Sixteenth Floor: Oh-So-Sweet Hidey Peeps

UPDATED: Friday, April 14, 2006 07:27
VIEWED: 15440
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Wednesday, April 12, 2006 11:40 AM


Current topic is pets.

I want a pet lech, a friend of mine used to have a pet alcoholic, so they tell me, Serenity used to have a pet Gordy.


The only Rule is:
Ignore all the Rules.

We just like paradoxical causality loops, ya know.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 11:45 AM


Ok. I currently have three birds (two cockatoos and a conure parrot).
In the past, I have had an Emperor scorpion (named Fluffy ), ant lions, all sorts of fish, a few cats, and a few dogs. Never had a pet Gordy, though. Not sure I want one...

A pet leech would be fun. Not sure they would be the most exciting and active pet, however.

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 11:58 AM



A pet leech would be fun.

no no, a pet lech.

I've got a Californian Corn Snake. A fat Californian Corn Snake, who right now decided to go exploring his vivarian. Do you think him and your birds can be friends?

Personally I think fluffy is a great name for a Scorpion, better than my imaginative name for my Snake, whos Rust coloured, so I called him Rusty.

Also, aren't Ant Lions them creatures from Half-Life 2?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:23 PM


I have a pet cat called Shut-up!

no actually, thats not her name. What is her name? er,

It's not bitch, and its not...

yeah, I remember, it's Fey.

I doesn't matter to much, she's going to be a hat soon if she keeps this routine up much longer.
I've been in the house with her for the past week straight, no respite from the constant unstoppable whiny, grating, teeth grinding miowing. It could drive a saint.

All together now 'we've got cabin fever, no ifs ands or buts, we're disoriented, and demented, and a little nuts...'

aw hell, why not...

'oiiiiiiiiiiii was sailing under a tropic moon, and dreaming of a blue lagoon, now I'm as crazy as a looon.....'

oh yes, the Night Nurse came out again. But don't worry, I ain't gunna start wailing about the Mountie again.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:24 PM



Originally posted by Tristan:
Did y'all know the elevator's broken?

/me grins in a most evil manner


Originally posted by citizen:
Also, aren't Ant Lions them creatures from Half-Life 2?

yeah O.O

--- <-inching towards daylight


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:29 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
'oiiiiiiiiiiii was sailing under a tropic moon, and dreaming of a blue lagoon, now I'm as crazy as a looon.....'

Do you want to do the Loony Cokey?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:43 PM


is that like the okey cokey?

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:46 PM


Similar, I wrote it for PirateNews.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:49 PM


okay, so how does it go?

you put which leg in? left or right?

and then you take it out again?

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:50 PM


You put your Nazi's in, take your sanity out,
In out, in out you shake it all about,
You do the Loony Cokey and you dribble on the ground,
That's what it's all about!

Whoa-o the Loony Cokey!
Whoa-o the Loony Cokey!
Whoa-o the Loony Cokey!

Brain bent, credubillity stetched
Blah blah blah!

You put your Commies in, take your sanity out,
In out, in out you shake it all about,
You do the Loony Cokey and you dribble on the ground,
That's what it's all about!

Whoa-o the Loony Cokey!
Whoa-o the Loony Cokey!
Whoa-o the Loony Cokey!

Brain bent, credubillity stetched
Blah blah blah!

You put your Jews in, take your sanity out,
In out, in out you shake it all about,
You do the Loony Cokey and you dribble on the ground,
That's what it's all about!

Whoa-o the Loony Cokey!
Whoa-o the Loony Cokey!
Whoa-o the Loony Cokey!

Brain bent, credubillity stetched
Blah blah blah!

You put your Aliens in, take your sanity out,
In out, in out you shake it all about,
You do the Loony Cokey and you dribble on the ground,
That's what it's all about!

Whoa-o the Loony Cokey!
Whoa-o the Loony Cokey!
Whoa-o the Loony Cokey!

Brain bent, credubillity stetched
Blah blah blah!

Whoa-o the Loony Cokey!
Whoa-o the Loony Cokey!
Whoa-o the Loony Cokey!

Brain bent, credubillity stetched
Blah blah blah!

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:54 PM


so that wasn't quite the version i remember being forced to do at family parties.

you gotta new version of Superman there?

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 1:04 PM



More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 1:08 PM


yeah, that feckin awful one wher have to pretend to wash the car or shake coconuts or walk the goat or something.

