The Sereni-Tree: Life, the Universe, and Everything

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 06:28
VIEWED: 25087
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Monday, March 13, 2006 6:31 PM


This is Thread 42 of the adventures of the Sereni-Tree! Herein you will find Life, the Universe, and Everything!

For “The Guide to the Clubhouse / Treehouse / Sereni-Tree Threads”, see:

A very long post containing “TheRealMe’s Guide to the Sereni-Tree, V5” will follow this post.

Below is the (interim) summary of the previous thread, located at

On Boros:

Making use of Jadehand’s Nametags of Shapeshifting, Jadehand (in the guise of various X-Men), TheRealMe (in the guise of Obi-Real Kenobi), and Monkeytail hold off the Alliance troops outside the hanger on the outskirts of Boros Prime. Inside the hanger, the last Bluehands is dealt with (BTW, the grenades tossed in the previous thread by Bride7 turned out to have been intentional duds, for “psychological warfare”). Then, SafeAt2nd, Citizen, Bride6, Bride7, and Needy take one craft (an ISSCV) and CastIronJack, Flechette, Versa, and Amylisai take another and both lift off from Boros. Quincey, still flying above in the Bonaparte, provides them covering fire as they depart the planet. Safe’s crew and Quincey plan to return to Sereni-Tree. Flechette’s crew plans to go off somewhere to support the underground. Unbeknownst to Safe’s crew, they have a pair of young stowaways on board. Once they are away, TheRealMe, Jadehand, and Monkeytail steal an old Eagle transport from the hanger and follow them.

In space near Boros:

SoulofSerenity, ThatWeirdGirl, and PsychicRiver escape the Triploi in a stolen shuttle. Soul uses his phasing power to float into the Sereni-Tree’s common room where the big battle is occurring. TWG and PR land in the Sereni-Tree’s Hanger Bay and make their way to the Infirmary through twisty air ducts. Somewhat later, the newly deaf Seryn and Ervin the Yeti escape from the Tripoli in her fighter, the Nandi, after hacking into the Tripoli’s self destruct programs.

In the Sereni-Tree Common Room:

The Killgore has docked with the Sereni-Tree and sends over a boarding party. They burn through the main airlock into the Sereni-Tree’s Common Room. Their first attacks destroy Sparky and severely damage the Ebo Golem (who had both been piling rubble to block the airlock). Ath, Kelly, Soul, Trey, Washie, the rest of the Yeti, Nugget the Meteor Troll, and perhaps others stand to repel boarders. ScorpionRegent takes up a position on the upper balcony to act as a sniper. At that moment down in Main Engineering, Jet and Cozen are working on repairs. Cozen crosses the wrong wires, almost electrocuting himself and plunging the entire ship into darkness. The invading Alliance troops turn on their night-vision goggles, putting Our Heroes on the defensive. Ath and Trey are wounded, and taken to the Infrimary, though Trey quickly returns to the action. Washie somehow merges her mind with the Ghost of River-clone, and wields significant psychic power. Kelly exerts power through Narya, the Ring of Fire, and illuminates the Common Room, blinding the Alliance troops. The Alliance commander sends in his secret weapon, a cyborg called McQ.

In the Sereni-Tree’s Gunnery stations:

With the loss of power, the Sereni-Tree’s weapons are all inactive. Kelly had already run off to help in the Common Room. Jake7 activates the night vision button on her gadet and goes, too. Deuce decides to run off to protect the undefended hanger bay. She feels her way toward it in the dark to find an unknown shuttle from the Tripoli! She follows the path of “intruders” through various air vents, and ends up in the Infirmary. She had only been following PsychicRiver and ThatWeirdGirl, who had used the stolen shuttle to escape from the Tripoli.

In space near Boros:

There is a space battle involving Safe’s ISSCV, the Bonaparte, the Eagle, the Nandi, the Sereni-Tree, the Alliance Cruisers Killgore and Tripoli, and the latter’s fighter wing. Sereni-Tree is severely damaged. The Tripoli explodes due to the hacking that Seryn and Ervin did while inside. TheRealMe boosts the Eagle to an extremely high velocity and rams it into the Killgore, destroying its bridge and damaging its engines (the crew of the Eagle escapes to the Sereni-Tree’s common room via a dimensional portal of TRM). The Nandi also lands in the Sereni-Tree’s hanger, but main power dies before Quincey can get the Bonaparte inside and the large hanger doors refuse to open. Quincey is forced to get into a space suit, shrink the shuttle, and try to get in through an emergency hatch that has to be opened with a manual crank. SafeAt2nd and crew discover the stowaways aboard the ISSCV, a pair of young sisters called Shadow and Ghost.

In the Sereni-Tree Common Room:

The Alliance cyborg McQ turns on the ones who had experimented upon him and joins the crew of the Sereni-Tree in the fight. At one point, he and his new friend Washie are standing side by side against the tide, and they hold! ThatWeirdGirl causes the docking clamps to be released, and the Killgore goes floating away. The damage it suffered from the colliding Eagle cause it to recall all fighters and limp away. TheRealMe, Jadehand, and MonkeyTail arrive via dimensional portal (as mentioned above). It looks like the battle for the Common Room is pretty much over.

Washie greets TRM and offers him the remote control she caught Cozen playing with much earlier. At that moment, the evil doll CallMeChucky (somehow repaired and escaped from the brig) attacks TRM and clamps down onto a rather sensitive area. In tremendous pain, TRM uses one of Jadehand’s Nametags of Shapeshifting to become Zoe, which frees her/him. TheRealZoe then uses her gun to blast both CallMeChucky and the remote into bits. TheRealZoe then collapses for a time due to the stress of shapeshifting.

It turns out that when Sparky was destroyed a Backup Sparky was activated. He arrives in the Common Room to help.

In the Sereni-Tree:

Serenity, Mai, and LightMeDark continue to play Uno in the safety of the “This Land” park.

In the Infirmary, Ath remains in a very serious condition with a damaged heart. SimonWho does his best for him, but then goes off to tend other wounded (especially Jadehand) aided by the cyborg McQ. An overly pale Cozen comes by dangling from his llama, offering a bag of too much of his blood for the healing effort. Ath is visited by the grieving Kelly, Serenity, and Soul, and by the Ghost of River-clone (who spouts her usual cryptic weirdness). PsychicRiver had been left by SimonWho to watch Ath, but gets some idea and runs off.

After acting as a sniper, ScorpionRegent goes down to Main Engineering to help Jet fix the major systems of the Sereni-Tree, including the power. Lights come back on. Jake7, who had pushed the “nightvision” button of her gadget, is blinded. Sudden wing growth seems to have trapped Jazaf into his gunner’s seat until after the big fight is over. Also, Jazaf seems to have a deformed claw-arm as well as wings from the water of the Sea of Wings. He helps Jake7, who has been lost in the bright light, wandering around with her night-sight feature of her gadget activated.

Quincey FINALLY gets through the emergency hatch to the Hanger and then runs off to the Bridge; she has a chance to pilot the ship! She sits down and preps the console, but then passes out from exhaustion. Later, after Jet and ScorpionRegent have the maneuvering drive fixed, TheRealMe comes by to pilot the Sereni-Tree a bit farther from Boros. Quincey missed her chance again! TheRealMe plots some hyperspace jumps to nearby worlds where the platinum acquired from the Ocean Cloud Scam could be spent.

Deuce runs from the Infirmary to the Common Room to find the big fight over! She is very disappointed. She is then promply kidnapped by Cozen.

Seryn heads to the Infirmary to see if she can get her nearly deaf ears fixed, but when it is obvious that the Doctor is busy, she goes to meet the Yeti and aid in the cleanup of the Common Room. It turns out that both Seryn and one of the Yeti (who lost her mate in the battle) are expecting babies!

Safe docks his stolen ICSSV craft at the main airlock. Unfortunately, it is blocked with rubble thanks to the barely still functioning Ebo Golem, still operating on her last orders. TheRealMe, while leading a clean-up crew for the devastation of the Common Room, notices this and uses Sparky to help dig through to the craft. McQ, while helping in the clean-up crew, finds the body of his former fiancé. For a moment, he loses control of his emotions and dents a steel beam, but then he calmly takes her to the Infirmary, after Washie comforts him. Washie also starts to superglue the pieces of the Ebo Golem back together. TRM, Soul, Washie, and Sparky work through the rubble to try to reach Safe’s docked ship.

(THERE! That was mostly from memory. Hopefully, I’ve not forgotten anything too important. Let me know if I have.)

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Monday, March 13, 2006 6:36 PM



Hello! I am TheRealMe. We’ve had some new folks join us lately, so I will provide another tour of the Sereni-Tree, my fifth. I have paid careful attention over time, and I believe that this layout is consistent with all the stories that have occurred in the Sereni-Tree to date.

WARNING: This post is very long.

