The Sereni-Tree, More Shopping, and Some Peril

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 16:08
VIEWED: 21093
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Wednesday, April 19, 2006 2:21 PM


At the Leighton Docks starport on Commerce:

TheRealMe sticks his head out of the hatch of the Dagger. "Soul! Safe! Needy! Citizen! Mai! Hello, everyone. Say, if somebody can take over the interrogation, I can concentrate on making a dimensional portal to wherever Serenity is right now."

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, April 19, 2006 5:41 PM


*JadeHand had no idea he was so wounded. He's strapped into a chair as the others secure themselves and Ocean Cloud takes off for Sereni-Tree leaving Garrison behind. he drifts in and out, overhearing pieces of communications. He hears enough to become concerned about the safety of those on the Tree, and he forces conciousness upon himself. Stiring in his seat, he unfastens the belt and stands. His hand holds his side as if holding his own guts in. He steps to the bridge of the shuttle.*
"Quin, welcome back. We need to get to the Tree quickly and quietly."

"You need to sit back down Jade. You need medical attention."

"I'll worry on that later. We've got friends who need us now."

*JadeHand approaches a firstaid kit in one of the cabinets, and takes a handfull of painkillers. He then remembers something that will deffinately help. Walking back to the front of the shuttle he calls the crew forward.*

"Quin, autopilot please." *Quincey hits a few buttons and stands to face JadeHand*

"Wisp, NOSkillz, Deuce. You all rescued Quin and she might feel the need to give you a proper thank you."

*Quin blushes slightly then understands, She steps up to Wisp and pulls him to her. Planting a firm kiss on his lips. A Kissie spouts from their connection. JadeHand grabs the Kissie and presses it to Wisp's wounded leg. The skin seals on both sides and returns his leg to normal. Quin steps to NOSkillz and plants a big Kiss on his lips. JadeHand grabs it and presses it to his side. the buising begins to fade internal organs stitching themselves back together. Quin turns to face JadeHand and presses her lips to his. the resulting kissie is picked up by NOSkillz and pressed to JadeHands forehead. The wound seals, the bleeding stopped. Quincey bends down and kisses Shadow on the top of the head Shadow chases the kissie to the back of the shuttle, scratching himself on a table and immediately being healed by the Kissie. Finally Quin turns to Duece. She reaches out to her and takes her gently by the back of the head. Pulling her close she steps in and presses her lips to Deuces lips. Dueces eyes go wide. Quin's other hand comes up to Deuces face and holds her tight. Quin's tongue slips out and presses past Deuce's lips and finds hers. The heat in the shuttle increases noticably as Duece stumbles backwards to rest against a nearby chair. Quin keeps up with her and presses her body against Deuce, sucking Dueces tongue into her mouth.
Quin pulls away and wipes a finger across her lips.*

"Thank you all, for rescuing me from"

*Quincey returns to her seat, turns off the autopilot and continues the trek back to the Tree. the resulting Kissies are rounded up and used to cure the remaining wounds. JadeHand still needs to have the doc check on his internal wounds, but they are no longer a priority. The shuttle draws into the Tree's Hanger.*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Wednesday, April 19, 2006 9:35 PM


(ooc- ah, no matter how much you try to tell yourself the cliche's about male fantasy's ain't true...)

Seryn stops dead.

"The beacon won't work? At all.... I'M HERE FOR NOTHING?"

She growls, loudly, then starts a low litany of every cuss word she's ever heard, even the ones she doesn't know the meaning of. Eventually she controls her self, but not until after she's kicked Heinz a couple more times and shouted at the guard when he dared to move.

For a moment she's silent, examining the mud and crap on her feet, she's concious of a pain on the soft fleshy part under the left arch, realises its probably cut to shreds and idly wonders how long she's got to get some antibiotics down her neck.

She crosses to the table, finding and holding up various blades for Serenity to see, a half assed mockery of one of the bimbos on televison gameshows.

"The roof. *She looks over her shoulder at Serenity* If this building is like the ones around, its flat roofed.
TRM will no doubt be trying his portal trick, but if we can get to the roof, they'll be in a shuttle, they'll be able to see us"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Thursday, April 20, 2006 2:40 AM


*Serenity finds two blades that will do well enough for now.*

Yes, the roof. Of course. We could try those stairs over there, see where they lead. But first, what about the guards? Should we kill them, or just tie them up and leave them somewhere?

One day.
One plan.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Thursday, April 20, 2006 3:40 AM


Commerce city: McQ, SR and Sparky hop out of the cab. SR toggles up his comm-link to connect with Citizen.

"Citizen it's SR. McQ is with me and sparky I'm about 120 meters from your location. I can't seem to locate Seryn and Serenity. I'm heading toward you. Is there anything I should know before I start moving?"

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, April 20, 2006 3:47 AM


In the Dagger at the Leighton Docks Spaceport on the moon of Commerce:

Worried about Serenity's safety, TheRealMe attempts to open a dimensional portal to get a peek at Serenity's location. He tries a number of times, unsuccessfully.

"Safe, Soul, I hope you guys are getting some good information out of your interrogations, because I can't open a portal to Serenity. Her location must be shielded, somehow. We'll have to do this the old fashioned way. Most importantly, we'll need a destination!"

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Thursday, April 20, 2006 5:23 AM



Originally posted by thatweirdgirl:
*comm* I got a cruiser coming in for Commerce. Jake7’s got her in sights, but that’s just one gun. I need some help sky’s gonna get crowded again....I don’t like that!

**jake7 sits in the gun turret, ready to fire when and if the crusier coming in starts something. So far, it seems unaffected by their presence and sets about locking into orbit.**

TWG, think you can hack into their communications and see what that cruiser is up to? They don't seem to be doing much other than getting ready to send shuttles planetside. I'm ready for action if something starts, but I'm not seeing any aggressive moves on the part of the cruiser. Might just really be here to pick up parts or taxes...

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Thursday, April 20, 2006 6:33 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by TheRealMe:
In the Dagger at the Leighton Docks Spaceport on the moon of Commerce:

Worried about Serenity's safety, TheRealMe attempts to open a dimensional portal to get a peek at Serenity's location. He tries a number of times, unsuccessfully.

"Safe, Soul, I hope you guys are getting some good information out of your interrogations, because I can't open a portal to Serenity. Her location must be shielded, somehow. We'll have to do this the old fashioned way. Most importantly, we'll need a destination!"

