Defending Sereni-Tree and Lift-off from Boros

UPDATED: Monday, March 13, 2006 18:50
VIEWED: 25648
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Friday, March 10, 2006 3:13 PM


Ghost's fear was growing as the ship tossed her about in the cargo bay, blood now running freely down the side of her face, mixing with her tears. Doing her best to stay hidden, like Shadow had told her too, she never noticed as the two men entered.


Originally posted by safeat2nd:

Originally posted by citizen:
"It's of interest to me how you know so much about combat operations." Safe said as they prepared to open the Airlock.

"Wasn't born a small time Monkey trainer with delusions of grandeur, Safe." Citizen replied, stepping into the opening Airlock chamber.

"I'm beginning to get that impression..." Safe starts, but movement towards the rear of the passenger compartment catches his eye, cutting his thoughts off.

Hand on his holstered gun, Safe peers around some crates.

Ghost jumped in fear as he found her and tried hiding further into the corner, even as she looked at the man now examining her.


A little girl, cowering in the corner, looks up at him. Fear showing plainly on her tear and blood streaked face.

Safe crouches down and slowly extends his good hand "Hey sweetie, I won't hurt you." he says softly. /B]

Ghost looked at him carefully. Shadow had told her to stay hidden, but Shadow had been gone for soooo long. She wanted Shadow, She wanted to be out of this scary place, She wanted a pony, and she wanted Some food. So she did whatever any six-year-old would do in this situation, she began to cry...loudly.

(Here's a description of Ghost cause I couldn't figure out how to work it into the post. She's 6 years old, but like Shadow looks younger about 4 or 5, she has blue eyes and light brown, almost blond hair done up in messy pigtails. She's wearing a thin oversized (re. hand-me-down)dress and no shoes.)


Friday, March 10, 2006 4:35 PM


Due to the sudden wing growth Jazaf was unable to make it out of the Turret!
'Gorramit!' He says to himself.
With Duece out helping to defend the ship from within and Jake7 walking to who knows where Jazaf is left alone.
After a few moments of practice he manages to fold his wings so that he can look out of the turret.
'Huh. the other Alliance ship is leaving...' He sits and listens for a bit. 'No alarms anymore.... guess we won.'
Jazaf remembers that he has a personal organizer in his pocket. So using the weak LED light he gets a glimpse of his wings. They resemble bat wings.
'Great....' he says dryly. 'I never liked bats. What else could go.......'
He stares at his left hand. In the weak light it looks scaly and his fingernails have grown longer looking much like claws. Jazaf's eyes go wide as he shouts, 'What in the nine ruttin' spheres of Hell is going on!?!'

The lights flicker on and he sees that it was true.
'Well, crud. I just hope this is some kind of allergic reaction to that stuff they pumped through the ducts.'

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Friday, March 10, 2006 9:12 PM


In the Sereni-Tree Engine Room:

It seems that ScorpionRegent and Jet make a good team. Both are technically competent, and while SR is strong enough to do the heavy work, Jet is small enough to fit into all the tight places.

Jet’s feet stick out from under the power plant housing. They wiggle around a bit as she struggles deep inside the device. Her voice echos. “There, Warren, try it now!”

Sitting at a nearby control console, SR repeats the sequence of steps to re-light the Sereni-Tree’s main power plant, while also examining some instruments. There is almost a trace of concern in his voice. “Jet, we’re running low on stored energy to power the bottle. If we can’t contain the reaction, the hydrogen will never fuse.”

“I know,” she said, her voice still echoing. “I have a backup plan. If we have to, we can tap some of our shuttles. The Nelson and Lee, at least, should be fully charged, and they should have enough energy to give us an extra attempt each.”

SR monitors the progress. “Magnetic bottle forming. It looks like you fixed the hydrogen injectors; they are operating now.”

Jet crawls out of the tight place, dragging her tools. Her hair is disheveled and she’s covered in grease and spilled engine coolant. “So far, so good!”

SR continues: “The ionizing process is complete, and the hydrogen is contained.”

Jet smiles. “Great! Do the lasers still have enough power?”

“Ignition lasers are firing at 68%. It’s doing something. I’m reading traces of helium.”

Jet crosses her fingers.

“The chamber internal temperature is leveling out. I think we are about to lose it again.”

Jet reaches over and touches a control on the console. Suddenly, the fusion plant flares to life. Power readings spike, then back down to normal operating levels. Jet cheers, and gives SR a hug. He winces imperceptibly due to the pain of his wound.

“So,” he wonders, “what did you do to save it?”

Jet chuckles, while using her sleave to wipe the sweat from her brow. “At the last moment, I injected some of Kniblett’s Stupendous Sunscreen / Engine Additive / Bug Killer. Grey prefers to run with a pure mix, and we’ll need to flush out the impurities later, but at least it’s got us going and that’s what we really needed!”

Jet regards SR with a grin, hands on her hips and head inclined. “Well, Warren, ready to bring the main thrusters online?”

Throughout the Sereni-Tree, various systems of all kinds return to full power.

