Defending Sereni-Tree and Lift-off from Boros

UPDATED: Monday, March 13, 2006 18:50
VIEWED: 25639
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Tuesday, March 7, 2006 6:26 PM



Originally posted by mai:
No wait. I've got it! UNO!!!!

somehow i knew that was going to come up *shrugs

you're on :p

--- <-inching towards daylight


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 6:29 PM



Originally posted by mai:

No. We've already played that one.

Umm... how about Pictionary?

No wait. I've got it! UNO!!!!

OOC: Mai, I worry that your obsession is becoming a problem. Do we need an intervention?

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 6:48 PM


(Ok so I'm going to jump right in. don't know how good I'll do but the point is to have fun right?)

In the back of a cargo ship, hidden by some boxes two figures lay asleep, unknowing that their small haven was about to liftoff, unknowing that soon they would be on the adventure of their young lives.

(how'd I do)


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 6:59 PM


On Boros, outside the hanger:

Monkeytail and Obi-Real Kenobi are taking care of the few Alliance troops who still dare to face them. Suddenly, like Luke near the end of the Hoth Battle, Obi-Real looks up to see a shuttle swoosh off into the sky. A second one follows it moments later.

Obi-Real talks into his com-link while parrying three attacks. “Bride5, the shuttles are away. They are most likely unarmed. You must provide any necessary fire support. Do not be concerned about us!”

“Hey!” Quincey responds. “I’ve been listening to com signals! Things don’t look too good on the Sereni-Tree just now! Looks like they’ve been boarded!”

Obi-Real sighs. “Boarded? Huh! Very well!”

Obi-Real uses his light saber to slice through the wall of ice, then the wall of metal of the hanger. “Monkeytail, stay here, guard this hole, and watch for Jadehand. Remember… he might look like anyone or anything! Test his knowledge before you accept him.” Obi-Real pulls off his nametag, becoming TheRealMe once again. He quickly evaluates the remaining shuttles, and choses one for his purpose. He climbs in and begins preparing it for flight.

“Hmmm… an Eagle, why I haven’t seen one of these, since…”

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 7:24 PM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:
"Sereni-Tree! Close your eyes! NOW! Aiya Earendil Elenion Ancalima!"

An explosion of white fire erupts from Narya and Kelly hears the satisfying screams of the Alliance troops as their goggles are filled with blinding white light. Holding the Ring aloft, she shouts to her comrades to keep firing.

*Ath grins at Kelly, squinting through the light surrounding her. He begins picking off the Alliance marines with ease, taking down a half dozen before he has to re-load.

When he's finished, he looks back up towards the airlock to see a new squad arriving. He takes one look at Kelly, and a spike of fear drives into his stomach. Standing there in the middle of the room, lit up as she is, she's a giant target.

Without a moment's consideration, Ath leaves his cover and runs over to Kelly, standing between her and the Alliance.*

"Mana carelyë ná? What are you doing?!", shouts Kelly.

*Rather then answer, Ath shoots a marine who was lining up a shot on the elf. The remaining members of the squad split up, taking cover. They slowly work their way towards Kelly, ducking behind couches, tables and dead marines on the way. Ath manages to shoot three more of them, but wastes most of his ammo on keeping them pinned down. Ath feels along his ammo belt for more shells, but there are none to be found. Calmly, he re-holsters his guns and draws Nardol, the sword she gave him.*

"Á pusta tana! Ma hanyalyen? Stop that! Do you understand me?"

*Ath ignores her. With the light behind him, Ath can see everything quite well, while the soldiers have to readjust to the light everytime they look up. Taking advantage of this, Ath is able to cut down two of the marines as they get near. As he turns to the right to strike down a third, Ath feels a sting in his midsection. He looks down and sees a blossom of blood spreading on the front of his shirt, just above his navel. He turns and looks at Kelly.*

"I'm sorry."

*Ath falls to his knees, as Nardol slips from his fingers.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 7:50 PM


McQ the Cyborg regains a measure of consciousness, and looks around. He is still in some kind of hospital operating or examination room, having been lain on a table or bed. As he looks around, he sees a huge humanoid creature covered in white fur standing over another nearby table. Laying there is someone unconscious. She is tall woman with dark skin and… wings!

The white-furred creature turns around when it hears McQ stir, and bares its fangs in a fierce smile. It smacks its chest, sending dust and dander into the air. “Corbin! Corbin is friend! Corbin help! Fight downstairs goes bad.”

Corbin the Yeti


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 8:09 PM



Originally posted by CallMeAth:
As he turns to the right to strike down a third, Ath feels a sting in his midsection. He looks down and sees a blossom of blood spreading on the front of his shirt, just above his navel. He turns and looks at Kelly.*

"I'm sorry."

*Ath falls to his knees, as Nardol slips from his fingers.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"

*KellyofLuthien watches as Ath's white fingers lose their grip on her sword, the blade falling in slow motion to hit the bloody ground. The universe becomes silent for her; the only sound she hears is the quiet grunt from Ath as he falls backwards on the floor.

As if wading through the thick air of a dream, Kelly slowly falls to her knees, her ringed hand coming to Ath's stomach to staunch the hot flow of blood spilling to the floor with every heartbeat. The light of her ball of fire dims to a silvery glow, a light of death, a light of mourning.

