Defending Sereni-Tree and Lift-off from Boros

UPDATED: Monday, March 13, 2006 18:50
VIEWED: 25640
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Monday, March 6, 2006 1:40 AM


This is Thread 41!

For “The Guide to the Clubhouse / Treehouse / Sereni-Tree Threads”, see:

Near the beginning of the following thread is “TheRealMe’s Guide to the Sereni-Tree, V4”:

Previous thread (summarized below) at:

(Interim Summary. Wow, as the stories get more detailed and complex, they get harder to summarize!)

Oh the Sereni-Tree:

Just as the starship Sereni-Tree is nearing Boros to pick up its misplaced crew, it is intercepted by a threatening Alliance Cruiser. Ath is piloting, and ThatWeirdGirl and TheRealMe are called to the bridge. TheRealMe has a plan to secretly recover the Boros folk, even with Alliance scrutiny, but it requires him to be present on site to make dimensional portals. He puts TWG in command of the Sereni-Tree and calls for the quick launch of the Ocean Cloud, because he thinks that the SEP field on that craft will let them slip away invisibly. TRM encourages TWG to use her Confusion power on the Alliance ship, then he departs for the hanger. A second Alliance ship appears. The sneering Alliance officer tells Ath and TWG that they know everything that is going on, because they have a mole aboard the Sereni-Tree! In particular, the SEP field will not be effective!

SoulOfSerenity and Jazaf make it to the Bridge. ThatWeirdGirl discovers that her Confusion power doesn’t work well at a distance. TWG’s nine Yeti friends make it to the Bridge to pledge their help. Deuce squeezes by the creatures to be at Jazaf’s side. Soul uses his desolidification power to phase through the Sereni-Tree, fly across space, and re-solidify inside the Alliance cruiser Tripoli. With him, Soul has brought TWG and Ervin the Yeti.

TWG left Ath in command of the Sereni-Tree. Ath calls for battle stations and gets the crew ready to repel borders. He sends the remaining Yeti down to protect the Common Room. He asks SimonWho to keep Bluefishie, Piffle, and some other non-combatants safe in his Blue Box. SimonWho agrees, and gets to working on a deus ex machina, just in case we need one. Jake7, Kelly, Jazaf, and Deuce crew the Sereni-Tree’s weapon turrets to defend the ship. Serenity, Mai, and LightMeDark hide in the Sereni-Tree’s animal park, protected by Kelly’s Elvish wards (though Mai and LMD soon wander off to investigate an out-of-the-way, private, and romantic spot for “danger” – a cave).

In the hanger, when they hear that the SEP field of the Ocean Cloud will not fool the Alliance ships, TRM makes a change of plan (after dumping the possibly bugged platinum into a cargo bay). Everything gets loaded into the Napoleon Bonaparte instead. TRM remote pilots the Ocean Cloud out of the hanger first, and Quincey pilots the Bonaparte after it, shrunk to a tiny size. When the Alliance blows up the Cloud, the tiny Bonaparte speeds away to Boros, pretending to be a piece of the Cloud’s wreckage. TheRealMe makes contact with the missing crew on Boros through one of his tiny dimensional portals, but he only gets partial information on their location. They re-enter and head toward the city of Boros Prime. On the Bonaparte are Jadehand, Quincey, TheRealMe, and Monkeytail.

Meanwhile, Seryn makes contact with the Alliance ship in order to surrender herself! She flies the stolen Alliance fighter Nandi out of the Sereni-Tree’s hanger and to the Alliance cruiser Tripoli. There is clearly some “history” here, and they act glad to get their hands on her. Seryn seems to be some kind of Alliance Operative on the run, but swears to Ath that she is not “the mole”. After some conversations, the Alliance types seem more friendly to the Sereni-Tree and one of the Alliance ships starts to back way… but it is a TRAP!

On Boros:

As a result of the firefight in the alley, the badly wounded Needy is loaded onto an Alliance truck by Flechette, Versa, and Amy, and they drive off. They stick a sonic mine on him to slow down the bleeding. While he is lying there, Needy has a significant near-death other-worldly experience where he meets an angel resembling CallMeSerenity (or perhaps, dreaming about Serenity is typical for him ). That group drives the truck to the hanger, breaking through a gate to get there.

Meanwhile, Safe, Jack, Citizen, ScorpionRegent, Bride6, and Bride7 win the firefight in the alley, greatly helped by Bride7 using a smoke grenade to (accidentally) get behind the Alliance troops to catch them in cross-fire. SR is lost and left behind when he is wounded and wanders off in the smoke into the back of some store. The rest proceed to the hanger, half-carrying each other. During this time, TheRealMe makes contact with them through one of his tiny dimensional portals, but he only gets partial information on their location. At the hanger, Safe and company notice the truck Needy and friends went off in, and see that Alliance types are also present and are holding Needy and Amylisai hostage! On the floor from her wounds, Bride6 gets ready to shoot. Bride7 pulls the pins on some grenades, holds their spoons, and advances, daring the Alliance to shoot her. However, in the middle of this confrontation, Needy suddenly acquires River-like strength, speed, and agility (inspired by his memories of Serenity-angel) and he beats the crap out of the Alliance goons that were threatening Amylisai and him. But where are Flechette and Versa? It is revealed that they are being held by eight more soldiers. Action pauses, as the BlueHands threatens the group yet again. Then the soldier holding Flechette shoots Needy, wounding him again!

Outside the hanger, the Bonaparte finally shows up. There are lots of Alliance troops surrounding the hanger, and at least one Bluehands. Jadehand distributes some nametags and then the Jade Iceman, Obi-Real Kenobi, and Monkeytail (just Monkeytail?) jump out to fight. Quincey circles around in the Bonaparte to provide intelligence and air cover. Jade Iceman blocks the hanger entrances with a foot-think wall of ice and with the help of the telekinetic Force powers of Obi-Real Kenobi, gets some grenades in a position to blow up some vehicles, their spoons frozen in place in a block of ice to keep them from exploding… until the ice melts.

Back inside the hanger, Flechette had been playing possum, and takes out the soldier that had been holding her, who shot Needy. The wounded Bride6, laying on the floor some distance away, had been waiting for an opening, and blows away the soldier holding Versa. Jack starts blazing away with machine pistols, spraying death. Bride7 tosses both of her grenades at the feet of the remaining soldiers and they scatter. Bride6 and Citizen drop a few more as they attempt to escape through the hole in the side door made by the truck. But the last two are encased in a wall of ice that suddenly appears to block that exit. The BlueHands grabs for his pencil sonic weapon device, but Safe shoots it out of his hand. This leaves the BlueHands inside, alone with Safe, Jack, Citizen, Bride6, Bride7, Needy, Flechette, Versa, and Amylisai.

Outside the hanger, Jadehand changes nametags to become a steel-skinned super-strong Colossus. The grenades go off, blowing up a transport and throwing an Alliance squad into the ice wall surrounding the hanger. A Bluehands shouts orders, attempting to rally his troops. Just then, Jade Colossus, Obi-Real Kenobi, and Monkeytail leap over a large shipping container to confront the villain.

On the Alliance cruiser Killgore:

The wounded and bleeding ScorpionRegent, lost in the firefight on Boros, winks into existence on the Killgore, deposits the bomb he had been carrying, and winks away again. An explosion rocks that ship, damaging it significantly.

