Special Branch: Unbound

UPDATED: Friday, June 23, 2006 13:10
VIEWED: 17713
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006 4:00 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
Wisp and the others seem to be intent on a figure near them, With a small gasp, she makes sense of what she is seeing.

Digging in her back she pulls out a dress, and after a thought, and old bottle of linseed oil, and walks over to the naked female made out of a tree.

"Um, hi.... you may want these..."

"and uh, this.."

"Oh thank you, thats very kind ah...?"

"Oh, Seryn. No problem, I ha, have to go back over there now"

She seat herself again, still a little freaked, and wonders if she's way drunker than she thought. She throws the contents of her bottle away, and lays down a little more, and attempts to listen to Needy again.

The plant woman gives all her attention to examining Seryn's gifts. Her brow furrows, and creaks. She looks at the dress, then at the humans about her, then back at the dress.

"Oh! It is a garment!"

She attempts to pull the dress over her head, but the branches sticking out of her head and shoulders make that difficult. She stops when she accidentally breaks off some twigs. Red flower petals fall. Then she attempts to step into the dress, but her roots get in the way. She resorts to wrapping it around her neck as a scarf, covering nothing.

Then the plant woman opens the bottle of linseed oil and gives it an experimental sniff. She shrugs, then takes a sip.

"Oh! Delicious!"

The plant woman makes her way closer to Seryn and starts listening to Needy, taking a sip of the linseed oil at intervals. Finally she points to Needy and looks down at Seryn.

"Hey, he sounds crazy! Is he crazy?"


Thursday, May 18, 2006 12:14 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp woke up at dawn as the sunlight pierced the shuttle door casting an orange beam over his chest. He stirred restlessly and looked around the shuttle, It was empty. Safe and co must have left early on some sort of patrol.

He climbed out of his sleeping bag and opened the door fully. The intense light made him recoil for an instant while his body adjusted to the rays.

The fire was at embers. Citizen and Needy were collapsed in a pile on a nearby log while Seryn had been sober enough to grab a blanket before she collapsed in front of the dying flames.

TheRealTree (OOC THANKYOU IT IS A STROKE OF GENIOUS) Had rooted herself to the spot and was unconsiously bathing in the sun her flowers opening.

ooc will be updated further today

Wisp walked to the fire and threw some small logs on and blew the embers. The glowing coals flickered for a moment the burst into a tiny inferno of miracles.

"No Gadgets required" Said Wisp basking in his own ability.

Seryn stirred from the warmth and rolled over but didnt make the full transition into the waking world.

Wisp collected his Laptop and started making preparations for today. Everyone was going to be busy with something in the repair of the ISSCV both away from and at the ship.

Wisp grabbed a metal plate and started frying yesterdays protein for breakfast hoping the smells would awaken the crew.


Thursday, May 18, 2006 3:47 AM


The plant woman stirs as Wisp stokes the fire. She uproots herself and scurries backward a bit. Very earnestly, she says, "Fire is not funny."


Thursday, May 18, 2006 5:29 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Soul woke slowly, starlight filtering across his features. His brain felt like mush, his thoughts all jumbled. The last thing he remembered...he rescued Serenity...and then the pageant...and now...

"Well, it's about time you woke up!"

Soul eyes shot open, quickly locking onto a head in a jar. In specific, it was the disembodied head of one Succatash, floating in a fluid-filled jar, connected by a series of cables to the main console of...


Soul lept to his feet, and realized with a start that he was standing on the bridge of Destiny's Shadow, his Firefly class ship, and not on the SereniTREE like he remembered.

"Tash, what's going on?"

If he could have shrugged, the head would have. "No idea. Gorram NAVCOM's got a location plugged in, and I can't change our course."

"Where's it taking us?"

"Looks to be Boros."

Soul sat down slowly in the copilot's chair. He didn't know what was going on, what had happened, or why he was in his ship heading away from Serenity. He sighed loudly. 'Tash looked over at him, but kept silent.

"Well," Soul said, "To Boros we go, then."

Destiny's Shadow sailed across the stars.


OOC: I'll get there shortly, then I'm on vacation 'til Tuesday, so I'll be a puppet for you all 'til then! Great thread idea, though!!


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Thursday, May 18, 2006 6:30 PM


Wisp notices the plant woman shying away from the fire. "Don't worry. I'm just getting breakfast ready. I'm only using the fire to cook food."

She edges closer. "Oh. I was asleep. You startled me."

Wisp looks over his shoulder at her. "So, what is your name?"


"What should we call you? You know, when we talk to you?"

The plant woman seems to consider this. “Well, my people identify themselves by individually keyed phermones continually being released among clouds of spores. We always emit them, unless we wish to publicly announce the need for private time. But I do not desire privacy, so I have been emitting them all along. Hmmmm. Maybe your sense of smell isn’t good enough to detect them. I’ll see if I can help.”

The plant woman closes her eyes and stands very still for a moment, and then from her mouth she expels a huge choking cloud of golden pollen. “There! Can you detect that?”

She stares, puzzled, as the humans around her gasp for breath, rub their watering eyes, and move away to get some clean air. She frowns. “That did not seem to work well. Perhaps I can identify myself by a name of sonic nature, so as to be more convenient to you.”


Thursday, May 18, 2006 6:38 PM


Later, after the cloud of spores disperse and everyone has returned to their tasks...

The plant woman ponders her situation. “Well, it is quite a dilemma for me to pick a sonic-based name. You see, the phermones of my people are quite specific in identifying who we are and what type of person we are. Your sonic names seem, well, curt to me. Simpleminded, even. And while I can understand how you might acquire names like ‘Needy’ or ‘Citizen’ or ‘Bear’ or ‘Grunt’ or ‘Safe’, the meanings of others like ‘Jennings’ and ‘Wisp’ and ‘Seryn’ escape me. Oh, unless that is short for ‘Will-o-the-Wisp’.”

Bear looks up from what he is doing. “So, tree girl, what does your name mean among your folk? Maybe we can help you come up with something.”

“Oh, well, it is hard to exactly translate the meaning of my personal phermones. Let me see. More or less, it means, ‘Young adult female who greets the sunrise with uplifted arms and who grows blossoms that resemble roses in sight and scent, and who can move from a rooted existence to walk among the spreaders of pollen to satisfy her curiosity.’ Yes. It is something very close to that.”

“A little long,” protests Grunt.

Bear shrugs, but does not look up from his work. “Rosie Walker,” he suggests.


Thursday, May 18, 2006 8:46 PM


Hearing the gabble of voices Seryn goes form happily dreamy to awake and in denial. After laying there, head squished uncomfortably against a log and one hip bone protesting the hard ground, she eventually works around to the fact that no matter what her brain says, its time to get up.
She throws off the blanket, fighting the urge to hurt the talkers and staggering a little. With the fingers of one hand she massages the dead hip, and with the heel of the other rubs at her eyes and face and yawns. Rounding the fire she attempts to grin a 'mornin' at the crew. Then she stops dead.

An action quickly followed by a convulsive step backwards, a comedic double take and lots more eye rubbing.

"oh my god you're real..." she deadpans "am I still drunk? Oh er, hi, I need.. to... wet... soap... bye."

She moves towards the slightly bigger ship, female intuition telling her it has better bathroom facilities, and wanders in to find a shower. Inside she locates the crew quarters and finding the least used looking room dives into the shower, quick as possible, not stopping to conduct her usual routine of try out face lifts and crazy hair do's in the mirror, nor even bothering with the lights. She dresses in clothes a little more suited to the hauling about of things, then steps out into the bright morning sunlight.