Kelly whispers Elven phrases, but the wound is too much for her strength. She grabs Ath's hair with her other hand, turning his face toward hers. His agony is contagious, the pain etched in his eyes clear like ice in the silver glow. His lids flutter once before staying closed, and his body goes limp in her arms.

A slice of pain awakens her from this nightmare, and Kelly looks down to see a bullet graze her right shoulder. A gruff hand pulls her to the floor. Kelly looks up to see Assan the Yeti hovering over her.

"Pilot hurt. Assan take to infirmary, for doctor to heal. Assan take elf lady too, she is hurt."


"But Elf Lady, your arm--"


*Kelly crawls to her fallen sword and grabs the hilt. She stands up, her ring still glowing silver throughout the room, casting wavering shadows as Alliance troops run amock through the area. Kelly lifts Nardol, touching the blade to her forehead. She turns to Assan.*

"Get him to the infirmary, now."

Assan nods and gently picks up Ath.

Kelly turns and faces the soldiers.

"Rhachon le," she says coldly. "Today you die."

She becomes a blur of motion, her silver dress spinning in circles around her, gathering splatters of dark blood as she slices through countless enemies.*

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 8:19 PM


Obsession? Nope just a nice friendly game to pass the time. Don't die and maybe you can play a hand too?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 9:46 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
McQ the Cyborg regains a measure of consciousness, and looks around. He is still in some kind of hospital operating or examination room, having been lain on a table or bed. As he looks around, he sees a huge humanoid creature covered in white fur standing over another nearby table. Laying there is someone unconscious. She is tall woman with dark skin and… wings!

The white-furred creature turns around when it hears McQ stir, and bares its fangs in a fierce smile. It smacks its chest, sending dust and dander into the air. “Corbin! Corbin is friend! Corbin help! Fight downstairs goes bad.”

Corbin the Yeti

Taken a little aback at first by the creature beside him - being the first time he's encountered one - McQ decides to trust Corbin as she's the only one in the room to help him up.

"Okay Corbin. I need help getting up, I don't have enough power."

"Corbin help!" she announced and assisted McQ with not only sitting up, but getting back on his feet.

"I need a power source. A generator, battery - anything," McQ explained. He surveys the room with his infrared eye and finds a drawer stocked with smaller batteries. "Over there," he starts and points to the drawer. "Bring me as many of those as you can." Corbin being glad to help, removes the drawer and brings the whole thing to McQ by the examination table. "This should be more than enough, thanks friend."

He installs the batteries into compartments on his biceps and upper thighs, then has Corbin assist with installing them into the jetpack mounted on his back. "Flip that little switch on my jetpack and it'll enable the energy to flow from the batteries into my mechanical limbs." Corbin does as instructed and McQ feels a sudden surge of energy rushing through him. "Oh yeah, now we're talkin'."

McQ picks up his blaster rifle from a nearby counter, turns to Corbin and says, "Well I'd love to stay and chat, but as you know, we have a fight to finish. Let's go."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Good, Bad, I'm the guy with the gun." (Ash - Army of Darkness)


Tuesday, March 7, 2006 9:52 PM


SR Ducks back as wave of fire sweep over his position. He then scrambles to the closest stairwell and moves down to the next tier. The illumination from the alliance vessel silhouettes the attacking marines perfectly and SR picks off three more before lobing a smoke grenade into the airlock and shifting position again.

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 2:39 AM


ItsAWash feels an odd swirl of emotions from the unseen Riverclone when Ath falls nearby. “Sometimes, a sacrifice is necessary to save the rest. You have to do it no matter how unpleasant it is, or how much you enjoy it. That’s fate.”

ItsAWash finds herself staring at Ath, as the yeti grabs him and Kelly begins her deadly dance.

“But sometimes, it’s not necessary. Be ready when the light shines.” Her tone gets serious. “After all, it’s your turn at bat.”


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 2:39 AM


In Main Engineering, a grimy, grease-spattered Jet strains with all the strength in her small body to move a large lever downward, and the power plant hums to life. Lights flicker on throughout the Sereni-Tree. “Okay, that’s one thing done!”

Jet, Bride4


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 2:40 AM


In the Common Room, the lights come on, just as Kelly’s Elvish fire fades. ItsAWash is barely aware of her own motions when she lunges downward, grabs a leg from a broken chair, stands, and swats an incoming grenade back toward the airlock. The resulting explosion drops another Alliance squad. “Home run!” Riverclone chuckles.


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 5:00 AM



Originally posted by Aprilise:
(Ok so I'm going to jump right in. don't know how good I'll do but the point is to have fun right?)

In the back of a cargo ship, hidden by some boxes two figures lay asleep, unknowing that their small haven was about to liftoff, unknowing that soon they would be on the adventure of their young lives.

(how'd I do)


Looks great, Aprilise, Empress of the Sims. Keep it coming, Babe. Welcome aboard. :0)

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 5:20 AM


**jake7, seeing the current situation, finds that her original plan is no longer necessary. She turns to head back to the turrets to check on Jazaf and Duece when the lights come on and she is blinded. Worse yet, she has no idea how to find which button on her remote will turn off the night vision. There are so many buttons on the remote, there's no way she can do it by feel. She mutters in disgust**

Great. Just great. At least I still have my force field on -- I hope.