On the Alliance cruiser Tripoli:

Seryn is captured as soon as she climbs out of her fighter, the Nandi, and is taken into an interrogation chamber and exposed to sonic torture with one of those weird bluehands pencil things. In the Tripoli’s hanger bay, the stowaway PsychicRiver opens a secret panel in the Nandi, climbs out, and takes care of the guards. He makes his way to the interrogation room where Seryn resides to help free her (with help from her killer bunnies) and they make their way toward the bridge. On the way, Seryn and PR run into ThatWeirdGirl, Ervin the Yeti, and Soul. TWG is Confusing enemies, Soul is shooting them with his bow and arrows, and Ervin is conga-dancing. After TWG scolds PR for getting himself into so much trouble, they join forces to try to stop a plot they overheard about sending borders over to fill the Sereni-Tree with poison gas! When Alliance troops start coming, Ervin volunteers to stay behind to hold the corridor while the others continue with the mission. They decide to replace the poison gas earmarked for the Sereni-Tree with water vapor from the Sea of Wings. As this mission is completed (TWG easily Confused the guards on the gas cannisters), Seryn tells the others to get away in a shuttle and she will go back to find Ervin and take him out in the Nandi. She does not reveal to ThatWeirdGirl, Soul, or PsychicRiver that the sonic torture she suffered has made her deaf!

Back on the Sereni-Tree:

Cozen begins an ill-advised attempt to kidnap Jake7 and subject her to pleasurable torture while she is trying to lead the other gunners in shooting the enemy. Sadly (for us, not necessarily her), she is distracted by his efforts and they end up in some luxury suite of rooms in the East Wing.

ScorpionRegent winks into existence on the upper balcony of the Sereni-Tree, and is discovered and taken to the Infirmary by Sparky. When Sparky gets befuddled by “Three Laws of Robotics” conflict, SimonWho shoves Sparky out of the way and stops SR’s bleeding, then gets back to his Blue Box to keep working on his deus ex machina. SR arranges to inject himself with a substance of questionable legality and safety, but it certainly perks him up!

Without Jake7 in her turret, the Sereni-Tree suffers several crippling hits from the Tripoli, despite Ath’s fancy flying. The Sereni-Tree and inhabitants are shaken up in the fine tradition of the Original Star Trek, and it suffers a loss of power. Emergency lights come on, and klanking can be heard on the hull as the “poison” canisters are put in place. They activate, and everyone on the Sereni-tree grows wings (including the animals in the “This Land” park, which are being organized by LightMeDark and Mai). From Engineering, Jet calls Ath with a status report: things look bad (though Cozen somehow arrives in Engineering and fixes the engines through a dangerous and seemingly random jury-rigging).

Kelly leaves her non-functional turret and tracks down Serenity, giving her the elvish sword “Nardol” and offering to protect her with the Ring of Fire. *EDIT* No, Kelly gave Ath the sword, later.

An enemy shuttle docks with the Sereni-Tree, with orders to capture a woman with wings, but anything else can be shot on sight. Ath calls for anyone who can still fight to gather in the Common Room to repel boarders. Trey has fortified her bar, Sparky and the Ebo Golem stack obstacles in front of the main airlock, and eight yeti, Nugget the Meteor Troll, and Frederick the dinosaur await the invasion. Scorpion Regent has taken up position on the upper balcony opposite the airlock and near the Bridge entrance, to act as a sniper.

And remember, just about everybody on the Sereni-tree has grow wings!

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Monday, March 6, 2006 1:41 AM


Confusing! As a public service, here is where I think everyone is located:

Inside the hanger on Boros: SafeAt2nd, CastIronJack, Citizen, Bride6, Bride7, Needy, Flechette, Versa, Amylisai.

Outside the hanger on Boros: Quincey (flying around in the shrunken shuttle Bonaparte), Jadehand, TheRealMe, Monkeytail.

On the Alliance Cruiser Tripoli: Ervin the Yeti, Seryn (trying to find Ervin and get away in the fighter Nandi

On a stolen shuttle escaping from the Tripoli to the Sereni-Tree: ThatWeirdGirl, SoulOfSerenity, PsychicRiver.

In the Sereni-Tree’s turrets: Jake7 (returned from the luxury suite), Jazaf, Deuce.

In Sereni-Tree’s Engine Room: Jet and Cozen (and Schwartz the Llama?), attempting repairs.

On Sereni-Tree, hiding in SimonWho’s Blue Box: Bluefishie, Piffle101, SimonWho (who is also working on a deus ex machina).

In Sereni-Tree's “This Land” Park : CallMeSerenity (protected in an elvish magic circle), LightMeDark (gathering animals from the park), and Mai.

On Sereni-Tree, on their way to the Common Room: CallMeAth, ItsAWash, KellyOfLuthien.

On Sereni-Tree, ready in the Common Room to repel boarders: Trey, Frederick the Dinosaur, eight Yeti, Nugget the Meteor Troll, Sparky, Ebo Golem, ScorpionRegent (as a sniper up on a balcony).

Unknown: Ebonezer, Elwoodmom, Emma (lost previously on a trading mission), Lissa, Malicious, Montanagirl, Needleseye, NoSkillz and Shadow, Rat, Static, TheGreyJedi, XanderLHarris, MollyTheParrot, Wendel the shrunken Windmill Giant.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

Edited as per Serenity and ItsAWash


Monday, March 6, 2006 1:42 AM


Inside the Hanger on Boros:

Safe, Citizen, Jack, and Bride6 keep the BlueHands covered.

Bride7 smirks as she casually walks up and retrieves the grenades she threw. She resets them, replaces their pins, and sticks them back onto her belt. “I always like to carry a pair of duds with me. You never know when you might need them for a little psychological warfare.”


Monday, March 6, 2006 2:26 AM


Outside the Hanger on Boros:

Obi-Real Kenobi and his padawan Monkeytail vault high over the shipping container, doing matching somersaults, to land among a confused squad of Alliance soldiers. They instantly draw and activate their light sabers and the weapons flash about in luminous arcs, slicing every weapon in half, but leaving the soldiers untouched.

From behind Obi-Real, one of the soldiers draws a pistol. The experienced Jedi senses this, spins about, and uses his light saber to parry three rounds that are shot at him. Then Obi-Real lunges forward with his light saber and cleanly slices off the soldier’s weapon hand. “We were trying to be merciful,” Obi-Real chides him.

Sensing danger, Obi-Real ducks just before a laser beam would have impaled his head. Monkeytail reaches forth with his hand and the laser pistol leaps to him. The Bluehands scowls, and reaches into his vest pocket for a small pencil-like device. Obi-Real extends his hand, and with a smile, the sonic weapon flies into his grasp. The Bluehands responds by kneeling and smacking the end of his cane into the asphalt. Strange forces and a weird keening sound seem to radiate from the cane, engulfing the nearby area with a field that slows all motion, EXCEPT for the unaffected Bluehands.

“Sonic mine!” Obi-Real whispers. He can barely move, his advantages of speed and agility lost.

“Yes,” the Bluehands mentions casually as he strolls forward. He draws another pistol. “Fitting last words, don’t you think?”

Obi-Real Kenobi, Jedi Knight of the Sereni-Tree


Monday, March 6, 2006 3:13 AM


On the Tripoli -

Seryn runs back through grey corridors again, pausing often to try and work out her position. Oh god there is no way I'm going to find him!

Um, the intelligent way..
She thinks back on where they must have been, tracing their probable route on a map she calls up on a corridor screen.

so he's here, just a little way along from there, and I'm here, so I go, this way, down, then that way... ok...argh!

She starts the running again, and thank her lucky star when all the twist and turns she is expecting turn up on time. At last she finds herself surrounded by familiar debris. Ahead of her a man flys backwards and hits the wall. She grins. Rounding the corner she lifts her arms, waving slightly to make sure the Yeti sees her - before he throws her away -

'Ervin! Ervin its me, come on!

He drops the man he was shaking about and says something, but she can't tell what it is for all the fur covering his lips. She frown and points at her ears, shaking her head, he seems to get the message, that or he thinks she gone crazy, he pats her delicately on the head, and they start running.

Checking a map, she works out the route for the bay where the Nandi is, but then thinks of something else. Instead of the bay, she runs for the small secondary command room, the emergency control deck, and starts pulling up screens as the Yeti dispatches of the sentries.

On the screen in front of them they both watch in horror as the two cruiser narrow in on the Tree

Oh crappit. What do we do? Ervine looks at her, and makes a motion for her to lower her voice.

