Sereni-Tree: Boros cliffhanger, engaging paramours

UPDATED: Monday, March 6, 2006 01:36
VIEWED: 22304
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Thursday, March 2, 2006 7:44 AM



Originally posted by mai:

How about Rianna for a girl or Ayden for a boy?

Oooh, nice. I really like Ayden. And "CallMeAyden" sounds very nice. Must remember to tell Soul that one.

*pulls a small notepad and pencil out of a pocket and jots it down.*

Hmm. I wonder what everyone is up to. I hope they're having a more exciting time of it than we are.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, March 2, 2006 7:55 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Hmm. I wonder what everyone is up to. I hope they're having a more exciting time of it than we are.

*Meanwhile on the Bonaparte....
JadeHand takes a nap.
The shuttle breaks atmo.
MonkeyTail: "We're on an express elevator to hell, Going down!"
TheRealMe: "Somebody wake up Jade."

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Thursday, March 2, 2006 10:54 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Hmm. I wonder what everyone is up to. I hope they're having a more exciting time of it than we are.

Jazaf fires another dozen rounds and manages to hit a few fighters. 'This is harder than it looks.' He says to himself.
Duece hollers out 'There goes another one!' She gets better with every fighter she takes out.
'Good Job!' KOL says encouragingly.
The fighters begin to thin out and the Alliance Cruiser closes in on the Sereni-Tree.
'Remember those weak spots I showed ya!' Jake7 states over the com-link. 'Open fire as soon as they're in range!'

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Thursday, March 2, 2006 11:14 AM



Originally posted by Jadehand:

Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Hmm. I wonder what everyone is up to. I hope they're having a more exciting time of it than we are.

*Meanwhile on the Bonaparte....
JadeHand takes a nap.
The shuttle breaks atmo.
MonkeyTail: "We're on an express elevator to hell, Going down!"
TheRealMe: "Somebody wake up Jade."


*A terrible lethargy having consumed her since The Real Him's abrupt departure seemingly weeks earlier, Washie barely finished her tea before collapsing back into her comfy bed. She rises, showers long and hot, girds herself with a midnight blue gown, twists her hair into a knot and heads out of her quarters to the nearest com station that'll give her a heads-up on what's happened in her absence.

After a scan of the ship's historical record covering mere hours--not weeks--that she's been out of commission, Washie is devastated to realize that among other things: The dogs of war have been let slip and a bloodbath on one side or the other may soon ensue, one Scorpion Regent became mostly dead, the entire crew sans one doctor, one grievously injured SR and one Wash are basically in elfin hiding at the animal park aided by a band of dancing yeti (is yeti the plural of yeti?), and the ship's doctor is formulating a device for saving them all...possibly. No wonder the ruttin' man hasn't had time to give TRM the nod toward making her own position as Ship's Counselor final.

"Battle and amour...gorram it all," she mutters, worried about much since there's much of concern here. he alright? Yeah, she's sure he's still breathing, would likely know it if her weren't. Chakra-tuning concocts a rather long-lasting bond if done right. She'd been out of practice, of course, but still, there'd been something particularly intriguing about that session.

Running an impatient hand through her hair, dislodging the knot, she slaps the screen away and consults another that posts directions to the infirmary. The mostly dead SR might be in need of help, she figures.

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Thursday, March 2, 2006 12:38 PM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

Ooh, hey! You guys wanna help me think of names? Soul and I are still debating that issue.

(I still like Cupid. What with your wings, and Soul's bowmanship, it'd be fitting.)


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Thursday, March 2, 2006 12:49 PM



Originally posted by mai:
Huh? *pulls away from LMD* What?


Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
I hope they're having a more exciting time of it than we are.

/me sits back in a bit of a daze and a grin forms on his face as he hears CMS' hope.

I really, really doubt they're having as exciting of a time as I am. I can't bloody imagine much better...

Oh, and I always like girls names to start with a J or an S, and I also really like the name Collette.

--- <-inching towards daylight


Thursday, March 2, 2006 6:42 PM



I really, really doubt they're having as exciting of a time as I am. I can't bloody imagine much better...

Yes, shootin' and killing can't be nearly this exciting. Of course, I do feel a bit guilty not being much in the way of help to save the 'tree. Maybe we should take a walk around the park make sure theres no evil lurkin' about.

*grabs LMD*

I think we should start by looking in that cozy little, barely visible, way on the other side of the park nook of trees. Uh you know just to be safe... cause there could be uh trouble or ... um something.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Thursday, March 2, 2006 7:02 PM


*Outwardly, Ath appears calm and collected as he weaves the Tree through the waves of enemy fighters. He's even managed to take a few of them out with his forward guns. Inwardly, however, Ath is quite certain he's going to die every second.

So far the battle appears to be going in the Tree's favor. The folk manning the turrets are doing an excellent job, and Ath has managed to keep the fighters from hitting anything vital.

Ath checks the position of the cruiser and sees that it's almost in range. He keys the com to the gunners, to tell them to concentrate on the cruiser, but Jazaf beats him to it. Looking back at the screen in front of him, Ath jerks the stick to the right just in time to avoid the first salvo from the cruiser.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Thursday, March 2, 2006 8:17 PM



SafeAt2nd wrote:
Jack and Citizen enter the hanger crouched, guns ready. Jack signals all clear and Safe and Bride7 carry bride6 into the hanger.

Crouching inside the door, Safe whistles softly in awe at the line of shuttles.

Jack draws Safes attention to the ruined truck halfway up the hanger.

