Songs in images

UPDATED: Thursday, January 18, 2007 03:16
VIEWED: 12219
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006 12:29 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

So one of my hobbies is photoshopping pictures into images that are reminiscent of songs I like that have good imagery. Well, I realized I haven't made a new one for awhile, possibly because I've not been inspired by a song lately.
So, just as an idea, I thought I'd ask you shiny folks if you have any favorite songs with imagery that you could suggest. Absolutely no guarantee I'll be able to do anything with it (particularly if I've never heard the song) but if I do I'll post it here.
Here are the songs I've done so far:
"Broadway" by the Goo Goo Dolls
"Building a Mystery" by Sarah McLachlan
"Eye of the Hurricane" by David Wilcox (I don't expect many people to recognize this one)
"Fat-Bottomed Girls" by Queen
"Fields of Gold" by Sting
"Imaginary" by Evanescence
"Liquid Diamonds" by Tori Amos
"Oblivion" by Thiry Seconds to Mars
"Rain" by Madonna
"River of Love" by Richie Sambora
"Rock You Like a Hurricane" by the Scorpions
"Serene Dream" by the Kidneythieves
"Sky" by Ra
"Sleeping Sun" by Nightwish
"You Can Still be Free" by Savage Garden
I'm uploading these to my photobucket album at the moment, so if anyone has an overwhelming desire to see any of them I can link them

So... any ideas?



Tuesday, May 30, 2006 3:00 AM


I'd like to see them.


Tuesday, May 30, 2006 3:07 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

All of them? Ok, they're pretty big, so be warned.
You might want to turn your resolution up to view them fully, in fact.
You might also have to right click "show picture" on some of them if they don't load the first time.
Mild disclaimer: I don't own any of the source images I used, just put them together for fun.

Here is Imaginary:

Here is Fat-Bottomed Girls:

Here is Liquid Diamonds:

Building a Mystery:

Fields of Gold:

Sleeping Sun:

Rock You Like a Hurricane:




Serene Dream:


You Can Still be Free:

River of Love:

I won't link Eye of the Hurricane just yet because it is the biggest.



Tuesday, May 30, 2006 5:01 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Anyone there?



Tuesday, May 30, 2006 5:32 AM


i'm here....
You do very fine works.... I really like them all.
Just noticing the type of music you choose, i was wondering if you have listened to Imogen Heap... i've just discovered her myself, and from your list of artists, i think you might like her, too.

Keep up the great work... i'll be on the lookout for more...



Tuesday, May 30, 2006 5:57 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Thank you
No, I haven't listened to Imogen Heap. I'm very picky about my female artists, but I'll certainly check her out. Trying to listen to somethin' off her website now; the download is all splotchy.



Tuesday, May 30, 2006 6:11 AM


that's true...
if you can find 'Hide and Seek'... it's worth a listen, my favorite, actually...


Tuesday, May 30, 2006 6:37 AM


The road to Hel is paved with good intentions

I love them!
Certain song lyrics conjure up images in my mind, or remind me of a tv show (The line in Ozzy Osbourne's song Dreamer "If only we could all find Serenity" obviously reminds me of Firefly/Serenity), but I would never have thought to make an art image based on a song - so thats pretty smart of you to think of it

(though having said that,I have done a wallpaper for an original story I was writing, and had an idea - but never got round to - doing one for another story)

MY favourite images you've done are "Imaginary" - perfectly captures it; "Liquid Diamonds" - don't know the song, but its a beautiful piece; and "Sleeping Sun" - cos it just looks so stunning
Have you ever thought about featuring lyrics on the art too, or do you think that would spoil it?

I can't think of any songs to suggest at the minute, but have you thought about letting your imagination run wild and take a piece of classical music or movie score, and make a picture from that - just the images it conveys, without lyrics?

