The Sereni-Tree: Life, the Universe, and Everything

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 06:28
VIEWED: 25091
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Monday, March 20, 2006 5:38 AM



Originally posted by BeautifulDisaster:
BeautifulDisaster slowly slipped through the corridors and hallways of this new ship. She tucked a strand of her short blonde hair behind her ear and kept on walking. She could hear things in the distance, talking. Lots of it. The young girl walked quietly, stealthly, her feet bare. There were people here, definitely. She glanced behind her every once and a while, making sure no one was following her. None of the Alliance. She'd gotten away clean. Somewhere amidst all the chaos she had ran out, away from the people who held her captive. No way were they taking her back there, back to that place. No telling what they'd do to her next. What they'd already done was irreverable.

Beautiful heard the voices getting closer and she kept walking. Before she knew it she was in a doorway, looking in at large group of people. She froze for a moment, scared stiff. The sound of her heart beating grew very loudly in her ears and she looked upon the people.

Too late to try and get away, she'd been seen. BeautifulDisaster stood wide eyed, already shaking with fear.

Live simple. No secrets.


*Washie's first honest-to-goodness party since her climbing aboard the Sereni-Tree some weeks(?) ago has been good for her soul. The crew, the good, the bad, the hysterically funny among them, are a talkative lot, mostly, and that's good for her chosen profession.

She sips a fruity alcohol concoction in a tall glass someone handed her, the taste of the stuff burning sweetly pleasant down her throat that's only been used to non-alco drinks. Seeing TRM's weary self pause at the entrance to the common area, his fists at the hem of his uniform jacket tugging the dusty wrinkled hem sharply downward ala Jean Luc Picard, Washie turns away staring at nothing, slightly swaying to the strains of the juke box's Marillion in implied disinterest in anything else. If his duties give him a chance, she knows he'll take a little time to party, if not, well, the bulkhead walls of the large ship make a good fence, they're bound to run into each other.

She feels his large hand take hers gently, turns toward him slowly as he raises it to his lips. "Ahhh, hiya," she smiles up at him from a close vantage point. The connection of their skin in the crowded room sends her mind into his as he smiles back.

She's on a psyche-surface-reading-only process, endeavoring to train herself to keep just to the edges of folks' minds, unless emergencies or permission allows for deeper probing. Thus her mind hovers at the edges of him, gaining impressions of fatigue and a soupcon of concern that she not be unsettled at his earlier inability to come when she called.

As he murmurs an unnecessary but highly gratifying apology, her eyes smile up into his and her fingers twine with the ones holding her hand. Her satin slippers-clad toes raise her up high enough to press a warm kiss beneath his jawline, just below where his beard begins.

Against the skin of his neck she tells him she's sorry, he must be exhausted. "You're one of the few who hasn't hasn't either passed out from fatigue or caught a wink of legitimate sleep, First Officer, re-introductions to old/new friends oughta wait till you're ready." TRM nods and sighs wearily, his face tilted down to hers, his lips at her temple.

His vocalizing a reply is halted as Washie stiffens in his arms, her eyes taking in a slight form in bedraggled dress at the doorway.

"Looks like we've got ourselves a beautiful disaster newly arriving," she says as she looses TRM's hand and gives him an "I'll be right back."

Washie tentatively touches the bare-footed and lovely lass on her arm, their contact communicating abject fear, although skin touch was not needed, the girl's shaking all over was sufficient to tell the tale.

"I'm ItsaWash, new here too. Call me Washie, if you want, and you're?"

"Beautiful Disaster. Scared to meet you, to meet anybody, really," the short blonde hair dips down as the girl tucks in her chin, looking at her bare wiggling toes, her plain dress. BD gazes out over the crowd in their fancy shiny clothes.

"Hey, clothes make the girl, they say, and I've got a positively tiny gown in cream and rose that'd compliment your complexion just right. What say we take 5 minutes in my quarters to get you in it and make you feel like a new woman?"

The girl smiles and nods, and they hurry away to suit action to intent, aiming to get back before they miss all the fun, but with just enough time away for BD's heart and mind to ease enough to allow for some fun she's been a long time needing.

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Monday, March 20, 2006 5:40 AM


*JadeHand smiles at the touch to his nose, and rises from the couch with the plate of food. A few bites and a couple of minutes later, he sees people coming in to the common room wearing fancy dress and looks at himself.*

"No, this will never do..."

*He's pleasantly surprised by the music he hears and this increases his pace as he carries the plate back to his room to dress more appropriately. Several minutes later he returns to the balcony overlooking the commons. He wears black leather boots and black pants, a dark red shirt with a black silk tie and a small silver band on his left pinky. He looks across the gathering crowd, and takes in the scene, and the music.*

"It's good to be home."

*He stalks down the stairs to join the fun......*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Monday, March 20, 2006 6:32 AM



Originally posted by cozen:
"Billy, don't be a hero
Don't be a fool with your life...."

OOC: Thanks, Cozen, now that song will be stuck in my head all day! 'Course, I did have a crush on Bo Donaldson back in the day...

