The Sereni-Tree, the Second Gala Pageant, and NO PERIL!

UPDATED: Friday, May 19, 2006 18:45
VIEWED: 20253
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006 6:58 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by TheRealMe:

Rule 6: One round of the Second Gala Pageant will be a Talent Competition, which will involve the contestants doing something. They can sing, or play a musical instrument, or dance, or compose poetry, or juggle, or perform some OTHER entertaining action (I’m thinking specifically about Needy here), or invent some clever device. However, performing a routine as a mime is strictly forbidden!

Thanks TRM. No pressure

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 10:56 AM


/me finds himself hopelessly and helplessly entangled, nearly entombed. he scowls as the boa laughs at him and slithers away. what can he do to pass the time? intellectual persuits will do.


anagrams are fun


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 1:51 PM


Realising everyone is getting ready for the pagent, she wonders whether she should get dressed up a bit even if she's not competing. When Serenity goes to find the girls, she takes the opportunity to run to her room and takes the quickest shower imaginable.

once clean she digs around in her bag and pulls out the the Besson3000 make up flash box, selects 'smoky' 'evening' and set the glitter dial to 'hint', holds it up to her face and presses the button.

Make up done, she does the same with the Besson4Hair. Once her hair is loosely curled and piled up on her head, she musses it a bit (being a person naturally distrustful of neat) and sets to getting dressed.

She briefly consideres wearing a normal dress, but then decided to go for something a bit more dramatic. Pulling a large jar from her bag, she checks the label which read 'concentrated night fall' and opens it. She pours the wispy black stuff over her shoulders, down her front and back, then smoothes the edgeds closed at the side. She spends a few moments playing with necklines, then decides on low backes and high fronted, with long loose sleeves split down the length to reveal her arms, and just caught at the wrists. She sits one of the rabbits on the back of the hem and walks forwards to make a slight train. With the front hitting the floor, she wonders if she needs shoes, but decides to go with a nice strappy silver pair. The material settles, and instead of seeing stuff it appears as though she is covered over with a deep black void in which, every so often, stars seem to twinkle.

Contents with the classy elegant effect, she finishes of with a pair of earrings made from long silver strands caging a pair of diamonds (one of her best steals ever) and walks back to the common room.

On the way she hear muffles cries, and watches in amazement as a large boa slithers past.

Grabbing it and attempting to talk soothingly to it with outs its body ruining her dress, she follows the cries to another room.

"Oh dear.... do you need a hand?"

(ooc - yes, the dress is made from night. Anyone getting all smart and attemptingto use a torch to get a free view beware - I may just be waring my worst most hinky granny underwear, blindness, even 100 years of abstinence is preferrable to seeing that. You've been warned)

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 2:13 PM


yeah, a hand would be much appreciated. heck, i'd even go for a foot.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 2:20 PM


Seryn proffers a hand.

Then sees the mess he's gotten himself into with his dress. She thinks for a moment, feeds his hand through one loop and pulls his leg out of another, then grabs a bit of dress near his waist and gives it a quick tug.
The dress loosens then settles to fit him, she pull his hand back through the loop and does the buttons up in the back.

"There you go!"

LMD starts to massage the circulation back into his extremities, while she hangs the sleeping boa around his neck.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 2:42 PM


Wow...I really appreciate what you girls go through now to look "pretty."

Where'd you find the boa? I'm going to have to give him a stern talking to when he wakes...


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 4:06 PM


Shadow and Ghost ran through the halls screaming, still afraid that the monster was after them. Ghost saw Mrs. Serenity first running straight to her and clinging to the woman’s legs and Shadow’s arm tightly.


Originally posted by CallMeSerenity:
*Walking down a hallway, Serenity is suddenly brought to a halt by two small figures running into her. Looking down, she sees Shadow and Ghost, both looking terrified. Ghost is clinging both to her legs and to Shadow with a fierce intensity.*

There you two are! I was looking for you. What's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost!

*Her small attempt at humor doesn't have any effect on the girls, who both look up at her with huge eyes. She does what she can to disentangle Ghost and squat down to the girls' eye level.*

GIrls, you're safe now. Tell me what scared you.

Ghost threw her arms around Mrs. Serenity and hid her face in the woman’s neck as her screams began to subside and she began sobbing instead. Shadow wasn’t in much better shape than her younger sister, though her screams had died down she had grabbed mrs Serenity’s arm, Speaking almost incoherently through her fear.

