UPDATED: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 16:31
VIEWED: 3508
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Friday, May 19, 2006 7:42 AM


Hey, all

Was checking my regular DVD sites, and found out that at the end of July, HUDSON HAWK: 15TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION will be out on DVD.

I, for one, found that to be great news. I've always had a soft spot for films that don't deserve to be known as massive bombs. I know that HUDSON HAWK is supposed to be a textbook definition of a spectacular failure, but I remember seeing it on tv as a kid and loving it, and then re-renting it again a few years ago and still loving it to this day. So I'm pleased to see that it's getting a tricked out DVD release of it.

Now if they make tricked out DVD editions of CUTTHROAT ISLAND and THE ADVENTURES OF BARON MUNCHAUSEN (the latter I'm hoping will be a Criterion release), then I'm a happy guy.

Anyone here fans of these three movies and think they unfortunately got the short end of the stick?


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"There's only one "Return" ok, and it ain't "of the King", it's "of the Jedi."

"Maybe we should start calling your friend 'Padme' because he loves 'Mannequin Skywalker' so much, Right? (imitating robot) name is shitty acting is ruining saga."

Excerpt of internet teaser for CLERKS 2.


Friday, May 19, 2006 7:47 AM


I was also a big fan of all three of those. I know that Hudson Hawk did not fair well at the hands of the critics, and Cutthroat Island had a similar fate, but I was not aware that Baron was amongst them.
Hudson Hawk still is a favorite movie of mine...I watch it every now and then for a quick laugh.

Thanks for bringing up the memory!

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Friday, May 19, 2006 7:49 AM


Haven't seen Cuththroat Island, but the other 2 definitely got screwed by reviewers. From my experience it's almost guaranteed that if you mention Hudson Hawk people start gagging about how bad it is, but when you ask if they've actually SEEN it they all say no. They just know that it is SUPPOSED to be that bad.

Great it is not, but it is nowhere near as bad as its myth. Picked it up at sprawlmart recently for about $7. My wife agrees. Not great but fun. And some of the best bad guys ever.


Friday, May 19, 2006 4:20 PM


I also love all 3 of these. Each is great fun.

"Bunny, Ball ball."

"Don't give me what's in the window, babe
I want the stuff you think would never sell
Whatcha have under the counter on the bottom shelf?
I'll buy the lowdown deepdown primal truthful self ."
-The Damage(Marbles)-Marillion
visit for a better way of life.


Friday, May 19, 2006 4:34 PM


Never seen the other two, but Hudson Hawk! I was just wondering like last week if it were on DVD or not. Singing songs to time burglaries! There's always the odd moment where I'll start to hum/sing Swinging On A Star. One of my favorite movies from when I was young.

"Knew it...probably...saw them cops...and...turned...tail..."



Friday, May 19, 2006 4:37 PM


Would you like to swing on a star,
Carry moonbeams home in a jar...

Yeah, I like to try to time things to songs, too...ok, not really, but it sounds cool!

Holding until you get back, Captain.


Saturday, May 20, 2006 5:51 PM


I think a Criterion disc of Munchausen would be fantastic. Though it would probably cost an arm and a leg.


"Bible, Wrath of Khan, what's the difference?"


Tuesday, May 30, 2006 8:50 AM


I loved Hudson Hawk to death when I was a kid, and still haven't picked it up on DVD. You can get it over here in England for like £5.99 - which I'm guessing is around 8 or 9 dollars. I'm just lazy in buying it - and also burned by other films I've watched recently that I remember loving as a kid and being burned. Crash & Burn anybody, the 80s mech movie?

Love Munchausen too, was one of my childhood favourites.

Other guilty pleasure movies include Deep Rising and Freaked, the incredibly stupid Alex Winter sideshow comedy. Just always had a soft spot for it since I was a wee bairn. And Space Truckers. Charles Dance and his rip-cord activated sex drive. It doesn't get any better.

My credibility just went out the window, right?

-- My days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle --


Tuesday, May 30, 2006 8:57 AM


Hudson Hawk is a riot.
"Ughh! Menthol!"
Cutthroat Island, while no 'Pirates of the Carribean', is totally fun, and deserves an anamorphic release.

Now if Trancers 1 & 2, and Robotjox could just come to DVD...

Dry hair's for squids Chrisisall


Tuesday, May 30, 2006 9:08 AM


I had never even seen Hudson hawk until like a year ago. It took me about 5 minutes to have one of those, "What the hell is this!?" reactions. Course for me, those aren't always negative, so I continued watching and found the movie to be very enjoyable.

