The Sereni-Tree, More Shopping, and Some Peril

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 16:08
VIEWED: 20832
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Wednesday, April 12, 2006 6:48 PM


This is Thread 45 of the adventures of the Sereni-Tree!

For “The Guide to the Clubhouse / Treehouse / Sereni-Tree Threads”, see:

Near the top of the following thread is a very long post containing “TheRealMe’s Guide to the Sereni-Tree, V5”. This post is a description of the ship and crew, but lacks some of the newest arrivals:

Below is the summary of the previous thread (or so) at:

On the Sereni-Tree, in orbit around Garrison:

After falling out of hyperspace over the planet Garrison, some of the crew of the Sereni-Tree decide to undertake Olympic level shopping. The following individuals depart the Sereni-Tree for Garrison in the shuttle Admiral Nelson: Mai, Deuce / Bride2, Quincey / Bride5, Serenity, N0Skillz, N0Skillz’s pet tiger Shadow (not to be confused with the little orphan girl), Jadehand, LightMeDark, Seryn, ScorpionRegent, Citizen, and McQ the cyborg.

On Garrison:

Quincey lands the Nelson in Garrison City. Jadehand rents a hanger, then starts ordering the components necessary to build the new stealth shuttle of his design, the Ocean Cloud. Quincey gets all dressed up and announces that she is going out to party! Deuce spends most of her time exercising and training in the hanger. N0Skillz and his tiger just hang around. McQ heads off to see if he can acquire new weapons or upgrades. Mostly, though, it seems that McQ came on the shopping trip just to get away from everyone back on the Sereni-Tree.

On Commerce:

But building the Ocean Cloud is only one part of the plan. Among other tasks, there is a tremendous amount of girly shopping necessary to provide for the upcoming wedding of Soul and Serenity. Serenity, Mai, LigtMeDark, Seryn, ScorpionRegent, and Citizen climb aboard the Nelson and depart Garrison for Commerce, one of Garrison’s moons.

On Commerce, Seryn stops by a doctor she knows in order to have a certain procedure reversed. It seems that at some time in the past she had a developing fetus in her womb somehow put “on hold”, and she goes to have its growth started up again. After a short time, she re-joins the wedding shoppers Serenity, Mai, and LightMeDark. LMD seems bewildered at the activities around him, but then he is only there to be the strong, clueless male responsible for carrying all the boxes.

ScorpionRegent works on his own to get other items, part of which is to fill a shopping list from Jet, the Sereni-Tree’s acting Chief Engineer.

Citizen heads off to check with some special contacts and undertakes some shady dealing with East European gentlemen to get weapons.

LMD and SR talk about getting a cow or a goat for the Sereni-Tree.

On the Sereni-Tree:

TheRealMe stands outside of Washie’s quarters for a week. When she does not answer his buzzing, he decides she must not be home.

Needy uses the Sereni-Tree’s T.H.R.E.A.D. archive computer to hunt down when he was supposed to have been on board the ship. He finds logs and vids of his appearance last August, but does not recall them at all. Has he lost his memory? Has there been an imposter? Who’s on first? (no, Who is in the Infirmary!)

Kelly and Safe take turns watching over the orphan kids, Shadow and Ghost. They take the girls down to the pifflepony ranch to do some riding. After a time, Kelly takes a break to go see Ath.

Jazaf fixes his mutant arm by applying a kissie.

Ath, Soul, MontanaGirl, Kelly, ThatWeirdGirl, Needy, SimonWho (?), and Jazaf (?) at various times have fun in the chocolate jacuzzi, which Cozen has considerately converted into a VODKA chocolate jacuzzi!

Young Ghost sneaks away from Safe and her sister Shadow. She finds her way from the pifflepony ranch up to the Common Room. She slips and falls on some stray chocolate goo and starts crying. Kelly, dripping in vodka-chocolate, runs over to comfort her. Down in the pifflepony ranch, Shadow notices Ghost is missing and panics. Safe calms Shadow down and they go looking for Ghost together.

During ThatWeirdGirl’s shower, she and Needy have a discussion about memory loss, future sons, evil twins, and the like.

TheRealMe gets dressed in a nice dark suit to go shopping for DVDs, a video system, and furniture, to replace what was lost during the Alliance attack.

At some unknown location in Space-Time:

After borrowing the Blue Box of his father, SimonWho, PsychicRiver undertakes a journey to some other point in space-time. He gets out of the Blue Box and starts a conversation with himself, another PsychicRiver, who says that he will need to undertake a trip to the Sereni-Tree’s past, presumably to become the PsychicRiver that we have known for the past year and a half, and the very one he is talking to. As an aside, SimonWho bemoans the likely paradoxes to result.

On Garrison:

One by one, the ordered crates and packages arrive at the hanger on Garrison. Jadehand pays each person with platinum acquired earlier from the Ocean Cloud Scam (stolen from the account of the scar-faced Heinz). Once everything has arrived, the parts are carefully arrayed around the hanger. Jadehand then uses his Nametags of Shapeshifting to become, in turn, Magneto and Forge from the X-Men comics. Using superpowers borrowed from these two, Jadehand single-handedly assembles the Ocean Cloud.

Meanwhile, McQ wanders about Garrison City. He heroically stops a mugging in a park, and then goes to a local arms dealer to extort new weapons and ammunition from him. He heads back to the hanger.

Deuce and N0Skillz are playing cards while Jadehand takes it easy for a while. But when Deuce tries to contact Quincey, Deuce discovers that Quincey left her com-link behind. Deuce interprets this as Quincey wanting some privacy in anticipation of “getting lucky” that night. Deuce and N0Skillz decide McQ and Quincey have been gone too long. They go off to track down the pair, relying on the tiger Shadow’s keen sense of smell. They are unaware that McQ returns to the hanger by the back door just as they are leaving by the front. After wandering about the entire city, they finally track McQ back to their hanger.

Jadehands heads off for some shady dealings of his own, with his old associate, “Benny”.

On Commerce:

A young man, WashsYoungerSexierBrother, meets Seryn and ScorpionRegent. WYSB hears SR call Seryn “Captain” and he decides that he wants to join their crew. Seryn and SR invite him, as long as he proves useful. They allow WYSB some time to get his affairs in order.

SR attempts, in vain, to hurry up the girly shopping with various faked announcements about an imminent take-off (and poorly acted ‘wooshing’ noises). Serenity and Mai just turn off their com-links and look at another pair of shoes. They also get some toys and nice clothes for Shadow and Ghost.

WYSB (aka Wisp) arrives at the Admiral Nelson with all his worldly possession and a goat named Doris. He relaxes, daydreaming about the female crewmembers that he expects in his near future. (Needy and Cozen, it looks like you have competition!)

Patience exhausted, ScorpionRegent decides to leave the wedding shoppers on Commerce, and starts trying to bypass the Admiral Nelson’s landlock system. Seryn suggests to Serenity that they rush things along rather than be left behind. SR takes off from Commerce in the Admiral Nelson with WashsYoungerSexierBrother on board (and LightMeDark, too!). Citizen (whose cargo was in the Nelson), Jadehand (who was responsible for returning the Nelson without a scratch), and Seryn (who is annoyed that she and especially the pregnant Serenity got stranded) all have words with him. Seryn laments that, though SR is an excellent quartermaster, he is incapable of relaxing. TheRealMe is made aware of these issues, due to a message from SR.

