The Sereni-Tree and the Town Meeting

UPDATED: Friday, March 31, 2006 04:41
VIEWED: 17786
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006 6:21 AM


This is Thread 43 of the adventures of the Sereni-Tree!

For “The Guide to the Clubhouse / Treehouse / Sereni-Tree Threads”, see:

Below is the (interim) summary of the previous thread, which includes near its top a very long post containing “TheRealMe’s Guide to the Sereni-Tree, V5”. This post is a description of the ship and crew:


In the space battle over Boros, after the Alliance cruiser Tripoli was destroyed and the Alliance cruiser Killgore was damaged and driven off, the crew of the Sereni-Tree takes to picking up the pieces. They gather the dead from the battles into a refrigerated cargo bay and begin cleanup and repairs. Mai helps greatly with her squad of automops. Kelly makes food for everyone. A new addition to the crew, McQ the cyborg, carries the body of his lady love, an Alliance casualty, to the Infirmary. Washie comforts him.

Meanwhile, Ath lay dying in the Infirmary of his wounds. He is visited by the Ghost of Riverclone, and she somehow heals him while she, in turn, regains a material form! The newly re-embodied Riverclone takes the body of McQ’s lost love and stores her in a cryochamber. Washie talks to Riverclone about mentats while brushing her hair.

LightMeDark attempt to listen to a disk entitled “Life, the Universe, and Everything!” He convulses in one of his strange dreams until he gets a vision of an angelic Mai, seemingly composed of light. He is helped by SimonWho and Mai.

A group including TheRealMe, Washie, Sparky the Robot, and SoulofSerenity attempt to clear a path through the rubble around the main airlock, which has been piled up by the malfunctioning Ebo Golem. On the other side of that airlock is the ISSCV dropship stolen by Safe, Needy, Bride6, Bride7, Citizen, and the two young stowaways Ghost and Shadow. Eventually, the airlock is cleared, and more patients are taken to an overworked Doctor SimonWho. After the Doctor eventually treats the last critically injured patient, he collapses in a hospital bed, threatening that if he is awakened to treat any minor illness, he will do so with amputation.

ScorpionRegent fears that some of the bodies of Alliance troops may have booby traps or tracking devices on them. He and Soul consider dumping them, but TheRealMe prefers to stick them together in a cargo container first, so that the bodies may be recovered and buried by their families. They compromise, and immediately space only the more potentially dangerous bodies of the soldier-slaves. McQ is worried that he contains such devices implanted inside him. A search and scan of his body is later performed, and a tracking beacon is discovered and destroyed.

After leaving the revived Riverclone to her own devices, Washie goes to find McQ, who has detached his helmet and is looking at his ruined face. She talks to him, and tries to make him feel more human. He is uncomfortable.

Many meetings and reunions occur. Romances are sparked, or flare up, even. Bride2, kidnapped by Cozen, seems somewhat jealous at the idea that Cozen might kidnap other women. Serenity provides her comfort food. Seryn and Jadehand seem to have something that is smoldering. Seryn’s deafness is cured by ScorpionRegent by means of a kissie. It turns out that in addition to the already-showing Serenity, Seryn and one of the Yeti females are also pregnant.

Kelly, NoSkillz, Ath, and Serenity all bond with the orphan stowaways, Ghost and Shadow, baking cookies and laughing (the kids are TOO cute!). NoSkillz’s huge cat, also named Shadow, spooks the kids. Safe later finds them and thanks the adults for watching out for the young ones. Safe thinks he might set up his home in the dropship, still attached to the main airlock.

Citizen reveals to Seryn that he has the equipment and know-how to plant a virus in the Alliance Cortex. Eventually, Seryn gets this device to TheRealMe.

On the Bridge, Quincey detects the appearance of an Alliance Battleship! TheRealMe and ScorpionRegent move to help Jet in Engineering to get the stardrive back online, while Sparky sees to getting the Alliance bodies off the ship. Fighter types get ready to fight another battle. Jake7 goes to crew her turret.

Before the Battleship can overtake the Sereni-Tree, the stardrive is repaired. Quincey has the ship make the jump into hyperspace, destination randomly determined so that the suspected Alliance mole on board could not contact his or her companions. It turns out that the jump is plotted toward the world of Garrison.

Needy is uncomfortable with his new, greatly durable body. In the bathroom of Safe’s ISSCV dropship, he coughs up some blood and some bullets he had been shot with earlier. When he walks on the Sereni-Tree, he is surprised that TheRealMe and SimonWho seem to recognize him. Doctor SimonWho is puzzled after he examines Needy, and gives him something for his pain.

Jazaf uses a stray kissie to cause his reptilian arm to transform back to normal, though it still throbs.

A formal party is declared by Kelly to celebrate the escape from Boros, and everyone who is not too exhausted gets dressed up and mingles. McQ, not programmed for social etiquette, goes off alone, away from the party. Young Shadow and Ghost are concerned that they don’t have nice clothes, but they are gifted with new dresses. A new person, the River-like BreautifulDisaster, is met. Or is this River-clone in her new body? Washie and Soul approach her. Mai rides Frederick the Dinosaur around the Common Room. Seryn daydreams about her lost man, perhaps reminded of him by seeing Safe in his uniform. Cozen changes into disco attire. Citizen falls from the ceiling, onto poor Jake7. “Talk about a grand entrance!” Seryn tells Jadehand about her pregnancy.

Meanwhile, PsychicRiver packs his things, takes the key he stole from the lab coat of his future father, SimonWho, and sneaks into the Doctor’s space-time hopping blue box, mumbling that he doesn’t really belong here on the Sereni-Tree in this time. The blue box disappears from the Sereni-Tree! PR leaves behind his cat, Annabelle.

During the party, Soul proposes marriage to Serenity. Most of the women present get all teary-eyed and sigh. The magic moment is interrupted by Cozen’s clumsiness (his disco-approved platform shoes are too high), but NoSkillz saves they day. Serenity says “yes”. Ash and Xander are prepared to catch Serenity if she swoons. The remaining six Brides offer a toast to Serenity, and call her their new sister, Bride8! Schwartz the Llamma shoots Cozen in the thigh with an arrow.

