house servant. The rest of the soldiers were out scouring the city for traces of their prey, making occasional contact only to lose them again.

The Grey suit temples his blue gloved fingers and taps them against his chin impassively eyeing the man before him.

"I told them you only wanted to talk..." the servant says nervously.

"Yes, indeed." The grey suit says patiently. "You say there were the two soldier “types”, to use your words, two women, one of which you’ve seen before, and another man."

"Yes... that’s right." Feeling more at ease and confidant in that fact he was right, the house servant relaxes.

"You said they were asking after a... “winged” women, again, your words." The grey suit says checking his notes.

"Yes. I overheard their conversation. She had spent sometime here a while back."

"Do you know where they were headed or where this “winged” woman may be?"

"I overheard Master Needy say something about a client’s private hanger."

"And the “winged” woman?"

"She’s aboard a ship called the Tree, I think they said. Are they in trouble? Is she a criminal?"

"Yes on both counts." The grey suit says with a smirk.

"I knew it!" the house servant says triumphantly "I always suspected her. What with her wings and all, it was just unnatural. But Master Needy would'nt listen to me."

"So she in fact did have wings, interesting... thank-you for your time." The gray suit says, not looking up from his notes.

"Excuse me sir, the end of your pen is flashing..." the house servant suddenly screams clutching his head, as do the Alliance soldiers.

When the screaming stops, the grey suit stands and brushes an errant drop of blood from his notes, closes his clipboard and calmly exits the room, closing the door behind him.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Sunday, February 12, 2006 11:22 AM


Quincey speaks quietly: "Seryn, I'm not being superstitious when I say that Cozen is a jinx. It's just that... well... he does things. Like juggling grenades!"

Quincey sees 'that look' from Seryn, and continues: "But I like Cozen well enough and I'll be happy to have him aboard.

Quincey, Bride5


Sunday, February 12, 2006 11:39 AM


I realise that Cozen is something of a liability

*slaps Cozens hands lightly. Then takes the bag away from him completely*

But I promise, I'm watching him.

*Thinks a while, then leans over and whispers something in Cozens ear. He goes still, and his eyes very wide, and sits simply watching Seryn as she turns back to Quincey*

Are we almost there yet? How long till we break atmo?

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Sunday, February 12, 2006 11:44 AM


Quincey smirks. "Huh! I don't know when we'll get to Grendel's Find with ATH piloting. I just know that I could have had us there by now. Seems like he's mozying along. Maybe afraid to go too fast?"

Quincey, Bride5


Sunday, February 12, 2006 11:51 AM


Seryn smiles. Then jumps up and leads Quincey to the controls. Cozen watches her go, then stands up and follows.

'Remember what I said Coz, no button pressing.'

Cozen resolutely puts his hands in his pockets.

'Right, Quincey, finer points of the Clouds navigation. I think I got most of it whilst drawing it out, you may want to consult Jadehand for the hidden extras. We'll be leaving in something of a hurry, you may want to memorise things...'

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Sunday, February 12, 2006 12:18 PM



Originally posted by seryn:

Cozen resolutely puts his hands in his pockets.

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."

It's dangerous.

For them.

We applied the cortical electrodes, but were unable to get a neural reaction. We applied....


Sunday, February 12, 2006 3:01 PM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
Ath, give us the word when we're there. ETA?

*Ath hits the comm*

"Two minutes to atmo. You guys ready?"

"About time, Ath!" shouts Quincey through the comm.

"What? But...I didn't even set the course. TRM did. "

*Ath gets no reply. A little less than 2 minutes later, Ath hits the comm again.*

"OK, we just broke atmo. Opening hanger doors..."

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Sunday, February 12, 2006 9:00 PM


Well, we're off everybody ready?

*JadeHand, Seryn, Rat, ItsaWash, Quincey, Mai, LMD, and Cozen strap in, or get strapped in, and plot their course to the surface near the main mining colony to meet their contacts. Rat hands out dossiers on each of the people the crew will be impersonating and JadeHand makes out the nametags. Everybody checks their weapons again, and the Pseudo Ocean Cloud heads for the surface.*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Sunday, February 12, 2006 11:55 PM


Oh my very first heist! How fun!

*looks nervously at the guns everyone is toting*

You know fun in the sense that I'm so scared I could wet myself.

*At that moment a strange screeching noise can be heard coming from the back of the Cloud. Suddenly a small, yet very loud, ball of feathers comes hurtling through the shuttle and sits on Cozen's shoulder*

Molly? How on earth did you get in here?

"Squaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwkkkkkkkkkkk! Adventure and violence galore!squarkkkk!"

Right. No there's not going to be violence. Well, maybe a little bit, but the plan ...What is the plan exactly?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Monday, February 13, 2006 12:40 AM


We don't plan for there to be violence *grins at Mai*
its all going to be fun fun fun.

Right the plan, simple as, very very basic, can't really call it a plan at all...

We go in, JH and I as the buyers, who got the body guard roles? Ok, you will go in toting the big guns, you will glare often and grunt menacingly.
Quincey will be ready with the engines running and the hand break on, ready for a quick getaway.
The rest of you will be general help, you'll keep your weapons handy, but out of sight, your main goal is to get the crates, of which there should be four, not too big but reasonably heavy, onto the cloud, then you stay near, keep a look out.
Cozen is our back up, plan b. He will get himself into a spot to cause some damage, and if things go wrong he can... I don't know, juggle grenades again. Give us the chance to get back onto the Cloud and then he'll make for the ship himself *turns to JH*

He needs another sticker, a small fast moving animal, one that can get back to the ship without being noticed or caught.'

I don't expect to be leaving their loading bay, but if we do only one guard is to follow, we'll get the crates back and carry on as normal. If we are detained i'll signal, you're to engage the S.E.P and get the hell out.

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Monday, February 13, 2006 4:43 AM


*flies from Cozen to Seryn*

Squawwk! Nice to meet ya. Im Molly.
What with the feathers and all I'm not all that clever with the Squawwwwwwwwk guns or what not. So what can I do to help? You said something about a small fast moving animal...
I am the fastest baby parrot there ever was! (
Ask anyone!


Monday, February 13, 2006 5:44 AM


Quincey has an odd, blissful expression on her face as she pilots the pseudo Ocean Cloud down to the mining colony.

"So, I take it we want to land on their main pad? Not out in the wilderness and hike in? Of course, if we come in directly like that, there will be forms to fill out and questions to answer."

The com beeps. "Unidentified vessel approching Grendel's Find Prime, please state your name, registry, and business."

Quincey smiles. "See? Oh, and hello, Molly. Nice to see you!"

Quincey, Bride5


Monday, February 13, 2006 7:01 AM


Cool, well then... Molly? you stick with Cozen, help him out and make sure he gets back to the Cloud all peices intact, ok?

Main pad, keep the cloud nearby, I'm not big on the running.

As for paperwork etc, we're to big a client to bother with the little stuff, ID will be prints and iris scans, which is where the name tags are our biggest worry.

*hears the announcment from the colony.*

*looks at JH*

you want to answer that one or shall I?

"She's a mite whimsical in the brainpan."
Xander: "Hi, for those of you who just tuned in, everyone here is a crazy person." *grin*


Monday, February 13, 2006 8:44 AM


Jazaf reclines on a couch in the empty Common Room.
'Boros, huh? I wonder what we'll find when we get there.'
He closes his eyes and takes a nap.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Monday, February 13, 2006 9:00 AM


* JadeHand Quickly looks over the list of names and scribbles out tags for the lot, handing an extra to Cozen, "Molly".*

Yes it'll be strange for there to be two of you together, but if she's fast you'll need it, but don't use it unless you have to. It takes a while to get used to the effects of these things, and that big of a change could leave ya tired for a few days.

* he looks down at his name tag and wonders why the name sounds familiar, shrugs, and places it on his chest. he changes shape slightly, becomes quite a bit more menacing, and one large scar forms across his eye. He winks at Seryn with his good eye. *

You are brillant. *hits the com button* "It's Heinz, you dolt's. I'm here to pick up my product. It better be ready by the time I land or there's going to be trouble. You hear me?!" *releases com button* Wow, this Heinz guy is a right prick, I hope we never run into the real one.......

*the stuttering reply indicates the desired effect of fear, "y-y-y-yes, sir."*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Monday, February 13, 2006 12:40 PM



Now, TRM, please relate the entire history of the 'Tree since I've been gone in 5 words or less. Thank you.

(Hint: "We've missed you, Mal-Licious" or "Mistress! You are gracing us with your presence! We are not worthy!" would be good)

This has been a test of the emergency thread-jacking system. If this had been an actual emergency, I wouldn't have been here, I'd have been saving my own ass.


I'm going to add cursing and the hurling about of things to my repertoire.