TheRealMe and Sparky head down to Commerce in the Napoleon Bonaparte. TheRealMe leaves Sparky to watch the shuttle and meets Seryn, Serenity, and Mai in the International House of Food. He is wearing a suit, and looks rather snazzy. Later, Citizen joins them. After the meal, they all go shopping again. As TheRealMe makes adjustments to his suit and tie, he remarks that he has come up with a way to ensure excellent customer service. He puts on a pair of blue gloves and signals Sparky to join him.

On Garrison:

ScorpionRegent lands the Nelson next to the Ocean Cloud, accompanied by WashsYoungerSexierBrother (and LMD). After a thorough inspection, SR pronounces the Cloud to be spaceworthy. Deuce is ready to track down Quincey, but Jadehand suggests that they have a meal first, then EVERYONE can go. But N0skillz and Deuce head off following the tracking tiger again, and Jadehand reluctantly follows. Wisp also goes with them. McQ stays to guard the hanger. He mistakes some locals for Alliance soldiers, and decides to go inside the hanger and keep a lower profile. LMD gets off the Nelson and wanders around the hanger.

In the Dagger, orbiting Boros in another star system from Garrison:

A certain scar-faced man has hired the crew of the Dagger (consisting of at least Jennings, Bear, and Grunt) to track down some ship that got away with the scar-guy’s possessions (could it be… Sereni-Tree?).

On Commerce, shopping moon of Garrison:

Serenity, Seryn, and Mai consult with Kelly (who has stayed on Sereni-Tree) and then they go shopping for baby clothes, highchairs, and strollers. After hours of their own shopping, TheRealMe and Sparky return to the Napoleon Bonaparte. Sparky’s servo motors are groaning under the massive weight of huge bags filled with enough DVDs to replace the impressive collection lost during the Boros Incident. They unload all of this into the cargo area of the Napoleon, and TheRealMe places a brand-new 8-ball on top of that pile. They go back out to find some furniture, next.

In orbit around Garrison:

The Dagger falls out of hyperspace above Garrison and spots the Sereni-Tree. Despite the urgings of the scar-faced man, the crew of the Dagger do not reveal themselves.

Hidden somewhere on Garrison:

Unknown to Our Heroes, we find that Quincey had been imprisoned by members of some kind of Oriental Tong. It seems that Quincey’s father, a person of great importance, has promised her in marriage to the Tong leader’s son as part of some Pact.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 10:13 PM



"yes! they do have textbooks! Oh god what a relief. I knew there had to be instruction manuals somewhere!

So are they really hard to read? I haven't done much reading for a few years. Just maps and letters and the odd trashy paperback."

"So they do come with owners manuals?" Citizen said smiling. "I had one for an air burst tac-nuke once, indispensable, if it weren’t for that thing I’d of ended up wiping out most of Boros, I imagine babies are much the same." Citizen flicked his com on as an after thought.
"TRM, I've got a few ideas as to how too make the Sereni-Tree a little safer, more able to avoid, pirates, and other, inconveniences." He said. "When you get a chance maybe we can go over my plans?"

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 3:26 AM


On Commerce, shopping moon of Garrison:

TheRealMe and Sparky have returned to the shuttle Napoleon with sofas, coffee tables, recliners, and a huge state-of-the-art television with attached game console.

TheRealMe takes his com-link and answers Citizen. "Of course, Citizen, we may discuss your plans at your earliest convenience."

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Thursday, April 13, 2006 4:04 AM



Soul and I have been discussing baby names.

For some reason, he doesn't like "CallMe...", he wants to leave it out! Can you imagine?

That is a very soft blanket! Does it come in other colours?

And look at this weeny hat! It looks like the top of a pumpkin! See the little vine and leaf at the top! Too adorable!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, April 13, 2006 4:12 AM


*she doesn't like the look of those flashing lights and that vector...presses com*

ME and everyone, I respectfully request all shuttles, I repeat all shuttles and crew members to return to home as soon as possible. I've just tracked a shuttle arriving in the area...from the same vector from which we came. I don't like it. Gather up the ladies and get them on board NOW.

*com off. Leans down and takes a lick of chocolate off Simon's ear* Shouldn't he have been back by now? I'm getting really worried. What if he's lost in time?

OCC: I can't keep up with the loggin in and out thing.

You see? She's not a junkie or mentally ill, she's gifted!--Momma Roxy


Thursday, April 13, 2006 5:25 AM


OOC: TRM, You freaked me out with the name "Mei-ling" I used to work with a woman named Mei Ling Liang. She passed away many years ago. It was a blast to the past!

**jake7 waits patiently by the pool table for TRM to arrive with the new 8-ball.**

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Thursday, April 13, 2006 5:29 AM



*she doesn't like the look of those flashing lights and that vector...presses com*

ME and everyone, I respectfully request all shuttles, I repeat all shuttles and crew members to return to home as soon as possible. I've just tracked a shuttle arriving in the area...from the same vector from which we came. I don't like it. Gather up the ladies and get them on board NOW.

Turning to Bride2 and the other following them , "Alright, Quincys still missing, and we need to find her. Myself and Duece can handle whatever might jump us by surprise, y'all can head back to the Tree. They might need some defending and such, you never know."

Checking his weapons one last time, "Anyone got extra .45 cal clips? or maybe another weapon I can borrow, maybe some grenades... you never know when you'll need em!"

"Oh! and leave us a shuttle please."

edited cuz i need to proof my posts!

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!


Thursday, April 13, 2006 5:53 AM



Originally posted by wildigstart:

ME and everyone, I respectfully request all shuttles, I repeat all shuttles and crew members to return to home as soon as possible. I've just tracked a shuttle arriving in the area...from the same vector from which we came. I don't like it. Gather up the ladies and get them on board NOW.

Argh! Shopping cut short!

*Seryn, Mai and CMS quickly pay for the remainder of their purchases and begin to head back towards the shuttles. Unfortunately, they wandered further and further away with their shopping and the streets have gotten very, very crowded. Serenity is soon out of breath.*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, April 13, 2006 6:18 AM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:
Then she hears a plop, and a small cry like a wounded bird. Quick as a flash, Kelly is out of the jacuzzi, dripping chocolate on the floor as she runs over to Ghost who is clutching her bottom and crying.

"Aiya, little Ghost, how did you find me? And where's your sister?"

Ghost looks up at Kelly, huge glistening tears in her eyes, and Kelly realizes that she is lost. Quickly drying herself off, she helps Ghost up, smoothing her hair behind her ear. She shoots an apologetic look toward Ath and the others and grabs Ghost's hand.

"Let's find Shadow, OK?"

Ghost nodded taking Kelly’s hand as the woman led her back towards the pony ranch. Her curiosity taking over her as she looked around at everything, seeing lots of places and things she would have to see later.

Shadow was going to be mad. That thought made her stop for a moment almost causing both of them to fall.

Kelly picked up the young girl and began walking again. As the two got closer to where Shadow had been Ghost snuggled into the elf woman. She smelled like chocolate and she’d protect her from Shadow being mad.

Shadow began to run towards the rest of the ship, worry for her sister only to be stopped by Safe as he took her by the shoulders.


Originally posted by safeat2nd:
"Whoa, slow down little one. She can't have gone far. We'll find her." Safe says as he tries to calm Shadow down.

Crouching down to the same level as Shadow, he gently grabs both of her upper arms making her look him in the eye. "You and me make a good team right? If we use our heads, I dare say we'd be a pair of the greatest trackers on this mighty ship eh?"

"One thing I've found is my brain never works very well when I'm panic'd. So we've got to take a few deep breaths and calm down. You can help me.." Safe takes a deep breath and holds it pretending to forget to exhale. He looks at Shadow expectantly, turning slightly red.