“Hey, that looks like the truck I saw Mister Needy get into.” Bride6 whispers.

The hanger is quiet and there is no movement from the truck.

“Citizen, you and Bride7 wait here. Keep an eye on the door; make sure no one comes in. Jack and I are going to scout the hanger”

Safe and Jack just about reach the truck when a man steps out from behind a shuttle beside the truck, clearing his throat.

“See, I knew where you were going. I must say though, it’s been an… exciting run.”

Safe and Jack both level their guns on the newcomer.

“Ah ah ah… You don’t think I’d come here alone or without insurance do you?”

The man snaps his fingers and two Alliance guards step out of the shadows, one holding Amy the other, a groggy looking Needy.

“I have the other two as well. Now, are you ready to come along quietly?”

On the floor near the door with Citizen and Bride7, Bride6 aims her pistol left-handed at the distant figures. “A gorram shuttle is in the way. Pull me three feet that way!”

Bride7 drags Bride6 as requested. The latter grits her teeth in pain. But then Bride6 points her pistol left-handed at the one holding Needy, then at the one holding Amy, then back. She frowns. “I can’t get them both before they can act. Not without some sort of distraction!"

“Distraction, huh?” Bride7 brings a grenade out of her pocket, and holds its lever down while she pulls the pin. With her other hand, she grabs a second grenade, pulls its pin with her teeth, and spits it out. “If I get close enough to them, they’ll be real careful to pay attention to me! They want to shoot me, fine, I'll drop these babies and they'll blow them up too!" Bride7 advances toward the confrontation, careful to not get in Bride6’s line of fire.

Bride6 blinks. “Hey, that’s dangerous!”


Thursday, March 2, 2006 11:31 PM



Originally posted by PsychicRiver:

MUM! We *Points to Seryn.* are on a mission. We're going to save the Sereni-TREE. Besides, what are you doing here?

At PR last words Seryn nods and backs him up.

'Yep, they are planning to gas the Tree, we were trying to get to the bay where they are preparing the tank thingies, and replace the gas with something else, PR wanted laughing gas, I thought maybe the water from the sea of wings that I bought with me, so whichever we find first.

*thinks for a moment*

PR? How did you get here?

*thinks again, and turns to TWG and Soul*

How did youget here?

*looks at the yeti*

oh! how cute!

From down the corridor the sound of several men marching in step can be heard.

'OH crap, um, PR? any ideas?

Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. O.W.


Friday, March 3, 2006 3:38 AM


*left alone in her magic elven circle, Serenity pulls out her knitting needles and some yarn and starts knitting a pair of baby booties.*

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"


Friday, March 3, 2006 4:10 AM


In the Bonaparte flying over Boros Prime:

Quincey points, “There’s another candidate. I’ll fly us closer.”

TheRealMe checks computer readouts. “Okay, that is definitely a hanger on the outskirts of Boros Prime. A private one, owned by one A. Dresden, according to my Cortex link.”

Monkeytail puts his face to a window and peers down. “But how do we know it’s the right one?”

Jadehand whistles. “Lots of Alliance troops surrounding it. Look, there’s a transport just arrived, dumping out another squad.”

TheRealMe nods, still looking at his screen. “And we are not too far from the location of the General Grant’s auto distress beacon. I think it’s a good bet that… Gorramit!”

Jadehand looks concerned. “What is it?”

TheRealMe activates an expanded holo display for the benefit of Jadehand and Monkeytail. “Take a look at the last guy who hopped out of that transport. He has blue hands. This is the place. Our friends are inside, probably trying to acquire a shuttle to get off this rock.”

TheRealMe thinks for a bit. “Okay, we’ll need someone on the ground to keep them out of that hanger. I’ll go down. Maybe Jade or Monkeytail can, too. Quincey, you provide us air support. If something flies out of that hanger, cover it, too, and then circle back around to pick us up.”

Monkeytail draws his lightsaber. “I’m ready!”

TheRealMe starts going through his pack, selecting weapons. He sighs. “Too bad that my lightsaber was destroyed back on the Arkham. One of those would be handy just about…”

Jadehand takes a pen, scribbles a bit, then slaps a name tag onto TheRealMe’s chest. A young Obi-wan Kenobi turns to Quincey. “Enlarge the Bonaparte once we are among them. We’ll drop down and take it from there." Obi-wan draws his own lightsaber and turns to Monkeytail. “Let's go!”

The Real Kenobi, Jedi Knight of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, March 3, 2006 4:50 AM


**jake7, still bound with satiny leg shackles and held in thrall by Cozen's Chakra massage, manages to look out the window at the battle raging outside. Weakly she states**

Remember those weak spots I showed ya! Open fire as soon as they're in range!

**She continues to try to bring herself out of her lethargy, but Cozen has now added dark chocolate to the mix and she is helpless to resist.**

(OOC: Remember, I'm being kidnapped by Cozen. I'm completely helpless, as he is the master at this. There is no way I'll be able to resist him to fight.)

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Friday, March 3, 2006 4:57 AM


*Quincey comes in for a landing behind a large shipping crate and expands the Bonaparte to full size long enough for the three to run out with their various bags of weapons and supplies, then shrinks again and takes to the sky to provide air support and intel on the surrounding purplebellies. JadeHand slaps a preprepared tag to his chest and a chill fills the air around them. MonkeyTail and a Young Obi-Wan look over to see "Robert Drake" just as ice begins to form around the body. JadeHand smiles.*

We should be able to hold them off while those inside secure a shuttle, and maybe even have a little fun until they they notice us over here.