Needy. Male Companion:
First Boy Whore of Destiny
Incredibly Confused Companion of SereniTree


Tuesday, May 30, 2006 6:49 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Thank you, NEEDY
No, I never thought of putting the lyrics in the image, with one exception, because I thought it might spoil the flow. The first image I ever did for "Sky" was all painted in Photoshop and I had lyrics going through it on a diagonal. I can't show you exactly what it looked like since this forum automatically takes away spaces, so here it is with dots instead of just blank space:


Like that. Most others, I just tried to capture the feel of the lyrics. It's usually just a phrase, or the chorus, sometimes just the title, though with a few I feel like I've captured the whole song. Or close, anyway. I could try to tell you what phrases the images came from, maybe... It'd take awhile.
Interesting idea to use instrumental music. Since most of my inspiration comes from lyrics, I don't know how well I'd do. If I get anything from pure instrumental, it's usually just swirls of color; nothing all that specific.
I'd like to see your wallpaper!



Tuesday, May 30, 2006 7:42 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

My attempt to describe my process, for any who are interested.
Imaginary was an easy one. "In my field of paper flowers and candy clouds of lullaby, I lie inside myself for hours and watch my purple sky fly over me." The hard part was finding the proper picture of Amy Lee; I got lucky and found one of her lying on a beach, so I isolated her and moved her into a field of flowers, then put in the sky.
The line "Fat-bottomed girls you make the rockin world go 'round" inspired the girl twirling around with the earth as her bottom. Of course I had to put Freddie in there, too.
The Liquid Diamonds picture is almost a direct image of just the title. To date, it's the one that took me the longest. The background was put under a filter so the mountains looked diamond-like, and the lake is actually a picture of raw diamonds that I used the liquify tool on. Then it was a matter of finding drop-shaped gems, isolating them, and pasting them in... Over and over and over and over and over... You get the idea. I got very lucky with the picture of Tori Amos; her skin had a sheen to it that almost looked like she'd been dusted with diamond water. But no particular line of the song inspired the image; it would be almost impossible to directly translate her lyrics into images. It could be done, but I'd have to find a lot of pictures that I so far have never run across.
Building a Mystery was one that was suggested to me. I mostly drew from the line "You live in a church where you sleep with voodoo dolls" and the feel of it being a love song. So a sleeping man, I added the voodoo doll and the picture of the angel on the wall, then put in a heart made up of stars and the picture of Sarah McLachlan over the window, which turned out lovely because it looks like she's watching over him.
Fields of Gold has always been one of my favorite songs because my mom used to play it all the time. The concept of a "jealous sky" intrigued me, and when I came across a picture of a bright sun in a sky that had a greenish tint, it was almost too perfect. Finding really golden grain was difficult, and I had to clone most of the field of gold off a tiny picture. I would have liked to have figures walking in it, but couldn't manage it.
When I first heard "Sleeping Sun" I thought the title was "Eclipse" because my friend had gotten the title wrong. But when I thought about it, an eclipse is kind of like a sleeping sun, and I liked the image. It's a gorgeous song, and I wanted to give it a nighttime feel since the artist is Nightwish. So I replaced the moon in a nighttime scene with a wonderful eclipse picture I found in which the moon was very clear. Any picture of Tarja Turunen is of course beautiful, but this one was one of my favorites. She has a very ethereal voice, so I wanted her to be a tad transparent, overlying the scene.
Rock You Like a Hurricane is rather self-explanitory. I couldn't find a decent image of the Scorpions, to I used the album cover for "Love at First Sting" which worked well. I also found a guitar called the Scorpion and thought it was about the coolest thing ever, so I added it, twisting it so it fit the hurricane spiral. The heart-shaped hurricane has always been one of my favorite things; I found it on a photoshopping site, and it fits the song perfectly.
"Sky" was a hard one, so of course it turned out simple. I've always loved the band and that song in particular. They're pretty hard-rocking, and I thought a red sky fit well. I wanted to have them in more a walking pose rather than standing there under the sky, but it's pretty hard to find good pictures of those guys. I recomend looking up the lyrics to this song.
"Rain" was fun. The lines I mostly used were "Your love's coming down like rain" and "I'm gonna stand out here on the mountain-top til I feel your rain". I really wanted the figure on the cliff to be Madonna, but couldn't find the right picture for it. I was lucky in finding the picture of the heart in the clouds, and almost made myself crazy isolating the droplets to rain out of it.
"Broadway is dark tonight" opens the song and every chorus of Broadway, and I don't know why, but I've always loved the line. This was a very simple image to put together, though isolating Johnny Rzeznik was slightly tricky. I had fun making him look kinda smoky.
The Serene Dream image was just trying to capture the feel of the song. The Kidneytheives are generally a very hard band, and this song is is very gentle and delicate. It just struck me as very peaceful, and in one of the few pictures I could find of Free Dominguez she looked very dreamy, so I just put it over a soothing scene. This is another one I recomend looking up the lyrics for, if you're so inclined.
Oblivion is a very fast, energetic song that nonetheless has a surreal sound to it. That's one of the things I love about Thirty Seconds to Mars. The chorus is "Under the burning sun I take a look around; imagine if this all came down" so I used the sun, swirled it to fit the energy of the song, swirled the stars, and put the picture of Jared Leto in, because I thought he looked very passionate and it fit well.
The lyrics for "You can Still be Free" have two lines that always struck me; "A lone pair of watchful eyes oversees the living" and "Sail through the crimson skies, the purest light, the light that sets you free" which is why there's a sailboat in the middle of the sky. The eye used over the sun is one of Darren Hayes' eyes, and the picture in the corner is him as well. He looked like he was in a state of bliss, so I thought it fit the scene well.
"River of Love" is another that's nearly a straight title interpretation, though of course it draws from the song as well. It's hard to see the hearts I used liquify to add to the patterns of the river, but I'm very happy with the woman I found to be in the water. I added the picture of Richie Sambora just because I really like having the artist in the song pictures.