Shadow looked at Captain Safe’s face as he began to turn red. Slowly calming down a little she took a shaky breath in, and let it out slowly. They were in a ship. There were adults everywhere. Ghost really couldn’t have gotten too far. Slowly she took a few more breaths building a façade of calm around herself, but fear and panic were just beneath the surface ready to come out.


Letting go of one of her arms, Safe holds his com behind his back and beeps Kelly.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 6:45 AM


"Ok, its not to bad." she says to anyone who'll listen.

She stretches up on her toes to try and see over the crowds, turning to look in as many directions as possible.

"This is a commerce planet *peers back the way they came* they have a vested interest in making sure that shoppers and more importantly, their money, get to where they want to go, safe and in a few a pieces as possible.*spots what she needs*
Ah! Ok, over this way."

She grabs Mais hand and indicates for Serenity to grab the other, then fights her way through the crowds towards a guy in a vaguely Alliance-ish uniform, with the planets emblam sewn onto his hat.

"Hi, *adopts bashful girly attitude* we kinda lost our parking spot, and all these streets are so smaey, do you think you could tell us which way it is to the mid-town ports?"

"Sure ma'am, just this way, I can take you a short way, and then its easy to see which way to go from there"

"oh thank you, its so easy to get turned around, when theres so many shops with so many pretty things in them! but we're all shopped out for today, time to get back to our resort..."

She turns to the others and grins, whispering, call and tell TRM that we're on our way.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Thursday, April 13, 2006 7:20 AM


Okay, Seryn, but I've got to stop and rest a moment! Whew, I'm out of breath!

And my feet are killing me!

*Serenity plops down on a nearby bench next to an elderly couple, who glance at her wings and skootch further over to the other side. She digs through her pockets until she finds a water bottle and takes a sip.*

I just need a minute, promise!

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, April 13, 2006 7:29 AM


Seryn pulles off one of her super comfy boots and holds it out to Serenity.

"Its no use asking you what size you are seeing as these were specially made for me, but see if it fits.

no getting attatched now, y'hear, they are my favorite boots!"

as Serenity starts to pull the first boot on, she takes the other off, loosening the laces and undoing the ankle zip to help speed things up.
Concious of the Security guy watching them, she smiles, and in her best breezy manner opens a link to TRM.

"Hey, we're on out way, just sorting out some sore feet, if you could swing round to the drop off point near the front of the docks, that would help an awful lot."

She turns back to Serenity,

"Sorry to rush you sweetie, Do they fit?"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Thursday, April 13, 2006 8:24 AM


At a landing pad at the opposite end of the landing facility from the Nelson, the four men disembark the Dagger. As soon as they do, the stranger, aka scar man, rushes off.

“Where’s he off to?” Jennings jerks a thumb in scar mans direction.

Bear watches the man disappear around the corner “Who cares. At least he’s out from under foot.”


Three buildings from the Nelson’s hanger, the three men watch as crew disembarks from the Nelson. A transaction takes place and the Nelson and lifts off again, leaving some crew behind, but not the one the men were looking for.

Grunt lowers his field glasses “Looks like they rented that hanger, so most likely the others plan to come back here. I think I should stay and keep an eye on them.”

Bear looks back over Grunt’s shoulder at approaching figures. “I have a better idea.”

Scar man walks up flanked by two Alliance soldiers, his cockiness restored and the sneer on again graced his ugly face.

Bear leans over and says something quietly to Jennings, causing the other man to smile.

Jennings approaches scar man and puts an arm around his shoulder, guiding him away from the soldiers. “Here’s the plan, see… We have to follow the shuttle to… Commerce, most likely. You’ll have to ask your two new friends to stay here and keep an eye on…” The two men turn back to glance at the Alliance soldiers only to find them lying on the ground at the feet of Bear and Grunt.

“My, whatever could have happened” Jennings asks in barely concealed mock surprise, while scar mans jaw drops.

“Dunno,’ Shrugs Bear. “They fell asleep” he says at the exact time Grunt says “Bumped their heads”.

The two big men look at each other, grin and say simultaneously “Drunk!”

“Well we can’t just let them sleep in the middle of the street.” Jennings says nodding towards the alley.

Bear picks up each soldier by the back of their coats, like luggage, and tosses them into the alley like rag dolls. He then follows Jennings and scar man into the alley, where they take the soldiers coats and hats.

At the mouth of the alley, Grunt talks to two teenagers “See that man with the scar back there, that’s my captain. Those two soldiers are too drunk to work so my captain needs some volunteers to watch a hanger for secret Alliance reasons. We’ll give you the hats and jackets and this.” Grunt hands each, now very eager teenager, a few credits. “Think you can do that?”



On Commerce:

“How long do we have to wait?” Scar man whines.

Bear glares at him “Open your mouth again, little man, and I will twist the top of yer head off.”

He turns back to what he was watching. From his vantage point in the alley, he can see over the heads of the crowd the group of women standing around a park bench. Beside them, a man stands in a Planet security/information uniform looking very bored.

The Security/information officer looks around casually, momentarily making eye contact with Bear before letting his glaze drift on.

Bear turns to Grunt “Jennings has made contact”.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, April 13, 2006 8:24 AM



Originally posted by wildigstart:
*she doesn't like the look of those flashing lights and that vector...presses com*

ME and everyone, I respectfully request all shuttles, I repeat all shuttles and crew members to return to home as soon as possible. I've just tracked a shuttle arriving in the area...from the same vector from which we came. I don't like it. Gather up the ladies and get them on board NOW.

*com off.

McQ hears the message on his comlink and again looks around to see if any of the shoppers are anywhere nearby. He sees none of them in his position outside the hanger so he decides instead to try an arial view. McQ steps away from the hanger and activates his jetpack. Metallic wings flap out on each side as he takes flight, hovering over the hanger and looking into the crowds.

Bystanders watch with interest as the cyborg takes flight, thinking something more amazing may be about to take place. Using his robotic eye, McQ again scans the crowds but can't seem to find any of the 'tree members. He flies a little further and still doesn't find anyone so he returns to the hanger and lands as the wings flap back within the jetpack.

"Where could they be?" he asks aloud to himself.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 8:38 AM


*JadeHand reaches into his bag and produces 2 9mm Berettas and 4 extra clips. He hands them to NOSkillz.*

"NOS is right, as many of us that can need to get back on the Tree now. SR, Take everyone back on the Nelson . Sorry NOS, I'm staying. We'll take Ocean Cloud off this rock once we've found Quincey. Besides I have a few things left in my bag of tricks that may come in handy."

*JadeHand pulls out the laser pistol confiscated from the Bluehands prior to his trip back to the surface of Boros, He checks the battery, And tucks the pistol into his belt. He removes 2 more pistols from his coat pockets, pulls back the slides on each one and returns them to the pockets.*

"Oh, How many grenades did you need?"

*JadeHand turns back to face SR and the others*

"Go on, someone has to stick around to look after the Captain. We'll be fine. Get the Nelson back to TWG. "

"Shadow, Which way?"