**Upon hearing the several food announcements, jake7's stomach growls loudly. Since they were now in hyperspace, there was no real need for her to be at the gun. She disengaged herself from the turret and heads back to her bunk to change for dinner. She doesn't have much in the line of "nice" clothes, so she dons a clean set of coveralls, puts on some makeup to at least appear to have done something with herself and sets off to the common room.**

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Monday, March 20, 2006 7:40 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
Entering the shuttle she's careful to make enough noise to not seem threatening, and places the plate and a glass on a nearby surface. Humming gently to the music, she taps him lightly on the shoulder, smiles and leaves.

Safe starts a bit at the touch on the shoulder. While not asleep, he was in a quiet rest, letting the music wash over him. He was ashamed that he hadn't heard anyone enter. And even more ashamed that he hadn't thanked the woman yet again.

Hunger overcame the embarrassment.

After finishing the food and drink, Safe set to cleaning himself up. Shirtless in the ISSCV'c cramped bathroom, he examined the wound to his left arm. To his surprise it was healing faster than expected. It was still going to leave a scar, and it would ache for sometime, it was just another scar and ache to add to the collection.

Unlike other Alliance officers, Safe was always on the front line with his squad, and as a result he had earned the battle scars and respect of the men that served under him. At the same time, it added to the long list of things the Command felt he did wrong.

Realizing that he was now seated, holding his dress uniform, Safe shook his head to dispell the past. Wearing the uniform wouldn't be appropriate after the events of today but it's the only clean clothes he had.

Leaving the jacket and hat in his bag, Safe exits the ISSCV dressed in his white dress shirt, sleeves rolled up, and his dress uniform pants and shoes.

OOC: Jake7, it was my fault. I have that song stuck in my head and felt I had to share my insanity. Sorry

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Monday, March 20, 2006 12:00 PM



She waits a little longer, then decides to leave the tray and get back to the party. At some point the engineer, what was her name again? would venture out, and she'd find the food then, if it didn't spoil in the meantime. Before she leave she knocks on the door again, just incase, but shrugs and then leaves.

She reaches the common room and works her way amongst the people, smiling at Kelly and Serenity and at Washie, who was engaged in gently encouraging another newcomer to eat something "pretty girl, wonder who she is?" She spots Jadehand and starts to make her way over to him when she's frozen suddenly by an alarmingly familiar sight. Tall and lean, once neat hair grown a little long, straight backed and clothed in an Alliance uniform, relaxed, unbuttoned and rolled up sleeves, but a uniform nonetheless. She breaths slowly, dismissing the idea of ghosts, but can't stop herself being pulled back into a memory so strong she could smell it.

Seated on the end of her bed, a huge overstuffed thing, silk beadspread and artfully arranged pillows, she'd been trying to get it replaced, but he had said that it had been a gift, their wedding gift, from his mother. So perched there, attempting, slightly drunkenly, to remove a too chunky bracelet. Giving up and taking off her shoes, breathing a huge sigh of relief, and looking up to watch as he removed his uniform jacket, folding it precisely and leaning against her dressing table to take off his watch, his tan skin a sharp contrast against the bright shirt and the soft grey of his trousers. The devilish grin on his face, the promise of things to come, a whole day spent pandering to the whims of overstuffed officials and diplomats, all forgotten as he crossed the room.

That had been two days, only two days before the crash that had killed him. A crash that had turned out to be the work of his own family. And a crash that had forced her into hiding, for the sake of a child she was still too afraid to actually have

She blinks, looks at the guy again, forcing herself to see whats there and not her own superimposed ideas. Swallowing a lump that had formed in her thraot, she realises that its actually the guy from the shuttle... Safe, that was his name. And not her husband at all.

She needed sleep, she was loosing it, stupid memories, projecting her issues onto innocent bystanders and doubting her own decisions.

...and yet she'd been doubting her decision for a while now. Ever since getting to the ship. There was, cruiser related mishaps notwithstanding, no safer place to be now, she couldn't put it off forever...

Seeminly sudden, but absolute, she makes up her mind - to visit a doctor, not the ships doctor, but one that knew of the procedure she'd had, and to have it reversed. She was going to have this baby. Pain, sickness and fat ankles be damned.

Locating TRM she crosses to where he stands,

"Hey. Our destination? Where would this be? Any where near one of the richer planets? I need to... do something." She realises she's being both rude, pushy and vague, and smiles

"I'm sorry. This is a party and i'm trying to make you talk shop. I just need to make a short, but very important visit, I could take a shuttle, there would be no need to take the Tree near, but I would like to know if its possible"

*pause* "Is it possible to send a wave from hyperspace?"

OOC:angst again! sorry! this is the start of that whole back story I was talking about I suppose.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Monday, March 20, 2006 12:02 PM


*Having successfully anhilated Bo Donaldson via the expedient use of several handy nuclear armaments, cozen awakens to the aroma of yummies that have apparently been left beside him on the floor at a safe remove from his bleeding head.*

Heh. Ain't that just the Tree? Do something stoopid, and someone feeds ya. Is that a lesson for future behaviour, or what?