"Oh, boy. So, plan of action for today would be?"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Friday, May 19, 2006 12:14 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

AS the crew begin to congragate around the fire taking advantage of the leftovers on the fire, Wisp steps forward to the head of the group.

"Okay we have a job to do today. The ISSCV is busted but i've made a list of the parts we need and theres a junkyard on the other side of town.

"Were gonna split into three teams" Says Wisp adressing the group. He turns to Seryn "Can you and Citizen take the Nandi into town and find these items" He hands her a leather bound book with a list of items on the front remaining page "They have to be new so heres some cash that i carry as well"

He turns to Safe "Can you Bear Jenkins Grunt and miss Rosie start making whatever repairs you can without parts. Electrics and the like"

"Finally Me and Needy are going to the Scrapyard. We'll use my side to side transporter because its not far"

"Youve thought this through" says Safe "Ill go along this time but your not the volunteered leader just the tech-guy understand?"

"Yes. And for future reference id like to rename the ISSCV The Epsilon if you agree Boss?"

"Ill think about it" Safe relpied while turning away

"Ok people Lets Move!"

(OOC-ok i wont dictate what happens in each micro adventure but ill write mine and Needys adventure and everyone else can do whatever they want Safe/TRM-at ship Seryn/Citizen-in town Me/Needy-scrappers


Friday, May 19, 2006 2:36 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

As Seryn took off in the Nandi Needy walked/stumbled over to Wisp rubbing his head.

"hey your a sciency guy do you have anything for hangovers?" Asked Needy

"Sure ive got two things one's really good the others okay?"

"Ill take the good one please"

Wisp beckoned Needy in close so as if Wisp was going to whisper it to him
"DONT DRINK!!!!" Shouted Wisp with obvious humour as Needy recolied to the floor in pain. Wisp laughed thourghly then crouched down and extracted a small metal tube (Like a smarty tube only silver) with a small hole in one end. he pressed a few buttons on the side and pressed it into his neck.

Needy felt the mark and then stood up.
"The pain its gone!!!"

"I know"

"No i mean my pain its all gone!!!"

"Intresting. unfortunately i can only give you one of those a week and it'll wear off after about 6hours"

"What is it?"

"Big words like neurotransmitter antagonist you wouldnt understand. Now come on"

Wisp extracted his laptop and typed in some buttons and the pair appeared in a an open patch of ground surrounded by scrap as far as the eye could see

"Okay where do we start?"


Friday, May 19, 2006 1:16 PM


“Since when does he give the orders Safe?” Jennings growls as he watches the two figures disappear and the Nandi fly off into the distance.

Safe shrugs his shoulders. “It’s a sound plan. Nobody knows how to get the best of a trade better than Citizen. And I’d say Seryn’s a fair hand at it too. And it’s not like Needy can hurt himself at the scrap yard, though I would’ve like to have sent Grunt instead...”

“Enough belly-achin’ we got work to do. The less time we spend on this rock the better I like it.” Grunt disappears into the ISSCV to work on the Nav-Com while Jennings begrudgingly helps Bear with the torch repairing the ISSCV’s exterior.

Turning to the plant woman, Safe raises an eyebrow “Umm… Rosie is it? Look…” Safe scratches his head “…I’m not sure what exactly you are, to tell the truth, and I have no inkling as to what you can do.”

Rosie smiles back at Safe.

“Umm… right…well… I’ll be over there helping those guys fix that ship.”

Rosie continues to smile.

Meanwhile, the Destiny's Shadow speeds closer. The crew can only sit back and be passengers. Soul takes this time to catch up with his old crew, and they with him.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, May 19, 2006 3:38 PM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by safeat2nd:

Meanwhile, the Destiny's Shadow speeds closer. The crew can only sit back and be passengers. Soul takes this time to catch up with his old crew, and they with him.

OOC: Hey, I didn't know I had a crew! And yes, I know I'm supposed to be on vacation. I just can't tear myself away!!

It was a strange crew, to say the least. After all, the pilot was a head floating in a jar. Succatash's head had come with Destiny's Shadow when Soul had purchased the ship, and Soul had never once asked 'Tash his story, and the floating head had never offered any information besides the occasional quips and small talk.

The rest of the crew, while not missing any body parts, weren't too much more towards "normal".

His engineer Togan Hamrick could only be referred to as a "neat freak". Just under six feet tall, with a close-cropped haircut and annoyingly perfect teeth, he somehow managed to keep the ship flying, while at the same time remaining perfectly clean.

Ellington "Spooky" Tark was Soul's right hand man, and one of the best guns he had ever seen. Spooky stood somewhere between six and twelve feet tall, though Soul had never thought to ask him his exact height. Rarely saying more than a dozen words a day, Spooky had well earned his nickname during many a job gone bad.

Elise Dyan rounded out the group. She was...well, she did a little of everything. She served as medic, occasinal cook, load master, and could even serve as an extra gunhand in a pinch. Her hair was barely longer than Togan's, but instead of reducing her looks, it only served to accenuate her natural beauty. Still, she was hard as nails. Soul had a suspicion that her and Spooky had shared a bunk on more than a few occasions, but he had never asked. Some things were better off left private.

Right now they were gathered in the bridge, with all of them but Spooky attempting to offer some sort of explanation to their current predicament.

"I was on Persephone looking for a ship to ride with," Togan offered. "Then I was here. That's all I know."

Elise chimed in next. "I was on a job. Hired on as a medic for a group of smugglers. We were being boarded by the feds when I woke up here."

Spooky shrugged. "I was dead."


"Well, almost dead. Reavers hit our ship, I got spaced. Then I was here."

They looked at 'Tash next. "Hey, I went where he went," the head said, "nodding" at Soul.

"I already told my story," Soul said.

"So what do we do?" Togan asked.

"We wait," Soul replied.

'Tash piped up then. "We won't have to wait long."

They all turned to see the shape of Boros in the viewscreen, growing quickly closer.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Friday, May 19, 2006 5:15 PM


{OOC: a lot of this is me at this moment...}
Citizen stirred.

"I've had a lot to drink, and I don't know what's going on, but I thought I should say something." He said, before collapsing back down and falling back to sleep.

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
And as you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say.


Friday, May 19, 2006 7:16 PM



Safe wrote:
Turning to the plant woman, Safe raises an eyebrow “Umm… Rosie is it? Look…” Safe scratches his head “…I’m not sure what exactly you are, to tell the truth, and I have no inkling as to what you can do.”

Rosie smiles back at Safe.

“Umm… right…well… I’ll be over there helping those guys fix that ship.”

Rosie continues to smile.

...and she follows Safe back to the ship.

"I am a sentient plant. I can walk. I am very, very strong."

Safe stops walking and looks back at her, confused.

"I was answering your questions."

Rosie Walker, Plant Woman


Saturday, May 20, 2006 9:16 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Wisp and Needy were still wandering round the junk heap. Theyd found all the essentials they were just looking for extras.

"So last night all that stuff about dying and an etherial being? Was it Just beer talk or do you actually have an imaginary friend who saved your life and wants you to save the world? Or are you crazy?" Asks Wisp to Needy

"To be honest" He replied "I really dont know out of the last two"

"Fair enough."

The two of them returned to their starting point and surveyed their finds. Some of it was a little experienced but it was all space worthy.
Wisp set about teleporting them home while Needy was poking a sharp metal spike into his hand and watching it bend.

Suddenly When Wisp was typing he felt a bullet chamber behind his head and a muzzle pushed into his neck.

"You are bound by My ASS to stand down" Said a womans voie from behind him.

