Sereni-Tree: Boros cliffhanger, engaging paramours

UPDATED: Monday, March 6, 2006 01:36
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Friday, February 24, 2006 7:32 AM


Wherein war and love continue, as ever, intertwined.

Previous thread at:


Friday, February 24, 2006 7:45 AM


Let's see: While ScorpionRegent & Needy & safeat2nd & Citizen & TRM & a bevy of Brides heroically do heroic deeds on Boros, romance(s) blossom(s) on the Tree.


Friday, February 24, 2006 7:48 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by cozen:
Let's see: While ScorpionRegent & Needy & safeat2nd & Citizen & TRM & a bevy of Brides heroically do heroic deeds on Boros, romance(s) blossom(s) on the Tree.

TRM's on Boros?


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Friday, February 24, 2006 7:51 AM


Whadda I know? I've been confuzzled since the Pageant days!

Posts are editable, llamas will shit.

G'day, all, must needs sleep a portion of this one.


Friday, February 24, 2006 8:13 AM


From the previous thread:


Schwartz, looking a tad distressed, ambles into the Tree's common room. He hoofs it over to LightMeDark, squatting down between LMD and mai, patiently waiting for nature to take its course.

Oh, look, it's Schwartz! He's such an amusing llama.

Hey, Schwartz, would you like another carrot? I think I've got one somewhere...

*searches through pockets*

Oh, here we go!

*holds out carrot to Schwartz*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Friday, February 24, 2006 8:36 AM


*The sun shines down and birds fly by,
While beneath the Sereni-Tree's Tree,
PR does lie.*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Friday, February 24, 2006 8:44 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
From the previous thread:


Schwartz, looking a tad distressed, ambles into the Tree's common room. He hoofs it over to LightMeDark, squatting down between LMD and mai, patiently waiting for nature to take its course.

Oh, look, it's Schwartz! He's such an amusing llama.

Hey, Schwartz, would you like another carrot? I think I've got one somewhere...

*searches through pockets*

Oh, here we go!

*holds out carrot to Schwartz*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:

*KellyofLuthien furrows her brow.*

"He sure is standing funny...."

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Friday, February 24, 2006 9:30 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions



Originally posted by NEEDY:

Needy tried to form words, maybe to ask for a hand up, or to ask if Flechette was alright – that flesh wound to her shoulder didn’t look pretty. But he couldn’t form words. He manages to make a sound using his lips, but that’s all it is – a sound, a groan, a gasp for air.

He coughs, spurting up blood in the process, blood that covers his chin and begins to run down his neck

“Hold on” Flechette encourages, as gunfire continues to blast around them.

“I…” he starts, before gagging on the blood in his throat

“Dammit, stay with me” Flechette orders, her hands gripped on the wounded companion’s torn shirt.
A tear formed in her eye as she realised he was no longer responding
“Needy!” she calls out as SR pulls her aside. “What are you doing?!” she screams at the stranger.
“You’re not doing him any good, he needs more help than you screaming at him” SR throws at her.
Flechette hits the guy on the right side of his face with her good arm. “Then you friggin’ help him!”
SR’s head snaps back at her as the anger builds up inside of him It’s not me she’s angry at he tells himself, restraining the urge to hit her back.
Instead he looks at her injured shoulder, seeing that it could do with some more attention.


Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

"Let's see that shoulder…”

He says, holding the wrist on her right arm as he looks at the wound.

Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

"You're not so bad."

“It’s not me, that’s the problem! He needs help” Flechette shouts, pulling her wrist away from him
“That he does, but we can’t do much here, we need to move him” SR tells her, grabbing hold of her arm as he moves in for a closer look at her shoulder.


Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

SR employs yet another bandannna bandage on Flechette

Just then, two women appear from the alley behind Flechette.


Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

SR notices them and recognises them for guerillas or civilians. . He motions that they be quiet and join them under cover which they do quickly.

Amy and Versereader spot the man and although the latter understands what he is trying to say, Amy is too caught up in her own thoughts, especially when she catches sight of Needy lying motionless on the floor close to the man.

Amy runs up the three of them, occasionally ducking her body as gunshots shout out.

She slides next to Needy’s body, kicking up dust in the process with her feet.

“Oh god no!” she sobs, tears falling from her cheek onto his exposed bloody chest.

“You’re together?” SR asks her but she is unresponsive. Looking up to Versereader as she carefully approaches them, he asks the same question. She too doesn’t speak words at first, merely nodding before a word escapes her lips “Yes”.
“They’re with us” Flechette stares into SR’s eyes.
Versereader looks down at Flechette, a lump forming in her throat as she realises that Needy isn’t the only one who has been injured.

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Friday, February 24, 2006 9:34 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

"Your friend is in a world of hurt you need to get him out of here and to a doctor right away, preferably one off planet. When I start firing get him over to that truck and get him out of here."

The man that had chosen to assist them spoke slow and clearly but Amy could not fully take in his words. Flechette’s head was in it at first, but now the pain of the bullet wound was becoming apparent, until she found it difficult to focus her mind on anything else.

Versereader was the only one that was strong enough to keep her mind in the game.

“That’s an alliance militia truck” she replied to him

Realising that the only one listening to him was the one responding, SR turned to face Versereader alone.


Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

"Yeah it means that it will have the keys in it, a full tank of fuel and if your driving it fast enough no alliance will stop you."

Versereader looks up at the truck in the distance, locking her gaze upon it.
Then she looks at the other two women – they weren’t with it. Responsibilty fell on her shoulders.
“Ok” she replied to him

Nodding to her, SR follows through with his part of the plan, breaking cover to engage the troopers


Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

He zigs and zags his way back towards the alley. laying down heavy fire on any that stands in his way.

Having practically ignored every other word that had issued forth from the stranger’s mouth, Amy tears her eyes from Needy just long enough to see the man duck and dive through the bullets.

She looks at Flechette and begs “Who… who was that masked man?”

Flechette looks back at her clueless.

