The Sereni-Tree, the Second Gala Pageant, and NO PERIL!

UPDATED: Friday, May 19, 2006 18:45
VIEWED: 20246
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Monday, May 8, 2006 5:58 PM


This is Thread 47 of the adventures of the Sereni-Tree!

For “The Guide to the Clubhouse / Treehouse / Sereni-Tree Threads”:

Following this post will be the very long post containing “TheRealMe’s Guide to the Sereni-Tree, V6”. This post will be a description of the ship and crew.

Below is the summary of the previous thread at:

On Sereni-Tree in orbit:

The “Alliance” Cruiser that is launching fighters and threatening the Sereni-Tree and her people is determined to actually be a “Blue Sun” Cruiser. Jadehand, Wisp, and Jake7 crew the turrets. TWG, Trey, and Quincey are on the bridge. Bride6 offers to take care of Shadow and Ghost, but Shadow stays on the Bridge to help. Jadehand goes down to Engineering to show Jet the Somebody Else’s Problem field that can turn ships invisible. She figures out how to install it into Sereni-Tree. Also, she programs a crybaby to duplicate the Sereni-Tree.

On Commerce:

TheRealMe and Sparky, in the shuttle Napoleon, are dodging fighters from the cruiser, keeping the fighters’ attention away from the “kidnap Serenity” plot. Just as TRM is using a teleportal to get out of that situation, Washie disappears on the Sereni-Tree. This distracts TRM, and he ends up in the same Monty Pythonesque dimension where Ath and Kelly have fallen (and where they are enjoying a nice swim, and where Kelly latere has an elf-looking-West moment). Soon, TRM makes a portal to return to the Sereni-Tree’s Bridge.

Serenity and Seryn are rescued from the building where they had been held. ScopionRegent has gone missing from the Serenity rescue group. Safe and the crew of the Dagger (Jennings, Bear, and Grunt) make a diversion at the Leighton Docks starport while others (Citizen, Soul, Seryn, McQ, Needy, and perhaps Jazaf) carry the unconscious Serenity and drunken Cozen in a dress to the ISSCV dropship. Citizen blows something up, causing more diversion. Seryn gets in the pilot seat of the ISSCVwhile Needy and Citizen crew the turrets. They lift off, as do Safe and the Dagger crew in the Dagger. For a short time, those two craft and Sparky in the Napoleon fly in formation, but Sparky tries to interpose his shutte in the line of fire to protect the fighters. The fighters are eventually shot down. Sparky veers off. Throughout this time, Needy is having conversations with the Serenity-like angel that only he can see. Apparently, he is some Chosen One who will accomplish great deeds to save the ‘Verse… or he is hallucinating. He tries to ignore his angelic visitor.

ScorpionRegent has already taken the Admiral Nelson off, and is on his way to rendezvous with Sereni-Tree.

Mai and LightMeDark end up in a helicopter hovering over Commerce City. Eventually, they are picked up by Sparky in the Napoleon who offers to return them to the Sereni-Tree.

On Sereni-Tree:

With the enemy fighters approaching, Quincey drops the crybaby, activates the SEP field to turn the ship invisible, and does a quick burn to get them moving. Unfortunately, using the engines allows the enemy to spot Sereni-Tree.

At this time, ScorpionRegent is flying the Nelson to rendezvous with the crybaby that is simulating the Sereni-Tree.

TheRealMe comes onto the bridge, and has the main engines shut down and the reactionless thrusters activated. This allows the ship to maneuver unseen. TRM has Quincey chase after the Nelson while he gets ready with grappler arms to grab it and ThatWeirdGirl gets ready to take over piloting the Nelson, after she tinkers with the com equipment.

As the main hanger doors are opened, the fighters spot Sereni-Tree and TRM has Quincey perform a crude but quick barnswallow move on the Nelson. It crashes inside the hanger and starts a fire, which TRM and Wisp work to put out, which is done by opening the hanger to space. Jake7 and Jadehand in the turrets shoot at the fighters and take them out, but stop just after the hanger doors close and invisibility is restored. TWG is knocked unconscious, and is taken to SimonWho in the Infirmary by Jadehand who has used a nametag to become SimonWho. ScorpionRegent is removed from the once-burning Nelson. He is fine, and had just been taking a nap. TRM, SR, Wisp, some DRDs, the damaged Ebo Golem, and some Yeti work to clear and repair the hanger.

Jadehand blows up the enemy cruiser by teleporting over, dropping a hand-held nuke, and teleporting back.

ScorpionRegent builds a number of low-tech weapons that might have high-tech applications. TheRealMe and Wisp offer some enhancement suggestions involving monomolecular blades and super-acid (made from engine coolant and other chemicals he got from Jet). SR also builds the robot Snarky, which impresses TRM. When SR goes to Engineering, he finds Jet crying over the fact that since his quarters had been given to SR, that meant that TheGreyJedi is likely not coming back. He comforts her.

Later all other shuttles dock successfully and unload their passengers and cargo.

Soul considers things and decides that he must clear up some loose ends in his past. But when he broaches this subject to Serenity, she wants him to stay, as the baby is due SOON. The baby card trumps all others, and they order Thai food.

In the Dagger

Safe decides to head off with the crew of the Dagger to hook up again with CastIronJack. He retrieves his ISSCV dropship and (almost certainly) says goodbye to Shadow and Ghost.


PsychicRiver is still in some other spacetime talking to a future or past version of himself.


ThatWeirdGirl expresses her disapproval on how much angst, drama, and peril we have been having lately by hijacking the thread back to Earth to become a clubhouse again. She wants a return to happier times. Most agree, but some adventuring is desired by most. Compromise suggestions and discussions on our future ensue, to hopefully prevent a schism. Ultimately, it turns out that we need the right balance of angst, humor, and adventure.

Probably, the Sereni-tree is restored to orbit around Garrison (because TheRealMe protests about losing the Sereni-Tree starship), but we are about to jump to Earth-That-Still-Is. Be prepared for a peril-free flight.

Yes, this thread is declared a peril-free zone, and the Second Gala Pageant is ready to begin.


Monday, May 8, 2006 5:59 PM



Hello! I am TheRealMe. I will provide another tour of the Sereni-Tree, my sixth. I have paid careful attention over time, and I believe that this layout is consistent with all the stories that have occurred in the Sereni-Tree to date.

WARNING: This post is very long.

Below, I also list the crew that we seem to have now, without bothering to track down every poster we have ever had. If I have missed crew or if anyone would like to change my one-line description of them, let me know. There is always the possibility that some missing folks have just been sleeping in their quarters for the last dozen threads, or perhaps they have been placed in the secret cryogenic freezing chamber of the Insidious Doctor Rat. CageyBee? CosmicFugitive? BadgersHat? Apple? ManiacNumberOne? KaySky? Knibblet? Aramina? ImEarly? GreekToomey? PyreFX? See also the ‘missing in action’ section of the crew list.

The Sereni-Tree’s Past

The Sereni-Tree is our home. Originally, it took the form of a tree house built by Ebonezer, and this is the image it has on our flag, the Flag That Shw Made, an interpretation of which can be found in ThatWeirdGirl’s Blue Sun items. The tree house was the immediate successor to “The Forgotten Not a Guy/Girl Clubhouse”. Later, PsychicRiver and a few others, including myself, modified the tree house to make it an air-ship, floating through the sky on numerous butterfly-shaped reactionless thrusters. In this form, the converted tree house was named and christened “Sereni-Tree” by Mal-licious, and we left the actual Tree behind as we flew off. Later, TheGreyJedi made even more modifications, and the Sereni-Tree became a starship. We have since been traveling the ‘verse, leaving the destroyed planets of Rukus and Black Diamond in our wake (we REALLY have to stop that). We returned to Earth-That-Still-Is to fight the Evil / Enemy Invaders and to face our own dark selves. After relaxing among dandelions and facing some Reavers, we boarded the nightmare ship Arkham. After that, we recovered ThatWeirdGirl and went on a second Mai-Quest where we befriended pirates. Then we got all caught up in the Boros Incident, where the Sereni-Tree was heavily damaged in a battle with two Alliance cruisers. Finally, we have faced a lot of peril on the planet Garrison and its moon Commerce, and are now headed back to Earth-That-Still-Is and are about to hold our Second Gala Pageant.

The Sereni-Tree on the Inside

The Sereni-Tree is a structure much larger on the inside than it appears on the outside, thanks to my ability to fold space-time in higher dimensions. On the outside, the Sereni-Tree is perhaps the size of a modest two-story house. On the inside, it is larger. MUCH larger.