*JadeHand pulls out a couple of grenades, pops the pins out with his thumbs, and small blocks of ice form around the spoons holding them in place until the ice melts. He sets them on the ground.*

Think you can Jedi those into that transport without them noticing? Once the Ice melts they'll have a bit of a distraction.

*JadeHand notices a group of about 10 troops making their way to the hanger and raises his hand slightly. The lead trooper seems to have a very difficult time getting the handle on the side door to turn.*

Well, this should be fun.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Friday, March 3, 2006 5:22 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
*looks at the yeti*

oh! how cute!

From down the corridor the sound of several men marching in step can be heard.

'OH crap, um, PR? any ideas?

The Yeti produces a horrifying smile. "Lady think Ervin cute? Awwww!"

Ervin bends down and gives Seryn a rib-crushing hug. "Ervin think Lady cute too. Buy her drink later!"

Then he lets her go and stands up straight.

"Ervin has idea. Ervin stay here. Stop bad ones. You go! All go! Stop more bad."

The first Alliance trooper rushes out of a side corridor. Ervin's extra-long yeti arm reaches out to pop him one in the face. The surprised trooper goes down.

"Ervin stop bad like that! You go! Ervin catch up."

Ervin the Yeti


Friday, March 3, 2006 5:25 AM



Originally posted by jake7:
**She continues to try to bring herself out of her lethargy....**

{The next morning....}

*Jake7 eases open the door to the Stockholm suite of rooms in the East wing. She steps gingerly into the hallway, with one hand attempting to restore a semblence of order to the violent mess of her hair. Her clothing doesn't appear to be properly set on her frame. Her glazed eyes attempt to focus upon her surroundings -- perhaps she is looking to hail a taxi? The door softly eases closed on its well oiled hinges.*

*cozen awakens to the snick made by the door's locking mechanism. A wistful sigh escapes his lips as he arises from the floor, tightening his robe about himself to ward off an imagined chill. Surveying the room, he notes the general chaotic disorder of the closed environment.*

*He sets to placing the magnums of Dom Perrignon into the recycling unit. Notes the tear in the comfy chair's Corinthian leather. Sees that the room service trays are lying on their sides or upside down. China plates lie strewn in random patterns on the floor, some are cracked and broken. Bits of cooked pheasant, vegetables and fruits can be found clinging on everything. He idly flicks a fork from the bed.*

*Dawn's first rays of sunlight reflect off of the many chocolate wrappers, which glint in seeming amusement. A satin handcuff winks in a demonstration of complicity. Coloured beakers which had contained massaging oils lie tipped over, their remnant fluids staining the rug with their guilt.*

*cozen's brain pounds with the fury of a massive hangover, which at least mitigates the sharp pains left by the various tooth and claw marks that adorn his flesh. He doesn't know it yet, but the shower's gonna hurt like a sumbitch.*

Smooth is over rated as a virtue.


Friday, March 3, 2006 6:16 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

Originally posted by seryn:
*looks at the yeti*

oh! how cute!

From down the corridor the sound of several men marching in step can be heard.

'OH crap, um, PR? any ideas?

The Yeti produces a horrifying smile. "Lady think Ervin cute? Awwww!"

Ervin bends down and gives Seryn a rib-crushing hug. "Ervin think Lady cute too. Buy her drink later!"

Then he lets her go and stands up straight.

"Ervin has idea. Ervin stay here. Stop bad ones. You go! All go! Stop more bad."

The first Alliance trooper rushes out of a side corridor. Ervin's extra-long yeti arm reaches out to pop him one in the face. The surprised trooper goes down.

"Ervin stop bad like that! You go! Ervin catch up."

Ervin the Yeti

*In awe.*

We won't leave without you.

*PR turns to Seryn, TWG and Soul.* Come on, let's go!

*They start rushing away and Seryn turns to PR as they go.*

Seryn: I'm sytill confused. How did you get here?

PR: You bought me here.


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Friday, March 3, 2006 8:26 AM



'nevermind. Can't talk, oh gods I think i'm gonna die!'*leans against a wall, blinking and staring at the pretty little lights in front of her eyes* 'There has to be a quicker way to get there, jeeze even a milk float could overtake me at the moment'

*sighs and pushes away from the wall* 'I got nothing, on with the running'

they run, seemingly endlessly, through grey corridors and up and down grey stairways. At one point, PR stops them and ducks into a room, returning quickly with the wineskin and other assorted items, then they double back almost and continues running until they reach what looks like the bay, they hide in the convenient alcoves that corridors in ships always seem to have, and watch as a group of engineer types wheel past a trolly loaded with gas cannisters.

'oh I love cheesy sci-fi cliche's!' *grins* 'right, does anyone have a plan?'

Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. O.W.


Friday, March 3, 2006 9:34 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Boros: The Hangar

Still disorientated from his whole ordeal, Needy struggles to keep his eyes open.

In the last hour he has held up a weapon store, got involved in a firefight, been fatally wounded and quite possibly been resurrected by some spiritual being. Or by Versa at the very least.
The device she had used could possibly have been responsible for his sudden recovery, he just didn’t know. He wasn’t sure of anything right now. It hadn’t been the best day for the male companion, and now he was being held hostage by the Alliance

Physically speaking, he had felt better.
It wasn’t the gunshot wound though – it was his whole body, still burning from what may or may not have happened when he was unconscious. Whether it was Serenity-form’s doing or the device, it didn’t matter. Needy just wanted it to stop. In retrospect, being shot didn’t feel so bad in comparison.

