Why do women love Jayne?

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Monday, March 13, 2006 12:56 PM


Hi all. I'm on a quest to prove to a non-believer that Browncoat women adore the big merc, the Hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne. You in? If so, please tell me about it, give me details on why he's easy to love.

And if you happen to think he's a good love-match for Kaylee (sorry, you Simon/Kaylee lovers) then tell me that too. Hope to hear from you soon!

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Monday, March 13, 2006 2:28 PM


I always thought Jayne was more of a big brother to Kaylee, in a distant sort of way, but still would jump her bones.

Well, ladies, LOOK AT HIM! He's twice the Harrison Ford, and Twice the badass. He's the only ass kicker who can look sexy and have a girls name.

Remember, Remember the fifth of November


Monday, March 13, 2006 3:13 PM


Have you freakin' SEEN the man? YUM!!!

Also, you could always trust him to brush your hair and give you a wonderful peptalk on the eve of battle.


Monday, March 13, 2006 3:27 PM


Cause yummy yummy yummy! Don't we all want to tame a bad boy?


Monday, March 13, 2006 4:02 PM


'Cause the man's gorgeous, and have you seen his muscles. I always like muscles. He's got lots of funny lines and might be redeamable(that's spelt wrong).

I like the Jayne/Kaylee thing because it seems more natural. The doctor is way too stiff and serious.


Monday, March 13, 2006 4:47 PM


Cause of his swinging cod of course.


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:17 PM


Because he's big and gruff, but you just KNOW there's a smooshy centre.

You see glimpses of it in the Pilot eps - those few seconds watching Kaylee's operation give away a hell of a lot about how he feels about her; also in Jaynestown (struggling with the senseless death of that Mudder), and he was more scared of the rest of the crew finding out about his betrayal in Ariel than he was of being blown out the airlock. There's also a second in Serenity, right after Book's death, where you see him struggling to contain himself (closed eyes, big swallow). Plus, the man really loves his Ma. (The look on his face when he pulls out that hat gets me every time - more than him actually wearing the thing).

There's so much more to him than the 'Big Dumb Merc' tag he gets stuck with. Makes you wanna find out what it is.

Some of us women are suckers for the bad boy with a good heart. And, hey, all them muscles don't hurt none either. Man's just so gorram pretty.


"Now somethin' about that is just downright unsettlin'."


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:31 PM



Originally posted by ItsaWash:
And if you happen to think he's a good love-match for Kaylee

He's 20 years older than her, so no.


Monday, March 13, 2006 5:51 PM


Finally a thread for me!!

First off, before I go any further, Jayne and Kaylee. Nope, ain't gonna happen. Not 'cause he wouldn't, she wouldn't. Not her type, otherwise he'd a been twixt her nethers and not some batteries.

NOw, having got that off my chest I can move on the point of this, which is to get Jayne on my chest, or any other part of me

He's tall dark and handsome and in my book that makes him yummo!! Oh yeah, and the blue eyes that you can just imagine all heated up with passion. That combination, TDH and blue eyes - my downfall, all my life. Ok, that's Adam not jayne....He's got arms that size of, well, they're magnificent, look like they can hold a girl and keep her safe. His legs, mmmmmmmmmmm, size of small trees (i'm guessing here 'cause we never really got to see them in FF or BDM)He'd defend her and be honest, although maybe not in a politically correct kinda way.Puts up a gruff exterior which can only man he's softer on the inside. You can see that when Kaylee gets shot, among other instances. He cares, just doesn't want others to know. I think he would work hard to keep a girl (as he likes to get sexed - and really which girl doesn't, or wouldn;t at least with him. *Kay - am kinda new here so don;t want ta offend or nothin'...maybe i should write some fanfic to explore this a little more....* He'd wear stupid things she made 'cause it showed how much she cares.

hmmmmmmmm, JAyne, the hero of canton, with the orange hat his momma knit him.....

I'll be in Jaynes bunk


Monday, March 13, 2006 6:38 PM


I'm a dude and I don't love Jayne (at least not that way). I just envy his physique.

I'm a Jedi.
I'm a Ringer.


Monday, March 13, 2006 7:02 PM


I have to second what many have already said, because Adam Baldwin is HOT HOT HOT!