“We’ve got to get him out of here” Versereader interrupts, getting the attention of the others. “We need to move him, get him to that truck”

Amy and Flechette share looks with each other, unsure about the task at hand

“It’s his only chance!” Versereader insists

“Ok” Amy mutters before moving close to the companion’s ear. “Needy, we’re gonna get you out of here. Hang on”
Flechette bites her lip through the pain as she bends down, ready to lift him
“No, you’re hurt” Versereader stops Flechette “I’ll help lift him, you go for the truck” Flechette would normally argue the point, she was after all much stronger than Versereader and more capable therefore of lifting someone, but she knew the woman that had taken it upon herself to lead them was right.
“Ok” Flechette replied, running back down the alley to cut through the abandoned building to get to the truck
Versereader and Amy crouched on opposite sides of the companion as they both put their hands under his armpits, preparing to lift him upwards.
“Ready?” Versereader asks, prompting a nod from Amy as they struggle to pull and raise the man’s back from the hard floor.
Amy cringes as blood pours out from his chest as he gains upright position.
“C’mon we gotta move him now. Are you ready to lift him?”
Amy hesitates as her eyes follow the blood down his chest to his belly “No”
“What?” Versereader gasps
“Look” Amy replies, nodding her heads towards Needy’s hip
Slipping out of the man’s trouser pocket is a silver pensized device
“What is that thing?” Amy asks
Being an expert in bombs and Alliance weaponry, Versereader recognises it for what it is knowing all too well about it, and what it does.


Friday, February 24, 2006 11:03 AM



Slipping out of the man’s trouser pocket is a silver pensized device
“What is that thing?” Amy asks
Being an expert in bombs and Alliance weaponry, Versereader recognizes it for what it is knowing all too well about it, and what it does.

Her next thought is how Needy came to have it in his pocket. Versereader snaps her head up. He must have picked it up... that means... Leaving Needy slumped against Amy; Versa jumps up and runs of to the fallen Alliance officer. Searching him, she pockets any pass cards or ID she finds. Taking his hat and coat, she pauses scanning the ground. THERE! Laying against the wall, about the size of a baseball bat, a Sonic Mine!

Adding the mine to her armful, Versa turns as the Alliance truck backs into their area.

Flechette jumps down from the cab and the three lift Needy into the back.

Flechette accepts the coat, hat and papers from Versa without question. Putting the hat on, she slips gingerly into the coat with Amy’s help. Amy’s tailor instincts overriding her fear, she adjusts the jacket commenting that the dark colors will hide the blood stains.

“Hey!! What’s this truck doing...” an Alliance soldier starts as he rounds the corner. He never has a chance to finish the question. In one quick motion, Amy plucks the square metal name tag from the front of Flechettes new coat, spins and throws. It whistles through the air catching the soldier square in the windpipe. The soldier drops noiselessly to the ground.

Flechette and Versa stare open mouthed at Amy.

“What? I took training too you know...”

“Ok, let’s move!” Versa and Amy hop into the back of the truck. Flechette puts the truck in gear and drives forward. The Alliance soldiers, having seen the truck drive in, don’t gave it a second thought when a "uniform" drove it back trough the ranks.

In the back Amy, tears in hers eyes, looks to Versa “He’s not going to make it.”

Versa looks down at the Sonic mine still held in her hand. Her mind flashes back to her book store. She had a Blue Sun Tech manual that she had paid a pretty penny for. She had spent hours pouring over it. Recalling the pages on the Sonic Mine, its effects included a slowing of the body’s functions, allowing for easy capture. If she could jury-rig it to localize its effects, she might be able to slow Needy’s body down to buy them more time.

Gently releasing the mine from the end of the rod, Versa eases open an access panel exposing the wires. Versa dials back the event radius and puts the cover back in place.

“That should about do it.”

“Do what?” a nervous Amy asks.

“Watch and see.” Versa grins. She puts the mine over Needy’s chest and triggers the release mechanism. Four “legs” pops out of the sides of the mine and a humming, more felt than heard, fills the back of the truck. Versa slowly lets go of the mine and it hovers about two inches over Needy’s chest.

Amy gasps as the blood, once flowing freely from Needy’s wound, slows and stops.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, February 24, 2006 12:01 PM



Originally posted by mai:
Now that we have a quiet moment would you like talk about all that weird dreams stuff? You must be at least a little curious as to how you ended up here.

Yeah, I guess I would. There's so much there to examine, so much I don't understand. I often find myself wondering if this is real or if I've gone more crazy than I already was. Before all this happened I did dream about you...a couple times. They stood out for me because they were very vivid, very real...but now I feel as though I can't remember the details. I still feel like half a person.

I do remember a small bit...a shocking bit among all the other shocking and cryptic things I saw. You, eyes closed, body lax, floating in a pool of water - water that has clouds of blood billowing throughout. I'm not telling this to scare you. I won't let anything happen to makes me nervous to not know where you are. I...well, I guess I kind of feel something for you. I won't let that dream be real.

/me squidges mai to reassure her

--- <-inching towards daylight


Friday, February 24, 2006 1:53 PM


sitting a little way away, Esme relaxed and happy in his lap having here tummy tickled, he watches Mai and LMD talking, catching the odd word and biting his lip slightly. He turns away, not wanting them to feel him watching, I wonder if i'll ever manage to get to the point where I can just sit and spill like that... Jeeze, how is it fair that I get to grow this whole other body and still have to sit here, prey to stupid female slushyness? *pout* but it is sweet...

Shwartz ambles over, scavenging for more carrot bits, a look of either accusation, or intense concentration on its face. Hey, its hard to tell with Llama's.

'hey, so maybe I am a big girls blouse! You smell like hundred year old wet dog bedding.'

Shwartz makes a low grumbling in the back of his throat.

Well, It not my fault. You reek, deal.

He holds out a bit of carrot top for the animal to eat, but insteadof accepting it the llamma just stands there, the gurgling noises increasing until finally, with a gross goughing sound, he spits a huge glob of drools and slime and hair and bits of carrot and something which glints and shines even amongst the mess.

Oh my god thats disgusting! eeeuurrrgghhh! oh god! what the? Leaping up shaking his hand wildly in an effort to dislodge the awful goop, he falis to notice the slight glitter before it sails across the room. For a brief moment he stands torn between the desire to get the crap off his skin, and another to kick the llama's ass so hard that it'll need panel beating to remove the boot marks.

The desire to clean his hands wins, and the llama escapes, looking just about as pleased with itself as any llama can.

Accross the room, unnoticed, the goop lands under a small couch, Souls ring glinting and flashing in the intermitten light that reaches it.


Friday, February 24, 2006 2:29 PM



You, eyes closed, body lax, floating in a pool of water - water that has clouds of blood billowing throughout. I'm not telling this to scare you.