*whispers* well, it wont help much with the other cruiser, but I suppose there's always the original Plan B. Blow this tub out of the water.

Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. O.W.


Monday, March 6, 2006 6:31 AM


On the Tripoli:

Ervin the Yeti surveys the auxillary control room that Seryn has led him to. He smiles, takes a seat, and starts tapping away at a console.

He turns to Seryn. "Lady, Ervin try to hack security of bad ones. Make friends with computer. Make ship go boom!"

Ervin's attention returns to the screen before him, his typing blindingly fast.

"Ervin talk to computer right now. Not friends yet."

Seryn is surpised. "Ervin, where did you learn how to do this?"

"Lady, Ervin not dumb. Ervin want to learn computer. Asked man in TV for free learning disks. Disks good."

Ervin the Yeti


Monday, March 6, 2006 6:43 AM


*Serenity would like it known that she is still in the This Land Animal Park with LMD and Mai. She's not stupid enough to leave her magic elvin hidey circle when there's danger to he and her baby afoot. Still, her katanas are sharpened and ready if needed.*

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"


Monday, March 6, 2006 7:17 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

This is Thread 41!

Back on the Sereni-Tree:

...An enemy shuttle docks with the Sereni-Tree, with orders to capture a woman with wings, but anything else can be shot on sight. Ath calls for anyone who can still fight to gather in the Common Room to repel boarders. Trey has fortified her bar, Sparky and the Ebo Golem stack obstacles in front of the main airlock, and eight yeti, Nugget the Meteor Troll, and Frederick the dinosaur await the invasion. Scorpion Regent has taken up position on the upper balcony opposite the airlock and near the Bridge entrance, to act as a sniper.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


*Heeding Ath's call for able-bodied fighters to gather in the common room, Washie girds her loins and the rest of her with protective gear and sprints there with winged feet.

When she arrives the collective energy of the gathered crew prickles all along her skin. Her four and a half feet of blonde-brown hair ripples and flows around her shoulders, down her back as she begins to feel a powerful aura slamming down onto and into her, shades of a shade she had seen not two days prior in her quarters. As she stands slightly apart from the other fighters, she does not feel alone. She wears River Clone like a cloak.

As Ath looks over the assembly with a tight-lipped smile that's almost a grimace, his gaze lands on Washie whose eyes are glowing peculiarly cobalt blue. Her own mouth is curved into a satisfied smile reminiscent of amazonian confidence in power absolute. 'That one's ready for anything,' he mutters as he continues taking inventory of the ship's humanware defenses all around him.

With Ath distracted, Wash deems it time to move to a relatively quiet corner to test out what she has just discovered are her newly born abilities. Whether they came to her because the need is great just now or perhaps she'll have them for aye, she doesn't know nor care. The sleeper has awakened, today is what counts, here is the place and pretty gorram soon will be the true exercising of whatever she's got. Purple Bellies will be marauding on her new friends and family; they will all be fighting tooth and claw and powers-incarnate for everything they've got.

Wash removes the robot doll's remote control from her bodice where it's been concealed inside every gown she's worn since she first found it tucked inside the planter in the bar. Holding it in her open palm, she tilts her head down, eyes locked on the object and is not surprised to see it levitate a few inches straight up. She slowly drops her eyelids and feels the small black box drop back into her hand. While impatiently tucking the remote back between her breasts, she fastens her gaze on a large-ish box in the corner, channels power from herself and from River Clone and tugs it up by one corner, then another, then the third. It wobbles on the last corner, shifting back and forth. No huge effort so far. Another small tug of her gaze and the thing rises off the floor, her spread gown behind her masking most of the movement as she takes the crate three feet up before slowly lowering her gaze along with the box gently back onto the floor.

Smiling, Wash steps away from her small success and faces the massed fighters. She can almost see the excitement wafting off of them, excess energy they don't need sloughing off them, stretching up and away toward the high ceiling. She breathes deeply, taking as much power as she can, her body feeling more alive than ever before.

"Come and get it, Alliance Boys," she says in a melodious deep yet quiet voice, "We've got some naughty for ya."

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Monday, March 6, 2006 11:07 AM


*Jade Colossus lands near several troops and grabs a weapon from one and breaks it half. A second soldier levels a sonic rifle and fires. The blast that would normally knock a man down, shoves Jade Colossus back a few feet near the corner of the hanger. Obi-Real and MonkeyTail land and begin disarming the soldiers, in some cases, literally. Jade Colossus spots a barrel beside the hanger that would make a nice missile weapon and steps towards it as he hears a weird keening sound. He turns back to see all but the Bluehands drastically slowed, and his comrades in danger.*

*Jade Colossus flings the barrel at the Bluehands. It speeds forward with tremendous force, but comes to nearly a complete stop several feet from him. It slowly continues forward. Jade Colossus Snatches a soldier off the ground and heaves him at the Bluehands as well. The soldier also becomes lodged in the field. The Bluehands takes notice, and turns his attention from Obi-Real to Jade Colossus.*

Bluehands: "Ahh, a new player. You should have stayed home, boy."

*Bluehands stalks forward slightly and touches the barrel stuck in the field, and drops it to the ground. He does the same with the recently flailing soldier. then levels his pistol at Jade Colossus*

Jade Colossus: "So, (he thinks aloud in whispered tone) things he touches can move freely too eh?"

*He finishes the thought just as the first laser blast singes his metal chest. Jade Colossus dives behind some debris and pulls another tag and slaps it on. The metal body fades and is replaced with blue fur and a prehensial tail. A cloud of smoke that smells of sulfur replaces the spot where JadeHand once kneeled, just as several laser blast filll the area.*

Inside the forcebubble of the Sonic Mine:
*A second cloud of smoke appears behind the Bluehands and a tail wraps around his leg.
The Bluehands, the sonic mine, and Jade Nightcrawler are gone. Leaving Obi-Real and MonkeyTail free to move amongst the disoriented soldiers*

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The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Monday, March 6, 2006 12:10 PM


*KellyofLuthien rushes toward the common room, bow in one hand, Narya sparkling on the other. She gets on the com-link and hails Sparky.*

"Sparky, did you change the code on the door to This Land?"

"No Miss Kelly, I was delayed, but--"

"Do it now, please." Kelly gives Sparky a code. "They'll be here any minute."

"It will be done, Miss Kelly."

*Kelly reaches the common room and looks around. A haphazard assembly of creatures and humans are gathered there, each gripping weapons with grim determination on their faces. Wearing her Ring of Fire, Kelly can feel other powers present, strong forces not easily meddled with. She shakes her head, clearing her mind, and looks over at Ath. His eyes are still a bit dim, as if the blow to his head had knocked the light out of them. Kelly places her hand on his forehead and murmurs a few words.*

"Nai Varda varya le."

She feels the heat flow from her fingers into his skull and watches as the pain leaves his eyes.

"Thanks," he mutters.

"You're welcome. Let's hope it's the only healing I have to do for you today."

Ath smiles and looks up at her. "What's your plan?"

"I will stay here until it seems they'll get through, and then I will head to This Land to protect your sister."

Ath nods and Kelly nocks an arrow.

"How good are you at warfare?" she asks. "Let's position our fighters."

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Monday, March 6, 2006 5:59 PM


a crackle comes through the com.

"I have a strong field of fire on the main air lock door from the top tier of the balcony. Do not cross into it. Concentrate missle fire into the airlock and allow the troopers to come to you. Make all possible use of available cover until you have to fight hand to hand. Fight smarter then harder people."

Scorpion Regent


Monday, March 6, 2006 6:06 PM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:
*KellyofLuthien rushes toward the common room, bow in one hand, Narya sparkling on the other. She gets on the com-link and hails Sparky.*

"Sparky, did you change the code on the door to This Land?"

"No Miss Kelly, I was delayed, but--"

"Do it now, please." Kelly gives Sparky a code. "They'll be here any minute."