TheRealMe asks Mai to research the perfect honeymoon planet.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 6:25 AM


* TheRealMe gathers everyone in the Sereni-Tree’s Common Room for the Town Meeting. *

Hello everyone. Welcome. I am TheRealMe, the First Officer of the Sereni-Tree.

We are a diverse bunch, and have come aboard at different times. Some of us, like ThatWeirdGirl, SimonWho, PsychicRiver, Mai, and myself, have been here for quite a while. * TheRealMe squints, seeking PsychicRiver in the crowd but not finding him.* Others, such as McQ, Citizen, BeautifulDisaster, Shadow, and Ghost, are quite new. Some of you have been picked up after a great disaster. Others have arrived of your own choice. Still others have appeared mysteriously. But we are all a family here.

Unfortunately, we are missing some key individuals. We do not know the where-abouts of Captain Ebonezer, Chief Engineer TheGreyJedi, Assistant Engineer Needleseye, Chief Pilot Static, or our Veterinarian Montanagirl. Elwoodmom and Lissa are also missing. Emma disappeared on a trading mission some time ago, and we have not been able to track her down, either. Until we can recover these people we will have to make do. Since the Captain went missing, I have been in command of the Sereni-Tree. Ath will be Acting Pilot. Jet will be Acting Chief Engineer, since nobody else has a clue as to how TheGreyJedi’s technomagic works. If there are any volunteers, we could use some more engineers, and perhaps some more medical staff.

This Town Meeting is a chance for us to meet and mingle, to talk and to decide our future.

Here is our current situation: The Sereni-Tree is damaged, but not disabled. We are on the run from the Alliance. We are currently traveling through hyperspace, and shall reach the planet Garrison in a few days. Once we drop out of hyperspace at Garrison, Jadehand, Seryn, and Rat will purchase the components with which to build the new shuttle Ocean Cloud. It is my opinion that the Sereni-Tree is under-gunned. We need more defensive systems and more weapons. Perhaps we can acquire and install more weapon systems at Garrison.

In any case, next I think we need to find some safe place where we can make repairs and upgrades, some out-of-the-way planet that offers a minimum of Alliance or Reaver interference. This will also allow us an opportunity to relax. For that matter, I had also planned to announce the beginning of our Second Annual Gala Pageant, where both genders could enter and compete in contests. Anyway, these are my ideas. You are welcome to present yours.

So, what now? This is your meeting now, for questions, comments, and introductions.

Who wants to go next?

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 6:48 AM


So... potentially violent. Sigh.


I wuz so looking forward to the wedding! Let there be (chocolate) cake!

*Kidnaps mai, but with this twist: cozen deposits the satinytrussed mai into LMD's quarters {and where are those, exactly?}, and lets happen what would be writ.*

cozen, the Anti-Me™

The Sereni-Tree hurtles ever onwards.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 7:17 AM


*going back just a bit*

Trey passes out drinks, then she lifts a glass high.

"Your attention, please! I, Trey, Bride3, would like to make a toast! A toast to our new sister! A toast to Serenity, Bride8!"

Deuce, Jet, Quincey, Bobby Sue, and the yet unnamed Bride7 each join Trey in raising a glass. "To Bride8!" They chorus.

Bride7 chuckles to herself. "Heh. Not last anymore!"

Thank you, Brides! I'm honored to be numbered among you. Literally!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 8:31 AM


*Xander hands Ash $10*

Ash: Ha! Well now that crisis is over with I guess we can, um, rejoin the group now. What do you think Xan?

Xan: I guess. Oh according to Mr. Me we are listed as Security Deputies! Lets go see how we can help.

*Xander/Ash give Serenity a warm hug*


Ash: Now that we plan to stay here permanently I guess we need to find somewhere to live and then we need to talk with Soul about our various responsibilities.

*They head off towards the West Wing. * (Ha! Get it "Head Off"! Man, I crack myself up.)



Wednesday, March 22, 2006 8:39 AM


*JadeHand nervously raises a hand and stands to speak*
"On the questions and comments. Well, just a reminder, we need to look over some recently aquired shipments and shuttles. Make sure they're clean. Those cruisers tracked us somehow. And we might also want to look to the bits of DeathBaby3000."
"As for introductions, Well for those of you who were here when I arrived that I've yet to meet, and all those who recently came aboard, I'm JadeHand. I've taken up the position of brewer on board the Tree. So if you have a favourite, let me know. I've made repairs after the fight. Everythings up and running which should make any galas or Wedding Receptions(he says eyeing Serenity and Soul) go well for us. I'll start a vat of Root Beer and Birch Beer for our newest guests as well. I'll help out in other areas where I can, I do have some experience playing doctor..."

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 9:30 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul wanders through the crowd and finds Jazaf. Pulling the other man off to the corner, Soul hands him the ring and whispers something in his ear. Grinning, Jazaf focuses his powers and the ring expands slightly. Soul takes the ring back and claps Jazaf on his back.

"Don't forget, you're my best man."

Soul makes his way back to his now-fiance's side and slips the ring onto her finger, pleased to note that it fits.

"There. Now it's official."


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 9:42 AM


Ooooh! It's the loveliest ring I've ever seen!

*She turns her hand a few times to enjoy the sparkling.*

Thank you!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:31 AM


Taking her cue from Jadehand, Seryn stands up and waits for her turn to speak. In her clearest voice she starts

"Hey, my name is Seryn, ah, formerly Voodoo Nell, er, formerly, well, thats irrelevent.

Its Seryn. I'm a pilot I suppose, I'm more than willing to help out I engineering, I promise I'll even learn the names of things, which is more than I did in flight school. I can also sew, dressmake, even a bit of tailoring, so if any of you guys need stuff fixing, or even a new outfit for the wedding, then feel free to ask, and, well... I suppose its just as easy to tell you all in one go...