Yikes. Morbid much? *smiles* Around here it seems a dream is never just a dream. Maybe the bloody water thing has to do with the whole pirate/shark attack when you first arrived. I was a bit out of it when I first landed on that pirate ship, maybe you're appearance has something to do with stopping me from dying. Now my question is why was I "sent" there in the first place?

It feels like we were meant to come together. You know (and don't think I'm crazy here) I really think there's something that we have to accomplish. Something that destiny (yes, corny I know) knows only we can do. Does any of that make any sense?

I guess maybe we should start at the beginning and try to figure it all out. Do you remember anything of where you came from? Or what happened before you appeared here?

*squidges back* Oh by the way, I like you too.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Friday, February 24, 2006 3:58 PM


*his fear for her is suddenly overcome by the shock of her kiss. after a brief moment of stunned disbelief, he quickly gathers himself and puts his mind back on the matter at hand.

Yeah, a little morbid, I know. I feel like I'm missing an important detail, though...really, more like many important details. It might have to do with the pirate/shark attack thing, I guess. I don't know why any of this has happened, but I think I'm happy it did.

Heh, if you're crazy, I'm in the next padded cell down from ya. There's a purpose behind all of this.

Yeah, the beginning...uh, I remember being back in something like a skyscraper with a bunch of familiar people, they must have been friends. then i heard you yell for help. after that i'm not too sure of anything, everything is blurred and crossed and confused as if i was seeing everything from two eyes independant of eachother. I know I had different dreams that you were a part of both before and after that event.

I...well, what do you remember?

--- <-inching towards daylight


Friday, February 24, 2006 4:41 PM



*JH stares, Rat manages to twitch slightly*

Well, I thought it was cool... see you guys later, the girls and I are watching movies if you're interested.

*walks off*

Well, I guess we could use a diversion before we get to Earth-That-Still-Wears-Digital-Watches , I could really go for a good flick......


"Er, we're on the way to rescue some of our crew right now, but I'm sure we can go to Earth-That-Still-Wears-Digital-Watches when we get them back on board."

Or, we could come back for those parts, after the rescue. I better look over Psuedo Ocean Cloud again and make sure she'll hold up 'til we get the real one built.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
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He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Friday, February 24, 2006 5:46 PM



Jack ejects the spent cartridges and quickly reloads. To his left Citizen hoists Safe to his feet and moves to wall to the left of the gate. To his right, Bride7 disappears into the smoke, from her smoke grenades, a dangerous look in her eye. Directly ahead, the guards at the gate are unaware that Citizen and Safe are almost right next to them, thanks to Jacks heavy cover fire.

Jack looks down. Bride6 is slumped against the wall beside him gamely trying to load her gun with a ruined hand.

Jack holsters his left gun, steps to her side and hooks his arm under her wounded arm lifting her to her feet. This kept his right arm free and Bride6’s uninjured left arm free.

“Let me be your right arm and leg, you be my left gun hand. We’re gonna make a run across the alley to the opposite side of the gate from Safe and Citizen.” Jack looks into her eyes, “You ready?” A pale, grim faced Bride6 nods back. Jack leans in and kisses her. “Ok babe, let’s do this”

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, February 24, 2006 6:14 PM



I remember being back in something like a skyscraper with a bunch of familiar people, they must have been friends. Then i heard you yell for help.

I was there! At the time I thought it was a dream, but now I'm beginning to think I actually went there at the same time that you appeared here. Right before that we'd been dancing at a party on the 'tree. I was upset and perhaps a little tipsy so I went to lay down and suddenly I was in this whole new place.

I was scared at first so I hid in a cupboard.
At which point Cozen showed up out of nowhere.
Once I finally came out, I saw a few people that I knew, but they seemed different somehow. I mean Serenity practically told me I was crazy when I asked her about her wings. And there were other people there that I didn't know, but still seemed familiar somehow. When I showed up they all we were looking for you.

It was all so confusing and then suddenly there I was on this pirate ship... I must have hit my head when I landed there. I don't recall a whole lot about that little adventure until the end. And then we were back on the 'tree and there was so much going on there was no time to think about it. There's got to be more than this than just weird dreams. There has to be a reason for it all.

I have no idea that those reasons might be. Maybe we should call a meeting see if anyone else has any ideas.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Friday, February 24, 2006 6:40 PM



SR realized as he dashed back into the fray that the militia had written him off as a break and run when he dissappeared behind cover to help the wounded boy. There were only three troopers covering his direction. He dispacthed two of them before they could even raise their weapons. The third pannicked at the sight a masked man covered in dirt sludge and gore, He dropped his weapon and put his hands on his head in surrender. SR having no time for the green horn smacked him in the chin with the stock of his weapon knocking the soldier unconscious. He quickly swept up the man's submachine gun and relieved him of two grenades. As he did this one of the eight troopers at the alley mouth caught sight of SR and sprayed his submachinegun in his general direction. SR quickly dove behind a parked car for cover. Not waiting for more troopers to concentrate their fire his way SR threw both grenades towards the alley mouth one after the other. As the second shockwave struck he popped up firing the submachinegun in his left hand and his weapon in the other pouring a rain of lead towards the alley mouth. He watched the soldiers fall like rag dolls and he began to feel that terrible sickening ecstacy of battle rage when a burning in his abdomen told him that he was gut shot. SR dropped the submachinegun and dove through a plate glass window of a store front out of the field of fire. He crawled and staggered deeper into the store and collapsed behind the cashiers counter.

Scorpion Regent


Friday, February 24, 2006 6:44 PM


*On the screen in front of Ath, the planet Boros grows larger. He checks the computer, and decides it's time get everyone ready. However, before he can turn on the comm, a warning alarm goes off. Ath checks the long-range sensors. It's something big, much larger than the Tree.

Ath hits the comm: "TRM? Could you come to the bridge please? I think we may have trouble."

*As Ath tries to get a read on the ship, it hails him. He checks the origin of the signal and swears. It's what he was afraid of.*

"TRM? Could you hurry, please? A little running wouldn't go amiss."

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Friday, February 24, 2006 7:46 PM



Originally posted by CallMeAth:
Ath hits the comm: "TRM? Could you come to the bridge please? I think we may have trouble."

TheRealMe turns to ItsAWash. "I'm sorry, I'm needed on the Bridge. Sorry about the haunted room. We can get you new quarters."


"TRM? Could you hurry, please? A little running wouldn't go amiss."

