The Sereni-Tree, the Ocean Cloud, and Escape From Boros

UPDATED: Friday, February 24, 2006 07:35
VIEWED: 25697
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Sunday, February 19, 2006 4:08 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


"Calm down" Needy utters slowly

"GET DOWN ON THE GROUND! I won’t tell you again" The officer ordered

Versereader and Amy both stand up straight, their arms held high in the air whilst Flechette slouches, her hands barely raised as she wears an expression that screams 'Saw this coming'

"Alright alright" Needy complies, as he starts to kneel and presses his hands to the dusty ground.

The women don’t hesitate to follow his lead, putting their chests to the ground, although Flechette’s acquiescence is accompanied by a heavy sigh, indicating that she is not so much afraid as she is 'put out'

"We didn’t do anything wrong" Needy states, his chest not touching the ground as others, but merely facing down poised on all fours.

The man standing over them walks towards the crouching companion. "Is that right... whore?" he snaps, prompting Needy to look up at his offender. "Yeah that’s right, I know who and what you are. You are far from innocent. Now get your chest on the floor!"

The officer swings his right leg around, kicking Needy in the side of his gut, sending him crashing to the floor on his back.

"No! Lay down on your front" he shouts, booting him again, this time on the opposite side. "You’re a whore, surely you can follow simple orders" he mocks, raising his foot above the downed man.

Just as he’s about to drop it and stamp him in his stomach, Needy moves his hands and grabs hold of the officer’s ankle, preventing the blow. Then with one swift movement, he tugs the man’s leg causing him to lose his footing and fall on his back. As he falls, the officer’s other foot catches Needy in his bruised side again causing him more grief. He groans before rolling onto his knees and rising from the floor.
The officer struggles to reach the weapon that has left his hand, but to no avail. Needy pounces on top of the officer and socks him in his jaw, disorienting him. Grabbing hold of the suited man around his collar, he pulls him forward, lifting his neck and head from off the ground, before quickly slamming him back down, hitting his head hard against the floor - knocking him out cold.

Taking a second to catch his breath, whilst the ladies look on in shock, Needy steps off of the body and finds his footing. Then he straightens his back, putting his arms at his side as he feels the severity of his injuries. I’ll be alright, just a bit of bruising

"Is he alright" Amy asks sounding concerned.

Needy shoots her a look. "Is he alright?!"

Versereader, standing up, tries to clarify "I think what she means is 'are we gonna be labelled as cop-killers now'?"

"He’ll be fine", Needy replies sarcastically. "But we won’t be if we stick around much longer. It seems the word is out on us and I’m pretty sure he would have called for back up before confronting us. We don’t have time to wait for them to show up. Let’s go"
"Sounds good to me" Flechette replies. This clearly wasn’t an adventure she was keen on being in.

Still clutching the right side of his gut which got the brunt of the beating, Needy holds his remaining arm out and points the way forward for the others. "Go on then"

As they walk by him ahead, he glances at the officer’s discarded weapon on the floor.

Quickly bending over, he grabs the gun and slips it into the side of his trousers, covering it over with his shirt. Might come in handy he thinks to himself as he follows the others.

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Sunday, February 19, 2006 10:56 AM


Seryn looks from Kelly to Serenity, and back again.

right well, a wittering ex-pirate is obviously not the welcome distraction I thought it was going to be, and clearly no one give to shakes of a pigs ass about baby bunny rabbits.

She puts the ingredients down, realising that she doesn't want to be in the kitchen long enough to cook the pasta. Rapidly stuffing them back into draws a cupboeards, she grabs a bowl and loads it up with fruit from the fridge and a chunk each of bread and cheese.

clicking for the rabbits to follow her, she leaves the kitchen as rapidly as she can.

We should report to TRM or something I suppose, find out whats going on. Though from the sounds of it, he's a mite distracted right now...

on reaching the bay she goes to the room with her hammock in and slides the door shut, then climbs into the hammock, fruit, bread, cheese, rabbits and all, and then flicks her comm unit on.

Ath? anyone? Do we know any more about whats happening on Boros? Any idea when we'll get there?'

she idly popps a grape into her mouth and wonders again why she so concerned about whats happening on the planet the Tree folk stuck there.

Shiny proof that stalking really does pay!


Sunday, February 19, 2006 1:15 PM


*Serenity is waken out of a dead sleep by a pain in her side.*


*She pulls one arm free from the covers and drop it onto Soul, sleeping next to her. He grunts.

Don' hit me! *she mumbles*

Didn't! *he mumbles back*

Did! *she says, trying to get comfortable again.*

OW! *she feels the pain again.*

Didn't! *says Soul, who, indeed, had not been touching her.*

Baby! *says Serenity, finally figuring out what's causing the pain. She takes her hand off of Soul's chest and presses it to her belly.*

Baby? *Soul's hand follows Serenity's. She grabs it and places it on her side, so that he can feel what she's feeling.*

Baby!! *Serenity grins and snuggles closer to Soul as they feel the baby move in her belly.*


Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Sunday, February 19, 2006 4:51 PM



Originally posted by seryn:

'Ath? anyone? Do we know any more about whats happening on Boros? Any idea when we'll get there?'

"Hi Seryn. Sadly, we have no way to contact anyone on Boros, and there's nothing on the Cortex.

It'll be awhile before we get to Boros, so you might as well go ahead and get some sleep. Things may get a little rough once we arrive. I'll let everyone know when we get close."