Below, I also list the crew that we seem to have now, without bothering to track down every poster we have ever had. If I have missed crew or if anyone would like to change my one-line description of them, let me know. There is always the possibility that some missing folks have just been sleeping in their quarters for the last dozen threads, or perhaps they have been placed in the secret cryogenic freezing chamber of the Insidious Doctor Rat. CageyBee? CosmicFugitive? BadgersHat? Apple? ManiacNumberOne? KaySky? Knibblet? Aramina? ImEarly? GreekToomey? PyreFX? I have made a new category in the crew list for folks who seem to be missing in action.

The Sereni-Tree’s Past

The Sereni-Tree is our home. Originally, it took the form of a tree house built by Ebonezer, and this is the image it has on our flag, the Flag That Shw Made. The tree house was the immediate successor to “The Forgotten Not a Guy/Girl Clubhouse”. Later, PsychicRiver and a few others, including myself, modified the tree house to make it an air-ship, floating through the sky on numerous butterfly-shaped reactionless thrusters. In this form, the converted tree house was named and christened “Sereni-Tree” by Mal-licious, and we left the actual Tree behind as we flew off. Later, TheGreyJedi made even more modifications, and the Sereni-Tree became a starship. We have since been traveling the ‘verse, leaving the destroyed planets of Rukus and Black Diamond in our wake (we REALLY have to stop that). We returned to Earth-That-Still-Is to fight the Evil / Enemy Invaders and to face our own dark selves. After relaxing among dandelions and facing some Reavers, we boarded the nightmare ship Arkham. After that, we recovered ThatWeirdGirl and went on a second Mai-Quest where we befriended pirates. Then we got all caught up in the Boros Incident, where the Sereni-Tree was heavily damaged in a battle with two Alliance cruisers.

The Sereni-Tree on the Inside

The Sereni-Tree is a structure much larger on the inside than it appears on the outside, thanks to my ability to fold space-time in higher dimensions. On the outside, the Sereni-Tree is perhaps the size of a modest two-story house. On the inside, it is larger. MUCH larger.

The Common Room

The Common Room is the center of life in the Sereni-Tree. It is a huge cylindrical room perhaps 20 yards/meters across and three levels high. There are two encircling balconies, one above the other, around the Common Room. Equally spaced around the Common Room’s curving walls are the exits to the North, East, South, and West Wings. While it is true that the Sereni-Tree can move about and adopt any orientation, the names are traditional, coming from the time it was still a stationary tree house. There will be more about the Wings later.

In the center of the Common Room sits the pool table. In many ways, it is the critical nerve center of the ship, and battles have been waged for its possession. Underneath the pool table is the nest of the (currently missing) Captain Ebonezer, where she always piled her stuff (although the Captain has a designated room in one of the Wings, that room has rarely been used). Also under the pool table are the remains of Cozen’s Pleasurable Torture Chamber, which includes “the Chair”. The top of the pool table is where the Captain sometimes climbed to address the crew. Note that the pool table is missing its eight-ball, which Rat once traded for more Spam. Its cue-ball is stained purple from travel through the purple dimension. Above the pool table is an anti-gravity chandelier.

On the wall between the North and East Wings (and in that general area) is the game arcade. We have many pinball and video game consoles. A favorite is the Whack-a-Fox-Executive game, a device of my own invention. It’s similar to a Whack-a-Mole game, but much more satisfying. Beyond the arcade area is a door in the wall of the Common Room that provides access to the room beyond, a lounge / party room / mess area / lecture hall with enough tables and chairs to seat perhaps 40 people. The balconies above this area give access to the bridge.

On the wall between the East and South Wings is the bar run by Trey (Bride3). It is finely constructed of a dark, polished wood, with barstools lined along it, and several tables out in front, and a place behind it for a bartender to work some alcoholic magic. On the wall directly behind the bar is a large mirror (unfortunately cracked in several places) and our carefully arrayed bottles of booze. Above the mirror is a sign: “Trey’s Bar, where every hour is a happy hour!” As you face the bar, a door to its right leads to our personal micro-brewery, with vats of beer (and root-beer?). A door to the left of the bar leads to our fully equipped kitchen and pantry, with an enormous walk-in freezer. The balconies above the bar provide access to conference rooms and various offices on the upper levels, including at least offices of the Captain, First Officer, Cruise Director, and Security Chief with attached brig (this last on the lower balcony).

On the wall between the South and West Wings are a huge plasma television, an impressive sound system, and a DVD player complete with racks of all Whedonverse DVD sets, as well as complete Doctor Who, Star Trek, Indiana Jones, Farscape, Babylon 5, Twilight Zone, old and new Battlestar Galactica, all the Stargates, Highlanders, X-Files, the live-action and animated Tick, the Predator, Alien, and Star Wars cycles, Lord of the Rings (extended editions), The Princess Bride, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Abyss, and many other science fiction and fantasy television series and movies. In front of this television sits a large (96” by 40”) comfortable leather-covered couch donated by Mal-licious, and a couple of love seats and recliners and some tables for holding munchies and drinks. To the right of the television as you face it is a doorway to the multi-level Infirmary of Doctor SimonWho and MontanaGirl, which has an operating theater with overhead viewing area, convalescent ward, examination rooms, supply rooms, a cryogenic freezing chamber, and medical offices (the upper levels of the Infirmary connect to the balconies above the Common Room). To the left of the television, as you are facing it, is a hatch to a major airlock. This placement allows us to drag wounded into the Infirmary from the airlock after a failed ground expedition (the airlock also connects directly to the Infirmary), or from the vehicle bay in the South Wing. On a wall in the airlock, hanging among vac-suits and space tools, is a fishing pole for retrieving Rat on those occasions when he has been spaced. There is an armory near or as part of this airlock, where one can requisition all sorts of odd gear, including space-suits, Spamguns, and jetpacks. The balconies above this area give access to a plasma cannon turret on the side of the ship.

On the wall between the West and North Wings are public bathrooms with showers and lockers (the women’s bathroom apparently has a odd device/ride called a “potty-go-round”), and beyond is access to the Sereni-Tree water park. The water park includes an Olympic sized swimming pool, a sauna, a jacuzzi (which can be turned into a chocolate jacuzzi with a flip of a switch), a floor to ceiling blue fishie aquarium, a pair of water slides that extends up three floors, and (floating in mid-air) a large zero-G blob of the same breathable fluid featured in the movie “The Abyss”, this last courtesy of SimonWho. The balconies above this area lead to platforms at various levels near the top of the water slides, and to the diving platform. There is talk of a “kissie pool”, where one could jump in among those charming affectionate creatures, but I don’t think it has been installed yet.

Note that the common room has of late suffered damage due to CallMeChucky forcing Mai to open the main airlock, and to the invasion of many Alliance troops during the battles of the Boros Incident. Most of our furniture has been broken, most of our DVDs have been scattered, and the main airlock has had its inner door burned through with sticky. This damage will certainly be repaired.

The Bridge

The Bridge and related structures are reached from the upper balcony to the northeast, jutting out from the side of the ship high over the lounge / mess hall. The main level of the bridge has a number of view screens and three main control stations, any of which can be configured for any ship function. Climbing a ladder up and forward from the main Bridge level gets you to the pilot dome, which is dominated by a cramped cockpit. From here, the pilot has an excellent view, though this is easily supplemented by holographic images. From the Bridge, one has control over the ship’s functions of command, maneuver, navigation, sensors, computer, communication, weaponry, engineering, ship system status, security systems, and just about anything else. This control is shared by Main Engineering. Just off the Bridge are ladders that lead up and down to the dorsal and ventral gunnery stations. These access ways are not nearly so long as one would expect from the apparent height of the ship. On either side of the Bridge are mounted the twin-linked plasma cannons for the pilot’s use.

The Rest of the Central Core of the Ship

On the roof of the Sereni-Tree, above the Common Room, were once mounted MaRTHA and BERTHA, a catapult and high-powered gun both devised by TheGreyJedi, though he later removed the gun and mounted it upon his mecha, Aegis, to deal with a perceived invasion of the planet Rukus. Sadly Aegis has since been lost in a singularity accident. There is a dorsal quad-laser emplacement and gunnery station on the roof of the Sereni-Tree. Also on the roof is an observatory dome that splits open to reveal a high-powered telescope. There is an observation lounge on the top of the Sereni-Tree, a transparent enclosure that offers a stunning view (Serenity has constructed her nest her, for her coming baby). This is perhaps located on the spot once occupied by TheGreyJedi’s lawn chair back when it was merely the roof of the tree house. Somewhere above the Common Room is also a combined gunnery station, from where all weapons on the ship can be operated.