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

Hearing this, Soul and Safe can but look at each other glumly. They hadn't gotten anywhere. The man had proven less than helpful, not to mention that their idle threats did nothing to motivate him to want to speak up.

Needy pops his head around, with an expression that could only be described as glee. "I think I can help."

The two leaders shoot a look at the incongruous character.

"I’m sorry Needy but… what? What can you do?" Safe asks plainly, careful not to offend the companion with an improper tone. "I mean, you yourself have told me that you’re not cut out for this sort of work."

"That was before I realised it could be so much fun playing the hero" Needy replies hastily.

"Fun? Fun?!" Soul shouts, now annoyed by the companion’s seemingly carefree attitude. "Serenity’s in mortal danger and you think this is fun?!! This is not a gorram game!"

"No... I know that. Sorry. I just… did you see me out there?"

"This isn’t the time for you to play hero. These are serious men we’re dealing with." Safe calmly replies to Needy whilst placing a hand on the shoulder of Soul, hoping to ease his distress.

"I know that. But they’re not taking you seriously. That guy in there isn’t going to tell you anything if he doesn’t believe you will actually go through with your threats."

"So you’re suggesting we torture him?" Safe questions, "cos that’s not what we do"

"You don’t need to. Use me." Needy offers

"What?" Soul asks confused.

"My body can cope with any injury. But it still looks nasty nevertheless, for a while at least. Use that to scare him."

"You mean…" Safe begins

"Throw me in there with him. Pretend that I’m another suspect and threaten to torture me right in front of him. Then do it."

"Torture you?"

"Well it’s not torture if I can’t feel it. But it would look that way."

Safe and Soul contemplate the decision. Could they really go that far? What if Needy was wrong, and they actually hurt him.

After a moment of silence, Soul asks "Are you sure... sure you want to do this?"

"To help out... to make sure that Serenity gets back ok? Of course."

"Ok" Safe adds

"Do it" Needy tells them.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Thursday, April 20, 2006 6:46 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

"Are you sure you're up for this?" Safe asks concerned.

"Sure." Needy replies

"You think you can pull it off?"

"Are you kidding? My profession depends on me acting out somebody's sick fantasies"

"We didn't need to know that" Soul jumps in, his attitude more positive now. Although his thoughts still centre on the wellbeing of his love, Serenity, something tells him that this plan may actually work.

"So, you want us to mess you up now?"

"Well, a little now, a little later. It's all gonna help the performance" Needy replies with a grin. He's really enjoying the opportunity that has presented itself. And to think, an hour ago he was sick to the stomach at the idea of being hurt. Now he was volunteering his body up... not that he wasn't used to that.

SMACK. Safe punches Needy in the eye.

"You could have given me some warning."

"Sorry" Safe apologises

"I'm going to hit you now." Soul says dryly. Planting a firm punch at the other side of Needy's face, Soul grins.

"I think you're enjoying this too much" Needy states.

"Just taking out my frustration."

"Well you can save a little for the ones responsible."

"I guess."

"Now" Needy continues, "stab me"

"What?" Safe's jaw drops.

"C'mon it'll look good. Just get your knife out and stab me here" Needy points to his side.

"oookay." Safe replies as he lunges at him with the knife, penetrating his side.

"AGH!" Needy cries out in pain as he staggers back.

"Ai Ya!" Safe exclaims.

Both Soul and Safe slowly approach the injured companion, both asking "Are you okay?"

Needy instantly straightens up as he reveals a wicked smile. "How's that for a performance?"

The faces of the two drop as they realise the joke that had been played on them.

"Can we torture him already?" Soul asks

"Yeah, throw him in" Safe instructs

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Thursday, April 20, 2006 8:17 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

"Ok that was wierd. Great dont get me wrong but very weird!" Wisp feigns staggering out of the shuttle and clutches his chest "Any chance of a repeat performance in private? Ive got a terrible rash on my....."
"play your cards right and maybe" says Quin with a cheeky smile playfully patting deuce on the behind as she walks past. Deuce giggles and runs away.
'Thats why i took this job' Wisp mutters to himself carrying his belongings over his shoulder that he left in the OC and dragging Doris behind.

"Now where do i sleep?" Jadehand looks at him funny then grasps what he's meaning.
"Oh yeah this is your first time to the actual ship, Just follow me." Jade directs Wisp to a little room at the back of the boat and tells him to unpack and make himself at home.
"here we are Doris Home sweet home" as Wisp begins to unpack Deuce's voice comes over the tannoy.
"Crew we have a new member aboard Y'all go and say hi"


Thursday, April 20, 2006 8:47 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul steps back from where Safe is “torturing” Needy. He can see that the guard is getting a bit worried, but he’s no closer to breaking. Shaking his head, Soul steps around the side of the Dagger, back where none of the SereniTREE crew can see.

“Okay,” Soul says, “What do you know.”

Jennings stares back at him. “Finally decided to trust me, did you?”

“I did once before. I figure I can do it again.”

Jennings turns and helps a waking Bear to his feet, the big man rubbing the back of his head. Next to them, Grunt stands looking across the landing pad.

“The building we took her is this way,” Grunt grunts, pointing with a rifle apparently scavenged off of one of the downed guards.

Soul glances back, and he can hear his friends on the other side of the Dagger; but this can’t wait for them. He nods at Grunt, and the four of them race off.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Thursday, April 20, 2006 10:30 AM


Seryn looks at the two guards, and smiles.

"Strip them, take their clothes"

Serenity looks at her a little oddly, then shrugs, and start harrying at the guards with her swords. Seryn circles the room, pulling the few remaining drapes off the windows, then picking up a chair and hurling it as hard as she can at the wall. It breaks, and she spends a few moments pulling it to peices. She loads the pieces into one of the curtains and ties them into a bundle.

By now Serenity has both of the guards hemmed into the corner, sans attire. She ties their hands behind their backs, then ties their ankles together. She stands back, taking a moment to appreciate the younger of the two guards, "hey, do you think we could take that one back with us?"

Serenity rolls her eyes and mouths no at her, and they both giggle. She contents herself with a quick pat on the ass and a barked order to sit or they would be shot, cute or no.

Picking up the bundle and the clothing she crosses to the table and starts picking through the pile for all the ammunition.