"It will be done, Miss Kelly."

“Yes, Miss Kelly!” Faster than humanly possible, Sparky runs away from the airlock door and across the Common Room floor to that level’s North Wing entrance. Then his arms extend upward to grab the railing on the upper balcony. They retract again, pulling him up to that level. He dashes toward the accessway to “This Land” and begins playing with controls there. A bulkhead of impressive thickness slams shut. Task accomplished, Sparky throws himself off the upper balcony and falls two levels back to the Common Room floor. His legs absorb the shock of his landing with no apparent damage.

Sparky the Robot


Monday, March 6, 2006 9:39 PM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
a crackle comes through the com.

"I have a strong field of fire on the main air lock door from the top tier of the balcony. Do not cross into it. Concentrate missle fire into the airlock and allow the troopers to come to you. Make all possible use of available cover until you have to fight hand to hand. Fight smarter then harder people."

Scorpion Regent

*KellyofLuthien glances up at the balcony, then turns to Ath.*

"Do you know who that is?" she asks.

"Never seen him before."

Kelly frowns. "Well, guess he's on our side."

*Kelly scans the common room. The ragtag team of fighters stand in small groups, clutching their weapons with white knuckles. Kelly lightly hops up on the pool table and soon has their attention.*

"OK, we need to move this furniture for cover. Trey, Sparky, Nugget and Ebo Golem, I want you positioned behind the bar. Yeti, please move this pool table once I'm off of it--be careful, Ebo is under there, make sure she's protected. Ath, you and Wash move that couch so we can use it for cover. And Frederick, just keep doing what you're doing.

Now I've been through a few battles myself: I was there during the last stand against Sauron in the Second Age, when Men and Elves fought side by side. And I was there in Mirkwood with the Shadow grew once more and threatened our freedom we worked so hard to gain. Thus it is today: we must stand together and fight against this Alliance, fight for our freedom and those we love. These people mean to hurt us and take our friends away, and I don't stand for that."

Kelly jumps off the table and raises her ring.

"It's time to misbehave."

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Monday, March 6, 2006 9:58 PM


*First attempt at writing here, so bear with me.*

Amid the fleet of Alliance troops awaiting to storm the 'Tree stands a weapon not yet used in combat situations. A cyborg standing just over 6'5 armed with a heavy blaster rifle in one hand while the other hand resembles more of a Swiss army knife equiped with different weapons and assessories. A rocket pack is mounted on his back which has wings that fold out when in use.

The blue and silver armored weapon was a project the Alliance kept under wraps as they used a severely wounded soldier from one of the previous battles and decided to attempt making a weapon capable of withstanding the kind of hits and blasts that would eliminate most human soldiers. The only human remains of this ill-fated soldier were from his waist up. Most of his vital organs were able to be spared but new limbs (arms, legs) needed to be added to make him more powerful. His head is covered with an armored silver helmet with a black visor over his eyes, making him resemble a modified Robocop. His right eye was replaced with a red mechanical eye which enables him to see much further than an unaided eye, is capable of seeing through most solid objects and detecting heat sensors.

Although the Alliance is proud of their new weapon, little do they realize the soldier within feels trapped in his new mechanical shell and wants to seek vengence on those who put him in this monsterous beast. The troops awaiting to board the 'Tree feel confident of their chances with their new weapon, McQ (Modified Combat Quarters), in their arsenal, however, he has other plans once he gets on board.

"These fools have no idea what they're in for. Surprise will be their's indeed," he thinks to himself as he looks around at the troops. An evil smirk overcomes his mouth and he adjusts his blaster rifle as the troops get ready to advance. "Let the fun begin."

You ain't seen nothing yet.


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 1:49 AM



The Alliance Lieutenant saluted, a task made difficult by his heavy combat armor. “Sir, we have already applied the sticky, and are about to breach the inner airlock door.”

“Excellent, Mullins. You are very clear on the mission goals?”

“Sir, we are to secure this ship and capture alive and unharmed a female humanoid with wings. All other targets… well, are suitable for target practice.”

The Captain smiled. “Close enough. Your troops initiate the boarding action, then we send MCQ, here, in to back you up.” The Captain patted the shoulder of his new weapon like a favored pet.

The Lieutenant gulped. “Yes, Sir. Do you really think it’s ready for a live combat situation, sir?”

The Captain laughed. “Why, Lieutenant, this device is the future of ground warfare and boarding actions.” His tone became serious. “It might also become your future, or that of your platoon, if you don’t perform well today.”

The Lieutenant saluted, suppressing a shiver. “Sir, I really must get back to my troops.” As soon as his salute was returned, Robert Mullins, Second Lieutenant in the Alliance Marine Corps, was on his way back to the front line. Oddly, it made him more comfortable than chatting with the Captain.

“Lieutenant, sir, welcome back. The sticky is in place, ready for ignition.”

“Good, man, Chin.”

“Yes, sir. How did it go back there?”

“The Old Man wants us to make the initial push, then when it's safe, he’ll send in his new toy to see how it performs.”

“Old Tinhead? I dunno, sir, that thing is just… creepy.”

“Also, he wanted to make sure that we are clear on our objective. We are to capture unharmed a humanoid female with wings. All other targets are inconsequential, which is to say shoot them all.”

“Heh, with wings? She ought to be easy to pick out! How many of THOSE can there be in the ‘Verse?”

“Ignite the sticky!”

From inside the Sereni-Tree Common Room, a thin line of red glowing metal appears around the airlock’s inner door. It becomes white hot. Sparky and the Ebo Golem attempt to push with their great strength on the furniture and other obstacles they have piled up against that door. Soon, the sticky burns through completely. Thanks to the pressure applied, the heavy vault door flops backward, falling on top of some Alliance troops.

Sparky is distraught. “Oh, my! I hope no human was hurt!”

The first Alliance troops scramble in over the furniture and fire their weapons blindly, but stop for a moment, surprised, when they discover a ship full of winged people waiting for them.


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 2:06 AM


Sparky leaps up, blocking ScorpionRegent's line of fire, and snaps the ends of the barrels off the first pair of Alliance rifles within his reach. Bullets bounce off Sparky's outer shell while he reaches over and snaps off two more. "Gentlemen and ladies, perhaps we can discuss this matter without recourse to violence?"

From further back in the squad, someone fires a rocket launcher, and Sparky explodes into countless bits that are scattered across the Common Room.

Sparky the Robot


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 3:32 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
Sparky leaps up, blocking ScorpionRegent's line of fire, and snaps the ends of the barrels off the first pair of Alliance rifles within his reach. Bullets bounce off Sparky's outer shell while he reaches over and snaps off two more. "Gentlemen and ladies, perhaps we can discuss this matter without recourse to violence?"

From further back in the squad, someone fires a rocket launcher, and Sparky explodes into countless bits that are scattered across the Common Room.

Sparky the Robot

"Sparky go inventory the infirmary. If you don't humans will be harmed by a unforseen shortage of medical supplies."

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 3:46 AM


"Fire!" SR commands through his com link. "Gorram waste of a perfectly silly robot."
Under his breath he mutters "Now that was the single bravest act of shear stupity in the last thirty years. That kid down on Boros will have to settle for second. Scary how the brain seems to go away in combat."

"Don't lose your heads people or your likely to lose your heads!" He snaps through the com link.

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 4:13 AM


*From inside the safe (for now) confines of This Land and Kelly's magic elven circle, Serenity turns, tossing her two and a half feet of blonde hair back over her shoulder. Her expressive blue-green eyes focus on Mai and LMD, as they rally and organize the animals for defense in case the locked door to the animal sactuary is breached.*

*Feeling, rather than seeing her questioning gaze, Mai and LMD look up.*

So, *she asks, folding her pale blue feathered wings behind her back." Would you like some juice while we wait?

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 4:47 AM


The Man They Call Soul...



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

“Excellent, Mullins. You are very clear on the mission goals?”