Below the Common Room is the Main Cargo Bay. The Cargo Bay is a huge place, with a number of levels of vaults and subdivided compartments for various goods. There is a massive hatch that allows easy loading access from outside the ship. In one of the compartments is stored the original “Forgotten Not a Guy/Girl Clubhouse, recently recovered from Earth-That-Still-Is. Another holds CallMeSerenity’s extensive greenhouse garden, usually kept under lock. There is also a space in the cargo area that has been greatly expanded through other dimensions to hold a pifflepony ranch (which includes a small forest where Kelly has magically grown the Mallorn tree she lives in with Piffle). In addition to our herd of piffleponies, we also house some horses and a corral of kissies.

Below the Cargo Area is Main Engineering, the realm of TheGreyJedi, Needleseye, and Jet / Bride4 (Grey and Needle have gone missing). All sorts of arcane techno-magic occur in this place, and most ship functions can be controlled from here, in addition to the Bridge. Grey built a command chair that seems to hover anywhere the operator needs to go. There are power plants and spacedrives of almost every description, including a console for the highly experimental quad-locked Grav Drive (aka Ether Drive). The life support systems are no doubt in this section as well. Off of Main Engineering are Grey’s quarters and a series of lockers and a bathroom. Somewhere, the Sereni-Tree must store its fuel, so perhaps fuel tanks are near Main Engineering as well. Or perhaps the ship requires so little fuel that its storage is not an issue.

In the days of the Sereni-Tree airship, Main Engineering was merely the boiler room, though it has since been upgraded significantly. However, the old boiler room had a permanent dimensional portal that connected to Zoid’s Pub at the Bottom of the Tree. This device is still operational. Also in the old boiler room used to be the Big Red Button for enabling Real World Physics. TheRealMe has used warning signs, locks, titanium bulkheads, and duct tape to seal this away from Rat’s prying hands so THAT HE COULD NEVER MESS WITH IT AGAIN.

There is a ventral quad laser emplacement underneath the Sereni-Tree

The Sereni-Tree is also equipped with grappler arms, huge mechanical arms that can be used to hold or manipulate items, or even other ships. These are operated from any control station on the Bridge.

Somewhere deep in the bowels of the Sereni-Tree is the secret cryogenic freezing chamber of the Insidious Doctor Rat. Inside are stored former crewmembers that have neglected to post in a long time and the remains of the FemaleReaver and the traitorous Bride1 (either of whom may be resurrected when plots really slow down).

The Wings

The North, East, South, and West Wings of the Sereni-Tree all have identical floor plans, mostly because they are, in fact, the same exact space folded twice through higher dimensions. This has worked well; except for the time that Rat re-asserted real-world physics and the Wings all collapsed back down to just three dimensions. That got confusing. And crowded!

The Wings are entered off of the Common Room through four doors placed at the cardinal points. There are additional doors above these, one on each encircling balcony per Wing. On the left side of each of these doors is access to an elevator. On the right side of each is access to a stairway. These access ways run through all the decks of the ship, from the roof structures down through the Common Room, Cargo Bay, and Main Engineering, to the ventral lasers.

The Wings have three floors each. The bottom two are for living quarters, with ten modest apartments on each floor, five on each side of a central corridor. The apartment of TheRealMe, the apartment once used as the FemaleReaver Containment Area, the apartment temporarily expanded to hold the population of Black Diamond, and Needleseye’s apartment are all on the lowest floor of the West Wing. The Real Me has one of the two apartments at the end of the corridor with windows giving a nice view of space. SimonWho’s apartment is also in the West Wing, probably on the middle floor, to be near both the Infirmary and the zero-G blob of “Abyss” fluid that he provided. MontanaGirl and SoulofSerenity have apartments in the South Wing, and Jadehand (?) has an end room there. The missing Static’s quarters are in the upper quarters level of the North Wing, so as to provide Static quick access to the Bridge. Mai has quarters at the end of the North Wing, as they have a window that looks out on space. CallMeAth is also in the North Wing. ItsAWash has River-clone’s old room, in the lower North wing. CageyBee used to be in the East Wing, as Cozen is now. ThatWeirdGirl and her future son PsychicRiver share quarters in the East Wing. I don’t know about anyone else, but feel free to pick a spot. The Brides all have rooms in the lower floor of the South Wing.

In addition to the two levels of living quarters, each Wing has a third floor with an extra-high ceiling containing something special:

The North Wing third floor contains the “This Land” game preserve / mini-theme park / miniature golf course, where we usually keep Mai’s pet dinosaur, Frederick.

The East Wing third floor contains a recording studio, stage, and dance floor (with disco ball!) for our band, “the Fireflies”.

The South Wing third floor contains the Hanger Bay for our various small craft, including the stolen Alliance fighter Nandi and unnamed shuttle stolen from the Alliance cruiser Tripoli, the shuttles General Lee for Southerners or Dukes of Hazard fans, the Admiral Nelson for Brits, and the Napoleon Bonaparte for French Browncoats (the General Grant for Yankees was lost during the Boros Incident). There are also two remaining EVA pods from the half-dozen we once had. TheGreyJedi’s new mecha “Megadeus” might be here, as well as Emma’s shrunken ship when Rat is not carrying it in his pocket, and perhaps SimonWho’s Blue Box when he doesn’t have it with him. The Hanger Bay is also the most likely place for keeping the ISSCV dropship craft that Safe stole from a private Boros hanger. Seryn seems to have strung up a hammock and made the hanger her home.

The West Wing third floor has the magnificent floor-to-ceiling Willy-Wonka-esque Dream Machine created by ManiacNumberOne, where one’s mind can be played with. The West Wing also has a gym, with showers, lockers, mats, weights, treadmills, stair-masters, etc. There is a sports room with table tennis Who knows, we might even have a full tennis / basketball court, and a ring for UNPROFESSIONAL WRESTLING! Maybe we have a bowling alley, too, or a firing range.

The Sereni-Tree! Who needs to visit a pleasure planet?

The Crew and Passengers of the Sereni-Tree

Bluefishie: Often just wanders around the ship. Has pet blue fishies. Power: “Magic” marker.
CallMeAth aka Ath (Acting Pilot): With Lissa, creator of the kissies; Romantically interested in Kelly; Powers: pyro-kinesis, predictive parrying, and wings. Rarely, he shows Jedi powers.
CallMeSerenity aka Serenity (Gardener): Ath’s sister; built greenhouse in cargo bay currently expecting a baby with Soul; Skilled with katanas. Power: flight via blue-white angelic wings.
Citizen: A businessman of Boros brought to the Sereni-Tree after the Boros Incident.
Cozen aka The Infinite Goof: Kidnaps women and subjects them to pleasurable torture; Power: insect and clone creation / control. Has pet llama, Schwartz.
ItsAWash aka Wash aka Washie (Ship’s Counselor): Empathetic and protective of others. Romance with TRM; Powers: taps into psychic powers of her room mate, the ghost of River-clone.
Jadehand aka BlackJackRackham aka EVERYBODY! (Brewer) : As the pirate Black Jack Rackham, the ex- husband of ThatWeirdGirl. Power: nametags of shapeshifting.
Jake7 (Gunner): Volunteers for all the hard missions; enjoys a game of pool. Power: force field-projecting gadget.
Jazaf: Master swordsman, mystery man, Sensei to Bride2; Power: metal-shaping.
KellyofLuthien (Cook): Red-headed Elf woman interested in Ath. Pleasant, helpful. Powers: Immortality, Elvish magic; wielder of Narya, Ring of Fire and the magic sword Nardol.
LightMeDark aka LMD aka Elemdee (Animal Handler): Somehow arrived drunk from the eighth floor of a skyscraper? Interested in Mai. Powers: banana powers? Understands speech and writing of all creatures.
Mai (Cruise Director / Tour Guide): Not an attack-and-kill kind of girl; has pet dinosaur Frederick; sometimes disappears and has to be quested for. Interested in LMD. Power: light generation.
Malicious (Mistress Most High): Regal and self-assured Goddess-Queen; Powers: thread-jacking, charisma, and beauty. (Made a recent appearance after not being seen in a very long time; perhaps still enjoying the World’s Most Comfortable Chair).
McQ: A cyborg, formerly an Alliance experiment.
Monkeytail: Former cabana boy of the Forgotten Not A Guy/Girl Clubhouse. Admits to being a bit lazy. Powers: Jedi powers.
Needy (Companion): A boy whore with an amazing resistance to bullets.
NoSkillz (Security Deputy): Something of a gunslinger. Has a pet tiger Shadow.
Piffle101: Breeder of piffleponies.
PsychicRiver (Security Deputy): Son of TWG and SimonWho from the future. Just a little crazy; knits; Powers: telepathy, precognition, telekinesis.
Rat (Acquisitions Officer / Lee pilot): Troublemaker; messes with things; Power: inventor, weather prediction, elemental blasts.
Safeat2nd: A pilot and former soldier.
ScorpionRegent: Red-headed pirate formerly with Nell’s crew. Very competent fighter and sniper. An engineer. Powers: Appears and disappears from nowhere, with time shifts; Piratey Angst.
Seryn aka VoodooNell (Nandi and Bonaparte pilot; hanger mechanic?): Restored the Nandi to full operation. Has bag of holding and trained attack bunnies. Power: Shapeshifting.
Shadow and Ghost: Stow-aways. A rather young pair of sisters picked up from Boros.
SimonWho (Physician): Helpful, friendly, annoys women he likes; Has something of a once and future romance with TWG. Power: Timelord; blue box; destroys entire planets
SoulofSerenity aka Soul (Security Chief): Archer with trick arrows. Willing to sacrifice self for friends. Father-to-be with Serenity. Power: Desolidification.
ThatWeirdGirl aka TWG aka the pirate Mad Anne Rackham (First Lieutenant and Nelson pilot): Playful and weird; Pepsimilk proponent; Has something of a once and future romance with SimonWho. Power: Confusion; also shorts out electronics.
TheRealMe aka TRM (First Officer / Navigator): Level-headed, reliable; Romance with Washie; Powers: inventor, dimensional portals, and space-folding. Rarely, he shows Jedi powers.
XanderLHarris aka Xander aka Ash (Security Deputy): Powers: two heads; Shindig goddess.

