The Sereni-Tree and the Neverending Peril

UPDATED: Monday, May 8, 2006 17:53
VIEWED: 20286
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Monday, May 1, 2006 2:32 PM


No, continue hacking, please! Sorry, I need to edit to include that.

And I didn't do anything to Sparky. He's just still dodging Alliance in the Napoleon. I'm sure we'll pick him up.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Monday, May 1, 2006 4:20 PM


In the ISSCV, Seryn drops into the pilot’s chair. “Hang on guys. I’m used to fighters and shuttles not transports, especially one this old, so this might be a tad bumpy.”

Soul still stands at the open hatch as the ISSCV’s big engines roar to life, lifting the craft to hover about two feet off the ground.

“Soul?” Seryn calls back. The ship lists to one side and Seryn struggles to level it again “Citizen? I could use a hand”

Needy looks around. Again a feeling of helplessness washes over him. He sits at the turret in the back compartment, using the turret’s targeting system as field glasses to watch what was going on outside.

"Come on, Safe," Soul says under his breath. "I don't want to leave you behind."

A metallic voice breaks Souls concentration “Interesting…” There is a slight whirring noise as McQ’s cybernetic eye changes magnification. “Guerilla tactic#2418…”

Soul looks at McQ puzzled. “From the Alliance handbook when dealing with hostiles.” McQ explains “They are not planning on walking away. Their intent is to take out the opposition, thus buying time for our escape.”

Soul snaps his head back towards the scene unfolding on the tarmac. “No! This was supposed to be a clean get away.”

“In a moment, we will have to do our part” McQ states matter of factly.

“Our part??” Soul asks incredulously

“Part of tactic#2418 requires a third party.”

Then it dawns on Soul. Cover fire.

A soldier runs across the tarmac towards the Blue Sun shuttle, yelling and pointing. The soldiers standing with the two Blue Sun executives raise their guns to cover the crew of the Dagger. Grunt and Jennings slowly put their hands in the air as Bear lowers Safe, who continues to play the unconscious bounty, to the ground. As all the soldiers watch the big man straighten back up and raise his hands, Safe rolls over onto his back, both his guns in hand.

“That’s our cue” intones McQ, raising his arm. A panel on his forearm slides back and a miniature rocket launcher rises out of his arm.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Monday, May 1, 2006 4:29 PM



Originally posted by CallMeAth:
*Ath pulls Kelly toward him with the shaking hand and with the other, dunks her.*

"Truce on that!"

Kelly screams as Ath dunks her, winning herself a mouthful of cold water. Her dress swirling angrily around her, Kelly grabs Ath's hand and pulls him down with her. After a brief struggle with each other underwater, they both emerge gasping and giggling.

"'Never truce with Men, for they are easily corrupted,' my father used to say, and he was right! You evil boy!" Kelly laughs, splashing water in Ath's face. Grinning widely, Ath returns the splash, and soon a raucous waterfight ensues.

Maybe the splashing was too loud, or maybe they were too engrossed in their fun, but they missed a familiar voice saying:


Originally posted by TheRealMe:
“Ahem! Excuse me!” Still looking away from the couple, he continues, “Uh, would either of you happen to know where we are?”

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

Kelly and Ath finally wear themselves out though, and swim towards shore in time to see a flash of light through the trees.

"What was that?" Ath asks.

"I'm not sure. I feel a breath of air that is out of place though. Should we investigate?"

Kelly steps out of the water, oblivious to how her sopping wet dress has clung to her slender form. She wrings her hair and picks up her sword. Turning towards Ath, she sees him quickly shut his mouth.


Ath's ears turn pink. "Uh.....nothing. Let's go check out that light."

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Monday, May 1, 2006 4:34 PM


Scorpion Regent


Monday, May 1, 2006 4:34 PM


*after briefing TRM and watching him dawn the gauntlets, she tightens the last wire screw*

Ooo, that could help. But don't worry about that this...

*she fiddles with a few controls*

Right. I've got nav control of the Nelson. Hope SR doesn't freak out that he's lost control...heh. I'll bring him as clsoe as I can. You can take him from there.
"...turn right at the corner then skip two, SKIP, the hopping-like thing kids do...Why? Why not?"


Monday, May 1, 2006 4:47 PM


OOC; Damn, sorry.

Orbiting commerce: "I should have visual by now." SR thinks to himself as he approaches the rendevous point. "Blody gorram hell I must be homing in on a crybaby. This can't be good. It must have been set up recently or the bad guys would have sussed it out all ready. If the Tree is flying with a SEP field they are probably very close. Either closing fast, in front of me or passed by and heading down stream away from me. I'm going to take a chance on the former. If they really are in between me and the crybay it might just work."

SR lowers the landing gear on the shuttle and prepares for a double blind barn swallow in orbit.

Scorpion Regent


Monday, May 1, 2006 6:06 PM


Quincey gets the hang of the controls while the Sereni-Tree operates on her reactionless drive. The control is not quite so precise, but the ride is much smoother.

Her monitors and surrounding holographic imaging show the Admiral Nelson coming up quick. "Not too fast," she mutters. She twists a hand grip to brake the ship's forward velocity a bit. "There, that's better." Quincey sees the Nelson lower its landing gear. "They're ready! Open hanger bay doors!"

"Opening!" Shadow calls after pushing the correct control. Imaging confirms the doors slowly parting.

Suddenly Quincey feels a quiver of excitement run through her. "This is going to be a double blind barn swallow in orbit! YES!"

TheRealMe gages the approach of the Nelson and readies the grappler arms to prepare to snatch it out of the sky. "Only a single blind, Bride5," he says. "We can see him."

"Don't spoil the moment!" she snaps.