TheRealMe leaves Wash's quarters and starts running. He speaks into his com-link. "What, Ath? What's up?"

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, February 24, 2006 7:47 PM


This is Thread 40!

For the complete “Guide to the Clubhouse / Treehouse / Sereni-Tree Threads”, see:

Near the beginning of the following thread is “TheRealMe’s Guide to the Sereni-Tree, V4”:

Previous thread (summarized below) at:

(Interim Summary)

Oh the Sereni-Tree:

It seems that there is a certain amount of couple-activity going on, with Soul and Serenity, Mai and Elemdee, and (with aid from Cupid-Soul on Valentine’s day) Ath and Kelly, as well as ItsAWash and TheRealMe. There have been picnics and parties and a great time had by all.

The ghost of Riverclone is still haunting her old room, now occupied by Washie.

The Ocean Cloud Scam on Grendel’s Find (involving Jadehand, Seryn, Rat, Quincey, Cozen, Mai, LMD, and TheManInBlack disguised as Washie) went off without a hitch, or only a few, with lots of platinum acquired by the conspirators to construct the real shuttle. Jadehand’s Nametags of Shapeshifting came in very handy, as he pretended to be Serenity’s arch-enemy from Boros, Heinz the Scar-faced guy, and bullied platinum out of the locals. I can’t wait until the real Heinz finds out! Rat wants to head off to Earth-That-Still-Thinks-Digital-Watches-Are-Cool to buy stuff, but the Sereni-Tree is currently heading to Boros to rescue our missing crewmates.


PsychicRiver used the permanent dimensional portal in Engineering (who knew that it was still working!) to return to Zoid’s Pub at the Bottom of the Tree on Earth-That-Still-Is. From there, he summoned his pifflepony friend Ororo for some solo adventure.

Also, Seryn seems to have developed extensive personal shapeshifting powers, and has lately adopted the form of a MysteryMan (one even more mysterious than Jazaf!).

Soul decides that he wants to marry the pregnant Serenity, and consults with her brother, Ath. Then he gets a diamond from Rat, and platinum from Jadehand, and gets Jazaf to metal-shape an engagement ring for him, but Cozen’s llama Schwartz swallows it! Llama-kabobs, anyone?

On Boros:

The group with Safe, Jack, Citizen, ScorpionRegent, Bride6, and Bride7 wandered through tunnels to arrive at an alley near a hanger that Needy told them about. The group with Needy, Amylisai, Flechette, and Versereader have done the same, though by a different path and after escaping a nasty encounter with the Alliance.

Safe’s group gets out of the tunnels and Bride6 shows that she is handy with a gun, but crossfire from Alliance troops from either ends of the alley have caused problems, and, despite much clever gunplay, grenade-tossing, and dumpster-moving, Our Heroes have been pinned down. Needy’s group (at least he and Flechette) have joined this firefight. Needy and Bride6 have been severely wounded, while Safe and Flechette have been hit as well.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, February 24, 2006 7:53 PM



The squad of Alliance troops try to charge back through the smoke to reach Safe, Jack, Citizen, and Bride6. Bride7, hidden among them, follows behind. As they come free of the smoke, Bride7 starts blasting them in the back with her shotgun. Meanwhile, Safe, Jack, Citizen, and Bride6 start shooting from their front. The Alliance squad is broken, and scatter for their lives.


Friday, February 24, 2006 11:44 PM



Originally posted by MysteryMan:
sitting a little way away, Esme relaxed and happy in his lap having here tummy tickled, he watches Mai and LMD talking, catching the odd word and biting his lip slightly. He turns away, not wanting them to feel him watching, I wonder if i'll ever manage to get to the point where I can just sit and spill like that... Jeeze, how is it fair that I get to grow this whole other body and still have to sit here, prey to stupid female slushyness? *pout* but it is sweet...

Shwartz ambles over, scavenging for more carrot bits, a look of either accusation, or intense concentration on its face. Hey, its hard to tell with Llama's.

'hey, so maybe I am a big girls blouse! You smell like hundred year old wet dog bedding.'

Shwartz makes a low grumbling in the back of his throat.

Well, It not my fault. You reek, deal.

He holds out a bit of carrot top for the animal to eat, but insteadof accepting it the llamma just stands there, the gurgling noises increasing until finally, with a gross goughing sound, he spits a huge glob of drools and slime and hair and bits of carrot and something which glints and shines even amongst the mess.

Oh my god thats disgusting! eeeuurrrgghhh! oh god! what the? Leaping up shaking his hand wildly in an effort to dislodge the awful goop, he falis to notice the slight glitter before it sails across the room. For a brief moment he stands torn between the desire to get the crap off his skin, and another to kick the llama's ass so hard that it'll need panel beating to remove the boot marks.

The desire to clean his hands wins, and the llama escapes, looking just about as pleased with itself as any llama can.

Accross the room, unnoticed, the goop lands under a small couch, Souls ring glinting and flashing in the intermitten light that reaches it.

~~EXCELLENT writing, some of the best I've seen. :0)

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Saturday, February 25, 2006 12:24 AM


From the thread before this one:

On the Sereni-Tree


“Huh?!” Ath's words cause TheRealMe to wake from sleep, startled, disoriented, dragged away from his dream. He ponders on how his mind could possibly craft that wonderful, blissful dream that he had just experienced! Why, he hadn’t felt like that, since… oh, since…

Washie stirs nearby. What’s SHE doing here? TheRealMe looks around. Uh, oh! These are her quarters. So it wasn’t a dream… So what in the world…

Then TheRealMe remembered Washie’s words:



"Pressure points, yeah. Among the things I picked up in Guild training. Has to do with the major and minor chakras. Are you familiar with how they work? 'Cause, if work slows down a bit around here, I could school you a bit, maybe at the same time we're re-stocking that kissie supply."

‘Chakra tuning,’ or whatever she had called it… was truly amazing! But how had he ended up here? It was quite unlike him, to so quickly…

Right! It was the arrow. The love arrow that Soul shot him with. It had messed with their minds, causing… uhhh… well…

But wait! Washie hadn’t been hit with any arrow. Hmmmm… That meant that either she really liked him, or else she was one hell of an accommodating Ship’s Counselor!

TheRealMe decides that he needs to either reward Soul or toss him into the brig! He’ll decide after he has something to eat.

Softly, he begins, “Washie? Are you hungry? Should I fix us some breakfast?” As he speaks, he gets up and turns to head toward the kitchen.