“A...a….a…bi…big,….and it….was…and the room…..m…m…monster!”

(OT: lol loved this line

Originally posted by TheRealMe:
She looked down at the two girls and thought to herself... "Leashes..."



Wednesday, May 17, 2006 5:20 PM


While waiting for the festivites to begin the 3 fajitas he ate begin to take their toll on Jazaf.
" sleepy...."
In no time at all Jazaf takes a siesta.

Mystery Man on the Sereni-Tree
Navigator on Destiny
what? Everyone's doing it!


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 6:06 PM



Originally posted by LightMeDark:
Where'd you find the boa? I'm going to have to give him a stern talking to when he wakes...

/me wakes the beast that lies across his shoulders and scolds it, perhaps a bit more fiercely than needed. The Boa sulks, then takes off to make mischief.

the boa slithers it's way to the place from whence it came, that darling girl. seeing her, the boa moves quickly forward in anticipation and lunges...

...right onto mai's legs


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 6:15 PM



*The zipper begins to ease back down, as JadeHand reaches to turn up the ceiling fan.*

"Oh how thoughtful of you."
*feels only slightly cooler*, the dress zipper sliding down slowly, getting caught just in the middle.

*just as Mai tries to wriggle free of the confounding fabric she feels something brush her leg and looks down*

"What the...?"

*passes out*

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 6:41 PM


Not the first woman to pass out at the sight of my.... Snake? Oh my. Now where did you come from?

*JadeHand reaches down and takes the boa by the neck and begins to disentwine it from Mai's leg. Collecting the reptile, JadeHand escorts the intruder into a nearby empty box, and covers the box with something heavy. He ponders briefly the fight between the boa and the vorpal bunnies before shrugging and returning to Mai's side. He lifts her up from the floor and lays her out on her bed. Jadehand reaches into his bag and pulls out a small kit with a big red + on it. Opening the kit, he retrieves a small item and breaks it in half, waving the smelling salts under her nose, she rouses.*

Welcome back. Where were we?

"So I talked about conscience and I talked about pain And he looked out the window and it started to rain
I thought maybe I've already gone crazy
So I reached for a bottle and he reached for the door And I picked up the sleeping pills crushed on the floor
Inviting me to a casual obscenity."
-Blind Curve(Misplaced Childhood)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 9:01 PM


Ummm... hi.

*whispers* I'm not sure if your aware,but your not wearing anything.

Isn't there a gala we should be getting to soon-ish?

And also why did that snake have feathers?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006 10:42 PM


Before heading back to the common room Seryn thinks, then returns to her room and collects the Besson make-up and hair boxes, just for others to use if they want to.

She twitches the night about a bit, encouraging tendrils to grow up he skin at the back and making the shoulder connnections a little more delicate, then heads off to the common room.

I the corridor near her destination she comes across Serenity talking down an extremely upset Ghost and Shadow, so she attempts to go with her usual tactic of distract them, then get the details when they are calm.

"Girls! There you are? Oh dear, you look like you didn't have a good trip. Are you ok?

They look around them and Shadow gives a tentative nod.

"Why don't you tell Serenity and I all about it while you are trying on your new dresses? Come on"

Together the lead the two girls back to the common room, and whilst Serenity shows the girls the purchases they made and the new clothes and shoes they bought the girls, Seryn sets about cleaning and styling their hair with the flash boxes, eagerly keeping an ear out for when they want to talk about what happened.

(sorry, I think they are going to start the pagent soon, and I didn't want you to miss it. Plus, Shoes! lets get to the bit where you open your presents!) :D

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Thursday, May 18, 2006 1:46 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp walks around the ship and observes everyone getting ready and begins to think that his little lacy black thing that he cant remember getting into will be shown up.
He quickly returns to his room and begins to ponder how to use his talents and equipment to hand to manke a dress.

He was very content in his masculinity and as he stood there completely naked he realised he may need some help filling out the upper portion of any dress he made.

Therefore he reached into his bag and pulled out a silver breifcase which he placed on his bed.
As he opened it (in true mad scientist style) 1000's of testtubes and bottles and chemicals flew out of the tardis of a breifcase and set up a fully functioning lab around his room.

"Okay job one boobs job two dress"

Wisp began playing round with organic molecules and invented the WOMANIFIER PILL!!!!
Guaranteed to turn any man into a woman for 24 hours (but a full transformation back again)

Wisp then started playing around with some fabrics and dyes and things and started constructing the ultimate dress.
In a large barrel wisp placed his little black lacy dress and unwove it into threads. Then he threw in some shirts to add spare material.