"Ok, I have to ask, why the naked guards? why are you only taking the bullets?" Serenity asks, halfway between amusement and puzzlement.

"A signal fire!" she waves the guards pants "kindling" the bundle"fuel" and the bullets "ooomf"

Serenity gives her a wild eyed look.

"oh, no, you open them, just use the powder. It makes a really thick black smoke.

I didn't think that either of us felt much like jumping about and waving our arms"

She hefts the various bundles, wishing she had her bag with her, and walks to the door, holding her pistols ready, she returns Serenity's nod, and follows, follows, watchful and ready for anything, as they move out.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Thursday, April 20, 2006 10:40 AM


Umm...Seryn. I just thought of something.

I have my comm link in my pocket. It still works, I hope. Once we get out of the building, I should be able to use it to contact the TREE and they can come get us. Maybe TRM could even open a portal to us! His portal skills have been suffering of late, but you never know.

So, really, we didn't need to make the guards get nekkid.

Though, it was veeeery funny!

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Thursday, April 20, 2006 11:04 AM


"it was. *giggles*

I just can't seem to make things work today.

Next time you go get kidnapped, just make sure you do it on a day when my plans have at least a snowballs chance in hell of working, ok?

I'm not so sure about the comms working, we don't know how far whatever's blocking the signals extends, so i'm going to keep hold of the pyromaniacs starter kit.

Besides, they're less likely to run for help like that."

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Thursday, April 20, 2006 5:57 PM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
*JadeHand had no idea he was so wounded. He's strapped into a chair as the others secure themselves and Ocean Cloud takes off for Sereni-Tree leaving Garrison behind. he drifts in and out, overhearing pieces of communications. He hears enough to become concerned about the safety of those on the Tree, and he forces conciousness upon himself. Stiring in his seat, he unfastens the belt and stands. His hand holds his side as if holding his own guts in. He steps to the bridge of the shuttle.*

"Quin, welcome back. We need to get to the Tree quickly and quietly."

"You need to sit back down Jade. You need medical attention."

"I'll worry on that later. We've got friends who need us now."

*JadeHand approaches a firstaid kit in one of the cabinets, and takes a handfull of painkillers. He then remembers something that will deffinately help. Walking back to the front of the shuttle he calls the crew forward.*

"Quin, autopilot please." *Quincey hits a few buttons and stands to face JadeHand*

"Wisp, NOSkillz, Deuce. You all rescued Quin and she might feel the need to give you a proper thank you."

*Quin blushes slightly then understands, She steps up to Wisp and pulls him to her. Planting a firm kiss on his lips. A Kissie spouts from their connection. JadeHand grabs the Kissie and presses it to Wisp's wounded leg. The skin seals on both sides and returns his leg to normal. Quin steps to NOSkillz and plants a big Kiss on his lips. JadeHand grabs it and presses it to his side. the buising begins to fade internal organs stitching themselves back together. Quin turns to face JadeHand and presses her lips to his. the resulting kissie is picked up by NOSkillz and pressed to JadeHands forehead. The wound seals, the bleeding stopped. Quincey bends down and kisses Shadow on the top of the head Shadow chases the kissie to the back of the shuttle, scratching himself on a table and immediately being healed by the Kissie. Finally Quin turns to Duece. She reaches out to her and takes her gently by the back of the head. Pulling her close she steps in and presses her lips to Deuces lips. Dueces eyes go wide. Quin's other hand comes up to Deuces face and holds her tight. Quin's tongue slips out and presses past Deuce's lips and finds hers. The heat in the shuttle increases noticably as Duece stumbles backwards to rest against a nearby chair. Quin keeps up with her and presses her body against Deuce, sucking Dueces tongue into her mouth. Quin pulls away and wipes a finger across her lips.*

"Thank you all, for rescuing me from"

After Quincey is finished with her, Deuce drops back into her seat, wide-eyed and stunned. The younger woman’s face blushes redder than her hair, to the point that her freckles can no longer be seen. Deuce stares intently at Quincey’s back as the latter calmly strolls back to the small bridge of the Ocean Cloud.

“Uh,” Deuce begins. “Uh,” she continues.

As she gradually becomes aware of her surroundings, Deuce looks around and gets angry. “What are you all staring at? It was all just to get the kissies to help Jadehand! That’s all! I ain’t got no sly eye!” To prove her point, Deuce grabs Wisp on each side of his head, draws him close, and lays a very aggressive kiss on him.


*Quincey returns to her seat, turns off the autopilot and continues the trek back to the Tree. the resulting Kissies are rounded up and used to cure the remaining wounds. JadeHand still needs to have the doc check on his internal wounds, but they are no longer a priority. The shuttle draws into the Tree's Hanger.*


Originally posted by WashsYoungerSexierBrother:
"Ok that was wierd. Great dont get me wrong but very weird!" Wisp feigns staggering out of the shuttle and clutches his chest "Any chance of a repeat performance in private? Ive got a terrible rash on my....."
"play your cards right and maybe" says Quin with a cheeky smile playfully patting deuce on the behind as she walks past. Deuce giggles and runs away.
'Thats why i took this job' Wisp mutters to himself carrying his belongings over his shoulder that he left in the OC and dragging Doris behind.

"Now where do i sleep?" Jadehand looks at him funny then grasps what he's meaning.
"Oh yeah this is your first time to the actual ship, Just follow me." Jade directs Wisp to a little room at the back of the boat and tells him to unpack and make himself at home.
"here we are Doris Home sweet home" as Wisp begins to unpack Deuce's voice comes over the tannoy.
"Crew we have a new member aboard Y'all go and say hi"

Ooc – Quincey may pat Deuce’s butt on the way out of the shuttle, but Deuce would flinch, not giggle. She’s a bit freaked out.



Friday, April 21, 2006 3:22 AM


Safe sees that their scare tactics aren’t working on the soldier and frustration gets the better of him.

Safe hauls the man to his feet steps back and kicks him in the chest sending the man sprawling backwards down the boarding ramp onto the tarmac outside. Before the soldier can react, Safe is standing over him. Safe plants his boot in the soldier’s throat and draws his gun.

“I ain’t tellin’ you nuthin’!” the soldier manages to choke out.

Safe leans down and jams his gun into the man cheek “You’ll tell me what I want to know” Safe hisses at him.