Quincey, Bride5


Monday, May 1, 2006 10:23 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp watches with aww(scrap that) Wonder/intrigue/a manly interested emotion. As The shuttle swings into the hangar without actually knowing what its doing. However the pre-mentioned emotion quickly falls away as the shuttle fails to decrease thrust whem entering the hangar, crashing straight into the back wall. Wisp closes The hangar doors abd waits for a few agonising seconds for the atmosphere to refill the room then sprints headlong inside as soon ad the doors open. The shuttle is on fire and leaking all sorts of strange liquids all over the hangar.
"Fire! Fire and Medic!!! SOMEBODY!!!" Shouts wisp into the intercom as he grabs an extinguisher and begins battling the blaze, wondering about who was gorram trapped inside


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 4:34 AM


The Bridge is very quiet as the Sereni-Tree closes with the shuttle Admiral Nelson. Up in the pilot dome, Quincey makes some microscopic adjustments to the ship’s course. Below her, in the main level of the Bridge, the three control consoles are occupied. ThatWeirdGirl takes control of the Nelson so as to better guide it in. TheRealMe works the ship’s external grappler arms, ready to grab the shuttle once it is close enough. Shadow waits for the word to close the hanger doors.

“I have full control of the Admiral,” ThatWeirdGirl informs the rest.

“Bring it just a little closer,” TheRealMe says as he reaches out with the grappler arms. “Be prepared to cut the shuttle’s engines on my mark.”

Shadow waits quietly.

Suddenly, two explosions rock the Sereni-Tree!

“Enemy fighters!” Quincey calls down. “Three, in a V formation, twelve o’clock high.”

“They followed the shuttle to find us,” TheRealMe muses. “Gunners! Return fire! Bride5! Full boost, positive z! Weirdgirl, cut Nelson’s engines! No more time for subltely, we’re going to scoop up our shuttle with a real barn swallow! Shadow, ready?”

Shadow’s small hand hovers over the hanger door control. “Ready!”

Quincey howls with glee as her hands dance across the control surface. Suddenly, the Sereni-Tree lurches upward, roughly enveloping the shuttle within the hanger bay.

“Doors!” TheRealMe calls, while deactivating the grappler gauntlets.

Shadow moves her hand to touch the control, but stops. "They're already closing. Someone else did it." She sounds a little disappointed.

“Bride5! Evasive action! Change our course randomly. We should be invisible again, soon as the doors shut!”


TheRealMe glances at the vid feeds from the hanger. Something was wrong! The Nelson’s engines were still active, causing damage to shuttles and other equipment. “Weirdgirl, I said cut the engines on the…” Looking back, TheRealMe sees ThatWeirdGirl limp and unconscious at her console, no doubt injured during the attack. He unbuckles himself and makes his way to her console. He touches a control to shut down the Nelson’s engines, then he gently cradles ThatWeirdGirl's head. “Damage control party to the hanger bay! Medic to the bridge!”

Jake7 and Jadehand send spears of laser light toward the incoming craft. One explodes, then another. Finally, just before impact, the third fighter is hit. A rain of rubble patters on the Sereni-Tree's hull.

“Hanger doors are shut,” Shadow informs the rest.

"Gunners, cease fire! Bride5, launch another crybaby. This time, make it look like we just blew up!"

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 6:34 AM


*Jake7 and JadeHand finish the last of the fighters in their crossfire and quickly shut down the guns, leaving no power signiture to be tracked*


“Damage control party to the hanger bay! Medic to the bridge!”

*JadeHand seperates from the gun turrent and sprints to the Bridge. Arriving, he takes in the scene and drops beside his fallen crewmember.*

"What happened?"

TRM replies, "She must have been injured in the attack, When I turned around she was unconcious."

"I need to make sure she's ok to transport to medical."

TRM quirks an eyebrow at JadeHand, "But you're not a doctor.....are you?"

"Not yet." JadeHand pulls out a tag and his blue sharpie, quickly writing out the name SimonWho before slapping it to his chest. He shifts slighty as his body and mind become that of another. He checks all of her vitals, pupil dilation, and scans for head and neck injuries before scooping her up in his arms.*

"She's going to fine, I'll take down to the medlab, where I can get to all the equipment I'll need and get some help from me, I mean Simon."

*JadeHand turns and leaves the bridge carrying her down to the Infirmary. SimonWho looks up in shock as he sees himself walk in. JadeHand finds a free bed and gently places his friend down. He looks over at Simon, still a bit in shock.*

"Simon, It's me. Don't worry, She's going to be ok."

*Simon steps over as they each reach for the same equipment, run several tests, and of course share the same diagnoses. They begin their treatment and find that 2 heads are indeed better than one. She's treated and resting in record time.*

"Ok, keep an eye on her for me, She has to be well enough to kill me for the damage to the Nelson .... If I make it back."

*JadeHand charges out of the room to the hanger bay. Arriving as teams work on the Nelson. He walks over to Ocean Cloud climbs in and goes to the back where he opens a crate of Fusion Block explosives. "Yes, these will work." He activates the SEP of the shuttle, and then the one on his hip. He scrawls out a familiar name on the next tag, and shifts fur, a tail, and a "BAMF!" and he and his cargo are gone.*

*On the bridge several minutes later, Quincey looks up in disbelief...*

Ummm, TRM? the cruiser? ...It just exploded.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 2:22 PM


After JadeWho has taken ThatWeirdGirl from the bridge, TheRealMe shifts his control console to monitor ship systems. Jet had been having trouble controlling the power distribution to the reactionless thrusters AND the quad-lasers AND the Somebody Else’s Problem field. He helps her balance the flow.