He poured in many starnge chemicals and other such guff and produced many strange clouds of smoke that wirled around the ship.
When He had done he extracted the long flowing sleveless gown and marveled at its wonder. It was designed to appear in a miriad of colours from evry angle.
When swayed around it looked like a moving rainbow of glitter and sparkle.

Wisp took a Womanifier pill and watched as his hair grew stubble disappeared and breasts grew then donned his dress and called himself Wispette for the duration of the pageant.

He was stunning and feminine (But inwardly still a Masculine man)


Thursday, May 18, 2006 3:28 AM



Originally posted by Aprilise:

GIrls, you're safe now. Tell me what scared you.

“A...a….a…bi…big,….and it….was…and the room…..m…m…monster!”

A monster? Oh dear!

*Serenity gives the girls a little hug.*

I'm sorry something scared you, but I have to tell you, we have VERY strict rules against monsters on this ship. They are NOT allowed. We have a dinosaur and some yeti and my brother (have you ever seen him first thing in the morning? SCARY!!) But absolutely no monsters, I promise you. So, if you can try to tell me what this monster looked like, I can try to figure out exactly what it was. And if it IS a monster, well, then, we'll get Captain Ebo to make it go away. Sound good?


In the corridor near her destination she comes across Serenity talking down an extremely upset Ghost and Shadow, so she attempts to go with her usual tactic of distract them, then get the details when they are calm.

"Girls! There you are? Oh dear, you look like you didn't have a good trip. Are you ok?

They look around them and Shadow gives a tentative nod.

"Why don't you tell Serenity and I all about it while you are trying on your new dresses? Come on"

Together the lead the two girls back to the common room, and whilst Serenity shows the girls the purchases they made and the new clothes and shoes they bought the girls, Seryn sets about cleaning and styling their hair with the flash boxes, eagerly keeping an ear out for when they want to talk about what happened.

So, Shadow, which outfit do you like better? The blue chinese pants set with the matching slippers, or this nice white dress with the black poofy skirt and the big sash and these black patent leather shoes? You get to wear whatever you want!

Seryn? Ghost says she doesn't want curls in her hair.

Seryn? Can I have curls in MY hair?

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Thursday, May 18, 2006 4:14 AM


Hi. well, let's handle these in reverse order.

I'm not sure why the snake had feathers, maybe it's a bola constrictor? but it's safely contained and I'll remove it as I depart.

Gala? Well, I don't have a swimsuit for that part of the competition, and no real talent that I can demonstrate publicly. I'm more of a private show kind of guy. We might be late to the show.

As for your first point, it's completely natural to become a little uncomfortable when there's a difference in states of dress between two people. No worries. I aim to bring a balance to that situation real soon.

*JadeHand climbs up onto the bed and positions himself on his knees at the foot of the bed looking down on Mai. He carefully removes the items he had planned to wear to the gala and sets them on the floor. As he raises back up, he sets his briefcase beside him and opens it. His hands hit the matress by her hips as he draws his body over hers. His hands take the green farbric at her shoulders and slips it over them and off of her arms, slowly dragging it down under her hips and off of her body. The green dress is hung over the top of one of the tall bed posts at the foot of the bed. He reaches into the case beside him and pulls out several long straps. JadeHand stretches out his body and reaches up, pulling the chain on the fan that turns off the lights.*

"So I talked about conscience and I talked about pain And he looked out the window and it started to rain
I thought maybe I've already gone crazy
So I reached for a bottle and he reached for the door And I picked up the sleeping pills crushed on the floor
Inviting me to a casual obscenity."
-Blind Curve(Misplaced Childhood)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Thursday, May 18, 2006 4:32 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

OOC: Uh...bah...uh...


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Thursday, May 18, 2006 4:48 AM


OOC: Okay, there is a thing happening, the grommets are always getting lost, but can somebody tell me if we have landed yet so I can start mounting catapaults to the hull?

Scorpion Regent


Thursday, May 18, 2006 6:07 AM



Originally posted by montanagirl:
*mg strolls back to the common room....*

*Hastily hides Amazon enabled "NASCAR Explained For Retards Measured At IQ Levels Below That Of Cucumber".*

Er, good to have you back... on the ship....