I convinced it was the first and only reason I ever tried weed, seeing as when I was outside hiding from the dire music so were all the waiters and their larger disposable incomes.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 1:12 PM


Who wrote it?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 1:25 PM


oh gods, I don't know. The infinte number of monkeys?

the sight of a lot of people that you have to admit you are related to stood in the middle of the dancefloor, grinning like goons and dancing under the direction of a drug addled dj who makes them robotically mime everything from putting the washing on to agravating trees and everyso often yelling superman and doing the one fist in the air pose. I never really made a point of going to find the album sleeve.

Probably the same people who did Agadoo doo doo.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 1:27 PM


Can you remember any of the lyrics?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 1:40 PM


goodness, I hope not. I HATE those dances. They always drag them out at weddings and all your relatives make you go do them and then TAKE PICTURES. Evil relatives.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 1:51 PM


*Welcomes the new guy. Listens to Seryn talk about shaking coconuts. Shrugs. Goes to the Bar for a frosty pint of Cider.*

So, how's everyone been? I love the 'Fluffy' name for a Scorpion. I had a White French Poodle when I was a Child, We named him 'Pepper', Before that there was a cat named 'Cleo'. Currently no pets.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 2:15 PM


Oh yeah, so, I forgot to say, welcome Tristan, Fluffy is a fabulously contrary name for a large deadly predatory insect.

If you post about a bit and mention your newness in general discussions, Followmal hands out nice free Browncoats. I never got one *sniff* but the sound cool.

and as for lyrics, they didn't really warrent the term 'lyrics' it was more like a series of instructions interspersed with a cry of 'Superman!'over this teeth grindingly jaunty tune that was only about 10 seconds long but repeated endlessly (until the DJ collapsed or was set up by a gang of uptight teens and dragged from the stage and treated to a lightnig tour or Medieval English torture practices*) it i'd go something like (and this is not verbatim**)-

'wash the car... bake a cake... cock a leg... piss on grandma... superman!' and you had to do actions (wash the car was invariably the 'wax on wax off' motion from Karate Kid, bake a cake was mixing something in a bowl***)

*sadly, this only ever hapend in the imagination of said teens
**if thats even the right word
***or if you were a 6 year old boy who been slipped some whiskey by great uncle sid, you would pretend to fling cake mix at the nearest other six year old, then proceed to maim them with every Power Rangers move you can remember because they got cake mix in you eye when you only threw it at their jumper.

Yes Serenity knows, she has felt the pain.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 10:35 PM


I have no idea I'm afraid, I'll try and see what I can do though.

'splash the guts... bake a child... chew a leg... eat grandma... Reaver-man!'

'whitewash the truth... bake a city... cockup an invasion... piss on civil rights... Labour-man!'

And yes its the right word, verbatim means word for word/exhaustive I think its Latin.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 10:40 PM


I like where that one is going. Tee hee.

I had a bright idea, i'm going to track it down and see if anyone has dedicated a site to bad party 'songs' and see if they've got the lyrics. may be back later.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Thursday, April 13, 2006 2:54 AM


Oh, lech...I get it now! Yeah, that could be fun.

Um, no, I don't think it would be a good idea to try to see if the birds and snake could make nice...the conure has a hard time making nice with other birds and humans; I am sure she would not like to make the acquaintance of the inside of a snake.

Fluffy was a wonderful pet, and was named because of the numerous small sensor hairs all over her body.
Never played Half Life 2, so I wouldn't know...but THESE any lions ony grew about an inch to an inch and a half long and lived at the bottom of cones they built in sand. Also not a very exciting pet (except at feeding time!)

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 3:12 AM


I had guinea pigs!

Okay, that's not exciting, either, but I felt I needed to contribute to the conversation.

Hey, everybody remember Olander, the Orca? I do hope he's happy in his new home. Isn't being chewed on by the family dog or dragged around by his tail fin through the mud.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, April 13, 2006 3:18 AM



Half life 2 Ant Lions live under the sand with cones and the like, and could sense people walking on the sand so you had to build bridges and such. They were probably Mahusive versions of the real thing, didn't know there was an actual creature called an Ant Lion, I thought they were trying to make up a clever name.

Floor 17: Bad FireFly Party songs...
...or How I learned to stop worrying and love my ear plugs.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 3:22 AM


Thank you Seryn, FollowMal issued my browncoat the first or second day I was here.

Bad songs that everyone has to dance to...I was a camp counselor once (once!) for 6-10 year olds. We had a song called "Let me see your..." fill in the blank. It went like:

Let me see your Superman!
-What's that you say?
I said let me see your Superman!
-What's that you say?
I said Ooh Ahh Ahh Ahh Ooh Ahh Ahh Ahh Ooh Ahh Ahh Ahh...(strike a pose) I'm Superman!

