The Sereni-Tree, More Shopping, and Some Peril

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 16:08
VIEWED: 21102
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Friday, April 14, 2006 8:53 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

"Wow that's new" says wisp as the group walk through the opening

Inside is a long grotty stone corridor with a stairway leading down next to the door that JH so kindly constructed.

"now whats a gosa pile like this doing in such a classy establishemnt?" Wisp asks to the group being wary to avoid the Tiger (it looked mad as hell) "I vote we go down. They always keep the kipnapee below ground its the stereotype" He swings around just to finish off one of the thugs who'd escaped the hail of grenade.

"Also i vote we move quickly before the local nasty hear about our little skirmish and come to take us away?"


Friday, April 14, 2006 10:40 AM


/me lowers another empty flask and looks to cozen seated next to him in the shuttle

hey, did'ja know murder is a family value in almost every home? yup, three times a day it is -

wait, what's going on with serenity? was that mai on the comlink? does my mai mai need help?

is that a banana sitting next to me?

/me cocks his head quizzically, his unsteady gaze on a rather large and rather yellow fruit strapped in on his other side.


Friday, April 14, 2006 10:52 AM


For what seems like a stupidly long amount of time they move through ally ways, false turns and dead ends slowing them down, until Seryn is just about ready to scream.

Citizen pauses, holding his fingers to his lips. He nods his head and slowly she slides along the wal to observe two more guards, leaning against the walls and smoking.

She looks at Citizen, a silent question of how he wants to handle them.

Then she forms another idea. Pretty much the usual one, ill concieved, ridiculous and with a complete lack of thought for the consequences, but with a real chance of working.

She pulls off her communit and starts working the small beacon section loose, prying it up, and after checking Citizens unit to make sure it still works, wraps it securely in a small piece of plastic and swallows it whole.

"Hey, i'm off over there. Don't follow me, get the others here"

With out waiting for a reply she dives out, guns out, shooting, catching one guard in the arm and knocking the other guards hat off.
She doesn't really fight, she just spends the few seconds before they knock her out yelling at the top of her lungs and as incoherantly as possible.

As she hits the mud yet again, she curls up, automatically protecting her stomach, and reflects how its really not fair how blows to the head always hurt way more than you remember.

well heres hopin it works at least

(ooc- this is purely the quick way to find where Serenity is, no body, and I maen NOBODY is to write me in some torture this time, ok?)

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Friday, April 14, 2006 12:45 PM



"If wishes were fishes we'd all be eating sushi. Blinky thing has no predictable destination, I could wind up on Ariel, Whitefall or goddess knows where. It will take time for me to get to you, but I'm on my way." SR breaks the connection. He waits to see that MCQ has a chance to finish his sandwich which he does in short order.

"Yes McQ we are leaving, quickly. If you would be so kind as to see to secureing those two," SR indicates LMD and Cozen "in the passenger compartment of the Nelson, I'll fire up the engine."
SR turns to the drunks as McQ approaches them and yells. "Boys we have to get back to Commerce, now! McQ will see you to your seats."

McQ lifts LMD and Cozen by thier jacket collars and carries them into the Nelson.

SR runs a lightning pre-flight and sends the Nelson skyward. The inertail dampers are unable to compensate properly for the acceleration and SR accutally feels G-force for about a ninety seconds. As he is doing this he sends the following message over the comm-link on a open line so the entire Tree is in the loop.

"This SR I am enroute to Commerce with the Nelson, ETA forty minutes with the engine at the limit."

Once clear of atmo and the sub-orbital traffic SR plots as direct course as possible at maximum speed and locks it into the the autopilot. He finally takes the opportunity to eat his sandwich, once finished he takes the last two sandwiches to Cozen and LMD and finds them both passed out in their seats. He looks to McQ

"You didn't...?" He starts to ask.

"They're just sleeping it off." McQ answers.

"I hope it isn't necessary, but you might want to clean your guns for this one." says SR as he pulls a bag out from under one the seats and opens it revealing a small but tidy collection of weapons and equipment: A dagger, a cutlass, a pair of compact binoculars, a pump action shotgun with a folding stock and a varoius assortment of shells, a bullet proof vest, a pair of automatics with six spare ammo clips and revolver with three speed loaders. Everything is old, but extremely well cared for. SR takes off his jacket and dons the vest and then a double should holster rig followed by a heavy belt with a holster on the right hip, and various pouches. SR loads and checks the pistols and puts them in the holsters, automatics in the shoulder rig and revolver on his hip. The cutlass scabbard has a clip to hook onto the belt, but he chooses to leave it off for the moment (sitting with swords is uncomfortable.) As he is gearing up SR though focussed on his work begins speaking to McQ.

"You don't have to do anything once we arrive on Commerce. I'm not an officer, I can't give you orders, but I can tell you this, any help you can provide will go a long way. As a team we can do a lot. I should warn you that politically speaking when this is all over you would be well advised to keep your distance from me, as I am sure to get a large share of the blame for CMS going missing. It won't matter a fart in hell, that the ladies would be safe right now if they departed when I asked them to. The only thing that will be remembered is that I left them there. Even if I don't get hung, I'll get flogged for this for certain. I hate floggings, they teach a man only one thing, how to turn his back."

Scorpion Regent

McQ nods to let SR know he understood what he just told him and then starts checking his weapons to make sure they were all loaded and ready to go. He restocked the assortment of weapons on his left arm component and made sure his blaster rifle and hidden pistols were ready to go as well. He turns to SR.

"I'll be going with you. My infrared capabilities will help us find our way faster than trying to guess our way around. If you prefer me to be arial support I can enable my jetpack for a bird's eye view. I just have one question."

"And what would that be?" SR asks as he eats his sandwich.

"Who are these people we're looking for?"

SR fills in McQ on what has been going on since he seems a little out of the loop. McQ listens and records what SR says for his records since there was a lot of information being explained.

"Did you get all that?" SR asks after his explanation.

"Affirmative," McQ responds.


Friday, April 14, 2006 1:09 PM


Citizen watches as the guards take begin to tackle Seryn. "You know I could of just killed them all" he thinks to himself. "oh well sometimes you just roll with the punches.".

