The Sereni-Tree, the Ocean Cloud, and Escape From Boros

UPDATED: Friday, February 24, 2006 07:35
VIEWED: 25708
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Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:47 AM


*watches PR fall on his behind*

*offers him a hand up*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:57 AM



Originally posted by CallMeAth:
*As fast as it hit him, the arrow's effect fades. All of a sudden, Ath realizes he's kissing Kelly in the middle of a room full of people. He pulls back immediately, embarrassed.*

"Uh...I just remembered. I have to go check the orbit. Make sure everything's ok."

*Ath's voice trails off as he heads out the door toward the Bridge.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"

*KellyofLuthien stands, dumbfounded for the first time in years. She's beginning to realize this Sereni-Tree is more than it seems, on many different levels. Kelly tucks her hair behind her ears and glances around, slightly embarrassed. She hurriedly retreats to the kitchen, grateful that the only person in there is an old robot who doesn't care whether she was making out with the Assistant Pilot or not. Putting a somewhat shaky hand to her face, Kelly abandons all convention and uses the baser form of Elvish, Sindarin, to vent her feelings.*

"Rhaich! Aniron sogad."

(you'll have to figure that out on your own! )

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Thursday, February 16, 2006 11:57 AM


Squeaaking, ever so slightly, Seryn manages to get the message through, even if only to her ankles, that she needs to walk away.

She turns and drags her feet over to the flight panel and seats herself, Prepared to look competant and business like and realising Quincey has it all handled too late.
Wondering why her face feels so wierd she rubbs it with her sleeve oh my god am I wearing make-up? She also realises that her lips are a lttle bigger than they were, as are, well, her flight suit feels a bit tighter... Looking at the nearest shiny thing she can find, one of the read out screens, she realises that somehow she's shifted looks-wise a little more towards Angelina Jolie.

CRAP! oh god, arrgh, think, think... think me, normal me...

Business carrries on in the Cloud as she stares fixedly at the screen, being very quiet and wishing to goodness that she had an S.E.P field of her own.

Shiny proof that stalking really does pay!


Thursday, February 16, 2006 12:40 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Earlier on Boros


Originally posted by safeat2nd:

Safe slows as they approach the hatch to Flechette’s restaurant. Was that worry he felt? How could he worry about someone he barely knew? It went against all his military training.

As if responding to his thoughts, the hatch opens. But it wasn't the person he was hoping? it would be.

Needy looks down. “Mr. Safe! Hold on a moment.”

Needy hands Safe a piece of paper. “I shouldn’t be telling you this. It goes against my entire companion training... but I’m no supporter of the Alliance. A client of the house has a hanger. In it is his private collection of shuttles and fighters. The Alliance made him mothball the fighters and turn all armaments over to them, but the shuttles should be operational. Good luck.”

Safe looks at the paper. “Thank-you. But you can’t stay here. Take Flechette, Amy and the book store lady and go wait for us at that hanger.” Safe looks down the tunnel at Citizen. “We have a bit of business... We’ll meet you there.”

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny

After closing the hatch, Needy rises to his feet and looks back at the three women behind him.
A leader. That’s what Safe was asking him to be. It was a hell of a responsibility, and not one Needy felt that comfortable with. Nevertheless these were desperate times, and even though Needy never considered himself leader material, now was as good as time as any to try ones best.

"You heard the man" Needy addresses them

"Actually, I didn’t" Amy replies as Needy shoots her a glare "I’ve not got super-hearing you know"

Not the best start Needy thinks to himself
Despite fearing that the ladies would not give him the respect he needs to lead this mission, he realises that doubting himself is not going to get the job done. He needs to be strong and resolved in his determination to lead them to safety

"We’ve got to go"

"Why?" Flechette challenges

"It isn’t safe to stay here…"

"What… we gotta leave now?" Amy asks concerned

"The sooner the better. Alliance will be swarming the place in no time… "

"…and they won’t like that we’ve helped out some rebels" Versereader adds


Versereader proves to be on Needy’s side in this, whilst Amy seems apprehensive and Flechette downright opposed

"You expect me to leave my restaurant? All that I’ve built up over the years… just abandon it?"

"Listen!" Needy snaps "I don’t care if you look down on me or what I do, but this could be a matter of life and death here. If you fancy sticking around and taking your chance against the Alliance then by all means, stay. But I’m getting us out of here"

Flechette shuts up

Next Needy turns to Amy "Are you coming?"

"Yeah, I guess" she replies quietly

Versereader is already by Needy’s side by the time Amy moves towards him. Needy looks at Flechette, giving her one last chance to make up her mind.

When she doesn’t reply, Needy encourages the two ladies to leave with him through the front door of the restaurant

"No" Flechette interrupts

Needy turns back annoyed

"Don’t go that way. C’mon we’ll use the backdoor, its safer"

"You coming then?" Needy asks

"Yeah, I’m coming" Flechette replies defeated

Amy smiles at her friend as the four of them leave for the back entrance.

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Thursday, February 16, 2006 6:32 PM


On the Ocean Cloud bridge:

Quincey checks herself out with a hand mirror, quickly and expertly applying makeup acquired from a pocket in her flight suit. Then she unbinds her long, straight black hair and pulls out a brush. Soon, she is ready, and turns to Seryn. “Uh, Seryn, you can take over piloting for a while, right?”