Wednesday, May 31, 2006 1:49 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Did I ramble too much?



Friday, June 2, 2006 4:06 AM


Mornin Sunshine! Wow! These are fab! I can't help with song titles, cause I'm terrible at remembering them, but I love seeing your work! I have a degree in photography, but it was all manual and I have no clue how to work photoshop. But your stuffs shiny!



Friday, June 2, 2006 4:16 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Why thank you, Deb
In a way I'm surprised that a degree in photography wouldn't include anything digital. Did they ever mention digital photography or photo manipulation?
Have you ever posted any of your photos?
If you think of any lyrics or titles, lemme know.



Friday, June 2, 2006 4:32 AM


Nope, no digital. This was '89 or so. Haven't got any of my college work scanned, do have a few pieces framed. I had to create a class to get my final credit, so I merged printmaking(intaglio) with photography. It was an interesting mix.

Sor far I recently got a cheap knockoff of photoshop, but all I've done is use filters to alter some of my recent pics. Haven't uploaded them to photobucket yet. Photobucket won't let me upload them as they are psf files?



Friday, June 2, 2006 4:53 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

What kind of program do you have? I really recomend just messing with all the tools to see what they do; remember, you don't have to save the changes, and the beauty of computer work is the "undo" option
As for saving, there should be a drop-down menu that lets you save as a jpg or similar. If it's really anything like PhotoShop, there should even be a "save for web" option.
PSF files are a pain. Their only function is to save the layers, which you probably aren't even using. Nothing else can open them, and they can't be printed or uploaded. But they are useful for their purpose.



Friday, June 2, 2006 8:29 AM


It's arcsoft photoimpression 5, I'm trying to bring it up now.* nope, couldn't find any menu that would let me change format. Just lets me print or email. Tutorial said I could upload to a photo hosting site, but apparently not my version.



Friday, June 2, 2006 9:17 AM


You do really great work PR. Being the music nut that I am, there's tons of stuff that I could suggest. Of course I'm at work, which renders me functionally brain-dead right now. But I will try to give you a few songs to consider.

Tori Amos:
Happy Phantom
Precious Things

Fiona Apple:
Sullen Girl
Sleep To Dream

Death Cab For Cutie:
Marching Bands Of Manhattan
Soul Meets Body

Sarah McLachlan:
Sweet Surrender

Red Hill Mining Town
Mysterious Ways

Smashing Pumpkins:
Tonight, Tonight
Blue Skies Bring Tears
Porcelina Of The Vast Oceans
Bullet With Butterfly Wings
Thru The Eyes Of Ruby
By Starlight

A Perfect Circle:
The Rose
Sleeping Beauty

Goo Goo Dolls:
Black Balloon

Let Love

The Cure:
Fascination Street
Charlotte Sometimes
The Hanging Garden
A Night Like This

There Must Be An Angel (Playing With My Heart)
Here Comes The Rain Again
Don't Ask Me Why

Pink Floyd:
Comfortably Numb

Sneaker Pimps:
6 Underground

Led Zeppelin:
Stairway To Heaven
No Quarter
Over The Hills And Far Away


"I'm going to sing the doom song! Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, dooooooom...."