*Ath decides to take his own advice and heads off to his room to get some sleep. On the way, he passes Monkeytail, but he's too lost in thought to notice.

It takes him quite a while to drop off, with his thoughts full of what had happened earlier in the day. Nonetheless, sleep comes.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Sunday, February 19, 2006 11:53 PM


'oh, ok' keep me posted..'

she drops the unit into her back and lays back. Sit up again and puts the half empty bowl of fruit on top, almost toppling herself out of the hammock.

'I suppose sleep it is then. I'm just a bit wired. I could go back and drink... but I don't want to do that.

hmmmm, oh I know! See how far I can take this...'

She lifts har hand in front of her face, concentrates on her nails, and thinks long... red...

for a while they stay the same, short, stubby, and sensible, but them something in her mind clicks over, and they begin to grow. whoo hoo!

right, something more challenging, done hair, done a variety of womens faces....

I know...

*grins devilishly*

Shiny proof that stalking really does pay!


Monday, February 20, 2006 12:03 PM


Veiwing himself in a mirror, the mystery man scratches a finger nail along his chin, feeling stubble and newly prominent jawline.

oh this is so cool...

staightening up he checks himself from the side, then the back, then round to the front again.

'dammit you've got great taste, hooo ee!'

turning again he looks at his backside.

Could do with some slightly manlier threads though.

Sneeking out of the door he runs to another room, strewn accross chairs are various items of mens clothing, selecting a jeans, a t-shirt and a black v-neck sweater, he makes absolutely sure they are clean, though clean is reletive... oh my god what did I just say....?!then quickly slips them on.

right, what to do now? have to test this out.. oh, oh yes... *grins* drinkies time.

He sets of to the bar, walking as quickly as he can through the corridors. Passing a bank of windows he stalls..

What the hell kind of walk is that? I don't wiggle my ass like that? Do I..? Right, walk like you have a balloon between your knees, looser, kinda like a monkey... no, too monkeyish. Stop wiggling the frickin ass! Ok, I think we are getting there, the patented Big Balls Walk.

oh god. ...thats a thought

Looking down, he goes to pull out the waistband of his pants, then stops.

No, can't! Yikes, no bathroom stops...

Extremely concious of the new walk he enters the bar, at first no-one notices him, spurred on, he takes a seat at the bar and looks around for the bartender, wondering if, like the kitchen, its a help yourself kinda deal.

To his surprise and consternation, he finds himself eyeing up the beer tap.



Monday, February 20, 2006 6:15 PM


Trey walks out of the Infirmary, still holding her side where the evil doll CallMeChucky had impaled her with an ice pick. Doctor SimonWho had fixed her up pretty well. It hardly hurt anymore.

She notices a new face sitting at the bar and rushes to take her place behind it.

"Hello, stranger! I'm Trey and this is my bar. What can I get you?"

Trey, Bride3


Monday, February 20, 2006 7:30 PM



/me leads mai to the bar, inwardly nervous but showing no sign of it.

*still partying hours later*

Whadya say we movee on over to the rommon coom? cromon moon, ya know that place with all them cushy chairs. I feel like relaxing a bit. Maybe a movie?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Monday, February 20, 2006 10:36 PM


oh my god it works ! it works!

Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. O.W.


Monday, February 20, 2006 10:41 PM


Hey Trey, um..

Seemingly almost against his will he points to the beer pump, smiles and watches as she pours.

Taking a tentative sip, he lets it sweep around his mouth, touching the different parts of his tongue and carefully assessing the resulting messages.

Ah, you know, it still tastes of yaks piss... *takes a full swig* but for some reason thats not a deciding factor any more.


*looks around*

You know this place looks different from this height...

So how are you feeling? sides all better?


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 4:08 AM


Trey raises an eyebrow and frowns. "Side's fine. Have we met? I thought that I never forget a face."

Trey, Bride3


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 8:37 AM


'Met? oh, er, no... ok, do I tell...? um,I just found out about the side... you know, rumor, hear-say, the usual'

Trey watches him intently as he sits looking increasingly shifty, then something appears to occur to him, and he grins - the great big toothy, glowy ad grin of a matinee star - all wholesome and butter-wouldn't-melt innocence, and Trey relaxes, grins back and pushes another beer his way.

good god thats useful... have to remember that one

'Cheers m'dear'

The sound of a movie starting up spills out from the common room. His interest piqued, he waves a little to Trey and slides off the stool.

'See ya later!'

Grabbing the new pint he slips into the room and settles him self on a corner sofa, crosses, then uncrosses his legs, attempts to sit with his legs tucked under him, then with his knees apart, feeling dreadfully wanton, then finally decides on one ankle resting on the other knee.

I can do this...


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 11:37 AM


*Serenity walks into the Common Room, her basket under her arm*

Has anyone seen Seryn? I can't find her anywhere and I have something for her.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 12:40 PM



Originally posted by mai:
Whadya say we movee on over to the rommon coom? cromon moon, ya know that place with all them cushy chairs. I feel like relaxing a bit. Maybe a movie?

Yeah...that soun's good. I like cushy chairs. And movies. Yeah.

/me grabs mai's hand and makes his way for the couch of much hggling and pauses in front of the sceen.

Hey, whadya wanna see? How 'bout the Princess Bride?

/me pops the movie in the player and, still holding mai's hand, falls back onto the couch.

--- <-inching towards daylight


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 5:38 PM



Safe eases the hatch up until it touches the bin above. Takes a deep breath and pushes. The bin moves slowly at first, and then starts to rise, metal against metal shrieking fills the air.