Thursday, May 18, 2006 6:11 AM



Originally posted by Jadehand:
*JadeHand climbs up onto the bed and positions himself on his knees at the foot of the bed looking down on Mai. He carefully removes the items he had planned to wear to the gala and sets them on the floor. As he raises back up, he sets his briefcase beside him and opens it. His hands hit the matress by her hips as he draws his body over hers. His hands take the green farbric at her shoulders and slips it over them and off of her arms, slowly dragging it down under her hips and off of her body. The green dress is hung over the top of one of the tall bed posts at the foot of the bed. He reaches into the case beside him and pulls out several long straps. JadeHand stretches out his body and reaches up, pulling the chain on the fan that turns off the lights.*

Heh. Ain't palm sized digicams wonderful?


Thursday, May 18, 2006 6:17 AM


*the lights go out*

Gala? What gala? I hate dressing up anyhow.


Heh. Ain't palm sized digicams wonderful?

Do you feel like were being watched? Huh.
Oh well...

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Thursday, May 18, 2006 8:00 AM


*looks around*

Where did Mai go? She said she had a dress for me and that she'd be back soon.


First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Thursday, May 18, 2006 8:11 AM


(going back just a little)

*summons sparky to her room. "I need you to deliever this box to Serenity. It has her gala outfit in it so be very careful with it."

Sparky: You should not worry. If it wrinkles I have full dry cleaning capabilities.

"No I mean be careful, it might explode. See the warning label: DO NOT SHAKE CONTAINER, CONTENTS UNDER PRESSURE MAY GO BOOOOOOOOM!" In fact, maybe you'd ought to open it for her. You know far away from everyone. Then make sure she gets all the fabric-y stuff and the instructions."


*slams the door shut*

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:49 AM


Feeling badly about his unjust grilling of the boa, El heads to his room but not before first stopping by the bar where he grabbed a couple of the seemingly endless supply of bottled booze stored there.

Upon reaching his room he dons a pair of headphones and sets in motion one of his favorite playlists...a list full of musical gnats (anagrams are fun (again)). He busts out the 99 Bananas and other assorted drinks before letting the energy trapped inside free...

-edit- grr, can't really see the headphones on the banana due to the black background ;F


Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:54 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

OOC: I have nothing to add, which kinda sucks, considering that I'll be on vacation 'til next Wednesday!! Serenity knows what will be my dress (yes, I'm competing), and until I return, I am your puppet!! Have fun, and namaste. (Losties'll get that last one)


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Thursday, May 18, 2006 4:35 PM


Shadow and Ghost calmed down as Mrs. Seryn and Mrs. Serenity dressed them. Shadow in the blue Chinese pants set, her hair lightly curled and held in a half pony tail with a butterfly clip. Ghost, after a quick trip to the restroom, had quickly been redressed out of that poofy pepto bismol pink lacy dress Mrs. Bobbi had dressed her in, was now dressed to match her sister, in a blue Chinese style dress with a white dragon on it, her hair had been uncurled from the tight curls Mrs. Bobbi had put in and now was French braided, blue ribbons that matched her outfit woven into the braid. Both girls wore blue slippers that matched their outfits.

Shadow knew she shouldn’t have accepted the outfits, but there was no way she was going to refuse them, the ladies had been so nice to her and Ghost, and she hoped at least she would be able to find a way to pay them for the outfits. Looking over at her sister she had to smile, she had forgotten how pretty Ghost could be when cleaned up, both of them were too used to running around in the rags she had grabbed from their last foster home. Sadness came over Shadow as that thought entered her head. Poor Ghost, sometimes she thought it would have been better if Ghost had gone with their parents, that there had been no other survivors.

Sometimes she wished she didn’t have to be the grown up.

Like with that monster, she would have liked to be cuddled like they did to calm Ghost down, She didn’t want to be the one to explain what they saw or what they were even doing alone in the first place. She didn’t want to have to be the one to explain why they were stowing away, or why Ghost didn’t talk. But it would be up to her to do all of that when the time came, because she was the oldest, because she talked and Ghost didn’t, because she had to take care of her sister. It was times like this that made her miss their older brother the most. He had disappeared a year before “it” happened to go to school. He was supposed to protect her, he was supposed to make sure she was safe. But he wasn’t around and She had no idea even where to start finding him.

Feeling a tear run down her cheek she quickly wiped it away, hoping one of the adults hadn’t seen it. Crying was a weakness, she shouldn’t cry. She had to be brave and she had to be the adult.