Pretty sure his eyes are not blue though. I got to meet him at a convention once, and they were either green or a pale brown. Sorry, but I can't remember which, just know they're not blue. He was very nice though, not at all like his character.

Regarding: Kaylee/Jayne - If you listen to Joss's commentary on the pilot episode, he says that Jayne has a big old crush on Kaylee. Once you know that, the evidence is there: the way he acted when she got shot, his hatred of the doctor, and efforts to derail that romance. I don't think Kaylee has the slightest interest in him though. So I don't see it happening.


Monday, March 13, 2006 8:41 PM


Besides the fact that he's played by Adam who I think is one of the best hot character actors out there...

He's the most intriguing blend of idiocy and intelligence I've seen. You know he's got smarts cuz he's been a fairly successful bad guy in the past, even tho unexpected obstacles have popped up. And some of his sayings are just so cute/smart. But then he does something so stupid. It's a conundrum.

Maybe he's simply so focused on his goal of one day being rich that he doesn't pay attention to what he's thinking/saying. I wouldn't mind being the one who makes him lose that focus.

Anger on one side, sadness on the other.
Nobody knows about the third side.


Monday, March 13, 2006 9:30 PM


Perhaps because they see the sister under the skin


Monday, March 13, 2006 9:38 PM



Originally posted by Fert1:
Regarding: Kaylee/Jayne - If you listen to Joss's commentary on the pilot episode, he says that Jayne has a big old crush on Kaylee. Once you know that, the evidence is there: the way he acted when she got shot, his hatred of the doctor, and efforts to derail that romance.

And in Dead or Alive:

Select to view spoiler:

He almost gives his turtle to her.

Still, 20 years difference, just not right.


Monday, March 13, 2006 11:05 PM



Heidi (Jewel Statie): Wonderfalls
That was a penis reference, right?


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 12:45 AM



Originally posted by mattcoz:
Still, 20 years difference, just not right.

In case it helps, with Jayne the age difference is in years only, but mentally it might as well be nonexistent.

He's not a 40-year-old at heart. Just by his mind alone, he could be 22 and not a day older.

That's why Jayne/Kaylee or Jayne/River or Jayne/anyone doesn't freak me out in the way that Mal/Kaylee or Mal/River would. The age difference is present in those cases, mentally more than anything, and it informs the interaction in those cases quite a bit.

Back on topic.

I can't speak for all women, but I like Jayne because he is one of the most honest characters on the show.

He's selfish and he'll betray Simon and River but he doesn't pretend to be anything else, really. You can predict it because it's not hidden under a false layer of generosity. If he shows affection, you know that it's real.

He also honestly respects women. Sure, he visits whores, but he doesn't look down on them, or on Inara. There's none of that hypocritical crap that Mal lugs around.
When Jayne says "whore" Inara doesn't chastise him for it because Jayne doesn't say it with disrespect. It is truly just a descriptive word for him.

And yeah, that whole bad boy with a good heart thing. He screws up, and he's very humanly - again, honestly - selfish, but deep down he's has a set of standards that he earnestly considers and holds up against the world.

He's a great character, that way.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:32 AM



Pretty sure his eyes are not blue though. I got to meet him at a convention once, and they were either green or a pale brown. Sorry, but I can't remember which, just know they're not blue.

Speaking as an artist who has had to look at his face for hours upon hours with a magnifying glass - sorry, but his eyes are definitely blue. A dark, steely blue.


"Now somethin' about that is just downright unsettlin'."


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 7:04 AM


Kaylee and Jayne? Common, no way she's to pure for him. He needs a bad girl *Spaps self in butt*

*freezes at the pictures of Jayne*

Just look at him, look would ya........and when he is on that weight bench,......*can't talk anymore*

I'll be in my bunk

*Runs outta room and heads for bunk*

"Don't forget to call him "Sir." He likes that."


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 7:07 AM



Originally posted by PurpleBelly:

Heidi (Jewel Statie): Wonderfalls
That was a penis reference, right?

LMAO!!! Oh man my eyes are tearing up.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 7:14 AM


The words "muscular buttocks" come to mind.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 8:01 AM


Yes, I don't doubt it, but colors can be off in pictures. I think the reason I'm having trouble remembering the exact color is that his eyes are kind of that odd hazel color that changes from green to pale brown depending on the lighting and what colors he wears. They were definitely NOT blue though. How can I be sure? Because I too am a sucker for blue eyes. He's still got gorgeous eyes though, regardless of the color. I studied them up close as much as I could without embarrassing myself too badly.