“Bride4, it’s probably a good idea to cut back a bit. We’ve been red-lining the main fusion plant for a while, now, especially while over-driving the quad laser turrets. Have you considered injecting some of Knibblet’s Stupendous Engine Additive?”

Jet’s voice comes over the com: “We’ve been running on Knibblets’ since the SEP field came online."

“Oh!” Concern showed in TheRealMe’s face.

“But I can light one or two of the auxillary fusion plants.”

“Light them all, Bride4, and cut back on the Knibblet’s. That SEP field is a power sink! How is our fuel situation?”

There is a pause as Jet checks some readings. “Uh, not too bad. But we’ll want to refuel after the next FTL jump.”

From up in the pilot dome, Quincey calls down: “Ummm, RealMe? the cruiser? ...It just exploded!"

TheRealMe blinks. “What? THAT was an unexpected and undeserved bit of luck, no doubt caused by one of our own.” He sighs. “Another Alliance Cruiser destroyed! Well, this is one more system that we can never come back to.”

“There are still some fighters out there that it dropped,” Quincey adds, “but I don’t think that they’ll be a problem.”

“Bride5, keep the SEP field up, but quit the evasive action and get us back into some kind of parking orbit where we can rest the thrusters. So, how many more wayward shuttles are we waiting for?” TheRealMe ticks them off on his fingers. “Is it down to Safe’s dropship and Sparky in the Napoleon? Hmmm… after the Nelson crash, is the hanger even in a state to receive them? We might need to unload the passengers and ditch both craft.”

TheRealMe scans the bridge. “Shadow? Has anyone showed you how to scan for our shuttle beacons?”

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, May 2, 2006 11:53 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
We’ve been red-lining the main fusion plant for a while, now, especially while over-driving the quad laser turrets.

Which is somehow a progression from:

This is a club for people who arn't guys.

Pretty self explainatory i should think.

So yeah! Join the newest little side club thing at

Rule number one) there are no rules.

Rule number two) no outside food.

And NO boys alowed. (Besides, gentlemen, its not like joining said club is going to get you laid, so whats the point of trying?)


Four out of five dentists reccomend calling Ebo....

*Thanks McQ for the timely rescue.*

*Puts on a dress, thinking this may somehow placate the Great Spirit Ebonezer.*

Then again, maybe she'd rather be placated by spirits?

*Settles in for the long wait until she reaches legal drinking age.*

"You think someone wouldn't go see someone if they didn't want entertainment?"


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 1:52 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

As Thatwierdgirl is taken to the infirmary Wisp contnues to battle the flames inside the hangar. There probably should be some form of high-tech-sprinkler system but it obviously wasnt working. A few of the crew had come to his aid but he didnt recognise any of them.
The fire was now raging and Wisp was beginning to worry about the people inside, The hull must be at least a few thousand Kelvin and whatever fuel was in that thing just kept coming.
"does anyone know whos inside this thing?" Wisp called out to no-one in particular. After no reply he followed it up with
"Any plans on how to get these people out before theyre Poached?"


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 4:17 AM



Originally posted by cozen:

Originally posted by TheRealMe:
We’ve been red-lining the main fusion plant for a while, now, especially while over-driving the quad laser turrets.

Which is somehow a progression from:

This is a club for people who arn't guys.

Pretty self explainatory i should think.

So yeah! Join the newest little side club thing at

Rule number one) there are no rules.

Rule number two) no outside food.

And NO boys alowed. (Besides, gentlemen, its not like joining said club is going to get you laid, so whats the point of trying?)


Four out of five dentists reccomend calling Ebo....

*Thanks McQ for the timely rescue.*

*Puts on a dress, thinking this may somehow placate the Great Spirit Ebonezer.*

Then again, maybe she'd rather be placated by spirits?

*Settles in for the long wait until she reaches legal drinking age.*

TheRealMe makes a reverent gesture at The Very First Post.

Yes, Cozen, a very logical progression, if you use the logic most in favor here. Ebo created the Clubhouse and later the Treehouse, I got us equal rights for males, ThatWeirdGirl got us mobile, and TheGreyJedi got us into space. You and Rat, of course, provide the weirdness.

But never fear, as soon as I can work us free of the Peril, I plan to stage the Second Gala Pageant.

But that will have to come after putting out the fire that is about to consume the ship... and you. I believe that you are in that burning shuttle with McQ and ScorpionRegent.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 4:21 AM


OOC: Crud.....I need to check this more frequntly I so lost!

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 4:32 AM


On the Sereni-Tree's bridge, Quincey calls down from the pilot dome. "Okay, RealMe, we're in a parking orbit, still invivisble. The Alliance cruiser has been destroyed, but there are still a few of its fighters about. We still need to pick up at least two of our shuttles from the moon of Commerce, and we REALLY need to put out that fire in the hanger bay and save the people in the Admiral Nelson."

"Right! Before the flames ignite the ordnance or the fuel reserves." TheRealMe is talking while putting on an emergency vac suit from a bridge locker. "I have an idea I got from Battlestar Galactica. But I need to stop by the kitchen, first."

Incased in a vac suit, TheRealMe opens a dimensional portal to the ship's kitchen and walks through.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 4:46 AM


Jazaf, I think you are down on the moon of Commerce with Soul, Safe, Needy, and perhaps others in or near Safe's ISSCV dropship, participating in the rescue of Serenity from her captors.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 4:56 AM


In the kitchen, TheRealMe, still wearing a vac suit, waves at Bride6 and Ghost, who are having a snack. Then he rummages around in storage to find the backyard grill that was used to cook burgers and brats back during the beach party on the world of Rukus.

"Ah! Success!"

TheRealMe pulls free the circular, meter-wide grate of metal, still covered with grease and charred burger bits.

"Huh. Guess we forgot to clean it."