**She begins to fumble her way along the corridor to see if she can find a dark place in which to see so the night vision can be turned off.**

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 5:22 AM


UNO it is!

And I'm pretty sure I've got a deck here...somewhere...

*Serenity searches through her pockets, pulling out her knitting, a couple carrots, a trowel, a small paperback novel, a package of crackers, gum, a notebook, 2 pens, a packet of nasturtium seeds, a bottle of water, some twine, a pocket knife, a whetting stone and lip balm before finally finding a deck of UNO cards. She takes them out and starts shuffling, then deals.*

*She flips over the first card.*

Blue 9!

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 5:28 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

In the Common Room, the lights come on, just as Kelly’s Elvish fire fades. ItsAWash is barely aware of her own motions when she lunges downward, grabs a leg from a broken chair, stands, and swats an incoming grenade back toward the airlock. The resulting explosion drops another Alliance squad. “Home run!” Riverclone chuckles.


Exultant, riding high on the small victory, Wash sends a benediction of thanks to her rider, Riverclone, for the timely advice. In the lull created by the grenade detonation, Wash ties Riverclone to every molecule in her body and discovers that not only can she and will she borrow the excess energy wafting overhead from the battle-soaked participants, but also from the grenade blast. Her skin starts to glow with it and she has an overwhelming desire to let it go. Needs to ease the pressure of the whining whaling screaming nuclear power she's gathered with no clear target for hurling it at.

Sparing a thought for the grieving yet amazon-powerful whirling dervish of an Elfen warrior woman, Washie half-lowers her eyelids and bleeds off a warm bolt of her own borrowed power, sending it to fortify Kelly as the elf wreaks blazing Hades on her enemies. The woman would not welcome Washie's usurping her kills, but perhaps more subtle aid like this will be welcomed. Unaware of just how much she can safely give to help rather than to destroy, Wash stops the power injection, brow furrowing in combined worry and pain of holding this stuff intact, fighting the need to just slough it off ceilingward so as to ease the pain of containment.

"Steady, I'm coming," she hears TRM say from out in space aboard an eagle. 'He's flying on a bird? Eh, we've got dinosaurs, dragons, yeti, kissies, why not space eagles for the First Officer to ride on?' Washie ponders, smiling, the thought distracting her from her painful fullness for the nonce. 'Ah, well, he's safe. Knew he was. Safe and on his way. And we're gonna be okay, the 'Tree's gonna be free again.'

Sure of eventual victory for the first time since the battle began, Washie stands firm and as tall as her 5'3" will allow, her ease of mind allowing for absorption of a little more energy ripe for the tossing, when the need raises its head.

She feels the deck plating reverberate with rhythmic convulsions heralding McQ the 'Tree's cyborg ally's arrival, his resources restored in medlab. The man-machine's thoughts are a jumble of bloodlust and a mad desire to satisfy it, just what Serenity's tattered band needs.

McQ lumbers into the common room, takes a moment to choose his target area, the best place to stand so as to rain maximum damage. Washie sends a welcome, eyes still forward, looking for foes in need of stopping.

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 5:38 AM


Boros, about a mile from the hanger:

*Bamf! JadeHand pulls the laser pistol from the confused grip of the Bluehands. He raises both feet and presses them to the back of the Bluehands and gives a good push. Releasing his tail from the mans leg and sinking into the field of the sonic mine, time slows. The Bluehands, moving at normal speed comes away from JadeHand and turns back to gaze at him in shock. Within seconds JadeHand is free of the field. Bamf!*

*Bamf! JadeHand returns to the scene just outside the hanger. Looking totally exhausted and near passing out, he stumbles past the bits of Alliance soldier strewn of the ground and approaches MonkeyTail as He finishes off the last soldier and puts his saber away*

"Report, what's the situation? Where's TRM?" JadeHand asks as he drops to one knee and loses a little of his last meal.

MonkeyTail: "He's gone inside to secure a shuttle, the others are safely away. What happened to you? Where's Bluehands?"

"Oh, I...I let him go. I don't think he'll bother us anymore. Let's secure any weapons that survived and get off this rock."

MonkeyTail:"How can you be so sure? They're dangerous people."

"Listen. I'm completely aware of the gravity of the situation. And soon he will be too."

*JadeHand struggles to his feet and begins collecting vaulable tools and weapons from the bodies around him. A few yards away, the Bluehands completes his mile journey back to the surface of Boros with a satisfiying "Squish"*

"See, Now he understands. Let's get out of here."

MonkeyTail assists JadeHand in collecting functional pistols, grenades, and Ids from those on the ground, then helps him get inside the hanger.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 6:01 AM


(OOC: Sorry, busy few days, but I'm caught up!)

Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:

He turns to PR and TWG. "Take this shuttle back to the hanger bay, and stay out of sight. Weirdess, I would suggest against using your powers of confusion, since most likely the Alliance Feds will be mixed in with our crew."

*TWG sets the shuttle down to rest in the hanger bay, they open the door and PR goes rushing to join in the action, but is stopped by his mum grabbing his arm.*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 6:19 AM


My turn, right?

Lets see here... blue 4.

Hey, Serenity you got any more of that juice?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 6:31 AM


There's plenty of juice left, thanks to Cozen. And some nice green tea, too. Though it's a bit cold now.

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way??


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 6:40 AM


I think that's the best news I've heard all day.