Still holding to the ladder with her legs, Bride6 pops up out of the opening and immediately starts shooting.

It's at this point where Safe realizes just how big a target he makes and how little he can do about it. With the gravel and asphalt chips from the return fire stinging his face, and his muscles screaming at him, Safe desperately tries to think of a way to move the bin without squashing them.

As if a higher power was listening in on his thoughts, an answer presents itself to Safe, not exactly the answer he would have liked, but an answer none the less. A ricocheting bullet hits him in the left arm, surprising him, causing the strength to leave that arm. The bin starts to shift. With all his energy being channeled into trying to hold the bin up, Safe can only manage a weak grunt of warning to Bride6 that is drowned out by the gunfire.

Bride6 drops her left-handed pistol and uses that arm to launch herself out of the hole, while simultaneously releasing the empty clip on the right-handed pistol.

With Bride6 out of the tunnel, Safe’s left arm collapses and the bin, miraculously, slides to the left, leaving the tunnel mouth clear. Safe rolls out of the tunnel onto his back in the alley exhausted.

“Six out of eight, Safe!” She calls out as she runs. “That’s not bad. But that leaves two hiding, and whatever friends they might have in there. And anyone who heard the gunfire…”

“Ya… that’s great kid…” Safe pants.

Suddenly shots ring out from both ends of the alley.

From his vantage point on the ground, Safe sees that the bin is on casters, putting his feet on the bin, he shoves. The bin rolls into the alley blocking one end. Rolling onto his stomach Safe hollers back down the tunnel.

“We could use a couple extra guns up here!”

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 6:20 PM


Good choice! I haven't seen PB for a very long time! *sits back and relaxes w/LMD*

After several hours of squidg-y movie watchin' goodness both mai and lmd pass out on the couch.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 7:57 PM



Safe pushes the rolling trash bin to block gunfire from one end of the alley. Several shots hit the metallic obstacle, ringing out like a hammer striking a bell. Bride6 stops to shoot down the other end of the alley, taking a stance that minimizes her silhouette. She rapidly fires a number of shots in that direction, drops the empty clip, and reloads.

“I’m not a kid!” Bride6 complains to Safe.

From the open end of the alley, a shot strikes Bride6’s hand, sending her remaining pistol spinning out of her grasp.


Bride6 falls to her knees, right arm dangling at her side.

Bride7 jumps out of the open hatch, and in an instant, takes in the situation. Some bullets fly past her as well, one grazing her shoulder. “Great! Gorram tunnel’s safer!”


Tuesday, February 21, 2006 10:03 PM


without even thinking, He raises his hand and shouts 'here sweetie!'

then realising his mistake, attempts to cover it with a cough. Serenity make her way over, looking at him strangely to say the least, and he realises that he's spluttering like an old man in a designer shoe shop.
'ha ha, oh, um, well I mean, she was here, just a minute ago, right here, you guys saw...*see's mai and LMD curled up on the couch asleep* awww... anyway, yeah, she gone to... *points vaguely out of the common room* she, er, she's not here.'

quick! think!

*sticks his hands in his back pockets and attempts The Grin again*

Serenity seems unimpressed.

'here, i'll take that to her...*holds his hand out* but Serenity doesn't move, apart from to raise a single eyebrow'

'ok, you are not going to believe this, but...'


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 12:11 AM


On Boros in a tunnel:
SR picks up the dopped automatic and shoves it into his waistband.

"Citizen, you'll need these top side."

SR hands Citizen a pair of grenades.

"The cylinder is smoke and the other one is white phophorous. If I go further down the tunnel is there another manhole or hatch that will allow me to get a flanking position so we don't get pinned down?"

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 3:19 AM


"Hey! Six!" Bride7 flips the safety on her pistol and tosses it to the exposed Bride6. It bounces once, then slides along the asphalt until grabbed by Bride6's left hand.

From a prone position, Bride6 flips off the safety and begins to carefully pick off the assailants at the open end of the alley.

Meanwhile, foes from the blocked end of the alley seem to have arrived at the dumpster, and are attempting to maneuver it out of their way.

Bride7 tosses a grenade over the dumpster, then jumps back down into the tunnels. There is a satisfying explosion.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 3:59 AM


*Serenity peers intently at this strange man sitting on the sofa of the common room. Her first instinct was to poke him with her katanas until she figured out exactly what was going on, but on closer inspection...something about him seems familiar.*

Okay. Explain. And make it good.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 6:51 AM


Well, I don't know how to make it good... I mean, what do you want? a play in three acts?

*note the flickering looks towards the weapons at her side*

oh, ok, look...its me... I mean, I don't know how, gods only know how, but I started... just little things, hair, getting older and such. Any way, I thought i'd try something radical, and well, here it is! What do you think? pretty cool huh?

*looks at his arms, turning them over to admire the wrists and fingers, then hitches up the leg of his jeans*

I'm particularly proud of the knees! Knees can go so wrong, but not bad eh?

*see's Serenity's uncomprehending expression*

'it's me!'



Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:11 AM


Seryn? YOU'RE Seryn?

*leans forward and looks at the man intently.*

You do babble like her.

Wow! If that really is you, Seryn, that is incredible! You can completely change shape, can look like anyone? That is a VERY useful gift!

And yes, you did a great job on the knees. Very Jackman-like. If I wasn't..well *pats her ever-growing stomach* I'd be inviting you to come see my garden!

Oh, and that reminds me. I think I heard you say Esme was expecting? I brought her some stuff from my garden I thought she'd like.