His body was weak, feeling bruised all over, and he struggled to stand. He felt he would collapse then and there if it wasn’t for the officer that held him at his left bicep.

This is ridiculous, Needy told himself. I’m helpless, and Safe is going to get himself killed. All of them are. We’re all going to be slaughtered.

“Now lower your weapons,” the man in charge orders Jack and Safe.

The two hesitate to listen to him.

“Drop your weapons now or you won’t like the consequences.” He threatens

When Safe and Jack fail to comply, still evaluating the situation, the man signals to the officer that held Needy.

Needy tried to keep up with the conversation, his head still spinning. But things soon became clear when the officer beside him pressed the barrel of his gun against Needy’s temple.

Just then all the pain and confusion evaporated and his mind was once again clear. His purpose was focussed.

“No!” Safe screamed, lowering his weapon – but it was too little, too late.

The officer pulled the trigger.

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Friday, March 3, 2006 9:49 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

“You will be in a position to help your new friends. This is what you must do.”

Needy recalled the words spoken to him before, and he realised that now was the time.
Maybe Safe’s scream triggered the reaction, or maybe it was gut instinct, whatever it was, Needy seized the opportunity.

Nobody was expecting it, not from a person that had already been shot and was about as alert as a dead duck. Not the Alliance’s men, the companion’s new colleagues… not even Needy himself – his reactions were almost superhuman in nature and came completely out of the blue.

In the split second that it took the officer to pull the trigger of his gun, Needy had already ripped himself from the man’s clutches and pulled away – dodging the bullet meant for him.

Before the officer can even react, Needy knocks him out cold with a solid punch to his chin, snatching the weapon from his hand as he falls.

Immediately he spins around to the other officer that stands over Amy and uses the barrel of the gun to strike him on his brow.
With the officer knocked down but not out, Amy jumps aside, away from his grasp.

Acting more like a program than a man on the defensive, Needy next turns around again, and faces the leader of the soldiers. Then with a cold soulless look in his eyes, raises the weapon he has obtained and aims it at the head of the man.

Needy doesn’t speak. Just waits for instruction from Safe

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Friday, March 3, 2006 1:25 PM



Originally posted by mai:
*grabs LMD*

I think we should start by looking in that cozy little, barely visible, way on the other side of the park nook of trees. Uh you know just to be safe... cause there could be uh trouble or ... um something.

Oh, you're so smart! I think you're right, there just might be something of interest there. Let's go.

--- <-inching towards daylight


Friday, March 3, 2006 1:36 PM


*walks way across the park hand in hand w LMD*

Phew. That was quite a walk. I'm thinkin' maybe we need to sit and rest here awhile before the danger searchin' begins.

Oh would you look at that! It's a little cave or something. Hmmm... I've never noticed that before. Let's go and check it out.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Friday, March 3, 2006 1:57 PM


Soul turns, looking to meet TWG’s eyes, ‘well, there was always the original plan’

Seryn’s curious gaze flickers between the two, intrigued by the slight smile twisting the corners of Souls mouth, ‘so what’s the plan?’

‘mayhem, confusion, pretty pretty lights…. *she stoops to rummage through the bag, which has been dropped, uncaring, by Seryn, she produces several palm sized objects and looks back up at the group* …’ and tears before bed time!’

She pulls Souls aside, working out the details, as PR watches them nervously, glancing from the huddle to the bag and back again. Finally he looks at Seryn, now braced, hands against the bulkhead, in an effort to stay balanced, with a questioning look in his eyes. She smiles, nodding as minimally as possible towards TWG

‘Take what you want, and go, cover her back, look after her.’

He grins, taking mere moments to arm himself almost to the teeth, ‘I’ll follow them in, when they’re through, you sneak in, trash what canisters you can’t fill, make it look like you tried real hard to trash them all, hopefully they’ll go with what they got left, ‘stead a waitin’ for more.’ As she watches his lips intently he smiles, encouragement, and barely controlled excitement tinged with worry ‘You think you can manage that?’

She pushes away from the wall, standing straight as she can. ‘I can do this; I just don’t think I’m ever dancing again’

He turns away and says something, when he looks back; she smiles at him and nods. Seemingly satisfied he joins TWG and Soul.

‘Oh, one last thing, once you are done, get to a shuttle, any kind, and get off, the fighter only carries two. I’ll make sure I get Ervin back. But I ‘m still hoping the Commander here can see sense, I think…. never mind, but just get off the ship!’

Soul says something back, but all she gets is ‘ok., no need…’ before he turns his head. She gently touches her ear, the stinging deep in, and she tries not to cry as she realises that now the silence is total.

(OOC - yeesh, i'm really beating myself up at the moment (with help from Ath) 'pologies, but figured it would be the inevitable consequence.

Needy, they were bloody good posts!)

Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. O.W.


Friday, March 3, 2006 6:51 PM



Originally posted by jake7:
**She continues to try to bring herself out of her lethargy, but Cozen has now added dark chocolate to the mix and she is helpless to resist.**

(OOC: Remember, I'm being kidnapped by Cozen. I'm completely helpless, as he is the master at this. There is no way I'll be able to resist him to fight.)

*Ath flies the Sereni-Tree along the bow of the cruiser, strafing it with the forward guns. As he pulls up, he hears the warble that means a missile is trying to lock on.*

"Hey Jake, we have a fighter trying to get a lock on us. Think you can take it out?"


*Giving up on Jake, Ath manuevers the ship so that another of the gunners can take a shot at the fighter, but the pilot seems to have realized that that is the weak point of the tree's defenses, and manuevers with the Tree.