He opens a com channel to the ship-wide speakers. "Attention! This is Me. If the firefighters can't put out the hanger fire within about 40 seconds, evacuate the hanger!"

TheRealMe next opens a dimensional portal to the main airlock, walks through, and closes it behind him.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

EDITED to add Bride6 and Ghost.


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 5:16 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:

Originally posted by cozen:

Originally posted by TheRealMe:
We’ve been red-lining the main fusion plant for a while, now, especially while over-driving the quad laser turrets.

Which is somehow a progression from:

This is a club for people who arn't guys.

Pretty self explainatory i should think.

So yeah! Join the newest little side club thing at

Rule number one) there are no rules.

Rule number two) no outside food.

And NO boys alowed. (Besides, gentlemen, its not like joining said club is going to get you laid, so whats the point of trying?)


Four out of five dentists reccomend calling Ebo....

*Thanks McQ for the timely rescue.*

*Puts on a dress, thinking this may somehow placate the Great Spirit Ebonezer.*

Then again, maybe she'd rather be placated by spirits?

*Settles in for the long wait until she reaches legal drinking age.*

TheRealMe makes a reverent gesture at The Very First Post.

Yes, Cozen, a very logical progression, if you use the logic most in favor here. Ebo created us and the Treehouse, I got us equal rights for males, ThatWeirdGirl got us mobile, and TheGreyJedi got us into space. You and Rat, of course, provide the weirdness.

But never fear, as soon as I can work us free of the Peril, I plan to stage the Second Gala Pageant.

But that will have to come after putting out the fire that is about to consume the ship... and you. I believe that you are in that burning shuttle with McQ and ScorpionRegent.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree

OOC: There's no one in the Nelson but me and I haven't adopted any imaginary friends so it's just me, every one else is on the dropship. Buy the way, I don't appreciate wisp setting me on fire. I could do with a little down time to tinker and such. Of course it is a given that once someone take's part in this thread that control over the situation is a total illusion, so what happens happens. If i wasn't able to deal with it I wouldn't be here. By the way let's agree on one thing. The cruiser just destroyed was Blue Sun not Alliance. The difference is important, atleast to me.

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 7:49 AM


Kelly and Ath, still dripping from their swim, head toward the, not that cheesy "head towards the light" stuff, just heading towards where they saw a light through the trees. They climb a hill, and as they crest the top they suddenly see....

"Is that a grail?" Ath asks.

"Uh....yes," Kelly replies slowly.

There is a grail, a most holy looking grail, lighting the top of a stone castle. Staying behind a tree, Kelly and Ath peek out to see if anyone is home.

Suddenly the great doors burst open, and two knights exit quickly, one pulling the other by his tunic as they escape the clutches of young, nubile women dressed in white. Kelly and Ath glance at each other, clearly confused, until they overhear:

Come on!
Sir Galahad!
No. Look, I can tackle this lot single-handed!
Yes! Let him tackle us single-handed!
Yes! Let him tackle us single-handed!
No, Sir Galahad. Come on!
No! Really! Honestly, I can cope. I can handle this lot easily.
Oh, yes. Let him handle us easily.
Yes. Let him handle us easily.
No. Quick! Quick!
Please! I can defeat them! There's only a hundred-and-fifty of them!
Yes! Yes, he will beat us easily! We haven't a chance.
We haven't a chance. He will beat us easily...
[The door clangs shut, and from inside a wail:]
Ohhhhhhh, .

We were in the nick of time. You were in great peril.
I don't think I was.
Yes, you were. You were in terrible peril.
Look, let me go back in there and face the peril.
No, it's too perilous.
Look, it's my duty as a knight to sample as much peril as I can.
No, we've got to find the Holy Grail. Come on!
Oh, let me have just a little bit of peril?
No. It's unhealthy.
I bet you're gay.
No, I'm not.

...and the two knights storm away.

"Looks like there's peril afoot," Kelly grins.

"Yes, I think it's time we faced the peril. I shall go first, it is my duty as a man and your protector," Ath winks.

"No peril for you, young man!" Kelly laughs, and drags Ath away from the castle.

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 10:27 AM


(oh, you see, that the fun kind of peril. This on the other hand...)

"oh, no, no you don't, come on baby, play nice, s*** s*** s***, no, you don't want to be doing that, please just be nice, its my first time... aawwwwww hell. *Sorry!*

She grasped the controls once again, palms sweaty with panic. The transport wasn't nearly so sensitive as a fighter, nor wass it so responsive. All the extra forces threw out her judgement, the huge difference in size made steering the B****** a job and a half. Normally, thanks to a furious lack of ability to-think-about-the-consequences, she could turn a fighter on the head of a pin, she'd made one do back flips once... but the sheer bulk, plus the dreary likes of atmo and gravity meant steering the thing was like attempting to hop with bricks in her knickers.

Behind her a huge tearing noise suddenly ripped the relative quiet apart, she turned her head in time to see Soul and McQ dive away from the hatch, grabbing weapons, building cover. A loud crunch and the patter of falling debris sounded, followed by breif silence, then the truly unwelcome noise of shouting and gunfire.
She looked to Needy, glad to see he was mostly back with them, and indicated to him to grab the sleeping Serenity and get her somewhere safer than where she is. He got her wild waving immedietly, grinning at her surprise, and lifted Serenity up, grabbing a weapon and retreating to the corner they were least likely to get killed in. Cozen slinked, no other word for it, into the seat next to her, ready and waiting to start pressing buttons, deterred only by a slapped hand for his every effort. The others gathered near the hatch, and the furious fire fight began.

Her frantic gesturing however upset the precarious control she had over the transport, it lifted, then dipped, spurted forwards and one of its corners gouged a deep furrow in the packed dirt ground below them.