*Twg shimmies by, singing Jive Talkin' in four or five languages.*

Right. I do know when to give up, okay?

*Returns to Stockholm Suite, showers, shaves leaving a Fu Manchu 'stache, changes into: white polyester flared pants, 3 1/2" platform shoes, silk shirt buttoned only to the navel. Adds a silver spoon necklace.*

Let's dance!


Monday, March 20, 2006 4:22 PM


*JadeHand enters the Common Room with a smile on his face. He makes his way through the room, talking with his new friends and introducing hiself to those he has yet to meet. He makes his way to a table full of food and beverage and pours a large glass of water for himself and grabs an apple. Biting into it, he smiles again as the sweet juices flow across his tongue.*

*He finds a empty piece of wall, and presses his back into it, Raises his right leg and places the foot against the wall. He watches the crowd, and takes another bite.*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Monday, March 20, 2006 5:10 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
She catches sight of Ath, and smiles at him, 'kissies? Did they help? They wern't that powerful on others, but I hope they helped!'

Well, I'm one of the creators, so they seem to work a little better on me.

Yeah, that's a good reason.

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Monday, March 20, 2006 5:40 PM


*Upon hearing Seryn's announcement, Ath excuses himself from the kitchen and heads back to his room to change. He digs through his closet for a while before deciding on a white suit, with a blood red shirt and a black tie.

After putting it on, which necessitates him cutting holes for his wings, Ath heads out to the common room. Spotting Kelly with the two young girls, he makes a beeline for her.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Monday, March 20, 2006 6:27 PM


Ghost looked around wide eyed, gripping her sister's arm tightly as she was led into the common room. There were so many adults here. She wasn't used to so many people, moving closer she felt Shadow wrap an arm around her holding her close as Ms. Luthien led them further into the room.


Shadow stood silently beside Ms. Luthien as the party continued. Ghost had long since taken up residence at Ms. Luthien's side not leaving her side and hiding behind her skirts. Catching her sister's eye she smiled reassuring the girl she would return before slipping away from the adults.

No one seemed to notice her wandering about, her eyes focusing on exits, and potential escape routes, as well as the adults. With that done she looked back over to where her sister was now being held by Mr. Ath. Giggling as the man said something to her. Ms. Luthien standing next to them smiling. Sadness came over her, they looked like such a happy little family. A mommy, a daddy, and a daughter. Ghost never had anything like that, but she could remember before, remember someone holding her like Mr. Ath was holding Ghost, could remember a woman singing her to sleep and tucking her in at night, but that was before.

Frowning at the direction her thoughts were taking Shadow wandered over to one of the food tables and grabbed an apple. Walking along the wall lost in her thoughts.


Originally posted by Jadehand:
*JadeHand enters the Common Room with a smile on his face. He makes his way through the room, talking with his new friends and introducing hiself to those he has yet to meet. He makes his way to a table full of food and beverage and pours a large glass of water for himself and grabs an apple. Biting into it, he smiles again as the sweet juices flow across his tongue.*

*He finds a empty piece of wall, and presses his back into it, Raises his right leg and places the foot against the wall. He watches the crowd, and takes another bite.*

Shadow didn't notice the man leaning against the wall until she accidentally bumped into him, the impact causing her to fall to the ground, and begin chokeing a bit on the piece of apple she was eating.


Monday, March 20, 2006 6:54 PM


Elves can be sneaky, silent as the whisper of stars in the night sky. No one thinks they notice things, but their eyes are always moving, watching, even as they walk the paths of dreams. Kelly has learned to hide her awareness, letting little things like stolen cookies go unnoticed to the untrained eye, but when Shadow quietly breaks away from her to steal around the room, Kelly follows her movements.

It becomes glaringly obvious that Shadow indeed feels trapped and scared, unsure of her surroundings and the people around her. Kelly wonders, for maybe the tenth time since she met the girls just a short while ago, what had happened in their young lives to force them to live this way. She glances down at Ath, his grinning face a perfect mirror of the huge smile of little Ghost, and her eyes well up with tears.

Blinking, she touches Ath's shoulder, giving it a squeeze. He looks up at her and smiles, somewhat wistfully as he sees her face and understands her pain. Ghost reaches up and touches his wing, sending him into fits of giggles and making Kelly laugh out loud at the sight. He is perfect with her, just what she needs after a long day of new and scary things. She ruffles his hair and looks up to find Shadow again.


Originally posted by Aprilise:
Shadow didn't notice the man leaning against the wall until she accidentally bumped into him, the impact causing her to fall to the ground, and begin chokeing a bit on the piece of apple she was eating.

Kelly's bare feet hardly touch the ground as she rushes to Shadow's side. Jade had already pulled her up and thumped her on the back, dislodging the apple chunk and causing Shadow to blush furiously.

"Thank you, Jade. Are you all right, little one?"

Shadow nods silently, her eyes searching for Ghost. When she sees that Ghost is caught up in tickling Ath, she allows one small tear to drop.