Friday, June 2, 2006 5:08 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Doomdoom doom doom doom doom doomdoomdoomdoom...
Interesting suggestions. I'll try a few of those; though I did try to make Black Balloon at one point and could not come up with anything. And actually Stairway to Heaven has been done, several times, by other people, so I'd feel like a copycat if I did it.
I must ponder these others...
Never tried U2, that might be interesting. I always liked the Eurythmics, could be I'll get a vision from one of their songs. Hm hm hm hm



Saturday, June 3, 2006 6:22 AM


Your very welcome. I tried to think of songs that had a lot of imagery in them. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

Edit: Oh and by the way, what is the address for your photobucket account? I would like to see some of the other work you've done.


"I'm going to sing the doom song! Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, dooooooom...."


Saturday, June 3, 2006 6:53 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Hopefully I do come up with something...

Well, most of what I've done is up. Here's the address of the one I didn't post due to size: _¤t=EyeoftheHurricane.jpg
It doesn't make a whole lot of sense if you don't know the song, but it's still a pretty cool image. I've done a few other little practice images in photoshop, too; maybe I'll post those at some point. Mostly, it was seeing what I could convincingly light on fire, but there are a few others. I think. Heh, I think I have a Darth Ratzinger image somewhere or other; don't know how many people that would end up offending, though.
Oh, dear, I need to go to sleep.



Sunday, June 4, 2006 1:11 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by sweetserendipity:
It's arcsoft photoimpression 5, I'm trying to bring it up now.* nope, couldn't find any menu that would let me change format. Just lets me print or email. Tutorial said I could upload to a photo hosting site, but apparently not my version.

I have PhotoImpression! It is very different from PhotoShop. The usability is much lower, though it has some great filters. "Firelight" is my favorite. I think that's what it was called. Anyway, it's what I used on the picture that's now my sig, but the flames were added in PhotoShop because it has lovely blending tools. The only other usefull tool I can think of in Photoimpression is the screen capture. It also has something to take away red-eye, which can also be done easily in PhotoShop. I don't use it much, but it might be a good introductory program for you. Just don't expect PhotoShop to be anything like it, if and when you get it
For changing formats, try the "save as" option. A window should come up asking where it should go and what you want to call it. Under the space for the title there should be a drop-down menu of different formats you can save in. Don't use gif; use jpg. Gif is for simple graphics.
Sorry it took my awhile to respond to that!



Sunday, June 4, 2006 5:17 AM



Sunday, June 4, 2006 5:40 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Happy to help!

Very shiny! I particularly like the cat.



Sunday, June 4, 2006 7:27 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

New picture! Suggestion courtesy of Deepgirl187! Hooray!

The Hanging Garden:

Now that's done, so I can get some sleep! 'Night!



Sunday, June 4, 2006 9:06 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Never tried U2, that might be interesting.


Thanks for sharing with us, very shiny! How about Bullet the Blue Sky by U2. Somehow the first two verses remind me of Firefly, probably the oh-so-subtle "firefly" mention. Anyways it's a song that never seemed short on imagery to me.

Bullet The Blue Sky Lyrics

In the howlin' wind
Comes a stingin' rain
See it drivin' nails
Into the souls on the tree of pain.

From the firefly
A red orange glow
See the face of fear
Runnin' scared in the valley below.

Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue
Bullet the blue.

In the locust wind
Comes a rattle and hum.
Jacob wrestled the angel
And the angel was overcome.

You plant a demon seed
You raise a flower of fire.
We see them burnin' crosses
See the flames, higher and higher.

Woh, woh, bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue sky
Bullet the blue
Bullet the blue.

Suit and tie comes up to me
His face red like a rose on a thorn bush
Like all the colours of a royal flush
And he's peelin' off those dollar bills
(Slappin' 'em down)
One hundred, two hundred.

And I can see those fighter planes
And I can see those fighter planes
Across the tin huts as children sleep
Through the alleys of a quiet city street.
Up the staircase to the first floor
We turn the key and slowly unlock the door
As a man breathes into his saxophone
And through the walls you hear the city groan.
Outside, is America
Outside, is America

See across the field
See the sky ripped open
See the rain comin' through the gapin' wound
Howlin' the women and children
Who run into the arms
Of America.


