Sereni-Tree: Boros cliffhanger, engaging paramours

UPDATED: Monday, March 6, 2006 01:36
VIEWED: 21084
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006 6:23 AM


*PR steps out of the Nandi and looks around.* Okay...nobody's around. That's good. *As he walks out he shakes his head.* But I'm talking to myself again. That's not good.

*He looks around and then quietly and stealthily heads towards a door.*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 6:36 AM


*strolls onto the Bridge*

Yeti? Again? Good grief, no-one with great intelligence would get them involved by choice. Things must be getting desperate.

*sees the portal trail across to the cruiser*

Right. Sure, just drop yourself in a whole bunch of trouble. Why not?

I'm going back to my box to prepare a deus ex machina, just in case it becomes necessary. PR, if you or your mother need me, yell. I've not run out of tricks yet.


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 6:47 AM


"Dr. Simon sir, This Sparky. There is a gent... patient needing your attention in the infirmary. He is not at all well."

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 8:01 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Boros, Needy’s unconscious mind:

Still in the arms of the being that resembles Serenity, Needy struggles to breathe.

Gliding across the floor, Serenity-form moves the companion over to the bed and softly lays him down.

Lying on his back with his eyes facing the ceiling, Needy’s line of sight no longer includes the Serenity-form. Nor can he hear her – though not because he is deaf, but because if she is still there, she is not making a sound. He cannot move to look around. His body is asleep - the only part of him able to move being his eyes.

He tries to speak but he cannot.

Only in his mind can words form, words that cannot be expressed vocally.

Serenity. Please. Are you still there? Help me.

A voice then calls back in reply to his thoughts

“I’m here.”

Needy calms slightly, but he is far from comfortable.

Now paralysed, his thoughts are overcome by the pain that has taken over his body - a sustained unbearable pressure on his chest.

“I can make it go away, but it won’t be over.” Serenity-form adds, leaning over him so that he can see her face.

Needy’s expression is one begging her to relieve his pain.

“You have to understand though that what I’m about to do is not without consequences. There will be some, some you may not be ready for, but ones that are necessary if you are to carry on with your life.”

Needy blinks at her, acknowledging what she has said. But he doesn’t understand just what consequences she could possibly be referring to - he doesn’t completely understand anything at the minute.

“You will be in a position to help your new friends. This is what you must do. This is why I’m taking the risk and doing this now. This is not how things are to be done usually – there are rules, ways of doing things - but there is no time. You must get back now.”

A tear runs down Needy’s cheek, the pain now too much to bear.

Serenity-form moves away from his face and, standing beside his body, places her hands on his bloody chest.

“This may hurt” she warns

Suddenly a sharp pain strikes his chest, the pain running through the rest of his body like an electrical current. He feels it sizzle and burn as it runs through his veins causing his body to tense up

Closing his eyes, he next feels his body jerk and he lets out a scream of pain.

Then he feels a hand push him back.

Opening his eyes he realises he’s no longer at home.

He’s no longer lying helpless in an alley.

He’s in a truck. The hand that presses against him belongs to none other than Versa.

“Needy?” she asks astonished.

His eyes flutter back and forth as he takes in his surroundings.

“Stay with me, you hear?” she encourages

He rubs his hand against his chest where the bullet had hit him

“Don’t do that” Versa tells him with a faint smile.

Moving his hand away, her mouth drops as she sees his wound

No longer is the wound open, but it has been covered over, so much so that the entry wound now looks like nothing more than a scab.

Looking at the device she had been using, she gasps and says “Well, that’s just shiny. I’m keeping this.”

Smiling she looks up at Needy “How do you feel?”

He is unresponsive, staring forwards with open eyes.

“Needy?” she pushes

Still he doesn’t respond.

“Are you o…”

“It isn’t over” he states prophetically.

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 8:39 AM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
a deus ex machina, just in case it becomes necessary.

(To interim captainstress TWG): 1 x infinite-goof and 1 x llama, each possessing an accidental capacity for timely intervention, are at your service, ma'am! {insert spiffin' sharp salute here }



Tuesday, February 28, 2006 11:36 AM


*Serenity follows Kelly and the others to the animal park*

*over comm link* Ath, is there anything I can do to help? I know I can't do much in the way of fighting, but if there's anything else I can do, let me know.

I'm not good at the sitting and waiting.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 12:28 PM


*Back on the Bonaparte :

So, TRM, What happens if one was to leave the shrunken Bonaparte before if resumes normal size? Do they stay small, or grow back to normal size? And can we risk radio contact with the Tree to find out what's going on?

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 4:51 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
One of them smiles, revealing sharp fangs, and addresses Ath (as Ath is the one with the most colorful shirt). It pounds its chest. "Assan help. Yeti help." The other Yeti growl in agreement. "You say how!".

*Ath considers the yeti situation for a few moments.*

"Nice to have you with us Assan! Some bad people are trying to get on our ship and hurt us. If you wouldn't mind, could you go down to the common room and give them a nice suprise if they show up? Just attack anyone with a uniform.*

*Assan nods his head and howls. The other yeti take off at a run, eager to help.*

"Well, now that they're out of the way..."

*Ath gets on the com-link and contacts Jake7.*

"Jake? Looks like we have trouble coming our way. Lock and loud. I'll be sending some more people up there to help."