Jet, Bride4


Friday, March 10, 2006 9:13 PM


“Gorram. Gorram. Gorram. Gorram.” Quincey chants quietly as she continues turning the emergency manual crank to open the airlock doors. She had been at it for over an hour, and had cranked the outer door open, entered the airlock dragging the unwieldy shrunken shuttle, had cranked the outer door shut, and was now working on cranking the inner door open. She had never been so exhausted! She observed the slow, almost imperceptible progress of the opening door. Just a little more, and she could fit…

Suddenly, the main lights in the Hanger Bay flare on and the emergency lights are extinguished. The inner airlock door opens its last few inches with a *SWOOSH*, and Quincey tumbles into the Hanger Bay to fall on the deck, muscles sore and absolutely unable to move. She drops the shrunken shuttle, and it skids across the deck. Through her helmet, Quincey hears fans turn on to cycle fresh air into the large area. “About gorram time,” she mutters to herself.

As she begins to drift off to a badly needed sleep, Quincey can hear the words of TheRealMe over the com-link,: “…and who’s flying this thing?”

Quincey’s eyes flash open. She scrambles to her feet, tears off her bulky helmet, and races toward the Bridge. “I’m on it! I’m on it!”

Quincey, Bride5


Friday, March 10, 2006 9:15 PM


Gasping for air, Quincey drags herself onto the Bridge with the last bit of strength in her body. She smiles, and tears well up in her eyes. THE BRIDGE IS EMPTY! She looks up the ladder to the pilot’s cockpit and realizes that she’d never make it up. She settles for the nearest standard control station, falls into it, and configures it for piloting functions. It hums to life! She’s about to… about to…

Quincey passes out from a combination of exhaustion, excitement, and low blood sugar.

Quincey, Bride5


Friday, March 10, 2006 9:48 PM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
I've done as much for Ath as I can at the moment. He needs to recuperate before we can decide on the next stage.

Son, I need you to keep an eye on his vital signs; call me if they change. Right now, more patients need me.

Okay, next.. I think Jadehand is in most need of treatment.

*heads to the common room*

Right you lot, stand back, I'm a doctor.

McQ approached the wounded Jadehand and attempts to scan his wounds with his infrared eye. He notices Jade suffering from internal bleeding and turns to tell the nearest doctor, just as SimonWho enters.

"Doctor," McQ starts in a serious, low tone, "I did a scan of this man's wounds. He is suffering from internal bleeding. You may have to operate immediately in order to save him."

"Stand back," SimonWho instructs. "Let me get to him."

McQ gets out of the doctors way and let's him attend the wounded Jade.


Saturday, March 11, 2006 1:00 AM



Originally posted by SimonWho:
I've done as much for Ath as I can at the moment. He needs to recuperate before we can decide on the next stage.

Son, I need you to keep an eye on his vital signs; call me if they change. Right now, more patients need me.

Okay, next.. I think Jadehand is in most need of treatment.

His vitals?

Um...ok, sure. I can do that.

Maybe I'll give him a tattoo while he's out!


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Saturday, March 11, 2006 3:26 AM



*pulls out a strange device from his medic bag, with a long tube at each end*

Now this is rather cool. He's bleeding into his chest and lungs, plus is suffering from blood loss. So... we plunge this in here *drives one tube into Jadehand's chest* to drain the blood out from where it shouldn't be and the machine filters the blood and allows it to be resupplied *drives the other tube into his arm* here.

Neat, huh?

Now then... let's see where you're actually bleeding from. *pulls out a microstitcher* Hold still. This might get tricky.

*a thought strikes him*

I hope my son knows that "vitals" isn't a euphemism. *shrugs it off*


Saturday, March 11, 2006 4:52 AM


TheRealMe is obviously impressed. He grabs McQ's hand and shakes it.

"Outstanding, McQ!"

Then he mutters to himself: "And here I thought Jadehand's problems were all mental!"

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Saturday, March 11, 2006 4:53 AM



Jet chuckles, while using her sleave to wipe the sweat from her brow. “At the last moment, I injected some of Kniblett’s Stupendous Sunscreen / Engine Additive / Bug Killer. Grey prefers to run with a pure mix, and we’ll need to flush out the impurities later, but at least it’s got us going and that’s what we really needed!”

Jet regards SR with a grin, hands on her hips and head inclined. “Well, Warren, ready to bring the main thrusters online?”

SR feels light headed and slightly dizzy

"In a few minutes," he says turning back to where he set his pack and coat. Jet looks on with curiousity as "Warren" fumbles through his pack extracting a small squeeze bottle of mechanics hand cleaner, a rag, a bag of trail mix and a fruity oaty bar. After giving his hands a quick cleaning, SR pours a portion of the snack food straight from the bag into his mouth. He is munching away as it becomes apparent that he has let his manners slip. He offers the Oaty bar to Jet.

Scorpion Regent


Saturday, March 11, 2006 4:55 AM


*Shwartz ambles up to SimonWho, who is concentrating hard on the revival of Jadehand. Draped across Schwartz's back is a rather palish looking cozen, who in turn is holding a bag containing three litres of blood.*

Here ya go, doc. B, rh positive. Hope this helps.



Saturday, March 11, 2006 5:00 AM


Jet smiles, breaks the oaty bar in half, and shares with SR.

"Thanks, Warren!"

Jet, Bride4


Saturday, March 11, 2006 5:17 AM


On his way to the Bridge, TheRealMe talks into his com-link. “Jet, what is our situation down there?”