Within a few seconds, the warble turns into a tone.*

*Ath looks back at the holo-display just in time to see the missile leap off the fighter. He fires off counter measures, and pulls off every complex move he can think of, but the missile continues to close in.*

"All hands! Brace for impact!"

*Ath is thrown forward as the Tree lurches from the impact. His head smashes into the screen in front of him with a load crack and a blinding flash of light. Everything goes dark.

Ath wakes up a few minutes later. It takes a while to realize that the darkness isn't from a lack of consciousness. Just as he manages to wonder where the back-up lights are, they turn on. Ath checks the status of the ship. I doesn't look good.

The engines are out, manuevering is out, communications are out, weapons systems are off-line. The only good news is that the auxilory life support is working.

Ath is about to get on his wrist-com when he feels a shudder run along the ship. His heart sinks as he realizes what it means. Even without seeing it, he knows what it means. The cruiser is docking with the Tree.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Friday, March 3, 2006 7:01 PM


**As she eases open the door to the Stockholm suite of rooms in the East wing, jake7 steps gingerly into the hallway -- one hand attempting to restore a semblence of order to the violent mess of her hair...Her glazed eyes attempt to focus upon her surroundings...The door softly eases closed on its well oiled hinges...and she makes her way unsteadily down the hall to get back to the gun turret. Her head pounds, yet she's strangely relaxed and alert. As she slips into her seat at the gun, KOL, Jazaf, and Duece stare at her state of dishevelment, then look at each other questioningly. She notices, but tries to act nonchalant.**

Well! Looks like you guys did a fair job at keeping the Alliance at bay, but you missed a few targets.

**jake7 lines up her gun and blows up a few fighters and several more sensors. She grins, leans back in her seat, and then yelps in pain. She feels around her back to find there are scratches there. She mutters smugly to herself**

Guess I'm not the only one who left marks!

(OOC: Dang it! Ath and I posted at almost the same time! Edited to add the following)

**Just then, she hears Ath's panicked voice come over the Comm and snaps out of her reverie to see a missile heading straight for the 'Tree. She sends out a blast to circumvent the missile, gets a hit, but it impacts too close to the 'Tree and knocks out some of the power grid. The 'Tree goes dark, then after a moment, the backup power takes over. She flicks on the Comm.**

Sorry about that, Ath! I don't think the damage is too bad, but we need someone to go check it out. Do we have anyone left on the 'Tree to check out the damage? Or, can you get the computer to assess the situation?

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Friday, March 3, 2006 7:05 PM


On the bridge of the Kilgore:

*A squad of Alliance marines waits impatiently as the engineers try to blast throught the Sereni-Tree's airlock. The sergeant checks the squads readiness.*

"Remember men, we're looking for a woman with wings."

"Uh, wings sir?"

"Yes, wings, corporal. I know it sounds strange, but the briefing was very clear. Anything else you can shoot on sight, but the winged woman MUST be captured alive."

*One of the privates turns to the man to his right and whispers, "AnyTHING else? Doesn't he mean anyONE else?"*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Friday, March 3, 2006 7:16 PM


*Ath turns on his wrist com and sets is to the entire crew.*

"Ath here. Is everyone okay?"

*A number of people check in, but Ath is no longer sure who is on the ship and who isn't.*

KOL: "Ath, are you okay? You don't sound so well."

"I'm all right. I just hit my head. But listen everyone. They're about to board the ship. I figure it'll take a few minutes for them to get through the air-lock, so everyone who can fight, get armed and head to the common room."

*Without waiting for a reply, Ath leaves the bridge and heads to his room. More than once he has to stop and brace against a wall to steady himself, and to wipe the blood from his eyes. Weh he gets there he digs out his pair of sandelwood-handled revolvers, an ammo-belt and a pair of daggers for close quarters, then heads for the common room as fast as he can.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Saturday, March 4, 2006 12:22 AM


seryn braces herself against the wall, watching the action unfold in front of her.

With graces and frenetic energy TWG glides about the room, The gurads, initially supicious, stand back warily, gun pointed and looking around for the real attack.

Then they begin to succumb to the spell, clapping, cheering, drooling... They follow TWG's progress, each one totally dropping any pretence of working and follow her like rats after the piper of Hamlyn, utterly mesmirised. Not even when She sets off coloured flares, swirling them around her head and encompassing them in clouds of acrid smoke, do they flinch.

Behind them, Soul and PR enter, stalking the soldiers warily. With little need - those who don't put them selves out of the picture by walking into machinery or shuttles, or tripping over equipment left on the deck, knocking themselves unconcious, are two fixated on the dancing figure in the smoke. Silently the two men dispatch of the remaining few and set too procuring a shuttle.

Summoning all her strength, she runs in, grabbing the largest wrench she can lift and crossing to the pallet of cannisters. Finding the largest trash chute she can, sh pours the liqefyed gases away, hoping that the residue is not enough to affect any one. Quickly she fills as many of the cannisters as she can with the water. And then sets too dilligently smashing the crap out of the rest of them with the wrench.

PR runs over. And grabbing another tool he joins in.

Once done, he looks at her 'your not going to make it, i'll go get Ervine'

No, you can't fly the Nandi, and I refuse to leave her behind. Besides, running is a breeze, I just fall forwards, but keep my feet under me...'

He grins, but not in an amused way. And she tries to assume a ''theres no point arguing with me' face.