Once again a carefully crafted, stunning Oriental beauty, Quincey hops out of her seat and gracefully glides toward the back of the Ocean Cloud, her every movement, every gesture, one of practiced perfection.

She curtsies. “So, YOU are the one they call Roberts?” she purrs. “I am SO pleased to meet you!”

Gallantly, TheManInBlack takes Quincey’s hand and kisses it.

She smiles, her dark eyes staring up into his blue ones. “My name is Quincey,” she whispers.

Quincey, Bride5


Thursday, February 16, 2006 6:38 PM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:
*Kelly tucks her hair behind her ears and glances around, slightly embarrassed. She hurriedly retreats to the kitchen, grateful that the only person in there is an old robot who doesn't care whether she was making out with the Assistant Pilot or not. Putting a somewhat shaky hand to her face, Kelly abandons all convention and uses the baser form of Elvish, Sindarin, to vent her feelings.*

"Rhaich! Aniron sogad."

Sparky the Robot walks up to Kelly. “Here, Miss Kelly, I can take care of those dishes for you.” Sparky loads the used dishes into the industrial strength dishwasher of the Sereni-Tree’s kitchen. Then he pushes the start button.

Sparky does a few more tasks in tidying up the kitchen. Then he turns to Kelly. “So, did you have a good time making out with Mister Atherton? It sure looked pretty hot from where I was standing!”



Thursday, February 16, 2006 6:53 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
Sparky walks up to Kelly. “Here, Miss Kelly, I can take care of those dishes for you.” Sparky loads the used dishes into the industrial strength dishwasher of the Sereni-Tree’s kitchen. Then he pushes the start button.

Sparky does a few more tasks in tidying up the kitchen. Then he turns to Kelly. “So, did you have a good time making out with Mister Atherton? It sure looked pretty hot from where I was standing!”


*KOL lets loose a torrent of Elvish that should never be written down. She then smiles sweetly at Sparky and says:

"Yes, Sparky, I did. I wonder if Ath enjoyed it as much as I, though? He sure was in a hurry to get out of here!"

*Kelly mutters under her breath and grabs a broom. Sparky hears random phrases such as "thought it was nice" and "stupid arrow" and shakes his metallic head.*

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Thursday, February 16, 2006 7:37 PM


*Ath sits in his chair on the Bridge, thinking about what just happened. He can't keep his mind from dwelling on how good it felt to have her in his arms, her lips pressed against his. Her smell, her taste...

Ath pulls his mind away again, trying to concentrate on the computer screen in front of him. He has the Tree in perfect orbit, waiting for the Cloud to return. With nothing important to distract him, his mind quickly finds it way back to Kelly.

What must she be thinking right now? Why did he stop? It was certainly something he'd longed to do for quite some time. Sure, he's never been much for public displays of affection, and then there was still a little guilt...

Stop it Ath! She's gone. She made her choice and you agreed with her. Just let her go!

*Ath sighs, then turns his attention back to the computer screen, which promptly fails to distract him.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Thursday, February 16, 2006 8:28 PM


Jazaf stands in the kitchen a little miffed.
Just before he took a bite out of his bagel he noticed something on the floor. Jazaf sets the bagel down and gets closer to the ground. When he gets there he hears hurried footsteps, some strange string of words, and Sparky comfort someone named Kelly. When he gets back up from the floor Kelly is gone and so is his bagel!
Jazaf heads to the fridge to find something else he can snack on.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Friday, February 17, 2006 12:12 AM


Oh, cheers.

Seryn takes over the command, glad to have something to do. She flicks a switch and tunes into the mining planets security frequencys, but all seems to be quiet. Hoping that that meens they were still undiscovered, she flicks it off again and contacts the bridge of the Tree

'hello..? Hi!, we're on our way back, mission accomplished. We got the stuff, we should be there soon...., is everything all right on the Tree? somebody put Soul back to sleep yet? Or do we all need arrow proof knickers when we get back?...

...Oh, one last thing, is Washie onboard the tree? ...oh, good, we have an extra person onboard here... ...Xander and Ash might not be so thrilled...

..ok, see ya.'

As the picture blips off, she sees that she's back to normal, and turns to report to JH.


she watches as Robert kisses Quinceys hand and as she leans up to whisper something. Seryn sighs, a mixture of relief and sadness and envy in the pit of her stomach. Then she turns back to the controls and plots the course for the Tree. its probably not even the Roberts I knew, not my Roberts, And pushes the whole thing to the back of her mind.

OK, who is up for a round in the bar to celebrate our swift victory?
Shiny proof that stalking really does pay!


Friday, February 17, 2006 3:06 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
Oh, cheers... who is up for a round in the bar to celebrate our swift victory?

*His ears perk up*

"You think somebody wouldn't go see somebody if they didn't want entertainment?"


Friday, February 17, 2006 3:34 AM



Well, I suppose we oughta thank you, I mean, you ever fire a gun inside the Cloud again - if its not aiming at somebody looking to end your life - I will drop kick you from one end of the Tree to the other, but well done, you gave us our excuse to get back inside and off and away smartish, so go you...

But it occured to me that I threaten people with violence too much, bad me, so how does tequila slammers, on my tab hit ya?

Chears mate.


Shiny proof that stalking really does pay!


Friday, February 17, 2006 5:47 AM



Safe hunkers down at the base of the ladder where Citizen, Bride6 and Jack crouch. “Where do we stand?”