The Common Room

The Common Room is the center of life in the Sereni-Tree. It is a huge cylindrical room perhaps 20 yards/meters across and three levels high. There are two encircling balconies, one above the other, around the Common Room. Equally spaced around the Common Room’s curving walls are the exits to the North, East, South, and West Wings. While it is true that the Sereni-Tree can move about and adopt any orientation, the names are traditional, coming from the time it was still a stationary tree house. There will be more about the Wings later.

In the center of the Common Room sits the pool table. In many ways, it is the critical nerve center of the ship, and battles have been waged for its possession. Underneath the pool table is the nest of Captain Ebonezer, where she always piles her stuff. The Captain has a designated room in one of the Wings, that room has rarely been used. The top of the pool table is where the Captain sometimes climbs to address the crew. Rat had once traded the pool table’s 8-ball for more Spam, but TheRealMe recently acquired a replacement. Its cue-ball is still stained purple from travel through the purple dimension. Above the pool table is an anti-gravity chandelier. Also, there is some kind of device to switch out the pool table for a snooker table (it being a game for “true gentleman”). There might be a retractable dancing pole over the pool table for Needy’s use.

On the wall between the North and East Wings (and in that general area) is the game arcade. We have many pinball and video game consoles. A favorite is the Whack-a-Fox-Executive game, a device of my own invention. It’s similar to a Whack-a-Mole game, but much more satisfying. Beyond the arcade area is a door in the wall of the Common Room that provides access to the room beyond, a lounge / party room / mess area / lecture hall with enough tables and chairs to seat perhaps 40 people. The balconies above this area give access to the Bridge.

On the wall between the East and South Wings is the bar run by Trey (Bride3). It is finely constructed of a dark, polished wood, with barstools lined along it, and several tables out in front, and a place behind it for Trey to work some alcoholic magic. On the wall directly behind the bar are a large mirror (unfortunately cracked in several places) and our carefully arrayed bottles of booze. Above the mirror is a sign: “Trey’s Bar, where every hour is a happy hour!” As you face the bar, a door to its right leads to our personal micro-brewery, with vats of beer (and root-beer?), under the watchful eye of our brewer, Jadehand. A door to the left of the bar leads to our fully equipped kitchen and pantry, with an enormous walk-in freezer, all the domain of our cook, Kelly. The balconies above the bar provide access to conference rooms and various offices on the upper levels, including at least offices of the Captain, First Officer, Cruise Director, and Security Chief with attached brig (this last on the lower balcony).

On the wall between the South and West Wings are a huge plasma television, an impressive sound system, and a DVD player complete with racks of all Whedonverse DVD sets, as well as complete Doctor Who, Star Trek, Indiana Jones, Farscape, Babylon 5, Twilight Zone, old and new Battlestar Galactica, all the Stargates, Highlanders, X-Files, the live-action and animated Tick, the Predator, Alien, and Star Wars cycles, Lord of the Rings (extended editions), The Princess Bride, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Abyss, and many other science fiction and fantasy television series and movies. In front of this television sits a large (96” by 40”) comfortable leather-covered couch, a couple of love seats, recliners, and some tables for holding munchies and drinks. To the right of the television as you face it is a doorway to the multi-level Infirmary of Doctor SimonWho and MontanaGirl (and Witchy?), which has an operating theater with overhead viewing area, convalescent ward, examination rooms, supply rooms, a cryogenic freezing chamber, and medical offices (the upper levels of the Infirmary connect to the balconies above the Common Room). To the left of the television, as you are facing it, is a hatch to a major airlock. This placement allows us to drag wounded into the Infirmary from the airlock after a failed ground expedition (the airlock also connects directly to the Infirmary), or from the vehicle bay in the South Wing. On a wall in the main airlock, hanging among vac-suits and space tools, is a fishing pole for retrieving Rat on those occasions when he has been spaced. There is an armory near or as part of this airlock, where one can requisition all sorts of odd gear, including space-suits, Spamguns, and jetpacks. The balconies above this area give access to a plasma cannon turret on the side of the ship.

On the wall between the West and North Wings are public bathrooms with showers and lockers (the women’s bathroom apparently has a odd device/ride called a “potty-go-round”), and beyond is access to the Sereni-Tree’s water park. The water park includes an Olympic sized swimming pool, a sauna, a jacuzzi (which can be turned into a chocolate / vodka jacuzzi with a flip of a switch), a floor-to-ceiling blue fishie aquarium, a pair of water slides that extends up three floors, and (floating in mid-air) a large zero-G blob of the same breathable fluid featured in the movie “The Abyss” (this last courtesy of SimonWho). The balconies above this area lead to platforms at various levels near the top of the water slides, and to the diving platform. There is talk of a “kissie pool”, where one could jump in among those charming affectionate creatures, but it has not been installed yet.

The Bridge

The Bridge and related structures are reached from the upper balcony to the northeast, and jut out from the side of the ship high over the lounge / mess hall. The main level of the bridge has a number of view screens and three main control stations, any of which can be configured for any ship function. Climbing a ladder up and forward from the main Bridge level gets you to the pilot dome, which is dominated by a cramped cockpit. From here, the pilot has an excellent view, though this is easily supplemented by holographic images. From the Bridge, one has control over the ship’s functions of command, maneuver, FTL drives, navigation, sensors, computer, communication, weaponry, engineering, ship system status, security systems, and just about anything else. This control is shared by Main Engineering. Just off the Bridge are ladders leading up and down to the dorsal and ventral gunnery stations. These access ways are not nearly so long as one would expect from the apparent height of the ship. On either side of the Bridge are mounted the twin-linked plasma cannons for the pilot’s use.

The Rest of the Central Core of the Ship

On the roof of the Sereni-Tree, above the Common Room, were once mounted MaRTHA and BERTHA, a catapult and high-powered gun both devised by TheGreyJedi, though he later removed the gun and mounted it upon his mecha, Aegis, to deal with a perceived invasion of the planet Rukus (sadly, Aegis has since been lost in a singularity accident). Also on top of the Sereni-Tree is a dorsal quad-laser emplacement and gunnery station, an observatory dome that splits open to reveal a high-powered telescope, and an observation lounge in a transparent enclosure that offers a stunning view (Serenity has constructed her nest here, for her coming baby). This observation lounge is perhaps located on the spot once occupied by TheGreyJedi’s lawn chair back when it was merely the roof of the tree house. Somewhere in this general area is a combined gunnery station for a small group of people, from where all weapons on the ship can be operated.

Below the Common Room is the Main Cargo Bay. The Cargo Bay is a huge place, with a number of levels of vaults and subdivided compartments for various goods. There is a massive hatch that allows easy loading access from outside the ship. In one of the compartments is stored the original “Forgotten Not a Guy/Girl Clubhouse, recovered from Earth-That-Still-Is. Another holds CallMeSerenity’s extensive greenhouse
garden, usually kept under lock. There is also a space in the cargo area that has been greatly expanded through other dimensions to contain the pifflepony ranch. Near the piffleranch is a small forest where Kelly has magically grown the Mallorn tree she lives in with Piffle, Shadow, and Ghost. In addition to our herd of piffleponies, we also house some horses and a corral of kissies.

Below the Cargo Area is Main Engineering, once the realm of TheGreyJedi, Needleseye, and Jet (Bride4). To enter, one must pass through a huge vault door. Since Grey and Needle have gone missing, Jet has been joined by ScorpionRegent. All sorts of arcane techno-magic occur in this place, and most ship functions can be controlled from here, in addition to the Bridge. Grey built a command chair that seems to hover anywhere the operator needs to go. There are power plants and spacedrives of almost every description, including a console for the highly experimental quad-locked Grav Drive (aka Ether Drive). The life support systems are no doubt in this section as well. Off of Main Engineering are Grey’s quarters (which have recently been occupied by ScorpionRegent) and a series of lockers and a bathroom. Somewhere, the Sereni-Tree must store its fuel, so perhaps fuel tanks are near Main Engineering as well. Or perhaps the ship requires so little fuel that its storage is not an issue. There are extensive workshops on the various Engineering decks.

In the days of the Sereni-Tree airship, Main Engineering was merely the boiler room, though it has since been upgraded significantly. However, the old boiler room had a permanent dimensional portal that connected to Zoid’s Pub at the Bottom of the Tree. This device is still operational. Also in the old boiler room used to be the Big Red Button for enabling Real World Physics. TheRealMe has used warning signs, locks, titanium bulkheads, and duct tape to seal this away from Rat’s prying hands so THAT HE COULD NEVER MESS WITH IT AGAIN.

There is a ventral quad laser emplacement underneath the Sereni-Tree. ScorpionRegent has developed some additional, low tech weapons for the ship, but they have not yet been installed.