'I'll see you all on the Tree. Soonish'

*lurches off to find Ervine*

As the three Tree-ers climb into one of the shuttles, a large group of soldiers and engineers pile into the bay. One of them, the officer, crosses to the pile of cannisters, kicking at them, then turns to the soldiers, indicating furiously, and as two engineers salvage the remaining cannisters and load them into one of the small craft, they start to search through the whole bay, ship after ship, even the small one with the cannisters as it is led away for launch.

'Oh go-se...'

Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. O.W.


Saturday, March 4, 2006 3:53 AM


Just as the comm sounds w ith a slightly panicked sounding Ath...


"All hands! Brace for impact!"

*stumbles into the cave entrance, hitting the wall, as the 'Tree shakes violently*

Oh God! We've got to back to Serenity. She's all alone!

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Saturday, March 4, 2006 4:50 AM



*As the soldier struggles with the frozen lock, small patches of ice begin to form on the wall in front of him. At first they seem like random patches, but soon the entire wall is encased in foot thick ice. The troops by the wall step back, mouths agape. The other soldiers stop and stare. The man of blue steps forward and begins giving orders....*

HandsOfBlue:"Don't just stand there, move to one of the other doors. Quickly!"

*The ice begins to wrap itself around the corners and walls continue to form down the 2 sides of the hanger as the the soldiers race to find a door before the ice covers the entire perimeter of the building.*

*Siezing the distraction TRM raises his hand slightly and the 2 grenades float unseen into the back of a nearby transport, and come to rest near the fuel reserve tank. The ice around the spoons already nearly melted in the Boros heat...*

HOB: "Somebody find whats causing this and stop it. Now!"

Jadehand Stiffles a snicker as the 2 expanding walls meet on the other end of the hanger completely sealing the reenforcements out of the hanger. He Pulls another tag and places it on his chest. "Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin." the Ice around his body becomes hard Shiny metal as MonkeyTail and the young Obi-Wan turn to see "Colossus".

JH: Anyone else having fun? Nyet?

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Saturday, March 4, 2006 5:53 AM


*Serenity feels the impact from the missile and is plunged in complete blackness as the lights go out. Fortunately, back up lights come on soon after.*


Originally posted by CallMeAth:

"Ath here. Is everyone okay?"

Yeah, Ath, I'm okay. A bit shook up, but we're both fine.


But listen everyone. They're about to board the ship. I figure it'll take a few minutes for them to get through the air-lock, so everyone who can fight, get armed and head to the common room."

Eep! Well, I guess I'm going to need my nametag after all!

*CMS puts away her knitting, takes off her katanas and puts on the nametag. She instantly changes from a winged and very pregnant young woman to a slightly dumpy middle aged woman dressed in a tasteful business suit, tasteful pumps, tasteful pearl necklace and matching tasteful pearl earrings. She is now Ms. Linda Haynes, Secretary of Agriculture for the Alliance.*

*She takes off her jacket and puts her katanas on underneath, covering them back up again with the jacket.*

Oooh, I hope I won't need these!

Now, to find LMD and Mai!

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"


Saturday, March 4, 2006 6:30 AM


Ath receives a beep on his com-link.

"Ath, this is Jet. I'm sealed into Main Engineering, which is not a bad thing from what I can tell. But I don't know where Grey and Needle are. We've lost pressure in some of the cargo decks, so I'm a bit concerned.

"Anyway, I'm going to try to get our main power plant back online first, but what do you want next, engines or weapons?"

Through the link, Ath hears a grinding sound, then a klunk.

"Ah, well, okay, Ath, make that main life support first, then main power."

Jet, Bride4


Saturday, March 4, 2006 6:40 AM


In the Common Room eight Yeti under Assan prepare to repel borders. Nugget the Meteor Troll joins them.

Trey has set up a fortified position behind her bar.

Sparky and the Ebo Golem are stacking furniture, and heavy appliances in front of the main airlock door.


Saturday, March 4, 2006 6:45 AM


*CMS speaks into her commlink*

Hey Ath, I just had a thought!

Your wings may be...problematic. If they're looking for me, which I fear they may be, then your wings are going to automatically link you to me!

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"


Saturday, March 4, 2006 7:13 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
"Anyway, I'm going to try to get our main power plant back online first, but what do you want next, engines or weapons?"

Through the link, Ath hears a grinding sound, then a klunk.

"Ah, well, okay, Ath, make that main life support first, then main power."

*cozen, all sated and the like, wanders through the engine room. For no particular reason, he disconnects the red "failsafe" wiring, and reconnects them to the port compression G-line. Accidentally, main power is restored to the central drive systems. The Sereni-Tree's engines come to life.*

*Life support, however, remains somewhat problematical.....*

Needle! Ack!


Saturday, March 4, 2006 10:30 AM


*Turns to TWG and Soul, in the shuttle.* Anyone want a marshmallow?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Saturday, March 4, 2006 10:44 AM


Frederick senses trouble brewing with his super awesome dino.. uh senses. He quickly escapes from the animal park and gallops (do dino's gallop?) down to the common room to help defend his people and his home.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Saturday, March 4, 2006 10:49 AM


Finally limping back into the main part of the park, LMD and Mai look around for Serenity.

*Freaks out when they can't find her immediately*

Oh we never should have left her alone. I know she is more than capable of defending herself,but its just too dangerous for the baby!

*spies a strange woman standing near the picnic sight they left mere hours ago*

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Saturday, March 4, 2006 12:15 PM


Um, hi there strange woman standing near the picnic site we left mere hours ago!

Have you seen a young very pregnant woman with wings anywhere? I'd really hate to be responsible for losing her.

Perhaps we could use the help of our friends here in the park.