For a moment she on the verge of bottling out, then she summons up the courage.

"Well... gods help us all. I'm pregnant... sort of..."

She notices a lot of faces in the room have turned to look straight at Jadehand.

"It's not his"

A few people turn to look at SR.

"Its not his either"

she sighs,

"ok, believe it or not, its my husbands"

She looks at Jadehand, grimacing and shrugging a little.

"long and involved story, rather boring, not really important... Suffice to say what with the Yeti, oh, yes, one of the Yeti is expecting, and Serenity's sprog, pretty soon we're going to need creche facilities."

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:39 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

* TheRealMe gathers everyone in the Sereni-Tree’s Common Room for the Town Meeting. *

Hello everyone. Welcome. I am TheRealMe, the First Officer of the Sereni-Tree......

.......Anyway, these are my ideas. You are welcome to present yours.

So, what now? This is your meeting now, for questions, comments, and introductions.

Who wants to go next?

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Washie walks through the throngs of her new crew and family, smiling and whispering congrats to Soul and Serenity as she makes her way toward TRM. Standing at his side, hand tucked through his arm, she raises her hand to signal she has a proposal to make. Clearing her throat nervously, but feeling the time might never be better, she begins:

"Seems to me what I'm gonna say has been long-enough in coming. The 'Tree obviously operates shinily enough, has weathered tribulations a'plenty with TRM in charge, but why not make things permanent-like? We've a de-facto captain of Sereni-Tree in TRM, nobody can deny he's right for the job. Anybody want to join their voices to mine in proposing that whatever rituals need doing get done to give our First Officer a promotion to full-captaincy of this ship?"

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:47 AM


-edit-(ooc: ooo got ninja'd by Washie, just pretend mine happened before hers)-edit-

After the shock of Seryns annoucement goes over, N0Skillz move to a more noticable location

"Well, i'm not very new, but i do get lost from time to time, so i'm not always around when everyone else is." He chuckles, "I'm N0Skillz, N0S, Skillz or 'Guy with big scary cat'," He states sarcastically looking over at Shadow (the lil girl not that Big cat).

His hand fidgets in his pocket, he could handle Reavers or Alliance soliders single handely, but public speaking always made him a little nervous.

"I guess I'm pretty much considered a Security Deputy around here, but i have a general knowledge of most things, well enough to get me by in a pinch. " He continues

Eyeing Shadow up on the balcony, N0Skillz points at him saying, " This is my friend, compainion, partner, or whatever else you want to call him, Shadow."

Moving away from the center of attention, Skillz breaths a sigh of relief, 'Glad thats done' he thinks to himself.

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 11:55 AM


in the infirmary...

*lmd gets a pained look on his face as he curls up into the fetal position


*he finds himself lost in the woods, engulfed in a torrential storm. there is a path. there is a sign. and there are more paths...too many directions. too many choices.

too much.

*he falls heavily to his knees, digging his hands viciously into the black, rain-soaked earth, and lets loose an anguished yell before lowering his head and silently adding his tears to the forming mire around him.

--- <-inching towards daylight


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 1:00 PM



Originally posted by N0Skillz:
"Well, i'm not very new, but i do get lost from time to time, so i'm not always around when everyone else is." He chuckles, "I'm N0Skillz, N0S, Skillz or 'Guy with big scary cat'," He states sarcastically looking over at Shadow (the lil girl not that Big cat)."

From over beside Kelly where she and Ghost had been silently watching the proceedings and trying not to be noticed, Shadow stuck out her tongue at N0S as he looked straight at her, eliciting a small giggle from Ghost as she heard and saw the exchange.

April (AKA Shadow and Ghost)


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 1:50 PM


Sorry, NoSkilz. *blushes.

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 2:00 PM



Shadow stuck out her tongue at N0S as he looked straight at her, eliciting a small giggle from Ghost as she heard and saw the exchange.

After his speech N0S walked over to Shadow, crouching down pointed her in teh nose saying "Don't be starting something you can't finish little one... I'm a much better tickler then you... plus i'm taller"

Sticking out his tongue at her, he stands up and walks to the nearby bar to get another drink.

((ooc: it's aite Washie!))

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 2:35 PM


Safe stands.

"I'm Capt... err ..I'm Seth Franklin. People call me Safe. It was my call sign. I'm a fair to decent fighter pilot and lifetime soldier."

Safe suddenly realizes he's standing "at ease" and adopts a more casual stance.

"I'm relatively new 'round these parts. I came aboard with Brides 6&7, Mr. Citizen, two stow.." Safe looks at Shadow and Ghost and notices a panic growing in her eyes. "Two Little ladies and Mr. Needy, whom is still in the infirmary. So if you'll excuse me, I'd like to see how he's doing, and check in on Bride6."

Running a hand through his short sandy hair, Safe winks at Shadow and Ghost. "I'll help out where necessary. I'm good in a fight, seems like all I know how to do..."

Safe heads for the infirmary.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 4:10 PM


"The names unimportant but you can call me Citizen." Citizen started. It was a long time since he'd had to address an audience of this size, though he noted with satisfaction that these people weren't trying to blow anything up.

"I can train a mean Monkey and I'm no stranger to the odd business deal. If you need any help getting the ships defences up too scratch I can lend a hand, learnt a bit about that thing during the war, Alliance Navy on planet leave can get very talkative in the right situation."

Citizen looked up at the hole in the ceiling. "I've been doing some exploring, lots of interesting nooks here, could lose something very easily, there's profit in that. You've also got a rat problem," He said moving his hands apart. "big rodents, huge."

"I know some people around this 'verse, I can get things, legal, illegal, you know the score, preferably illegal, much more fun. Anyway it's kind of quiet here, not too much in the way of excitement so it'll be a good rest. Oh, I cook a mean Chinchilla Enchilada, but I'm still waiting for my hot sauce from Safe and Jack."