“There’s a garbage bin or something over the hatch. We can only open it a bit, just enough to have a look around.” Citizen says shaking his head.

“There ain’t no way we’re getting’ outta this gorram tunnel quiet like.” Jack says. “An’ there’s no room for your rifle up there either.”
“How’d it go with them two?” Jack jerks his head in the direction of Bride7 and Stan who stand watch a bit further down the tunnel.

“I’ll say one thing, “Stan” is good at laying down a false trail, real good. Still I don’t quite understand him. He’s got an un-natural attachment to that bomb he’s wearin’…” Safe says, glancing down the tunnel where he can just make out Stan’s form.

“Ain’t no good can come from a man what has that little regard for his own life, let alone those around him. Loose cannon’s gonna get us killed.” Jacks says.

“So why’re we worried about makin’ a little noise getting’ out of here?” Safe asks, focusing back on the task at hand.

“We count about eight Alliance soldiers standing guard at the back entrance to the compound.” Bride6 pouts.

“Alliance?? How’d they…” Safe trails off as he glances down the tunnel at Stan. No, couldn’t have been him, Stan had been with them the whole time. There was no way. Even if he had a tracer on him, the Alliance would’ve just been showing up, not already waiting for them. As much as Safe didn’t trust the man he couldn’t have led the Alliance here. Then who…?

Needy!! How could Safe have been so stupid! It all made sense. The only thing Safe couldn’t figure out is why.

A hissed warning from Stan interrupts Safe’s thoughts. “Hurry up and do what you’ve gotta do people. We’ve got company coming…”

Stan sticks some plastic explosive to the wall and gently inserts a laser trip wire fuse to it, then he and Bride7 sprint back up the tunnel to join the rest of the group."We have, maybe ten minutes." Stan says as he crouches a little off from the rest.

Safe climbs the ladder and lifts the hatch until it bumps on the bin above it. It opens all of two inches only allowing for a look. Not even enough room to properly aim a gun. Safe puts his back against the hatch and slowly pushes up. The bin moves a little and then safe eases back down. He can lift it, barely, but he won’t be able the shoot at the same time and there was no room to get Jack up there beside him. If only Jack were a little thinner…

Safe scans those below him. Citizen wasn’t that much smaller than Jack, Bride7 he didn’t trust plus he hadn’t seen her fire a gun yet. Stan was out, the explosives were too bulky and Safe didn’t want to take a chance of them going off because he bumped them. Bride6! “Bobby Sue!” Safe hisses. “Come up here, I have an idea.”

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, February 17, 2006 8:00 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Earlier on Boros (still)

Flechette guides Needy, Amy and Versereader to the back of her restaurant where they plan to make their exit via the back door

However, they're not out yet

Reaching into the inside pocket of her jacket Flechette reveals a ID card which she quickly swipes through the panel, unlocking the door.

As she pushes open the door to leave Needy grabs her arm.

"Wait, I think I should go out first"

"Why cos you're a man and I'm a lowly woman?"

"No. But I'm supposed to be leading you to safety. I think I should go out first"

"You can if you want..."

Taking her up on her offer, Needy approaches the door as Flechette steps aside

"...but..." Flechette interrupts causing Needy to pause "... if there are Alliance men out there, seeing you leave the back entrance of my entrance will certainly draw attention. Not so if its me"

"You've got a point" Needy admits, stepping aside for her

Even though he knows it's him that needs to take the lead, he can't ignore what his gut tells him is the right thing - and that is to use the help he's got. Flechette's right, this is her restaurant after all. If I'm going to lead these people, I have to be both strong and wise, I need to hear what these people have to say - they didn't elect me as their saviour, we're all in this together

After opening the door and stepping out, its only a matter of seconds before Flechette returns.
"It's all clear"

"You sure?" Needy asks

"I said it's clear"

As Flechette steps back outside, Needy looks back and tells Amy and Versereader to "stay close to me"

Standing at the back of the building, Needy looks around to gather his bearings.
"Right, you see that alley down there" he starts, pointing across the road towards the space between two blocks of homes "that's the direction we'll be taking."

He expects Flechette to jump in with another objection but fortunately there is none to be heard, but she instead listens in along with the others

"Ok then... let's go." he orders them, taking the lead as he starts to run over to the intended target

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Friday, February 17, 2006 8:24 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

His eyes open slowly and Soul realizes that he's back in the infirmary, and that his shoulder is hurting again, and Serenity is glaring down at him.

"I mean, I don't care if it WAS Valentine's Day. That gives you no right to run around shooting people with arrows!"

Soul looks up at her strangely, since it appears that he has woken up halfway through a conversation he wasn't even aware he was a part of.


"You had better be sorry!" she replies angrily. Then she leans over and hugs him, and starts crying. "I'm just so glad you're okay."

"Ow! Ow! My shoulder! Ow!"


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Friday, February 17, 2006 8:34 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
Oh, cheers.

Seryn takes over the command, glad to have something to do. She flicks a switch and tunes into the mining planets security frequencys, but all seems to be quiet. Hoping that that meens they were still undiscovered, she flicks it off again and contacts the bridge of the Tree

'hello..? Hi!, we're on our way back, mission accomplished. We got the stuff, we should be there soon...., is everything all right on the Tree? somebody put Soul back to sleep yet? Or do we all need arrow proof knickers when we get back?...