*Ath switches his com-link over to his sister.*

"Now you know I believe that women are just as capable as men, sometimes more so, so when I tell you that I don't want you in the fight, it's only because you're pregnant. And when you go ahead and do so despite my wishes, I get to yell at you.

Now I need some people to man the turrets. We already have Jake7 in one, so we have three empty spots. Anyone there that can help?"

*Once Ath clicks off his com-link, Jazaf rounds on him.*

"You are not trying to tell me that you're planning on attacking the cruiser that has Soul, TWG and Seryn on it, do you?"

"No," responds Ath. "I'm going to attack the other one that's bearing down on us right now."


*Jazaf looks down at the monitor to see that the second cruiser is indeed heading directly towards the Sereni-Tree, launching fighters as it comes.*

"You didn't think that explosion was enough to destroy the whole thing did you? Now if you don't mind, I've got some flying to do. Unless you and Duece feel like manning a turret?"

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 5:21 PM



Originally posted by CallMeAth:
*Ath switches his com-link over to his sister.*

"Now you know I believe that women are just as capable as men, sometimes more so, so when I tell you that I don't want you in the fight, it's only because you're pregnant. And when you go ahead and do so despite my wishes, I get to yell at you.

Now I need some people to man the turrets. We already have Jake7 in one, so we have three empty spots. Anyone there that can help?"

*Once Ath clicks off his com-link, Jazaf rounds on him.*

"You are not trying to tell me that you're planning on attacking the cruiser that has Soul, TWG and Seryn on it, do you?"

"No," responds Ath. "I'm going to attack the other one that's bearing down on us right now."


"You didn't think that explosion was enough to destroy the whole thing did you? Now if you don't mind, I've got some flying to do. Unless you and Duece feel like manning a turret?"

*KellyofLuthien watches Serenity's face frown at her brother's order before softening into something that looks like surrender. Kelly walks up and places her hand on Serenity's arm.*

"I know sitting idle isn't your way, but you have the most important job on this ship right now: you are carrying the future inside you. Keep it safe."

*Serenity nods, gripping her katanas. Kelly turns to LMD, mai, Washie, Fishie, and Piffle who have followed her into the animal park, carrying various weapons.*

"Okay, sounds like Ath needs some help. Who here is a good shot?"

*Before they can answer, Ath gets back on the com-link.*

"Duece and Jazaf are manning turrets," he says. "We need one more person. Kelly, do whatever you need to do to hide whoever's there and then get up here asap."

*Kelly acknowledges Ath and turns back to the group.*

"OK, change in plans. LMD, I want you in charge of protecting these women, especially Serenity. If any of you want to help up there, get on the link and ask Ath what needs to be done. I'm going to hide you all now."

*Kelly leads the group to a small group of trees. Fred the dinosaur ambles slowly by, putting his head close to Mai for a pat before walking away. Kelly draws a large circle in the dirt, muttering in Elvish as she walks. When the circle is completed, a shaft of golden light shoots skyward before receding back into the ground. Kelly steps out of the circle, nodding as she does so.*

"OK, as long as you stay in this circle, no one can see you. If the Alliance come in here, keep as quiet as you can and hopefully they won't be able to find you. Eru protect us all."

*Kelly bows quickly and leaves the animal park. As she closes the door, an idea strikes her. She gets on her com-link again.*

"Sparky, I need you to come to the animal park and rig the door so it won't open from the outside without a code. Do it quickly, please."

"But Miss Kelly--"

"Now would be great, Sparky. We are running out of time."

"As you wish, Miss Kelly."

*KOL runs up to the last turret and settles in, thinking how odd it must be to see a Vala manning a huge gun.*

"Ok Ath, I'm ready when you are. What're my orders?"

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 5:22 PM


On board the Kilgore, moments after the explosion:

*Captain Roth struggles to his feet, immediately trying to get control of the situation. For one thing, he's not particles flying through space, so that much is right.*

"Ensign Jhang! Report!"

"Sir! Engine's, weapons, life support, all on-line. Crew quarters 110 through 150 are gone, but airlocks are holding. The damage is relatively minor, sir."

"Lieutenant Black! Any idea where the shot came from?"

"No sir! We were out of laser range, but it could have been a missile."

"Hmm. The briefing said they have some strange technology on board. Maybe they have a missile that we can't detect?

"Lieutenant Beaufort! Plot an attack course for the Sereni-Tree. Full speed."

"But sir, our orders were specific not to atta-"


"Yes sir!"

*Roth opens a line to the pilot bay.*

"Commander Ling! I want your fighters hitting space in two minutes."

"Yes sir!"

*As the Kilgore heads toward the Tree, a wave comes from the Tripoli, directly to Roth's command chair. Roth hits a button, silencing the signal.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 6:19 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
She falls, for a few seconds she sits, thinking about nothing much but the pain in her skull, then stares groggly at someone who has come to crouch infront of her. Kind of like her grandfather, but sharper, he smiles at her. Then turns to the Commander. He clasps his hands together infront of him, and she begins to get very scared.

'No, don't fire at them, I have a better idea...'

On the bridge of the Tripoli:

"Gentlemen," the man says, looking at the soldiers guarding Seryn, "please take Miss Seryn to my room. I will be having a....personal conversation with her. Commander Guerrin, you're in charge."