The Sereni-Tree is equipped with grappler arms, huge mechanical arms that can be used to hold or manipulate items, or even other ships. These are operated from any control station on the Bridge.

Somewhere deep in the bowels of the Sereni-Tree is the secret cryogenic freezing chamber of the Insidious Doctor Rat. Inside are stored former crewmembers that have neglected to post in a long time and the remains of the FemaleReaver and the traitorous Bride1 (either of whom may be resurrected when plots really slow down and we actually NEED a little peril).

The Wings

The North, East, South, and West Wings of the Sereni-Tree all have identical floor plans, mostly because they are, in fact, the same exact space folded twice through higher dimensions. This has worked well, except for the time that Rat re-asserted real-world physics and the Wings all collapsed back down to just three dimensions. That got confusing. And crowded!

The Wings are entered off of the Common Room through four doors placed at the cardinal points. There are additional doors above these, one on each encircling balcony per Wing. On the left side of each of these doors is access to an elevator. On the right side of each is access to a stairway. These access ways run through all the decks of the ship, from the roof structures down through the Common Room, Cargo Bay, and Main Engineering, to the ventral lasers.

The Wings have three floors each. The bottom two are for living quarters, with ten modest apartments on each floor, five on each side of a central corridor.

The West Wing lower floor contains the apartment of TheRealMe, the apartment once used as the FemaleReaver Containment Area, the apartment temporarily expanded to hold the population of Black Diamond and still used by the Yeti, and Needleseye’s apartment. The Real Me has one of the two apartments at the end of the corridor with windows giving a nice view of space. SimonWho’s apartment is also in the West Wing, probably on the middle floor, to be near both the Infirmary and the zero-G blob of “Abyss” fluid that he provided. XanderLHarris/Ash lives somewhere in the West Wing.

The middle level of the South Wing contains individual apartments for MontanaGirl (with easy access to the Hanger Bay so she can practice sliding over the hood of the General Lee), SoulofSerenity, and Jadehand (who has an end room). The Brides all have rooms in the lower floor of the South Wing, which is refered to as Brideland.

The lower level of the North Wing was once Cloneland. River-clone’s old room was given to Washie, but now River-clone is back and Washie is gone, so she has likely reclaimed it. The individual apartments of CallMeAth, Mai (who has an end room) and the room Static once shared with ThatWeirdGirl are on the middle floor of the North Wing.

The East Wing contains the quarters of ThatWeirdGirl (and her future son, PsychicRiver when he is around), as well as CageyBee’s old quarters and Cozen’s ‘Stockholm Suite’. It seems that Cozen relocated his Pleasurable Torture Chamber, including “the Chair” from below the pool table to this five-star suite of rooms.

Some folks don’t sleep in the Wings. CallMeSerenity has a nest in the observation lounge; Piffle, Kelly, Shadow, and Ghost live in the Piffleranch Forest in a Mallorn tree; Seryn has a hammock in the Hanger Bay as well as quarters somewhere where she keeps her bunnies; and ScorpionRegent is in TheGreyJedi’s old quarters off of Main Engineering.

I don’t know about anyone else, but feel free to pick a spot.

In addition to the two levels of living quarters, each Wing has a third floor with an extra-high ceiling containing something special:

The North Wing third floor contains the “This Land” game preserve / mini-theme park / miniature golf course, where we usually keep Mai’s pet dinosaur, Frederick, the cage of butterfly thrusters, and a petting zoo.

The East Wing third floor contains a recording studio, stage, and dance floor (with disco ball!) for our band, “the Fireflies”.

The South Wing third floor contains the Hanger Bay for our various small craft, including: the stolen Alliance fighter Nandi; the unnamed shuttle stolen from the Alliance cruiser Tripoli by TWG, Soul, and others; Jadehand’s stealth shuttle Ocean Cloud, the shuttles General Lee for Southerners or Dukes of Hazard fans, the Admiral Nelson for Brits, and the Napoleon Bonaparte for French Browncoats (the General Grant for Yankees was lost during the Boros Incident). There are also two remaining EVA pods from the half-dozen we once had. TheGreyJedi’s new mecha “Megadeus” might be here (but is more likely with him), as well as Emma’s shrunken ship when Rat is not carrying it in his pocket, and perhaps SimonWho’s Blue Box when he doesn’t have it with him. The Hanger Bay has massive doors which open up, other doors that open from its end, and a special force field to hold in air but allow shuttles to slip by. As mentioned earlier, Seryn seems to have strung up a hammock and made the hanger her home.

The West Wing third floor has the magnificent floor-to-ceiling Willy-Wonka-esque Dream Machine created by ManiacNumberOne, where one’s mind can be played with. The West Wing also has a gym with showers, lockers, mats, weights, treadmills, stair-masters, etc. There is a sports room with table tennis. Who knows, we might even have a full tennis / basketball court, and a ring for UNPROFESSIONAL WRESTLING! Maybe we have a bowling alley, too, or a firing range.

The Sereni-Tree! Who needs to visit a pleasure planet?

The Crew and Passengers of the Sereni-Tree

BeautifulDisaster: Barefoot and very River-like. Only appeared once. Possibly the same individual as River-clone.
Bluefishie: Often just wanders around the ship. Has pet blue fishies. Power: “Magic” marker.
CallMeAth aka Ath (Pilot): With Lissa, creator of the kissies; Romantically interested in Kelly; Powers: pyro-kinesis, predictive parrying, and wings. Rarely, he shows Jedi powers.
CallMeSerenity aka Serenity (Gardener): Ath’s sister; built greenhouse in cargo bay; currently expecting a baby with Soul; Skilled with katanas. Power: flight via blue-white angelic wings.
Citizen: A businessman of Boros brought to the Sereni-Tree after the Boros Incident. Has connections and an impressive armory.
Cozen aka The Infinite Goof: Kidnaps women and subjects them to pleasurable torture; Power: insect and clone creation / control. Has pet llama, Schwartz.
Ebonezer aka Ebo (Captain): Exuberant, impulsive; nest under the pool table where she is often in hibernation; Power: speaks to any creature.
Jadehand aka BlackJackRackham aka EVERYBODY! (Brewer and Gunner) : As the pirate Black Jack Rackham, the ex- husband of ThatWeirdGirl. Power: nametags of shapeshifting, which allows him to become anyone.
Jake7 (Gunner): Volunteers for all the hard missions; enjoys a game of pool. Power: gadget that projects force fields and grants night vision.
Jazaf: Master swordsman, mystery man, Sensei to Bride2; has recently mutated arm that MIGHT be fixed; Power: metal-shaping.
KellyofLuthien (Cook): Red-headed Elf woman interested in Ath.
Pleasant, helpful. Powers: Immortality, Elvish magic; wielder of the Ring of Fire Narya and the magic sword Nardol.
LightMeDark aka LMD aka Elemdee (Animal Handler): Tends to remain drunk; interested in Mai. Powers: banana powers? Understands speech and writing of all creatures.
Lissa: With Ath, creator of the kissies; tends to prefer the calmer times (and jacuzzi parties).
Mai (Cruise Director / Tour Guide): Not an attack-and-kill kind of girl; has pet dinosaur Frederick; sometimes disappears and has to be quested for. Interested in LMD. Power: light generation.
Malicious (Mistress Most High): Regal and self-assured Goddess-Queen; Powers: thread-jacking, charisma, and beauty.
McQ: A cyborg, formerly an Alliance experiment.
MontanaGirl (MedAssistant and Vet); Likes Cozen’s kidnapping methods. Likes things to go boom! NASCAR fan.
Needy (Companion): A confused boy whore who sometimes sees things. Power: Indestructible.
NoSkillz (Security Deputy): A gunslinger. Has a pet tiger Shadow (not to be confused with the girl from Boros.
PsychicRiver (Security Deputy): Son of TWG and SimonWho from the future. Just a little crazy; knits; Currently off in elsewhen talking to his once or future self. Powers: telepathy, precognition, telekinesis.
River-clone: River-clone seems to be back from the dead after healing Ath. Powers: a mind-reading genius with a leaky brainpan.
ScorpionRegent: Red-headed pirate formerly with Nell’s crew. Very competent fighter and sniper. An engineer. Friendly with Jet. Powers: Appears and disappears from nowhere with time shifts; Piratey Angst.
Seryn aka VoodooNell (Nandi and Bonaparte pilot; hanger mechanic?): Restored the Nandi to full operation. Pregnant. Has bag of holding and trained attack bunnies. Power: Shapeshifting.
Shadow and Ghost: Orphans and stow-aways. A rather young pair of sisters picked up from Boros.
SimonWho (Physician): Helpful, friendly, annoys women he likes; Has something of a once and future romance with TWG. Power: Timelord; blue box; destroys entire planets
SoulofSerenity aka Soul (Security Chief): Archer with trick arrows. Willing to sacrifice self for friends. Father-to-be with Serenity. Power: Desolidification.
ThatWeirdGirl aka TWG aka the pirate Mad Anne Rackham aka Wildigstart (First Lieutenant and Nelson pilot): Playful and weird; Pepsimilk proponent; Has something of a once and future romance with SimonWho. Power: Confusion; also shorts out electronics.
TheRealMe aka TRM (First Officer / Navigator): Level-headed, reliable; Romance with Washie; Powers: inventor, dimensional portals, and space-folding. Rarely, he shows Jedi powers.
WashsYoungerSexierBrother aka Wisp: Young sexy fellow picked up from Garrison. Brought along Doris the Talking Goat.
WitchOfTheDogs aka Witchy: Joined up around Boros and volunteered to be a medic; not seen recently.
XanderLHarris aka Xander aka Ash (Security Deputy): Powers: two heads; Shindig goddess.