Monday, February 13, 2006 1:29 PM


Mistress! You are gracing us with your presence! We are not worthy!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Monday, February 13, 2006 1:56 PM



Originally posted by Malicious:
5 words or less... been saving my own ass.

Yep, 'bout sums it up.

*Walks through the hail of bullets, accidentally avoiding them all.*

*Places tulips in the barrels of Mal-licious's guns.*

, Mal. Predictably early for V-Day, n'est c'est pas?

*As he prostrates himself, he considers the small number of digits representing the measure, in nanoseconds, of what remains of his lifespan.*


Monday, February 13, 2006 4:37 PM


*Drops whatever he was doing and prostrates himself before the Most High Mal-Licious.*

I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Monday, February 13, 2006 5:40 PM



Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Monday, February 13, 2006 6:41 PM


The full impact of what he is witnessing takes a moment to register in TheRealMe’s brain. He blinks once. Twice.

Hastily, TheRealMe bows.

“MALICIOUS! MISTRESS MOST HIGH! Against all hope, you have returned to us! A five word summary of the last ten or fifteen threads? Of course: ‘Maliciousless, we struggled in vain.’”

“I trust that you enjoyed your months in the World’s Most Comfortable Chair that I made for you? I must apologize for the disintegration of your pair of Mal-clones. I’m afraid that Cozen could not sustain their structural integrity without the black hole energy he tapped during his time as a star cluster. But look! I have taken the liberty of collecting the dust that used to be Mal-clone1 and Mal-clone2, and have put it in this fine decorative hourglass!”

TheRealMe hands the hourglass over to Malicious, hoping that this will placate her.

“Monkeytail, cabana boy of old, was found, and was asking after you. Ummm… Well, he was around here somewhere… Also, we have collected many new people since you last walked among us, Mistress. I suspect that a third of the crew has never met you.”

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Monday, February 13, 2006 6:51 PM


With the return of Malicious, I felt the need for a more compact summary of our adventures than exists in the Complete Guide. What follows is a list of the major plotlines (with thread numbers) involving the Clubhouses, the Treehouse, the Sereni-Tree airship, and the Sereni-Tree starship. Also, I have included the first appearances (and subsequent re-appearances) of various members of our crew. Note that many former crew members have been omitted, as I wanted to concentrate on the folks that we have now.

Ebonezer (1), ThatWeirdGirl(1), Malicious(1), Elwoodmom (1, disappears, reappears infrequently), Jake7 (1-3, then disappears until 12), Static (2, then disappears until 11), SoulOfSerenity (2, then disappears until 19), Monkeytail (3, then appears infrequently, returning 31), TheRealMe (3)

Mai (4), PsychicRiver(4), SimonWho (4), TheGreyJedi (4-6, then disappears until 11), Rat (6)

Montanagirl (7), The Seven Brides (8), Cozen (8), TheGreyJedi and Static (both return in 11)

Jake7 (returns in 12)


Needleseye (16)

Bride1 (slain and put in cryo), CallMeAth, Lissa, SoulOfSerenity (returns)

CallMeSerenity, MollyTheParrot, Emma, Nugget the Meteor Troll

Jazaf, Malicious disappears until 39, Bluefishie? XanderLHarris?

Bluefishie? XanderLHarris?

Piffle101, CastIronJack, SafeAt2nd

Monkeytail (returns), Noskillz, SoulofSerenity (until 32, then departs until 35), Phantom

Citizen, LightMeDark, KellyofLuthien, ScorpionRegent, Jadehand, Seryn, ItsAWash, SoulOfSerenity (returns again), Malicious (returns in 39)

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Monday, February 13, 2006 8:12 PM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
Rat, I need those names.

What? I gave them to you in the last thread!... Didn't I tell you? Check your pocket!!

*Hands out dossiers on each of the people the crew will be impersonating.*


Originally posted by Malicious:


Acquisitions Officer - SereniTREE


Monday, February 13, 2006 8:12 PM



Originally posted by Malicious:
Now, TRM, please relate the entire history of the 'Tree since I've been gone in 5 words or less. Thank you.

(Hint: "We've missed you, Mal-Licious" or "Mistress! You are gracing us with your presence! We are not worthy!" would be good)


I'm going to add cursing and the hurling about of things to my repertoire.

*waves to Mal-licious*

5 words: "I'm new and not worthy!"

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Monday, February 13, 2006 9:03 PM


Welcome Back! We've missed you!

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.






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