The Sereni-Tree and the Shopping Trip

UPDATED: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 22:44
VIEWED: 17977
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Thursday, April 6, 2006 12:10 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

WYSB walked through the city streets with his usual self confident air. He really should be keeping himself to himself after the incident on ariel but with a job on the 'Admiral Nelson'he felt a new sense of security.
It was only a week since he'd gotten into a bar fight with the senators son. He'd been enjoing a quiet drink in his usual bar when the arrogant whon don started yabbering away. He withstood it as long as he could before he knocked the young guy off his chair. Not the cleverest idea as half the law on the planet were after his ass for messing up the rich boys smile.
Still he managed to get transport to this little backwater and now he had a job. Manwhoare turned handy man he thought to himself, Could have done worse.
He looked into the shop windows with little purpose but something coat his eye, a shiny little 12mm. His current firearm was perfectly reasonable but with pirating on the agenda he fancied an upgrade.
He strolled into the store and walked up to the girl at the register and smiled. That broad smile was worth more than anything else he had.
"can i part exchange this for that 12mm in the window?"
"Part Exchange? are you serious?" the girl chuckled. she was eying him up though so it wouldnt be a problem.
"yeah, you get this a little coin and my wave number. What do ya say?"
She blushed like a school girl, mumbled something then gave him the gun.
Not a bad days work he said to himself as he wandered back to find SR.
"Now, if i could find a goat......."

WYSB may be laying low for a couple of weeks due to computer trouble but he'll be back a plenty soon


Thursday, April 6, 2006 1:03 AM


"Hey Jadehand, ok, i'm back at the shuttle, I was a model of self restraint I feel. However, Serenity and Mai are still in there."
As is always the way, while she's talking two separate delivery guys turn up demanding directions and signatures "We may need a retrieval team."she points at various spots in the shuttle then signs the chitties with flourishing fake signatures" But, we'll handle it. We've picked up a new guy" thumbs ups the leaving delivery guys "Quincy's gonna be pleased. I expect we'll be back with in the hour. See you then"

She sits back in the drivers seat, prepared to wait a while. Slowly information form an unknown source filters in a forms in her brain.

"Wait... They're shoe shopping!"

Less then five minutes later she's stood next to Serenity clutching a pair of satin slippers for the wedding and the sexiest pair of boots she's ever seen in her life.

"We should head back soon by the way... ....oooooh! strappy sandals with sparkly bits!"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Thursday, April 6, 2006 4:26 AM


*JadeHand listens carefully to Seryn's message and asks her to call if she changes her mind about needing pick-up. He then leaves the cockpit grabbing his com-link just in case.*

"Alright Seryn says they'll be back in about an hour, but some are still shopping, so we have about a day to waste before we hear from them again. anything you need, get it now."

*JadeHand strolls back to the office, collects a small briefcase and fills it with the remaining Platinum coins. He leaves the warehouse, and heads for the shopping district. and beyond. He finds himself in a dark corner of a dark alley. He knocks lightly on the cold steel door, turns to the left and kneels on one knee as a box of refuse rotates revealing a camera. Several bolts can be heard disengaging from the door. He bends both arms at the elbow and extends them in front of him. The door swings open and two men step out with shotguns leveled.*

"Tell Benny I've come to square things up. And I'll need a few new toys."

*The two men usher him in and close the door*

One of the men speaks to JadeHand: "Benny never thought he'd see you again. Alive anyway."

"Well, I've been lucky, In some regards anyway. Not all."

"Isn't that the way of things?" the man chuckles.

"Yes, Anyway, all my weapons are in this bag, If you could store it for me. I'll see Benny. Good to see you both again."

*JadeHand walks past several glowing neon signs into a room full of music and bodies in motion. The scent of the heat fills him as he eyes the stairs in the back, and walks directly up them, ignoring the whispers and the pointing. He opens the door and steps into Benny's office.*

"Hey Benny, I've got you some coin to settle our deal, and a list of goods I'll need for the rest."

*JadeHand opens the case on Benny's desk and chuckles as the man gasps. Plucking the list from the top, he hands it to the man."

Benny: "Well, looks like all is forgiven. I'll take this case in back and fill your order."

*JadeHand nods and has a seat in the plush familiar office. Nearly a half hour later, Benny returns with the brief case and a large satchel.*

"You nearly cleaned me out, toys and batteries in the satchel, other needs in the case."

"Thanks Benny, I owe you."

"No, we're more than square. You take care of yourself now."

"Always, no one else will."

*The men shake hands, and JadeHand turns and exits the office, down the stairs and past several clusters of pointing, whispering girls who have stopped their dancing. He meets the guards, collects his bag, and stops to open the briefcase. He pulls a ring of keys, checks them in several locks, and retrieves one of the pairs of handcuffs from the case. The case is locked and then secured to his wrist. He nods to the boys, who open the door. "Later gentlemen." and he returns to the hanger ,to his Ocean Cloud . *

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Thursday, April 6, 2006 4:41 AM



Originally posted by seryn:

"Wait... They're shoe shopping!"

Less then five minutes later she's stood next to Serenity clutching a pair of satin slippers for the wedding and the sexiest pair of boots she's ever seen in her life.

"We should head back soon by the way... ....oooooh! strappy sandals with sparkly bits!"

SR toggles up his com-link to connect with JH.

"Jade disregard that last ETA. The "model of self-restraint" has just had a relapse. She ran off and left the shuttle in lockdown. We are affectively stranded indeffinately. Were it my call I would have been in transit to you ninety minutes ago. I am going to take measures to get this group back to you as soon as I can, but I can make no promises."

SR then toggles up a conference call to all the shoppers currently MIA on commerce.