“Oh, well, Warren and I have life support and main power online. Also partial maneuvering drive. I was going to get power to a couple weapons next. Then maybe a stardrive."

“Thank you, Jet, that sounds fine. Who is Warren?”

“The sniper guy from the big fight. Trey sent him down to help.”

TheRealMe walks into the Sereni-Tree’s Bridge. He is surprised to find Quincey there, still in her vac-suit and slumped unconscious over a console. He relaxes when he convinces himself that she is merely asleep.

“Well, tough day for all of us. Ahem! Bride5, I’d like for us to move away from Boros, so if you could please…”

Quincey stirs fitfully in her dreams. TheRealMe shrugs, pats her gently on the head, and moves to another console. “Never mind. I’ll take care of it.”

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Saturday, March 11, 2006 5:18 AM



Jet smiles, breaks the oaty bar in half, and shares with SR.

"Thanks, Warren!"

SR takes up his canteen and feels by the weight it's empty. His expression is one of complete frustration. The dizzyness still continues. SR turns and sits on the floor with his back to the wall. He forces down the dry pasty trail mix and accepts the remaining half of the oaty bar from Jet, which he snaffles down quickly.

"Sorry, first food in a while, if you don't count a beer in the bar two hours ago."

And then the beer really hit him. SR with his back against the wall, wedged between his pack and the corner falls asleep.

Scorpion Regent


Saturday, March 11, 2006 5:24 AM


Jet feels guilty chewing on her half of the oaty bar. Probably, Warren needed it more than she did. She goes into the locker room that is part of Main Engineering, finds a blanket, and drapes it over him.

"Thanks. I think I can take things from here."

Jet, Bride4


Saturday, March 11, 2006 5:52 AM


Unwanted, ignored, and out of place, Deuce leaves the Infirmary, goes down some stairs, and wanders about the devastation of the Common Room, disbelieving her own eyes.

“You mean I completely MISSED the greatest gorramn fight we’ve had here since I’ve been aboard?”

She kicks some rubble in frustration.




Saturday, March 11, 2006 6:40 AM



Originally posted by Bride2:
Unwanted, ignored, and out of place, Deuce leaves {and} {s}he kicks some rubble in frustration.

*Summoning the remaining reserves of his strength, cozen kidnaps Deuce to the Stockholm suite in the East Wing.*

Serenity: um, we could use some room service, if you could be so kind. As in: pretty-gorram please?!



Saturday, March 11, 2006 8:13 AM


On the psychic plane:

*JadeHand roams through the less than pleasant mind of "Heinz". Disturbed by many of the images that Heinz has stored behind a door labeled "happy thoughts". JadeHand moves forward and continues his work. He stops in front of a door with several locks and a sign that says "secrets". He cuts through the chains and opens the door. finding only a small 2 drawer file cabinet, and begins to go through the files.
Several minutes later he moves to the next room and continues his journey through one of the darkest minds he's seen in quite a while.*

"I think I better leave this guy alone in the future. But why is he so interested in..."

*Several of Heinz's personal demons round the corner, and JadeHand is back to work, losing his train of thought. Soon he's done all he can here and exits "Hienz".*

*He shakes the man's hand and gets a cold chill.*
"Sorry to have bothered you."
*Heinz snarls and fades away*


*Hours pass and JadeHand moves from mind to mind, completing his tasks. Soon, only one Figure stands before him.*

"Zoe. It looks like your the last one. Are you ready?"

*JadeHand holds the doorway forward. Zoe steps forward and gently takes it from him and places it back on the table.*

"Not today. I want to keep everything I have just the way they are. Just two big doors in there. Serenity Valley ,Once you've been there, you never leave. It stays with you 'til you die. And the other is my Wash. He's gonna stay with me too. I'll never lose any of him. Thank you. You did good. Go back to your friends."

*She places a hand on his shoulder and turns him to face the way he came in. The hand is pulled away and he turns back to say goodbye, but she's gone. JadeHand turns back and walks back the way he came. Slowly a small light becomes bigger as he approaches and steps through.*

On the Tree:
*JadeHand blinks and opens his eyes. His only thoughts are his own. The only voices are external. He takes a deep breath.*

"Hey guys."

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Saturday, March 11, 2006 8:30 AM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
On the psychic plane: "Hey guys."

Welcome back, bro'.

We all missed ya. You done good; better than. There, um, might be a lady or so that misses ya a little more....


Saturday, March 11, 2006 8:56 AM



Originally posted by cozen:
Serenity: um, we could use some room service, if you could be so kind. As in: pretty-gorram please?!

Well, Cozy, I'm still kinda locked in This Land. BUT, when I get out (and find a bathroom, argh!) I'll get right on that. Since you asked so very nicely.

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"


Saturday, March 11, 2006 9:40 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

Well, Cozy, I'm still kinda locked in This Land. BUT, when I get out (and find a bathroom, argh!) I'll get right on that. Since you asked so very nicely.

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"

*Kelly lifts her head, realizing she left three people locked in the animal park. She shoots a glance toward PsychicRiver who is standing near Ath trying to look like he knows what he's doing.*

"Watch over him, will you? I will be right back."