“Um.. Safe? Are you sure excessive force is really necessary?” TRM asks. Needy nods in agreement. “I thought we were getting through to him…”

Safe doesn’t answer. Instead, he moves his gun a little to the right and pulls the trigger. The shot tears off a chunk of the soldier’s right ear and sprays him with tarmac shrapnel. Safe moves the gun back to the mans cheek “Talk”


Jennings skids to a halt patting his pockets. “Bastards… Wait a minute. I need to re-arm. Back in a sec.”

Jennings is just about back at the Dagger when a figure falls down the boarding ramp followed by another face from the past. Jennings slows. “What is this, old home week?”

He angles around as Safe bends over the soldier. Coming up behind Safe, Jennings grabs him, holding his small boot knife to his throat. “Out of respect for the past, and because you were my brother’s best friend, I haven’t killed you… yet, Alliance dog.”

Jennings becomes aware of guns coming to bear on him.

“Drop the knife.” Citizen yells.


In the warehouse, a voice comes over the comm. startling Serenity and Seryn. “Mister Heinz. We have arrived over Commerce and are preparing to dispatch shuttles to your location. We trust you have kept our subject… intact?”

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, April 21, 2006 4:09 AM


*JadeHand charges through the hanger bay,his bag over his shoulder, to the balcony above the common room and continues around the perimeter, pressing the button on his com.*

"NOSkillz, Shadow, Deuce, Quincy, a new kid, "Wisp" and myself are on-board. Jake7, I'm on my way to the turrent behind you, unless I'm needed elsewhere."

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Friday, April 21, 2006 8:15 AM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
"NOSkillz, Shadow, Deuce, Quincy, a new kid, "Wisp" and myself are on-board. Jake7, I'm on my way to the turrent behind you, unless I'm needed elsewhere."

**jake7 flips on her comm to speak to Jadehand**

That Alliance Cruiser is still just sitting out there. No aggressive moves or any recognition that we're here, but I wouldn't take any chances. It would be nice to have some backup -- just in case. A ship that size will have quite a few shuttles that they'd send at us first and we should be prepared to shoot them down.

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Friday, April 21, 2006 9:31 AM


“Whoa, whoa, whoa…slow down now. Your brother?? Alliance dog??” Safe frantically tries to put the pieces together to make sense. “Jennings?”

Jennings smiles, releases Safe, and salutes as Safe turns around grinning as well. “Where is Jack anyway?”

Safe shakes his head “It’s a long story, I’ll catch you up on later. Now stop saluting. I’m not part of the Alliance anymore. They drummed Jack and me out of the core like they did you guys. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to finish interrogating this guy. We have a missing crew member to find.” Safe gestures to where the soldier was only to find him running across the tarmac towards the hangers.

Bear reaches out and grabs the soldier by the throat with one hand, lifting him off his feet. He carries the soldier back to Safe and sets him down with enough force to buckle the man’s knees, causing him to drop. The soldier cowers on the ground holding his ear.

“Pregnant winged girl?” Jennings asks. “Forget him, we know where she is.”

Safe looks at him puzzled. “It’s a long story too.” Jennings says as he ducks into the Dagger, returning momentarily with two rifles which he tosses to Grunt.

“Lets go, Soul looks about ready to bust.”

“We don’t need this guy anymore?” Citizen asks as he smacks the soldier in the head with the butt of his rifle, knocking him unconscious.

“Hell, I coulda done that.” Bear says disappointed.


Crouched in an alley adjacent the warehouse, Grunt hands Soul his field glasses.

“What have you got Grunt?” Safe asks.

“Those walls aren’t the corrugated metal sheeting they’re made out to be. They’re a high density steel. The amount of explosive need to breach those walls would also take out half the block doing it. There are no guards, but a bunch of security cameras and what appears to be laser turrets.” Grunt says, clearly impressed. “To top it all off, there is some sort of electrical field embedded in the walls.”

“That must be what’s stopping me from opening a portal in there” TRM adds. “I didn’t think that was possible…”

“It is also stopping my scanners from penetrating the interior.” A metallic voice pipes up.

“Look who I found” Citizen says as he guides McQ and SR to the group.

“TRM, is it possible for you to open a portal just above roof level? If so, we could take a team up there. Soul, Jennings, Grunt and Bear could wait down here and SR and McQ could look for a back door. The way I see it, the ground teams will have to wait for someone inside to come out….” Safe catches himself and looks at TRM. “I’m sorry… I’m out of line. It’s not my place to be throwing orders around.”

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, April 21, 2006 9:45 AM


*twg continues monitoring the cruiser. she picks up some comm traffic...hoping it could be a lead on the missing crew, she begins unscrambling the message*

“.....arrived over Commerce and are preparing to dispatch shuttles to your location. We trust you have kept our subject… intact..."

Bloody...*comm* TRM, the cruiser is about to dispatch shuttles for pick up Serenity. Stop goofing around down there and rescue her! *comm. off*

*twg runs to the turrets* Jake! Jade? Oh my gosh, you need to see the doctor *he gives her the look* okay later…I picked up a message, they’re dispatching shuttles to take Serenity. Do we engage the cruiser, the shuttles, or do we hope the others can sneak by the Alliance? Frankly, I don’t like our odds against that mammoth. Opinions?
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Friday, April 21, 2006 10:03 AM


Seryn almost jumps out of her skin at the booming voice.

As the full implication hits her, she dumps the bundles. She stops, swears, attempts to kick a wall, and only just in time remembers that she's still not wearing any shoes.

Continuing the swearing with gusto, she plants her hands on her hips and attempts to walk off the frustration.

"They are going to be here any minute... can we head them off? S***! I still think the roof is our best bet. Try and get up high, to another roof, far enough away for our comms to work. What do you think?"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Friday, April 21, 2006 11:24 AM


I agree, our only option is to run.

Let's go!

*They rush up a flight of stairs.*

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Friday, April 21, 2006 2:47 PM


*JadeHand Finishes strapping himself into a turrent and powering it up.*

"I appreciate the concern, But I'll hold 'til this passes. Going up against that cruiser before we've finished patching our hurt?... I'm not overly eager, but I'm in if that's our final option. Can we track the shuttles and eavesdrop on their communications from here? If the planetside crew dosen't get them before the shuttles land, we'll track which ever shuttle picks them up, and intercept that one. We should ready for a hasty retreat either way. With so many of our most capable down there, I think we give them the time they need. Maybe provide some distractions? "

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Friday, April 21, 2006 2:59 PM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
Maybe provide some distractions?