Needy turned to its direction but was quickly grabbed by four guards.

As they carried him behind a pile of rubbish 12 more guys followed them round.

'if they try and ruff him up' Wisp thought ' theyre in for a surprise' then attuning to his own problem

"Vixen. I was wondering when youd turn up"

ooc-Vixen will be a new female character run by me cos i know how Seryn wanted company


Sunday, May 21, 2006 7:40 AM


For about the fourth time since she landed the Nandi, Seryn backtracked on her route to find Citizen. This time it was an abandoned chair that had caught his attention.

That was it, he could stay where he was. Reasoning that her comm unit was useless away from the tree she detatched the whistle locater from her purse and tucked it into one of his trouser pockets. She whistled briefly, and his ass trilled in response.
"Ok, if you feel up to it I need your help getting this stuff, I've got only my wits and cleavage and Haggling 101 and I know that it ain't gonna be enough to get all the stuff Wisp wants. So if you could see your way to sobering up..."

"He peers at her through his fringe and shakes his head loosely. She can't tell if its a nod or otherwise. She pats him on the shoulder and starts back towards the ramshackle store she hope sells the stuff they need.

A while later she enters another shop, parts and materials loaded onto a small trolley. All in all it hadn't been a bad trip, she had everything but one last part, and hopefully they could affor.... "oh crap." Her heart sank. It was way more than she had, even with the price beaten down.

Still, have to try. In the next five minutes she learned that nothing worked, not bargaining, offers of trade, trying to pput things on credit, nor begging or propping her boobs up on the counter and giving the shop owner the puppy dog eyes.
She was staring at the part, wondering howfast the trolly could go if she decided to steal it, when the bell chimed above the door and in strolled Citizen, sober enough but for a slight tilt to his walk.

Later in the Nandi, she thought about the part stowed safely under a wing and wondered what exactly Citizen had said to render the shopkeeper so pale but smily, handing her the part and only taking a third of the money before ushering them firmly but painfully politely out of his shop. She looked over her shoulder at Citizen, now snoozing lightly against the hatch hinges, and figured that, to be honest, she didn't want to know.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Sunday, May 21, 2006 9:06 AM



UPDATE - (work in progress)

Ok, so, since Wisp stint at heorism, landing the Transport, which he wants to rename the The Epsilon (where have I heard of that before?) on a bed of cushioning slime, the crew have spent a little time eating, Drinking and getting to know one another. Wisp talked of his early life of trouble and getting into it. Needy gave a quick run down of his reasons for becoming a companion and his meeting Serenity. He then seemed to talk about some strange experience and about an etherial beaing and his destiny, but everyone found them selves strangely unable to concentrate on his words. Rosie gave a quick (being the operative word) rundown of her life to date. Seryn also stood up, owned up to being responsible for the numerous rabbits littering the ship, and also gave everyone the heads up on a little bundle of teething trouble that would be with them soon(ish)
Bear, Jennings and Grunt are yet to introduce themselves, but i'm sure they'll get round to it soon.

Safe's crew (lovely lads all...) are working away at fixing the Dagger, along with help from the newly formed and newly named Rosie Walker, a tree woman who arrived in the night - possibly conjured up by Wisp, but we're not sure - everyone was too drunk to notice. This girl communicates with pheremones apparently. That could be dangerous.

Meanwhile, Wisp, who seems to have developed a brooding James Dean style persona since his belly flop into the ooze, has sent everyone out on various tasks in order to get the parts needed to fix the transport. Seryn and a very drunk Citizen were sent to buy new parts, and they have just returned, while Needy and Wisp went to scavenge usable parts from a scrap yard, where they have just met... Ok, just been held up by a rather forward young lady named Vixen, and her crew of unnamed men ('cause every girl needs one of them)

Also meanwhile, Soul and his crew have found themselves pulled from their lives (and from their deaths!) back to their ship, and are being pulled slowly but surely towards Boros.


Monday, May 22, 2006 12:26 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

ooc-i reject the brooding james dean persona but ps- this is epic

"what are you doing here?" Wisp asked to the air in front of him, not making any movments that would give him a decorative hole in his spine.

"No Hello honey? How You bin? you look nice?"

"Im sorry but being held up at gunpoint isnt advantagous to small talk. So back to my first question, What're you doin here?"

Vixen Goddard had led a life slightly parralel to Wisp's. She had been at the Youth Military academy but she was there after killing her parents to claim their fortune.

She was one of those girls who'd smile at you in a bar you'd buy here a drink and then..... wake up the next day missing a lung a kidney and a substancial ammount of your liver.

They'd had a breif romance for a few months but then Wisp escaped without even a goodbye. She did not take the break-up well. At 16 her imprisonment ended and she set off into the big wide world looking for trouble.

Wisp and her had re-met a few months after she was released and re-started their re-lationship. They did a few jobs which Wisp wanted to keep bloodless and high tech but she wanted to kill everyone.

She was a gunhand of the old school variety-Shoot first, Shoot later, Shoot some more and when everyones dead rob them blind. Wisp stayed with her till she murdered a father in front of his children then.

He bailed she told the cops it was all him.

Wisp thought he wouldnt see her again but saw her name on a warrant last seen a few days ago on Boros.

"Stand Up and turn around. SLOW" She commaned moving the gun back an inch.

Wisp did as he was told. She was about 5ft6 long dark hair in a ponytail. Feminine yet strong. She had cold grey eyes that could look deadly or seductive within a blink.

"Im here on business. You and your friend just happened to wander into it."

"What are you going to do?"

"Beat your friend within an inch of his life then kill him in front of you." She turned to the Trash pile and shouted "bring him round"

Needy walked from behind the pile unharmed with the blood of the goons splattered all over him.

In The breif instance of shock on her face Wisp through a roundhouse kick at her hand and her weapon went flying. He picked up his Computer pressed enter and through it to Needy.

As Needy disappeared in a blue flash wisp Shouted "Get HELP!"

The remaining Heavys appeared from round the corner looking worn but out for revenge.

Vixen stopped them with a look, and looked at Wisp. She pointed to a mag rod on a nearby pile.

It was around 4ft long and had a highly powerful electric field running through the tip. It was used to pick up scrap in high places.

Wisp picked it up as Vixen did with one near hear.

"Just like the good old days" She said Spinning the staff.

They Began to duel.


Tuesday, May 23, 2006 9:25 AM


"Okay, you can both cut the souped-up Robin Hood crap now"

Vixen swings round, mag rod held out menacingly, then stops. Wisp, who had taken the opportunity to lean against a pile of junk and get his breath back, stared at Seryn, who bored tone had just interrupted their play, with one eyebrow raised. Doing her best casual act, Seryn returns the eyebrow and nods her head in Vixens direction. "What, did you dump her by phone or something?"

Vixen bristles, and starts to advance on her, but she shifts her weight to the other foot, and Vixen once again pauses.

Her reasons are pretty clear, balanced over one jutting hip bone, is the biggest gun the Nandi carried. At over a meter long, its a pretty big gun.

Of course, perched at her waist as it was, it was totally useless, firing it accurately would be impossible, maybe even suicidal. But just the sight of it.. that was killer.

She watched Vixens eyes, nodding encouragement as the realisation that it was all for show dawned in her eyes. She started to advance once again, "you can't to anything with that, what? Did you think it would frighten me?"

"No, just distract you.."

At that moment Needy caught Vixens arms and twisted them behind her back, capturing her in a head lock and forcing her first to her knees then onto her front in the dirt. Wisp dived in and secured her elbows and wrists behind her with metal cord from one of the salvaged piles, and they dragged her to join the goons Seryn and Needy had incapacitaed before confronting Vixen.