He was very nice in person, and put up with the staring very sweetly.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 5:29 PM


Fert1, I know I'm harping on this, but it's a real nit-pick of mine. I have to disagree with you - Adam's eyes are DEFINITELY blue.

Photos don't lie. Check out any of the Adam screencaps/photos in the Blue Sun Room. Pause your episodes of Firefly, especially when the light is hitting him from the side. Watch any of his movie from the last 25 years. Hell, it's even listed in his actor's bio:
Height: 6'4". Hair: Brown. Eyes: BLUE.

Someone back me up here!


"Now somethin' about that is just downright unsettlin'."


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 5:46 PM


Yep, they're blue.

Uh, I don't know what else to add. I second everyone else...Easy on the eyes, but more importantly all those little moments that show there's more to Jayne than meets the eye - and wouldn't any woman love to explore that side!

As for Jaylee: I have to admit that I don't see it in the show/BDM at all. In fact, I find him pretty rude to her at times, but the Jaylee writers out there (you know who you are) are ruttin fantastic and make me a believer everytime I read one. The Jaylee writers have totally gotten me hooked on their 'crack' of angst, romance, and drama.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 6:31 PM



Originally posted by CantonHeroine:
Fert1, I know I'm harping on this, but it's a real nit-pick of mine. I have to disagree with you - Adam's eyes are DEFINITELY blue.

Photos don't lie.

They don't? Then why do I have an old photo that makes me look like a redhead? My hair is a very dark brown, and I've never used dye on it.

Not trying to be difficult, but when I met the guy in person, shook his hand. The eyes were NOT blue, or at least not what I consider to be blue. I think we are going to have to agree to disagree on this one.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 7:32 PM


Fert1, I'm frustrated with you to the point of tearing at my hair, but I have to concede that I'm not going to change your mind about this.

I agree that SOME photos lie. Bad ones. Professional head shots don't. Nor would Adam's own people lie about eye colour in his bio.

*sighs* I'm sticking to my guns on this one.


"Now somethin' about that is just downright unsettlin'."


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 7:38 PM


I don't love Jayne. But I liked him a whole lot better after I learned a few things about Adam Baldwin. I'm really rather impressed by the man.

And Jayne and Kaylee? No way. No WAY.

They could not take the sky from them -
Our Big Damn Heroes made a film!
I'm gonna see Serenity then
go back the next morning and see it again.
Cuz no one at Fox knew this show had no equal
C'mon Universal, and greenlight the sequel!

Click on my profile for my Annoyingly Long List of Firefly Links.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 10:48 PM


Warning: small spoiler.
I have this creeping suspicion that women like Jayne because he's not too smart. I'm not saying he's a idiot, but he certainly is no genius. We all saw him flip out when Simon was about to say the "safe word" in the dining room. Which in my book means he's suseptible to "wiles". Heck, maybe I'm just cynical.

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, March 14, 2006 11:14 PM


Adam's eyes are definitely BLUE.
There's no doubt about it.
Believe me. I'm sure you're not color blind, it's just that maybe the light did a weird trick to you at that time. I would have blushed head to toe meeting that man, I'm sure that looking him straight in the eyes would have been difficult without turning rainbow colors...
Any picture would confirm you that he's got blue eyes. Saw most of his movies, I have a thing for blue eyed men, so, well I'm 100% sure you maybe saw him under a weird light...



Wednesday, March 15, 2006 2:55 AM


never used to imagine Jayne and Kaylee together, until I started reading some of Jacqui's fics. Now, it seems the only possible pairing!

She's written several series.

Her most recent series started with this story: "Didn't mean nothin'" This is a link to the first installment:

The latest installment, number 8, is called "small victories" and has a link to all 8 parts

She also wrote a series called "Best Deceptions", here's a link to the first installment:

Additionally, she wrote a fantastic series called Pieces, which is really long, starts of as Simon/Kaylee and turns into Jaylee.

If you want to find them, click on her profile and you will be able to see everything she's posted.