Someone is there!

“You can’t stamp it out completely. Evil returns. Always returns.” The young woman turns her face up from the shadows to stare directly into TheRealMe’s eyes. “Sometimes, it comes back even stronger!”

TheRealMe squints without his glasses. “Riverclone? No, it can’t be! You… You’re…”

“‘The vorpal blade went snicker-snack. He left it dead, and with its… head…’” Riverclone becomes a little distressed. “He left it dead! Took its gorram head away as a trophy! He didn’t even TRY to talk to it!” Her expression turns more serious. “After all, it might have had something to say! It might have had a reason. A reason to burninate the countryside!” There are tears in her eyes.

“Riverclone, I’m sorry! If I had been there when it happened, I would have stopped him! I swear! Somehow, I would have found a way!”

“To save me? Get me out? Alive?” Riverclone brushes the tears away, then she gets distracted by the sight of her own hand. Her voice becomes a whisper. “Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.” Then, she focuses on TheRealMe, speaking gravely. “No, it was the right decision. Would have been dust anyway, by now.”

And suddenly, she is gone!

TheRealMe sits down in a chair. He brushes away his own tears.

*Washie stirs and stretches a little as the man next to her rises from the bed. She's sated and sleepy still, not ready to follow him into wakefullness just yet. Eyes remaining closed, breathing slow and regular, she lays in between roused and slumber but last night's chakra-tuning, which she'd not shared in far too long prior to this night, pleasantly intrude.

"TRM," she murmurs, hand reaching over to the side he'd rested, "What must he think of all this?" Brow furrowed at that, she rises up on her elbows and peers into the cabin's gloom to find the object of her thoughts.

The First Officer is half-dressed sitting in a chair with his face in his hands. She has a sense of a sad spirit having recently been here, the signature left behind is that of the girl with the long dark hair from her vision.

*Shrugging on a cream and mauve kimono, leaving it open immodestly (Hell, he'd seen it all already) she pads on small bare feet to the man in her chair. "Hey. She been here again?"

The Real Him hurriedly wipes his face on his bare arm, shrugs into his shirt on the chair's back leaving the buttoning for later and nods at Washie. "It's RiverClone. Long dark history, even longer story I'll tell you sometime. Short version? Since you've seen her shade you know she's dead, but what you don't know is I couldn't save her, guilty as sin for not being able to prevent it." His voice catches on a sore note, but he recovers and sighs.

*Washie kneels between his legs where he's seated and looks up at him, searching his mind via the touch of her hand on the bare and furred skin of his chest. It takes no more than a couple of breaths to glean enough from his orderly mind to offer counsel, then she takes his hand in both of hers and says, "She doesn't blame you, no help for it--for what happened to her--and she knows it well. The appearances here to me, to you, are a warning, a fond attempt to help. She's a friendly soul, TRM, not a vengeful one, not one whit of blame for you or threat to me is sensed here."

Any others who knew her still on board the 'Tree? My idea is you and I have a meeting with others who knew her, hash out what she's said the past two visitations and then mind what we can. Ounce of prevention and all that."

*TRM studies Wash's face and then lower, to what he can see in the dim light, then clears his throat awkwardly, looking at a point somewhere over her left shoulder. Wash, holding his hand still, reads his expression, having no need to read his thoughts. She attempts to answer him and her own questions from first awaking next to him. "What happened tonight between us was an exercise in tension cleansing, chakra tuning, but doesn't need to be anything else we don't want it to be, neh? Felt a connection to you from the first time you were in need of my services making kissies, have wanted more than that ever since. Both adults, both needful... and hell, maybe blame it on the lovely dark shade's leaving warnings in the air causing the cabin atmo to get all amped up and wanting."

* TRM slowly smiles and looks directly into Washie's ice blue eyes, the darker blue rings at iris edge taking him in and he leans down to her, taking her face in his large hands, kissing the woman lingeringly, not for kissie-production, just for them.

"My minor chakras are much better tuned thanks to the session, ma'am, but I'm not quite sure the major ones got all the attention they needed, perhaps later?", his deep voice trails off, mouth closing on a swai smile.

Wash is in the process of taking both her arms up around his neck and joining him in the chair when he is alerted to a hot incoming message that doesn't have anything to do with her own heat.

She leans away, guides her 4 feet of blonde/brown hair over one shoulder out of her way as she rises, tying the kimono, going in search of some iced tea to quench a sudden thirst. As she prepares a glass she listens to TRM's "Danger, Will Robinson" message and sighs at the realization that he's on his way out, duty calling, gorramit. Hazards of setting your heart on smoochies with an officer in uniform--or out of it.


Originally posted by TheRealMe:

Originally posted by CallMeAth:
Ath hits the comm: "TRM? Could you come to the bridge please? I think we may have trouble."

TheRealMe turns to ItsAWash. "I'm sorry, I'm needed on the Bridge. Sorry about the haunted room. We can get you new quarters."


"TRM? Could you hurry, please? A little running wouldn't go amiss."

TheRealMe leaves Wash's quarters and starts running. He speaks into his com-link. "What, Ath? What's up?"

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Saturday, February 25, 2006 7:13 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

Originally posted by CallMeAth:
Ath hits the comm: "TRM? Could you come to the bridge please? I think we may have trouble."

TheRealMe turns to ItsAWash. "I'm sorry, I'm needed on the Bridge. Sorry about the haunted room. We can get you new quarters."


"TRM? Could you hurry, please? A little running wouldn't go amiss."

TheRealMe leaves Wash's quarters and starts running. He speaks into his com-link. "What, Ath? What's up?"

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

"We have an Alliance cruiser between us and Boros. Not only that, but they're demanding to talk to our commanding officer. And they aren't very patient."

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Saturday, February 25, 2006 7:31 AM


*realizing she can't just sit and do nothing while her son is off doing Merlin knows what, she decides to find out if Ath needs any help*

*she zips up her coveralls, tightens her boots, and quickly marches off to the bridge*


"We have an Alliance cruiser between us and Boros. Not only that, but they're demanding to talk to our commanding officer. And they aren't very patient."

Well, open the comm. You've got TRM and I standing right here. Let's hear what these elephants have to say.