Mullins? I thought I was on a shuttle heading back to the TREE, not a part of the Alliance! Oh, wait. Mullins is me IRL. That's right. Never mind.


As the shuttle passes by the SereniTREE, the three occupants can see the Alliance transport docking with the TREE. Soul's eyes narrow.

"I need to get inside there." He turns to PR and TWG. "Take this shuttle back to the hanger bay, and stay out of sight. Weirdess, I would suggest against using your powers of confusion, since most likely the Alliance Feds will be mixed in with our crew."

"What are you gonna do?" PR asks.

Soul closes his eyes and gathers up his energy. He grabs his bow, notches an arrow and takes a deep breath.

"This," he says as he opens his eyes. Running to the far end of the shuttle, he braces a foot against the wall, and pushes off, racing across the metal floor and phasing right before he hits the opposite wall. For a few moments, he seems almost suspended in space; but then the TREE approaches, and he phases through, passing into the common room. Resolidifying, he rolls to a stop and fires a series of arrows into the line of oncoming Feds.

Around him, several TREE crew turn and give him odd looks.

“What? Okay, so I like the dramatic entrance. Can we please get back to the defending of our ship?”


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 5:13 AM


Half the winged Yeti, led by Corbin, start tossing heavy objects at the Alliance troops. Howling their battle cries, Assan and a companion charge the Alliance, flying in from the right and Hewitt and a companion charge them, flying in from the left. They are attempting to stay out of the line of fire of the Sereni-Tree crew.

Nugget the Meteor Troll sadly missed the signal, and is too heavy to get off the ground anyway. He stands in place and howls his frustration.

Trey pops up from behind her bar and lays down suppression fire.

The Ebo Golum, acting on its last orders, continues trying to push furniture into the breach.


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 5:16 AM


SR waits for the first trooper to make a serious incursion onto the common room floor before shooting him square in the chest. The slug rounds carry enough force that they need not penetrate armor. Their shear inertia will render internal organs into jelly.

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 5:45 AM


Trey is using her bar for hard cover. She curses as a hail of bullets mars its once beautiful surface and smashes the bottles of booze behind her. Then she feels a sharp pain and feels blood trickling down her back. She looks up.


While Trey had been keeping herself mostly behind cover, she failed to account for her wings, which just got riddled. She falls behind the bar, in shock.

Trey, Bride3


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 5:53 AM


Alliance Lieutenant Mullins curses as Trey goes down. "I said, don't hurt the winged females!"

"But sir, they ALL have wings!"

Mullins points at the approaching Ebo Golem. "That one doesn't!" The Ebo Golem sustains a great deal of punishment, bullets chipping away at its rocky surface, as it continues to push furniture. Finally, a rocket strike blows off the Ebo Golem's right side and it falls over.

"That's more like it!" Mullins calls. "If all the females here have wings, then we'll capture them all! But for now, concentrate fire on those furry monsters, and somebody take out that sniper up on the..."

At that moment, ScorpionRegent shoots Mullins, and he falls over unmoving. The Alliance troops pour their fire into the Yeti, taking down a few, and up at SR, causing him to duck for a moment.


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 6:05 AM


The Sereni-Tree common room:

When his commander falls, Sergeant Chin takes command of the platoon, and pushes into the common room, taking cover behind the busted and broken furniture. The Yetis Assan and Hewitt retreat, each leaving a companion behind.

Chin calls out loudly, "Second Platoon, attack!"

More Alliance troops come pouring into the common room.


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 6:09 AM


*Trying best he can to follow Jet's instructions.*

"Okay. Now, cozen, route the starboard injectors' auxiliary cable to Panel D, port 3A12. Careful! Don't...."

*The live end of the starboard injectors' auxiliary cable contacts "ground".*

*Throughout the Sereni-Tree, all electrical systems fail simultaneously. The engines cut out instantaneously, life support systems shut down. Oh: and all the lights go out. All of them.*

*The resultant shock sends cozen hurtling against a bulkhead. He slams hard against the wall, twitching and moaning through spittled lips.*


This. This... this is much worse than any hangover. Just sayin'.

*Jet ignites a butane flicker, kicks the spasming cozen.*

"You realise, don't you, that repairing the damage you've done is going to take... a while?"

*He summons the will to speak through jolting vocal cords.*

Yeah. Huh. Best get to it, right? Before all the ice cream melts.

*cozen passes out, still twitching.*

It's truly black, out in the Black.


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 6:15 AM


In the Sereni-Tree common room:

The lights go out, plunging the room into total darkness. Alliance Sergeant Chin calls out, "Activate infrared!" A hundred clicks sound throughout the room, and the Alliance troops resume shooting at the blinded Sereni-Tree crew.


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 6:17 AM


In the Sereni-Tree Engine room:

Jet makes sure that Cozen will live, then she kicks him again and gets back to work. Luckily, the swarm of robotic DRDs she has working with her all operate on battery power. She starts issuing them orders.

Jet, Bride4


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 6:18 AM


*Moaning in his comatose state.*

No buddy knows
The Sereni-Tree knolls
Likes we knows
The hidey-holes.



Tuesday, March 7, 2006 6:32 AM


**Back in the turrets, jake7 is frantically trying to figure out how best to help her friends. Suddenly, everything goes dark.**

GORRAMIT! What in the sphincter of Hell happened now?!?!

**she calls over to Jazaf and Duece**

You two all right over there? We need to get out of here and help the others.

**she grabs her remote from her pocket and notices a glowing yellow button that has the icon of an eye on it.**

Huh. Never noticed *that* button before!

**she presses the button and suddenly an eerie greenish glow shines around her. She can see the room as if it were lit up. She makes her way out of the turret and turns to Jazaf. She can see he's feeling around, trying to get himself out of the turret.**

Jazaf! Duece! Follow me!

Jazaf: Follow you? I can't even SEE you!

You can't? I can see you clearly! Duece, what about you?

Duece: I can't see you either! How can *you* see?

I pressed a button on the remote and I can see like I have night vision goggles on!

**jake7 gets an idea. She presses the purple force field button. Now, not only does she have night vision, but she can see her force field surrounding her.**

Why didn't I think of this before?? I can use these buttons in conjunction with each other!

Jazaf, Duece, find your way to safety. I think I might be able to help out the others.

**jake7 slowly makes her way to the Common Room. She gets to the balcony and looks down, seeing the confusion and mayhem going on. She also notices that the Alliance troops are wearing night vision goggles and can easily see her friends. She ducks back out of sight to figure out how best to the remote functions she is familiar with.**

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 6:57 AM



“Now, now Captain, let us not be hasty.” The Bluehand’s eyes never leave Safe’s. “I’ve read your service records. You’re an… honorable man. You wouldn’t shoot and unarmed man, and as you can see I am unarmed.”

“I don’t have any such qualms.” Jack sneers. “Let me shoot ‘im Safe.”

“I’m sure we can come to an arrangement.” Bluehands still refused to acknowledge the other members of the group. “Just walk out of here with me quietly. And they…” he waved his good hand dismissively at the others “Will be allowed to leave the building unharmed.”

“Say again??” Citizen blurts in amazement. “How the Blue Sun Corp. ever stays in business with that kinda twisted logic amazes and sickens me.”

“What would you know about business?” The Bluehands snaps at Citizen, his calm demeanor starting to fray. “Wait… I know you, or should I say I knew your grandfather wasn’t it? He was a weak man.”

Citizen dives at the Bluehands tackling him to the ground.

Jack, Bride7 and Safe struggle to separate the two. Jack and Bride7 pull Citizen off the Bluehands while Safe pushes the Bluehands down and plants his boot on the mans throat.

“I’LL KILL YOU ALL!!” The Bluehands screams, clawing at Safe’s leg. “Bunch of stinking animals, that’s all you are! You are nothing, NOTHING!!”

Safe steps down harder on the man’s throat to control him. The Bluehand is reduced to grunting, foam flying from his mouth with his exertions as he continues to claw at Safe’s leg.