Um, Seryn or Serenity, or both, could get nekkid?

Just, y'know, offerin' up ideas....


Friday, April 21, 2006 8:27 PM



Originally posted by safeat2nd:

Crouched in an alley adjacent the warehouse, Grunt hands Soul his field glasses.

“What have you got Grunt?” Safe asks.

“Those walls aren’t the corrugated metal sheeting they’re made out to be. They’re a high density steel. The amount of explosive need to breach those walls would also take out half the block doing it. There are no guards, but a bunch of security cameras and what appears to be laser turrets.” Grunt says, clearly impressed. “To top it all off, there is some sort of electrical field embedded in the walls.”

“That must be what’s stopping me from opening a portal in there” TRM adds. “I didn’t think that was possible…”

“It is also stopping my scanners from penetrating the interior.” A metallic voice pipes up.

“Look who I found” Citizen says as he guides McQ and SR to the group.

“TRM, is it possible for you to open a portal just above roof level? If so, we could take a team up there. Soul, Jennings, Grunt and Bear could wait down here and SR and McQ could look for a back door. The way I see it, the ground teams will have to wait for someone inside to come out….” Safe catches himself and looks at TRM. “I’m sorry… I’m out of line. It’s not my place to be throwing orders around.”

TheRealMe reaches into his pocket. "Not at all, Safe. This is clearly your area of expertise, not mine. I'm smart enough to not stand in the way of a good idea."

TheRealMe drops something. It starts getting large. It is the shrunken shuttle Napoleon Bonaparte. TheRealMe reaches out, and a point of light appears before him. On the top of the roof, a second point of light can be seen. Both expand to become a ring of fire surrounding a dark void.

"There is your portal! You folks rescue the ladies and get back to the Sereni-Tree. Now, I will do something about these shuttles from the Alliance cruiser!"

TheRealMe notices Sparky with ScorpionRegent and McQ. "Come, Sparky! You and I must create a diversion so that Serenity can be rescued." Sparky does not move, and TRM continues. "If we do not accomplish this, then she will likely be captured and taken to some Alliance lab where she will be experimented on. Maybe disected. Come, I invoke Second Law."

"That is speculation," Sparky says.

"Yes," TheRealMe admits. "But the diversion I have planned is a dangerous task. I might need you to pilot the shuttle and complete the diversion while I escape alive through one of my portals. I invoke First Law."

With seeming reluctance, Sparky follows TheRealMe. They jump into the Napoleon and it lifts off. It flies directly up, until spotted by the Alliance shuttles. Then it speeds off in a random direction. Many of the Alliance ships follow, perhaps supposing that the 'special subject' was aboard trying to escape.

(EDITED to pick up Sparky)

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Friday, April 21, 2006 11:40 PM


on reaching the top of the flight, they realise that its not the right way, they run, reaching a first floor, and briefly spread out, looking for more stairs, Serenity yells, towards the back another rougher looking set of steps lead up, it looks promising, and they start to run up.

"Wait! I've had an idea. *looks ruefully at Serenity* it won't work, not with my track record today, but if the alliance are up there it'll buy us some time, confuse them."

She pulls off her jacket, then seems to go very still and concentrate really hard on her toes. Slowly, then with gathering speed, two wings sprout and grow. Soom the passageway is blocked by wings exactly the same as Serenity's, and her hair has altered to the same shade as well.

"What do you think?" She balls up her coat and shoves it up her top, "ha, well, it should make the alliance double take, if they are there."

"Come on"

They get to the top, Serenity busting the lock, and escape onto the roof, guns and blades ready for trouble. The sun breaks over the top of the buildings, but aside from the distant yells of morning traders, there is absolutely nothing.

"well then..."

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Saturday, April 22, 2006 4:27 AM



Originally posted by ThatWeirdGirl:
*twg runs to the turrets* Jake! Jade? Oh my gosh, you need to see the doctor *he gives her the look* okay later…I picked up a message, they’re dispatching shuttles to take Serenity. Do we engage the cruiser, the shuttles, or do we hope the others can sneak by the Alliance? Frankly, I don’t like our odds against that mammoth. Opinions?


Originally posted by Jadehand:
"I appreciate the concern, But I'll hold 'til this passes. Going up against that cruiser before we've finished patching our hurt?... I'm not overly eager, but I'm in if that's our final option...

I agree with Jadehand. It's better if they continue to ignore us. With the new shuttle's SEP, they should be able to get by the cruiser. The Napoleon can shrink to avoid detection and I'm sure the other shuttle can do the same. If not, we'll intervene if necessary.

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Saturday, April 22, 2006 4:28 AM


Quincey pushes by Trey as she runs onto the Sereni-Tree's Bridge. She is in the process of zipping up some coveralls after having shed her slinky red dress. She is barefoot, but carrying a pair of boots in one hand.

"I'm here, Weirdgirl! Ready to pilot the ship!"

From the main Bridge level, Quincey climbs up into the pilot dome and fits herself into the specially designed cockpit. She wiggles about to get comfortable, then fits her feet into her boots.

She touches a few controls on the flat panel before her, and the console comes to life. With a grin, she powers up the twin-linked plasma cannons that are mounted just below the Bridge.

"I'm ready for anything," Quincey says, enthusiastically.

Quincey, Bride5


Saturday, April 22, 2006 4:48 AM


(Temporarily taking over Bride2 for tour guide purposes.)

Jadehand and Quincey had left the shuttle Ocean Cloud in a hurry. Deuce shrugs. “This way, Wisp.”

Deuce escorts Wisp out of the Ocean Cloud and to one end of the large hanger bay. Wisp can see that just the interior of the hanger seems larger than the entire craft that the shuttle had approached. Something odd is going on. The hanger contains a few small craft, with room for more.