If you like Jayne/Kaylee, I'm sure you'll love all of them :-)

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Wednesday, March 15, 2006 5:06 AM


As much as I agree with the physical appeal of Jayne (pauses to compose herself), I have to agree with what others are saying about his personality. In the Pilot, we see Jayne wait for the entire operation on a catwalk in a not-too-comfortable position. Also in the same ep, we see that he is more than willing to kill Dobson over shooting Kaylee. Would he do the same for Mal?

In Bushwacked, he plays the hoop game and isn't using dirty tactics to get the ball; he feels a part of the crew, maybe even family like. Adding Kaylee to his shoulders is a natural extension of that family.

The Ariel and Jaynestown references fit here as well. Jayne's not stupid, but he doesn't think things through. His self-absorption is his prime motivator for whatever he does, be that getting sex or money. And thanks to whomever noticed that Jayne was more concerned about the crew than his own death in Ariel. I hadn't looked at it that way.

But for me, the real reason to love Jayne is his respect for women. The hair brushing scene in Heart of Gold was a clincher for me. What man would do that after having been sexed up by a whore? (pauses to compose herself) If you notice that whenever he's with a whore, he spends the night. It's important for him to be with her. I believe that he wants the woman to enjoy the experience as much as he does. And look at the bed scene in HoG where he moves his gun out of the way. He's completely wrapped around the woman (and his gun of course). That, I honestly believe, is what Jayne wants. He likes waking up to a woman in bed with him and not just with him, but enveloped by him. He is protector, sure, but that softness is something that he would never openly admit nor show to his crew - too weak perhaps to show in his eyes.

As for a Jaylee, I do support the concept, especially after reading all the fics out there, most notably by Jacqui and Belasera. She brings out the good and kind in him that I think he would like to show just a bit more of. I don't know if Kaylee could love Jayne, but I know for darn sure that he would be head over heels for her. At the same time, I do support Simon and Kaylee. I like Simon and don't want to see him hurt. But definitely, no way, no how, do I want to see Jayne with River. She is not anything he is attracted to and yes, I do have a problem with the age difference, no matter how mature she is in her head and immature he is in his head.

Whew, thanks for letting me get that off my chest. And to steal a line used earlier, I'll be in Jayne's bunk :)


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 5:42 AM


Advice from my mother many years ago: Women love outlaws!!

Besides that-
First of all, he just LOOKS damn sexy. All those big hard muscles.
Women are suckers for the big bad man with a soft heart for hats knitted by his mom.
The idea of having a man brush our hair—that is, if we are really into our own hair—is such it turn on.
He likes women. There is no confusion; there is no wondering what he wants and what is going to happen. That straight forward attitude is not something that happens in the real world. So, we project that desire into our fantasies.
And the age thing…come on folks where is your suspension of disbelief? ;) Kaylee and Jayne? Yeah, I love that pair.

Because I am an American. And what does an American want? Democracy?
I want to sell out and settle down. For one day only, it's a blue light special on Aisle Three. My wormhole technology... and a free set of steak knives... for all the tea in China. And anything you can imagine to pay me... welcome to my cold war.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 6:33 AM


Hi ArtemisPrime, thanks for chiming in.

You're quite welcome for the chance to get that off your chest, but by how well and truly you talk about him I have a feeling you (and I) are far from being done with the Jayne-admiring. :0)

J and Belasera were my primary inspirations for writing my own Jaylee fics and I doubt I'll ever be done with wanting to write about the pair. I do like Kaylee, but to be honest, she's mostly a canvas for Jayne to paint on, to me.

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 6:41 AM


*The original poster of this thread finally chimes in: "BLUE, baby. Steely blue, gunmetal blue, deepest part of the ocean blue, gorram ruttin' frellin' (God, I want to DIE in them) BLUE.

Sigh. Thank you for letting me get that out and on the screen. I'll be in HIS bunk now, the rest of you can clear the frell out."

*Hugs to you all.

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 6:50 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by mattcoz:

Originally posted by ItsaWash:
And if you happen to think he's a good love-match for Kaylee

He's 20 years older than her, so no.

Since when did age have anything to do with it?

So far, what I'm reading is that Jayne is the kind of fella we'd love to love, but probably wouldn't fall in love with. He's not the "to death do us part" kind, mainly because Jayne doesn't believe he'll ever die.

In the meantime... mmmmmmmmmmm...