“Versa, Flechette, can either of you prep a shuttle?” Flechette and Versa nod. “Good, prep that shuttle over there.” Safe points to the larger shuttle at the top end of the hanger. Barely visible on its side are the markings ISSCV. “There’s a ship in orbit waiting for us. Jack, open the hanger roof.”

At that moment, the Bluehand punches Safe in the back of the knee, loosening his hold on him. Safe’s gun bucks and Bluehand flops once and is still.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 6:59 AM



The whine of engines fills the air as the roof rolls back. Flechette emerges from a second shuttle and runs over to Safe. “We’re not going with you.”


“Amy, Versa and I. There’s another underground encampment on Persephone and an a ship waiting in the shadow of Boros’s moon. We’ve got to continue our work. What we’ve seen here has only strengthened our resolve.”

Everyone was now gathered by the shuttles. “Can’t say as I’m surprised.” Safe sighed.

“Won’t you come with us Safe?” Amy asked hopefully.

“…no… It’s safer if I stay on the move and that ship up there will allow me that luxury.”

“Safe, I’m going with them, if they’ll have me. I’m tired of runnin’.” Jack says looking hopefully at Flechette.

“Glad to have you. We could use your inside knowledge of the Alliance. Safe, Good luck to you.” Flechette and Safe shake hands. Amy, tears welling up in her eyes, hugs Safe fiercely.

Safe clears his throat. “So, Citizen, are you coming with me or staying with the underground. You do owe me an explanation as to your full involvement. Needy… wait a minute, how come you’re still standing?? You can tell me on our way out.”

Safe and Bride7 carry Bride6 into the ISSCV. Safe turns back to Citizen and Needy.

“You guys coming?”

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 7:17 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
In the Sereni-Tree common room:

The lights go out, plunging the room into total darkness. Alliance Sergeant Chin calls out, "Activate infrared!" A hundred clicks sound throughout the room, and the Alliance troops resume shooting at the blinded Sereni-Tree crew.

For a brief moment Kelly is blinded by inpenetrable darkness. Ahead of her she hears the gruff order of the Sergeant and the massive ping of multiple infrared goggles activating simultaneously. Kelly backs herself into a corner of the room, knowing there is only one thing she can do to help. She holds her ringed hand out in front of her, as if shielding the darkness, and shouts:

"Sereni-Tree! Close your eyes! NOW! Aiya Earendil Elenion Ancalima!"

An explosion of white fire erupts from Narya and Kelly hears the satisfying screams of the Alliance troops as their goggles are filled with blinding white light. Holding the Ring aloft, she shouts to her comrades to keep firing.

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 7:25 AM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:
Close your eyes! NOW!

*Still comatose....*

"revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night...."

Situation desperate, what with the quoting of Springsteen 'n all.




Tuesday, March 7, 2006 7:47 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Safe clears his throat. “So, Citizen, are you coming with me or staying with the underground. You do owe me an explanation as to your full involvement. Needy… wait a minute, how come you’re still standing?? You can tell me on our way out.”
Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny

Needy hesitates, still thinking about what had just happened - his mind racing to catch up.

He looks down and begins to pick with his finger his second chest wound. It too, like the other, resembles nothing mroe than a scab


Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Safe and Bride7 carry Bride6 into the ISSCV. Safe turns back to Citizen and Needy.

“You guys coming?”

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny

Needy looks up at Safe

"Yeah... I think so."

"You don't seem so sure about that" Safe replies

"No, I'm not. I'm not sure of anything right now. But I can't stay here, and I'm not ready yet to join any underground movement... yeah, I'll come with you Safe. If you don't mind"

Safe smiles "Course not"

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 8:59 AM


*Wash stands with her comrades, feet firmly planted, wings on her heels peeking out beneath the hem of her flowing gown. She is at peace in the midst of pitch darkness and even in the blinding light that follows. Her hands, her arms hold no weapons anybody can see, her hair writhes and folds around her shoulders and back like the strands of a sea anemone as a cryptic smile graces her lips. Although she does not seek cover, no bullets, no lazer blasts, nothing hurled penetrates an area roughly 4 inches around her form. Her hands are slowly lifting now as she sees clearly after the elven magic brightened the room, then dims to a manageable level. The magic was just what they needed, effectively blinding the purple bellies due to their foolish use of night-vision equipment.

Washie draws living energy from the 'Tree's crew and the enemy alike, wasted power that has bled off of them from fear and battle-glory. RiverClone is alive inside her, on her skin, laughing quietly, reveling in the now of this, the hot heated flavor of this. Wash curls and coils the power, concentrating it along her biceps, down her wrists, holding it there, fingers gracefully curved toward her palms, waiting the right moment to unleash hell on the enemy. The pitiful remains of this latest Alliance force are stunned and sightless, writhing in pain on the deck.

But the next wave is coming, and with them she "reads" a half-metallic hunk of humanity who is not-quite-foe, not-quite-friend to her new family on this ship. Something about him bothers her, but not necessarily in a wholely bad way.

"It's not over yet," she hears somebody on her side say. "More are coming, they ain't no way giving up that easily. Eyes forward, Boys and Girls, we're fighting for everything we hold dear."

Washie's last thought as she awaits the unslipping of the dogs of war is of somebody in particular worth fighting with, worth fighting for, that she has held dear not two days past. Her fingers begin to uncurl the slightest bit, energy audibly crackling between her spreading fingers, noticed by those surrounding her, who step away from her field of fire.

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 9:52 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

OOC: Heh, Kelly I had the same basic idea for the blinding white light, except I was going to use an arrowhead.


Soul continued firing, his hands flying as he made his way through most of the arrowheads on the bandolier across his chest. One Fed falls as an arc of electricity renders him unconscious; another bursts into flames; a third vanishes in the quick blink of a vortex. Finally, Soul is down to a single arrow and two arrowheads: a duplicate of the Phoenix one Soul had used on Static back at the Dark Tower, and the only one he had never used before, the arrowhead in the shape of the head of the man called Succotash. Soul makes his decision, fits his final arrow with the arrowhead, and aims straight up, watching as the arrow flies up straight and true. Instead of impacting the ceiling, though, it phases right through, thanks to the quick burst of energy Soul had run through it.

Soul lowers his eyes and drops his bow. Grabbing the dagger at his waist, he takes a hold of the handle shaped like the tail of a scorpion, and leaps into the fray, swinging the black blade as he goes.

Above the SereniTREE, the arrow passes through the final bit of hull and continues up for a few seconds, before vanishing in a blinding flash of white light. Then, nothing.

An officer aboard the Tripoli watches the light through a vidscreen, but thinks nothing of it. At least until an alarm on his console signals the opening of a singularity above the Alliance ship, followed quickly by an explosion that rocks the Tripoli. Grabbing onto his console, the officer stares at the vidscreen in shock as he watches another ship drop into view.

Destiny’s Shadow, piloted by none other than the disembodied head of Succotash, joins the fight once again.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 10:22 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
The Sereni-Tree common room:

When his commander falls, Sergeant Chin takes command of the platoon, and pushes into the common room, taking cover behind the busted and broken furniture. The Yetis Assan and Hewitt retreat, each leaving a companion behind.

Chin calls out loudly, "Second Platoon, attack!"

More Alliance troops come pouring into the common room.

McQ enters with the second platoon. As the room goes dark, his infrared eye enables him to see, yet is briefly blinded by a white flash. He then looks around and scans the room for damages. Seeing the Sergeant was injured McQ decides that this is his time for vengeance. McQ approaches the wounded sergeant and lifts him by the throat with one hand, looking directly into his eyes as they filled with horror.

"Now you get to see what your new WEAPON can do," snarls McQ and tosses the helpless sergeant against the nearest wall. McQ turns to a small gathering of Alliance soldiers and bellows, "You turned me into this mechanical beast and now you'll PAY!!" Using a buzzsaw feature of his ensemble of weapons on his left arm, starts slashing away at the small group of soldiers. They scream and try to fight back but it's useless and he rips them apart in sheer anger.