*Walking with Washie on the way to her quarters, The Real Him answers Seryn's queries via wrist com: "Cupid-Soul's out cold, being transported to the MedLab and the ministrations of the doc. He's got orders to keep our archer weapon-free until he's under firm control and whatever's on his mind or in his body is managed."

...Oh, one last thing, is Washie onboard the tree? ...oh, good, we have an extra person onboard here... ...Xander and Ash might not be so thrilled...
"Got Washie right here."
..ok, see ya.'

As the picture blips off, she sees that she's back to normal, and turns to report to JH.


she watches as Robert kisses Quinceys hand and as she leans up to whisper something. Seryn sighs, a mixture of relief and sadness and envy in the pit of her stomach. Then she turns back to the controls and plots the course for the Tree. its probably not even the Roberts I knew, not my Roberts, And pushes the whole thing to the back of her mind.

OK, who is up for a round in the bar to celebrate our swift victory?
Shiny proof that stalking really does pay!

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Friday, February 17, 2006 9:09 AM


"Ash do you think we can leave the bathroom now?"


"Please? If I keep riding this potty-go-round I think I going to be sick."

"I think I would rather stay here. We are able to have food and drink delivered from the kitchen, the hammocks are quite comfy, I have the complete works of Robert J. Sawyer to entertain us, the toilets right here, oh and I doubt the Dread Pirate Roberts would think of looking for us in a girls bathroom. Now shut up and pass me the dramamine."



Friday, February 17, 2006 9:41 AM



She curtsies. “So, YOU are the one they call Roberts?” she purrs. “I am SO pleased to meet you!”

Gallantly, TheManInBlack takes Quincey’s hand and kisses it.

She smiles, her dark eyes staring up into his blue ones. “My name is Quincey,” she whispers.

theManinBlack releases Quincey's hand, "Well hello Quincey. Maybe I can ask you a quick question. Do you see that lady talking over there? What is her name? She seems so fami... never mind. Business comes before pleasure and I do have some business to discuss with that gentleman over there. So if you would please excuse me miss."

Bowing, Roberts steps from Quincey and moves across the room towards Jadehand. Stepping in front of Jadehand, DPR notices the worry cross his face.

"Sir since you know who I am, you know what I am capable of, right? I have a couple of simple questions that I want answers to, and I think you are the man that can do that," Roberts puts a hand on the hilt of his sword, "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? Oh and where can I get some of those wonderful name badges?"

DPR aka theManinBlack aka Roberts

"You too can be a Dread Pirate!"


Friday, February 17, 2006 9:58 AM


*After the combined efforts of Sparky and KellyofLuthien (grumbling all the while), the Sereni-Tree kitchen is looking spotless. Kelly sets down her broom and wonders what to do next.

Her mind immediately turns back to what happened in the Common Room: his hands on her waist, the soft feel of his lips.

Kelly shakes her head. What she needs is a diversion. She bows to Sparky and leaves the kitchen, heading back to her hangar.

Shadowfax is waiting at the gate for her when she arrives. He whinnies and presses his nose toward her. Kelly reaches out and hands him a cube of sugar she snatched from the kitchen.

"At least you're predictable," she says as he eagerly takes the sugar. "Wanna go for a ride?"

Shadowfax stomps a hoof and tosses his head. Kelly grabs his mane and hops on, riding bareback. As soon as they're far enough from the other piffleponies, Kelly gives him a slight nudge.

"Á nornoro yo súrë, Shadowfax: run with the wind. Let's see if we can outrace my thoughts."

Shadowfax obliges and soon they are a blur of speed, rustling fallen leaves in their wake.

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Friday, February 17, 2006 10:01 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:

"Á nornoro yo súrë, Shadowfax: run with the wind. Let's see if we can outrace my thoughts."

Shadowfax obliges and soon they are a blur of speed, rustling fallen leaves in their wake.

OOC: I love this line. Don't know why. I just do.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Friday, February 17, 2006 10:26 AM



Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:

Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:

"Á nornoro yo súrë, Shadowfax: run with the wind. Let's see if we can outrace my thoughts."

Shadowfax obliges and soon they are a blur of speed, rustling fallen leaves in their wake.

OOC: I love this line. Don't know why. I just do.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

(also OOC: Thanks!)

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Friday, February 17, 2006 12:48 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
OK, who is up for a round in the bar to celebrate our swift victory?

/me pulls out another flask and begins greedily chugging

--- <-inching towards daylight


Friday, February 17, 2006 12:58 PM


(also OOC : it is a very nice line.)

Seryn checks the cloud position, then opens a link to TRM.

'Ok, we're just about there, oh yeah, I can see you now, open the hanger bay door and fire her up, get ready to get off this rock.'

in front of her the bay door opens and she guides the Cloud towards them, flys in and turns the cloud to face the way they came before landing. Once the doors are shut and the Clouds systems closed down she opens the main hatch, grabs the dolly with the shipment and leads it out.

'LMD? Mai? can you help me check this over? just make sure its alright then we can go celebrate.'

Shiny proof that stalking really does pay!