Kelly gathers her in her arms, wiping the tear away. Shadow allows the embrace to happen for only a brief moment before pulling away, mumbling that she is fine. Kelly watches as she walks over to Ath and checks on Ghost.

Ath's eyes meet hers across the room and he understands. He picks up Shadow and gives her a piggy back ride, and soon she is smiling in spite of herself. As he rides by, Kelly gives him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Hantanyel, Ath," she whispers.

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Monday, March 20, 2006 7:46 PM



Originally posted by seryn:

She waits a little longer, then decides to leave the tray and get back to the party. At some point the engineer, what was her name again? would venture out, and she'd find the food then, if it didn't spoil in the meantime. Before she leave she knocks on the door again, just incase, but shrugs and then leaves.

As soon as Seryn is out of sight, a sleepy Jet opens the vault door from inside Main Engineering, and sticks her head out. "Hello? Oh, goodies!" She takes the food back inside.


Seryn wrote:
Locating TRM she crosses to where he stands,

"Hey. Our destination? Where would this be? Any where near one of the richer planets? I need to... do something." She realises she's being both rude, pushy and vague, and smiles

"I'm sorry. This is a party and i'm trying to make you talk shop. I just need to make a short, but very important visit, I could take a shuttle, there would be no need to take the Tree near, but I would like to know if its possible"

Well, Seryn, to be honest, I'm not certain exactly what our destination is. I plotted courses to six different desinations that would be good places to make use of all your platinum. These are technological worlds that would allow you to buy the items necessary to build your Ocean Cloud. Because an Alliance officer on one of those cruisers hinted that there was a mole aboard, I wanted to be sure that nobody was certain where we were going until the last second, and then only the pilot. I had Quincey roll a die to select one of my courses. But since we are in hyperspace now, we can just ask her.

If this planet is not suitable to... uh... whatever you need, then we can either loan you a shuttle or perhaps take the Sereni-Tree there after this shopping trip. Honestly, we need to find a nice calm spot to land and rest a while where we can repair the ship.


Seryn wrote:
*pause* "Is it possible to send a wave from hyperspace?"

No, we are completely cut off from the 'verse while in hyperspace. We can neither send nor receive information of any kind until we drop out after several days.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Monday, March 20, 2006 10:50 PM


"Oh, thank you for that, it may be that one of the planets we're headed to has what I need, i'll ask Quincey at somepoint. We've got a two day journey right?

And its fine about the wave, i'll call as sooon as we're back in normal space."

She looks down at her glass, then back at him.

"I suppose I should tell you what the problem is, as its going to affect the ship, but its not really a party subject, so i'll find you at some point over the next few days, ok?"

She smiles, "we need to plan this trading thing aswell, so two birds with one stone. Thank you again"

She walks off to find Jadehand again, but the most sensible rout takes her past Safe, she thinks about going to the food table first, but then tells herself to stop being silly, and walks over, making a point of stopping to say hello.

"Hi, you got the food alright then? How is your arm? Those kissies won't work brilliantly, but I hoped they'd help somewhat.."

He smiles and lifts the arm, and the smell of an aftershave that he's not actually wearing hits her. She blinks, and focuses on what he is saying,

" ..actually better than expected, it will scar, but just another for the collection" He grins, and she smiles back,

"well, our scars are part of what make us unique.. But in the interests of minimising, there are still kissies in a bag in the infirmary. I'm not sure how long they last.. but... after that I guess you just have to make them yourself."

She grins, and moves past him, heading for the wall where she copies Jadehand stance against the it, and smiles at him, "are you having fun?"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Monday, March 20, 2006 11:03 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
A newly re-embodied Riverclone dances slowly and gracefully back into the Infirmary. She spots PsychicRiver, runs over to him, and gives him a hug. Then she holds him at arm’s length and adopts a serious expression. ”Welcome back,” she says.

*Smiles.* You two. *She wanders away...PR whispers.* ...goodbye.

*PR heards to his room, to collect his things. His cat, Annabelle, hops up onto the bed and nudges PR's hand with her head, seeking attention. He smiles and strokes her.* Don't be silly. You can't come with me, you won't belong. Don't worry, the others will take care of you. But I'll miss you.

*A short while later, PR finds himself in one of the hanger bays, with small sack (a bunch of stuff, wrapped in a red handkerchief with white polka dots) tied on the end of a long stick, which is resting over PR's shoulder. He stands in front of the blue box. He looks around.* Time to go...

I'm not supposed to be here. I'm...confusing time. I don't belong here. Not anymore.

*PR takes a HUGE, deep breath. He then reaches into his pocket and takes out the key he retrieved from his father's lab coat earlier. His slides it into the lock slowly, then turns it, and hears it click, and he pushes the door open. He steps inside, turns back, takes one last look at the Tree. PR closes the door.*

*About thirty seconds later, the blue box shimmers and disappears.*


"Two by two, hands of blue."
"We'll take care of each other. I'll knit!"
"I swallowed a bug."