The Brides

Bride2 aka Deuce: Red hair, freckles; impulsive, temperamental; strong, athletic, and tomboy-ish; acrobat. Has pair of katanas. Student of Jazaf.
Bride3 aka Trey (Bartender): Tall woman of African descent.
Practical, wise. Looks out for the others. Mixes drinks and deals cards.
Bride4 aka Jet (Chief Engineer): Small of stature, dark hair, brave and intelligent, wears glasses.
Bride5 aka Quincey aka Quin aka Mei-ling Kuin (Assistant Pilot): Beautiful woman of Asian descent; long straight black hair; affects the “glamorous” look; adept at vamping men to get what she wants, fashion conscious. Likes piloting. Has father who is connected with Chinese Tongs.
Bride6 aka Bobbie Sue: Giggly and excitable blonde; not overburdened with intelligence; does nails; likes frilly and lacy dresses. A gun nut, after spending time with Jayne-clone2.
Bride7: Blushing psychotic bride with sarcastic, cutting remarks; files nails; avoids work; good cook; possibly cannibalistic.

Departed, Missing In Action, Occasional Visitors, and the Unknown

Elwoodmom (Mom): Knows what is best for us; occasionally stops by to give advice; Powers: eyes in the back of her head and other “Mom” powers. Missing for 12 complete threads.
Emma: Space-going entrepreneur (thief). Owns (stolen) spherical spaceship. Faints at the slightest danger. Missing for approximately 20 complete threads after going off on a trading mission.
ItsAWash aka Wash aka Washie (Ship’s Counselor): Empathetic and protective of others. Romance with TRM; Powers: taps into psychic powers of her room mate, River-clone. Seemingly evaporated one day.
Monkeytail: Former cabana boy of the Forgotten Not A Guy/Girl Clubhouse. Admits to being a bit lazy. Powers: Jedi powers. Missing for 6 complete threads.
Needy’s Angel: Angelic figure resembling Serenity that only Needy can see.
Needleseye (Assistant Engineer): Aquatic carnivorous faerie creature; shapeshifts to monster; creates flowers. Missing for 11 complete threads.
Phantom: A ghostly being wandering unseen among the crew. Evaporated during game of pantsless Twister before it could do any evil. But it might still be around!
Piffle101: Breeder of piffleponies. Shares Piffleranch Mallorn tree with Kelly, Ghost and Shadow. Missing for 6 complete threads.
Rat (Acquisitions Officer / Lee pilot): Troublemaker; messes with things; Powers: inventor, weather prediction, elemental blasts. Missing for 6 complete threads.
Safeat2nd: A pilot and former Alliance officer who objected to certain brutal orders from his superiors. Departed Sereni-Tree with Dagger’s crew to look for his old buddy CastIronJack. Took ISSCV dropship with him.
Static (Former Pilot): No-nonsense guy; Gunslinger; Powers: piloting; combat with blade and gun. Missing for 11 complete threads.
TheGreyJedi aka TGJ aka Grey (Former Chief Engineer): Loner tech-priest; Powers: MacGuyver-like scrounging / inventing; angelic Jedi powers. Missing for 11 complete threads.
TheManInBlack aka Roberts: Has teleported in and out on occasion, but never stayed long.

On Ice (known to have been put into cryogenic suspension):

Bride1 aka Ace: Blonde assassin with katana. “Reaverized” by FemaleReaver. Slain by Needleseye.
FemaleReaver: Very dangerous, very intelligent, very clever, very persuasive, very good combat skills. Escaped on Black Diamond, where she was hunted down and squashed.

The Black Diamond Creatures

Yeti: Friends to ThatWeirdGirl. Yeti who survived the Boros Incident include Assan, Corbin (who is pregnant), Ervin, Hewitt, and Lichna.
Windmill Giants: A few shrunken giants, including Rat’s friend Wendel.

Mechanical, Natural, and Magical Servants, Friends, and Pets of the Sereni-Tree

Aluminum: TRM’s white horse, for when he’s playing at being Sheriff of Serenity County.
Attack Bunnies: Archie and Esme and their brood, pets or companions of Seryn.
Automops: A modern convenience devised by Mai.
Baby3000 aka CallMeCharles aka CallMeCharlise aka CallMeChucky: Evil robotic “practice baby” acquired by Serenity and Soul. Hopefully destroyed(again!)
The Black Ribbon: MontanaGirl’s magical protective black ribbon kept in a glass of Pepsi.
Blue Fishies: Pets of Bluefishie.
Cats: PsychicRiver’s cat Annabelle and Mai’s cats.
Dale, the Intimidator Ferret: Montanagirl’s friend, who takes revenge on those who disparage NASCAR.
DRDs: An unknown number of Diagnostic Repair Drones, presumably built by TGJ.
Doris the Goat: A talking goat brought aboard by Wisp.
Duck: A large white duck. Huh?
The Ebo Golem: The Effigy of Ebo, magically animated by TRM; lost an arm after the Boros Incident.
Frederick the Dinosaur: A pet dinosaur picked up in the Land of the Lost by Mai during Mai-Quest1.
Kissies: Numerous pokemon-ish emoticon creatures which spread affection everywhere; also they have medicinal properties.
MollytheParrot: The cutest baby parrot ever! A creature cloned from Cozen’s one-time mouthpiece, Black Jack Silver.
Nugget, the Meteor Troll: Emma’s friend, a large and brutish creature with some affection for TRM.
Piffleponies: Everyone wants a pifflepony, deep down. Piffleponies
include: Patience, Prudence, Penitence, Ororo, Shadowfax, two mothers, four foals, among others.
The Pillow CageyBee: The golem created by CageyBee of fabric and stuffing; not seen lately.
Schwartz the Llama: Cozen’s pet or companion.
Shadow: NoSkillz's tiger companion, not to be confused with the little girl from Boros.
Snarky: A robot built by ScorpionRegent, stronger than Sparky; takes the Three Laws as guidelines only.
Sparky: The Mechana-Cabana-Boy 3000, Mark II; a robot built by TRM.


Monday, May 8, 2006 6:06 PM


After all of the Sereni-Tree’s shuttles are recovered from their adventures on Commerce, TheRealMe uses Sparky to haul out of the Napoleon Bonaparte the many purchases he made. New couches and recliners, a new entertainment center, new tables and chairs for the bar, replacement DVDs to line the shelves, and many other such things. Soon, the Common Room is back to its pre-Boros normal state. “Sparky, please dispose of all the old broken furniture bits and other trash.”

TheRealMe looks about, satisfied at a perfect reconstruction job. “This calls for a celebration! Computer! Locate Washie!”

“Washie is not aboard the Sereni-Tree.”

TheRealMe rolls his eyes at the computer. “Computer, locate ItsAWash.”

“ItsAWash is not aboard the Sereni-Tree.”

“Oh. So she left...” Sadly, TheRealMe wanders over to the pool table and selects a cue. From the pocket of the suit he is still wearing, TheRealMe pulls an 8-ball and plops it on the table. He begins a game of pool.


Meanwhile, folks decide if they will stay behind in the Garrison system or stay on the Sereni-Tree for the hyperjump to Earth-That-Still-Is.

Ath keys in the correct commands and the Sereni-Tree leaps into hyperspace.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Monday, May 8, 2006 6:07 PM


TheRealMe crosses his fingers, hoping for more posts here.


Monday, May 8, 2006 6:26 PM


*lissa plays pool with TRM. It isn't going very well for her, due to her terrible pool playing skills.*

Um...anyone wanna help me out here and give me some tips?