After passing through some airlocks at one end of the hanger, Deuce leads Wisp out onto the higher of two balconies overlooking and entirely encircling a large room. The room is perhaps 20 yards or meters across. “This is the common room,” she says. "We just came out of the top floor of the south wing. Spaced around the common room you can see the entrances to the north, east, and west wings. The lower two floors of each wing are crew quarters. You can pretty much pick a place if it’s empty. Brideland is at the bottom of the south wing, in case you’re interested. Each of us Brides who are left have an apartment there. Anyway if you lean over the railing of this balcony and look down at the common room floor and to your right, you’ll see Trey’s bar. That’s where I’m heading. Want a drink? Kitchen is behind it if we get the munchies.”

Deuce, Bride2


Saturday, April 22, 2006 6:19 AM



Originally posted by seryn:

"Wait! I've had an idea. *looks ruefully at Serenity* it won't work, not with my track record today, but if the alliance are up there it'll buy us some time, confuse them."

She pulls off her jacket, then seems to go very still and concentrate really hard on her toes. Slowly, then with gathering speed, two wings sprout and grow. Soom the passageway is blocked by wings exactly the same as Serenity's, and her hair has altered to the same shade as well.

"What do you think?" She balls up her coat and shoves it up her top, "ha, well, it should make the alliance double take, if they are there."



They get to the top, Serenity busting the lock, and escape onto the roof, guns and blades ready for trouble. The sun breaks over the top of the buildings, but aside from the distant yells of morning traders, there is absolutely nothing.

"well then..."

No, no. This is good.

*CMS digs in her pocket for her comm link.*

Soul? TRM? Anyone? This is Serenity. Seryn and I are okay. We're on the top of a building and we would very much like to be rescued right now. There's some alliance headed our way.

Repeat, we are okay!

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Saturday, April 22, 2006 9:24 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

"Drink! Thats the best thing ive heard all day." Says Wisp following Deuce into the bar. "so is it always this hectic or have i come on a bad day?" Wisp orders a pint and looks around.
"Doris stop eating the stools!!


Saturday, April 22, 2006 10:58 AM


uh, set the comm to recieve, see if its picking up my signal, should give us a fair indication of wether we're out of the dampening field or whatever its called.

*scans skys*

*leans over parapet to watch street*

"oh great, I think we may have company..."

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Saturday, April 22, 2006 12:53 PM


Did you guys hear that?!

*adjusts com link*

Serenity? Seryn? Were coming to get you! Well someone is .. oh and they let me have a gun

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Saturday, April 22, 2006 4:48 PM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

Originally posted by seryn:

"Wait! I've had an idea. *looks ruefully at Serenity* it won't work, not with my track record today, but if the alliance are up there it'll buy us some time, confuse them."

She pulls off her jacket, then seems to go very still and concentrate really hard on her toes. Slowly, then with gathering speed, two wings sprout and grow. Soom the passageway is blocked by wings exactly the same as Serenity's, and her hair has altered to the same shade as well.

"What do you think?" She balls up her coat and shoves it up her top, "ha, well, it should make the alliance double take, if they are there."



They get to the top, Serenity busting the lock, and escape onto the roof, guns and blades ready for trouble. The sun breaks over the top of the buildings, but aside from the distant yells of morning traders, there is absolutely nothing.

"well then..."

No, no. This is good.

*CMS digs in her pocket for her comm link.*

Soul? TRM? Anyone? This is Serenity. Seryn and I are okay. We're on the top of a building and we would very much like to be rescued right now. There's some alliance headed our way.

Repeat, we are okay!

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.

On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.

A familiar voice responds to Serenity's message.
"On top of the building, like there's only one, If we knew which building you were in we would need comm-links to have this conversation. Can you be a bit more specific, ... Never mind you just showed up on GPS and Sat scan. Step through the portal three meters behind you."

Seryn and Serenity turn round and see one of TRM magic portals open on the roof. They step through and are once again reunited with their fellow crew members.

Scorpion Regent


Saturday, April 22, 2006 7:31 PM



^by my friend Yoko, an interprentation of me


Sunday, April 23, 2006 3:56 AM



Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

Seryn and Serenity turn round and see one of TRM magic portals open on the roof. They step through and are once again reunited with their fellow crew members.

OOC: Well, that was anti-climatic.


Sunday, April 23, 2006 5:04 AM


OOC: No offence but it is possible for a slightly less anti-climatic ending?

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Sunday, April 23, 2006 5:24 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by TheRealMe:

TheRealMe drops something. It starts getting large. It is the shrunken shuttle Napoleon Bonaparte. TheRealMe reaches out, and a point of light appears before him. On the top of the roof, a second point of light can be seen. Both expand to become a ring of fire surrounding a dark void.

"There is your portal! You folks rescue the ladies and get back to the Sereni-Tree. Now, I will do something about these shuttles from the Alliance cruiser!"

Needy watches in awe as TRM works his magic.

"Wow, that's just... wow" He gasps, as his face becomes aglow with the portal's light.


TheRealMe notices Sparky with ScorpionRegent and McQ. "Come, Sparky! You and I must create a diversion so that Serenity can be rescued." Sparky does not move, and TRM continues. "If we do not accomplish this, then she will likely be captured and taken to some Alliance lab where she will be experimented on. Maybe disected. Come, I invoke Second Law."

"That is speculation," Sparky says.

"Yes," TheRealMe admits. "But the diversion I have planned is a dangerous task. I might need you to pilot the shuttle and complete the diversion while I escape alive through one of my portals. I invoke First Law."

With seeming reluctance, Sparky follows TheRealMe. They jump into the Napoleon and it lifts off. It flies directly up, until spotted by the Alliance shuttles. Then it speeds off in a random direction. Many of the Alliance ships follow, perhaps supposing that the 'special subject' was aboard trying to escape.

Needy and those that are with him, remain silent as they watch TRM doing what he does best - acting like a hero. Well, this wasn't acting. He was a hero. All of these people were. Soul... Safe... and those others that Needy had no clue about who they were. Heroes, every single one...

Needy stops as he notices a figure standing alone on the opposite side of the street.
He is dressed in what could only be described as a long grey robe. The figure - an old man with a long grew beard - looks on at the crew standing by the portal.
His words cannot be heard, but Needy recognises the words that he is mouthing. A warning. And as if on instinct Needy acts.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Sunday, April 23, 2006 5:40 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by ScorpionRegent:

A familiar voice responds to Serenity's message.
"On top of the building, like there's only one, If we knew which building you were in we would need comm-links to have this conversation. Can you be a bit more specific, ... Never mind you just showed up on GPS and Sat scan. Step through the portal three meters behind you."