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 12:06 AM


Just then an overhead access hatch buckles depositing Citizen in a crumpled heap in the middle of the room. He gets up and dusts himself down before noticing the room full of people. He looks up at the ceiling, then back at the crowd.

"Erm hi." He says. "I always like to make a dramatic entrance."

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 4:10 AM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
OOC: Jake7, it was my fault. I have that song stuck in my head and felt I had to share my insanity. Sorry

OOC: That's OK, Safe! Luckily, the song did not stick with me! Cozen's lucky...

Originally posted by cozen:
*Having successfully anhilated Bo Donaldson via the expedient use of several handy nuclear armaments...

OOC: Now, Cozen, it's not nice to blow up cute guys from the 70's!

Originally posted by cozen:
*Twg shimmies by, singing Jive Talkin' in four or five languages.*
Right. I do know when to give up, okay?

OOC: Ah, one of my all-time favorite songs! (in English, anyway. Never heard it any other way...)

**jake7 enters the Common Room just as a strange man falls from the ceiling and lands with a painful THUD.**

Talk about your grand entrances!

**She heads to the food and makes herself a plate. She sits down on a couch to eat, hoping that there won't be a repeat of what happened last time they had a big food bash**

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 5:00 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
She grins, and moves past him, heading for the wall where she copies Jadehand stance against the it, and smiles at him, "are you having fun?"

"Hey Seryn, Yes, I'm having a good time. I enjoy watching people themselves. I notice you got your hearing back. That's great, but you look like you've something else bothering you. I know I've been a bit off lately, and I'm sorrry for that. I'm better now. My door is always open, if you need me for anything......might wanna knock first though. Enjoy the party, Might not be as many of 'em as we'd like. Good Night, Mei Mei."

*He kisses her gently on the forehead as he stands and starts to cross the room...*

"The smell of the earth, it's his favourite smell.
But he's somehow compelled to the stinging salt hell." -Ocean Cloud (Marbles)Marillion
"I think I have become one of the lonely, now that everybody talks to me.." -Hollow Man (Brave) Marillion


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 7:57 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
"Oh, thank you for that, it may be that one of the planets we're headed to has what I need, i'll ask Quincey at somepoint. We've got a two day journey right?

TheRealMe shrugs. "Several days, actually. The exact duration of such a voyage is hard to predict."


And its fine about the wave, i'll call as sooon as we're back in normal space."

She looks down at her glass, then back at him.

"I suppose I should tell you what the problem is, as its going to affect the ship, but its not really a party subject, so i'll find you at some point over the next few days, ok?"

TheRealMe smiles. "When you are ready. If it is a private matter you can talk to me alone, but I had planned on setting up a town meeting with everybody, once we are rested, so that we can all have a nice talk and decide on our common goals."

She smiles, "we need to plan this trading thing aswell, so two birds with one stone. Thank you again"

"Certainly. Let me know if you need anything."

After she goes, TheRealMe takes out his com-link and sets it to send e-mails to everyone (so as not to disturb anyone's sleep with a loud ship-wide broadcast). He arranges a time to have a Town Meeting so that any and all issues can be discussed. The meeting will be held in the Common Room.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 8:04 AM



*He kisses her gently on the forehead as he stands and starts to cross the room...*

Quickly she lays a hand on his arm, and if not quite able to pull him back, then at least manages to stop him leaving.

"Yeah, less of the lonesome cowboy routine darlin'"

She looks up at him, keeping the tone light but her voice low so that others nearby can't hear her.

"I have got some thing bothering me, its not a big deal, well, it is a big deal, but its not like life threatening or anything, well, i suppose sometimes it could be but shouldn't be in my case...."

Something clicks in her head

"oh! yes! the ears! Isn't it fabulous? SR thought of it, said he'd seen someone else do it, so he gave it a go... I wonder if his jaw still smarts? Anyway, not the main point... oh! Did you know SR was back?...

...right, this is the main point, don't freak, what ever you do, i'm only telling you because you're an old friend, crew, drinking buddy, though thinking about it, drinkin wasn't to sensible an idea, considering...

ok, remember what I said, do not freak out, but..."

She breathes deep and looks at him seriously, still talking low...

"I'm pregnant..."

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 10:01 AM



Originally posted by seryn:

*He kisses her gently on the forehead as he stands and starts to cross the room...*

Quickly she lays a hand on his arm, and if not quite able to pull him back, then at least manages to stop him leaving.

"Yeah, less of the lonesome cowboy routine darlin'"

She looks up at him, keeping the tone light but her voice low so that others nearby can't hear her.

*JadeHand stops in his tracks and turns to face Seryn, A slight smile on his lips at her poking fun at his less than festive mood.*


"I have got some thing bothering me, its not a big deal, well, it is a big deal, but its not like life threatening or anything, well, i suppose sometimes it could be but shouldn't be in my case...."

Something clicks in her head

"oh! yes! the ears! Isn't it fabulous? SR thought of it, said he'd seen someone else do it, so he gave it a go... I wonder if his jaw still smarts? Anyway, not the main point... oh! Did you know SR was back?...