For some reason, American audiances don't "get" dry humor a lot. Anything that's not pre-fiited for punch lines, or where the punch line passes by so quickly that it just seems like extra dialogue, either doesn't register or goes completley un-appricated. I have to admit, I often re-watch movies like that several times just to pick up on jokes that went right over my head the first couple of times.

Also, any movie where people are singing the "side by side" song while shooting a rocket launcher is IMMEDIATELY worthy of an Oscar.


Tuesday, May 30, 2006 11:03 PM


I was raised on dry humor. Hudson Hawk and Deep Rising are 2 of my favs! The girl from Ipanima line gets me everytime! Anyone seen Murder By Death or Clue? Laugh riots both! Or Local Hero, a Scottish film with Burt Lancaster and Peter Riegert(?).



Wednesday, May 31, 2006 7:58 AM


Clue is fantastic - I only saw it about a month ago for the first time, watched it with some friends, we all loved the heck out of it.

I'm fairly sure you can get Trancers 1 and 2 over here in England on Region 2 DVD. Never seen them personally.

-- My days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle --


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 8:04 AM



Originally posted by MmmWifeSoup:

I'm fairly sure you can get Trancers 1 and 2 over here in England on Region 2 DVD. Never seen them personally.

I'll book my flight to London immediatly. Will a British DVD player work back here in the States?

I guess I'll have to wait, then.
And MmmWifeSoup, SEE THEM ASAP!!! They're great flicks! Best B-movie cheese this side of Army Of Darkness.

Singed Chrisisall


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 2:20 PM


Hudson Hawk rules!

I've had the DVD for years.

The bar scene in the beginning was filmed about 3 blocks from my current Apartment in Hoboken NJ. The bar was bought and completely redone inside years ago, but you can still go and stand in front of it and get the same view of NYC as in the movie when they walk outside.



There are Three issues with using a british DVD player in the states:

1: Power. You would need a transformer to go from 110 volt (US standard) to the 220V input on the player (or unplug the washing machine/dryer temporarily as many of them use 220 volt).

2: Unless the player is "region free" then you won't be able to play any DVDs bought or rented in the US (region 1).

3: You would need a PAL mode TV to play back on as the player will output in PAL (european standard) instead of NTSC (US standard).

You are WAY better off just finding a K-Mart or Wall-Mart in the US and spending about $30 US for a DVD player that can be region unlocked to play all regions and hooking it up to any TV here. (can get loads of info on the internet as to what brands/models to buy)

The player hardware determines the type of signal going to the TV, NOT the region coding on the disk. Any disk should play just fine on ANY region unlocked player into a local TV anywhere in the world.

Rarely, you can find "region 0" DVDs that will play anywhere. I bought some "Danger Mouse" DVD in London once that are region 0 and work just fine in any US player.



Wednesday, May 31, 2006 2:29 PM



Originally posted by dc4bs:

The bar scene in the beginning was filmed about 3 blocks from my current Apartment in Hoboken NJ.

Was that bar on Hudson or Washington street? I can't remember the exact name, but I used to hang with my buds in Hoboken in the eighties. My friend lived two blocks from the Maxwell sign near the river... you must be near it, eh?

Small world Chrisisall


Wednesday, May 31, 2006 4:31 PM



Originally posted by reginaroadie:
I know that HUDSON HAWK is supposed to be a textbook definition of a spectacular failure, but I remember seeing it on tv as a kid and loving it, and then re-renting it again a few years ago and still loving it to this day.

I was living in Brooklyn, just next to the Brooklyn Bridge, while the movie was being made. I remember watching the film lights charging across the bridge several times. We were below the bridge, so we couldn't really see much.

Mainly I recall the press going on about how this was a big Bruce Willis ego project, and how much money he was spending to shut down the Brooklyn Bridge at night for a week.

When HH opened I expect New Yorkers, and New York critics were gunning for Bruce, but by then I was living back in Wisconsin. I saw it and liked it -- a lot -- right up to the Brooklyn Bridge scene, but then... What the ((DING))? He shut down the ((DING))ing bridge for a week for this ((DING))? There are TOLL BOOTHS at the end of the Brooklyn Bridge?!! What kind of ((DING))ing ((DING))hole brain dead idiot put that ((DING)) in the script? The toll booths were the last straw; they still bug me a little bit.

Once the story got to Rome I liked it again, because I don't know ((DING)) about Rome. They could have plunked down the Vatican right in the middle of the Coliseum for all I know.

And now I just like it -- a lot -- for all the reasons everyone has been saying, including Andie MacDowell who still makes my heart pitter-pat. Her nun character could almost make me an un-lapsed Catholic. And Sandra Bernhard pretty much knocks me out of my seat every time she openes her mouth.






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