"You ok?" Seryn knelt infront of the scowling girl and looked up at Wisp, deftly scrambling out of the way when Vixen tried to kick her in the groin. "Needy, tie her ankles" She grimaced at the girl "You'll find that thats a singularly useless gesture on me, but if you want us to be nice and not knock your friggin daylights out you are not going to do it again, you get me?"

The girl just scowled. "Wisp who is she?" she looked up at the man "and care to explain why her and her cronies are trying to kill you in a scrap yard of all places?"

Wisp grimaced slightly, then grinned a little. "well, kinda long story.."

"Aw hell, we got time -after Needy here came screaming over the horizon, and we gunned it down here in the Nandi at double speed, I think we've got time."

"Hey" Needy butted in "I did not scream!"

"Ok, after he came yelling in a very manly fashion..."

"A little better..."

Seryn grinned. "So Wisp, Vixen 101...?"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Tuesday, May 23, 2006 9:51 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

"Ok but just one thing" Wisp said regaining his composure "Dont look at her, dont listen to her and above all do not beleive anything she says"

"You dirty scumba...." She screamed as Wisp tapped her mouth.

"Now. Me and her were friends a few years back in the youth academy. I was sent by my parents, her by the government for killing her parents."

Seryn shot an intrigued eyebrow over the girl, She replied with a loose shrug.

"Anyway we were sort of an item till I Balied, then when she was released she made a point to get back at me.

"Her original plan was to get me arrested but when that failed she set off trying to kill me. I have that effect on women"

"So is this your first encounter with her?" Needy asked taking a step away from the bound sociopath but trying to just seem like it was an idle wander.

"No third since The prison incident."

"What do you wanna do with her?"Seyn asked "Shes your responsibility"

"We take her with us. Theres prisoner transport options in the Epsilon and with a bit of therapy and some long talks we should be able to get along."

Seryn takes Wisp by the shoulder and leads him a few steps away.

"Are you sure about this? She will try to kill you again."

"I know but...." Wisp glanced over the bound Girl "She was one of my oldest friends. And the only person whos really cared about me (okay so it was psycho caring but that doesn't matter)

"If your sure. But when she kills you; Im going to say I told you so"

Wisp walked over to Vixen and threw her over his shoulder. The gang then set off back to Safe and co at the crash site


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 7:31 AM


Safe walks out of the ISSCV/Epsilon, casually wiping the grease off his hands with a rag. Jennings was finishing up the repairs to the shrapnel damage to the left engine and Bear was working on the hydraulics on the right engine as Rosie held it up.

Safe squints into the distance for a moment then calls over his shoulder “Grunt! Bring your gun out here for a sec.”

Grunt walks out of the Epsilon, his ever-present rifle slung over his shoulder “What’s up Safe?”

Safe nods his head towards the horizon.

Grunt brings the gun to his shoulder in a fluid motion “It can’t be Alliance” he says as he puts his eye to the large scope “I’ve been monitoring their bandwidth all day. Quiet as a church mouse...” Grunt breaths out, steadying his view. “Nope, it’s the Nandi..." He pauses as he scans the horizon, “And she’s not being followed.”

“Thanks, Grunt” Safe says as he continues to clean his hands. Grunt nods and returns to his work in the Epsilon.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 2:35 PM


Seryn pops the hatch and climbs out as quick as she's able, clambering forward with absolute dignity and dropping lightly from the tip of the nose.

"Right, thats it I am so imposing a passenger limit on that." She turns to Needy and motions for his help with the salvaged parts secured behind one wing, whilst Wisp climbed out the other way and untied Vixen from the other. "So much bulk makes driving this thing a menace!

Right, do either of these ships have a brig or secure room? Wisp bought a friend home...
And where do you want these putting?"

Safe, his confusion momentarily overtaken by the immiediate questions, winces as Vixen's enraged scream rings out across the camp.

"Did she want to be bought home?"

"Well, she picked the fight with him, theres history there, I think i'm staying out if it."

They watch as Needy and Wisp drag the struggling girl onto the ship,then Seryn turns back to the heap of salvage.

"So, how are the repairs going?"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Wednesday, May 24, 2006 10:01 PM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

After Wisp and Needy had chained Vixen to a strong bulkhead in the Epsilon Needy made a motion to start a conversation with Wisp. He, however kept his eyes firmly fixed on the ground between him and Vixen. Sensing the message He left and closed the door.

Wisp walked over and removed the makeshift gag from her mouth but kept it in his hand.

"Ok Vixen listen up" Wisp voice was quiet, not his usual confident self "There are two ways your gona leave this ship and one of them keeps your bodys lead content lower"

Wisp turned away and kept his head lowered.

"You were my best friend. I'm sorry for what i did but you know why i did it"

"That doesnt justify it! I loved you and you shattered my heart!"

"YOU WEREN'NT IN LOVE" With shouted back in a hiatus of his mood " YOU WERE IN LOVE WITH THE IDEA." He stopped and regined his composure "You wanted to be normal again"

"You dont have a clue what I wanted"

Wisp turned around and finally looked at her. He kneeled to her level and brushed the hair from her face.

"I can help you but you have to stop this. You have to let go of this rage that your parents gave you"

A tear rolled down her cheek washing away the thin layer of grime that had accumulated. The pink strand continued to her chin then was lost into her crouched figure.

"So I can let you out. And I can help you. These people are nice Ive only known the for five minutes yet their risking their asses to save mine from my own past."

"If i agree" She sniffled. Emotion was not her thing, most of the time she projected a cocky self-assured arrogance that she was better than everyone else. "Does this mean were...."

"No" He cut her off "That wont happen again. And you cant get jealous if there's someone else"

She bowed her head to her chest "Is there?" She asked without looking up.

"No. But there has been and Will be."

"I'll let you help me. But its only because I want to"

"Okay" he unchained her and stepped back allowing her to stand up. "Now Seryn, the girl with the gun, is going to need some help. Go and ask her what you can do."

She wiped her face and stepped through the door. Wisp grabbed her arm when they were level.

"Remember. Shes your boss" She stepped to leave but Wisp didnt let go "And this is a trial period. You try anything and I'll end this"

She nodded her understanding and left.


Thursday, May 25, 2006 10:06 AM


Seryn turns to Safe, "So how are the repairs going?"

"Hold that thought, I'll be right back." He says as he heads for the ISSCV.

Vixen sideswipes Safe on the way out the door, pausing only to glare up at him before stomping off.

Safe leans a shoulder against the doorframe and looks in on Wisp. “You sure that was entirely wise? Letting her go and all?”

Wisp sighs heavily, shrugging his shoulders. “Nope... But I... well...”

"’Nuff said." Safe interrupts him. "The ISS... I mean Epsilon has a cell, should you change you mind or have it changed for you. But the holding cell in the Dagger is more secure."

"She took your gun..." Wisp says, shaking his head.

"I know" Safe grins at the other man "She’s in for a nasty surprise if she tries to use it though."

Safe turns to leave “I’ve gotta go talk to Seryn and Citizen to see what they found. I’d appreciate it if you got my gun back though.”

“Thanks...” Wisp says.

Safe pauses “What for?”

“Just thanks.”

Safe nods ands heads off in search of Seryn and Citizen.

OOC: If that's out of character, Wisp, let me know and I'll edit it.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, May 25, 2006 10:50 PM


Seryn continued sorting the salvage, checking bits over for obvious faults, for a while she ignored the presence behind her, the when the sound of grinding teeth got irritating, she glanced over her shoulder, and spoke,

"So he set you fee? Well, that’s a turn up.