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 4:16 PM


*sits patiently (and tightly tied to a chair) in LMD's room and watches as Cozen departs*

"Hey wait! No, give me... come back here!"

(clearly being ignored) Hmmmmmmmphh!

"What's the point of being kidnapped to a man's room if said man is dead asleep in the infirmary!"

*tries to access com link, cleverly hidden in a pretty bangle bracelet on her arm*

Hello?! Can anyone hear me? Anyone at all? Please HELP!!!!!!!

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 5:35 PM



Originally posted by mai:
Please HELP!!!!!!!

Then, as before during the events that brought him to this point, lmd hears her plea for help.

his eyes pop open, the dense fog so long casting his mind into darkness and uncertainty shattered.


LightMeDark stands, unsteadily at first, but remembering the urgency of that call he hears above all others, his strength is emboldened by his need to find the light in the dark, keep it from going out.

he pauses a moment, waiting. then he has it - a direction.

he bolts from the infirmary, streaking down the hall. he passes several of his new friends in a blur, the sound of his own relieved laughter following in his wake to leave those gathered in meeting perplexed and confused.

the door bursts open, and lmd is there, standing in the doorway to his quarters. he's as if blinded for a moment, but he doesn't look away.

and then he's there, reaching out, but this time the light doesn't fade away, this time he's not cast into unimaginable depths of despair and delusion.

this time, there is a kiss.

--- <-inching towards daylight


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 6:08 PM


"'Bout time"

*kissing ensues and a gaggle of kissies runs from the room*

After several minutes, the pull away from one another.

"Well, I'd say you're feeling better".

*wiggles wrists slightly*

A little help here?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 6:28 PM


uh, oops.

/me blushes and sets about freeing mai from her bonds, breeding more kissies after each bit of progress. he stands her up and takes her hand.

hey, i saw what looked like a meeting earlier when i ran through the common room...wanna go check it out?

--- <-inching towards daylight


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 7:04 PM


"Oh yeah. I think folks were about to gather for a little shindig. So put on your fancy duds and lets go! Or we could stay here..."

*LMD and Mai contemplate*

*kisses enuse again*

"Well, maybe we should go to the meeting. I have a feeling after all the crew has been through lately there might be a few updates we don't want to miss. Plus, we wouldn't want to miss out on the party."

*a few more kisses*

Go, get changed already! We're gonna be late.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006 7:35 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
I can also sew, dressmake, even a bit of tailoring, so if any of you guys need stuff fixing, or even a new outfit for the wedding, then feel free to ask

After Seryn steps down for others to introduce themselves Jazaf walks over to her.
'H'lo, My name is Jazaf. Heard you say you're something of a tailor so I was wondering if you could fix me up a Tux for the wedding. This...' Jazaf looks at his casual outfit,'Is Pretty much all I have. Ruined the other clothes when that water gave me wings.'
Seryn nods her head, 'Ok sure. I can do that. All I need are your measurements, so after this meeting come find me.'
Jazaf walks back into the crowd to listen to the others introduce themselves, ignoring the still throbbing arm and now pulsing temples.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Thursday, March 23, 2006 12:09 AM


She sits back, contemplating two things, one, If TRM, or rather, if Washie wants TRM to be Captain, then thats fine by her, but would it not be better for more senior crew members to be doing the deciding? She looks around, Soul and Serenity lost in their own happy world, Ath absorbed in Kelly and the two little girls and Psychicriver nowhere to be seen. She briefly worries about him, and resolves to go find him after the meeting, and after she explained her little newsflash to JH. And maybe SR, looking at him theres no way she can judge how he took the news, which worried her more then his angry face would. Everyone else seemed to have taken it in and moved on, that was good at least.

The second thing she mulled over in her head, was did she still have her sewing machine and kit still packed away in her bag? And where the hell was she going to find suitable-for-a-wedding fabrics?

She listens to Safes announcment, he doesn't sound to happy she thinks, then watches as he stumbles away towards the infirmary. Citizen's introduction intrigues her, and when he's done she leans behind the people inbetween them and tugs on his sleeve.

"Hey, we could have need of your expertise, on this little expedition. If you are as good as you say at trading,smuggling and outright pinching, then stick around. If TRM doesn't ask for your help, then I will. You up for it?"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 1:22 AM



"Hey, we could have need of your expertise, on this little expedition. If you are as good as you say at trading,smuggling and outright pinching, then stick around. If TRM doesn't ask for your help, then I will. You up for it?"

"I'd be delighted." Citizen said with a smile. "Always good to get out and about."

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 1:33 AM


never mind


Thursday, March 23, 2006 4:48 AM



Originally posted by citizen:

"Hey, we could have need of your expertise, on this little expedition. If you are as good as you say at trading,smuggling and outright pinching, then stick around. If TRM doesn't ask for your help, then I will. You up for it?"

"I'd be delighted." Citizen said with a smile. "Always good to get out and about."

SR appears quietly over Citzen's shoulder.

"He's a mover and a shaker captn' but he plays things close to the vest too."

Citizen turns and see "Stan" has some how made it onto the tree.

SR hands him a small bag of platinum.

"That's for your troubles dirtside, but I do believe you're holding a bit of my property as collateral."

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, March 23, 2006 5:20 AM


*Serenity raises her hand. Her ring glints in the light and she spends a few moments turning her hand back and forth admiring the sparkle.*

Oh, um, yes. TRM? Would any of these out-of-the-way planets you mentioned be nice, green ones? Because if so, I'd really like to have an outdoor wedding. Lots of flowers, flitting butterflies, the sun setting...

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, March 23, 2006 5:31 AM



Originally posted by ItsaWash:

Originally posted by TheRealMe:

* TheRealMe gathers everyone in the Sereni-Tree’s Common Room for the Town Meeting. *

Hello everyone. Welcome. I am TheRealMe, the First Officer of the Sereni-Tree......

.......Anyway, these are my ideas. You are welcome to present yours.