He watches as the guards start to take Seryn away. "I hope they don't torture her." he laments, "Tortures no fun, especially if you’re the Torturee".

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Friday, April 14, 2006 1:20 PM



Originally posted by LightMeDark:
/me lowers another empty flask and...
is that a banana sitting next to me?

Yeah, well, they're *hic!* just adventurizin'.

Murder, eh? Well, we got time to flesh out the details of that....

*points to his flask* Um, say: any more where that came from?


Friday, April 14, 2006 5:46 PM



Originally posted by McQ:
McQ nods to let SR know he understood what he just told him and then starts checking his weapons to make sure they were all loaded and ready to go. He restocked the assortment of weapons on his left arm component and made sure his blaster rifle and hidden pistols were ready to go as well. He turns to SR.

"I'll be going with you. My infrared capabilities will help us find our way faster than trying to guess our way around. If you prefer me to be arial support I can enable my jetpack for a bird's eye view. I just have one question."

"And what would that be?" SR asks as he eats his sandwich.

"Who are these people we're looking for?"

SR fills in McQ on what has been going on since he seems a little out of the loop. McQ listens and records what SR says for his records since there was a lot of information being explained.

"Did you get all that?" SR asks after his explanation.

"Affirmative," McQ responds.

"Well Commerce city is a large place and I suspect there will be a lot of infrared to deal with, but It can be very helpful. i have a suggestion though. TRM is working with Mai and Seryn from the point of abduction. I propose that we stake out the spaceport area and look for anyone trying to take CMS off planet. We can stay relatively close to the shuttle in case TRM wants us somewhere in a hurry. We are really backup. Don't get me wrong we are not sitting this one out. This is just the quiet part of the hunt. As for flying let's stay on the ground right now, let the bad guys get all the attention for once."

At that point as SR finally ses the Nelson back down at Commerce space port. He sends a message by comm-link, "This is SR I have arrived at Commerce space port and MCQ and I are standing by and keeping our eyes open. Let us know if you need us for extraction, tactical support or pep talk."

As SR signs off he has a idea.
"McQ let's take advantage of that Infrared of yours. We suspect that the troublemakers arrived recently on a shuttle. See if you can spot a small ship or shuttle warm enough to be theirs. If you find something we can keep a eye on it".

Scorpion Regent


Friday, April 14, 2006 6:10 PM


TRM, Ill stay here with and go along with Seryn. I know the shuttle is faster but I'm think its best if a few of stay here on the off chance they are still in town.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Friday, April 14, 2006 6:32 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
(ooc- this is purely the quick way to find where Serenity is, no body, and I maen NOBODY is to write me in some torture this time, ok?)

*Ath whistles innocently.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Friday, April 14, 2006 6:39 PM



Originally posted by mai:
*gets on com

Attention Soul, Ath and all SereniTREE crew Serenity has gone missing with the help of some very disreputable man.She not been gone but a few minutes but its not looking good. PLEASE GET DOWN HERE NOW! Looks like we're going to need all the help we can get!

*Ath leaps out of the chococuzzi and runs full speed to the Bridge, intending to take the Tree down for an immediate rescue attempt. However, upon seeing the status readings of the Tree, he thinks better of it, and waits, rather impatiently, for TWG's orders.*

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Friday, April 14, 2006 7:21 PM


*KellyofLuthien smiles to herself as Ghost snuggles into her arms. She walks quickly towards the Pifflepony ranch, but before she gets there, her comlink beeps.

"Kelly? We-"

"It's okay Safe, I have Ghost with me and am bringing her back to the ranch. Is Shadow with you?"


"Okay, see you there." Kelly squeezes Ghost a little tighter. "See? We found Shadow. But next time please tell an adult if you want to go somewhere, okay? We want to keep you safe."

Ghost says nothing, as usual, but Kelly can see she understands. She opens the door to the cargo bay and sees a streak of color as Shadow rushes to take Ghost from her arms. With a firm look, Kelly is able to get Shadow to understand that no scolding is necessary. Kelly looks to Safe.

"Thanks. Can you watch them for 5 more minutes? I really need to get this chocolate out of my hair!"

Kelly runs to her mallorn and takes a quick shower, changing into a slim, dark green gown with flowy sleeves. As she braids her hair, she hears a frantic message from Mai.


Originally posted by mai:
*gets on com

Attention Soul, Ath and all SereniTREE crew Serenity has gone missing with the help of some very disreputable man.She not been gone but a few minutes but its not looking good. PLEASE GET DOWN HERE NOW! Looks like we're going to need all the help we can get!

Kelly grabs her sword Nardol and fingers her ring Narya around her neck. She rushes out of the mallorn. Safe is already gone, so Kelly runs quickly to the bridge. She finds Ath, TWG, Safe and the girls huddled together.

"Okay, what's the plan? Do we have a plan?"

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Friday, April 14, 2006 8:57 PM


*As Citizen watches the guards push Seryn down through the alleyways, it suddenly occurs to him what she comlpetely forgot to tell him before she ran off to act like a lunatic.

"Wherever they take her it will probably be very close to where Serenity is. I means we can follow them, whereever they are going.

That girls not quite as stupid as she looks"

(ooc - sorry, you probably got that, but in the interests of clarification)


Saturday, April 15, 2006 4:07 AM


Commerce spaceport:
SR Sends out a general comm-link message,
"Talk to me TRM, Seryn, Mai, Citizen, somebody, I can be a team player on this one, but it only works if you talk to me."

Scorpion Regent


Saturday, April 15, 2006 4:46 AM


Citizen raised his Com-link to his mouth.
"Everyone locate this beacon and group on me. I have a track for Seryn and Serenity." Citizen said. "And move quiet and mind the Security Drones."

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 5:20 AM


TheRealMe keys his com for broadcast to all Sereni-Tree-ers.