"ok, Zen calm... never tried it before, might be worth a go... leaf, wind, pan pipes and rain drops, whatever.

Breathe... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... ok"

Having acheived what she hoped was focus, she eased the controls forward, tilting the ship back into balance, lifting up to above head height and swinging round behind Safe and his 'captor', remembering from somewhere that it was damn hard to fire upwards accuratly.

She looked around the dash, an idea occuring to her "this is a transport... therefore it must have a cargo ramp or something"

A ha! She spoted a likely control, and with fingers crossed in hope she pressed it.

Below the ship, catches released, valves kicked into action and a platform lowered on its pneumatic leg things.

"oh, i'm good, I am so good..."

(ooc - is that ok? The thing i'm trying to describe is that thing that Monty had on his ship in Trash, or that they escaped on at the start of the movie, anyone know the real terms, please tell...)

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 11:24 AM


/me continues dozing


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 1:08 PM


OOC: This takes place just prior to Seryn's excellent post

McQ’s missiles impact on one of the Blue Sun fighters. The resulting explosion catches the soldiers off guard and flattening those closest to it.

Safe opens fire. His bullets catching one of the Blue Sun execs square in the chest knocking him backwards. The rest of the Dagger’s crew reacts instinctively. Bear grabs the closest soldier and throws him at another soldier. Grunt reaches over his shoulder, drawing the antique rifle, dropping to one knee and opens fire. Jennings, knives flashing, steps into the guard closest to him.

Using the confusion as cover, the remaining Blue Hand steps back and produces a 3 foot rod. Holding the middle of the rod, the Blue Hand strikes the end on the ground. The top of the rod launches up into the air where four blades fold up and start spinning causing it to hover 25feet off the ground.

“Sonic mine!” Souls hisses in astonishment. Drawing his bow, Soul pulls an arrow from his quiver. The arrows head is a small canister. Taking careful aim, Soul lets the arrow fly.

The arrow strikes the mine, the magnet on the end of the canister holding it in place. Electricity courses through mine short circuiting it and as a result, it drops from the sky, it’s still slowly spinning blades decapitating the startled Blue Hand.

Some of the soldiers shift thier attention to the ISSCV, opening fire on the wavering transport.

Insert Seryn's post here

Needy watches this unfold through the turrets scope. Still feeling torn between two realities and not in full control, he still feels the need to help his friends. Grabbing the controls, Needy pulls the trigger. The buck of the gun and the erratic motion of the transport result in his shots spraying a wild path across the tarmac, taking out a few soldiers and causing the rest to scramble for cover.

Using this distraction, Safe, Bear, Grunt and Jennings run for the Dagger.

On the platform lowering from the ISSCV, Citizen stands, his open case beside him. Seemingly oblivious to the action around him, Citizen starts lobbing small vials filled with a garish neon green fluid.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 3:19 PM


Gah. Replica me's wandering around. Enough to scare anyone.

*tends to twg further*


Wednesday, May 3, 2006 6:16 PM


TheRealMe is wearing a vac suit in Sereni-Tree’s main airlock, holding a metal grating from a backyard grill. From the wall of the airlock, he grabs a couple emergency environment bubbles. Then he keys the shipwide com again:

“Attention! This is Me. The hanger is about to be opened to space! Take appropriate precautions!”

TheRealMe reaches out to create a dimensional portal from the airlock to the hanger. Flames erupt from the portal to rage around him. Surely, this would have destroyed the kitchen. He steps through into the inferno and closes the portal behind him.

In the hanger, TheRealMe has difficulty seeing what is going on through the flames, and he realizes that the suit will not protect him from the heat for long. He makes his way to a nearby wall and attaches his suit’s safety line to a metal strongpoint. He walks out to the end of the short line, and reaches out a bit farther with his hand to create another dimensional portal, a relatively small one, that has its other end in outer space.

Suddenly, a fiery tornado begins to blow through the huge hanger bay, rushing out of the portal. All of the hanger’s safety doors slam shut due to the drop in pressure. TheRealMe is sucked toward the hole, but is held back, suspended in mid-air by his safety line. Carefully, he aims and lets go of the metal grating from the grill. It slams into the portal into space and is held there securely by the wind.

Someone in a fire-fighting suit is slammed into the grating. Is it Wisp? TheRealMe grabs him, pulls him away from the portal, and stuffs him into an emergency environment bubble. The bubble inflates. If anyone else was trapped in the hanger bay, TheRealMe rescues them as well.

Before long, the wind dies down, the fires all go out, and both TheRealMe and the metal grating drop to the deck, no longer held suspended by air pressure. TheRealMe closes that portal and calls engineering.

”Bride4? This is Me. The fires in the hanger bay are out. Can you please repressurize it?"

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Thursday, May 4, 2006 1:43 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

When the hangar bay is repressurised Therealme takes off his helmet and pops wisp environment bubble alowing him to fall to the floor in a most uncerimonious manor.
"What were you doing still in here everyone else got their ass'es out of the way!!!!" Shouts therealme at Wisp.
"ok first thankyou and chill out" says wisp recovering himself off the floor "and second you said 40seconds you only gave me 38! If id have had the extra two seconds i would have been out of here!"
"anyway can we stop arguing long enough to save SR?" The two of them run over to the shuttle access hatch and Wisp presses the door release, Unfortunately the door is still Very hot burning the flesh on his hand. Wisp Screams (in a manly way) As the door opens revealing an unconsious but alive SR.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 3:01 AM


*Serenity remains, conveniently, only occasionally conscious.*

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Thursday, May 4, 2006 3:41 AM



Originally posted by WashsYoungerSexierBrother:
The two of them run over to the shuttle access hatch and Wisp presses the door release, Unfortunately the door is still Very hot burning the flesh on his hand. Wisp Screams (in a manly way) As the door opens revealing an unconsious but alive SR.