"This is the quartermaster of the Admiral Nelson speaking. We are now overdue for departure. You are ordered to return immediately to the shuttle. Prompt and timely compliance will void the necessity for harsh punitive measures, ie. a spanking for the last person to arrive. The newest crewmember is putting his affairs in order and is scheduled to return in," SR pauses to glance at his watch. "ten minutes. He seems a trustworthy sort so I am optomistic that we will not have to leave him behind. He is also handy an not unpleasantto look upon so I propose that he give a foot massage to the first person to arrive. Remember there is always the possiblity of more shopping tomorrow."

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, April 6, 2006 5:30 AM


*Serenity is very glad she opted for the "mute" button on her comm link. It is much easier to ignore a little flashing red light than an impatient, yelling quartermaster.*

Mai, I think you should definitely go with the beaded sandals. They'll look great with the fabric we got for your bridesmaid's dress. And check out these teeny tiny baby shoes! I have to get a pair!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, April 6, 2006 9:06 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

WYSB strolled back into the shuttle with his wordly belongings over his shoulder and a goat trailing close behind. He sat down in a seat near the back and tried to will himself into a cat-nap.

'A wedding' he thought to himself'with shoes and everything'. He lazily forced the images of the girls into the front of his brainpan and had a breif thought about servicing either of them, or both of them. He'd always been quite the ladies man, till around 15 he'd been quite ordinary and backgroundish but after he found his disarming smile women just seemed to fall at his feet. (how terrible). He stood up and checked the goat, for the price he payed he wanted to make sure it wasnt just two dwarfs in a fur coat.

"Im gonna call you Doris" he said to himself, it was directed at the goat but she didnt seem interested. He walked over to the door and leaned out, still no sign of any return.

He returned to the seat and closed his eyes awaiting his first client for a foot massage and promptly fell asleep

WSYB may be laying low for a couple of weeks due to computer trouble but he'll be back a plenty soon


Thursday, April 6, 2006 2:30 PM


Citizen watched WashsYoungerSexierBrother enter the shuttle.
"Hey new guy, since your the FNG wanna give me a hand stowing this stuff?"

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Thursday, April 6, 2006 2:44 PM


Oooh those are adorable! Look at that they have them in flats and kitten heels too! Don't you just love the new shoe smell? *Awwwws at the teeny baby shoes* Those are the cutest thing I have ever seen. Hey I was thinking. Maybe we should get the guys some new boots. It's not like they are ever going to take the time to get them for themselves. Speaking of... wonder what they've been up to while were here?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Thursday, April 6, 2006 5:22 PM


SR having lost all his patience decides to declare war. He toggles up seryn on his comm-link.

"V_mail for Seryn:I have no more time to wait. None of the shopping ladies cares to leave so I am taking up the control boards to by pass any lock outs in place because I am now seriously overdue for a engineering in inspection of the new shuttle on Garrison. I'll be back tomorrow morning to pick you up."

He turns to face Citizen, LMD, a the FNG.

"No one minds if we come back tommorow for the ladies right?"

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, April 6, 2006 5:59 PM


Deuce and Noskills wander all through Garrison City, following the tiger who is tracking McQ’s scent. They go past a park, past a shady looking arms dealer, through many winding streets, and finally end up at the very hanger from which they departed much earlier in the day. Deuce enters the hanger and clambers aboard the Ocean Cloud to find McQ sitting down, hooked up to some kind of power supply.

Deuce sticks her head out of the hatch and yells at Noskills. “We found him!"



Thursday, April 6, 2006 7:57 PM



Originally posted by Bride2:
Deuce and Noskills wander all through Garrison City, following the tiger who is tracking McQ’s scent. They go past a park, past a shady looking arms dealer, through many winding streets, and finally end up at the very hanger from which they departed much earlier in the day. Deuce enters the hanger and clambers aboard the Ocean Cloud to find McQ sitting down, hooked up to some kind of power supply.

Deuce sticks her head out of the hatch and yells at Noskills. “We found him!"


"You gotta be kidding me!! Theres no way we missed that" He moans in frustration.

"Well you think Quincey is hiding in there too?"

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!


Thursday, April 6, 2006 10:57 PM


McQ stands as Bride2 and NoSkillz find him. He disconnects the generator and approaches them.

"I have been here for a while now. Where are the others? There is no one else in the shuttle."

McQ looks beyond NoSkillz and Bride2 into the crowds in the marketplace no so far off. Not being able to see anyone who came along on the shuttle.

"I guess it'll be a while before they come back," McQ says. "I'll guard the shuttle just in case." He turns around and returns to the shuttle and takes out his blaster rifle, standing guard.


Friday, April 7, 2006 3:32 AM



Originally posted by mai:
Hey I was thinking. Maybe we should get the guys some new boots. It's not like they are ever going to take the time to get them for themselves. Speaking of... wonder what they've been up to while were here?

Oooh, good idea! I should get Soul a pair of boots or two, and a nice pair of shoes for the wedding.

And Ath could use a pair, too. TRM would probably want a black pair, don't you think?

Ooh, this is FUN!

Seryn, I LOVE your mother-in-law!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Friday, April 7, 2006 4:46 AM


With no-one objecting in person to the Nelson leaving Commerce, SR undoes the fastners retaining the control panel and begins bypassing the lock down circuits.

Scorpion Regent


Friday, April 7, 2006 8:00 AM


*JadeHand strolls back into the hanger, boards Ocean Cloud and places the large satchel on the floor beside a chair, which he then sits in, placing the briefcase over his lap as he puts his feet on the table in front of him. He leans back and closes his eyes.*

"So still no word from the ladies?"

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Friday, April 7, 2006 8:14 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

"Okay i kept my mouth shut for the objections but could someone please fill me in on what is with those women?" Said WSYB with more than a hint of humour in his voice.
"Who's marring what with shoes?"

Due to some technical difficulties WSYB will be laying low for a couple of weeks but he'll be back a plenty soon enough


Friday, April 7, 2006 9:28 AM


Seryn stands by the baby shoes, holding a pair up on the ends of her fingers, sniffing them suspiciously.


Seryn, I LOVE your mother-in-law!