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Thursday, April 13, 2006 9:34 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

WSYB stepped up to the discussion holding a weird looking rifle. He was a young guy, late teens, who didn’t look old enough to be trekking around the stars but he’d had plenty of life experience so far. He wore brown leather boots that were scuffed and battered, loose denim jeans with lots of pockets (most of them filled with various useless things). He wore a v necked blacked t-shirt that showed off his physique. He had a toned but not large body; he got his exercise from life but had the strength to do anything that was demanded. Over this was a brown flying jacket; on the sleeve was a shield with a Falcon on it, the symbol of the Ariel youth military academy. His parents hadn’t be firm believers in the alliance but terrified of them so he was sent to the academy every summer for seven years. He learned lots of useful skills but not a career. At age 14 he ran away escaped from the camp and got a few jobs in the city. He became a jack of all trades (kind of how he was now) and got in a few scrapes and met a few women. The real university of life. Then he met Seryn and SR and here he was. He had longish black hair that was swept to the left side of his face half covering his eye. He had that trademark smile and deep hazels eyes which added to his charm. The final nail in his appearance was a small scar about an inch long far back on his left cheek. He’d gotten it as a child but his parents would never tell him how, he’d concocted many stories about explosions and bear fights but it was a mystery.

"Im coming too. I dont know this girl but i have a strong tendancy to stand up for strangers and i can be of help" He reached into his bag and removed a flak jacket with at least two dozen different grenades strewn around it. He then put it on and threw his bag to SR.
"This gun is my prised possesion. Its a 12 terra watt pulse rifle. At 50ft it'll punch through any light armour at 10 it'll blow a hole in a ship. ive got three pulse cartirges for it which will each last about a day and recharge themselves in about the same time."
"I can handle whatever they can throw"


Thursday, April 13, 2006 9:34 AM


Ooh Seryn, they're very comfortable. That really helps!

*Serenity wiggles her toes a bit, trying to alleviate some of the swelling in her feet and ankles.*

Okay, I think I'm ready to go again. Can I get a hand up off the bench?

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, April 13, 2006 9:42 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
Okay, I think I'm ready to go again. Can I get a hand up off the bench?

The Security/information officer offers his arm and a warm smile.

In the alley across the road, Grunt takes his cue, removing a small bag of coins from his pack; he makes a slit in the side with his knife, steps into the street and tosses the bag high in the air down the street.

As the bag spins through the air, the slit widens and the coins start flying out. The crowd goes nuts and push as one towards the coins. The group of women is scattered.

The security/information officer grabs Serenity’s arm “This way miss. It’ll be safer close to the buildings. We can wait there for your friends to re-group”

He guides her across the street through the crowd. The mob cut Seryn off and she quickly losses them in her effort to keep everyone together and not lose their packages.

Thinking quickly, Seryn drops her packages and draws her guns. Pointing them skyward, she squeezes of two shots. Responding to this Mai, causes a blinding light show.

The result of the two actions shocks the crowd into cowering silence. Both women look around frantically for Serenity. There is no sign of her or the officer.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, April 13, 2006 10:20 AM


*Serenity allows the security officer to lead her away from the crowd. They head off between some buildings, towards an empty alleyway.*

*Serenity hears the gunshots and turns around.*

What was that? I think that was Seryn!

*As she turns around, Mai blinds the crowd with her light. Serenity is momentarily blinded, also.*

*It is in the moment that everything falls apart. She feels two large arms come around her, pinning her arms and wings to her sides. Before she can make a sound, something is shoved over her mouth. She fights briefly against the arms and the cloth over her mouth, but she soon fades into darkness.*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, April 13, 2006 10:21 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul sits up suddenly from where he has passed out beside the jacuzzi as a jolt like lightning races through his body.



Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Thursday, April 13, 2006 11:34 AM


/me looks over at cozen, head rolling on his shoulders in the process

ooh, visitors! someone following us!

wonder if they want a drink!

/me tips back another bottle


Thursday, April 13, 2006 11:44 AM


N0S takes the Berettas and tucks them in his belt, and stuffing the clips in his pockets.

"Well if you got the grenades and your coming theres no reason i need more then two. It seems Shadow has lead us to China Town, unfortunaetly he seems to have lost the general trail, which from my experience CAN'T be good. Duece any of these places look like spots Quincy would hang out in. And if not, which one of these places looks like the best promising place for "get" some info?"

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!


Thursday, April 13, 2006 11:45 AM


McQ finds a nearby crate and decides to use it to sit on. Realizing he'll probably be waiting a while before leaving Garrison, he lets himself unwind and even goes so far as drifting off.

While he's dozing some young kids come along and start checking out the cyborg, wondering what or who he is.

"Do you think he's asleep?" one child asks.

"I dunno. Do robots sleep?" another asks.

"I don't know. Don't look like no robot though," the first one says and picks up a stick. He gets as close as he can and reaches out with the stick to poke the cyborg. He doesn't budge. "Hmm."

The second child picks up a small rock and hands it to the first one who lightly tosses it at the cyborg. The rock bounces off his head and McQ jerks slightly causing the boys to jump startled.

"Come on, don't wake it up. Look at that gun, he might shoot us or somethin'," the other boy pleads.

"He won't. He's out cold. Watch," the first boy insists and picks up a crumpled soda can. He throws it at the cyborg with more force as McQ raises his hand without opening his eyes and catches the crumpled can in mid-air. McQ slowly looks up as the two boys are suddenly filled with fear.

"Do you're parents know where you are?" McQ asks with a low electronic voice and proceeds to stand up. towering over the boys.

"AHHHHH!" the boys yell out in fear and run off.

"Kids," McQ mutters to himself and shakes his head. He then sits back down on the crate.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 12:26 PM


* JadeHand passes NOS 2 grenades *

"Well that leaves 3 others if we need them, and a smoke grenade as well. If needed we can enlist the help of another tracker."
*JadeHand holds up a nametag*
"Or we can intimi....I mean question the locals."

"Chinatown eh? Ok let's rescue a Sereni-Tree lady, But in an hour I'll be hungry for another."

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Thursday, April 13, 2006 12:46 PM



She blinks, eyes readjusting after being squeezed shut, she turns, scanning the market, trying to see wings or bags or any sign of Serenity in the frozen crowd. Raising the gun she swings again in a circle, finger not even on the trigger, but using the threat to make her point.

She notes Mai's position, see's the woman scanning the crowd for their missing companion, the knowledge that she not there already written accros her face.

"Gorramit, everybody get down, NOW! Asses in the air... You!"

She spots the old couple still on the bench, and climbs over the prone bodies towards them.

"Which way did they go? The girl, with WINGS and the security guy, WHICH WAY DID THEY GO!"

She holsters one of the guns and does her best to hold the other behind her. The couple on the bench stare, eyes seeking out the weapons still, the woman whimpers slightly, and Seryn looses her patience. Grabbing the guy by the collar she hauls him up to meet her eyes, switching her tone to quiet, though still a million miles from comforting.

"Give me a direction, just point, hell, just drool in one particular direction"

Shaking like a leaf, the guy manages to twitch his head towards an ally near by. With as much care as she can afford she drops him back on the bench and runs for the mouth of the alleyway.

"MAI, stay close!"

She flips up one of the catches on her belt, pulling out a third gun, she makes to swing round and find Mai to throw it to her when her eyes find a small pastel coloured bag, one that she'd seen a clerk place a pair of small cotton shoes into, seemingly only minutes before.
She slows, gun held before her, and enters the alley way. Silence greets her. More bags litter the ground, several feathers lie scattered in the mud, but other than that theres no trace of Serenity or the guard.

Mai, gasps behind her, and numbly she reaches back and hands her the gun, not even asking if she wants it. Immedietly Mai starts to scan their surroundings, eyes on the crowd outside who are beginning to stir, running for any route away from the suddenly crazy place.

Dully, she opens a link to the TREE and all of the shuttles, pressing down the switches to activate the locating signal.