...right, this is the main point, don't freak, what ever you do, i'm only telling you because you're an old friend, crew, drinking buddy, though thinking about it, drinkin wasn't to sensible an idea, considering...

* A look of cercern crosses his face....*
"SR is back, eh? Huuumm. Suppose It's good to have another from the ships still with us. Though he tends to get a little serious for my taste. Which is saying something. Still, good to have at our backs though."

ok, remember what I said, do not freak out, but..."

"ok, This is me not freaking."

She breathes deep and looks at him seriously, still talking low...

"I'm pregnant..."

*JadeHand freaks*
*But manages to keep his composure*
"Ummmmm....Well. My mind is flooded with questions about this, as I'm sure you can imagine. Perhaps we could discuss this in a slighty less public place?"

*JadeHand Leads Seryn to the table where he fills both of their glasses with water and retrieves some fresh fruit on a plate which he carries with him as he leads them up the stairs to a quite corner of balcony.*

"So...let's start with the obvious ones."

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 10:28 AM


N0Skillz notices that the walk to the common room took longer then usual, but maybe he was just tired. Stepping into the Common room, He looks around and spots Ghost and Shadow having a blast over next Ath, noticing Shadow's serious face, 'well at least Ghost appears to be having fun.' he thinks

Kneeling down next to his feline companion "I think you better stay outta sit buddy, don't wanna be scaring the kiddys while there having fun. You can wander around, come and get me if anythings outta place, dong-ma?" Petting the cats head, Shadow slips away to walk the halls of the Tree.

Pulling his best Captain Morgan stance* he spots the bar and makes his way over pouring a Capt and Coke... well, Capt with a splash of coke, it's been a long day. Turning around he leans on the bar, scanning the crowd.

*= google it, you'll see the stance i'm talking about
RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 10:40 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

In the middle of the room, two figures twirl around in time with the music. Soul lets Serenity out to spin, and all he can think about is just how beautiful she is. Pregnant or not, she is the most wondrous person he has ever met. All of the hurts and the pains of his past seem to fly away at her touch, and all he wants to do is just be with her.

"You're an angel," he says to her as he pulls her back in.

She kisses him on the nose. "Well, I do have the wings."

Soul grins closes his eyes. In his minds eye he can see his dark side chuckling beside him.

She is perfect for you.

"Well, it seems we finally agree on something. This makes what, five times now?"

Four. That time with the blind date doesn't count. That was simply common sense.

Soul laughs in his mind and opens his eyes, staring at Serenity. He can see the full room behind her, and he thinks what better time than now, with friends all around?

"Serenity," he begins, and stops their dance. "Serenity, there's something I've been meaning to ask you."

She smiles back at him, and he simply melts.

"You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” he continues. “You stuck by me this whole time, even while I was dead. I don’t want to ever lose you.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” she replies, then, sticking out her belly, “We kind of have a little connection. A bit obvious, don’t you think?”

Soul laughs. “I know. It’s just that I want to do this the right way.”

“What do you mean.”

Soul smiles and drops to one knee. As he reaches into his pocket, he places a kiss on her belly. Raising the ring up, the diamond (from Rat) wrapped in the platinum band (from JadeHand and Jazaf), he asks the question that he has been dying to ask:

“Serenity...will you marry me?”


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 10:56 AM



Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:

Soul smiles and drops to one knee. As he reaches into his pocket, he places a kiss on her belly. Raising the ring up, the diamond (from Rat) wrapped in the platinum band (from JadeHand and Jazaf), he asks the question that he has been dying to ask:

As he sees Soul drop on one knee, N0Skillz rushes over to the jukebox and unplugs it, leaving the the room silent.

“Serenity...will you marry me?”

With the silence of no music, everyone pauses waiting to see Serenitys answer...

(ooc: had to make sure everyone heard, lol)

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 10:59 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

OOC: Heh. Nice move, NOSkillz!!


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 11:01 AM


OOC: oh! I think I may just cry! Is it possibel to clone Soul?

Seryn sits herself down, picks up some grapes and starts popping them into her moth one by one.

"The obvious question? Oh, its a boy. Um, 'early indications are that its likely to be a boy' anyway."

She looks at him and grins.

"question by question? Or just start at the beginning?"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 11:43 AM



I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 11:53 AM



Originally posted by N0Skillz:

With the silence of no music, everyone pauses waiting to see Serenitys answer...

*Losing the beat of the throbbing music that is suddenly no more, cozen teeters on his platform soles....

... and crashes headlong into the propositional Soul. The impact, with certain inevitablity, dislodges the swell diamond-on-platinum ring, sending it skittering to....*

{edit} Is there one, just one moment he can try not to ruin?


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 12:03 PM



Originally posted by cozen:

Originally posted by N0Skillz:

With the silence of no music, everyone pauses waiting to see Serenitys answer...

*Losing the beat of the throbbing music that is suddenly no more, cozen teeters on his platform soles....