Anyone else want some? Or anything else for that matter? I can probably get some other food sent up.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 6:45 AM


*nudges LMD, cuz it's his turn.*

Well, if we can have food sent up, I could go for a snack. Pretzels, popcorn, cheeseballs, that sort of thing. And rootbeer.

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 6:48 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
*nudges LMD, cuz it's his turn.*

Well, if we can have food sent up, I could go for a snack. Pretzels, popcorn, cheeseballs, that sort of thing. And rootbeer.

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"

OOC: The kitchen staff is a little busy at the moment suggest you gnaw on a MRE for the moment. Celebratory Feast to follow our BD victory.

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 6:50 AM


Ok, coming right up. I will be right back.

*walks over to the hidden keypad and types in the order. within a few minutes the auto-feed delivers several bags of chips. fresly popped popcorn and a lovely assortment of pop.

Geez, LMD. Make a play already.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 7:13 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
(Seryn, I decided to expand and Yeti-fy your post of earlier today.)

Oh, no probs! but did you have to give me better options? Now Seryn want to go make big, big bump!


She turns her head slowly, and gives the soldier with the gun her most winning smile, 'Hi' she mouths. In response he pushes her forward, hard into the bulk of the Nandi.

'That was the most stupid thing about your whole little escapade, how idiotic do you have to be to return for your own ship...?'

'Ah well you see, I'm kind of attatched to this little dear, and well...'


Ervin drops his luggage onto the floor, and watches the tense scene warily. He growls at the person holding the gun. “You hurt Lady, Ervin hurt YOU!”

...I have help'

Quickly as she is able she swings around, helping the barrels to slide over her skin behind her before the guard can pull the trigger. Ducking low she drives her elbow as hard as she can into his groin and stands again, attempting to wrestle his gun free. His grip, even while attempting to clutch at the painful bits, is strong, so she settles for skewing the gun around and aiming it a the soldier advancing towards her.. 'fire' she yells, and the gasping soldiers finger tightens instinctively, before he can control himself. 'Cheers', and she pushes him over.

She watches awed as Ervine dispatches of soldier after soldier, occaisionally picking them up and flinging them over the heads of the frightened evacuees, other times just slamming them together like human cymbols and dropping them at his feet, all the time shouting and roaring a litany of threats that she can't hear, but guesses is damn scary. Climbing into the Nandi she starts up the engines and screeches for Ervine to get in, shoving soldiers away at the same time.

He moves towards her, like there is nothing even remotely resembling a pile of unconcious soldiers at his feet, shoving men out of the way, grabbing guns before they can fire and rapping their owners about the head with them. As soon as the yeti closes the hatch she lifts the Nandi as high as she can get, trying to dodge the worst of the bullet storms, and makes straight for the field separating the bay from the rest of space. Hoping against hope that they had no time to sabotage the ship, and yelling with pure joy when she flys true.

For a moment she considers joining the stream of small craft heading for the planet, but realises that really, she just wants to sleep.

Home we go Ervin!

(ooc -please yeti-fy this one as well, sorry, i've just never written for a yeti before!)

Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. O.W.


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 7:23 AM



Originally posted by mai:
Ok, coming right up. I will be right back.

*walks over to the hidden keypad and types in the order. within a few minutes the auto-feed delivers several bags of chips. fresly popped popcorn and a lovely assortment of pop.

Geez, LMD. Make a play already.

Thanks Mai! Oh, I love this ship!! Is there a better place in all the 'verse? I doubt it.

*While Serenity shovels popcorn into her mouth, LMD finally decides on which card to play. With great pomp and ceremony, he puts down a Blue 3.*

*Serenity, seizing her opportunity, plays a Red 3, effectively changing the colour. *

*The tension builds.*

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 7:38 AM


No reds, No 4's. Draws several cards, still nothing. Finally ... lays down a reverse red.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 7:47 AM


Ooh, my turn again! Yay!

*Drops a Red Draw Two card on LMD*

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 8:06 AM



Citizen hesitates a moment before answering. “Why not?” He grins “If nothing else, I’m always open to new business opportunities...”

With everyone else loaded into the shuttles Safe turns to Jack. “It’s been a long bumpy road Jack...”

Jack stands at attention and salutes Safe, then grabs him in a big bear hug “Stay safe friend”.

Jack sprints to the shuttle and as he’s closing the door Safe yells out. “Those are some good people Jack. You take good care of them.” Jack grins and winks as the door closes.

Through the windshield Safe sees Jack drop into the co-pilots chair next to Flechette. She smacks Jack in the back of the head then winks at Safe as the shuttle lifts off. Once clear of the hanger roof the shuttle streaks away.

"Goodbye my friend"

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 8:10 AM


The ISSCV’s twin VTOL engines roar, lifting it clear of the hanger roof.

Safe glances out the cockpit window. On the ground around the ice encased hanger, a pitched battle rages. A form winks in and out of view amid little puffs of smoke, and the flash of lightsabres can be seen.

Lightsabres? Safe thinks surprised, I thought they were banned a Long Long Time Ago.

“Looks like we got out of there in the nick of time” Needy says from the doorway to the cockpit, startling Safe.

“Best buckle in Needy, I’m not sure how this bird is going to handle breaking atmo.”

Originally posted by TheRealMe:
Obi-Real looks up to see a shuttle swoosh off into the sky. A second one follows it moments later.