Taking a few deep breaths she plastered a fake smile on her face and took a good look at the silliness around her. She didn’t quite know what was going on but the adults seemed to be having fun. Her eye caught something coming towards the entry to the common room making her freeze before taking a step towards her sister and grabbing the younger girls hand. Her gaze never leaving the large figure coming closer and closer.

Ghost noticed her sister’s gaze and whimpered a little as the duo hid once again behind Seryn and Serenity as their monster appeared in the doorway.


Thursday, May 18, 2006 4:58 PM



Taking a few deep breaths she plastered a fake smile on her face and took a good look at the silliness around her. She didn’t quite know what was going on but the adults seemed to be having fun. Her eye caught something coming towards the entry to the common room making her freeze before taking a step towards her sister and grabbing the younger girls hand. Her gaze never leaving the large figure coming closer and closer.

Ghost noticed her sister’s gaze and whimpered a little as the duo hid once again behind Seryn and Serenity as their monster appeared in the doorway.

As McQ enters the common room Serenity turns around and asks if the little girls are okay as they're hiding behind her again. Shadow shook her head and held out a trembling hand pointing towards the door.

"What is it, sweetie?" Serenity asks.

"M-m-monster!!" Shadow replies with her voice quivering.

McQ stops and turns around looking for this so-called monster, then realized the scared little girl was referring to him.

"Sweetie, that's not a monster. That's - umm - I'm sorry, I don't think we've been formally introdced," Serenity says. "My name is Serenity."

The cyborg approaches and introduces himself. "I'm known as McQ. Nice to meet you - formally." He then gets down on one knee and faces Shadow and Ghost who are still hiding behind Serenity. "I didn't mean to scare you earlier. I'm not going to harm you. I know I seem big and scary but I use that against the bad people." McQ holds out a robotic hand to show Shadow he can be trusted. She shakes her head and refuses to touch McQ's hand. He looks up to Serenity who looks down to him.

"I guess it'll take a while for them to get used to you," she says sweetly.

McQ stands up. "I can't blame them for that, I mean, look at me." He looks down to Shadow again. "I swear I won't hurt you. Hopefully you'll come to trust me at some point."

Seeing there's a lot of sillyness in the room, McQ turns around and heads out the door he came in, hoping to find something a little more to his liking.


Thursday, May 18, 2006 6:17 PM


“Wow!” Jet exclaims. “Go Jadehand! Go Mai!”

Still damp from her shower and clad only in a towel, Quincey walks up and looks over her friend’s shoulder. “Where are you getting this video from, Jet?”

“I just tapped into a feed from Cozen’s camera. He always finds the best stuff to record.” She turns off the vid. “We’ll give them some privacy. Are you ready?”

“Right, I’ve just showered and I’m drying off now. You promised me that if I came down here to Engineering, you could fix me up with some stunning, sexy outfit for the Gala Pageant.”

Jet smiles. “This way!” She leads Quincey toward a nearby Diagnostic Repair Drone.

“Not that I have any doubts about my looks,” Quincey adds as they are walking. “I’m easily the most beautiful woman in this place, and I have a fantastic body. It’s just… well… there are some pretty awesome dresses being created up there. I don’t want to fall behind.”

“Uh huh,” Jet replies, not really listening. She reaches into a pocket on her dirty coveralls and pulls out a holocrystal. She plugs this into a data port on the DRD. Then she starts screwing canisters into other receptacles on the robot. “Red and black should do the job, nicely, I think,” Jet mutters to herself. To Quincey: “Lose the towel.”

Quincey tosses the towel aside and stands there naked. “Okay, but…”

“And hold your breath!” Jet pushes a button on the DRD and jumps back. A pair of long tentacles shoot out from the DRD, each with a nozzle on its tip. Quincey is suddenly enveloped in a cloud of mist as her outfit for the Gala Pageant is sprayed on with mechanical precision.

Jet, Bride4 and
Quincey, Bride5


Thursday, May 18, 2006 6:19 PM


People in the Sereni-Tree’s common room can hear a rukus coming from the attached water park. “All scrub Ervin! Scrub Ervin harder!” There is also much splashing. Anyone investigating will discover the five Yeti in the water park, along with their friend Nugget the Meteor Troll. One of the Yeti is in the Olympic sized swimming pool. Nugget and the other Yeti are on the deck surrounding it, wielding brushes on extended poles like halberds, trying to clean their companion. Apparently, huge quantities of soap have been dumped in the pool, causing lather to foam up and cover everything. “Ervin be clean. Ervin be pretty. For big party.”