*When they get to the man's room, the soldiers deposit Seryn into a chair and leave. The man sits down opposite her and smiles.*

"How have you been, Miss Seryn? We have been most concerned about you. We wondered, what have you been up to since you left? And how did you get on that ship?

"Oh, I know what you're thinking. You're not going to tell us anything. But Miss Seryn, you've been wrong an awful lot today. You thought you'd scared us. You thought your former rank would mean something. And you thought that this," he says, pulling out a tool that Seryn knew well, "only kills. It has different settings, you know."

*The man hits a button on it, and Seryn immediately begins screaming in pain. It only lasts a minute, but to Seryn it seems a lifetime.*

"Do you see what I mean? And that was just the beginning."

*The man hits the button again, and again Seryn screams. This time it only lasts a few seconds, as the man is interrupted by a hail from the bridge.*

"This had better be good, Commander."

"Sir, the Kilgore is attacking the Sereni-Tree."

"Really? Hmmm....."

"Sir? What are your orders?"

"Hold your position, Commander."

"Sir? Aren't you worried that the target will be lost?"

"No Commander. For now, this suits my purposes. Keep me updated on the conditions of both ships, however."

"Yes, sir."

"Now, Miss Seryn," says the man, turning back to her, "where were we?"

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 6:50 PM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:
*KOL runs up to the last turret and settles in, thinking how odd it must be to see a Vala manning a huge gun.*

"Ok Ath, I'm ready when you are. What're my orders?"

"Fire at will, Kelly. You can shoot the fighters all you want, but it's the cruiser we need to worry about. Aim for the engines, the bridge, and the weapons. Stay cool and you should be just fine."

*KOL grips the trigger and takes a deep breath.


"Oh, and Kelly? I'm glad you're with me on this."

"Haryalyë melmenya, Ath. We will make it through."

Co-written by KellyofLuthien.

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 7:46 PM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
*Back on the Bonaparte :

So, TRM, What happens if one was to leave the shrunken Bonaparte before if resumes normal size? Do they stay small, or grow back to normal size? And can we risk radio contact with the Tree to find out what's going on?

"Don't broadcast for now. My whole ruse depends on them thinking that they destroyed us, remember? They could still send fighters to intercept us. As far as the shrinking? Well, Rat assured us that we would die instantly, but both Needleseye and myself have jumped off with no ill effects. And we grew to normal size. I must say, though that it hurt like a sonofa..."

TheRealMe looks around the cabin at Jadehand, Quincey, and himself.

"Say, didn't we have LightMeDark and Mai aboard just a few moments ago, or was that my imagination?"

TheRealMe takes another look, and does a double take when he notices Monkeytail. "Hello, Monkeytail! Glad you could join us!" TheRealMe frowns, takes his glasses off, and cleans them.

Quincey clears her throat. "Re-entry starting."

Soon, blazing plasma envelops the Bonaparte.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 9:17 PM



Originally posted by CallMeAth:

Originally posted by TheRealMe:
One of them smiles, revealing sharp fangs, and addresses Ath (as Ath is the one with the most colorful shirt). It pounds its chest. "Assan help. Yeti help." The other Yeti growl in agreement. "You say how!".

*Ath considers the yeti situation for a few moments.*

"Nice to have you with us Assan! Some bad people are trying to get on our ship and hurt us. If you wouldn't mind, could you go down to the common room and give them a nice suprise if they show up? Just attack anyone with a uniform.*

*Assan nods his head and howls. The other yeti take off at a run, eager to help.*

"Well, now that they're out of the way..."

*Ath gets on the com-link and contacts Jake7.*

"Jake? Looks like we have trouble coming our way. Lock and loud. I'll be sending some more people up there to help."

*Ath switches his com-link over to his sister.*

"Now you know I believe that women are just as capable as men, sometimes more so, so when I tell you that I don't want you in the fight, it's only because you're pregnant. And when you go ahead and do so despite my wishes, I get to yell at you.

Now I need some people to man the turrets. We already have Jake7 in one, so we have three empty spots. Anyone there that can help?"

*Once Ath clicks off his com-link, Jazaf rounds on him.*

"You are not trying to tell me that you're planning on attacking the cruiser that has Soul, TWG and Seryn on it, do you?"

"No," responds Ath. "I'm going to attack the other one that's bearing down on us right now."


*Jazaf looks down at the monitor to see that the second cruiser is indeed heading directly towards the Sereni-Tree, launching fighters as it comes.*

"You didn't think that explosion was enough to destroy the whole thing did you? Now if you don't mind, I've got some flying to do. Unless you and Duece feel like manning a turret?"

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"

'Well, this should be interesting.' Jazaf says. He turns to Duece, 'Ready to try something new?'
Ever eager, Duece nods and the two head for the Turrets. Not long after they strap in KOL takes command of the last turret.

'Allright guys, Since I'm the only veteran with these babies,' Jazke7 starts, 'I'll send you some images of what we should aim for.'
Within moments pictures of Communication Arrays, Fighters, turrets on the opposing cruiser, and other vulnerable points appear.
'These are our targets Ladies and Gent. Hit'em, and Hit'em hard.'

Jazaf looks at the controls in his turret.
Huh, looks easy enough to use.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 9:45 PM


OOC: well we never actually boarded... just went to find out what was going on and decide what to do next.

A little bit earlier~

*standing at the hangar bay*

This just doesn't feel right.