So, what now? This is your meeting now, for questions, comments, and introductions.

Who wants to go next?

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Washie walks through the throngs of her new crew and family, smiling and whispering congrats to Soul and Serenity as she makes her way toward TRM. Standing at his side, hand tucked through his arm, she raises her hand to signal she has a proposal to make. Clearing her throat nervously, but feeling the time might never be better, she begins:

"Seems to me what I'm gonna say has been long-enough in coming. The 'Tree obviously operates shinily enough, has weathered tribulations a'plenty with TRM in charge, but why not make things permanent-like? We've a de-facto captain of Sereni-Tree in TRM, nobody can deny he's right for the job. Anybody want to join their voices to mine in proposing that whatever rituals need doing get done to give our First Officer a promotion to full-captaincy of this ship?"

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


(Heavily edited due to wrong-time-wrong-place posting, although from much that I've read, the 'Tree's been without an official captain for long enough, seems you'll need to elect one at some point, even if not now.)

*It seems her newness has enabled her to work a rather significant and quite public faux pas, thus Washie decides to take herself out of the scene of the crime. She's puzzled a bit, since her asking who among the assembly would agree to formalizing the captaincy was worded so as to [Sereyn and others, please note] invite senior and all other crew members to voice input.

Wash hasn't had a full night's sleep in what seems like weeks, although really just a few days. The events of the recent past have weighed hard on her, and she knows she's not the only one. Having had enough of both battles and parties to last for several REM cycles, she walks to the bar, orders a cup of hot chamomile tea with honey, and sips it as she makes her way to her quarters.

100 brush strokes later, she writes a "please do not disturb" sign, hangs it on her cabin door and crawls into her comfy bed to sleep for at least an eon.

Pic courtesy of KellyofLuthien


Thursday, March 23, 2006 5:56 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by ItsaWash:
"Seems to me what I'm gonna say has been long-enough in coming. The 'Tree obviously operates shinily enough, has weathered tribulations a'plenty with TRM in charge, but why not make things permanent-like? We've a de-facto captain of Sereni-Tree in TRM, nobody can deny he's right for the job. Anybody want to join their voices to mine in proposing that whatever rituals need doing get done to give our First Officer a promotion to full-captaincy of this ship?"

After waiting to see if anyone replies, Soul stands slowly to his feet. After agreeing with his fince's request for an outdoor wedding, Soul opens his mouth to answer Washie's call for opinions. The ship's counselor seems to have dissapeared, but Soul continues on anyway.

"I for one think TRM does a spectacular job as First Officer. However, Ebo is now and will always be our Captain. She's our figurehead. TRM may be the one who keeps us in line, but Ebo just makes us look good. Besides, I think TRM's got enough on his plate without having to worry about showboating around as Captain. I for one would vote that Me stays as First Officer, since he's just so damn good at it."

Soul goes to sit, but something else pops into his head.

"Oh, and while we're at it, we may want to send a search team under the pool table to see if our daring Captain is okay."


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Thursday, March 23, 2006 7:47 AM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

Originally posted by citizen:
"I'd be delighted." Citizen said with a smile. "Always good to get out and about."

SR appears quietly over Citzen's shoulder.

"He's a mover and a shaker captn' but he plays things close to the vest too."

Citizen turns and see "Stan" has some how made it onto the tree.

SR hands him a small bag of platinum.

"That's for your troubles dirtside, but I do believe you're holding a bit of my property as collateral."

Seryn smiles at Citizen's reply, then notices SR as he crouches besides him, and her smile turns to one of puzzlement. She watches Citizens look of recognition, wondering what exactly had happen on Boros, assuming that was what SR meant by 'dirtside'.

"That as maybe SR, but you're not so easy to read yourself. Look, guys, before we start hauling 'em out and measuring them, SR, I need you to join Jade and I, we've things to dicuss. Also, with TRM as well. Is there anyway I can persuade you to be there short of declaring a state of war and ordering you?"

she looks between the two and realises that its probably the wrong time entirely. And turns back to listen to the other speakers.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 8:31 AM


*JadeHand slowly slips back to where Seryn, SR and Citizen are congregating. He steps up behind Seryn and looks over her shoulder at the at the others. He extends a Hand to Citizen.*

"Hey guys. Citizen, Good to meet you. Sounds like you might need to talk a little with Rat. You might have things in common. Any way, good to have you on board. With two Black Market Square Heroes and us Pirates working together, we could accomplish quiet a bit. .....But you! (he says turning to Seryn) you, better not be planning on getting yourself into any more danger. I'll ask SimonWho to confine you to quarters and order bedrest until little junior arrives, if you don't slow down and take it easy on yourself. Dong ma, Mei Mei?. We'll talk details anytime you're ready. Everythin' goin' to be okay."

*JadeHand sips his water and finishes the glass. He looks into the empty glass and shakes it just a little, as if he expects it to suddenly refill. He frowns a little and looks up at the others*

"I'm going to grab a bit more beverage, Can I get you guys anything?"

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Thursday, March 23, 2006 8:53 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Safe stands.

"I'm Capt... err ..I'm Seth Franklin. People call me Safe. It was my call sign. I'm a fair to decent fighter pilot and lifetime soldier."

Safe suddenly realizes he's standing "at ease" and adopts a more casual stance.

"I'm relatively new 'round these parts. I came aboard with Brides 6&7, Mr. Citizen, two stow.." Safe looks at Shadow and Ghost and notices a panic growing in her eyes. "Two Little ladies and Mr. Needy, whom is still in the infirmary. So if you'll excuse me, I'd like to see how he's doing, and check in on Bride6."

Running a hand through his short sandy hair, Safe winks at Shadow and Ghost. "I'll help out where necessary. I'm good in a fight, seems like all I know how to do..."

Safe heads for the infirmary.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny

Needy walked through the corridors of the SereniTree, guided by the sound of voices.