*Serenity opens her basket to show some lettuces, brussel sprouts, carrot tops and other little bunny delicacies*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:55 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul wanders the ship, his right arm in a loose sling as his right shoulder recovers from where the gorram doll stabbed him. He has his bow and quiver, but with one arm temporarily out of commission, he knows that it's only for show. He makes his way to the bridge and finds Ath at the controls.

"You got a second?" Soul asks.

Ath turns. "I guess I can spare a minute. After all, you did knock up my sister."

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I figure, I already got her pregnant, so it's a little late to start things out the right way, but I kinda wanted to, well..."

"Spit it out, man," Ath says with a grin. "I've got a ship to pilot here!"

Soul sighs. "I want to ask her to marry me."


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:28 AM


Well gee little lady *raises eybrows flirtily* ...yeah, i'm not gonna take that any further - Soul is very capable of killing me.

But he is cute isn't he? Very Jackman like, though to be honest, he's kind of a 'best of' mix of all the guys i've ever s... uh, yeah. I don't know, I think everything got so used to being messed with - there was Nell, and others before her, then the wings, the shenanigans with the stickers... its like the Pratchett theory -it takes two idle aristo's, a team of locals and a herd of donkeys to climb a mountain first time, then fifty years later people are climbing up to have a pic-nick and grandma is going back after lunch to retrieve her glasses, 'least, I think thats the theory...

I do babble a bit don't I?

*looks in basket* oh my god thats so sweet of you! wow, thank you!

yeah, she's expectin', from the feel of it she's got a small herd in there. it'll not be long either. Say, would your little tyke like one of the babies? Rabbits like them are remarkably useful to have around - Esme brought down a lion once apparently...

*Serenity looks startled*

Well, could've been a lion fish ...ok, when he's a bit older then...

I'm gonna go get them, then i'll be putting another movie on. Do you want to grab a drink and stick around?


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:42 AM


You know, I think having a killer bunny would be just the thing! As long as you can promise it won't hurt the baby. Or me. Oh, or Soul. He's a bit twitchy since that whole killer baby robot thing.

Just one thing: we're not going to be overrun with bunnies are we? I know how fast they can reproduce! A certain episode of that ancient Star Trek show comes to mind....

And yes, a drink and a movie sounds lovely. And a snack. A big snack. Sandwiches maybe.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 12:40 PM


"The cylinder is smoke and the other one is white phophorous. If I go further down the tunnel is there another manhole or hatch that will allow me to get a flanking position so we don't get pinned down?"
Citizen clipped the two grenades to his belt. He looked at 'Stan' for a moment.
"Not so much a hatch..." He started. 'Stan' looked at him questioningly. "Well, there is a sewage outlet that leads into the Cess pit; you can get out through there..." Citizen started up the ladder.
"If you're going to go that way I'd go now." He said as he ascended. "It's not getting any cleaner..."

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 12:48 PM


oo, a hot cup of tea or coffee, with chocolate to dip in it, if you chill the chocolate its this fabulous mix of meltiness that breaks on your tongue and cool chunky chocolate to bite into, and then a cup of tea to drink!

or something more substantial, i've a craving for chilli, but that'd just make your morning sickness like a hundred times worse i'd imagine.

Anyway, i'm off to get the rabbits. I've had those two for a looong time, and this is only Esme's second litter. I just don't think they breed like normal rabbits. Thank the heavens. And they've never harmed me, only the odd inadvertant scratch.

Unless you count flooring me whenever I attempt to go somewhere they don't want me too.

*sets off back towards the bay* see ya in a mo!


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 1:33 PM


*PR thinks for a while and then turns back in the direction he arrived from.*

I need a new mode of transport.

*He raises his finger to his mouth and whistles.*

*The whistle rings through more than the air around him...and back on the Sereni-Tree, in the piffle-pony barn Ororo stirs and breaks out of her stable!*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 3:49 PM


*mt sees Ath pass by and waves. After sitting on the floor of the bar for a while, mt gets up and grabs a bottle from behind the bar. He glances at the bartender and some other person he doesn't know before walking away. He drinks vodka from his new friend the bottle as he aimlessly walks, cursing and stumbling.

On a good day, hell can look alot like LA.-Playing God


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 4:49 PM


*KellyofLuthien wanders into the kitchen where she finds Serenity and a man she's never seen before making tea and snacks.*

"Mara Aure," Kelly says. "Do you two need help?"

*CMS smiles.* "Nah, we got it, unless you'd like to join us? Seryn and I--oh, this is Seryn by the way, isn't it cool? She can transform!--anyway, we're gonna watch a movie."

"Oh!" Kelly exclaims. "I see. A movie, you say? I'd love to."

*Kelly helps finish making sandwiches, veggie sticks with dip, nachos, lemonade, fresh-baked cookies and a hot pot of tea to wash it all down and joins Serenity and Seryn in the common room.*

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 6:01 PM



Originally posted by mai:
After several hours of squidg-y movie watchin' goodness both mai and lmd pass out on the couch.

lmd wakes to find himself pleasantly squidged up with mai. as he looks down to watch her as she sleeps he fights to keep the smile forming on his lips from growing too large for the unreasonable fear of it somehow disturbing her rest and taking away the simple joy of the moment.


Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
And yes, a drink and a movie sounds lovely.