So what, you're here to prove what a good girl you can be?"

Vixen didn't answer, and Seryn dropped the part, and turn, folding her arms across her chest.

"Question is, do we punish you with s**t work or do we give you something to do that requires trust? My psychology's a little rusty."

She tipped her head to one side, frowning.

"Turn around” Vixen turned, like she had stood, awkwardly. As she faced away from her, Seryn pulled up her shirt and removed the gun from where it had been shoved into her waist band.
Vixen completed the turn, eying her apprehensively.

"You know what, I just can be bothered. Do it again, you get a barrel shaped lump on the head.

Now, I may have something for you to do. My rabbits recently had kids. Their carrier is getting a little crowded, find a suitable container, give it some doors, put it on legs and then go find suitable bedding - dried grass or whatever. Its time they got a new home."

Vixen stared at her, like she couldn't believe what she was hearing, and Seryn had to admit the randomness of the request, but it was something that needed doing...

"Go on, get to it. Oh, but first. The Dagger, small room to the right, go shower, you smell like you haven’t seen soap for a year."

She watched the girl go, wondering if the threats were really necessary. And who the gun belonged to.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Friday, May 26, 2006 12:06 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

Vixen stood under the shower feeling the Hot water strip the dirt from her flesh.

'how long had it been?' she thought. Her life was very hectic. so she had little time for pleasures like being clean.

She turned off the water and just stood for a moment, letting the liquid drip from her body. She stepped out and quickly dryed and dressed before stepping out.

Seryn paid her no heed as she walked past. Wisp and Safe were fitting the new engine and Wisp nodded and smiled in her direction.

'He was a shmuck' she thought 'too much faith in me'

She looked off towards where the Epsilon had crashed and saw a trail of wreckage.

She set off walking intent on outdoing Seryns expectations


Friday, May 26, 2006 3:09 AM


The Man They Call Soul...

Destiny's Shadow broke through the atmosphere of Boros and began to make it's descent.

"I've got back control!" the head of 'Tash yelled.

Soul slapped the intercom. "Togan, what do you got back there?"

"Whatever's taken over the ship won't let me dish out any more power. We've got enough to land, but that's about it."

Soul sighed. "Tash, take us down."

The Firefly shuddered as the ground grew closer. Soul could make out the shape of a town in the distance, and even closer--

"Are those ships?"

"Looks like," Elise said, walking onto the Bridge. "Spooky's setting up in the cargo bay in case we run into any trouble when we land."

"Go give him a hand."

Elise nodded and left.

"Let me guess, we're setting down among those ships."

"Yup," 'Tash replied.

Soul turned to leave the Bridge and headed down to the cargo bay. He made his way down to where Spooky and Elise stood, their guns pointed at the door. He felt the ship settle to the ground, and with a final glance back at his crew, he palmed the button to lower the cargo ramp and open the doors. He walked over to the center of the opening, and as the ramp lowered, revealing the Boros sky, a small smile began to cross Soul's features as he saw exactly who was standing there.

"Well I'll be damned."


OOC: Soul has landed!! Feel free to interact.


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Friday, May 26, 2006 4:56 AM


One of the shuttle hatches fell open and Citizen landed in an uncomfortable heap. He groaned softly before standing up.

He blinked in the bright sunlight and groaned a second time. He looked around at the blurry familliar figures, and the blurry not so familiar one. He strolled off in the newcomers direction.

Confronting her he stared closely at her face for a moment, making her back off.

"Excuse me sir..." Citizen started.

"I'm not a sir!"

"I don't know you. Do you have coffee?"

More insane ramblings by the people who brought you beeeer milkshakes!
"I had a rose named after me and I was very flattered. But I was not pleased to read the description in the catalog: 'No good in a bed, but fine against a wall'." -- Eleanor Roosevelt.


Friday, May 26, 2006 11:42 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC: Sorry for not posting that much recently, I've been fairly busy.
I've loved reading the posts though - some really funny stuff, especially this bit:


Originally posted by WashsYoungerSexierBrother:
She was a gunhand of the old school variety-Shoot first, Shoot later, Shoot some more and when everyones dead rob them blind.

I've not much to add myself, but I'll give it a shot anyway.


As Destiny's Shadow lands and its occupants reveal themselves, Needy's attention is elsewhere.
For some reason, he just can't take his eyes off of Wisp's old friend.
The former male companion had a soft spot for bad girls, and this Vixen seemed to fit the profile to a tee:
Wild. Unpredictable. A lust for violence.
She had it all.

She was bad news, he was sure of this.
But his fascination with her took precedent over his fears.

"Not a chance" Needy's own personal friend told him.

"What?" he shot a look back to the transcendent being.

"You heard. Besides, you haven't got the time for romance... even if you did have a chance"

"WhatEver!" Needy replied snarkily as he continued to watch the newcomer.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Friday, May 26, 2006 5:05 PM


There was only the one engine left to fix and Safe wanted to get it done before they ran out of light. He didn’t want to risk spending another day on Boros, it wasn’t safe.

Everyone was pitching in to get the work done and the parts Citizen, Seryn and Wisp had found were definitely helping... mostly.

Rosie was still holding up the engine. She’d been holding it up for a couple of hours now and never once complained, just smiled. Safe wasn’t sure what to make of her before, one doesn’t often see living plants, and the constant smiling was beginning to creep Safe out. He wondered if plants would seek revenge on vegetarians. That thought made Safe sure that if he ever saw a talking cow, he would just shoot it. He wasn’t about to take any chances with revenge minded bovines...

Safe shakes his head and focuses back on the job at hand. He and Wisp were working on the bottom of the engine while Bear was working on struts on top.

BANG... BANG... BANGBANGBANG... “Ruttin’ piece of gos se!!” a bent wrench sails off into the distance.

Safe looks cautiously up over the edge of the wing “Take it easy Bear. We’re runnin’ outta wrenches.” Safe ducks quickly as another wrench sails past his head.

Seryn doesn’t look away from her wiring repairs on the wing bottom, she just shakes her head at Safe and Bears antics.

Still smiling, Safe catches the silent exchange between Wisp and Vixen. That boy really wants to fix the ghosts that haunt that girl, even at the risk of getting more scars from her Safe thinks. Safe just misses seeing Needy trail along behind Vixen.

Safes thoughts are again interrupted, this time by Grunt.

“Safe, we’ve got a ship incoming!”

This catches everyone’s attention. “Alliance?” Safe asks, suddenly serious.

“Not unless they’ve taken to flying Fireflys.” Grunt says. “Plus the Alliance airwaves make no mention of patrols in this area. Whoever it is, is headed straight for us. ”

“Ok people, we’ve got a ship to greet. Let’s make them feel all manner of unwelcome.”

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, May 26, 2006 5:12 PM


As the Firefly class transport touched down, the “welcoming” party is ready and waiting.

Needy watched Vixen by holding her arm. She had tried to escape his grasp once by stabbing him with a nail file, but when that failed to even make him flinch, she resigned herself to the captive role...for now. Rosie stood nearby.

Grunt perched atop the Dagger, his rifle to his eye watching over the others. Safe stood beside Seryn, his hand resting lightly on the handle of his still holstered gun while she held her gun two handed, pointed at the ground. They were flanked on one side by Wisp, both guns drawn and aimed, and Citizen, who stood casually chewing on a toothpick. On the other side Bear in his body armor and gloves and Jennings, his machine gun held at the ready.

The Firefly’s ramp lowers revealing the ships own welcoming party.