... and crashes headlong into the propositional Soul. The impact, with certain inevitablity, dislodges the swell diamond-on-platinum ring, sending it skittering to....*

{edit} Is there one, just one moment he can try not to ruin?

N0Skillz stops teh skittering ring with his foot. Picking it up, dusting it off, he hands it back to Soul.

"Think ya dropped this mate."

Grabbing the clumbsy Cozen N0Skillz drags him away from Soul and Serenity, to keep him from interferring anymore.

(ooc: couldn't let ya ruin it bub!)

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 12:06 PM



Originally posted by N0Skillz:

(ooc: couldn't let ya ruin it bub!)

From the balcony, a llama slings an arrow of outrageous misfortune....


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 12:09 PM



“Serenity...will you marry me?”

*Serenity, stunned by the unexpected proposal (and, yes, she admits it, the lovely sparkly ring) can do nothing for a few moments but stare at Soul. She frantically tries to get her brain in order to make an answer, to make any sound at all. Finally, she takes a deep breath and opens her mouth to answer.*


Losing the beat of the throbbing music that is suddenly no more, cozen teeters on his platform soles....

... and crashes headlong into the propositional Soul. The impact, with certain inevitablity, dislodges the swell diamond-on-platinum ring, sending it skittering to....*

NO! *Serenity yells as the ring goes flying.*


N0Skillz stops the skittering ring with his foot. Picking it up, dusting it off, he hands it back to Soul.

"Think ya dropped this mate."

Grabbing the clumsy Cozen, N0Skillz drags him away from Soul and Serenity, to keep him from interfering anymore.

*Soul picks himself up from off the ground.*

No? *He looks hurt, stunned and slightly bruised.*

Oh! No, I mean... *Serenity is even more flustered now.* The ring, I..well, of course I'll marry you! Yes. I mean Yes!

*There are cheers around the room as Soul grabs Serenity and kisses her. A few kissies float towards the ceiling. Then, he takes the ring and tries to slip it on her finger.*

Ow, ow! Soul, ow, that hurts! It's too small. My fingers have swollen, I guess.

That's okay, we can get it enlarged. It's lovely.

*She burts into tears*

"I think so, Brain, but wouldn't the wings get in the way?"


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 12:12 PM


(ooc: *cough*, i think you missed a few threads, or are building suspense, haha)

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 12:16 PM



Originally posted by cozen:

From the balcony, a llama slings an arrow of outrageous misfortune....

Schwartz takes careful aim....



Tuesday, March 21, 2006 12:20 PM


*The arrow from Schwartz's bow arcs amongst the stunned partiers, neatly avoiding them all as it plunges with eerie inevitability into the meat of cozen's thigh.*

*cozen passes out from the pain. Ergo: he shuts up, and allows the focus to shift to centre stage, where Soul, on bended knee, patiently awaits Serenity's answer, hopefully before Kelly passes out from the lack of oxygen.*


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 12:21 PM


(Edit: sorted now, no need for this post, move along)

*with baited breath both JH and Seryn wait to hear the answer*


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 12:23 PM



Originally posted by N0Skillz:
(ooc: *cough*, i think you missed a few threads, or are building suspense, haha)

OOC: Well, if maybe you guys would give me a few moments to compose a proper response! Sheesh!


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 12:24 PM


(ooc: Sorry, i just had to stop that Cozen, its a lil clumsy, lol)

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 12:24 PM


Ash and Xander crawl out from behind the couch.

Ash: The anticipation is killing us!

Xan: Say it, say it!
*Whispers to Ash*
Ten spot she swoons.

Ash looks to Xander and they swifty move behind Serenity...just in case. At the same time they both watch Cozen hoping to avoid any other...mishaps.



Tuesday, March 21, 2006 12:31 PM


In the midst of the now engagement party cheers, N0Skillz slides over to the jukebox, plugs it in and slides a coin into the slot, and chooses a approperate(sp?) song.

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 12:47 PM


*Looks down over the Balcony with Seryn and watches the scene unfold. The celebration begins. And he turns back to Seryn.*

"Well, I thought maybe the first question would have been, 'Are you Sure?', 'Cause , well sometimes tests are wrong. But if you're far enough along that you think it's a boy, then I guess the answer is 'yes, you're sure'."
"Second, I was thinking, "how far along are you?" and well then we get into details about 'Who?' 'Cause I didn't realize you were with anyone. 'Course I can be a bit daft when I'm distracted, which has been a lot lately. And the inevitable, Is someone going to step up and do that (nods down at Serenity and Soul)for you?"
"But to save time and fumbling over the delicate questions, yes, let's just start at the beginning..."
".....Perhaps after the party?"

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 12:57 PM



Originally posted by N0Skillz:
In the midst of the now engagement party cheers, N0Skillz slides over to the jukebox, plugs it in and slides a coin into the slot, and chooses a approperate(sp?) song.

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree

Amidst the cheering, Kelly looks over at Ath and sees him grinning like a fool. As NOS restarts the jukebox, Kelly rushes over to the bar.

"Trey, this calls for some bubbly!"