"I currently have the Napoleon in shrunken mode hovering over the Leighton Docks spaceport, the nearest to where Serenity was abducted. I'm trying to match the ships there to the sketchy data that ThatWeirdGirl picked up when the mystery ship jumped in system. About a dozen candidates so far. It's also possible that they didn't park here, but then their journey back would be longer. I'll stay here as a backup, to try to intercept them if they try to make for orbit."

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Saturday, April 15, 2006 7:03 AM


"Well, there's already a fair amount of people down there. Do we really need to add to the crowd?"

Safe looks at the faces assembled and gets the answer he was hoping for, put to voice by Soul.

"Time for action. I'm not sitting here while my wife and child are in danger, and not one of you can stop me." Soul says glaring at them, daring anyone to argue.

"You'll not get an argument out of us." Safe says and the others nod in agreement. "It just needed to be said is all. It's not like we were going to sit idly by. The ISSCV is here, we can take that, but you have to let the rest of us help."

Jake7, Jazaf and Needy run in. Soul takes a deep breath and looks at the faces around him. With the exception of the strangers Safe and Needy, these were his friends and more importantly, Serenity's friends. The worry was evident on their faces too. His eyes settle on Ath. Seeing his own grim faced determination mirrored on his future brother-in-law's face made up his mind.

"Ok, but we have to move fast. I don't want the trail to get cold."

OOC: Sorry if I missed anyone left on the Tree. I'm rapidly losing track of where everyone is and what new people may be around.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Saturday, April 15, 2006 7:29 AM


*Shadow and NOSkillz lead the group down the hallway. Shadow has Quincey's scent and leads them to the top of a spiral staircase. The sounds of rattling chains and shuffling feet can be heard coming up the staircase. Shadow, NOSkills, and Deuce take cover behind a pillar on the right side of the hallway, JadeHand and Wisp behind the mirrored pillar on the left. Two men carrying a bound Quincey reach the top of the stairs, followed by a man in fine robes who is bent over slightly and limping behind them. The guards escort Quincey past the pillars. Just as the robed man is passing the pillars, there is a small beep as the battery on the pack attached to JadeHands belt gives out. As the Guards begin to turn, Jade curses under his breath, and slips out into the hall behind the robed man. His left hand snakes quickly over the mans left shoulder and takes him around the neck. His right hand levels a gun to the man's head.*

"Let her go!"

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
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But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
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Saturday, April 15, 2006 7:41 AM


On Commerce:

Scar man leads the crew of the Dagger up a set of enclosed stairs to the second floor of a warehouse. Pausing at the landing, he produces a passcard and swipes it through the scanner. The door clicks several times then swings inward.

Inside is a large dark room with a single chair set in the middle of the room, and a small glassed in control room to the right of the door.

Scarman gestures to the chair. "Tie her to that." then turns and enters the control room.

Bear, Grunt and Jennings look around. "I don't like this one bit guys." Bear says under his breath, as they carry Serenity to the chair.

"I hear ya Bear." Grunt whispers back "Jennings, did you make sure we weren't followed?"

"Ya, I traded the uniform coat to a carpet vender. Plus the drag marks he was making toting the carpets around would throw anyone tracking us off" Jennings whispers.

"Hey!" Bear starts indignantly "I'm no weakling. Hell my arm is heavier than she is."

"Ya, but anyone following us won't know that. Not many people can lift what you can."

Bear sets Serenity gently in the chair with Grunt ties her in place. "He never said anything about her being pregnant...and this woman is no whore…"

Standing Grunt turns to scar man. “Heinz, the deal’s changed. This ain’t no cheating whore that you said she be.”

Bear stands and pulls a pair of fingerless gloves from his pocket. “Deals off little man. You can keep your money.”

Heinz laughs as he closes the door to the control room and hits a button. “Did I give you the impression I was actually going to give you the money?” The door to the room slams shut.

Grunt pulls an antique Winchester .44-40 Lever-Action Repeating Rifle from a holster on his back and two daggers appear in Jennings hands seemingly out of thin air.

“In fact, I’ve had about enough of you hulking imbeciles. I don’t need you anymore.” Heinz hits another button and electricity courses through the metal floor. The smell of ozone fills the air as Grunt and Jennings fall twitching to the floor. Bear takes four steps towards the control room. Heinz’s eyes widen in amazement and fear.

Bear slowly makes it to the control room. He reaches back and punches the window. The reinforced bullet proof safety glass cracks around the imprint of his fist but holds. The electricity finally gets the better of Bear and he slumps heavily to the floor.

Heinz keys his com. “Get up here. I’ve got some garbage for you to get rid of. Oh and bring extra men, it won’t be light work. Take them to their ship and torch it.”

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Saturday, April 15, 2006 8:21 AM


*Serenity slowly comes to. Before she even opens her eyes, she's aware of a strange smell and a pounding in her head. She can't move her arms.*

*She slowly opens one eye enough to peer around. She's in a large room. There doesn't seem to be anyone around.*

*Opening both eyes and painfully lifting her head, she sees that she was wrong. There are, three men lying on the floor. One looks like the security guard that was with her when she was taken. One man lay on the floor near a glass-panelled control room. And inside the room...*


*She lets a stream of curses filter across her brain as she starts to think. She can't move, she has no weapon, she's pretty sure no one knows where she is. She tries to feel her wrist to see if her comm link is still there, but then remembers that she took it off and put it in her pocket earlier. She also notices that her wrists aren't tied nearly as tight as they could be.*

Well, that's not nothing. *She thinks to herself. While Heinz has his back to her, she starts trying to loosen the knots.*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Saturday, April 15, 2006 9:18 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

While Jade interrogates the man with the limp the guards are dumbstruck at what to do. The one to the right of Quincy makes a slight hand movment for his gun but it is quickly removed from its holster by Wisp as Deuce does the same to the guard on the left.
"You dont want to do that" whispers Wisp on the guards ear "and you know why? Because that tiger there isn't enjoying this trip. There was a clown at the zoo today and he was really looking forward to it and then we dragged him here and youre friends started shooting and needless to say he's staring at your crotch likes it's dinner time so i suggest you unhand the lady and let us go our separate ways."