Noticing others making for the couch and the screen in front of it, LightMeDark gathers the bottles and some snacks and places them in a satchel then gently lifts mai up from the couch with great care, holding her tenderly. Elemdee nods to the approaching tree'ers and takes his leave off to his favorite tree in the animal's keeping area.

After settling mai down against the tree lmd busies himself. Nodding, job done, he leans back to the tree taking liberty to cozy up against mai again.

Before he nods off he looks with satisfaction at his handiwork. A cloth lay on the grass in front of them, decorated with food and other nice trimmings.

--- <-inching towards daylight


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 7:16 PM



Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:

Soul sighs. "I want to ask her to marry me."

"Oh. Well, I can't say I this is totally unexpected. And uh, I guess it's okay with me. I mean, it's obvious you love her, and she loves you too. Also, you're a good man, and I know you'll do your best to make her happy. So, I wish you two the best."

*Ath holds out his hand for Soul to shake.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 8:21 PM



"Well, there is a sewage outlet that leads into the Cess pit; you can get out through there..." Citizen started up the ladder.
"If you're going to go that way I'd go now." He said as he ascended. "It's not getting any cleaner..."

SR takes a bandanna from a pocket and ties it around his face bandito style and sprays the outside with breath spray.
"That should help with the stink," He thinks to himself "It's allready helping with the dust."

As Jack heads up the ladder SR moves down the tunnel. Fifteen meters on he encounters standing water, stagnant and fowl. SR moves on and soon the water is up to his knees. The footings is not too bad, for the most part it feels to be gravel and sand. SR moves at a quick pace not wanting to trip and fall yet realizing that time is clearly fleeting. SR tends toward the right hand side of the tunnel fearing a possible drop off into a deep pool in the center. The stink is not of raw sewage more that of a marsh breaking down bio mass, rank, but not unbearable. After another twenty meters the water is up to the middle of SR's thighs, but on the right the tunnel branches upward, a draft of fresh air is clearly felt and there is light. SR notices the sound of gunfire that had faded behind him is now more audible from the right. Unslinging his weapon and holstering his pistol he enters the right hand tunnel.

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, February 22, 2006 10:00 PM


*wakes up slightly groggy and very hungry*

Wow. *pokes LMD* Hey sleepy head! Time to wake up. How on earth-that-still-is did we get here?

*looks around at the food spread*

Did you do all this? It's amazing!

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:15 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by CallMeAth:

"Oh. Well, I can't say I this is totally unexpected. And uh, I guess it's okay with me. I mean, it's obvious you love her, and she loves you too. Also, you're a good man, and I know you'll do your best to make her happy. So, I wish you two the best."

*Ath holds out his hand for Soul to shake.*

"Oh. Really? That was easy."

He shakes Ath's hand. "Thanks."


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:42 AM


On Boros:

From her prone position in the middle of the street, the wounded Bride6 continues to fire the pistol she got from Bride7, picking off opponents from the open end of the alley. But the dumpster blocking the other end of the alley begins to move. More Alliance troops have arrived from that direction, and are trying to squeeze around it.

Safe has been hit, and is lying to one side of the tunnel hatch. ScorpionRegent has proceeded down the tunnel in an attempt to flank the enemy. Citizen and CastIronJack have left the tunnel entrance.

With much effort, Bride7 heaves Bride6's pack full of weapons out of the tunnel entrance and plops it on the asphalt. "Six! Get your fat gorram ass back here! You have no cover!"

"Can't!" Bride6 answers. "Got hit in the right arm and right leg. But I think I took out seven more! And it's not THAT fat!"

Bride6 squeezes off the last round of her pistol. She releases the empty clip, and fumbles in vain with her mangled hand to pull another from her belt. "Can't reload!"

With bullets still flying around her, she whimpers for a moment.

Bride6 then carefully places the pistol by her head and reaches for a new clip with her left hand. She inserts the clip into the pistol, then uses her hand to slide the pistol toward her, jamming the clip into place with her chin. She picks it up and resumes firing.

"Okay!" Bride6 calls out. "Got it!"

Bride7 pulls a random weapon from the pack. She sneers at Jack, Citizen, and even the wounded Safe. "Say, do you he-men think you could be troubled to help? Or do you like to think of yourself as spectators?"


Safe is about to post:
Jack sneers and stands, seemingly oblivious to the flying bullets, draws his machine gun pistols and unleashes a hail of bullets, pinning down the guards at the gate. This gives Bride7 the opportunity she was looking for. Running in a crouch, she slides in beside Bride6 popping off a few shots at the guards at the end of the alley brave enough to try to show their heads. Grabbing Bride6 by the back of the shirt, Bride7 drags her back to the alcove near the tunnels hatch.

“There, I saved your sorry butt again.”

Bride7 gets to her feet, tosses a smoke grenade ahead of her, and charges the open end of the alley, randomly firing off her shotgun as she goes.


Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:45 AM


Mmmm...this is nice.

*Serenity gets good and comfy, proping her feet up on an ottoman and taking a big bite of a sandwich.*

So, what shall we watch first?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, February 23, 2006 5:04 AM


* JadeHand wanders the docks outside of Ocean Cloud , he's checked the platinum 5 times. It's high quality and there's enough that they should be able to get the parts they need, maybe even get that extra SEP for Seryn's Fighter. He wonders if it's been given a name yet. He Thinks outloud to himself *

'Well, looks like time to check back with Rat on his contacts, and see where we need to stop to get these parts.'

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Thursday, February 23, 2006 5:43 AM


*Walks up.*

Right then!

To Ath over comm: Set course for Earth-That-Still-Wears-Digital-Watches.