Kelly walks as quickly as she can to This Land. She punches in the code and the doors slide open. Muttering a few words in Elvish, she watches as her wards disappear to reveal Serenity, Mai, LMD and Soul all sitting in a circle playing cards. Serenity is the first to notice her.

"Kelly! Is it over? Can we come out?" Her eyes travel over Kelly's ripped and bloody dress. "Oh my...are you okay? Your arm--"

"It is nothing," Kelly says.

Serenity frowns as she looks into Kelly's eyes. Her voice is low and quiet when she next speaks.

"Where's Ath?"

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Saturday, March 11, 2006 10:31 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
TheRealMe is obviously impressed. He grabs McQ's hand and shakes it.

"Outstanding, McQ!"

Then he mutters to himself: "And here I thought Jadehand's problems were all mental!"

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

"Just trying to help out, sir." McQ responded. He then leaves the infirmary to see if any other wounded need assistance. As he wanders slowly back to the common room he observes the damages, blood and in some cases total destruction left behind.

Deep within his remaining human memory, McQ tries to recall why he joined the Alliance in the first place as their coldness and brutality don't seem to suit him anymore. He quickly dismisses the thought and returns to the matters at hand, finding those who need help and making sure they get it.


Saturday, March 11, 2006 5:49 PM



Originally posted by PsychicRiver:
Maybe I'll give him a tattoo while he's out!

*PR gets a psychic message from the unconscious Ath:

"Only if it's something really cool!"

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Saturday, March 11, 2006 10:00 PM


Engineering: SR awakes sore and stiff. He shrugs off the blanket and gets to is feet. Jet isn't directly in sight.

"Okay Jet what's next?"

Scorpion Regent


Saturday, March 11, 2006 10:09 PM



Originally posted by CallMeAth:

Originally posted by PsychicRiver:
Maybe I'll give him a tattoo while he's out!

*PR gets a psychic message from the unconscious Ath:

"Only if it's something really cool!"


*PR smiles to himself that has a short vision. He slowly looks to the side of him, and spies...draped over a chair...the white lab coat of his father.*

*PR has a mini flashback to his father taking off his coat and rolling up his sleeves when Ath was bought into the infirmary.*

*PR slowly walks up to the coat, not taking his eyes off it, as if contemplating the idea.*

*He slowly reaches down and put his hand into the pocket, and finds what he suspected he would. He pulls it out of the pocket slowly and looks at it; A key.*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Sunday, March 12, 2006 4:39 AM



Originally posted by cozen:

Originally posted by Jadehand:
On the psychic plane: "Hey guys."

Welcome back, bro'.

We all missed ya. You done good; better than. There, um, might be a lady or so that misses ya a little more....

Ladies is nice.... *passes out from exhaustion. snores*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"He's seen too much of life And there's no going back.
The loneliness calls him, And the edge which must be sharpened,
He's losing it. And he knows.
But there's a fighter in his mind and his body's tough
The years have been unkind, but kind enough." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles) -Marillion


Sunday, March 12, 2006 6:20 AM


Ladies is nice....

OOC: Nothing in the 'Verse better than,...'cepting posibly a companion.

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, March 12, 2006 6:53 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Sunday, March 12, 2006 7:37 AM



Originally posted by Aprilise:
Ghost looked at him carefully. Shadow had told her to stay hidden, but Shadow had been gone for soooo long. She wanted Shadow, She wanted to be out of this scary place, She wanted a pony, and she wanted Some food. So she did whatever any six-year-old would do in this situation, she began to cry...loudly.

Safe cringes back at the cry. "Hush hush now little one."

Safe calls over his shoulder "Bobby-Sue, can you bring our little stow-away back here. I think I've found something that belongs to her."

Bride6 looks pleadingly at Bride7.

Bride7 rolls her eyes in disgust. "Just because you got shot, you want me to wait on you hand and foot??"

Grumbling, Bride7 leads an apprehensive Shadow to the back.

"This little one one of yours?" Safe asks Shadow, a grin on his face. "See if you can settle her down a mite, I'll be back in a minute"

"Hey!! I'm no gorram babysitter!!" Bride7 sputters as Safe joins Citizen in the airlock.

Needy chuckles at Bride7's dipleasure. Bride7 glares at him, cutting his laugh short. Needy absently rubbed the scars of his bullets wounds. His laugh had caused pain and it wasn't a quick stab of pain, it was a deep lingering ache.

"Safe, everything is unlocked, but the door won't budge. It's like something is pushing on it from the other side." Citizen grunts as he pushes on the hatch.

Meanwhile on the Tree side of the airlock, Ebo Golem continues to push on the furniture blocking the airlock, because no one told it to stop.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Sunday, March 12, 2006 8:19 AM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
Engineering: SR awakes sore and stiff. He shrugs off the blanket and gets to is feet. Jet isn't directly in sight.

"Okay Jet what's next?"

Jet comes into view from around some bulky machinery. She looks very tired, but less stressed than before. She has gotten cleaned up and is wearing a clean(er) set of coveralls. She is casually holding a dataslate in one hand and a stylus in the other. “Glad you’ve rejoined us, Warren. Next? For you, it’s a meal.” Jet gestures over to an out-of-the way corner of Engineering to a cart with covered plates. “I asked Sparky to send down some things from the kitchen. I didn’t know what you liked, so I got a variety: a cheeseburger with fries, a veggie plate, some fruit, and a no-meat pasta dish. To drink, there’s soda, coffee, milk and lemonade. Take what you like. I’ve already had mine.