Saturday, April 15, 2006 12:31 PM



"Well Commerce city is a large place and I suspect there will be a lot of infrared to deal with, but It can be very helpful. i have a suggestion though. TRM is working with Mai and Seryn from the point of abduction. I propose that we stake out the spaceport area and look for anyone trying to take CMS off planet. We can stay relatively close to the shuttle in case TRM wants us somewhere in a hurry. We are really backup. Don't get me wrong we are not sitting this one out. This is just the quiet part of the hunt. As for flying let's stay on the ground right now, let the bad guys get all the attention for once."

At that point as SR finally ses the Nelson back down at Commerce space port. He sends a message by comm-link, "This is SR I have arrived at Commerce space port and MCQ and I are standing by and keeping our eyes open. Let us know if you need us for extraction, tactical support or pep talk."

As SR signs off he has a idea.
"McQ let's take advantage of that Infrared of yours. We suspect that the troublemakers arrived recently on a shuttle. See if you can spot a small ship or shuttle warm enough to be theirs. If you find something we can keep a eye on it".

Scorpion Regent

McQ starts scanning ships with his infrared robotic eye, trying to find a match to the one used by the kidnappers. Most of the ships turn out to be regular transports or common shuttles. After scanning several ships, McQ reports.

"None of these are suspicious," McQ reports to SR. "They must've landed somewhere else. Somewhere they could make a quicker getaway if needed. Shall we inspect the immediate sector or await further instruction?"

"We should wait until otherwise instructed," SR responds and reminds McQ that they're merely backup at this point.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 12:43 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Needy watches from afar with quiet adoration as various members of SereniTree’s crew skip about with beaming faces - their giddy laughter music to his ears.
As bizarre and uncommon as this ship is, I can picture myself settling down here, maybe one day being able to call the Sereni-Tree “home”. After all, one would have to be a complete fool to turn down an opportunity to stay in a haven such as this.
For the first time in a long time, Needy came to an absolute clarity.
This is where I want to be. I’m staying.
Although many were still strangers, and he knew there was a good chance there may be some he might not get on well with, nevertheless he knew this was where he wanted to be.
Sure the crew seem to run into all sorts of trouble, but if that’s the price one must pay for such pleasures in life, to join a family like this, then I say bring it on.

Suddenly a crackle on the com interrupts Needy’s moment of reflection.


Originally posted by mai:
*gets on com

Attention Soul, Ath and all SereniTREE crew Serenity has gone missing with the help of some very disreputable man.She not been gone but a few minutes but its not looking good. PLEASE GET DOWN HERE NOW! Looks like we're going to need all the help we can get!

Needy sighs.
I was just asking for that!

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Saturday, April 15, 2006 1:04 PM



Originally posted by cozen:
*points to his flask* Um, say: any more where that came from?

Hmm, no...jus' a sec.

/me turns to the overly large banana

Hey pal, ya got any liqqr-, err, booze?

*a pair of flasks seem to fall out of nowhere but somewhere in the vicinity of the banana. elemdee leans over and scoops them up and tries to hand one to cozen but manages only to drop it in his lap.

Thanks buddy! Much 'bliged...


Saturday, April 15, 2006 1:15 PM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

Needy scanned the area around him, trying to ascertain from which direction he had come from, and how he could get back to the heart of the SereniTree.

Damn me for wandering off by myself.
Needy looked in the hope of spotting a familiar face – but all nearby were quite the opposite.
Even TWG was no longer anywhere to be seen.
That’s just perfect. The one time I might be of some use, and I have no idea how to find my way back to make myself of some use!
He refused to wallow in self-pity or attempt to find his own way back. The people he could see may have been strangers, but they must know this place inside out. Besides, isn’t everyone family here?

After being ignored three times by various people, finally he gets the response he wanted – directions out of the Mallorn and to the bridge of the Sereni-Tree where he is told a rescue operation is most likely to be organised.

Upon reaching his destination, he spots a crowd gathered together and, as he edges ever closer, he overhears enough information to confirm that plans for a rescue were indeed underway.


Originally posted by safeat2nd:
"Time for action. I'm not sitting here while my wife and child are in danger, and not one of you can stop me." Soul says glaring at them, daring anyone to argue.

"You'll not get an argument out of us." Safe says and the others nod in agreement. "It just needed to be said is all. It's not like we were going to sit idly by. The ISSCV is here, we can take that, but you have to let the rest of us help."

Needy joins the crowd, spotting his comrade Safe who, not only wants to be involved but has actually taken it upon help organise the rescue.

Some may have thought that Needy had only just arrived onboard, and as such had no real reason or motivation to join a rescue mission, especially one that could be life-threatening. But they were wrong. Serenity meant a great deal to him. She was the only one onboard he knew really well.
They had helped each other in the past, and today was no different. The fact that earlier Serenity hadn’t been happier made the fact that she was now in serious danger all the more heart-breaking.
Needy was going to do what was necessary to make sure she got back safely.
And who knows, maybe he can actually be of some use.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Saturday, April 15, 2006 3:00 PM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:
"You'll not get an argument out of us." Safe says and the others nod in agreement. "It just needed to be said is all. It's not like we were going to sit idly by. The ISSCV is here, we can take that, but you have to let the rest of us help."
"Ok, but we have to move fast. I don't want the trail to get cold."

I'm in to find Serenity. I'll go where I can be of most use -- be it on the 'TREE manning the guns so we can get our crew safely back on board, or for the use of my force field gadget.

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Saturday, April 15, 2006 4:43 PM



Originally posted by McQ:
McQ starts scanning ships with his infrared robotic eye, trying to find a match to the one used by the kidnappers. Most of the ships turn out to be regular transports or common shuttles. After scanning several ships, McQ reports.

"None of these are suspicious," McQ reports to SR. "They must've landed somewhere else. Somewhere they could make a quicker getaway if needed. Shall we inspect the immediate sector or await further instruction?"

"We should wait until otherwise instructed," SR responds and reminds McQ that they're merely backup at this point.

Citizen raised his Com-link to his mouth.
"Everyone locate this beacon and group on me. I have a track for Seryn and Serenity." Citizen said. "And move quiet and mind the Security Drones."