The further they got from Boros, the smaller the knot in Safe’s stomach got.

Safe flicked on the radar and leaned back in his chair. Even though TRM had been cut off before coordinates could be exchanged, the Tree was big enough, it shouldn’t be hard to find.

Safe allowed himself a grin as he waited for the polite beep from the radar, the ISSCV had held up well.

Safe sat straight up in his chair, knuckles white as he gripped the controls, at the same time the radar chimed. He didn’t need the chime, he had found the Tree. It loomed in the distance, pinned between two Alliance Cruisers.

Safe punches the comm., “Bride7, please tell me the Alliance were too stupid to check the shuttles for armament. There should be a gun turret back there.”

Releasing the comm. button, Safe searches the control panel. There! He flicks the switch to arm the nose cannons. With relief he hears panel on the nose of the ISSCV open, and the controls at the co-pilots station hum to life.

“Citizen, I could use some help up here. Everybody strap in our sky is filled with all manner of unfriendly."

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 8:44 AM


"Don't worry, I've got plenty of tricks up my sleeves to deal with them." Citizen said as he slid into the copilot seat.
"Really?" Safe asked.
"No, but it made me sound important didn't it?" Citizen started flicking switches on the control panel. "Now, which end do I point at the enemy?" He said with a grin.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
You should never give powers to a leader you like that you’d hate to have given to a leader you fear


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 10:08 AM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
The ISSCV’s twin VTOL engines roar, lifting it clear of the hanger roof.

The roar of the engines startled the oldest of the two young stowaways, hidden in the cargo bay, dragging her from her slumber. Her dark blue eyes flashed around as she remembered where she was, then flickered down to where her sister sat staring at her for the answers.

"I think we're in trouble..."


Safe punches the comm., “Bride7, please tell me the Alliance were too stupid to check the shuttles for armament. There should be a gun turret back there.”

Hearing the announcement from their hiding spot the youngest of the two moved to hide further into a corner, even as the oldest began scanning their surroundings again.

"Keep hiding Ghost, I'm gonna find out what's goin' on."

Seeing her sister nod and shrink further into the corner, Shadow snuck through the shuttle towards where she assumed she could hear some answers. Slowly reaching the cockpit she peeked in, observing the controlled chaos going on in the cockpit.


“Citizen, I could use some help up here. Everybody strap in our sky is filled with all manner of unfriendly."


Originally posted by citizen:
"Don't worry, I've got plenty of tricks up my sleeves to deal with them." Citizen said as he slid into the copilot seat.
"Really?" Safe asked.
"No, but it made me sound important didn't it?" Citizen started flicking switches on the control panel. "Now, which end do I point at the enemy?" He said with a grin.

Hearing this Shadow wanted to turn back to get her sister but was frozen in place by the sight she had caught of what they were heading into. Not noticing that she was no longer hidden as well as she should be.

(how'd I do?)


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 10:56 AM


McQ lumbers into the common room, takes a moment to choose his target area, the best place to stand so as to rain maximum damage. Washie sends a welcome, eyes still forward, looking for foes in need of stopping.


McQ blasts a few soldiers as they attempt to enter the common room, however, as his desire for vengeance increases, he's not entirely satisfied with taking out small groups of Alliance troops. He decides he needs a bigger challenge and the only way to do that would be by returning to the the Alliance vessel and wrecking havoc aboard. He hesitates for a moment as to see if anyone wants to assist him on such a bold and possibly suicidal attack.

As he considers his ambush McQ's jetpack lifts him to hover around the room where he feels he can cause more damage to wandering Alliance troops. He lands by Wash and provides her with assistance in fending off the Alliance foes.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Good, Bad, I'm the guy with the gun." (Ash - Army of Darkness)


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 1:10 PM


*dashes around from casualty to casualty*

Damn it. I kept saying, keep the physics switched off, keep us protected...

*tends to Cozen's wounds*

How on earth can one small treehouse end up in so many battles?

*hears a gun click behind him*

I'm a Doctor. I'm strictly here to tend the wounded.

*the gun is cocked*

There are intergalactic laws against shooting medical...


Hmm. Well, if you have no respect for the laws of the galaxy, I don't see why I should respect the laws of physics.

*taps his belt*

Artifical physics shield. Very useful if you don't want to be caught by stray bullets.

*turns around to face the now trembling soldier*

Don't worry, I took the Hippocratic Oath.

*slashes with a scalpel at the soldier's shoulder and calf muscles*

Although that was a long long time ago and I had my fingers crossed. Stay down, stay still and if I have time, I'll be back to sew up your wounds and stop you bleeding to death.

Though I'd hope none of your colleagues match your disdain for the rules of warfare.


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 1:42 PM


*ItsaWash stands with the cyborg, battling with her tools, he with his, each effective in dealing death to their foes. Nearby the elfen powerhouse continues to gracefully and bloodily dispatch what comes her way, no assistance needed nor requested.

Washie feels energized by his nearness and is encouraged by his confidence as the fray gets hotter. Hearing scrabbling noises straight ahead, Washie lifts her gowned arms upward, fingers curled in on her palms, ready to open up and release force as the enemy erupts forth.

"Here they come, McQ. You ready for this? And where the hell's TRM?"