~lissa, retired spwhore


Monday, May 8, 2006 6:59 PM


*JadeHand strolls over to the Pool Table and shows Lissa the proper technique for chalking her hands, and the cue. Followed by a brief discription of how to apply geometry to the game. Angles, bank shots, and English spin. He stands back to watch shaking the can of whipped topping in his hand to indicate the stakes of the game. He fills one hand with cream and hefts it in his hand. Suddenly from behind... JadeHand wipes the cream from his face and chases after his attacker.*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Monday, May 8, 2006 7:04 PM


Not satisfied with merely making tacos, Kelly begins an adventure in Mexican cuisine. Soon she is surrounded by platters of rolled and flat tacos, veggie and bean burritos, cheese, chicken and/or pork enchiladas with red or green sauce (New Mexico style!), stuffed sopapillas, flautas, carnitas, chile rellenos, refried beans, spanish rice, fresh made tortillas and tortilla chips, red and green salsa of all heats, sour cream mixed with chopped and roasted green chile, and flan, fried ice cream and plain sopapillas with honey for dessert.

Mixing up the last of her famous guacamole (who knew Elves liked avocados so much?) Kelly locates a dinner bell and rings it loudly.

"Dinner for anyone who wants it!"

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Monday, May 8, 2006 8:04 PM


Oh! Yay tacos! "Maybe I'll get a burrito too."
*JadeHand heads to the kitchen for a yummy meal*

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Monday, May 8, 2006 9:52 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

ooc as wisp is not on board his post will be taken over by doris his talking goat.

Doris finally knawed throug her rope and wandered to the tacos
"can i have a taco please"
the drunken revellers look shocked
"im a talking goat and id like a taco please?"


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 3:46 AM


TheRealMe stares at the talking goat and drinks some more. This does not improve his pool game. He adds a burrito to the mix. Still no luck. He gives the goat a taco.

OOC: Uh, Wisp can still be on board, Wisp. So can Seryn. We can backtrack and rewrite those events. Or change your mind just before the hyperjump.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 3:51 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Ok then Wisp TRM and doris play a game of pool and drink thouroghly while discussing politics and volley ball


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 3:55 AM


TheRealMe hiccups. "Volleyball? Huh! Let me tell you about this game we had on Rukus. See, everybody was playing to win, and we were all cheating by using our superpowers. I had one ball about to hit the ground fall into a portal and come out above us. PsychicRiver used telekinesis..." TheRealMe loses his train of thought. "And then Rat turned off the power generators and the planet fell apart. But my team was winning! I think..."

OOC: But keep the talking goat.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 4:16 AM


Oh, right. Here's an idea!

While the Second Gala Pageant is being organized by ThatWeirdGirl and Cozen, I would like to suggest that part of the contest include the "Bizzare Clothing" competition. We had talked about doing that back in thread 8 or 9, then got distracted by the first Mai-Quest.

Examples that I remember were the Leaf dress created and worn by Mai, the Saran Wrap Dress created and worn by CageyBee, the Aluminum Foil Dress created by CageyBee and worn by her and ThatWeirdGirl, and the Dress of Living Butterflies, created by me and worn by Mai.

Thank you!

* TheRealMe returns to his game of pool with Lissa, forgetting whether he was solids or stripes. To cover for himself, he scratches the 8-ball. *

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 4:30 AM


oooh the butterfly dress! that was the coolest outfit ever! supposing the butterflys are better trained to stay in place.

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 4:36 AM



Originally posted by WashsYoungerSexierBrother:
ooc as wisp is not on board his post will be taken over by doris his talking goat.

Doris finally knawed throug her rope and wandered to the tacos
"can i have a taco please"
the drunken revellers look shocked
"im a talking goat and id like a taco please?"

SR, having wandered up to the kitchen hearing that there was food, quickly puts a taco in a large bowl and sets it on the floor for the goat. He then fills a plate for himself and not seeing Jett he then fills a plate for her loads both onto a cart with flatware, napkins and glasses. Not knowing Jett's prefference for drinks he fills a large thermos with virgin Margueritas. SR is set to leave when he feels some thing is wrong. He realizes that there is something important that needs doing. He walks into the working section of the kitchen and finds the cook, a tall willowy woman with striking facial features and pointed ears.

"Forgive my intrusion." A unfamiliar voice says as KoL is bent over a pot of beans. She sets aside the large spoon she was stirring with, wipes her hands on her apron and turns to find a man she had not met yet standing in the kitchen. Something about this man is different. She find him familiar in a vague and distant way.


"I came to thank you for this meal you have cooked for us. Your generousity is great, I came to praise it. I am called Scorpion Regent." SR says and, for reasons he can't quite fathom, he bows to this bueatiful woman.

"I am Kelly of Luthien." KoL replies with a curtsey.

"I am honored to meet you. I must go now, for the food grows cold and my co-worker in engineering must be hungry." SR finds himself bowing again and takes his leave. "What is it about that woman that seems familiar?" He wonders to himself as he leaves the kitchen. He stops and puts another taco in the bowl for the goat and then rolls the cart with the food to engineering.

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 4:57 AM


I would like to volunteer myself as a judge!!

TWG-do you still need judges?

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 5:09 AM


A little earlier, before the hyperspace jump, in Engineering:


ScorpionRegent wrote:
"I don't know if Mr Jedi is coming back. I know that if he does, I will surrender the room back to him in a heartbeat. I can tell you that from what little I know about him he's a amazing man. I suspect that he and I have a lot in common. Sometimes I wish I could sit down and talk with him over a beer. I suppose I miss him and I never met him." SR pauses and take a deep breath and then let's it out and begins anew.

"Life is about change. I guess I'm one of those changes. I'm sorry if you felt left out today. I promise to include you in any future tinkering sessions, if that's what you want. I know I'm not him and I not going to pretend to be him, but I know that all we have on this ship is each other and I'm here now. Tomorrow I plan on building a still if things are quiet. Would you like to help me?"

Jet smiles. "Oh, Grey could be stubborn. He could even be annoying. But he was quite a guy. Actually, you remind me a lot of him. Uh, in a good way. Oh, and I don't mind if you want to tinker up something without me. I don't feel left out. But I'd really like to see it when you're ready. And I'd love to help on a still!"

Jet's tummy rumbles. "Oh, Warren, would you mind terribly much going up to the kitchen and bringing down something to eat? I really need to wait here for the signal to jump to hyperspace."

ScorpionRegent agrees, and Jet gives him a hug. "Thanks. Thanks for everything."

And so ScorpionRegent heads up to the kitchen to meet Kelly.

Jet, Bride4


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 5:16 AM


When ScorpionRegent returns to Engineering, Jet is waiting for him with a large book sitting on a nearby table. "Here, I just ran off your own copy of 'Grey's Anatomy' for you, including my updates and annotations." She holds up a small crystal. "And here it is on a holocrystal, if you prefer. Complete design schematics of the Sereni-Tree. It's a bad idea for me to be the only one around here with a clue as to how things work."

Jet gives him a grin. "So, do you want to learn how to work the hovering Engineering Command chair? Want to take a ride?"

Jet, Bride4


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 5:47 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: I'm not sure how this is going to work, cos I've also jumped ship to help Safe find Jack... but I suppose history can be rewritten. I want to give this "fun" thing a shot.


Needy strolls to the infirmary, intent on getting some more medication for that nasty "unbearable pain all over" side-effect from his resurrection.
"Don't you..." the unseen being starts to tell him.
"shut up"
"...understand how..."
"Shut up"
"important you.."
"Hey, I said shut up. I've had enough I really have. This is my time. My time to relax and veg out. Now go away."

Needy enters the surgery and discovers the room is empty.
"Doc?" He calls out.
Hey, I don't need him. I know what I'm looking for
Heading for the medicine cabinet, he finds a bunch of pills and scoffs a handful in his mouth.
Instantly his eyes widen and he stands up straight.
Looking down, he realises he took the wrong pills
He worries for a moment before shrugging, grabbing the right pills and swallowing them too.
What's the worse that can happen?


Needy slides into the common room, wearing nothing but boxer shorts, black socks and a white shirt.
As various members of the Sereni-Tree's crew turn to face him, he proceeds to spin on his right foot before "getting down" on the dancefloor.
"C'mon!" he encourages the others. "It's a party. Lighen up and have some fuuuuun!!!"

He tears his shirt open, exposing his bare chest whilst the buttons fly across the room, hitting people in their eyes (the buttons that is, not Needy himself.)

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 7:11 AM


OOC: Ah, this feels good!!

**Ravenous, jake7 loads up a plate with tacos and some other various not-so-spicy foods and sits down to eat. She watches the game of pool between WISP, TRM, and Lissa. Over a mouthful of food, she calls**

Hey! I call winner!