Thursday, May 18, 2006 6:20 PM



ScorpionRegent wrote:
OOC: Okay, there is a thing happening, the grommets are always getting lost, but can somebody tell me if we have landed yet so I can start mounting catapaults to the hull?

SimonWho and Montanagirl have already been playing on the long-abandoned swing attached to the Tree, so I believe that somehow, the Sereni-Tree has found its way home and landed in the Tree. It is once again a treehouse.


Thursday, May 18, 2006 6:23 PM



Originally posted by superpup:
Can just anyone join this shindig? 'Cause I think I have a mighty fine dress that can be put to use.


Yes, Pup, you are welcome to join us.

TheRealMe, First Officer of the Sereni-Tree


Thursday, May 18, 2006 6:39 PM



Originally posted by mai:
*the lights go out*

Gala? What gala? I hate dressing up anyhow.

Do you feel like were being watched? Huh.
Oh well...

There's a gala? Must've slipped my mind. It's very slippery. Well lubricated one might say, and one would not be mistaken. Yes, not much for the dressing either. Speaking of which....

*A few quick motions with his hands across her body and the final garments are flung to the side, unfortunately landing across the lens of a small digicam*

Select to view spoiler:

What? You thought I was going to get into great detail here?

*Hours later as their breathing slowly returns to normal, wrists shake at the straps holding them to the bed posts. The shadowy figure on top stretches out and pulls at the chain, turning the lights back on. Mai looks down at the soaked body of JadeHand. A smile on her face. She steps to the floor and slaps him on the hip, as she pulls the straps free.*

"ok," She says, "Quick shower and we might still make the gala."

*She strolls into the bathroom as he claws his way to the floor and follows the sound of the water washing the sweat away. He climbs inside with her.*

"Don't give me what's in the window, babe
I want the stuff you think would never sell
Whatcha have under the counter on the bottom shelf?
I'll buy the lowdown deepdown primal truthful self ."
-The Damage(Marbles)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Thursday, May 18, 2006 6:54 PM



"ok," She says, "Quick shower and we might still make the gala."

*turns around as Jade enters,looking him up and down*

Or maybe we won't make it at all.

Of course it would be such a shame letting that lovely costume of yours go to waste. Maybe we had better make an appearnce. That is if your up to it?

Mai, Secretary of Unmentionables.


Friday, May 19, 2006 12:26 AM


SR passing through the common room on his way outside to rig up catapaults with Snarky, notices the little girls with Seryn and CMS. He walks over and produces from his pocket a pair of shiny pendants on neck chains.
"These are for the girls. They are something I knocked together in the last few days. I have just been too busy lately to give them till now. They are smart dog tags. They register anywhere aboard the ship so if you need to find the girls you only need look on your comm-link and they will show up on the interactive map of the ship. There is a tiny button hidden behind a protective cover to prevent accidental activation. If they are ever lost, if, that's a joke, when thay get lost, they need only push the button and Sparky, Snarky or a DRD will come and guide them back to their quarters or where ever they want to go, within reason. If you want to give them full fledged comm-links that's up to you, but I figured this will keep them found for now. In time they will learn the ship better than any of us, but until that day...,"

The the pendants have the names 'Shadow" and "Ghost" respectively written on them in chinese on one side and english on the other.

Scorpion Regent


Friday, May 19, 2006 2:06 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wispette Walked out of his room wearing his/her new chemical dress and boobs with mkeup and flowing black locks to his/her feminine bum.

"When does this thing START???"


Friday, May 19, 2006 4:02 AM



Originally posted by mai:
Of course it would be such a shame letting that lovely costume of yours go to waste. Maybe we had better make an appearnce. That is if your up to it?

Yes, it would be a shame. We'll make an appearance.

*Exhausted but clean, they step out of the shower. Somehow, they manage to get dry and dressed. JadeHand, dressed as Dr. Frankenfurter, and Mai in a lovely green, slick, slinky dress, stumble into the hallway. They make it to the common room and to the bar for a round of drinks as the others begin to arrive for the Gala.*

"Don't give me what's in the window, babe
I want the stuff you think would never sell
Whatcha have under the counter on the bottom shelf?
I'll buy the lowdown deepdown primal truthful self ."
-The Damage(Marbles)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Friday, May 19, 2006 5:42 AM


*Serenity takes each of the girls by the hand.*

McQ is big and scary looking, but it just goes to show you can't always judge people by what they look like. Remember when I got kidnapped by that bad man and people had to go rescue me? He was one of those people that came to save me. That was a very nice thing to do, wasn't it? And you know, Frederick, our dinosaur, is big and scary looking, too, but he's really nice. He likes to eat my rhubarb. I'll have to introduce you to him sometime.