SR opens his eyes, yawns and stretches. He looks around and sees TRM and Wisp.

"Hi guys. When someone took remote control of the Shuttle I decided to take a nap. Have I missed much? Is that steak I smell?" SR notices Wisp's burned hand.
"Hey let see that." SR splashes a wisp's hand Regent's recipe hot sauce. Wisp screams again in an even more manly fashion and then suddenly the pain is fading that is replaced by a pleasant tingle. The reddness and swelling recede and all that is left behind is some very heavy callouses.
"Good as old, hey let's get a beer then shall we?"

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, May 4, 2006 5:06 AM


TheRealMe removes his vac-suit's helmet.

"You two can go along. I'm going to evaluate our small craft. It looks like the Admiral Nelson and Nandi are trashed. The Ocean Cloud seems to have suffered some damage. The General Lee might be in the best shape. I want at least one shuttle available in case we have to go after somebody.

"Huh. I wonder where Sparky is with the Napoleon or Safe with his ISSCV dropship?"

He keys his com-link. "Bride4, this is Me. I'm in the hanger bay, looking at damaged shuttles. Please send me up some DRDs from Engineering, as many as you can spare."

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Thursday, May 4, 2006 7:12 AM



Hello all! Remember back in February when yours truly was making Sereni-Tree tshirt designs for D*C, or just for any occasion? Well, the final design is up and ready to be ordered!

I was inspired by the Serenity logo, but made my design completely from scratch myself. Mai and Serenity checked on shirtmaking at a couple stores where they live, but the prices were going to be outrageous, so I ended up creating a store at Zazzle.

So without further ado, Sereni-Tree shirts!

As you can see on the right hand side, there are TONS of different shirts you can put my design on. Also, there are tons of different colors as well! I have the design on a women's tee, but there are all sorts of men's tees as well, and it looks just as good.

Pay special attention to the back of the tee as well. See in the lower right corner of the pic of the shirt where it says "Customize?" If you click on that, you can add your name or whatever you'd like, in a myriad of different fonts and colors, to the back of the shirt! Serenity and I have discovered that it looks nice if you want to add your name to the top of the shirt, to place it just under the "CREW" and just above the beginning of the "Tree" Chinese character (given to me by Mai, thank you!). (Serenity really likes the Demitassi Bold font, for example). Also, it's okay to write over the tree character as well, so if you wanted to put your name AND your rank on the Tree, you are more than welcome to. All I ask is that you NOT put any text on the front of the shirt. Go crazy with the back, but please leave the front as-is.

Sooooo, the shirts are up, and ready for purchase! If you have any problems with the site, please let me know. If you have any questions about the shirts, shirt design, or if you just would like some advice on what to personalize on the back, please email/IM/PM me!

Also, if you don't want to personalize your shirt, there is an option for discounts if multiple shirts are bought together. They don't have to be the same shirt or size either! So if any of you are interested in that route, just let me know and I'll try to organize something.

Thanks for reading, please check the shirt design out, and I hope you like them! Sereni-Tree Pride!

P.S. Special thanks to Serenity and Mai for all their help with shirt pricing!

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Thursday, May 4, 2006 8:06 AM


OOC: ordered a customized Black with name and stuff added. looks great. We'll pick a day to wear them at D*C.

*JadeHand relaxes in the pyschic plane from the comfort of the Captain's chair of Ocean Cloud ,hidden in the corner of the hanger with the SEP field active.*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Thursday, May 4, 2006 8:50 AM


(OOC - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! not the Nandi! My lovely little stolen/abandoned
/purloined fighter. I was going to paint her name on in pretty colours. Oh cruel gods what did I ever do to you?!)

Seryn feels the movements of the platform, the very slight shifts in pull, but can't tell that is happening. She flips open com channels, raising her voice in an effort to be heard above the gun fire and the screeches of McQ's rocket launcher

"Is that it? Are people all on the ship now? Hello? Is everyone on board? CAN I FLY AWAY NOW PLEASE?"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Thursday, May 4, 2006 9:09 AM


OOC: If anyone is wondering why I haven't posted here yet it's because I still can't quite work out what's going on...

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 9:38 AM



Originally posted by seryn:
(OOC - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! not the Nandi! My lovely little stolen/abandoned
/purloined fighter. I was going to paint her name on in pretty colours. Oh cruel gods what did I ever do to you?!)

Upon closer examination, TheRealMe discovers that Nandi's paint is just scuffed up a bit. Yes, yes, indeed, she will require an entirely new paint job before she is flight-worthy!

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Thursday, May 4, 2006 10:00 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

On route to the bar Wisp stops by his room to purchase a Serintree T-Shirt But his dong man wa fesu gorram gosa computer wouldnt allow him to purchase so he feels angry and violated and drinks some tequila slammers with SR and rants about how much hed like one but has been DENIED!!!


Thursday, May 4, 2006 10:04 AM



Originally posted by WashsYoungerSexierBrother:
On route to the bar Wisp stops by his room to purchase a Serintree T-Shirt But his dong man wa fesu gorram gosa computer wouldnt allow him to purchase so he feels angry and violated and drinks some tequila slammers with SR and rants about how much hed like one but has been DENIED!!!

OOC: What happened? Is it your computer, or was there a problem with the site? Jade seemed to be able to buy his fine, and I already see record that he bought it. If you need help, please PM me and I'll try to help you.

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Thursday, May 4, 2006 10:10 AM


Citizen, on the Sereni-Tree we just put out a fire in the hanger. Most of the crew is on board. The enemy cruiser that was threatening us just exploded for no reason that could be directly traced to us.