Friday, February 17, 2006 6:04 PM


On Boros:


Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Safe climbs the ladder and lifts the hatch until it bumps on the bin above it. It opens all of two inches only allowing for a look. Not even enough room to properly aim a gun. Safe puts his back against the hatch and slowly pushes up. The bin moves a little and then safe eases back down. He can lift it, barely, but he won’t be able the shoot at the same time and there was no room to get Jack up there beside him. If only Jack were a little thinner…

Safe scans those below him. Citizen wasn’t that much smaller than Jack, Bride7 he didn’t trust plus he hadn’t seen her fire a gun yet. Stan was out, the explosives were too bulky and Safe didn’t want to take a chance of them going off because he bumped them. Bride6! “Bobby Sue!” Safe hisses. “Come up here, I have an idea.”

When Safe calls her name, Bride6 comes immediately. Soon she realizes what he wants of her. Her face reddens and she crosses her arms. “Well, I just don’t know, Mister Safe. That’s a dreadfully tight space to squeeze through, and you can see that I’m a bit top-heavy, and…”

Bride7 laughs. “She means that her ass is too big to fit!”

Bride6 blushes even more, and turns to her companion, waving her finger in Bride7’s face. “No, no, no! You have no cause to be like that! So mean and nasty! So mean and nasty all the time!”

“Really?” Bride7 smiles, and raises an eyebrow at Bride6’s finger.

Bride6 pauses for only a moment. “THAT is why TheRealMe likes Bride4 so much better than you! You are mean and nasty and do nothing but sit around and complain all the time and hurt people’s feelings. But Jet is kind and smart and helps people and solves problems!”

Bride7 becomes as still as stone, and is no longer smiling.

“You came aboard as the seventh Bride, but that’s not why you’ll always be LAST! Huh!”

Bride6 composes herself, and turns back to Safe, new determination in her voice. “Tell me what you need me to do, Safe! I’ll do it!”

Bobby Sue, Bride6


Friday, February 17, 2006 6:44 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
Seryn checks the cloud position, then opens a link to TRM.

'Ok, we're just about there, oh yeah, I can see you now, open the hanger bay door and fire her up, get ready to get off this rock.'

*Luckily, Ath intercepts the message, as TRM is "busy" with Washie. He opens the hatch, grateful for the distraction. Once the shuttle is secure in the hanger bay, he takes the Tree out of orbit.*

"Welcome back guys! I hope the caper went well?"

*Ath then keys his comm to TRM's frequency.*

"Hey TRM. The Cloud just got back and everything seems fine, so I'm setting off for Boros."

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Friday, February 17, 2006 7:57 PM


On the Ocean Cloud shuttle:


Originally posted by themaninblack:

She curtsies. “So, YOU are the one they call Roberts?” she purrs. “I am SO pleased to meet you!”

Gallantly, TheManInBlack takes Quincey’s hand and kisses it.

She smiles, her dark eyes staring up into his blue ones. “My name is Quincey,” she whispers.

theManinBlack releases Quincey's hand, "Well hello Quincey. Maybe I can ask you a quick question. Do you see that lady talking over there? What is her name? She seems so fami... never mind. Business comes before pleasure and I do have some business to discuss with that gentleman over there. So if you would please excuse me miss."

Bowing, Roberts steps from Quincey and moves across the room towards Jadehand.

Quincey pauses, confused, a pleasant smile still plastered on her face.

He blew her off! TheManInBlack just politely brushed by her!


THAT had never happened before, not when she had been prepared! Perhaps if she was wearing her slinky red dress rather than this unflattering flight suit. Yes that was it! He was a hard one, this pirate captain! She must deploy the red dress! And she will!

Still smiling, Quincey turns to watch the back of TheManInBlack as he was speaking to Jadehand.

Quincey, Bride5


Saturday, February 18, 2006 3:04 AM



Bride6 composes herself, and turns back to Safe, new determination in her voice. “Tell me what you need me to do, Safe! I’ll do it!”

"Yeah and do it quick. Did I mention that we have movement back here? Our back door is closing behind us. "

SR shoots a dirty look at Bride7.

Scorpion Regent


Saturday, February 18, 2006 4:18 AM


On the Sereni-Tree


Ath wrote:
*Ath then keys his comm to TRM's frequency.*

"Hey TRM. The Cloud just got back and everything seems fine, so I'm setting off for Boros."

“Huh?!” Ath's words cause TheRealMe to wake from sleep, startled, disoriented, dragged away from his dream. He ponders on how his mind could possibly craft that wonderful, blissful dream that he had just experienced! Why, he hadn’t felt like that, since… oh, since…

Washie stirs nearby. What’s SHE doing here? TheRealMe looks around. Uh, oh! These are her quarters. So it wasn’t a dream… So what in the world…

Then TheRealMe remembered Washie’s words:

"Pressure points, yeah. Among the things I picked up in Guild training. Has to do with the major and minor chakras. Are you familiar with how they work? 'Cause, if work slows down a bit around here, I could school you a bit, maybe at the same time we're re-stocking that kissie supply."

‘Chakra tuning,’ or whatever she had called it… was truly amazing! But how had he ended up here? It was quite unlike him, to so quickly…

Right! It was the arrow. The love arrow that Soul shot him with. It had messed with their minds, causing… uhhh… well…

But wait! Washie hadn’t been hit with any arrow. Hmmmm… That meant that either she really liked him, or else she was one hell of an accommodating Ship’s Counselor!

TheRealMe decides that he needs to either reward Soul or toss him into the brig! He’ll decide after he has something to eat.