/me whistles then makes a serious of seemingly random noises. after a few minutes, a large mass of animals gathers around him.

Hey! Listen up! We have some bad men coming aboard *there's an uproar among the beasts* I know, I know, most men are bad, but I mean bad, bad men. I heard them say that you guys all smell! Imagine that, them with their "clean" scent and manufactured, not natural colognes and perfumes! And they want to use your homes, to make toilet paper! Don't let them do that!

/me bends over and begins drawing something in the dirt

Here's what we're going to do...

--- <-inching towards daylight


Saturday, March 4, 2006 1:08 PM


*sees Mai and LMD heading towards her*

Hey guys! There you are! I was worried!

*sees their strange looks.*

It's me, Serenity. Cool disguise, huh? I'm the Secretary of Agriculture. Boring, but efficent.

So, what's the plan?

*LMD starts making strange noises and all the animals arrive.*

Alrighty then!

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"


Saturday, March 4, 2006 1:25 PM


*KellyofLuthien races to the cockpit, carrying her bow, quiver and a slender, graceful sword.*

"Are you OK? Serenity's right, you know. If they're looking for a winged girl, you'll stand out a bit."

Ath lets out a stream of chinese that probably shouldn't be written down. Kelly tucks her hair behind her ears before strapping on her quiver. She holds the sword out to Ath.

"Do you know how to use a sword? You may use mine if you wish. Its name is Nardol, "fiery head," which was my nickname as a child, before I received the ring. I will use the ring to protect you if I must, and your sister too. I seem to owe you one lifesaving already."

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Saturday, March 4, 2006 1:52 PM


A small, flat, shuttle breaks away from the Alliance cruiser, swerving and dipping to avoid the other objects whirling around the space between it and the Tree.
It flys low under the nose of the Tree, its surface reflecting no light, deftly avoiding streams of cannon fire. Coming up behind the gun turrets it attatches itself to the ship.
A few moments later a figure crawls out of a small hatch, clinging to the Tree, and worming its way round to detatch several objects from the shuttle. It crawls over the metal, until it finds a panel with the markings it wants, and quickly removes the plate, crawling in and emerging several minutes later.

Inside the Tree, a small beep starts up, telling anyone listening that the atmosphere generator are reporting a fault, On a screen in engineering a messege warning of a foreign chemical in the system flashes.

Mere minutes later, the first Tree-er affected feels the dull ache start between her shoulder blades, a strange crunching and stretching sensation.

Mai sits back, alarmed. I know this sensation... As the wings grow and unfold, she watches astounded as not only the humans are affected, but the animals too.
Each one grunts and shifts, some alarmed by the new sensations, others stretching the new appendages and shifting with excitement, and it takes all of his ability for LMD to keep them calm, even as his own wings grow.

'Oh my!'

Ath, pulling himself momentarily away from Kelly, checks the source of the highly annoying beeping. Swearing long and eloquently once again, he pulls up a diagnostic, then kills the main life support, switching to auxillary. But too late, almost all the water from the Sea of Wings is inside the ship, and making its way to everyone on board.

This is Ath, something got into, well, was put into the atmosphere generators, is everyone ok? ....anyone?

CMS, as the only one not staring in awe at their brand new feathery bits, answers him -

Uh, kinda...


whoo hoo! that should give you the upper hand when the cruiser trys to board!
hmmmm, I wonder what kind of wings the yetis have?
Ok, If anyone didn't want wings and now hates me, sorry!

Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. O.W.


Saturday, March 4, 2006 5:56 PM


Huh. Well, I guess I can take this off now.

*removes nametag*

Thank goodness. Those shoes were so ugly!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Saturday, March 4, 2006 9:51 PM


In the infirmary SR sits up in the bed, unhooks his IV and washes down a few pain killers with last water from his canteen. Unbenounced to him the Regent's recipe magma sauce is inhibiting the growth of any wings. He gathers up his weapons and gear and hoofs it slow but sure up to the top tier of the balconies surrounding the common area. From there he takes a snipers position and prepares to target any unwelcome guests.

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, March 5, 2006 12:15 PM



Both Safe and Jack stand mouths open in shock. The squad leader, however, looks unimpressed, his hands still clasped behind his back. “That was most… unexpected and a little disappointing.”

Out of the corner of his eye Safe sees Bride7 advancing, a nasty grin on her face and a live grenade clutched in each hand.

“Whoa!! Hold, Bride7!!” Safe turns making a calming motion with his hands. “Let’s see what the man has to say now.”

Safe turn back to the squad leader “Seems the tables are turned now.”

“On the contrary Mr. “Safe”, the deck, as you would say, is still stacked in my favour. You don’t honestly think I would come undermanned when breaking the back of the underground, and capturing an Alliance traitor, do you?” The man waves a blue hand at the shadows. Eight more soldiers appear, two holding Versa and slumping Flechette. The one holding Flechette sported a rapidly expanding bruise on his cheek and a bloody nose.

“There is another squad approaching as we speak, so you see, your running is over.”

“How many of you are there??” Safe gasps.

The adrenaline drained away, leaving in its place a gnawing void created by blood loss, overexertion and the crushing weight of guilt. He couldn’t see how they were going to get out of this. Yet more people were going to die because of his actions.

Safe left arm sagged, the gun falling from his numb fingers. Why were these people willing to die? He had lead a squad of soldiers that would have, and eventually did, die for him. But that was born from a bond built on the battlefield. With the exception of Jack, he had known these people too briefly to build that bond. “Why?” Safe whispered as his shoulders sagged in defeat.