"well, thats at least one person in the universe I suppose..."

SR's voice comes through the comm link, and she's debates in her mind whether he means it or not. Tempted to ignore him, she turns to the mens shoes and selects a couple of pairs for him, and similar for Jadehand, and just for the hell of it, for the new guy as well.

Then an alarm goes off at her wrist, SR, obviously attempting to get the shuttle moving.

"Right, Serenity, Mai, quickly, gather up your purchases *hands the charging details over to the cashier* we're high tailing it back to the shuttle, SR is bored and he's not going to wait for us"

she sees the indecision on their faces "If theres anything else you want to get *grins evilly* we can always send him back with a list tomorrow...

But we do need to go now"

*on the comm*

"Ok SR, hold yer freakin horses! We're on our way!"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Friday, April 7, 2006 11:19 AM


/me wiggles his toes

--- <-inching towards daylight


Friday, April 7, 2006 5:19 PM


Jazaf finally picks a few items to snack on and closes the fridge door with a full plate in one hand and a Chicken Leg in his mouth. He takes the time to eat the leg in the kitchen then follows the sounds to a choclate jacuzzi.
'How's it going guys?'

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Saturday, April 8, 2006 3:56 AM



Originally posted by seryn:

"Ok SR, hold yer freakin horses! We're on our way!"


"I've heard that one before." replies SR in a sarcastic tone that he makes no attempt to disguise. "What's the point, you have unlimited funds so just rent a room on Commerce and we'll be back for you tomorrow at fourteen hundred sharp that way we can both get what we want. If you really don't want to wait charter a ship and put it on your exspense account. Either way me and the boys are through waiting."

SR cut's connection and continues his hotwiring of the Nelson.

He then decides to keep JH in the loop and calls him up on comm-link, "Jade me and the boys are tired of being treated like doorstops so we have scheduled a return trip to pick up the ladies later and we are on our way to you, just about,... now."

The final connection is made and the shuttles engines come to life and the Nelson lifts off.

Scorpion Regent


Saturday, April 8, 2006 4:14 AM


Concealing her absolute fury at SR's abandoning them, she opens a link to Jadehand and speaks sweetly as she can to him

"Jadehand, Can you please tell SR as soon as he lands, that he, no infact, not him, but someone is to come and pick us up immedietly. Also if you could pass on the message to him that I don't particularly want him to come anywhare near me for a while, as if Soul doesn't rip his b... throat out for abandoning his heavily pregnant and rather conspicuous wife alone and unprotected on a strange planet, the I will be doing so."

She turns to Serenity and Mai, who had just about stopped themselves from buying stuff and shrugs her shoulders ruefully at them.

"You may as well get those things that you wanted to, the toad-spawn numbwit has left us here. But hopefully someone will be picking us up soon, unless someones got cash, we can't spend the night here. The account we're using is the mail order account, the accountant will assume its the pa and the pa will assume its my mother-in-law and vice verse, but a hotel room to an ordering account is going to raise alarms.

I'm hungry, whats say we finish up here and go find a meal, something more substantial than cake anyway.

I fancy something unusual, where should we go? "

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Saturday, April 8, 2006 4:43 AM


Citizen climbs out of the forklift.

"HEY!" He said. "I've not finished putting all these away yet! If you weren't my friends I'd be unpacking the anti-aircraft missles right now!"

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Saturday, April 8, 2006 5:14 AM


On the Sereni-Tree:

After spending a week waiting outside Washie’s quarters, TheRealMe gives up buzzing for her (for the present), and goes off to attend to another task. He gets dressed in a nice dark suit, calls for Sparky, and heads for the Common Room.

“Ahem! Hello, everyone! Since the destruction that we suffered during the Boros Incident, I have decided to go shopping on Commerce for furniture, a new video system, and replacement DVDs. Would anyone care to accompany me? If so, please dress in a dark suit and meet me in the hanger on top of the South Wing. I have an idea that should get us better customer service, but it requires a little dressing up.”

TheRealMe checks Ebo’s nest under the pool table. “Hmmm… it seems that the Captain has gone back into her torpor. Weirdgirl, kindly assume command of the ship while I am away.”

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Saturday, April 8, 2006 5:48 AM


Deuce listens to the com traffic between Seryn and Jadehand. She considers what she hears.

"Listen, Jade, since Serenity is getting mighty ripe and all, maybe it would be a good idea for you to go to Commerce to pick her up. But I can't go. Gotta stay on this dirtball 'til I find Quin. Even if it's her own gorram fault she wandered off."

Deuce gets her weapons and other gear and puts on a backpack.

"Uh, can you spare a few platinum so I can get me a meal? Maybe a room for the night? Or I can come back here, I guess. How long is this hanger rented for?"



Saturday, April 8, 2006 6:00 AM



Originally posted by Bride2:
Deuce listens to the com traffic between Seryn and Jadehand. She considers what she hears.

"Listen, Jade, since Serenity is getting mighty ripe and all, maybe it would be a good idea for you to go to Commerce to pick her up. But I can't go. Gotta stay on this dirtball 'til I find Quin. Even if it's her own gorram fault she wandered off."

Deuce gets her weapons and other gear and puts on a backpack.

"Uh, can you spare a few platinum so I can get me a meal? Maybe a room for the night? Or I can come back here, I guess. How long is this hanger rented for?"


"Me and Shadow will help you out with your search, if you don't mind teh company..." N0Skillz says, idly petting the head of his feline companion.

"We could use a lil more adventure in our lives, since we usually miss it lately!"

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!


Saturday, April 8, 2006 6:00 AM


*a gooey, chocolate, smelling of vodka weirdgirl stands before TRM*

Aye, Aye Me. I guess I should get cleaned up...I think these clothes are ruined.