“If you’d like to get a quick shower and a change of clothes, there’s a locker room over there, with some spare coveralls in a variety of sizes. There are only three lockers with names on them: TheGreyJedi, Jet, and Needleseye. Take any of the others.” She shrugs. “Yeah, we’re all in there together. Grey didn’t build the place with any thought to segregation by gender. Actually, he sort of planned to be the only one down here. Sort of a loner, that guy.”

SR gets to his feet. “So, how go the repairs?”

Jet consults her dataslate, tapping it occasionally with the stylus to change displays. “Well, we got back main power, life support, the computer network, maneuver drive up to about 40% full thrust, and the quad-laser turrets on the top and bottom of the ship. I just returned from fixing the power coupling that feeds into the dorsal quad-laser. The plasma cannons will be harder to get going, so I’ve left them alone for now. Hmmm… Let’s see… I’ve sent some of our DRDs to patch over several breaches on the ship’s hull. We lost atmo integrity in a couple of cargo bays, and there was a slow leak in the west wing, but that's all taken care of. At least, it should be. I have plans to go to the Hanger to take an EVA pod out to inspect the work myself.

"So, at this point we can breathe and stay warm, we can move (a bit), and we can fight (a bit)."

SR starts uncovering plates of food. “So what do we fix next?”

Jet looks up from her dataslate. “TheRealHim wants a stardrive working so we can get out of the Boros system entirely. He’s up in the Bridge now, plotting courses to our most likely destinations. He’s pretty sure that it’s only a matter of time before the Alliance comes looking for us again, and wants us out of here to some safe place we can land and conduct more extensive repairs on the ship.”

Jet, Bride4


Sunday, March 12, 2006 11:28 AM


/me looks back and forth between KoL and CMS, pauses

oh no...


Sunday, March 12, 2006 12:04 PM


For a long time, it doesn't register that her eyes are now open, and even after it does, she lays there staring at the grey blue of the ceiling above her, vaguely wondering what the proper word for 'ceiling' on a spaceship is, and why she has sea-shells on her ears.

After a while, various part of her body register complaints about the hardness of the floor, and the fact that there no blood in one foot after its been trapped under the other for several hours.

oh well, I have to move sometime she reaches up to remove the sea shells, and finding none there, shrugs a little. She then sits up, and the whooshing sound increases. oh... as she drags her self to up right, her foot kicks in, numb and yet incredibly sensitive to movement at the same time, she hums a vagues little tune, faintly reminiscant of old Led Zeppelin* tracks, as it starts to come back to life with a zing!

A while later she finds her self shuffling down the corridor to the med bay. Having singularly failed to find a bathroom on the way, as she enters the bay she passes straight to a sink, strips off her grubby jacket and shirt and starts cleaning the dried mess off her ears and neck.

She steadfastly resists the temptaion to get the Q-tips out and start cleaning her ears up herself in order to high tail it out of there as quickly as possible. Instead she sits, like a good little girl, on a low bench to one side of the wall, and announces to anyone who is listening -

'You be wise to sedate me...'


*i.e, high pitched and full of feeling.
Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Sunday, March 12, 2006 1:12 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

In Safe’s ISSCV craft:

Needy had watched with a quiet fondness at the sight of Bride6 cradling the scared little girl Shadow

As an only child, Needy had often wished he had siblings. Though he had heard of the troubles that can arise between brothers and sisters, still Needy wanted a family - a blood connection. He hadn't been so much raised as he had been dragged up by parents that viewed him as a mistake, someone to be ignored and ditched at the first opportunity.

Needy smiled at Bride6's motherly affection for the youngster and his heart felt warm.

Then his heart was more than warm, it was burning.

It was burning up.

Needy gasped and clutched his chest, all the colour flushing from his skin.

Glancing over, Bride6 asks concerned "Needy... are you okay"

"Agh..." he tries to reply

Shadow tightens her grip on the Bride's hand, scared at what was happening.

Needy knows he needs to move - he needs fresh air, but realising that that was no longer going to be possible, water was the next best thing.
A sink. A bathroom. There must be one nearby on this ship he told himself

He began to move, but his still-buckled seatbelt prevented him.

Clumsily trying to press the button, he eventually frees himself from his seat and starts to stand

"What's up?" Bride6 continues, the young girl pressing against her in fear

Needy can not answer, but staggers down the aisle to where he hopes a bathroom would be.

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Sunday, March 12, 2006 3:16 PM



Jet comes into sight from around some bulky machinery. “Glad you’ve rejoined us, Warren. Next? For you, it’s a meal.” Jet gestures over to an out-of-the way corner of Engineering to a cart with covered plates. “I asked Sparky to send down some things from the kitchen. I didn’t know what you liked, so I got a variety: a cheeseburger with fries, a veggie plate, some fruit, and a no-meat pasta dish. To drink, there’s soda, milk and lemonade. Take what you like. I’ve already had mine.