"Mai? Can you tell them, let them know whats happening? Get Soul, get all of them."

She scans the walls, tries to make sense of the churned mud on the ground, she trys to make out the buildings surrounding them, assessing escape routes, checking first a little further down the alley, then back to the mouth to watch out for the inevitable security team.

"oh gods guys, hurry..."

(OOC- where is washie? has anyone heard from her? IRL i mean? is she ok?)(oh, and cheers for making me all cool guys!)

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Thursday, April 13, 2006 2:03 PM


'Aiya!' Jazaf complains as the chocolate splashes on his remaining set of clothes.
'What's wrong with you Soul?'
'No time!'
Soul leaps from the chocuzzi and makes a mad dash to his quarters.
The remaining members look at each other and Jazaf shrugs.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Thursday, April 13, 2006 3:17 PM


Citizen catches a glimpse of Serenity and the security officer move off from the group. Not being one too trust security he moves against the crowds to keep eye's on. They disappear in to an alleyway. Citizen melts into the crowd.

He watches unseen as Serenity is bound and dragged off. He pulls a pistol from his shoulder holster and checks chamber, removing the safety he silently moves to the mouth of the Alleyway. He reaches around to his back to check that the compact assault rifle was still present, checked the grenades on his belt and hit the wall to the left of the alleyway. Leaning his back into the wall he rolls to the right, ducking his head around the corner.


He rolls around the corner and silently hurries to the end of the alley. Reaching the end he hits the corner and checks the various escape routes. Catching sight of the security officer and the bound and struggling form of Serenity he moves of after them, keeping to the shadows and cover, stopping only to spray the letters CIT and a crude arrow in the direction of travel in spray paint as he follows.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 5:53 PM



Originally posted by N0Skillz:
N0S takes the Berettas and tucks them in his belt, and stuffing the clips in his pockets.

"Well if you got the grenades and your coming theres no reason i need more then two. It seems Shadow has lead us to China Town, unfortunaetly he seems to have lost the general trail, which from my experience CAN'T be good. Duece any of these places look like spots Quincy would hang out in. And if not, which one of these places looks like the best promising place for "get" some info?"

“Well, like I said, Quin doesn’t ever go to Chinatowns. Not ever. In fact, she avoids ‘em like, well, like she’s got some reason to avoid ‘em.”

Deuce thinks, then smiles and snaps her fingers. “Fancy places. Ritzy places. Usually, she’ll flirt with some guy who has more cash than willpower and she gets him to treat her to the best restaurants, buy stuff at the best shops. That sorta thing. Sometimes, if he’s rich enough or if she actually likes him, they’ll find a five star hotel suite for the night. Order caviar from room service. That sorta thing. The girl has no pride. But she’s sure got lots of presents!”



Thursday, April 13, 2006 6:05 PM


On Commerce, shopping moon of Garrison:


Seryn wrote:
Conscious of the Security guy watching them, she smiles, and in her best breezy manner opens a link to TRM.

"Hey, we're on our way, just sorting out some sore feet, if you could swing round to the drop off point near the front of the docks, that would help an awful lot."

TheRealMe keys his com-link to respond. “Very well, Seryn. I’ll have to warm up the Napoleon’s engines a bit. Give me a few minutes, and I’ll meet you near the docks.”

Not long afterward:


Seryn wrote:
Dully, she opens a link to the TREE and all of the shuttles, pressing down the switches to activate the locating signal.

"Mai? Can you tell them, let them know whats happening? Get Soul, get all of them."

Immediately after that call, on the crowded street, a small dot of light appears in front of Mai and Seryn. It slowly expands to become a ring of fire surrounding a dark void, perhaps a foot across. From this hole in reality flies a small replica of the Napoleon. TheRealMe’s voice can be heard over the com-link:

“Ah! Mai! Seryn! There you are.”

The dimensional portal closes, and the shuttle expands as it descends, to become the full-sized Napoleon Bonaparte by the time it lands. This causes quite a stir on the busy street. The hatch opens, and TheRealMe pokes his head out.

“So much for subtlety. Come aboard. What can you tell me?”

OOC: Jake7, sorry that I freaked you out. It is my understanding that Mei-ling is a very common female Chinese name, and happens to be the only authentic one that I know! I picked the “Kuin” name to allude to “Quincey”.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Thursday, April 13, 2006 6:11 PM


Scanning the area for any sort of high class place or someplace for information, N0Skillz finds what he's looking for.

Gesturing to a upper class building with 2 guards out front of it, N0Skillz says " Alright guys that seems a likely place to figure something out. I don't know to many nightclubs that have guards out front but no waiting line and no neon sign. Must be the local big shot in town, they should know at least something."

Pulling out a .45 and then the other, N0Skillz checks the camber for a round and places one of them back in its holster. Changing his pace N0Skillz starts to quickly make his was towards the building, stopping a decent distance from the building.

"So how we want to do this. The hard way, i.e force our way in, or easy way all sneaky backdoor like?"

-ooc: if y'all make any moves during the day today, i'ma be at work and prolly wont be able to post, feel free to drag me along in ur posts

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!


Thursday, April 13, 2006 6:11 PM


Sorry, McQ, but you are not on the same world as Serenity! Our people are split between the world of Garrison and its moon, Commerce. Serenity is missing on Commerce. Quincey is missing on Garrison. Also, if you want to join the action rather than just sit around, do so, or invent your own action that occurs at your location. Here is a current update of where people are:

On the planet Garrison:

In a rented hanger are the shuttles Admiral Nelson and (the invisible) Ocean Cloud. McQ the cyborg is standing guard, and there are also Cozen and LightMeDark, both drunk.

Wandering in a Garrison City Chinatown looking for Quincey are Jadehand, Deuce, Wisp, N0Skillz, and N0Skillz’s tiger, Shadow.

Last seen held captive somewhere in a Garrison dungeon is Quincey.

On Commerce, shopping moon of Garrison:

Somewhere on the streets of Commerce City are Seryn and Mai, terribly worried about where Serenity just disappeared to. Citizen is somewhere about, trying to track Serenity’s captors. The shuttle Napoleon Bonaparte has just met up with Seryn and Mai. Inside are TheRealMe and his robot, Sparky.

Also in Commerce City, Serenity has been dragged away from Seryn and Mai and rendered unconscious by Jennings, one of the men hired by the scar-faced guy. No doubt Jennings will return with her to his ship, the Dagger, where he will meet up with his partners, Grunt and Bear, and with the scar-faced guy who hired them (who is Heinz, certainly).

Lost somewhere in Spacetime:

PsychicRiver is elsewhen, talking to a future or past version of himself.

On Sereni-Tree:

Everyone else of note is aboard our starship, the Sereni-Tree, which is orbiting Garrison. In case anyone else wants to come down to one of the planets, the Sereni-Tree still has the shuttle General Lee, a couple of one-person speeder pods, and the fighter Nandi. It is possible that TheGreyJedi left one of his mecha there, too. Also, the Sereni-Tree is capable of landing.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 6:32 PM


*gets on com

Attention Soul, Ath and all SereniTREE crew Serenity has gone missing with the help of some very disreputable man.She not been gone but a few minutes but its not looking good. PLEASE GET DOWN HERE NOW! Looks like we're going to need all the help we can get!

*Follows Seryn through the alley

They can't have gotten that far yet. We have keep following. I'll keep open so everyone else knows exactly where we are. What kind of would prey on an innocent pregnant women with wings?

*freaks out and starts screaming

"SERENITY! Serenity! Serenity!!!!!!!!!!!