Acquisitions Officer - SereniTREE


Thursday, February 23, 2006 6:06 AM



Safe crawls over to the bin and puts his back against it, pushing with his legs, to stop it from moving any further. He draws his gun, puts it under the bin and starts firing blindly.

Safe allows himself a small grin when screams of surprise and pain echo from the other side. The grin is quickly replaced by a grimace of pain as he draws his other gun with his left arm.

Not being able to hold the gun higher that his hip, Safe fires at the guards at the other end of the alley, trying to take some of the heat off Bride6. Each recoil causes another grimace as he struggles to hold the gun steady.

"Say, do you he-men think you could be troubled to help? Or do you like to think of yourself as spectators?"

Jack sneers and stands, seemingly oblivious to the flying bullets, draws his machine gun pistols and unleashes a hail of bullets, pinning down the guards at the gate. This gives Bride7 the opportunity she was looking for. Running in a crouch, she slides in beside Bride6 popping off a few shots at the guards at the end of the alley brave enough to try to show their heads. Grabbing Bride6 by the back of the shirt, Bride7 drags her back to the alcove near the tunnels hatch.

“There, I saved your sorry butt again.”

Bride7 gets to her feet, tosses a smoke grenade ahead of her, and charges the open end of the alley, randomly firing off her shotgun as she goes.

The commotion allows Citizen the opening to scoot over next to Safe

“Where’s “Stan”?” Safe says between grimaces.

Citizen shrugs, drawing his gun “Spelunking… Said sumptin’ ‘bout flanking”. He pulls out the phosphorous grenade, pops the pin and nonchalantly chucks it over the bin.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, February 23, 2006 7:51 AM


On Boros:
SR shoves up a storm grill at pokes his head clear to see that he is on a street that the alley opens into. Around the alley's mouth are concentrated a squad of troopers all firing in. SR quickly lobs a tear gas grenade in the direction at the troopers and ducks back down as he comes under fire from somewhere off to his 10 o'clock.

"Well it's not a counter ambush, but it's better than nothing. Wish we had communications." He mutters to himself.

He tosses his last two smoke grenades out of the hole and scrambles out as they pop off.

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, February 23, 2006 8:12 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


As a barrage of bullets rain down on Safe and his crew, another group have gotten caught up in the action.
“I need confirmation on that.” Needy calls into the communicator. “Is it them?”
On the second floor of a dilapidated apartment building, facing the action, Amy watches through a pair of binoculars. Versereader stands anxiously by her side. “Yeah it’s them” Amy confirms “It seems they’re pretty much pinned down”
Standing close to the outside wall of the building, Needy and Flechette hide in the shadows.
“It’s as we feared” Needy turns to Flechette.
Flechette nods and replies “I told ya it was them.”
The loud gunfire and cries of their allies were what had drew their attention, so much so that Flechette had insisted on checking it out. Needy would have preferred to carry on towards their destination, but he knew that she was right.
“And what good is getting to the hangar if they never show up due to being riddled with holes” she had argued, and he knew he couldn’t make a reply
“Alright, are you ready for this then?” He asks his troublesome objector.
“You betcha” Flechette eagerly replies, cocking her shotgun
“Because I’m not he thinks about replying
“After you” Flechette offers, pointing the way with her gun

Needy flinches at the weapon being aimed at him, before gulping and whispers “No, after you”

“Fair enough”

As Flechette moves into the open, Needy calls back into the communicator “Get back downstairs to the entrance I told you about. We need to be ready to move”
“Copy” Amy replies, sharing nervous looks with Versereader

The loud shot causes Needy to jump as Flechette fires off her first round, hitting an officer in his head, blood exploding out of the other side of his head
That was his cue. Needy ran to Flechette’s position, a gun in each hand, shooting off at various targets.
Needy was not a soldier and as a result, he was confused as hell about the situation. He was not shooting with intent, but out of panic.
Suddenly an officer pops up from behind a group of metal bins.
He shoots at the companion and the cook, a bullet piercing the latter’s shoulder, sending her spinning to the floor.
His eyes closed, Needy points the gun up towards the general direction and shoots.
As the shooter ducks for cover, the bullet unsurprisingly misses, ricocheting off of the bin and hitting a dead body on the floor.
Needy opens his eyes to see the officer pop back up, take aim and fire.
In shock, the boy whore stands are stares. Then, he feels a sharp pain in his chest.
Looking down, he watches as blood seeps through his top, and begins to drizzle down.
Needy drops to the floor

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Thursday, February 23, 2006 11:18 AM




Suddenly an officer pops up from behind a group of metal bins.
He shoots at the companion and the cook, a bullet piercing the latter’s shoulder, sending her spinning to the floor.
His eyes closed, Needy points the gun up towards the general direction and shoots.
As the shooter ducks for cover, the bullet unsurprisingly misses, ricocheting off of the bin and hitting a dead body on the floor.
Needy opens his eyes to see the officer pop back up, take aim and fire.
In shock, the boy whore stands are stares. Then, he feels a sharp pain in his chest.
Looking down, he watches as blood seeps through his top, and begins to drizzle down.
Needy drops to the floor

The officer begins to laugh with sadistic gleam in his eye when his head explodes like a meat melon. SR dashes across the street to where Needy lies bleeding. He quickly drags him under cover.
"Son that was the bravest act of stupidity I've seen in the last thirty years." SR says as he cuts Needy's shirt open with a tanto dagger. SR grimaces at the all the blood. He quickly reaches into a pocket and produces another bandanna and a flask of whisky. He douses the wound with the whisky, wads it up the bandanna and forces it on the wound and begins taping it down with duct tape.