Trey obliges and Kelly helps her pour glasses of champagne (and sparkling grape juice for those non-drinkers).

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 1:17 PM


Trey passes out drinks, then she lifts a glass high.

"Your attention, please! I, Trey, Bride3, would like to make a toast! A toast to our new sister! A toast to Serenity, Bride8!"

Deuce, Jet, Quincey, Bobby Sue, and the yet unnamed Bride7 each join Trey in raising a glass. "To Bride8!" They chorus.

Bride7 chuckles to herself. "Heh. Not last anymore!"


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 6:32 PM


Safe steps into the room and looks around for any familiar faces.

Originally posted by Seryn:
"Hi, you got the food alright then? How is your arm? Those kissies won't work brilliantly, but I hoped they'd help somewhat.."

Safe smiles and lifts his arm. "I wanted to thank you for that. The food really hit the spot, and whatever you put on my arm, it's healing actually better than expected, it will scar, but just another for the collection" He grins, and she smiles back.

Safe notices a brief shadow cross her face as he spoke. Then it's gone and she is once again looking at him and not through him.


"Well, our scars are part of what make us unique.. But in the interests of minimising, there are still kissies in a bag in the infirmary. I'm not sure how long they last.. but... after that I guess you just have to make them yourself."

The woman moves on before Safe can ask her about it. He moves to follow her, forgetting to ask her name, when he sees another familiar face, and the two young ones.

Safe crosses the room to them and is startled by a man with wings piggy-backing the oldest girl, Shadow he thinks it was. He holds out his hand to the woman.

"Hi, I'm... well, my friends call me Safe. Thank-you for your help earlier with the youngsters."

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 6:38 PM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:
Amidst the cheering, Kelly looks over at Ath and sees him grinning like a fool.

*Ath, with a huge grin on his face, looks back at Shadow, still riding on his back, and asks if she'd like to congratulate the couple with him. She nods, and Ath carries her over to Serenity.

A million things to say pop into his head, but when he reaches his sister, all he can do is smile and give her a big hug and a kiss on the forehead. (All after putting Shadow down, of course.)*

"Congratulations sis!"

*Ath then turns to Soul, who holds out his hand for a handshake. Ath instead pulls him into a manly hug, complete with back-slapping.*

"Welcome to the family, man! Do I get to be a groomsman?"

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 6:42 PM


Bobby Sue hobbles over on a crutch, arm still in a sling. She is being helped by a short young brunette, wearing glasses.

"Hi, Mister Safe. Wow, good to be home, huh? Are the kids doing okay? Oh, this is my friend, Jet. She usually spends her time in the lower levels."

Bobby Sue, Bride6


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 7:30 PM


When Jazaf gets back to his room he remembers.
'Oh yeah! I have a spare polo shirt and slacks in my closet!'
After putting on his spare clothes Jazaf makes it to the Common room just in time to see Serenity's answer.
'Well, all right.'
Jazaf wanders to the food, fills up a plate and sits down to enjoy the sights and sounds of the dinner turned engagement party.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 8:09 PM


*Fred drops off Mai in her room to change into some party gear, a pretty blue and white summer dress and Fred with a bow about his neck*

*They return to the common room just in time to see Soul drop to one knee and pop the question.*

Oh my! *gets a little teary*

*runs over to Serenity and Soul to offer congrats*

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 8:57 PM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Safe crosses the room to them and is startled by a man with wings piggy-backing the oldest girl, Shadow he thinks it was. He holds out his hand to the woman.

"Hi, I'm... well, my friends call me Safe. Thank-you for your help earlier with the youngsters."

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny

"Mae govannen, Safe, it is nice to meet you. My name is KellyofLuthien, but you can call me Kelly or KOL if you like. It was my pleasure to help with the youngsters."

Kelly looks over to see Shadow smiling hesitantly as Ath congratulates his sister and Soul. Ghost is currently crossing the room to a pretty woman whose name she didn't know, but who she thinks might be one of the Brides everyone always talks about. Ath gives Kelly a small wave and then launches into a celebratory dance with Shadow. Kelly lets a little sigh escape her lips as she hands Safe a champagne flute.

"So whose are they? They seem awfully alone, and far too young to be fending for themselves."

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 9:44 PM


"yes, after the party would be best.... come on!"

They both run down the stairs and join the crowd waiting to congratulate Soul and Serenity, at the first chance she get she give Serenity a big hug, then claps Soul on the back and shake his hand vigourously.

" oh, you two are made for each other, wow... oh, ok, i'll get out the way now..."*grin*

She grabs a glass of bubbly and hands it to Jadehand, and another of grape juice for herself.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006 11:14 PM


TheRealMe warmly congratulates both Soul and Serenity on their upcoming marriage.

Later, he seeks out the ship's Tour Guide, Mai, to see if she can find a proper honeymoon planet, for when the time comes.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 5:24 AM


**jake7 finishes her meal (after eating normally, thank heavens!) just as Soul pops the question. After the resounding "Yes" she goes over and offers her congratuations to the beaming couple.**

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."






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