*Ath starts at twg's voice and cautiously looks to TRM. twg sighs and walks over to a console and presses the comm. Don't they believe in her anymore?*

Thank you for holding, how may I help you today? Burger? Fries? Perhaps a sundae?
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Saturday, February 25, 2006 8:12 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul is still standing in the same spot, staring at the ledge where his ring for Serenity had been sitting. Somehow, someone had stolen it from right under his--

Wait! Llama saliva? His hand had been absently settling on the ledge and had come across a slimy substance. Quite a bit of phlegm was sitting on the ledge, and unless someone on the TREE had an incredible bad cold, the only possible source of that much salive is...

Soul's eyes widen.

Schwartz ate the ring?!?!?!?

His eyes narrow.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Saturday, February 25, 2006 8:44 AM


*KellyofLuthien stares in disgust at the vomitous mass flung under the couch in the common room. She hears another burp erupt from poor Schwartz.*

"Oh no you don't!" she exclaims, grabbing the fur on his neck. She leads him out of the common room, walking as quickly as possible, a quiet prayer to Eru that he not vomit on her pretty gown escaping her lips.

KOL heads toward the animal park, Schwartz following shamefully in her wake. As she reaches the water park bay doors she sees Soul tearing toward her at breakneck speed.

"The ring!" he shouts. "Where is the ring?!"

Kelly groans. Surely there was only One Ring? The One that was destroyed in the fires of Orodruin?

"Er, I'm not sure what you're talking about, but this llama needs rest and a quiet place. He just vomited in the common roo--"

Before she can even finish, Soul has raced out of the bay doors, heading toward the common room.

Kelly is perplexed. "Strange people here," she says to herself.

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Saturday, February 25, 2006 10:07 AM


*Serenity looks up in alarm as Soul comes tearing into the common room.*

Soul! Is something wrong?

Oh, nothing! Everything's fine.*He says, leaning against a table, and trying to look nonchalant.

Are you sure? You look upset.

Oh yeah! Everything's great. No problems. *He casually peaks under the table.*

Okay. Whatever. Don't tell me. *With some difficulty, Serenity gets on her feet and heads into the kitchen for more popcorn.*

The more pregnant I get, the weirder he acts.*she mumbles to herself. What's he going to be like when the baby's born?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Saturday, February 25, 2006 12:30 PM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul waits until Serenity is out of the room, and then finally exhales. He runs for the table and looks under it. Disgustingly, there are pieces of llama vomit all over the place. Thankful for his iron-clad stomach, he quickly begins to fish through the goop. Not finding the ring, he moves onto the next pile. Nothing.

Next pile. Nothing.

Next pile. Nothing.

He reaches the small sofa, and is beginning to think that the llama never ate the ring, when his fingers touch something hard and round. He pulls the small object out of the pile, and--

"I found it!!"

"Congrats. You discovered llama puke," LMD says from his seat on the other sofa.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Saturday, February 25, 2006 2:27 PM


a somewhat inebriated mt wanders around the tree, looking for Seryn.

On a good day, hell can look alot like LA.-Playing God


Saturday, February 25, 2006 3:29 PM


Having washed his hands, he wanders back to the common room to find Soul on all fours examining the piles of llama, uh, leavings.

riiiight... 'um, Soul, you know, leave that, i'll deal with in in a moment... *Soul, intent on his, um, work, doesn't hear him* 'ok, nevermind.

The rumble of the popcorn maker starts up in the kitchen, and he follows the sound to find Serenity at the controls. Giving the machine a wide berth, he goes to the stove to start making sugar syrup to go on the popcorn.

'hey, Serenity? you know about this, whole, um, shape changing thing? Could you maybe keep it to yourself for a little while? And let Kelly know too, if you see her before I do *grins wickedly* It could have its uses...'

*Serenity looks over and smiles* 'your secret is safe with me'

'cheers. *grins again* So who do you think I should attempt to freak out first?'

Serenity giggles, taking the syrup from him and loading the nmachine. 'whoever it is, I want the gossip!' and laughs again.

'Cheers for that honey... hey Soul'

'Hi... you are?'

'Thats a point, i'll get back to you on that! Right now i'm off. I saw TRM running towards the bridge, and i'm just nosy enough to want to know why. I'll catch up with you later sweetie, bye guys!'

*makes his way to the bridge*


aw, cheers washie, thank you.

(I just realised though that I have some amazing superpowers, mystery man can sit and watch LMD and Mai talking even though they are possibly still several decks away. but why let geography get in the way? hee hee )


Saturday, February 25, 2006 6:00 PM



Originally posted by mai:
I have no idea that those reasons might be. Maybe we should call a meeting see if anyone else has any ideas.

Yeah. Good idea.

/me grabs mai's hand and makes for the common room.

--- <-inching towards daylight


Saturday, February 25, 2006 7:51 PM


*Dons a tuxedo. Dresses Piffle up in KellyofLuthien's wedding garb, and drags Piff into the common room for the rehearsal to Serenity and Soul's wedding ceremony.*



Saturday, February 25, 2006 7:53 PM




Because Dancers are tough,mean...Chicas!! -Summer Glau


Saturday, February 25, 2006 9:04 PM


OOC: A little tip for anyone with multiple personality disorder: You can have two accounts logged in at the same time by removing (or adding) the "S" in the URL, that way you can switch without leaving the thread. Much easier then logging out and then back in again! Don't know if anyone already knew that.

Acquisitions Officer - SereniTREE


Saturday, February 25, 2006 9:46 PM


Geez, Rat, why do your links each go to the same boring place!

*Escorts Piffle to the dance floor. Introduces her to PsychicRiver, cuz he's worthy.*



Saturday, February 25, 2006 10:48 PM



I just realised though that I have some amazing superpowers, mystery man can sit and watch LMD and Mai talking even though they are possibly still several decks away.

Well at least you noticed we were gone! But we are now on our way back to the common room. And we need help!

*Turns on comm*

Attention 'tree people there is a meeting taking place in the common room soon-ish. Not a mandatory type thing, just a little (well not so little) problem we have been trying to figure out. We need to know what happened between the time I disappeared and LMD appeared here from wherever...and lots of other strange things too. We could use some extra insight if anyone's willin'.

*sits down w lMD still holding hands and waits for the others to arrive*

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Saturday, February 25, 2006 11:26 PM


*just a few meters away from the bridge*

'dammit! and I was almost there!'

what to do? what to do...

'crap!' *thinks* well, i'm practically on the bridge now, I'll pop in, find out how long we've got, then sprint to the common room for Mai

He enters the room, where TRM and Ath are almost totally immobile, staring at each other, consternation writ large across their features, Whilst TWG talks about fast food to someone on the comm. ok, random...