"Who the hell's TRM?," McQ's deep metallic voice asks her, loud in her ears and louder in her mind.

"First Officer of the 'Tree, Babe. Historian, Friend and all-around Caretaker of us all. He's on his way, but the man can't get here fast enough to suit me."

McQ grunts and sends her a thought such that the two of them are more than up to whatever the Alliance goons care to toss their way. He's quite sure, but she? Not so much.

"Want to take a walk with me into the Fed Cruiser, Woman?" McQ asks her. "Let's take the fight to them 'stead o' them bringing it to us."

"Lemme wait till I hear from TheRealHim, McQ. Wanna see what plans he's making. 'Tis sure he has one or two."

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 2:29 PM


wow, i have the distinct feeling that i'm being doubleteamed...

and what's worse, i don't mind :o

/me draws two cards and looks at mai

--- <-inching towards daylight


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 2:57 PM


On Boros:

With Monkeytail and Jadehand also aboard the Eagle, TheRealMe increases thrust and the craft leaps into the sky, leaving the hanger and the city of Boros Prime far below.

Monkeytail fidgets. “I still don’t see why we all three have to be squashed in a cockpit made for two, especially along with all our equipment! One of us could be back in that passenger module.”

TheRealMe ignores him for a time as he concentrates on the maneuvers that result in the Eagle approaching the flight path of Napoleon Bonaparte and one of the two stolen craft (the other had changed course to head for a different destination). TheRealMe studies sensors. “Hmmm… Two Alliance cruisers are in close proximity to the Sereni-Tree, one already deploying fighters. Maybe we can even the odds a bit.”

“That’s not too likely,” Jadehand comments. “This old transport has no weapons mounted, not like some.” Ahead of the Eagle and the Bonaparte can be seen the Boros craft, already firing its weapons. Quincey in the Bonaparte begins firing as well.

“We’ll see,” TheRealMe replies calmly. After a few more very precise course adjustments and a high-gee burn to gain velocity, the Eagle has overtaken and passed the two other craft.

TheRealMe turns to Monkeytail. “To answer your question, Monkeytail, the reason that you can’t stay in the passenger module…” He reaches up to pull a lever. A number of klunking sounds can be heard, as clamps release and the passenger module floats free from its housing in the Eagle’s frame. “…is that it’s no longer a passenger module.” TheRealMe grins evilly. “It’s a projectile!”

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

P.S. Washie, you never need my okay to have some fun!


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 2:58 PM


In Safe’s ISSCV craft:


Safe wrote:
“Bride7, please tell me the Alliance were too stupid to check the shuttles for armament. There should be a gun turret back there.”

Bride7 sighs heavily, and glances up from doing her nails, looking back and forth between Needy and Bride6. “Well, Safe, I suppose you want someone who HASN’T been shot to operate it, right? I guess that’s me.” Grumbling all the way, Bride7 unbuckles her safety harness, gets to her feet, and starts to leave the cockpit. “Hey, Safe! Where exactly is this gun turret of yours… supposed… to… be...” Bride7’s complaints trail off when she notices the girl peeking in on the cockpit. Surprised, Bride7 locks eyes with her for a moment, and then sighs. “Oh, this is getting better and better! SAFE! We got us a stow-away!”

From her seat, Bride6 strains to see. “Oh! Such a cutie! Hi, sweetie! Hey, you really shouldn’t be walking around without a seat belt. It’s not safe!”

Bride7 huffs, gesturing at her own unrestrained form.

Bride6 reaches out to the girl with her mangled and bloody right hand, then thinks better of it, and tries the left. “Come here, sweetie. You can stay with me while all this scary stuff goes on. They call me Bride6, but my name is Bobby Sue. What’s your name?”

“Trouble!” Bride7 suggests as she continues on her way to the turret.


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 3:07 PM


*twg holds tight to her son's arm*

Not that way.

*she pulls him out of sight and they begin a long trek between the walls*

I know we're crew here and we have a duty to help, but I'm betting your father is alone in the med bay working on injured without so much as a taser to protect him. We need to get there and see what kind of help he needs.

*she pauses next to a panel and does a little rewiring*

Heh. That should so it.

*Suddenly all the docking clamps explode, sending purple bellies floating into the black and throwing their ships into chaos. The only ships now onboard are in the bay and only one of those isn't friendly*

I think this is it.

*twg and PR remove a vent cover and drop to the floor of the infirmary. Simon spins around, scalpel at the ready*

SW: Wash your hands, I could use some help.
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 3:27 PM


(In the SereniTree's hanger)

Deuce creeps into the hanger, weapons at the ready. Ah HA! It was just as she thought! There was an enemy shuttle sitting there! But where was its crew? Had they already had time to invade the ship?

She hears movement in the walls. Very crafty! But not crafty enough!

Deuce finds an entry way into the same air vents and follows the intruders. Since she is not so up on the layout of the ship, she's not quite sure where she is.

Eventually, in the infirmary, Deuce leaps out of the shadows yelling something, almost chopping PsychicRiver’s head off with one of her katanas. At the last moment, she diverts her attack, but ThatWeirdGirl pulls him back out of danger anyway.

"Ooops! Sorry! There's enemy around here, somewhere! Came aboard in a shuttle!"

"No," ThatWeirdGirl says. "That was us."

"We stole one of their shuttles," PsychicRiver adds.