SR perks up from a slouch in one of the shuttles acceleration couches. "We are now otherwise instructed! Besides backup has to be close enough to be useful." SR turns to LMD and Cozen, "You boys hold the fort."

SR and McQ exit the Nelson and head towards Citizen's signal.
As they march along SR ponders the capabilities of his cybernetic companion.
"McQ can you overlay Citizen's signal and the signals from the rest of the tree's crew on top of GPS data and realtime sattelite imagery? If so, you could give us a excellent perspective where everybody is." SR queries

Scorpion Regent


Saturday, April 15, 2006 6:40 PM


Shadow and Ghost huddled in the background, Shadow holding Ghost tightly not wanting to lose her again. Neither of them was quite sure what was going on, what they did know was that Ms. Serenity was missing from her shopping trip and the adults were worried and scared and when adults were worried and scared that was a very bad thing. They had been pretty much ignored by the adults since this whole situation had begun and that just worried them more.

Seeing the adults preparing to leave Shadow whispered something in Ghost's ear before letting the younger girl go and grabbing captain Safe's arm, as Ghost ran to Ms. Kelly.

"What about us Mr. Captain Safe Sir" Shadow asked quietly


Saturday, April 15, 2006 7:47 PM



Originally posted by Aprilise:
Shadow and Ghost huddled in the background, Shadow holding Ghost tightly not wanting to lose her again. Neither of them was quite sure what was going on, what they did know was that Ms. Serenity was missing from her shopping trip and the adults were worried and scared and when adults were worried and scared that was a very bad thing. They had been pretty much ignored by the adults since this whole situation had begun and that just worried them more.

Seeing the adults preparing to leave Shadow whispered something in Ghost's ear before letting the younger girl go and grabbing captain Safe's arm, as Ghost ran to Ms. Kelly.

"What about us Mr. Captain Safe Sir" Shadow asked quietly

OOC thread 46 can be Sereni-tree, child care in all it's possible forms: Inner children, actual children, adults pretending to be children, children pretending to be adults, adults with children to be. Anybody bringing a purple dinosaur on board is really asking for trouble.

Scorpion Regent


Saturday, April 15, 2006 8:57 PM


*finally comes upon Citizen after following several dead end leads.

(out of breath)
I've... lost Seryn.. couldn't keep up. Did she just go nuts and runaway? Not that I blame her... Oh god, how could we just let her be taken out front of us like that?! What do they want with her?!

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Saturday, April 15, 2006 8:57 PM



Anybody bringing a purple dinosaur on board is really asking for trouble.

Hey no bad talk about dinos. I've got a handsome multi-colored, Frederick. He likes kids too.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 6:08 AM


From the Leighton Docks starport on the shopping moon of Commerce, TheRealMe broadcasts to the Sereni-Treers:

"Hello. I've found their ship. It matches ThatWeirdGirl's description, and its engine core shows recent use. It's called Dagger. They landed it within sight of where our own Nelson had been parked. They must have been tailing us. Seems like the work of pros.

"Anyway, I over-rode their security and got in. Nobody home. It's engines aren't even online, so they aren't planning to leave any time soon. They aren't bringing Serenity here. There is another destination for her that they had in mind.

"Say, here is a recent note about some kind of payment expected from a man named 'Heinz'. Does that mean anything to anybody?"

OOC: Seryn, your plot might not work if they only care about Serenity and ignore others. SR, great idea for the next thread name.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Sunday, April 16, 2006 6:45 AM


In a palace in the Garrison Chinatown, where N0Skillz, Jadehand, Deuce, Wisp, and the tiger Shadow have tracked down Quincey and her captors:

Jadehand is choking the robed man with one arm, and has a gun at his head. “Let her go!” Jadehand repeats.

“Most assuredly!” the robed man replies. He reaches up to lightly touch Jadehand on the arm and Jadehand is suddenly paralyzed. With minimal movements of his arms and body, the robed man sends Jadehand and his weapon flying in separate directions, to land with great force on the stone steps of the staircase. “She shall be released once she has been reunited with her husband. You interlopers are interfering with a private family matter. I strongly suggest that you remove yourself from this place.”

Howling a battle cry, Deuce leaps forward, one blade extended to spear the robed man through the heart. But he claps his hands together on each side of the blade, stopping it an inch away from his chest. She swings her other blade in a great arc to chop off his head. Somehow, while still holding the first blade in place, he ducks the swing and performs some kind of kick over his back that sends Deuce’s second blade flying, to clatter on the stairs below.

The robed man smiles. “That was not an entirely incompetant attack. You have some natural talent. However, your ki is entirely unfocused. You waste tremendous amounts of energy with each attack, with each movement, with each thought. However, with some training, you might prove yourself to be an adequate fighter.”

Deuce actually growls as she attempts to free her remaining blade from the robed man’s hands. She tries to punch him in the face with her free hand, but somehow he bocks with his elbow.

To the rest, the robed man calmly adds, “I suggest that the continued use of firearms might imperil the life of the one you wish to save. None of you seem to be very good shots. Oh, and you may refer to me as Mister Chin.”

“MMMMMRRRF!” the bound, gagged, and blindfolded Quincey says from behind Mister Chin.

Mister Chin makes a slight movement, and suddenly he is wielding Deuce's katana and she is weaponless.

Without turning away from the rescuers, Mister Chin calmy informs his subordinates: "Take the honored Mei-ling Kuin to the shuttle pad on the roof. I shall hold our guests here." The four guards grab Quincey and continue up the stairs.

With Quincey out of sight, N0Skillz takes a shot at Chin. Deuce's blade flashes in the old man's hands, parrying the bullet.

Quincey, Bride5


Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:14 AM



SR perks up from a slouch in one of the shuttles acceleration couches. "We are now otherwise instructed! Besides backup has to be close enough to be useful." SR turns to LMD and Cozen, "You boys hold the fort."

SR and McQ exit the Nelson and head towards Citizen's signal.

As they march along SR ponders the capabilities of his cybernetic companion.