"McQ, what do you think you're doing?" the sergeant demanded to know. "I command you to stop at once!!"

Turning to the sergeant, McQ takes his blaster rifle and merely mutters, "Make me" before blasting him to his death.

Within the Alliance ship turmoil breaks out among the higher ranks.

"I knew that ... THING ... would be unstable! We have to deactivate it before it kills every one of our troops!" one leader demanded.

"How do you suggest we do that?" inquired another. "That beast is twice as powerful as us."

"You leave that to me," the first leader snorted and stormed out of the room.

You ain't seen nothing yet.


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 11:01 AM


* As Alliance forces pour into the room, Washie's concentration shifts from the pooling powerhouse she's channeling to the largest individual accompanying the emerging soldiers. She notes his violence against his own leader and troops, processes his shouted cries of pain and vengeance.

'He's not theirs anymore, but neither is he ours. Remains to be seen what he is, for true,' she thinks, sending out a flicker of her mind to seek his thoughts out. Anger, hatred, confusion and hope war within the electrode-implanted brain of McQ. He never was theirs, not really, and Washie knows he could be an invaluable ally to the 'Tree, long as the decks of whatever quarters TRM assigns him can be reinforced to stand up to his bulked up form.

As a cadre of feds heads toward the cyborg to try to take him down, Wash lets slip the merest tendrils of energy, another experiment, really, to stop their onslaught against McQ, and, in doing so, show him that she understands he's on the right side of this battle. Radiant bluish-white falls on the purple bellies upon whom she gazes, their eyes roll up and they fade into black, crumpled up dolls on the ground for more troops to stumble over as they continue to pour into the common area.

McQ whirls to see the lightning striking his former allies and he follows the arcs back to the lass doing the killing. She senses his gaze on her, but does not dare look away from her work, can't look at him or anybody else for fear the fire will fall on them too.

She sends McQ an unspoken greeting to which he responds with an audible, "Huh," his full lips giving a small smile instead of bared teeth. The cyborg moves more or less to her side and they face the coming storm, one tall, broad-bodied and formidable, the other slighter, feminine and soft, both smiling oddly, eager for the fray.

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 11:17 AM


Finally all the animals, lined up and readied for the battle that they hope won't reach this far, Mai, LMD and Serenity sit down to relax a bit. Not that relaxing is really happening as they all seem tense with worry about their fellow Tree family.

Thanks Serenity *drinks* Whoa. Now that is what I call yummy. What exactly is in that?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 11:24 AM


On the Tree:
*Frederick spreads his new leathery wings and swoops into the fray. He grasps one soldier in both hands and breaks him in half. He leans forward as his monterous jaws snap shut leaving a pair of legs to fall over as he spits the rest of another soldier back out of the airlock and into a room of shocked Alliance troops*

A nearby Alliance troop: "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH....They have a DRAGON!!!!"

*Fredrick sucks in a deep breath, and tilts his head back slightly just before leaning forward to let loose his perfectly normal dino breath. The soldiers in front of him cower in fear of the expected breath of fire. Frederick snickers and takes to the air again, sweeping his tail behind him knocking soldiers off their feet.*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 11:40 AM



Originally posted by mai:

Thanks Serenity *drinks* Whoa. Now that is what I call yummy. What exactly is in that?

Better not to ask. Cozen made it.

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 12:09 PM


/me sprays the mysterious drink out, sputtering

What?! I...uh, I'm suddenly not thirsty anymore. Thanks though, Serenity.

So...anyone know a good game we could play?

--- <-inching towards daylight


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 12:44 PM


On the Tripoli...

Seryn watches with stunned admiration as the Yeti flicks deft fingers over the controls, circumnavigating security systems and dodging programs like nobodies business. She completes a few tasks of her own, but realises he has taken care of most of the problems before she's even thought about them.

'Seryn?' she realises she's able to understand him better now, that he is making allowences for her 'all is ready, I push this button to start self destruct'

'Oh!, Oh good, you are wonderful! Ok, let me see if we can resolve this first..' she opens a channel to the bridge.

'Commander? Commander are you there? I'd like you to know that I have some more demands.

Yes, I realise my claims before were tenuous at best, I know full well that I probably couldn't out-rank the cleaning crew on this tub. And I also know that even with out that fun little interlude with your creepy rubber-fetishist guest, I probably had just about enough physical strength to fight off a damp doily. But things have changed, change is not alway good, and I now have something you don't have... ...access to your self destruct controls.

So what do you say Commander? Are you ready to do a little bargaining?'


'Oh, oh yes, I almost forgot... thank to our Blue Hand friend, who by the way, is going to leave a nasty stain on your upholstery, I'm almost totally deaf. So what ever you want to say, you are going to have to put up on a screen for me'

She switches a nearby screen on and watches as messages flicker onto it.

'Now Commander, thats a terrible thing to say! I think I may blush, honestly! Now, these are the demands, pretty simple I think you'll agree, recall your troops, cease any attempts to sabotage the Sereni-Tree, leave this vicinity immedietly.'

She reads the messages as they arrive thick and fast.

'Yes Commander, I am one mere girl, but I'm one mere girl with a Yeti, and I'm not afraid to use it... Now thats a hard line to take! Think of all your crew, and all their families, the children! Think of the children! ...oh but really, thats not going to happen and you and I both know it... Its no use trying to get to us, really it isn't. Are you sure we can't persuade you to see reason? No? Ok...'

'Ervine, hit the switch'

To the sound of the warning claxon, She picks up the communit for a shipwide announcement.

'ladies and gentlemen... and I suppose those of indeterminate nature. It would be in your best interest for you to make your way swiftly to the nearest escape pod. No, really, go, this isn't a drill, there will be no rescue at one second to go, this is real, so drop what you are doing, unless of course you've always fancied finding out what a thousand pieces feels like. I'm about to blow this ship to smitherines. You have 9 minutes and counting. Good day, and hope you have pleasant journey.'

'They are attempting to stop us'

'Can they get through?'

'No, Ervine is good'

'Ervine is the best!'course it helps that PR locked them out from their own end first..

She points out a map of the ship to him.

'Come on, the bay with the Nandi should be here, and we are here, if we go up by the access shafts first, then theres a short run for it. We'll make it, plenty of time'

Ervine pull a disbelieving face, but crosses to an access hatch and opens it. They begin climbing, slowly at first, until he gets sick of her slow progress, throws her over his shoulder and scramles up the ladders like a monkey on speed. Emerging onto the corridor, They see hundreds of people all running crazily In every direction, a few guards valiantly trying to herd them towards shuttles or escape pods. She feels a moment of doubt, and hope that they get off the ship ok, then picks up a couple of abandoned suitcases, and trys to act as much like a paniced diplomat as possible, whislt heading steadily towards the bay. Ervine follows her lead, aquiring his own suitcases from a real panicked diplomat, and follows her.

In the bay she sees more people milling around, but thankfully trying to fight their way onto the passenger vessels, not yet desperate enough to try the fighters, she runs to the Nandi, checking for guards, and not seeing any, she punches in the pass code and throws the cases into the storage lockers.

Its only on straightening up that she feels the cold press of a gun barrel against the skin behind her ear.

Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. O.W.


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 1:08 PM


While standing by his new ally, McQ continues to shoot down the onslaught of incoming soldiers when he suddenly he gets a sense of something really bad is about to happen to him.

He turns to his new ally and says, "You better stand back. Something bad is about to happen."

She looks to him with a concerned expression but nods and backs away. Just as she does so, a small missle-like probe jets through the hole in the airlock and strikes McQ's left arm.

Electrical magnetic currents spread around his body as he drops to his knees in pain, dropping his blaster rifle in the process. The magnetic currents drain McQ of his energy so he's unable to fight back. Within a few minutes, McQ goes unconscious and drops to the ground with a loud metallic thud.