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 8:10 AM


Well, I'm all right. - Mal


Originally posted by Channain:
He's not the "to death do us part" kind, mainly because Jayne doesn't believe he'll ever die.

In The message Jayne says "My kinda life don't last long, preacher." and "You gonna read over me when I get taken down, shepherd?", but Book thinks Jayne'll outlive them all.

As for young girls liking bad boys - he's got the credentials, what with selling out River to her torturers and the like.
I am Jack's username
6 sharp, ish.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 11:29 AM


Hi Itsawash.

Anytime you want to discuss the big merc is fine with me. I could go on and on. There is so much that is fascinating about him and about all of the FF cast.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 11:30 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by IamJacksUsername:

Originally posted by Channain:
He's not the "to death do us part" kind, mainly because Jayne doesn't believe he'll ever die.

In The message Jayne says "My kinda life don't last long, preacher." and "You gonna read over me when I get taken down, shepherd?", but Book thinks Jayne'll outlive them all.

Good point. I was thinking of the BDM, when Zoe asks him "You think any of us is going to survive this?" and Jayne looks around and says, "Well I might."

Jayne would outlive them all because the only person he's really looking out for is himself, and that's the kind of attitude someone has to have to survive in the black.

I draw...therefore I am.
Live in Minnesota? Join the Group! Yahoo Group, that is...


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 11:51 AM


Just a gal out on the rim writing tales.

The character of Jayne Cobb intrigues me for several reasons. In this post, I want to write about the character as separate and apart from Adam Baldwin, the actor who portrays him so beautifully and who contributed so much to making him come alive as a man. Adam himself is unquestionably handsome and sexy. But, to me, as Jayne Cobb, he’s even more so.

I find Jayne to be so much more than the dumb, crude, self-serving Big Bad Man he’s often presented as. He’s a man of contradictions, a man struggling with his past and his nature. This makes him intriguing to me as a writer and as a woman. Joss has remarked that ultimately, a big theme in this work, for him, is Redemption, and I see that force at work in Jayne.

We’re not told much about Jayne’s background in the actual series, about what events and experiences shaped him or led him into a life as a petty criminal and merc. This lack of background has encouraged writers like Jacqui, ItsaWash, and myself to fill in the blanks with our own speculations.

In Jayne Cobb, I see a man of intensity, powerful and rakishly handsome, skilled at his chosen trade, extremely sensual. He’s a man who embraces life with gusto: food, women, a good fight. He just throws himself fully into the moment, larger than life.

I see Jayne as being poorly educated rather than as just stupid, often too headlong to consider the subtle implications of his statements and choices. He’s a man who hasn’t had the benefit of Inara’s sophisticated training or Simon’s rarified social status, just a blue-collar working stiff who has survived in a difficult ‘Verse in the best way he could.

I see a man who would almost certainly be diagnosed with Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder – high energy, poor impulse control, kinesthetic (think about how touchy-feely he is with everything), a history of conflict with authority and substance abuse.

It seems likely the self-centeredness we see from him derives from his drive to survive under very marginal circumstances. Beginning with his concern for Kaylee when she’s shot by the Fed, with a major turning point occurring in the episode “Ariel”, he turns his focus outward. A good example is when he joins in on the raid on Niska’s skyplex, after repeatedly stating that the action is suicidal.

I give Book some credit for these changes, acting as a non-judgmental father figure for a man who obviously lacked one. Interestingly, as the supposed “Bad Man”, Jayne shows more respect to religious practices like blessings and rites for the dead, while Mal, the “Good Man”, despises such things.

OK, I write Jaylee fic, so I obviously consider the pairing of Jayne and Kaylee plausible and reasonable. I’m also probably older than a lot of fellow Browncoats who post here and I think that gives me a different perspective on all this. Not the right one, just a different one. Everybody has their own take and their own biases, and lots of this is just our projections and personal fantasies.

While Kaylee is young, she’s also shown herself to be a very sensual, passionate young woman, and I simply cannot see Simon as being earthy and lusty enough to meet her needs. With his classist, privileged upbringing, I don’t see him ever managing to get over feeling she’s beneath him, a bumpkin. In such a relationship, she would always feel second-rate.