The Brides

Bride2 aka Deuce: Red hair, freckles; impulsive, temperamental; strong, athletic, and tomboy-ish; acrobat. Has pair of katanas.
Bride3 aka Trey (Bartender): Tall woman of African descent. Practical, wise. Looks out for the others. Mixes drinks and deals cards.
Bride4 aka Jet (Acting Chief Engineer): Small of stature, dark hair, brave and intelligent, wears glasses.
Bride5 aka Quincey (Assistant Pilot): Beautiful woman of Asian descent; long straight black hair; affects the “glamorous” look; adept at vamping men to get what she wants, fashion conscious. Wants to be a pilot.
Bride6 aka Bobby Sue: Giggly and excitable blonde; not overburdened with intelligence; curls and dyes hair; does nails; likes frilly and lacy dresses. A gun nut, after spending time with Jayne-clone2.
Bride7: Blushing psychotic bride with sarcastic, cutting remarks; files nails; avoids work; good cook; possibly cannibalistic.

Missing In Action, Occasional Visitors, and the Unknown

CastIronJack: Safe’s friend, departed after the Boros Incident to join the resistance with Flechette, Amylisai, and Versa.
Ebonezer aka Ebo (Captain): Exuberant, impulsive; nest under the pool table; Power: speaks to any creature. Missing for 6 complete threads.
Elwoodmom (Mom): Knows what is best for us; occasionally stops by to give advice; Powers: eyes in the back of her head and other “Mom” powers. Missing for 6 complete threads.
Emma: Space-going entrepreneur (thief). Owns (stolen) spherical spaceship. Faints at the slightest danger. Missing for approximately 14 complete threads after going off on a trading mission.
Lissa: With Ath, creator of the kissies; tends to prefer the calmer times (and jacuzzis). Missing for 5 complete threads.
MontanaGirl (MedAssistant and Vet); Likes Cozen’s kidnapping methods. Likes things to go boom! NASCAR fan. Missing for 5 complete threads.
Needleseye (Assistant Engineer): Aquatic carnivorous faerie creature; shapeshifts to monster; creates flowers. Missing for 6 complete threads.
Phantom: A ghostly being wandering unseen among the crew. Evaporated during game of pantsless Twister before it could do any evil. But it might still be around!
River-clone’s Ghost: River-clone seems to be haunting her old quarters, since given to Washie.
Static (Pilot): No-nonsense guy; Gunslinger; Powers: piloting; combat with blade and gun. Missing for 6 complete threads.
TheGreyJedi aka TGJ aka Grey (Chief Engineer): Loner tech-priest; Powers: MacGuyver-like scrounging / inventing; angelic Jedi powers. Missing for 6 complete threads.
TheManInBlack aka Roberts: Has teleported in and out on occasion, but never stayed long.

On Ice (known to have been put into cryogenic suspension):

Bride1 aka Ace: Blonde assassin with katana. “Reaverized” by FemaleReaver. Slain by Needleseye.
FemaleReaver: Very dangerous, very intelligent, very clever, very persuasive, very good combat skills. Escaped on Black Diamond, where she was hunted down and squashed.

The Black Diamond Creatures

Yeti: Friends to ThatWeirdGirl. Yeti who survived the Boros Incident include Assan, Corbin, Ervin, Hewitt, and Lichna.
Windmill Giants: A few shrunken giants, including Rat’s friend Wendel.

Mechanical, Natural, and Magical Servants, Friends, and Pets of the Sereni-Tree

Aluminum: TRM’s white horse, for when he’s playing at being Sheriff of Serenity County.
Attack Bunnies: Archie and Esme, pets or companions of Seryn.
Automops: A modern convenience devised by Mai.
Baby3000 aka CallMeCharles aka CallMeCharlise aka CallMeChucky: Evil robotic “practice baby” acquired by Serenity and Soul. Hopefully destroyed (again!)
The Black Ribbon: MontanaGirl’s magical protective black ribbon kept in a glass of Pepsi.
Blue Fishies: Pets of Bluefishie.
Cats: PsychicRiver’s cat Annabelle and Mai’s cats.
Dale, the Intimidator Ferret: Montanagirl’s friend, who takes revenge on those who disparage NASCAR.
DRDs: An unknown number of Diagnostic Repair Drones, presumably built by TGJ.
Duck: A large white duck. Huh?
The Ebo Golem: The Effigy of Ebo, magically animated by TRM; lost an arm after the Boros Incident.
Frederick the Dinosaur: A pet dinosaur picked up in the Land of the Lost by Mai during Mai-Quest1.
Kissies: Numerous pokemon-ish emoticon creatures which spread affection everywhere; also they have medicinal properties.
MollytheParrot: The cutest baby parrot ever! A creature cloned from Cozen’s one-time mouthpiece, Black Jack Silver.
Nugget, the Meteor Troll: Emma’s friend, a large and brutish creature with some affection for TRM.
Piffleponies: Everyone wants a pifflepony, deep down. Piffleponies include: Patience, Prudence, Penitence, Ororo, Shadowfax, two mothers, four foals, among others.
The Pillow CageyBee: The golem created by CageyBee of fabric and stuffing; not seen lately.
Schwartz the Llama: Cozen’s pet or companion.
Shadow: NoSkillz's tiger companion, not to be confused with the little girl from Boros.
Sparky: The Mechana-Cabana-Boy 3000, Mark II; a robot built by TRM.


Monday, March 13, 2006 6:51 PM


*Elemdee stands with mai outside of the infirmary, downtrodden. He looks over at mai and a little bit of the grin he's worn so often lately returns.

Hey, I know we haven't done much in the past little bit...but I'm not feeling too well anyway. I'm gonna go take a nap, I think.

I'll see you in a little bit?

/me gives mai a brief but meaningful squidge, then heads off

--- <-inching towards daylight


Monday, March 13, 2006 6:59 PM


(ooc: Finally got a internet connection in my place of living. I can finally hop back in now and be useful)

*Stepping out from a room in one of the wings, N0Skillz and Shadow make there way back to the common room*
"Wow, what happened in here?"

RAF Lakenheath


Monday, March 13, 2006 7:21 PM


Jazaf sat in his bedroom for the better part of an hour. Even after his Bat-like wings crumpled and turned to dust behind him. His left arm remained the same, scaled from Shoulder Blade to fingertip with claws that were about two inches in length.
'Gonna have to go see the Doc. Hopefully the worst is over now though.'
Jazaf heads out of his room and walks to the Infirmary making no effort, this time, to hide his left arm. He passes by the Common room and notes the scene there.
'Hmm. A new addition...have to greet him properly when he is in a better mood.'
Jazaf continues his walk and spots N0Skillz walk out with his rather large feline.

*Stepping out from a room in one of the wings, N0Skillz and Shadow make there way back to the common room*
"Wow, what happened in here?"

'Too much.' Jazaf replies. 'TRM could fill you in better than I could, I think He's in the Hanger bay.'
Finally, Jazaf makes it to the Infirmary. He pokes his head in to see if Simonwho is busy. Luckily, it looks like he just finished. Jazaf walks on in raising his left arm.
'Uh...Dr. Simonwho, I have a small problem.'

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Monday, March 13, 2006 7:32 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
Ath seems to be lying on his back. He believes that he sees Riverclone standing over him. But that's... impossible.

She seems to stare down at him, a grave expression on her face. "No, not yet. But maybe soon. It looks like you might end up being a sacrifice after all." She gets a far-off look. "If you do, she'll name it after you. Heh. 'Atherton' would be such a silly name for a girl!"

Riverclone reaches out and lightly touches Ath's chest. "The problem is here." She smiles sadly. "You're suffering from a broken heart!"