Softly, he begins, “Washie? Are you hungry? Should I fix us some breakfast?” As he speaks, he gets up and turns to head toward the kitchen.

Someone is there!

“You can’t stamp it out completely. Evil returns. Always returns.” The young woman turns her face up from the shadows to stare directly into TheRealMe’s eyes. “Sometimes, it comes back even stronger!”

TheRealMe squints without his glasses. “Riverclone? No, it can’t be! You… You’re…”

‘The vorpal blade went snicker-snack. He left it dead, and with its… head…” Riverclone becomes a little distressed. “He left it dead! Took its gorram head away as a trophy! He didn’t even TRY to talk to it!” Her expression turns more serious. “After all, it might have had something to say! It might have had a reason. A reason to burninate the countryside!” There are tears in her eyes.

“Riverclone, I’m sorry! If I had been there when it happened, I would have stopped him! I swear! Somehow, I would have found a way!”

“To save me? Get me out? Alive?” Riverclone brushes the tears away, then she gets distracted by the sight of her own hand. Her voice becomes a whisper. “Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.” Then, she focuses on TheRealMe, speaking gravely. “No, it was the right decision. Would have been dust anyway, by now.”

And suddenly, she is gone!

TheRealMe sits down in a chair. He brushes away his own tears.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Saturday, February 18, 2006 4:26 AM


*checks out newly aquired cargo with LMD and Seryn*

Yep, still heavy and oh look it's so SHINY!

Are we done now? Where are the drinks?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 6:36 AM


After he found something new to eat Jazaf was almost immediately rushed out of the kitchen.
'Shoo. Run along now. There's cleaning to be done' Sparky said.

Jazaf shrugs and walks through the Common Room finishing his small snack. He heads to the water park and begins to go through his Daily Training.
During training his mind begins to wander, he shuts out the outside world and ponders on recent events.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Saturday, February 18, 2006 8:27 AM


yes it is a mite heavy.

She finishes screwing the last lid back in place.

Well, I'm convinced enough of it is there to constituta 'all'

she turns towards the storeroom and makes a clicking noise in the back of her throat. Two little balls of mutlicoloured fur come tearing towards her and she scoops them up, Tickling various ears and noses.

Ok, bar-ward bound! *shouts* Quincey! Jade, er, Roberts, Cozen! we're off to the bar. see you there!

Shiny proof that stalking really does pay!


Saturday, February 18, 2006 8:50 AM


*Serenity heads into the kitchen with a large basket of fresh produce from her garden.*

Hello Kelly! I've brought the latest crop in for you. Tomatoes, pole beans, eggplant, carrots, onion, arugala, radicchio, peppers. Also, I've got tons of fresh herbs.

We don't have any fresh mozzarella laying around do we? I've got a craving for a nice, big salad.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Saturday, February 18, 2006 10:17 AM



Bride6 clambers up the ladder. Safe steps one foot off the ladder and leans against the wall to allow room for Bride6 to climb up next to him.

“Here’s what I need you to do.” They were face to face. “I can lift the bin over the hatch, but just barely, which makes trying to shoot at the same time impossible. So, when I lift, I need you pop up and take out or disable as many as you can.”

Safe lifts the hatch to allow them a final look and then lowers the hatch again.

“I count eight at the gate across the alley. I figure the distance is about 30meters or 120feet. Make every shot count, but don’t take your time. Moving the bin is going to make noise and it’s going to get their attention. You’ll only have a small window of surprise. Ready?” Safe looks into her eyes. Expecting to see fear and uncertainty, he’s shocked to see eagerness and grim determination. Here is yet another person he has underestimated today.

He looks back down the ladder. “Jack, I want the rest of you ready to move as soon as the shooting starts.”

As Bride6 hooks her legs around the ladder rungs to free her hands, Safe puts a leg on either side of her on the ladder and braces his back on the hatch.


Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Saturday, February 18, 2006 11:20 AM


*KellyofLuthien had raced with Shadowfax until they were both tired. Heading back to the stables, Kelly brushes Shadowfax before turning him out to pasture. She heads to her mallorn for a quick shower. Changing into a dress the color of midnight, Kelly mopes around the house before heading back towards the kitchen.

The ride didn't help clear her mind. Ever since arriving on the Sereni-Tree Kelly has been bombarded with new experiences left and right. As an Elda, most everything in Middle Earth had been familiar to her for generations, but now she feels off-balance, lost in the woods with no bearings. It is both exciting and frightening for her at the same time, but she wouldn't change it even for Valinor.

Kelly enters the kitchen and busies herself making tea. Soon Serenity appears, carrying a basket full of vegetables.*


Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
*Serenity heads into the kitchen with a large basket of fresh produce from her garden.*

Hello Kelly! I've brought the latest crop in for you. Tomatoes, pole beans, eggplant, carrots, onion, arugala, radicchio, peppers. Also, I've got tons of fresh herbs.

We don't have any fresh mozzarella laying around do we? I've got a craving for a nice, big salad.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:

*Serenity looks over at Kelly, meeting her eyes, but Kelly quickly drops them to the floor.

What has gotten into me lately? Kelly thinks. I'm never embarrassed or angry!

*Kelly steels herself and meets Serenity's eyes once again, a slight flush to her cheeks.*

"Why yes, we do have some mozzarella in the fridge. Here, let me help you prepare your salad."