To LMD: You do what you think is best. I'm going with the girls to do what I can to protect the 'tree.

*walks up to the animal park with KOL and Serenity*


Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 10:21 PM



Originally posted by CallMeAth:

On the bridge of the Tripoli:

"How have you been, Miss Seryn? We have been most concerned about you. We wondered, what have you been up to since you left? And how did you get on that ship?

"Oh, I know what you're thinking. You're not going to tell us anything. But Miss Seryn, you've been wrong an awful lot today. You thought you'd scared us. You thought your former rank would mean something. And you thought that this," he says, pulling out a tool that Seryn knew well, "only kills. It has different settings, you know."

*The man hits a button on it, and Seryn immediately begins screaming in pain. It only lasts a minute, but to Seryn it seems a lifetime.*

"Do you see what I mean? And that was just the beginning."

*The man hits the button again, and again Seryn screams. This time it only lasts a few seconds, as the man is interrupted by a hail from the bridge.*

"This had better be good, Commander."

"Sir, the Kilgore is attacking the Sereni-Tree."

"Really? Hmmm....."

"Sir? What are your orders?"

"Hold your position, Commander."

"Sir? Aren't you worried that the target will be lost?"

"No Commander. For now, this suits my purposes. Keep me updated on the conditions of both ships, however."

"Yes, sir."

"Now, Miss Seryn," says the man, turning back to her, "where were we?"

gasping, but proud of the irritated tone she manages to lace her voice with she replys,

'well, you were being all scary-ass and very not nice. And I believe I was screaming, really can't remember what about...

*he activates the device again, and after 30 seconds of screaming lights and magma hot pains through seemingly every nerve, he stops*

'does that help?'

'yes, thank you' something warm runs down the side of her neck, and weekly she raises her fingers to brush it away. looking, she see red smeared accross her hands. She gulps, then summons up her last reserves of bravado, 'mate, you'd better go easy with that thing, i'd say my brains are only about five minutes behind all that blood'

'we could test that out? now Miss Seryn, tell me what you have been doing with yourself?'

'well, this one time... at band camp...' she screaches, no other word for it, as he jabs at the button. It takes her a while this time, to work up any kind of sense of humor at all. 'Listen, this is a very expensive jacket, my father... remember him? Would kill me if I got blood all over it... ...can I have my bag? I think I've got a slave girl costume in there somewhere, you might find that more to you sick little ta...'

He presses the button again, briefly, to shut her up.

'why are you wanting this bag? What else is in there?'

'oh, weapons, lots of them, some grenades even! But mostly my clothing, my supply of alcohol, and my pet rabbits'

He raises one eyebrow at her.

'Of course, i'm not expecting the weapons to be in there when I get it, nor the alcohol for that matter, but I'm serious about this jacket, not even dry cleaning would get this crap off..'

He activates the device again, and time seems to stop, nothing more than endless muscle convulsions and blinding pains in her head.
When it eventually stop, and she can open her eyes again, she is staring at the ceiling, and realises she must have fallen off the chair.

Refusing to cry, even though she know it would be really really good right now, she manages to get her numb mouth and tongue to work, her voice quiet and broken,

'please, let me speak to my father, before...'

The door shuts, and she can tell he's no longer in the room.

For a while she manages to loose conciousness, then she is roused by something hitting her head. Reaching up she feels the rough cloth of her bag, and slowly claws her way around the bags interiour, looking for the carrier, fumbling it open, she rasps out brief instructions to the two rabbits inside...

Hide, stay hidden, don't come out until I call you.

She watches them until they are out of sight, smiles slightly, and blacks out again.

Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. O.W.


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 1:46 AM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:

*Kelly bows quickly and leaves the animal park. As she closes the door, an idea strikes her. She gets on her com-link again.*

"Sparky, I need you to come to the animal park and rig the door so it won't open from the outside without a code. Do it quickly, please."

"But Miss Kelly--"

"Now would be great, Sparky. We are running out of time."

"As you wish, Miss Kelly."

"...however, I am afraid that you must wait a short time. In this situation, First Law overrides Second Law. I have a man here in the Infirmary who is bleeding to death. Doctor SimonWho seems to be absent, so I have decided to operate. I have seen the Doctor perform an operation, before. It didn't look difficult, and the autodoc here assures me that it can coach me past the tricky parts."

Sparky the Robot


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 1:52 AM



"...however, I am afraid that you must wait a short time. In this situation, First Law overrides Second Law. I have a man here in the Infirmary who is bleeding to death. Doctor SimonWho seems to be absent, so I have decided to operate. I have seen the Doctor perform an operation, before. It didn't look difficult, and the autodoc here assures me that it can coach me past the tricky parts."


Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 2:09 AM


"Sorry, sir!"

Sheepishly, Sparky turns on the gas while the autodoc scolds him.

Then, Sparky realizes that he has just harmed a human in violation of First Law, and his brain shuts down.

Sparky the Robot

The autodoc rolls its monitoring devices and takes over.


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 2:50 AM


*PR wanders down a corridor until he comes to a corner. He hears voices and pokes his head round the side and sees two of the feds talking outside of a door. One walks away, and the other one goes into the room and closes the door. PR walks up to the door, looks around, then opens it and steps inside. He closes the door. A thud can be heard.*

A few minutes later...