On and on ad nauseum. My favorite was Batman. Rather than all the Ooh's and Aah's you just stood there for a moment with your arms crossed and then said "I'm Batman" in a low voice.
Kids loved it, but it drove us counselors batty...until, of course, we got to play it without the kids in the room. Then it got...interesting.

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 3:27 AM


Citizen-yes, that is exactly what ant lions are. They hide under the sand at the bottom of the cones and can feel the vibrations of anything walking near the cone. If whatever it is does not fall all the way down to the ant lion, they toss bits of sand at it until they can grab ahold of it and drag it under the sand.
Now I'm going to have to check out Half Life 2 to see the ant lions!

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 3:49 AM


the ant lions in half life two more closely resemble the bugs from Starship Troopers. they leap up out of the sand, fly over, and attack. You can eventually kill a 'queen' and take a pheramone sac, which allows you to control and direct the ant lions for a seige on an old prison.
Fun game. I loved the grav-gun.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Thursday, April 13, 2006 4:05 AM


When I was a camp counselor we played no such game...

...we did go skinny dipping in the lake at midnight on our days off.

I would like to draw and quarter the person that wrote The Chicken Dance.

You see? She's not a junkie or mentally ill, she's gifted!--Momma Roxy


Thursday, April 13, 2006 4:15 AM


Well, this was a Christian camp (I discovered that to my horror only after being there a few days) that I was sort of dragged to the summer I graduated high school. A friend asked me what I was doing the first week of summer, and my response was "oh, nothing"...she asked if I wanted to be a counselor up in the mountains of Alabama, and I said "sure" was fun, though. No skinny-dipping, however...

I second the drawing and quartering. I've got the axe and pitch if you've got the rope and horses.

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 4:23 AM


Heh, you can't hide behind "Christian Camp" I've been around enough to know those are the worst ones. Examples:

1) Couple found in bushes doing 'it'
2) Couple found behind cabin doing the Clinton special.
3) Counselors cussing and smoking when they thought campers weren't around.
4) That Eagle Scout guy showing his 'arrow' to all the swooning girls.

And of course, my first tongue kiss was at Christian camp.

I am willing to believe this is just an Oklahoma thing since we are the home of 'Do as I say, not as I do' Christianity. The scandals! Oh my! They'd make Jade blush.

You see? She's not a junkie or mentally ill, she's gifted!--Momma Roxy


Thursday, April 13, 2006 4:29 AM


I knew I should've gone back to camp after I grew up. I was way to young when I went.
* Has plenty of rope for the drawing and quartering.
* Wants to hear these stories at some point.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Thursday, April 13, 2006 4:31 AM


Well, considering this camp exists in the state that is the belt buckle of the bible belt, none of those things happened...or if they did, I missed them!
*mumble, mumble, never in the right place at the right time, mumble, mumble*

Never really got into trouble of that type until college...I was a Drama major (at first; eventually got a Psych degree so I could figure out my friends) and that is a group that knows the better things in life! Bacchus was so much easier to follow!
The thing I liked about the camp was the quiet and the proximity to the forest. I know that may come across as weird, but I have always loved the woods; just don't have as much time anymore to enjoy them.

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 4:49 AM


You think Christian camps are bad? Try going to a Christian College!

I love the woods, too. I find I can think so much clearer in the woods.

I already posted the inane ravioli song for you all. That was a camp favourite. We didn't do that Superman song, but there was one, Boom chicka boom, that would be repeated indefinitely.

The leader, usually me, would go:

I said A Boom Chicka Boom

and then everyone would repeat:

I said A Boom Chicka Boom

I said a Boom chicka boom! (repeat)

I said a boom chicka locka chicka locka chicka boom (repeat)

alright (repeat)

uh huh (you get the idea)

one more time (r)

____ style!

you'd pick a style: Baby style, cowboy style, girly style, sexy style and then you'd repeat it in that kind of a voice and it would just go on and on and on. 8 year old girls LOVE doing that.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, April 13, 2006 4:56 AM



Not Boom a Chick a Boom!

I guess it's better than Princess Pat or Titanic.

I went to summer camp every year....the Christian one just the once...I loved it. It's the same camp I worked at when I was a college student. Loved that place. actually, groups can rent the camp grounds during off season. It's lovely. The lake, the docks, the cabins, the lodge, the pool, the trails...we should have a shindig weekend there.

You see? She's not a junkie or mentally ill, she's gifted!--Momma Roxy


Thursday, April 13, 2006 5:04 AM


Sounds like a wonderful place...where is it?
A shindig would be cool, but does it have a floating chandelier?