Deuce seems very disappointed. “Hmmmph! It's just... I saw the Alliance shuttle land and thought…”

She looks past the pair. “Is there any chance you were followed?” she asks, hopefully.



Wednesday, March 8, 2006 4:06 PM


McQ continues fighting off Alliance troops beside Wash, as if there's no end to their determination to take over the ship.

"Well, let me know what's decided then," he responded to her. "I have a personal score to settle with these Alliance bums for turning me into this beast against my will. I shall make them suffer."

McQ activates a small shield with his left arm's assessories to block out the monsoon of Alliance bullets and laser fire and shoots back with his blaster rifle. "These idiots don't know when to quit," he mutters to himself as he continues to shoot down Alliance soliders that enter the common room.

"Good, Bad, I'm the guy with the gun." (Ash - Army of Darkness)


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 6:21 PM


*Sitting at a table in the infirmary, Ath is locked in a desperate battle. As if through a haze, he sees his eternal opponent.*

"You'll not take me today!", he shouts.

*His opponent just stares back at him, not betraying the slightest bit of emotion. Ath watches as his opponent's hand slowly rises, seeming to take an eternity, yet reaching it's goal far too soon. The hand comes down with the object of Ath's doom, and the mouth says the one word that spells his demise.*


*Ath looks down at his deck, sweating profusely as he considers what card to put down. Finally, he drops down a green 7 and cringes in terrified expectation.

Across the table from him, Mai raises an eyebrow, then throws down her final card, a green 4.

Abject despair crushes into Ath as he finally tastes defeat, made all the worse by the copious amounts of smack-talking and verbal-ownage that Mai lays upon him.*


*Laying on the medical bed, unconscious, Ath's blood pressure drops a bit lower.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 7:25 PM



Safe wrote:
“Well, Safe, I suppose you want someone who HASN’T been shot to operate it, right? I guess that’s me.” Grumbling all the way, Bride7 unbuckles her safety harness, gets to her feet, and starts to leave the cockpit. “Hey, Safe! Where exactly is this gun turret of yours… supposed… to… be...” Bride7’s complaints trail off when she notices the girl peeking in on the cockpit. Surprised, Bride7 locks eyes with her for a moment, and then sighs. “Oh, this is getting better and better! SAFE! We got us a stow-away!”

Shadow’s concentration broke as her eyes locked with one of the cockpit’s occupants. Fear and curiosity flashed in equal parts across her face as she tried to hide further in the shadows, but knowing she had been discovered she took a few deep breaths and stepped out completely. Fully visible to anyone who cared to look in the doorway of the cockpit; At ten she was small for her age, looking closer to eight, the dirty oversized jeans and brown shirt she wore made her look even younger. Her light brown hair still messy from sleep was pulled into a sloppy and slightly lopsided ponytail with a brown ribbon.


From her seat, Bride6 strains to see. “Oh! Such a cutie! Hi, sweetie! Hey, you really shouldn’t be walking around without a seat belt. It’s not safe!”

Her eyes widened as her imagination took over and supplied her mind with images of what was about to happen. Her mind quickly flashed to her sister still hiding, waiting for her to return and flinched as she realized she couldn’t run now. Fear and Panic returned, they were in big trouble.


Bride6 reaches out to the girl with her mangled and bloody right hand, then thinks better of it, and tries the left. “Come here, sweetie. You can stay with me while all this scary stuff goes on. They call me Bride6, but my name is Bobby Sue. What’s your name?”

“Trouble!” Bride7 suggests as she continues on her way to the turret.

Shadow and she stuck out her tongue at Bride7’s suggestion. The fear still evident in her face but pushed behind a thin mask of childish bravery as she focused her attention on the lady who introduced herself as Bride6. “Sh…shadow” she said her voice coming out in little more than a whisper.


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 9:39 PM


~In Ath's dream~

Oh come on now you can do better then that.
Best two out of three?


Suddenly the game table dissapears

*Mai leans over grabbing one of his hands and whispers*. Then wake up already! Otherwise its you and me in the UNO game that never ends.

No dying allowed. You have someone special to get back to I do believe. And think about Serenity. Think about your baby nephew or niece that you might never meet. You can't give up now.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 9:44 PM



wow, i have the distinct feeling that i'm being doubleteamed...

and what's worse, i don't mind :o

Oh my turn? Puts down another wild card. I choose green.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 10:18 PM


SR realises that the battle to hold the common room is, if not won, then is well in the tree's favor. He ducks into a adjacent room to the air lock and discovers himself in the weapons locker. He quickly gathers up a several boxes of ammo and a handfull of grenades and then retreats back across the common room to the bar. He hunkers down behind the bar and begins loading magazines while nursing a beer he happened to find intact in the under bar cooler. His rhythm is broken by the sound of someone racking the slide on a pump action shotgun. SR looks to the right without moving his head and can see a woman (Trey) holding a shotgun on him not four feet away.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my bar?" The woman demands.

"I'm a old friend of Seryn's, I stopped by for a beer. I guess the Alliance decided they wanted to celebrate U Day early this year." SR replys while slowly continueing to load his clips. The woman relaxes and angles the shotgun away from SR.

"It's quieting down." She says while using a broken fragment of the bar mirror to look out into the common room.