*PR emerges from the room, wearing A fed uniform, complete with cap. He looks around and closes the door, then continues down the corridor. He passes a fed on the way to whom he nods and smiles.*


Originally posted by seryn:

The door shuts, and she can tell he's no longer in the room.

For a while she manages to loose conciousness, then she is roused by something hitting her head. Reaching up she feels the rough cloth of her bag, and slowly claws her way around the bags interiour, looking for the carrier, fumbling it open, she rasps out brief instructions to the two rabbits inside...

Hide, stay hidden, don't come out until I call you.

She watches them until they are out of sight, smiles slightly, and blacks out again.

*There are two guards outside the room. PR hides round a corner and concentrates. One of the guards hat's rises off his head and floats around in front of him. It isn't long before both of them run off, spooked.*

*PR looks around the corner and grins before running up to the door, and entering.* Oh my. Seryn.

*PR goes to her on the floor and attemps to wake her.*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 3:11 AM



Another exciting adventure in sitting.



Did anyone bring any food? I'm starving.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 3:27 AM


*Ambles over to CallmeSerenity, bearing dishes of fresh pad thai, a carafe of green tea and an array of freshly squeezed juices made from fruits recently liberated from her own garden.*

There you be. No point in skimping on the diet in this time of worry. Itsa no brainer that you oughta be scarfin' for two, eh? Won't be long 'til them wings'll be hard pressed to achieve flight under the load. Which is to say, ya needs yer strength, okay?

*CMS casts a wary eye at his sniper's rifle.*

Oh, that. Yeah, well, so I've been feelin' all protectory lately. Do try to remember that's my grandwhatsit brewin' in yer belly. Here now: eat!



Wednesday, March 1, 2006 3:37 AM


Much thanks, cozydear!


Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 3:38 AM


Of course I brought food!

*hands Serenity a candy bar*

I know it's not much, but it will have to do for now.

edit: never mind seems you've got that covered.

So, anyone got any brilliant ideas? I don't think any of us are going to be capable of just sitting here and doing nothing.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 3:47 AM


NO-candybar=dessert! Wonderful!

*is nice enough to offer to share her food with the others.*

Umm...we could play a game. Like 20 questions or something.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 5:15 AM


Well then, for now I guess I'll stay onboard . We should be on the ground soon anyway. I best get ready.

*checks bag of various grenades*
*checks bag of various ammo clips*
*checks weapons*
*checks tags*

I'm ready when you guys are. Do we know where the crew we're to rescue are?

*Offers MonkeyTail a selection of weapons*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 5:33 AM



Originally posted by Jadehand:

Do we know where the crew we're to rescue are?

Well, I'm sort of hoping that Safe told us the location back when I opened a portal to him earlier in this thread. Their location, or else some place to rendezvous after they take off.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 5:49 AM



Originally posted by CallMeAth:
"Jake? Looks like we have trouble coming our way. Lock and loud. I'll be sending some more people up there to help."

**jake7 switches on the Comm to Ath**

I copy, Ath. I'll be locked and loaded it just a few seconds.

**she hears a commotion behind her and sees Jazaf, Deuce, and KOL take their positions in the other turrets.**

All right guys, since I'm the only veteran with these babies, I'll send you some images of what we should aim for.

**jake7 downloads the schematics of the ship that is currently setting position to attack and fowards the images to the other turrets' display screens**

These are our targets, Ladies and Gents. Hit 'em, and Hit 'em hard!

**With that, she settles herself fully into the turret chair, turns on the gun to charge it up and then angles her chair and gun to attempt to take out the main sensor. With a whine and chirp, the gun signals that it's ready. She checks her aim and fires. The blast hits the sensor and it blows up with a pretty display of fireworks**


**she yells, triumphant. Then, giggles as she aims, fires, and blows up another sensor.**

Oh, this is such fun! I love blowing things up!

**Meanwhile Jazaf, Duece, and KOL have begun firing at their various targets, at first not hitting what they want, but as they grow used to the controls and the feel of the gun, they start meeting with more success. The Whoops of joy as things explode can be heard from all turrets.**

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 6:06 AM



Originally posted by jake7:

Oh, this is such fun! I love blowing things up!


Pardonez moi, Serenity. You'll understand, ma'am, there ain't 'nuff glitches in the plan?

*Scampers to the Sereni-Tree's "defence" sector.*

*Sets to tickling Jake7 senseless.*

Poor bad guys! They ever seem to be not quite adept enough, eh?

*Gives KoL the eye.*

"You think somebody wouldn't go see somebody if they didn't want entertainment?"


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 6:14 AM


**Suddenly, out of nowhere, Cozen slides into the turret and starts tickling jake7. jake7 laughs hysterically, squirming and trying to regain her breath so she can kick Cozen out so she can continue blowing stuff up. She gets her break when he stops to look over at KOL with an evil look. She grabs her remote and sets up her personal force field, rendering Cozen harmless. She looks at him sternly**

Now, Cozen, we're trying to protect the 'Tree from a very large Alliance ship who has intentions of blowing us to itty bitty pieces.

You're supposed to be with the others in This Land, not tormenting us!

**suddenly an idea hits**

Cozen, why don't you go get Schwartz (OOC: weird video by the way) and make sure he's got enough spit to take down any Alliance who get on board.