A small smile plays across the face of the man standing in front and center. “Well I’ll be damned.”

That smile is mirrored on Safe’s face. “Soul!”

OOC: How's that for long winded?

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Friday, May 26, 2006 8:01 PM


Rosie looks from one to the other of her newfound companions. “I’m sorry, but I’m very confused. Are we leaving, or are we fighting, or are we all friends? And if we’re leaving, I’m going to need to take some dirt!” A long twiggy finger points at Vixen. “And what about her? Your body language, all of you, is all wrong when she is near. You are all ready to pounce. Or run. It’s hard to tell.”

Rosie Walker, Plant Woman


Saturday, May 27, 2006 3:12 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by TheRealMe:
Rosie looks from one to the other of her newfound companions. “I’m sorry, but I’m very confused. Are we leaving, or are we fighting, or are we all friends? And if we’re leaving, I’m going to need to take some dirt!” A long twiggy finger points at Vixen. “And what about her? Your body language, all of you, is all wrong when she is near. You are all ready to pounce. Or run. It’s hard to tell.”

Rosie Walker, Plant Woman

"Ready to pounce? I sure am" Needy thinks to himself, eyeing Vixen beside him as a grin appears on his face.

"What?" Rosie asks Needy directly

"What?" he repeats the question

"Yeah, what are you smiling at? Did I say something wrong?"

"Oh no I... was just thinking of a joke I heard earlier"

"You'll have to tell me about it some day"

"No I don't"


OOC: Bit of filler, but I felt I had to put something.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Saturday, May 27, 2006 9:54 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

"how did you guys get here?" Soul asked stepping out of the ships hangar

"No idea" Repiled Seryn "You?"

"Similar. You seem to have some new faces you been recruiting?"

"No" Wisp spoke up lowering his weapons "We just came for the company"

"I sure as hell didnt" Muttered Vixen under her breath. Wisp looked back to see her pouting with her arms crossed like a moody teenager.

"Needy go take her for a walk" Wisp said turning back to the new arrival.

"With pleasure!" Needy said enthusasitically Directing her to a secluded area by placing his arm over her shoulders.

"Dont touch me" She said flipantly shaking him off but continuing to walk away.

"Dont mind her" Wisp apologised to Soul "shes upset.

"Anyway Im Wisp" He said extending his hand


Saturday, May 27, 2006 1:36 PM


Seryn watched, arms folded accross her chest, as Needy led Vixen away. ok, so sooner or later there was going to be Vixen related trouble. She'd never have thought it would come from that quater though.

She swung her attention back round to Soul and his crew, and approached to shake hands.

At the last minute she decided they were all past hand shakes, and caught the surprised man in a rough hug and a light thump on the arm. "Great to see you again!"

She scanned the people assembled behind him.

"I don't quite get it... wheres Serenity?"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Saturday, May 27, 2006 1:51 PM


The Man They Call Soul...


Originally posted by seryn:

She scanned the people assembled behind him.

"I don't quite get it... wheres Serenity?"

Soul loosened himself from the suprising and pleasant embrace.

"I don't know. Seriously. All I know it that after TWG pushed that button, I was back on the TREE, but then...I woke up on my ship on my way to here. Serenity's not here. I don't know what's going on. Do you?"

Seryn shook her head. "No clue."

Soul sighed, something he had been doing a lot of lately. He looked over to where Safe's crew were attempting to fix their ship. He looked back at his engineer.

"Togan, think you can give them a hand?"

Togan nodded. "Actually, I think I can do the fixing, and they can lend me a hand."

Soul turned back to Seryn, and grabbed Safe's hand in a friendly hand shake as the other man approached.

"So what now?"


Soul, Security Chief of the Sereni-Tree, Captain of Destiny.

Mantichorus: "So is there a reason they call you 'Soul'?"
Soul (after a long pause): "Yeah. Because I have one."


Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:00 PM


"I don't quite know, we were fixing the ship. Ships. Then I believe Safe had a job in mind.

Just.. one thing, was she ok? After all that went down on the commerce planet?"

Soul smiled and nodded "Yes, good as new, whatever that button was that TWG pressed, it was a better doctor than any human"

Seryn grinned "yes, as I remember it was a whiz with the dry cleaning as well"

They laughed, then turned to Safe.

"So tell us, Fearless Leader Apparent, what perilous adventures and death defying stunts do you have lined up for us to get our teeth into?

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Saturday, May 27, 2006 7:58 PM


Rosie was having trouble following what was going on. Curious, she looked back and forth, trying to figure things out.


Originally posted by SoulOfSerenity:

"So what now?"

Rosie makes a decision. "Now? It is time for dirt!" With long, loping strides she heads off.

Rosie Walker, Plant Woman


Monday, May 29, 2006 10:14 AM


OOC: Sorry, Real life has been hectic and I have had no time at work to post either.

My adventure was just to find Jack and the others and join the underground for a bit. That was when I didn't think I was going to write anymore. Sort of a "ride off into the sunset" moment.

But now... I'll think of something. Soul had mentioned a plotline as well. Or if anyone else has a plan.

I'll try to write a bit in the next day or so. I'll beg, borrow or steal some time if need be.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Monday, May 29, 2006 12:06 PM


(I had idea's, but they were all for once we leave Boros - I don't know, I think a brief stint with the underground would be interesting.)

Having heard the main points of the plan, Seryn leaves Soul and Safe to thrash out the finer details, what finer details there are - to her it sounded simple.

That was good, generally speaking, there was less scope for disaster in simple.

She spotted Rosie, hauling sacks of dirt aboard the ship and walked towards her, smiling when Rosie noticed her approach. "Hey" she nodded, the nbent to pick up a sack and hauled it over one shoulder. "Look, I haven't been particularly nice around you. I have to admit you freaked me out at first" She caught the look on Rosies face "and of course, you noticed that..." She sighed, "what I think I want to say is, Hi, i'm Seryn, I'm very sorry, and fresh start?

They both dump their bags, and Seryn brushes dirt off her vest, waiting for Rosies reply.

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Monday, May 29, 2006 6:22 PM


Rosie smiles at Seryn, while still holding bags of dirt over her shoulders.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It didn't occur to me that I should be offended by your actions. I still have trouble deciding what is strange among you animal types. Hmmmm... No, I think I'll pass on being offended right now."

Rosie Walker, Plant Woman


Tuesday, May 30, 2006 8:30 AM


Soul and Safe stand in the shade of Destiny’s Shadow, watching Togan efficiently coordinate the others in the repairs of the ISSCV/Epsilon

“Bear, Grunt, Jennings and I were just going to meet up with Jack and the girls before this happened. Flechette had underground contacts on another planet and Citizen had given them a lead to re-establish their businesses.” Safe shrugs. “Other than that, I owe Citizen a supply run. The underground could always use a couple of extra guns...” he trails off looking expectantly at Soul.

“Besides, the less time we spend on Boros, the better I like it. I’m not exactly welcome ‘round these parts.”

“You ‘make friends’ wherever you go, don’t you?” Soul smiles over at Safe.

“Hey! I know some people that haven’t tried to kill me...” Safe grins back at Soul in mock indignity.

“Ya? Ok then, how many of this crew?” Soul nods towards the others.

“Including you and your crew? Four... kinda”

“Four? Kinda?” Soul looks surprised. “Who then?”

“Seryn, Wisp, Rosie and Vixen. But I’m pretty sure Vixen would kill me if she had the chance. Hell, I think she has a hate-on for everyone, so she doesn’t count. And I’ve only known Rosie for half a day and Wisp maybe two, so give ‘em time.” Safe grins back. “You’re one to talk! Besides, not being Alliance anymore has drastically lowered that statistic.”