*she walks past the chococuzzi*

I gotta shower and change...I'm in charge I can worry about more than PR *she begins to mumble as she walks towards her room*, I can worry about the girls, about my shuttle, about the missing eight ball, the gala....*she looks back at the frolickers*...whether he'll ever make a move...sigh...
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Saturday, April 8, 2006 6:06 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by TheRealMe:
On the Sereni-Tree:

“Ahem! Hello, everyone! Since the destruction that we suffered during the Boros Incident, I have decided to go shopping on Commerce for furniture, a new video system, and replacement DVDs. Would anyone care to accompany me? If so, please dress in a dark suit and meet me in the hanger on top of the South Wing. I have an idea that should get us better customer service, but it requires a little dressing up.”

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

"Hey" Needy calls out to Me

"Ah, Mr Needy" Me responds as the companion walks into the common room. "You coming with?"

"What? Oh, no."


"No, I was just looking around... I'm thinking its about time I checked this ship out. If you don't mind that is."

"Of course not. I just thought maybe you'd want to get out for a bit, could be fun"

"With all due respect, I feel I've had enough fun recently. I just wanted to see what the ship had to offer."

"As you wish", Me replies with a warm smile. "Can I help you in any way?"

"Well I was just going to take a look at the T.H.R.E.A.D. and check the map out, but I suppose you could point me in the right direction."


"I hear you have piffleponies."

"Indeed we do. You need to head over to the Mallorn Tree for that."

"I'm curious... I've never seen one before. Not only that, but for all the weird kinky stuff I've been involved with in the past, and I've been involved in a lot..."

"I can imagine"

"Oh boy could I tell you some stories. There was one time where my client Ms Campbell, got her hand stuck in her..."

"What was it you were looking for?" Me abruptly interrupts

"Oh yeah, the chocolate jacuzzi... sounds like fun"

Me smiles again. "Sure. In fact, I'm certain someone could give you a guided tour. I'd offer but as you know, I'm planning on some shopping"

"No problem."

"Hold on" Me tells him, "I'll see if there's someone that can take you there."

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Saturday, April 8, 2006 6:07 AM


"Uh, well, actually, Weirdgirl, I see no reason why you can't command the ship from the choco-vodka-jacuzzi. I mean, it DOES have a fully integrated (and liquid proof) control console. Besides, it seems that Needy, here, could use a tour of the water park."

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Saturday, April 8, 2006 6:10 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

"But..." Me starts again "didn't you see it the last time you were here?"

"I guess not."

Me looks at him strangely.

"To be honest, I think my recent trauma has left me with a bit of amnesia, as unbelievable as it sounds." Needy replies, covering up the fact that he's not the same person Me must have met before.

"It's not that unbelievable, after all the things this crew has seen. The ship itself folds space-time in..."

"higer dimensions, yeah I know. I read the guide."

"Out here in the black, we've experienced so much. It really is quite thrilling"

"I'm sure" Needy replies unenthused, worrying that what's happened to him the past few days will be nothing to what is to come.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Saturday, April 8, 2006 6:32 AM



Saturday, April 8, 2006 6:35 AM


*she stops in her chocotracks and turns to Needy*

You can come with me, I'm going to my room. I'll show you a few things on the way. This way.

*they walk in silence a bit...she's oblivious to his trauma and he to hers*

Did I hear ya say amnesia? I had that after my second death. I didn't remember almost nine months of my life. They were just gone. I still only remember bits and pieces. This is my place. My new place, I lived with someone during those nine I live with my son.

*she opens the door to her and her son's quarters and begins to strip off her clothes and throw them down the chute. She walks into the shower and continues to talking to Needy*

My son from the future...he's run away. Er, sorry about the nudity, but I'm sure you've seen more nekkid females than the doctor has...the doctor. So, what would you like to see first? I'm heading back to the jacuzzi since that's where most of the shipboard crew is, but we can go anywhere.

OCC: the site can't keep track of who I keeps randoming logging me in as one of my three mes.
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Saturday, April 8, 2006 6:55 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:

You can come with me, I'm going to my room. I'll show you a few things on the way. This way.

*they walk in silence a bit...she's oblivious to his trauma and he to hers*

Did I hear ya say amnesia? I had that after my second death. I didn't remember almost nine months of my life.

What?! Needy thinks to himself. Did she just say.... she died? Twice? He was expecting small talk. He had no idea what had happened to him was standard.


They were just gone. I still only remember bits and pieces. This is my place. My new place, I lived with someone during those nine I live with my son.

*she opens the door to her and her son's quarters and begins to strip off her clothes and throw them down the chute. She walks into the shower and continues to talking to Needy*

Needy's jaw drops though, he hopes, not too obviously.
True it wasn't the first time he had seen a naked woman, but nevertheless it came as quite a surprise. He couldn't work out if this was her way of coming onto him


My son from the future...he's run away.

"And I thought I had problems!" he thinks to himself


Er, sorry about the nudity, but I'm sure you've seen more nekkid females than the doctor has...the doctor.

Needy nods as he tries to force his eyes to look eleswhere
Don't stare. Don't stare... ooh interesting tattoo... interesting place to have it too he mentally shakes his head Don't stare, don't stare

So, what would you like to see first?

Needy gulps


I'm heading back to the jacuzzi since that's where most of the shipboard crew is, but we can go anywhere.

"Oh right... what part of the ship would I like to see first? I thought you meant which part of yo... I mean... er" he stutters as she gives him a strange look.
He waves his hands around in an attempt to gesture an answer. "I..."

"I thought companions were supposed to be cool and smooth" she replies

As the words glide off of her tongue, he can't help but think about the smoothness of her and her skin.
He goes into a daze.

"Hey!" she calls out impatiently.

"Sorry... head trauma" he blurts out.

"Yeah, it better be"

"Jacuzzi's fine. We should do that... I mean not that I'm saying we should... you know... in the jacuzzi."

She glares at him.

"You're going to kill me, aren't you?"

Her glare turns to her laugh as she witnesses his worried face.

Inside he can't help but wonder "What the hell is wrong with me?"