Ath and Kelly are in a forest in some alternate Monty Pythonesque dimension. PsychicRiver is still in some other spacetime talking to a future or past version of himself. Washie has also disappeared.

Sparky in the shuttle Napoleon Bonaparte is flying around the moon of Commerce, being chased by enemy fighters.

Mai and LightMeDark are on Commerce flying around in a helicoptor, or sleeping soundly under covers, or both.

On Commerce, many people are still involved in the rescue of Serenity (who is unconscious). This group includes Serenity herself, Citizen, the drunken Cozen in a dress, possibly Jazaf the swordmaster, McQ the cyborg, Needy the indestructable Boy Whore, Safe, Seryn, Soul the archer, and the crew of the Dagger (Jennings, Grunt, and Bear). The Dagger crew helped kidnap Serenity in the first place, but joined up with us when their employer tried to kill them. Also, they seem to know Safe and Soul.

The Dagger crew seem to be making some kind of diversion (to let Serenity get away) as they move toward the Dagger, carrying Safe as a supposed hostage, but now they have opened fire. Seryn is at the controls of the ISSCV dropship, about to take off with Cozen, McQ, Needy, Serenity, Citizen, Soul, and Jazaf if he came. Needy is in the ISSCV's turret. Citizen is standing on the lowered access ramp of the ISSCV, tossing containers of noxious looking green liquids or gasses.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Thursday, May 4, 2006 12:19 PM


OOC: with the shirts, It was tough to order. Everytime I changed pages I had to hit a pop-up about changing pages 'secure-site' and such about 30 times per page change. Was odd, but I spent the time to find the colors etc. that I thought would work. Can you see my final design with name added?

further OOC: sorry the Crusier thing was unclear. Explosives + me teleporting = no more Blue Sun Cruiser.

*Sits quietly in the psychic plane while onboard Ocean Cloud working through his depts to those he's used again.*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Thursday, May 4, 2006 12:29 PM


No, Jadehand. Quite clear.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 4:32 PM



Originally posted by WashsYoungerSexierBrother:
On route to the bar Wisp stops by his room to purchase a Serintree T-Shirt But his dong man wa fesu gorram gosa computer wouldnt allow him to purchase so he feels angry and violated and drinks some tequila slammers with SR and rants about how much hed like one but has been DENIED!!!

Serentree bar:
"Hey, if we got everything we wanted on this ship as soon as we wanted it, we be all be dying of bordom. Have you ever heard the saying, 'It's the journey, not the destination.'? Well I got to make some sort of order out of the shuttle bay and then unload all my materials out of the Nelson. Then its tinker time, rigging up some weaponry for the ship. I want to set up a still down in engineering. Sleep might be nice and there's a bunch of little stuff that I never get to because we're always getting into trouble, so I can't stay to watch you take your liver south of the border. Come by engineering in a couple of days and I'll have some instant vodka for you. Bring oranges and well make sonic screwdrivers."

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, May 4, 2006 9:52 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Its my computer not the site. I could look at the Tshirt (greatjob by the way) but when i tried to purchase one my computer took too long to bring all the stuff up and it timed out. i tried a few times but it wouldnt have it. My computers about 7 years old tho so its to be expected.

Wisp Returns to his room and turns on the cortex and finds a message from the girl in the gun store. He sighs in a comical way and says
"When one door closes someones legs open"

(sorry for the crudeness but it is meant to be funny not sexist)


Thursday, May 4, 2006 10:24 PM



Mai and LightMeDark are on Commerce flying around in a helicoptor, or sleeping soundly under covers, or both.

*wakes up out of deep relaxing nap and ponders

Who's flying this thing?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Thursday, May 4, 2006 10:26 PM


(ooc- thank you TRM sweetie)


Friday, May 5, 2006 4:25 AM


Shuttlebay, Serenitree: SR is in overdrive working side by side with the DRDs making sure that the bay will be ready for the drop ship and the other absent shuttle. After twenty minutes of this things are looking better, but there is plenty of work still be done. SR stands back and looks over the situation. He comes to the realization that he needs more fullsize help. If things were different he would draft sparky. no such luck. SR switches on his comm-link.

"Hey Wisp if you can lend a hand clearing the shuttle bay it would be appreciated. If it makes the job any easier bring some beer with you."

Wisp arrives with a some large bottles of the ship's home brew and together he and SR work up a powerful thirst clearing the bay. Soon the bay is clear and ready for arrivals. SR toggles up TRM on the comm-link.

"V-mail for TRM from SR: Shuttle bay is back in business."

SR immediatly sets to a personal project. He builds a robot assitant, it's a larger frame than Sparky and it's not as polished, so SR names him Snarky. He sees to it that he is linked into the ship's communications system, has lights and a camera. SR programs him to view the three rules of robotics as more say guidelines so that Snarky will be able to perform trauma first aid without locking up. He and Snarky unload the Nelson and begin tinkering. Wisp is invited to hang out and help if the are no other tasks requiring his attention.

Scorpion Regent


Friday, May 5, 2006 6:51 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by seryn:
"Is that it? Are people all on the ship now? Hello? Is everyone on board? CAN I FLY AWAY NOW PLEASE?"

Soul watches as Safe, Jenkins, Grunt and Bear climb into the Dagger. He waits until they get airborne, and then with McQ's jetpack the two of them maneuver back inside the ISSCV. Soul grabs Citizen from the loading ramp and propels him back inside the shuttle, slapping the controls to close the ramp as he goes.

"Seryn, go!"


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Friday, May 5, 2006 7:46 AM


and Seryn bloody well goes.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Friday, May 5, 2006 7:58 AM


With more enthusisam than finess she accelerates rapidly, ignoring the designated sky route and the dozen or so near collisions with other vehicles.