Several heavily armed Alliance troops attempt to storm the 'Tree and retrieve their "malfunctioning" cyborg who lies temporarily disabled on the ground.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
You ain't seen nothing yet.


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 2:38 PM


While standing by his new ally, McQ continues to shoot down the onslaught of incoming soldiers when he suddenly he gets a sense of something really bad is about to happen to him.

He turns to his new ally and says, "You better stand back. Something bad is about to happen."

She looks to him with a concerned expression but nods and backs away. Just as she does so, a small missle-like probe jets through the hole in the airlock and strikes McQ's left arm.

Electrical magnetic currents spread around his body as he drops to his knees in pain, dropping his blaster rifle in the process. The magnetic currents drain McQ of his energy so he's unable to fight back. Within a few minutes, McQ goes unconscious and drops to the ground with a loud metallic thud.

Several heavily armed Alliance troops attempt to storm the 'Tree and retrieve their "malfunctioning" cyborg who lies temporarily disabled on the ground.

Washie takes the long way around the cyborg's prone body, standing between him and the armed troopers. She slams bolts of energy into the soldiers approaching them, stopping their hearts instantly, the closest one to her spinning as he falls hard. Feeling suddenly a bit drained, she calls to anybody nearby for help as she continues to fight off encroaching fatigue and a hint of dismay.

"Gods, is this battle ever gonna be over?," she asks aloud, fighting on, determined to keep bringing hell as long as she's breathing and as long as RiverClone is along for the ride.

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 3:15 PM



No. We've already played that one.

Umm... how about Pictionary?

No wait. I've got it! UNO!!!!


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 4:45 PM


In the upper floors of the SereniTree:

As Jake7 leaves them, Deuce and Jazaf are left groping in the dark, just outside of the turret action stations.

“I wish I had a gorram flashlight. Um, wait, Sensei, I think I know where we are. This corridor over here should lead to the hanger. Hey, is anybody defending the hanger? Do you think they could get in through there? Land a squad or ten of purplebellies? And overrun the ship from the top down?”

Deuce sets off toward the hanger, feeling her way, occasionally bumping into walls. “I can take them!”



Tuesday, March 7, 2006 5:16 PM


McQ's backup power source kicks in and gives him just enough energy to regain consciousness. His eyes open from behind the dark shield of his helmet and he tries to figure out where he is. Looking around, he realizes he's in a medical bay. He's not sure how he ended up in this room as he's aware his big metalic structure weighs a few tons.He can still hear fighting and gun blasts within the ship, but doesn't have enough energy to even sit up.

"Is ... is anyone there?" he asks aloud and waits for a response. "Hello?"

For the time being he remains alone in the room and his only thought is regaining his strength. "I need power. Is anyone there?" he asks again. "If only I could sit up," he thinks to himself. He tries, but is unsuccessful. McQ grunts with frustration and realizes that he'll have to wait for someone to come and help him - that is if someone happens to come along.

"Good, Bad, I'm the guy with the gun." (Ash - Army of Darkness)


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 5:20 PM


(Seryn, I decided to expand and Yeti-fy your post of earlier today.)

In the emergency control room of the Alliance Cruiser Tripoli:


Seryn wrote:
Seryn watches with stunned admiration as the Yeti flicks deft fingers over the controls, circumnavigating security systems and dodging programs like nobodies business. She completes a few tasks of her own, but realises he has taken care of most of the problems before she's even thought about them.

Ervin the Yeti stops his furious typing, and with one uncommonly long, furry finger, hits the ENTER key. He seems satisfied with the response, and turns to Seryn.

“Lady! Ervin talk long with computer. Friends now. Destiny Shadow here too, ship of Soul, to help us. Ervin do what now? Big Boom? Fly to sun? Shoot flyers of bad ones?” Ervin pauses, then his face seems to brighten. “Fly to other bad ship? Make big, big bump?” As if to demonstrate, Ervin claps his hands together once.

Seryn looked closely at Ervin. “You say that all is ready? You can push a button to start self destruct?”

Ervin nods. “Boom!”


Seryn wrote:
'Oh!, Oh good, you are wonderful! Ok, let me see if we can resolve this first..' she opens a channel to the bridge.

'Commander? Commander are you there? I'd like you to know that I have some more demands.

Yes, I realise my claims before were tenuous at best, I know full well that I probably couldn't out-rank the cleaning crew on this tub. And I also know that even with out that fun little interlude with your creepy rubber-fetishist guest, I probably had just about enough physical strength to fight off a damp doily. But things have changed, change is not alway good, and I now have something you don't have... ...access to your self destruct controls.

So what do you say Commander? Are you ready to do a little bargaining?'


'Oh, oh yes, I almost forgot... thank to our Blue Hand friend, who by the way, is going to leave a nasty stain on your upholstery, I'm almost totally deaf. So what ever you want to say, you are going to have to put up on a screen for me'

She switches a nearby screen on and watches as messages flicker onto it.

'Now Commander, thats a terrible thing to say! I think I may blush, honestly! Now, these are the demands, pretty simple I think you'll agree, recall your troops, cease any attempts to sabotage the Sereni-Tree, leave this vicinity immedietly.'

She reads the messages as they arrive thick and fast.

'Yes Commander, I am one mere girl, but I'm one mere girl with a Yeti, and I'm not afraid to use it... Now thats a hard line to take! Think of all your crew, and all their families, the children! Think of the children! ...oh but really, thats not going to happen and you and I both know it... Its no use trying to get to us, really it isn't. Are you sure we can't persuade you to see reason? No? Ok...'

'Ervine, hit the switch'

To the sound of the warning claxon, She picks up the communit for a shipwide announcement.

'ladies and gentlemen... and I suppose those of indeterminate nature. It would be in your best interest for you to make your way swiftly to the nearest escape pod. No, really, go, this isn't a drill, there will be no rescue at one second to go, this is real, so drop what you are doing, unless of course you've always fancied finding out what a thousand pieces feels like. I'm about to blow this ship to smitherines. You have 9 minutes and counting. Good day, and hope you have pleasant journey.'

“They try stopping Ervin and Lady!”

'Can they get through?'

“No, Ervin good!” Ervin leans back in his chair and stretches out to his full considerable length. He had been hunched over that console for quiet a while.

Seryn smiles. 'Ervine is the best!' course it helps that PR locked them out from their own end first..

Ervin stands up and faces her, a satisfied smile (that no longer seems so terrifying) on his face. “But Ervin and Lady must go. Must go soon, or BOOM with ship!” Ervin gestures dramatically, fingers on each hand splayed meaningfully.


Seryn wrote:
She points out a map of the ship to him.

'Come on, the bay with the Nandi should be here, and we are here, if we go up by the access shafts first, then there’s a short run for it. We'll make it, plenty of time'

Ervine pull a disbelieving face, but crosses to an access hatch and opens it. They begin climbing, slowly at first, until he gets sick of her slow progress, throws her over his shoulder and scrambles up the ladders like a monkey on speed. Emerging onto the corridor, They see hundreds of people all running crazily In every direction, a few guards valiantly trying to herd them towards shuttles or escape pods. She feels a moment of doubt, and hope that they get off the ship ok, then picks up a couple of abandoned suitcases, and trys to act as much like a panicked diplomat as possible, whilst heading steadily towards the bay. Ervine follows her lead, acquiring his own suitcases from a real panicked diplomat, and follows her.

In the bay she sees more people milling around, but thankfully trying to fight their way onto the passenger vessels, not yet desperate enough to try the fighters, she runs to the Nandi, checking for guards, and not seeing any, she punches in the pass code and throws the cases into the storage lockers.

Its only on straightening up that she feels the cold press of a gun barrel against the skin behind her ear.

Ervin drops his luggage onto the floor, and watches the tense scene warily. He growls at the person holding the gun. “You hurt Lady, Ervin hurt YOU!”






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