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Saturday, April 8, 2006 8:21 AM


OCC: Hahahahaaaa! Ha! Teeheehe. ooo, boy. That was funny. And why do you keep hanging around when I take a shower?

'It's okay, I won't kill was my fault. My mind was else where and I forgot you're just like any other man. Sorry. I won't make that mistake again. Shall we see the water park before the jacuzzi?'

*she notices he's looking at her...*

'No one knows I have that. I'd appreciate it if you kept it under your hat. I have a feeling it might freak out the Doc even more. You know, sometimes I think he's all hot and then he just gets cold...I can't make him out.'

*twg shows him around the water park...the slide...the pool of that breathy stuff from abyss*

'I don't mean to be nosy...but well, I do. Do you really think it was amnesia?'

'Well...maybe. It's just I don't remember ever being here. And for that matter, I don't remember not being where I had been.'

'Well...there are a few folks here that have had 'evil twins' show up on occasion...but I wouldn't know about that as it happened during my lost time. Plus, with all the space folding, I wouldn't be surprised if maybe it was you from somewhere/time else. The Doctor might know about that sort of thing. You should talk to him.'

*he nods his head*

'So you're after the Doctor?'

'Heh, yeah. It's complicated. He's my son's father...or he will be someday. I know he eventually will like me, but I don't know when. Should I wait a month or five years? A girl can get mighty frustrated in five years...may start getting antsy.'

'If you ever need some help with the frustration...'

*she laughs* I'll keep that in mind. Course, my ex-husband...not the man I lived with during my lost on our boat too. He's kinda protective of me...don't let him see you looking at me like you know what I look like.

'Your ex-husband?' wow. this girl's a one person soap opera!

*they finally come upon the jacuzzi and it's neighbor, the chococuzzi* 'Well, here we are. Everyone, make room for Needy.'
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Saturday, April 8, 2006 8:30 AM


Shadow frantically looked around from on top of her horse. Then hopped down quickly almost twisting her ankle as she stumbled during the landing, Safe caught her, holding on as she began to struggle to look around frantically. Slipping out of Safe’s grasp she started to run frantically, yelling for Ghost, only to be stopped as Safe managed to grabbed her arm, effectively stopping her as she continued screaming.

“MEI MEI!, This isn’t funny Ghost! Where are you?”


Saturday, April 8, 2006 8:49 AM


{edit: backing up just a wee bit....}

*Anticipating the obvious, vis, that he’s gonna be discovered hiding in TWG’s shower, cozen boldly steps out and greets the lady and the newcomer. Along the way, he carefully folds the gown alumina and places it in a handy dresser drawer. He wipes a couple of his fingers along TWG’s cheek and sets to licking the vodka flavoured chocolatey goop, noting a savoury hint of perspiration.*

Guess y’all won’t actually believe I was looking for PR’s knitting needles, but it does have a certain plausiblility, eh?

Pleased to meet ya, Needy, right? *Shakes Needy’s hand.* I’m cozen. My job on this Treeship is, is… ah, well I don’t really have one! Guess I just get into things. Sometimes I shoots, but even then most often I misses. So, good to meet ya in the flesh and all that. Heard rumours, I have. Yep. Interesting history you have there; sounds like the life of a true bon vivant. Maybe soon we can split a bottle of single malt to help loosen some of the details from yer brainpan.

Until then though, well, I notice I’ve successfully managed to babble my way to the exit. See, I’m in a bit of a hurry to find something in black to go shopping with, and I’m afraid the choccy lady’s selections ride either too low or too high.

So, listen: big deaths not allowed, all right? Little deaths, however, are encouraged.


mostly harmless


Saturday, April 8, 2006 7:58 PM


OOC : *is returning after a long day at the faire and several drinks.....Pauses, Goes to get ..Trying to catch up...


SR cut's connection and continues his hotwiring of the Nelson.

He then decides to keep JH in the loop and calls him up on comm-link, "Jade me and the boys are tired of being treated like doorstops so we have scheduled a return trip to pick up the ladies later and we are on our way to you, just about,... now."
The final connection is made and the shuttles engines come to life and the Nelson lifts off.

*Jadehand's jaw hits the floor, he scrambles for his com link*
"SR, to quote a favourite old movie of mine, 'YOU MUST CHILL, YOU MUST CHILL!' if you touch the Nelson, harm it in any way, someone is going to be very angry with ME!, guess who that will make me angry with. Go ahead...Guess. Right, that'd be you. Relax, If you are that eager to depart, I will come and get you. Maybe you aren't worried about me being angry with you. That's ok, you don't have to be. But!!!!, If you do what you are thinking on, you'll have far worse than me to worry on. Hell, I'd only blow you out of the god damn airlock without a spacesuit, you do that, you have Seryn and Serenity and Mai and Soul and gods know who else fairly annoyed. That's not a position I'd envy.
I highly recommend that you set her back down, repair any wiring and relax, wait for the ladies to return. Oh, and appoligize to them as if your life is in their hands, ' is. Don't get angry with me now, I'm trying to save you."


"Jadehand, Can you please tell SR as soon as he lands, that he, no infact, not him, but someone is to come and pick us up immedietly. Also if you could pass on the message to him that I don't particularly want him to come anywhare near me for a while, as if Soul doesn't rip his b... throat out for abandoning his heavily pregnant and rather conspicuous wife alone and unprotected on a strange planet, the I will be doing so."

"Seryn, Hey ummmm.. Yeah trying to head him off at the pass, Impatience is not a virture. If he fails to set back down on Commerce, I'll be there before nightfall. I appologize for failing to predict this, But trust I'll put the wrong things right as best I can. Please look after the girls if it turns out I'm needed to pick you up."


Deuce listens to the com traffic between Seryn and Jadehand. She considers what she hears.

"Listen, Jade, since Serenity is getting mighty ripe and all, maybe it would be a good idea for you to go to Commerce to pick her up. But I can't go. Gotta stay on this dirtball 'til I find Quin. Even if it's her own gorram fault she wandered off."