He didn't know where he was going, not really. After being prescribed "rest" by the doctor, he had been taken to a cosy, dimly-lit room where a bed had been prepared. Whether it was a room used especially for patients or if he had actually been sleeping in someone else's room, he did not know. But he did feel better. Strange, but better.
As he had awoken, a note had been left for him to read.

"A town meeting has been called for in the common room. You can join us if you feel able."

He assumed it had been written by Seryn.
Though he didn't know the ship nor most of the people on it, he didn't want to stay in his room. It looked like he'd be spending some time on this ship and it'd be better if he met the crew sooner rather than later.

The sound of the voices got louder and an open door in the distance indicated to him that he had found where the common room was.
Then, he saw a man exit the room, and head in the other direction. The man bore a remarkable resemblence to Safe, one of the only men Needy was familiar with on board.

"Safe!" he called, his voice slightly groggy, but there was no reaction.
Obviously the noise created by the others drowned out his own.

By the time Needy had reached the common room, Safe was in the distance.
I'll see him later he thought to himself, and headed into the room where a large crowd had gathered.

Needy. Male Companion a.k.a. First Boy Whore of Destiny


Thursday, March 23, 2006 8:55 AM



...With two Black Market Square Heroes and us Pirates working together, we could accomplish quiet a bit. .....But you! (he says turning to Seryn) you, better not be planning on getting yourself into any more danger. I'll ask SimonWho to confine you to quarters and order bedrest until little junior arrives, if you don't slow down and take it easy on yourself. Dong ma, Mei Mei?. We'll talk details anytime you're ready. Everythin' goin' to be okay."

He finishes his speech, failing utterly to notice the she is now stood facing him, hands clenched amongst the folds of her skirts, and throwing him looks that could kill.

He finishes the glass, he's holding, peering into the bottom as though hoping to find the fountain of youth, then looks back at them, oblivious to her black looks and little gasps of amazement.

"I'm going to grab a bit more beverage, Can I get you guys anything?"

he walks off, and she goes to follow, a good left swing and several choice phrases making themselves ready, but she feels a hand on her elbow, holding her back. She looks over her shoulder and gets the mearest look and head shake from SR.

Unable to explode, she confines herself to the mearest growl of anger and a quick stamp of the foot before she wrenches her arm out SR's grip and growls out a series of rough commands for a meeting, and on a final bitten off 'make sure you are there' she heads, straight backed, head high and practically sparking with fury, to her rooms.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:11 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
she heads, straight backed, head high and practically sparking with fury, to her rooms.

*.... But....*

*But, en route, is kidnapped by cozen, who trusses our faire Seryn to Schwartz the llama with sturdy satin bonds and hies to the Stockholm Suites with evil massagy/ high-caloric foodstuffs/wino in mind.*

Yer choice of the usual, my dear: caviar, or cheddar cheezy nachos?

*He senses that the first-level chakras will not quite suffice. Proceeds directly to the comfy chair and the Shindig dvd. As if that were not enough to carry the day, he proceeds to smoothly run his gleaming, razor sharp sabre along the fine hairs of her back.*


Thursday, March 23, 2006 9:54 AM


Still growling ever so slightly, really not willing to play ball, she strains against the ties, trying to pull up her skirts enough to reach the small knife hidden in a scabbard hanging from her waist.
Cutting through the bonds whilst Cozen is distracted looking for clean champagne glasses, she crosses the room, grabs him by the back of his jacket, pulls him after her, throws him down on the bed, kneels on his chest and holds the knife to his throat.

Leaning in close she speaks low and quick into his ear "I'm sorry darling, honestly, any other time this would just be floating my boat right down the river, but this is just stupendous bad timing."

Flicking her hair out of her eyse she retrieves some of the satin cords and does her best to tie his hands.

"in the last few days i've been captured, tortured, killed a man really rather brutally, blown up an entire Alliance cruiser, gone deaf, ended up practically groping my own quatermaster in order to fix it, started having these really quite drippy flashbacks to a time I really don't care to remember, come to the realisation that my oldest friend is harbouring feelings for me that I can't do anything about, and made the decision that no matter how much it freaks me out, I have to have this baby now or never.

Hands secured, she starts on his feet.

"Yes, thats right, i'm going to be somebodies mommy, does that seem right to you?"

Picking him up again she throws him down on the chair, and then because she's piqued and it just doesn't seem like enough somehow, she starts to unbutton his clothing, then gives up and starts cutting his clothing off him.

"so, nothing personal honey I assure you... oh... honey..."

going to a side board she fails to find honey, but does find a large jar of peanut butter.

"Oh Cozen, you and your hobbies..."

Unscrewing the jar she starts to pour the goopy stuff all over him, everywhere she can reach, then she crosses to the door. Opening it she clicks and waits as the Llamma trots obediently up.

Offering it the jar she waits as the animal licks it almost clean, then tosses the lid to land on Cozens lap.

As the animal advances on Cozen, licking its lips with a greedy glint in its eye, she gathers up her slashed and savaged dress, holding it against the important bits and walks as proudly as she can, trying not to think about the fact that she has absolutely no idea where she is.

"oh jeeze, and now I smell of llama..!"

(OOC: sorry Cozy dearest, but you did pick a bad time, maybe if you try again after a few months? In the meantime, you and that llama have fun, I can see the start of something really beautiful there... *giggle* *smirk*)


Thursday, March 23, 2006 10:49 AM



Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:

"Oh, and while we're at it, we may want to send a search team under the pool table to see if our daring Captain is okay."

Yes! We should send a search party. If we find Ebo, she can officiate our wedding!

And, um, it has been awhile since we've seen her, so it'd be a good idea to know where she is.

My suggestion is that we send the under 18s in after her. Piffle, Blue Fishie, PR. My guess is they'd have the best luck finding her.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, March 23, 2006 11:08 AM


*JadeHand returns to where Citizen and SR are standing with a full glass of water. They both look at him as he looks around for Seryn*

"Where'd Seryn run off to?" *They both look at him as if he should know*

Citizen shakes his head, "She stormed off that way after nearly killing you." He points off towards her rooms.