"McQ can you overlay Citizen's signal and the signals from the rest of the tree's crew on top of GPS data and realtime sattelite imagery? If so, you could give us a excellent perspective where everybody is." SR queries

Scorpion Regent

McQ stops and rests his blaster against a nearby wall. He bring up his right forearm before him and a little satellite dish rises out and opens from within his arm and a visual screen also reveals itself from within his forearm. The mini satellite dish rotates a few times as McQ tries to scan the surrounding area.

"I'm picking up a reading," McQ starts. "A big structure on the other side of town ... things seem a little heated ... in another area I detect some sort of scuffle - seems to be a small group." McQ lets SR get a look at what his mini satellite is picking up. "Seems for one thing, we're on the wrong side of town." He closes the visual screen and mini satellite back into his right forearm and picks up his blaster. "If we're going to be of any use, we better get moving."

SR agrees as the two head off in the direction of the large structure.

"Wait," McQ starts. "I can get us there faster with my jetpack - that is, if you're willing to go for a quick ride."


Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:09 AM


*JadeHand crashes hard into the wall, and falls onto the first few steps leading down. His head hurts. He tries to reach up to touch it, but his arm doesn't respond. He tries the other arm and gets only the slightest of motion, just enough to push him self onto his side against the wall. He tries to get a look down the hall to check on the others, but his heavy. "Quin's Married?" is the last thought to cross his mind. Blood dripping from above his eyes onto his face, the last thing he sees, before his eyes slam shut, and he loses consciencousness.*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Sunday, April 16, 2006 10:05 AM



Originally posted by McQ:

McQ stops and rests his blaster against a nearby wall. He bring up his right forearm before him and a little satellite dish rises out and opens from within his arm and a visual screen also reveals itself from within his forearm. The mini satellite dish rotates a few times as McQ tries to scan the surrounding area.

"I'm picking up a reading," McQ starts. "A big structure on the other side of town ... things seem a little heated ... in another area I detect some sort of scuffle - seems to be a small group." McQ lets SR get a look at what his mini satellite is picking up. "Seems for one thing, we're on the wrong side of town." He closes the visual screen and mini satellite back into his right forearm and picks up his blaster. "If we're going to be of any use, we better get moving."

SR agrees as the two head off in the direction of the large structure.

"Wait," McQ starts. "I can get us there faster with my jetpack - that is, if you're willing to go for a quick ride."

OOC McQ you are aware that the rescue of Quincey is taking place not on the moon Commerce where we are, but on the main planet of Garrison. If this seems like a soap opera on steriods it's because it is.

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, April 16, 2006 11:15 AM


The quality of the light changes once again, and this time when she opens her eyes they are in a low ceilinged room, all once well built and fitted out, but now run down and really desperetly in need of contract cleaners.

The guys holding her arms stop, another guard emerges from the back of the room, gun pointed straight at them until he's close enough to recognise them.

He lowers the weapon, grins, then nods his head in Seryns direction. "Whats that?"

The guard pulls her forward and shrugs "She was with the other one, the winged woman everyones so intersted in. Jumped us in the ally, screaming like a banshee."

"Did it not occur to you to just shoot her?"

"well yeah, but didn't know if they wanted bodies leavin around the place, like to get the authorities excited"

"yeah, whatever, shove her in that cupboard down the way, its got a lock on it, and keep her quiet"

The guy moves off, towards a door way she can make out now that her eyes have adjusted. He opens the door and lingers, watching them lead her past, and throught the arch Seryn sees the most welcome sight since Green & Blacks brought out their drinking chocolate. Serenity, sat in a chair towards the centre of the room. Seryn struggles, trying to give herself time to make sure that Serenity is pretty much unharmed. Apart from being tied to her seat she seems to be coping. Rather than scared the expression on her face seems to be defiant and controlled.

Seryn smiles, "it worked, the damn stupid plan worked!" as long as the others got there soon, she was close enough to Serenity for them to track down this building. She stops struggling, letting the guards pull her away, she even keeps still when they whack a strip of tape across her mouth.

She listens to the sound of the door shutting and the lock sliding into place, then slips her hands around in front of her, pulls the tape off her mouth and sits with her ear against the door, listening out and amusing herself by trying to remember the words to old pop songs and weighing up the merits of the various theories over what the island from Lost actually is

(OOC - I'm not sure what you mean TRM, does the above make what i'm trying to do any clearer?)

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Sunday, April 16, 2006 12:36 PM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

Originally posted by McQ:

McQ stops and rests his blaster against a nearby wall. He bring up his right forearm before him and a little satellite dish rises out and opens from within his arm and a visual screen also reveals itself from within his forearm. The mini satellite dish rotates a few times as McQ tries to scan the surrounding area.

"I'm picking up a reading," McQ starts. "A big structure on the other side of town ... things seem a little heated ... in another area I detect some sort of scuffle - seems to be a small group." McQ lets SR get a look at what his mini satellite is picking up. "Seems for one thing, we're on the wrong side of town." He closes the visual screen and mini satellite back into his right forearm and picks up his blaster. "If we're going to be of any use, we better get moving."

SR agrees as the two head off in the direction of the large structure.

"Wait," McQ starts. "I can get us there faster with my jetpack - that is, if you're willing to go for a quick ride."

OOC McQ you are aware that the rescue of Quincey is taking place not on the moon Commerce where we are, but on the main planet of Garrison. If this seems like a soap opera on steriods it's because it is.

Scorpion Regent

OOC - Yes, I'm aware of that. Although this is getting confusing with both Quincey and Serenity needing rescuing.


Sunday, April 16, 2006 1:06 PM


I’m staying with the ship. I’ll need a few hands to stay as well, the Doctor and maybe a few folks to help me defend and coordinate. All those under 18 years of age will stay on board, that includes Piff, Fishie, Ebo, my son if he ever returns, and our newest arrivals, Ghost and Shadow.

*twg turns to the departing group* Be careful down there.


Originally posted by Aprilise:
"What about us Mr. Captain Safe Sir" Shadow asked quietly

*she takes a seat on the bridge and begins filtering the data* Girls? Would you like to help me? I need two very responsible people to relay important command decisions. Would you like to be Ensigns?
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Sunday, April 16, 2006 5:14 PM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
I’ll need a few hands to stay as well, the Doctor and maybe a few folks to help me defend and coordinate.... Would you like to be Ensigns?