Jayne’s interest in Kaylee is clearly expressed in his protectiveness and jealousy. Because he is ashamed of his shaky past, Jayne would tend to treat Kaylee as all the more precious. I also agree with other posters who’ve remarked on his genuine appreciation for women, sexually and otherwise. And those who think an age difference of fifteen or twenty years negate the possibility of a mutual attraction between Kaylee and Jayne need to live in the real world a little more.

For my take on the man and his relationships, check out my stories “Waited Long Enough”, “Quickies”, and “Too Little, Too Late.” Be forewarned, they’re for adult readers.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 4:40 PM



Originally posted by ayrad:
Adam's eyes are definitely BLUE.
There's no doubt about it.
Believe me. I'm sure you're not color blind, it's just that maybe the light did a weird trick to you at that time. I would have blushed head to toe meeting that man, I'm sure that looking him straight in the eyes would have been difficult without turning rainbow colors...
Any picture would confirm you that he's got blue eyes. Saw most of his movies, I have a thing for blue eyed men, so, well I'm 100% sure you maybe saw him under a weird light...

Now that I'll concede. Under the lighting in the dealer's room, they did not appear to be blue. I have a thing for blue eyed men, but will make exceptions.

In the photos, they look an odd sort of gray-blue that might appear different in different lighting conditions. I have a good friend who's eyes appear blue most of the time, but she insists they are green, and under the right lighting they do look green. My dad always insisted his eyes were gray, though many would have said they were blue. Even color perception can be a bit subjective. I've heard people argue over whether a certain shade of aqua was more blue or more green. We all see the world in our own way with our own interpretations.

CANTONHEROINE, don't pull your hair out! It's not worth it. We both agree that his eyes are absolutely gorgeous, as is the rest of him. And yes, it was difficult to look him in the eye without turning many shades of red, although some might say pink...LOL!

He was in tonight's episode of "Bones". How cool is that?

Jayne's appeal to women? I can sum it up: AB is gorgeous. Jayne is funny, and women love it when a guy makes them laugh! He's a bit of bad boy, and women love bad boys, especially the fixer-uppers. Women love a man they can try to fix! No, it's not necessary the smart thing, but it's how we think...Lord help us!


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 5:01 PM


Well said, Hisgoodgirl. Everything you said is right on.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 5:12 PM


It's okay, Fert1, I still have my hair. ;P And, hey, at least you get to watch Bones! It hasn't started airing where I live. It is supposed to start within the next few months, so I'll have to keep an eye out for that ep.

There have been some really great points made on this thread, and I have to say that I agree with all of them. Especially those made my HISGOODGIRL. (Love your fics, by the way ).

When I first started watching the show, I wasn't really drawn to Jayne by his looks - that part came later, after I'd gotten to know his character better. I love his looks in the context of them belonging to Jayne, not Adam. I don't know that I'm explaining that very well, but it's like I had to like him before I LIKED him, you know?

I always come back to that letter from his mother. Why would a man so apparently obsessed with coin be sending any of it back home to his Ma? And he was quite willing to hand over the rest of his Ariel takings to Niska to get Mal and Wash back. There's nothing materialistic in either of those instances.

It's like Tim and Joss said in The Train Job commentary:
"Jayne was designed simply to be an asshole, but he became beloved."
"He became beloved instantly."


"Now somethin' about that is just downright unsettlin'."


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 5:28 PM


And don't forget in Our Mrs. Reynolds, Jayne was willing to give up his most prized possession to get Mal's wife. I know that women are not to be bought and sold, but doesn't this say something about his desire to find love and/or happiness?

Just a thought.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 6:30 PM



Originally posted by V:

He's the only ass kicker who can look sexy and have a girls name.

My name is Sue, How do you do?

I gave gotta admit, I was a might curious about this one myself.

The guy's a big dumb untrustworthy lunk, but he seems to be most certainly adored and the reasons why appear quite unanimous.

So, Ahh… if you'll excuse me, I’m gonna go work out a whole lot and then commit some crimes.

… Yeah! That’s what I’ll do!


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 8:03 PM


I love Jayne because he is big and strong and someone you want on your side. He is simple and I think he just needs a little guidance. Once he sees what's in it for him he is good.

Now I have always loved the idea of Jayne and Kaylee. The way he is crouched and looking into the infirmary as she is having surgery caught my attention. Then the way he looks from Simon to Kaylee at the table and makes the comment.