The touch of River sends a spark through Ath’s body, filling it with life. He flexes his limbs and stands, facing Riverclone.

“Wacky fun,” he says, and grabs her hand. “You coming or what?”

On the table, Ath’s body convulses, causing both Kelly and Serenity to drop their cups of tea. The two women look wildly at each other, not knowing what to do. Ath gives one final shudder and then falls silent.

His eyes open.

A ripple like dappled shadows through leaves passes behind his eyes, and an enormous shape flows and separates from his body, slowly gathering form and color. Riverclone stands, looks at the two women, and laughs.

“What, did you think he died? Such silly girls.” She turns and walks out of the infirmary.

Kelly and Serenity stare slackjawed at the door until a welcome sound behind them fills their ears.

“My two favorite women,” Ath says weakly.

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Monday, March 13, 2006 8:08 PM


NOTE - This was posted at the end of thread 41, but reposted so it didn't get overlooked. (end note)


As she stands next to TRM, quietly watching Sparky clear what seems like a ton of debris from where they stand to the place the craft is docked, Washie whips around upon hearing a gut-wrenching cry of despair from something not quite human.

Their new friend McQ has found somebody close to him, and worse, has LOST her too. The body of his beloved is cradled in his arms, her long oak-colored hair rivals the gleam of his metal arms as he carries her, one small pale hand waves sadly as he ponderously steps out of the common room, heading down the hall to points unknown, looking for burial where there is none to be had.

Squeezing TRM's arm, she asks, "Sparky'll be a few minutes longer, TRM, I'll be back in less time than that. Stay, yes?" Not awaiting a reply, she rushes out the door following McQ, figuring this might be a job for her as ship's counselor, although lacking SimonWho's approval, she isn't technically employed yet.

Catching up with McQ easily assisted by still-winged feet, she calls out to him and skids to a halt as he does.

Staring up into his faceplate, Washie plumbs the depths of his mind, brushing past the dagger-like pain and want in the man, clearing a pathway to soothe where she can, heal where he is ready to allow it. Unlike Jadehand's tortured psyche from earlier, this cyborg is made of more easily healed stuff.

"Hey. It was beautiful, what you two had, Honey. 'Twould be easy to let the fact of your finding her and losing her again like this kill your chances of making a new life. Feel your pain, don't fight it, but know this for true: If you let it, the time will come when you will smile when you think of her, instead of wanting to weep. I promise, okay?"

She watches a tear streak down McQ's cheek to plop with a ping on his armoured torso. Looking down at the creature's large feet, Washie steps up onto his "instep" and hugs him and his sweetheart, tucking her head under his chin, her cheek against his cold metal shoulder. Taking off her outer robe, Washie gently lays it over the lifeless woman's body, tucking it carefully over the pale battle-streaked but still lovely face.

"The medlab's that way, my Friend," she points down the corridor. "Take her there and lay her down, McQ. We'll get her a proper burial, I promise, after the living are seen to. Will you trust me?"

McQ nods and strides heavily off toward the medlab, glad to have direction from a friend. Washie flies back to TRM just in time to see him begin striding towards the spectre of a craft attached to their home like a parasitic mushroom to the base of a Sequouia. She moves into step beside him, gathering power along the way, hands clenched tight, holding it in in case they need it, all her mind's considerable reading impulses tuned toward what's ahead of them.

McQ approaches the medlab with his deceased companion, but can't quite bring himself to take her into the room. He slides against the wall, making a nasty metallic screeching noise until he's sitting on the floor of the corridor holding his sweetheart's lifeless body close to his. He looks around and realizes he's alone.

"How could I let this happen?" he asks quietly as if she could hear him. "I should've found a way out for both of us. This is not right ... you had too much to live for ... had I known you'd be involved with this horrible battle I'd have tried to protect you."

He holds her gently and rests her head against his cold metallic shoulders. "I wish I could feel you more. These limbs don't let me touch as if they were my own." He kisses her softly on the lips although he knows she can't feel them. "Rest peacefully, Krysten Renae." He stands while supporting her body and carries her into the medlab, resting her body on a nearby bed. Turning to the medical officer and again says "She deserves proper burial." He sits beside her and holds her lifeless hand.


Monday, March 13, 2006 8:24 PM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:

The touch of River sends a spark through Ath’s body, filling it with life. He flexes his limbs and stands, facing Riverclone.

“Wacky fun,” he says, and grabs her hand. “You coming or what?”

On the table, Ath’s body convulses, causing both Kelly and Serenity to drop their cups of tea. The two women look wildly at each other, not knowing what to do. Ath gives one final shudder and then falls silent.

His eyes open.

A ripple like dappled shadows through leaves passes behind his eyes, and an enormous shape flows and separates from his body, slowly gathering form and color. Riverclone stands, looks at the two women, and laughs.

“What, did you think he died? Such silly girls.” She turns and walks out of the infirmary.

I...think I might take up that idea of sleep.

Welcome back Ath.

*PR looks to his mother and father.* Um, bye.

*PR also leaves the infirmary.*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Monday, March 13, 2006 9:23 PM


*Sits down just outside the infirmary unsure of what to do... until a loud crash from the infirmary startles*

*Runs into the room*

What happened in here?!

*notices Ath now very much alive*

Oh... thank god for some good news!

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Monday, March 13, 2006 10:05 PM


A newly re-embodied Riverclone dances slowly and gracefully back into the Infirmary. She spots PsychicRiver, runs over to him, and gives him a hug. Then she holds him at arm’s length and adopts a serious expression. ”Welcome back,” she says.

She releases PR and dances over to where Ath lay on the bed. She stops and smiles, and kisses him gently on the forehead. “I was cross with you, not for what you did… that was fate… but for how much you enjoyed it. But it wasn’t you at all, was it? It was another you. But now I forgive you both! No need to cut you at all, anymore! No need!”

Riverclone dances away from Ath and sees the dead ladylove of McQ on another table. She stares long and hard at her still form, then brushes away a tear from her own eye. She approaches McQ, reaches up, and gives him a passionate kiss. “Krysten... She never forgot.”


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 1:56 AM


*wanders around till he finds TRM*

"It seems i slept through an awful lot, eh? Care to fill me in?"

*Listens intently as TRM reaccounts the events leading up to this moment*

"Wow, interesting stuff, guess I didn't do to much with my new Security Deputy, huh?"

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:05 AM


*After a long, exhaustive search throughout the Tree, cozen finally locates mg where he oughta shoulda looked in the first gorram place: yep, in her suite.*

*Hands mg a Pepsi. Sorta bumblingly initiates an awkward, stilted converstation, all nervous like.*

*Schwartz, as ever refusing to bide his time in the stables amongst the Piffleponies, licks mg's cheeks.*

There's salt in them tears, eh?


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 3:06 AM


Engineering: SR has a thought and turns to Jet.
"I know that the star drive is important, but there was something important topside that needs doing before we jump. Can you spare me for a while?"

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 5:26 AM


Cozen may have made a mistake kidnapping Deuce earlier, especially after his recent blood donation. Deuce is much younger, much stronger, AND an Olympic class acrobat!



Tuesday, March 14, 2006 5:44 AM


In Main Engineering:

Jet smiles at ScorpionRegent.

"Sure, take a break. I got things covered here."

Jet, Bride4


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 6:18 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
In Main Engineering:

Jet smiles at ScorpionRegent.

"Sure, take a break. I got things covered here."

Jet, Bride4

Sr activate his comlink:

"TRM I asked Sparky to set aside the affects of the Alliance troops. Is there a chance I could see take a look and view the bodies? I have a suspicion that I want to elimenate before we jump out of system."

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 7:38 AM


"The medlab's that way, my Friend," she points down the corridor. "Take her there and lay her down, McQ. We'll get her a proper burial, I promise, after the living are seen to. Will you trust me?"

McQ nods and strides heavily off toward the medlab, glad to have direction from a friend. Washie flies back to TRM just in time to see him begin striding towards the spectre of a craft attached to their home like a parasitic mushroom to the base of a Sequouia. She moves into step beside him, gathering power along the way, hands clenched tight, holding it in in case they need it, all her mind's considerable reading impulses tuned toward what's ahead of them.

McQ approaches the medlab with his deceased companion, but can't quite bring himself to take her into the room. He slides against the wall, making a nasty metallic screeching noise until he's sitting on the floor of the corridor holding his sweetheart's lifeless body close to his. He looks around and realizes he's alone.

"How could I let this happen?" he asks quietly as if she could hear him. "I should've found a way out for both of us. This is not right ... you had too much to live for ... had I known you'd be involved with this horrible battle I'd have tried to protect you."

He holds her gently and rests her head against his cold metallic shoulders. "I wish I could feel you more. These limbs don't let me touch as if they were my own." He kisses her softly on the lips although he knows she can't feel them. "Rest peacefully, Krysten Renae." He stands while supporting her body and carries her into the medlab, resting her body on a nearby bed. Turning to the medical officer and again says "She deserves proper burial." He sits beside her and holds her lifeless hand.