"Yeah, they clearly want to capture some one or some thing and that's good, because as soon as they realise they can't take the Tree then we are all in deep trouble." SR says.

"How do you figure?"

"Because at that point they will simply uncouple and destroy us all from a distance."

"So what do we do?"

"I figure it's impossible to capture the cruiser. We might be able to destroy it, if we are really lucky or we might be able to make a run for it. Which is why I need to get to engineering and make sure they have things in order."

SR finishes his loading and the beer at about the same time. He reaches slowly into his pocket and pulls out a quarter platinum piece and sets it on the shelf under the bar.

"This is for the beer and my share of the mess."

"The beer's on the house and you didn't make the mess."

"Then consider it a tip. Can you contact engineering and let them know I'm on my way and not to shoot me when I get there?"

Trey nods and SR is off and running.

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, March 8, 2006 11:49 PM


In the Nandi

Ervine taps her on the shoulder delicately, and she turns to see him indicating first at the Triploi then at the clock in front of her. She swings the fighter round, noting with some relief that the stream of escape pods and passenger shuttles tailed off some time ago.

She raises the Nandi's shield up to maximum, knowing that its not going to stop all of the debris, but just hoping, in her usual style.

As the seconds tick down she takes a deep breath, and it seems like all the surrounding ships do to.

Soundlessly, fire in a hundred different colours erupts along seamlines in the cruiser, spreading out and then receading just as quickly, towers collapse and the bulk of the ship seems to implode. More explosions burst along its bulk, shaking the ship apart, on and on until there is nothing left but a million little pieces, sparkiling and glittering as they spread out from the point in space that the Tripoli used to occupy.

She sighs a little, and the Yeti pats her on the shoulder, then she grins, turning to him as best she can, and yells

'whooooooo hoooo!' angling her arm up awkwardly she waits as he returns the Hi-5.

'Lady! Ervin suggest we fly far away, not get hit by bits'

'Right you are, do you reckon the Tree is far enough away?'

'no, But Tree bigger'

'yeah, thats always comforting'

She turns away, diving in and around other fighters, only needing to fire on a few, and mostly just avoiding the rest, until they get to the bay. Mercifully, they doors are open, and she wonders why there arn't more alliance in the bay. Behind her Ervin attempts to contact the ship, to let them know they are coming aboard, but no-one answers.

She guides the fighter in and lands her to the rear of the bay, her usual spot, and attempts to close the bay doors using the Nandi's jerry rigged link to the Tree. She heaves a sigh of relief as the doors start to close.

'Home!' behind her, Ervin grins, 'Is good to be back'

As soon as the doors slam shut she pops the hatch and they climb out. From the arms lcker they retrieve as many guns as they can carry, resoning that even if they can't use them, other Tree-ers might.

'Why no fight here? Where are humans? Where are bad men?'

'you're right, why is no-one attacking here? You don't think it could be over already do you? The alliance couldn't have won alreadys could they?'
she bites her lip nervously 'come on, slowly, you go first *grin* your hearing is better'

Inching cautiously along the corridor, checking doors as they go, Ervin soon stop her 'boom of guns. Swords too, fight ahead, strange smell, metal. Ervine not like' he sniffs the air again 'Yeti family there, we go!'

And with that they start running twords the common room.

Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. O.W.


Thursday, March 9, 2006 1:18 AM



Originally posted by Bride2:
(In the SereniTree's hanger)

Deuce creeps into the hanger, weapons at the ready. Ah HA! It was just as she thought! There was an enemy shuttle sitting there! But where was its crew? Had they already had time to invade the ship?

She hears movement in the walls. Very crafty! But not crafty enough!

Deuce finds an entry way into the same air vents and follows the intruders. Since she is not so up on the layout of the ship, she's not quite sure where she is.

Eventually, in the infirmary, Deuce leaps out of the shadows yelling something, almost chopping PsychicRiver’s head off with one of her katanas. At the last moment, she diverts her attack, but ThatWeirdGirl pulls him back out of danger anyway.

"Ooops! Sorry! There's enemy around here, somewhere! Came aboard in a shuttle!"

"No," ThatWeirdGirl says. "That was us."

"We stole one of their shuttles," PsychicRiver adds.


Also, have you ever heard of asking questions before you cut someones head off? But by the way, great reflexes.

*PR turns to SW.* So were to learn medic stuff?


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Thursday, March 9, 2006 2:59 AM


As ScorpionRegent departs the Common Room, Trey activates her com-link. “Jet? Jet? Can you hear me, kiddo?”

A tired voice answers her. “Trey? I thought you got all shot up?”

“Ha! I’m fine. Doc fixed me up, and I got back down here to protect my bar. I know to keep my wings folded, now, and out of the way. Anyway, how are things going down in Engineering?”

Jet sounds tired and desperate. “Slow, with Grey and Needle gone. I could use some help. Some help that doesn’t screw everything up and make things worse!”

“Well, you might get some help. A guy is coming down. He was fighting on our side as a sniper. Might have saved all our asses. Anyway, he’s a friend of Seryn.”

Jet sounds puzzled. “Friend of who?”

“Dear, you don’t get out much, do you? Seryn is one of the new folk. Anyway, this guy might be able to help. Don’t shoot him.”

“New folk? Uh, okay, then, what’s his name?”

It is Trey’s turn to be puzzled… “Ahhhh…”

Trey, Bride3






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