“Safe! You’re not going to let this go se win are you? We’re so close.”

Gunshots and shouting outside and Jack’s momentary distraction was all opportunity the soldier holding Flechette needed. With Safe’s one gun hand wavering and Jack no longer looking at their leader, the soldier fired on the only remaining threat, Needy.

At this point, everything seemed to happen at once.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Sunday, March 5, 2006 12:38 PM



Needy looked around in shock at the sound, trying to assess who was hit. Needy looked at the leader and saw his grin of triumph fade to a look of confusion. The man was staring at him.

Needy looked down and saw a stain of blood slowly expanding on the high right side of his chest. He fully expected to pass-out; as he had done before, when it occurred to him that there was no pain. In fact the blood flow had slowed.
Flechette had apparently been playing possum. When her captor had raised his gun and fired, she had reacted instinctively. Her right arm flew up and backwards, the back of her elbow catching her captor right at the base of his nose. There was a snap and a spray of blood and the guard dropped, dead before he hit the floor.
Bride6 had watched the tension build. When Versa and Flechette had appeared, she had altered her aim. Something she had seen had convinced her that Flechette wasn’t out of the picture, so she had targeted the soldier holding Versa.

Bride6’s reaction had been almost instantaneous, breathing in deep to block her pain, she could swear that she saw her own breath as she exhaled and fired. Her gunshot echoing Flechettes captors’ gunshot, Versa’s captor dropped, a neat hole in his forehead.
Citizen had been watching through the backdoor. Troops were advancing on their position. If Safe doesn’t get a move on, I’m not going to be able to talk our way out of this one, he thought.

Citizen turned to see what was happening when a weight forced the door closed. Citizen turned back shocked, yanking his hand away leaving skin still attached to the door knob. “What the..?” Frost crept up the metal door.
Jack’s focus changes as the remaining six soldiers start to recover from the surprise. Jack’s sub-machine pistols blare, spraying death. Two soldiers are thrown backwards.

The return fire from the soldiers is cut off almost before it can begin as Bride7’s two hand grenades bounce into their midst. The men drop their weapons in their haste to flee. They head for the hole in the side door caused by the truck. Bride6 and Citizen manage to drop two more before they make it out. The remaining two soldiers don’t’ make it far when a weird thing happens, A wall of ice seals the breach in the door, trapping the bluehand, Safe and his crew in and the approaching squad of soldiers out. It also sealed the fleeing soldiers, mid-stride, in the wall of ice.
The blue hand fumbles in his pocket for the tool of his trade. He finally frees the pen shaped object when a gunshot shatters his hand and sends the “weapon” spinning across the hanger. The bluehand looks up, fear showing for the first time on his face, and stares down the barrel of Safe’s gun.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Sunday, March 5, 2006 2:15 PM


* a small droplet of water joins the small pool now surrounding the two egg shaped objects that rest against the fuel reserve in the back of the transport........Drip, drip, drip. Smaller drops are flung at the inside of the truck as the spoons break free of their icy prisons. Seconds tick away, and then the firery wrath, once contained within the grenades, burst free, gushing through the tanks of gasoline igniting everything in its path *

Just outside the truck:
* Soldiers who once stood, mouths agape, staring forward as a wall of ice retarded their progress, are thrust forward towards that wall by the concusive force of a large explosion. *

JadeHand: "Lights!"

*Still standing, a man with blue surgical gloves shouts orders at the soldiers flailing on the ground* "Get up! Get up and get inside! And find whatever is causing these......delays!"

JadeHand: "Camera!"

*Soldiers struggle to their feet. Some holding their ears, all unsteady on their feet. The lead soldier begins to protest. "But sir, the ice is more than a fo.." He's cut off as the hands of blue grasp him by the shirt and fling him backwards towards the ice..."Get me in there NOW!" *

JadeHand: "Action!"

*Jadehand stands and leaps up towards the top of the shipping container the three have been concealed behind. His now steely hands grasp the top and pull him up with such force that he is airborne as he passes over the container towards the group of soldiers. A smile crosses his face as he hears the sounds of two sabers blazing to life behind him. MonkeyTail and TheRealMe ready to join the fray. *

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Sunday, March 5, 2006 4:39 PM


*feels a shooting pain race through her back*


Oh how fun, I've got my pretty fairy wings again.
*flies around the park*

How can this be happening? I thought the only way to get wings was to drink from the pirate ocean water?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Sunday, March 5, 2006 8:31 PM


**A strange odor wafts through the gun turret where jake7 is sitting. Suddenly, she is thrust foward into the gun and sets off a barrage of gunfire and missiles, blasting several holes into the hull of the encroaching Alliance ship -- unknowingly wreaking all sorts of havoc on the cruiser. As she peels herself off the gun controls, she sees the destruction done by the blasts and grins. She then realizes she's grown her wings back...**

What the...? How'd *these* come back?

**She shifts her wings to fold them more comfortably against her scratched up back (gives a quick smile in rememberance of her "kidnapping") and sits back -- a bit more gingerly -- in her chair. She turns to see Duece and Jazaf looking rather stunned at the fact that they have now sprouted wings for no apparent reason. She tries to reassure them.**

I'm not sure how these came back, but the last time we all grew wings, we were exposed to the water where we met up with that pirate ship where we picked up KOL. Hey! Speaking of which, where'd she go?

Anyway, you'll get used to them. They're pretty cool, once you figure out how to use them!

**To herself she thinks**
Not sure how these wings are going to come into play, but I sure hope they don't turn into a liability!

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Monday, March 6, 2006 1:36 AM







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