*Sobering up as best he can, cozen suggests to LMD:*

Ought we not immediately volunteer for anything TWG asks?

I thought so....


Sunday, April 16, 2006 5:23 PM



Originally posted by McQ:
McQ stops and rests his blaster against a nearby wall. He bring up his right forearm before him and a little satellite dish rises out and opens from within his arm and a visual screen also reveals itself from within his forearm. The mini satellite dish rotates a few times as McQ tries to scan the surrounding area.

"I'm picking up a reading," McQ starts. "A big structure on the other side of town ... things seem a little heated ... in another area I detect some sort of scuffle - seems to be a small group." McQ lets SR get a look at what his mini satellite is picking up. "Seems for one thing, we're on the wrong side of town." He closes the visual screen and mini satellite back into his right forearm and picks up his blaster. "If we're going to be of any use, we better get moving."

SR agrees as the two head off in the direction of the large structure.

"Wait," McQ starts. "I can get us there faster with my jetpack - that is, if you're willing to go for a quick ride."

SR ponders the possibility of hanging on to the cyborg whilst in flight.
"Too much attention, besides we're back up remember. So relay all the information you just accumulated to TRM in PDF or whatever format these com-links favor and we make our way towards the center of attention like every body else." SR steps one foot off the curb and raises a arm holding a small wad of cashy money. "TAXI!"

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, April 16, 2006 5:23 PM



Originally posted by McQ:
McQ stops and rests his blaster against a nearby wall. He bring up his right forearm before him and a little satellite dish rises out and opens from within his arm and a visual screen also reveals itself from within his forearm. The mini satellite dish rotates a few times as McQ tries to scan the surrounding area.

"I'm picking up a reading," McQ starts. "A big structure on the other side of town ... things seem a little heated ... in another area I detect some sort of scuffle - seems to be a small group." McQ lets SR get a look at what his mini satellite is picking up. "Seems for one thing, we're on the wrong side of town." He closes the visual screen and mini satellite back into his right forearm and picks up his blaster. "If we're going to be of any use, we better get moving."

SR agrees as the two head off in the direction of the large structure.

"Wait," McQ starts. "I can get us there faster with my jetpack - that is, if you're willing to go for a quick ride."

SR ponders the possibility of hanging on to the cyborg whilst in flight.
"Too much attention, besides we're back up remember. So relay all the information you just accumulated to TRM in PDF or whatever format these com-links favor and we make our way towards the center of attention like every body else." SR steps one foot off the curb and raises a arm holding a small wad of cashy money. "TAXI!"

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, April 16, 2006 5:46 PM


For a moment, Deuce stands there confused and weaponless. Then she does a backflip down the stairs to get out of easy reach of the martial arts master, who is now using her own sword. She takes a deep breath and charges back up the stairs toward him, leaps up to get a boost off the hand rail, and vaults high over his head. The master swings the blade at Deuce as she is doing somersaults in mid-air above him. The sword slices into the chainmail armor that Deuce put on earlier, and some links are cut loose to fall on the stairs, but Deuce lands several steps up from the old man. She is bleeding from a light cut, but is mostly okay.

“Heh, I bet I'm faster!” she says with a smile, and starts to run up the stairs after Quincey.

The master gets an annoyed look on his face.



Monday, April 17, 2006 2:28 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

"I dont have time for this" says Wisp looking at the unconsious Jade and Deuce in combat with the wierd old man.
He looks down the hall and see's the two guards bundling quincey down the hall. he jumps over the banister and uses the curtain rail to control his fall. He runs down the corridor but then suddenly stumbles in tremendous pain. He looks down at his leg and see's one of deuces Katana securely skewered in his thigh and the robed man looking very smug down the hall.
"You gorram crazy!" yells Wisp "Bite this!!" as he removes a strange green grenade from his back and throws towards the master.
It lands at least 6feet short and only explodes with a very small bang. but a large cloud of light green smoke.
"Poisons?" says the robed man "you really think that will work against me?" as he walks through the green cloud
"no but this should" he presses a button on the pin and the entire cloud explodes incinerating everything within it.
As the smoke clears the robed man lays badly burnt on the floor but not dead.
"Some kind of crazy power?"
As the robed man begins to stand up Deuce removes a smaller dagger from her back and plunges it through the mans heart.
"Dodge that" she says before rushing tojade hands aid"


Monday, April 17, 2006 2:57 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul stands just inside the hatch to the ISSCV, waiting impatiently. He is fully armed with his bow and arrows, his bandolier of arrowheads, and his scorpion-tailed dagger. The only thing he is waiting for now is for those going with him to board the ship, and for someone to fly it down to the surface.

His hands are clenched into fists, his patience wearing thin, when suddenly a memory bursts into his head, a memory he had tried to suppress, and one that his dark side had once used to thrive on.

* * *

The tombstone was new, the pile of dirt it sat at the head of fresh, and the flowers decorating the grave still maintaining their scent. A cold wind blew through the graveyard, carrying with it the scent of rain; but from the grey clouds overhead, one didn’t need the scent to know that a downpour was imminent. One last car, the one that held the Priest was making it’s way down the long drive, heading for the exit, and maybe for a cup of wine before dinner. The silence left behind was ominous, but for the figure standing next to the grave, it was the loudest thing he had ever heard.

“I failed you. I was too weak to save you, and for that, you were taken from me. It’s my fault. It’s all my fault.”

The last tear he would cry for a long time snaked it’s way down his cheek, and he let it run its course.

“Never again. No one else will die because I was too weak to stop it. I’ll make sure of that.”

He turned to leave, but before he did, he placed one hand on the gravestone.

“I’ll always love you.”

* * *

Soul shook his head, the memory only serving to further strengthen his resolve.

“Let’s go!”