“I’m sure it has” Soul laughs, slapping Safe on the back “I’m sure it has.”

“This looks to be a good crew here.” Soul says again nodding at the others.

“Yeah, yeah it is.” Safe says, smiling warmly.

“Citizen is business man extraordinaire, though I suspect he’s a weapons dealer, not afraid of getting dirty.”

“Wisp is an ex-military brat that has bucked the system and an electronics wizard to boot.”

“Seryn is a fighter pilot and general handywoman. Watch out for her rabbits...”

“Needy; male companion. He was also a contact for the underground movement. Recently he has developed some unusual side effects from prolonged exposure to a sonic mine. But you remember that from Commerce."

“You remember Bear; pilot and muscle, Jennings; co-pilot and street fighter and Grunt;electronics and long range weapons specialist.”

“Vixen… well you’re best to talk to Wisp about that.”

“And Rosie, our resident ‘plant woman’”

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, June 1, 2006 9:40 AM


"Who's very nice by the way, but is currently shifting a ton of dirt into your ship, and its just occured to me - you'd better find some way to sift it before you end up with a bug problem."

Seryn rejoins Safe and Soul, hands on hips. So have you played catch up? 'Cause Safe here needs to be getting on with repairs, while your guys need to eat something."

She catches Safe's amused glance, "Don't get used to it, the mother hen routine isn't lasting beyond our next relocation. But if we're going to make them work, then it's only fair that we feed them first."

She signals to Souls crew to follow, and pulls Soul himself along with her. Then she pauses, and turns back to Safe.

"OH, I need to raise the issue of the Nandi with you, she's no long range vehicle, she's not even really up to short range. Is there a ship big enough to carry her?"

Hodgins: Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.
FozzieWash, You know what I always say: sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug!
KermieMal, I never Know what the heck you're talking about.
FozzieWash, Hey, look! They're sending us free lumber!


Friday, June 2, 2006 3:00 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

The next post is shocking and serious and i will explain my reasons for it before you read it. My computer has rebooted its last and i now no longer have access to this story. I wont have ibternet access until september. Therefore i am writing Vixen and Wisp out to return when i can I apologise in case anyone had plans for us.

Wisp left the group to attempt to find Vixen. He didnt trust her on her own for long enough.

Following the trail that Needy left he walked for around five minutes before hearing running water.

As he approached closer he saw what appeared to be Needy and Vixen in an intimate embrace.

Wisp shook his head and tutted. As he got closer he saw the intimmate embrace was a furious struggle with Vixen trying to throw Needy over the cliff face.

Wisp ran to the pair and grabbed Needy and threw him away from the precipice.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" wisp shouted over the roar of the water a distance below

"Trying to escape!!! But your friend was too interested in getting his end away!!"

She lunged at him catching his stomach square on.

As Wisp struggled to break free the two edged closer to the edge.

The ground suddennly gave way and the pair fell in a very cliched way to the depths below.............

i will return as soon as possible


Friday, June 2, 2006 9:57 AM


Seryn wasn’t too happy with the prospect of reheating last night's stew, so when Jennings appeared out of nowhere carrying two chicken and a shirt full of eggs, she was more than happy. Still, there was no way she was cleaning them and no way she wanted to see them being cleaned. Luckily, Jennings didn’t mind and was happy to be able to contribute.

Rosie had found some more wild potatoes, onions and some wild mushrooms and Soul had rigged up a Barbeque grill.

As the sun turned orange on it’s way to setting, the makeshift campsite was filled with a heavenly smell and Seryn still had the eggs and mushrooms for tomorrow’s breakfast.

The group happily took turns eating and working.

Seryn looked up every now and then, scanning the area. Wisp, Vixen and Needy had been absent for quite some time now, and she was getting worried. Still caught up in her worry, Seryn, turned back to the food and bumped into a body that wasn’t there a moment ago. Looking up she realized Bear was standing in front of her, bowl in hand. Startled, Seryn stepped back. ‘For a big man, he moves too quietly’ she thought. She was further startled when she realized Bear was smiling at her, a big, lopsided, goofy, smile.

“Miss Seryn, I could eat your cooking all day long.” He grinned at her holding his bowl out for his third helping.

Grunt’s voice turned what was shaping up to be a perfect summer’s night into a beehive of movement. “Safe, we’ve got company coming. This time it is Alliance.”

OOC: Damn Wisp!! Hurry back. The story was getting good and it's gonna be like we're missing a piece without ya.

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Saturday, June 3, 2006 5:36 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions


Originally posted by WashsYoungerSexierBrother:

"how did you guys get here?" Soul asked stepping out of the ships hangar

"No idea" Repiled Seryn "You?"

"Similar. You seem to have some new faces you been recruiting?"

"No" Wisp spoke up lowering his weapons "We just came for the company"

"I sure as hell didnt" Muttered Vixen under her breath. Wisp looked back to see her pouting with her arms crossed like a moody teenager.

"Needy go take her for a walk" Wisp said turning back to the new arrival.

"With pleasure!" Needy said enthusasitically Directing her to a secluded area by placing his arm over her shoulders.

"Dont touch me" She said flipantly shaking him off but continuing to walk away.

Needy shot his arm away from her, not wishing to tick off a homicidal maniac… no matter how attractive she was.

As she stormed ahead, he quickened his pace so as to not lose sight of her. Not only was she too dangerous to left alone, but she was so hot, he didn’t want to stop staring at her.

Sensing herself being watched, Vixen turns her head back and snaps “What are you looking at? Scram!”

“Now I can’t exactly do that, sorry to say”

“I’m not your prisoner”

“Well actually, I think that’s exactly what you are” he replies diplomatically.

Reaching a dead end at a Cliffside, she stops and turns back to him frustrated.

“Look, I’m sorry…” Needy says with soulful eyes, “I don’t know what the trouble is between you and Wisp. Hell I don’t even know him that well but… my allegiance is to the crew and that includes Wisp. And I can’t risk you harming any of the crew because of a selfish vendetta…”

“He left me!” she interrupts suddenly. “The Liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh bun ur-tze treated me like gos se. He deserves everything he gets”

Needy could tell she was getting mighty upset by this stage, and in a brief instant he feared that she might do something stupid. He needed to calm her down.
Slowly he began to approach her.

“Listen I understand… I know all about betrayal. You come to expect it, but when it’s from someone you really care about, that’s when it cuts you. The pain is so unbearable you can think of nothing else but revenge. But I-I’m here for you if you need me. I can…”

Vixen cuts him off yet again, though this time it’s with a lunge forward and punch.
Completely caught off guard, Needy shakes his head and tries to stand, but before he can get his bearings, Vixen jumps him.
The companion manages to remain standing, but the scuffle is causing them to move all over the place, often getting frightfully close to the cliff-edge.

From a distance, a familiar figure stands behind them


Wisp ran to the pair and grabbed Needy and threw him away from the precipice.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING???" wisp shouted over the roar of the water a distance below

"Trying to escape!!! But your friend was too interested in getting his end away!!"

She lunged at him catching his stomach square on.

As Wisp struggled to break free the two edged closer to the edge.

The ground suddennly gave way and the pair fell in a very cliched way to the depths below.............