*Although she stands at TRM's side working to clear debris from the airlock, a part of Washie's mind follows McQ and his Krysten to the medlab where the cyborg stops and slumps in misery. She "listens" to his grief and hangs her own head in sympathy. With her gathered power left over from Riverclone and absorbed from the spent auras in the common room, Washie sends a flash of empathic support surging toward McQ, bolstering him against the grief she nevertheless knows he must endure. "'Twill be alright, my Friend," she sends him. "She's at peace and waiting for you at the clearing at the end of the path."

Gently disentangling her mind from the cyborg's, Washie is psychically slammed by a wrenching so complete it sends her arch-backed into TRM's arms, head thrown against his chest, fists gripping his arm so tightly he inhales and grates out, "Wash? What? Talk to me."

Her jaw is clenched teeth-scraping hard and a long moan of pain is her only reply. As TRM calls out a "Doc! Need you over here..." Washie comes back from wherever she was to turn in TRM's arms and lay her forehead on his shoulder. She sighs and releases her death grip on his arm and smooths the material of his uniform she had left awry. Breathing in his familiar scent and leaning on his strong chest for support, she tells him, "Riverclone's gone from me. Ath's alright now and Riverclone had something to do with it." TRM tilts Washie's face up to him, looking into her eyes the better to see and hear her, the serious tone of her voice calling for his use of sight and sound to assure he gets it all.

"TRM, I think you'd better prepare yourself for a surprise, Love."

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 8:45 AM


Quicker than anyone would have thought, they manage to get the Aliiance bodies laid neatly out in the cold storage, covered over with sheets and their names or any information that could be found written on scraps of paper and pinned to the material.

In the midst of the process, Seryn had rembered the rabbits, still in their carrier in the back seat of the Nandi and guiltily retrieved them.

She sits near the dead Yeti, together with his mate, notepad on her knees to write out the lables, cradling the sleeping Esme against her chest whilst silently watching the latest bodies being brought in.

Where do we bury them? What planet are we going to be able to land, bury a bunch of Alliance personel, then just fly off again with no repercussions?

She goes to call TRM over the comm, catching her self only just in time. Idiot. That would be the very definition of futile wouldn't it?

Settling back down, she make a mental note to get Ervine to speak to TRM.

Hey, who knew Yeti would be so handy to be around?


(Edit: working way too fast! sloooooowing it down with a bit of judicious editing)
Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:05 AM


Safe pauses in his pushing. A disturbing thought just occured to him. That was an Alliance ship that detached from the Tree. Why did the other cruiser just back off? Is it possible they captured everyone? The movement on the other side of the hatch, was that an Alliance welcoming commitee?

"Citizen, hold up a moment." Citizen looks up at Safe puzzled.

"Bride7, take the little ones up to Bride6 and then I'll need you back here. Bring Needy if he's able. I don't like the feel of this..."

Bride7 nods. For once she didn't argue.

Citizen steps back from the hatch and draws his guns.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:29 PM


*JadeHand continues to work at removing the debris from the airlock, and the grizzly work of sorting bodies. At the sound of the nearby comotion he rushes to the side or TRM and Peers over a shoulder at Washie.*

"What is it? Do we need to carry her to the med bay?"

*After a brief conversation with the two, It seems they are reasonbly okay, not in need of immediate medical attention at this point.*

"Well, if you need me, call. I'll be about."

*He wonders back and assists with transporting bodies to the cargo bay, Cold Storage. There he spots Seryn with Ervine. Happy to see her again, he approaches.*

"Hey Darlin'. I missed you. A lot. It's so good to see you. I was hoping that once everything here is back to relatively normal we could ......"

*JadeHand notices her complete lack of response as he's approached her from behind. His hand outreached to take her into his arms....drops to his side. His head drops.*

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize I'd upset you. I'd like to talk about it, but it can wait until you're ready."

*Completely ignored, he walks back to the common room to busy(distract) himself with more labor. Seryn turns just in time to see him leave, without even speaking to her and turns back to Ervine with a questioning look.*

*JadeHand returns to the common room and continues to move bits from the airlock when he hears the sounds of several guns being "locked and loaded" on the other side.*

"Umm, Guys? I thought they were all gone. Do we have external cameras or audio here?"

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:35 PM



Originally posted by ItsaWash:
"The medlab's that way, my Friend," she points down the corridor. "Take her there and lay her down, McQ. We'll get her a proper burial, I promise, after the living are seen to. Will you trust me?"

McQ nods and strides heavily off toward the medlab, glad to have direction from a friend. Washie flies back to TRM just in time to see him begin striding towards the spectre of a craft attached to their home like a parasitic mushroom to the base of a Sequouia. She moves into step beside him, gathering power along the way, hands clenched tight, holding it in in case they need it, all her mind's considerable reading impulses tuned toward what's ahead of them.

McQ approaches the medlab with his deceased companion, but can't quite bring himself to take her into the room. He slides against the wall, making a nasty metallic screeching noise until he's sitting on the floor of the corridor holding his sweetheart's lifeless body close to his. He looks around and realizes he's alone.

"How could I let this happen?" he asks quietly as if she could hear him. "I should've found a way out for both of us. This is not right ... you had too much to live for ... had I known you'd be involved with this horrible battle I'd have tried to protect you."

He holds her gently and rests her head against his cold metallic shoulders. "I wish I could feel you more. These limbs don't let me touch as if they were my own." He kisses her softly on the lips although he knows she can't feel them. "Rest peacefully, Krysten Renae." He stands while supporting her body and carries her into the medlab, resting her body on a nearby bed. Turning to the medical officer and again says "She deserves proper burial." He sits beside her and holds her lifeless hand.


*Although she stands at TRM's side working to clear debris from the airlock, a part of Washie's mind follows McQ and his Krysten to the medlab where the cyborg stops and slumps in misery. She "listens" to his grief and hangs her own head in sympathy. With her gathered power left over from Riverclone and absorbed from the spent auras in the common room, Washie sends a flash of empathic support surging toward McQ, bolstering him against the grief she nevertheless knows he must endure. "'Twill be alright, my Friend," she sends him. "She's at peace and waiting for you at the clearing at the end of the path."

Gently disentangling her mind from the cyborg's, Washie is psychically slammed by a wrenching so complete it sends her arch-backed into TRM's arms, head thrown against his chest, fists gripping his arm so tightly he inhales and grates out, "Wash? What? Talk to me."

Her jaw is clenched teeth-scraping hard and a long moan of pain is her only reply. As TRM calls out a "Doc! Need you over here..." Washie comes back from wherever she was to turn in TRM's arms and lay her forehead on his shoulder. She sighs and releases her death grip on his arm and smooths the material of his uniform she had left awry. Breathing in his familiar scent and leaning on his strong chest for support, she tells him, "Riverclone's gone from me. Ath's alright now and Riverclone had something to do with it." TRM tilts Washie's face up to him, looking into her eyes the better to see and hear her, the serious tone of her voice calling for his use of sight and sound to assure he gets it all.

"TRM, I think you'd better prepare yourself for a surprise, Love."

With Riverclone and Washie's comfort, McQ feels a little more at ease with his companion's passing but still has a heavy heart in spite of their support. He lets out a deep sigh, kisses his lost love's small hand sweetly and turns to the medical officer.

"Make sure she's properly cared for and not misplaced," he stated directly. McQ departs the MedLab and returns to the common room, wiping yet another tear from his eye. As he reaches the common room he looks around to see what he can do to help clean things up.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 6:43 PM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:

“My two favorite women,” Ath says weakly.

Kelly feels her heart leap in her throat as she whips her head around to see Ath, looking pale but alive, smiling at her and Serenity.

"Ai Eru," she whispers, and grabs his hand, squeezing perhaps a bit too tight.

"Hi," Ath says simply.

"Aiya, Ath. Valinyë ná cenelyë ata," she replies before realizing she's still speaking in Quenya. "I mean, I'm happy to see you again."

"Me too. I'm happy to see me too," he slurs.

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 6:44 PM


In the makeshift morgue:

As Jadehand departs, Ervin carefully lifts Seryn off the ground, turns her to face Jadehand's back, and give her a gentle nudge.

In the Infirmary:

As McQ departs, Riverclone starts wheeling the bed of his ladylove toward the Infirmary's cryogenic chamber.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 7:13 PM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:

Kelly feels her heart leap in her throat as she whips her head around to see Ath, looking pale but alive, smiling at her and Serenity.

"Ai Eru," she whispers, and grabs his hand, squeezing perhaps a bit too tight.

"Hi," Ath says simply.

"Aiya, Ath. Valinyë ná cenelyë ata," she replies before realizing she's still speaking in Quenya. "I mean, I'm happy to see you again."

"Me too. I'm happy to see me too," he slurs.