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Monday, April 17, 2006 3:37 AM


Deuce wrenches her dagger free out of the back of the martial arts master. She appears sad. “I had to come back to help you guys. Hmmph! I so gorram hate a sneak attack against a guy like that. He was a true master. But there’s no way to beat him in a fair fight, and Quin is at stake. She's like my sister!”

Deuce comes down the steps to recover one of her katanas. She swats Jadehand with the flat of the blade a couple times to try to wake him. Then she walks further down the stairs to Wisp. She frowns at her other katana, still embedded in Wisp’s leg. “I’m no medic, and I don’t know if it would bleed more to take this out, so I won’t try. Maybe you can tie it off. Keep the blood from flowing.”

The top of Deuce’s sweats are in tatters from when the old man tried to cut her. She rips strips off of the garment. Underneath can be seen damaged chainmail over a t-shirt. “You can use these strips if you want, but I can’t stay. I’m still strong and fast and can beat any gorram thing between me and Quin. Unless maybe this old guy had a twin. Anyway, I gotta go before the goons who took Quin get too much of a head start. Who’s still in the game with me?”



Monday, April 17, 2006 3:52 AM


*JadeHand Stirs at Deuce's touch, he looks up and takes in the scene. He clenches his hand, realizing the paralysis was temporary. He looks at Deuce.*

"Catch up to Quin, I'm right behind you."

*A quick nod, and Deuce is gone trailing after Quincey and the guards. JadeHand stands and quickly as he can in his still dazed state, collects his weapons from the ground. As the others chase after Quincey, JadeHand trails behind. Running past the body of Mr. Chin, he's tripped and stumbles to the wall as Chin's hand clutches at his ankle. Chin begins to stand*

Chin: "I'm not so easily removed, you and yours will pay for your interferance."

"Yes, we tend to do that a lot.... The interferring I mean. Not so much with the paying. But have some parting gifts."

*JadeHand reaches into his bag, pulls a grenade and removes the pin in his teeth. Tossing the grenade at Chin's feet, Smoke fills the area around him, obscuring his vision. JadeHand grabs two more grenades, and removes the pins as he runs up the stairs behind Deuce, Wisp, NOSkillz, and Shadow who are hot on the trail of Quincey, being lead to the roof. Reaching the top of the stairs he drops a grenade on the handrail on each side, they begin to roll back down the stairwell, exploding halfway down, closing the corridor behind him. Chin's curses permeate the rubble. JadeHand breathes deep, and chases after the others, raising his forearm to his head to wipe away the blood.*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Monday, April 17, 2006 4:21 AM


*Serenity can't believe that Heinz is making her wait this long. She knows him to be a very impatient man. A few minutes after she woke up, several large men came into the room and dragged the bodies on the floor away. Heinz barked a few orders at them from the control room and then went back to whatever he was doing. He seemed to be on the cortex, talking to someone. But Serenity wasn't complaining. Instead, she was slowly continuing to work at the knot at her wrists and trying to calculate how much time it would take for Soul to launch a shuttle to Commerce and come rescue her so she could figure out how long she needed to stall.*

Serenity, First Officer of Destiny
President of the Juggled Gosling Chatroom

I have a live journal:


Monday, April 17, 2006 5:26 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:
Soul stands just inside the hatch to the ISSCV, waiting impatiently. He is fully armed with his bow and arrows, his bandolier of arrowheads, and his scorpion-tailed dagger. The only thing he is waiting for now is for those going with him to board the ship, and for someone to fly it down to the surface.

His hands are clenched into fists, his patience wearing thin, when suddenly a memory bursts into his head, a memory he had tried to suppress, and one that his dark side had once used to thrive on.

* * *

The tombstone was new, the pile of dirt it sat at the head of fresh, and the flowers decorating the grave still maintaining their scent. A cold wind blew through the graveyard, carrying with it the scent of rain; but from the grey clouds overhead, one didn’t need the scent to know that a downpour was imminent. One last car, the one that held the Priest was making it’s way down the long drive, heading for the exit, and maybe for a cup of wine before dinner. The silence left behind was ominous, but for the figure standing next to the grave, it was the loudest thing he had ever heard.

“I failed you. I was too weak to save you, and for that, you were taken from me. It’s my fault. It’s all my fault.”

The last tear he would cry for a long time snaked it’s way down his cheek, and he let it run its course.

“Never again. No one else will die because I was too weak to stop it. I’ll make sure of that.”

He turned to leave, but before he did, he placed one hand on the gravestone.

“I’ll always love you.”

* * *

Soul shook his head, the memory only serving to further strengthen his resolve.

“Let’s go!”


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."

"I'm ready" Needy calls to the man standing alone.
He had felt uneasy about approaching Soul - a man he hardly knew, but one nevertheless that was experiencing something Needy could empathise with to an extent.
Soul nodded to him, acknowledging his presence, though presumably the high emotions he was feeling made it difficult for him to speak except when really necessary.

Needy wanted to ask about weapons - although he had clearly shown on Boros that they weren't his speciality, he'd feel a lot safer going on a potentially dangerous rescue operation with some. However, he didn't want to bother Soul with such a request.
I'll wait till the others get here. Perhaps Safe has some on board.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Monday, April 17, 2006 5:30 AM



Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:
Soul stands just inside the hatch to the ISSCV, waiting impatiently. He is fully armed with his bow and arrows, his bandolier of arrowheads, and his scorpion-tailed dagger. The only thing he is waiting for now is for those going with him to board the ship, and for someone to fly it down to the surface.

*Ath arrives at the ISSCV, armed to the teeth and gasping for air. Without taking a moment to catch his breath, he slips into the pilot's chair and begins the start-up sequence.*

He turns to Soul and asks, "Is this everyone? Once the sequence is done, we're leaving."

(ooc-Been having connection problems. Hopefully they're fixed, but if not, feel free to take control of me.)

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Monday, April 17, 2006 6:20 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by CallMeAth:

He turns to Soul and asks, "Is this everyone? Once the sequence is done, we're leaving."

Soul looks around at the group. Jazaf. Jake7. Safe. Ath. And the newest one, Needy. The show of help actually brings a smile to Soul's face.

"I think this is everyone, Ath. Let's go get Serenity."


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."






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