(right that's not helping)

Seryn! Look at this, looks like our kidnapper wasn't so smart *points at booted foot prints and dragging prints on the dirt path.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 7:33 PM



Originally posted by N0Skillz:
Scanning the area for any sort of high class place or someplace for information, N0Skillz finds what he's looking for.

Gesturing to a upper class building with 2 guards out front of it, N0Skillz says " Alright guys that seems a likely place to figure something out. I don't know to many nightclubs that have guards out front but no waiting line and no neon sign. Must be the local big shot in town, they should know at least something."

Pulling out a .45 and then the other, N0Skillz checks the camber for a round and places one of them back in its holster. Changing his pace N0Skillz starts to quickly make his was towards the building, stopping a decent distance from the building.

"So how we want to do this. The hard way, i.e force our way in, or easy way all sneaky backdoor like?"

-ooc: if y'all make any moves during the day today, i'ma be at work and prolly wont be able to post, feel free to drag me along in ur posts

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!

“Naw!” Deuce says. “These might not even be the bad guys. They might just run inside and fetch Quin for us. Let’s just talk to them. Watch!” Deuce confidently strides up to the two guards at the front of the ritzy palace place.

As she approaches, the two well-dressed guards become alert and put their hands on their weapons.

“Hi!” she says, and waves.

“What is your business here?”one of them demands.

“Looking for someone,” Deuce replies. “A friend.” Without taking her eyes from the guards, she presses a button on her com link. A life sized hologram appears next to her. It shows seven confused-looking young women of various types, all wearing wedding dresses and holding bouquets. Deuce herself is clearly the second in the lineup, though the image of her has much longer hair. Deuce strolls up and indicates the fifth woman in the line with a wave of her sheathed katanas. “That one. Pretty, huh? Seen her around here?” Deuce has pointed to a very beautiful woman with Oriental features, dark eyes, and long, straight black hair.

The guards exchange knowing glances. One of them backs inside the building. The other says, “I can help you. Follow me.” That guard starts walking away from the grand entrance, along the main street.

“See!” Deuce calls to the others. “Come on!” She deactivates the hologram.

Jadehand, Deuce, Wisp, Noskillz, and the tiger follow the guard around the grand building. Many people along the street step back, wary of the huge cat. As they turn into an alley, Jadehand glances over his shoulder. “We’ve got company,” he whispers.

“Yeah, sorta saw that comin’,” Deuce shrugs.

Behind the SereniTree group are eight strong-looking young men of Oriental descent, wearing loose-fitting clothes and headbands and bearing martial arts weapons. The expressions on their faces are grim and unfriendly. They seem to have stepped right out of a Hong Kong action flick, and are blocking the opening of the alley.

The well-dressed palace guard slips into a secret door somewhere and disappears.

Deuce turns to face the newcomers. She stares intently at the threatening young toughs. A bone-chilling smile comes to her lips. “Hi, boys!”

“Do you know these guys?” Wisp asks her.

“Naw,” Deuce says, still grinning, “But I’m guessing I’ll know what kind of fighters they are in just a bit.” She pauses to evaluate their stances with a critical eye. “Heh. I can take them!” Deuce calls out to the gang. “So, are we gonna be able to solve this all peaceful-like?”

The gang members ready their weapons. “You will not leave here,” the leader states.

Deuce laughs. “I’ll take that as a ‘no’!” With a flick of her wrists, the scabbards of Deuce’s katanas fall to the ground, leaving a gleaming razor-sharp blade in each of her hands. “Okay, which of you is going to tell us how to find our friend? How about… YOU!” Deuce leaps at a guy on one end, her blades flashing faster than the eye can follow. Her victim is too surprised to even defend himself, and falls almost immediately.

“Huh. Guess it’s not you.” Deuce sounds disappointed, and gives a creepy laugh. “Next!”

Suddenly, hidden gang members spring their ambush, and the SereniTree group is attacked from all sides at once.

“Hey!” Deuce is upset. “No fair! Don’t you guys have to attack us one at a time?”

The SereniTree men start shooting. The gang members seem to be taking the shots without too much discomfort, though a few go down.

Deuce is outraged. "Armor too?! Don't you guys ever watch movies?"

"Maybe they're zombies or robots," Wisp suggests.

"No, just time for bigger guns," Noskillz says.



Thursday, April 13, 2006 8:33 PM


On Garrison: Feeling rather put out, by being dismissed by JH and having to carry Wisp's bag back to the shuttle SR rediscovers his foul mood. On the way back to the hangar he stops at a street vendor selling sandwiches and orders himself a sandwich and several more for McQ, LMD and Cozen.

(OOC though for the life of me I can't understand how Cozen got from the Tree's shuttle bay to the Garrison hangar without the benifit of a space craft. But what do I care?)

"Finally a chance to eat," he thinks to himself as he takes the first bite of his sandwich. Then Mai and Seryn are screaming about CMS on Commerce over his comm-link. With a sense of weary fatalism SR wraps up his sandwich in a napkin and puts it in the bag with the others and makes his way to the hangar. He toggles up his comm-link and places a call to TRM.

"TRM this is SR. I was about to depart from Garrison to the Tree with the Nelson. I have MCQ, LMD, Cozen and a goat as passengers. Should I return to the Tree as planned and ferry Soul and other personel down to Commerce or should we join you directly on Commerce? Before you make your decision you should know that Cozen and LMD are three sheets to the wind and are less useful than the goat at this point. I will wait for your answer before take off."

SR finds himself at the hangar. He walks in and finds himself blocked by a fearsome artifact of incredible bulk and complexity. He takes a deep breath and steels himself for the moment. He exhales, "Terribly sorry we haven't been properly introdouced yet. I'm Scorpion Regent, you must be McQ." He offers his hand. "I got you a sandwich, it's not kosher I'm afraid, but things are a bit hectic as of late."

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, April 13, 2006 8:47 PM


As TheRealMe is trying to get a coherent story out of Mai and Seryn, ScorpionRegent beeps him on his com-link.


SR wrote:
"TRM this is SR. I was about to depart from Garrison to the Tree with the Nelson. I have MCQ, LMD, Cozen and a goat as passengers. Should I return to the Tree as planned and ferry Soul and other personel down to Commerce or should we join you directly on Commerce? Before you make your decision you should know that Cozen and LMD are three sheets to the wind and are less useful than the goat at this point. I will wait for your answer before take off."

"I'm sorry, ScorpionRegent. I'm occupied with the Serenity rescue at the moment. You are on the scene and have access to information that I don't. Also, I don't know where we'll be in the Bonaparte in the next five minutes. I'll trust you to use your best judgement."

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Thursday, April 13, 2006 8:47 PM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:
On Garrison: Feeling rather put out, by being dismissed by JH and having to carry Wisp's bag back to the shuttle SR rediscovers his foul mood. On the way back to the hangar he stops at a street vendor selling sandwiches and orders himself a sandwich and several more for McQ, LMD and Cozen.

(OOC though for the life of me I can't understand how Cozen got from the Tree's shuttle bay to the Garrison hangar without the benifit of a space craft. But what do I care?)

"Finally a chance to eat," he thinks to himself as he takes the first bite of his sandwich. Then Mai and Seryn are screaming about CMS on Commerce over his comm-link. With a sense of weary fatalism SR wraps up his sandwich in a napkin and puts it in the bag with the others and makes his way to the hangar. He toggles up his comm-link and places a call to TRM.