Sunday, June 4, 2006 9:11 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I... don't know if I can do much with that one. Might be good for a fanvid (still workin the details on how to make those) but I can't see an image for it.
You know, I never noticed how many biblical images were in that song.



Tuesday, June 6, 2006 2:32 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Because my muse is still on leave. Also, I have it on good authority that I am an attention whore.



Tuesday, June 6, 2006 3:13 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Because my muse is still on leave. Also, I have it on good authority that I am an attention whore.

But we still love you anyway!


"I'm going to sing the doom song! Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, dooooooom...."


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 4:39 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Did you see the new shininess?



Tuesday, June 6, 2006 5:14 AM


New shininess? Where? I must see!!!


"I'm going to sing the doom song! Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, dooooooom...."


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 5:18 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

*hugses so I will not be destroyed*

Just a few posts up; The Hanging Garden



Tuesday, June 6, 2006 5:39 AM


Oh yes, I did see. Wonderful work, as always. Anything to do with The Cure is golden in my book. I was wondering though, is Photoshop a program that you download or do you need to buy it in a store?

Edit: And by the way, I hold you fully responsible for getting me addicted to Photobucket. You and your shiny emoticons...


"I'm going to sing the doom song! Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, dooooooom...."


Tuesday, June 6, 2006 5:49 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Photoshop is definitely a program you need to buy. Not cheap, either. You can get a discount if you're a student or something. I took one graphic design class and was hooked. It's a very fun program. Took about a month of messing around before I figured out what most things did, though. We only covered the basics in class.



Wednesday, June 7, 2006 1:37 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

So, I have a new one! I had almost forgotten this song existed and I heard it randomly today. I love
that! I thought I'd try putting lyrics in this one, but I have a version without text as well.

Best I Ever Had (Grey Sky Morning) by Vertical Horizon



Wednesday, June 7, 2006 6:27 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

This one is for Dayve! hope you like it...
Based on the lyrics for "Hide and Seek" by Imogen Heap.

I have managed to hear a few songs, btw. She has a very nice voice and an interesting style. I'm not wild about some of her lyrics, but others are very good. She's a qualified "maybe" in terms of liking her enough to buy an album.



Wednesday, June 7, 2006 10:59 AM


Thanks PhoenixRose... i like it very much...

the music took a bit of listening before i could really make up my mind.. it was that one song that got stuck in my head, but after hearing the whole cd several times - i've gotten to like most of it..

you do great work in Photoshop...
i've played with it some, but haven't learned all there is to do.. (do you ever ?)...

thanks for thinking of me


edit:... Crop Circles in the Carpet... very nice imagery...


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 1:16 PM


Hey Dayve, I saw your earlier post and kept thinking the name Imogene Heap sounded familiar, I finally figured it out. I own her last cd released under the name frou frou, it was a collaboration with a producer friend of hers. The most recognizable track probably being "Let Go" that got some play on the Garden State soundtrack. Anyways definitely an enjoyable listen even if it is a litte too sugary sweet sometimes. I realize you probably already know all this but it was a light bulb moment for me. I'm off to go check out her new alblum though so thanks!


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 8:51 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

You're welcome, Dayve! I'm glad you like it!
Heehee no I don't think you ever learn all there is to know about PhotoShop unless you devote yourself to study. Especially as they keep coming out with new versions! I'm learning new things almost every time I make something. Of course some of those things I promptly forget and have to dig through the menus to find again.



Wednesday, June 7, 2006 9:30 PM


Oooo...I really like what you got here.

Of course listening to Frou Frou makes me want to suggest 'Let Go'. Frou Frou was a duo Imogen Heap was a part of before going solo...

Other good'Personal Jesus' by Depeche Mode, 'Girl's Not Grey' by AFI, 'Doll Parts' by Hole, 'Stockholm Syndrome' by Muse, and 'Papercuts' by Gym Class Heroes. Not sure if you'd like all of them, but I figure it's worth suggesting...

"Well next time you be the bait!"~Andy Hurley
"Okay! Everybody not talking about sex, in here. Everybody else, elsewhere."~Wash
Browncoats are the coolest fans I've ever seen.