"This baby can brake atmo can't it?"

She slows slightly, manouvering the transport into a better exit trajectory(sp?) then turns as much as possible to look to Soul.

"Where Safe? He needs to fly this thing! Are they ok?"

(ooc - right, I'm not entirely sure what the ship is all about, whats its capable of etc, if people want to write my parts from here on in to fit right, i'm happy to do that.)

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Friday, May 5, 2006 8:23 AM


OOC: Doin' just fine Seryn

Inside the Dagger, Bear and Jennings jump into their seats, hands flashing across the controls. Bear grabs the yoke and the Dagger jumps into the air.

“This thing has a gun?” Safe asks looking around.

“Ya, but the Dagger is faster than anything they’ve got” Bear says.

“I don’t care how fast this hunk of gos se is, if we don’t cripple them now, they’ll hunt us,” Safe gestures to the ISSCV "and them, like a pack of starving wolves. Keep pace with the ISSCV. Grunt?”

“I’ve got it Safe.” Grunt runs back to the turret.

“Wait a minute!” Jennings barks “Why’re we taking orders from you? This is our ship…”

“Remember what happened last time you didn’t listen to me. Last time you thought you knew better?” Safe asks Jennings calmly and with a bit of humor.

“Ya…” Jennings pouts.

“What happened?”

“I got shot in the ass.”

“And…” Safe urges.

“When they pulled me back, you broke my thumb for not listening…” Bear guides the Dagger in behind the ISSCV, chuckling at Jennings.

As the two ships scream towards the black, Grunt fires back at the Blue Sun guards, destroying the remaining fighter and crippling the shuttle.

In the ISSCV, Cozen looks slyly at Seryn from the copilot’s chair. He produces some straps made of silk and starts to tie Seryn to the chair.

“Piss off!! Can’t you see now’s NOT the time?” Seryn says as the ISSCV shakes its way at full throttle. “Ummm… Guys? A little help here please?”

McQ stomps to the cockpit, reaching over; he raps Cozen on top of the head, knocking him out. Grabbing him by the scruff of the neck, McQ carries him back to the passenger compartment. Folding a bed down from the wall, McQ ties Cozen to the bed and folds it back into the wall.

Citizen drops into the copilots seat and flicks the nose guns to life, just as the two fighters following Sparky and his shuttle, appear.

Citizen fires taking out the wing on the one fighter, causing it to veer into the other fighter, the explosion takes out both fighters.

The ISSCV and the Dagger fly through the debris and into the calmness of the black. Sparky tucks the shuttle into formation with the other two ships.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, May 5, 2006 9:21 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions



Originally posted by seryn:
(ooc- howabout halfway between)

Seryn shove her thumbs into her beltloops noncholantly, jabbers away happily, strolls like she hasn't a care in the world.

All the while she acutely aware of the fact that she's conspicuously free of shoes, that she's the least conspicuous of the lot of them, and that Needy, walking, stumbling alone beside her, seems to be seeing a whole lot of things that ain't infront of him.

He lurches slighlty, and she slips her hand through his arm, pulling him in the right direction.

"hey, less of the sauce for you on our next trip i think buddy!"

the interminable walk to the shuttle over, they enter thought the hatch left open for them. She drops Needy into a seat, snapping her fingers in front of his eyes, trying to get a reaction, and failing utterly. His eyes continue to look around, focusing on things that arn't there, but he slumps in the chair and the only other indicator of life is shallow breaths.

Needy's mind:

"What are you talking about?" Needy asks Serenity-form - the mysterious being that apparently was responsible for bringing him back from the dead.

"You think you're here by chance?" Serenity-form questions

"I'm here because Safe dropped me off in his spanking new ship"

"You're here because I gave you back your life."

"Oh... that part"

"And the reason for that... what do you imagine it is?" the seemingly enlightened being asks

"You tell me. You're the one who said you had all the answers"

"I brought you back because right now we're on the brink of a battle... a battle for control of the 'Verse as we know it"

"And this concerns me how?"

"You... you are at the centre of it"


"You need to understand the truth before you are to move forward, before you take your place in the fight"

"I'm all for truth. Its the fighting that's got me a little worried."

"Why? You cannot be harmed. This body I have given you is capable of withstanding the firepower of any man-made weapons. There is nobody else more suited for the task at hand than you. This is why you were given this body, so that you may fulfil your purpose."

"And what if I don't want to fulfil my purpose?"

"It is unavoidable. To ignore your responsiblity would be to consign humanity to destruction."

Needy rolls his eyes and tilts his head to the side. "You know, I don't handle pressure well... and this is... PRETTY GORRAM INSANE!"

"Sorry. To reveal these things to you in such a way was inconsiderate of me, considering your lowly mind."

"Thanks" Needy replies with sarcasm.

"Perhaps I could set your mind at ease..."

"That'd be great. Just keep telling me how feeble minded I am and how humanity rests in my hands"

"No, but I will tell you this..." the Being starts, before something unfortunate happens.

The Being is gone. The gardens are gone.
Needy finds himself back in the real world.
Now more confused than ever.
"Gorram it!"

OOC: Just thought I'd mention that "no, the verse isn't going to implode, or explode"... or whatever universe's do in these strange situations
and I'm not going to make Needy into some bonafide superhero (he's indestructible as it is... or is he?). I do plan on taking the story somewhere... honest. And it's not all "end of the world" stuff either.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Friday, May 5, 2006 11:16 AM



Originally posted by mai:
*wakes up out of deep relaxing nap and ponders

Who's flying this thing?

the giant banana, of course!

wait...where did he go?







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