“If you’d like to get a quick shower and a change of clothes, there’s a locker room over there, with some spare coveralls in a variety of sizes. There are only three lockers with names on them: TheGreyJedi, Jet, and Needleseye. Take any of the others.” She shrugs. “Yeah, we’re all in there together. Grey didn’t build the place with any thought to segregation by gender. Actually, he sort of planned to be the only one down here. Sort of a loner, that guy.”

SR gets to his feet. “So, how go the repairs?”

Jet consults her dataslate, tapping it occasionally with the stylus to change displays. “Well, we got back main power, life support, the computer network, maneuver drive up to about 40% full thrust, and the quad-laser turrets on the top and bottom of the ship. I just returned from fixing the power coupling that feeds into the dorsal quad-laser. The plasma cannons will be harder to get going, so I’ve left them alone for now. Hmmm… Let’s see… I’ve sent some of our DRDs to patch over several breaches on the ship’s hull. We lost atmo integrity in a couple of cargo bays, and there was a slow leak in the west wing, but that's all taken care of. At least, it should be. I have plans to go to the Hanger to take an EVA pod out to inspect the work myself.

"So, at this point we can breathe and stay warm, we can move (a bit), and we can fight (a bit)."

SR starts uncovering plates of food. “So what do we fix next?”

Jet looks up from her dataslate. “TheRealHim wants a stardrive working so we can get out of the Boros system entirely. He’s up in the Bridge now, plotting courses to our most likely destinations. He’s pretty sure that it’s only a matter of time before the Alliance comes looking for us again, and wants us out of here to some safe place we can land and conduct more extensive repairs on the ship.”

Jet, Bride4

SR once again catches himself on a issue of manners covers the plates up.

"You are beyond generous. Water and bread would have been more than plenty. I'll take the fruit and some distilled water. My stomache has shrunk enough that it will be more than enough. Please see that someone can have the rest. I dispise wasting food, for I have seen the lack of it. You are right I must wash. I will return soon."
He gathers up his pack and coat and walk's into the locker room. ut of his pack he takes a large laundry bag and his clothes go in it as they come off. The rest of his gear are stowed in a locker. He stows the laundry bag in a separate locker.
Before entering the showers he keys on his comlink.

"V-mail for Sparky: Sparky if you aren't too busy there is a bag of laundy and a pair of boots in locker 27 of the engineering locker room. If you could get to it in the next 24 hours it would be a kindness. Don't bother doing any mending, I'll take care of that myself I know how busy you must be. Also as you go about attending to the bodies of the invaders would you be so good as to set aside any equipment and or personal effects we might need them for intelligence purposes. Let TRM know that you are doing it for me and if he has any objections he can find me in engineering. Keep up the good works and we still need to have that chat regarding the laws of robotics regarding emergency medical procedures."

SR walks into the showers and takes a through but quick shipboard shower, being sure to conserve as much water as possible. He put on spare a pair of coveralls and dons a pair sandals, then returns to engine room. He quickly devours a orange, a apple and a pear in less than a minute wipes his mouth of washes down half a liter of water and pours the rest into his canteen which he has brought with him. He wraps the remaining orange in a napkin and puts it in his pocket. He then makes his way to the star drive.

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, March 12, 2006 5:10 PM


Jet blushes. "Sorry, Warren, I didn't mean to insult you or anything. I'll eat the rest myself, over the next day or so."

Jet takes the uneaten food an puts it into a compact portable 'fridge.

Jet, Bride4


Sunday, March 12, 2006 7:01 PM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:

Originally posted by Aprilise:
Ghost looked at him carefully. Shadow had told her to stay hidden, but Shadow had been gone for soooo long. She wanted Shadow, She wanted to be out of this scary place, She wanted a pony, and she wanted Some food. So she did whatever any six-year-old would do in this situation, she began to cry...loudly.

Safe cringes back at the cry. "Hush hush now little one."

Safe calls over his shoulder "Bobby-Sue, can you bring our little stow-away back here. I think I've found something that belongs to her."

Shadow heard the captain’s announcement, her eyes widening as she realized what he must have found. Listening closer she heard the sound of her sister crying echoing through the ship. Ghost was scared, Ghost needed her. Still held in the arms of Bride6 she was scared, scared for herself, and scared for Ghost.


Bride6 looks pleadingly at Bride7.

Bride7 rolls her eyes in disgust. "Just because you got shot, you want me to wait on you hand and foot??"

Grumbling, Bride7 leads an apprehensive Shadow to the back.

Shadow stood up as Bride 7 began leading her to the back. The sounds of Ghost’s cries getting louder and louder. She was immediately assaulted as Ghost ran to her, wrapping her arms tightly around her older sister.


"This little one one of yours?" Safe asks Shadow, a grin on his face. "See if you can settle her down a mite, I'll be back in a minute"

Shadow gently rubbed Ghost’s back as her sister continued to cry. “It’s ok Ghost, I’m here, don’t cry.”

Shadow continued to rub Ghost’s back as the girl’s cries became sobs, then whimpers, then died down to sniffles. Seeing that her sister would be ok Shadow continued to hold her as she focused her attention to the adults talking around them.


"Hey!! I'm no gorram babysitter!!" Bride7 sputters as Safe joins Citizen in the airlock.

Needy chuckles at Bride7's dipleasure. Bride7 glares at him, cutting his laugh short. Needy absently rubbed the scars of his bullets wounds. His laugh had caused pain and it wasn't a quick stab of pain, it was a deep lingering ache.