Though the windows A planet which he can only assume is Boros looms. Cool... then on a viewscreen he sees the cause for worry.

Between the large sphere for the planet and the small green blob for the Tree, sits a larger blob in a very menacing shade of red. Alliance, command cruiser no less. Why in hells name are they here? are the traffic cops not enough for one little rock? Hang on.. Jeeze, is that the cruiser on the line there?

'Aw crap...'

TWG, you do know what your doing don't you?


Sunday, February 26, 2006 5:46 AM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
*she zips up her coveralls, tightens her boots, and quickly marches off to the bridge*


Ath wrote:
"We have an Alliance cruiser between us and Boros. Not only that, but they're demanding to talk to our commanding officer. And they aren't very patient."

Well, open the comm. You've got TRM and I standing right here. Let's hear what these elephants have to say.

*Ath starts at twg's voice and cautiously looks to TRM. twg sighs and walks over to a console and presses the comm. Don't they believe in her anymore?*

Thank you for holding, how may I help you today? Burger? Fries? Perhaps a sundae?

On the Bridge of Sereni-Tree:

During the time some outraged Alliance officer is quoting rules and regulations back to a pleasantly confusing ThatWeirdGirl, TheRealMe reaches down to touch a mute control.

“Mister Ath, just now we have our Bridge facing the Alliance ship. Over the next five minutes, I want you to rotate the Sereni-Tree some 45 degrees until the North Wing is facing it. I want the South Wing hidden from sight, in order to open the hanger doors without being noticed.” TheRealMe reaches down to select an emergency com channel. “I’ll contact you on this frequency. Keep it scrambled.”

TheRealMe turns to ThatWeirdGirl. “WeirdGirl, I will be accompanying the rescue party. You will assume command of the Sereni-Tree until such time as Ebo or I return. Try to keep them talking. Use your Confuse power if you can. But get Jake7 in a quad laser turret, just in case. I do not believe that we can overcome that ship in a fair fight... so fight dirty. Blast off their targeting sensors. Vent garbage to make it seem like we’re injured to lure them in. Run away if necessary. We will find you eventually with my dimensional portal power. Good luck.”

TheRealMe re-activates the com channel, where the Alliance officer is still droning on. Then, TheRealMe turns around to depart, and sees the MysteryMan. “Huh. Who are you? Never mind. Follow me off the bridge, please, this is an emergency, and I don’t want any civilians caught up in it.”

As TheRealMe drags MysteryMan off the Bridge, he sets his com-link to a ship-wide broadcast, excluding the Bridge. “All hands, we have an Alliance Cruiser staring us down! We’re trying to talk, but prepare for battle anyway. ThatWeirdGirl is in command. Jadehand, Seryn, prepare a rescue party to Boros in the Ocean Cloud, departure time in five minutes . I hope your cloaking technology is the real thing!”

TheRealMe starts walking around the balcony to the Hanger Bay entrance. He touches another control on his com-link. "Sparky? This is Me. Please collect the following items and bring them to the Hanger Bay within four minutes and forty-three seconds..."

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Sunday, February 26, 2006 6:09 AM


*Looks up from under the control panel of Psuedo Ocean Cloud *

Crap, so soon?

*Hits the Talkie button*

I'm in the hanger now running final checks, She'll be ready when you get here.

*Releases talkie button and quickly unloads and secures the platinum, and reloads weapon systems*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Sunday, February 26, 2006 6:11 AM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Jack looks down. Bride6 is slumped against the wall beside him gamely trying to load her gun with a ruined hand.

Jack holsters his left gun, steps to her side and hooks his arm under her wounded arm lifting her to her feet. This kept his right arm free and Bride6’s uninjured left arm free.

“Let me be your right arm and leg, you be my left gun hand. We’re gonna make a run across the alley to the opposite side of the gate from Safe and Citizen.” Jack looks into her eyes, “You ready?” A pale, grim faced Bride6 nods back. Jack leans in and kisses her. “Ok babe, let’s do this”

"Uh.. Okay." As he helps her up, Bride6 winces with pain; the adrenalin is starting to wear off. "Hey, was that Mister Needy they loaded into that truck? Mister Needy! Huh. Looks like he needs a doctor! We have a REALLY good doctor on our ship, the S..."

Jack muffles her mouth with his gun hand. "Hey, babe, no need to advertise ourselves!"

"Oh, right." She looks around. "Where is Stan?"

At that moment, from the obscuring smoke, an Alliance squad charges forward. Jack helps Bride6 move toward their destination while both pour shots into the group, dropping a few. Some hand grenades go off among the squad. Then, suddenly, from behind the Alliance squad, a shotgun starts blasting them.

Bobby Sue, Bride6


Sunday, February 26, 2006 7:22 AM


In the middle of being dragged off the bridge, something occurs to him. Wrestling free of the first Mate he runs back to TWG, searching around for something to write with and on, and settles for a marker pen from his pocket on the wall near the comm. unit.

As Ath and TWG watch alarmed, mystified and slightly irritated, he scrawls a series of letters and numbers, and a seemingly random word on the paint.

'Look, don't use it if you don't have too, its the only one thats likely to still work, but there’s no guarantee, and they may just shoot you for your cheek...

But if there’s no other option, it may be worth a shot'

Ath reacts first, angrily -'just who are you? What is that?'

'Um, get back to you on the firs...'

He is interrupted by TWG 'Its a government clearance code... how..?'

But he's already out of the door.

Running for the bay, he struggles, strides uneven and stumbling, running style thrown off by the new centre of gravity and the increased muscle mass maybe I should have spent sometime getting used to this before... he catches up with, TRM, and sees Jadehand by the cloud. With out stopping he grabs a flightsuit and runs over to the Fighter, the Nandi shouting over to Jadehand.

'Jade? How far does the S.E.P field extend? If I get in close will it cover me for a while? Long enough to get us past the cruiser?'

She reaches the Nandi, scanning the repairs, hoping against hope that they are enough to get him to the surface in one, relatively whole, piece. He considers going back for the bow, but realizes with the new body the weight and balance would be so off as to make the arrows he had useless. Going round to the back of the fighter he checks the lockers, and smiles when he sees the guns back in their place, and the stock of flares and grenades mercifully undiminished. Right, well lets just hope you got enough of a charge...