"Thanks Deuce, I appreciate your understanding of the major faux paus, But I'd be just as big a complete pud if I abandoned you folk here to run after them."
*turns to McQ*
"McQ, I know you're new here, but you seem a man of honour to me, Will you be kind enough to give me your word to look after these fine folk if the need arises for me to depart for Commerce?"
*After a nod, the 2 men shake hands*
"Thank you, sir. I do appreciate you."



Select to view spoiler:

*gasps* JEOMK (what? I'm five drinks in, ignore me, gods, I'm out again, ...*goes for another*)

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Sunday, April 9, 2006 3:26 AM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
OOC : *is returning after a long day at the faire and several drinks.....Pauses, Goes to get ..Trying to catch up...


SR cut's connection and continues his hotwiring of the Nelson.

He then decides to keep JH in the loop and calls him up on comm-link, "Jade me and the boys are tired of being treated like doorstops so we have scheduled a return trip to pick up the ladies later and we are on our way to you, just about,... now."
The final connection is made and the shuttles engines come to life and the Nelson lifts off.

*Jadehand's jaw hits the floor, he scrambles for his com link*
"SR, to quote a favourite old movie of mine, 'YOU MUST CHILL, YOU MUST CHILL!' if you touch the Nelson, harm it in any way, someone is going to be very angry with ME!, guess who that will make me angry with. Go ahead...Guess. Right, that'd be you. Relax, If you are that eager to depart, I will come and get you. Maybe you aren't worried about me being angry with you. That's ok, you don't have to be. But!!!!, If you do what you are thinking on, you'll have far worse than me to worry on. Hell, I'd only blow you out of the god damn airlock without a spacesuit, you do that, you have Seryn and Serenity and Mai and Soul and gods know who else fairly annoyed. That's not a position I'd envy.
I highly recommend that you set her back down, repair any wiring and relax, wait for the ladies to return. Oh, and appoligize to them as if your life is in their hands, ' is. Don't get angry with me now, I'm trying to save you."


"Jadehand, Can you please tell SR as soon as he lands, that he, no infact, not him, but someone is to come and pick us up immedietly. Also if you could pass on the message to him that I don't particularly want him to come anywhare near me for a while, as if Soul doesn't rip his b... throat out for abandoning his heavily pregnant and rather conspicuous wife alone and unprotected on a strange planet, the I will be doing so."

"Seryn, Hey ummmm.. Yeah trying to head him off at the pass, Impatience is not a virture. If he fails to set back down on Commerce, I'll be there before nightfall. I appologize for failing to predict this, But trust I'll put the wrong things right as best I can. Please look after the girls if it turns out I'm needed to pick you up."


Deuce listens to the com traffic between Seryn and Jadehand. She considers what she hears.

"Listen, Jade, since Serenity is getting mighty ripe and all, maybe it would be a good idea for you to go to Commerce to pick her up. But I can't go. Gotta stay on this dirtball 'til I find Quin. Even if it's her own gorram fault she wandered off."

"Thanks Deuce, I appreciate your understanding of the major faux paus, But I'd be just as big a complete pud if I abandoned you folk here to run after them."
*turns to McQ*
"McQ, I know you're new here, but you seem a man of honour to me, Will you be kind enough to give me your word to look after these fine folk if the need arises for me to depart for Commerce?"
*After a nod, the 2 men shake hands*
"Thank you, sir. I do appreciate you."



Select to view spoiler:

*gasps* JEOMK (what? I'm five drinks in, ignore me, gods, I'm out again, ...*goes for another*)

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion

Aboard the Admiral Nelson.

SR toggles up his commlink once more.

V-mail for JadeHand-
"Jade you've always been stable and reasonable, and I respect that, but hear me out on this one. Seryn wasn't. We were at the Nelson, she and I, she got in a mood and locked me out of the shuttles controls and then she asked me to gather everybody up to leave. the women folk were the only ones still unaccounted for. So I commed them and gave them a heads up and a dead line. They blew it off. Then she runs off, she, the one who said we should leave. I gave at carrot and the stick talk that got soundly ignored. Meanwhile, clock's ticking and I still have to give the new shuttle the once over to make sure she's space worthy. You can't come to me. The Cloud could be a deathtrap waiting to happen. So back to the story, to top it all off I asked everybody at the Nelson if they had any problem with leaving and I got no complaints. Then after I'm in flight I find out Citizen is still dirtside playing with yet to be loaded cargo. He could have said something. So he's still back there. Now there's another problem I don't need. Citizen and I are on an inevitable collision course anyways that I have been trying think of a way to delay, misdirect or defuze. Well back to Seryn, if she had just let me take the shuttle I would have been there and back all ready. I'm not going back, not yet. I'll come to you and check out the Cloud. You can take the Nelson back and get them, though that will probably be unnecessary as TRM is bringing the Tree into dock soon. I'll check out the Cloud and if it's ship shape then I'll fly it over to Commerce or standby. Then I will go and stand on the carpet in front of TRM or Ebo or whoever. I'm guessing this will cost me that apartment in engineering I had my eye on or maybe even get me thrown off the ship, which would be a royal pain in the ass as I just went extremely into deep out of pocket exspense to buy raw materials to upgrade the weaponry, while La Capitana is off shopping for frippery with someone else's money. As far as the Nelson's mechanical status there is nothing that I've done that can't be undone in short order, without any permanent or noticeable damage. I'm a butcher in battle, not when it comes to technology. Trust me fixing ships is easy, stealing them seems to be a cake walk too. Fixing people that's tough if not impossible. If you want to get angry with me you'll have to get in line. This is just another in the never ending list of problems brought about by poor communication. By the way if you really intend to put me out a airlock, I'll just set down somewhere else, give you coordinates to find the shuttle and the boys and be on my way."