"TRM this is SR. I was about to depart from Garrison to the Tree with the Nelson. I have MCQ, LMD, Cozen and a goat as passengers. Should I return to the Tree as planned and ferry Soul and other personel down to Commerce or should we join you directly on Commerce? Before you make your decision you should know that Cozen and LMD are three sheets to the wind and are less useful than the goat at this point. I will wait for your answer before take off."

SR finds himself at the hangar. He walks in and finds himself blocked by a fearsome artifact of incredible bulk and complexity. He takes a deep breath and steels himself for the moment. He exhales, "Terribly sorry we haven't been properly introdouced yet. I'm Scorpion Regent, you must be McQ." He offers his hand. "I got you a sandwich, it's not kosher I'm afraid, but things are a bit hectic as of late."

Scorpion Regent

McQ shakes SR's hand accepts the sandwich from him.

"Thanks," he says and stops for a moment looking at the sandwich. "It's been a while since I've had actual food. Don't know if I'm able to digest it but I suppose it's worth a try."

He takes a bite and despite being from a vendor, it's the best thing he's tasted since before being turned into a cyborg.

"So are we finally leaving this planet?" McQ inquires.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 11:05 PM


Seryn looks around, she leaves Mai to explain what happened, and investigates the scuff marks, following them down the alley, pausing at door ways to try and see sighns of disturbance.
She steps back, and something cold and slimy squelches between her toes. She closes her eye's, forcing her self not to look, hoping thats its just another variety of mud.
She opens her eyes again, and instantly notes the letters roughly sprayed on the brickwork.

"C, I, T. Arrow... " she touches the t, paint coming away on her hands. "damn, I hope thats who I think it is...

"TRM! Mai! come here!..... .... Citizen is ahead of us,at least I hope thats what this means *indicates the letters* I knew he was here I just don't know how he got ahead of us.
They were in a ship, that was the warning, before all of this started, they could be taking her to a ship, but... it could not be. I have to follow this. If you, can you track the ship that appeared? If it took off from the docks, could you follow it?"

She grabs Mais comm and activates her beacon.

"If I don't find her here, i'll follow you, if I do, i'll alter the signal, you come follow me."

She pauses, then grins.

"grab the shopping on your way back. I know one thing, that blanket was a bargain and if we looses it, Serenity's going to be really pissed with us."

She turns and runs down the ally way.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Thursday, April 13, 2006 11:07 PM


*over the comms* "SR? Get over here, I need you. Follow my beacon, do that blinky transport thing if you can, just get here."

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Friday, April 14, 2006 12:01 AM



Originally posted by Bride2:
Suddenly, hidden gang members spring their ambush, and the SereniTree group is attacked from all sides at once.

“Hey!” Deuce is upset. “No fair! Don’t you guys have to attack us one at a time?”

The SereniTree men start shooting. The gang members seem to be taking the shots without too much discomfort, though a few go down.

Deuce is outraged. "Armor too?! Don't you guys ever watch movies?"

"Maybe they're zombies or robots," Wisp suggests.

"No, just time for bigger guns," Noskillz says.


Pulling one of the grenades from his belt N0Skillz pulls the pin and rolls it towards teh largest group of thugs.

Noticing Jadehand, Wisp, and Duece just standing around he yells, "Umm... move the other way people!" and everyone dives away.

"Well thats one approach" Jadehand mumbles.

RAF Lakenheath
Security Deputy of the Sereni-Tree
"I can't feel my Danger Zone" Jayne Muppet!


Friday, April 14, 2006 3:37 AM



Originally posted by McQ:

McQ shakes SR's hand accepts the sandwich from him.

"Thanks," he says and stops for a moment looking at the sandwich. "It's been a while since I've had actual food. Don't know if I'm able to digest it but I suppose it's worth a try."

He takes a bite and despite being from a vendor, it's the best thing he's tasted since before being turned into a cyborg.

"So are we finally leaving this planet?" McQ inquires.

SR's comm-link beeps. "Excuse me a moment." he says to McQ.


"I'm sorry, ScorpionRegent. I'm occupied with the Serenity rescue at the moment. You are on the scene and have access to information that I don't. Also, I don't know where we'll be in the Bonaparte in the next five minutes. I'll trust you to use your best judgement."

*over the comms* "SR? GET here, I need you. Follow my beacon, do that blinky transport thing if you can, just get here."


"If wishes were fishes we'd all be eating sushi. Blinky thing has no predictable destination, I could wind up on Ariel, Whitefall or goddess knows where. It will take time for me to get to you, but I'm on my way." SR breaks the connection. He waits to see that MCQ has a chance to finish his sandwich which he does in short order.

"Yes McQ we are leaving, quickly. If you would be so kind as to see to secureing those two," SR indicates LMD and Cozen "in the passenger compartment of the Nelson, I'll fire up the engine."
SR turns to the drunks as McQ approaches them and yells. "Boys we have to get back to Commerce, now! McQ will see you to your seats."

McQ lifts LMD and Cozen by thier jacket collars and carries them into the Nelson.

SR runs a lightning pre-flight and sends the Nelson skyward. The inertail dampers are unable to compensate properly for the acceleration and SR accutally feels G-force for about a ninety seconds. As he is doing this he sends the following message over the comm-link on a open line so the entire Tree is in the loop.

"This SR I am enroute to Commerce with the Nelson, ETA forty minutes with the engine at the limit."

Once clear of atmo and the sub-orbital traffic SR plots as direct course as possible at maximum speed and locks it into the the autopilot. He finally takes the opportunity to eat his sandwich, once finished he takes the last two sandwiches to Cozen and LMD and finds them both passed out in their seats. He looks to McQ

"You didn't...?" He starts to ask.

"They're just sleeping it off." McQ answers.

"I hope it isn't necessary, but you might want to clean your guns for this one." says SR as he pulls a bag out from under one the seats and opens it revealing a small but tidy collection of weapons and equipment: A dagger, a cutlass, a pair of compact binoculars, a pump action shotgun with a folding stock and a varoius assortment of shells, a bullet proof vest, a pair of automatics with six spare ammo clips and revolver with three speed loaders. Everything is old, but extremely well cared for. SR takes off his jacket and dons the vest and then a double should holster rig followed by a heavy belt with a holster on the right hip, and various pouches. SR loads and checks the pistols and puts them in the holsters, automatics in the shoulder rig and revolver on his hip. The cutlass scabbard has a clip to hook onto the belt, but he chooses to leave it off for the moment (sitting with swords is uncomfortable.) As he is gearing up SR though focussed on his work begins speaking to McQ.

"You don't have to do anything once we arrive on Commerce. I'm not an officer, I can't give you orders, but I can tell you this, any help you can provide will go a long way. As a team we can do a lot. I should warn you that politically speaking when this is all over you would be well advised to keep your distance from me, as I am sure to get a large share of the blame for CMS going missing. It won't matter a fart in hell, that the ladies would be safe right now if they departed when I asked them to. The only thing that will be remembered is that I left them there. Even if I don't get hung, I'll get flogged for this for certain. I hate floggings, they teach a man only one thing, how to turn his back."

Scorpion Regent


Friday, April 14, 2006 3:52 AM


TheRealMe walks up to Seryn and investigates the marks presumably left by Citizen.

"Seryn, the Napoleon has shrinking technology that SR in the Nelson does not. I could shrink this shuttle, put it in my pocket, and proceed on foot. However, if they are departing in a ship NOW, SR could not get here fast enough to track it. Very well, I will go after them, and hope I find the right ship. Mai, are you going with Seryn or with me?"