"Needy are you there," the com unit asks.

Flechette takes it up with her good arm and clicks to talk.

"Needy's hurt bad, I'm hit too." Flechette drops the com unit and musters the strength to turn her head and look at this stranger.

"So who the hell are you?"

"Stan, Stan Bye Passenger. Let's see that shoulder."

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, February 23, 2006 12:21 PM



Originally posted by mai:
Did you do all this? It's amazing!

/me leans forward, yawns, rubs his eyes, then grins at mai

what do you want to eat?

--- <-inching towards daylight


Thursday, February 23, 2006 12:58 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions



Originally posted by NEEDY:
As Flechette moves into the open, Needy calls back into the communicator “Get back downstairs to the entrance I told you about. We need to be ready to move”
“Copy” Amy replies, sharing nervous looks with Versereader

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny

It was a battle nobody wanted to fight, they just wanted to get out of there. Get to safety. This was as true for Safe and his crew, as it was for Amy, Versereader and Needy – though for some reason Flechette seemed eager to do some killin’

Amy was one who would have backed Needy if he had decided not to follow the gunfire, but when she thought about the others, she realised that if she was caught up in a firefight, she’d need all the help she could get.
Unfortunately, she now had found herself in that firefight out of her own volition. True she wasn’t actually doing any shooting, not at the minute at least, but she was hardly free from the action.
She and Versereader had been told to run to an upper room in the building, and seek out a location from where they could get a good view of the fight. That they had done on orders, and now as Needy had given them further orders to make for the exit, they were going to do that too. But still, something didn’t seem right.

Amy kept telling herself that she didn’t want to be involved, but at the same time, she felt like she wasn’t doing a thing to help

The sound of more gunfire erupting confirmed to Amy that Needy and Flechette had now joined the fight, doing all that they could to help. As she ran alongside Versereader, down the dirty stairs to the front entrance of the building, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being a coward. Fleeing when she should be fighting. She could be he…

Suddenly, a crackle on the communicator interrupts her thoughts.
There is no voice, but the sound of interference, as if the device had been damaged somehow whilst still being able to transmit

Amy stops running and pauses to listen out for a word, a command, anything.
At this point, Versereader, hearing that she was running alone, stops and turns to face her peer, mere feet away from the door they had been sent to.

Hesitating for a moment, Amy grabs hold of the comm. and speaks in to it, “Needy… are you there”


The silence seems to last forever and whilst Versereader stares at Amy for a reaction, Amy only looks down, her worries now having consumed her every thought.

Then, the comm. responds, as a voice crackles through.
It is unclear, but the voice belongs to Flechette, that much is certain.

Versereader breathes a sigh of relief as does Amy, that is until she recalls that there is no reason why Flechette would be answering Needy’s comm., unless…
The call confirms Amy’s fear. Although the reception isn’t the clearest, there’s no denying the message that comes through

“Needy’s hurt bad. I’m hurt too” Flechette gags.
Then the line goes dead

Without saying a word, Amy turns and runs back, past the stairs and for the side entrance – the one they had used to gain entry to the building.

Versereader calls back to her, but she isn’t listening.

She herself is torn between what to do. Follow through with the plan, or go back to help their guide.

Amy is out of sight by the time she has made up her mind, already having head for the door to the alley – the place they had last seen Flechette and Needy.

Versereader hesitates, before making her mind up, following the path Amy had taken.

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Thursday, February 23, 2006 1:37 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions



Needy opens his eyes to see the officer pop back up, take aim and fire.
In shock, the boy whore stands are stares. Then, he feels a sharp pain in his chest.
Looking down, he watches as blood seeps through his top, and begins to drizzle down.
Needy drops to the floor

Falling to the floor, Needy’s head hits the dusty ground hard.

His world goes black.


"... bravest act of stupidity I've seen in..."
"Needy are you there,"
"...hurt bad, I'm hit..."

Needy slipped in and out of consciousness. He tried to focus his mind on getting to his feet, but it was too much of a struggle to keep his eyes open.

The bullet wound would have been bad enough, but the blood that flooded the ground around his head was proof enough that his fall took as much a toll on the body as the hole in his chest.

A figure stood over him. It was a man, a man he had not seen before.
The man had his hands close to the companions chest, and he could feel him putting pressure on his wound.

Then Needy saw a more familiar face – Flechette, who crouched over him with an expression that told him that there was a good chance he wasn’t doing so good.

Needy tried to form words, maybe to ask for a hand up, or to ask if Flechette was alright – that flesh wound to her shoulder didn’t look pretty. But he couldn’t form words. He manages to make a sound using his lips, but that’s all it is – a sound, a groan, a gasp for air.

He coughs, spurting up blood in the process, blood that covers his chin and begins to run down his neck

“Hold on” Flechette encourages, as gunfire continues to blast around them.

“I…” he starts, before gagging on the blood in his throat

“Dammit, stay…” Flechette orders, but Needy doesn’t hear the end of it, as he loses consciousness once more



“Stay where you are” Needy had ordered

The store owner looked on in fear as the companion held a gun pointed towards him.

Behind him stood Flechette, Amy and Versereader, though none of them were armed

“What are you doing?” Williams, the owner pleaded. He knew Needy was a male companion – a hold-up didn’t seem to be in his character

“Sorry to do this, but we got no time. I’m gonna need some of your weapons. What have you got?”