Needy held his head up from the ground to see what was going on.
The pair were nowhere to be found.
Needy jumped to his feet and ran to the edge of the cliff.
Carefully peering over the cliff’s edge, he had hoped to see the pair holding on for their lives. But instead there was no one.
Needy focussed his eyes on the water 50ft below. A large splash had caused ripples in the water.
“Wisp” he softly whispered in shock

OOC: Wisp - I loved your post(s) and hope you can come back soon whne you get the computer sorted. We'll leave an opening for you.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Monday, June 5, 2006 8:32 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

OOC:Since nobody's responded yet, I'll carry right on

"WISP!" Needy shouted from the top of his lungs at the water below.
He hoped that his words would be heard down there and his fallen comrade would call back, or offer some sort of signal. But it was a fool's hope. The waves crashed against the cliff's edge with such force, that even if Wisp was somehow ok, he would be unable to hear Needy's voice over the crashing sound, much less attempt to call or signal back.

Needy raised his head looking ahead of him at the horizon, and slowly backed off the cliff's edge.

His eyes wandered and he walked aimlessly.

The others, he thought. I need to tell the others. We have to find a way to get to him, to both of them down there.

With urgency, Needy turned and ran as fast as he could in the direction he had come.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Monday, June 5, 2006 9:35 AM


Grunt’s announcement stuns everyone, but only for a moment. All know what to do without being told and the flurry of activity disturbs the previously picturesque evening.

“How far out are they Grunt?” Safe hollers as he assists Jennings, Seryn and Rosie in breaking camp.

“Can’t say, the Alliance radio traffic just said they picked up a beacon from a stolen shuttle.”

Safe slapped his forehead. ‘How could I have been so stupid?’ he thought. ‘I should have known a shuttle from a private collection would be tagged. Sloppy.’ Then out loud “Grunt…?”

Grunt answered before Safe could finish. “Taken care of Safe. I’ve found it, but I don’t want to disable it yet. So far they think it’s abandoned.”

Soul’s com chimes. “Go ahead ‘Tash.” Soul answers.

“Alliance inbound. ETA 30 minus plus or minus.”

“Prep the ship for take-off” Soul tells ‘Tash, then turns to his mechanic “Togan??”

“Just a minute Soul…” Togan and Bear step back from the engine while Grunt, at the control, tries to rotate it. The engine groans but doesn’t move.

“Turn, you pile of…” Bear yells and punches the engine in frustration. The engine groans again then begins to turn.

Togan turns to Soul with a grin “About as good as it gets without a proper shop.”

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 4:33 AM


(sorry for the no show for several days!)

She moved instinctively, working to remove all signs of their occupation from the clearing, dousing and scattering the fire and stowing belongings away in the shuttles, to anyone following them, after the blasts for the ships engines had flattened the marks left in the sand, discerning their numbers or the type of their vehicles would have been hard.
She vaguely hoped that they had someway of messing with the readings once they got airborne.

The calm in the air was unusual, she would have expected more chaos, but even the shouts between Safe and Grunt lacked the frantic tones she would have expected. With Rosie’s great strength aiding the effort, they were ready to go.

She made to run towards the Nandi, swinging near to where Safe stood, expecting last orders, when something clicked in her brain. She looked around, her eyes noticing now what wasn’t there. As she reached Safe, whatever she was going to say was replaced by a question.

“Where are Wisp and Needy?”

Safe opened his mouth to reply, but stopped, the curl of a smile left the corners of his mouth, and he looked around, confused, Like Seryn, he hadn’t registered their absence. Then his eyes focused, and he pointed, she followed the direction, and as she watched Needy plunge breathlessly towards them, small coil of panic unfolded in her stomach.

(ooc - oooooooh, I can be so melodramatic. If no body else wants to dive in I'll post the rest of what I was going to write soon)


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 5:43 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

This takes place just prior (and during) Seryn's post:

Needy ran for what felt like forever. It had only seemed like he had walked for a few minutes with Vixen, and yet it seemed to take hours to run back to the camp, to alert the others.

But as he ran, his thoughts trailed off to events that took place not too far from here, over a year ago.

"You left them behind?" the female client had sounded shocked at the companion's confession. The two had been enjoying a meal when he had started to talk about his background and life prior to arriving on Boros.

"Well, not really", he had started to explain. "I didn't really know them that well"

"They were your family... your friends. How did you not know them?"
Grace Clayton, always one to just blurt out whatever was on her mind, couldn't understand how a person could just up and leave their life. But his client was, after all, a young woman who had apparently had a very close relationship with her own family.

"It was different for me. My family, my friends... they just fulfilled their basic roles at best, nothing more. There was no close relationship or anything. When I left, the only reaction I got was a shrug."

"I just don't understand it" she had admitted. "Even with my distant relatives I don't particularly get on with... I keep in contact with them. I wouldn't have thought you were the loner type, especially in your line of work"

"I'm not. It's just... I was a different person before I became a companion. And my family and peers weren't the most supportive."

"And now?" she asked

"Now? Well, you know me, I can't keep my hands off people." He smiled, placing his hand on her leg, behind her knee.

"No," she uttered softly, "Could you do it again? Leave your friends?"

"Never" he stopped her, predicting her next question would be if he could leave her. "Not here, not my friends. Not ever"

The memory of the words cut Needy to his soul, especially in the knowledge of what transpired later.

His thoughts of her faded though as he saw a figure in the distance.

Originally posted by seryn:

“Where are Wisp and Needy?”

Safe opened his mouth to reply, but stopped, the curl of a smile left the corners of his mouth, and he looked around, confused, Like Seryn, he hadn’t registered their absence. Then his eyes focused, and he pointed, she followed the direction, and as she watched Needy plunge breathlessly towards them, small coil of panic unfolded in her stomach.

"Wisp!!" He gasped through exhausted breaths. "He went over. We've got to find him!!!"

Little did Needy know that the crew had other plans. The imminent arrival of the Alliance had forced their hand.

OOC: Very long post, but I wanted to get some flashbacks in eventually, so I've finally began doing it. I've also left what happens next fairly open for you, Seryn, to carry on writing what you were going to.

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 12:37 PM


"ok, slow down! Where did Wisp go?"

She gripped the tops of his arms, an attempt to calm him and support him whilst he gained his breath.

Needy repeated himself, gesturing bak the way he had come.

"went over? went over where? Where is Vixen?" Her tone sharpened "did she do this?"

Needy shook his head. Safe, unnoticed, had slipped away, and returned then with water. Needy took the bottle and drank it down rapidly, choking slightly.

Safe still radiated an uncanny calm, once Needy had finished, he took the bottle back again and asked for the explaination.

"Wisp and Vixen, they were fighting, they fell, from where we where, into the water. It was a huge drop, I don't know if they made it.

We have to find them"

Seryn turned to look at Safe, and he met her eyes and nodded at the unspoken question in them.

"Yes, take the Nandi, go find them, we can't leave them here"

"We can't leave the planet in the Nandi... someone would have to return for us."

Safe smiled, a small grin he'd picked up during his years of service, the grin that said 'trust me, it'll work'

Seryn wondered if it had ever worked on the soldiers, as it didn't reassure her at all.

"And the Epsilon? Who will crew her?"

"We will find people to get her off planet. Make your way towards town, find friends, Needy will know who I mean, and stay quiet, we'll come back once the heat is off"

She threw him one of her 'I believe you, thousands wouldn't' stares.

Needy glanced between them, confusion writ large "whats going on? why...?"

"I'll explain enroute. No, i'll explain now - the Dagger is tagged, the previous owner is on his way over with a pack of purple bellies. Safe and Soul are getting off planet, we were too until now. Wisp could have picked a better time for a swim."

She started to move towards the Nandi, popping the hatch. Just before climbing in she turn and called back to Safe.

"Well, If I don't see you again - grow your hair!"






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