No, no, no Needy realises. This is not right. Something's wrong


Seryn and Serenity turn round and see one of TRM magic portals open on the roof. They step through and...

The crew look on as two figures appear in the void, edging closer to them.
Needy can't explain it - just a voice tells him at the back of his head that this is just too easy

"Shut it down!" he shouts

The others barely have time to react to his cry before he springs into action, pulls his gun out and shoots into a corner of the portal.

Now unstable, the portal begins to collapse, but not before the two figures leap across the threshold, emerging finally beside the crew.

Before anyone says anything about what just happened, Soul runs up to and embraces "Serenity".
"Seryn" stands there emotionless, looking on at the two, whilst glancing her eyes across the select crew of SereniTree.

Stepping back again, Soul looks at Needy before he bursts out with "What the hell was that? You could have..."

"Thank you" an inhuman voice interrupts him. The sound is coming from the mouths of "Serenity" and "Seryn".

Suddenly an explosion of light engulfs the two as they combine to make no longer flesh, but spirit. A spirit that evaporates into the air.

The crew stand silent with their collective jaws dropped.

The silence is interrupted by a crackling on the comm.

"Hello?" Serenity calls out. "Is anybody there? What's going on? There's something wrong with the portal. We can't get through. I repeat we can't enter the portal. How the hell are we gonna get off this building?"

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Sunday, April 23, 2006 5:43 AM



Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:

OOC: Well, that was anti-climatic.

OOC: We're not off the planet, the Nelson is on the far side of town, and there is a Blue Sun cruiser spewing shuttles like fireworks towards the surface. We have plenty of trouble to go around.

Scorpion Regent


Sunday, April 23, 2006 5:55 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

"Serenity?" Soul whispers in disbelief into the comm.

"Soul?" She replies, her words drenched in love and tender feeling. "Where the hell are you?!!" She then cries impatiently.

"We're... hang on a minute" Soul switches off the comm. "What just happened?" He addresses Needy.

"Why you looking at me for?" the companion asks as he finds all eyes are on him.

"You just shot into the portal. Don't you know what that can do to one?"

"I got a bad feeling" He mumbles, not mentioning the fact that he had seen the figure of an old man, a figure that when he looked again had disappeared.

"A bad..?" Soul stops, speaking once more into his comm "Serenity, is Seryn still there with you?"

"Well we're not going anywhere anytime soon are we? You want me to jump?!!" An annoyed Seryn replies back.

"And I've got another feeling." Needy starts.

"And what's that?"

"That we need to be less concerned with why I just did what I did, and more on what the hell it was that just escaped out of there. And where it came from"

The crew fall silent once more, before Serenity calls on the comm.

"So I presume you want me to give birth and raise the child up here?"

Soul turns from Needy and looks at the others.

"Right, how do we get them down now?"

OOC: Well I tried to elaborate a bit, whilst leading into a tie in with my own subplot. Hope I'm not stepping on everybody's toes by redirceting slightly. Ignore the "escaping spirit" for now if you want, that's something that'll come up later. Focus should be on an explosive rescue attempt IMHO

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Sunday, April 23, 2006 7:04 AM


Two shuttles and four escort fighters launch from the Blue Sun cruiser, headed for Commerce.

Over Commerce, the co-pilot of one of the shuttles turns to a well tailored passenger. “There is no response from "Mr." Heinz.”

“Interesting... Lock down the facility.”

“Sir, a shuttle has launched from the vicinity of the Lab.”

“Send two of the escort to follow and disable that shuttle. Take care not to destroy it. It may contain...valuable cargo. Also, send a wave to the cruiser to inspect all traffic in Commerce space. Do not engage until advised.”

Turning to his companion, an equally well tailored man, “I feel we should have experimented on better stock when cloning, I fear our “Mr.” Heinz has failed us again.”

The companion steeples his blue gloved hands thoughtfully. "This one may have succeeded where the others have failed and we may soon be in possession of the "better stock.""


The roof of the warehouse rumbles, and a hum fills the air.

Serenity looks at Seryn. “I knew this didn’t feel right. Can you use those wings?” She launches herself into the air. Rods rise from the corners of the roof and Serenity is caught in and electrical charge, robbing her of not only flight but consciousness. She drops limply to the roof.

The source of the rumbling becomes evident as curved walls rise out of the roof, enclosing the landing pad in a dome of metal.

In the alley, the others look on in shock “Can this day possibly get any worse?” Mai yells in frustration.

OOC: Is that a good enough wrinkle? Sorry I haven't been able to contribute much, this headache is now on it's fifth day.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Sunday, April 23, 2006 7:22 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by safeat2nd:

The roof of the warehouse rumbles, and a hum fills the air.

Serenity looks at Seryn. “I knew this didn’t feel right. Can you use those wings?” She launches herself into the air. Rods rise from the corners of the roof and Serenity is caught in and electrical charge, robbing her of not only flight but consciousness. She drops limply to the roof.

The source of the rumbling becomes evident as curved walls rise out of the roof, enclosing the landing pad in a dome of metal.

In the alley, the others look on in shock “Can this day possibly get any worse?” Mai yells in frustration.

OOC: Is that a good enough wrinkle? Sorry I haven't been able to contribute much, this headache is now on it's fifth day.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny

OOC: Sounds good to me. And it had only just occurred to me that surely Serenity could use her wings and fly off the building. And now you've dealt with that.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Sunday, April 23, 2006 11:26 AM



The roof of the warehouse rumbles, and a hum fills the air.

Serenity looks at Seryn. “I knew this didn’t feel right. Can you use those wings?” She launches herself into the air. Rods rise from the corners of the roof and Serenity is caught in and electrical charge, robbing her of not only flight but consciousness. She drops limply to the roof.

The source of the rumbling becomes evident as curved walls rise out of the roof, enclosing the landing pad in a dome of metal.

In the alley, the others look on in shock “Can this day possibly get any worse?” Mai yells in frustration.

McQ's electronic sensors become temporarily disrupted by the hum filling the air. He shakes his head to get them back on track.

"What in the blazes was that?" he asks, sounding very human for once. "My sensors were tempoarily distorted by that humming noise." As the building rumbles, so does the ground around them as they struggle to remain standing. McQ launches his jetpack and flies to the top of the building only to find a giant metal dome. He tries his infrared vision to determine what's in it, but the metal is too thick. McQ attempts to punch the dome, but causes no damage. "Hmm.." he says to himself, then flies back down to the surface. McQ informs the others of what he found. "So now what do we do?" he asks impatiently.