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 6:21 AM


*Schwartz appears. Sets to licking Jake7's cheek, as any luvable llama would.*

*Meanwhile, cozen secures the satiny leg shackles around Jake7's ankles....*

Amidst confusion is the breeding ground for opportunity.


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 6:41 AM


**Through the force field, Schwartz's head appears and starts licking**

Hey! How'd you get through the force field??!?!

Ugh, stinky llama breath!

**She pushes Schwartz's head out of the way and checks her remote and notices the battery power is getting low. While fending off sticky llama kisses, she checks her pocket for batteries. Just as she finds some and starts to reload, she finds her ankles being bound by some rather nice, satiny leg shackles**

Um, Cozen? Do you really think this is the best time for a kidnapping? I mean, I know you kidnap great and all, but we really need to protect the 'Tree and...

**her words trail off as cozen grins at her evilly**

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 6:50 AM


*Jake7 frantically attempts to insert batteries where they will do her forcefield the most good. Oddly, however, cozen's initiation of subtle first level chakra massages appear to inhibit her movements, much like when in a nightmare one is fighting an opponent who moves at full speed whilst one's own responses occur in slow-motion.*

Battle? What battle?


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 6:59 AM


*shoves the inactive Sparky aside*

Honestly, Issac really ought to have added a few common sense protocols. Mind you, he probably want to give them too much of an advantage over humans.

Right... patient... hold still.


Okay, here we go, some anesthetic. And a little bandage here... Good. Now we could wait for you to have a few meals, rest a while, recover your lost blood naturally.

Or I could just inject you with this very large needle.

The natural way? Sure, no problem, I'll be happy to... *gasp* Look over there!


Sorry but we don't have time for the natural way at the moment. You should be back to a near normal level of blood and the bandage will hold your flesh together for the time being. I suspect the others might need you soon.

Now, back to making my deus ex machine. *hums I'm a lover, not a fighter to himself.


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 7:01 AM


**jake7 fumbles to get batteries into the unit, but her movements are strangely lethargic.**

What the heck is going on?

**she continues to fight the lethargy, but the pull is getting harder and harder to resist**'Tree...

**but, much like quicksand, the harder she struggles, the worse the hold gets. She manages to get the batteries replaced, but no longer has the strength to reactivate her force field.**

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 7:28 AM


Heh. Face it, Tree-er folk, there's no denying the heightened "amour" during wartime.

Be the way that it be.

Just sayin', is all.


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 10:39 AM



Originally posted by cozen:

Originally posted by jake7:

Oh, this is such fun! I love blowing things up!


Pardonez moi, Serenity. You'll understand, ma'am, there ain't 'nuff glitches in the plan?

*waves her chopsticks at cozen.*

Do what you gotta do. Just, could you maybe leave the rifle? I'm worried you're going to shoot someone's eye out.

Ooh, that was very maternal, wasn't it?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 10:48 AM


{OOC -oh gods, looong post, make sure you get comfy!)


Originally posted by PsychicRiver:

*PR looks around the corner and grins before running up to the door, and entering.* Oh my. Seryn.

*PR goes to her on the floor and attemps to wake her.*

Seemingly surfacing from muddy water, she manages to get one of her eyes open enough to see a guard leaning over her, pulling her about.

Knowing somehow that her arms are still out of action, she murmures something about the guard having to punch himself, cause she's too tired.

He leans down, says something in a low voice, and she feels her self sitting up, seemingly floating backwards until she is braced against something. She looks at the guard again, and the recognises him.

'PR? wha..? ...oh jeeze...' Her muscles coming back into play in the nick of time, she throws herself over the back of a sofa, as her stomach decides its finally had enough of being full.
Slightly recovered, she turns back to PR.

'hi.. *sheepish look* why are you here? you have to go, before things go all bad'

'What, you think i'm leaving you on your own?'

'Well, yes. I'm sticking around, just for a little while, theres things we have to do, but you can't be here. Sorry, melodramatic of me I know but...'

'Really? What exactly were you planning to acheive from the floor?'

'Do you have a gun? Do you have any weapons with you? How did you get in? where are the guards? How..'

'Yes of course I have, do you? And the guards are gone, I... got rid of them'

Seryn smiles, happier by far than she's willing to let on. 'My weapons are all gone, they took them, I don't know where. I'll need to find them, but first things first. Can you guard the door? don't let anyone replace you until he comes back. And then, we'll go find my stuff, and carry on with the plan.'

'There's a plan?'

*Smiles* 'Theres always a plan, even when I don't know it. Which, admittedly, is most of the time.'

'...Go, quickly, make like a bored guard, but knock on the door slightly when they come' PR slips back into the hall, looking back once 'Thank you' she says, and he grins.

After interminable minutes, she hears a soft knock on the door, she throws herself on the chair, trying to look as rag-doll like as possible. Soon, the man enters, alone again.

'Ah, Miss Seryn, you are awake again, tell me, have you thought up any more smart-ass comments? Or shall we just get on with it?'

'oh, i've a few, don't let the lolling head fool you'

He notices the bag on the floor, 'so, you got your precious rabbits back I see, he kicks the carrier, until seeing it empty, he searches around the room, listening intently, until he finds Esme and pulls her roughly from her hiding place.