"Huh. Guess I better go see what I did this time." *JadeHand starts to walk off towards where Seryn has gone when he feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns back to look at the hand on his shoulder and his eyes follow the arm to see SR looking at him*
"I don't think she wants to talk right now." he says to JadeHand.

"Well damn! It looks like this streak of everybody getting exactly what they want is coming to a screaching halt." *he pulls away and heads off to find her. Soon he sees her standing at a counter full of tools in the hanger, Her head low, Dress torn, and smelling a bit like Llama*

"Hey, I need to..." *He ducks to the left as a wrench misses his head by an inch. As he straitens to look at her, a screwdriver is buried into the top of his left arm. He clenches his teeth and rolls his head back slighty grimmacing with the pain. He looks at the screwdriver, handle deep in his arm, then looks back to her.*

"You done?"

Seryn stalks towards him, still obviously angry. "No!, I'm not!" Her left hand comes hard across the right side of his face, Giving him another good view of the screwdiver in his arm, and her right hand screaming towards the soon to match left side of his face. His right hand snaps forward and catches hers an inch from his head.*

"Enough already."

Seryn raises a foot and stomps down hard on his right foot, "Maybe now.." She turns and walks back towards a workbench.
*JadeHand pulls the screwdriver from his arm and slings it back across the floor in her direction leaving a small trail of blood*

"You wanna tell me what this is about? 'Cause I'm confused. We've been pretty close. And it's pretty clear I wanted to be closer. Judging by how quickly everyone here looked at me when you made your announcement, it was pretty obvious to just about everyone...except maybe you. But you talk about how I'm 'like a brother', and make it pretty clear you lack intrest with the speed at which you make it clear 'It's not him.' So tell me, Captain, why is it when I cool my jets and treat you like a sister, try to look after you and your secret husbands try to kill me?"

*JadeHand fumbles through his bag as he waits for a response....he mumbles*
"Can't find my tags.....don't wanna bother SimonWho right now....
"Well, ......."
*He rips the sleeve off of his shirt and begins tying it around his wound*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Thursday, March 23, 2006 12:17 PM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
Safe stands.

"I'm Capt... err ..I'm Seth Franklin. People call me Safe. It was my call sign. I'm a fair to decent fighter pilot and lifetime soldier."

Safe suddenly realizes he's standing "at ease" and adopts a more casual stance.

"I'm relatively new 'round these parts. I came aboard with Brides 6&7, Mr. Citizen, two stow.." Safe looks at Shadow and Ghost and notices a panic growing in her eyes. "Two Little ladies and Mr. Needy, whom is still in the infirmary. So if you'll excuse me, I'd like to see how he's doing, and check in on Bride6."

Running a hand through his short sandy hair, Safe winks at Shadow and Ghost. "I'll help out where necessary. I'm good in a fight, seems like all I know how to do..."

Safe heads for the infirmary.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny

McQ summons the room and still not too familiar with his new surroundings or allies, he notices Safe standing across the room talking to some other folks. Recognizing his uniform, McQ feels it might be best to make his presence known. McQ approaches Safe turns to him and is a little intimidated by McQ's bulky metallic structure.

"Sir," McQ starts while saluting Safe. "I see you are a former Alliance officer. Being one as well I thought it would be best to introduce myself. I'm known as McQ (Mobile Combat Quarters)." McQ's voice is low and slightly mechanical sounding, yet calm. "I am specially designed for heavy combat situations although I have been programmed for other duties as well."

McQ holds out his right hand to Safe for a handshake and is careful not to break his hand while doing so - remembering what he did to the comlink he had. "If you need any assistance with or for anything, just let me know. I shouldn't be too hard to find."


Thursday, March 23, 2006 1:51 PM


(ooc:what?!? when'd i get so damn violent? yikes, am I that bad? Oh well, here goes, Days of Our Lives is going to be beating down my door)

He wasn't a 'sectret husband'! He was my husband, he died a full year before I ever knew you!

I was the Captain for godsakes, how am I meant to gain a ship full of mens respect if I go throwing emotions around like some.. kind of... girl! Hell, I can't even get SR to listen to me most days, and he's the loyal one! So no-one kenw anything.

I told you about this as a simple courtesy. You're an old friend. YOU are the one who took it upon yourself to start 'protecting' me. I've been like this as long as you've known me, have I ever asked for help before? I'm the same person I always was, I haven't changed. You just started treating me different and i'm sorry if I didn't give you the desired response.

Christ, honestly. You think I can't see what you feel? Its that bleedin' obvious, you may as well have sandwich boards, a neon frickin' sign. You ain't exactly subtle.

"Oh crap, look you're bleeding, go to the infirmary."

He stands his ground, and she gives up, throwing her hands in the air and sighing.

"I ignore you and your advances exactly equal to how much I ignore the advances of every single male in my universe. Hell, I just tied a guy naked, to a chair, covered him in peanut butter and set a llama on him just simply for daring to try and even touch me."

She closes her eyes for a minute, failing to stop a small smile break out. In a few seconds she's giggling "oh, I wonder if the llama's still there" she looks up at Jadehand, sparkly eyed with mirth "I do hope he's not a biter..."

With that she looses it. She sits, convulsing with laughter. Every so often looking up, almost sober enough, then collapsing into fresh peals. Several minutes later, she controls herself enough to stand up straight. She goes over to where he still stands and takes hold of the damaged arm, examining it.

"Aw, look, this means absolutely nothing at all"

Quickly she takes his jaw and pulls it firmly down to kiss him, holds it for a while, then grabs the resulting kissies and presses them against the wound. "If you took that to Simon hed just have your arm off."