But not right now! Because here we have two BEAUTIFUL little girls all dressed up to go to the Gala and here I am, wearing overalls! I have to get ready myself!

*Just then, Sparky walks in carefully carrying a box. He hands it carefully to CMS.

Serenity, Mai wishes you to have this.

*Serenity takes the box.*

Is it my dress? Thank you, Sparky!! Just in time!

*Serenity takes the box and heads to her room to change, leaving Seryn and the girls to head to the Gala by themselves. She arrives to find Soul sitting around, reading a book.*

Hey you! Why aren't you ready yet? The Gala's starting any minute!

*Soul looks up from his book.* I couldn't figure out how to get my outfit on.

*CMS grins as she rummages around in the box and pulls out a large book with the words "IMPORTANT! READ FIRST" written in bright letters across the top.*

Well, I'll help, but only if you read me the directions to my dress while I do your makeup.

Soul: Deal.

20 minutes later, Soul and Serenity emerge into the hallway. Serenity's magic dress has transformed itself into a short sleeveless pale aqua coloured dress made of silk and feathers. It blends seamlessly into her wings, making it hard to tell where her wings end and the dress begins.

With her is a mermaid. A shell bra'ed, long haired, green-tailed mermaid.

It's hard to walk in this thing.* Soul complains, trying to hold his tail up.*

Try being 8 months pregnant. *CMS shoots back.*

Have I told you how beautiful you look today?

Yes you have, but you can tell me again. Now, we must both waddle faster, or we'll be late.

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Friday, May 19, 2006 8:01 AM


(ooc- you two are quickly becoming my favorite couple ever, your even overtaking Richard and Barbara Good, and that takes some doing.)

Seryn accepts the dog tags and smiles at SR, she stands tall, still and straight backed, the concentrated night being a material that required disciplin, head held high and back to prevent the curls piled atop her head from becoming a lopsided birdsnest before the gala had even started. The effect was happily quite elegant and graceful, but judging by the look on SR's face, also quite cold and arrogant. She remembers why she was mad at him, then decides that she truly can't be bothered.

Not wanting to risk her dress with an embrace, the leans in kisses him lightly on the jaw, fully aware of the huge change their working relationship had undergone. She smiles, then sighs.

"Thank you, they are, thoughtful, and beautifully made."

She pauses, and when he doesn't say anything she bends to fasten the tags around Ghosts neck.

"I wanted to ask you a favour... can we... make a fresh start? Its perfectly obvious that i'm no longer your captain, I don't think the old dynamic was meant to last anyway. So."

She pauses, then starts again with a stronger voice.

"So I guess I won't be seeing you around much, what with your new projects and, well, mine. So please, take the shoes I bought for you and have fun in engineering."

She looks towards the stage

"I take it you wont be staying for the show? You didn't have to take part, i'm not, but it was a chance to get all pretty and well, it should be a laugh..."

She leaves it hanging and smiles, indicates the box still by her chair and leads the girls over towards the seating constructed for the Gala, admiring shoes with Shadow and explaining to them how to use their new jewellry.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Friday, May 19, 2006 8:06 AM


(OOCness: Aw, thanks Seryn!

Who are Robert and Barbara Good anyway?)

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Friday, May 19, 2006 8:10 AM


(From The Good Life, a tv show from the seventies about them trying to live self sufficiently, they're just the perfect married couple, even when they're arguing about pig poop.)

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Friday, May 19, 2006 8:25 AM


(Were they real people, or were they actors?)

First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Friday, May 19, 2006 8:27 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

The good life is an amazing program!!! Its right up there with Open All Hours and The Two Ronnies!


Friday, May 19, 2006 8:53 AM



First Officer of Destiny
President of The Juggled Gosling Chatroom


Friday, May 19, 2006 9:42 AM


(they were actors, Richard Briars and Felicity Kendal (?)
They were just perfect, but hey, Filling up the tree with telly talk)

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Friday, May 19, 2006 12:15 PM


[OOC: For anyone who'd like to see what a Sereni-Tree shirt looks like in real life, check out my livejournal: Shiny!]