**To herself she mutters**

I hopes I can still remember *how* to play pool! I think the last official game I played was back when TRM was sent to his room by Rat and we played using the portal..

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 7:17 AM



*lissa is hit in the eye with a button, and spasms. This is good fortune for her, as it causes her to do something really awesome in pool, not that I know what that is to write it. I imagine it has something to do with a lot of balls going into a lot of little holes*

Oh sweeeeOWWWWWW!

*lissa curls up on the ground in pain. TRM does the same due to his sudden and completely unexpected defeat. Wisp looks on in shock*

~lissa, retired spwhore


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 7:21 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp loses the game of pool quite badly and goes off in a huff to fetch a bool of rules as he is shure the TRM cheated.
"hes such a baby" says doris in a very british accent "you cant take him anywhere"
Doris returns to her bowl of vodka and continues
"in volleyball........"


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 7:25 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by lissa:

*lissa is hit in the eye with a button, and spasms. This is good fortune for her, as it causes her to do something really awesome in pool, not that I know what that is to write it. I imagine it has something to do with a lot of balls going into a lot of little holes*

Oh sweeeeOWWWWWW!

*lissa curls up on the ground in pain. TRM does the same due to his sudden and completely unexpected defeat. Wisp looks on in shock*

~lissa, retired spwhore


Needy turns towards the pool table upon hearing Lissa's cry of pain.

Making his way over to her and TRM by means of a feminine jog, he gets down on one knee and pleads
"Please forgive me my lady". Then taking her hand, he places a gentle kiss on her knuckles.
Her eyelids flutter and he raises his eyebrows.
The suddenly he leaps to his feet
"Alright. This table is mine!"
Pulling himself onto the table and kicking and remaining balls to the side, he starts to sensually and provocatively sway his body.
Then he pulls what's left of his shirt off and swings it around above his head
"Woooooooo!" he screams.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 7:28 AM



Originally posted by lissa:
* I imagine it has something to do with a lot of balls going into a lot of little holes*

OOC: Now, the question is, in what *order* did the balls go into the holes, and did the cue ball go in as well? TRM and WISP may still have a chance... LOL! Edited to include response to Needy's post

**jake7 watches Needy's dance and whistles. Everyone turns to see what the fuss is about and witness Needy doing a basic strip-tease. All the girls gather around the pool table (or, at least, those whose eyes haven't been injured by flying buttons) and start waving bills around and doing a few cat-calls**

MAL: Everybody's makin' a fuss.
"They just float out there, sending out raver breeding parties..."


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 7:31 AM


Shadow watched in amazement as the atmosphere around her changed from serious to silly in what seemed like an instant. One minute it seemed she was helping out on the bridge, the next she was wandering around watching the crazyness.

She was actually kinda sorta lost. She was regretting sending Ghost with Mrs. Bride Bobbi. Shadow wasn't used to not knowing where her sister was.

Wandering around the tree some more she ended up in the kitchen and grabbed something to eat. She was kinda hungry. Wandering back into the common room she sat in a relatively quiet corner and soon was fast asleep.

(OOC:someone can wake her up if you want I'm not taking her out of the action permanently )


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 7:54 AM


*lissa looks up after Needy's kiss, but her vision is blurry. She sees his out-of-focus figure swaying above her. His shirt lands on her head, and she passes out*

~lissa, retired spwhore


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 7:58 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Ignoring all laws of reality, the window behind Soul and Serenity opens, and a little Oriental man in a little floating boat pulls up, takes their order, and starts cooking up Thai food right before their eyes.

"Wow! Talk about delivery!"


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 8:14 AM



Originally posted by lissa:
*lissa looks up after Needy's kiss, but her vision is blurry. She sees his out-of-focus figure swaying above her. His shirt lands on her head, and she passes out*

~lissa, retired spwhore

After meeting a very polite ScorpionRegent, Kelly, spoon in hand, peeks out of the kitchen to see what all the ruckus is about and notices the woman who had been speaking to Ath earlier sprawled on the floor with a shirt on her head. Setting down her spoon, Kelly glides over and touches the woman's face, muttering a few words in Elvish. Heat from her hand slowly dissolves the blossoming bruise on her eye, and the woman wakes with a groan and touches her face.

"Wow, thanks!" she says.

"No problem," Kelly replies. "Any woman who puts Ath in a frilly pink dress is a friend of mine! I'm KellyofLuthien, by the way. Mai govannen,, it is nice to meet you."

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 8:16 AM


Oh, fantastic! I'm starving!

Thank you, Soul!

*Serenity orders one of everything and two of some things and a pot of tea.*

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 8:25 AM


OOC: Oh fifth element! "you are fired!"

*JadeHand finishes the exceptional lunch and strolls over to Trey at the bar. He holds 2 fingers in the air, and before he sits down, 2 frosty pints of cider sit before him. He looks around as he sips on the first pint and sees everyone having fun.*
*JadeHand finishes his first pint, and picks up the second as he strolls behind the bar and into the brewery to check the levels of the vats. Everything still in order, he heads back to the gameroom for a nice game of FUNHOUSE pinball.*

That Rudy has got it coming today.

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 9:00 AM


Seryn wander round the common room. She spends a few minutes trying out the various chairs, then get up to go look at the food, then starts wandering again. As Needy starts his dance on the table, she pauses and yell across the room

"Some one get the guy a pole!"

A small man with greying hair and very european clothing appears behind her. In a thick accent he introduces himself and peers at her expectantly.

"no, I meant, a ploe, as in a metal slidy... oh never mind *lead the man over to the table* Here, have a taco"

Resuming her wandering, she soon spots one of the little girls, Shadow? asleep in one of the undisturbed corners. Gently she shakes her awake and grins at her.

"Hey sweetie, wheres your sister? We got you some surprises from the commerce planet, you go find your sister and i'll go grab the gifts from my room, meet you here in ten say?

The little girl grins at her, eyes big as dinner plate, and as she runs off, Seryn returns to her rooms, picks up the shopping bags, and checks on the rabbits...


Archie sits next to his mate and their brand new brood, all the pink and wriggling lot of them, the expression on his face somewhere between pleased-as-punch and freaked-the-hell-out.

"rabbit babies!!!!"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 9:07 AM


Oh yeah, presents for the girls! I almost forgot!

*Serenity buzzes Mai on her comm link.*

Mai! We're going to give the girls the presents we bought them on Commerce! Meet Seryn and I in the common room in 10!

*She quickly finishes the last of her food and heads to the common room.*

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 9:23 AM



Originally posted by KellyofLuthien:

"No problem," Kelly replies. "Any woman who puts Ath in a frilly pink dress is a friend of mine! I'm KellyofLuthien, by the way. Mai govannen,, it is nice to meet you."

*lissa, relieved at the sudden lack of pain, looks Kelly up and down*

Nice to meet you, Kelly. Sorry I've been missing lately...I was in a hole over in the corner...Anyways, we should probably go find Ath. I need to see if his dress needs any alterations.

*lissa and Kelly get up, but realize Needy is still swaying on the table. They decide to stay and watch the show for a bit*

~lissa, retired spwhore


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 9:31 AM


Pool? Ah, come now, there is only game for true gentlemen.

*pushes a button and a snooker table comes down from the ceiling*

Right, best of three frames, winner stays on. No super powers.

*smacks the white into the reds and sinks a couple*

*hastily removes his sonic screwdriver from the end of his cue*

Well... okay from now on, no super powers.


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 10:49 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by SimonWho:
Pool? Ah, come now, there is only game for true gentlemen.

Soul looks around for some Gentlemen. Doesn't see any.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:11 AM


*In a rare moment of sobriety, and fuelled by yummy Elven burritos, he dusts off a number of carpentry tools. Sets to dismantling one of the gun turrets to gain materials for the construction of the stage.*

*Curiously, as he saws and hammers, planes and fits and bolts and glues, he keeps his back turned ever away from the bar.*

"You think someone wouldn't go see somebody if they didn't want entertainment?"


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:39 AM


*creeps in like a cat burgler*

*deposits box of self tying silk ropes behind Cozen*

*scrurries off*

*watches and giggles as Cozy trips over*

*slaps wrists for being such a meany*

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 11:57 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

"Agh!" Needy screams in the distance

Seryn turns around

It seems he did get the pole she asked for... only he misjudged things slightly and now needs a proctologist... and quick

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 12:36 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
*slaps wrists....

*As the cords wrap inexorably around his prone self, he gazes wistfully at the partially completed stage.*

Yea, verily I sayeth unto you, as do the ropes tighten, so creepeth up my dress! Soon shall it be resolved for one and all whether or not I be properly attired with appropriate undergarments....