That said I am not saying it would work. I think Jayne likes her more than she would him, but they have more in common. Kaylee's feeling for Simon has kept her from Jayne.

I would love to read some Jaylee shipper fanfic.


Wednesday, March 15, 2006 8:18 PM


let's see:
and really really funny....

and you know he loves women (in spite of the rude behavior), and he would go to the wall for you if he thought he should protect you....

and did I mention the funny?

But I don't see him w/Kaylee...although I do think that was something Joss was hinting at in the pilot episode. Personally I love the Jayne/River fan fic....

although I read a short story about Jayne & Simon I really liked. LOL

watch the R. Tam Session vids:
and buy the 'Serenity' comics published by Dark Horse
have you checked out this thread?:


Friday, March 17, 2006 7:42 AM


i could go on and on about why women love jayne.
most of what i would say, is the same as everyone else has already said.

people love the jayne that's portrayed by adam. god knows i do. he's gorgeous!!!!

so much more than any of the other baldwins. my hubby and i were watching and i said how yummy he was. my husband looked at me and said what about alec. i said what about him. adam is by far the best lookin one outta the bunch.

he just smiled and said i love you.
he also said it when i said the doc was to pretty. don't much like pretty men. like the rugged lookin ones.

but, the character of jayne, what woman wouldn't want him. big, tough, macho, protective, funny, loves his ma... what more could a girl want?

i'm all for the jayne/kaylee pairin. like i said, the doc's to pretty, stuffy, pompous, and his sister comes first. which is a good quality mind you, but there comes a time when you also gotta think for you and whoever your partner is.

i haven't seen serenity yet. *hides and cowers as fans throw stuff at me* my hubby and our friends are fixin to watch it tonight. i had to work when everyone went to see it, and i wanted to watch the show a few more times before i saw it.

i just think that with jayne, his guns come first, his own skin comes first. but, given the right woman, they would come first with him. Take the hair brushin scene, he was brushin the ladies hair... come on, how sweet is that!!! it feels so good when someone brushes your hair, especially a guy.

i mean, yeah, in the pilot there was some hintin as to how he felt towards kaylee, but because of some stupid network..(Who we all know, but shall remain nameless...*grumble grumble* ) we never got to see what might have happened between the two, if anything. but because of that, our imaginations can go on workin the way they do.

oh, and one more thing. who cares about age. it's just a number. don't much matter how old he is and how old she is. hell, he'd need a younger woman just to keep up with him(i'd sure as hell love to give it a go)
anyways... i'm done babblin

"Dear diary, today i was pompous and my sister was crazy."


Friday, March 17, 2006 8:26 AM


i would just like to recommend some fanfic since i see that Jaqui has been mentioned (yes, good writer ). my favorite jaylee writer (and actually in general) is ItsaWash. All of her work is wonderful and her way with words is amazing. and she really makes the pairing make sense. Just keep in mind that all of her stuff is NC-17 (but what shiny NC-17!!) To see all of her work go to her profile:

I promise you, you won't be disappointed

EDIT: oh, i just went back up to the top of the page and ItsaWash was the one who started the whole, that's so like me not to read that. hey washie!!!! *huggles* lol, well, she mentioned her fic, but it's my job as her walking talking typing billboard to tell you bout it! so there, not silly! well, a little silly since i like being silly

keep flyin'


Friday, March 17, 2006 10:00 AM


Ehm Ashlan...just for your info:

Adam is not related to the Baldwin brothers!
He did a few movies with Stephen, but they're not his kin!!!

Plus, I've been told that Alec, a few years ago, tried to make Adam change his surname...he pratically took him to the court the bastard!!!
He lost of course...

Plus look at them, c'mon the "clones" all look like...Adam looks nothing like them!
They only wish to be that gorgeous!



Friday, March 17, 2006 10:25 AM


CantonHeroine, where did you get that pic of AB on the right hand side? I know the left one is from My Bodyguard, but what's the second? Never thought I'd like AB with long hair, but my goodness...


Friday, March 17, 2006 10:45 AM



Originally posted by ArtemisPrime:
And don't forget in Our Mrs. Reynolds, Jayne was willing to give up his most prized possession to get Mal's wife. I know that women are not to be bought and sold, but doesn't this say something about his desire to find love and/or happiness?

Yeah, because it was love and happiness he was looking for. :rollseyes:






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