He smiles coldly at the rabbit, then adresses Seryn. 'now, we shall change tactics, so far you have demonstrated a notable lack of concern for your own wellbeing, but girls are notorious for their doting on... vermine' Slowly he retrieves a small elegantly cruel knife from a draw and raises it to Esme's belly 'I figured you were the type to care more for an animal than for yourself' He moves the knife point closer to the rabbit, so intent upon the animal that he fails to hear the soft series of clicks and whistles, nor see the white shape hurling itself at the back of his legs.

As trained, Archie aims straight for the knees, then the ankles, tearing through flesh and severing muscles and tendons as thoroughly as he can. At the mans first cry of pain, Esme wriggles free and joins her mate in incapacitating him. He screams, falling to his knees, thrashing and trying to throw the animals off.

Unsteadily Seryn rises, crossing the room and pushes the man onto his side, he tries to rise, but Archie moves to his throat and bites into the flesh just slightly, The man gets the message, and stills.

'and I figured you were the type of sick wacko that enjoyed torturing small animals as an extra curricular... Why else did you think I wanted the bag, yikes are you stupid? *she collapses beside him* 'Small, cute, fluffy tails and floppy ears... Of course they are evil *she leans in close* 'and these two are especially evil, had a good trainer.... go on Archie, knock yourself out...'

She stands, ignoring the screaming of the man on the floor, picking up the bag as he thrashes about and then stills.

She opens the door, glancing at PR, smiling ruefully as he see's the two rabbits follow her out with blood on their fur.

'To the bridge, we need to mess with their computers, you need to do that, I meant to change appearence, but...'

She explains the plan, and as they reach the bridge she conceals herself as PR goes ahead and quietly works at a console, altering systems and locking-out the bridges controls of various functions. He completes the changes, as is abouts to return when he hears two officers talking nearby.

He pales, trying hard to remain calm, but walks much quicker than he can help back to Seryns hiding place. She half lies against the wall, but seeing the serious look on his face manages to rise.

'They are preparing to send men accross to the Tree, stealth modules and men in suits, to attatch containers to the ship, to get to the atmosphere generators'

They are planing to fill the entire Tree with enough poisons to kill everything on board'


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 11:42 AM


Seryn we have to do something.

Why don't we switch the poison, with laughing gas! Or...something.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 11:54 AM


where are we going to get huge amounts of laughing gas?

But you know what, you're on to something.

'I still have the wineskin' *starts searching as energetically as she can in her bag* 'oh gorramit they took it!' *pouts* 'I had the wines skin, filled with water from the sea of wings... I wonder if they'd like the ship filled with flying people?'

she smiles, PR looks unsure.

'ok, but I still vote laughing gas'

'If we find some between here and wherever they are preparing the tanks, laughing gas it is! But where are they keeping them? We need to find the water and we have to get there, soon...'

Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. O.W.


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 4:52 PM


/me sits in the animal holding area with some of the lovely ladies of the tree, idly passing the time. he sits as close to mai as he can without being on top of her.

Do you ever just listen to animals, y'know, really listen? Like right now those birds are fighting over where to build their nest. She bird doesn't want it close to her friend's nest...she thinks he bird has the hots for her friend. She's jealous. Or take that turtle over there. He just said the girl with the food, that's you Serenity, is very, uh, mm, oh dear. Moving along.

Oh, wait. I think I hear a kissie. I'm just now starting to get the gist of their "speech." This one's shouting, pleaing...

/me leans over and lets loose a with mai, then grins

Well that one, that one was saying free me!

--- <-inching towards daylight


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 5:27 PM


Boros; Needys Crew:

Inside the vast hanger, the dusty silence is broken briefly by a shuffling, and then all is still again.

The hanger is roughly 60meters by 100meters. Shuttles of various designations line both of the long walls. There are two garage type doors, one at far end, flanked by a smaller personnel door and one midway along the side wall. The only other door is a personnel door at the other end of the hanger and it is ajar.

From the other side of the side garage door, the roar of an engine grows louder. There is a scream of rubber on asphalt and the side garage door crashes in followed by an Alliance military truck. The truck shudders to a stop amid the wreckage of the door, the engine smoking and knocking before finally dying.

Shadowy shapes swarm the truck, dragging the occupants out and back into hiding. Silence settles over the hanger again.

At the far end of the hanger, the personnel door bursts inward, nearly jumping off its hinges. Safe pokes his head around the jam, quickly scanning the interior.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 6:37 PM



Safe stands outside the hanger next to an open door, his back against the wall. Jacks stands on the other side of the door beside Citizen and Bride7 stands next to Safe. Bide6 sits slumped against the wall in between Safe and Bride7.

A small ring of flame appears in the air before them.


Originally posted by TheRealMe:
"Hello, Bride6? Bride7? Safe? Jack? This is Me. Can you hear me?"

Bride6 laughs. "Hi, You!"

"Ah, good! You ARE there! It would be most convenient to us if you could make it into space, but we could probably make it down to you. What is your location on Boros?"

Safe never got used to TRM’s talent during the Arkham affair, so it still surprised him. “We're at a hanger on the outskirts of Boros Prime. Looks like we have a way off this rock. We should be air born in about ten…”

The portal closes before Safe can finish.

Safe quickly checks the hanger again then signals to Jack.

Jack and Citizen enter the hanger crouched, guns ready. Jack signals all clear and Safe and Bride7 carry bride6 into the hanger.