Oh! The angst, the angst!


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 1:10 PM


I heard that there is an opening for a judge? I hereby re-claim my judgeship. Now, upon whom will I be placing these judgements?

Don't forget who won the last Gala Pageant!


I'm going to add cursing and the hurling about of things to my repertoire.


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 1:45 PM


*walks over to Seryn*

Self tying ropes?? egads! Everyone knows the tying is part of the fun. Wraping the silk snuggly around the wrists, ankles.. and watching the expression as you pull them tight around the posts.... Which reminds me.... I have something for you Seryn. Well, for you and for her... Care to join me in the hanger bay?

Plus, I need help with this weird costume thing, any ideas? Black leather corset? Really? you think?

*Stops by and welcomes Malicious back to the fun.*
"Good to see you again."

Visit WWW.Marillion.Com for a better way to live
"Finding the answer It's a human obsession
But you might as well talk to the stones and the trees and the sea
'Cause nobody knows And so few can see
There's only beauty and caring and truth beyond darkness." -Estonia(This Strange Engine) -Marillion


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 3:28 PM


Bobbie inclines her head and looks down to evaluate her handiwork. The numerous curls had set, and the little pink ruffled dress actually fit. She smiles. Bobbie Sue has just finished transforming young Ghost from a scruffy street urchin of indeterminate gender to a little Shirley Temple clone.

Bobbie tosses back her own curly blonde hair, takes the hem of her skirt in each hand, and executes a perfect curtsie.

“Look sweetie! You are SO pretty. We’re like twins, now!” Bobbie squeals with delight. "Isn't dress-up fun?"

Little Ghost stares at herself in a mirror, not quite believing her eyes.

Bobbie suddenly realizes that Ghost may not be entirely happy with her new look. “Uh, hey, sweetie, would you like one of my Barbies? I’m a collector, you know.” She throws open the doors to her walk-in closet, revealing from floor to ceiling a carefully ordered, cataloged collection. “Here!” She grabs one and displays it for Ghost. “High Society Barbie! Isn’t she gorgeous? And what fashion sense! It’s very rare. I had to get TheRealMe to go to some other dimension to find it for me.”

Ghost continues to stare at herself in the mirror.

Bobbie is unsure of what to do next. “Uh, would you like to go find your sister?”

Ghost nods gravely.

Bobbie Sue, Bride6


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 3:46 PM


TheRealMe bows deeply.

"Malicious! Mistress Most High! I convey to you my most sincere thanks that you answered my petition!

"Did you, by any chance, return with the Gala Pageant Regalia? There was a crown, a scepter, and... oh yes, the 'Miss Verse' sash.

"Oh, right. Ahem! Arrrgh! It be a mighty fine thing, you comin' fer this here shindig! Yer a sight fer sore eyes to be sure! Arrrgh!"

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 3:49 PM


We are certainly an imaginative bunch! Over time, we have invented, created, developed, or discovered a number of odd and sometimes useful objects or beings. Some, like my robot Sparky, are still around. Others, like the Inviso-Katana of Bride1, are lost to us. Still, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to list all of these wonderful things. If I forget something, please let me know!


* Blue Fishies
* “Magic” marker

* The Inviso-Katana of Bride1 (given to ImEarly, who “disappeared” with it)

* Pifflepony flying harness (used by Bride6 in the pifflepony race; left behind on Earth-That-Still-Is)
* The Crybaby which can perfectly duplicate the Sereni-Tree

CallMeAth and Lissa:
* The Sereni-Tree’s Kissies, with soothing medicinal properties

* Serenity's garden in one of the cargo bays
* Serenity’s nest in the observation lounge
* The Baby3000, aka CallMeCharlie, aka CallMeChucky, an evil robotic “practice” baby (destroyed… or IS IT?)

* The band “The Fireflies”
* The Pillow CageyBee
* The Aluminum Foil Dress
* The Saran Wrap Dress (without the gum)

* The Chair of Pleasurable Torture
* Black Jack Silver, mouthpiece parrot(MOSTLY dead; currently plugged into a wall outlet to recharge)
* Cozenants, Cozenroaches, Cozenspiders, and various other Cozenbugs (currently exterminated)
* Piffleponies (yes, it was Cozen; Piffle adopted them immediately, however)
* The Planets of the Cozen Cluster, and everything and everyone found on them, including the BDH clones, Yeti, Windmill Giants, and possibly ImEarly, Ath, Lissa, Serenity, and Needleseye! (The Cluster, planets, and clones are long gone by now, except for Riverclone.)
* The original jaccuzi, and later the vodka attachment to the chocolate jacuzzi
* Twenty finely made katanas acquired on Earth-That-Still-Is, including those of Serenity and Bride2

* The idea of the original “I Am Not A Guy” Clubhouse
* The Treehouse (later converted into the Sereni-Tree Airship)
* The Captain’s Nest under the pool table
* The original Gala Pageant

* Stolen spherical starship (shrunken by Rat and kept in his pocket)
* Nugget the Meteor Troll

EvilSoul, aka the Dark Soul:
* All of our evil dark selves (hopefully gone, but they keep resurfacing)
* The Adelai Niska aka False Sereni-Tree (merged with the Sereni-Tree)

* The structure of the original Clubhouse

* Force Field / Night Sight Gadget

* Nametags of Shapeshifting
* Ocean Cloud class shuttle
* The Somebody Else’s Problem (SEP) field generators, for individuals, for shuttles and for the Sereni-Tree
* Hand-held nukes

* The Elvish Ring of Power “Narya”
* Mallorn tree near the pifflepony ranch

* Knibblet’s Stupendous Sunscreen / Engine Additive / Bug Killer (and probably great as a salad dressing, too!)

* Discovered the Merry-go-round in the ladies’ bathroom aka “the Potty-go-round”

* The Leaf Dress
* The “Land of the Lost” Dimension
* The “Sea of Wings” Dimension, though it already had piratey inhabitants
* MollyTheParrot, cloned from Cozen’s parrot Black Jack Silver
* Automops, along with the related Autospinners
* Pants-less (ie, trouser-less) Twister

* The Fine Art of Thread-jacking
* Mal-Mageddon

Malicious, ManiacNumberOne, PsychicRiver, ThatWeirdGirl, TheRealMe, and others:
* The Sereni-Tree airship (later converted into a starship by TheGreyJedi)

* Butterfly-shaped solar energy collectors (later converted by TRM into thrusters)
* The Willy-Wonka-esque Dream Machine

Montanagirl and Rat:
* Original specs of the General Lee class shuttles of the Sereni-Tree, built by TheGreyJedi

* The pifflepony ranch (scooped up by TheRealMe and stored in a Sereni-Tree cargo bay)

Piffle101 and PsychicRiver:
* “Thingamyjig”, hang glider (crashed on Earth-That-Still-Is next to Reavers)
* “Thingamyjig II”, hover mule stolen to escape Reavers

* The Malcolmettes (gone!)

* Stolen ISSCV dropship

* Array of lower tech weapons for the Sereni-Tree.
* Snarky the Robot, larger and stronger than Sparky; takes the “Three Laws” as guidelines only.

* Shape-shifting formula
* Attack bunnies Archie and Esme, and brood
* Pregnancy-delaying treatments
* Bottomless carry-on bag
* Self-tying silk ropes

* The Effigy of Ebo (later animated by TheRealMe into the Ebo Golem)
* The dimension-hopping Blue Box
* The zero-gee blob of “Abyss” fluid
* Sonic screwdriver

* Specialized trick arrows
* The Firefly class ship Destiny's Shadow, piloted by the disembodied head of Succatash in a jar
* The Dark Soul (probably still floating around, somewhere)
* Phantom (ditto)

* Guacamole Punch

* Spam-slinging guns
* The Secret Cryogenics Lab of the Insidious Doctor Rat
* Discovery of the Windmill Giants of Black Diamond
* Shrinking technology (used on shuttles Lee and Napoleon, Emma’s ship, and Wendel the Windmill Giant)

* Com-links
* The Sereni-Tree’s piloting and navigational computer, which has a voice like Eddy Izzard doing an impression of James Mason

* Pepsimilk
* The hula-hoop weapon
* Calvin-Ball-Pie-Throwing-Twister
* The stolen shuttle used to escape the Alliance Cruiser Tripoli
* POSSIBLY the chocolate jacuzzi? I don’t recall who invented it, but TWG is a good bet

ThatWeirdGirl and Malicious:
* The idea for the Sereni-Tree airship, aka “The Floating Treehouse” (Malicious insisted that it float on AIR, due to her tendency toward sea-sickness).
* Seven Brides (Bride1 is mostly dead and currently stored in cryo)