TheRealMe turns to Sparky. "I want you to stay here."

Sparky pauses. "No."

"Sparky, I don't have time for this. I gave you an order. Walk in that direction. I invoke Second Law."

Sparky takes a reluctant step away, but then stops. "No."

TheRealMe sighs. "Sparky, go help quell that riot. People might hurt each other."

Sparky runs off toward the riot.

TheRealMe shakes his head as he heads back to the Napoleon. "That was tougher than I thought. I'll have to remember to make the next one dumber."

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, April 14, 2006 4:06 AM


*Diving into the corner of the wall and a large dumpster to avoid the blast, JadeHand extends his arms bringing Duece and Wisp out of the blast as well. He pulls his coat up over his head, in an attempt to not be completely covered in the raining ninja bits. Getting a leg under himself and coming to one knee, he fumbles in his bag for another grenade with one hand while pressing a button and spining a dial on the gizmo on his belt with the other. The small SEP field comes to life and the alley suddenly seems to have only the thugs and the dumpster within it. Jade pulls the pin and rolls the grenade under the dumpster, out the other side. In a panic the thugs scatter, two of them, unable to avoid the blast, are flung lifeless against the wall. As the smoke clears, a damaged section of false wall crumbles to the floor. JadeHand sticks both hands into his coat pockets and draws both pistols. Nodding and the not-so-secret doorway, the four move towards the opening.*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Friday, April 14, 2006 4:33 AM


On a back alley of Commerce, just as TheRealMe is about to lift off in the Napoleon, he sends a wave toward Sereni-Tree.

"Hi, Weirdgirl? I need whatever data you collected from that suspicious ship, because I'm going to have to track it. It's nav beacon signal would be ideal. Also, you are in command, of course, but I suggest that you make ready to jump Sereni-Tree away if an Alliance warship enters the system. We are really in no shape to fight right now. I left six more plots for you in the nav computer. Pick one randomly or make your own. If things go south, we'll rendezvous in two weeks among dandelions."

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, April 14, 2006 4:34 AM


Seryn came running up the twisting Alleyways and streets of Commerce following Citizen's path. She was so engrossed following the path that she nearly ran square into Citizen. Citizen side stepped and caught her arm spinning Seryn around. Her hand came up to strike as Citizen grinned.

"Careful, don't want to be spoiling my good looks." He said pulling her down into a crouch. Seryn pulled her arm free.

"Where's Serenity?" She shouted. Citizen's face took on a more serious look.

"I lost them entering a tunnel network." He said. "There also seems to be a little extra security, Camera drones have been buzzing around this area, So if you could keep your voice down that'd be great."

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Friday, April 14, 2006 4:44 AM


Quincey is suddenly alert as her cell door opens. Her captor enters, gliding in gracefully. He is flanked by two guards on each side. He approaches her and produces a key from his fine robes. He begins to unlock the manacles holding her to the wall.

"What's going on?"

"Mei-ling, you are being moved to a more secure location."

She is incredulous as she looks around her dungeon cell. "More secure than THIS?"

The man's face remains impassive.

Quincey smiles. "So, somebody's come after me, right? And they're getting close!"

"Come, Mei-ling," her captor repeats.

Quincey suddenly knees the man in a very delicate place, just to see if she could disturb that infuriating calm of his.

His eyes flutter and he gasps, but that is about it. "Take her!" he squeaks to the guards.

Quincey, Bride5


Friday, April 14, 2006 5:15 AM


A little way away from where Seryn and Citizen crouch a guard stands, waiting for the signal that means he can get back to the mess room he was pulled out of.

A cry goes up, high pitched, his partner comes back down and they exchange a look. "Cat?" his partner thinks, then nods. and they make to switch their places, but he pauses again, a low murmuring, to quiet to make out words, but from its snarky tone he can tell its human speech.
Not breathing he creeps slowly back down the allyway, until he can rest the muzzle of his gun just behind the ear of a sharply dressed guy with too many weapons for one ordinary shooper. next to him crouches a woman, barefoot and carrying two antiquated looking pistols.

He figures the man to be the bigger threat, yelling at him to drop his guns as his partner points his own as the woman.

The man resists, another quip about to trip off his tongue.

The guard, thinking only of the grilled cheese sandwhich waiting for him back at the mess, kicks him in the back of the knees, and the guy drops like a sack of potatoes into the mud.

(ooc- nah, thats the punishment, you are now as muddy as me. Now, lets play nice, and no more talk of how you spell castration)

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Friday, April 14, 2006 5:35 AM


{OOC: Evil evil woman, my poor new suit ...
BTW it wasn't you who was the scary eastern European you were talking about, was it?}

Citizen hit the ground hard. He'd had just about as much as he was going too take from Security guards today. This was his best suit, well after the rest of his suits got blown up on Boros, it was his only suit.

Ruining a guy’s only suit when all his other clothes have been vaporised is one way to really annoy him. Citizen slowly unhooked a flash bang from his belt. While the Guards discussed what they were going to do with their prisoners Citizen slowly raised the metal cylinder, and finally launched it at the head of the Guard covering Seryn. It hit him in the centre of his forehead, knocking him to the ground.

"What the..." The second Guard exclaimed as the Flash bang ignited, blinding him and his colleague momentarily. Citizen pushed himself to his feet, pulling a pistol from it's holster and firing into the two immobile forms in a smooth fluid motion.

"Blinding." Citizen said grinning. "Right, you ready to go?" He asked Seryn, offering a hand to help her up.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Friday, April 14, 2006 6:35 AM


(OOC - First rule, get em where it hurts. And i'm not the scary european guy, i'll bring him up later)

She stands, brushing mud of her hands and the gun.

"yeah, i'm ready. Lets go."

She follows close behind as he moves off, allowing herself a brief moment to smirk at the heart-shaped smudge of mud highlighting his ass.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Friday, April 14, 2006 7:53 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
OOC: Jake7, sorry that I freaked you out. It is my understanding that Mei-ling is a very common female Chinese name, and happens to be the only authentic one that I know! I picked the “Kuin” name to allude to “Quincey”.

OOC: It's OK, TRM. I just haven't heard that name in a really long time and it basically startled me to see it after all this time. Only problem is, now I'll see her face when I read about this "new" Mei-Ling.

**jake7 listens to the chatter from the commerce planets on her comm. She shakes her head and sighs sadly**

Guess we just can't go ANYWHERE without getting into trouble!

**She stays by the pool table, but is ready to move to the gun turrets if needed.**

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Friday, April 14, 2006 8:50 AM


*A large cat and 4 people move quietly down the hallway past the broken secret entrance. Within the SEP field, no one seems to notice them. There is a noise behind them as rubble is kicked down the 2 steps leading into the hallway, by the thugs outside finding their feet and their nerve once again. In a blur NOSkillz and JadeHand spin around and fire 3 rounds each. Three thugs fall backwards, lifeless. NOS turns to JadeHand with a disappointed look.*

NOS: "I can't believe you missed all three of them."

JadeHand: "What are you talking about I hit everyone of them, it must have been you that missed."

NOS: "No way, I always hit my target."

*JadeHand shrugs and tilts his head back in the direction of the hallway, leading them deeper inside. Deuce inches up the hallway, blades drawn low, A doorway opens and a guard steps out to investigate the noise, gun leveled in front of him. A flash of steel. His gun, still in his hands, drops to the ground. He tries to scream. Another flash. and he falls back into the room from which he came. Shadow nudges NOSkillz and tilts towards another hallway leading off of this one.*

"That way."

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion






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