Kelly smiles to herself as Wisp mumbles himself into silence and then whisks himself off to a changing room. She scans the room, looking for Ath, but doesn't see him. Thinking he probably went to find a garter belt, Kelly heads towards his room.

She walks in and finds Ath pulling up black fishnet stockings. He turns to make a sly remark but instead makes a mouth like a fish as he takes in the sight of Kelly's dress.

"Um, did you know you're on fire?" he asks.

"Yes. This is the fire gown--isn't is lovely? The elves have three rings of power: water, air and fire. When I was given Narya, the ring of fire, this gown was made for me to wear on special occasions."

Kelly steps up close to Ath and brings his hand to her hip.

"I control the Ring, and the Ring controls the gown. I am a pillar of light or smoldering heat, whatever pleases me. The fire spreads through the gown at my command, heating or cooling with my desire."

Ath touches the dress and swallows. "Whoa, good gown."

I love my Captain

Check out my Big Damn FF Icons at


Friday, May 19, 2006 6:30 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
(ooc- you two are quickly becoming my favorite couple ever, your even overtaking Richard and Barbara Good, and that takes some doing.)

Seryn accepts the dog tags and smiles at SR, she stands tall, still and straight backed, the concentrated night being a material that required disciplin, head held high and back to prevent the curls piled atop her head from becoming a lopsided birdsnest before the gala had even started. The effect was happily quite elegant and graceful, but judging by the look on SR's face, also quite cold and arrogant. She remembers why she was mad at him, then decides that she truly can't be bothered.

Not wanting to risk her dress with an embrace, the leans in kisses him lightly on the jaw, fully aware of the huge change their working relationship had undergone. She smiles, then sighs.

"Thank you, they are, thoughtful, and beautifully made."

She pauses, and when he doesn't say anything she bends to fasten the tags around Ghosts neck.

"I wanted to ask you a favour... can we... make a fresh start? Its perfectly obvious that i'm no longer your captain, I don't think the old dynamic was meant to last anyway. So."

She pauses, then starts again with a stronger voice.

"So I guess I won't be seeing you around much, what with your new projects and, well, mine. So please, take the shoes I bought for you and have fun in engineering."

She looks towards the stage

"I take it you wont be staying for the show? You didn't have to take part, i'm not, but it was a chance to get all pretty and well, it should be a laugh..."

She leaves it hanging and smiles, indicates the box still by her chair and leads the girls over towards the seating constructed for the Gala, admiring shoes with Shadow and explaining to them how to use their new jewellry.


A tap on her shoulder brings Seryn up short.

"Wait, please." Seryn turns with a eyebrow raised. SR quickly looks to the girls. "Would you young ladies please excuse us, Ms. Seryn and I need to discuss politics for a few minutes. Here," He hands each of them a small child size back packs filled with toys and sweets. "these should keep you entertained for a while."
He indicates the bar might be a more appropriate place to talk and they walk into a, for the moment, empty bar room.
SR turns to Seryn "I'm sure to muck this up, but better it be said wrong than not at all. I am so very sorry for the collosal cluster flok on Commerce. Because of me, You and Serenity were put in such danger. All we ever do is quibble and fight, though if there was ever really bad blood between us, one of us would not be alive here and now. My fondest memory of you, is us laughing together at that table in the commerce marketplace. The next moment all hell is breaking loose again. I try to help, but lately we are like two wolverines sewn into a bag with a cannon ball thrown into a lake. Let there be some peace between us. Maybe we are going different places, but we are still on the same ship. I may be in engineering, but I'm hardly just a engineer. I'll be moving around the ship and so will you. We know where to find one another. We needn't grow into strangers, that wouldn't become us. We can't erase the past, but we can try something new, what ever that maybe. That fine, stunning dress is giving me ideas of the possibilities, but that would be entirely up to you."

SR pauses and he brings the conversation onto a different tack.
"No, I won't be at the shindig, you know me well enough. I wouldn't be comfortable there and I would just make others uncomfortable too. Everyone is entitled to have their fun so you enjoy yourself, meanwhile Snarky and I will be outside making sure that everyone is safe to live and have fun aboard the Tree. If I can't be there having fun, I will do my part to make sure that you can. Besides testing catapaults can be fun. I'll take the boots with much gratitude, as long as you promise me they aren't a parting gift."

Scorpion Regent


Friday, May 19, 2006 6:45 PM







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