"Safe, everything is unlocked, but the door won't budge. It's like something is pushing on it from the other side." Citizen grunts as he pushes on the hatch.

Shadow looked at the other man who had just returned, he was sick or something, he had looked sad in the cockpit of the shuttle. She was sure he had thrown up, Now he just looked sick. Looking down at her sister one more time, Shadow whispered in the younger girls ear.

Ghost looked up at Shadow calmer now that her big sister was there to keep her safe. She then turned her attention to the man her sister had pointed out. Looking up she saw her sister nod feeling the older girl loosen her grip. Ghost walked unnoticed over to the man and wrapped her arms around his leg hugging tightly.

(just in case, it’s not as clear as it should be Ghost is hugging Needy)


Sunday, March 12, 2006 7:59 PM


TheRealMe spends the better part of an hour plotting some potential hyperspace jumps to worlds where the platinum from the Ocean Cloud Scam might be readily spent. He would consult with Jadehand and Seryn later to see if they had any specific opinions.

After this task, TheRealMe leads a group in the unpleasant task of cleaning up the Common Room. There are dead of both sides, dropped equipment, smashed furniture, and shining discs of precious DVD collections scattered everywhere.

There are others in the Common Room: SimonWho is treating Jadehand. McQ, the impressive cyborg, is helping as he can. Deuce is wandering around, muttering at the devastation, until Cozen swoops in to kidnap her. Oh well, she doesn’t seem to be objecting, and she can certainly take care of herself!

The cleanup crew consisted pretty much of TheRealMe, Trey, Sparky, Nugget the Meteor Troll, and the surviving Yeti. Sparky conveys a suggestion from Jet’s friend Warren (aka ScorpionRegent) that the Alliance bodies be searched for any equipment or items for intelligence purposes. That was a good idea.

TheRealMe does not interfere with the Yeti’s funeral customs, but considers what to do with all the other casualties. “Hmmm… We’ll need to set up a morgue, probably in a cargo bay… and maybe find a shepherd….”

TheRealMe surveys the rest of the Common Room, shaking his head. “Sad, sad. What a tremendous loss of life. Well, high on our list is repairing the main airlock. That Sticky compound just burned right through the thick metal of the… Uh, Sparky?”

“Yes, sir?”

“What is that movement in the rubble around the airlock?”

“It is the Ebo Golem.”

TheRealMe is genuinely surprised. “Really? I thought it got blown to pieces by a rocket launcher!”

“That is correct, sir. Blown to pieces. Yet, one piece is still functioning.”

TheRealMe runs over to where the Ebo Golem is still trying to push rubble to block the airlock. Its right arm and much of its right torso is missing. Its movements are shaky and unsure. “Ebo Golem! Stop your work and stand over there!” The Ebo Golem obeys and moves to the location specified.

"Hmmm... If we collected all its pieces... and got a bottle of superglue..."

Then TheRealMe notices something as he looks down the corridor of the airlock. “Hey, is that a ship docked there? Did all our sensors short out or something? Sparky, please clear me a path to that ship!”

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:12 AM


*Supported by Soul, Serenity makes her way as quickly as she can to the Infirmary, where she sees her brother lying unconscious on a table. She starts crying to see him lying there, looking so pale, hooked up to so many machines. She grabs one of his hands.*

You're not allowed to die, do you hear me? I won't allow it. And I'm the oldest, so you have to do what I tell you.

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:41 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

As he stands next to Serenity, Soul puts his hand into his pocket and feels the cool shape of the ring Jazaf had made for him. He knows that the time isn't right, though. Ath needs his sister, now more than ever.

Soul leans down and kisses Serenity on the cheek.

"You stay here with him. He'll need a familiar face to see when he wakes up. I'm going to go offer what help I can in the common room."

Serenity nods, her face impassive, but her eyes betray her controlled exterior.

"He'll pull through," Soul says. "There's too much holding him here."

"I hope so," Serenity replies.

Soul gives her a small grin and makes his way to the common room. The smell of death hangs in the air, but it doesn't bother him. He's seen massacres before, even one at his own hands; but this one hits him harder than most, since it occurred in his own home. Around his heart, yet another wall is built, this one to further clamp in the flurry of emotions he has kept buried for years.

Soul walks up next to TRM, and they head for the airlock.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:45 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
Jet blushes. "Sorry, Warren, I didn't mean to insult you or anything. I'll eat the rest myself, over the next day or so."

Jet takes the uneaten food an puts it into a compact portable 'fridge.

Jet, Bride4

Jet feels the lightest touch on her left shoulder and turns as SR drops to one knee so that he looks up and squarely into her eyes.

"No offense was taken. You do me great kindness and that will not be forgotten. In last 72 hours I have seen little but fear, pain, loathing and hardship as it is so often in my life. If my words were blunt they came from a raw place and it is I who should ask for forgiveness."

Jet feels her

Scorpion Regent


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:48 AM


OOC: ooops bad edit.

Scorpion Regent


Monday, March 13, 2006 6:12 AM


**jake7, still fumbling around blind, catches one of her wings (which still haven't fallen off yet) on some type of projectile.**

Gorrammit! That hurt!