Serenity, I agree. Thoughts come clearer without all the concrete and glass around cluttering up the sky.

Boom chicka...thought I had that one purged from my mind...thanks for putting it back in there, Serenity!

*boom chicka-NO!*

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 6:52 AM


I spent one summer in a camp, it was in Albany new york and it was where all the upper class long islanders sent their little princess to keep them away from boys for the summer.

Bits were fun, bits were not, but thats about all I can remember, I purged the rest.

And before anyone else feels the need to mention intensly irritating songs that we all wish we'd never heard -

I have a wet tea towel and i'm not afraid to use it.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Thursday, April 13, 2006 6:58 AM


I have heard of camps like those...I was lucky enough to be able to go to a computer camp up in the mountains of Arizona for two summers. Here's one for you; the computers we used were TRS-80's! Anyone else remember those?

Oh, I've got one!
"99 bottles of beer on the wall!"

*covers his head and runs to the corner to flee the dreaded wet tea towel*

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 8:53 AM


*remembers TSR-80s and the apple IIe.*

I did get to visit camp grounds later in the SCA, now that was some skinny dippin'. I'm up for some shindiggery. I'll bring the presidential alcohol cabinet....and no swim trunks.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Thursday, April 13, 2006 9:09 AM


SCA *shudders* I was a heavy weapons fighter in that society for awhile, until I realized it was a bunch of rednecks with axe handles wearing carpets, pickle barrel armor, and combat boots...but, yes, the events approached Vallhallian standards (fight and die all day, drink all night, do it all again the next day). My persona was Irish, and I wore a kilt, so I was always a strong breeze away from the nakedness. It was also while with that group that I discovered warrior-women; I totally concur with Wash on that point!

I'll bring the trollbuchet.

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 9:43 AM


Ahhh! Princess Pat! And her dang stick! What was UP with the stick?

I once did father/daughter weekends at a boys camp called....wait for it...Haycock.


Once a year, they had a weekend where they brought girls and their dads and tried to get them interested in all the stuff the boys did all summer. And then they begged all the female friends and girlfriends of all the guy counsellors to come work. So, being a girlfriend, I got suckered.

Try to imagine all these little girls running around MAD while their dads stand around Agog, having no clue how to discipline them or engage them in activities they aren't interested in.

And then, imagine me trying to pretend like shooting sling shots and rifles was SO VERY COOL!! and getting 8 year old Disney Princess fans to try it. Yeah, right.

And then, now, imagine me trying to reign in one wild child, who thought it would be fun to run and tackle me, and me landing in a big mud puddle (because it was cold and rainy all weekend)while her dad stood idly by, doing nothing. And now, please imagine my joy at having to spend the rest of the weekend in a damp and muddy sweatshirt.

*sigh* Girl Scout camp was MUCH better than that.

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Thursday, April 13, 2006 10:35 AM


Well, I was never into the heavy fighting. We had a talented fencer who was try to train us all, but I mostly went to hang out with friends and the nighttime drinking, gypsies dancing around the fires, and the night time swimming.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Thursday, April 13, 2006 10:48 AM


I got out before the fencing became popular, and they had all the rules banged out, but I was a fencer outside the SCA...kinda. I had a group of friends who were more into the live steel fighting, so we used minimal protection and used the No.5 fencing blades. We slowly graduated to Starfires, during which time I began choreographing smaller sword fights (for the University's Madrigal Dinner). This eventually led to choreographing and directing an act for a local Ren Faire, which led to the unofficial creation (with another friend and the Drama department's costumer) of a Ren Faire production company. Between the three of us, we were able to do everything from the writing to the fighting...and had several shows in our "repetoire". It was fun while it lasted (about five years), but two of us went our separate ways in the real world.
We never partied like at SCA events, but we did have our fun. The few we actually camped out at, yeah, there were some incidents, and they did involve belly sucks getting old!

Holding until you get back , Captain.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 11:13 AM



Originally posted by wildigstart:
I am willing to believe this is just an Oklahoma thing since we are the home of 'Do as I say, not as I do' Christianity. The scandals! Oh my! They'd make Jade blush.

Oklahoma.....did you move?

ps - you just made me miss oklahoma :(

--- <-inching towards daylight


Friday, April 14, 2006 7:27 AM



Originally posted by seryn:

...and as for lyrics, they didn't really warrent the term 'lyrics' it was more like a series of instructions interspersed with a cry of 'Superman!'over this teeth grindingly jaunty tune that was only about 10 seconds long but repeated endlessly

Or, worse yet, is played at your birthday by your father who insists on leading all the actions to a group of distinctly underwhelmed children who all blame you.







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