He then sends copies of the V-mail to TRM, Ebo and Seryn tagged with the heading "The Commerce incident: SR's perspective." And saves a copy for himself.

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, April 9, 2006 4:07 AM



ScorpionRegent wrote:
He then sends copies of the V-mail to TRM, Ebo and Seryn tagged with the heading "The Commerce incident: SR's perspective." And saves a copy for himself.

On the Sereni-Tree, TheRealMe sighs as he shakes his head. He returns a message to all concerned:

"Hello, this is Me. I will be landing the Napoleon Bonaparteon Commerce within the half hour. I'll be sure to land at the same site where the Admiral Nelson had been docked. After that, I intend to do some shopping of my own, for items lost in the Battle for the Common Room. None of these items are necessary, but all, I think would be desired. If the crew currently stranded on Commerce wish to depart in the Napoleon, then I can wait for a shuttle to come get me later."

TheRealMe then strides purposefully toward the shuttle hanger on top of the South Wing, Sparky at his heels carrying many bags.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Sunday, April 9, 2006 6:13 AM


Citizen lifted his Com-Link to his mouth.
"If I don't get my, erm, toys back, I'm not going to be a very happy bunny. Dong Ma."

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Sunday, April 9, 2006 10:42 AM


Seryn opens a Channel to TRM -

"Hey Me, we'd happily wait for you to get what you need and take us straight back to the Tree if that wouldn't be to much trouble. In the meantime, we were heading of to find a good meal, would you care to join us? We'll let you know when we choose a place, ok?"

she changes the comm to peak to Jadehand.

"Hey Jade, please let SR know that he is free to carry on to Garrison, we won't be needing anyone to pick us up, TRM and the Napolean will be here soon and i'll go back to the Tree with the others. I'll be sad to miss the first flight, but I want to make sure the others are ok. I'm not sure how Citizen is, but we can get him and the rest of his stuff back with us, If he's ok with that.

You know, I never thought to ask, I just assumed, I trust everything is fine with the Cloud? You know, I bought some paints, when she's back on the Tree i'd be honoured if you'd let me paint her a name.

I think thats it for the moment. Good luck!"

She moves back towards Mai and Serenity, Making sure they heard the new plan, then excuses herself, leaving them to make the final decision about where they eat.

Moving off throught the market, unsure as to wheather she's motivated now by spite, pique or remorse, she finds all the shops selling the materials that SR had bought, and get refunds of his money, charging them to her mother-in-laws account instead, fobbing off the storekeepers with all manner of stories. On the way back she bounces the the full purse in her hands, wondering where best to aim it to cause maximum pain without permenantly damaging anything.

reaching the resturant, she sits her self down and looks around.


and sets too studying the menu.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Sunday, April 9, 2006 11:22 AM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

Aboard the Admiral Nelson.

SR toggles up his commlink once more.

V-mail for JadeHand-
"Jade you've always been stable and reasonable, and I respect that, but hear me out on this one. Seryn wasn't. We were at the Nelson, she and I, she got in a mood and locked me out of the shuttles controls and then she asked me to gather everybody up to leave. the women folk were the only ones still unaccounted for. So I commed them and gave them a heads up and a dead line. They blew it off. Then she runs off, she, the one who said we should leave. I gave at carrot and the stick talk that got soundly ignored. Meanwhile, clock's ticking and I still have to give the new shuttle the once over to make sure she's space worthy. You can't come to me. The Cloud could be a deathtrap waiting to happen. So back to the story, to top it all off I asked everybody at the Nelson if they had any problem with leaving and I got no complaints. Then after I'm in flight I find out Citizen is still dirtside playing with yet to be loaded cargo. He could have said something. So he's still back there. Now there's another problem I don't need. Citizen and I are on an inevitable collision course anyways that I have been trying think of a way to delay, misdirect or defuze. Well back to Seryn, if she had just let me take the shuttle I would have been there and back all ready. I'm not going back, not yet. I'll come to you and check out the Cloud. You can take the Nelson back and get them, though that will probably be unnecessary as TRM is bringing the Tree into dock soon. I'll check out the Cloud and if it's ship shape then I'll fly it over to Commerce or standby. Then I will go and stand on the carpet in front of TRM or Ebo or whoever. I'm guessing this will cost me that apartment in engineering I had my eye on or maybe even get me thrown off the ship, which would be a royal pain in the ass as I just went extremely into deep out of pocket exspense to buy raw materials to upgrade the weaponry, while La Capitana is off shopping for frippery with someone else's money. As far as the Nelson's mechanical status there is nothing that I've done that can't be undone in short order, without any permanent or noticeable damage. I'm a butcher in battle, not when it comes to technology. Trust me fixing ships is easy, stealing them seems to be a cake walk too. Fixing people that's tough if not impossible. If you want to get angry with me you'll have to get in line. This is just another in the never ending list of problems brought about by poor communication. By the way if you really intend to put me out a airlock, I'll just set down somewhere else, give you coordinates to find the shuttle and the boys and be on my way."

He then sends copies of the V-mail to TRM, Ebo and Seryn tagged with the heading "The Commerce incident: SR's perspective." And saves a copy for himself.

Scorpion Regent

*Hits the Com*
"SR, First, I have no plans to put you out of an airlock. I was simply reminding you that Admiral Nelson Isn't my boat. It was entrusted to me, therefore my responsablity. Any harm to Admiral Nelson , is likey to get me into trouble. Don't let that happen and we're good, OK?
Second, As for your personal interaction with Captain Nell and Mr. Citizen and the others, Well, I can offer tidbits of advice. You may consider slowing down a bit. Your pace and appitite for constant motion rivals that of the tazmanian devil on speed, It's unnerving to those around you who are accustomed to a more langerous journey. Ocean Cloud seems fine, take your time. TRM is picking up the ladies and the others you left behind. I'll get you a room here and a big bottle of rum, chill, relax, and appologize to those you may have tweaked in the morning, Dong ma?"