**she continues patting down the walls, looking for a dark room in which to turn off her night vision. Getting beyond frustrated, she mutters**

Where the hell are all the closets??

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Monday, March 13, 2006 6:19 AM


*KellyofLuthien splashes water on her face, trying to wash away both the grime of battle and the recent memory of the color draining from Serenity's cheeks as she was told what happened to her brother.

Kelly had left Serenity with Ath for a few moments in private, returning to her mallorn to change into a cleaner gown. Standing now in front of a mirror covered in steam from her shower, Kelly looks at herself, appearing like a shadow through the mist. A single tear escapes her eye, getting lost in the water on her face. Kelly grabs a towel and wipes it away before she can get angry with herself for losing her calm. She dresses quickly, not caring what she's wearing, and heads back to the infirmary.

Serenity looks up at her with concerned eyes as Kelly takes her place on the other side of Ath, holding his hand.*

"How is he?" Kelly asks.

"He's the same. Your arm's still bleeding."

Kelly looks down. "Oh, right."

Serenity gets up and rummages around in drawers until she finds some gauze and tape. She walks over to Kelly and begins bandaging her arm. Kelly lets another tear slip and watches as it drops on Ath's hand, still limp in her own. Serenity wipes it away.

"It'll be ok," she says quietly.

"I know," Kelly replies. "It's's my birthday."

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Monday, March 13, 2006 6:39 AM


Looking very Napolean(?) like, Jazaf walks through the halls at a hurried pace with his left hand buried in his shirt.

Where the hell are all the closets??

Jazaf pauses and looks down the corridor to his right and spots Jake7 having a bit of trouble.
'What's wrong Jake?'
'Since the lights went on I can't see the gorram remote to turn off my nightvision!' Jake7 says in a very agitated tone.
'Let me see that remote. Is it clearly labeled Nightvision or do you need a code? oh wait, there it is.'
Jazaf turns off the night vision and hands the remote back to Jake7. As her eyesight returns so does her calm, 'Thank you much!'
'No problem.' Jazaf replies as he hurries on to his room.
When he gets there Jazaf takes off his shirt, since it's been ruined from the wings, and looks at his left hand.
'Wo de ma he ta de fengkuang de waisheng dou!'
Instead of just his hand being a scaly claw, it turns out his entire left arm was affected.
'This could be a problem.'

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Monday, March 13, 2006 6:43 AM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:

Serenity looks up at her with concerned eyes as Kelly takes her place on the other side of Ath, holding his hand.*

"How is he?" Kelly asks.

"He's the same. Your arm's still bleeding."

Kelly looks down. "Oh, right."

Serenity gets up and rummages around in drawers until she finds some gauze and tape.

*PR clutches the key tightly in his hand before shoving it into his pocket. He turns to the two women.* I'll give you all some space. Kelly, I'm sure you can take care of things.

*PR walks over to the door.* Besides, my dad will be back soon.

Yes. Soon.

*PsychicRiver leaves the infirmary.*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Monday, March 13, 2006 6:46 AM



*Serenity swoops Kelly up into a hug, her belly nearly crushing both of them.*

You poor thing! I understand how you feel, Soul died on my birthday last year. That was awful! But, he's alive again, so it's all good. And Ath will pull through, too. He just has to.

*She pats the elf's arm in a motherly way.*

I'm sorry we forgot about your birthday, what with the battle and all. For now, how about we run to the kitchen and grab some tea and bring it back here? We both could use some!

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"


Monday, March 13, 2006 6:46 AM


Secrets and whispers...
Secrets and whispers...


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Monday, March 13, 2006 7:04 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

*Serenity swoops Kelly up into a hug, her belly nearly crushing both of them.*

You poor thing! I understand how you feel, Soul died on my birthday last year. That was awful! But, he's alive again, so it's all good. And Ath will pull through, too. He just has to.

*She pats the elf's arm in a motherly way.*

I'm sorry we forgot about your birthday, what with the battle and all. For now, how about we run to the kitchen and grab some tea and bring it back here? We both could use some!

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"

Kelly gives Serenity a small smile.

"I'm 3000 years older than you, and here you are comforting me. Guess that old adage is true: age is just a number. Let's get that tea. And maybe some crumpets for you? I bet the little one is hungry."

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Monday, March 13, 2006 7:13 AM


The little one is always hungry!

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"


Monday, March 13, 2006 8:46 AM


Dazedly Seryn Watches the scene infront of her, Serenity and Kelly, pale faces and worried expressions, their embrace and the obvious brave acts, and hopes that Ath does pull through.

Seated on the low bench, her head propped on her loosely clenched knuckles, she looks around, trying to keep herself awake, she watches as PR, lost in his own thoughts, slips something into his pocket and leaves, then as the two women embrace and go. She stands up and crosses to his bedside, arms folded tight unable to not hold herself away from him, and watches all the little flickers and frowns crossing his features.

'For my part, all my stupid posturing, I'm sorry...' She tentatively reaches out and pats his hand, then turns and makes her way to the common room.

She goes to the Yeti, touching the one she thinks is Ervine on the arm and smiling when he greets her. The other Yeti come over to see her, but she can only guess at how Ervine introduces her, and catches few of their names. On some subtle signal they start back to their work, and she joins them in separating the bodies from the rubble.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.






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