'Jack? Oh dear... Jade? Any idea on whether the field will cover me?'

Perplexed Jadehand looks over, 'yeah, should do. Well, it will a little, but not completely, there’s no way of telling if they'll react to you'

'A little will be enough, if they spot me, I’ll separate, and you carry on'

'Right, ok. ...look.. Who are you!?'

*grins* 'you know who I am! Let me know when you are ready'


Sunday, February 26, 2006 8:00 AM


In the Sereni-Tree hanger bay:

Confused, TheRealMe looks first at Jadehand, then at the MysteryMan checking out the fighter. He shrugs. Just then, Sparky runs in, carrying a large pack.

TheRealMe takes the pack and tosses it into the Ocean Cloud. "Thank you, Sparky. You had better be going, now."

TheRealMe joins Jadehand in the Ocean Cloud, and checks his watch. "Just a few more minutes, Jade. Let's see if anyone else decides to join our little expedition."

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Sunday, February 26, 2006 9:08 AM



Jack and Bride6 are halfway across the alley when the Alliance squad burst out of the smoke. Both parties stand momentarily shocked at the sight of the other, when the garbage bin at the other end of the alley explodes.

Jack instinctively drops to a crouch and fires. His first shot drops three soldiers?? “Hunh?”

A form walks out of the smoke behind the soldiers, shotgun held at hip level. Bride7.

Citizen pulls a vial of bright green liquid from his kit, steps away from the wall and tosses the vial over the barricade at the gate then presses back against the wall beside Safe.

The vial breaks splattering everything in its vicinity.

“Umm Citizen, I think that was a dud.” Safe says in between shots at the Alliance squad emerging from the smoke.

Citizen grins and winks, “Give it a minute…”

Sure enough, a series of explosions of varying intensity sound from behind the barricade. Safe looks at Citizen puzzled.

“Every drop of that liquid acts as its own explosive when exposed to air.” Citizen grins even wider.

Seeing that what remains of the Alliance squad was now in a state of panic, Safe steps out from the wall, gritting his teeth he pushes aside the pain in his left arm, and steps around the barricade both guns level.

The sight that meets him is grisly even by experienced soldier standards.

Safe signals to the others the way is clear.

Bride7 blasts the last soldier, steps over to Bride6’s other side and together with Jack, carries her through the barricade.

“Ok, it’s a brief sprint across the tarmac to the hanger.” Safe looks at Jack “You gonna be able to handle that?” he asks Bride6. Jack nods.

“Citizen! What are you doing? Lets go!”

“Just leavin’ a “surprise” for any what decide to emulate our particular direction of travel.”

At that point, an Alliance truck crashes a gate further up the compound, headed for the hanger.

“Man, we’re humped now.” Jack says hoisting Bride6 up.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Sunday, February 26, 2006 9:39 AM


Boros: Needy and crew:

The truck bounced along the road.

“Where’re we goin’ Flechette?” Amy asked, hanging on for dear life.

“We’re getting’ off this rock. Gonna meet with that fella Safe and Mr. Citizen.” Flechette snapped through clenched teeth.

“Seems like we just got settled in after helping that young doctor get his sister out and now we’re movin’ on again. I’d like to stay in one spot. Find me a nice man…” Amy says wistfully.

“Nature of the business littl’un. Fightin’ the good fight. Our day will come, then you can find your nice man and settle down.” Flechette says softly.

“Versa, how’s Needy holding up?”

“Stable, but I don’t know how long the mine’s power will last. There weren’t any specs on that in my book.”

“Is it goin’ to… affect him?” Amy asks, nodding towards the Sonic mine.

“It’s not like it’s radiation, it’s electricity and sound. What could that possibly do to him?” Versereader shrugs.

“There..” Flechette says and cranks the wheel hard to the left. The truck tires squeal their protest at the sudden move but hold.

Ahead is another gate to the compound guarded by two Alliance soldiers.

Flechette jams her foot to the floor. The truck roars, crashing through the gate, sending the soldiers flying.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Sunday, February 26, 2006 10:35 AM


Well, I guess we better be on our merry soon. I 'm guessing Seryn has been through some changes, she's the only one I know that could pilot that thing.

*he raises his voice for the MysteryMan to hear*

"You're going to have to stick close for this to work. Actually if that thing can stick to the bottom of the Cloud upsidedown like they are on the cruiser, that'd be our best bet. otherwise, just get so close that if you were any closer you'd be in us."

*Turns back to TRM*

So considering my favourite acrobatic pilot is taking her fighter.....Who's flying this thing??

We've got room to take on our passengers and maybe a couple of Gunhands, if anyone's ready. But we better do this quick before that Cruiser gets antsy.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Sunday, February 26, 2006 10:57 AM


On the Ocean Cloud in the Sereni-Tree

TheRealMe sets his com-link for a ship-wide broadcast, again excluding the Bridge. "Hello, this is Me. If there are any other volunteers for the Boros rescue mission, report to the Hanger Bay in..." He checks the time. "...fifty-seven seconds."

TheRealMe climbs into the pilot seat, and starts flipping switches to bring the shuttle's systems online. He turns to Jadehand. "I can pilot this vessel, if necessary. So, Jade, you once said that you believed that this craft could not survive re-entry."

TheRealMe takes a deep breath.

"How strong is this belief?"

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Meanwhile, somewhere else on the Sereni-Tree, Quincey is runing full out, cursing profusely.


Sunday, February 26, 2006 11:47 AM


He completes the checks, hops out of the fighter and runs to TRM and Jade.

'hey, so cling to the underside of the Cloud you say? Right, can do. Um, wheres Quincey, she's gonna be so pissed of if she misses this... come to think of it... what happened to Roberts?'

*giggles (a very strange sound to issue from the mouth of a six foot slightly-less-hairy Wolverine look-alike)*

'guess maybe she cracked out the slinky dress.

'oh, to business,is there any way we could get the Nandi to take the brunt of the burn? try and smooth the way out for the Cloud?'


Sunday, February 26, 2006 12:24 PM



Originally posted by mai:
*sits down w lMD still holding hands and waits for the others to arrive*

Ugh...looks like this is going to have to wait. Again. I don't know who the Alliance is, but it doesn't sound like any fun to me. Maybe we should help?

/me gives mai a little kiss and a squeeze before standing up and pulling her after him.

Let's get to the hangar bay

--- <-inching towards daylight






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