Look, summary, the pertinent facts. I'm from a very old political family - hence my thinking that reward money might be incentive enough to get the Tripoli to back off. Anyway, my husband was from a similar background. But these guys were messed up, all that crap that conspiricy nuts come up with? That was like their To Do list... I found out, my husband backed me up when I told them I would tell people. He died in a crash, I think that they killed him, that they meant to kill me too, so I did it for them, I found one of their dodgy pet scientists, blackmailed him into declaring me dead, and into... pausing, the baby. Not get rid of it, I couldn't do that, but, in some kind of... locked off... stasis. I didn't find out exactly how it worked. But I need to get back to a planet where they can reverse it, and well, eight months time, voila.

(ooc: yeah, think I might be regretting the the whole great idea of 'back stories')

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 2:05 PM



"That's for your troubles dirtside, but I do believe you're holding a bit of my property as collateral."

I don't know there fella, cost me a pretty penny...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 2:54 PM


'No, I guess subtlety has never been my specialty. But, I've had some time to think recently and I owe you a major appology.'

*JadeHand can't stop himself from laughing with her as she discusses the potentially biting 'Schwartz'.*

"You know, I'm glad you ignore those other guys' advances. Not because I want you. Because none of them are good enough for you. Truth?, I'm not either. I took advantage of you Captain. I was absolutely crazy about someone. Problem was they were not in my life. But you were, and you share some stunning similarities with them. I used you. I transfered what I felt for them to you, knowing you wouldn't reciprocate the whole time. I needed some kind of.....focus for what was in me. Yeah, I'm an ass. "
"I was protective of you because during all that time, I did manage to discover that you're fantastic, and a good friend. I don't have many of those. I don't wanna lose that, but I understand now that I might. I guess I'd rather not have someone in my life because of truth, than have them because of a lie."
"This Alliance, they're after someone or something here, I hope to help them fail at every turn. I won't let them get to you. I leapt to conclusions about this pregnacy. I've not heard of 'pausing' them before. More secret Alliance experiments. Guess I assumed there was something more recent. I'm hopeful that when the Tripoli detonated , that whatever or whoever they used to get around the SEP went with it. If you can forgive me, I'll help you get in and out of the best hospital we find. I'll help you do anything you need done. If we're still friends."
"Take your time, think it over. I could use some more processing time myself."

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Thursday, March 23, 2006 4:59 PM



Originally posted by ItsaWash:

'Tree's been without an official captain for long enough, seems you'll need to elect one at some point, even if not now.

I don't think that will be compleaty necessary.

*ebo steps onto her pooltable*

I hear that some of you have been pretty damn loyal to me, protesting to the elctioning of new captains and whatnot - this i appreciate. Its good to know that we live in a world where a captain can compleatly abandon her crew for months on end and they will remain loyal.

And to all you folks who remained unloyal...well, I suppose I can forgive you...anyway I'm too apathetic to read through the archives to figure out excatly who the muntaineers are...

And whats this about a wedding?


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 5:29 PM


*twg stumbles away from the bridge to join the meeting*

Wedding? Did I miss the proposal? Aw shucks! Well, congrats Serenity and Soul.

*she sees Ebo emerge from under the pool table*

Captain!!!! *she rushes Ebo and gives her a big hug* Oh, I've missed you. We might have a gala pageant again. I'm very excited about that...and I have news...*Annabelle wraps her fuzzy little body around twg's legs* What's this? Belle, why are you...oh goddess no!

*twg runs down the hall as fast as she can...she runs to the blue find it's missing* Why did you leave? PR, son, where have you gone?
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Thursday, March 23, 2006 5:31 PM


*Ebo hugs TWG back*

Yes, we shall totaly have a gala event and it shall be totaly rocking! or a wedding, and whatever...

What about this news...

*Ebo chaises after TWG to see what all the fuss is about*


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 5:47 PM


*twg turns to see Ebo standing behind her*

Heh, well, it seems PR is my son...from the future you see...and we recently found out that his father is on the Tree with's the, seems some day in the future we, uh, get together....but PR stole the blue box...I don't know where he is now.

Heh...guess that makes you an Aunt.
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Thursday, March 23, 2006 5:49 PM


Well, thats very... um...wait, what?

Oh well, Congradulazations anyway...

Where is everybody else?


Four out of five gynecologists recommend calling Ebo a girl.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 6:24 PM


Deuce strolls into Cozen’s Stockholm Suite, using an autokey loaned to her by Jet. “Hi, Cozy, sweetie! I’m home! Did you hear about…”

She stops in her tracks when she sees the scene laid out before her. Cozen is bound tightly into “the Chair” while Schwartz the Llama… while it…

A ghastly expression comes to her face. “Cozy! Y-you… and… and… Schwartz? I d-didn't know that you... that you... Ew!”

Deuce staggers out of the Stockholm Suite in a daze, traumatized by what she has seen.



Thursday, March 23, 2006 6:40 PM


TheRealMe notices the new woman, Witchy, in the crowd, and tries to guess if she weighs more or less than a duck.

“Welcome, Witchy, and thank you. I am certain that Doctor SimonWho would welcome some help in the Infirmary.”

P.S. Not all of us have the luxury of posting while at work. I had to wait until I got home. You need to be a little more patient, I think.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Thursday, March 23, 2006 6:45 PM


Ghost was getting sleepy, as fun as it was getting to be watching the adults she was after all a young child. Looking up at her sister, who was trying to keep up with what was going on, she tugged on Shadow's sleeve.

Shadow looked down at her sister, "Ya sleepy Ghost? You can sleep I'll watch you." she said quietly, trying to avoid disturbing the adults. Silently she sat beside the younger girl, wrapping an arm around her as Ghost cuddled up next to her and fell asleep.

Shadow continued listening to the conversations around them from her new position, if this kept up maybe she'd get out of having to explain what she and Ghost were doing on the starcraft in the first place, besides this was getting interesting, and now there was a new person who appeared from under the pool table. This place was certaintly strange, but maybe, just maybe they would find a home here, a good home. The conversations and her thoughts mixed around in her head as she rested her head on top of her sister's and slowly drifted off to sleep the last few days finally catching up to her.

April (AKA Shadow and Ghost)






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