*Kelly walks over to get the cheese. She figures helping make the salad is the least she can do after making out with Serenity's brother right in front of her!*

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Saturday, February 18, 2006 11:25 AM


On Boros:

For this job, Bride6 has to dump all her bulky gear, including her pack.

As Safe is explaining his plan face to face with her, Bride6 is blushing furiously. For she is, as she described herself, rather “top-heavy,” and the tight quarters with Safe makes her uncomfortable. But if Safe noticed exactly how they were rubbing together, he gives no sign. Finally, she is past Safe and in position for him to open the hatch.

Bride6 takes a deep breath, wraps her legs around the ladder (ruining her new dress), and balances herself there while drawing a Desert Eagle with each hand.

“Don’t worry, Mister Safe. Jayneclone2 and I spent a lot of time together. He taught me to shoot. Said I had a gift. Uh.. I think he meant for shooting…”


Safe wrote:

With a mighty grunt, Safe pushes up the hatch, causing the trash bin to move and bang about above them. Still holding to the ladder with her legs, Bride6 pops up out of the opening and immediately starts shooting. The recoil pushes her back into Safe.

At first, she falls into a steady rhythm firing first the left pistol, then the right, in order to minimize problems with recoil. The first four guards are hit squarely in their kneecaps and go down writhing in pain, but the remainder return fire and start to fall back to protected positions. Gravel and asphalt are scattered about the heads of Safe and Bride6 by a hail of near misses.

“Squeeze, don’t pull. Squeeze, don’t pull,” Bride6 mutters to herself.

Next, Bride6 takes careful aim with her right-handed pistol while blazing away randomly with the left-handed one. * BANG * She hits a guard in the right forearm, making a ruin of that limb. * BANG * She misses, placing a large hole in a barrier their foes are attempting to hide behind. * BANG * She hits one in the shoulder, and he goes down. * CLICK * * CLICK *

Both pistols are empty.

By this time, the survivors among the guards have retreated into the hanger out of sight. Bride6 drops her left-handed pistol and uses that arm to launch herself out of the hole, while simultaneously releasing the empty clip on the right-handed pistol. She gets to her feet, slams home a new clip and advances while firing at one of the kneecapped guards who was fumbling with his gun.

There is blood everywhere.

“Six out of eight, Safe!” She calls out as she moves forward. “That’s not bad. But that leaves two hiding, and whatever friends they might have in there. And anyone who heard the gunfire…”

Suddenly shots ring out from either side of them. It seems that some foes are trying catch them in a crossfire. Asphalt and concrete chips are kicked up around Bride6’s feet.

Bobby Sue, Bride6


Saturday, February 18, 2006 11:59 AM


*thinks to herself*

Are all elves this weird, or just ones that are in love with my brother?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Saturday, February 18, 2006 12:08 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


After spending the better part of an hour ducking through back alleys and infrequently travelled roads, Needy’s followers soon become restless

"Is it much further?" Amy asks as they walk through an abandoned yard

"No" Needy replies simply. He knows better. They had only just reached halfway if his calculations were correct, but he couldn’t tell them that – he knew they were growing impatient. Trouble was, by not travelling the easiest and therefore most obvious route to avoid running into the authorities, the walk was longer than it needed to be.
It wouldn’t have been so bad if the main roads were bustling with activity, they could blend in, but as it was, people on foot were few and far between, even on main roads.
What there were plenty of, however, were alliance troops, especially at a time like this when they were out searching for fugitives
They could have taken public transportation, but that too was risky – there was no way of knowing who the driver was or his allegiances, nor if they would be pulled over anyway, as vehicles were routinely searched, whether wanted men were in the vicinity or not.
No, this was the best way Needy reassured himself

"Don’t move!"

Or at least I thought it was the best way

Needy turns around slowly as his eyes catch sight of the man standing behind them. Pointing a gun at the group, the Alliance officer orders "Down on the ground. All of you. Now!"

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Saturday, February 18, 2006 12:28 PM


In the Sereni-Tree kitchen, Sparky the Robot comes up to help with the load of vegetables and salad-stuff.

Sparky smiles at Serenity. "Hello, Miss Serenity. Oh, did you see Miss Kelly and Mister Atherton going at it earlier? It was quite a sight. I'll have it available in a downloadable format by dinnertime."



Saturday, February 18, 2006 12:37 PM



Originally posted by mai:
Are we done now? Where are the drinks?

though outwardly showing no signs of his drunken state, the liquid courage emboldens elemdee to do what he wouldn't in his wildest dreams.

he offers mai his arm.

"i believe they're this way," he says as he inclines his head, "will you join me?"

--- <-inching towards daylight


Saturday, February 18, 2006 12:47 PM


I'd love to! Let's go!

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 12:54 PM


*Flies into the kitchen*

Serenity! Kelly! We're back. And look I'm all in one piece!

OH look Squarkkkkkkkkk at all the pretty veggies!
Could I have one pretty squawk please? Them dangerous caper missions wear a little bird out. Maybe we could get in a bit of flying out by the piffle ranch later?

Prettiest little birdy ever.


Saturday, February 18, 2006 1:05 PM


*after having gone on a secret mission to "attain" forutne and glory, mt finds a mysterious old man, known as portty. mt pays what little money he has (an attractive woman who mt partnered with stole the loot from his mission) to the old guy and woosh, he is transported via portal to the bar on serenitree.*

I could use a drink.