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Sunday, April 9, 2006 2:48 PM


"Whoa, slow down little one. She can't have gone far. We'll find her." Safe says as he tries to calm Shadow down.

Crouching down to the same level as Shadow, he gently grabs both of her upper arms making her look him in the eye. "You and me make a good team right? If we use our heads, I dare say we'd be a pair of the greatest trackers on this mighty ship eh?"

"One thing I've found is my brain never works very well when I'm panic'd. So we've got to take a few deep breaths and calm down. You can help me.." Safe takes a deep breath and holds it pretending to forget to exhale. He looks at Shadow expectantly, turning slightly red.

Letting go of one of her arms, Safe holds his com behind his back and beeps Kelly.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Sunday, April 9, 2006 6:10 PM



Originally posted by Jadehand:

*Hits the Com*
"SR, First, I have no plans to put you out of an airlock. I was simply reminding you that Admiral Nelson Isn't my boat. It was entrusted to me, therefore my responsablity. Any harm to Admiral Nelson , is likey to get me into trouble. Don't let that happen and we're good, OK?
Second, As for your personal interaction with Captain Nell and Mr. Citizen and the others, Well, I can offer tidbits of advice. You may consider slowing down a bit. Your pace and appitite for constant motion rivals that of the tazmanian devil on speed, It's unnerving to those around you who are accustomed to a more langerous journey. Ocean Cloud seems fine, take your time. TRM is picking up the ladies and the others you left behind. I'll get you a room here and a big bottle of rum, chill, relax, and appologize to those you may have tweaked in the morning, Dong ma?"

"We can face to face when I arrive, which should be about a ninety minutes. I'm all talked out right now." SR replies and shut's down his comm.

He looks over his shoulder at the new crew member. "You catch all of that? What's your name anyways?"

OOC: Is Garrison the moon of Commerce or is it the other way around? Seryn FYI all of SR's hardware purchases were made on Garrison. His purchases on Commerce is mostly small stuff, like your jewelry, toys for the girls, etc.

Scorpion Regent


Monday, April 10, 2006 1:50 AM


{OOC-ah, well i'll go do the round on Garrison and then I'll have an even bigger purse to throw at you won't I? - question is. do I edit or ignore?)

Seryn shuts the telephone directory sized menue and sits back in her seat

"wow, this is a great resturant, looks like they serve pretty much every cuisine ever known to man or ficttion. Its like one of those replicator things with silver service waiters"

She orders some bread and olive oil from the tapas section and a large jug of virgin margheritas. and they tuck in whilst waiting for others to arrive.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Monday, April 10, 2006 3:27 AM


"Did I hear talk of food?" Citizen said throwing the cunningly concealed tasteless MRE aside. "This is the type that involves taste right?" He said into the com-link. "I'm there, but where's there?"

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Monday, April 10, 2006 4:07 AM


*Serenity sips on her virgin margartia.*

Aaaah. This is nice.

Are all pirates as tense as SR? He really needs to learn to relax. I think when we get back to the TREE, we should force him into the Choccuzzi until he mellows a bit. At least he seems to mean well.

And I appreciate everyone's concern for my wellbeing, but really, I think I'm perfectly capable of not getting myself dead or kidnapped or maimed while shoe shopping!

*takes another peek at the menu*

I think I'll start with some Thai coconut soup and then have a curry and maybe some green tea ice cream for dessert.

Edit: *over comm link* Citizen, we're at the "International House of Food" on the corner of 5th and Peach Tree.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Monday, April 10, 2006 4:15 AM


TheRealMe lands the shuttle Napoleon Bonaparte on Commerce, moon of Garrison (which could easily have retail outlets for the military hardware produced down on Garrison). He instructs Sparky to watch the shuttle, then gets directions to this amazing restaurant from Seryn. He joins Seryn, Serenity, Mai, LMD (and Citizen?) at the International House of Food. He is dressed in a fine suit.

"Hi, everybody!"

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Monday, April 10, 2006 6:12 AM



Originally posted by citizen:
Citizen lifted his Com-Link to his mouth.
"If I don't get my, erm, toys back, I'm not going to be a very happy bunny. Dong Ma."

Aboard the shuttle Admiral Nelson enroute to Garrison from Commerce:

After about twenty minutes of quiet time SR reaches a possible solution to the situation of Citizen's stuff and reluctantly turns his comm-link back on sends Citizenthe following V-mail:
"I have no interest in any of your stuff, though it is interesting stuff. When we land on Garrison I will personally inventory all of your stuff with LMD and the FNG (fresh new guy) as witnesses. We will then draw up a itemized list and fax it to your comm link. Now if customs, local police or alliance feds come along we will surrender the list to them and let them know that the cargo belongs to you and that you can be found at the international house of food in Commerce City on Commerce. Or we can trust each other, I'll seal the crates and boxes unopened and trust you don't blame me, LMD and the FNG for something missing that we never saw to begin with and will all be each other's witnesses. And you can trust that we won't rob you blind. and we can all trust that the afforementioned agents of interference and neglect will feel compelled to do the latter and not the former thus allowing us to be about our shady business unmolested."

SR switches off the commlink and mentally adds ship thief and gun runner to his long list of positions held and duties performed to his resume. Then he wonders if there really is honor among pirates and thieves.

Scorpion Regent


Monday, April 10, 2006 6:27 AM


Hey TRM! Don't you look spiffy!

Try these noodles, they're delicious!

*holds out noodle-laden chopsticks.*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Monday, April 10, 2006 7:39 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

The FNG still was just starting to get to grips with who was where and was disappointed hed missed a fancy meal but decided to cut his losses and get to known SR.

"The names Washes sexier younger brother but everyone calls me Wisp" SR gives him a bemused frown "its a type of mythical creature it was my nickname way back when"

"anyway im the new guy ill tell you all my life story when were together so lets here yours?"

Wisp rootled around in his bag and removed an oaty bar and looked attentivley at SR






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