"Hey! Do me a favor. Next time I try to play the hero? Stop me."

Kelly smiles. "I did, actually."

"Really? I shoulda listened."

*Serenity walks over and grabs Ath's other hand*

"Don't ever scare me like that again, you big dork! Do you know what mom and dad would have done to me if you'd...?"

"Well, I didn't, so don't worry about it. Everything's fine now. 'Cept it hurts when I move. Or breathe."

"Are you okay? Do you need SimonWho?", asks Kelly.

"No, I'm 'k. Think I'll take nap, though", says Ath, falling back unto his pillow and closing his eyes.

Suddenly he sits back up.

"Oh, Kelly? Happy birthday."

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 7:31 PM



Gently disentangling her mind from the cyborg's, Washie is psychically slammed by a wrenching so complete it sends her arch-backed into TRM's arms, head thrown against his chest, fists gripping his arm so tightly he inhales and grates out, "Wash? What? Talk to me."

Her jaw is clenched teeth-scraping hard and a long moan of pain is her only reply. As TRM calls out a "Doc! Need you over here..." Washie comes back from wherever she was to turn in TRM's arms and lay her forehead on his shoulder. She sighs and releases her death grip on his arm and smooths the material of his uniform she had left awry. Breathing in his familiar scent and leaning on his strong chest for support, she tells him, "Riverclone's gone from me. Ath's alright now and Riverclone had something to do with it." TRM tilts Washie's face up to him, looking into her eyes the better to see and hear her, the serious tone of her voice calling for his use of sight and sound to assure he gets it all.

"TRM, I think you'd better prepare yourself for a surprise, Love."

TheRealMe eyes Washie carefully as he holds her in his arms. "Are you certain that you are okay? Do you need to see the Doc?"

He wonders what she means by "surprise".

His com-link beeps.


Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
Sr activate his comlink:

"TRM I asked Sparky to set aside the affects of the Alliance troops. Is there a chance I could see take a look and view the bodies? I have a suspicion that I want to elimenate before we jump out of system."

Scorpion Regent

"Why, of course you can... ah... Warren. We have a makeshift morgue in Cargo Bay A5. Uh, sorry, I'm trying to dig through our airlock to another ship just now, and I need to make sure Washie is okay."

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:24 PM


'Alright already!'

Ervine nudges her again, and stowing the sleeping rabbits back in their pouch she heads towards the common room.

When she gets there, all are turned towards the airlock doors, watching them intently, but why she can't understand. She spots Jadehands form in the crowd and makes her way carefully over the detrius towards him. As she gets there he's still watching the doors, and completely disregarding the point of this, she punches him lightly at the top of his arm.

He turns round suddenly, twitchy, but then his eyes widen and a smile breaks out on his face.

He starts talking rapidly, and she catches only randoms words, too tired to lip read or go into the details, she gestures at her ears and shakes her head, then throws her arms around him in a big hug.

thats was easy... if in doubt, hug!

She feels Jadehand stop talking and hug her back, rather tightly, but when she stands back, he still has a puzzled, questioning look on his face.

She shakes her head, starts to explain, but suddenly his head whips round towards the doors again, and he raises his gunhand a little.


Taking her own weapon from its makeshift holster, she turns to face the doors and watches them intently...

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 10:31 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

"Why, of course you can... ah... Warren. We have a makeshift morgue in Cargo Bay A5. Uh, sorry, I'm trying to dig through our airlock to another ship just now, and I need to make sure Washie is okay."

"You're busy of course, I'll contact you if there's a problem."

SR walks into bay A5 and steels himself for the end resulf of all the day's brutality. There lie a series of bodies covered by make-shift shrouds. He kneels and uncovers the first one. A young man, barely more than a boy, clearly a conscripted draftee. He covers the body and moves on . Next a hardened line sargent with scars and tatoos. He covers this one as well and moves on. Another draftee and another. A inexperienced lieutenant. A veteran marine lance corporal. SR is half way down the line when he peals back a shroud and finds something different. The body underneath has scars and tatoos , but thay aren't service tatoos like a marine might get on leave they are jail house ink. This man has muscles, but unlike the marines his body is less healthy, showing signs of past neglect and illegal drug abuse. Around the man's neck is a very sophisticated collar held on buy some sort of internal locking mechanism and on the man's right arm is tatooed a barcode. SR leaves this body uncovered and continues down the line and finds seven more bodies with barcodes and collars which he also leaves uncovered.

SR activates his comlink.

"TRM I'm in Cargo A5 and we do have a problem, a big one. If either you or Soul could come down soon, specifically before we jump, I can show you what it is."

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 11:54 PM


*enters the common room 10 automops following obediently behind*

Need more help with cleanup?

*tinkers with automops and realizes there is no "blood and gore" setting*

Ah well I guess its a start.

*notices Jade standing at the airlock*

What's going on over there?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 12:13 AM


*N0Skillz walks back into the Common Room, about to get a drink, and notices teh sound that Has Jadehand's and everyone elses attention*

"Well hello there. Is that what i think it is?" *Slowly pulling out a matching pair of Glock 18s (there full auto) from the small of his back, preparing for the worst*

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 4:10 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
SR activates his comlink.

"TRM I'm in Cargo A5 and we do have a problem, a big one. If either you or Soul could come down soon, specifically before we jump, I can show you what it is."

Soul hears SR's call over the comm, and clicks his reply. Heading over to the cargo area, he approaches bay A5, and spies the sniper across the room, kneeling over the line of bodies.

"So what's going on?"


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 4:35 AM


Confident that Soul can handle the situation, TheRealMe continues to work to clear the airlock. But could he be opening the way for another assault? Yet, Safe's craft had not been recovered yet. Perhaps this was Safe?

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 5:02 AM



Originally posted by mai:
What's going on over there?

"We've got movement, and guns being readied on the other side of the door."

*JadeHand instinctively steps in front of Seryn and Mai and guides them away from the airlock doorway, to behind a pile of debris, keeping the retrieved Bluehand pistol pointed at the entrance. Over his shoulder he calls out.*

"TRM? What's the status of exterior vid and com? Can we see who's there before they come through?"

*Before TRM can pull his attention away from Washie long enough to respond, The doorway is pushed and begins to slide open.*

"Identify Yourselves! We're ummmm closed. Can't let you in without an invite...."

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 5:17 AM


"Heh! Well, Jadehand, it would be terribly silly of me not to have already checked the external vid cams, don't you think?"

TheRealMe quickly pulls out his com-link to check the external vid cams.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 5:17 AM


Well, now that Ath is doing better, can I leave him in your care for awhile, Kelly?

*She gives the elf's hand a squeeze and heads to the kitchen, where she fixes herself a snack. Then, remembering she made a bit of a promise quite some time ago, she loads up a cart with an assortment of goodies and heads up to Cozen's Stockhom Suite. She knocks on the door.*

Room Service!

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 5:26 AM


From inside, Deuce opens the door of the Stockholm Suite, a towel wrapped around her. It looks as if she has just gotten out of the shower.

"Oh, thanks Serenity! I was getting hungry."

She looks around the suite.

"Have you seen Cozen?"



Wednesday, March 15, 2006 5:29 AM


Until recently, I've been locked in This Land, and then I was in the infirmary with my brother. He's going to pull through, by the way.

Cozen left you in the middle of a kidnapping? How strange!

Oh well, more food for you, I guess!

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 5:44 AM


Deuce gets a worried, confused look. "Uh... you don't think he'd leave me in the middle of a kidnapping to... go kidnap someone else, do you?"

As Deuce stares at Serenity, her expression changes from one of worry to one of anger. Then her fiery hair whips about as she starts collecting her things, which are scattered around the room.

"Hmmmph! Where are my swords?"



Wednesday, March 15, 2006 6:04 AM



Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:
Soul hears SR's call over the comm, and clicks his reply. Heading over to the cargo area, he approaches bay A5, and spies the sniper across the room, kneeling over the line of bodies.

"So what's going on?"


"Trouble, see the collars and bar code tatoos, these men are, ... were prisoners. I had heard rumors of this. PCC: penal combat corp. They are slave soldiers. The collars are have a locator transmitter so they can't escape and they can do all sorts of unpleasantness if say one of these men were to say, turn his gun on a officer. Some are rigged to explode, some will constrict and strangle, while others are made to administer stimulation to the brains pleasure and pain receptors. You have seen what junkies will do to get a fix. Hook up one of these to run at a low grade of pleasure constantly and threaten to take that away and these men would perform acts that would make reavers cringe. These bodies should be dumped right away along with any of their personal affects. The may have surgical implants: bombs, survielance hardware, more powerful tracking devices that transmitt across space, who knows. They may be the reason the surviving Alliance ship hasn't simply vaporized us."

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 6:45 AM



Originally posted by Bride2:
Deuce gets a worried, confused look. "Uh... you don't think he'd leave me in the middle of a kidnapping to... go kidnap someone else, do you?"