-On a good day, hell can look alot like LA


Saturday, February 18, 2006 1:19 PM


/me leads mai to the bar, inwardly nervous but showing no sign of it. he sits her down and moves to the other side of the bar and adopts a comical impression of a bartender

"what'll it be miss?"

elemdee loses the silly look and grins at mai.

--- <-inching towards daylight


Saturday, February 18, 2006 1:28 PM


Watching LMD and Mai walking before her, arm in arm, leaning in to talk to each other, Seryn wonders why the theme tune to 'The Love Boat' has become lodged in her head.

On entering the common room, both of the rabbits perk up and start sniffing pointedly in the direction of the kitchen. The unmistakable aroma of basil and a dozen other herbs waft over, and she finds her self moving towards the kitchen instead of the bar.

mmmmmm, basil, green pesto on hot pasta, I could just...


Sparky smiles at Serenity. "Hello, Miss Serenity. Oh, did you see Kelly and your brother Atherton going at it earlier? It was quite a sight. I'll have it available in a downloadable format by dinnertime."

I didn't hear that! I did not hear that

*big beaming smile*

Hi Serenity, Kelly! wow, they look really good, do you think I could nick a carrot or something for these guys? And maybe a little basil and parsley?? I was gonna hunt down some parmesan and stuff and make pesto, I can make a vat if people are interested?

Ignoring the heavy silence and red faces, Seryn bustles about gathering up all the ingredients.

I'm afraid i'm not good at pasta, so if you don't mind its going to have to be dried stuff, unless someone knows how to do fresh? Do you think people would want meat involved? I dunno...

*picks up a carrot and breaks it in half, perched on a stool the two rabbits tuck in eagerly*

Oh hey, you ain't the only one on the ship expectin' any more Serenity!

Shiny proof that stalking really does pay!


Saturday, February 18, 2006 1:30 PM


*Spreads a cloth over a table near the bar, sets sniper rifle on the cloth and dismantles it for cleaning and oiling.*

*Orders a scotch, single malt, straight up.*

*There is a notable drop in the comfort levels of the Sereni-Tree's bar patrons. Levity measures are set to zero.*

*Sparky whisks the gun away. Comfort and Levity carefully ease themselves back into the bar.*

Heh. Smart robot. Um, whatsa arugala? That like a part of the brain or what?


Saturday, February 18, 2006 3:49 PM


Thanks for that information, Sparky, but I really have no desire to watch reruns of my brother's osculatious activities. It was enough to be there the first time.

Molly! So good to see you again!

*feeds Molly some lettuce*

I would love to go flying! It won't be too long now before I'm grounded, I want to get as much flying time in as possible before then.

But first, salad! I'm starving!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Saturday, February 18, 2006 4:34 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
On Boros:

Suddenly shots ring out from either side of them. It seems that some foes are trying catch them in a crossfire. Asphalt and concrete chips are kicked up around Bride6’s feet.

Bobby Sue, Bride6

Below ground in the tunnel:

A sudden heavy concussion blast from direction the group had come from carries a cloud of dust down the tunnel onto and past the group.

"The back door is closed guys! It's check out time! Up and out or forward down the tunnel!" SR yells.

Scorpion Regent


Saturday, February 18, 2006 10:33 PM



Originally posted by themaninblack:

She curtsies. “So, YOU are the one they call Roberts?” she purrs. “I am SO pleased to meet you!”

Gallantly, TheManInBlack takes Quincey’s hand and kisses it.

She smiles, her dark eyes staring up into his blue ones. “My name is Quincey,” she whispers.

theManinBlack releases Quincey's hand, "Well hello Quincey. Maybe I can ask you a quick question. Do you see that lady talking over there? What is her name? She seems so fami... never mind. Business comes before pleasure and I do have some business to discuss with that gentleman over there. So if you would please excuse me miss."

Bowing, Roberts steps from Quincey and moves across the room towards Jadehand. Stepping in front of Jadehand, DPR notices the worry cross his face.

"Sir since you know who I am, you know what I am capable of, right? I have a couple of simple questions that I want answers to, and I think you are the man that can do that," Roberts puts a hand on the hilt of his sword, "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? Oh and where can I get some of those wonderful name badges?"

DPR aka theManinBlack aka Roberts

"You too can be a Dread Pirate!"

Roberts, Have you hit your head? When I turned the ship over to you, *squints* or did the other Roberts turn it over to you?, Anyway, you should have gotten your tags then. How long did you wear that one? You should have been told the possible repercussions of long-term use. Anyway, I know why you're back and we'll get you back onboard. Just go easy on 'em.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Saturday, February 18, 2006 11:14 PM


*PR looks around the deserted bar at the bottom of the Tree's tree. Then he looks at Thingymajig || and the broken tables and chairs lying under it.*

*He then looks to the tiny door outside, and back to the large Thingymajig ||.*

Yeah I guess I didn't really think that one through.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Sunday, February 19, 2006 3:29 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Thanks for that information, Sparky, but I really have no desire to watch reruns of my brother's osculatious activities. It was enough to be there the first time.

Sparky the robot continues his work in the kitchen. "Yes, Miss Serenity, I see."

"I also have available similar vids of TheRealMe and ItsAWash."

Sparky the Robot






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