* The original Spam-slinging Trebuchet, which saw action in the Three Switches War (destroyed due to excessive real-world physics)
* Mighty and Righteous Trebuchet, Hellacious Armament aka “MaRTHA”
* Ballistic Enormous Ranged Tactical Hellacious Armament aka the cannon “BERTHA” (removed to be armament of Aegis)
* The hovering engineering command chair
* The auto-key, which can open any lock (probably in the custody of Jet)
* The Sereni-Tree starship and most of its power plants, drives, and other systems
* The General Lee class shuttles of the Sereni-Tree; (Grant exploded, but three others remain)
* Stolen Alliance fighter, later named Nandi by Seryn and used by her
* The Gravity Drive, aka Ether Drive, of the Sereni-Tree
* The book Bride4 calls “Grey’s Anatomy”, a complete specification of all the Sereni-Tree’s technomagic devices
* The observation lounge on the Sereni-Tree’s roof
* Diagnostic Repair Drones, aka DRDs
* Mecha “Aegis” (lost in a singularity)
* Super-mecha “MegaDeus”

* The Mechana-Cabana-Boy 3000 aka Sparky the Robot (and Sparky’s backup-bots)
* The “Whack-a-Fox-Executive” game (destroyed by an Edritch Horror; rebuilt)
* The stable dimensional portal to Zoid’s Pub at the Bottom of the Tree
* The Dimension that sells bottled Pepsimilk
* The Dimension where money really does grow on trees
* The Purple Dimension, which has the best ice cream… and Eldritch Horrors
* The 1920’s Gangster Dimension, as suggested by Mai
* The Ebo Golem (animated from the Effigy of Ebo built by SimonWho)
* Hi-tech squirt guns
* Butterfly-Shaped Solar-Powered Reactionless Thrusters (from Maniac’s invention)
* The Attire of Protective Black Ribbons, including Montanagirl’s ribbon
* A Magical Wish-Granting Plank (found in a thread dedicated to Malicious, used up by Mai during the Madness of Arkham)
* The FemaleReaver (accidentally created via the Magical Wish-Granting Plank in a thread dedicated to Malicious; squashed by Aegis; mostly dead and stored in cryo)
* Orbital Weather Control Lasers, orbiting around Earth-That-Still-Is (used offensively against EI ships)
* The Chocolate River Digging Machine (last seen being driven off by CageyBee)
* The Butterfly Dress, worn once by Mai
* Re-configurable Bridge Control Stations
* Observatory with huge telescope on the roof of the Sereni-Tree
* EVA pods (four of six were lost during FemaleReaver’s escape)
* First Contact with the Yeti on Black Diamond
* The Grappler Arms of the Sereni-Tree
* The World’s Most Comfortable Chair, a gift to Malicious
* A Bluehands sonic weapon pencil thing, gotten off a defeated Bluehands on Boros
* Mono-molecular blades

* Binary universal solvent

There! Have I forgotten anything?

EDITED to add Destiny's Shadow, and Serenity's Garden. Edited to include more Malicious stuff and Static's creation of the comlink.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 5:02 PM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
When ScorpionRegent returns to Engineering, Jet is waiting for him with a large book sitting on a nearby table. "Here, I just ran off your own copy of 'Grey's Anatomy' for you, including my updates and annotations." She holds up a small crystal. "And here it is on a holocrystal, if you prefer. Complete design schematics of the Sereni-Tree. It's a bad idea for me to be the only one around here with a clue as to how things work."

SR leafs through the tome. "This will help a lot. There is nothing worse than having to reverse engineer a piece of custom made technology under life threatening circumstances all because the creator couldn't be bothered to keep good notes. I'll use the book a lot more than the crystal, but both will be extremely handy. I'm moved by your trust and gift, you do realize how dangerous these could be in the wrong hands? I will keep them both close at hand and safe."


Jet gives him a grin. "So, do you want to learn how to work the hovering Engineering Command chair? Want to take a ride?"

Jet, Bride4

"In all honesty the seniority dictates that the chair should be yours. Also my body is prone to go south if I don't use it. Hence I use things like powerchairs sparingly unless the need is great or the situation dire. So I must decline, but it's awfully cool."
SR can tell that Jett is trying to decide if her feelings should be hurt. He trys a different approach.

"Child I'll just turn into a old fat man in that, but you look cute in it. Get yourself all dressed up and have your hair done you would look down right regal in your own flying throne. 'The Queen of the Machine.'"

Jett's eyes go slightly out of focus and twinkle as she visualizes SR's narrative. SR knows that he has just avoided his first landmine. He gives her a few minutes to day dream while he looks through 'Grey's' and just when he starts to see Jett's attention come back to the now he speaks.

"a ha, I think I found a goood location to hook up a heat exchanger for the still."

Scorpion Regent


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 5:38 PM


Jet smiles at ScorpionRegent. "Silly, the command chair is not a throne, or a toy, or all for show. All ship systems can be tied through that chair. Also, I drove it around while Grey was still here, as did TheRealMe and Needle. It's a tool, and a useful one."

Jet then rises to her full height (which is, frankly, not impressive) and looks up at SR. "Also, don't treat me like a kid, please. I'm not a kid. I'm not even the youngest of the Brides. I have a year or two on Deuce, I think."

SR is still staring at the contents of the large book, looking a little puzzled.

"Oh," she says, "I might not have mentioned that Grey was a technomage and a tech-priest of Mars, whatever that means. Some of his devices require incantations and the like."

Jet, Bride4


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 9:45 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp is now thoruoughly rinsed and sitting in a corner holding doris like a rag doll and telling everyone he can see that:
"i love you!!!(hiccup) Your my best mate!!"
"can someone please remove this drunknen bum from me i far too sophisticated for this"


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 12:31 AM



Originally posted by TheRealMe:
Jet smiles at ScorpionRegent. "Silly, the command chair is not a throne, or a toy, or all for show. All ship systems can be tied through that chair. Also, I drove it around while Grey was still here, as did TheRealMe and Needle. It's a tool, and a useful one."

Jet then rises to her full height (which is, frankly, not impressive) and looks up at SR. "Also, don't treat me like a kid, please. I'm not a kid. I'm not even the youngest of the Brides. I have a year or two on Deuce, I think."

"Do you have any idea how old I am? Of course you don't, because it doesn't show. As far as I'm concerned everybody on this ship is a kid, but that's a good thing because once you get to my age you are either a freak like me or dead. That is if you're human.
I'm sorry I made the error of trying to appeal to your vanity, a ploy that sometimes works for me when I deal with women. It was a mistake it won't happen again. Smear yourself from head to toe in grease for all I care, just mind the carpets and the furniture when you go into someones quarters.
I'll tell you what, you keep the command chair and I'll use Grey's here to get the schematics for the shipboard interfaces and make my own control unit. If I need to move around above my height or put myself in a positon awkward to the force of gravity I'll rig up a repulsor harness."


SR is still staring at the contents of the large book, looking a little puzzled.

"Oh," she says, "I might not have mentioned that Grey was a technomage and a tech-priest of Mars, whatever that means. Some of his devices require incantations and the like."

Jet, Bride4

"Oh that, I have heard of such things. I have never been comfortable with the blending of magic and technology. There are too many people who can't tell the difference to begin with. I like tech, it obeys the laws of physics. I don't like trusting life and limb to magic, because it can't be properly explained, at least to me, and that bothers me. Don't get me wrong I'll use tarot cards and one day I'll learn how to do the I-Ching if I ever get more than three days of down time in a row, but those are for entertainment, not something that I want to trust my life to. There's only one form of magic I'll use to save my life and I wouldn't say I trust it."

Jett takes all this in and decides to play the foil.

"Well you had better believe it. We've been flying around using Grey's technomagic for a long time now."

"And if I don't? Do we fall out of the sky? We seem pretty stable for the moment."


they both start laughing in a low key sort of way.

"I think we could both use a drink so let's hook up that still, eh?" SR suggests.

Jett nods and smiles. "Yeah, let's,"

"After that I have something I want to do with, no strike that, I want to do for Snarky."

"What's that?"

"I going to teach him how to talk."

"Oh that's easy,"

"Yeah in the generic sense, but I want to give him a sense of humor and personality. It will probably be a disaster, but I want to give it a try."

"And you say you don't believe in magic."

"Touche!" SR smiles and then he adopts a false gruff front. "Still! still! We need ethanol!"

Scorpion Regent


Wednesday, May 10, 2006 1:18 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges



Wednesday, May 10, 2006 3:04 AM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by TheRealMe:

There! Have I forgotten anything?

You forgot Destiny's Shadow, piloted by the disembodied head of 'Tash in a jar!!


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."






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