OOC: After trying to catch up on here I hope this post is in line with the current events taking place. The portal thing threw me off so if Seryn and Serenity weren't actually on the roof, then let's disregard what I posted here.


Sunday, April 23, 2006 11:54 AM


(ooc - yup, we were still on the roof)

Seryn test the wings apprehensively, flexes to take off, then srcreams, running instead of flying to intercept Serenity's fall.

She just about catches her, scraped skin and knocked limbs alround, but she manages to chushion her head and flip her to fall mainly on her back. She'd known mild curries to start labours too early and she wasn't about to become a midwife. Carefully she checked that the other girl was still breathing, her pulse was strong, but she had no way of judging other damage. She untwisted wings, rearrranging arms and legs for comfort, and placed her coat under her head.

Then she stared at the new shield separating them form the outside world. Briefly she considered shooting it, the idea seemed a goot one, a realse of frustration at any rate, then she thought about the ricochet, and abandoned that plan.

She thought of hauling Serenity down stairs, but the lockdown would extend there, it would be for nothing, it was to risky.


The metal showed no flaws, no weak spots, a faint humm dissuaded her from touching it, they were trapped, truly trapped, what the hell could she do?

(ooc-nows the time for all the heroic swooping guys!)

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Sunday, April 23, 2006 3:07 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
Gorrammit!... heroic swooping!)

*Nursing the mother, the grandmother, hell, the infinite level of matrilineal progression hangovers, cozen strides, well, stumbles, okay, crawls out of whichever shuttle he was on into the bleary atmosphere of whatever planet/asteroid/cosmic unit he’s been transported to. Barely focussing his bloodshot eyes, he notices a grimy sign posted on a crumbling, delapitated wall, sez, “Welcome to Commerce! You can spend, we can Provide!”*

*cozen leans against the wall, gathering his energy, gathering his spirit, his muse. He espies a beacony thing in the distance, but without his glasses (and whadda hell happended to them, eh?) is unable to discern it’s significance. Still, relying on his accidental nature, he kinda hopes it’s a restaurant. But… it’s so far away....*

*Necessity being the grandma of convenience, cozen happens to notice the taxi parked nearby. He summons the will to place his sad ass into the back of the cab. Collecting the last of his cashy money from his wallet, he gives it all to the driver, and in the hopes they share a common language requests to be taken to “where the action is.” Whereupon cozen promptly settles in for a nap…

… and is awoken by gunfire.*

*A large, heavily armed militia type, judging by the uniform worn over heavy protective armour, hauls cozen from the cab. Without further ado, militia guy drags cozen to the nearest building and unceremonioulsy tosses him into the lobby, where a firefight of sorts appears to be reaching armageddon status. cozen immediately reacts in the stupidest way possible, to wit, screaming at the top of his lungs, he runs pell mell in random directions. He’s clearly the easiest target to hit, but the bullets fired by whoever is shooting at whomever else manage, for no particular reason, to miss him.*

*Amid the cacophony of gunfire and ricochetting bullets, cozen hears a soft “ding”. Puzzled, he risks a glance above his head and notices the floor indicator lights for the elevator he happens to be cowering by. He takes a stab at the “Up” button, but misses. Fortunately, a stray bullet impacts said button square in the centre. Shortly, the elevator door opens. cozen executes what he thinks is a spiffin’ military roll into the car, but, in reality he just kinda falls through the rapidly closing doors. Gaining his feet, he pushes the button labelled “Top Floor”, mindful of pulling a lengthy stretch of rope from his suddenly handy haversack.*

*By the time the elevator door opens to the top floor, cozen has fashioned a spiffin’ lariat, just in case he needs one. And when he finally gets around to taking a peek out the skylight, where he sees the imperilled winged Treestressi, he suddenly comes to an understanding with his life’s purpose. Standing on his toes, he weilds a convenient metal chair, using it to smash through the skylight. He then closes his eyes to help summon the Farce, whirling the lasso until the momentum feels just so, and heaves it up onto the roof. Luckily, Seryn and Serenity are just dumbfounded enough at exactly the right moment to facilitate being ensnared by the noose, which cozen opportunistically draws tight about their imperriled selves. He tugs hard on the rope, kinda awkwardly heaving the ladies through the skylight. There will be cuts, oh yes, there will be bleeding. Fortuitously, the ladies land one atop of the other atop cozen, who later will swear he didn’t mind the broken ribs, no not one bit.*

*Just then, a Sikorsky thwops it’s shuddering mass alongside the building, at roof level. Somewhat embarrassed, cozen manages to wheeze something marginally intelligible.*

Huh: mighta been better I came up to you, rather dragged y’all down here with me?

Plot device required. Apply here.


Sunday, April 23, 2006 3:41 PM


finding himself alone, elemdee shrugs and finds another bottle of alcohol to consume


Sunday, April 23, 2006 3:45 PM


*Swears he can see LMD slumped in the whirlybird's copilot's seat, chugging on the business end of a bottle....*


Sunday, April 23, 2006 6:05 PM


(Taking it back a bit)

*The instant Safe brought the ISSCV down, Ath jumped out, ready for anything. But instead of finding himself on the tarmac, he insteads lands on a forest floor. He looks around and sees Kelly land beside him.*

"What the hell?", he says.

"I don't know," says Kelly, "but these woods are old. And they feel warm. They're welcoming us."


*Ath turns on his communicator watch and attempts to contact TRM, the Tree, anyone, but he gets no answer. Ath and Kelly explore for awhile, but find no signs of civilization. They do come across a pond however, the kind of pond that screams to be swam in. And that, of course, is what they do.*

(OOC-Kindly DO NOT send out a rescue mission. We just need a vacation.

Also, welcome back Fishie! Wanna join us in the Pool of Non-convolution?

"Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants. The pants command me! Do not ignore my veins!"


Monday, April 24, 2006 3:34 AM


*JadeHand pulls the headset over his head as he sits in the turrent. He lines up a shot at the cruiser as the plays at the radio trying to pick up transmissions from them or from the Tree crew below.*

"Where are you guys?"

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion






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