Needy was as calm and respectful as one could be whilst holstering a weapon, but Williams seemed to be taking it for granted as he scoffed and replied “Depends how much money you’ve got”

Needy looked back at the group before turning back to Williams astonished “I’m holding a gun here. This is me pointing a gun at you. Could you please cut the smart replies and comply with me here. I’m being very reasonable.

“Sure you are” he mocked

“Flechette” Needy called to the woman behind him. “You see something you like, take it. Same goes for you two” he added, referring to the other women

“Would you mind telling me what you are going to be doing with all these weapons you’re, ahem, borrowing” Williams asked, whilst looking at Flechette taking an interest in and grabbing an antique shotgun.

“Do you not hear the firefight going on out there?” Needy nodded towards the street “People we know are caught up in that”

“No, them alliance officers. You cross them, you’re gonna get in some serious trouble… that is, if you don’t end up dead”

“I didn’t ask for your opinion, I asked for your compliance” Needy stated plainly

“Fine, take what you can carry. Anyone else I’d shoot you dead, it’s not like I haven’t got the weapons but you… Well I’ll tell you something Needy, I like you. You’ve done some fine work, helped my baby find her feet, but I’m telling you now, you go out there, weapon or not, the next time I see you, you’ll be in a bodybag”

“Thanks” Needy replied, not really paying attention to his words but Flechette as she grabs various weaponry and passes it around. Amy and Versereader take a handgun each, but only after being forced to. They slip the weapons into the waistline of their trousers.

“I’m telling you Needy cos I think you need to hear it. If you’ve gotten in over your head, which I expect you might, then back out now whilst you get the chance. I know you, you’re not the selfless type.”

“Don’t tell me what I am”

“Hey, the only reason I’m telling you this and not shooting you all dead where you stand is because I know if you leave this store with those weapons, it will only be a matter of hours before I pick them up again, this time off your dead carcasses. Don’t cross them officers. Leave whilst you can”

“I’ll take that under advisement” Needy replied, before signalling the others that now was the time to leave.

The gunshots they had heard were continuing, but there was no telling for how long. And if it was Safe and the others involved, then they needed help and needed it soon.

Needy, Flechette, Amy and Versereader headed for the nearby abandoned building, hoping to get a better look at the situation


Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Thursday, February 23, 2006 1:37 PM


Having prepared snacks (including the manly speciality of opening jars with out resorting to the knife trick!) and selected films, he returns to the bay to pick up the rabbits, wondering if he should turn back now, but deciding not too.

On reaching the bay he sees Rat and Jadehand talking together near the shipment, no sign of Roberts thank god..


To Ath over comm: Set course for Earth-That-Still-Wears-Digital-Watches.

Oh! Are we changing course? Ain't we heading to Boros to pick those guys up? I mean, I get the feeling theres some bad crap going on down there.

*they stare at him*

Uh, well, just saying. I'm off to pick up the bunnies, Serenity got some stuff for them.

*ducks into the room with the hammock, and the rabbits jump at him immedietly* ha ha, bored were we? Or did you sense the chance of food?

*leaves, deliberetly ignoring the envelope marked 'Seryn' and goes back to Rat and JH, who are still staring*

Oh, I was thinking of naming the fighter. What do you think of Nandi? Beautiful, dangerous, and hopefully.. my kinda stupid.

*JH stares, Rat manages to twitch slightly*

Well, I thought it was cool... see you guys later, the girls and I are watching movies if you're interested.

*walks off*


Thursday, February 23, 2006 3:28 PM


The grenade cooked off amongst the soldiers on the other side of the bin. The pounding on the bin ceased as the phosphorous cloud pushed the soldiers back coughing.

Citizen unclipped a couple more grenades, removed the pins and wedged them under the bins wheels.

"Little trick I learnt at school." He said beaming. "Well, I haven't had this much fun since the war, now on your feet soldier, you don't want to be around when these go off, should be a good show."

Citizen dragged Safe to his feet and over to the far side of the alley keeping as low as possible as random rounds impacted the ground around them. He lifted his briefcase and glanced at safe.

“All in one Guerrilla warfare kit.” He hit a release button on the handle and the sides fell away leaving a compact assault rifle. On one of the discarded sides there were a number of spare clips a pistol and a knife, on the other was various types of explosives and unidentifiable tubes. Citizen pocketed the weapons and spare clips. “These should help with gaining entry.” He said indicating the explosives as he checked chamber on the rifle.

The bin shifted and a moment later the two grenades exploded lifting it spinning into the air.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Thursday, February 23, 2006 5:00 PM


On Boros:


Amy is out of sight by the time she has made up her mind, already having head for the door to the alley – the place they had last seen Flechette and Needy.

Versereader hesitates, before making her mind up, following the path Amy had taken.

"Let's see that shoulder. You're not so bad."
SR employs yet another bandannna bandage on Flechette. Amy and Verse reader appear in the alley. SR notices them and recognises them for guerillas or civillians. He motions that they be quiet and join them under cover which they do quickly.

"Your friend is in a world of hurt you need to get him out of here and to a doctor right away, prefferably one off planet. When I start firing get him over to that truck and get him out of here."

"That's a alliance militia truck."

"Yeah it means that it will have the keys in it, a full tank of fuel and if your driving it fast enough no alliance will stop you."

SR then breaks cover to engage the the troopers. He zigs and zags his way back towards the alley. laying down heavy fire on any that stands in his way.

Scorpion Regent






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