Crouching inside the door, Safe whistles softly in awe at the line of shuttles.

Jack draws Safes attention to the ruined truck halfway up the hanger.

“Hey, that looks like the truck I saw Mister Needy get into.” Bride6 whispers.

The hanger is quiet and there is no movement from the truck.

“Citizen, you and Bride7 wait here. Keep an eye on the door; make sure no one comes in. Jack and I are going to scout the hanger”

Safe and Jack just about reach the truck when a man steps out from behind a shuttle beside the truck, clearing his throat.

“See, I knew where you were going. I must say though, it’s been an… exciting run.”

Safe and Jack both level their guns on the newcomer.

“Ah ah ah… You don’t think I’d come here alone or without insurance do you?”

The man snaps his fingers and two Alliance guards step out of the shadows, one holding Amy the other, a groggy looking Needy.

“I have the other two as well. Now, are you ready to come along quietly?”

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 6:59 PM


On the descending miniaturized Bonaparte:

"My portal connection was cut off! Sorry, couldn't hold it open."

TheRealMe sighs.

"Bride5, adjust our course to bring us near Boros Prime!"

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 7:11 PM


*twg smiles at her big friend, then turns to Soul*

Okay, so here’s what I figure we’ll do...
*insert montage of voiceover describing actions that turn out to actually be what everyone is doing*

I’m going to hula hoop to the bridge. Ervin, you’re going to follow me doing the can-can. Soul, hang back and take out the confused and stunned personnel we encounter.

*as the strange team of a hula hoping girl, dancing Yeti, and arrow shooting savior make their way towards the bridge, the girl stops in her tracks*

PR? What the…you go off, by yourself, to do goodness knows what…you could be hurt or lost or dead! What were you thinking young man? You weren’t! I find you on a fraking Alliance cruiser in uniform? You are going straight to your room when we get off this bucket heap. Do I make myself clear?

*Soul, Ervin, and Seryn stare and stifle giggles*
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Wednesday, March 1, 2006 8:37 PM



Hmm... making out in the park. Well, that's one way to pass time.

*captures several passing kissies*


Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Thursday, March 2, 2006 1:23 AM



Originally posted by seryn:

'I still have the wineskin' *starts searching as energetically as she can in her bag* 'oh gorramit they took it!' *pouts* 'I had the wines skin, filled with water from the sea of wings... I wonder if they'd like the ship filled with flying people?'

she smiles, PR looks unsure.

'ok, but I still vote laughing gas'

'If we find some between here and wherever they are preparing the tanks, laughing gas it is! But where are they keeping them? We need to find the water and we have to get there, soon...', right...I guess... *PR closes his eyes and takes in his surroundings. He opens his eyes and starts walking.*

Seryn: What are you doing?

Come on... *He says, she starts to follow.* It's this way.



*as the strange team of a hula hoping girl, dancing Yeti, and arrow shooting savior make their way towards the bridge, the girl stops in her tracks*

PR? What the…you go off, by yourself, to do goodness knows what…you could be hurt or lost or dead! What were you thinking young man? You weren’t! I find you on a fraking Alliance cruiser in uniform? You are going straight to your room when we get off this bucket heap. Do I make myself clear?

*Soul, Ervin, and Seryn stare and stifle giggles*

Oh dear.

MUM! We *Points to Seryn.* are on a mission. We're going to save the Sereni-TREE. Besides, what are you doing here?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Thursday, March 2, 2006 4:27 AM


Serenitree infirmary:

SR reaches over and hits Sparky's reboot switch.

"I do so apologize for harming you sir. If there is any way I can make you more comfor..."

"Yes get me a ships communicator and then perform the task that you had to put on hold before you started poking me. Later we can have a serious man to robot talk about the three laws of robotics in regards to emergemcy medicine practices. And hand me that syringe."

SR takes a small bottle out of a pocket and sucks the contents into the syringe and then injects it into his IV. He sets the bottle on the tray with the surgical tools.
SR goes rigid as the solution hit his veins. His eyes bulge, teeth clench and that vein that sits in the center of his forehead pulses noticeably. His blood pressure which had been extemely low shoots up to borderline high. After a minute or so his body begins to relax.
A curious observer would see that the label on the bottle faded and peeling. It reads, "Liquid magma hot sauce. Regent's secret home recipe. Not for resale. Warning: mildly corrosive, highly flammable, do not exspose to air for extended periods. For novelty use only. Nine out of ten doctors polled declared our sauce not for fit for human consumption. Use at own risk."

Sparky walks back into the infirmary.

"Here is the communicator you asked for."

"Thanks, now about your chores." SR croaks out with a hoarse and thick voice.

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, March 2, 2006 6:04 AM



Originally posted by mai:

Hmm... making out in the park. Well, that's one way to pass time.

*captures several passing kissies*


*rolls her eyes in a good humoured way and goes back to eating her noodles.*

OW! This baby's got quite a kick!

Ooh, hey! You guys wanna help me think of names? Soul and I are still debating that issue.

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"


Thursday, March 2, 2006 6:32 AM


Huh? *pulls away from LMD* What? Oh right public place. Umm yea so names.

I think you should name the baby Mai.

*gets a funny look from Serenity*

No? Ah well, I had to try.

How about Rianna for a girl or Ayden for a boy?

(not that i ever think about baby names, ever!)

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.






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