Wednesday, June 7, 2006 10:08 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I'm trying to remember which one "Girl's Not Grey" is; I think I remember liking it. Haven't heard AFI for awhile because all my friends who had all the albums have drifted away. I guess I'll look it up.
"Personal Jesus" is a good song, but it doesn't have visual imagery in it. I know there's at least one fanvid out there for it, which probably works a lot better, but I can't think of any line from that song I could take a really dynamic picture of.
Haven't heard the others; I'll look into those. Thankee!



Wednesday, June 7, 2006 10:14 PM


No problem...^-^

I think the only reason I suggested 'Personal Jesus' is because it's kinda been stuck in my head all day. I can understand what you mean though.

"Well next time you be the bait!"~Andy Hurley
"Okay! Everybody not talking about sex, in here. Everybody else, elsewhere."~Wash
Browncoats are the coolest fans I've ever seen.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 12:12 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Holy crap! I'm making more of these things now than I can ever remember doing! Usually there was a
few weeks in between them, but I've now made four in the past week alone! Shiny!

Girl's Not Grey

This is not what I had originally envisioned, but I'm still pretty happy with it.
Just have to work with what I can find.



Thursday, June 8, 2006 5:36 AM


I just thought of another song you might be able to use. It's called "Sophmore Slump Or Comeback Of The Year" by Fall Out Boy. It doesn't have a lot of imagery in it, but there is one lyric that might be useful:

"Take our tears, put them on ice.
'Cause I swear I’d burn the city down to show you the light."

Don't know if you'll be able to do anything with it, but I thought I'd suggest it anyway. Keep up the good work!


"I'm going to sing the doom song! Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, dooooooom...."


Thursday, June 8, 2006 6:23 AM



Originally posted by deepgirl187:
I just thought of another song you might be able to use. It called "Sophmore Slump Or Comeback Of The Year" by Fall Out Boy. It doesn't have a lot of imagery in it, but there is one lyric that might be useful:

"Take our tears, put them on ice.
'Cause I swear I’d burn the city down to show you the light."

Don't know if you'll be able to do anything with it, but I thought I'd suggest it anyway. Keep up the good work!

AHH!!! I completely forgot about Fall Out Boy. I guess it was because I was thinking about this at three in the morning...XD

And Phonenix Rose, The 'Girl's Not Grey' piece is gorgeous.

"Well next time you be the bait!"~Andy Hurley
"Okay! Everybody not talking about sex, in here. Everybody else, elsewhere."~Wash
Browncoats are the coolest fans I've ever seen.


Thursday, June 8, 2006 6:27 AM


It's okay. We forgive you.


"I'm going to sing the doom song! Doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, doom, dooooooom...."


Thursday, June 8, 2006 6:38 AM


They are awsome.

"Love. You can do all the math in the 'Verse, but you take a boat in the air you
don't love, she'll shake you off sure as a turnin' of worlds. Love keeps her in
the air when she oughtta fall down. Tells you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens.
Makes her a home." Mal


Thursday, June 8, 2006 7:07 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by ShinyYukari:

And Phonenix Rose, The 'Girl's Not Grey' piece is gorgeous.

Thank you very much indeed!

I have never heard Fall Out Boy. That is a good lyric, but I'm not sure how I'd portray it. Especially the conflicting images; ice and fire. And how do you put "burn the city down to show you the light" in an image? It would be cool if I could just see it.

And I'm wondering; does everyone like the one with text in it? I'm still kind of rocking back and forth between the simple one and the one with lyrics.



Thursday, June 8, 2006 9:36 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Whoops:
They are awsome.

Well thank you! Any favorites?



Saturday, June 10, 2006 12:22 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Mmmmk, not a lot of activity here the last couple days, but I'm gonna post my new image anyway.

"Romanticide" by Tal Bachman



Saturday, June 10, 2006 7:20 AM


Ooo...very cool.

As for the one with lyrics, I think it looks fine, but I think it would look a little better without them. That's my two cents though...

"Well next time you be the bait!"~Andy Hurley
"Okay! Everybody not talking about sex, in here. Everybody else, elsewhere."~Wash
Browncoats are the coolest fans I've ever seen.






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