As Deuce stares at Serenity, her expression changes from one of worry to one of anger. Then her fiery hair whips about as she starts collecting her things, which are scattered around the room.

"Hmmmph! Where are my swords?"

Oh, I'm sure it's nothing. You know Cozen, you never know what he's going to do next.

Maybe you should hang around for a bit longer, have something to eat, take a nap. I'm sure he'll be back soon and then he'll kidnap you properly then.

Besides, I brought fresh strawberries!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 6:57 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Cozen left you in the middle of a kidnapping? How strange!

Oh well, more food for you, I guess!

*Schwartz, bearing a rather bedraggled cozen, ambles to the Stockholm Suite just as Deuce abrubtly wheels away from Serenity.


Originally posted by Bride2:
"Hmmmph! Where are my swords?"

Heh. Rather the gleaming, razor sharp swords of an angry warrior maiden than facing the wrath of Mal-licious when I miss my quarterly minioning duties.

*He carefully dismounts the llama, and straightens his toga.*

Serenity, m'winged lady, join us for brunch?


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 6:59 AM


Safe and Citizen push the hatch as Bride7 stands waiting, guns drawn.

"Needy!" Safe calls "We could use some help here!"

Bride6 calls back "Needy's in a bad way Safe, he's not going to be of much help. I think we need to get him to a doctor."

"Great, just great" Safe mutters.

The hatch starts to slide open...

Oringinally posted by Jadehand:
"Identify Yourselves! We're ummmm closed. Can't let you in without an invite...."

Bride7 holsters her guns, walks to the hatch and squeezes through the opening before Safe or Citizen can stop her.

"HI! Did you miss me?" she says with a grin to the assembled people.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 7:05 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul stares at the bodies.

"I agree. We need to get these bodies as far away as possible. I'm not sure just throwing them out an airlock would be enough, though. We need to move them much further away than that."


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 7:10 AM



Originally posted by cozen:

Serenity, m'winged lady, join us for brunch?

Why not?

*helps herself to a strawberry.*

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 7:21 AM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
The hatch starts to slide open...

Oringinally posted by Jadehand:
"Identify Yourselves! We're ummmm closed. Can't let you in without an invite...."

Bride7 holsters her guns, walks to the hatch and squeezes through the opening before Safe or Citizen can stop her.

"HI! Did you miss me?" she says with a grin to the assembled people.

*noticing it is one of the crew*

"Scareing the gorram crap outta us why dont you!"

*Holstering his guns, N0Skillz walks over*

"Do y'all need any help?"

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 9:21 AM



Originally posted by N0Skillz:
*noticing it is one of the crew*

"Scareing the gorram crap outta us why dont you!"

*Holstering his guns, N0Skillz walks over*

"Do y'all need any help?"

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree

*JadeHand breathes a sigh of relief, safeties his weapon and places it in the satchel on his side. He turns back to face Seryn, and playfully winces and rubs the top of his arm. Then a serious look returns to his face.*

"Now, what's this about you not being able to hear? Let's get you to the infirmary and checked out. I know SimonWho is busy today, but if we need to do something to stop this from being permanant, the sooner we know, the better.
No protesting. How's a Piratess captain supposed to sleep without hearing the gentle sounds of her minions swabbing the deck?"

*JadeHand brushes her hair out of her face with his left hand, es her forehead as his left hand moves to her back. He bends at the knees and scoops up her legs in his right arm and carries her off to the infirmary.*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 9:41 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Well, now that Ath is doing better, can I leave him in your care for awhile, Kelly?

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"

"Of course, and hantanyel, Serenity," Kelly says.


Originally posted by CallMeAth:
"No, I'm 'k. Think I'll take nap, though", says Ath, falling back unto his pillow and closing his eyes.

Suddenly he sits back up.

"Oh, Kelly? Happy birthday."

Kelly smiles. "How did you know?" she asks in a small voice.

"Oh, I'm crafty," Ath replies as he sinks back into the pillow. "Didn't....get you...a present...though....."

Kelly smooths his hair off his forehead as he falls asleep. Taking hold of his hand, warm with life once again, Kelly gives it a light kiss.

"Yes, you did," she whispers.

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 11:04 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

"TRM, I think you'd better prepare yourself for a surprise, Love."

TheRealMe eyes Washie carefully as he holds her in his arms. "Are you certain that you are okay? Do you need to see the Doc?"

He wonders what she means by "surprise".

His com-link beeps.


Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
Sr activate his comlink:

"TRM I asked Sparky to set aside the affects of the Alliance troops. Is there a chance I could see take a look and view the bodies? I have a suspicion that I want to elimenate before we jump out of system."

Scorpion Regent

"Why, of course you can... ah... Warren. We have a makeshift morgue in Cargo Bay A5. Uh, sorry, I'm trying to dig through our airlock to another ship just now, and I need to make sure Washie is okay."

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

(Sorry so late with this post)

* Wash exhales slowly, still close to TheRealHim and takes personal inventory of her resources as she closes her eyes for a moment.

"Mmm-hmmm. Tired, but okay. Lots of work to do, neh? No time for the doc just now. But hey: means a lot that you asked." She reaches up on tip-toe to give him a quick soft kiss.

*Before TRM has the vidcam viewage up and viewable (malfunctions are rampant on the 'Tree just now, and no wonder!) the answer to the gathered fears of the 'Tree's crew strides into the common area from the docked ship to face a wide array of locked and loaded weapons.

Bleeding away enough energy into the air high above her head to fry Freddy the Dinosaur, Wash keeps her eyes closed until she can safely fasten her gaze back on the new arrival.

"Death wishes are dangerous things. How about a warning for us Protector-Types before ya come waltzing into a war zone next time, huh?"

As the last of her energy sloughs off her Washie slumps against TRM, her eyes close as he catches her up against his side, one hand tangled in her hair. Still with eyes closed, Washie murmurs, "Tired, is all. Gonna sleep a little, right here and now if that's okay," the last words ending on a deep sigh.

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 12:05 PM


/me settles down in his quarters, donning his headphones. he picks through the cd's nearby and pulls one out. it is labeled the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. He looks at it, shrugs, and puts it in the player. A few seconds later, Elemdee's eyes roll back and he begins to convulse.

--- <-inching towards daylight


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 1:00 PM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
"Now, what's this about you not being able to hear? Let's get you to the infirmary and checked out. I know SimonWho is busy today, but if we need to do something to stop this from being permanant, the sooner we know, the better.
No protesting. How's a Piratess captain supposed to sleep without hearing the gentle sounds of her minions swabbing the deck?"

He speaks quickly and she doesn't catch all of what he says, but the end makes her smile, if a little sadly 'I've hardly been acting like a captain lately have I?' She grins and runs her hands through her messed up hair. 'a shower would be good right about now... bah! and food, and sleep...'


*JadeHand brushes her hair out of her face with his left hand, es her forehead as his left hand moves to her back.

'I suppose you have a point, theough I don't th..aa aargh!'


He bends at the knees and scoops up her legs in his right arm and carries her off to the infirmary.*

She finds her self being carried along, and isn't so sure that she shouldn't be protesting more.

'you know it was my ears that were damaged?' He just looks at her 'as in, my legs are just fine' Again, just a look 'so you really don't need to be carrying me' yet another look 'fine, suit yourself...'

She folds her arms petulantly accross her chest, but that only serves to emphasise that fact that her vest doesn't cover as much as the shirt did. She wonders what to do with her arms, and in the end settles for around his neck, and by the time they get to the infirmary, she's about ready to doze off. 'yeah, admit it, you like being treated like a meek little girly girl really'

'Don't forget to tell the doctor that its my ears that are the problem, not my feet...'

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 4:37 PM


*JadeHand tries desparately to not notice the fact that her vest doesn't cover as much as the shirt did as he passes through the entrance to the Infirmary. He is ...less than entirely successful. He carries Seryn to the nearest unoccupied exam table and gently lies her down. He pulls the sheet up to cover her, and tucks the ends under her shoulders, leaving his left hand resting on her right shoulder he turns to SimonWho.*

"Hey Doc, Seryn's got some ear damage here. I don't know when or how it happened. If there's anything I can do around here to help with her, or to free you up to look at her, please don't hesitate to let me know."

*He turns back to face her and tries to comfort her.*

"I understand the Doc's real good, he'll have you good as new soon. We'll tend to your needs in reverse order. You start with the sleep now. I'll have the food waiting for you when you wake up. Then we'll look into that shower . Get some rest."

*He leans in and kisses her forehead again, and when he leans back he sees that she's already asleep. He heads off to the kitchen and returns with a tray of fresh fruits and a large pitcher of ice water and clean glasses. He leaves the tray on a table near her, and pulls over a small stool on which he sits and waits. Soon his forehead rests on her table and he sleeps as well.*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion






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